Download - The summer of my live, alba pérez vera


1. The summer of my life! 2. - My favourite summer was this year. First summer, in July, I went with my best friend ngela, to Almuecar for a week. Every day, me and ngela went to walk all nights at the beach. We went online in a Internet shop too. When July finished, I went to Maro, a small place ofMlaga. We were in a big house for a week. I went with my mother, my sister, my cousin and my aunt. Everyday we went to the beach. In a beach was a river. 3. At night I went with my sister and my cousin to a park. When the school finished me and my friends celebred 'San Juan'. It is a beach party. Everyone was dancing and singing. I had one day of non sleeping, but in the morning I was energetic. In Agust, I went to Brchules with ngela. In this village'Noche Vieja' wascelebretedon the 6 thon Agust. This day wasmy boyfriend Carranzo's birthday . People had christmas' cap. We came next day to ours houses. We likedthis night! 4. The reimaining days, I was in my village. I went out for a meal with my friends,we went to the swimming pool, to theBeach... 5. This is my favourite summer because I went to lots os places and I was with my family!