Download - The Sun. (New York, NY) 1888-12-07 [p 2] jphotocraphs of Gen. Harrison and Mr. Morton. These are framed alike In dark wood


I; a . THE SUfl, FRIDAY, ftEOBMBlflk T, lim '



Hll tAin avvi'LV ' game,

H V Tb Central Exneela in ba a .1ttl HHffH K To.doy-- Me llnd Fnn, but the nportrnH B Bldn't-Mra. Ilnrrlaon Compltlfn IlonaeHjB Cleaning nad l Bendy lor fJucntw.

HI Indianatomb, Dec. 0. Gon. Harrlson'BBJjMj huntlnc party nnd throo dozen dead quail nr- -Bj) IE rived In this cltr just before 7 o'clock thin o on- -

BW Inc. Th day's sport had not been wildly ox- -

BJ!B .hllaratlnc, oltbnucb tho fresh alr(and hoaltbyHj axerclse had dono nil tlio party, nftd especially

PHj K the President elect, n world of Rood. The partyPH II arose nt about 7 o'clock this mornlnc and

B I breakfostod aboard the carf a tcmotlnspH IK spread belnc prepared by tho necro cook, whoHJ H biionco with tho establishment Imrnodlately

B after tho meal Cnpt Bates's team took thopHj I) party out Into tho country tliroo or (our milesPH H In a direction dlfToront from that tnkon on the

fi previous day. When the carrlaco wnsturnodPI I back the party sot out to hunt directly southPI H over the bic pralrlo.B 1 The day was a boautlful ono. much bettor for

PH W hunting than the previous day. tho wind bolncPBf less violent The quail, however, woro ecarcor,PJPJpb ? and there was. no other enmo soared up, oxcoptP&1 rabbits. (Ion, Harrison wouldn't shoot them.

JK 3 for catfish. Cattish was what ho wnnted. ThoR I General wantod quail, and had no uso for tho

PJf fanotkilllnclt.PJf J I Host of tho mornlnc the Goneral hunted withNg Mr. Uradshaw, whoso pair of Irish sottors

Ih, proved the oxcollonco of tholr breed and thoPJjLi i care taken In their trnlnlnc. Altocothor hoPJi f L I btoucht down olevon birds durlnc tho morn- -

ffl i ' Inc. About dinner tlino thoy passed near thoPJfil ji house of Farmer Bam Mnlono. who camo out

Ml 1 Into his llclds and Insisted that theyPJVHB should coma and have somethlnc to eat

IllS wltu D'm' Dat w'tn hancors on Irom Danalliiif and the farms about, and with nnothor hunt- -

Iffif lac party that had como from Newport, tlioISJpj county Boat thoro was Quito n crowd, but Mr.PBlO Halcne Invited thorn all to como alone, and hoPJf IJj'f opread in his bin dlnlnc room a tablo withH If ' I provondor onouch to foast a hundred. ThoHjjil wholo comaany had a recular indoors winterHlijt picnic, and loft Mr. Malono destltuto of pro- -

Mil if visions, but vory proud and happy.RUif Tho Oonornl himself and his party remainedHilll only lone onouch to cot a little bite, nnd thenBll they sallied out acaln nftor birds. The huntfi ill was back towards town, and tho luck was no

WhiP better than durlnc tlio mornlnc.La II If McKeo killed a wild turgor, When Dana was

jij renchod acaln. about i o'clock, there wns nf l croat gathering- - ol IIooMers and n coedfltji many Muckers from ovor the lino in II- -f III fi llnols. Tho nows thnt tbo l'rosident

fKlfll elect wns thoro had spread durlnc the nlchtft 111 nnd early in tho mornlnc people boznn flockincfll U Into Dana to boo him. borne had arrived bo--

tho party sot out In tbo mornlnc, and they:optdropplnclnnlldaTln all sorts of chicles

MlfK from all direction, until there were runny hun- -

all f drods of them. Thoy InMstcd on somethingBit lb wore than o more Blent of tho Fresiduntolout,

Gen. Harrlsou had to do a cood halfour's work of tho sort to which he bo- -

HIIIIL camo so acoustomod durlnc tho campaicn.MM Ho Khook all their hands, and told them he wasIt In clad to see thorn and hopod they woro woll, nndr ! remarkod upon tho beauty of tho woathor and(' tho prosporous look of tho country, and saidLl all tho otfaor apropos thlncs that ho could think

ItlH of Bovoral times over. Then at last be was ol- -mil lowed to climb aboard the train, and at 4.'iIf III o'clock it startod on tho return trip.

HiriP i Tho crowd cheered as It moved off. and man- -tf ft lfostedthelronthuslasmlnall tho otberways

HD lit that camo Into their minds. Homo of them ovonII Biood on their heads, A fine courso dinner

nil that had been prepared by the cqlorod cookIf III was served on tho car ns It was on Its way backlllli v to the city. Tho Oeneral was a little tired, but

II: brlent and cheerful, lansbinc and chiutlncImost the whole trip. The train ran Into thoS nlon station at 6:15 o clock. The party then

II III took carrloces for their homes.If III Oen. Harrison was not over his cood humorlit a little later when he told The Hun reporter

Hull ' abont his trip. Holauched overtbechost sto-J- fIII rlea sent out last nlcht about his havlne killed

Ml n hawk on the wine, knocked ovor quail at(till marvellous distances, and otherwise dlstln- -

Bit I trulshed himself with his new Run.Ill "So," he said. "I didn't do any remarkable

Kll' ui phootlne. and I didn't even fire nt a hawk,BfFlll lot alone kill one. I'm not quite sure thatIt I even saw one. Ail ws killed were two

IP ' or 'three dozen quail. They were not bo thickSill aawa bad expected. We kept a sharp lookoutHill 'or prairie abiokens, but didn't see any, norHi u - any other came to speak of except quail. If I ,

, bad a very pleasant time, thooch, and I wasi. H surprised at myself at belns able to standii I - uonlonctramps with so little fatlcno. It is bo

Wf 8 " lona alnco I have been out In tne fields that Ifl; 1 expected to be tired easily, but I felt it very

Hi I ,, little. I shall toko a bath and so to bed early.I dont expect to reel any worse effect than

Itue stiffnessHf I - Tbo Oeneral broosht his newcun home all

I h oafs and hardly the worse for wear. HonsedH 1 his old ono most of the time. "I was used toft (I that one." he said, "and it come mora bandy toft mo. It la a Daly, and has a side break, whileH the new ono has a top break, as most irons havoJ R nowadays. I felt more at home with tho oldf one."f I " .The newspaper men who followed tho Gen- -

91 I oral yesterday had rather a hard time of it.I1 Ii They did not cot to Dana until alter tho hunt- -

IB lnc party.was miles away out in tho Oelds. andJ j iWben at last thoy did cet stories to send there

Tfas only one operator, and a mlchty ricketyH one, to send the matter. Tho operator wasB i not accustomed to bandllnc press matter,jj t and fainted when the first column wasB It shoved at him. When he saw the second col--g I umnoomlnchebad a stroke of paralysis andR II couldn't read manuscript. The newspaper81 men had to sit up with him until 1 o'clock Infl 1 the mornlnc readlne the manuscript, as he,HI I with the assistance of an aroalonr operatorE found In the town, hammered It out on theJll , toys. It bod to come to Indianapolis, and heroOlli be resent to other places,jll .After that the newspaper men had to elclr--

lodcincs abont the villace. To-da- yalshfor was scarcely easier, and thoy cametear being left to tho mercies of DanaJor another nlcht. There was no passon- -

I II cor train east 'from 3 o'clock this after- -IB Ml noon until 1 o'clock in the mornlnc

III except Gon. Harrison's special. Thoy cot1 1 bold of Mr. Pierce, who is General counselor

n 1 1 the road, and had oharce of the train, and bo- -P 1 1 eoncht him to save them from the horrors ofJ I l another nlcht In the villace, and he relentedI HI and let them oome back aboard the spools!


Gen. Harrison has not yet become accustomed to the Inconveniences fnseperable from' tne place wnloh he holds, and did not relish theenterprise of the newspaper men. "I didn'twant anything of that sort, and didn't expectthere would be any of It." he said

I wanted to cet away from peopleI and be left alone for a conple of

days. I tboucht I oucht to be allowed thatwithout the reportere followlnc me about thefields. They did not bother me thouch, for IKnew notblnc about them until this mornlnc.and I didn't meet them till they camo on thecars Then I found that Mr. Pierce badtold them they mlcbt come back to the cityWth u."bo 1 1

r The General spoke cood humoredly. but thereHI was a dryness about his manner which indi- -

1 cated that It was probably fortunate for the1 newspaper men that they preferred their re- -1 qnwt to Ilr. Pierce Instoad of to Gen. Harrison.

HI i Mrs. Harrison rms cot her carpets down Inthe down stairs rooms and the house into a

1 reasonable condition of order. Hhe baa been! havlne some new pictures framed for tho walls.- -

t Amonctnem la a larcaetcblnc of the "ChristHI Before Pilnte" and a pair of the new laree1 jphotocraphs of Gen. Harrison and Mr. Morton.

These are framed alike In dark wood frames,I I abaded with umber.II) t. The day of the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Mor

ton. Is not yet fixed, but it will probably beI t Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Gen.(f Harrison mid He repeated.wbat was

, aatd for bltn yesterday, that he had no know!- -1 1) edge or expectation of Mr. nnd Mrs. Morton1 1 belric accompanied by any Republican leaders.III - The newspaper men. Private Becretanr Hal-- !Sord, lluBseli Harrison, and a few others were

l stuests at a banquet at the new Dent-il aon. The newspaper colony bora has crown

III ' E!pce election to be a feature ot the town.Ill There are bo many of tbnm and theyIII ' scatter about so that for a well- -III known .man to cet Into town and out1 1) Main without belnir discovered by them would

- be a borderjob than any ot them nro likely toHI attempt. The newspaper iron, if nil else' falls, have n limt resort. They can keep aHI watch on Bill Holloway. Mr. Holloway wantsIII . Public Printer, and any man with ftIII political pull that can cot Into this town nndM - out acaln without belnc captured Hoi- -HI , loway and seleetod to cpeak about "that Pub- -Ill lloPrlntor matter to the Gfneml." has cot toHI .; disguise hlrnselr so that bis own wife would

I take him for a burclar.

, J ' The CoacrcM of Nations.llj Ottawa. Doc C Senator Jobu Sherman,

11 wrltlo(tottiill(orrth ri;iriirerrlinttlnCoiI If rrcwtr Nullum tx Wublofton In JRSt, tijn

II fi think tbr b nodottt that th prenc of itt- -t II ruu rrom tbt Ijoiulnlon ot CknjidM At tl. propoifrfIII t:onrrae of Aisartran tai would bvtry ftcivnuII bl and very rtp'. but 1 ilon't Mt lw It could

B III Aont, xcfptir.UtliroiMniorpiuhitintnt or (irllit Isrltaia tiurOovfrrnent conid uot, with ituriicciHI to Ureal Britain. Iiuld nr fortail political rtUUau oltuJ II tho DomtntoD Govtmiatot a utcewary rtnult of tbt111 Atpandcnvy of Canada nport Ureal hrltatn. bot which.HI a doubt, oluJd to waived by tba parent Uaruamtnt"I II Moataaa VTal t Jota TJe.

II , Obxit Viixs, Mont., Dec, 6. Tho Board ot, trad has appointed peeUl commltue on BUUbood

III wttliaTlwUdjUnlnlnUiet coarMcf aettonfor,'Iff epoe w pnnao unser tho wetent cltWBHHsnii '

siil! i I,r '


Mr. TVolr nidn't I.lke the Pabllelty Olveato Ttlo Tranoaetlnns with Mr. FJchmelaer,

Peter Wolf of Htnploton, 8. 1., la ono ofKlcholas Mullor's fellow mem-

bers of tho Illchnmnd county Board of PoliceCommlrelonoiB. He Is now In nffluent

n prosporous business man,nnd n successful politician. Thirty yearsnco, when ho was a poor man, ono of Illsfriends was Charles Bchwclzer, n Staplotonliquor deulcr, who has been dead sevornlyears. In 18C0 Wolf borrowed of Bchmolrcr$50, dlnc In return a promlfoory noto fornlnotydnys. Thtsnnto Mrs. Bchmolzor founduncnncolled nmonc her luisbnnd'a effects afterhis death. When slio met Wolf she showod himtho note, nnd asked him to pay It with, tho In-

terest duo. Wolf lefused. nnd arcuod that bohe had paid tho fnce value of tho noto boforo Itmatured. Ho nlso allecod that tho paymentwas mnde In cold In tho preronco of Sirs.Hchmelzor mul ltnecB0B, nnd that tho rotawiih not cancelled becauso It had been mislaidby Schmelzer.

Mrs. Hclimclrorwont homo In nnctrmood.Hnlnc hnd the noto fiiunod die liunKit tipinn conspicuous nlaco In her barroom. Wolfobjected, but Mr, fc'climelror wns obdiitnto.)Io tried to purchnsu tlio noto nt n dlxcount.but slio would not part with it for less than tho$S0. nnd IntoioM.

Knrly last Hprlns Dnnlel Webster Clecir. ,nneccentric resident of htnpletoii. hail troublewith Wolf, I'leHK occupied nno of Wolfsnoupep. una vs compciieti iu inuu. iincouldn't cet another house, and bo

convinced that Wolf vns rcironslblofor tho unfriendly nmnnor In which cei-ta- in

of tho townRpoo.ilo iroated lilni.Ho chnrced WoK with y porsccu-tlo- n

and with clrculntinc repnrts about Illshonesty. In rmvnco lie IpkiioiI a circularacalnst Woir. Tho circular contnlnod a copyof tbo uncancelled noto hold bv MliHdimolror, and n Rtntomunt Hint it hnd nutbeen paid. Wolf hnd deep nrrested on ncbarco oferlmlnnl libol, Tbnlllcliniotnl countyGutnd Jury found nn Indletmont. nnd after

niboiirnmeiitstliociisxcnnio up for trialIn tlio lllclimoiid county Court of Bos-lo- tr

mornlnc.Wolfsworopoxltholy thnt ho had paid tlio

noto. Mrs. Bclunel?cr jut as posltlelysworo to the contrary, Mr. Ranch, unoctiiconurlnn, corroborated Wolf, cl.unt-in- c

thnt she was presotit when tbo moneywon paid. Other wltnoioe woro oxamlnetlon this point, nnd their oldenco arlrd. f 'luceadmitted havlne published tlio circular, andmnde a lone, ramnllnc mldros. Ho pleadedthat Wolf had vlndlotively persecuted him.

The trial occupied tlio entile ilay, nnd forthofirst time In yonrn tho court loinnlned In ses-sion nftor nlchtfall. When Judge Ktephcnsndjourned court, District Attornoy CiiillncherImdnotyet summod up fot tboTho caso will be civen to tho jury this mornlnc


T.In Toller Klntall" lit Ambcrc'e,Sir. Arnbcrjr Inst cveiilnc produced nt his

new thoatro Carl Lauf's four-ne- t farce "ElnTollorEInfall." Tho play show") how n yotincmodlcal studont, JCrnst l.udrrs. cnpitnlly playedby Horr Bcckor. i9 left In chnrco of his uuclo'shouse, while thnt trustful rolntlvo tnkes hiswife and dauchter Into tlio country. JiV nrt nndhis old factotum, llicniiitiel. rent tbo rooms ofthe bouse, and what with aspciidthrilt lu hisparlor, who coos out only nt niclit, nn operaelncor in ono room, a nervous mimical coniimIn nnothor, nnd a country enuplo viitli theirdauchter In n third, tho pour doctor gets into ntanclo fearltil to eontomplato. but most nmus-inctose-

Tho play wns n success from tliobeelnnluc, incessant luuchter aecompunylnceach act, tied rocnlls ut tho end of each actworo loudly demanded.

Tho lilts of tho evonlnc wero mndo by FrI.8chmltz. who played IVrnxiAo, viro of IftivJiender. tho countryman In tho city, nnd byHerr Lubo as Jlirrnitirl. llerr ltnnk was thotrustful undo. Horr Kabblanl tho spendthrift,Jiiliut KMpflrr, with n bn.s Aoieo. wiileh homatched acalnst FrI. von Vamdal's soprano.and FrI. 8andow made a pretty and churmlncjfc'ra, tho llttlo clrl from tho country. JJruderwas played by Herr Welter In a way to plousotbo audience. Altocother, Mr. Amborc canthorouchly concratulate himself on his newplay and his now company.

Amimcment Notes.The New York Philharmonic Society's sec-

ond rehearsal and concert are to be civen thisafternoon and ovenlnc in thonMot-ropolita- n

Opora Houbs. Theodore Thomas con-ducting.

Mr. Albert Lester Kincs third subscriptionconcert is announced lor Saturday evenlnc inStelnwny Hall. Tho nrtlsts are: Mlbs Char-lott- o

Walker, Mrs. Acnos Thomson. MUs EmilyWjnant. Dr. Carl ii Martin, and Mr. PaulMlersch.

Attbaperformanco of "L'Afrlcalno" at theMetropolitan Opera Houso this evenine closoupon lour hundred peoplo nto to bo on thestace. and the sconlo display will be ery flno.A creat show of costumes will ho mndn in netfour when the full staco is crowded. Thoscenic climax of the opera, howeor. is reachedin act throe when the staco represents the deckof a mediarval r. with cabin". mats,and euns. all richly cnried and adorned. Thecast la as follows: 1'onco. Herr Perottl; DonAlcorn, Herr Mlttlehnuser : 'on J'tdro, HorrFischer: Don Dicgo.Uerr Modlloeor: Inipusi-to- r,

Herr Weiss: Mrlusko. Herr lioblnson;Selik-a- . Frau Moran-Olde- and Inez, FraulolnTraubmonn.

Senator Beck's Condition.Wabhinoton, Dec. 6. While Senator Bck's

condition has improved somewhat, it Is im-

probable that he will be In his soat in the Ben-at- e

this session. Ho has beon stoppinc nt thecountry plaoe of his Major Goodloe.about four miles from the city, since tbo oarlypart of October, but contemplates passlnc thewinter in Aiken, S. C. He tnkos frequent rldosaround the country, and, as he Is vory suscop-tlb- le

to cold, these rides, which are of benefitto him. mlcbt have to be discontinued If he didnot seek a milder climate. The heart troublehas almost entirely disappeared. Ho Millsuffers, however, from nenons oxbaustlon andIndlcestlon. It is hopod that rest and quietwill relieve him of theso troubles, and his)bysiclari has, therefore, ordered him not tonterest himself aetltely in politioal affairs

until he is considerably Improved In health.

If e Quit xtualncaa Huddenly.Ditlcth, Doc. 6 E. Grumback, fur dealer,

has left this ploco for pleasantorpasturos. Hisunpaid bills run up into the thousands, thelareest nlnclo Item belnc to C. Mleswa andothers of New York for $3,200, whllo rhlcaco

St. Paul fur dealers nro also said to beosers, and hisemployeos lone for their back

pay. His business was cood, but hia tasteswore too expensive. His dock was seized bythe Sheriff last nlcht, and he has since de-parted.

lie Camo Back With be Money hes HtoleDayton, O., Dec. C Tho most sensational

developments nro made nt Groenville In con-nection with tbo trial of tho plunderers of theDarke county treasury. The tostlmony y

was that Simon, who Is nowsorvinc a term in tba penitentiary, at ono tlmoprevious to tbe last robbery of tho vaults, hadcone to Toronto, taklncf 107.000. all tbe fundsthere were, but he weakened within four daysand returned with nil tho money, and his palsprevented exposure.

Italy afar Abandon Xf anowab,Roue, Dec. C In the Senate y Gon, Cor-- tl

aiked what tho intentloua of the Government weroUaaiowab, and for Information ae to tbe rela-

tione between Italy and France, tlrnor Crlipl, thel'rlme MlnUIer, In resly aaldtbatlhe expedition to thoRed iea was undertaken when be wag uot In power.HiUl he did not think tbo Uorernment would abandonUaiaowab. Should U do o. tbe place would relmtnedlately ocoopled by another power. Italy deelred eolelyto exerclio a civilizing- miaaion, and did not toconqveete

Inrererdto the relatione between France and Italy,BbrnorCriipifaldi Our relatione with France, whichlately were not entirely eailifactorr, are now net onlyfood, but cordial and rnendly,"

Bervla'o JVeHr Constitution,BELonaDE, Dec, 0. Tho new Servian constit-

ution declaree the kingdom hereditary vritb popularrepreaentatlon. and the rollton Greek, with the caiternServian Church autocepbaloua, The electoral franehliele (rented toneraona payltur direct taxre of 14 dlnareItlie dinar befur equal to a Trench rVaue) yearly. Thetrltiunela are to be Independent, and the judxriaroiobe Irremovable. Military tervlce le made compulsory.

The Boaapartlvt Policy,Pahis, Dee, C M. Dubarail, tbe bead ot

Prince Vlctor'e committee, hae luued a manlfctto Inwhich he eare that hl party le wIIIIdu aliat any alllancoelTlne the popular voice ebould chooielbe Unrernment,but that a pleblenite ebould be taken before the electionof members ot tbe Aaecmbly.

Train Wrecker at 'Work.Viesxi, Dec. 0. Gendarmes to-d- discov-

ered that tbe ralli were Icouoed near tlrnubaeh utt Intime to eloo a rotll train on which were S30 paeienxeraroin Vieuna to I'rarue. tbe mlecreauU escaped, leav-

ing fcveral tools behind.

The Mikado" In Ocnase,BcnuK. Deo. fc-- Tbe opera of " Tbe Mikado"

was performed In German la this cliyto-btfO- t for tbolint time. I proved a ireal eucceea.

rJoToatsi Hallorfl Browacd.IfOMDOH.Dea . The British Uamer Hartle- -

veola JU been wrecked atIfferauaa. Norway, DalyIVU febw nw oj tv(aty-- Wt sajei.




The Canvas Actively nnlncc on, Althoniththe Itepuhllrauit Slav Tntt of n MMorltv

A richt Between the llnet nnd ITcnt InWhleli MurrOMM May fce the Hnrvlvor.

WAsnuioro.f , Dec, 0 Tlio H.ori"bilnB nrostill Rolnc upon the assumption thnt no

can pro ent thorn from hnvliiccontrolof tho nlthouch the resultof the roconnt in Went Vlrclnla and theptob-abl- o

succofs of Hates In TetmcAseo would loaioIhom a majority of only ono. which may to lostby tho recount In tho l'lftt ontli district of NowYork. Tho Democrat, claim to havo electedlCTmombersIn tlio Houth nnd 57 in tho Northand West, maklnc a lotnlof 102, which Is onoloosthannmnjorlty. The ono man po muchneeded they hopo to cet from Now ork.

On tho other hand, tho KcpubllennB clnlm notlosathnn Iho majority, and Ibo eonlopt

tho four candidates for tlio Speakershipcocs on actively d.iy uml nlcht. Cuntion,

MoKlnley. nnd Hood nro openly pittedncalnst e.icli olhcr, nnd ench ln: n 7ealou fol-

lowing. Tho'o who fnppoit MoKlnley andnuriowsre!ioellols'do the most talklnc. nndndrocnlo tho ciiuso ot tholr chiefs with tliomost warmth. 1'or tho present It lool.sns thouch tlio contotit wOulil be ono ofsections tho West ncalnst New Kncland,with tho South to draw fiom. Tlio Westernmen Fay tho llepubllcau cains In tlio Into oloc-tlon- s

belnc In tho South anfl West, nnd nstholaco Is between tbo East nnd West, tho Speak-

ership oucht to co to Iho West. Itcblilcs. tlionatural nllianco for tlio South in with thoWost. Tbo mombersi of this Concrcss whohao been letloctcd mo easy to cetat, and tho candidates will bo nblotomako lonsonablo estimates boforo lone ofhow tnnny of their present associates they mayrely upon in tho noniinntinc caiicu?. Mean-while each candidate Is renchinc for the votesof the new members. Heforo tho session closesn lnrco proportion of Ihoso will visit AVaOilnc- -ton to seo how thlncs are dono nt tho Cnpltol,and the candidates tuny thou cot In tholr duowork, either directly or throush friends.

An Eastern llepublican wlio thinks thoSpenkor will como from tho Wost says: "Mr.Cannon will drop out of tbo rnee alter nwhlle,with tliecortninty of coinc to tho head of thoAppropriations Committee, and liurrows orMcKiiilpy will llkouNo witlidrnw in bueonioCli.ilnunn ol tbo Cominltteo on Niijh nndMoimaund ofllclal leader of tho majority ontbo Moor. This would leave tho field clear fora nico botweon Heed and one onponunt, elthoriiurrowit or JlcKlnlev. nnd most likelv tho sur-- vl

lnc Western ciindldato would lollurions."Mr. Cannon has beon n member of tho Ap-

propriations Committee many jeara. nnd Isthoioiicbly familiar with tho dutlo nnd re-sponsibilities or tlio iuirortant position, nndnono of bis party Is uioro capable ofdlseharclnc them woll. Mr. McKlnloy. tlioarohiloct of tho tariff plank in thoI'liicaco platform. Is conceded to hnoBjwclal claims to the leadership of hisparty lu dlaeubsions of tlio tnri.T. His personalpopularity, his Information nnd flrmcnnvie-tlouso- n

that controeried nuestlon. which willplayalarco part in tho l'lftj-llr- st Concross:IifB ability ns nit orator, nnd bis cournco mayImj all assigned as reasons why ho should co tothe head of tho Wava nnd Sloans Committee,lliswonknst point Is his imported training audacquirements ns n pnrllamentnnnn.

Mr. Gannon Is also dcllclont in this respectan important defect in a enndidato for thoSpeakership. Cannon reminds ono of u re-mark once made by Senator Heck about him-self, Unit the moro ho studied tbo rules of thellontiii tho lo?s ho know about Ibem. But Cou-pon does know moro about tlm mazy rulescovernlnctbat bodythnu McKlnloy has evorL'hou ovldoncoof know inc. Harrows and Hoodhavo a creat mlvnntuce ovor their competitorsin their fnmillnrity with parliamentary law.McKlnloy and Cannon nro strict pnrtlsans. butconservative and fair mindod. Mchinley wouldbo a very popular Spenkor with botli uartios.Heed's stlncinc barensm nnd d toncuehum mmln hifn iiuinv nnnilna. hur hlu nV.lllf v.bnivery. and combativenoss havo won lilmmany ndmirors. Burrows has popular man-ners, an eloquent toncue. plcnslne ad-dress, and n breezr Western way. Hisadministiatlon ot the office of Speakerwould frequently brine to mind the

nnine of J. Warren KeUer. EitherBurrows or ltuod has the peculiar quallncn-tlon- s

that tho Kepubllcans will rood in tbeirHpcnkor if tlio purely partisan work that hasbeon foreshadowed for tho next Concrcss is toflourish in its most accrcssiv o form.


The Two Orc;nnl7iitlon!i Itttry Their Differ-ence and Form a New Society.

CoTjUJinus, Ohio. Dec. C Tho NationalFederation of Miners and National DistrictAssembly No. 135 of tho Knichts wore y

morccd into a now consolidated orcanization,tho National l'rogiessho Union ot Minors andMine Laborers. Tho session of this new bodyproceeds rocnrdloss of those members of Dis-

trict Assembly No. 135 who havo refused tofollow their leadors In formtnc ono associa-tion. Tho first business y was tho ques-tion, " Bbnll wo form a Blnclo orcanization ?"Tho dolecatos present were know to bofriendly to tbe proposition. Accordingly itwas immediately carried, nnd as soon nsthiswas decided a constitution was adopted.

The constitution says the orcanization shallbo composed of all persons worklnc in andaround mines of the United States and Terri-tories, and who nre members of affiliated localunions. Tho object of this union shall bo toafford mutual protection to members acalnstobnoxious rules and other systems of Injusticeand oppression, to unlto mine employees andameliorate. their condition by methods of con-ciliation, arbitration, or strikes. Tho NationalUnion will have jurisdiction over all affiliateddistricts and local unions.

Tne Kxecutlve Hoard will also constitute theNational Hoard of Arbitration nnd Conciliation,and in ail disputes tbat affect moro than onodistrict shall have full powers to adjust bymutual acreement with employers, or by ar-bitration. And It employers within affecteddistricts refuse toallowaa adjustment by thesomethods tbo Hoard may ordor a strike at allmines affected by the dispute, and provide fortbn support of thoso on strike.

Tho question of officers lor the new union isnow ncltatlnc the delccates. nnd candidatesnre now sprlnclnc up. It looks now ns thouchJohn Mcllrlilo of Massilon. Ohio, will ho Presi-dent: W. I. Lewis of Hhnwiieo, Ohio, Tlrst

Jas. Coatwell of Pennsylvania Hec-on- d

P. II. Donnelly of Illinoisbecretary mid Treasurer, and Chris-

topher Evnns of Htrausvllle, Ohio, Hocretary.Durlnc tbo sosslon y this telocrum was

received from T. 11. Harry:On behalf ot the workeri of America, whose interests

hsvs been helrared by tbe outrag-eou- acttuns of Vow.derly and hie tueler. we extend to the miners throus--you fraternal preetlnrs- - Remember the of HUM)inembcrsnf our district one year ato. and thet 1'orr.derl ecolleuauee wire tested in the Istt Generst Aseentbly b) robblnrynur dutrict of lie membership. Letminers uot be decehed by I'owdcrly, Ibe dcsiffilnihjpocrtie

This mot with sennt approval, and only thatpart which concratulates tho moetinc will beaccepted and recorded.

The Annual Feast ofrit. Nicholas.Tho St. Nicholas Society held Its annual

dinner ntDelraonioo's last nlcht. Tho bic dln-lnc room colored servants. In old Dutch cos-tumes ot llebt bine witbvvblto stooklncs.servedtbe cuests. Before tho dinner oflicors wore In-

stalled as follows: President. Edward Schell;Jame.-- W, Boekmnn. Stuyve-san- t

fish, Frederick Da Peyster. and Cbnun-ce- y

M. Dopew; Treasurer, Charles A. ticbemer-lior- n;

Secretary, J. B. Pine; Assistant Treas-urer, J. B. Oakley; P. Do P. Poster and S. K.Nash were electod Stewards; P. M, Cheesmanwas made pluslolnn. Messrs, McDonald andPox conducted tho Inslalkitiou ceremonies.

After dlnnor there wero speeches, inter-spersed with slnciuc by tlio HchumonnUuar-te- t.

Tho first toasu ''Ut. Nicholas," was re-sponded to by Austen G, Fox. Hv.Judce How-lan- d,

In a witty speech, responded to "ThoHlate of Now York"." .Inines O. Carter repliedto "Our City." he did It wllh badcraco, becauso he had tried with word anddeed to roioct .Mayor llowitt nnd failed.Warner Millar, In tbo nbsenco of Uen.Bhermnn, who was to linvo responded to"The Army and Navy." replied to that sen-timent. The llov. Dr. Durjea ppoUo for Hol-lun- d,

and was followed by Jo"oph Choato. whotold about tho founders of Now Amsterdam.Hofcrrlnc to Chaunrey M. Depew. ho comparedlilm to Achilles, and said that he would be thenext President of this country If kontaway from the " heclerH." Tho Ilor. Dr. Brownspoke of "Oui'Giiesle."

Amonc tho 2M1 cuests were: JudceAbramIjiwrene.e. Judco Ldward Pntjerson. V, It. Flint,Henry A. llocers. Samuel Llllot. J. O. Hush. P,W. Dovoe. Smith E.Lane.Is GWacner. WilliamA. Boyd. Thomas Storm. Henrr H. Uowland,'John Jar, J. a Mills. James Clapp. airard Pos-ter, Cob Lockman, and J. Hdward Blmmosa.

jruumanaloeplas' cars run tbrouti dau betweeaUelxxlss,ovei Ibspew -- Bauta ye Bouts,"'saaklns- - botwosciaiiisof care betweoo new TorkaUeWel0lltfWMa7Oial CrMwar,UK




Van Tassoli & Kearney, 1AVCTIONRERrJ, 1

t thelrflKWand MAMMOTH AtJCTtOS MAnT, ISOand A 1nu hast 13th eL.and isa, 1S7, and 130 Cast 12th st, 1between Oil and 4ih areHEUULAR BALIS of llOrtKItS. rAimtAOEA. SLBtane,

TDKSIIAV and HtlllAY at id OTibOCK.yulldescrlrl rinscan he found In OATaLOOUF.H at sales

STORAGE. '1KLEOANT tnft holding CVOCAnniAOKS tor aroomro

datlonof parlies ihat wish to store their csrrtagee andsleighs. 1 bey also have privilege to leave value w tbasame can be sold at private sale.

AllhNTUiXIAK htvtng sold his horse offers the balfor l.'mi

rino harness, rug. KnrlMieadd e bridle, stable and dressblsnkeis; cost M7i0(i last Jnlyi s!m Portland cullerSP'1 ?5?rJ01"" 'reslzei very cheap; perfect order. ItWettet h et., rear

WARON'R, sll kinds, hesvr and lliht,Tor all lines or trade) all warranted. Lowellprices for best trim,.BAllNR VVVCDN AND CARRIAOK CO- -Cu"ir guulh 8th av. and Spring it, S. T.-AN OCTtmiN nivVilllAM. ownrake7TieTMiy

months, for sate cheapJ. Stale st snd lloemm piece, Brookbrn.

A V. oe, wagons trucks, Ac, with oryea?. auM".' " Ul'"" w,,lt' mmtb--"

ArOVVritKUL. chunky Canadian horse, f5 nntender from pavements. Be Cain.

ABrbUNDID FAMILY llohsB. m; top buggy snd at!store. n7 lllli arH corner tb et" M'l

BAntlAIN. Sound horse top business wsgon and bsr-- TITbe soldi cheap, un at. a. etere. li

I.VOR HALK A gentleman's turnout: a brown bores.old. lOhsnilshUth: can trot lietter than 3'S8i

pedigree given I also a J. 1J. Brewster eldebar wagnn andharness Apply to JOHN COLKMAN, foreman MtnielaBinb a. 58th it., near Sth av.

FOIIBAI.G-- At Itverson & Brown's stable, lis West S3brown horses, the properly ofagenttesnant

titer are young sound, and kind, and all three drive to-gether, and will be sold reasonable.

IjlOR BALK Sad dlehnrse leven yean old! well trainee,stylish, lo hands high. To be seen at the Youkera

Hotel, Yonkers, opposite Hudson lllver Itstirosd depot.

I.lnrt SALG Two hones, two top wsrons, harness,truck, and one road wsgou. tgl Ureenwlch it.

HOItSKS FOR BALK, little pavement aorei also ieewssttni snd hsrness snd old wheels cheap,

at UMTKU STATUS KXI'RKSS STABLES, comer Bill iand Henderson sis., Jttttr tity. i

for carriage and sleigh robes fur Icans, munlers. ruse, Act popular prices: good rota, 1

$. llL'itKi; Manufacturer, 214 llroadway. f

IACR BROP. o 11 vision et. Fall and F.ichsnceLarge stock Western and Canadian honel fconstantly on hand: all kinds work horses to let t

SI'P.riAI. oFKRl Vfl tmtrallsn carriage Xur robes,blsnketa cheap fi

A.Mmt.W l.htiTEI'.'a SO.SH. 730 and Tel Broadway.

5f bLEIGHS In great variety at very lownrleee. fWll. II, 1RY. gilVoniterst 5

11 fifl WILL, PIIRCIIABE a large, heavy horse. As-- f,V3 lvV ply to coachman ll'J Lexington av. !

11 Jf) DAltK BAY MARH'by Bradatbane, bho by Aberdeen, dam nnknowni kind and s

true, property of a private gentleman. lOEaattothau

XnntlATj COLLHOB Atxmxjs.

They nre lfatains; n fair for the BeneBt orTheir tlbrary Fund.

A fair tmrtcr tlio direction of tho NormalColleco Associate Alumna;, for tho benefit ofthe Alumnm library, was openod laet evonlncIn tho Assembly Booms of the MetropolitanOpera House, About iG.OOO lias boen collectedfor the library In tho past two years, and nearly0.000 bookd have beon 'placed In the libraryroom In tho Normal Colloco. It Is tho Intentionof the Alnmnru Association to allow tho booksto bo circulated free amonc all teacborn In thecity. Tho fair Is llko other Inner fairs In

cnuzy ntttro nrrancod alone thowalls nt eonienlont distances fortho victims;but It was not llko other fairs in havlne aGreek tomplo in thj centre of tbo Inicest

room, with lx pretty younc womenIn classical costumes lo match. Thoy werodressed In solt.c-llnaln- Btuffs, lu various

tlntH. deslcned by a prolosslunnl artist.Tlio pretty younit women wero llowcr sellers,and tint whobi combination was a study Innrebltectiue, In tho llower stand were tho3II-- r.thei Stebblns, Kllabeth V. Itbo. p.

Mtrcurct Hell. Maud Mlteboll. andl'lofcneii H. Day. Outsldo of tbo llowcr standwnro inoMly younc mon and eolleco tirofoNOr.who botichl llovvors Not fnrfmnitho flower ttand, which hoeined to bn the cen-tral point otobwrvatlou. was heard llieflzof nlonl Hodii-wat- touiitnlii with UHturnl fruitnrut'S, and beyond Hint was a bic restiuiiant.whete younc men und colloco clns lincorodovnrlcocrenm.

Tbo iindorcrnduntos of tho nolleco havobeen cnthusliistlc In nldlnctho Alumniolntiro-vtdlnctliiiicstoiolliii-

they hate mndo innnyllttlo knlckimi-k- which havo been put Into"crab bacs" and "llsb ponds," and lor leucotitajouncmiin with nrod und lino cnucbtbomu astoumllnc ere 'Imens of neodlowork.

Probably tho most popular stand was ono nnwhich stood a troo with eccs huncluc In thobranches. Ono of tho eccs contains u coldrlnc. and It costs ton cents to buy nn ecc. Mrs.John II. huheel found ns many customers fromtlio collece clrls aa from tbo patrons of thofair, and tho ecc with tlio rlnc has not boonpicked yet. At tho fnncy tables nro n multi-tude of Christinas diis. many of tbemcostlv.contributed by prominent merchants. Allkinds of music but danclnc music was plnjodbra llttlo orchestra, led by Nuban Frauko, inDm niiiln ball.

Tho fair will bo ojien y from 0 to 11 V,M., and will be closed nicht at 11,boiuc open from It) A. M.

ike in:in io fiiaxk Mvitpur.The nelfnst Hplder'n Reeponse to 3ftirplisa

Chnllence to a FIrcht.Hoston", Dec. (1 Iko Wclr has sent Iho fol-

lowlnc communication to the Now York Clip-ti- er

in rosponso to Fiank Murphy's chnllonco:70 tht FJUor or tht Clipprr . I saw a paragraph In the

local papers to day from I'rsnk Murphy, or rather fromKrani. MurDhv's unworthy sdMs-- r. He sajs hehasex-perlence-

arent dcslof trouble inifttliiicen a niatclinlth me, and thai 1 have no right to the cliampionelilpof the world. oir, as a mntter ot fact.I halo had mnney potted on to or threoccsslo.ii lu Pomnn. and hate msdu appointmentto turet Murphy at certain plsct-s- , but Haulier Murphynor HI trtsclierous ever ebnwolun. Inrsrt Ibu Ilrnt day Murthy Isndeil III America I had olliimert bleb. 1 hope wfll bncL up my statement thstrnsteail of tile coming and maklnc a rostch with tne. lm

inskei ono of mr many victims. And as form claim to the championship. 1 would like Mr. Murphyto know that I was on ofllrltsinand Ireland before Iran eliere have never seenany one In America that could lower my colon, I haoseen Murphy riant and was dlarufted at his pretentiousof belnir r tighter. It not a question t wbac he diitltatulll trite htm credit here, but wlmt lie will do..Now, lo mail a Ion story short. think it would loWmore KtiitienianlyHinl buslncsir.e for slorphy tocoiermvdepoMlt in tho folic Lftteil' nfnee, much hes beenthere for weeks. Hut I din't think thst such a e

action will cunte from either si urphy or hiscontemptible Just let blm cover my de-

posit, and stop blustering Iks O'NktL Wlikchampion of tbe world.

Cartwrlsht Mlnalnc on the Eve of Ula In-tended Marriage.

Sabatooa, Dec. C redestrinn GeorgeCartwrlcbt, the Kucllshman who was n contes-tant In tho recent six days' walk In New Yorkand who has made his headquarters hero forEomo tlmo, was to havo been married yesterdayto a younc lady Uvlnc hero, hut whon tho timofor tho ceremony came, ho failed to show up.It had been reported a few days aeo that bohad a wife and children in Kncland. but ho denied this and went on with arrancomenta forhis marriuce. ovon coinc as far as to furnishapartments for housekeeping. A brother ofthe younc lady made hot search for Cartwrlcbtyesterday, and will wreak venceance on him Ifhe finds him in this country. It is reportedthat Cartwrlcbt Intended to co to Enelnnd atonce.

Killed by hla Captive.Cheyenne, Dec. G. W. J. Vannlco, Secre-

tary of tho Younc Men's Christian Association,a prominent Mason and a respeoted citizen,was murdered flvo milos north of the city atabout noon Early in tho mornlnc.durlnc Vannice's absence, a tramp entered hisresidence and stole tlS from a purse. Ono oftho children called his fnthor from town. Vnn-tilc- o

hecurod a canlaeo and revolver, amistartod In pursuit of the thlof. He capturedthe culprit, nnd was roturnlnc to town, whontho prisoner cot possession of the weapon nutlsent a bullet throuch his captor's brain. Tbomurderer tied the reins to tho carriace wheel,and fled.

Obituary.News has been received at Seneca Falls of

the death of Dr. H. J. Pnrdy, who left there sbout threemouths ago for professional service with the compsnybulldlne; the Tsnama Canal, lte died at Panama on

ov. 17 from yellow fever, and was buried in the Ameri-

can cemetery. Ills wife and dauchter are In rew York.Albert M. Smith, anrnmloeut Prohibitionist, died cs

terday at Hti Soulb Elilith street. Wllllamsburzhvtr. T T ntmsn. proprietor of the Newport .Vtc.

cabled to New lork tho arrival of himself and mother-I- n

law yesterday mornlnc at bouthaupton. where hereceived the news of tbe delta of his wife. "MancsrrPean " They went to Parts, and will brine the bodyhome as soon sa possible.

Thomas Thompson, sued Os years, a pensioner of thewsr of IHla aud the oldest Inhabitant of Kockport. Mesa,died on Wednesday nlrlit. lie was a prlvatcereman.and was captured aud confined In Parlmnor and Hall-fa-

prisons He was born In Rockport, and for twenty-fil- e

years followed his occupation ss a master mariner.The Iter. Georre W. Olessner. I. P.. sn eminent di-

vine of the Reformed Church in tbe United States, diedon Wednesday evenluir at hlrlppeosburc. l'a.,attheadranced ase of 82 years.

A. T. Bldwetl. known In connection with the famousBldwell pesch. and a recornized authority on fruit, diedat Orlando, Ha, on Wedooedsy.

Alexander Evaua ex member of Concrcss, died at hishome In Hlkton, .Md . on Wednesdsy ntirbt. afteratluserine Illness aired 73 years lie was first elected toCoiisTesa as a Whig lu 1SI7. after a hard fought contest,and was twice reelected. Lie took a leadlnc posltlou intbe House, and It was through hit efforts tnutarorermwas made In the llahthouse system. Mr. Kvsns retiredto ptivste life after bla third term and resumed thepractice of law. lie wasaetronc unionist during thewar. After tbe war he united for a time with the uemocratlo party, but has ot Isle yesrs been considered Independent In politics. Ho ass resarded ss the

roan on scientific end general tnplci4,n Cecil county,and bsd a private library of several thousand volumes.He lesvesa v.ldow and one son A esstiiler Klaus. Jr.,of Klkton Ills brother. Col Andrew Vlalure htann. aretired omcer of the United Htates army, and his s.stcr,airs. Mary Clayton, also survive hliu.

Jodce W. II. Mcllrsrer. the distiller of Lawrence-burc- .Ky., who as stricken wllh paralyslaon Weduet-da-

died yesterday.A. II. Moss. President of the Most National Dank of

Eanduskr. Ohio, died yesterday.

Itlot AnsoDir, Miner.Macon, Mo Doc. C There was a serious

riot at Bevler last nixht. In which more then 1,000 sheuwere fired and considerable dsmaite done lo property.It Is not known yet a hetiier anyone wis killed.

Jamison has been ordered to tothe scene. The trouble was between minrra recentlyImported from Chicago and the local miners.

Twelve Yesra for the Iter, Joseph IVIUon.The Hev. Joseph Wllsou. pastor of the A. M. K.

Church at Quogue. who was found guilty In the SuffolkCounty Court on Wednesday of assaulting aglrb was yesterday sentenced to eight years' Imprison-ment In blate prison.

Colllulon on tbe North silver.Tbe Bteamor Thomas MoManus of the Hud-

son line was run Into by a Twenty-thir- street ferry-boat on Wednesday night' and relumed to her dock yes-terday mernlmrearlr with a hole in her side. She hadbut few passengers on board, and no onowas Injured.

The Official Vote of Maine,Avovbta. Dec, 6. The offlelal vote of tho

Etaleof Maine is as follows l liarrleon. 73. TSt; Cleve-

land. MeSli lsk. 2.B8I: fctreeter. 1.34s; aeatterlnc. laTne total vote was leVOik aud Harrisons plurality

The Dletrlet Attorney Aaked to PunishBoycottere.

Erall Faust, tbe brass worker who com-plained to Mayor Hewitt tbat he osd been boycotted byinward Association. K, of U, laid the complaint oef ore

District Attorney Kcllows yesterday.

White Cape MtlU Vndliasa) ed,Ci.EVKi.ANr. Dec, 0. The White Cope have

begun operations at Lima. Ob.o where nollcf was serv-ed last night on the keepers of several houses of

to close up their houses at ouco.

Heavy judgment.The Metropolitan National Bank, procured

a judgment lu the Supreme Court yesterday againstHenry W. Tord for 17I.WXIS. in a suit bropghl formoneys loaned during the past six years.

For the ParutU Dereace Fund.To HB Elirroa ojt Tb 8w Sir; Flease

find enclosed 110 (root u Irish worklnc woman far tbereman Defence rial, sjiaplesMataoowtedgetha re-

ceipt la Bat, ema cblixBefteurfs See. It, A tmxn n tw Out,



He Borrowed Money from Iter to Get Mar-ried Oa and He Had Repaid Her rnrrnerlVouna In tVortblesm Nolea nnd Honda,

Ernest Moycr, an artist, 21 years old, wholives nt .193 Ninth avenue, was arrested. In

yesterday as ho was nbotit to take ittrain for Chlcaco, with his brtdo of n week. Howas nccusod of obtalntnc money under fnlsopretences from his cousin, Gretchon Tracor, of719 Ninth nvonue.

Moyor mo to this country thrco yearsnco from Qormonr. Ho hnd mnde Ioro tohis cousin there, ;ind. when ho loft hopromised to eond for her ns soon ns hecould find n plnco for her here. A yearlater slio mme and obtalnod employmenton Ninth nvenuo. A little whllo after sho

hero a relative in Qormnnydlod nnd loft i

her f 1,000. Ono day whon Meyer called onMiss Tracer ho told her he was coinc to start Inbuslnoss for himself In Connecticut and needed1 100. Sho ncrecd to lend It to him providedho would return it In tlnoo months. When tho,,threo months was up ho cavo hor a roll of bills.' i

which ho told hor vvni worth MOO. Slip nutthem nway with tlio n-- t of hor mono)-- . Alterthis bo often borrowod money of hor. In Miniriiitcltic from tin up Ho uln-ny- repaid iholoani promptly with bills similar to thoso hohud used at llrst.

Whllo ho wn In Connecticut Mojermet arretty younc womnn named Annlo Mitchell,i liov became oncaced and ho iloorted her. i

hbo followed him to this city and thou ncroedto compromise mniters for Jl(. Hi. borrowodthe miinev from Ills cousin, telling her what liewantod It lor. Bho upbraided him forJila lalthlcsBiiess nud then ho told berho wnnted to marrc her. Sho thoucht It 'viould be bottertoiuiltnvihllo. Hosnbliiolblncmorn to Miss Tracor on tlio subject of marrlncoiintll about two weeks nco, whon ho called onher nnd told her that ho was coinc to mil ry ityounc womnn named Annlo Me rz. vv Iiobo fatliorwas woll to do. Ho needed tl'JS to pay the

woddlnc. ho said, and vwintod horto loud it to hi tti.

Miss 'J racer hud by thli tlmo mndo up hermind not to ninrry hor cousin In nnyovent.mid US bo bail retinlil nil lnnna tirntnntlv li,t t.irblin hiivi'tliemoiioy. Sho beard tbe next tinyHint he had boon tnnrrled to another vromnnwhen bo first oamo to this country. Slio wasimllcmiiit. nnd consultod her oniploier, whoasked lo see Ibo money Moyor had civ onher In rottnn for tbo money slio hndloaned hltn. MUs Tracer cot it lor hi mand bo found that it was a lot of worthlesspaperpurportlnctnbo bonds worth from J23tofdOOoach. Ho advised tboclrl tohnveMey-o- r

arrosiod. but sho didn't know where to timethim. On Monday she reeclied a lottor fromMover, in which ho said he had been married,nnd wtis coinc with his bride to IJIrlcnco by HieUelnwaro. Lackawanna and Woslern llailroudon Tburhday.

Miss Tracor notified tho HoboLen police, andwhen Mover loft tho ferryboat to tnko bin trainwlthhWbrldo yesterday. Detect hoa McKcnnaand Harney arrested him. Ho did not seem atall put out, uml willlncly accompanied tbo de-tectives to 1'ollee Heodiiunrtors. His cousin,who was with tho dotoetivesvihen tlioy arrest-ed him. and his brido followed. When Moyorwas searched, 20 In cood money was found luhis pockets. His brido had J125 in Confederal obills in her pockotbook.

Meyer wild that ho did not know be hnddono nnythlnc wronc. Ho purchased tbe

hills and tbo bocus bonds for tonconts on llrondvrny ono day. he said. Thebride nccomniinlod tho deceived couln back tothis city. Meyer uas broucbtto thlscitv nndlocked up in tho Forty-soveot- h stroct pollcostation. He will havo an examination

The National Reform Association.PrrrsBcrROH, Doo. c Tho Eov. D. JIcAl- -

llster, D. D provided nt the mootlnc of theNational Reform Association hereAbout 200 clercymen and Indlos wero piosont.In his openinc address tho President said thattho timo had not yot come for writors to pro-duce works on the " Political Philosophy of thoDiblo." but ho thoucht such a work was badlyneeded. The spiritual side of the national

movement was tho chief topia discussed.Dr. McAllister said that one of tlio recocnUodforces in civil covornmont i tho Influence ofwomen, and mentioned Mis. Woodbrldco, MifsAVlllnrd. and Mrs. Poster ns havlne done muchfor tomperanco and the reform movement. Theadvancement of tho spiritual kincdom shouldbe tho sole aim of the workers lu tho causo.whowere advised not to aid any movement nlmlncin a contrary diroctlnn. Whllo Churoh andfit nto must neoesi-arll- bn soparated. the daywill come when tholr to,ichlnc- - will linrmonizo.The resolutions dwell nt loncth on tho

klncshlp of Christ, and demand thatOod be rococnized In the Constitution.

They Can't Foi-- u IlruE Trust.CmcAoo, Dec. C.-- On Tuesday a niceting

of wholesale drucoistn of Chlcaco. St. Louis,Indianapolis, and Pooria was hold In this city.Its objoct wns to form n Drue Trust, but thatfailed throuch tbo refusal of the druc house ofFuller to ontor tho combination. Amomber of that firm says:

"Overturos woro made to us to co into thecombine, tbe secret juirposo of which was tocontrol the druc market and ralso prices. Wobelieve in the freest competition, and thomanipulators knew that if wo did not join witlithorn their cherishod scheme would fail, forthe retail drueclsts would put a bo cott on anyfirm known to have favored tho formation of atrust to innate prices. Worefusod to enter Intoany such scheme."

Low Tallin to the Phi BetaIiappa Alumni.

About sixty members of the Phi BetaKappa Alumni Association mot last evenine Intho hall over Clark's restaurant in West Twenty-t-

hird stroot. It wns the first social moetincof the season. Both Low of Brook-lyn was the epoakor. Ho discussed Rome ofthe problems of local covernment as affectedby imralcrntlon. nnd ndvocated some such re-striction njion tho ontrnnco of othor forolenraces as has beon adopted in tho caso of tlioChlnene. llestrlction of suffraco. ho held, wasnot a proper remedy for tho evils of excessiveimmigration.

Banquet to den. Adam II. Klntc.BAivnMonr, Deo. 6. Some hundred and sixty

persons were present at a banquet given tonight by thellepubllcau friends of Gen. Adam E. King In recognitionof bis services In the Preeldentlal campalgu Oen. PellsAgnus of the American presided Tho set toasts were responded tons follows. "The tfuestut the I.venlnr," byflen Ring, "Tli- - President I'.lect." by the Hen r A.Poutelle, ard 'The National Kepubtlesn Party." by A.Louden rnovtden

Amnnir tliose present were Hamilton. Dlsslon. W ItLeeds. ChaM.Kmory Smith. A. Snowdea andClajton McMlchaetof Phlladelihls. Hie Hon U. A. Hon.telle of Maine. Hen. VI p, Hmml. V. S. A., the Hon. W,s Ooudloe if Kentucky. Jus. 1', foster, rreidenl lsattnnal Itepublican League, end lien Joseph ' Jacketmof .sew lork Lettersof regret were read rrumVUe-Treslden- t

elei-- t Morton Jatnrs ri HIaine. Win. Waiterl'nelpa Thomas 11. Piatt. Frank lllsciik. Warner Wilier,Eenators Sherman, tjuay, and Allison, and Cbauncey M.Depen,

The Rev. ,T, 11. Devlns'H Inatallntlon.The formal installation of the Hev. J. B.

Devlnslntbe psstorateotllope I'bapelin urty seventhstreet, near Avenue I, took place last night. The ser-mon of tbe evening was read by the Her. It. T, HacAr-thu- r

of the Calvary Protestant Church Pr HowardI'rosby delivered tbe charge to the nsior n 1 Dr HenryVan li ke tn the people. The other pans of the cere-mony were performed by President Muslims ot thel.nlon nemiuarr. the Itev. II. K Tipple of ht-- Luke'srroiestsut episcopal Church, aud the lie v. II. 0. Slrchbyof (Irace L'lispeL

Fumlsutlnc JurUaonvllle,Jackbonville. Dec. 6. Tho fumlcatlnc brlc-ad- e

has nearly finished the itreele In tbe city runningease and west work on streets runningnorth and south will be begun. Dr. Porter asys that thework of lumlgattlngtbe city will be Dnlshed this week.Hr. Porter is meeting with no opposition in bis work offumigation, un tbe citizens assist as muchaspossible. Pr. Joseph V. Porter was y presentedwith a gold rueds! set with diamonds

Un new cases ef fever were reported and nodeaths.

Pateraoa'a New Government Balldlns.Paterson. Doc. 6. There Is creat dlseatlsfac-tloaber- e

over tbe selection ot a slto for tbe new Gov-ernment building, for which Congress appropriated(70,000 last winter. The property now known aeArlonllalklu the Mithward. baa been decided upon. at.though It was generaltv believed that tbe property of Bt.Paul's Church would be selected. This Is directly opro.sits the preseot Poet o trice buildlnr. In the centre ot ihacity, an-- l takes In the entlro .square. The price) askedfir It was two, uot whlie the present site was purebsssdfortl-Luiw- .

President orthe Poucbkeepale Bridge,PotULDELriiu, Deo. C John 8. Wilson, late

General Trarno Agent of the Pennsylvania ItsllroadCompany, vis today elected President of the

Brldee rompany All the other oTtcers wcereeicctet. Hr. Wiliuin was also elected President ofthe llndson CooneeUng Hallway Company, the e

and i;onnectlout Italiwar Company, and thePouvhkeepele Prldre Hallway Compaur. The Keere-tarle- s

and minor oftleera of the railway eumpaules willretain their v'scee for tbe Dreseat The reughkeepslebridge lompuy ettabllsheif aa urtlce lu this cur.

Teaaeaace'a Olapatcd Cuastresa Election.NieiivuxE, Dec 6. Gov. Taylor, who decided

afewdsjsisjto to Issue a csrtlllcate of elecllon to thHon. II. CJlrHAhs, tb Republican candidate tor Cor

In l oaslrUt, kaa been enjoined fromKss Tb,lJb3SJOrad.y,-llate- e today Bled a bill Is.restrain ibe isenaBo of Ue document, and 40 cemlvelthe Ueversor to lurte sler ih cerUawte rsceaUy tnadeley HI Betca, ,



A Trajcedy In Trey Similar o tbe One tn, Tweaty-alxt- h Street.

Tboi, Doc. C Gcorjro Downs, who keepsn saloon opposite tho Bunion mill, shot andkilled James Locnn at about 13 o'clock lastnight in tho saloon. Tho revolver usod was of33 calibre, nnd the ball ontercd Loean'arlcht eldo. plerclnc tho rlcht lobe ofthe hoort. Immodlntoly after the shoot-ln- c

Downs threw nwny his revolvor andwont ovor to Dr. Hnrvlo's office, which Isabout a block away from tho scono of tho mur-der, but before tho physician arrived Locnnhad expired, and was lylnc on tbe floor Innpool ol blood, Tho Coroner was summoned,and ho otdorod the arrost of the murdorer.Downnwhcn nrrcsted would only snythnt "liewas my host friend," practically adralttlnc thecrime.

When tho nnllconnd Coroner arrived, Downsstood speocliloi-i- nnd pate in the centre of thosaloon, whllo In a llttlo loom about twelve footlone and four feet wldo wns tho body of bisvictim. On tho floor was one larce pool ofblond which had become plotted, and allaround tho floor wero crent drops of tho bloodof tho tnurtlernd man. On a lone board thebody of Locnn lay, his face upturned, hisClassy eyes wldo open and stnrlnc. nnd ft lookof ontrentv denieiod on tho countenanceislileh ovon death could not ofTnoo. Hohad no coat on. nntl tho rlcht sltlo of his whiteKhlit wns dyed acriuifon rod wliero tho bullotwhich ended his life had piiKsed throuch.Around tho body woie crotipcd novoral iiolleo-inei- i,

tho phiHlcian. and tlio Coroner. In thecar vor mon with lunterns Benrchlnc for

tho rovolvor which hail boen thrown awayby tho miudoror. In tlio stroet In frontof tho Iioiifo woro coucrocated tne en-tire nolchborhood, men, womon. andchildren, with blanched cheeks anxiousto Ion n tho particulars ot tho murder. Downs,previous 10 bis arret, excitedly paid that thonhootfnc was ncclileiitnl. It ia snld, hnwovor,that l.ocnn wns itmlulv intlmnto with Downs'owife, mul Unit Downs killed Locnn on this

On the way to tho station house Downstopoatcd to ilia uoltcoinen that tbe shootlncwns aeeidontal, but lelused to answer anyquestions put to him. Jealousy is supposod tohnvo boon tho causo ol tbo murder.


Tbe Haslnnw Clolnf; tn Take In Home ofHajtl'a Fiirbldden Porta.

It appears thnt Minister Preston receivedon Sunday last tho decision of tho State De-

partment that the United States recurdod asInvalid tho soizuro nnd condemnation of thoAraorlcan etoamshlp Haitian Itepubliu by thoGovernment of Lecltlmo in

Tho steamship Hnclnaw left Porto Plata ontho yd. Monte Crltl on tbo 4th, Capo Hnvtlenon the 5th, nnd Port do Paix yestorday. Atleast that was probably her route on tho wayhome, nlthouch sho has not beon beard fromslncn lnavlnc Porto Plata, and If it was theblookndo must be rather lmaclnary.

A Hiiytiun merchant in this city, who de-clined to have his nnmo published. Raid tfleUbe had recolved Information from Capo liar-tle- n

yesterday to the effect thnt the people oftbe norlli were viillinc to make peuco pro-vided Oen. Lccl'inie reslcned and permittedn new olOLtlon. Oen. Hlppolyte. It wns furthernlleced. wns willlnc to clvo up his clulin to thePiesldenvy.

The Champion FInntcr'a Exploit.Middletowx, Dec. 6. The story of tho

foat accomplished on Nov. 0 by tho championrepentor nnd floater. In votinc at the polls ofno less than five different towns, threo iaChonnnco county und two in Cortland county,was not fully told in last Sunday's Sun. Itnow appears that In order to roako tho roundsof tbelilve polllnc places ho trav elled somethlncllko thirty miles, every inch on foot, nnd nilbetween sunrise and. sunet. Tho rewnrdearned by this extraordinary dlllcenco in thoexercise of tho clorlous rlcht ot sufTraco issaid to have nverocod (3 a vote, or SIS nlto-coth-

doubtless tho blccost dnv's wnco tbatthis particular ilontor ever cot lu the wholecourse of his life. Ho fell under tho blandish-ments of tho poll worker of both parties, and,asltchancod. ho divided his favors quite

botwoonthe two Presidential candi-dates. His first ballot was lor Harrison, hissecond, third, nud fourth for Cloveland.und bisfifth for Harrison acaln. Tho championfloater Is rostinc unmolestod on his laurels,nnd his exploit Is recounted ns a cood joko bytho politicians of the countryside.

North Dakota 'Wants to Come In.Jasiestovw, Dnk., Deo. a. Tlio Statehood

Convention last evenine adopted resolu-tions favorlnc tho division of Dnkota Ter-ritory on tho sevontn standard paralleland the lmmodlato admission cf the north-ern portion to tho Union under tho nameof North Dakota: In caso the Fiftieth Con'cress fulls to provide for tho admission ofNorth Dakota as n Stato reque6tlnc the Presi-dent elect to call n special Eeswion of tho Fifty-llr-

Concross for that purpose: a Constitu-tional Convention for North Dakota early next

Committees wero appointed to memoral-z- e

Concress nnd tho President elect for un ex-tra session to proparo n bill for a Constitu-tional Convention to ba submlttod to the Ter-ritorial Lecislature, and a committee to

for an Convention,which will probably bo called for Helena, Mon-tana, some time in the near future.

Mr. lllddle'a Reading;!!.Mr. George Itkldlo gave ono of his popular

readlncs to a larce audience in ChickerincHall yesterday afternoon. The procrnmme.unlike those which have preceded it. consistedof a slnele poom. " The Blot on tho Escutcheon."which won recited with tho charactorlstto

all Mr. lllddle'a selections. It waspreceded by an orcan solo. Ovvlno to tho un-usual nrocramme tho audience remained sit-ti-

after the reador loft the platform, like concrecatlon waltlnc fortho benedic-tion, until tho janitor becan turoinc out thecas, nnd thus admonished that the entertain-ment was ended thoy smilinciy dispersed.

Cash Value of Conscience," Tho Cnau Valuo of Conaolenco" wns the

title ot a paper road before tho American to

of Christian Philosophy at 4 Winthropplaco yestorday by Oeorco May Powoll of Phil-adelphia. "If corporations have no con-science." he said, "it is because the Individualswho manace them forcet tbat Bteallnc by acorporation is just as much stoaline as if doneby any common thief."

llasry'a Labor Brotherhood.Chicago, Dec. G. The Wines will

publish the tevt of an address issued by Thomas B,Parry outlining the alms and purposes of the newer-saturatio-

which he proposes to form, and which is tobe known as the Prntiierhood of L'nlted Labor,"

The organisation will leave to trades rr rentralbrat chescmple Jurisdiction and control oier theirown stfa re. f disputes arise between members audtheir employees bey will be settled by tho.e most con-versant witTi the trouble, the order will maintainfriendly relations with all legitimate organisations oflabor. It win draw the In- - clceely on scabs snil srab-is-

It will insist upon members irlvlng talr manufac-turers preference when purchaamc necessaries of lite.

tlnror BrlnkerholPa Horse Nlolcn.Isaac K. Brlnkcrhoff, who has boen servlnc

ss a Juryman during Iha session of the Oueens CountyCourt In Long Island City, drives from bis home in

Great heck, where he takes a train for LougIsland Cltr. A farmef named George Kchenck takracare of his hnrse until tils return in the evening. OnWednesday he ws on a lurvirvinia horse case, andIheyrttd nut arrlveat a verdict unl'l late that nlgliLMr Brlnkerlinri left Iuir Uland City for Ureal Meekon thelsst trsln. When be arrived there he found bisnereeyaiid carriage had been stolen.

A Parochial Hckool Jteolstluc Taxation.ri.AlNPfELD, Dec. C Plalnfleld has In pros-

pect an Interesting legal fight. When bt- - Mary's RomanCatholic parish built snd opened a parochial school tutfall Assessor Joeeoh A. llubbsrd considered the

as taisbln property, and itwaaassessed accordingly. Tbe buhdlnr nss accommoda-tions for sou pupils. At the meeting of the Commlssltm-arso- fAppeal tills week, rather P.K. Hmrllie appealedfrom the ui, but tils appeal was not allowed. lie saysthe parish will csrry tbe matter to tte courts

Labor and YFMRca.

Employees In nation's clear manufactory,one of the largest concerns ot the kind In ttyraensa. havestruck on account of thslutroducllon of buucb break-ing marhlnee.

The ortlcers of the rottstown Iron Company at, wJkiss nslt factory has been lytug Idle during lbpast two or three weeks, have requested the nailers toaccept a reduction of . per cent, the nailers not tore,luce tho reedera who are already working at bottomtlgurea The nailers are holding the matter under

U Made the Pelltlclaue Talk.The Corporation Counsel's opinion that

Daniel K. Howling of the Hoard or Aldermenbecame Preeldenl upou Ibe dsalh of lleorit II P.irstrrset ounty Denincraia aud Tammany men asking It lullmeant tnst the Aldsrmsn lo be electedlu Itevj would become I'reeldent by virtue of iiit'ti-In-

Assistant ',irpovatlon Counsel Deanbis orlulon that Iho new Hoard couUl elect a I'resWci't.

A JUIrace la Illinois.BwoeTiKaTON. III., Dec. 6.- -A phenomenon

rarely wltueaeed In llltaoU Is reported frontvTaHlbv D Wit county, Karl this mornlar lb tewcf Midland City, twelves miles)Walnjy seen by tie TTanelU BeoeJarDnsMnUrlevslJd

'' i ' '



It la Not Certain "Whether Another ejteelC'aat dun ivlll be Made.

Pirrsncnou, Dec. G. SuperintendentIlalnsworth of tbe PittsburcU Steel Cas tine lCompany and tho narty ot Pittsburoh centle- - v

men who accompanied him to Annapolis towitness the test by tho naval authorities of tbosiv-lnc- h stoel cun cast at the worts of tba lcompany returned this mornlnc. Mr. Halns- - Fworth waa seen nt tho office of tbe costingcompany's works. A model of tho cun lay bo- -foro htm. nnd he was busy maklnc some calcu- - Ilatlonx. He referred tbo ropottcr to Mr. Man- -cers. who said: ,r

" This cun was n failure, but thnt does not iimply that othor steel cast cutis will be fail-ures. The sovern test was mado fairly, andwo havo uothfnc whatever to complain of inour treatment by tho Government. Mr. Halns- -wortb is of the opinion thnt a secrot process vthnt heuscdlnhardcnlnc tbo Bteel will prove Sto be the causo of Its burutluc. We have hnd fno opportunity an yot of examinins the rem--nnnts of tho cun, nnd his opinion may be Iwronc Tho pieces will bo boxed by the offl- - .,cers at Annapolis, and shipped to ns in a few 1?days. A thorouch examination of them willthou lie mndo by us in ordor to discover If po- - tslblowhero tho error was committed, so thatwhen wo make nnothor attempt we can iavoid It"

'! S!'n tou will maka another attempt ?", jThat t will not any. We bave just foucbt s

bnttlo, and the smoke has hardly cleared away, CW'oaroonly eeolnc tho darker side ot there-- 7,ptilt. You mav rest assured that should the In- - s

dicatlons justify our maklnc another expert- -meat It will bo done without delay."


This County Committee la Small, bnt TVctlFixed for Winter.

The first meetluc of the County GeneralCommltteo of the United Labor party since tbeefection was Held last nlcht in Clarendon HalLIt was a d assemblace, slouch hatsand sou'westers havlne civen way to bleb silkhats and chinchilla overcoats, but there wasntmuch ol It. John MoMackln wasn't nronnd. Itwns said that be was too 111 to come. There- - ,

rmrfc of thn F.vnp.titltii f!ntnmltrnn in PnlCoocan's Intimations that he had paid for tbehfch hats and ovorcoats. to say nothinc ofhouses and lots, was not ready. It is not due v.iuntil Dec. 20. )

Dolccnto Sbesban wanted to know who Wfbuncliod Mike Murphy and James Daly with 7the United Labor tlokot. Another wuntod to ;know who cot tho money and where It wont,

Tbon a stronc-hearto- d dotecnte raovod thatthe mectlnc thank tbo nowspapera for theirkindness in advneatinc ballot reform. The I

delccates with shiny silk hats and beavor coals ,said that tbo newspapers never advocated nny-thlnc thnt did not hnvo boodle in It The re-porters cot tired nnd wont away. Then themectlnc promptly adjourned.

Paying; an Election Bet with her Hand InMarrlacc.

Carlmbxe, Pa., Dec. 6 A novel weddingtook place at 2 o'clock this afternoon at theresidence of Major Jacob Bretz. Tne contract- -

lnc parties were Mr. Joseph II. Kinter. a school .',toacher of Dlllsburc. York county, and Miss fi ,

Mary E. liranhan, a niece of Maj'or Bretz. Tbe ffymarrlace was to eatlsfy an election bet TheBroom is n Ilopubllcan and the bride a Demo-- ,crat, und the conditions were tbat If Harrison ',,was elected tbo weddlnc should be solemnizedjust one month after election and the bride iroust procure tbo morrlnco license and defraynil current expenses. Hhe carried out her part 'went to tbo Clerk's office, procured tbe papers.nnd wna married in the presenco of a larce as- -eembly of IriondH.

Bis: Mlv AIo Vpscta the Admlnlafratlon. ,

It was settled yesterday that the anti- -ndmlnlstratlon ticket for officers of Typo- - 'crapblcal Union No, G hrtd been elected by amajority of 87. W. K. ISosollycf Tiir, Evtmxo V'Hun is the newly elocted President: Duncan YMoLeod of the Ma and iprfjs. Vice-Pres- l- 4dent; and Everett Olaekln, Harper't. the Becre- - ttnry. Oeorce H. Mooie. elected Treasurer, wan ''the only candidate of tbo administration ticket i--chosen. About U COO ballots wero cast It was '' .hinted that tho printers wanted to rebako the -

adnilnistrntlon for fllrtlnir with Matt Quay and Vrslttlncdowu no hard on tho Union JYintti: , x

' ;The Heulor Klcctlua at Princeton, ' ,

Princeton. Doc. C-- The Senior election of i"the class of 'av look place last nlgbt These officers and 'representattrea ot the class were chosen : ?

President, David Bovalrd. Jr of Pennsylvania; Bee .

retsry, Lewis a kludge of New Jersey, Master of Cere- - imonies. XT. J. rjsorge of Ohio; Class Orator. Robert E.Heer of finnerlvsnlai Ctaas Poet. William V. sterriM of V'.ffl"" y,1,'t "r "rator. T. W. Ilotcbkisa of New York; &,

llistorian. J. C. Oray of the DUlilct of Lolumbls . fiPressntailon Orator. W. h Hecur of ennont: rials kProphet. J. r. btebblni of New Vorki IVnsor W. II. STKing of New Jersey; Wasblngton'a Birthday Orator. r,Jeraee Hunter of New Vorki Class ot 1 Dlbsler. II. O. ffrummond of New Jersey. b,i


Alderman Kane, the ltegleter elect, will reappoint Wllllsai ilarr dsputy regisier. ffi

The Hoard of Supervisors have resolved to und three fftesperis to BLJohniaud to examine tbe pew iswer. -winch Is alleged to be defeclve In many respects. &

Tti troub'e In the Episcopal Cbolr CuUd over the 5,'captureof in. iwiet rmr snprsuo , f t. Here's church jJbe Pr W iKxtcock. the choirmaster ( the Cathedral, has ff,not ret been settled, aud the laftiter has Ueu referred fisto bishop Littiejohu. K

Pra-i- Newell an was liefore Jistlce Eit jbyesterdsv charged with having attempted to rob IffMr. Charles - Woodtrldio of hia Henry street of his BFfold watch while In a bridge car on Wednesday even- Klug. Newell put bis arms sround lr. WiodurMse andsoon afterward the laucr'iwatch drtippsd to tbe Uoor y

These hem been e exHcere of Ihe tVumblsn ?.'pub. the social Catholic nrganliailimot BrokIf ";,!"!, ,.n. ""suing vear, IPinurary I'rrai Jcnt. Hie Itev

- fcC'ariy: President. P. II ltce-1're-.l , -dent. Jotepti nletlnt Trraiurer, Thrnnss II. Vort fKW,relary, Vr. II, C llcUiul elnaaclsl becrelsry, I.I.nsif

A,'J!,t,,'?".rt':.,r'i'. I'sterOllsey at tbe Mount flJf,.r'fi."i'"'. ,u iblnton stroei. on Vieduesdsr i'lnUULJliadeihluga very lirelr for hit fellow guests be IV"JiPK ') chman Cummlugi la trying to oulet I ,blin had bis hands severely out with a knits OJIeey I jifwutbrowu downstairs, and on reaching tbe ildiwalk lvwas arrested. U hen arraigned In Justjc. Walsha court $

wsrtAsisnssst wtaT u--' maaaaKl?