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theAdVantage for September 16th theAdVantage is an e-newsletter created by UGA AdClub to keep students in-the-know about the

most up-to-date advertising news!

GET THOSE DIGITS “Women Are Now Winning 11% of Creative Director Awards, Up From 4% in 2004” -- Noreen O’Leary, Adweek



On Monday, September 8, Twitter announced the launch their brand new ‘Buy’ button. This means Tweeters all over the world will soon be able to purchase products directly from Twitter. It also means war between you and your bank account.


Yes! Twitter has already added a ‘Payments & Orders’ section to users’ settings tab allowing consumers to save their methods of payment (Read: Twitter will now have your credit card digits on file… and complete ownership of your self-control). #onlineshopping


We know right? But before you frantically search your phone for that little white birdie, we need to tell you something. The ‘Buy’ button is currently only available on test partners’ accounts such as: @burberry, @homedepot and @RED, as well as a few select celebrities. Basically it’s in beta, for now.

WHAT’S theAdVantage?

This button is going to tremendously affect how brands cultivate their customer’s loyalty -- something that will probably come up in your next job interview. Cue sophisticated talking points. First, make sure to mention how the added shopping option will allow brands to notify consumers of time sensitive campaigns (one day only sales, limited time merch). Explain how Twitter’s “Buy” button encourages impluse spending and ad frequency. Then, throw in that now brands’ celeb endorsements can include the “Buy” button in their tweets to increase publicity. Remind your future boss that Twitter’s new integrated marketing method could lead to the creation of new career fields in

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Web based advertising. Leave out the fact that this one step shopping method would mean Twitter can charge a fee to the sellers for the transaction and BOOM. You’re hired.


What to say when you realize that you will never have as many LinkedIn connections as James Baylor… No worries. He’s in HR. People in Human Resources just know how to make friends.

What to say when you see your face in a Facebook advertisement… At least you can sleep well knowing your friend James Baylor is in the digital sales game.

What to say when seeking career advice (or a job… let’s be real) You don’t know. But James Baylor certainly does. He has an extensive background in HR, meaning he’s always ready to recruit. How much experience has he had? More than half of your lifetime’s worth. He was the president of Corporate Development Services, Inc for twelve years and has been the Senior Sales Recruiter at Cox Media Group for over four years now. Does Baylor know advertising recruitment? We’d say he does.


AGENCY TO KNOW 72andSunny. Not only did their VMA #Truth campaign completely catch celebs (and even the paparazzi) off guard, they’ve also worked with riske brands like Hardees. Yeah, you know you’ve seen (a lot of) JSimp, KUpt, PHilt & Hardee’s star on a car.


This iPhone 6 Ad featuring Jimmy Fallon, JT and DUN DUN DUN… the 2001: A Space Odyssey intro music. It emphasis all the phones new features (Read: new fitness apps)

SITE TO SEE Of the ‘Duh!’ variety: AdAge and Creativity Online. AdAge gives a firsthand look into the happenings of the advertising world. Creativity Online is there for you when you need to see the best in advertising creativity. For those of you that enjoy a more obscure reference, check out Media Bistro.