Download - The UCAC NewsLetter Vol.2

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Major Celebration: Silver Jubilee /

Golden Jubilee / Diamond Jubilee /

Platinum Jubilee / Centenary, etc.

Collaboration: National / International

Fellowships / Awards / Distinctions

received by the faculty members

Special lectures arranged by the


Invited lectures by the faculty members

Departmental Support from external

funding agencies

Publications by the faculty members

and by the Department

Outreach programmes

Major infrastructure added

Forthcoming events


Department of Ancient History centenarycelebrations will be organized in 2017.

The Alumni of the Arabic Department willcelebrate “World Arabic Day on 22nd December2016.

Recently the Department of Urdu hascollaborated in a U.G.C sponsored 2 daysNational Seminar organized by theDepartment of Urdu Raniganj Girls College atRaniganj on 01 and 02 September, 2016

Dept of Buddhist Studies celebrated theoccasion of the installation of a Buddha-Imagedonated by an ex-student of the Department ofBuddhist Studies, Mr. Satya Ranjan Dalal..Theinstallation was followed by a seminar on"Indian Buddhist Iconography: Through theAges", held on 22-23 September, 2016.

Department of Women’s Studies celebratedthe Women’s Day on 8th March 2016. FromNovember 25 - December10 a Seminar/Workshop was held in connection with the thePrevention of Violence Against Womenfortnight.

Editor: Pijushkanti Panigrahi Sanjukta Dasgupta

Vol. 2 January 2016 - December 2016

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In March 2016, the 125th Birth centenary celebration of the eminent Linguist and Scholar LateProf. Suniti Kumar Chatterjee was observed with seminar lectures, and a film show,specifically the screening of the biopic on Prof Chatterjee

In September 2016 the Sanskrit Day was celebrated.


Department of Ancient history organized a Seminar in collaboration with Adhir ChakravartiMemorial Trust, Kolkata.

The 1st International Seminar organized by the Dept. of Arabic in collaboration with MaulanaAbul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata on the theme “Nehru, Azadand Perso-Arab World” held on 30- 31 March 2016 in which the Thirty two (62) delegatesfrom Qatar, Jordan, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Bangladesh along with the Indian scholarsparticipated. The proceedings of the seminar published along with the souvenir.

The 1st international seminar organized by the Dept. of Arabic in collaboration with the AsiaticSociety, Kolkata on the theme “Cultural Relations between Perso-Arab world and India throughthe ages” held on 16-17 March 2016 in which Thirty two(32) delegates from USA, UK, Jordan,Iran and Bangladesh along with the Indian scholars participated.

The 2nd International Seminar organised by the Dept.of Arabic in collaboration with QutbiJubilee Scholarship Program (QJSP), Mumbai on the theme “Taqreeb – Propagation ofHarmonious Relations in Mughal, British and Independent India” was held on 27 – 28September 2016 in which the Thirty two (28) delegates from USA, Jordan, Italy, andBangladesh along with the Indian scholars participated. The souvenir is published and theproceeding of the seminar is under progress.

Project approved by the British Academy in collaboration with the Queen’s University, Belfastby Department of Archaeology.

Library And Information Science department organized a 2 Day National Seminar "RebootingPublic Libraries For The 21st Century To Recreate The Future" on March 3rd & 4th, 2016,sponsored by the UGC, RRRLF, Govt of India.

Organized a One Day National Seminar on ‘Library and Information Science Profession and theProfessional Ethics’ on 11.11.2016.

Department of Commerce renewed MOU with Calcutta Stock Exchange for five more yearswith respect to the Centre: CUCSE-CEFM International: MOU signed with ACCA-ISDC for IFRSCertification Program, January 27; 2016, Nottingham University U.K. , June, 8; 2016, Universityof East Anglia, U.K., June, 7; 2016, Glasgow University. U.K., November, 9; 2016.

MoU signed between ISCAP, Porto, Portugal and Department of Museology, University ofCalcutta for faculty, researcher and student exchange programme.

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The Department of Political Science is part of the MOU signed with the University of Glasgow inNovember, 2016.

On 7th May 2016, the first endowment lecture arranged by the Dept. of Sanskrit with thecollaboration of the Premchand Tarkabagish foundation, Kolkata was held, wherein a lecturewas delivered by Dr. Vivek Dev Roy, the eminent scholar and member of the Niti Ayog, Govt. ofIndia on “225th year of the German translation of the Abhijňānaśakuntala and its impact on thestudy of Linguistics.”

One day national collaborative workshop on’ Looking East to Act East: Issue and challenges inIndia’s Foreign Policy’ was organized by Centre for South and South East Asian Studies,University of Calcutta in collaboration with NIAS, Bengaluru, MAKAIAS, Kolkata and ORF,Kolkata, 9th March2016

Reconnecting the Subcontinent: India andthe New Silk Roads by C. Raja Mohan collaboration with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (MCRG) in collaboration with Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung held on June 24, 2016

International Seminar organized by theCentre for South and South East Asian Studies, CU “On the Cutting Edge of Social Science: A West Bengal- New York Initiative on 15th January 2016.

Centre for South and South East AsianStudies also organized a two day international Seminar on “Regional Dynamics in Asia: Case studies from South and South East Asia” held on 15th -16th February 2016 collaboration with Webster University Thailand and Institute of Foreign Policy Study.

The Dept of English collaborated with the StPaul’s College Kolkata in organizing a two day National Seminar on “Interpretations of Memories: Literary, Psychological, Cultural and Historical Aspects” December 1-2, 2016.

Women’s Studies Research Centre collaborated with National Commission for Women, NewDelhi, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, Centre for Women’s DevelopmentStudies, New Delhi and Legal Aids Services, West Bengal. At the International level, ongoingcollaboration are with Claflin University, USA, USIS, Delhi & Kolkata and Friedrich EbertStiftung, India Office.

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Prof. M. Isharat Ali Molla (Department of Arabic) nominated by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor,Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan as Academic Committee Chairman forInternational Seminar organized by the Dept. of Science & Languages, Jordan University ofScience & Technology, Jordan held at 8-9 May 2016.

Dr. Sabuj Kumar Chaudhuri, Department of Library and information Science has receivedcopyright a prestigious online offering (from January 2016-May 2016) from the BerkmanCenter for Internet & Society in the Faculty of Law at Harvard University, US.

Department of English achieved the following distinctions:

a. Prof. Sanjukta Dasgupta: Charles Wallace Visiting Fellow at British Centre for LiteraryTranslation, University of East Anglia 2016 (April-June) and Co-Principal Investigator,Knowledge Initiative Progamme..Urban Women in Eco-friendly business. Invited to ClaflinUniversity, South Carolina, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Centre for Women inBusiness, Chicago in September 2016.

b. Prof. Chinmoy Guha: Member, three-member jury, Sahitya Akademi Award, 2016

c. Prof. Santanu Majumdar: Subject expert, West Bengal College Service Commission, 22February-2 December 2016

“Aparajita- People’s Choice” Award by ‘The Telegraph’ and ‘Sanmarg’ Newspapers foroutstanding contribution in the field of education.“Bhasa Samman” by Kendriya HindiSansthan under (MHRD), New Delhi.

Dr Sutapa Sinha and Dr Swati Biswas have received Nehru Trust UK travel award and NehruTrust Small study and Research Grant in U.K. Dr. Sinha was also awarded the Neil CreitmanResearch Grant by Royal Numismatic Society and Nicholas Lowick Award. Dr. Biswas wasawarded the Charles Wallace Research Grant of Department of Islamic History and Culture.

From Department of Museology, Sri Supreo Chanda was awarded Travel Grant from theInternational Council of Museums, UNESCO, Paris, to attend ICOM Triennal Conference held atMilan, Italy (3-9 July 2016). Dr Indrani Bhattacharya was awarded the Grace Morley ResearchFellowship 2016, by the ICOM India Trust, to attend ICOM Triennal Conference held at Milan,Italy (3-9 July 2016).

Prof. Bela Bhattacharya has received President Award and selected as Emeritus Fellow of Pali.

Samir Kumar Das of Department of Political science was selected as external Reviewer of theEuropean Research Council (ERC),European Commission, Brussels ,member of the EditorialBoard of Studies in Society and Polity (SSP) being brought out by the Brahmaputra Institute of

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Research and Development International Review of Political Studies (Ankara), Journal of North East India Studies and member of the Advisory Board of Postcolonial Text, Member, Editorial Board, Quarterly Journal in collaboration with Stanford University since 1 June 2016.

Professor Swapna Bhattacharya Chakraborty of South and Southeast Asian Studies has beenelected as Sectional President for the forthcoming 77th Session of the Indian History Congress(IHC), Section IV (Countries other than India), scheduled for December 2016.


Department of Arabic organized a Special lecture in which an Interaction session with HisExcellency Dr. Hatim Tageldeen, Hon’ble Egyptian Ambassador to India, New Delhi wasfelicitated by the Department

Professor Zaman Azurdah (Kashmir University) an eminent scholar and the member of SahityaAcademi delivered a lecture on the topic of current literary trends in Urdu Literature onJanuary 04, 2016.

Department of Archaeology arranged some lectures on various topics:

a. Prof Ashish Paul (Department of Geography, Vidyasagar University): GIS and use of

Software in New Survey Techniques.

b. Susanta Lahiri (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata): Let Ancient Serve the Present.

c. Prof S.R. Walimbe (Formerly of the Department of Ancient Indian History Culture &

Archaeology). Skeletal Biology in India, recent perspectives.

d. Dr Arati Deshpande Mukherjee (Department of Ancient Indian History Culture &


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Department of Buddhist Studies arranged lectures on Women through the Ages” by Prof.Nrisinha Prasad Bhaduri (Famous Littrateur ) and “Human Rights and Buddhism” by Mr.Arunabha Barua (Former Justice, High Court, Kolkata).

Department of Comparative Indian Language and Literature organized-

International Seminar on “Studying Indian Literature in China”, Speaker- Professor Jiang

Jingkui on 4th January 2016

National Seminar on “Trailakyanath and 19th Century Comic Tradition”, Speaker-Professor

Nandini Bhattacharya on July 28, 2016

National Seminar on “ Language and Literature of North-East India”, Speaker- Professor

Soumen Sen on September 22, 2016

Department of Islamic History and Culture organized special lectures on-

a. Acknowledge Mohammad and do not choose death Martyrdom and conversion among Jews

under Islamic rule during the Middle Ages by Prof Lena Roos (Department of Theology,

Uppsala University, Sweden) on 14th January 2016

b. Mishar O Purba Bharatiya Dwippunje Uponibeshil Sashan: Ekti Tulanamulok Porjalochona

(in Bengali) by Professor A K M Golam Rabbani, Department of Islamic History and

Culture, University of Dhaka, and General Secretary, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh on 18th

March 2016

c. Music Without Boundaries by Dr Diloram Karamat, Former Lecturer SOAS, UK and Fellow of

the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies in Kolkata on 7th April 2016

d. The Construction of Hindu Identity in Western Bengal: the Role of Popular Cults by Sri Jawhar

Sircar, CEO, Prashar Bharati on 12th September 2016 at 3p.m.

“Alphabet or Abracadabra” : Wim Borsbroom on the 13th January,2016 was organized byDepartment of Linguistics. Departmental seminar by Dr. Samrat Datta on the 4th May 2016 :আখ্যান প্রগতির তিতিি মডেডের সন্ধাডন : বীক্ষডে ‘িিুরঙ্গ’ এবং ‘দুই ববান’

Department of Political Science organized a number of interactive special lectures:

An interactive session with Dr. Ates Uslu, Associate Professor in Political Science, Departmentof Political Science and International Relations, Istanbul University on Indian Marxism, held on28 January, 2016.

An interactive session with Prof. James Gomez, Associate Dean, School of CommunicationArts, Bangkok University and Executive Director, Asia Centre on 1 March, 2016.

Prof. Robyn Andrews, Massey University, New Zealand, Dept. of Social Anthropology delivereda talk on Field Research: Some Aspects of Participant Observation on 10 March, 2016.

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Prof. Daniel Rycroft, University of East Anglia, delivered a lecture on 'Adivasiaesthetics/Adivasi politics: a dialogue in the making' on 11 August, 2016.

Prof. Priyankar Upadhyay, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair for Peace and InterculturalUnderstanding & Coordinator, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, BHU, delivered a lecture onPeace Studies on 3 October, 2016.

Co-hosted (with Departments of Archaeology and History) two public lectures by Prof. KeithLilley, Queens University, Belfast on 22 November, 2016


“Re-imagining Indian Sociology. Challenges Confronting the Discipline” BY PROF. SUJATAPATEL, Professor, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabadand the Presidents of Indian Sociological Society 22nd of January 2016.

“KNOWLEDGE HIERARCHIES AND METHODOLOGIES OF DE-COLONIZATION” BY Prof.Bandana Purkayastha, Professor of Sociology and Asian & Asian American Studies, and Head,Sociology Department at the University of Connecticut (UCONN), on22.09.16

Dr. Geetha Krishnan,of the department of Integrative Medicine and Holistic Therapies,Medanta Hospital Gurgaon delivered a lecture on, “Significance of Adopting AyurvedicPrinciples” in the department on 29.11.2016


Professor Shahnaz Nabi, Iqbal chair Professor of our Department of Urdu has delivered alecture at an International Conference on the topic “Secularism, Democracy and Gender Parityin South Asia” in Dhaka University, Bangladesh on 28-29 August 2016.

Dr. Ujjwal Kumar, Deparment of Buddhist Studies has delivered a lecture on Buddhism in a

seminar on , at Bhartiya Bhasa Parishad, 36 A,

Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata- 700017, 17 September, 2016.

Prof. Ratna Bandyopadhyay, Department of Library and information science has deliveredlectures as special guest at the National Seminar on Future of Libraries: trends, issues andchallenges organized by DLIS, University of Jammu and ICSSR.

Prof. Rajib Dasgupta of Department of Commerce was invited as Keynote Speaker in the FirstInternational Conference on ‘Contemporary Issues in Business Research’ organised by BegumRokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh on 4th. June, 2016.

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Dr Kazi Sufior Rahaman of Department of Islamic History And Culture presented Prof AgamPrasad Mathur Endowment Lecture 2016-2017 on Muslim Society and Culture in the Districtof Burdwan organised by the Institute of Historical Studies, on 30th November, 2016. Dr. SwatiBiswas presented a paper in the International Conference of European Association for SouthAsian Archaeology and Art at Cardiff University, 4th to 8th July 2016 on The unresolvedquestions of Timurnama- the first historical Mughal project.

Dr Sutapa Sinha presented a paper in the International Conference of European Associationfor South Asian Archaeology and Art at Cardiff University, 4th to 8th July 2016 on Coin Hoardsvis-a-vis Coin Collections of the Bengal Sultans in the Museums of Europe.

Samir Kumar Das from Department of Political Science has delivered lectures on various topicsat Paris School of Political Studies and has been ranked fourth in the world for Politics andInternational Studies in 2016.

Professor Lipi Ghosh of Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies was invited todeliver lectures on“Reappraisal of Ahom History– Challenges to Mainstream AssameseDiscourse” at 24th ECSAS Conference, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, “The State ofThai Studies in India, in International Seminar on Learning Thai language”, Thai and orientalLanguage Department, Faculty of Humanities, Sirinakharinwirot University, Bangkok. She alsoparticipated in International Conference on Applied Buddhism: Buddhism in Daily Life,organized by Department of Pali, University of Calcutta- presented paper on “Buddhism,Women and Identity: A Look into the Thailand Situation” and in International Seminar onRegional Dynamics in Asia: Context of South and South East Asia organized by CSSEAS andIFPS, CU and Webster University, Bangkok, Thailand where she presented a paper on “RegionalDynamics in Asia: Context of Connectivity between South and South East Asia”.

Professor Paula Banerjee participated in “Bridging the Gap in Migration Studies: PresidentialAddress,” IASFM Poland.


Indian National Science Academy funded a project on Environmantal and Ecological Change asInferred from Copperplate Inscriptions of Bengal (Rajat Sanyal)

Department of Sociology organized a Two-Day National Seminar cum Workshop on “WOMENHEALTH AND AYURVEDA”, on the 17th & 18th of November 2016 in collaboration with KolkataNivedita Shakti, and Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research. Sponsoredby Shakti, Women’s Empowerment NGO, New Delhi and University of Calcutta.

Women’s Studies Research Centre received funds primarily and occasionally from the UGC,ICSSR, National Commission for Women and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, India Office.

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The gradual stages of sanctification in Early Buddhism by Dr. Jayanti Chatterjee and A bookentitled “Nari Evam Bhikkhunisamgha Adhunikkale” published by Dr. Saswati Mutsuddy fromRohini Nandan of Department of Pali.

Dr. Siddhartha Sankar Saha of Department of Commerce have published a number of articleson Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, USA, Developing Country Studies, USA etc.

Bhugol-Khagol-Varnanam (2016). This book was written by Pt. Iswarchandra Vidyasagar in theyear 1838 containing 408 slokas in Sanskrit and he was awarded 100 rupees only. Firsttranslation of this book into Bengali is published by Amit Bhattacharjee, from ParulPrakashani, Kolkata by Professor Amit Kumar Bhattacharjee and translation of selected songsby Lalan Fakir, published in Translation Today, Volume 10, Number 1, published by NationalTranslation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, 2016 by Dr. Mrinmoy Pramanick ofDepartment of Comparative Indian Language And Literature.

Edited special issue on Women writers of Bengal, ‘Yuddhrat Aam Aadmi’ published byRamanika Foundation, New Delhi and Literary Criticism of Kedarnath Singh’s Poetry,published by Vani Prakashan, New Delhi by Department of Hindi.

A book entitled “Nari Evam Bhikkhunisamgha Adhunikkale” published by Dr. SaswatiMutsuddy and From Rohini Nandan and The gradual stages of sanctification in Early Buddhismby Dr. Jayanti Chatterjee of Department of Pali.

Department of Sanskrit published an article by Dr, Didhiti Biswas in the 12th world Sanskritconference proceedings titled Vedic investigation Asko Perpola, Helisinki and Reflectionson Translation and the Ancient Indian Literature published in collaboration with SaptarshiPrakashan.

Department of English :

Anthology of Bengali Short Stories Translations, (Sahitya Akademi New Delhi 2016) edited withIntroduction and translations by Sanjukta Dasgupta

Connecting Texts: Literature, Theatre and Cinema Student Papers Dasgupta, Kolkata 2016.Editors Chinmoy Guha, Sinjini Bandopadhyay

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Department of Arabic rendered translation & Teaching services to the various Agencies of ourCountry like Calcutta Police (CP) & National Investigation Agency (NIA).

Visit to Chinese Universities for Educational Developmental programmes in November, 2016by Department of Hindi.

Department of Islamic History And Culture organized various outreach programme by the faculty:

Dr Sutapa Sinha participated in Ceramics of Medieval India in three Month training course onCeramics of India, Centre for Archaeological Studies and Trainning Eastern India, Kolkata in14th June 2016.

Dr Swati Biswas participated in-

a. Medieval Architecture in six months Art Appreciation Course , 18th September 2016

,Rajya Charukala Parshad, Govt of West Bengal

b. Mughal Painting in six months Art Appreciation Course , 20th September 2016, Rajya

Charukala Parshad, Govt of West Bengal

c. Pre Mughal Painting in nine Month Art Appreciation Course, Ramkrishna Mission

Institute of Culture, Golpark, 2015

Department of Museology arranged various workshops as mentioned below: .

a. Workshop on Exhibition Design for Visual Art Objects, conducted by the ArtsAcre

Museum of Bengal Modern Art, for the 3rd Semester Students of Museology, CU, on 24

September 2016.

b. Special workshop on Exhibition Management, organized by the Victoria Memorial Hall,

Kolkata on 5 November 2016 for PG Students of Museology, University of Calcutta.

Department of Pali organised an International Conference on “Applied Buddhism: Buddhism inEveryday life”, 3rd and 4th March, 2016

Department of Sociology has been associated with Police training of Government of India, WestBengal Police and Kolkata Police; and NGOs who are engaged in uplift of women, children, agedand marginalized/excluded sections of the people.

Women’s Studies Research Centre: Pilot survey on different villages of West Bengal have beenconducted as a part of Indo – US 21st Century Knowledge Initiative Programme “PromotingEco-Friendly Entrepreneurship Development for Women in West Bengal”. Field surveys among

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women of Calcutta and Nadia have been conducted as a part of “Gender Dimensions of the Urban Labour Market: Investigating the terms of Women’s Inclusion and Exclusion”. The centre has conducted field survey, experience sharing programme among SHG, MFI members of Malda, Murshidabad, Purulia and Coochbehar as a part of the project – “Social Discrimination, Access to Credit and Women’s Empowerment”.


Newly furnished M.Phil Room with new furniture and computers on donation by Sri DebashishBiswas, Inspector of Colleges, University of Calcutta, New computers Forthcoming events:Centenary Celebration of Department of Economics. (THIS IS ALSO IN 2015? Please check)

Upgrading of the Computers of the Computer Lab, Ongoing setting-up of 2nd Laboratory forAnthropology, Ethnography and Earth Science, Ongoing renovation of the Department ofMuseology Office.


The Department of Ancient history is planning to celebrate its centenary in 2017.

To start M. Phil. courses in Arabic & Persian.

The Department of Bengali is going to organise its Centenary Celebration in June 2018.

Department of Library and Information Science organization of Short Term Course, December2016 (In collaboration with Human Resource Development Centre, University of Calcutta andOrganization of National Seminar, February 2017.

Department of Comparative Indian Language And Literature is going has organized 1st

Refresher Course on “Indian Language and Literature: A Comparative Perspective”” incollaboration with UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta from 1st to 22nd December, 2016.

Department of Islamic History And Culture is going to organize four special lectures on MughalPainting by eminent scholar Prof Asok K Das (as Visiting Professor in the department).

The other forthcoming events are-

a. The faculty members Dr Sutapa Sinha and Dr Swati Biswas on behalf of the department

is coordinating the 12th Congress of the International Bengal Art Conference In

collaboration with The International Centre for Study of Bengal Art, Bangladesh and

Department of Ancient history and Culture. Forthcoming events-

b. National Seminar in February 2017

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c. 4 lectures (for December to March 2017) as part of the monthly lecture series by


d. The 5th Journal to be edited by Dr Swati Biswas is in the process

Dr. Alexander Coupe, Associate Professor Alexander, Division of Linguistics and MultilingualStudies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, will give a talk on Fieldwork methodsand tools for language documentation in the 21st Century on Tuesday, the 6th December, 2016,at 02.30 P M @ the Chandramukhi-Kadambini Hall.

Department of Museology is going to organize an International Conference on “GenderMainstreaming & Cultural Rights” from 19 to 21 December 2016 along with the InternationalInstitute for the Inclusive Museums, Copenhagen, and the ArtsAcre, Kolkata. Also Lectures byVisiting Fellows will be organized in February-March 2017.

The Department of Political Science is going to organize a one-day colloquium for M.Phil andPh.D students on 17 January, 2017, on the theme Power, Resistance and Accommodation inPost-Liberalization India: Dynamics and Dialectics.

Department of Sanskrit is going to initiate a variety of events and enterprises-

a. The Department is planning to introduce certificate & diploma course for teaching

Sanskrit language to non Sanskrit students.

b. The dept. has a plan to take the students of the dept. in educational excursion to visit

the dept. of Sanskrit and Indology of various Institutions/ Universities/ Museums/

Libraries of various parts of India and also to participate in the teacher-students

exchange programme of the same.

c. Very recently A MOU of the Sanskrit Dept. of C.U. with Ruhana University, Sri lanka is in

progress, which will consist teacher-student exchange programmes and joint

organization of Seminars,Conferences,Lectures etc.

d. The name of Professor Biswanath Mukherjee has been recommended by the Dept. Of

Sanskrit & has been sent to the RASTRIYA SANSKRIT SAMSTHAN for the post of


Department of South And Southeast Asian Studies is organizing a Seminar on Critical SocialScience: The India-Germany Inter connectedness, Kolkata, 14-15 February, 2017 and Visit toWebster University for International Seminar on Regional Dynamics of Asia: Case studies ofSouth and Southeast Asia.

In December 2016, Women’s Studies Research Centre has organized a One Day Seminar on Combating Violence against Women, International Seminar on Eco-friendly Women Entrepreneurship and State Level Consultation on Women in Agriculture.

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Department of Arabic resolved to apply for DRS/DSA project from UGC, to install smartclassrooms & language lab, to initiate research scheme in Manuscriptology & Palaeography .

On the direction of The University Grants Commission (UGC) the Department of UrduUniversity of Calcutta has participated in the MATRIBHASHA DIWAS CELEBRATION on March2016.

Department of Archaeology furnished the following programme:

a. Prof Vasnat Shinde, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Post Graduate and

Research Institurte, Deemed to be University, delivered Visiting Professor Lectures in

March 2016.

b. Prof Keith Lilley (Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland) and Prof M. Satish Kumar

(Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland) appointed Visiting Professor in November 2016.

c. ) Prof Keith Lilley (Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland) delivered Visiting Professor

Lecture as part of Inter-Departmental Programme co-hosted by the Departments of

Archaeology, Political Science and History.

A joint seminar was organized by the Bengali department on 08.03.2016 & 09.03.2016 on theCentenary Celebration of the first publication of CHARYAPADA & SRIKRISHNAKIRTANA, incollaboration with Bangiya Sahitya Parisad, Kolkata. International Mother’s Language Day wasobserved on 19.02.2016 in its befitting manner. A Departmental Seminar was organised forthree distinguished former Professors of the department on 28.03.2016 under the caption‘Acharya Smarane’.

The Department of Buddhist Studies will begin courses on M.Phil and Ph.D. in Buddhist Studiesvery soon.

A National Level Students’ Summit organized by the students of the Department of Economicson 19-20 February, 2016. Participants from Universities all over India like GIPE, Pune,Pondicherry Central University, Hyderabad Central University, Christ University, Bangaloreand Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Organized 3rd International Research Scholars’ Workshopon 27-28 July, 2016. Invited lectures by Maitreesh Ghatak, London School of Economics, UK,Bibhas Saha, Durham University, UK, and Sourav Bhattacharya Royal Holloway University, UK.Presentations by 28 research scholars from Universities in India including JNU, ISI Kolkata,IGIDR, IIT Madras, Hyderabad Univeristy, etc.

A Smart Classroom is being created by English Language and Literature department. TheUniversity is renovating the Language Laboratory, which would be helpful for the LanguageStudies students of the department.

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a. Prof. Sanjukta Dasgupta Claiming Space for Australian Women’s Writing (co-edited) PanMacmillan, USA. Expected date: March 2017.

b. Prof. Chinmoy Guha Romain Rolland-Tagore Correspondence, Oxford University Press, 2017.(Forthcoming)

c. Prof. Sinjini Bandyopadhyay Edited Changing Scenario of the Place of Women in Society asReflected in Eastern Regional Literature. Sahitya Akademi (in press).

Connecting Texts: Literature, Theatre and Cinema, the conference proceedings of Student Papers published by Department of English DRS 111 Project in December 2016

Department of Islamic History conducted various events:

a. The Study Circle of the Department of Islamic History and Culture (informal formation has

been mentioned earlier), organised its Second International Workshop on Medieval Surface

Archaeology -- its uses as source material for reconstructing medieval history on 19th

February. 2016

b. International Seminar on History of Central Asia and India: Cultural Traits

c. Participants included the eminent French scholar, Dr Yury Karev, Faculty, Centre National

de la Recherché Scientifique, France and Dr Diloram Karamat from Uzbekistan and former

faculty SOAS, UK and Fellow, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata

d. The department will endeavour to formalise the Medieval Reading Circle, which has been

formed by the faculty members, former teachers of the department, researchers and

alumni of the department. One preparatory workshop and one International workshop on

medieval surface archaeology mentioned earlier has been organised along with few

lectures by eminent scholars.

e. Eminent art Historian Prof Tapati Guha Thakurata and Prof Ratnabali Chatterjee have been

contacted to formulate an Art Appreciation Course. The department is in the process of

submitting the full proposal to the authority in the next month and hope to receive formal


f. The students have published a departmental magazine Sangaboddho (in Bengali) and a

wall magazine with much enthusiasm in March/ April 2016

Department of Museology designed the curriculum for CBCS format; submitted to theauthorities for approval.

The Department of Political Science organized Group-level contest for 13th National MockParliament Contest, in collaboration with Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Government ofIndia, on 9 September, 2016, with students participating from the departments of PoliticalScience, History, Sociology, Archaeology, Islamic History and Culture, University of Calcutta.

Page 15: The UCAC NewsLetter Vol.2

H+SS inputs Vol. 1 No. 1 December 2015

NEWSl e t t e r

15 UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA 87/1 College Street, Kolkata – 700 073

Department of Sociology Annually held Prof. Bela Dutt Gupta Memorial Lecture 2nd was“Gender Representation in Higher Education: Going Beyond Numbers” , by Prof. KarunaChanana, (Rtd), Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences,Jawaharlal Nehru University. 2015

Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies plan to proceed for a inter disciplinaryproject on cross border migration and impacts on South & South East Asia two faculties of thedepartment ( Professor Lipi Ghosh & Professor Paula Banerjee) are coediting a book onSouthern Silk route – Historical Links to Contemporary Convergences ( to be published byManohar, New Delhi).

Women’s Studies Research Centre Organized the 11th 21 Day Certificate Course on “Legal and Psychological Counselling for Women in Distress” Published ongoing publications in vernacular languages: issues concerning HIV Aids, trafficking, women and disabilities and Domestic Violence.