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The Stories of Jakey and Vicky

Copyright 2012 Focus and Vision Publishing at smashwords

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

ISBN: 978-0-9873572-0-5

Written by Zoltan and Rita NemethIllustrations by Shane Robinson.

E-mail: [email protected]


Layout and Typesetting by Pecgi Tanjung

Cover and main characters design by Zoltan Nemeth

Special thanks to Iain & Nicole Mathieson

Pssst! Punky the mysterious guinea pig followed Jakey everywhere he went. Can you find him in the pictures?

The day Mummy, Daddy and Jakey had long been waiting for finally arrived!

Early in the morning, Mummy and Daddy went to the hospital while Jakey stayed at home with Auntie Linda.

Everyone was very excited, especially Mummy.

Vicky must have liked being in Mummys tummy. It was past lunchtime and Vicky still had not shown any interest of ever being born. Vicky made Mummy, Daddy and the Doctor continue to wait for hours and hours!

Eventually, in the late afternoon, Vicky was born. She was crying loudly. The Doctor told Mummy and Daddy that it was a good thing. It meant that Vicky was breathing and everything was okay.

Mummy and Daddy were filled with joy.

Just when Mummy was about to eat her dinner, Jakey and Linda stepped in with a big bunch of flowers. When Jakey caught sight of baby Vicky, he became very quiet. It was strange for him to see Mummy and Daddy caring for another child.

When Daddy handed baby Vicky over to Linda, she got so emotional, she started crying!

Of course, after seeing Linda with the baby, Jakey wanted a turn holding Vicky, too. Daddy told Jakey to be very careful. Then he put baby Vicky in Jakeys arms. It was this first hug that made Jakey start to like having a little sister!

While Mummy and Daddy were taking lots of photos, Jakey decided he was hungry and ate Mummys dinner.

All of it! When he finished the last bit off the plate, what did he say?

He said he was still hungry!

Daddy realised he was hungry, too. Daddy and Jakey decided to walk down the street to eat a cheeseburger. Jakey finished off all of his meal, and he even had enough space for a cup of ice cream. Daddy had never seen Jakey eat so much.

Did Linda accidentally exchange Jakey for some other boy? Daddy was thinking to himself.

While Mummy and Vicky spent the night at the hospital, Jakey slept in the big bed at home with Daddy.

Jakey loved to sleep in the big bed with Daddy. It made him feel safe and sound.

The next day was a super exciting day! Daddy and Jakey went to pick up Mummy and Baby Vicky from the hospital.

Daddy and Jakey were very happy to finally have Mummy and Vicky come home with them.

Ahhh, together at last! they thought to themselves

At home, Jakey played with his blocks, but at times he just stared at Vicky. Having a baby in his room was a bit strange, but Jakey liked it.

Vicky spent most of her time sleeping or feeding. Occasionally she would wake up suddenly from a deep sleep screaming loudly and Jakey would get the fright of his life!

Two days after Vicky was born, Nanna came to visit Mummy, Daddy and Jakey and, of course, to meet Vicky for the first time.

Nanna flew for a very long time to get here. Daddy explained to Jakey when they were picking her up from the airport.

When Nanna arrived, she told Jakey that she was going to help Mummy take better care of baby Vicky.

But dont worry- Nanna insisted I am also really excited about playing with you!

Mummy, Daddy, Jakey, Vicky and Nanna drove home from the airport in the big white car. Jakey was so excited that he told non-stop stories to Nanna. He told each story louder and faster than the one before, and by the end of the journey he was even waving his arms and legs about!

Vicky was absolutely fascinated by Jakeys actions.

Mummy and Daddy barely had a chance to talk to Nanna so they just smiled and listened quietly.

At home as Nanna started to unpack her big suitcase, surprise! She handed a present to Jakey. Then, as she continued taking her clothes out, another surprise! This time it was a present for Mummy. Next, there was one for Daddy and of course- one for Baby Vicky, too. Vicky didnt pay much attention to the gift, though. She was more excited about the bottle of milk Mummy gave her.

Soon it was evening, and Jakey suddenly realised something.

Where is Nanna going to sleep?

On this mattress on the floor between your bed and Vickys cot. explained Daddy.

Jakey looked at the mattress and the room. He could already see what Daddy couldnt

Daddy tried to lay down the mattress in the middle of the room, but ooops! It didnt fit!

Hmmm said Daddy looking worried. This is not how I imagined it... This room is too small for three beds. Daddy stated the obvious.

Nanna and Jakey thought it was best not to say anything.

Daddy ended up moving Vickys cot into the other room, next to Mummy and Daddys bed.

At first, he looked quite satisfied because he thought the problem was solved.

When Mummy came into the room, however, she quickly pointed out that now she couldnt open the wardrobe doors.

I want to be able to get to my clothes, you know said Mummy with a smirk on her face.

Daddy moved the bed once again. This way it was only blocking half of the wardrobe door. All good. Daddy thought. But now it was also blocking half of the bathroom door. Oh, no Daddys face changed from smiley to gloomy yet again. Now, Mummy couldnt hold it in anymore and she burst out laughing. Jakey, Nanna and even Daddy saw the funny side of the situation and they started laughing, too.

Living like this for six months may be difficult for everyonesaid Daddy.

Dont worry, well manage. replied Mummy. But I think we are slowly outgrowing this flat. Well need to find a bigger place before Vicky starts walking.

Yes, I agree. Well do that when the time comes. Everything is going to be all right. said Daddy.

The next morning Daddy picked up Nannas mattress from the floor and stood it up against the wall.

Now, we can all move around the room again. said Daddy.

Jakey didnt waste a minute and started jumping and dancing around happily. Daddy, Nanna and Vicky loved watching Jakeys show.

Six months went by really fast and everyone had a good time. Mummy, Daddy, Jakey and Vicky took Nanna to lots of fun places. They all went to the Zoo, to the beach, took long walks in the city and went on hiking trips in the forest, too

ButAll too soon it was time for Nanna to fly home. At the airport, nobody really realised that they wouldnt see each other for a long while

But as Mummy, Daddy, Jakey and Vicky arrived home from the airport, they looked around and it hit them.

Im going to miss Nanna...said Jakey giving Daddy a hug.

We all will. said Mummy and Daddy at the same time.

Dont worry though. Shell be back again before you know it. continued Mummy and it made everyone feel a little better.

It was now a week before Vickys first birthday. Mummy, Daddy, Jakey and Vicky were getting ready to move house. The apartment was feeling far too small now that Vicky was getting bigger.

Tomorrow were moving to our new house! announced Mummy and then she turned on the computer and booked a big truck to hire for the next day.

Early the next morning Daddy and Jakey sat in Mummys small red car and drove to the hire place to pick up the truck.

The people there had the big truck ready to go. Daddy filled out the forms, and then put Jakeys car seat in the front of the big truck. Daddy left Mummys small red car at the hire shop.

Daddy drove the big empty truck home with Jakey.

Jakey was super excited. He had never been in a big truck like this before AND he was sitting in the front seat for the first time, too!

Wow! This is the best day ever! thought Jakey

When they got home, Daddys friend, John, was waiting there to help. They put the big, heavy things into the big truck first.

Mummy stayed inside with Vicky, cleaning and packing the last bits and bobs. Jakey was very helpful. He started carrying out some light boxes. Then, feeling really strong, Jakey went for a bigger one, but it was too heavy and he dropped it on his own foot!

Ooowchhh! he shouted, and then decided to rest for a bit

After his rest, Jakey decided to help again. Just as he was heading towards a big box in the living room, Daddy called out. Dont worry about that one. Its the new TV

I bought for the new house.

Aawww! moaned Jakey. I wanted to help with that!

Im sorry, Jakey, not with the TV. But thank you. You are being such a good little helper! said Daddy, which made Jakey feel very proud.

When they arrived at the new place, Jakey and Vicky were thrilled and ran inside to check out the house. Once theyd seen everything inside they ran outside to see the backyard. Then they went upstairs with Mummy and started playing in their new room.

Mummy ordered pizzas for dinner because all the kitchenware was still in boxes.

Awesome!shouted Jakey. Daddy and John only then realised how hungry they were.

After the pizza, it was time for John to go home. Daddy, Mummy and Jakey thanked him for all his help.

No worries! said John as he left.

Little Vicky was so tired that she had fallen asleep in the middle of the living room floor.

Daddy and Jakey took the big empty truck back to the hire shop and drove home in Mummys small red car.

What a long and tiring day! said Daddy to Jakey on the way home, not realising that Jakey had already fallen asleep.

We have one week to unpack everything and plan Vickys birthday. said Mummy quietly while watching Vicky sleep in her bed.

I cant believe shes almost one. She is going to need more room now to move about in I am so glad we have a bigger house! commented Daddy.

Mummy and Daddy were both tired.

No more packing tonight though, it is bed time now. said Mummy yawning.


On Vickys birthday, Mummy and Daddy woke up early. Mummy spent the morning making the birthday cake. It was a strawberry cake with a princess doll in the middle!

In the meantime, Daddy put all the decorations, snack food, drinks and the presents into the back of the big white car.

Mummy, Daddy, Jakey and Vicky arrived at the park where the party was going to take place.

Daddy found a big table with benches under a big roof. He got everything from the big white car, and then he and Mummy started to decorate.

Before long, the first guests arrived. It was Linda and John and their son, Matty. John helped Daddy with the ribbons and the birthday banner while Jakey, Vicky and Matty went off to explore the park. Linda added a present to the pile on the rug.

While Jakey, Vicky and Matty were playing in the playground, Rohan, his Mum and his baby sister arrived along with Freya, Finley and their Mum, all bearing gifts.

Everyone was excited to be there!

Were still waiting for Anjali, Felix and Rupey. explained Mummy to Vicky who was getting curious about all the colourful boxes.

The decorations were all done and at last, all the other guests arrived.

Everyone gathered around as it was time for Vicky to open her presents.

At first, Vicky was hesitant as she didnt understand why everybody was giving her boxes. However, once she started opening them, she couldnt believe her luck! She realised they were all full of toys, and she soon had a big smile on her face!

After Vicky finished opening the last present, the children ran to the playground. Vicky played with Freya, Anjali and Rupey in the sandpit while Jakey ran around with Finley and Rohan. Matty and Felix climbed on anything they could find!

Meanwhile the parents had a great time chatting and sharing stories.

Its cake time! shouted Mummy and Daddy as loud as they could.

Everybody gathered around the big table. Vicky was delighted with her cake and just stared at the princess doll while Daddy lit the candle.

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Vicky, happy birthday to you! everyone sang. Vicky blew out the candle and couldnt wait to taste the strawberry cake.

Mummy cut the cake and gave everyone a piece.

Mmmmm this is so yummy! said all the children.

Mummy was just about to take her first bite when a little voice said: Excuse me, can I get another piece of cake, please? It was Freya. She had already finished.

Wow! You are the fastest little cake eater Ive ever seen! exclaimed Mummy as she gave Freya an extra piece.

After finishing her cake, Vicky started to play with her new toys. Freya and Anjali wanted to join in, but Vicky wouldnt let them.

Vicky! Shouldnt you be sharing your toys? asked Mummy. Daddy wasnt happy to see Vicky behaving like that either, and gave her a disapproving look.

Luckily, Vicky decided to share her toys and before long, the girls were playing and laughing together nicely.

After a while, all the children began to get tired. Vicky was yawning and Rohans baby sister had fallen asleep.

It was time for everyone to go home.

Mummy, Daddy, Jakey and Vicky thanked all the guests for coming to the party and for the nice pressies.

Almost as soon as they got in the big white car, Jakey and Vicky fell asleep.

I think Vicky really enjoyed her first birthday. said Daddy quietly.

I think everyone enjoyed her birthday. added Mummy.

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Sometimes Jakey would just lie next to Vicky and smile, thinking how great it was to have a little sister. And here is a photo Daddy took of him doing just that.