Download - THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Page 1: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

THE UBYSSEY Vol. LXVII. No. 27 Vancouver. B.C. Wednesdav. Januarv9.1985 /1 S&g&ZL 228-231)l

me back to Krypton Scottie,” woman sighs, “there‘s no intelligent life here.” -

UBC makes no promises, yet

UBC has not decided whether it will promise students enrolled in a program they can complete that program if i t is cut, UBC’s presi- dent said Tuesday.

George Pedersen said the senate budget committee has recommend- ed UBC not guarantee students they can complete their program but he has not made his own decision on the matter.

“The university’s position will be decided by senate next week,” Pedersen said. The senate, to which Pederien belongs, makes all final academic decisions at UBC.

He said the senate budget com- mittee’s position is that UBC may not be able to continue all its pro- grams due to budget restrictions so some programs may be cut.

B.C.’s Universities Act does not allow universities to legally run a deficit and UBC is expecting either a five per cent decrease or a zero per cent increase in provincial funding this year.

Thi:, spring the dean of education CUI the special education program in a bid to save money. Students in the first, second, and third years of the program would have had to transfer to another university or in- to the elementary education pro- gram here.

But after protest by special education students and the Alma Mater Society the program was


CHESTER, Nova Scotia - Braving howling winds and sub zero temperatures, nearly 200 student journalists from across the nation met at the 47th Canadian University Press national conference over the holidays. The delegates discussed student journalism issues and dealt with a large agenda of CUP busi- ness issues.

A major issue discussed at the conference was the emergence on Canadian campuses of publications run and funded by non-students. The publications include The Mc- Gill Magazine, The University of Toronto Magazine and Campus Di- gest.

A resolution passed at the confer- ence’s final plenary affirmed that a genuine student publication should be administered for the most part by students. The resolution called for CUP papers to expose the na- ture of funding and the administra- tion of these publications.

CUP ended its partnership with the Canadian Federation of Stu- d e n t s i n m a n a g i n g t h e organization’s printing outfit, the Common Printing Group, and a board of directors was created to

reinstated for students presently enrolled in the program.

Both student board of governors members and the AMS president say UBC should promise students enrolled in a program they can com- plete that program.

Mum’s the word on next year’s tuition

UBI,’. president is keeping tightli3ped on proposals for a tui- tion fee hike next year.

“We haven’t made a decision. We will delay making a decision as long as we can,” said George Pedersen Tuesday.

Pedersen refused to say if tuition

CUPpies suffer maritime rednecks and green lobsters

ped expenses.- The Atlantic fieid worker is only hired for 20 weeks, the CUP style guide will wait an- other year, and the budget has no room for miscellaneous such as health insurance.

The keeping of two speakers’ lists during the plenary, one for male delegates and one for female dele- gates, was entrenched in the CUP constitution. The alternating speak- ers’ list is designed to ensure female and male delegates have equal op- portunities to speak.

The next CUP conference is to continue the tradition of offering a women’s and a gay/lesbian resource room. A resource room for non- whites was also proposed.

RCMP identified a corpse found on the University Endowment Lands Dec. 6 as that of Kanwaljit Kaur Gill, 26, of Vancouver.

An autopsy conducted Dec. 7 determined that the partially decomposed body was female.

Gill had been reported missing a month earlier, police said.

UBC Constable Brian Muir said the investigation is continuing. ‘‘It’s going pretty good, but I can’t give you any details” he said.

He said he could not remember the last time a body had been found at UBC. “It’s not a regular oc- curance, let’s say that.”

RCMP would not say who found the body, how it was found or whether Gill was a student.

The body was found in bush about seven metres from a parking area near the Simon Fraser monu- ment on Southwest Marine Drive.

oversee management of a new Despite a gay/lesbian caucus for The new hosts have vowed to im- CUP-owned print shop. non-homosexuals and homosexuals prove on the traditionally foul food

Other issues included the need for alike, homophobia was rampant of all CUP conferences. This year’s an extra CUP staff person in the among some CUPpie delegates and delegates lived on potatoes cooked Atlantic and working conditions in the gentle townsfolk of Chester. to dealh and greasy fish, with the the national office. Papers from the Chester’s only arcade sported an accompaniment of potato salad Western Region, Ontario and Que- ugly sign saying: No gays allowed. twice daily. It was a joy to see lob- bec showed strong support for the ster for din dins but the maritime Atlantic’s call for a much-needed cup 48 be held near Van- delicacy was full of strange green second fieldworker to service CUP ‘Ouver and hosted by: The Martlet stuff -- someone said was the lob- papers and recruit potential mem- (from University of Victoria), The S te r tS cuts. bers. Peak (Simon Fraser University),

Cap Courier (Capilano College), Canadian University Press is a Service budget projected a 9.6 per and our own dearly beloved nOn-prDfit Cooperative Organization

cent increase in C U P fees which was reduced to 4.4 per cent due to drop’ sey. of student newspapers.

Render promises mstrdnt Last week Premier Bill Bennett said restraint will continue for

education and heaith care in B.C. UBC is nill waiting for word from the province on funding for next year.

Bennett, speaking in a yearend radio interview in Kmloops, said restraint will be a fact of life in education and health services for several years.

The premier said there is not enough tax revenue to properly fund essential services such as schools and hospitals and therefore the pro- vince must borrow $1 billion per year.

UBC’s operating budget was cut five per cent this year and receiv- ed n o increase in 1983-84. UBC administrators expect between it five per cent cut and a zero per cent increase this coming year.

In the interview Bennett said criticisms that his cabinet ministers travel abroad too frequently are unjustified. He said B.C. gets good value from these trips because they attract investment and help find markets for B.C. products.

will be raised 33 per cent as it was last year but said “Yes, there’s some consideration being given to a hike.”

Pedersen last January proposed that the board of governors raise tuition 33 per cent for three years in a row. The board approved this year’s increase but reviews tuition annually.

Pedersen said he will give one month’s notice to the Alma Mater Society on what the proposal is and which board meeting will decide on it. Hundreds of students held a funeral march and protest outside last year’s tuition meeting saying that many people would not be able to afford the costs.

Pedersen said working out a pro- posal is hard because the provincial government has still not told UBC how much funding it will receive next year. He said he is worried that i f UBC releases detailed budget cuts and tuition increase information now, the government may give UBC less money.

UBC expects a zero per cent fun- ding increase at best and a five per cent cut at worst, he said, adding in- dications from the province are education funding will be very tight for the next five years.

AMS president Margaret Copp- ing said the board should be careful setting tuition fees because 17 per cent fewer new students than ex- pected showed up at UBC this fall, coinciding with 33 per cent higher tuition.

“When our first year enrolment figures have dropped, is any (tui- tion) increase a reasonable in- crease?” she asked.

Page 2: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Page 2 T H E U B Y S S E Y Wednesday, January 9,1985

Students reject South African investments SASKATOON (CUP) - A mo-

tion was passed Nov. 29 to boycott Carling-O’Keefe and Rothman’s products at University of Saskat- chewan Students’ Union-sponsored events.

The motion asked that the USSU e n d a l l a s s o c i a t i o n with1 Carling-O’Keefe and Rothman’s, prevent the sale and distribution of these products at events in which the USSU participates and recom- mend to all student societies, cam- pus clubs, and other student groups to follow the USSU policy. I t also calls for the USSU to raise the issue

with the administration and univer- sity’s board of governors.

The motion came from the Exter- nal Affairs Board, which preceded a similar motion arising from the USSU General Meeting held Nov. 22. The motion from the general meeting was to be ratified later on in the council meeting.

Lloyd Fischer, president of the Society of Arts and Science Students, said, “By Carling’s own admission in its annual report, the beneficial owner is a wholly owned subsidiary of a South African cor- poration; the Rupert Foundation.”

Plan may make rich EDMONTON (CUP) - The

Alberta White Paper on the pro- vince’s future released by Alberta’s government last summer will make the rich richer and the poor poorer i f enacted, a University of Alberta economist says.

“The White Paper is part of a strategy to justify an assault on liv- ing standards,” said Ed Schaffer in a December forum at U of A on the report.

Schaffer said the White Paper’s plan would cause this through its proposals to encourage industrial and economic expansion as means of loosening the recessionary grip on Alberta. The Alberta Tory

government wants to improve already attractive incentives to business and trade, he added.

If this happens, “we’ll have the socialization of risk with the privatization of profit,” he said.

Schaffer told the forum, entitled “The White Paper: Alberta’s Plan for the Future,” that government holds promises for voters that government claims can only be had through hardships. Some of these hardships are social service cuts and unemployment, he said.

The White Paper proposes to lower the jobless rate through long term “trickle-down’’ benefits brought about by a re-energized

Support of Carling’s leads to in- creased profits, 50 per cent of which go to the Rembrandt conglomerate, the third largest corporation in South Africa, he added.

Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and the South African government. Her report stated, “the law in South Africa requires all companies designated as ‘key’ industries to cooperate with South Africa defense forces in the event of ‘civil’ (i.e. ‘black’) unrest. Under

richer economy. Schaffer said he thinks the government wants to maintain short term unemployment levels so it can contain labor union power.

U of A political science professor Allan Tupper said he was pleased the government finally released the paper after 14 years in power. The paper represents a new attempt by government to plan and deal with t h e r e c e s s i o n - r i d d e n 1980’s economy, he said.

Tupper asked “Is a Conservative govenment able to develop any cohe ren t fo rm o f i ndus t r i a l strategy?” He said the government is only now realizing the need to diversify Alberta’s economy.




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the terms of the act, ‘key’ industries will be offered financial incentives to buy weapons and other security equipment and to train other securi- ty guards.”

Opposition to the motion came from several members-at-large (MALs). Dane Wall, MAL from commerce, said that the USSU should not boycott Carling-O’Keefe because it is a Canadian company, run by Canadians and it does not decide who invests in it.

Councillors voted for the boycott ‘14 to four, with seven abstentions. AI Shypth, USSU president, said,

“There is and can be shown economic ties exist between Carl- ing’s and Rothman’s, and South Africa. I would interpret that there

is student support for the boycott,” Shypth pledged to hold a student referendum on the issue sometime next year.

Johnny Ramrock, president of Students Against Apartheid, said he was happy with the results and call- ed i t “a symbolic victory.”

Carling-O’Keefe representative George Knipelberg was disap- pointed with the council’s decision. “We [Carling-O’Keefe] are disap- pointed because we put a lot of time and effort into the USSU and the campus community. I’m not familiar with the direct relationship between Carling-O’Keefe and South Africa. All I know is that. Carling’s is owned by Rothman’s which is a Canadian company.

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Page 3: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Wednesday, January 9,1985 T H E U B Y S S E Y Pago 3

By ROSS PINK Reprinted from The Charlatan Despite the professed indignation

of the western world toward apar- theid in South Africa, many nations including Canada, maintain thriv- ing and prosperous investments there.

It is a moral paradox. While con- demning the oppression and enslavement of the non-white population, the Canadian govern- ment and business community con- tinue to take advantage of the economic benefits of apartheid.

The goals of the South African government’s apartheid policy, which really stands for racial “apartness” are threefold. First, to segregate the non-white population from the whites. Second, to closely monitor and suppress the black population. And third, to maintain a stable economic and social climate.

The harsh conditions under which most South African blacks live has become the focus of in- creasing world attention. There are at present 4.5 million whites in the country and 20 million blacks. There are also about three million “colored” people - those of mixed race. Apartheid laws keep the dif- ferent racial groups separate and harshly punish any form of protest.

Non-whites are required by law to carry identity cards at all times. These cards are used to tell the authorities to which areas the peo- ple are restricted. Since the scheme was launched, over eight million non-whites have been prosecuted either for being in restricted areas or for not having their cards. Many of the people arrested were merely trying to secure employment in dif- ferent areas of the country.

Opportunities for employment, education and an adequate stan- dard of living are usually enjoyed only by the white population. With few exceptions, blacks must use separate buses, trains, restaurants and public facilities.

The bantus tans , o r b lack homelands, make up 13 per cent of the land in South Africa. The government intends to make them the homes of 75 per cent of the black population. The government plans to make the blacks citizens of the bantustans, thus leaving the re- mainder of the land available for the white population.

One of the problems this creates for the blacks is that the bantustans consist of poor land and the areas have very low economic activity. The residents of these areas cannot find sufficient employment and do not have adequate education, health or welfare services.

Joan Atkinson is a graduate stu- dent doing research on Canadian investment in South Africa. She recently returned from South Africa after spending a year there.

Atkinson maintains, “The total value of Canadian direct investment in South Africa is increasing. This is a result of cheap labor and a stable investment climate caused by harsh repression.”

Atkinson believes that “by conti- nuing to invest in South Africa, these companies are propping up an illegal regime.”

Western investment in South Africa has come under increasing attack because it strengthens the repressive white regime. While businesses argue that they assist development and change in South Africa, human rights groups point out that these companies are pro- fiting as a direct result of the repres- sion in South Africa.

Total direct investment in South Africa by Canadian firms has in- creased from $21 million in 1949 to over $270 million in 1980 and this investment is dominated by a relatively small group of com- panies.

Some of the larger investors in- clude Alcan Aluminum Ltd., Ford Motor Company of Canada, Hud- son’s Bay, the Banks of Montreal, Commerce, Nova Scotia and the Royal Bank, Inco Ltd., Noranda Mines, Placer Development and Kennecott Canada Ltd. In all there are about 32 corporations with di- rect investment in South Africa.

The most serious complaint against these corporations is that they are exploiting the low wages and poor working Conditions most blacks in South Africa are subject to. The black and colored popula- tion form a large and cheap source of labor. This cheap labor is a mag- net which attracts foreign invest- ment.

In Britain in 1973 there was a ma- jor controversy aboul British in- vestment in South Africa when it was discovered that most British firms paid their black workers at rates below the poverty line. Black workers had incomes that forced them to live at bare subsistence levels.

Atkinson says that “the black people are denied jobs in the cities and their wages average about $14-$15 per week. I t i:; not enough to live on.” To compound this pro- blem, there are no minimum wage guidelines for black workers in South Africa.

The controversy in 13ritain in the early 70’s over investment in South Africa led to establishment of a parliamentary committee to in- vestigate the conduc: of British firms in South Africa.

I n r e s p o n s e t o t h e s e deve lopments , the Canadian minister of external affairs at the time, Mitchell Sharp, was question- ed in the House of Commons about Canadian investment in South Africa.

Sharp’s response was that the Canadian government will continue to urge the Canadian corporations to “act as good corporate citizens in ways that will make the Canadian people proud of them.” But these words were never followed by substantive government action.

Although Canada imposed an embargo on arms sales to South Africa in the early a’:;, it has made little effort to restrict trade with South Africa or to discouraee

force on corporate responsibility that monitors Canadian business in- volvement in South Africa and other nations. They have had par- tial success in curbing the invest- ment levels of some corporations. They have also been partially suc- cessful in getting some Canadian banks to stop giving loans to South Africa.

While in South Africa, Atkinson attempted to research the condi- tions of black workers. In one inci- dent, she was arrested while travell- ing to a black township to interview some workers. She was detained for 48 hours before being released. She says there is close surveillance and repression in order to keep the lid on black protest and unrest.

Canadian private investment. The She also found it is very difficult policy of quiet complacence has See page 7: FOREIGN

INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID PROGRAM Leading to Workers Compensation Board Certification. Classes begin Jan. 15. This is a 10 week program held Tues. Et Thurs. evenings from 7-10 p.m. at Gage Towers. Course registration Thurs., Jan. 10 at Gage Towers, 7 p.m.

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tion to Dima Utgoff, Assistant Director - Student Housing, at the a resume and letter explaining their reasons for being interested in the posi-

Ponderosa Housing Office (mailing address: 2071 West Mail, University Campus, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Y9 on or before Friday, January 18, 1985. Please nhnne Dima at 228-5778 for further information about this position.


r !

Page 4: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Page 4 T H E U B Y S S E Y Wednesday, January 9,1985

Simply psychic! The first 1985 edition of our be- 0 At least one department will available to education students.

loved rag wishes to climb aboard disappear from the curriculum. Ap- bears and other un- the annual bandwagon of prophets propriately enough, education will wanted experimental are to and clairvoyants. We too have a be the first to go. No more teachers be set i n the endowment tidy collection of predictions for the out of UBC after ‘85. newborn 1985 and they are yours lands to take care of any future un-

gratis. 0 The pharmaceutical deDart- wanted bodies.

0 Tuition is on the increase ment has’ promised t o provide 0 Princess Di will give birth to an again this year. This trend will con- courses in weighing and counting anorexic baby with no stomach tinue yearly a t 33 per cent incre- of grams of cocaine in conjunction whom she’ll fly t o UBC for the pur- ments till only the very wealthy or with the commerce department for pose of receiving the stomach of a obstinate will get abbreviations af- the purpose of alleviating UBC‘s baboon. ter their names. deficit. These courses are only Happy New Year.

Special education In a recent Ubyssey edition, there

was mention of a policy under con- sideration by the senate budget, committee (UBC: no promise, Dec. 4, 1984). The specific policy debated was:

“The University acknowledges that once a student is accepted into a degree granting program, it will ensure that he/she will be allowed to complete that degree program, subject to fulfilling the re- quirements as outlined in the calen- dar and provided that he/she does not take an inordinate amount of time to d o so.”

As this is my initiative, I feel it is important to discuss the reasons why i t should be adopted at this time and why the committment of the university to its students should

be unequivocal. I shall review the events which resulted in this policy being brough forward.

Last April in the middle of final exams, students enrolled in the five-year Bachelor of Special Edu- cation program received notice that their program was being cancelled.

This program was the only one in Canada. I t was very highly rated

across North America, and it drew its students from all across Canada.

Students were notified that enrolment in the program was suspended, and although fourth year students would be allowed to complete their final year and obtain their degrees, students in the first

THE UBYSSEv” January 9, 1985

The Ubyssey is pubkished.Tuesday and Fridays throughout the’ academic year by the Alma Mater Society of the University of British, Columbia. Editorial opinions are those of the staff and are not Bccessarily those of the university administration or the AMS. Member Canadian University Press. The Ubyssey’s editorial office is SUB 241k. Editorial department, 228-2301/2305. Advertising 228-3977/3978.

Ftdelman’s last Idea. He was none other than Net1 Chln. Monte Stewan’s flendlsh cousm, unknown Seventeen bleedlng dobermans raced after the man who stole Mlke Perley Renta Eoerner, Charlle

would have smd. “I know Sarah Mlllln Stole the Idea. I also know Roben Beynon knows that I know blood kin to Rory Allen, descendant of the legendary Stephen of VJlsenthal who, were he alwe today

We’re a very knowedgeable group ” Llttle dld he reallze. though. that he was wrong The brief renar- sance of knowledge dlmmed at the foot of another Dark Age. Chris Wong and Part! Flather. rldlng two up on their canlne. raced after the thlef In the darkness 1 \ /

degree program cut midway three years were given the option of switching to the four year B. Elementary Ed program, by no means an equivalent degree.

Although these students could have taken an unclassified year with a concentration in Sp. Ed courses, they would have been denied in- valuable practical experience, and the essential degree credit. As a con- sequence both their education, and their marketability would have suf- fered.

Due to great initiative on the part of the Sp. Ed students, the AMS and the community, and perhaps also to our exhaustive presentation to the board, UBC’s president George Pedersen decided to recon- sider.

I t was later announced that

although enrolment was suspend- ed, all students in the program would be permitted to finish.

The crucial factor was that the university did not feel obliged to recognize any commitment to stu- dents once it had allowed them to enrol in a degree granting program.

With the spectre of further budget cuts looming, I felt it essen- tial that this committment be es- pressed in the form of an une- quivocal policy adopted by both board and senate, and I was in- formed of Pedersen’s interest in this.

There are many reasons why this policy must exist.

It is unquestionable that UBC has a moral obligation to students enrolled in its programs. These

students are intentionally attracted by a calendar and other documents which advertise in great detail the nature, requirements, regulations and benefits of our various degrees.

Students, in electing to take a degree, choose UBC over com- peting institutions, and usually d o so because of a particular program and its quality (or content). Enter- ing university requires foregoing lost income and an investment of money, effort, commitment, and above all, time.

While controversial value can be given to education itself, students attend university to get d degree. This university has a moral obliga- tion to ensure that once i t accepts a student into a Drogram (and

1 Letters To get goverment spending out of the red and into the white stuff

It’s so simple that I am surprised the government hasn’t done it already. What would you say if I told you I could pull Canada out of this world economic slump, reduce the national deficit to zero, and put an end to restraint and education funding cutbacks forever? Don’t thank me now. Just listen to what I have to say.

Why don’t we get Canada involv- ed in the cocaine trade?

dndoubtedly some of you may laugh at my simple and logical pro- posal. But remember, we have done almost the same thing before. Not exactly with cocaine of course, but with something far worse - booze. Contraband alcohol, that dreaded evil that flowed so freely during the days of North American prohibi- tion.

The government was almost powerless to stop the trafficing of the “demon drink” so, rather than be beaten, they joined in and set up a government monopoly on liquor sales. This not only dropped prices and created provincial and national revenue which helped to bring Canada out of its Post World War One economic slump, but it also created a bastion of free enterprise in which rum runners and beer barons could base themselves and their operations into the United States, thus bringing more money

into Canada’s troubled economy. The same thing could happen

with cocaine. All we need is that one big score, only a couple of ton- nes, to get us financially back on our feet. There is an almost endless market to the south of us. a nation young and old, their hopes shat- tered by the news of that big bust in Arizona, $5 billion in Christmas- wrapped cocaine seized by officials

Nov. 26, all of them dreaming of snow for Christmas.

We would need a government ministry to keep the operation run- ning smoothly. Let Richard Hat- field take charge of it. He may be well qualified. We also need to work quickly to prevent the forma- tion of an “OPEC of the south” amongst the world cocaine pro- ducers, and to prevent any threat of

a cocaine embargo. A little show of force on Canada’s part in Central America should d o the trick.

Think of the advantages govern- ment intervention in the industry could bring: quality control, an adequate supply just around the corner at your local cocaine control board branch office, and the adop- tion of a minimum user age to pre- vent the corruption of our nation’s young. .

I t would be perfect. Cocaine could bring financial prosperity to

the nation, with public satisfaction and perfect safety for the con- sumer. The demand is there, and more than likely the supply is right now floating just off the 200-mile limit awaiting radio confirmation. All the government has to d o is push the motion through the House of Commons, get the RCMP to seize the stuff and bingo, we are in business. What are we waiting for? Fat city is just around the corner.

Mike Harris arts 1

Tory bogtrotters and criminals Now that our federal government own lawless proceedings. 2 . A

has been three-quarter Toryized, we political party name first used in should inform ourselves about the England a b o u t 16797 and

originally as an eDithet of reproach nature of the creature we have , .

” ,

spawned. So 1 looked up the term Kevin Annett “Tory” i n Websters Dictionary, graduate studies

9 ,

and found this: “To/ry(tor-ee), n. (Irish toiridhe,

a hunter, applied to bogtrotters and outlaws.) 1 . A name originally given to o n e of t h e n u m e r o u s mosstroopers who, during the civil wars of the sixteenth century plundered people in the bogs of Ireland, being in arms nominally for the royal cause, but really to af- ford a colorable pretext for their


.................................... ................................................ ............................................

Letters. We love ’em. We get a kick out of funny letters, insightful letters, stupid ones too. Please type them triple space on a 70-space line and address them to “Dearest edi- torial collective.” We edit for brev- ity and style only. No sexist or racist letters, please. Bring them to SUB 241K today.

Page 5: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Wednesday, January 9,1985 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 5 -

UBC, institution of integrity From Page 4 with such a waiver. An analogy is year will only compound budget

UBC as a widget factory selling problems. remember* th is is the university's widgets to a buyer for a set price These are the arguments why this option)* it that he or she with a waiver that it is under no policy should exist. The choice can finish it. obligation to deliver them. before senate is clear. I t can either

If then UBC is any My idea is not unique, and the ex- affirm the moral, intellectual and integrity or Principles (and is deny- istence of strong legal arguments legal commitments to students that

obligation). At this Point, has been confirmed by members of most would acknowledge exist we have lost the right to call the law faculty. This area is perfect already. ourselves a university. for a class action suit by affected In doing so it will recognize that

This reason should be enough to students. the students which represent the support my argument. i t sad- The administration must consider future of both our universities and dens me beyond that i t might the possibility that any budget sav- our society, mean more to UBC not there are poorer but ings could be outweighed by legal than just tuition fees. If so then better arguments for this policy. liabilities. UBC will be an institution of in- The first UBC's lega1 A final argument involves the tegrity and principles that deserves obligation. The calender a condi- future of UBC as a major universi- the title "University". tional offer of degree-granting Pro- ty . Our reputation is critically I f not, then UBC will have made grams issued by the and dependent upon the quality of a clear statement to potential UBC is in t he business Of students that we are able to attract. students of &hat their place and their degrees. The process Of aP- Once it is known UBC will not pro- their value is to this institution. plication for accep- mise students they will be able to We can even change our motto to t a n c e q registration and payment of finish any program which they have "No warranties expressed or im- fees requirements of a begun, any student able to go plied." This could be viewed as the contract. elsewhere will do so. last moral act of a once noble

the nature Of t he This will finish UBC as an educa- university, for i t will allow students so formed is t h e identity tional institution of any worth, and to make the choice not to attend Of t he program and the eventua1 rightly so. Also, we would be aware UBC. granting Of t he degree$ t o of the fact that this year, 800 I t ' s u p to you, senate. fulfilling the requirements, are students did not register (700 Don Holubitskj essential terms and any attempt to petted f i r s t years) which UBC Student board of governor alter these unilaterally or 10 renege 51.3 millioI,. A repeat of this next constitute breach.


Despite the waiver in the calendar stating that courses may be changed without notice, the university can- not contract out of an essential term

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Page 6: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Page 6 T H E U B Y S S E Y Wednesday, January 9,1985

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General meeting. vote on new const!tutlon. noon, sue 215.

CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Weekly prime time meeting, noon, Brock Hall 302.

NFB film - Incident at Restigouche - and speakers on native fishing rights in B.C., noon, Buch A100.


UBC ANARCHIST CLUB Planning meeting for film festival, 2:J) p.m.. Buch A100.

UBC CYCLING CLUB Mwtlng, noon. Hennings 302.


EAST INDIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Important general meeting. noon, Buch B P 5 .


Women's Canada West league match vs. Cal- gary, 8 p.m., War Memorial gym.

THUNDERBIRD HOCKEY Canada West match vs. Saskatchewan Huskies. 7:30 p.m., Thunderbird arena.

THUNDERBIRD SWIMMING AND DIVING Vs. University of AI-. 7 p.m., UBC Aquatic centre.

Northern division ski meet. all day, Whistler Mountain.



Gay/ lbbian conference committee meetlng, new volunteers welcome. 6 p.m., at Smlth and Hughes law offices, 2081242 Robmn St.

Meeting, 7 p.m.. SUB 213.

Time out, evefvone welcome, newcomers in- vited to meet in i37A. 4:J) to 6J) p.m., Gallery lounge.



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Every coach has expectations of ankle injury which threatens to his team's performance. Bill Ed- keep him sidelined for the entire wards' aims are straightforward. IO-game season. ATTENTION


B.C. Student Loan Documents (Certificate I) will be available for pick-up in the Main Lobby of the General Services Ad- min. Building from January 7 to 9, 1985. Appropriate iden- tification (e.g. student card, drivers licence) will be required. From January 10, B.C.S.L. documents will be distributed from the Registrar's Office on the Second Floor, GSAB. Canada Student Loan Schedules I and I1 must be taken to the Registrar's Office for signature as in Dast years.

The UBC men's basketball coach tersely says, "We're expecting t o win" when asked about his team's chances in this weekend's Canada West Classic at the University of Victoria.

The tournament features the six Canada West competitors. serving as a prelude to the regular season which begins next week. "We go in- to every game hoping to win," retorted Edwards when asked to make a prediction about his team's

'chances this weekend.

The Thunderbirds have recorded identical 3-7 records for the past two seasons, two years in which UBC coaches have struggled to br- ing the men's basketball team back to respectability.


S.U.B. Ballroom, U.B.C.


TICKETS: Zulu. Odyssey. AMS Box Offlce O N L Y $5 00 ADVANCE $7 00 a t the door

All ages welcomet8 Produced by A M S Concerts

I SPORTS' WORKOUT WITH THE BEST Two years ago, the 'Birds came in

second in the tournament played at UBC. Last year, the 'Birds manag- ed another second place showing when the tourney was held in Cal- gary.

However, this season the 'Birds might not fare as well in the pre- season trials. Forward Ken Klassen is out of the lineup with a recurring

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Classified ads are payable in advance. Deadline is 10:30 a.m. the day before publication.

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The third place UBC Thunderbirds with a 7-5 record take on the second place Saskatchewan Huskies in a weekend serie5 that is important for both teams' playoff hopes. A high level of intensity characterizes the short 24 game Canada West schedule and this weekend's series will provide university hockey at it's best.

Tickets Adults $3.50 - Students/Seniors $2


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Page 7: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and




Page 8: THE UBYSSEY - UBC Library Home...Nicole Karwacki, USSU external vice-president, presented council with a report on divestments, ex- plaining the link between large cor- porations and

Page 8 T H E U B Y S S E Y Wednesday, January 9,1985

Ski ’Birds overcome By MONTE STEWART who was a member of last year’s ski

Bob Leitch just happened to be in team under the direction of Dale

I 4 the UBC athletic department offices Stephens.

[SPORTS] Ltitch said when he heard the

news of the team’s demise, he con- tacted several people and gained support to keep the team going this year.

UBC cut athletics 10 per cent this year due to reduced provincial fun- ding. Besides skiing, funding was cut this year for men’s gymnastics field hockey, and judo and women’s curling, badminton, fenc- ing, ice hockey and squash.

The team has gained minimal fi- nancial support from Whistler Mountain, Leith said, refusing to release the exact figure. But Whistler has given season passes and other freebies to the UBC ski- ers, allowing them free training.

IN WITH THE NEW and out with the old. This is the last time that you‘ll see the grid ’Birds on this page for a few months. Canada West basketball season starts th i s weekend, forcing idle gridsters out of the picture.

rory a photo

Thunderbirds face toughest test yet By MONTE STEWART

The Thunderbird hockey team probably thought, with the conclu- sion of the Christmas exam period, tests were over for at least a little while. However, according to coach Fred Masuch, the ’Birds are facing their biggest test of the year right now.

“The next three weekends will be the most important,” Masuch said

The ’Birds, in the midst of their best season in eight years, hope to bury the Saskatchewan Huskies in a two-game series at Thunderbird arena this weekend.

“If we d o well . . . (the Huskies) are gone,” Masuch said in reference to the fact that the Huskies must beat UBC this weekend and next weekend in Saskatoon if they hope to salvage a playoff opportunity.

The ’Birds have a precarious two point lead over Saskatchewan. Therefore, as Masuch suggested, the Thunderbirds could also be dig- ging their own grave if they d o not perform up to expectations this weekend and next weekend.

Masuch has already conceded first place in the Canada West league to the defending champion Alberta Golden Bears.

Fortunately, the T-Birds will not be without their certified sniper Bill Holowaty. The veteran centre, who returned to UBC this year after two years of quasi-professional hockey in Japan, came down with a slight case of pneumonia while competing for Canada in our nation’s recent Spengler Cup championship in Da- vos, Switzerland.

However, the Thunderbirds did experience some casualties in their fifth place performance at the First Interstate Classic at Juneau, Alaska over the holidays. Winger Dave Brownlie suffered a separated

P in a telephone interview.

shoulder. “He will be out for the rest of the season,” noted Slasuch.

Holowaty currently leads the league in scoring with 12 goals and 16 assists. Meanwhile, Renzo Brra has emerged as a consistent goal- getter. The former Seattle Breaker has 1 1 goals and nine assists to date, good for third spot on the league scoring charts.

Rick Amann, a New Westminster Bruin during the championship era of Ernie “Punch” McLean, is now the ’Birds all-time leading defence- man.

Amann, known as “Idi” because of his aggressive play and the like-

ness of his surname to the former leader of Uganda, has two poals and 17 assists, fifth in league ‘cor- ing.

. 4 s the new year commences, rhc ’Birds, sporting a 7-5 record, are at the midway point of their 24-game league schedule. For the first time in recent years, the Huskies come to UBC with a losing record.

The 6-7 Huskies, coached by Olympic team mentor Dave King, are meeting the Thunderbirds for the first time this season.

CITR FM 102 will broadcast this Friday’s game live beginning at 7:25 p.m.

Olympians on land Some of Canada’s finest rowers

will be competing in the 1985 Thunder and Roar Ergo Regatta at War Memorial Gym, on Saturday from 9:OO a.m. to 5:OO p.m.

What is an Ergo Regatta? During the winter rowing off-

season, rowers keep in shape by rowing on a machine called an ergometer which simulates the row- ing stroke on a boat. There will be six ergometers available (six athletes can race at one time) and race

distance will be five miles on the tachometer. Over 100 participants are expected in the men’s and w o m e n ’ s n o v i c e a n d o p e n categories. Heats will be in the mor- ning and early afternoon with the finals starting at 3:00 p.m.

Olympic gold medalists Pat Turner and Paul Steele (from the Canadian men’s eight) are entered in the regatta while Dean Crawford and Grant Main are possible en- tries. Silver Medallist Tricia Smith is also entered.


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Towards Purchase L

lack of dough Last season, the men won the Na- and giant slalom competitions,

tional Collegiate Ski Association ti- while the University of Puget Sound tle at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. In essence, the T-Birds, who along with Simon Fraser University, are the only Canadian competitors in the NCSA, became the first UBC team to win an American national crown. This year the team’s success on the slopes has continued.

Last weekend, the Thunderbirds dominated a Northwest Collegiate Ski Conference meet at Snoqual- amie Pass, Washington. The men finished first in the slalom and giant slalom events to win the alpine title.

Stu Cairns, an All-American in 1984, was the individual winner in both events. Cairns, because of his two slalom victories, won “Ski- meister” (Ski Master) honors as the overall individual champion.

Wendy Morrison led all racers in the slalom and Sally White came in fourth in the giant slalom as UBC women finished third in both alpine competitions. SFU won the slalom

came in second in each event. “ I think we did exceptionally

well,” Leitch said, adding, “The course wasn’t as challenging as it could have been.”

SFU’s Dan McDonald was the winner in cross country, followed closely by T-Bird Paul van Donk- laar. Two other ’Birds, Gerry For- seth (fourth) and Cairns (ninth) fin- ished in the top 10.

This weekend, the Thunderbirds host an NCSC meet at Whistler, eyeing the regional finals to be held in February and the NCSA cham- pionships in March.

“Everyone (on the team) has to get to Whistler on their own,” Leitch said. “We’re trying to get (UBC athletics and recreational di- rector) Bob Hindmarch and lots of media and other people to go up there too,” Leitch said.

“We really want to show them that we’re serious.”

Nation’s best meet

The Only team rated higher was champions. The Victoria men are saws are the defending CIAU

currently ranked third in the nation. The rankings set UP an ideal The Thunderbird women are the

head-to-head clash this weekend as defending Canada West cham-

the Alberta Golden Bears.

. .

Edmonton. The Alberta men boast the fourth best team in the country while the Thunderbirds are ranked seventh.

The meet is slated to start at 7 p.m. Friday. Saturday afternoon, the University of Calgary and the University of Victoria urovide the

birds. The teams have trained daily since September, waking up for a 6 a.m. practice and then returning for a 4:30 afternoon workout.

Therefore, four of the top seven swim teams in the nation will be competing this ueekend. The com- Detition is sure to be fierce and of

opposition for the TIBirds who ;he highest calibre.


Invites Applications j b r Residence Advisors for 1985-86

These posit ions are open only to full-time registered U.B.C students. Successful applicants will be required to lice in the residences. Appl icat ion forms and detai led job descr ipt ions are avai lable a t the Ponderosa Housing Off ice and a t t h e Front Desk of each single student residence area: Totem Park , P lace Vanier and W . H. Gage.

Applications will be accepted f rom January 7 to J a n u a r y 18, 1985 a t t h e Front Desks of the Single Student Residences, or a t t he Ponderosa Hous ing Of f i ce .

B I N D I N G now available Free for the entire month of January ’85. Still free collating and stapling.

Self Service Coin-Op 56