Download - The Trumpeter...The current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has told the American people recently that it is "Climate Change" that threatens our very existence. Enter ISIS, Islamic

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The Trumpeter

december 2015

TUESDAY - December 15, 2015

Doors open at 9:30am for Shopping; Lunch and Program at 11:30am-1pm; Shopping continues until 2pm

Prescott Resort & Conference Center

1500 E. Hwy. 69

Prescott, AZ

Menu — Sliced Pork Loin with Brown Sugar/Bourbon Glaze, Stuffing & Roasted Root Vegetables

When checking in, please have your check made out to RWOP or have cash ready.

A reservation made is a reservation paid...Thank You!

Please join us on Tuesday, December 15

th for the fun and

festivities of the Christmas Holidays!

We have great entertainers such as our own Prescott High School Show Choir and the Sweet Adelines. And don’t forget great shopping at our RWOP Mall. Vendors from around town will be here with a special RWOP Bakery for all your Christmas and Hanukkah needs!

Our new AzFRW President-elect Loraine Pellegrino will be our guest and induct our new Executive Committee for 2016. Pictured here for President is Donna Tanzi; for 1

st VP, Programs,

Linda Nichols; for 2nd

Vice President - Ways and Means, Jeff Hubley; for 3

rd Vice President - Membership, Sandi Brown;

for 4th Vice President - Communications, Pat Lorenzen; for

Treasurer, Nancy Barrett; and for Secretary, Elsie Tyree.

Come celebrate and be thankful with all your Republican friends and neighbors as we closeout 2015.

You won't want to miss this gala event!

Vegetarian Option — RWOP Signature Salad

Includes Coffee, Tea, and Holiday Dessert


Please RSVP no later than Friday, December 11 to

Elsie Tyree (928) 778-0235 / [email protected] or

Pam Calhoon (928) 778-7157 / [email protected]

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Republican Women of Prescott

President’s Message

Dear Members,

As I write my final message for the 2015 RWOP newsletter a few days before

Thanksgiving, I am reminded how grateful I am to be a member of this amazing

club. One of our male associate members and I were attempting to describe the

uniqueness of RWOP and found it hard to put into words. A few descriptors on

which I have landed are energetic, contagious, exciting, friendly and uplifting.

You simply feel that there is something very special at our luncheons and other

events. Another descriptor, and possibly the most important, is sincere. There is

nothing pretentious or uppity about our club. We welcome all Republicans to join us as we work to

get Republicans elected and educate our members on the conservative and free market

principles of our party.

I begin every luncheon with, “It is my honor to be the President of RWOP,” and I mean it from the

bottom of my heart. Every decision I have made and initiative taken have been screened through

the lens of what is best for this club. I wish the new 2016 Executive Committee and Board

continued success and opportunity for continuous improvement. We have many new ideas to

implement next year with the overarching national goal of maintaining majorities in the House and

Senate and taking back the White House. This will be no small task, but together we can win big

in 2016! Thank you for your support throughout this past year. RWOP is a very large team of

committed members, and you are key to its continued success.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

Love you all,

Billie Orr

Pictures from the RWOP November Luncheon...

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Page 6 RWOP Celebrates Our Veterans!

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What’s Happening at the Party...

The Conservative

Conversation Club

Frozen Frannie’s

104 W. Gurley St.

Downtown Prescott

We are on hiatus in December and will resume in January.

Please contact Nettie Lamerson at

(928) 277-4010 or

[email protected]

for more information.

New Members! Mary Beth Banks

Jeanne G. Blumer

Cindy Carlson

Linda Chamberlin

Marsha Forsythe

Diane Fuller

Janet Marie Harris

Marjorie Hill

Olivia Kelly

Jane A. Kula

Jill Elizabeth Martin

Nancy Mae Mazzella

Gloria Jean McCormick

Janet Noriega

Kathy Parker

Barbar Phiel

Charlotte Skinner

Carol Springer

Tamera Turner

Kelli Ward

Joyce Whiting

Marilyn Withrow

Regina Younger

Darrell Buehl (A)

Bill Fain (A)

Ms. Toby Goode (A)

George Karapetian (A)

James D. Kula (A)

Thomas Lorenzen (A)

Vincent Maressa (A)

Timothy Matthews (A)

David Novak (A)

Brian Potter (A)

John Robbins (A)

John Tanzi (A)

William Wilkinson (A)

Gary Wright (A)

Ron Younger (A)


The Republican Women of Prescott will be

awarding Scholarships for 2016 Graduating

Seniors in Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley,

Dewey-Humboldt, Mayer and Baghdad areas in

amounts ranging from $250 to $2,000.


Applicant must be a registered Republican

One letter of recommendation from a Teacher,

Counselor or principal (not a family member)

Official High School Transcript

500-word Essay

Application postmarked by 2/24/16

See more details at

Don’t forget to shop

The Candy Cane Lane Mall and

The RWOP Bake Shop Tuesday, December 15, 2015

RWOP Luncheon

9:30am—11:15am, 1pm—2pm

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Americanism Americanism & Federal Issues

Noooo, not terrorism.

The current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has told the American people recently that it is "Climate Change" that threatens our very existence.

Enter ISIS, Islamic militants intent on destroying Western civilization in a 9/11-style, multi-pronged attack over Paris. Reported chatter says they will target America next. And POTUS thinks our real threat is Climate Change?!

BHO announced that the United States will take in 75,000 Syrian refugees over the next 5 years; he said we should not accept Christians if we don't accept Muslims. Mr. President, Christians do not decapitate people, burn them alive, or throw them from the top of tall buildings. He assured us that we will vet them, but will that happen? Remember the Tsarnaev brothers who, in 2013, bombed the Boston City Marathon killing 4 people? Their family immigrated to the United States in 2002 for political asylum. Never vetted, the boys embraced radical Islam while growing up in America.

We do not have the capacity to vet thousands of refugees while keeping Americans safe. These immigrants can purchase identities all over Europe and there is no way to check their validity. Many of our nation's governors have said their states will not accept these refugees, not knowing who is here to assimilate, and who is here to establish a caliphate.

We appreciate Governor Doug Ducey and the Arizona State Legislature’s efforts to stand up against further intrusion into our state by not accepting Syrian refugees following the terrorist attacks in Paris.

The New England Primer

The first American textbook, used for 250 years, was published in 1690 with taxpayer

funding. Many of our Founders were raised on this textbook, introducing students to

the alphabet, phonics and Scripture verses.

A—A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother

(Proverbs 10:1)

B—Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and trouble. (Proverbs


A—In Adam’s fall, we sinned all.

B—Heaven to find, the Bible mind.

C—Christ crucified, for sinners died.

It also contained more than 100 questions, such as:

Which is the 5th Commandment and what is required of the 5th Commandment?

And, What is the sum of the Ten Commandments? Answer: “The sum of the Ten Commandments is, to love the

Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind, and our neighbor

as ourselves.”

The Primer also contained the Lord’s Prayer and “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep,” prayer. The Supreme Court in

1962 ignored the Founding Fathers’ precedence to include these lessons in the current New England Primer.

The Biggest Threat to America Is….

Judy Dutko, Federal Legislation Chair

Linda Gray, Americanism Chair

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Page 6


We wish you a joyous and festive holiday season! Thank you for

all your support. We sincerely appreciate your membership and

attendance at our luncheons. We would like to acknowledge our

entire team and those that made our great success possible –

Robbie, Andi, Pat and Nancy...

We could not have done it without you!

A very special ‘Thank You’ goes to Myra Day for all her

creative input and energy - we are eternally grateful.

It has been our honor to serve RWOP, our loyal members,

throughout this year. May you and your families be blessed

with a safe and prosperous New Year!

Hope to see all of you at our December celebration luncheon

where we will be accepting membership applications

and taking pictures for the 2016 Directory.


Annette Baity-Callahan and Sandi Brown

2015 Membership Co-VP’s

A Warm Holiday Greeting &

a Hearty Thank You!

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Page 7 Our Sponsors

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Billie Orr

1st Vice President - Programs

Donna Tanzi

2nd Vice President - Ways & Means

Barbara Waugh

3rd Vice President - Membership

Annette Baity Callahan

& Sandi Brown

4th Vice President—Communications

Pam Calhoon


Sara Reinsch


Elsie Tyree

Immediate Past President

& Newsletter Editor

Susan Harangody Cohen

Republican Women of Prescott • PO Box 10932 • Prescott, AZ 86304-0932

From the Facebook page of Prescott’s Wreath’s Across America: “Good morning, I wanted to share our current Wreath count as of today...854! That’s right, 854 Wreaths! This wouldn't be possible without the amazing outpouring of support from this community! ... I will post our final Wreath count as soon as Nationals lets me know. Thank you all for your support and keep spreading the word about the Ceremony date and time!”

This year, the ceremony celebrating the men and women who gave their final measure will be memorialized on Saturday, December 12 at 10am at the Prescott National Cemetery off Hwy. 89 and Hwy. 69. This is a wonderful ceremony to show grade schoolers why we also have a Memorial Day in May.

Wreaths Across America