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Page 1: The SPIRE -… · The SPIRE Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960


Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960 Phone: 973-538-2132

Vol. 19, No. 7, 8 July, August 2019

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I pray this newsletter finds you well and experiencing the Grace of God. Packing can be emotionally taxing, as well as physically. I'm packing today, and often moved by objects that remind me of different times, places, and especially people, along my journey. I'm not a pack-rat, but I am a bit of a sentimentalist. I have a page from a 1995 church bulletin on my prayer board. I have a signed basketball from a team I used to mascot. Carnival glass from my mother. Pictures my father took. China from my grandmother. A wooden cross made by a man in hospice. Crafts made by orphans in Russia I met on a VIM trip. I could go on and on! I enjoy being reminded of

the experiences that make me who I am. But it makes for slow packing! What experiences have made you who you are? What momentos do you keep to remind you? I look forward to hearing the stories that you are ready to share. I look forward to getting to know about YOU, child of God, and the journey that brings us together in Morristown, NJ, in a house of God on the Green. Please hold me, my daughter Amelia, and my husband Michael in your prayers as we move into the parsonage on Wednesday, June 26, and begin making a new life together. Did you hear?! We're newlyweds! See ya at church on Sunday, June 30! Blessings, Pastor Luana P.S. I was recently interviewed by a Morristown newspaper. I thought the questions were fun and give insight to who I am, so we’ve included the questions in this edition of the Spire. You will find it on the next page. Enjoy!

Page 2: The SPIRE -… · The SPIRE Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960

Questions from Morristown News Pastor Luana

Have you always been in ministry or is it a second career? If the latter, what did you do before entering the ministry? I graduated from seminary when I was 30 years old. Before that I had been a Case Manager for medically fragile children on Medicaid, working with a private company in NYC.

What inspired you to go into the ministry? I was raised by parents that had found the church lacking in basic morals. They had experienced racism and sexism spewing from the pulpit, and chose to teach their children ethics and morals in the home and did not bring us up in a religious environment. My mother was a school teacher and my dad was a physician. So we were raised in a home that had no connection to a religious community, but had very high ethical standards. But I wanted more. I wanted a religious community. But every time I tried out a new church I was met with the same experience my parents had, just new forms of prejudice. In my generation, it was vile language about sexuality being spewed from the pulpit. Over and over I heard the Bible, the inspired Word of God, being used as a tool of division and manipulation, which I found, and still find, repugnant. Then in 1994 I strolled into a little church in Greenwich Village that changed my life. Washington Square United Methodist Church was an example of what I would later learn was called "Christian hospitality." They welcomed everyone, and I mean everyone. Billionaires, the homeless, artists, attorneys...everyone. And they didn't merely tolerate your presence, they rejoiced in it! This was a game changer. I had found was I was looking for. I was in seminary three years later. I wanted to be able to share the love of God and had found out I wasn't the only one who felt it should be offered so freely.

What has been your most rewarding ministry experience so far? That would be very hard to pinpoint! For me it’s in the little things, like a Bible study where someone feels comfortable enough to ask a question that has burned inside of them for years, but were afraid to ask. Or seeing someone offer "their" pew to a visitor in worship service. But probably the most is when someone feels that they have never felt welcome in a church and I can make them feel welcome or someone who has never felt worthy of God's love and I can share with them my Jesus, who never fails us like the institution in his name so often does.

What do you feel you bring to the churches you serve? I'm an encourager. (I don't think that's an actual word!) I feel that people are so often nudged by the Spirit to God but fail to act out of fear of self-doubt. In this frightening world of vitriol and violence we all must be bearers of God's grace. I believe God calls each of us to encourage one another and to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and that is what a religious community should do, starting with the pastor! Then we share the beautiful light of Christ with the hurting world.

What do you enjoy most about being in the ministry? Again, hard to pinpoint! I love my job! I find it very rewarding when I can make a difficult scripture passage understandable. And also in giving people permission to say “I don't have all the answers," by modeling the behavior. Pastors so often feel that they have to have all the answers, but no one has all the answers. So I err on the side of Grace and humility, and I have found there is great strength and integrity in that level of vulnerability. You will often hear me say, "I don't know the answer; let's find it together."

Page 3: The SPIRE -… · The SPIRE Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960

Summer is here—at long last! Beginning on July 7, 2019, worship services will be at 10:00 a.m. As we do every summer, we will be meeting “on the Green” for four Sundays. In July the dates will be July 14 and July 28. The July dates will be hosted by the Presbyterian Church. We will be hosted the August dates—11 and 25.

Pastor Luana will be officially installed as our Senior Pastor on September 8 and that will also be our Kick-off Sunday. Please join us as we begin our new church year.

July 14, 2019 is Diversity Day. This special service will be on the Green at 11:00 a.m. and will be followed by an outdoor festival with food, entertainment and prizes until 4:00 p.m. Join us!

Nueva Esperanza Pastor Charles

How has God loved me? Como Dios me amado? • Psalm 23:1/Salmo 23:1

• The Lord is my shepherd I should not be in want. El Señor es mi pastor y nada me faltara.

• We shall not want because he provides (proveer) the external (externo) (food, clothing, provisions, finances, the necessities of life), he also meets our eternal (eterno) needs (a relationship with God, salvation, heaven and everlasting life), and he also meets our internal (interno) needs (love, meaning, purpose, friendship, peace, reassurance, resilience and courage.)

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Where To from Here??

As you no doubt know the General Conference of the UMC, by a narrow margin, voted in February for the Traditional Plan, upholding the Methodist denomination strictures regarding ordaining or marrying LGBTQIA+ persons. A number of Annual Conferences, including Greater New Jersey, are not in agreement with the Traditional Plan. Our Greater NJ Conference has formed a joint team comprised of at large members, including representatives from the Wesleyan Covenant Association and Reconciling Ministry organization, as well as the Connectional Table are working on an Annual NJ Conference Way Forward. Their initial proposal seems to be similar to One Church Plan to be implemented at the Annual Conference level, room with different tables or expressions.

The Goals of the Way Forward Team are:

1. To renew the church by turning the church outward – renew our relationship with God, one another and the community so that we connect a life changing and relevant Gospel message with the people in our communities.

2. To bless one another – while not all agreeing, we will not inhibit congregations, disciples and clergy from pursuing their convictions and calling.

3. To identify objectives for congregations to thrive and a structure to support their efforts. 4. To identify a process and guidelines for ready and willing congregations to model congregational groupings

such as: a. Traditionalist congregations that hold a scriptural view that same gender weddings should not be performed in our churches and that LGBTQIA+ persons should not be ordained.

b. Congregations that believe churches can be together even though they have different biblical interpretations and understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community’s participation in the church.

c. Open and affirming congregations that hold a scriptural view that Jesus invites everyone to participate fully in the life of the church and that all churches should allow same gender weddings and that all churches should be open to the appointment of an LGBTQIA+ clergy person. We also expect that each of these groups, as well as the rest of the conference, will focus on making disciples and growing vital congregations, connecting with the community, engaging younger and more diverse disciples, continuing our work on cultural competence and ending racism and sexism within the church, and developing Hope Centers.

5. Identify the ministry, mission and administration through which we will continue to connect with one another.

Timeline for the Team’s Work May 2019 The GNJ Way Forward Team presents the desire to pilot different expressions at the Annual Conference session. Summer 2019 The GNJ Way Forward Team and Connectional Table identify the parameters of what we will pilot. Summer/Fall 2019 Convene laity and clergy listening sessions. Fall 2019 The GNJ Way Forward Team presents the plan and launch date to a Special Annual Conference Session. Fall 2019 Congregations and clergy decide if they want to participate in a pilot to help develop the Next Methodism. Winter/Spring 2020 Congregations pilot and learn as we move into a new configuration that turns the church outward releasing us for powerful mission.

We will keep you apprised as to developments with this Way Forward team which, no doubt, will have significant consequences for our Morristown UMC.

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All proceeds from the Variety Show will be used to help finance the ASP trip. Please pray

for the team as they travel to West Virginia to make homes “warmer, safer, drier.”

Page 6: The SPIRE -… · The SPIRE Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960

Be Sure to Attend – or Host – An In-Home Gathering to Welcome Pastor Luana!

Watch for details to follow regarding dates for small in-home gathering to welcome Pastor Luana in July, August and September. Our goal is to have at least one event a week, July through September. We hope to offer gatherings both during the day and in the evening, weekday and weekends. Hosts are encouraged to keep event logistics simple and have fun! You can invite guests to bring potluck finger foods, coordinate a themed dinner, serve only ice cream, offer coffee and dessert, ask everyone to kick in a few bucks for pizza, or provide a sit down dinner —it’s your choice! The office will assist in promoting event dates but event host will track RSVPs. Ideally between 10 and 18 people will attend each gathering, but that may vary based on the size of the space. Don’t worry if an event near you is full - we will coordinate as many events as needed to make sure all can participate! This will be a terrific opportunity to meet our new pastor AND reconnect and have some fun! Each gathering will include “circle time” where everyone can take a turn introducing themselves and sharing one thing they appreciate about the congregation. Other topics participants will have the opportunity to address include: 1 Share a hope you have for the congregation.

2. Share one concern you have.

3. What is the next important step we should take to fulfill our mission?

4. What are your expectations for our ministry together?

5. What questions do you have for Pastor Luana?

Each gathering will designate a volunteer to be the scribe and take notes on who attended and what issues were

raised to help Pastor Luana recall key points.

Need more information or want to host an event?

Contact Holly Dinneny at [email protected] or 201-230-7257.

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Pastor Brandon’s Farewell

College Kayla Coutts graduated from Columbia University with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. She is working in Adult Neurorehabilitation.

Hannah Foster graduated from Quinnipiac University with a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy

Katlyn Houtz graduated from Caldwell University with a B.S. in Elementary Education and Special Education. She is currently working in the Mount Olive school district.

Andrew Mitchell graduated from Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU with a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning. Employed at Langan Engineering in NYC.

Emily Tarnacki graduated from the University of Delaware Cum Laude with a B.S. in Exercise Science. She is attending Emory University for a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

High School

Ashé Gobin graduated from Morristown High School. She will attend Quinnipiac University and major in Business.

Charles Lawrence graduated from Delbarton School, and attend Rutger’s University in New Brunswick in the fall.

Danielle Long graduated from West Morris Mendham High School. She will attend Lafayette College with a Psychology major on a pre-med track.

Darius Robinson graduated from Mt. Pocono High School. He will be inducted into the U.S. Army on July 8, 2019.

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June 16, 2019

“A Season of Change” Ashé Gobin preaching

Congratulations to Ashé Gobin who is the recipient of the UMW scholarship.

Mona’s Musings Wonderful baby news to start off my column this

month. Anton and June Van Thoen are grandparents! His daughter Alyssa and her husband Tristan welcomed their first son, Miles, on May 10. Check out this adorable picture of Miles with Opa and Grandma June. I have a feeling that Miles is going to enjoy a whole lot of spoiling from these two

wonderful friends of mine. Hey, that’s what grandparents are for—take it from one who knows.

Mike Laba and his lovely wife Jackie just returned from a wonderful two-week vacation with his brother Dean and his wife Janice. They flew to Barcelona where they spent two days, and then boarded the Celebrity Infinity for a 12 day cruise. They visited Sette and Nice in France, the Amalfi coast, Sicily, Malta and ended up in Rome. I heard that a fabulous time was had by all. It’s really good to have Mike back in the office—he was missed.

Brad Motta, who was our Senior Pastor from 1997 to 2007, recently retired from the Maplewood United Methodist Church after 40 years in the ministry. Brad and I had a very special relationship—he married me to the love of my life in 2001; he was “there” for me when I lost the love of my life in 2007. We’ve stayed in touch

and I was delighted to attend a wonderful retirement celebration hosted by Maplewood. Three of his “kids”—Nathan, Alicia and Tucker—were there along with Alicia’s three adorable children—she’s expecting her fourth! Erika and her family will be visiting shortly. It was good to see them—they were little children when they became a part of our MUMC family—now they’re all happy adults. Time passes . . . I had a wonderful time “catching up” and even had a dance with the guest of honor. Enjoy every minute of your retirement, Brad—you’ve earned it.

See you next month.

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Howdy, y’all! Here are a bunch of ways you can help keep our music ministry vital here at MUMC. If you love music or simply want our music ministry to continue and thrive, please consider doing any or all of the following:

Join the Summer Choir! We gather in the Choir Room on the 2nd Floor at 9 a.m. to put our anthem together each Sunday. No midweek rehearsal, and no need to commit for the whole summer. Join us!

Join the Concert Series Board! We only meet two or three times per year, plus concerts. Help with the receptions when you can, and enjoy the music!

Join an ensemble in the fall! We’ve got a place in the choir for you no matter your age or skill level!

“Sarah, my heart is willing but…” If you have a humble heart for worship and a teachable spirit, that’s all you need to make a commitment to sing or ring. If you feel called to serve in our music ministry, but are shy about your voice or skill level, meet with me! I’d love to talk and pray with you about where you’d best fit in. I’ll even give you a voice lesson! And you can enroll in the...

Music Theory Class! We are currently gauging interest in this class, to be taught in late Summer or Fall. Its goal is to prepare you for choir or handbell rehearsal, so you can actively serve in music ministry, and it will be personalized and specialized for whoever registers.

Yours in love, gratitude, and service,

Sarah A Michal Director of Music Ministries


Page 10: The SPIRE -… · The SPIRE Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960

Church Leaders and Ministry Teams

Our Sunday School and Youth Ministry

Nueva Esperanza Worship and Minsitry

The United Methodist Church

Our Church Family and Friends Katrina Kimmich Zoski, liver transplant Lauralee Barrett, mourning the death of her mother Sarah, struggling with depression. May she find her way Rick Radis, recovery

Andrew Wilkinson and family, strength Carol G., strength and healing

Donna, strength and healing Brenda Diaz, healing from cancer Dorothy, diagnosed with ALS Deb VanderSande, stage 3 cancer Carol, in Hospice Care Jeanne B., brain cancer Christina, tumor Jeff, cancer William E. Hettrick, prostate cancer Joan, in hospice care Janice Harris, colon cancer Stephanie, leukemia Carolyn, successful cancer treatment Adam, successful treatment of colon cancer James, recovery from stage 4 cancer

On-going Prayer Shannon Bain Barbara MacHale Sonya Burroughs Micah Lou Caattno Chris Nagy Mrs. Man Kee Cho Gary Nutt Beth & Bruce Courter Rick Radis Gene Crance Ms. So Erika Davis Arden & Les Sutton

Jean Doig Scott Toncre Neil Eriksen Emma Wyman

Nancy Gardner Ken Zippler


The Proyecto (Project) 11/11 team has formalized some of the plans for this Fall’s trip to Montenegro, Colombia. Specific activities include:

Constructing a children’s playground in the Santander barrio (neighborhood), one of the poorest in the city. Many of the families in the neighborhood are eager to help. One of the blessings we experience is watching people come together with pride in their barrio and in the facility their children will enjoy.

Providing a day at Parque de la Familia (Family Park) on the outskirts of Montenegro for children whose families might never be able to bring them there. We’re planning a day of fun, with rides, a pool, and breakfast and lunch provided by Proyecto 11/11.

Conducting a faith-focused craft project with the children of the barrio. We plan to purchase the project materials in Montenegro to contribute to the local economy. We are researching what craft materials are readily available so we can finalize the details of the project.

Visiting the faith-based nursing home we visited last year, to let the senior citizens there know that we remember and care for them.

How can you help? Of course, your continued support our fundraisers this summer and fall is vital. Watch for information in the Sunday Bulletin, on posters in church, and other communications. You can also support our efforts with direct contributions to our Project 11/11 account at church:

You can sponsor a child for a day at the Parque. For $30, we can provide a full day of fun, including transportation to/from the park, and with breakfast and lunch included.

You can contribute to the “building fund” so we can purchase and construct the playground. You can donate to our craft project to help us buy the materials needed to hold a faith-focused craft day with the children of the barrio.

(As a reminder, we each will be paying our own travel and living expenses; your tax-deductible contribution will go directly toward completing our planned projects in Montenegro.)

Our energy and enthusiasm have continued to grow as our plans have become more specific. THANK YOU for your support and your prayers.

Serving Our Country Pfc. Abigail Crisp, NJ Army National Guard Jordan Dale, U.S. Marines Sgt. Randall Ferrara, NJ Army National Guard Rich Lamm, US Marine Corp LCDR Karen Kraft McAllister, Washington, DC

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. . . .


1 Nancy Ruggiero

2 Jennifer Hutchinson 4 Bonnie Cattano 5 Lilah Hutchinson

John Rychener 6 Kayla Coutts 7 Marc Toncre 9 Jillian Ciprich

Caroline Macaluso 10 Richard Jones 11 Todd DeCola

12 Dorothy Dewey 13 Bob Willette 14 Susan Coutts 15 Matthew Moran 18 Marge Brady 19 Bryce Frantz 20 Kathleen Derbyshire McCormick


1 Kiki Fostert 2 Wendy Kovacs 7 Vincent Cattano Evelyn Maloney 8 John Paul Cattano

Holly Dinneny Diane Prince

9 Kathryn Anderson 15 Chrissy Hernandez

16 Miriam Yarger 18 Rich Arakelian 20 Jessie Hauryluke 22 Raymond Hauryluke 28 June McKenzie 28 Gavin Rivera 29 Robert Anderson 30 Evelyn Davis

22 Lee Schubert 23 Kris Hansen

27 Samantha Schuetz 29 Thomas Dinneny

We have received this collection of sermons preached by Pastor Jim White during his time at Morristown UMC (1979-1993). They will be placed in the Senior Pastor’s office for now. He is an outstanding preacher and teacher. Please contact the church office to see them.

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July 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3


Office Closed

5 10:00am

Aphasia Support

6 ASP departs

7 9:00 am

Summer Choir 10:00 am

Worship Service 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza

8 7:30pm


9 6:15pm



11 6:30pm




14 11:00am

Joint Worship On the Green 11:30am

Harry Potter group 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza ASP returns

15 7:30pm


16 7:00pm

Council on Ministries



19 10:00am

Aphasia Support


21 9:00am

Summer Choir 10:00am

Worship- 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza






25 6:30pm




28 10:00am

Joint Worship- On the Green 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza

29 7:30pm


30 31

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August 2019


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 10:00

Aphasia Support


4 9:00am

Summer Choir 10:00am

Worship Service 11:30am

Harry Potter group 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza ASP reunion picnic

5 7:30pm A.A.



8 6:30pm




11 9:00am

Summer Choir 10:00am

Joint Worship Service–on-the-Green 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza

12 7:30pm A.A.




16 10:00

Aphasia Support

17 8

18 9:00am

Summer Choir 10:00am

Worship Service 11:30an

Harry Potter group 2:00pm

Emmaus Board 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza


7:30pm A.A.



22 6:30pm




25 9:00am

Summer Choir 10:00am

Joint Worship Service-On-the-Green 3:30pm

Nueva Esperanza

26 7:30pm A.A



29 30 6:00pm



Page 14: The SPIRE -… · The SPIRE Morristown United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ 07960

Rev. Luana Cook Scott, Senior Pastor Pastor Charles Perez, Associate Pastor

Mike Laba, Financial Manager Jack Scharf, Administrative Director

Sarah A Michal, Director of Music Ministries Jennifer Yang, Organist

Maria & Vince Cattano, Youth Ministry Coordinators Mona Lindemann, Administrative Assistant/Spire Editor

David White, Property Manager Austin Congleton, Webmaster

Morristown United Methodist Church on-the-Green 50 South Park Place Morristown, New Jersey 07960 Change Service Requested

The Spire