Download - The Sun Malaysia Cover (30 June 2008)

  • 8/14/2019 The Sun Malaysia Cover (30 June 2008)


    Prime Minister Abdullah:Umno has never thought ofdisturbing him like this. BN alsohas never thought of makinghis life difficult or making upsomething like this or doinganything bad towards him. Wedont have such intention. It

    never crossed my mindto frame him.

    Anwar Ibrahim:I have been told that myassassination has not beenruled out as means to subvertthe peoples will and bring anend to the transformationalchanges taking place inMalaysia.

    Wan Azizah:This is the second politicalconspiracy and anattempted murder. There is aserious threat on his life. Theydid it in 1998 and they aredoing it again now.

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    No. 4544 PP 2644/12/2008 (020369)

    MondayJune 30, 2008

    275,000 COPIES DAILY

    Award winning newspaperfor public service reporting

    and opinion writing.

    Abdullah leaves it to police to probe

    Anwarfears for his life

    difficulties for him (Anwar)since he has claimed he

    made a political comeback inApril, said Abdullah, adding that itwas up to police to investigate andconclude if the claim was true or not.

    He said he did not have anyknowledge about the matter and onlyheard about it from an SMS receivedon Saturday. The person involved hasmade a report. What else is there for

    us to do? He has a right to lodge areport. We cant stop him from doingso. Leave it to the police. We dontmeddle. We dont do that, he saidyesterday morning after launching theGreen Earth programme.

    Asked to comment on Anwarsclaim that it was a repeat of methodsused against him in 1998 when falseallegations were made under duress,and he was sacked as deputy prime

    minister, Abdullah said it was notsomething which the governmentcould ascertain.

    Of course he would make a denial.Thats normal. A person who is allegedwill make a denial. But if there is proof,it is up to the police to investigate.

    Umno has never thought of dis-turbing him like this. BN also has neverthought of making his life difficult ormaking up something like this or doing

    anything bad towards him. We donthave such intention. It never crossedmy mind to frame him. I believe myother colleagues, Datuk Seri Najib(Abdul Razak) or anyone, has neverthought about that, he said.

    Asked if Anwar will be arrested,Abdullah said: All that I know is, areport has been made and the policewill decide what they want to do andhow they are going to investigate.

    PUTRAJAYA: Expressing shock overfresh allegations of sodomy againstDatuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PrimeMinister Datuk Seri Abdullah AhmadBadawi said Barisan Nasional did nothave anything to do with it.

    Neither Umno nor Barisan Nasion-al (BN) have any intention to create

    Charles Ramendran, Tim Leonardd Husna [email protected]

    HAH ALAM: Datuk Seri Anwarrahim has taken refuge in theurkish embassy in the wake ofhat his wife Datin Seri Dr Wanzizah Wan Ismail described assecond political conspiracy tonish him off.

    The Parti Keadilan Rakyat decto leader failed to show at aheduled press conference ate Quality Hotel here yesterday,llowing a police report lodged

    gainst him on Saturday evening byn aide who accused him of sodomy.

    The 23-year-old man lodged aolice report at the Brickfields policeation, alleging that Anwar haddomised him on Thursday at andominium in Damansara. It isarnt that in his police report, thean also alleged that Anwar haddomised him on several occasions

    ver the past three weeks, bothcally and overseas.In a press statement issued from

    e Turkish embassy yesterdayening, Anwar who said he was

    ansported there yesterday morningaring that his personal safety wasdanger, thanked the ambassador

    r extending an invitation to seekfuge within the embassy.Since the March 8 elections,

    numerous credible sources fromwithin the government and militaryintelligence have advised me thatcertain agents from within theBarisan Nasional leadership haveinitiated plots to cause harm to meor my family or supporters, heclaimed.

    I have been told that myassassination has not been ruledout as a means to subvert the

    peoples will and bring an end tothe transformational changes takingplace in Malaysia, he said.

    The former deputy prime ministeralso said he would make public newevidence implicating the Inspectorof Police and Attorney-Generalregarding cases brought against himin 1998 when he was charged withcorruption and sodomy.

    Wan Azizah who held a pressconference accompanied by herdaughter Pantai MP Nurul Izzah,and senior PKR leaders, accusedthe government of a secondpolitical conspiracy to finish off herhusband.

    She showed journalists a picturemessage from her BlackBerry, sayingthe picture will allow the public toknow who is behind the accusations,and why they are doing it now.

    The picture showed Anwars

    accuser, a former student leader atUniten, posing with an official inPutrajaya.