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The Ultimate Guide To Mobile App Marketing

Our tips for a successfulmobile app launch

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Create a list of contacts with whom you can share your

application before its official launch on the app store.

Having Beta Testers would really help you to get some

real feedback about your application and learn how

you can improve it further. These Beta Testers would

most probably become early users of your application

and would be more willing to share it with their friends

and family. and family.

There are millions of applications available on the app

store and you only get a couple of seconds to convince

the potential app installer if he should download your

app. Having a couple of great looking testimonials

before your app launch can help your application to

get a kick-start that it needs. How do you get these

testimonials? Well, make your Beta Testers feel spe-

cialcial for their help and request them for testimonials.

People trust apps with good reviews and testimonials!!


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Ok so let’s assume that you are ready with an awesome app but the ques-

tion is how you now spread the word about your application. We strongly

suggest you to create a video teaser to convey your app features and func-

tions to potential users. Did you just ask why a Video?? Well, the age old

Geek Wisdom suggests that Videos can have a much greater impact than

plain text. Also, an interesting video has way more probability of going

viral. Here is a list of key points that you should keep in mind while creat

ing the video:


Keep it Short: Keep it 1-2 minutes TOPS. Treat it as a teaser and not a tutorial

Keep it simple: No crazy animation or sound effects. Just try to sound professional

Show the app in action: Focus on the problem that your application solves.

Include a few testimonials. Tell the potential users what people think of your app.

Include a call to action: “Download now for free” button or mention your launch date.

Stand out from the crowd; be funny, be mys-terious, tell a story but just don’t sound boring. Don’t make a vanilla video or it may negatively affect the impression that your users form of you.







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Create a dedicated website or just a landing page for your application. It

shows that you are serious about your application and gives you an op-

portunity to start the branding even before your app hits the app store.










Contact info for press inquiries or support

Feedback about how the app can be made better

Video demo

Download Link for the app


Bios that prove you’re human


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Already have a website/blog that gets good

traffic? Well then that’s the first place to

start your app promotion from. Add an

‘Available on the App Store’ button or ‘Get it

on Google Play’ button on your website/-

blog. Make it easy for your audience to

download your app from any of your web-

site or blog. Add a link to your app on App

store in your email signature. Place a banner

at the end of your blog posts. People would

be more inclined to download your app after

reading a good blog post.

Before we talk about this point, let us emphasize the importance of App

Store Optimization. According to Forrester research, 63% of consumers

use App Store Search to find apps. This makes search, in the app store,

the most used method for discovering and downloading new apps.


So how do you make sure that your app appears on top when they search

for relevant keywords? Well, you do so by optimizing your app for the app

store. By using these App Store Optimization (ASO) techniques, you in-

crease the chances of your app being found on the app store.

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A good name is important regardless of what you are marketing so make sure you

come up with a kick-as* name for your app. Before even coming up with a name

think of what your potential app users might search for, when looking for an app

like yours. It’s best to include a couple of keywords that describe what your app

does. Be sure to avoid keyword stuffing as the Title of your app should read in a

natural manner. Also keep this in mind: Do not repeat an already taken app name

as Apple manually flags (and disables) the concerned keywords.

Great App Description is like the cover page of your CV and writing a great descrip-

tion is all about keeping it simple and getting straight to the point. This is where

you encourage and lure your visitors to download your app. It is very important to

have an impactful description that leaves the viewer with no other choice than

getting your app on his/her device. Don’t think copywriting is your cup of tea? No

problem, just hire a professional copywriter to do the job. Elance is a good place to

begin the search. You can hire an expert content writer from Elance for cheap and

getget a great description written. Want to write the description yourself? Just keep

these points in mind and you will be Ok:


The first 3 lines of your description are really important since they are visible by default, along with your app icon and screenshot.

Mention the important milestones in the description. App got men-tioned in a major publication? Mention it. App Downloads reached 50,000? Mention it. You get the point.

Use Bullet points and short sentences. There are millions of apps to check out on the app store and the viewer’s attention span is really short. So say it clear and say it quick.

Highlight single line excerpts from app reviews

Do not use any sort of jargons in your app description


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The very first prerequisite for a great screenshot is logically your app design.

Whatever you do, just do not try to lure the viewer into downloading your app by

showing highly manipulated screenshots. You’ll simply end up with angry com-

ments and low ratings. Apple gives you 5 slots for screenshots and Google gives

8 so go ahead and place your app’s most beautiful screens in there. Do not put

your app’s splash screen as the first screen since it tells absolutely nothing about

the features of your app. List out features to be communicated through your

screenshots.screenshots. Also, be aware that Apple changed its policy for screenshots and

now you can only change them along with a proper app update.

App Icon itself has zero effect on search results; however its impact on

click-through-rate and install rate is unbelievable. Some of the apps have experi-

enced as much as 20 times more downloads after changing their icon. Design

beautiful, simple, high resolution icon with simple colors and try not to include

your app’s name inside it since it just doesn’t go well.

Keywords are an important part of the App Store Optimization strategy. Putting

in the right keywords can help your app get huge amount of search traffic. Apple

offers you 99 characters to set up your keywords so make sure you make the best

of it. Create you app store metadata using the right keywords and you can sub-

stantially increase the chances of your app getting found on the app store.

Use separate keywords instead of using merged keyword. For example use ‘Cat,

Training, Tips’ instead of using ‘Cat Training Tips’ as a single phrase. Before you

start inserting the keywords, brainstorm all the keywords that you think your

target audience can use to search your application. Localize your Keywords when

possible. For example it’s very hard to rank number 1 for ‘Fun Games’, however in

Spain this is a much easier task. Of course you would need to translate your whole

app then.


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Tease your page fans with the most delicious

features of the app during the prelaunch phase.

Talk about the problems that the application

would solve and then drive them to sign up for an

exclusive invite. Share the videos that you create

for your app. Do it right and you’ll get a database

of eager users who would be looking forward to

your app’s launch date. your app’s launch date.

Celebrate every milestone with your fans on

Twitter and Facebook. First 100 downloads –

Share, First 1000 downloads – Share, got a great

review or testimonial from a fan – Share, wrote a

killer blog post about your app – share. You get

the point right?

Facebook is the social media king and we are sure

no one doubts it. Use this platform as a home

base for your app. Create a Facebook Fan page

and get as many likes as possible. Include

everything important about the application on

that page. It would also be a good place to

engage with your app users and respond to their

questions. questions.


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Have good images and screenshots of your app? Is your app related to photography?

Well if the answer to any of these questions is yes then you should seriously consider

promoting the app on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

You need to keep this line from the famous YMCA song in mind when promoting your

app i.e. ‘No man does it all by himself’. Go out and ask your app page fans to take the

action that can help you to promote your app further. Ask them to ‘Like’, ask them to

‘Retweet’, ask them to ‘Share’, ask them for feedback, ask them to spread the word.

Just remember to do it in a way that doesn’t make it look like you are in there just to

get your app promoted through them. Keep posting, engaging, and entertaining con-

tent on that page every now and then. Also, keep your audience motivated by running

contests and offering incentives from time to time. contests and offering incentives from time to time.



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We all tend to trust apps with great reviews. Personal reviews and ratings from your

client can help you go a long way but if you can get covered in a magazine or any app

review website, that’s even better.

There are tons and tons of website out there which can review your app or help it get

reviewed. Some are paid and some free. Here are some of the really popular ones:

So go out there and start promoting. Having a great app is just the beginning. You

need to put in the efforts to spread the word so people can know that such an awe-

some app even exists. Always remember that the best marketing is a great product. If

your app isn’t good, let alone great, you’ve got a problem.

Hope these techniques can help you in making your app super-successful.

Have more questions about App Promotion? Ready to get an app made? Get in touch

– Geeks would look forward to your call.


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