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The 5 Classes of Vertebrates

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They breath with lungs. They are cold-blooded. There bodies are covered with dry

scales. They lay eggs. Black snakes, Bearded dragons,

Turtles, Crocodiles, and Alligators are reptiles.

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Geckos and Skinks are unusual reptiles.

Frogs and Toads are non examples.

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They breathe with lungs and gills. They are cold blooded. Their skin is smooth and moist. Their birth of young is eggs. The examples are frogs,

salamanders, newt, and mud puppies.

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African clawed frog is a unusual example.

The lizard is a non-example.

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Mammals Mammals breathe with lungs. They are warm blooded. They have hair/fur. Most give birth to live young. Some examples are bears, lions,

tigers, and people. Some unusual examples bats,

whales, and dolphins

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Non-examples are sharks and penguins.

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Birds Birds breathe with lungs. They are warm-blooded. They are covered with feathers. They give birth to eggs. Examples of birds would be a red

bird, hawk, and chicken. Some unusual birds are the

ostrich, flamingo, and penguin.

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Some non-examples are the bat and the dragonfly.

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They breathe with gills. They are cold blooded. Their skin is covered with scales

and bony plates. They lay eggs and have live births. An example of a fish is a gold fish

and sharks.

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A unusual example would be a sea horse and an eel.

A non-example would be a dolphin, whale and starfish.