Download - THE TEMPLAR ORDER...Templi/OSMTHU ( within the TemplarCorps platform ( The platform and website is owned and operated by Pelicatradition. All intellectual

Page 1: THE TEMPLAR ORDER...Templi/OSMTHU ( within the TemplarCorps platform ( The platform and website is owned and operated by Pelicatradition. All intellectual



Page 2: THE TEMPLAR ORDER...Templi/OSMTHU ( within the TemplarCorps platform ( The platform and website is owned and operated by Pelicatradition. All intellectual

The Subject Matter

The ORDER OF THE TEMPLE is one of the most mysterious and

fascinating institutions of the middle ages. Founded in

Jerusalem under the patronage of the Oriental Church a

few years after the first crusade, it successfully

transitioned to center stage Europe under the protection

of Bernard of Clairvaux. For almost two centuries the Order

flourished, becoming a powerful international organization

that supported monarchies, created the first really innovative

banking services, administered land and people, dotted the

landscape with impressive castles and convents, all while

supporting the war efforts in the Holy Land and expanding

territories in the West.

In 1307 the Order was the subject of persecution in France. Imprisoned and accused of

heresy, the knights lead by JACQUES DE MOLAY faced a long and unfair trial that would eventually

result in a suspension of the Order by the Pope and the martyrdom of 57 if its leading French

knights in 1314.

The period after the XIV century is the subject of many legends. Has the Order survived? What is

the connection between the historical TEMPLAR ORDER and the revivals of the Strict Observance of

VonHund or Fabré-Palaprat right after the French Revolution? Where are they today?

History and myth lead researchers in their hunt for concealed treasures, hidden secrets and lost

knowledge. There is a wealth of Templar facts, rare documents, surprising findings, unknown

buildings and architectural keys with hidden connections to keep the most enthusiast exploring

the theme for many years. Scotland and the Masonic connection, the Order of Christ and the age

of Discoveries, Rosslyn and Mary Magdalene, all have found their way into popular culture,

literature and film.

Today the Order of the Temple is one of the most fascinating and at the

same time, most controversial and debated historical themes.

The Course


extensive and comprehensive study Course about the Templars

available. It gives students an organized and thoroughly researched

and documented vision of the subjects at hand. Divided in five

Modules, it methodically addresses five fundamental pillars that

organize the basic themes, allowing for a clear overview and

understanding of the different aspects of the Order.

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The Course is ministered and authored by Luis de Matos, Chancellor General of the Sovereign

Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem and Grand Prior of Portugal. Mr. Matos has hold the

position of Chancellor for over 20 years under the leadership of two Grand Masters, after joining

the Order in 1992 and the Templar clergy four years later under Patriarch RC. He writes

extensively on Templar history and philosophy, with several published books and dozens of

Conferences and Courses in many countries since the 90's. In his professional life, Mr. Matos has a

degree on Business Administration and works in the area of Systems of Information, with special

projects in Gaming, AI and Blockchain.


4 Sessions, 8h

> Context: The Crusades, Chivalry, Spiritual Chivalry

> Foundation: Count of Champagne, Jerusalem, Bernard

Clairvaux, Council of Troyes

> Expansion: Europe in General, Middle East, France, England,

Iberian Peninsula

> Strategy: Bay of Biscay, Portugal, Mallorca, Egypt

> The fall: Reasons, Accusation, Trial and retrial, Chinon Parchment,

Suspension, Martyrdom

> Historical Survival: Calatrava, Order of Christ, Discoveries

> Mythical Survival: Scotland, Armenius Charter

> Revival: Templar Strict Observance (XVIII), Ordre du Temple

(Fabré Palaprat), Masonic Templars (XIX), 60's revivals (ORT,

OVT, OTS, OSTI, etc.); Today


4 Sessions, 8h

> Main liturgical feasts: Cycle of light - Easter, Pentecost, Saint-John

> Main liturgical feasts: Cycle of darkness - Epiphany, Saint-John


> Devotions and Sanctoral: The Virgin Mary, Saint John the Baptist,

Saint John the Evangelist, Bethany (Mary Magdalene, Lazarus), others

> Templar Liturgy

> Beliefs and Influences: Old Testament References (Genesis, Psalms, Abraham, Solomon)

> Beliefs and Influences: Eastern Christianity, Copt Christianity, Early Christianity

> Beliefs and Influences: Focus on John's Gospel

> The Primitive Rule and Religion

> Ecclesiastic organization and Privilege


4 Sessions, 8h

> The role of the Knight according to Ramon Llull

> The role of the Order according to Ramon Llull

> Three Vows: Poverty, Obedience, Chastity

> Relationship with possessions and wealth

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> What hierarchy meant

> Historical Templars, their position on women and how Chivalry evolved along the ages


4 Sessions, 8h

> Documents: Letter of Bernard Clairvaux, The Rule(s)

> Architecture: Military, Conventual, Churches,

> Literature: Fostering the Holy Grail cycles

> Literature: Dumas, Walter Scott, Umberto Eco

> Music for war and peace

> Recurring Themes: The Holy Grail, the Quest, Love Eternal, Saint John, Virgin Mary, Mary



4 Sessions, 8h

> Apocrypha: Secret Statutes of Master Roncelinus and the Baptism of Fire

> Sacred Lineage: Rennes-le-Château," Templiers Parmi Nous", Priory of Sion, "Holy Blood,

Holy Grail", "DaVinci Code"

> Holy Grail Cycle and the Operas

> Nazism and the Templars

> History Channel: "Oak Island", "Captain Kidd", "Knightfall"

> Others: Assassins Creed, Star Wars saga

How it Works

Zoom class

The Academy uses the Zoom platform ( No subscription or additional fee is needed to

use the Zoom platform The Academy has a premium account that will freely share with all the

students. The day before each lesson, a link with the Zoom address and password will be sent to

all students. At the appointed date and time, all will be permitted to join the lesson. For those who

cannot attend, the lesson will be recorded and accessible for 7 days.

Modus Operandi

Each lesson has the duration of 1h30 with a further 30 minutes for questions. The lesson is

supported by graphics and display information as

well as a basic bibliography. During question

time, students may ask questions live or

make a submission via the chat



Each Module will close with a

short and simple TEST that will be

sent out to students and help to

certify that a given Module was

attended and finished.

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Each Module is autonomous. The students may enroll on all Modules or just the ones of their

particular interest. Each completed Module grants 10 points and any 30 points will merit the

Academy's Templar Order Foundation Course 2020 certificate. The certificate is printed, stamped and

signed, sent digitally and via post at the completion of the Course at no extra cost.



Single Modules €75 / $85 €120 / $130

3 Modules €180 / $195 €275 / $300

Full Course €280 / $300 €450 / $490

* using the same Zoom connection

Members of the TEMPLAR CORPS in good standing qualify for an extra 15% discount.


June 2020 27 - Module I, Lesson 1

July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 4 - Mod. I, Lesson 2 1 - Mod. I, Lesson 4 5 - Mod. IV, Lesson 1 3 - Mod. V, Lesson 1 11 - Mod. II - Lesson 1 8 - Mod. III, Lesson 1 12 - Mod. III, Lesson 3 10 - Mod IV, Lesson 4 18 - Mod. I, Lesson 3 15 - Mod. II, Lesson 3 19 - Mod. IV, Lesson 2 17 - Mod. V, Lesson 2 25 - Mod. II, Lesson 2 22 - Mod. III, Lesson 2 26 - Mod. III, Lesson 4 24 - Mod. V, Lesson 3 27 - Mod. I, Lesson 4 29 - Mod. II, Lesson 4 30 - Mod. IV, Lesson 3 31 - Mod. V, Lesson 4


The TEMPLAR CORPS INTERNATIONAL is a group of men and women with a Templar background,

organized locally in units spread across the world, ready to put their energy, passion and

intelligence at the service of mankind.

Although it was created by the Secular Templar Order under the Sovereign Military Order of the

Temple of Jerusalem Universal, TEMPLAR CORPS members come from a wide range of Templar

Orders in over 25 countries. A significant number of members have no previous Templar

connection of any kind – which is not required.

Training teams are organized by the TEMPLAR ACADEMY project. There is an online platform and,

in some cases, real world classrooms and training grounds. You may take up sword fighting,

traditional crafts or deep learning historical and/or philosophical studies. The TEMPLAR CORPS

ACADEMY is expanding the number of teachers and disciplines available all the time.

Visit the TEMPLAR CORPS here:

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Modules: I.History, II.Theology and Religion, III. Philosophy, IV.Art and

Literature, V.Popular Culture

Duration: June 2020 - October 2020

Certification: Yes

Platform: live on Zoom

Price: €280 / $300 full course; €75 / $85 Module

Discounts: Double enrollment; 3+ Modules; Members of the TEMPLAR CORPS

LIMITED PLACES - Enroll now! Email: [email protected]

Terms and Conditions General: Templar Academy online courses are

provided by Pelicantradition (Registered

PT514901462) under the brand name “Templar

Academy" under license from Officina

Templi/OSMTHU ( within the

TemplarCorps platform ( The

platform and website is owned and operated by

Pelicatradition. All intellectual property rights,

including copyright in all content and communication

belongs to Pelicantradition in some cases under

license of Officina Templi/OSMTHU. By reading the

Terms and Condition you agree that the content and

property cannot be copied, reproduced, modified,

stored, redistributed or exploited commercially in any

way without permission from Templar Academy.

1. Enrollment Fee. Full payment of the enrollment fee

is due at the time of registration. You can pay by

credit or debit card (via Paypal) and bank or wire

transfer. We will give you access to the course when

full payment has been made; however, if you choose

to pay by bank or wire transfer, your access will not

be granted until your transfer has cleared. The

enrollment fee shall cover the course registration and

participation, and all other Course content. Any funds

received on your behalf in excess of the full

enrollment fee will be returned.

2. System Availability. e-Learning system, via Zoom

application (, is generally available 24X7,

but may be down during times of maintenance

required for optimum system performance. Templar

Academy will make every effort to inform you of

system downtime in advance, but, this is not always

possible. Templar Academy cannot provide support

for computers that do not meet our system


3. Refund Policy. If, for any reason, you are not

satisfied with the course, you can contact us for a

refund. You will receive 100% of your registration fee

if you cancel your enrollment before the start of the

course. There is a 75% refund in the first week of the

course, a 50% percent refund if you cancel in the

second week of the course. No refunds will be given

after the second week of the course. To make a request

for a refund, submit a written request to

[email protected]. We'll notify you via e-

mail of the status your refund once we've received

and processed your request.

4. Course Cancellation. Templar Academy reserves

the right to cancel a course due to insufficient

enrollment. Such decisions will be made at least one

week before the scheduled course date. Registrants

will be notified via email. In case of a cancellation you

will have the choice of registering for the next course

date or receiving a refund for the full course fee.

5. Warranty. There are no warranties, expressed or

implied, by operation of law or otherwise for the use,

accuracy or results of the course and materials, that

you will successfully complete the course, or that any

particular level of knowledge will be attained by you.

Templar Academy disclaims any implied warranties

including the implied warranties of merchantanility

and fitness for a particular purpose.

6. Limitation of Liability. Templar

Academy/Pelicantradition has no liability to you

whatsoever. This "Limitation of Liability" section

applies regardless of the basis on which you are

entitled to claim damages from us, including but not

limited to, breach of contract (even in the case of a

fundamental breach) and tort (including, but not

limited to, misrepresentation). This limitation of

liability also applies to our licensors and


For any and all communication, please email at at

[email protected]

Luis de Matos

Your Tutor has a long lasting

relationship with the Order, serving in

leading positions for over 25 years

1993 - 1995 Grand Prior of Portugal

1997 - 1999 Grand Secretary IFA

1998 - 2004 Grand Prior of Portugal

1999 - 2020 International Grand

Chancellor OSMTHU

2006 - 2018 Interim Master OSMTHU

2011 - 2020 Grand Prior of Portugal