Download - The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

Page 1: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Commander’s ChatBy LTC James Nickolas

Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,Greetings from Camp Liberty, Baghdad, Iraq. Another month has passed, your Soldiers

continue to do tremendous work, and the temperature is beginning to rise.March proved a tough month for the battalion. On 17 March, we lost four outstanding men.

The battalion was establishing our second combat outpost (COP), THRASHER, when the forces building the COP came under small arms fire. Sergeants Santini and Allen, and Privates First Class Landry and Davis were part of the Quick Reaction Force dispatched to assist the forces under attack at THRASHER. While moving to THRASHER, the patrol hit a buried IED. The loss was felt throughout the battalion, but since these men were assigned to our first COP, Casino, Charlie Company was impacted hardest. Those brave men have been working and sleeping side by side in close quarters for months. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families and friends of these American Heroes.

The establishment of COP THRASHER immediately impacted positively on the Delta Company area of operations. The seizure of this key piece of terrain has effectively disrupted our enemies operations. Following the emplacement of THRASHER, our brigade conducted a large clearing operation within Delta Company’s area of operations. As part of this clearing mission, a new Iraqi Army Battalion was assigned to our area to work with Delta Company. The final piece of the puzzle is being emplaced now, as we establish a gated community around Southern Ghaziliyah. We think these actions will go a long way towards reducing the violence and returning stability and normalcy to Southern Ghaziliyah.While assisting with the establishment of COP THRASHER, Charlie Company also continued their effective operations within Northern Ghaziliyah. COP CASINO continues to set the standard for joint operations with our Iraqi counterparts. The relationships established between Charlie Company and the 4/1/6/ Iraqi Army Soldiers grows daily. The COP, itself, also continues to be improved. While we can’t replicate all of the amenities available on the big bases, we’re doing to our utmost to get everything we can out to your Soldiers.

The challenge for Alpha Company this month was focusing on one mission. Still responsible for their company area of operations in Shulla, the company was pulled in several competing directions to assist the battalion in South Ghaziliyah. First, the company helped to re-establish the Baghdad barrier plan which runs along the northern boundary of the Alpha Company zone. Next, the company focused operations in South Ghaziliyah in support of the establishment of COP THRASHER. Finally, Alpha secured the brigade’s engineers as they established the gated community through the emplacement of huge amounts of concrete; all this while their new commander underwent tests to determine the cause of an eye problem. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jim and Cassie Walker and we look forward to his speedy recovery.

Page 2: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Without missing a beat, a new 1SG took the reigns of Echo Company. SFC Long stepped up to fill the shoes of SGM Lindsey. SGM Lindsey served faithfully as the company 1SG since the establishment of the company at Fort Bliss. Now, a newly promoted sergeant major, we’ll bid farewell to SGM Lindsey as he returns to Fort Bliss and attendance at the Sergeants Major Academy. We continue to keep Echo Company busy with route clearance, route sanitation, barrier emplacement and any other mission we can think to send their way.

No line companies miss a beat because both HHC and Fox Company continue to provide outstanding support. As we emplace our second COP, Fox will assume additional mission requirements. Another addition to their work load will be the anticipated return of Bravo Company. Based on current guidance, we expect to have Bravo Company back under 2-12 CAV control by mid April.

Your loved ones are accomplishing amazing things here, thanks to your continued support and God’s good grace. The CSM and I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers. You remain in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to our return to Fort Bliss.Until next month, we remain,


Page 3: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

HHC “High Rollers”

Good Morning to all of the families and friends of the HIGH ROLLERS,

1SG Easterling, LT Brown and I, would like to first thank you all for your support that has been given to the soldiers for the past 5 months. May you all continue to support us and each other as the upcoming months approach! The month of March was a very active month for the HIGH ROLLERS. This has caused the time to fly for us all.

Medics: The entire chain of command would like to send our deepest heart felt sympathy to the

Wife and Family of SGT John Allen who was recently killed by an Improvised Explosive Device that was detonated on his convoy. SGT Allen was a fantastic medic in both the Battalion Treatment Medical Center and A CO line medic. SGT Allen will be missed by the entire medic platoon and his comrades on the line company. There were many soldiers with in the company and through out the Brigade that paid homage to him during the memorial ceremony.

Scouts: Currently, have been working in the different company sectors with in the Battalion

Sector of Ghazaliya. They have been conducting dismounted (walking) and mounted (riding) patrols in conjunction with the Battalion’s Iraqi Army Counterpart. They continue to set the standards for the company and battalion in everything that they continue to do.

Mortars: Currently, have been attached to Delta Company for the time being. They have been

the workhorse the Battalion. They have had many different missions that have been asked of them and they continue to impress the entire chain of command with the resiliency that these soldiers have had to encounter. They continue to conduct dismounted and mounted patrols in D CO’s sector. The Mortars will not be with D CO much longer and will be reassigned back to the HIGH ROLLER Family.

FRG: We are continuing to work on gaining access to slots and times for all soldiers to have the opportunity to conduct a VTC with loved ones back in the rear every month. This is of course dependant on the missions that are being conducted and/or arise. I expect to have a definite answer with in the week. I will send word via SSG Wells as the answer. Currently, there still is no website just for the HIGH ROLLERS as of yet. I will continue to gather products for this site as for everybody to have access to this site. The FRG had an Easter picnic on 31MAR07, in which I heard was a blast for the wives and kids hanging out. I encourage having such gatherings in the future. There is still no time table as of yet for us to redeploy back to Ft. Bliss. No, there is no official word of an extension. As soon as we get the word the word will come through official Rear-D information flow.

Page 4: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Medics of HHC/2-12 provided medical aid to the citizens of South Ghazaliya and also provided toys, back packs, coloring books, and most importantly, candy to the kids.

Medics of HHC/2-12 conducting a Medical operation.The medics and Delta Company serviced approximately500 men, women, and children that live in South Ghazaliya.

LT Lozado providing a band aid to an Iraqi Jundi. SGT Kress, literally, stirring up the poop with D company Soldiers at JSS Thrasher

Leave: We are currently on glide path to have everybody that deployed with us having leave. I published a policy letter to the soldiers in January that states that the only officers that grant an extension for a period of time is the Battalion Commander and Brigade Commander. In order for this extension the 1SG and I need all relative information that pertains to the situation as soon as possible as to gather the facts and recommendations to the Battalion Commander and Brigade Commander for their decision.


Page 5: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

PFC Fenton, SPC Leonard, PFC Lopez, and SGT Jenkins play poker outside FOB Justice

Mortar PLT ready for mission

PFC Fifield getting the Iraqi workout 1LT McIntyre hard at work at the S-4

CPT Hilton congratulates PFC Fueher on her promotion

Chaplain watches “Rescue Me” with Spc Gandera and his PLT

Page 6: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Alpha Company “Aces High”

For the past month, the Soldiers of Alpha Company have refocused their patrols to support the emplacement of JSS Thrasher in Southern Ghazaliya. Platoons escorted the convoys carrying the construction materials between Camp Liberty and JSS Thrasher and conducted patrols in Southern Ghazaliya in order to disrupt any insurgent activities.

Currently, Alpha Company is part of the Brigade’s mission to emplace blocking positions in the Battalion’s Area of Operations in order to deny the enemy freedom of movement. Our platoons are providing both on site security for the Engineers as they work to create the blocking positions, and security for the convoys that carry the supplies for the blocking positions. In order to avoid Iraqi civilians being in the area while the engineers are working, the engineers only work during the hours of curfew. This has forced the Alpha Company to switch to a reverse cycle. That is to say that we work throughout the night and recover during the day. It is like working the third shift. Although the Soldiers are anxious to go back to conducting combat patrols, they understand the importance of the current mission and give it 110%. Even though our three maneuver platoons are conducting nighttime operations, there are still daytime missions that have to be executed. This has given the Soldiers in the Headquarters Platoon more opportunities to “roll out of the wire.” The Soldiers in Headquarters Platoons were more than ready to take on the added responsibility. They have been very successful in executing these missions while staying on top of the duties and responsibilities that accompany their jobs in the Command Post.

It has been a very tough month for the Soldiers of Alpha Company. We have experienced the loss of our friends, we have had to get used to working the third shift, and we have had to take on more responsibilities to meet the mission requirements. But to look at the Soldiers in this Company, you would not be able to tell that this month had been different from any other. Their resilience is astounding. There is no doubt that they will continue to best any challenge that comes their way.

A/2-12 CAV chairs the Claims Meeting in Al Shu’lla. This weekly meeting gives Iraqis from the area the opportunity to receive payment for damages, check on the status of loved ones that have been detained, and voice their concerns for their neighborhood.

Page 7: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

PFC Garza, the gunner in the HMMWV pictured, scans the buildings to the north of the Alpha Company convoy as they patrol through the busy shopping district in Al Shu’lla. PFC Garza sits low in the turret so as not to make himself a target for enemy snipers shooting from the rooftops of the buildings lining the street.

A patrol from Alpha Company travels along a single lane road while on patrol in sector. The

Soldiers of Alpha Company have become proficient at patrolling in many different

situations. From single lane roads such as this, to crowded market streets, to multilane

highways, each environment requires its own set of tactics, techniques, and procedures.

SGT Pimpton maneuvers his M1114 Up Armored HMMWV through the narrow streets of the Alpha Company AO. Driving in Iraq presents many unique challenges not found in the U.S., such as children playing soccer in the street, carts pulled by mules traveling on highways, and even local farmers herding their livestock on interstates.

Page 8: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

PFC Jean-Louis pauses long enough to look down from the turret and smile for a picture as he

completes his pre-combat checks on his M240B machine gun before going on patrol. On top of the

responsibilities of being the Alpha Company Armorer, PFC Jean-Louis is also a HMMWV

gunner in the Headquarters Platoon.

From left to right, 1LT Lao, SGT Hamp, and SSG Archer take a break from a very productive “Planning Session” in the Alpha Company CP to pose for a picture. These “Planning Sessions” are extremely important and a key to the Company’s success.

SGT Fix, right, talks with SGT Hamp while waiting to move out on the next patrol. This picture was taken at FOB Justice. The high

operations tempo sometimes calls for multiple patrols a day. The Soldiers on this

patrol pulled into FOB Justice after the completion of a morning patrol to relax

before going back out on patrol in the afternoon.

Page 9: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

The Alpha Company Headquarters Platoon drives under the Gates of Baghdad while on patrol. The mix between the Iraqi culture and billboard advertising presents a unique sight. Sights like this and countless others throughout the sector keep the Soldiers’ cameras filled.

Soldiers from Alpha Company pose for the traditional picture in front of the Crossed Sabers

in the International Zone. From left to right: SGT Leenerts, PFC Garza, SPC Hall, 1LT Hedglin, SSG Saulnier, PFC Davis, CPT McCarty, PFC

Kurtz, SGT Hamp, PFC Disbrow, SGT Fix, and PFC Burton.

PFC Kurtz questions this “insurgent” who was seen near the dumpster at the Alpha Company CP. After determining that he had not been conducting Anti-Coalition activities, the detainee was fed a good meal and sent on his way.

Page 10: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Bravo Company “Bad Bet”

Down in FOB Kalsu Bravo Company has been taking on every challenge thrown at them. Out in sector the Soldiers are working hard by day to give the local nationals a better way of life. By night they’ve been conducting operations to reduce the IED threat and secure the highway for the supply lines heading to support troops throughout the country, including the rest of 2-12 CAV in Baghdad. Back on the FOB the maintenance teams have been working dawn through dusk. Their dedication to keeping the equipment mission capable takes them outside regularly, going wherever they’re needed to keep the soldiers ready for the fight.

Members of 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoons conducted patrols to some of the less fortunate in the area, distributing food, clothes, vitamins, and soccer balls. Occasionally, the Soldiers are able to take a break and kick around a soccer ball with the kids as well. Some of the families that the Soldiers meet have not been visited by CF in over 2 years. So it is really rewarding for the Soldiers to be able to approach them and hear what they have to say. Many of them are very thankful for our presence and the security that comes along with it. Many of the people they have visited more regularly have become increasingly helpful, providing us with information that has helped us reduce the IED and SAF threat in the area.

Just the other day while SSG Ontiveros, SGT Burge and SPC Perez were visiting a home and speaking with the man of the house, a small boy, about 4 years old, came over to his father. He had a small piece of candy in his hand and said quietly in Arabic, “Daddy, the Coalition Forces brought us candy.” They didn’t have to wait for the translation from the interpreter to know that the boy was sincere and the father was aptly thankful to have them as guests.

The Soldiers have also been directly working with the Iraqi Highway Patrol (IHP) and local nationals for some time. The Civil Affairs branch here has helped connect Bravo Company with local contractors to provide them with jobs helping clean up and secure the highway. A local contractor employing about 40 individuals has been working to build a fence along the sides of the highway. Along with members of the IHP, B Company has been there to ensure their safety as they work.

Much like the fences back in the states that make it difficult for dear and wildlife to reach the road, a fence is being installed to make it more difficult for enemy to emplace IED’s. Despite receiving small arms and mortar fire on several occasions the fence contractor has showed determination to improving their country and security by continually showing up to work and working hard. Another contractor cleaned up the median, improving the appearance, and making it harder to hide IED’s. At night the Soldiers of Bad Bet have been making it increasingly difficult to threaten the area. Utilizing the Tanks, Bradley’s, and dismounts in creative ways has forced the enemy to react to us.

Page 11: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Another tool to help us with the fight is the recent addition of Avengers. SSG Davis and the other members of the ADA team helping B Co own the night. Their Avengers will help us be able to detect the enemy at range with one of the military’s best forward looking infrared systems. They have been with us since mid-March and are a welcome part of the team.

SFC Schatte’s maintenance team has been on top of the game. They have been able to fix just about anything the platoon’s have broken including SSG Dantzler’s Bradley that is just having a hard time. They have also completed services on 3 Bradley’s and 5 trucks, keeping the fleet running strong. They are truly the back bone of all the company does.

Many changes are happening every day within the company as well. CPT Denton recently had the privilege of promoting several Soldiers to include: Chris Shaw (3rd), David Sutton (Commo), and Jeremy Vorhes (3rd) to Specialist, Sebastian Niz (3rd) and Daniel Shearer (3rd) to Private First Class, Matthew Lasky (2nd) and Thomas McAdoo (FST) to Private Second Class. The XO, 1LT Matt Allen was also presented with the CO’s, “The Duke” award, a sheriff’s badge signifying his hard work and tenacity that keeps the company on track. Future awards are already in the works with the first going to 1st.

Bravo Company is, “Always Ready,” for changes. One of the biggest will be the upcoming move to FOB Liberty to reunite with our brothers under 2-12 CAV. The Soldiers are preparing for the change in environment and mission and looking forward to supporting and working with familiar faces. The Soldiers have also been very glad to have the opportunities to go on leave and are looking forward to spending some time at home with their families.

Soldier makes a new friend Combat checks before patrol

Page 12: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Commander’s comments: The company has done an outstanding job as a whole this last month and we

have seen the effect of our hard work paying off. 1st Platoon has identifying enemy IED emplacers at night down to a science. 2nd Platoon through their numerous recons has identified several possible enemy locations. The enemy has used against of. 3rd Platoon rose to the challenge of aiding another company during a major mission. Finally, HQ’s and the mechanics have ensured we all know what is going on and can fight. Our soldiers continue to e aggressive competent and amazingly resilient. They have found ways to beat the boredom that sometimes causes and look forward to rejoining the Battalion stay safe and best wishes

CPT. Denton

Out on patrol with B company “Bad Bet”

Page 13: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

IA and “Bad Bet” working together

A Sunday driver

Getting to know the people in your neighborhood

Scanning your area is vital in Kalsu

Page 14: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Charlie Company “Wildcard”

Wildcards Improve Life in Northern GhazaliyaCharlie Company makes strides in advancing the security situation of Iraqi residents

Only two short months ago the North-central portion of Ghazaliya was an extremely volatile

area. The once prominent upper middle class neighborhood had turned into a battle ground of sectarian violence. There were frequent gun battles in the streets between Shi’ites and Sunnis. Snipers loomed in abandoned buildings, awaiting the opportunity to fire on innocent civilians, thus inciting fear in the population. Threat letters were left on unsuspecting front doors, a warning to vacate the premises within 24 hours or tempt execution by the militia. Local nationals were kidnapped and killed at an alarming rate. The majority of the stores and shops in Ghazaliya were abandoned. People were terrified to leave the relative safety of their homes, never knowing if a simple trip to the market would leave them caught in the crossfire between two rival insurgent groups. Parents were afraid to send their children to school leaving most schools empty and unused. Doctors were afraid to open their clinics, treating someone of the wrong sect might lead to their death. Much of the area was without power and electric workers did not dare enter the neighborhood to make necessary repairs.

Each side attempts to establish dominance by instilling fear in the people of the opposite sect. They enhance their dominance by limiting essential services to the area and controlling those which are allowed. This is the hand the Wildcards were dealt within their area of operations. While there is still much work to be done the situation is vastly different today than what was previously described. Today, shop owners are seen re-opening their stores and many of the formerly vacant markets are now bustling with commerce. Kidnappings and executions have been on the steady decline. People move about the streets conducting their daily business and the nights are no longer filled with distant gunfire from within Charlie companies sector.

The Wildcard company is succeeding by embracing the principles of fighting a counter insurgency. Success depends upon having the trust of the people. Most people have knowledge of insurgents living in close proximity to them. They are often reluctant to share this information for fear of the repercussions they might receive for working with Americans. Trust with the people is established through restoring essential services and embracing the population. Local tribal leaders have been shown that Americans truly want to help their situation and need their assistance to achieve this goal. Tribal leaders play a critical role as they have a vast amount of influence over the population. With the population gradually overcoming their fears of working with the Americans, information regarding insurgent activities begins to surface. Some of this information leads to the arrest of high ranking insurgent leaders, boosting the populations resolve and adding credibility to coalition forces. The majority of the residents of Ghazaliya would like nothing more than for the violence to end and life to return to normal. They are willing to help accomplish this goal only after they realize coalition forces are not ‘the occupiers’, but are here to help.

Page 15: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

1LT Cartee and PFC Franey discuss tactics on the roof of the Casino.

From L to R, 1LT Henely, 1LT Cartee, PFC Franey and PFC Scott show off their firepower on the roof of the Casino.

Local children crowd around a Charlie company patrol hoping to get some candy.

Members of 3rd Platoon play with children in Ghazaliya.

SPC Andrade and PFC Wilson relax in their platoon room at the Casino.

PV2 Stewart and PFC Mcintyre find entertainment in the use of laptops and DVD players at the Casino.

Page 16: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

SSG Gauthier and PFC Kaplan relax in their platoon room at the Casino.

PFC McCoy and SGT Thompson challenge each other to a game of football on playstation.

SGT Thompson and 1LT Cartee pose for a picture during mission planning for a patrol in central Ghazaliya.

SPC Sym listens to the Gospel, read by CH Hunze

Page 17: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Delta Company “Stacked Deck”

Recently soldiers for D Co 2-12 CAV conducted the first ever MEDOP for the population of Southern Ghazaliah. Around 200 residents of the Baghdad Muhallah showed up for a host of medical issues. These ranged from heart problems, to diabetes, and cavities. The medical personnel on the ground were able to provide most medical services and even dental services. The local populace was appreciative of the efforts of D Co to assist their medical needs. They also displayed gratitude for the presence we now have in the Muhallah because of JSS Thrasher, D CO’s new home.

JSS Thrasher is a very big change from what the soldiers of D Co are used to on Camp Liberty, however they are adjusting more every day. We continue to improve the JSS defenses and put patrols in sector to gain the trust of the population. Some of the improvements that are planned for the future are gym equipment and an MWR room with an internet café. This will allow the soldiers of D Co to stay in better contact with their loved ones back home.

The Iraqi Army recently moved in and we look forward to working with them, in the hopes of stabilizing the security situation in this part of the city. We continue to conduct missions with the Iraqi Army in sector which allows us to accomplish two missions. One, we introduce them to the population of Ghazaliah and gain the trust of the people in their own armed forces. Second, it allows D Co to continue to train their Iraqi Army counterparts in urban combat.

All the members of D Co send their appreciation for the support they have received from their family and friends. We all continue to look forward to the packages and letters from everybody back home. Semper Paratus (Always Ready)

Page 18: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

SPC Spencer mans the radio at JSS Thrasher JSS Thrasher’s meeting room, where the magic happens

LT Lozado working on a patient Medics distributing medication to the local populace

Families receiving care during the MEDOP

Page 19: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

PFC Saylor pulls security during the MEDOP SPC Demma talks with the local children

The only kids happy to go see a dentist SSG Goods on night operations with the IA

The dentist checks out the children teeth

Page 20: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Echo Company“Sappers Leading the Way”

“E” Company has been doing much of the same lately. Our primary missions still consist of route clearance and barrier emplacement, with some road repairs or recons thrown in for good measure from time to time. On the latest trip into the city, “E” Company along with troops from another Engineering unit began dropping scores of concrete barricades to support the new Baghdad barrier plan. This plan is the newest effort to close off access to our area of operation, keeping insurgents from bringing weapons and bomb making materials in, making it a safer place for our troops and the locals.

Sapper Company is currently undergoing a change of leadership, including a new Commander, a new First Sergeant, a new Executive Officer, two new Platoon Leaders, and a new Platoon Sergeant. By the first of May, CPT Evans will be in command of “E’ Company, with SFC Long acting as 1SG, 1LT Morales as the XO, 2LT Daschel and SFC Dyer in control of 2nd Platoon, and 1LT Hughes and SFC Jacinto in 1st Platoon. I think everyone in the Company, including the old leadership, is ready for the change.

A Soldier from Echo Company pulls security on a alley way, while vehicles get into position.

Soldiers from Echo and Fox Companies, 2-12 CAV, emplace barriers on Caradine Road. .

Page 21: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

SGT Pena and PFC West play horse shoe during the organizational day at the Mayor Cell

SSG Phifer, PFC Delgado, PFC Tomlin, and SPC Allen are standing around a table watching a Dominoes game being played by other Echo Company soldiers.

Echo Company leadership serve the Soldiers Steak, Ribs, and many other

goodies during the first organizational


CPT Ellerman and SFC Jacinto are laying back and relaxing before going back out the gate later that night.

Page 22: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007

Echo Company Soldiers gathered around telling each other war stories. This is the first time both platoons have come together since the separation of 1st platoon to the 9th EN BN.

Soldiers enjoying their steaks and ribs during peaceful day Camp Liberty.

Page 23: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,


Telling the Support Company’s Story in Baghdad

(Left to right) PFC Brandon White and SSG Zane Samuels show the company the true art of the “Q”-Barbeque- during the

company’s organizational day

Boosting Morale In Baghdad Is A Hard Job But Someone Has To Do It

By CPT Linwood R. Hilton-Company Commander

How do you boost morale for US Soldiers that are deployed to Iraq and work day in, day out in Baghdad? The answers is easy- have a barbeque! Everyone loves a cookout no matter of where you’re from. This comes all too natural to a forward support company (FSC) regardless of where they’re stationed. Fox FSC Soldiers work long hours, sometimes over 10 days straight with just enough time off to grab some sleep and make a phone call if they’re lucky. Soldiers get time off as individuals but never as a unit. “Why don’t we give the Soldiers some time off with a cookout, said SSG Zane Samuels of the Fox Company DFAC section, one day early this month. The idea couldn’t come at a better time. The DFAC section scrounged up steaks, chicken, shrimp, drinks, hotdogs and hamburgers for everyone to feast on. The DFAC section led the way cooking but got some unexpected help from the likes of Maintenance and other senior leadership like SFC Duffy, the platoon Sergeant of Fox Maintenance. It’s all about the Soldiers said one

Page 24: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,


Soldiers of all ranks get time off to enjoy the cookout-Thanks SSG Samuels

Page 2

Fox Company enjoys a company cookout in the 2-12CAV motor pool

SFC Keith Duffy fries shrimp for his Soldiers during the company cookout

Boosting Morale (Cont.)

NCO during the cookout, Soldier need a pick me up every now and then. Of course with every cookout the sports are bound to come out. Before you know it Soldiers are tossing footballs around and then an all out game takes place. The cookout was such a hit that the company plans to do one at least every month to bring up morale. The fact that the cookout is completely freemakes it an even better idea. SSG Samuels and the Headquarters cooks put their connections and resources together to get everything for the Soldiers so no one had to pay a dime. The company commander admits, “its not always easy to give everyone time off because there are so many missions going on at the same time but when we can give time we most certainly will.” Having acompany cookout is a small touch of home that Soldiers can relate to and at the same just kick back and relax. Plus even though the food in the DFAC is good, Fox cooks did an outstanding job because everyone in attendance would agree that if given a choice they’d take a Fox steak any day over what they usually get day to day for chow. Thanks DFAC section.

Page 25: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

SGT Sale Tunoa directs traffic and ground guides trucks at Thrasher

SPC Jeremy Roberts and SGT Rene Rivas move trucks into place at Thrasher

SGT Terry Theus and SFC Fernando Marquez emplace the fuel at the JSS

Page 3

PFC Jemel Lee and SGT Lamitra Niles download latrines for JSS Thrasher

Page 26: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,


With the completion of JSS Thrasher (named after the Battalions 1st fallen Solder of D Company), Fox Company has now successfully put in three Joint Security Stations (JSSs) for 2-12CAV with the help of 299th FSB out of Germany. If anyone thinks its an easy task, think again. Its usually a 4-5 day operation that runs straight through. SPC Nicholas Bunis recalls, “I thought building the COP was rough first starting but things started picking up after 4 days of living in the trucks.” In the end its worth it. JSS Casino gets more press then almost any place in the US. In this months Army Magazine issue, the Casino, Fox Company and all of 2-12 are featured in a 30 page spread. JSS are the wave of the future here in Bagdad. What’s even more significate is that Fox is doing real world logistics operations in combat. “It’s a different mission here then at Bliss, we were training but this is real world. The NTC cannot compare to this by far. You can always train but nothing can truly prepare you for war until you’re in it,” said SGT Vinh Le. The tricky part is that after someone builds a JSS, someone has to support it by running fuel, food, and water to it in order to sustain living out in the middle of nowhere. Running CLPs is no easy job or for the faint at heart, you can ask any distro Soldiers. SGT Terry Theus will tell you, “its always an interesting event when we go out, you never know what to expect after sitting in the staging area and leaving the gate. Routes change, activity in the area, and intelligence make us change the original plan about 100 times.” To sum it up best SGT Theus adds, “The Distro platoon is the backbone of this battalion right now.”

Check out the Fox Any Soldier web site at:

When you’re on the Baghdad workout plan, SGT Gomez and SPC Kelly

demonstrate your strength doubles 10 times that of normal humans

SGT Lewis, SGT Estrada, and PFC Williams prove you can’t build a JSS

without the Fox Recovery and Maintenance sections

SSG Gores, PFC Lee, SPC(P) Sanchez, PFC Ingalls, SPC Solis, and SGT Vines

show that 88Ms may just be the happiest people in Baghdad

Page 27: The Thunderhorse Times “ Always Ready” First EditionApril 2 nd, 2007 Commander’s Chat By LTC James Nickolas Family and Friends of the THUNDER HORSE Battalion,

The Thunderhorse Times

“ Always Ready”

First Edition April 2nd, 2007


March has been a busy month for the 2-12 CAV. Alpha company is now under new management. As mentioned in the mid-month CPT Jim Walker is the new company commander and continues to do a good job. Bravo company, as seen by the pictures, continues to keep their Area of Operations (AO) clean. Charlie Company still likes the spotlight as they stay in the headlines of different magazines and papers around the world. They are doing a wonderful job at keeping Northern Ghazhalia quiet and stable. Delta Company has changed addresses. They are now at JSS THRASHER. The buildings they live in look like a palace inside. The longer they stay the more stable things will get. 2-12 Echo continues to keep the bad guys out of our AO and keep the streets clean and safe. I personally like knowing they are out there because they keep the streets clear for the maneuver and support companies to travel. Foxtrot Company helped make THRASHER safe with barriers. March has also been a hard month. The 2-12 CAV family lost four soldiers effecting three companies. Sergeants Allen and Santini, Privates First Class Landry and Davis were killed in the line of duty. We took them to Mortuary Affairs and commended them into God’s care. All four were greatly loved and we will miss them. We pray that God will give His comfort and grace to the wives, children, and parents.My Chaplain’s Assistant and I are getting out to both JSS’s to provide Christian religious services and to inform them of other services on the FOB. Our brigade has a Catholic Chaplain who is now allowed to travel once a month to both CASINO and THRASHER. This way Charlie and Delta soldiers will get the opportunity to attend worship services. We are excited about this as only those brigades with Catholic Chaplains can circulate them. The Catholic Church is short on Chaplains. However, we will rejoice and give thanks to God that He has blessed the 2-12 this way.Again we ask for your prayers, as we continue ours, that we are allowed to come home within our allotted time to rejoin our families. May God continue to bless all of us. Until next time, God’s peace to all.