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  • 8/2/2019 The Story of Martin Luther, Part 1


  • 8/2/2019 The Story of Martin Luther, Part 1


    The monks taught the children that if they

    wanted to go to heaven when they died, they

    had to pay for their sins by doing good works

    and praying to the saints.

    To avoid Godspunishment, you must

    not sin.

    Marn always felt like God was

    angry with him. Though he had

    learned about God, he didnt under-

    stand that God is love (1 John 4:8).

    God feelsso very far


    The only me he felt close to God waswhen he walked by himself through the


    Marn would oen sing as he walked.One day while passing by a church

    Everything is so beautiful.

    Its as if God is everywhere!

    When I sing, Idont feel sad.

    Excuse me, young man.

    Who taught youto sing like that?

    No one taught me,sir.

    I just like to sing!

    I often earn a few

    coins by singing in

    the streets.

    Would you like to

    sing in my choir?

    Id be very gladto, sir!

  • 8/2/2019 The Story of Martin Luther, Part 1


    And thats when Marn received his rst training to sing, a skill that God was going to

    wonderfully use later on. Marn also learned to play the ute and the lute, a stringed

    instrument which is similar to a guitar.

    Marn was a brilliant student, andconnued his educaon at the

    University of Erfurt, where he eventually

    studied to become a lawyer.

    Martin, with your quick mind, youll

    soon know every detail of the law.

    Thank you, sir.

    One of the greatest events of Marns lifehappened one day at the university.

    Hmm, the Holy Bible. This is

    probably an interesting book.

    I think Ill read it.

    For God did not send his Son into the

    world to condemn the world, but in

    order that the world might be saved

    through him (John 3:17 ESV).

    Fascinating! I wonder if thatmeans I can be saved, even

    though Im so bad?

    Why didnt someone tell me

    before that the Bible says this?

    From then on, Marn was deeply

    interested in reading the Bible to learnmore about God and how to please Him.

  • 8/2/2019 The Story of Martin Luther, Part 1


    Before connuing on

    with advanced studies,

    Marn Luther went to

    spend a brief holiday

    with his parents and


    You are as good with your lute as you

    are with your books.

    Ha! Ha!

    My son is a fine young man.Hes a scholar. Why, even I

    call him sir.

    Ha, ha, ha!

    Heres to Martin! May he become

    one of the greatest lawyers in

    all of Germany!

    Im honored Thank you, my friends.



    But God had other plans for him.

    During the journey back to the university:

    Dont worry, Martin, its

    just a summer storm.

    We must find shelter!

    Suddenly, lightning

    struck!Well make it

    back safely.

  • 8/2/2019 The Story of Martin Luther, Part 1



    Franz? Franz!

    Oh no! Hes dead!

    God must be angry!

    I must earnforgiveness. Oh

    God, I promise tobecome a monk.

    And so, Marn, afraid of death,decided to leave his family and his

    career, and joined the Augusnian

    Monastery at Erfurt.

    What do you want, my son?

    I beg your mercy and Gods

    mercy, Father. I want to

    become a monk.

    Life in a monastery is very hard,my son. There is little food, little

    sleep, many long prayers, and

    much hard work. Are you prepared

    for this type of life?

    Yes, Father. Ill do all I can!

    Marn thought that he

    could earn Gods mercy

    through his good works. And

    how hard he tried! He dideverything he was told and

    much more.

    He went without food for

    days at a me and lay on

    the cold stone oor for

    hours saying long prayers.

    Hear me, O

    almighty God!

    He would go

    begging somemes

    for days on end.




    money given tohelp the poor

  • 8/2/2019 The Story of Martin Luther, Part 1


    He spent so much me telling the monks about his sins

    that they didnt want to listen anymore.

    Brothers, I am a terrible sinner!

    I must confess.

    Martin, please. Lets not talk about it.

    Many years later

    Marn said, If ever

    a monk could get to

    heaven by his monkery

    it was I. But the more

    he tried to be perfect,the more he realized

    what a hopeless

    sinner he was. It was

    impossible to save

    himself no maer what

    he did!

    Then one day, Marn spoke from hisheart to the head of the monastery.

    Father, I cant find peace inmy soul. God is angry at me!

    Dont be a fool, Brother Martin.

    God loves you!

    It says in the Holy Bible thatIf we confess our sins, He is

    faithful and just to forgive us

    our sins (1 John 1:9 KJV).

    It says that?!

    I think the time is right. Here

    is a present for youyour

    very own copy of the sacred


    Thank you, Father John!

    Hungry for the truth, Marn spent long

    hours reading through his Lan Bible. And

    one day he found a verse that stood out like

    a ash of light.

    The righteous shalllive by faith (Romans1:17 ESV).

    Hmm? I wonder if that means that faithalone can save me?

    (To be continued.)

    S&S link: Christian Life and Faith: Witnessing and Missionary Training: Great Men and Women of God-1b

    Authored by Simon Peterson, based on writings published by TFI. Illustrations by Jeremy. Design by Christia Copeland.

    Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright 2012 by The Family International