Download - The Year of Fruitfulness - · PDF filered, the color of fire, represents the holy spirit. ... intercessory prayer ... men & youth ministries



Mon. 23 Quarterly Church Meeting Sanctuary @ 7:00 PM

Wed. 25 Hope Biblical Counseling Conf. Room @ 6:00 PM

Sat. 28 Olive Branches Ushers Sanctuary @ 9:00 AM


Wednesday, August 1st Worship Service & Holy Communion

Prayer & Praise @ 6:45 PM Worship Service @ 7:00 PM

Thu. 02 Hospitality Ministry Room 137 @ 6:00 PM

Mon. 06 Nominating Ministry Room 137 @ 6:15 PM

Tue. 07 Trustee Ministry Room 138 @ 7:00 PM WFC Women’s Ministry Room 137 @ 7:00 PM

Wednesday, July 8th Voter Education Forum MP Building @ 6:30 PM

Special Guests: Delegate Joseph Morrissey Delegate Jennifer McClellan

Mon. 13 Congregational Care Ministry Room 137 @ 6:00 PM

Our Vision Statement

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Luke 4:18­19 (NKJ)

It is the vision of Mt. Olive to be a church that is intentional in its efforts to identify and meet the needs of broken, hurt and oppressed people in the greater Glen Allen area through the message and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to the Mount Olive Family

Janea Jones McKenzi Lee Shaniel Watkins

From the Pastor's Desk

MOBC Core Values 1. Radical Hospitality 2. Passionate Worship 3. Intentional Faith Development 4. Risk­Taking Mission & Service 5. Extravagant Generosity

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self­control. Against such things there is no law.

“The Year of Fruitfulness”

July 22, 2012

2012 Theme

Galatians 5:22­23

Building & Church Office close between 5:00 pm ­ 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday.

Love, Pastor Thompson

The summer heat is upon us, but the mercy and grace of God are more than sufficient to see us through. Be sure to join us each Sunday as we learn about the promises of God. Remember, this summer we are standing on the prom­ ises of God! Be blessed and don't forget that God is worthy of the praise.

Church School Worship Service & &

New Members Class Holy Communion @ 8:30 AM @ 10:0 AM

Candidates for Right Hand of Fellowship Timothy Crenshaw Taivyon Plummer Lamont Jordan Jackson Tyshawn Plummer Payton Jackson Tamica Smith Shawn Newby Donovan Wright

Candidates for Baptism Timothy Crenshaw Jessica Nichelle Overton Jordan Jackson Donovan Wright

NEXT WEEK’S LESSON: July 29, 2012


People want to be judged fairly. When human judges adhere to God’s standards and fearlessly apply God’s laws, there is no perversion of jus­ tice.


* MONDAY: The Lord Is Our Judge Isaiah 33:13­22

* TUESDAY: May Righteousness Flourish Psalm 72:1­7

* WEDNESDAY: Steadfast in Keeping God’s Statutes Psalm 119:1­8

* THURSDAY: Fear the Lord, Depart from Evil Job 28:20­28

* FRIDAY: The Battles Is God’s 2 Chronicles 20:5­15

* SATURDAY: Walking in God’s Commandments 2 Chronicles 17:1­6

* SUNDAY: Judging on the Lord’s Behalf 2 Chronicles 19:4­11

General Theme For This Quarter:

This quarter’s study offers an Old Testament survey following the theme of justice in the early church. This quarter also offers insight into God’s ongoing relationship with Israel and all the people He created.

We hope that you will join us as we are focusing on: UNIT #2


2 Kings 8:1­6

People who are estranged from their families may long to return home. By acting in a benevolent manner, we can offer hope to those seeking justice and restoration.

PENTECOST, the fiftieth day after Easter, comes from the Greek word for fiftieth, pentekoste. Greek­speaking Jews called the Jewish Feast of Weeks the Day of Pentecost. Acts 2 tells how the anxious and fearful disciples, who had gathered on the Day of Pentecost, were filled with the Holy Spirit and thereafter preached boldly the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the day on which the church received the Holy Spirit. COLORS FOR PENTECOST: RED OR RED ON WHITE.


Sermon Highlights: July 15, 2012

Sermon Title: “God’s Promise of Provision” Scriptural Text: Matthew 6:5­13

Main Idea: There’s a promise that God will provide. This promise of provision should:

For the full message order a CD or DVD of the service from the Media Ministry. CDs $5.00; Double CDs $7.00 ; VHS $15.00; DVDs $12.00


“GOD CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Old Testament Survey”



Perhaps while reading the announcements you realized you have never made a Christian commitment. Don’t delay that decision! We encourage you to embrace God’s love today and receive the salvation that only Jesus Christ gives. Here are five simple steps you can take to find assurance of sal­ vation.

1. Recognize your need. The Bible tell us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23) All of us are sinners, and we must admit our need for a Savior.

2. Repent of your sins. Our sins create a wall that sepa­ rates us from God. By confessing our sins and turning from them, you will find forgiveness. The Bible prom­ ises: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and right­ eous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

3. Believe in Jesus. God sent His only Son to die so that He could pay for all our sins. Put your faith in Him and believe in His power to save you. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

4. Receive His salvation. God has given us a great gift in His Son, but we must receive His gift. Thank Him for loving and forgiving you, and ask Him to live in your heart. His promise to us is clear: “But as many as re­ ceived Him, to them He gave the right to become chil­ dren of God” (John 1:12).

5. Confess your faith. The Bible assures us: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). You have been born again and are now part of God’s family. Tell someone else what Jesus has done in your life!


(The pulpit attire is red)

May 27 — August 25, 2012

Points: (1) Help us to think differently. (2) Make us talk differently. (3) Cause us to receive from God differently.

The five lessons of Unit II look at the justice of God as it is enacted through some of Israel’s righteous leaders. The first lesson considers Samuel. The next three lessons study David and Solomon. The final lesson of the unit examines the judicial reforms carried out under Jeho­ shaphat.



Dorothy Robinson Frank Threatts, Jr. Bernard Williams Bernice Winston Betty Jo Williams

Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? Jeremiah 32:27

Walter Baskerville Doris Harris Hazel Morse Alice Mitchell Muriel Coleman Sandra Moore

Upcoming Events — AUGUST 2012


MOBC will enjoy the comfort of casual dressing during the months of July and August. Please be mindful of the Church and who we represent as members of the Body of Christ. To help us determine what is/is not appropriate, please use the following guidelines when selecting appropriate casual dress: Choose clothing that is comfort­ able, yet communicates a positive message, casual does not mean sloppy, avoid clothing that is too revealing or tight­fitting.

Aug. 1 Wednesday Night Worship Service & Holy Communion

Payer & Praise @ 6:45 PM Worship Service @ 7:00 PM

Aug. 5 Ordination Service Rev. Dru Roane, Associate Minister

@ 3:00 PM

Aug. 8 Voter Education Forum Sponsored by

MOBC Civic Ministry MP Building @ 6:30 PM

Aug. 22 Revival Jerusalem Baptist Church, Doswell, VA Pastor/Choir/Ushers/Congregation

Prayer & Praise @ 7:00 PM Worship Service @ 7:30 PM

Aug. 23 Men’s Bible Study Choir Room @ 7:00 PM

Aug. 26 Family and Friends Day Worship Service @ 10:00 AM Fellowship, Cookout & Fun Time

12:00 — 5:00 PM

To Pastor Thompson, First Lady Shuryl Thompson, Dea­ cons and Deaconess Ministries and the Mt. Olive Family: Thank you so much for your prayers, calls and cards during my father’s illness. Your acts of kindness and concern were a source of comfort and encouragement. Please continue to lift us in prayer. Deaconess Marjorie Merritt Simmons

Dear Mt. Olive Baptist Church & All Members: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your help and support on last Sunday. It was a pleasure to visit your blessed church and feel the power of the word. Again, thank you and may God bless you for everything you did for me. In His Name, Georgie (Susan) Jones Tignor

Mount Olive Baptist Church Scholarship Program

The Mount Olive Baptist Church Family is blessed to be able to offer assistance to those members who are furthering their educational pursuits. Scholarships are available to members in good standing who completed their high school requirements by the summer of 2012. The applicant must be enrolled by September 2012 as a full time student in an accredited school, college or university. Additional guidelines for qualifying for the scholarship are printed on the back of the application. The application may be obtained from the information table in the administrative area. The deadline for submitting your com­ pleted and signed application is August 19 th . Completed ap­ plications should be placed in the Extended Family / Scholar­ ship Ministry box in the administration office or given to one of the members of the Extended Family/Scholarship Ministry listed below.

Scripture Reference: “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1Corinthians 10:31)

Joyce P. Libron, Chairperson (804) 355­1874 Dea. Joseph Starks (804) 262­9519 Janice Bailey (804) 329­6502 Roslyn de Cordova­Bolden (804) 264 3583 Julia Galloway (804) 732­5356 Patricia Randolph (804) 747­4229 Billie Winzor (804) 226­0109

2012 Voter Empowerment and Education Workshop

Join us for training on NAACP—This is my Vote Campaign and NAACP Membership

We are extending an invitation to all interested members of MOBC to attend a special Voter Education Workshop. The meeting will take place on Saturday, July 28, 2012 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at St. Peter Baptist Church located at 2040 Mountain Road in Glen Allen, Virginia. Please contact Rev. Deborah Simmons if you are interested in attending the train­ ing workshop.

Henrico County NAACP-Henrico Ministers’ Conference

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 New Members Class & Church School @ 8:30 am Worship Service @ 10:00 AM

Baby Dedication

Music & Arts Ministries Dance Recital MP Building @ 4:00 PM

2 3 4 Church Office


5 Hospitality Ministry

Room 137 @ 6:00 PM

6 7 Ladies Ushers Sanctuary @ 9:00 AM

8 New Members Class & Church School @ 8:30 am

Worship Service @ 10:00 AM

New Members Reception

MP Building @12:15 PM

9 10 11 12 Deacons Ministry

Room 140 @ 7:00 PM

13 14 Men & Youth Ministries MP Building @ Noon

Ordination Council Conf. Room @ 9:00 AM

15 New Members Class & Church School @8:30 am

Worship Service @ 10:00 AM

16 Official Board Meeting Room 138 @ 7:00 PM

17 186:00 am Morning

Prayer 6:30 pm Prayer/Praise 7:00 pm CYM Bible

Study 7:00 pm Bible study 7:00 pm New Members


19 Missions Ministry

Room 137 @ 6:30 PM

Haiti Volunteers Room 138 @ 6:30 PM

20 Youth Musical Concert

Sanctuary Building @ 7:00 PM


Trustee Clean­up 9:00 — 12 Noon

22 New Members Class & Church School @ 8:30 am

Worship Service & Holy Communion

@ 10:00 AM



24 256:00 am Morning

Prayer 6:00 pm Hope Biblical 6:30 pm Prayer/Praise 7:00 pm CYM Bible

Study 7:00 pm Bible study 7:00 pm New Members


26 Evangelism Ministry

Room 138 @ 6:30 PM

27 28Olive Branches

Ushers Sanctuary @9:00 AM

29 New Members Class & Church School @ 8:30 am

Worship Service @ 10:00 AM

30 31


THEME: “Don’t Stop Believing, You’re in the Right Place!”

7:00PM Nightly — Prayer & Praise 6:45

Rev. George Brown Rev. Charles Dabney Rev. Melodye Cutler Fifth St. Baptist Church First Zion Baptist Church Mt. Olive Baptist Church


The Civic Ministry is proud to announce our participation in the Henrico County NAACP­Henrico Ministers’ Conference “Voter Registration & NAACP Membership Drive Initiative.”

This is your opportunity to prepare yourself, and members of your household who are 18 years of age (or will be 18 yrs. of age by November 6, 2012) and older, for the Presidential Election. If you have not regis­ tered to vote or had a change of address, stop by the voter registration table in the Narthex, or outside the church office, and prepare yourself for this life­changing election. Information and application forms for restoration of voting rights, and absentee voting for those who cannot get to the polls on Election Day, will also be available.

In the past century, our fore parents stood united in their mission to be heard through democracy’s power – THE VOTE; and the opposition they face buckled under the power of their united strength. Please join us in honoring them and the NAACP’s tradition of activism and perseverance by defending and exercising our right and privilege to Vote!

The NAACP, while it has won many victories, the times ahead are critical. Membership helps the NAACP have the resources to close the gap in the staggering statistics that so clearly attest to the racial disparities that still exist in our county. Our best hope for protecting the freedom of people and advancing the gains of the NAACP is by becoming a member, renewing memberships, and vowing to be more active, more vocal, and more visible. Stop by the membership table in the Narthex or outside the church office for an applica­ tion. The Membership dues for adults is $30.00 and for youths $15.00 or $10.00. The dues help to sup­ port the work of the national office and the Henrico County Branch. The NAACP needs your support, please join today! Thank you for your support and participation!


September 21, 2012……….Absentee Voting Begins

October 15, 2012…………..Last Day to Register to Vote (by 5:00PM)

October 27, 2012 ………….In­Person Absentee Voting (9:00AM – 5:00PM)

October 30, 2012 ………….Deadline to Apply for Absentee Ballot (by 5:00PM)

November 3, 2012 ……….. Last Day of In­Person Absentee Voting (9:00AM – 5:00PM)

November 5, 2012 ………. .Emergency Absentee Voting (9:00AM – 5:00PM)

November 6, 2012 ……….Election Day

For more information please contact Sis. Karen Robinson, Civic Ministry Chair, at 730­8381 or Rev. Deborah Simmons, President, Henrico Ministers’ Conference, at 447­5301.