Download - The Uniting Church in the Eastern Wheatbelt€¦ · Manse — 1 Hobbs Rd, Merredin Manse phone: 9041 1117 John’s mobile: 0457 329 850 John’s email: [email protected] Website: The

Page 1: The Uniting Church in the Eastern Wheatbelt€¦ · Manse — 1 Hobbs Rd, Merredin Manse phone: 9041 1117 John’s mobile: 0457 329 850 John’s email: Website: The


Rev. John McKane Manse — 1 Hobbs Rd, Merredin

Manse phone: 9041 1117 John’s mobile: 0457 329 850

John’s email: [email protected] Website:

The Uniting Church in

the Eastern Wheatbelt


APRIL 2017


I have long held the opinion that as Christians it is not only important that what we say,

but also what we do, radiates the love of Christ. In other words we should act out our

faith and not just speak it.

As a church we do this well in the Eastern Wheatbelt, but we can’t just sit back and pat

ourselves on the back for a job well done. We need to continue to pray and care for

those in need around us. This doesn’t only include family and other churchgoers but all

who may cross our paths. Who is to say God did not send us especially to minister to


Kindness and compassion can appear lacking today, and I think we need to be more

aware of the needs of those around us. When the Merredin Elders met on Thursday we

discussed pastoral care. I mentioned a family who are supporters of Ride for life and are

going through a serious medical issue with Allyssha, one of their daughters. We prayed

for her last Sunday

As a result we decided to take a retiring offering for Allyssha on Sunday 6th May. We ask

you to continue praying for her, and be open to help her in anyway you can.

May God Bless you.

Kevin Tengvall

Page 2: The Uniting Church in the Eastern Wheatbelt€¦ · Manse — 1 Hobbs Rd, Merredin Manse phone: 9041 1117 John’s mobile: 0457 329 850 John’s email: Website: The

Parish Service in Merredin today.

The Merredin congregation extends a very warm welcome to members from

Mukinbudin and Southern Cross, as well as to any other visitors sharing worship

with us this morning. You are invited to join us after the service for morning tea

and a time of fellowship.

Service of Admission as Minister of the Uniting Church in Australia

A very special event will be held at the Merredin Church on 13th May at 11 am

when Rev John McKane and Rev David Kriel are admitted as ministers of the

Uniting Church in Australia from their former churches in South Africa. This is the

Other centres:

Today Next Sunday

— Southern Cross—John McKane



Next week at Merredin: Laptop prep: - Bronwyn McKane Cleaning: - Joan Trimper

Today Next Sunday

Preacher Steve Higgins John McKane (Communion)

Worship Bob French Lisa Arthur

Musician The Band Sal Marais

Reader Gordon Jones Val Hooper

Elder Louise French Steve Higgins

Greeter Luke and Sarah Higgins Val Tengvall and Suzette


Childrens’ Ministry Suzette Coetzee Tania Higgins

Childrens’ Helper Margaret Dalton Sarah Higgins

Offering Counting Gloria Banks and Kevin


Norm Hooper and Steve


Sound Steve Higgins John McKane

Projection Kevin Tengvall Bronwyn McKane

Note: if you are unable to fulfil your rostered duty please organise a substitute

and inform the Worship Leader and the newsletter editor.

Page 3: The Uniting Church in the Eastern Wheatbelt€¦ · Manse — 1 Hobbs Rd, Merredin Manse phone: 9041 1117 John’s mobile: 0457 329 850 John’s email: Website: The

first time such a service has been held in regional WA and all are welcome to


Ride for Life 2017

Ride for Life that was to begin next Saturday 6th May has been cancelled. Ride

for Life will run as normal in August.

Merredin Ladies Guild

The Merredin Ladies Guild will hold their May meeting at the Church on Tuesday

2nd May, which will be a plant day. Please bring a plant you would like to share.

Mothers’ Day Service

There will be no service at the Merredin Church on Mothers’ Day 14th May.

Instead an ecumenical service will be held in Roy Little Park. The Mukinbudin

service on 14th May will run as usual.


Lisa Arthur 9044 3256

Bob French 9041 1780

Louise French 9041 1780

Steve Higgins 9041 5080

Gordon Jones 9047 1073

Debbie Tengvall 9044 3269

Kevin Tengvall 9044 3269


Intercession Pray for …

Allyssha Sutherland-Scott

Ronnie recovering from surgery.

Lisa who has fractured her arm.

People suffering as a result of the famine in East Africa, and those bringing aid

Chaplaincy in local and other schools.

For the Prime Minister and members of the Australian Parliament, the WA Premier and members of the State Parliament, and the Police Force

From the Synod Prayer Calendar…

Covenanting Commission and the National Working Group on Relations with Other Faiths.

Do you have a special need for prayer? Remember the Elders are always

available for one on one prayer following services at Merredin.

Page 4: The Uniting Church in the Eastern Wheatbelt€¦ · Manse — 1 Hobbs Rd, Merredin Manse phone: 9041 1117 John’s mobile: 0457 329 850 John’s email: Website: The



April 2017

9.00 am MERREDIN—Steve Higgins (Parish Service)


May 2017

10.00 am Ladies’ KYB Bible Study at Cornerstone Christian Bookshop. Contact Kat Snell for more information. 5.30 pm Ladies’ KYB Bible Study at the Merredin church. Contact Debbie Tengvall for more information.


May 2017

10.00 am Ladies Guild meets at the Merredin Church.


May 2017

6.15 pm Prayer meeting at the Merredin Church. 7.30 pm Mens’ Bible Study at the Merredin church. Contact Kevin Tengvall for more information


May 2017

5.30 pm Merredin Elders meet at the Merredin Church


May 2017


May 2017


May 2017

9.00 am MERREDIN—John McKane (Communion) 6.30 pm SOUTHERN CROSS—John McKane (Communion)

Items for Newsletter:

If there is anything you would like included in the next newsletter,

including prayer requests, please let Bob French know on 9041 1780

or [email protected]