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The truth about Tea

“A deeper sense of wellbeing may only be the boil of a kettle away”

White is made from unprocessed young leaves, green from unprocessed older leaves, black from leaves exposed to air to oxidize.

Black Tea: The daily health boost.People who drink three cups of black tea daily can lower their risk of heart disease by 11 per cent, while four cups could reduce stroke risk by 69 per cent. And just one cup has the power to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol by 30 per cent.


White teaCompletely unprocessed, white tea is said to contain more antioxidants than green tea and has a milder, sweeter taste. It shows many of the same health benefits as green tea, but its big claim to fame is that, in a test tube, white tea extract is more effective than green teat at inactivating viruses.

Camomile TeaA potential treatment for period pains for women.

Yerba mateA traditional drink in South America, this bitter blend of leaves and twigs is linked with increased immunity and decreased DNA damage. It’s most famed, though, for its energy-boosting powers-fans say it makes you as alert as coffee, but without the jittery side effects.

Hibiscus: The heart healerPeople who drank three cups of hibiscus tea for six weeks lowered blood pressure by about six per cent.

Peppermint: Seriously underratedPeppermint tea drinkers were among those with the lowest risk of breast cancer. For ideal results, peppermint tea should be steeped for ten minutes. To keep it from cooling too much while you do this, and to prevent the oils in the leaves evaporating with the steam, make peppermint tea in a pot, and keep it covered. A fresh brew is best, but peppermint teabags come a close second.