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The Three Most Powerful Principles I Have Learned from Spiritual Millionaires Dr. Robert Anthony, Creator of the Rapid Manifestation Guided Audio

Over the years I have had the privilege to spend time with some very financially and spiritually

enlightened people.

As a result, my personal life and the way I do business has changed...

In listening to these people talk and observing how they handle their personal and business

lives, three very distinct and powerful traits came to my attention.

I believe if all these three traits were applied to your life, they would make such a dramatic

change, that in a short time all the things you desire would show up in your life...including as

much money as you desire.

I don't say that lightly, I really have been influenced by these three Spiritual Principles and

their power. I believe – no, I KNOW, you will be too, if you apply them in your life.

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Principle Number 1: They "KNOW" They Can Create Whatever They Desire...

Spiritual Millionaires choose what they want instead of focusing

on what they don't want. They never spend time thinking about

what is "missing" from their life. Rather, they make a choice

about what they want in their life.

Spiritual Millionaires have 100% confidence in the Law of

Attraction. The have no doubt about their ability to create what

they desire.

They don't "believe" it - they KNOW it...

There is a world of difference between "believing" and

"knowing". When you "know" the truth about anything, there is

no doubt.

You have 100% confidence...

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Principle Number 1: They "KNOW" They Can Create Whatever They Desire...

Knowing is about trusting that you are the only one who knows what is right for you, that you are capable of handling whatever comes to you, and that you are clear on your intentions or the outcome you choose to create.I've seen the power of being absolutely clear on my intentions for my life: They come true!They have for me, and I watched the Spiritual Millionaires as their intentions came to reality for them as well.Being clear on your intentions is a good first step.However, a more powerful and life-changing step is trusting that those intentions are ALREADY a reality on the non-physical plane of consciousness, and that they must manifest in your physical reality if you do not hold any opposing thoughts.And then, "Act As If..." your intentions are reality, now.Not dishonestly, or outside of your true beliefs. But, to feel it, sense it, imagine how it's going to "show up" in various situations once it manifests in your life.

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Principle Number 2: They Take Action...

As I observed Spiritual Millionaires, I noticed that they didn't hesitate to move on their ideas and respond to situations that

called for action in order to keep the momentum going.

Do you get the power of what this Principle is about?

If you're sitting waiting for something to happen, doing other "important" tasks rather than those that you know will

produce the results you desire , you are wasting time and you are no closer to your desire.

Trust me on this one, I've waited for so many things in my life that never showed up!

Acting on your desire is habit that you desperately need to cultivate in order to get to where you want to be... Waiting will

not do it...

I watched these Spiritual Millionaires, one after another, take immediate action, not out of fear or to ‘force' things to

happen, but because the next action they took brought them one step closer to their desire.

And, I saw tremendous results come into their lives... They don't take unnecessary action. Instead, they use the leverage of

energy, the same leverage of energy that creates everything in the universe.

I have seen these Spiritual Millionaires step into spaces of discomfort, and have courage to take action. It was also evident

that they were as scared to take those steps as you and I are when we're faced with the choice of moving out of our

comfort zone.

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Principle Number 2: They Take Action...


It's time to "Get Moving", trust your intuition, your sense of knowing what the next

step is, and take action...

We often wait for the "feeling to be right" first, before we take the action we know will

bring us satisfaction. That's all back-to-front...

The feelings of satisfaction only comes from ACCOMPLISHMENT, not from pondering

and procrastinating. (You knew that one, too, didn't you...)

Never try to force things to happen because you are afraid of what will happen if you

don't take a certain action. Instead, choose ‘inspired action' that moves you toward

what you want, not away from what you don't want.

Acting on your intentions without trying to force things to happen will magnetize your

desires by attracting people, places and opportunities into your into reality that you

never would have even seen if you hadn't done so.

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Principle Number 3: They Maintain an "Attitude of Gratitude...

Spiritual Millionaires maintain an "attitude of gratitude"...Spiritual Millionaires maintain an "attitude of gratitude"...

Gratitude does not need explanation – you know how to be

grateful. But did you know that gratitude brings you more of

what you appreciate? Gratitude speeds along the

manifestation of your desires.

When you find things that you appreciate and you use them as

your point of focus, your world has to get better in every area

of your life. Spiritual Millionaires know that every time they

flood their mind with appreciation or gratitude they attract

more of what they desire.

Look around you right now. What can you be grateful for?

Make a list. Get into the authentic feeling of true gratitude...

Find something, anything, to be grateful for right now. When

you are grateful, you're in a high energy vibration that will

attract more things to be grateful for and more good things

will come to you magically, drawn in by your feelings of


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Thank you

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Anupa P Kumar

[email protected]