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The use of MD5 Encryption and Salts in MYSQL Databases

Internet and Computer Security (CSY3023) – Amir Minai

Michael Couzens – 20200389 – Bsc Computing (Internet Technology)

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Table of ContentsAbstract/Preface...................................................................................................................................1Introduction..........................................................................................................................................2Main Body............................................................................................................................................5

MD5.................................................................................................................................................5How it Works..............................................................................................................................5Vulnerabilities.............................................................................................................................5Collision Vulnerability................................................................................................................6Application use of MD5..............................................................................................................6

Salt...................................................................................................................................................8Example......................................................................................................................................9Other Benefits.............................................................................................................................9


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In carrying out this assignment, the use of MD5 and salts in terms of storing passwords in MYSQL

databases will be explored. This topic is being explored because of the wide use of MYSQL

databases on the Internet used to store passwords and other login details for websites, as well as any

user personal details.

There will also be an element of exploring how the data is captured initially using an XHTML front

end to create the user form, with a PHP back end to connect with the MYSQL database and submit

the captured data to the database. MD5 and salts will be looked at in terms of how they encrypt the

data that is submitted between the end user inputting data into a form and the MYSQL database on

the web site host of the company the end user is interacting with.

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The topic of this assignment will be to explore the use of MD5 and salts in terms of storing and

securing passwords and other personal user data in MYSQL databases. The reason for doing this, is

because of the wide use of MYSQL databases on the Internet to store login details and other

personal details for users of different web-pages.

In order for data to be stored, it has to be captured in some way, so part of this assignment will be

exploring how the data that is entered into a XHTML and PHP form by a user, is transmitted to a

MYSQL database. MD5 and salts will be explored in terms of how the data that is entered into a

form by a user, is transmitted securely to the MYSQL database.

The primary element to be researched is MD5. MD5 is a widely used cryptographic hash function

in cryptography with a 128-bit hash value. MD5 is an internet standard (RFC 1321) and has been

employed in a variety of security applications, and is also commonly used to check the integrity of

files. MD5 is not suitable for applications like SSL certificates or digital signatures because it is not

collision resistant. Typically, a MD5 hash function is expressed as a 32-bit hexadecimal number.

In order to add another level of integrity and security to the MYSQL database, a salt will be used

with MD5. A salt is used in cryptography and comprises random bits that are used as one of the

inputs to a key derivation function. A password or pass-phrase is usually the other input. The

output of the key derivation function is stored as the encrypted version of the password. A salt can

also be used as part of a key in a cipher or other cryptographic algorithm. A cryptographic hash

function is usually typically used by the key derivation function. Sometimes the initialisation

vector, a previously generated value, is used as a salt.

The back-end of the program for this assignment will be be based on MYSQL. MYSQL will be

used to store the hashes of the user passwords, user names and other personal user information.

MYSQL is a relational database management system. The program runs as a server providing

multi-user access to a number of databases. It is the world's most popular open source database

software. As MYSQL has superior speed, reliability and and ease of use, MYSQL has become the

preferred database management system by end users because it eliminates major problems

associated with downtime, maintenance and administration for modern, online applications.

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In order to submit data to the MYSQL database, PHP is used to connect to the database to submit

the entered user data and if necessary, compare it against what might already be in the database.

PHP is an extensively used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally produced for

web development in order to create dynamic web pages. For this to happen PHP is embedded into

the HTML source code and interpreted by the web server with a PHP processor module, which

creates the web page document.

When users access the web-page, a means is needed to create the web-page initially and to display it

to the user. This means is XHTML. XHTML (extendible hypertext mark-up language ) is a family

of XML mark-up languages that mirror or expand upon versions of the widely used Hypertext

Mark-up Language (HTML), the language in which web pages are written. The only real difference

between XHTML and HTML is that XHTML must be well formed XML while HTML doesn't need

need to be.

In order to provide the formatting, style and layout of the text and images on the website, CSS

needs to be used. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a style sheet language used to describe the look

and formatting of a document written in a mark-up language. The most common use of CSS is to

style web pages written in HTML and XHTML. CSS was designed primarily to divide document

content (written in HTML or XHTML) from the document presentation, including elements such as

layout, colours and fonts. By dividing document content and document presentation, this improves

content accessibility, provides more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation

characteristics, allows multiple pages to share formatting and reduce the complexity and repetition

in the structural content (such as allowing table-less design).

In order to demonstrate the security aspects of MD5 and salts in terms of MYSQL databases, it will

be necessary to write a program. The program to be written, will be a login system for a website.

The login system will be written with XHTML to provide the main content and structure to the site,

while the content and structure will be formatted and described by CSS. In order to submit the data

that is entered into the login system by a user, PHP will be used to connect to the MYSQL database

and if necessary, compare the data that is held in the database against the data entered by the user.

PHP will also be used to submit the data through MD5 and salts to the MYSQL database. The

back-end of the program will be based upon a MYSQL database that will be used to hold the login

and personal details of the users who are registered to be able to login into the system.

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The major issue to be encountered in doing the assignment is the implementation of MD5 and salts.

The implementation of MD5 and salts is a major issue because of where would be the best place to

implement them. It is possible to implement MD5 and salts in both PHP and MYSQL.

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Main Body


How it Works

MD5 works by mangling bits in a complex way that every output bit is affected by every input bit.

MD5 starts by padding the message to a length of 448 bits (modulo 512). The original length of the

message is then appended as a 64 bit integer to then give a total input of which the length is a

multiple of 512 bits. The final pre-computation step is initialising a 128-bit buffer to a fixed value.

When the pre-computation is completed, the computation begins. Each pass takes a 512-bit block

of input and mixes it in with the 128-bit buffer. To make the process complete, a table constructed

from the sine function is also thrown in. To avoid any suspicion that the designer built a back door

into his program through which only he can enter, is the reason for using a known function like the

sine and not because it is more random than a random number generator. Four passes are performed

on each input block. This process carries on until all the input blocks have been consumed. The

contents of the 128-bit buffer form the message digest.


MD5 has existed for over a decade, and many attacks have been carried out on it. Some

vulnerabilities have been found, but certain internal measures prevent it from being broken.

However, if the remaining barriers contained in MD5 fail, it may eventually fall.

A number of projects have created MD5 rainbow tables which are easily accessible online. A

rainbow table is a lookup table used in recovering plain-text passwords from a password hash

generated by a hash function, often a cryptographic hash function. A common application is to

make attacks against hashed passwords feasible. A salt is often employed with hashed passwords

before the MD5 digest is generated, to make this attack more difficult, often infeasible and rainbow

tables become much less useful. Rainbow tables can be used to reverse many MD5 hashes into

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strings that collide with the original input, usually for the purposes of password cracking.

MD5 is used in some website URLs meaning that search engines can also sometimes function as a

limited tool for reverse lookup of MD5 hashes. This technique is also rendered ineffective by the

use of a salt.

Collision Vulnerability

If two prefixes with the same hash can be constructed, a common suffix can be added to make the

collision more likely to be accepted as valid data by the application using it. Furthermore, current

collision-finding techniques allow to specify an arbitrary prefix an attacker can create two colliding

files that both begin with the same content. All the attacker needs to generate two colliding files is a

template file with a 128-byte block of data aligned on a 64-bit boundary that can be changed freely

by the collision-finding algorithm.

Application use of MD5

MD5 has been widely used in the software world to provide some assurance that a transferred file

has arrived in the same condition it was sent. For example, file servers often provide a pre-

computed MD5 checksum for the files, so that the user can compare the checksum of the

downloaded file to it. Unix based operating systems include MD5 sum utilities in their distribution

packages, whereas Windows users use third-party applications.

Unfortunately, it is now easy for a user to generate MD5 collisions, therefore, it is possible for the

person who created the file to create a second file with the same checksum, so this technique cannot

protect against some forms of malicious tampering. Also, in some cases the checksum cannot be

trusted (for example, if it was obtained over the same channel as the downloaded file), in which

case MD5 can only provide error-checking functionality: it will recognise a corrupt or incomplete

download, which becomes more likely when downloading larger files.

MD5 is widely used to protect the integrity of stored passwords in a MYSQL database. To protect

against previously mentioned vulnerabilities, a salt can be added to the passwords before hashing

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them. An example of a web based login application that uses MD5 to protect users login passwords

can be seen below.

The screen dump above shows a MYSQL database that contains a users details that they need to

login to a website. As can be seen from the password column of the table, the users password has

been scrambled using an MD5 hash algorithm. Salt has not been used.

The screen dump above shows the email that is sent to the new user of the website after they have

registered with their login details. Most importantly, the screen dump shows what the actual

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password of the user is at the time of registration.

In order to create the MD5 hash to store in the database to protect the integrity of the users

password, the following line of code is used in the PHP script: -

$newpass = substr(md5(time()),0,6);

The above code puts the password through an MD5 algorithm, to generate an MD5 hash to store in

the MYSQL database.


As has been mentioned previously, a salt can be used with MD5 hash algorithms to strengthen the

MD5 hash algorithm. A salt is made up of random bits that are used as one of the inputs to a key

derivation function. The other input is usually a password or pass-phrase. The output of the key

derivation function is stored as the encrypted version of the password. A salt can also be used can

also be used as part of a key in a cipher or other cryptographic algorithm. The key derivation

function typically uses a cryptographic hash function. Sometimes, the initialisation vector, a

previously- generated value, is used as a salt.

Salt data makes dictionary attacks that use pre-encryption of dictionary entries more complicated.

Each bit of salt used, doubles the amount of storage and computation required.

The salt value is kept secret for the best security, separate from the password database. This

provides an advantage if a database is stolen, but the salt is not. To determine a password from a

stolen hash, an attacker cannot simply try common passwords (such as English language words or

names). Rather, they must calculate the hashes of random characters (at least for the portion of the

input they know is the salt), which is much slower.

Within some protocols, the salt is transmitted as clear-text with the encrypted data, sometimes along

with the number of iterations used in generating the key (for key strengthening). A cryptographic

protocol that uses salt would be SSL.

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The benefit of using a salted password is that a simple dictionary attack against the encrypted values

becomes impractical if the salt is large enough. That is, an attacker cannot just simply create a

rainbow table, a dictionary of encrypted values (password + salt), because it would either take too

much time, or too much space. This would force the attacker to use the provided authentication

mechanism (which 'knows' the correct salt value).


Assume a user’s (encrypted) secret key is stolen and they are known to use one of 200,000 English

words as their password. The system uses a 32-bit salt. The salted key is now the original password

appended to this random 32-bit salt. Because of this salt, the attacker’s pre-calculated hashes are of

no value. They must calculate the hash of each word with each of 232 (4,294,967,296) possible salts

appended until a match is found. The total number of possible inputs can be obtained by

multiplying the number of words in the dictionary with the number of possible salts:

To complete a brute-force attack, the attacker must now compute about 800 trillion hashes, instead

of only 200,000. Even though the password itself is known to be simple, the secret salt makes

breaking the password increasingly difficult.

Other Benefits

Salts help protect against rainbow tables as they, in effect, extend the length and potentially the

complexity of the password. If the rainbow tables do not have passwords matching the length (e.g.

an 8-byte password, and 2-byte salt, is effectively a 10-byte password) and complexity (non-

alphanumeric salt increases the complexity of strictly alphanumeric passwords) of the salted

password, then the password will not be found. If found, one will have to remove the salt from the

password before it can be used.

Salts also make dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks for cracking large number of passwords

much slower (but not in the case of cracking just one password). Without salts, an attacker who is

cracking many passwords at the same time only needs to hash each password guess once, and

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compare it to all the hashes. However, with salts, all the passwords will likely have different salts;

so each guess must be hashed separately for each salt, which is much slower since hashing is

usually very computationally expensive.

Another (lesser) benefit of a salt is as follows: two users might choose the same string as their

password, or the same user might choose to use the same password on two machines. Without a salt,

this password would be stored as the same hash string in the password file. This would disclose the

fact that the two accounts have the same password, allowing anyone who knows one of the

account's passwords to access the other account. By salting the password hashes with two random

characters, then odds are - even if two accounts use the same password - that no one can discover

this by reading password files.

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In conclusion, having carried out this assignment, it has been discovered that any encryption for

protecting passwords stored in a database is better than no encryption at all. It is possible to create a

MYSQL database that stores passwords as plain text. Storing passwords in plain text means that if

anyone gets access to the database, they could find users passwords and log into the site. By

encrypting passwords, if anyone gets access to the database, they would need to do more work to

reveal what the stored passwords are.

While MD5 can be cracked using collisions or rainbow tables, it is more secure than a plain text

password. To ensure that passwords cannot be cracked using rainbow tables, a salt should also be

used. Using a salt also helps to protect against dictionary attacks. The use of a salt also means that

if the database with the passwords is stolen, if the salt is stored separately, it would be close to

impossible for the hacker to get the passwords contained within the database.

In terms of the practical side of the assignment, the login system only uses MD5. As mentioned

previously, this isn't as insecure as no hashing at all. Users should be encouraged to use strong

passwords with a mixture of characters and numbers as well as letters, rather than just words,

especially if they are easily guessable. Using a salt would make it still harder for a hacker to crack


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Computer Networks – Fourth Edition – Andrew S. Tanenbaum – Chapter 8 Network Security - Page

760 - MD5