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The Ultimate Pre Launch

Strategy Through LinkedIn

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Are you about to run a pre-launch for a product

or service and want to hit it with a full head of


Well, in this article we’ll cover how to run a

successful pre launch strategy through LinkedIn

that will connect you with potential partners who

will help you promote your upcoming pre-


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LinkedIn is totally underutilized for strategic partnerships, most think of it as an online resume


However, if you were to utilize LinkedIn to it’s full potential you could be one of the few people who

benefit greatly from the power of having access to the world’s largest network of key decision


Before we get started, here’s a quick overview of what a strategic partnership is in case you are

wondering what it is and how it might apply for your business.



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A strategic partnership is a partnership with another non-competing business that shares your target


They then promote your service to their clients to further monetize their database (a share of your

revenue from your product or service) or just as a value add for their community.

For example if you’re a business advisor you might partner with an accountant because they share

your target demographic and your services are complimentary and not in direct competition.

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Strategic partnerships are one of the biggest shortcuts to business growth.

For example, if you have a $1,000 product and you spend one week trying to close a deal, then it’s

taken you a week to make $1,000. However, let’s say you find a partner who introduces you to 10 of

their clients. Because you’ve been recommended by someone they trust, it only takes a week to

close those deals, and you’ve just created 10 times the business in the same amount of time.

That is how a partner introduction can decrease the touch points required for a sale significantly.



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They have already built trust and rapport within their database. So now that trust and rapport they

built can now transfer over to you and your business when you receive a recommendation from


With that said, let’s now get started on a solid strategy that can help you build a solid funnel of

partners that you can leverage when pre-launching your new product or service.



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The reason LinkedIn is the best for finding and creating partnerships is because there is no other

platform that has this volume of key decision makers on it that you can easily search for and connect


As discussed earlier no one else is using the platform this way, so it is much easier to get cut


When using this strategy for a pre launch I recommend beginning this strategy at least 3 months

before your pre launch to receive the best possible results.




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Think about your product or service and write down 3 different types of businesses that your target

market uses before, during and after using your service.

For example if you are a web designer, a perfect partner might be a graphics designer as it’s highly

likely that your ideal client would use a graphic designer before deciding to get a website built.

Start listing as many as you can before moving onto the next step and then pick the top 3 you would

like to start connection with.



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Now we need to build up your sales funnel of partnership opportunities…with a tool we consider to

be the most effective lead generation strategy on LinkedIn and maybe even on the Internet.

And that’s the ‘Advanced Search’ feature of LinkedIn, located in the middle at the top of your


The key to success in any marketing strategy is defining a specific target market, getting as much

data as possible about that demographic and then be able to easily connect with that audience.

This is why the ‘Advanced Search’ is such an amazing feature. Where else would you have access

to over 400 million members, with 49% of them being key decision makers?



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The first step in the process is to conduct a highly targeted ‘Advanced Search’. Using this feature

you can search for partners by:

Specific Keywords,

Filtering your relationship level,

Identifying your prospect’s job title

Tip: When you perform an advanced search, include words that would reflect the title of your

prospect like Director, VP, or Owner.


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If you are on a LinkedIn premium account, you can go deeper with your search by including some or

all of the following features depending on the membership level:

Company Size

Seniority Level

Years of Experience


When Joined

Interested In


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When you connect make sure you check out

their profile first and do a thorough review on

whether they are a good fit for your business

and would have the right clients working with


As well as that make sure when you connect,

you send a personalized connection request.


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When a partner accepts your invite, you both will be part of each other’s network giving you the

ability to send them a private message, tag them into a specific folder and share relevant content

that will be posted within their news feed. The mistake most people make is that they go in for the

end result they want before they have spent any time nurturing the prospect.

Try sending a few bits of relevant content their way first using the LinkedIn mail function and even

interact with their posts. Aim to connect with 10 – 20 partners a day for a solid month so you can

book in phone calls within the next month.



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The final step in the process is to finally contact the potential partner with a request to chat further

with them offline. Once you have had them in your connections for a couple of weeks, you have

done some back and forth with them by interacting with their posts and sending quality content to

them via the LinkedIn mail function, it’s time to get them to have a chat to you.

Now you don’t want to tell them all of what you want from them in this email, the whole purpose is to

get them on a call or face to face meeting so you can chat further about a potential collaboration



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Build more rapport during your face to face or phone session with them by talking about your

commonalities with each other

Find out what they are trying to achieve in their business

Align what you are looking to achieve with their goals.

Make sure you always ask yourself though, what’s in it for them?

Add as much value as you can for the partner, do not expect them to do everything for you and you

do nothing for them.


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Here are 6 questions you can ask potential partners on your phone call:

1) What’s the breakdown of the people in your fan base?

2) What are your 6-12 months sales and marketing goals?

3) Where do you need help right now in order to achieve your goals?

4) How have you partnered with people in the past?

5) What’s important to you in a partnership?

6) Here a few suggestions on how we could potentially partner, let me know your thoughts?


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If you are undergoing a launch and you need partners on board they are going to be apprehensive

due to it being a new product or service.

Therefore you need to craft a strong pitch, which includes your mission in business, benefits of your

product, your credibility, and results people have received from working with you in the past. Then

because you have a new product you may need to give the partner free access to it so they can

review whether it is something they would like to promote.

Content without action is useless so make sure you execute this strategy and take advantage of the

power of LinkedIn for lucrative joint venture partnerships.


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Want to learn more about LinkedIn? Download our FREE digital guide

today and learn how you too can start using LinkedIn to generate a ton of

media exposure, secure joint venture partnerships and build hundreds of

new leads for your business. Over 14,000 businesses have now benefited

from this methodology. Access it Here!