Download - The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals, represents ... · The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals, represents a fictitious ... Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic



The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals, represents a fictitious corporation. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, corporation is a fictitious character.

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is located in the District of Columbia. What is the District of Columbia and what are the other Districts? (Vatican, City of London)

The Owners of the private corporation, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the City of London and the Vatican.

When we pay taxes we “voluntarily” submit our tax returns to Washington, D.C. yet pay our taxes to the UNITED STATES TREASURY; A private corporation registered in Puerto Rico!

Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, and every treasury secretary since 1913 are appointed but not as cabinet members. The U.S. Secretary of the Treasury is not sworn in and speaks no oath of loyalty or defense of the United States. See paragraph 9 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement "free from taxes" The US Treasury Department has no jurisdiction; all future notices from the Internal Revenue Service will be disregarded; public notice of this is posted herewith at

Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act, with draconian measures suspending Puerto Rico's governance, is not a brilliant future for Puerto Rico. Neither is the situation for the pensions that have invested in Puerto Rico's bonds. The pensioners in the United States form another part of the coalition for the rule of law. The power transition model that came to the World Bank from the National War College is 90-95% accurate, and it is predicting that a coalition for the rule of law is more powerful than the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich. The Universal Postal Union is not enforcing the debt of the Network of Global Corporate Control to the Global Debt Facility: over 2 quadrillion dollars and accompanying liens on all the Federal Reserve Banks. The coalition for the rule of law must put things on a sustainable path. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666



The Banking Cartel and the rest of humanity are now in a direct

duel, with me as Overseer Mandate Trustee "embedded" as it were

in the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and in the

rest of humanity. I am going to be letting everyone know what is

going on, and you all will be the first to get a progress report.

There is absolutely no possible scenario for the Banking Cartel to

win. Either we have a Global Currency Reset, or we land in

WWIII. The likelihood that we have a Global Currency Reset is 90-95%. We are following the

power transition model from the US National War College. The silence from Donald Trump,

Neil Gorsuch, Joseph Dunford. This is an admission of guilt, there is no other explanation. I am

reinforcing this message here and now.
