Download - The Spelling Champ...Della’s business acumen helped her amass a fortune of over $50 million. acuminate adj / ESkyVmEnDt / L tapering to a slender point : pointed. Steve found one

Page 1: The Spelling Champ...Della’s business acumen helped her amass a fortune of over $50 million. acuminate adj / ESkyVmEnDt / L tapering to a slender point : pointed. Steve found one

TheSpellingChamp.comWebsite by Cole Shafer-Ray

The Spelling Champ

Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing


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aardwolfn/ SBrdTwUlf /Afrikaansa striped hyenalike mammal ofsouthern and eastern Africa thatfeeds chiefly on carrion and insects.Termites are the favorite food of

the aardwolf.

abacusn/ SabDkEs /Gk > La calculating instrument forperforming arithmetical processesby sliding counters by hand on rodsor in grooves.The grocer used an abacus instead

of a modern cash register.


abalonen/ TabESlPnG /Spa gastropod mollusk that clings torocks tenaciously with a broadmuscular foot.At the beach, Marta made a

necklace from the shell of an



abattoirn/ SabDTtwBr /Fslaughterhouse.At the end of the day the battlefield

at Hastings looked like an abattoir.




abdicatev/ SabdETkCt /Lrelinquish formally, renounce.The crown prince will abdicate his

throne so that his brother may rule.

abdomenn/ SabdETmEn /L > Fregion of an insect’s body.The three main body parts of an

insect are the head, the thorax, and

the abdomen.



abecedariusn/ TCbG(T)sGSda(a)rGEs /La poem in which the lines orstanzas begin with the letters of thealphabet in regular order.Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a famous



aberrationn/ TabESrCshEn /Ldeviation from the natural state orfrom a normal type.Jane’s outburst at the meeting was

a shocking behavior aberration, for

her manner is usually so reserved.

abeyancen/ ESbCEn(t)s /L > F + Ecf[has homonym: obeyance]cessation or suspension (as of acustomary practice).Use of the swimming pool was put

in abeyance until a new lifeguard

could be hired.



abidancen/ ESbIdFn(t)s /Ecompliance.Abidance with the golden rule

helps one have a happy life.




ablutionn/ ESblVshEn /Lthe washing of one’s body or partof it as a religious rite.A common example of ablution in

Judaism is washing the hands

before a meal that includes bread.


abominableadj/ ESbBm(E)nEbEl /L > F > Eworthy of or causing loathing orhatred.Charlie’s abominable pretense of

being attracted to Jane was the

result of a dare by his friends.

aboriginen/ TabESrijE(T)nG /L[Note: Could be confused withaborigen.] one of the native peopleespecially as contrasted with aninvading or colonizing people.Cathy Freeman, an Australian

aborigine, carried the flame into

the Olympic stadium.

abracadabran/ TabrEkESdabrE /Lconfused or unintelligible language: nonsense.Despite the abracadabra in the

poem “Jabberwocky,” its message

is rather clear.

abrasionn/ ESbrCzhEn /Lwearing, grinding, or rubbing awayby friction.Moving glaciers caused abrasion

on Earth’s surface.


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abruptlyadv/ ESbrEp(t)lG /Lin a manner that produces the effectof a sudden ending.George’s mom stopped abruptly atthe door of his room when she sawhis pet python on the floor.


abscissan/ abSsisE /Lthe horizontal coordinate of a pointin a plane Cartesian coordinatesystem obtained by measuringparallel to the x-axis.Bill was asked to mark the point onthe graph at which the abscissa is 4and the ordinate is 7.



abseiln/ SBpTzIl /Gdescent in mountaineering bymeans of a rope looped over aprojection above.In her wilderness survival class,Elisa learned how to perform anabseil without losing control.


abstemiousadj/ abzStGmGEs /Lsparing in eating and drinking.Evelyn is abstemious by nature andnever orders dessert.

abstentionn/ EbzStenchEn /Lwithholding of a vote.Helga resented her senator’sabstention on the crime bill.



abstruseadj/ EbzStrVs /L[has obsolete variant with similarpronunciation: obstruse] difficultto comprehend or understand.Mr. Thompson’s abstrusecalculations covered theblackboard.



abysmaladj/ ESbizmEl /Gk > L > Ehaving the characteristics of anabyss : bottomless.Ahmet jumped his motorcycle overthe abysmal gorge.


acacian/ ESkCshE /Gk > Lany plant of the genus of woodyplants of warm regions havingpinnate leaves and white or yellowflower clusters.Giraffes have specialized teeth thathelp them comb leaves from thespiny branches of the acacia.

academian/ TakESdGmyE /Gk > Llife and interests associated with aschool especially of higherlearning.Robert prefers academia to thebusiness world.

academicadj/ TakESdemik /Gk > L > Frelating to a school, especially aninstitution of higher education.Claudia postponed her academicpursuits after learning of herfather’s serious illness.



acceleratev/ ikSselETrCt /Ladd to the speed of or quicken themotion of.To qualify for the finals, the joggerhad to accelerate his pace.




accessibleadj/ ikSsesEbEl /Lcapable of being reached or easilyapproached.Wilbur made sure his restaurantwas accessible to those inwheelchairs.

accessionn/ ikSseshEn /L > Fthe act of attaining or coming tohigh office or a position of honor orpower.The best seller chronicled theaccession of the new prince.



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accipitern/ akSsipEZE(r) /Lany hawk of the genus Accipiter (asthe Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinnedhawk, goshawk).Calvin spotted an accipiter dartingamong the trees.

acclimatizationn/ ETklImEZDSzCshEn /L > F + Ecffthe process of adapting to a newtemperature, altitude, environment,or situation.The wild fern’s acclimatization toMrs. Bennett’s rock garden amazedher.

acclivityn/ ESklivEZG /Lan ascending slope (as of a hill).The biker hoped that a downhillstretch would soon follow whatseemed to be an endless acclivity.

accoladen/ SakETlCd /L > Fa bestowal of praise.Martin received one accolade afteranother at the awards banquet.


accommodatev/ ESkBmETdCt /Lprovide with lodgings.Leah begged the hotel clerk toaccommodate her for just one morenight.

accomplicen/ ESkBmplDs /L > F > Eone that participates with another ina crime either as principal oraccessory.The juvenile was convicted as anaccomplice in the robbery.



accrescentadj/ ESkresFnt /Lgrowing continuously; specifically: growing larger after flowering.After its flower had fallen away, theplant’s accrescent calyx becamenoticeably larger.



accruedv/ ESkrVd /L > F > Ecame by way of increase oraddition.Helen argued that manyadvantages have accrued to societyfrom the freedom of the press.

accumulatev/ ESkyVmyETlCt /Lheap up in a mass : pile up.The weather forecaster said that asmuch as two feet of snow mightaccumulate overnight.

accurateadj/ SakyErDt /Lcorrect, exact, precise.The detective prided himself onmaking accurate reports of crimescenes.


acerbityn/ ESsErbEZG /Lacidity of temper or tone :astringency or sharpness ofmanner.Rosemary remarked with acerbitythat her son’s chores hadn’t beendone in days.

acescentadj/ ESsesFnt /Lturning sour or tending to turn sour.Natalie spit out the acescent milk.


acetylenen/ ESseZFlDn /L + Gk + Gka colorless gaseous hydrocarbonthat is explosive when compressedbut safe if diluted with nitrogen oracetone.The welder ran out of acetylenewhile cutting through the ship’shull.

achondriten/ CSkBnTdrIt /Gka stony meteorite devoid of thegranular structures known aschondrules.The claim that the achondriteoriginated from the moon wasbased on compositional matches oflunar rocks obtained by the Apollomissions.


acicularadj/ ESsikyElEr /L + Ecflike a needle in shape : slender andpointed.Under the microscope, the crystalsappear as single acicularstructures.



acmen/ SakmG /Gkthe highest point or stage (as ofgrowth or development).Many of her fans think BarbraStreisand is at the acme of themusic profession.

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acolyten/ SakETlIt /Gk > L > F > Eone who attends or assists :follower.Not one acolyte remained after the

cult leader’s fall from grace.



acousticsn pl/ ESkVstiks /Gkthe aggregate of qualities (asabsence of echo or reverberation)of an enclosure (as an auditorium)or other area that affectsproduction, control, transmission,reception, and perception of sound.As a result of the renovation, the

acoustics of the concert hall have

improved dramatically.

acquaintancen/ ESkwCntFn(t)s /F > Efamiliarity, experience.Ruth developed an acquaintance

with Tibetan musical tradition.



acquittaln/ ESkwiZFl /L + L > F[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] releaseor discharge from debt or otherliability.Mr. Churchill was deeply involved

in the game and was too much

indebted to it for his acquittal.

acren/ SCkE(r) /Eany of various units of land area.Miriam had to cross a 10-acre field

to get to her favorite swimming


acridadj/ SakrDd /Lunpleasantly sharp or strong to thetaste or to the smell.The acrid sulfur fumes made

Gustavo’s eyes water.

acrimoniousadj/ TakrESmPnGEs /L > Fcaustic, biting, or rancorous,especially in feeling, language, ormanner : bitter.It was obvious that Marjorie’s

comments were acrimonious and


acrobatn/ SakrETbat /Gk > Fone who performs gymnastic featsor exercises.Paul is developing the skills of a

first-rate acrobat.

acronymn/ SakrETnim /Gk + Gka word formed from the initialletter or letters of each of thesuccessive parts or major parts of acompound term.The word radar is an acronym of

radio detection and ranging.


acrosticn/ ESkrOstik /Gka composition usually in verse inwhich one or more sets of letterswhen taken in order form a word, aconnected group of words, or theregular sequence of the letters ofthe alphabet.Mrs. Taylor was not at all pleased

with the acrostic her students made

using her name.


actinicadj/ akStinik /Gk > L + Ecfhaving photochemical properties oreffects.The stars emit actinic rays as well

as light and heat.

actuaryn/ SakchETwerG /Lone trained in mathematics andstatistics whose business it is tocalculate insurance and annuitypremiums, reserves, and dividends.An actuary uses such factors as age

and health status to determine a

person’s life insurance premiums.

acuateadj/ SakyETwCt /Lhaving a sharp point : shaped like aneedle : sharpened.Cobb’s beagle was distinctive

because of its acuate tail.

aculeateadj/ ESkyVlGDt /Lmarked by incisiveness : stinging,pointed.No actor was spared in the

reviewer’s aculeate criticisms.

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acumenn/ ESkyVmDn /Lacuteness of mind : keenness ofperception, discernment, ordiscrimination : shrewdnessespecially in practical matters.Della’s business acumen helped

her amass a fortune of over $50


acuminateadj/ ESkyVmEnDt /Ltapering to a slender point :pointed.Steve found one of his parakeet’s

acuminate tail feathers on the floor.




adagion/ ESdB(T)jP /(L + L > OProv) > It[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a seriesof sustained and perfectlycontrolled dance movementsdisplaying balance and grace.The wicked fairy performed a

perfect adagio just before Sleeping

Beauty appeared.

adamantineadj/ TadESmanTtIn /Gk > L > Erigidly firm : unyielding.Debra’s adamantine chain of logic

bedazzled her philosophy



adenoidaladj/ TadFnSOidFl /Gktypical or suggestive of oneaffected with abnormally enlargedglands in the back of the throat.The critics panned the tenor, whose

voice was terribly adenoidal and






adherentn/ TadShirEnt /La believer in or advocate of aparticular thing, idea, or religion.Julia has been an adherent of

Buddhism since 1985.





adjacentadj/ ESjCsFnt /Lliving nearby or sitting or standingrelatively near or close together.Citizens of Centerville and its

adjacent communities banded

together to form a volunteer fire




adjunctn/ SaTjEN(k)t /Lsomething joined or added toanother thing but not essentially apart of it.Exercise is an adjunct to a long

and healthy life.



adminiclen/ adSminDkEl /Lsupport, auxiliary.Shelly enjoyed serving as an

adminicle of the local Girl Scout


admiraln/ Sadm(E)rEl /Ar > La naval officer of high rank.Petty Officer Pritchard saluted the

admiral and continued to her post.




Adonisn/ ESdBnDs /Gk namean exceptionally handsome youngman.Nearly all the eighth-grade girls

think that Leonardo is an Adonis.


adumbratev/ SadEmTbrCt /Lgive a sketchy representation of :outline broadly, omitting details.There was time to only adumbrate

the escape plan.


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advisoryn/ EdSvIz(E)rG /L > Fa report giving information (as oneissued by a weather bureau on theprogress of a hurricane).The weather advisory warned small

craft that winds would be in excess

of 34 knots today.


advocaten/ SadvETkDt /Lone that argues for, defends,maintains, or recommends a causeor proposal.Isabella was sure nobody ought to

be, or could be, a greater advocate

for matrimony than she.


aerodynamicadj/ Ta(E)rP(T)dISnamik /Gkof or relating to the science thattreats of the motion of air and othergaseous fluids.The aerodynamic design of race

cars helps them achieve great



aerosoln/ Sa(E)rETsOl /Gk + La suspension of ultramicroscopicsolid or liquid particles in air orgas.Volcanic eruptions propel

hydrogen sulfide into the

stratosphere, where it reacts with

oxygen to form an aerosol that can

persist for more than a year.

Aeschyleanadj/ TeskESlGEn /Gk nameof, relating to, or suggestive of theGreek tragic poet Aeschylus.The Aeschylean chorus plays an

important role in the plot of the


affabilityn/ TafESbilEZG /Lsociability.Miss Smith was delighted with the

affability with which Miss

Woodhouse had treated her all the



affectionateadj/ ESfeksh(E)nDt /Lhaving warm regard : loving, fond.Tipper is the most affectionate

collie Susan had ever owned.

affiancedv/ ESfIEn(t)st /L > F > Esolemnly promised (oneself oranother) in marriage : betrothed.The ruler of Austria affianced his

daughter to the king of France.

affidavitn/ TafESdCvDt /La sworn statement in writing madeespecially under oath or before anauthorized officer.The police asked Heather to

prepare an affidavit regarding

what she saw when she surprised a

burglar in her house.

affiliatev/ ESfilGTCt /Lattach as a member or branch :bring or receive into closeconnection.The university assists in trying to

affiliate local high schools.

affiliationn/ ETfilGSCshEn /Lthe state or relation of beingattached as a member or branch.Professor Bruner retired after a

30-year affiliation with Harvard


affinityn/ ESfinEZG /Lsympathy especially as marked bycommunity of interest.Marie felt an affinity with the new

chess prodigy, remembering how

she had followed Bobby Fischer’s

early career many years before.


afflatusn/ ESflCZEs /La divine imparting of knowledge orpower : inspiration.Most art students are familiar with

Michelangelo’s painting on the

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

depicting the afflatus from God to





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agapen/ BSgBTpC /Gkspontaneous self-giving loveexpressed freely withoutcalculation of cost or gain to thegiver or merit on the part of thereceiver.The question “What’s in it for

me?” is unheard of in agape.

agateadj/ SagDt /Gk > L > Fof or resembling a fine-grainedchalcedony frequently mixed withopal and having various colorsarranged in stripes or bands;especially : of the color of agate.Rachel’s brown agate eyes are

extremely unusual and beautiful.



agglomeraten/ ESglBmErDt /L[Note: Could be confused withagglomerant.] a confused orjumbled mass, heap, or collection.Helen’s favorite jeans are

somewhere in the agglomerate of

clothing on her bedroom floor.



aggrandizementn/ ESgrandEzmEnt /L > Fthe act, action, or result of makinggreat or greater (as in power, honor,or wealth).Because she was a commoner, Ruth

was accused of marrying the prince

for her own personal


aggravatev/ SagrDTvCt /Lmake worse, more serious, or moresevere.Shane worried that a game of one-

on-one would aggravate his ankle


aggregaten/ SagrDgDt /La body of units or parts somewhatloosely associated with oneanother.The protesters straggled toward the

muddy park in a dispirited

aggregate as the organizers set up

tents and microphones.



agitatedadj/ SajETtCZDd /Ltroubled in mind : disturbed,excited.The crowd became agitated when

the candidate failed to appear.

agnosticn/ agSnBstik /Gkone who maintains a continuingdoubt about the existence orknowability of a god or anyultimates.Raymond and Olive have been

happily married for ten years, even

though she is an agnostic and he

never misses Sunday morning




agreeableadj/ ESgrGEbEl /L > Fpleasing to the mind or senses : toone’s liking : pleasant.The famous ballplayer proved to be

the most likable and agreeable man

that Billy had ever met.


agronomyn/ ESgrBnEmG /L + Gkthe branch of agriculture that dealswith field crop production and soilmanagement.Vince earned a degree in agronomy

at the state university’s school of



ailanthusn/ CSlan(t)thEs /Amboinesea tree of a small genus of EastIndian and Chinese trees withgreenish flowers.The ailanthus is fast growing and

its shallow, wide-spreading root

system effectively anchors the soil.

aileronn/ SClETrBn /L > Fa movable portion of an airplanewing or a movable airfoil externalto the wing for imparting a rollingmotion and thus providing lateralcontrol.An aileron is usually situated at the

trailing edge of an airplane's wing

near the wing tip.


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airedalen/ Sa(a)(E)rTdCl /E geog namea large terrier with a wiry black andtan coat.Shantha’s airedale is registered

with the American Kennel Club.

akimboadj/ ESkim(T)bP /Ehaving the hands on the hips withthe elbows projecting outward.With her arms akimbo, Marion

waited for Tim to explain himself.

akropodionn/ TakrESpPdGEn /Gkthe most prominent point on theback of the heel.After the hike, Eli had a nasty

blister on his left akropodion.


alabasteradj/ SalETbastE(r) /Gk > L > F > Eof or resembling alabaster;specifically : having a nearly whitecolor and a light-diffusing surface.Patsy’s alabaster skin gives her a

spectral appearance.

alacrityn/ ESlakrEZG /Lcheerful readiness : eagerness.Dr. Cameron’s students always

enter his class with alacrity and

depart with reluctance.


alaryadj/ SalErG /Lwing-shaped or fan-shaped.There was an alary membrane on

each side of the seed.

albatrossn/ SalbETtrOs /Ar? > Pg or Spany of a number of large web-footed seabirds that are capable oflong-continued flight.The wingspan of an albatross can

exceed ten feet.

albedon/ alSbG(T)dP /Lreflective power.Arno researched the effects of soil

albedo on vegetation.

albedometern/ TalbESdBmEZE(r) /L + Gka device for measuring thereflection of light (as by snow).David used an albedometer to

measure the reflection of light by

the clouds.

albeitconj/ OlSbGDt /Ealthough.Sonia had a simple, albeit

expensive, wedding.


alchemyn/ SalkEmG /Gk > Ar > L > Fthe medieval chemical science andspeculative philosophy whose aimswere the transmutation of basemetals into gold.The wizard’s apprentice was

determined to learn enough

alchemy to turn lead into gold.




alcoven/ SalTkPv /Ar > Sp > Fa recessed part (as a breakfastnook) of a room.Silvio found an alcove in the

library that was a perfect place for

taking a nap.

aleatoricadj/ TClGEStOrik /Lcharacterized by chance or randomelements.By digitizing thunder and traffic

noises, Georgia was able to

compose aleatoric music.


alegarn/ SaligE(r) /E + L > Fsour ale or vinegar made of ale.While studying in England as an

exchange student, Judith developed

a taste for fried potatoes with salt

and alegar.

alfalfan/ alSfalfE /Ar > Span important European leguminousforage plant.The farmer alternated his crops,

growing alfalfa one season and

corn the next.

alfrescoadj/ alSfre(T)skP /Itopen-air.Everyone looks forward to the

alfresco party that the Smiths hold

every Derby Day.


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alibin/ SalETbI /Lthe plea of having been elsewhereat the time an act was committed.To support his alibi, Jake showed

his lawyer a video made during his

Hawaii trip.

alienadj/ SClGEn /Ldifferent in nature or character : farremoved.Nguyen’s response to his mother’s

question had results entirely alien

from what he intended.



alimentaryadj/ TalESmentErG /L[Note: Could be confused withelementary.] of, concerned with, orrelating to nourishment or to thefunction of nutrition.Pasta is sometimes called an

“alimentary paste.”



allargandoadv/ TBTlBrSgBn(T)dP /Lin a manner becoming graduallybroader with the same or greatervolume.David’s piano teacher indicated

that the piece was to be played



allegev/ ESlej /Lassert, affirm, state without proofor before proving.Residents of the area allege that the

lake water has curative properties.

allegiancen/ ESlGjEn(t)s /F > Ethe duty of fidelity owed by asubject or citizen to his sovereignor government.The new citizens pledged

allegiance to their adopted country.

allegoryn/ SalDTgPrG /Gka story in which people, things, andhappenings have a hidden orsymbolic meaning.Gail disliked the moralistic tone of

the allegory.

allegron/ ESle(T)grP /It > Lballet steps performed in a lively,fast tempo.After the allegro, Madame

Delacroix instructed the dancers to

cool down slowly.

allemandev/ SalETmand /Gmc > L > Fperform a step with armsinterlaced.The caller told the square dancers

to allemande left and swing their


allergyn/ SalE(r)jG /Gk > Gexaggerated or pathologicalreaction (as by sneezing, itching, orskin rashes) to substances,situations, or physical states thatare without comparable effect onthe average individual.Because of her allergy, Mrs. Griffin

discouraged her students from

bringing in any furry pets for show-


alliancen/ ESlIEn(t)s /L > F > Eunion or connection especiallybetween families, states, parties, orindividuals.The alliance between the two

nations has been strong for nearly

50 years.

alligatorn/ SalDTgCZE(r) /L > Spa reptile having a head not taperingto the snout and being in generalmuch more sluggish than thetypical crocodiles.Jason’s favorite sight at the fair

was a woman wrestling an



alliterationn/ ETliZESrCshEn /L + Ecfthe repetition usually initially of asound that is usually a consonant intwo or more neighboring words orsyllables (as in “daring deed”).Poor writers rely on alliteration

when lacking ideas.

allocatev/ SalETkCt /Lset apart and earmark or designate.Leon hoped the committee would

allocate funds for the new


allocationn/ alESkCshEn /Lthe act of apportioning.The allocation of powers in the

United States Constitution is

clearly defined.


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alluviationn/ ETlVvGSCshEn /Lthe process that results in depositsof clay, silt, sand, or gravel atplaces in rivers or estuaries wherestream velocity is decreased.The effects of alluviation can be

seen along the banks of a large


almondn/ SB(l)mEnd /Gk > L > F > Ethe fruit of a small tree; especially :the nutlike stone or kernel of thistree.The almond is a nut that is easy to


almonern/ SalmEnE(r) /L > F > Eone who distributes charitable gifts,often for another.In his role as the king’s almoner,

Jared tossed a few pennies to the


alnicon/ SalnDTkP /L + G > Sw + Ga powerful permanent-magnet alloycontaining iron, nickel, aluminum,and one or more of the elementscobalt, copper, and titanium.Mr. Arkin’s factory makes

industrial magnets from alnico.

aloofadj/ ESlVf /E + D? > F > Eremoved or distant either physicallyor spiritually and usually by choiceand with indifference to thefeelings, opinions, or interests ofothers.Greg’s aloof personality

discouraged his gregarious


alopecian/ TalESpGsh(G)E /Gkloss of hair, wool, or feathers :baldness.Prescription drugs such as

minoxidil have had limited success

in treating alopecia.

alpacan/ alSpakE /Aymara > Span animal like a llama with finelong woolly hair and domesticatedin Peru and adjacent countries.The petting zoo featured four goats,

an alpaca, a pony, and three lambs.

alpenglown/ SalpEnTglP /G + Ea reddish glow or sometimes theentire series of light phenomenaseen near sunset or sunrise on thesummits of mountains.Jocelyn and Ruth enjoyed the rich

alpenglow from the balcony of their



altazimuthn/ alStazEmEth /L + Ar > Lan instrument consisting of atelescope mounted so that it canswing horizontally and vertically.Josh saw an antique altazimuth in

the maritime museum.

altercationn/ TOltE(r)SkCshEn /Ldispute carried on with feeling (asanger).Police broke up a minor altercation

between two street vendors.

altiplanon/ TaltDSplB(T)nP /L > Spa high plateau or plain : tableland.A cold northerly wind over the

altiplano heralded the arrival of


altituden/ SaltETtVd /L > Eposition at a height.When the plane suddenly lost

altitude, the pilot told the

passengers to fasten their seat


altogetheradv/ TOltESgeLE(r) /Ewholly, completely, thoroughly.The suffragettes argued that it was

altogether fit and proper that

women have the right to vote.



alveolateadj/ alSvGElDt /L + Ecfpitted like a honeycomb.The porous sandstone had an

alveolate surface.


amalgamn/ ESmalgEm /Ar? > L > Fan alloy of mercury with anothermetal.Because mercury will form an

amalgam with most other metals, it

can be used to extract them from


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amanuensisn/ ETmanyESwen(t)sDs /Lone who is employed to write fromdictation or to copy what anotherhas written.During the six weeks that

Chrissie’s arm was in a cast, she

completed her homework with her

mother as her amanuensis.

amaryllisn/ TamESrilDs /L nameany of several African bulbousherbs grown for their large showyflowers.Deborah’s amaryllis bloomed just

in time for the December holidays.


ambern/ SambE(r) /Ar > L > Fa very hard yellowish to brownishtranslucent fossil resin that takes afine polish.Sarah was delighted when her

mother gave her some earrings

made of amber.


ambiguityn/ TambDSgyVEZG /Lthe condition of admitting of two ormore meanings, of beingunderstood in more than one way,or of referring to two or morethings at the same time.The ambiguity of Mr. Mitchell’s

essay questions encouraged

creative interpretations.

ambivalentadj/ amSbivElEnt /Lcharacterized by, suggestive of,motivated by, or exhibitingcontradictory emotional orpsychological attitude.Because Tad has a grueling job

lined up, he is ambivalent about the

upcoming summer vacation.

amblyopian/ TamblGSPpGE /Gkdimness of sight without apparentchange in the eye structuresassociated especially with the toxiceffects of certain drugs orchemicals or with dietarydeficiencies.The doctor told Henry to quit

smoking if he wanted his amblyopia

to improve.

ambrosian/ amSbrPzh(G)E /Gk > Fa dessert of a fruit or of mixedfruits topped with shreddedcoconut.Cyrus’s favorite dessert is his

grandmother’s ambrosia.




amelioratev/ ESmGlyETrCt /Lmake better : improve.Activists lobbied to ameliorate

prison conditions.

ameliorationn/ ETmGlyESrCshEn /Lthe act of making better or the stateof being made better :improvement.The committee submitted its

recommendations for the

amelioration of the undesirable

conditions at the overcrowded


amenableadj/ ESmGnEbEl /L > Freadily brought to yield or submit :responsive, tractable.Horst is amenable to any ideas for

the prom’s theme.

amendmentn/ ESmen(d)mEnt /L + Ecfthe process of changing ormodifying in any way for the better(as a motion, bill, act, orconstitution).A well-drafted constitution will

provide for its own amendment.

amertoyn/ SamE(r)TtOi /E geog name + Ea small terrierlike dog having ashort sleek satiny coat andweighing between six and tenpounds.Ricky was forever chasing Trixie,

the family amertoy, out of the

flower beds.



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amicableadj/ SamDkEbEl /Lcharacterized by or as if byfriendship and goodwill.Carla and Jeanine have had an

amicable relationship since they

settled their initial dispute.

amicen/ SamDs /L[has near homonyms: amas, amiss]a liturgical vestment consisting ofan oblong piece of cloth usually ofwhite linen, worn about the neckand shoulders and partly under thealb.Father Patrick put on a fresh white

amice before serving mass.


amityn/ SamEZG /Lfriendship and goodwill, especiallyas characterized by mutualacceptance and tolerance ofpotentially antagonistic standpointsor aims.The natural amity between Avital

and her sister has helped them

maintain strong ties through many

family disagreements.

ammetern/ Sa(m)TmeZE(r) /F + Gk[has near homonym: amateur] aninstrument for measuring electriccurrent.Perry and Ayrton’s ammeter helped

measure the efficiency of the



amnesian/ amSnGzhE /Gkloss of memory : forgetfulness.Alice suffered from amnesia as the

result of a head injury.

amolen/ ESmPlG /Nahuatl > Spany of a number of plants utilizedas a source of soap.The discovery of an amole created

much excitement among the



amphibiann/ amSfibGEn /Gk[has homonym: amphibion] ananimal or plant accustomed oradapted to life both on land and inthe water.The frog is perhaps the best-known



amphoran/ SamfErE /Gk > La Greek unit of capacity equal to10.3 gallons or 39 liters.The group ordered 1 amphora of

punch for the Antiquity Party.

ampicillinn/ TampESsilDn /ISVa penicillin that is effective againstgram-negative and gram-positivebacteria and is used to treat variousinfections of the urinary,respiratory, and intestinal tracts.Pneumonia has been successfully

treated with ampicillin.

amuletn/ SamyElDt /Lan inscribed charm believed toprotect or aid the wearer.The archaeologist discovered an

amulet in the tomb of an ancient

Egyptian ruler.

amusev/ ESmyVz /L > Fentertain or occupy in a pleasantmanner.The children seemed to tumble

about and amuse themselves like

good-natured collie puppies.

amygdalineadj/ ESmigdETlIn /Gkof or relating to a tonsil.Because of a persistent amygdaline

infection, Lana checked into the

hospital to have her tonsils


anabasisn/ ESnabEsDs /Gka going or marching up; especially :a military advance.Hannibal is famous for his

remarkable anabasis across the

Alps into Italy.

anabibazonn/ TanESbibETzBn /Gkthe ascending node of the Moon’sorbit with the ecliptic.Lars waited for the Moon to reach

its anabibazon so he could confirm

his findings.

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anabolicadj/ TanESbBlik /Gk + Gkrelating to, characterized by, orpromoting constructivemetabolism.The weightlifter was disqualified

after it was discovered he had used

anabolic steroids.



anacondan/ TanESkBndE /Singhalesea large arboreal snake of the boafamily of tropical South America.The anaconda has been known to

forage in trees for birds.

anaglyphn/ SanETglif /Gka stereoscopic still or movingpicture producing a three-dimensional effect when viewedthrough colored filters.Troy begged his parents to take him

to the newest anaglyph at the IMAX


anagnorisisn/ TaTnagSnPrEsDs /Gkan incident or solution of plot intragedy in which the main characterrecognizes his or her own or someother character’s true identity ordiscovers the true nature of his orher own situation.The moment of anagnorisis occurs

when the boy finds out he is

actually the king’s son.

anagogicadj/ TanESgBjik /Gk > Lhaving a spiritual meaning or asense referring to the heavenly life.Terrance recited anagogic poems

by a Greek mystic.


analemman/ TanESlemE /Gka graduated scale shaped like afigure 8 and showing the Sun’sdeclination for each day of the yearusually constituting part of asundial and often shown on globes.Katrina consulted the sundial’s

analemma to calculate the correct



analogyn/ ESnalEjG /Gka figure of speech involving anextended or elaborate comparisonbetween two things or situations.Hugo used an analogy to illustrate

his point, but no one understood

the analogy either.

analysandn/ ESnalETsand /Gk + L > Ecfone that is analyzed; specifically :one who is undergoingpsychoanalysis.The psychotherapist encouraged

the analysand to unburden herself

of her anxieties.

ananymn/ SanETnim /Gk[has homonym: anonym] afictitious name consisting of thereal name written backwards.Pat often uses the ananym Tap

when writing secret messages to

her friends.

anaphoran/ ESnaf(E)rE /Gkrepetition of a word or words at thebeginning of two or moresuccessive clauses or verses.“The voice of the Lord” occurred

three times in anaphora in the

psalm Julie read.

anarchyn/ SanE(r)kG /Gk > La state of lawlessness or politicaldisorder due to the absence ofgovernmental authority.After the revelation of election

fraud, some observers feared that

the tiny republic would succumb to


anastomosisn/ ETnastESmPsDs /Gka joining of the parts of a branchedsystem.Hal pointed out the anastomosis in

the veined mulberry leaf.

anastrophen/ ESnastrE(T)fG /Gkinversion of the usual syntacticalorder of words for rhetorical effect.In the poem “Jabberwocky,” the

line “So rested he by the TumTum

tree” is an example of anastrophe.

anatheman/ ESnathEmE /Gkone that is cursed by ecclesiasticalauthority.The Sixth Ecumenical Council

pronounced Pope Honorius

anathema in A.D. 681.

anaudian/ aSnOdGE /Gkloss of voice : inability toarticulate.

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A blow to the throat can cause

temporary anaudia.



anchovyn/ SanTchPvG /Gk > L? > It > Spany of a number of smallherringlike fishes; especially : acommon Mediterranean formesteemed for its rich and peculiarflavor.Joshua informed his mother that

one anchovy had rendered the

entire pizza inedible.

ancillaryadj/ SansETlerG /Lserving to aid or assist : auxiliary :supplementary.Electronic media usually include

radio, film, and television, as well

as the ancillary industries of audio

and video recording.

anecdoten/ SanikTdPt /F&Gka usually short narrative of aninteresting, amusing, or curiousincident.The speaker’s presentation ended

with a touching anecdote.

anemochoren/ ESnemETkP(E)r /Gk > F + Gka plant that has seeds or sporesadapted to distribution by wind.The dandelion is a familiar


anemometern/ TanESmBmEZE(r) /Gk > F + Gk > Ecfan instrument for measuring andindicating the force or speed of thewind.The anemometer spun furiously as

the hurricane approached.

anemonen/ ESnemEnG /Heb name > Gka plant or flower of a widelydistributed genus of plants withshowy flowers that lack petals buthave showy sepals.Xantha picked an anemone from

the flower bed.

aneroidadj/ SanETrOid /Gk > Fcontaining no liquid or functioningwithout the use of liquid.Tasha carefully monitored the

aneroid manometer throughout the

course of the experiment.

anglaiseadj/ BNSglCz /Gmc > Fboiled and served without sauce.Carrots anglaise are not very tasty.



anisen/ SanDs /Gkan herb cultivated for its aromaticseeds.The flavor of anise is similar to that

of licorice.


ankhn/ SaNk /Egypta cross having a loop instead of anupper vertical arm used especiallyin ancient Egypt.Roger’s first discovery as an

Egyptian archeologist was a gold




annihilatev/ ESnIETlCt /Ldestroy a considerable part of.Armyworms can annihilate a

beautiful lawn in just a few days.

anniversaryn/ TanESvErs(E)rG /Lthe annual recurrence of a datemarking an event or occurrence ofnotable importance.Next Thursday will be the 23rd

anniversary of our family grocery

store’s first day of operation.


annoyancen/ ESnOiEn(t)s /F > Ea source of vexation or irritation :bothersome disturbance.Vera enjoyed raking leaves on the

warm autumn day, but the loud

music from the neighbor’s yard

was an annoyance.


annuityn/ ESn(y)VEZG /Lan amount payable yearly or atother regular intervals (asquarterly) for a certain or uncertainperiod.Carl’s grandparents set up a trust

fund that will provide him with an

annuity for the next 20 years.

annulv/ ESnEl /L > F > Ecause to cease to exist : reduce tonothing.The legislator’s motion to annul the

out-of-date law met with the

approval of his colleagues.

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anodyneadj/ SanETdIn /Gkserving to assuage pain : soothing.Before aspirin was developed,

certain spirits and herbs were

valued for their anodyne



anomalyn/ ESnBmElG /Gk > Lthe angular distance of a planetfrom its perihelion as seen from theSun.The anomaly in a planet’s orbit is

caused by the gravitational

influence of other planets.

anonadv/ ESnBn /Ein a little while : soon, presently.Anon he arrived at his destination.

anonymousadj/ ESnBnEmEs /Gk > Lof unknown or unnamed source ororigin (as authorship, donorship,workmanship).An anonymous 18th-century

painting recently sold for two

million dollars.

anorthopian/ Ta(T)nOrSthPpGE /Gkdistorted vision in which straightlines appear bent.When Liz put on Jan’s glasses, she

was overcome with anorthopia.

anosmicadj/ ESnBzmik /Gk > Lof or characterized by loss orimpairment of the sense of smell.Anesthesia can leave a patient

temporarily anosmic.

anschlussn/ SBnTshlUs /Gunion; especially : political oreconomic union of one governmentor territory with another.Hitler’s annexation of Austria to

Germany in the 1930s is what is

generally meant by “the



Antarcticadj/ antSBrktik /Gkrelating to the South Pole or theregion near it.Samuel’s stamp collection included

a complete collection of the stamps

of the French Antarctic Territory.

antecedentn/ TantESsGdFnt /La substantive word, phrase, orclause referred to by a pronoun,typically by a following pronoun.In the sentence “I saw John and

spoke to him,” John is the

antecedent of him.

antecessorn/ SantETsesE(r) /L > Eone that goes before.Phoebe’s antecessor in the

presidency served six terms.


antelopen/ SantFlTPp /Gk > L > F > Eany of various ruminant mammalsof Africa and southwest Asia thatdiffer from the true oxen especiallyin lighter racier build and hornsdirected upward and backward.The bounding antelope managed to

outdistance the pursuing lion.


anterioradj/ anStirGE(r) /Lrelating to or situated near ortoward the head or front.The portion of the flower which

faces the subtending bract is the



anthographyn/ anSthBgrEfG /Gk + Gk + Ecfthe description of flowers.A botanist, Wilbur excelled in


anthologyn/ anSthBlEjG /Gka usually representative collectionof selected literary pieces orpassages.John hopes to find “The Raven” in

his mom’s anthology of American



anticyclonen/ San(T)tGTsITklPn /Gk + Gka system of winds that rotates abouta center of high atmosphericpressure.The warm, dry winds blowing into

southern California are from an

anticyclone over the deserts of


antifoulantn/ Tan(T)tISfaUlEnt /L + Ea substance (as paint for use on thebottom of a boat) designed toprevent, reduce, or eliminate anaccumulation of deposits.Antifoulant was applied to the

ship’s bottom in dry dock.


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antimacassarn/ antGmESkasE(r) /Gk + Celebes island geog namea cover to protect the back or armsof furniture from Macassar oil orother hair preparations.Fran found the missing

antimacassar under one of the sofa


antimonyn/ SantETmPnG /Ar? > L > Ea metalloid element that iscommonly metallic silvery white,crystalline, and brittle and is usedespecially as a constituent of alloys.Pewter is an alloy of antimony and


antipaston/ TantGSpastP /L > Itany of various savory foods usuallyserved as appetizers : horsd’oeuvre.Herbert ordered antipasto for the


antipodaladj/ anStipEdFl /Gksituated at the opposite sides of theearth.Regina imagined that she could

reach an antipodal town

somewhere in China if she

continued digging in her garden.

antiquarianadj/ TantDSkwerGEn /Ldealing in old and rare books or insecondhand books.Pamela went to an antiquarian

bookseller to have her first edition

of Oliver Twist appraised.




antithesisn/ anStithEsDs /Gkthe rhetorical opposing orcontrasting of ideas by means ofgrammatically parallelarrangements of words, clauses, orsentences.A Tale of Two Cities opens with the

famous antithesis: “It was the best

of times, it was the worst of times.”

antonomasian/ (T)anTtBnESmCzh(G)E /Gkthe making of a common noun orverb from a proper name.The formation of the verb

pasteurize from the name Pasteur

is an example of antonomasia.



apartheidn/ ESpBrTtCt /D > Afrikaansa policy of segregation and politicaland economic discriminationagainst certain population groups.The end of apartheid in South

Africa was one of the great world

events of the decade.

apastronn/ aSpastrEn /Gkthe point in the orbit of one star ofa binary where it is farthest fromthe other.In binary star systems the motion in

the orbits is not uniform but is least

rapid near apastron.


apathyn/ SapEthG /Gkabsence or lack of interest orconcern : listlessness, indifference.The active interest women are

taking in today’s issues strongly

contrasts with the apathy many

women had a century ago.


aperturen/ SapE(r)TchU(E)r /Lan opening that restricts a beam ofradiation or a stream of particles;specifically : the opening in aphotographic lens that admits thelight passing through.A photographer typically has to

adjust the shutter speed and set the


apexn/ SCTpeks /L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] thepoint of the heavens toward whicha celestial body is moving at agiven time.Helga tracked the planet’s

movement towards the apex.

aphasian/ ESfCzh(G)E /Gk[has near homonym: aphagia] theloss or impairment of the power touse words as symbols of ideas thatresults from a brain lesion.As a speech therapist, Tonya takes

a particular interest in patients

struggling with aphasia.

aphelionn/ aSfGlyEn /Gkthe point of a planet’s or comet’sorbit most distant from the Sun.Earth generally reaches aphelion

around July 4.

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aphidn/ SCfDd /Gk > Lany of numerous small sluggishinsects that suck the juices fromplants, causing damage to theplants.An aphid can cause wilting,

distorted growth, or gall formation

in plants.

aphorismn/ SafETrizEm /Gk > L > Fa terse and often ingeniousformulation of a truth or sentimentusually in a single sentence.Clark lives his life by the aphorism

“Clothes make the man.”




aplombn/ ESplBm /L > Fcomplete confidence or assurancein oneself : poise.A seasoned public relations officer,

Karen handles difficult situations

with aplomb.


apocopen/ ESpBkETpG /Gkthe loss of one or more sounds orletters from the end of a word.The song title “Singin’ in the Rain”

exemplifies apocope.

apocryphaladj/ ESpBkrEfEl /Gkof doubtful authenticity : fictitious,spurious, untrustworthy.The historian thought the story

about the cemetery apocryphal.

apogeen/ SapE(T)jG /Gkthe point in the orbit of a satellite ofEarth (as the Moon or an artificialbody) at the greatest distance fromthe center of Earth.The transmission delay was longest

when the spacecraft reached


apolausticadj/ TapESlOstik /Gkdevoted to enjoyment.The students spent the vacation in

apolaustic pursuits.

apologuen/ SapETlOg /Gkan allegorical narrative (as a beastfable) usually intended to convey amoral.Most schoolchildren are familiar

with the apologue of the tortoise

and the hare.

apologyn/ ESpBlEjG /Gk > L > Fan admission to another of a wrongor discourtesy done him or heraccompanied by an expression ofregret.The teacher received an apology

from the tardy student.

apoplexyn/ SapETpleksG /Gka sudden loss of consciousnessfollowed by paralysis caused byhemorrhage within the brain—called also “stroke.”When Ray regained consciousness,

his doctor told him he was

recovering from severe apoplexy.

aporian/ ESpPrGE /Gka passage in speech or writingincorporating or presenting adifficulty or doubt.The Bible verse “Then the steward

said within himself, ‘What shall I

do?’” is an aporia.

aposiopesisn/ TapETsIESpGsDs /Gkthe leaving of a thought explicitlyincomplete in writing or speakingoften by a sudden breaking off andshifting of grammaticalconstruction.Gail answered with an aposiopesis

when she replied, “His problem

is—how shall I say?”

apostlen/ ESpBsEl /Gk > L > Eone who is sent forth : messenger.Many voters regard Ralph Nader

as the apostle of protected



apothecaryn/ ESpBthETkerG /Gk > L > Eone who prepares and sells drugs orcompounds for medicinal purposes: pharmacist.The visits of Mr. Perry, the

apothecary, were one of the few

comforts of Mr. Woodhouse’s life.

appallingadj/ ESpOliN /L > F > Einspiring dismay : shocking.There was something about the

night that was mysterious and


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Appaloosan/ TapESlVsE /American Indianone of a breed of rugged saddlehorses distinguished by a mottledskin and a patch of white hair overthe rump and loins that is blotchedor dotted with darker color.Sherry begged her father to buy her

an Appaloosa for her birthday, but

to no avail.

apparatchikn/ TBpESrBchik /Russa Communist secret agent.Oren and Elaine went to see an old

movie in which an apparatchik

tries to blow up the Empire State


apparatusn/ TapESraZEs /Lany compound instrument orappliance designed for a specificmechanical or chemical action oroperation.The trainer went into much detail

about which apparatus is better for

a cardiovascular workout.


apparitionn/ TapESrishEn /L > Eghost, phantom, specter.The apparition of a figure on

horseback, without a head, haunts

this enchanted region.





appendagesn pl/ ESpendijEz /Lthings accompanying or appendedto another thing and usuallysubordinate or not essential to it.The Abbey-Mill Farm, with all its

appendages of prosperity and

beauty, was a favorable spot for a



appendicitisn/ ETpendESsIZDs /L + Ecfan inflammation of the appendixcharacterized usually by abdominalpain, nausea, and vomiting.The doctor diagnosed Sharon’s

illness as appendicitis.

appetiten/ SapETtIt /L > F > Ethe immediate desire to eat whenfood is present.George went back to his meal with

a good appetite.

apprenticen/ ESprentDs /L > F > Eone who learns a trade, art, or craftby practical experience underskilled workers.Jake hopes to become an

apprentice in the stained-glass


approbationn/ TaprESbCshEn /Lan act of approving formally orauthoritatively : sanction.The mayor’s actions have the

approbation of none of the other

members of the city council.

appropriateadj/ ESprPprGDt /Lspecially suitable : fit, proper.Calvin had orange hair and the

appropriate freckles to go with it.


appurtenantadj/ ESpErt(F)nEnt /Fannexed or belonging legally tosome more important thing.The property insurance covers any

additions to the building and to

private structures appurtenant to

the building.


aproposadj/ TaprESpP /Fpertinent, relevant.Rachel wondered if Herman had

understood her question, for his

answer was not very apropos.

apsidaladj/ SapsEdFl /Gk > Lof or relating to the point of acelestial body’s orbit at which it isfarthest from the center ofattraction.Laura researched apsidal ocean

tidal levels.

aquaticadj/ ESkwBZik /Lliving wholly or chiefly in or onwater.Porpoises and seals are aquatic


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aqueductn/ SakwETdEkt /Lan artificial channel for conveyingwater.The ancient Romans used the

aqueduct to provide water to the

city’s residents.

aquilineadj/ SakwETlIn /Lcurving or hooked like an eagle’sbeak.The senator was easily

recognizable by his aquiline nose.

arabesquen/ TarESbesk /Ar > It > Fa posture (as in ballet dancing) inballet in which the body is bentforward from the hip on one legwith one arm extended forward andthe other arm and leg backward in aline parallel to the floor.The painting depicts a ballerina in

a flawless arabesque.

arabilityn/ TarESbilEZG /L + Ecfthe state of being fit for tillage andcrop production.Before Caleb bought Jed’s

property, he had the land checked

for arability.



arborealadj/ BrSbPrGEl /Linhabiting or frequenting trees.The arboreal fauna of Madagascar

are endangered by logging.

arboretn/ TBrbESret /L + Ecfa small tree or shrub.Gwen trekked purposefully through

the forest, dodging an occasional

arboret but generally heading in a

straight line.

arbusclen/ SBrTbEsEl /La dwarf tree or treelike shrub.The gardener recommended that

Micah purchase an arbuscle to

plant next to the house.

arcanumn/ BrSkCnEm /La secret or mysterious knowledgeor information known only to theinitiate.Ralph developed a secret

handshake as an arcanum for his



archangeln/ SBrkCnjEl /Gk + Gka being in the heavenly hierarchyranking above an angel.Joan of Arc had visions of the

archangel Michael and saints

Catherine and Margaret telling her

to raise an army.


archeryn/ SBrch(E)rG /F > Ethe art, practice, or skill of shootingwith bow and arrow.Joe chose archery as one of his

physical education electives.

archipelagon/ TBrkESpelETgP /Gk > Ita group or cluster of islands.The country of Indonesia is an

enormous archipelago.

architecturen/ SBrkETtekchEr /Gk > Lthe art or science of building;specifically : the art or practice ofdesigning and building structures inaccordance with principlesdetermined by aesthetic andpractical or material considerations.The building that housed the

department of architecture was, to

many students, the most hideous-

looking edifice on campus.

archivalian pl/ TBrkDSvClGE /Gk > Lmaterial preserved in or suitable forpreservation in rooms for theexhibition of a collection.Included in the library’s archivalia

is a copy of the first edition of The

Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

arcingv/ SBrkiN /Lfollowing or describing a curvingcourse.Waterfalls arcing outward into

white plumes plummet down and

flow into Cayuga Lake.



ardentadj/ SBrdFnt /Lextremely loyal : devoted, faithful.Bickford was an ardent supporter

of environmental causes.

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arduousadj/ SBrjEwEs /Lhard to accomplish or achieve :difficult.Alan was not prepared for the

arduous demands of his

construction job.

arenaceousadj/ TarESnCshEs /Lgrowing in sandy places.Arenaceous plants develop

blossoms after the first spring rain.

arenicolousadj/ TarESnikElEs /L + Linhabiting or burrowing in sand :growing in sand soil.Numerous arenicolous organisms

can be found at the beach.

areologyn/ TarGSBlEjG /Gkthe scientific study of the planetMars.Todd’s interest in areology was

spurred by the discovery of

possible life forms on Mars.

aretalogyn/ TarEStalEjG /Gka narrative of the miraculous deedsof a god or hero.Owen was fascinated by the

aretalogy of Hercules’ labors.

argillaceousadj/ TBrjDSlCshEs /Lof, relating to, or containing clay orclay minerals.The geologist determined that a

large part of the mountain

consisted of argillaceous limestone.

argosyn/ SBrgEsG /Ita fleet of ships or of anythinglikened to ships.The lone schooner had gotten

separated from the argosy in the

inclement weather.

argotn/ SBrgEt /Fthe special vocabulary and idiom(as slang) of a particular socialgroup or class.Nowadays the argot of many

teenagers includes the word cool.

argumentativeadj/ TBrgyESmentEZiv /Lgiven to or fond of disagreement :contentious.Jill is so argumentative that no one

likes to sit beside her on the bus.

aristoin pl/ SarDTstOi /Gkcitizens of high rank making up agoverning body.When the aristoi ignore the needs

of the common people, they are

sowing the seeds of rebellion.

arithmocracyn/ Ta(T)rithSmBkrEsG /Gk + Gkrule of the majority.The United States is an

arithmocracy as well as a republic.

armadillon/ TBrmESdi(T)lP /L > Spany of several burrowing chieflynocturnal mammals having bodyand head encased in an armor ofsmall bony plates.Using its long, sticky tongue to

extract ants from their nests, the

armadillo may eat up to 40,000

ants at a sitting.

Armageddonn/ TBrmESgedFn /Gk > Lfinal and conclusive conflictbetween the forces of good andevil.In the Bible, the book of Revelation

mentions Armageddon.


armaturen/ SBrmETchU(E)r /L[has near homonym: armiger]armor.As part of the preparation for the

contest at the medieval fair, the

jousters were given their choice of


armisticen/ SBrmDstDs /L > Ftemporary suspension of hostilitiesas agreed upon by those engaged inthe hostilities.Fortunately, the armistice that

ended World War I turned out to be


arpeggion/ BrSpejGTP /Gmc > Itproduction of the tones of a chordin succession and notsimultaneously.The opening measure of Ryan’s

piano recital piece featured a

difficult arpeggio.

arraignmentn/ ESrCnmEnt /F > Ean act of finding fault with :denunciation.It seems that every few years there

is a wholesale arraignment of

existing educational standards.



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arrogancen/ SarEgEn(t)s /La genuine or assumed feeling ofsuperiority that shows itself in anoverbearing manner.After Sam won the contest, he

displayed an annoying arrogance.

arrogantadj/ SarEgEnt /Lexhibiting a level of superiority thatis inconsistent with one’s position.Jack’s arrogant attitude annoyed

his more qualified colleagues.

arsenaln/ SBrs(F)nEl /Ar > Ita storehouse or source of supply forarms, ammunition, or other militaryequipment.In early 1941 Franklin Roosevelt

believed that America’s most

immediate role was to act as an

arsenal for democratic nations.

arsenicn/ SBrs(F)nik /Gk > L&F > Ea metalloid element that is used insmall amounts in alloys and in theform of its compounds chiefly aspoisons (as insecticides), inpharmaceutical preparations, and inglass.Ingestion of arsenic was listed as

the official cause of Tim’s

mysterious death.

artesianadj/ BrStGzhEn /Finvolving, relating to, or suppliedby the upward movement of waterunder hydrostatic pressure in rocksor unconsolidated material beneathEarth’s surface.The water bubbling up in the

pasture was coming from an

artesian spring.

arthritisn/ BrSthrIZDs /Gkinflammation of one or more jointsdue to infectious, metabolic, orconstitutional causes.Theo’s arthritis kept him from

playing tennis.


artichoken/ SBrZETchPk /Ar > Itthe flower head of a tall herb thatresembles a thistle and is cooked asa vegetable.Norm demonstrated the proper way

to eat an artichoke.



artificen/ SBrZEfDs /La wily or artful stratagem.Emma saw the artifice of Jane’s

reserved response, and she

returned to her first surmises.



artilleryn/ BrStil(E)rG /F > Ethe missiles discharged by theweapons of war.The May Day parade in Red

Square was widely known for its

display of artillery.



ascensionn/ ESsenchEn /Lthe act or process of going upwardfrom a lower level or degree.The article describes Tiger

Woods’s rapid ascension to the top

rank of golfers.

ascertainedv/ TasE(r)StCnd /L > F > Emade sure of : discovered.In the moonlight, the form of the

heretofore unknown might now be



ascribableadj/ ESskrIbEbEl /Lcapable of being attributed to asupposed cause, source, or author.Dad explained that the two books

were ascribable to the same author

under different pen names.


askewadv/ ESskyV /E + F > Eout of line : to one side.Jared’s house was leaning because

one of the joists had gone askew.

asparagusn/ ESsparEgEs /Gk > La plant widely cultivated for itstender edible young shoots.Jack didn’t touch the asparagus his

mother served him.

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aspartamen/ SaspE(r)TtCm /L > ISVa noncarbohydrate crystallinecompound that is formed from theamino acids phenylalanine andaspartic acid and is used as a low-calorie sweetener.Since Bertha began her diet, she

prefers foods that are sweetened

with aspartame.

aspersionn/ ESspErzhEn /La calumnious or defamatoryexpression or reflection.Questions about Tom’s handling of

the club’s petty cash cast an

aspersion on his honesty.


asphodeln/ SasfETdel /Gkany of various Old World usuallyperennial herbs that bear theirflowers in long erect racemes.Bernice thought that an asphodel

would complete the bouquet nicely.



asphyxiatedv/ aSsfiksGTCZDd /Gkkilled or made unconscious byobstruction of normal breathing.When the volcano erupted, many of

the town’s inhabitants were

asphyxiated by the dust and ashes.

aspirinn/ Sasp(E)rDn /ISVa white crystalline compound ofsalicylic acid used especially intablet form as a pain-killer.Tests have shown that small, daily

doses of aspirin can reduce the risk

of stroke.



assassinatev/ ESsasFnTCt /L > Fmurder (usually a prominentperson).The newspapers carried gripping

accounts of an attempt to

assassinate the prime minister.


assessv/ ESses /Ldetermine the rate or amount of.Joyce’s job with the insurance

company was to assess damages.

asseverationn/ ETsevESrCshEn /Lpositive or emphatic affirmation orassertion : solemn declaration.The jury did not believe the

defendant’s asseveration of


assiduouslyadv/ ESsijEwEslG /L + Ecfin a diligent, attentive, or solicitousmanner.Lucinda questioned her brother

assiduously before his interview.

assimilatev/ ESsimETlCt /Lreceive into the mind and considerand thoroughly comprehend.Sandy needs time to sort things out

and assimilate them properly.


assonancen/ SasFnEn(t)s /L + Fcfrelatively close juxtaposition ofsimilar sounds especially ofvowels.“Zip your lips” was the teacher’s

favorite example of assonance.

assuagev/ ESswCj /L > F > Ereduce to a state of peace, calm, orquiet : mollify, pacify.No one could assuage Bertina after

she dropped her ice-cream cone.


Assyrianadj/ ESsirGEn /geog nameof, relating to, or characteristic ofAssyria, an ancient empire ofwestern Asia.The doorways of the Assyrian

palace of Nineveh were flanked by

large winged bulls.

asthmaticadj/ azSmaZik /Gk > Lcaused by or affected with laboredbreathing.Because of Pam’s asthmatic

condition, her mother had to dust

and vacuum the house every day.

astigmatismn/ ESstigmETtizEm /Gk + Ecfa defect of an optical system (as ofthe eye) that prevents light fromfocusing accurately and results in ablurred image.Amy’s new eyeglasses correct her


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astringev/ ESstrinj /Lcause (tissue) to draw together :constrict.Larry uses witch hazel to astringe

his facial pores.


astronomyn/ ESstrBnEmG /Gkthe science that treats of thecelestial bodies.Astronomy is a popular topic for

science writers.

astutenessn/ ESst(y)VtnDs /L + Ecfthe quality or state of having ordisplaying shrewd discernment andsagacity.The candidate showed political

astuteness in attacking his

opponent’s weak arguments.



ateliern/ TaZFlSyC /L > Fan artist’s studio or workroom.Ken hoped to find some affordable

loft space downtown for his atelier.


atmospheren/ SatmETsfi(E)r /Gkthe air of a given place especiallyas affected by a particularcharacteristic (as heat, moisture,wholesomeness, orunwholesomeness).Christy could barely tolerate the

close atmosphere of her one-room


atmosphericadj/ TatmESsfirik /Gk + Gk > L > Fof or relating to the whole mass ofair surrounding Earth.Only two elements are known to be

liquid under atmospheric

conditions: mercury and bromine.



atrichian/ CStrikGE /Gkcongenital or acquired baldness.Some dogs are afflicted with

atrichia from birth.


atrociousadj/ EStrPshEs /Lmarkedly inferior in quality.Mrs. Diamond vowed to do

something about her grandson’s

atrocious table manners.

atrophyv/ SatrEfG /Gk > Lundergo a wasting away orprogressive decline.Jay knows that his muscles will

atrophy while he recuperates from


attenuateadj/ EStenyETwDt /Ltapering gradually often into a longslender point.The locust tree has narrow

attenuate leaves.

attituden/ SaZETtVd /L > It[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] anyposture held momentarily indancing.The premier danseur held his final

attitude briefly, then leapt offstage

to thunderous applause.


attritionn/ EStrishEn /La usually gradual loss of personnelfrom causes normal or peculiar to agiven situation (as death,retirement, and resignation in alabor force) often without fillingthe vacancies.The CEO promised that all of the

cuts would come from attrition; no

employees would be laid off.


auctioneern/ TOkshESni(E)r /L + Ecfone who conducts the sale of goodsat public auction usually as anagent on commission.The auctioneer at the antique sale

had a booming voice.

audaciousadj/ OSdCshEs /Lrecklesslessly venturesome :presumptuously bold.Tom’s audacious disregard for

physical limitations will catch up

with him sooner or later.


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audiencen/ SOdGEn(t)s /L[has homonym: audients] thoseattending a stage or film productionor viewing a televised program.The audience erupted with

thunderous applause at the act’s


auditionn/ OSdishEn /L or Fa trial performance to appraise anentertainer’s merits.After hearing Alice’s stunning

audition, the director offered her

the role without hesitation.



augurv/ SOgE(r) /L[has homonym and near homonym:auger and agar] give indirectevidence of : portend.The club members’ enthusiasm and

dedication augur success for the

club’s projects.


aukn/ SOk /ON > Norw or Icelandicany of several black and whiteshort-necked diving seabirds thatnest in colder parts of the NorthernHemisphere.In one of her books, Laura Ingalls

Wilder writes of a strange

midwinter encounter with a stray

bird resembling an auk.

aureateadj/ SOrGDt /Lmarked by a rhetorical style that isaffected, grandiloquent, andheavily ornamental.Many students today have little

appreciation of the aureate

language of English Renaissance


aureityn/ OSrGEZG /L + Ecfthe distinctive properties of gold.Pyrite’s apparent aureity has

fooled many a prospector.

aureliann/ OSrGlyEn /L + Ecfa collector and breeder of mothsand butterflies.Sarah admired the beautiful

butterflies pictured in the book by

Mr. Jacobson, a well-known


auriclen/ SOrDkEl /L[has homonym: oracle] a chamberof the heart that receives bloodfrom the veins and forces it into theventricle or ventricles.The heart of a fish has one auricle

and one ventricle.

auricularadj/ OSrikyElE(r) /Lof, relating to, or using the ear orthe sense of hearing.George’s understanding of

unfamiliar words is auricular; that

is, he must hear out loud the words

he reads before he can comprehend


auriferousadj/ OSrifErEs /L + Ecfgold-bearing—used of gravels androcks.The auriferous quartz veins

sparkled in the sunlight.

auroran/ ESrPrE /Lthe redness of the sky just beforethe Sun rises.As the aurora began to brighten the

sky, the airline passengers eagerly

looked out their windows to see the

rising Sun.

auscultationn/ TOskElStCshEn /Lthe act of listening to soundsarising within organs (as the lungsor heart) as an aid to diagnosis andtreatment.Warming her stethoscope with her

hands before performing

auscultation has become second

nature to Dr. Harris.


auspicesn pl/ SOspDsDz /Lpatronage and kindly guidance :protection.The medical team entered the

country under the auspices of the

International Red Cross.

austereadj/ OSsti(E)r /GK > L > F > Estern and unyielding in appearanceand manner.The substitute teacher was austere

and humorless.

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authenticadj/ Osthentik /Gk > L > F > Eworthy of acceptance or belief byreason of conforming to fact orreality.The restoration society aims to

provide an authentic reproduction

of the colonial village.


authoritativeadj/ ESthBrETtCZiv /Lexercising or assuming power toinfluence the outward behavior ofothers.Dr. Martin issued the instructions

in an authoritative manner.

autobahnn/ SaUZPTbBn /Gk > G + Ga road in Germany with doubletraffic lanes in each directionseparated by a parkway.Klaus pulled his Mercedes over to

the side of the autobahn to read the




autonomyn/ OStBnEmG /Gkthe quality or state of beingindependent, free, and self-directing.After years of fighting the colonial

government, the island was finally

granted autonomy.

autopsyn/ SOTtBpsG /Gkexamination of the body afterdeath, usually with dissection.An autopsy showed that arsenic

was the cause of death.


autumnaladj/ (T)OStEmnEl /Lcharacterized by qualitiesassociated with or suggested by theseason between summer andwinter.Jessica’s new paintings have a

serene, autumnal warmth.

auxiliaryadj/ OgSzilyErG /Loffering or providing help,assistance, or support especially byinteraction.Roland volunteers as an auxiliary

guide for the local Youth

Mountaineers Club.


avalanchen/ SavETlanch /Fa large mass of snow, ice, earth,rock, or other material in swiftmotion down a mountainside.The tiny Swiss village was

destroyed by an avalanche.


avaricen/ SavErDs /L > F > Eexcessive desire for wealth or gain.Pride, avarice, and gluttony are

among the seven deadly sins.





avocadon/ TavESkB(T)dP /Nahuatl > Spthe pulpy green or purplesomewhat pear-shaped edible fruitof various tropical American trees.Tanisha’s first taste of sushi was a

roll containing avocado, crab, and


avocetn/ SavETset /F&Itany of several rather large long-legged shore birds having webbedfeet and a slender upwardly curvedbill.Making their way through the

marsh, the birders happened on a

foraging avocet.


avuncularadj/ ESvENkyElE(r) /Lacting or speaking with thefamiliarity, kindness, or indulgenceof an uncle.Morris took an avuncular tone with

Susan when he advised her on her

college plans, even though he was

her elder by only three years.

awen/ SO /ON > E[has homonym: aw] abashedreverence and fear inspired byauthority or power.The good people of Sleepy Hollow

were often filled with awe at

hearing his nasal melody floating

from the distant hill.



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awryadv/ ESrI /Ewrong, amiss.Gayle’s plans for the victory

parade went hopelessly awry.


axiomn/ SaksGEm /Gka proposition, rule, or maxim thathas found general acceptance or isthought worthy thereof.“Early to bed, early to rise” is

Uncle Abdul’s favorite axiom.

axungen/ SakTsEnj /Lfat or grease usually of pigs or ofgeese.Suzanne’s cookbook of home

remedies recommended axunge to

soothe minor burns.

ayatollahn/ TIEStPlE /Ar > Pera religious leader among ShiiteMuslims—used as a title of respectespecially for one who is not animam.When Ayatollah Khomeini gained

political control of Iran in 1979, he

re-created it as a religious Islamic


azimuthn/ SazEmEth /Aran arc of the horizon measuredbetween a fixed point and thevertical circle passing through thecenter of an object.Using a compass, the navigator

estimated the azimuth of the star.


azureadj/ SazhE(r) /Per > Ar > Sp > Fresembling the color of theunclouded sky.Sarah prefers to call her eyes

“azure” instead of “blue.”

babblativeadj/ SbablEZiv /E imitative?given to excessive talking :garrulous.The babblative waitress called

everyone at our table


baboonn/ baSbVn /F > Ea large primate with a short tail anda doglike snout.The children at the zoo were

entertained by the strange sounds

of the baboon.

babushkan/ bESbUshkE /Russa triangularly folded kerchief wornover the head and usually tiedunder the chin.Emma’s Ukrainian doll wears a

red babushka and an elaborately

embroidered apron.

Babylonianadj/ TbabESlOnyEn /Heb > Gkof, relating to, or characteristic ofBabylonia, an ancient country ofsouthern Mesopotamia.Houses and temples of the Old

Babylonian Kingdom have square

open courts, arched doorways, and

battlemented walls.

baccalaureaten/ TbakESlOrGEt /Lthe degree of bachelor conferred byuniversities and colleges.Marika earned a baccalaureate at

the age of 12.


bacciferousadj/ bakSsif(E)rEs /L + Ecfbearing berries.Sylvia took care not to park her car

under any bacciferous trees.

bachelorn/ Sbach(E)lE(r) /Celt > L > F > Ean unmarried man of marriageableage.Kendrick was the only bachelor

living in the apartment building.

bacillusn/ bESsilEs /La disease-producing bacterium.Kendra will use a powerful

disinfectant to kill any bacillus that

might be lurking on the counter



backgammonn/ SbakTgamEn /Ea game played with dice andcounters on a board divided intotwo tables each marked with 12points in which each player tries tomove his own counters from pointto point and off the board.Ed explained to Tim that the game

board edged with tall, thin

triangles was used to play


bacteriolyticadj/ bakTtirGESliZik /Gk > Lof, relating to, or producing thedestruction or dissolution ofbacterial cells.The bacteriolytic power of blood

helps the body overcome many



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badigeonn/ bESdijEn /Fa cement or paste (as of plaster andpowdered freestone) used to fillholes or cover defects in wood orstone.The plasterer smeared badigeon in

the pockmarks on the wall.

badinagen/ TbadFnSBzh /L > OProv > Flight and playful repartee or wit :banter.Mrs. Lopez, our bus driver,

frequently engages in badinage

with her lively passengers.

badmintonn/ SbadTmintFn /E geog namea court game played by two or fourpersons with light long-handledrackets and a shuttlecock volleyedover a net.After lunch John suggested a

leisurely game of badminton.

Baedekern/ SbCdDkE(r) /G nameguidebook, handbook.By the time his Italian vacation was

over, Ronnie’s Baedeker had come

apart at the spine.

bagatellen/ TbagEStel /L > It > Fa game played with a cue andusually nine balls on an oblongtable having cups or both cups andarches at one end.Aaron is an excellent snooker

player but is unfamiliar with the

rules of bagatelle.


baignoiren/ bCnSwBr /L > F[Note: Could be confused withpeignoir.] a theater box having lowpartitions that is in the lowest tier.Seats in the baignoire afforded an

unobscured view of the stage.

bailiffn/ SbClDf /F > Ea court officer who seats witnessesand spectators, announces theentrance of the judge, and keepsorder in the court.Judge Cantor asked the bailiff to

remove Mr. Sims from the


bailiwickn/ SbClGTwik /Efield of activity : sphere ofoperations.Only when the topic was

birdwatching, his particular

bailiwick, did Robin feel at ease

talking to strangers.


balaclavan/ TbalESklBvE /Crimean geog namea hoodlike knitted cap covering thehead, neck, and part of theshoulders and worn especially bysoldiers and mountaineers.Every climber wore a balaclava for

protection from the cold air.

balalaikan/ TbalESlIkE /Russan instrument of the guitar kindhaving a triangular wooden bodyand from two to four strings.Vladimir strummed the balalaika

and sang a Ukrainian folk song.

balbriggann/ balSbrigEn /Ir geog namea plain-stitch knitted often tubularusually cotton fabric usedespecially for underwear, hosiery,or sweaters.Moira’s imported Irish sweater was

made of balbriggan.

balconyn/ SbalkEnG /Gmc > Itan interior projecting gallery in apublic building (as a theater);specifically : such a galleryimmediately above the main floor.Tickets for seats in the balcony sold

out before those in the orchestra.



ballerinan/ TbalESrGnE /L > Ita female ballet dancer.Although the ballerina seemed a bit

nervous before her performance,

her dancing was faultless.

balletomanen/ baSleZETmCn /L > It > F + Ecff + Gk > L > Eone who takes extraordinary delightin artistic dance performances.The well-known balletomane took

roses to every performance.

ballisticadj/ bESlistik /Gk > Lof or belonging to the hurling ofmissiles.Simon used ballistic laws to

determine where the arrow would


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ballisticsn pl/ bESlistiks /Gk > Lthe science of the motion ofpowder-propelled projectiles inflight.An expert in ballistics testified that

the fatal bullet had been fired from

the defendant’s gun.


balminessn/ SbBmGnDs /Semitic? > Gk > L > F > E + Ecffthe quality or state of being mild orsoothing.The balminess of the evening

breeze helped Kate forget the


balmoraln/ balSmOrEl /Scottish geog namea boot or shoe that is laced in front;especially : an oxford shoe withquarters meeting and centered overa separate tongue.The balmoral first became

fashionable in the 1850s, when

Prince Albert popularized this type

of shoe.

balneationn/ TbalnGSCshEn /Lthe act or action of bathing.Alicia uses a sponge to assist in her

daily balneation.

balsamn/ SbOlsEm /Lan aromatic substance flowingspontaneously or by incision from aplant and not necessarily remainingliquid.When Henrietta retrieved the ball

from the branches of the fir tree,

the balsam made her fingers sticky.

balustraden/ SbalETstrCd /It > Fa row of short supports topped by arail to serve as an open parapet.Juliet leaned on the balustrade and

gazed down at Romeo with adoring



bamboozlev/ bamSbVzEl /unknownconceal one’s true motives fromsomeone, especially by elaboratelyfeigning good intentions so as togain an end or achieve anadvantage : mislead, hoodwink.Gavin tried to bamboozle his

neighbor into offering her garage

for his party by saying how much it

needed a good airing out.

banalityn/ bCSnalEZG /Fthe quality of lacking originality,freshness, or novelty.Pearl’s English teacher commented

on the banality of much of the

class’s poetry.

bananan/ bESnanE /African > Sp or Pgthe elongated often curved andusually tapering fruit of the bananaplant having soft pulpy flesh and arind that is usually yellow whenripe.To introduce fractions, the teacher

showed her students how a banana

can be divided lengthwise into


banausicadj/ bESnOsik /Gkmoneymaking, breadwinning :vocational.Brandon showed no inclination

toward banausic pursuits.

bandagen/ Sbandij /Fa narrow length of fabric used tocover a wound, hold a dressing inplace, immobilize an injured part,or apply pressure.Mom immediately cleaned and put

a bandage on Ted’s scraped knee.

bandaloren/ SbandETlP(E)r /unknowna toy with an automaticallywinding cord by which it is broughtback to the hand when thrown.Jeffrey brought a bandalore to

school for show-and-tell.

bandicootn/ SbandGTkVt /Teluguany of certain small activeinsectivorous and herbivorousmarsupial mammals found inOceania.Some species of bandicoot are


banditryn/ SbandDtrG /Gmc > Itthe practice of roving about andpillaging especially insemiorganized groups.With the government in chaos,

outbreaks of banditry were

common throughout the country.







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baptismaladj/ bapStizmEl /Gk > L > Fof or relating to the ceremony ofadmitting one into membership in aChristian church with the use ofwater by immersion, pouring, orsprinkling.The church’s new baptismal font is

made of Italian marble.

baragouinn/ SbarETgwaM /Foutlandish unintelligible speech.The explorer was taken aback by

the baragouin of the excited


barbaricadj/ bBrSbarik /Gk > Lof, relating to, or characteristic ofone who lacks refinement,gentleness, learning, or artistic orliterary culture.Harold was embarrassed by his

little brother’s barbaric table




barbellateadj/ SbBrbETlCt /Lhaving short stiff hooked bristles orhairs.The biology students were asked to

identify animals with barbellate


barbicann/ SbBrbDkEn /L > F > Ean outer defensive work of a city orcastle.The invaders aimed their catapult

at the castle’s barbican.

barbituraten/ bBrSbichErDt /Gkany of a large group of acids ortheir salts that are used assedatives, hypnotics, andantispamodics.Even a mild barbiturate can be

habit-forming if used incorrectly.

bardiglion/ bBrSdGl(T)yP /L? > Sp > Itan Italian marble commonly havinga dark gray or bluish groundtraversed by veins.The most exquisite mantel in the

country estate was made of




bariolagen/ SbarGPTlBzh /Fa special effect in violin playingobtained by playing in rapidalternation upon open and stoppedstrings.Bjorn’s deft bariolage during the

third movement thrilled the



barnaclen/ SbBrnDkEl /Eany of numerous marinecrustaceans that are free-swimmingas larvae but fixed to rocks orfloating objects as adults.The sailors scraped many a

barnacle from the sides of the ship.


barnstormv/ SbBrnzTtOrm /E + Etour through rural districts stagingtheatrical performances in largefarm buildings or makeshifttheaters.The troupe set off in buses to

barnstorm the Midwest with their

version of The Music Man.

barognosisn/ TbaTrBgSnPsDs /Gk > Lthe perception of weight by thecutaneous and muscle senses.The loss of barognosis is a

symptom of some muscle diseases.

barometern/ bESrBmEZE(r) /Gk + Gkan instrument for determining thepressure of the atmosphere.Erica predicts the weather by using

the barometer located on her

kitchen wall.

baronetn/ TbarESnet /Gmc > F > Ethe holder of a dignity or degree ofhonor ranking immediately below abaron and above a knight.The baronet swaggered among the

knights but quailed before the


baronialadj/ bESrPnGEl /F > Esplendid, stately, spacious, ample.The baronial fireplace had enough

room to hold six-foot logs.

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baroqueadj/ bESrPk /It name? > Fof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of a style of artisticexpression prevalent especially inthe 17th century, marked byelaborate and sometimes grotesqueornamentation.The baroque style in art and

architecture was marked by the use

of curved figures.

barothermographn/ TbarPSthErmETgraf /Gk + Gk + Gkan instrument for recording bothpressure and temperature(as of the atmosphere).The barothermograph was first

used to collect atmospheric data in


barouchen/ bESrVsh /L > It > Ga four-wheeled shallow carriagewith a driver’s seat high in front,two double seats inside, one facingback and the other front, and afolding top over the back seat.Michelle and Phil rode to the prom

in a barouche.

barracksn pl/ SbarEks /Catal > Fan often permanent building or setof buildings used especially forlodging soldiers.Each new recruit was assigned a

bunk in the barracks.

barragen/ bESrBzh /Fa massive concentrated and usuallycontinuous discharge or shower (asof missiles or blows).In Puritan New England, those who

broke the law were sometimes put

to death by a barrage of stones.

barratryn/ SbarEtrG /F > Ethe persistent incitement oflitigation.Barratry has overloaded our

country's courts.

barreln/ SbarEl /F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a unit ofmeasure for petroleum equal to 42gallons.Sheiks wept as the price of oil

dropped below 17 dollars per


barrenadj/ SbarEn /F > E[has homonym: baron] deficient inproducing vegetation : bare,desolate.The overcultivated land, once

fertile, was now barren.

barricaden/ SbarETkCd /Fa barrier or obstacle that preventspassage.A police barricade kept the crowds

at a safe distance from the burning


barrion/ SbBrGTP /Ar > Spa Spanish-speaking neighborhoodor quarter in a city or town in theUnited States especially in theSouthwest.The politician continually reminded

the public of his roots in the barrio.

bartizann/ SbBrZEzEn /Ea small structure overhanging orprojecting from a building forlookout or defense.The guard posted at the bartizan

was the first to spot the

approaching army.

basculen/ SbaTskyVl /Fan apparatus or structure in whichone end is counterbalanced by theother on the principle of the seesawor by weights (as in a basculebridge).The castle architect proposed

building a bascule over the moat.



basiliskn/ SbasETlisk /Gk > L > Ea legendary reptile that has a fatalbreath and glance.Jessie debated whether to

incorporate a basilisk or a

poisonous snake into her fable.


basmatin/ TbBzSmBZG /Hindia cultivated South Asian long grainrice.Jacques enjoys the aroma of



bastionn/ SbaschEn /Gmc > Prov > Fa projecting part of a fortification.Matthew paused at the castle

bastion to look out over the


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bathymetern/ bESthimEZE(r) /Gk > ISV + Gk > Fa device for the sounding of depths.Proper use of the bathymeter was

crucial as Captain Byron navigated

through the shallows in the fog.



batikn/ bEStGk /Javanese > Malayan Indonesian method of hand-printing textiles by coating parts ofthe fabric with wax to resist dyeand dipping in a cold dye solution.Sheila used both batik and tie-dye

in her T-shirt creations.



battalionn/ bEStalyEn /L > It > Fa considerable body of troopsorganized to act together : army.The commander advanced the

battalion confidently when he saw

the pitifully few defenders

remaining at the castle walls.


bavardagen/ TbavE(r)SdBzh /L > Fsmall talk, chitchat.After a stressful math class, Cora

welcomed the opportunity for

bavardage with her friends in the



bayoun/ SbIT(y)V /Choctaw > Louisiana Fa creek, secondary watercourse, orminor river that is tributary toanother river or other body ofwater.Dale’s grandfather lives near a

bayou in southern Alabama.

bazookan/ bESzVkE /Amer Ea light portable usually crew-servedshoulder weapon used especially tolaunch armor-piercing rockets.Lenny begged his mother for the

tank, bazooka, and toy soldiers that

he had seen in a commercial.


beaconn/ SbGkEn /Ea signal fire or lighthousecommonly on a hill, tower, or pole.That lighthouse once served as a

beacon for ships nearing the shore.

beakern/ SbGkE(r) /Old Saxon > ON > Ea deep openmouthed thin vesselthat often has a projecting lip forpouring and is used especially bychemists and pharmacists.As Frank reached for the pipette,

he knocked an acid-filled beaker off

the lab bench.



beaumontagen/ bPSmBntij /unknown > Frencha composition used by artisans tofill and conceal holes or cracks inwood or metal.Bart asked the conservator to

replace all the old beaumontage in

the statuette.



bedlamn/ SbedlEm /Palestinian geog name > Ea place or scene of wild maduproar.After the final game of the

championship, the parking lot was






beguilev/ bDSgIl /Egain the notice of by the use ofwiles : charm.The teenager tried to beguile her

teacher into giving her a good


beguilingadj/ bDSgIliN /Eprovoking pleased interest anddiverting from concern or vexation.Todd blamed the beguiling

influence of TV for his low grades.

beguinen/ bDSgGn /Fa vigorous popular dance of theislands of Saint Lucia andMartinique somewhat like therumba.Cole Porter’s song “Begin the

Beguine” started the beguine on

the road to popularity in this


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behemothn/ bDShGmEth /Heb > L > Esomething of oppressive ormonstrous size or power.Anwar’s wrestling opponent was a

behemoth of a man.

beigeadj/ SbCzh /Per? > Gk? > L? > It? > Fof a variable color averaging lightgrayish yellowish brown.Tired of the beige walls in her

home, Ellen decided to repaint all

the rooms with bold colors.

beleaguerv/ bDSlGgE(r) /Dsubject to oppressive or grievousforces.In June the black flies will invade

the campsite and beleaguer the

unsuspecting campers.

belemnoidadj/ SbelEmTnOid /Gkshaped like a dart.The museum’s collection included

belemnoid carvings of unknown




belligerentadj/ bDSlij(E)rEnt /Lwaging war.The victorious faction is setting up

an interim government and purging

its belligerent enemies.

bellipotentadj/ beSlipEZEnt /L + Lmighty in war.The nation’s desire to become a

bellipotent power resulted in a

drastic increase in its defense


bellwethern/ SbelTweLE(r) /Eone that takes the lead or initiative :leader.Brooke’s firm has long been

considered a bellwether in the





benedictionn/ TbenESdikshEn /Lan expression or utterance ofblessing or good wishes.Alta’s mother orated an impressive

benediction at her wedding



beneficentadj/ bDSnefEsEnt /L + Ecfperforming acts of kindness andcharity.Thanks to the generosity of a

beneficent contributor, the

symphony will be funded for

another season.

benevolencen/ bDSnevElEn(t)s /Lkindly disposition to do good andpromote the welfare of others.As a result of his grandfather’s

benevolence, Chad was able to

afford an Ivy League education.

benevolentadj/ bDSnevElEnt /L > Emarked by a kindly disposition topromote the happiness andprosperity of others.Elmer received a commendation for

his benevolent actions.

benignantadj/ bDSnignEnt /Lkindly, mild, gentle.The department store always chose

a Santa Claus with a benignant


benisonn/ SbenEsEn /L > F > E[Note: Could be confused withvenison.] the pronouncing of ablessing : benediction.Tim’s favorite vocal benison is his

youth choir’s rendition of the Irish



berceusen/ berSsE(r)z /Fa vocal or instrumental compositionof a soothing character.Maya hummed a berceuse to her

son to soothe him to sleep.


bereavementn/ bDSrGvmEnt /Edeprivation; especially : loss of aloved one by death.Some scientific studies have shown

that bereavement, such as the loss

of a spouse, can affect one’s

immunity to illness.

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beretn/ bESrC /Prov > Fa soft flat visorless cap of woolenmaterial originally worn by Basquepeasants.The painter’s beret was a bit

tattered and moth-eaten.

bergamotn/ SbErgETmBt /Turk > It > Fan essential oil much used inperfumery.Elisa was wearing cologne scented

with bergamot.

bergschrundn/ SberkTshrUnt /Ga deep and often broad crevasse orseries of such crevasses frequentlyoccurring near the head of amountain glacier.The rescuers descended into the

bergschrund to reach the injured

mountain climber.

beriberin/ TberGSberG /Sinhalesea disease caused by a lack of orinability to assimilate vitamin B-1.The symptoms of beriberi usually

respond well to dietary



berylloidn/ SberETlOid /Indic > Gk > L > F + Ecfa form consisting of a double 12-sided pyramid.The jeweler decided to cut the

unusual crystal into a berylloid to

heighten its allure to potential



besomn/ SbGzEm /Ea broom made with a bundle oftwigs.Milena pretended she was a

pioneer, sweeping out the garage

with a crudely constructed besom.



betheln/ SbethEl /Heba place of worship, as a chapel fornonconformists.The shelter overlooking the

waterfall has become a bethel for

Sunday morning hikers who want

to contemplate the grandeur of


bevelv/ SbevEl /Fcut or shape to an angle : put a slanton the edge of.Rhoda wants the glass shop to

bevel her mirror before it is


bevyn/ SbevG /Ea usually large group or collection.A bevy of reporters crowded

around the gold medal winner.


bewitchedv/ bDSwicht /Ecast a spell over.Some say a sorceress bewitched the

valley during the early days of



bibelotn/ SbGbETlP /Gk > L > Fa small household ornament ordecorative object : trinket.Mrs. Carnes gave her toddler a

bibelot to play with while the

women discussed plans for the





bibliopegyn/ TbiblGSBpDjG /Gk + Gkthe art of binding books.A local bookbinder visited the class

and explained how bibliopegy is

both a craft and an art.

bibliothecarialadj/ TbiblGEthDSka(a)rGEl /Gk + Lcfof or related to a library.Thurmond has great interest in the

Dewey decimal system and other

things bibliothecarial.

biblioticsn pl/ TbiblGSBZiks /Gkthe scientific study of handwriting,documents, and writing materialsespecially for determininggenuineness or authorship.Several experts in bibliotics were

asked to examine the scroll.

bicameraladj/ bISkam(E)rEl /Lhaving or made up of two distinctlegislative bodies.The U.S. Congress is bicameral,

consisting of the Senate and the

House of Representatives.

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bicentennialn/ TbIsenStenGEl /Lcf + L + L > Ea 200th anniversary or itscelebration.Bargersville will celebrate the

bicentennial of its founding next




bifurcationn/ bITfErSkCshEn /L > Fthe point at which separation orbranching into two parts, areas,aspects, or connected segmentsoccurs.Satish pulled his car over and

studied the map when he reached a

bifurcation in the road.


bijouterien/ bGSzhVtETrG /Fjewelry in which delicate orintricate metalwork contributesmore to the value than do theconstituent materials.Marge scoured the display case in

the antique shop for an addition to

her collection of bijouterie.

bikinin/ bESkGnG /Pacific geog namea woman’s abbreviated two-piecebathing suit.Joan’s father does not approve of

the bikini she would like to


bilateraladj/ bISlaZErEl /L > Ecf + Lof or relating to the right and leftsides of a central area.The maple leaf exhibits bilateral


bilgen/ Sbilj /unknownwater that collects by seepage orleakage in the bottom of a ship orother vessel.Jeannie awoke to find bilge

sloshing against her bunk.



billetedv/ SbilDZDd /L > F > Eserved with an official orderdirecting that a member of amilitary force be provided withboard and lodging (as in a privatehome).During the Civil War it was not

uncommon for homeowners to be


billiardsn pl/ SbilyE(r)dz /Celt > Fany of several games played on anoblong table in which small ballsare driven against one another orinto pockets by means of a cue.Honoria supplemented her

scholarship money by playing

billiards for pocket change.


billonn/ SbilEn /Fgold or silver alloyed with aconsiderable amount of some lessvaluable metal.The numismatist showed the wide-

eyed youngster several coins made

of billon.



bimillenaryn/ bISmilETnerG /La 2000th anniversary or itscelebration.In 1951 the city of Paris celebrated

the bimillenary of its founding.

binaryadj/ SbITnerG /Linvolving a choice or condition oftwo alternatives only (as on-off oryes-no).The symbols conventionally used in

a binary system of numeration are

0 and 1.

binocularsn pl/ bDSnBkyElE(r)z /L > E + La handheld optical instrumentcomposed of two telescopes and afocusing device and usually havingprisms to increase magnifyingability.Binoculars have proved to be a

great boon to bird-watching.


bioluminescentadj/ TbI(T)PTlVmESnesFnt /Gk + Lof, relating to, or characterized bythe emission of light from livingorganisms as the result of internaloxidative changes.Bioluminescent animals occur in at

least 39 orders of the animal




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bisagren/ bDSsa(T)grG /MexSpa small spiny cactus of Mexico andthe southwestern United States thatis sometimes cut into slices andcandied.Elena often rewarded her

children’s good behavior with

slices of bisagre.

biscuitn/ SbiskDt /(L + L) > F > Ea quick bread made in a smallshape from dough that has beenrolled and cut or dropped and thatis raised in the baking by aleavening agent other than yeast.A hot biscuit with butter and honey

was the best part of the lunch.

bisen/ SbGz /Gmc > F > E[has homonym: bees] a cold wind;especially : a cold dry north windof southern France, Switzerland,and Italy.Jake was told that he would need to

pack warm clothes to withstand the

bise while he toured Switzerland.



bivouacn/ SbivTwak /G > Fa camping out for a night.Private Slater packed a peanut

butter sandwich for his bivouac.

bizarreadj/ bDSzBr /It > F[has near homonym: bazaar] beingstrikingly out of the ordinary or atvariance with some standard, realor implied.Todd’s bizarre behavior prompted

his parents to call a doctor.

blaguev/ SblBg /Ftalk pretentiously and usuallyinaccurately or boastfully.Politicians who blague generally

alienate their audiences.

blandishmentn/ SblandishmEnt /L > F > E + Ecfspeech, action, or device thatflatters and tends to coax or cajole.No blandishment can sway Gil

from his steadfast sense of


blanquetten/ blBMket /Gmc > Prov > Fa light meat (as veal or breast ofchicken) in a white sauce.After the play, Grandmother took

us to a French restaurant, where

we sampled a blanquette of veal

from the buffet.

blarneyn/ SblBrnG /Ir geog namesmooth wheedling talk.Mrs. Lewis was not impressed by

Al’s blarney as he tried to talk her

into raising his grade.

blasphemousadj/ SblasfEmEs /Gk > Lspeaking or writing irreverencetoward God.During the Middle Ages many

books were condemned as

blasphemous and burned.

blasphemouslyadv/ SblasfEmEslG /Gk > L > + Ecfin an impiously irreverent manner.Dad blasphemously berated the

driver who suddenly cut in front of

him without warning.


blatantadj/ SblCtFnt /Lcompletely or crassly obvious :brazen.Mr. Nall suspended Ed for blatant

disobedience during the fire drill.

blathern/ SblaLE(r) /ONvoluble, foolish, or nonsensicaltalk.Matt’s announcement consisted of

10 percent information and 90

percent blather.

blatherskiten/ SblaLE(r)TskIt /ON + ONa blustering, talkative, and oftenincompetent person.With Jay’s luck, the biggest

blatherskite in the theater will sit

directly behind him.

blazonn/ SblCzFn /F > Ecoat of arms.The duke’s blazon was on

everything from the tableware to

the towels.

bleachv/ SblGch /Eremove the color or stains from.Eliza decided not to bleach her

stained socks for fear of ruining

their elastic.


blemishn/ Sblemish /Gmc > F > Edefect, flaw.A skilled watercolorist can render

a blemish invisible.


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blepharaladj/ SblefErEl /Gkof or relating to the eyelids.Leroy’s blepharal inflammation

was caused by allergies.

blessingn/ SblesiN /Ethe act or words of one who issuesapproval or praise.Nate and Irene sought the blessing

of their priest before they married.


blissfuladj/ SblisfEl /Emarked by a state of complete orecstatic happiness.The blissful bride and groom

hurried off on their honeymoon.


blitzv/ Sblitz /Grush (a passer) in football from aposition as a linebacker ordefensive back.In a desperate bid to stop the other

team from scoring, the coach told

all three linebackers to blitz the


blitzkriegn/ SblitsTkrGg /Gwar conducted with great speed andforce; specifically : a violentsurprise offensive by massed airforces and mechanized groundforces in close coordination.The French forces were roundly

defeated by the Germans’


blizzardn/ SblizE(r)d /unknowna severe and prolonged snowstorm.Last winter many cattle perished in

a blizzard.


blossomingadj/ SblBsEmiN /E + Ecfflowering.Between the blossoming branches

of the canopy, bits of blue sky

looked down like wonderful eyes.

blotchn/ SblBch /L? > F > Eimperfection, blemish.The vendor referred to the ugly

blotch on the leather as “natural




bluchern/ SblVkE(r) /Prussian namea shoe having the tongue and vampcut in one piece and the quarterslapped over the vamp and lacedtogether for closing.The blucher was very popular with

returning servicemen after World

War I.

bludgeonn/ SblEjEn /unknowna short stick used as a weaponusually having one thick, heavy, orloaded end.The shop teacher confiscated the

crude bludgeon Harlan had

fashioned from a baseball bat.


blunderbussn/ SblEndE(r)TbEs /D + L > Dan obsolete short gun or firearmthat had a large bore and wasintended for shooting at closequarters without exact aim.The museum exhibit featured a

blunderbuss along with other 18th-

century weapons.



bocaccion/ bPSkBTchP /AmSp&It > Ea large olive to brown red-flushedrockfish of the Pacific coast fromBritish Columbia to southernCalifornia.The bocaccio feeds on a variety of

fishes, crabs, and squids.

bocagen/ bPSkBzh /Fcountryside or landscape markedby intermingled patches ofwoodland and heath, small fields,tall hedgerows, and orchards.The charming bocage of rural

France presents a variety that

delights travelers.

bodegan/ bPSdCgE /L > Spa combined wineshop and grocerystore.Miguel’s mother sent him to the

bodega for a loaf of bread.

boiserien/ SbwBzETrG /Gmc > Fcarved wood paneling.In Louis’s living room painted

boiserie provides a backdrop for a

melange of upholstered armchairs.

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boisterousadj/ SbOist(E)rEs /F > Efull of exuberant uninhibited andoften excessive spirits.The locker room was boisterous

after the championship.

bolen/ SbPl /ONthe trunk of a tree.Biff threw a knife into the old oak’s


boleron/ bESla(a)(T)rP /Spa Spanish dance to music in three-quarter time and characterized bysharp turns and revolutions of thebody and stamping of the feet insyncopated rhythm.Miguel and Ana danced the bolero

as the rest of the partygoers

watched and clapped.

boliden/ SbPTlId /Gkan exploding or exploded meteor ormeteorite.Some UFO reports turn out to

result from the appearance of a


Bolshevikn/ SbPlshDTvik /Russa member of the RussianCommunist Party.The Bolshevik kept repeating,

“This could never happen in a

communist country.”


bonanzan/ bESnanzE /L > Spsomething that yields an oftenunexpectedly large profit.Millie struck a bonanza with her

latest business venture.

bonhomousadj/ SbBnEmEs /L > F + Ecfwarmly genial.Will told us about the bonhomous

master of ceremonies at the


bonifacen/ SbBnEfDs /name in an Irish playthe proprietor of a hotel, nightclub,or restaurant.The boniface of the Red Horse Inn

loves to have his picture taken with

visiting celebrities.

bonnetn/ SbBnDt /L > F > Ea woman’s head covering of clothor straw usually tied under the chin.Marie was tying her handkerchief

over the kitten’s head for a bonnet.

bonsain/ SbPnTsI /Jpn[has near homonym: banzai] apotted plant (as a tree) dwarfed byspecial methods of culture.Joanie spent the afternoon

instructing a class on pruning a



bookkeepern/ SbUkTkGpE(r) /Eone who maintains accounts.Dad has been a bookkeeper at the

plant for 14 years.



Bordelaisen/ TbOrdFlSCz /F geog namea brown sauce flavored with a tablewine from the Gironde department

of France, the capital of which isBordeaux.Stuart thickened the Bordelaise

over a low flame.



boren/ SbP(E)r /E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word. Inaddition, word has homonyms andnear homonym: boar, Boer, andboor.] a tidal flood that regularly oroccasionally rushes with a roaringnoise into certain rivers.Ships in the harbor when a bore

occurred could suffer damage from

its considerable height or force.

borealizationn/ TbPrGElDSzCshEn /Gk > L + Ecffadaptation (as of plants) to life inmore northerly regions.In the far North, borealization is a

primary factor in the evolution of

different plant species.

borzoin/ SbOrTzOi /Russa Russian wolfhound.The borzoi resembles a large

greyhound with long wavy hair.


botanistn/ SbBt(F)nDst /Gk + Ecfa professional student of plants.A botanist identified the mysterious

plant growing behind Alysia’s


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botanyn/ SbBt(F)nG /Gk > Fthe branch of biology dealing withplant life.Jan has no formal education in

botany, but she does seem to have a

green thumb.


botuliformadj/ SbBchElETfOrm /L + Ecfshaped like a sausage.Cattails have botuliform flower


boudoirn/ SbVTdwB(r) /Fa woman’s dressing room,bedroom, or private sitting room.The boudoir adjacent to the master

bedroom was, to Brooke, the most

fascinating room on the tour.

boughn/ SbaU /E[has homonym: bow] a branch of atree.Grass would grow better beneath

the tree if the lowest bough were



bouillonn/ SbVTyBn /F[Note: Alternate pronunciation hashomonym: bullion.] a broth madeby slow boiling of meat andespecially beef in water.Benny learned how to make

bouillon in his home economics


boulevardn/ SbUlETvBrd /D > Fa broad thoroughfare often havinggrassplots with trees along thecenter or between curbings andsidewalks.On a warm sunny day many

strollers can be found on the





bountifuladj/ SbaUntDfEl /L > F > E + Ecfabundant, plentiful.The potato farmers rejoiced over

their bountiful harvest.

bouquetn/ bPSkC /Fthe distinctive fragrance (as of awine or brandy) derived from theprocesses of fermentation andaging.Jim found the bouquet of the

mystery wine much to his liking.

bouquinisten/ bVkGnGst /D > Fa dealer in secondhand books.The bouquiniste encouraged us to

browse as long as we wanted.

bourgeoisadj/ SbVrzhTwB /Fof, belonging to, or characteristic ofthe townsman or the social middleclass.The senator said that he espoused

the bourgeois virtues of thriftiness,

forethought, and a serious attitude

toward life.

bourgeoisien/ TbUrzhTwBSzG /Fthe social and economic middleclass.Dillon went to college to, as he put

it, “escape from the throes of the


boutonnieren/ TbVtFnSi(E)r /Fa flower or bouquet worn in abuttonhole.The groom wore a sprig of orange

blossom as a boutonniere.

bowdlerizev/ SbPdlETrIz /E name + Ecfremove matter consideredindelicate or otherwiseobjectionable from.When the publisher chose to

bowdlerize the novel, the school

librarian refused to order it.


bowlinen/ SbPlDn /Ea rope fastened near the middle ofthe perpendicular edge of a squaresail and used to keep the weatheredge of the sail taut forward whenthe ship is close-hauled.Suzanne told Julio to cleat the

bowline down tightly as she

prepared to tack.

boycottv/ SbOiTkBt /E namecombine against (a person,employer, a group of persons, or anation) in a policy of suspension ofdealings or relations for economicor political reasons.The people of New Athens resolved

to boycott the offending company.

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boysenberryn/ SbOizFnTberG /Amer name + Ea very large bramble fruit with aflavor like a raspberry especiallyvalued for canning and preserving.Mark enjoys the tart flavor of a

freshly picked boysenberry.


brachiatev/ SbrakGTCt /Gk > Lprogress by swinging from onehold to another by the arms.The children enjoyed watching the

chimpanzees playfully brachiate

from tree to tree.

brachygraphyn/ braSkigrEfG /Gk + Gkshorthand : a method of writingrapidly by substituting characters,abbreviations, or symbols forletters, words, or phrases.Current job listings for

administrative assistants rarely list

brachygraphy as a mandatory skill.

brachylogyn/ braSkilEjG /Gkconciseness of expression.A successful poet is a master of

imagery and brachylogy.

bradawln/ SbradTOl /E + Ean awl with a chisel edge used tomake holes for screws or thin,small nails.Desmond found a bradawl in his

grandfather’s toolbox, but he

couldn’t figure out what it was used



bradyseismn/ SbrCdGTsIzEm /Gka slow quiet upward or downwardmovement of Earth’s crust.The outskirts of Naples have been

afflicted by bradyseism since a

1980 earthquake.

braggadocion/ TbragESdPshGTP /name in English poemempty boasting or bragging.Shelly was sure that Keith’s claim

to have received ten speeding

tickets was mere braggadocio.

brankursinen/ braNSkErsFn /L > Fa prickly European herb havingrough, fuzzy leaves.The brankursine has ornamental

value because of its claw-shaped


brannigann/ SbranDgEn /name?a difference of opinion :controversy, squabble.A rousing brannigan erupted at the

dinner table.


bratwurstn/ SbratTwErst /Gfresh pork sausage.Karen is grilling bratwurst for the

pool party.

braunschweigern/ SbraUnTshwIgE(r) /G namesmoked liver sausage.Derek made a braunschweiger and

pickle sandwich for his afternoon


bravuran/ brESv(y)UrE /Ita show of daring or brilliancy.The crowd cheered the aerialist for

his bravura.

brawninessn/ SbrOnGnDs /Gmc > F > Ethe quality or state of having largestrong muscles : muscular.Chip’s brawniness proved to be an

asset in playing football.

brazenadj/ SbrCzFn /Edone in the open or in plain sightwith or as if with complete scorn ofpublic opinion, the common good,or ethical principle.Kevin hopes that his brazen

violation of the school’s dress code

will get him sent home for the day.



breathn/ Sbreth /Eair charged with a certainfragrance, odor, or othersuggestion.The breath of roses in the parlor

came from the window open to the


breccian/ Sbrech(G)E /It[has near homonym: Brescia] arock consisting of sharp fragmentsembedded in a fine-grained matrix(as sand or clay).A breccia was among the rock

specimens that the scientist brought

back from her trip to the desert.

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bretellen/ brEStel /Gmc > Fone of a pair of ornamental strapsthat go from the belt on the front ofa dress over the shoulders to thebelt in back.Candace asked for help in

adjusting her bretelle.

brevetn/ brDSvet /F > Ean official document from agovernment granting a privilege,title, or dignity.Dominic found a brevet signed by

President Fillmore among his

grandfather’s papers.


brevityn/ SbrevEZG /Lexpression in few words : terseness,conciseness.Polonius told Queen Gertrude that

“brevity is the soul of wit.”

briberyn/ SbrIb(E)rG /F > Ethe act or practice of giving ortaking a reward, gift, or favor witha view to corrupt the conductespecially of a person in a positionof trust (as a public official).When the gambler offered the

athletes money to lose the game, he

was arrested and charged with




brigadiern/ TbrigESdi(E)r /It > F > Ean army, marine, or air force officerranking just below a major generaland above a colonel.After winning the decisive battle,

Hiram was promoted to brigadier.

brigandn/ SbrigEnd /Celt > It > F > Eone who lives by plunder usually asa member of a band.The captured brigand refused to

say a word about his group’s


brigantinen/ SbrigEnTtGn /Celt > It > Fa two-masted square-rigged sailingship.Sailing school will be held on a

specially outfitted brigantine.

brightnessn/ SbrItTnDs /Ethe state of being radiant : lustrous.Walter wore sunglasses while he

was skiing to protect his eyes

against the brightness of the snow.


brimstonen/ SbrimzTtPn /Esulfur.If the story were true, upon

reaching the sacred spot the demon

would vanish in a flash of fire and



brininessn/ SbrInGnDs /Ethe quality or state of being like saltwater or the sea.Nadine does not enjoy swimming in

the ocean because its brininess

irritates her skin.

briochen/ brGSPsh /Gmc > Fa fancy roll of very light yeastdough rich with eggs and butter.Amy wanted just a brioche and

juice for breakfast.

broachv/ SbrPch /F > E[has homonym: brooch] open up (asubject) for discussion or debate.No one dares broach the subject of

politics in front of Monique.

broadcastern/ SbrOdTkastE(r) /E + ON > Ea person who disseminates news onradio or television.Russell has the clear voice and

precise diction of an experienced


brocaden/ brPSkCd /L > It > Catal > Spa rich oriental fabric with raisedpatterns embroidered in gold andsilver threads.Tina discovered a gorgeous

brocade in the remnant bin at the

fabric store.

brochetten/ brPSshet /Fmeat broiled on a skewer.Marsha garnished her beef

brochette with green peppers.

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brochuren/ brPSshU(E)r /Fpamphlet, booklet.Juanita designed a brochure for the

zoological society.

brockagen/ SbrBkij /Ean imperfectly minted coin.Allen found a brockage in his piggy


bromeliadn/ brPSmGlGTad /Sw name + Lcfa plant of a family of tropicalAmerican herbs or subshrubs.The colorful leaves of the

bromeliad make it a popular



bronchitisn/ brBnSkIZDs /Gkacute or chronic inflammation inthe lungs.Because of his bronchitis, Sam had

given up jogging.

brontometern/ brBnStBmEZE(r) /Gkan instrument for measuring thephenomena of thunderstorms.In 1888 meteorologists began using

a brontometer to record the details

of thunderstorms.

bronzev/ SbrBnz /L > It > F[has near homonym: brawns]become like bronze, a moderateyellowish brown alloy of copperand tin, especially in color.Ike’s attempt to bronze on the

beach took an unfortunate turn

when he fell asleep.

broughamn/ SbrV(E)m /Scottish name[has near homonyms: broom,brume] a light closed horse-drawncarriage with the driver outside infront.The brougham was once a common

sight on the streets of London.

brouhahan/ SbrVShBThB /Hebrew? > Fpublicity, attention, or excitementfar beyond the merits or importanceof its cause.Sean dropped his tray in the

cafeteria, causing quite a


brucellosisn/ TbrVsESlPsDs /E name + Lcfa human disease characterized byextreme exhaustion and generalizedaches and pains and acquiredthrough infected animal products.An outbreak of brucellosis forced

the sausage factory to shut down.

bruisen/ SbrVz /F > E[has homonym: brews] an injury,especially one produced by a blowor collision, that does not break thesurface it injures.Heather’s fall from her bicycle left

her with a bad bruise.


brujon/ SbrVThP /Spsorcerer, witch doctor; especially :one that works black magic.The character of the brujo in the

ballet was played by a dancer who

scowled through the entire first act.

brumen/ SbrVm /L > OProv > F[has homonym and near homonym:broom and brougham] mist, fog.The ship’s foghorn blared through

the drifting brume.

brummagemadj/ SbrEmDjEm /E geog namespurious especially in a cheap andshowy way : phony, sham.Irene usually wears brummagem

jewelry when she dines at fancy



brutaladj/ SbrVZFl /L > F > Echaracterized by ruthlessness andinsensitivity.The judge gave Gary the maximum

sentence, noting the brutal nature

of the crime.

bruxismn/ SbrEkTsizEm /Gk > Ethe habit of unconsciously grittingor grinding the teeth especially insituations of stress or during sleep.Ellie’s bruxism was so pronounced

that her dentist made a bite guard

for her to wear at night.

buccaneern/ TbEkESni(e)r /Tupi > Fone of the pirates preying uponSpanish ships and settlementsespecially in the West Indies in the17th century.While on the “Pirates of the

Caribbean” ride at Disneyland,

Maria thought she saw the eyes of

the nearest buccaneer move.

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buccolingualadj/ TbEkPSliNg(yE)wEl /Lrelating to or affecting the cheekand the tongue.Pipe smoking can harm the

buccolingual tissue.

buckboardn/ SbEkTbP(E)rd /E + Ea four-wheeled horse-drawnvehicle without springs with theplatform fastened directly to thefront and rear axle, usually with aseat above it often mounted onsprings.The Wilson family used a

buckboard for travel and to

transport supplies from town.



Buddhismn/ SbUTdizEm /Skt namea religion of eastern and centralAsia.Buddhism has spread from its

original home in Asia to all corners

of the globe.


buffalon/ SbEfETlP /Gk > L > Sp > Ita large wild ox with a shaggy maneand short horns that was onceabundant on the central andwestern plains of the United States.Jamie was awed by the

enormousness of the buffalo she

saw at the zoo.

buffoonn/ TbESfVn /L > It > Fa person professionally engaged inentertaining others by tricks,gestures, or comic pantomime.Along the midway a buffoon

entertained the children with a

laughable pantomime.

buffooneryn/ (T)bESfVn(E)rG /Fthe practices of a clown orclownish person; especially : coarseloutish behavior.Mrs. Decker warned that she would

tolerate no buffoonery in her


bugaboon/ SbEgETbV /Esomething that causes fear ordistress often out of proportion toits actual importance in a situation.Failing the geometry test was

Kara’s bugaboo.

bulbousadj/ SbElbEs /L[has homonym: bulbus]resembling or suggesting a bulbespecially in roundness or in thegross enlargement of a part.The cartoon character’s heavy

bulbous body lurched dangerously

on his spindly legs, which barely

supported him.

bulgurn/ SbUlTgU(E)r /Turkparched crushed wheat as preparedand used as a dietary staple inTurkey and adjacent regions.Omar’s favorite dish is a salad

made with bulgur, pine nuts, and





bullionistn/ SbUlyEnDst /F > E + Ecfan advocate of a metallic mediumof exchange.The bullionist proposed a return to

the gold standard.


bungalown/ SbENgETlP /Hindia lightly built single-story house orcottage.Wendy’s dream vacation includes

renting a bungalow on a South

Pacific island.

buoyantadj/ SbOiEnt /Spable to regain high spirits afterdepression : lighthearted.The buoyant author gladly

autographed his book for buyers.


burann/ bVSrBn /Turk > Russa northeasterly wind of gale forcein Russia and central Asia usuallyidentified with sandstorms insummer and blizzards in winter.The dreaded buran from northern

Siberia swept across the tundra

with extraordinary violence.

bureaucracyn/ byVSrBkrEsG /Fa system of administration markedby lack of initiative and flexibility,by indifference to human needs orpublic opinion, and by a tendencyto defer decisions to superiors or toimpede action with red tape.Helga blamed the bureaucracy for

the six-week delay in getting her


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bureaucratn/ SbyUrETkrat /L > F + Gk > Fa member of the whole body ofnonelected government officials.Alexis spent 20 minutes trying to

convince a bureaucrat that she

really was seeking employment.

burghern/ SbErgEr /G&Da resident of a town : townsman.Every burgher showed up for

Springfield’s fireworks display.


burgoon/ (T)bErSgV /unknowna savory highly seasoned stew orthick soup containing several kindsof meat and vegetables originallyserved at political rallies,barbecues, picnics, and communityoccasions.Everyone looks forward to eating

burgoo at Drew’s Derby Day party.

burinn/ SbyUrDn /Celt? > Catal? > Fan engraver’s tool having a steelblade ground obliquely to a sharppoint.The artist used a burin to engrave a

design on a copper plate.

burlyadj/ SbErlG /E[has homonym: burley] stronglybuilt : stout, sturdy.The director chose Harry for the

part of the construction worker

because of his burly appearance.

burriton/ bESrGZTP /Spa usually baked flour tortilla rolledor folded around a filling (as ofmeat, beans, or cheese).For lunch Fred ordered a burrito,

rice, and refried beans.

bursarn/ SbErsEr /L[Note: Could be confused withpurser.] an administrative officer(as of a monastery or college) incharge of funds : treasurer.The bill for the new gym floor was

submitted to the school’s bursar.

bursiculateadj/ TbErSsikyElDt /L > Eshaped like a small pouch or purse.Some seaweed plants have

bursiculate leaves.

bursitisn/ TbErSsIZDs /L + Ecfinflammation of a fluid-filledcavity in a joint of the body.Pain during the tennis game was

Brett’s first symptom of bursitis.

busbyn/ SbEzbG /E name?a military full-dress hat made of furwith a bag usually of cloth of thecolor of the facings of the regimenthanging from the top on the right.The drum major strutted proudly in

his white uniform and black busby.


butten/ SbyVt /F[has homonym: beaut] an isolatedhill or small mountain with steep orprecipitous sides that usually has asmaller summit area than does amesa.A butte erodes mostly from its sides

because its uppermost layers

consist of hard rock and resist


butterflyv/ SbEZE(r)TflI /Esplit almost entirely and spreadapart in such a way as to resemblethe spread wings of a butterfly.George tried to butterfly the

chicken breast but ended up with

two ragged chunks of meat.

butterscotchn/ SbEZE(r)TskBch /Ea hard candy made by boilingtogether brown sugar, corn syrup,and water.Butterscotch has a deep golden

color and a delicious rich taste.


butyraceousadj/ TbyVZESrCshEs /Gk > Lresembling butter.The mixed vegetables were flavored

with a butyraceous sauce.

buzzardn/ SbEzE(r)d /L > F > Eany of various birds of prey, suchas a turkey vulture or condor.The buzzard is a common figure in

cartoons, making its appearance

when other characters are sick or


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byssinosisn/ TbisESnPsDs /Gk > La chronic industrial diseaseassociated with the inhalation ofcotton dust over a long period oftime.Employees at the mill wore masks

to protect themselves from



Byzantineadj/ SbizEnTtGn /Gkof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe eastern Roman Empire.Byzantine bureaucracy has become

a byword for cumbersome,

complicated, inefficient, and

inflexible administration.

cabanan/ kESban(y)E /L > Spa tentlike often portable shelterwith a projecting canopy over anopen side facing a beach orswimming pool.Sam and Doug will move the

cabana closer to the swimming


cabaretn/ TkabESrC /L? > Fa restaurant that providesentertainment, usually singing anddancing.Sheila’s training in tap dancing

helped her get a job at the local



cabochonadv/ SkabETshBn /Fin convex form highly polished butnot faceted.The jeweler cut the stone cabochon

and mounted it in a platinum


cabriolen/ SkabrGTPl /F[Note: Could be confused withcapriole.] a ballet leap in which oneleg is extended in mid-air and theother struck against it.The dancers dressed as wood

sprites performed a cabriole in

every measure of the music.

cachev/ Skash /L > F[has homonym: cash] place orstore in safety or concealment.Jim asked Zelda to cache his

valuables while he was on

sabbatical in Japan.

cachetn/ kaSshC /Fa characteristic feature or qualityconferring prestige or distinction orinspiring respect.Acting in a hit TV sitcom does not

carry the same cachet as acting in

a hit movie.


cachinnationn/ TkakESnCshEn /Lthe act or action of laughing loudlyor convulsively.The cachinnation of the comedy

club's audience convinced the

comedian that he was on his way to

becoming a star.

cacographyn/ kaSkBgrEfG /Gkbad handwriting.Martin’s cacography made his

work illegible.


cacophonyn/ kaSkBfEnG /Gkharsh or discordant sound.Spot’s encounter with the skunk

was accompanied by a burst of



cadavern/ kESdavE(r) /La dead human or animal bodyusually intended for cutting so as toexpose the several parts and theirlocations and connections.Duncan dissected a cadaver in

anatomy class.



cadren/ SkB(T)drC /L > It > Fa nucleus or core group especiallyof trained personnel or activemembers of an organization whoare capable of assuming leadershipor of training and indoctrinatingothers.Its highly skilled cadre of managers

enabled the company to achieve

great success in its first year.

caduceusn/ kESd(y)Vs(h)GEs /Gk > La conventionalized representationof a staff with two snakes curledaround it and with two wings at thetop.In Greek mythology the caduceus

was the staff of Hermes, the

messenger of the gods.

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cafeterian/ TkafEStirGE /Turk > Spa self-service restaurant orlunchroom.On the last day of school the

students had a food fight in the


caissonn/ SkCTsBn /L > Fa two-wheeled vehicle for artilleryammunition attachable to a horse-drawn limber for marching.A caisson is sometimes used to

carry the coffin in a military


caitiffn/ SkCZDf /L > F > Ea base despicable person.The story centers on Batman’s

encounters with a psychotic caitiff,

the Riddler.


cajoleryn/ kESjPl(E)rG /Fuse of delusive enticements.After much cajolery, the kitten

finally came down from the tree.

calabashn/ SkalETbash /Ar? > Sp&Fthe common bottle gourd.A calabash with a hole cut in it

makes a dandy birdhouse.

caladiumn/ kESlCdGEm /Malay > Lany of a small genus of tropicalAmerican plants with variouslycolored arrow-shaped leaves.Julie delivered a potted caladium

to her sick cousin.



calciumn/ SkalsGEm /La soft, silver-white bivalentmetallic element that occurs incombination with minerals androcks.Calcium is an essential element in


calculatev/ SkalkyETlCt /Lascertain or determine bymathematical processes especiallyof some intricacy.Toriko likes to calculate her car’s

gas mileage after every trip.

calculatorn/ SkalkyETlCZE(r) /L > E + Ecfa device used for computingamounts.Mr. Jensen permitted each student

to use a calculator during the


calculiformadj/ SkalkyElETfOrm /L > ISVshaped like a pebble.In the Mayan writing system, the

characters were rounded like

pebbles and so were described as

being calculiform.


calefacientadj/ TkalESfCshEnt /Lmaking warm : heating.A calefacient ointment relieved

some of Dave’s muscular pain.



calicon/ SkalDTkP /Indian geog nameany of various cheap cotton fabricswith figured patterns.Molly’s dress was made of a bold

orange and yellow checked calico.

caliginousadj/ kESlijEnEs /F or Ldark, obscure.A caliginous sky foreshadowed the

approaching storm.

calisthenicsn pl/ TkalEsStheniks /Gk + Ecfsystematic exercises performedusually in rhythm and often in agroup to improve the strength,suppleness, balance, and health ofthe body.Aunt Julia does calisthenics twice a

week in a program called “Body



callidityn/ kaSlidEZG /Lcraftiness, cunning, shrewdness.Br’er Rabbit was famous for his


calligraphern/ kESligrEfE(r) /Gkone that writes a beautiful,ornamental, or stylized hand.Joni and William had their

wedding invitations inscribed by a


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calliopen/ kESlIE(T)pG /Gk > La musical instrument consisting ofa series of crude steam or airwhistles used on riverboats and incircuses and carnivals.Passengers gathered on the upper

deck of the Mississippi Queen to

listen to the calliope.



caloricadj/ kESlOrik /L > Fof or relating to the heat-producingor energy-producing value of food.Suzy became obsessed with caloric

intake while on her crash diet.


calumetn/ SkalyETmet /L > Fa highly ornamented ceremonialpipe of the North American Indiansthat was smoked at sacrifices andother magical or religious rites andon state occasions.After the three chiefs reached

agreement, they passed a feathered


calumnyn/ Skal(y)EmnG /La false charge or misrepresentationintended to harm one’s reputation :slander.According to Neal, the recent

article about him was pure


calvitiesn/ kalSvishGTGz /Lbaldness.Larry’s calvities is intentional: He

shaves his head every morning.

calypson/ kESlip(T)sP /Gk namea balladlike improvisation inAfrican rhythm usually satirizingcurrent events first composed andsung in competition in the BritishWest Indies.Harry Belafonte gained fame as a

singer of calypso.


camelinen/ SkamETlGn /Sem > Gk > La twilled camel’s-hair fabric.Jordan bought a new overcoat

made of cameline to wear with his

dress suits.

cameon/ SkamGTP /L > F > Ita small theatrical or film roleusually performed by a well-knownactor and often limited to a singlescene.The producer was grateful that the

star accepted a cameo in his new



camionetten/ TkamyESnet /Fa small truck or bus.The hotel provides a camionette to

shuttle guests to and from the



camouflagen/ SkamETflBzh /It > Fa disguise, behavior, or expedientadopted or designed to deceive orhide.Behind Jerry’s camouflage of

ignorance resides a wealth of




campanilen/ TkampESnGlG /L > It[Note: Plural form can bepronounced identically.] a belltower usually freestanding.From the hilltop Obin could just

spot the great campanile of Christ

Church in Oxford.

camphorn/ Skam(p)fE(r) /Malay > Ar > L > AF > E[has near homonym: chamfer] atough gumlike substance obtainedespecially from the wood and barkof the camphor tree and usedchiefly as a stimulant in medicine.Whenever Johnny has a cold, his

mother spreads on his chest an

aromatic ointment containing


campodeiformadj/ kamSpPdGETfOrm /Gk + Gk + Lhaving an elongated and flattenedshape—used especially of larvae ofsome beetles and other higherinsects.Cybelle identified one of the five

campodeiform larvae.


canaillen/ kESnI /L > It > Fmob, rabble, riffraff.During the riot the canaille

destroyed and looted many stores.

canardn/ kESnBrd /Fa false or unfounded report orstory; especially : a fabricatedreport (as by a newspaper).The report of the famous singer’s

death turned out to be a canard.

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canaryn/ kESnerG /L geog name > Sp > Fa small greenish-yellow finchextensively bred as a cage bird andsinger.When the canary escaped in her

living room, Susan put her cat

outside until she found the bird.

canastan/ kESnastE /L > Spa card game that is a form ofrummy played usually as a two-hand or as a four-hand partnershipgame using two full decks plus fourjokers.The two couples often played

canasta after having dinner


cancellousadj/ kanSselEs /Lhaving a spongy or porousstructure.Cancellous tissue occurs at the

ends of some bones.


candelabran/ TkandESlBbrE /La usually ornate and often heavyand large standard supporting acandlestick or lamp.In December Stella put red and

green candles in her candelabra on

the mantle.

candelabrumn/ TkandESlBbrEm /La large candlestick or a lampusually ornamented and havingseveral arms or branches.Germaine admired the ornate silver

candelabrum in the center of the


candentadj/ SkandEnt /Lwhite or glowing usually fromgreat heat.The wire glowed candent like the

filament of a light bulb.

candescentadj/ kanSdesFnt /Lglowing or dazzling often fromgreat heat.A candescent meteorite streaked

across the southern sky.

candidacyn/ Skan(d)DdEsG /L + Ecfthe quality or state of being onethat is likely or worthy to gain apost, position, or distinction.Tony’s candidacy for the student

council will be jeopardized if he

fails his algebra exam.

candlewickn/ SkandFlTwik /L > E + Ethe twisted threads of soft cottonyarn contained in a candle.Victor groped to light the

candlewick in the dark.

candorn/ SkandE(r) /L[has near homonym: canter]unreserved, honest, or sincereexpression.Russell’s candor in dealing with

difficult issues won over the voters.


canitistn/ SkanEtDst /L + Ecfone who dyes or tints hairespecially in a beauty shop.Polly has been a canitist in a local

beauty shop for 25 years.







canoeistn/ kESnVDst /Arawak > Sp > L > F + Ecfone that paddles a type of longnarrow boat.Evan became an expert canoeist at

summer camp.


cantankerousadj/ kanSta(i)Nk(E)rEs /AF? > E? + Ecfmarked by ill humor, irritability,and determination to disagree.The cantankerous old man yelled at

Grady as he attempted to retrieve

the football.




canterv/ SkantE(r) /E geog name[has homonym: cantor] move at oras if at a three-beat gait resemblingbut smoother and slower than thegallop.Cindy let the horse canter for a

while but soon spurred it on to a




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cantorn/ SkantE(r) /L[has homonym: canter] asynagogue official who sings orchants liturgical music and leadsthe congregation in prayer.Jacob’s vocal talent led him to

consider becoming a cantor.

canvassern/ SkanvEsE(r) /Gk > L > F > E + Ecfone that takes or counts votes.Helga voluntered as a canvasser

for the upcoming election.


capaciousadj/ kESpCshEs /Lable to contain a great deal.Dodie went to the beach carrying a

capacious canvas bag.

caparisonn/ kESparEsEn /Sp > Fan ornamental covering for a horse.The king’s horse wore an

elaborately decorated caparison.

capillaryadj/ SkapETlerG /Lresembling a hair : fine, minute,slender.The capillary tubes in the tissue

puzzled Dr. Chang.

capitaladj/ SkapEZFl /L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word. Inaddition, word has homonym:capitol.] highly meritorious : mostenjoyable.On his dad’s birthday, Philip

served a capital feast, with every

dish cleverly wrapped up in


capitatimadj/ TkapEStCZDm /Llevied or granted at so much perhead.Collecting an affordable capitatim

fee for civic pool use will not cover

operating costs.


cappellettin pl/ TkapESleZG /L > It[Note: Could be confused withcavalletti.] small cases of doughusually filled with meat or cheese.Bo and Annette dined on cappelletti

in marinara sauce.


capricciosoadv/ kETprGchGSP(T)sP /It + Itcffree and impulsive—used chiefly asa direction in music.The ending segment of the violin

concerto was played capriccioso.


capriciousadj/ kESprishEs /Itnot guided by steady judgment,intent, or purpose.Hazel’s capricious behavior is a

source of constant annoyance for

her sister, Ruth.




caracolen/ SkarETkPl /L? > Sp > Fa half turn either to the right or theleft executed by a mounted horse.The front rank of galloping

cavalrymen fired their pistols and

then peeled off in a caracole to


carafen/ kESraf /Ar > It > Fa bottle usually made of glass witha narrow neck and spherical bodyand used to hold water orbeverages.Shlomo ordered a carafe of the

house wine.

carameln/ SkarEmEl /L > Pg > Sp > Fa firm chewy candy oftencontaining fruits and nuts andtypically cut into small blocks.Ida’s mother warned her not to eat

a caramel before she went to the


caramelizev/ SkarEmETlIz /L > Pg > Sp > F + Ecfchange (sugar or the sugar contentof a food) into a brittle brownsubstance by heating to about 170–180 C.Kara is going to caramelize some

sugar to make peanut brittle.

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carbohydraten/ TkBrbPShITdrCt /L + Gkany of a group of neutralcompounds composed of carbon,hydrogen, and oxygen includingthe sugars and starches.The nutrition facts indicated that

the candy bar would provide Sheila

with over half her daily allowance

of carbohydrate.


carbonateadj/ SkBrbEnDt /L + ISVcfof or relating to a salt or ester ofcarbonic acid.After reading the paragraph six

times, Hugo still could not

understand the bonding in the

carbonate ion.


carcassn/ SkBrkEs /Per > Ar > L > Fa dead body of a human being or ananimal : corpse.Kasey found the fresh carcass of

one of his cows and knew that the

wolves were back.

carcinogenn/ kBrSsinEjEn /Gka substance or agent producing orinciting cancerous growth.Asbestos has been proven to be a

powerful carcinogen.


cardigann/ SkBrdDgEn /E namea sweater or jacket that opens thefull length of the center front andusually has a round or V-shapedcollarless neck.Samantha’s aunt in Scotland sent

her a colorful wool cardigan for

her birthday.

cardinaln/ SkBrd(F)nEl /L > F > Ean American songbird, the malebeing bright red with a black faceand pointed crest and the femalebeing much duller in color.One of Stephanie’s favorite winter

scenes is that of a cardinal perched

on a snow-covered branch.


cardiomegalyn/ TkBrdGPSmegElG /Gkenlargement of the heart.Severe anemia can result in


cariboun/ SkarETbV /Algonquian > Fany of several large deer ofnorthern North America.While in Montana, Jill

photographed a caribou silhouetted

on a high ridge.



carillonn/ SkarETlBn /L > Fa set of fixed bells pitched in achromatic series of at least twooctaves and sounded by hammerscontrolled by a keyboard.Latasha will play the carillon at

Andy’s wedding.


carnagen/ SkBrnij /L > Fgreat destruction of life (as inbattle) : great bloodshed.Appeals to stop the carnage of war

fell on deaf ears.

carnivaln/ SkBrnEvEl /L > Ita traveling enterprise consisting ofsuch amusements as sideshows,games of chance, rides, andshooting galleries.The carnival was the only place

Ralph had the opportunity to eat

cotton candy.

carnivoren/ SkBrnETvP(E)r /La flesh-eating animal.The hyena is a carnivore that

usually eats animals found dead.


carotidadj/ kESrBZDd /Gkbelonging to or situated near eitherof the two main arteries that supplyblood to the head.Lara felt her pulse with a finger

placed on her carotid artery.

carpaccion/ kBrSpBch(G)P /Itthinly sliced raw meat or fishserved with a sauce.When Linda ordered carpaccio, she

didn’t know that it is uncooked.

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carpentern/ SkBrpEntE(r) /L > Ea person who builds or repairs withwood.Matthew hired a carpenter to

construct four bookcases.



carrionn/ SkarGEn /L > AF > E[has near homonym: carillon] thedead and putrefying flesh of ananimal.Vultures were picking over skunk

and opossum carrion at the



carteln/ kBrStel /It > Fa voluntary often internationalcombination of independent privateenterprises supplying likecommodities or services that agreeto limit their competitive activities(as by regulating quantity or qualityof output).Started as a cartel, the oil-

producing nations control the

worldwide price of petroleum.

cartilagen/ SkBrZFlij /La translucent elastic tissue thatcomposes most of the skeleton ofthe embryos and very young ofvertebrates and is for the most partconverted into bone in the higherforms.Hans had a small piece of cartilage

removed from his elbow.


cartonnagen/ SkBrtFnTBzh /Fmaterial consisting of linen orpapyrus glued together in manythicknesses and usually coated withstucco.The museum guide said that the

elaborate mummy case made of

cartonnage had been found in a

hidden vault of a pyramid.

caryatidn/ TkarGSaZDd /Gka draped female figure supportingan entablature in the place of acolumn or pilaster.The caryatid appeared to be

grimacing from the strain of

holding up the temple.

cascaden/ kaSskCd /L > It > Fa fall of water over steeply slantingrocks (as in a river or brook).The swiftly moving mountain

stream became a cascade as it

rushed toward the valley below.

cashewn/ Ska(T)shV /Tupi > Pgthe kidney-shaped nut of a tropicalAmerican tree naturalized in allwarm countries.Jack dug through the can of mixed

nuts, looking for the last cashew.

cashiern/ kaSshi(E)r /F > Done that handles customerpayments for goods or servicesrendered.A cashier must keep a watchful eye

for counterfeit currency.

caskn/ Skask /Sp[has homonym: casque] anybarrel-shaped vessel made ofstaves, headings, and hoops.The salesman boasted that the

Scotch had been aged in an old

sherry cask for many years.

casserolen/ SkasETrPl /Gk > L > OProv > Fa vessel usually having a cover anda handle and in which food may bebaked and served.Laura baked the chicken and

broccoli in a casserole.

cassouletn/ SkasETlC /Fa casserole of beans baked withherbs and pork sausage andsometimes other meats.The cassoulet was originally a

specialty of southwestern France.


castanetsn pl/ TkastESnets /L > Spa pair of rhythm instrumentsconsisting of two shells made ofivory, wood, or plastic which arefastened together to hang from thethumb and are clicked by the otherfingers.The flamenco dancer’s rapidly

clicking castanets intrigued Diana.


Castilianadj/ kaSstilyEn /Lof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe standard Spanish language.Juan incorporates so many English

words in his conversation that his

speech is far from Castilian.


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casuistryn/ SkazhEwDstrG /L > Spthe study of or the doctrine thatdeals with cases of conscience.To complete her degree in

philosophy, Tisha had to take a

semester of casuistry.

catachresisn/ TkaZESkrGsDs /Gkthe misuse of words.When Monica used the word infer

to mean “imply” in her essay, her

English teacher wrote catachresis

in the margin.

cataclysmn/ SkaZETklizEm /Gka violent geologic change involvingsudden and extensive alterations ofEarth’s surface.Scientists are standing by their

prediction that a cataclysm will

occur in California.



catadromousadj/ kEStadrEmEs /Gk > Lliving in fresh water and going tothe sea to spawn.Whereas the salmon migrates from

the sea to fresh water to spawn, the

catadromous American eel does

just the reverse.

catalepsyn/ SkaZFlTepsG /Gka condition of suspended animationand loss of voluntary motionassociated with hysteria andschizophrenia.Doctors were confounded by

Juan’s catalepsy.


catalyticadj/ TkaZElSiZik /Gkcausing, involving, or relating tothe change in the rate of a chemicalreaction brought about by oftensmall amounts of a substance that isunchanged chemically at the end ofthe reaction.Iron plus small amounts of

potassium and aluminum oxides

has a catalytic effect on the

synthesis of ammonia.


cataphractn/ SkaZETfrakt /Gka suit of armor for the whole body.The knight in a cataphract was

mounted on a charger and

equipped with a lance.

catapultv/ SkaZETpElt /Gk > Lmove with a suddenness or force asif propelled by a device that hurlsheavy stones.The general’s wartime success was

enough to catapult him into

political power.

cataractn/ SkaZETrakt /Gk > L > Ea clouding of the lens of the eyeobstructing the passage of light.Grandpa’s cataract necessitated

surgical replacement of the lens in

his eye.

catarrhn/ kEStBr /Gk > L > F[has homonym and near homonym:Qatar and guitar] inflammation of amucous membrane in humans oranimals characterized bycongestion and secretion of mucus.Catarrh can be brought on by

infection, allergies, dry air, or

chemical irritants.

catastasisn/ kEStastEsDs /Gkthe dramatic complicationimmediately preceding the climaxof a play.During the catastasis the audience

wondered how the hero would

resolve his predicament.

catastrophen/ kEStastrE(T)fG /Gkthe final action that completes theunraveling of the plot in a tragedy :denouement.In the drama’s catastrophe the

hero dies a valiant death to save

his beloved.


catechumenn/ TkaZESkyVmDn /Gk > L> Fone receiving rudimentaryinstruction in the doctrines ofChristianity.A child who attends a Sunday

School program could be

considered a catechumen.


catenaryn/ SkaZETnerG /Lthe curve assumed by a perfectlyflexible cord hanging freely fromtwo fixed points.Part of Dominick’s math test was to

figure out the equation for a


catenulateadj/ kEStenyElDt /Lhaving a chain-like form.The artist’s paintings mimic the

catenulate markings on butterflies’


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caterern/ SkCZErE(r) /AF > E + Ecfone whose business is to arrangefor and supervise all the detailsrelating to food service for anysocial affair.The caterer placed a parsley leaf

on each deviled egg.

caterpillarn/ SkaZE(r)TpilEr /L > F > Ethe elongated wormlike larva of abutterfly or moth.The body-surface hairs on the

caterpillar in Jamie’s hand contain

a poisonous substance that causes

intense itching.



cathedraladj/ kESthGdrEl /L > Eof, relating to, or being a bishop’schurch.Sister Agatha watered the tulips in

the cathedral garden.


Catullianadj/ kEStElGEn /L nameof, relating to, or like the Romanpoet Catullus or his lyric poems.The great felicity of language and

intense personal feeling of

Randolph’s poem made it


caucusn/ SkOkEs /Algonquiana conference of party ororganization leaders to decide onpolicies, plans, appointees, orcandidates.The caucus stayed in session until 3

a.m. finalizing its slate of nominees.

caudaladj/ SkOdFl /L[has near homonym: coddle]constituting, belonging to, orrelating to a tail.As a tadpole’s legs grow, its caudal

appendage gradually disappears.

caudillon/ kaUSLG(l)(T)yP /L > Spa military leader (as in a Latin-American country) usually ofguerrilla or irregular forces loyal tohim or her personally.The reporter found that most of the

soldiers would willingly give their

lives for their caudillo.

cauliflowern/ SkOlETflaU(E)r /L > Ita garden plant that is closely relatedto the cabbage and is grown forfood.Sheldon won’t eat cauliflower

unless it is smothered in melted


causerien/ TkPz(E)SrG /L > Fan informal light conversation :chat.Bridget tried unsuccessfully all

evening to engage Mrs. Vickers in



causticadj/ SkOstik /Gkcapable of destroying the texture ofanything or eating away itssubstance by chemical action :corrosive.Ned never suspected that perfume

might have a caustic effect on


cauterizev/ SkOZETrIz /Gk > Lburn or sear with a caustic brand.Dr. Bennett used a laser to

cauterize Tony’s wound.

cavalcaden/ SkavElTkCd /L > It > Fa procession of riders or carriages.The king headed up the cavalcade

proceeding toward the Duke of


cavalieradj/ TkavESli(E)r /L > OProv > It > Fmarked by lofty disregard ofothers’ interests, rights, or feelings.Eloise displayed a cavalier attitude

toward the homecoming plans.

cavallettin/ TkavESleZG /L > It[Note: Could be confused withcappelletti.] a series of timberjumps that are adjustable in heightfor schooling horses.Black Beauty easily jumped over

the cavalletti as Justin watched

with pride.


caveatn/ SkBvGTBt /La warning enjoining one fromcertain acts or practices.The oldest caveat of commerce is

“Let the buyer beware.”


cavernousadj/ SkavE(r)nEs /Lconstituting or suggesting a largeunderground chamber.The thick grove of vine-covered

trees threw a cavernous gloom over

the area.

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cavilv/ SkavEl /Lobject or criticize adversely fortrivial reasons.Even if Tracy’s room is spotlessly

clean, she knows that her mom will

cavil at something about it.

cavortv/ kESvO(E)rt /L? > F > Itbound, prance, or frisk about.In Bosch’s painting Garden of

Earthly Delights, horses and giant

birds cavort in a surreal landscape.

cedillan/ sDSdilE /L > Spa mark placed under a letter toindicate a sound different from thatwhich the unmodified characterbears in certain situations.Martha did not earn a perfect score

on her French paper because she

forgot the cedilla in the word


ceilingn/ SsGliN /E[has homonym: sealing] theoverhead inside lining of a room.There was a terrible crash from

inside the wagon that sounded as if

a whole set of dishes had been

dropped from the ceiling onto a

hard stone floor.


celeriacn/ sDSlerGTak /Gk > L > It?a plant of the parsley family grownfor its turniplike edible root.Rhoda added chopped celeriac to

her soup.

celeritousadj/ sDSlerEZEs /L > F > Eswift-moving.The celeritous bicyclist almost

knocked Trudy down.

celeryn/ Ssel(E)rG /Gk > L > It?a vegetable with leafstalks that areeaten raw or cooked.Terry’s favorite snack is celery

filled with pimento cheese.

celestialadj/ sDSles(h)chEl /Lof or relating to the sky.The awesome display of celestial

light was later identified as a

meteor shower.





cellophanen/ SselETfCn /(L + Gk) > Fa transparent sheet or tube ofregenerated cellulose used chieflyfor packaging food andmerchandise.Nina refused to buy tomatoes

packaged in cellophane.

cellulosen/ SselyETlPs /L > F + Ecfany of several fibrous substancesconstituting the chief part of thecell walls of plants and of manyfibrous products.Most household sponges are made

of cellulose.

cementv/ sDSment /L > F > Ejoin, unite, or cause to adhere by oras if by means of a bindingelement.After Byron chose the tiles for his

mosaic, he used a strong glue to

cement them in place on the



cenotaphn/ SsenETtaf /Gka tomb or a monument erected inhonor of a person whose body iselsewhere.A magnificent cenotaph was

erected outside the city of Troy.

censoriousadj/ senSsPrGEs /Lmarked by or given to aninclination to discover and severelycondemn especially social, moral,or artistic errors.Helen was in one of her censorious

moods at the reception this


censusn/ Ssen(t)sEs /Lan official enumeration of thepopulation of a country, city, orother administrative district.In the United States, a census is

taken every ten years.

centaurn/ SsenTtO(E)r /Gk > Lone of an ancient mythical Greekrace imagined as men with thebodies of horses.The estate garden included a

marble statue of a centaur.

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centauryn/ SsenTtOrG /Gkan Old World herb formerly usedas a tonic.Since ancient times centaury has

had medicinal uses.


centimetern/ SsentETmGZE(r) /Fa unit of length equal to 1/100meter.Your little finger is about a

centimeter wide at the top.



centrifugen/ SsentrETfyVj /L > Fa machine for whirling fluidsrapidly to separate substances ofdifferent densities.A centrifuge was used to separate

the cream from the milk.

centripetaladj/ senStripEZFl /L + L + Ecfmoving, proceeding, or acting in adirection toward a center or axis.Centripetal force serves to keep

electrons moving around the

nucleus of an atom.

centuryn/ Ssench(E)rG /La period of 100 years.Mr. Davis asked each student to

name what he or she thought was

the most important invention of the

past century.

cephalalgian/ TsefESlalj(G)E /Gkpain inside the head : headache.Mortimer’s cephalalgia made him

irritable and short-tempered.


cephalopodn/ SsefElETpBd /Gkany of a class of marine mollusksincluding the squids, cuttlefishes,and octopuses all having around thefront of the head a group ofelongated muscular arms usuallyfurnished with prehensile suckersor hooks.The squid is a ten-armed


Cepheidn/ SsGfGDd /Gk nameone of a class of pulsating starswhose intrinsic light variations arevery regular.The apparent magnitude of a

Cepheid can vary greatly in a

month’s time.


ceramicadj/ sDSramik /Gkof or relating to the art offashioning clay into useful orornamental objects.Luke’s home is a showcase for

ceramic objects he has created.

ceraunographn/ sDSrOnETgraf /Gk + Gkan instrument for recordingchronologically by pen theoccurrence of thunder andlightning.Marie set up a ceraunograph to

monitor the late-summer storms.

cerealn/ SsirGEl /L[has homonym: serial] a preparedfoodstuff of grain (as oatmeal orcornflakes) used especially as abreakfast food.David was eating his cereal when

the school bus drove by his house.




cerographyn/ sDSrBgrEfG /Gkthe art of making characters ordesigns in or with wax.The maps in the old book were

originally made by the process of

cerography, in which beeswax was


certaintyn/ SsErtFntG /L > F > Ethe quality or state of beingobjectively fixed, settled.Science boasts the beauty of


cerumenn/ sDSrVmEn /Lthe yellow waxlike secretion fromthe glands of the external ear—called also “earwax.”The doctor irrigated Ariel’s ear to

remove impacted cerumen.

cessationn/ seSsCshEn /L > F > Ea temporary or final ceasing ordiscontinuance (as of action).The peal of the bell marked the

cessation of the emergency

preparedness drill.

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cetologyn/ sGStBlEjG /L + Gk[has near homonym: sitology] abranch of zoology dealing with thewhales.Many renowned scientists in the

field of cetology assembled in

Japan to discuss the recent

beaching incidents.

chaffinchn/ Scha(T)finch /Ea common Old World bird oftenkept as a cage bird and having inthe male a reddish breast plumageand a cheerful song.Along the river path Janice spotted

a chaffinch perched on the back of

a bench.


chagrinn/ shESgrin /Fvexation, disquietude, or distress ofmind brought on by humiliation,hurt pride, disappointment, orconsciousness of failure or error.Pete tried to conceal his chagrin

when his younger brother beat him

at chess.



chalicosisn/ TkalESkPsDs /Gk > La pulmonary disease occurringamong stonecutters that is causedby inhalation of stone dust.Chalicosis afflicted an alarming

number of workers at the

monument plant.

chamberlainn/ SchCmbE(r)lDn /Gmc > F > Ea bedchamber attendant for royaltyor nobility.The grand council insisted that the

chamberlain wake the king.

chamferv/ Scham(p)fE(r) /L > Fcut off corners or edges (as oftimber columns or beams).Gordon decided to chamfer the

ceiling beams of his cottage.

champagnen/ shamSpCn /L > F[has homonym: champaign] a paleorange yellow to light grayishyellowish brown.Of the colors of limousines

available for hire, Ted and Kara

preferred champagne.

champignonn/ shamSpinyEn /Fan edible fungus; especially : thecommon meadow mushroom.At dinner, Denise had a stuffed

champignon as an appetizer.

chanceln/ Schan(t)sEl /L > F > Ethe part of a church in which islocated the altar or communiontable, the pulpit, and the lectern andwhich is customarily on a higherlevel than the nave.Fitting 75 choir members in the

chancel will be an almost

impossible task.

chancellorn/ Schan(t)s(E)lE(r) /L > F > Ea university officer of high rank.Professor Burns has all the

requirements to be the next

chancellor of Highland College.

chandeliern/ TshandESli(E)r /L > Fa lighting fixture suspended fromthe ceiling and having two or morelights.Dad finally got around to installing

a dimmer switch for our


chandellen/ shanSdel /Fan abrupt climbing turn of anairplane.Many of the passengers gasped

when the pilot executed a





chaoticadj/ kCSBZik /Gkbeing in a state of or marked byutter confusion completely wantingin order, sequence, organization, orpredictable operation.The course in time management did

not help Brenda alter her chaotic


chapeaun/ shaSpP /L > F[Note: Plural form can bepronounced identically. Inaddition, word has near homonyms:chapon, shapo.] a hat.Pierre doffed his chapeau when he

entered the room.

chapeln/ SchapEl /L > F > Ea private place of worship.The duke’s funeral was held in the

castle chapel.


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chapletn/ SchaplDt /L > F > Ea garland or wreath to be worn onthe head.Rosalie gazed admiringly at the

painting of the maiden in a scarlet

gown with a chaplet of flowers on

her head.

charactern/ SkarDktE(r) /Gk > L > F > Epersonality as represented orrealized in fiction or drama.The main character in the play is

Joan of Arc.

characteristicadj/ TkarDktESristik /Gkbelonging to or especially typicalof the essential nature of.At last Meg looked at him, pushing

her glasses in characteristic


charactonymn/ SkarDktETnim /Gk > L > F > Ea name especially for a fictionalcharacter that suggests a distinctivetrait of the character.In his novel Breakfast at Tiffany’s,

Truman Capote gave his

protagonist the charactonym

“Holly Golightly.”

charangon/ chESraN(T)gP /Spa small guitar of Spanish Americawith a body typically made of ananimal shell.Luisa plucked the melody of the

song on the charango.

charcoaln/ SchBrTkPl /(F + E) > Ea dark-colored or black porousform of carbon used for fuel andvarious other mechanical, artistic,and chemical processes.The only supplies Debbie needs for

her drawing class are charcoal and

a sketch pad.


charlatann/ SshBrlEtEn /Ita pretender to medical knowledge :quack.A consumer group called the

herbal potion vendor a


chartaceousadj/ kBrStCshEs /Gk > L + Ecfresembling paper : made of paper.Andrew collected a handful of

chartaceous dead leaves.

chartreusen/ shBrStrVz /L > F trademarka variable color averaging abrilliant yellow green.Elsie commented that the

chartreuse vehicle looked like a

huge dollop of wasabi.


chasmn/ SkazEm /Gk > La deep opening : a narrow, deepsteep-walled valley, gorge orcanyon.Earthquake tremors opened a great

chasm in the valley.

chasmophyten/ SkazmETfIt /Gka plant that grows in the crevices ofrocks.There was just enough soil for the

chasmophyte to grow in the chinks

between rocks on the cliff.


chassisn/ SchasG /L > Fthe frame upon which is mountedthe body (as of an automobile orairplane).Gary popped his slot car’s body

back onto the chassis and set the

vehicle back on the track.

chasublen/ SchazEbEl /L > Fan outer ecclesiastical garment inthe form of a sleeveless cloak ormantle that slips over the wearer’shead but remains open at the sides.The priest wore a white chasuble to

celebrate Sunday mass.

chateaubriandn/ TshaTtPbrGSBM /F namea thick tenderloin steak.The server commented that both the

prime rib and the chateaubriand

were excellent menu choices.



Chaucerianadj/ chOSsirGEn /E nameof, relating to, befitting, orresembling the English medievalwriter Geoffrey Chaucer or hiswritings.The old Chaucerian manuscript

was unfortunately not on display

when Hugh visited the museum.

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chauffeurn/ SshPfE(r) /F[has homonyms: shofar, shophar]one that is employed to operate amotor vehicle for the transportationof persons.Henry hired a chauffeur to pick up

his grandmother at the airport.

chaussuren/ shPSsU(E)r /L > F > Efootgear.Before entering the mosque, all are

required to remove their chaussure.

chautauquan/ shEStOkwE /N Amer geog namean institution of the late 19th andearly 20th centuries that combinedpopular education withentertainment, often presentedoutdoors or in a tent.Chautauqua declined with the

advent of radio.

chauvinismn/ SshPvDTnizEm /F nameundue especially invidiouspartiality for a group or place towhich one belongs or has belonged.Chauvinism is alive and well in the

school’s alumni association.


chayoten/ chBSyPZG /Nahuatl > Spthe rounded or pear-shaped fruit ofa West Indian annual vine of thecucumber family that is widelycultivated as a vegetable.Aaron went to three different

grocery stores, but none carried the

chayote that he needed for his


cheapskaten/ SchGpTskCt /E + ON > Ea person unwilling to shareexpenses or give : miser.Tom accused Cathy of being a

cheapskate after learning that she

recycled gifts.






cheongsamn/ SchONTsBm /Chinesea dress with a slit skirt and amandarin collar.Elizabeth’s cheongsam had a

teardrop-shaped opening below the

collar closed by a single frog


chernozemn/ SchernEzTyOm /Russany of a group of dark-coloredzonal soils with a deep rich humushorizon found in regions (as thegrasslands of central NorthAmerica) of temperate to coolclimate.The rich chernozem of Ukraine has

helped it earn a reputation as “the

breadbasket of Eastern Europe.”

cherootn/ shDSrVt /Tamila cigar cut off square at both ends.Josephine had to leave the room

whenever her uncle lit up a


cheveluren/ TshevESlU(E)r /L > Fa nebulous envelope (as around thenucleus of a comet).The chevelure of Halley’s comet

was much dimmer than expected at

its last appearance.


chicaneryn/ shDSkCn(E)rG /Fdeception by artful subterfuge ormisrepresentation : trickery.The mayor was dogged by

allegations of financial chicanery

and links to organized crime.


chicleron/ chiSkler(T)P /Spa gatherer of latex from thesapodilla tree.Toby interviewed a chiclero for the



chiffonn/ shiSfBn /Fa sheer plain-weave verylightweight clothing fabric usuallygiven a dull soft finish.The singer sauntered into the

spotlight in a dress of white chiffon.

chiffonaden/ TshifESnCd /Fshredded or finely cut vegetablesused in soup or salad dressing.Lettuce and sorrel are often made

into chiffonade to garnish soups.

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chignonn/ SshGnTyBn /L > Fa smooth arrangement of hair wornat the back of the head especially atthe nape of the neck.To emphasize her long neck, Cecile

combed her hair into a tight


Chihuahuan/ chDSwB(T)wB /Mexican geog namea very small round-headed large-eared short-coated dog reputed toantedate Aztec civilization.A popular fast food restaurant

chain has used a talking

Chihuahua in its advertisements.

chilblainsn pl/ SchilTblCnz /E + Einstances of redness and swellingof toes, fingers, nose, or ears orsometimes cheeks in cold weatheraccompanied by itching andburning of skin.The children stayed out in the snow

too long and ended up suffering

from chilblains.


chimericaladj/ kISmerDkEl /Gk + Ecff[Note: Could be confused withchimeric and chimeral.] unreal andexisting only as the product of wildunrestrained imagination.Many video games pit the player

against chimerical monsters.


chimpanzeen/ TchimTpanSzG /Kongoan anthropoid ape of equatorialAfrica that is smaller and morearboreal than the gorilla.The chimpanzee shows

inventiveness in making and using


chinchillan/ chinSchilE /Aimara or Quechua > Spa small rodent the size of a largesquirrel having very soft fur of apearly gray color and native to themountains of Peru and Chile butnow extensively bred in captivity.The chinchilla was introduced into

the United States in 1923.

chinookn/ shDSnUk /Chehalisa warm moist southwest wind ofthe Pacific coastal region fromOregon northward.The mild temperatures are thanks

to a chinook that rolls over the

Canadian Rockies.

chiragran/ kISragrE /Gkpain in the hand.Aunt Molly’s chiragra keeps her

from writing many letters.


chiseln/ SchizEl /L? > F > Ea tool consisting of a metal bar witha sharpened edge at one end that isused for chipping, carving, orcutting into solid material and isoften driven by a mallet.With chisel and mallet, Fred

started shaping the block of wood

into a model.


chivalrousadj/ SshivElrEs /F > Emarked by especial courtesy andhigh-minded disinterestedconsideration to women.Chivalrous behaviors of previous

generations are less common in

today’s atmosphere of equal rights

for women.

chivalryn/ SshivElrG /F > Equalifications or character of theideal knight of the age of chivalryaccording to the romantic traditionof courtesy, gallantry, and honor.To the knights of the Round Table,

chivalry was of primary


chlorinen/ SklPrTGn /Gk > L + Ecfa common nonmetallic element thatis used chiefly as a powerfulbleaching, oxidizing, anddisinfecting agent.Samantha refused to swim on

Thursday because someone put too

much chlorine in the pool.

chocolateadj/ SchBklDt /Nahuatl > Spof a warm light brown colorapproximating the color of freshmilk chocolate.Eva plans to put her chocolate

mink coat in storage until the

animal rights activists are less


choleran/ SkBlErE /Gk > Lany of several diseases of man anddomestic animals usually markedby severe gastrointestinalsymptoms.Cholera is a major public health

concern in many tropical countries.

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cholericadj/ SkBlErik /Gk > L > F > Eangry, irate, wrathful.The vice-principal was ill suited to

his job; he was impatient and



cholesterosisn/ kETlestESrPsDs /Gk > ISVabnormal deposition of cholesterolin the blood.Cholesterosis can often be

moderated by changes in diet.

chonolithn/ SkPnETlith /Gkan intrusive igneous rock mass ofwholly irregular form.Ages ago a huge chonolith formed

at the base of the volcano as it



choreographern/ TkPrGSBgrEfE(r) /Gk > Fone engaging in the composing andoften the teaching of stage dancing.Martha Graham was a celebrated

choreographer of modern dance.



chorusn/ SkPrEs /Gk[has homonym: koras] a group ofdancers and usually singerssupporting the featured players in amusical comedy or revue.The chorus joined the principal

singers in the musical’s finale.


chowdern/ SchaUdE(r) /L > Fa soup or stew of seafood (as clamsor white-fleshed sea fishes) usuallymade with milk and containing saltpork or bacon, onions, and potatoesand sometimes other vegetables.Dean and Susan went to the beach

to collect clams for chowder.

chrematisticadj/ TkrGmEStistik /Gkof, relating to, or occupied in thegaining of wealth.Chrematistic industrialists cared

little about the living conditions of

their employees.

chrestomathyn/ kreSstBmEthG /Gka selection of passages fromvarious authors compiled as an aidto learning a language.At the end of each chapter of the

textbook was a chrestomathy

illustrating a particular rule of


chromaticadj/ krPSmaZik /Gkof or relating to color or colorphenomena or sensations.As Doris walked home during the

shower, she admired the chromatic

splendors of a huge rainbow.

chromiumn/ SkrPmGEm /Gk > F > La blue-white metallic elementfound naturally only incombination and used especially inalloys and in electroplating.The car’s bumpers were plated

with chromium to make them shiny.


chronicadj/ SkrBnik /Gkmarked by long duration and byfrequent recurrence over a longtime.Clarence never looked forward to

eating because he was troubled

with chronic indigestion.




chrysalisn/ SkrisElDs /Sem > Gk > Lan insect (as a butterfly or moth) inthe pupal stage of its developmentin which it is enclosed in a firmcase.Bob and Sam put the chrysalis in a

dry container and kept it in the

hope that a butterfly would later


chrysanthemumn/ krDSsan(t)thEmEm /Gk > Lany plant or flower of a large genusof perennial herbs that are widelydistributed in the Old World andthat are cultivated for their showyoften double and brightly coloredflower heads.Orlando’s chrysanthemum won

first prize at the flower show.

churlishadj/ SchErlish /Edifficult to work with or deal with.Although he was a brilliant

conductor, Toscanini could be

churlish at times.

churnv/ SchErn /Eproduce or be in violent agitation.Landon’s stomach will churn at the

thought of public speaking.

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churrascon��PUB@_/A`X=��Spbeef broiled on a spit over an openfire or grilled under an oven flame.At the barbecue the whole familyfeasted on the churrasco that Dadcooked.

chutneyn��@PU2a[4��Prakrit > Hindia condiment that has theconsistency of jam and is made ofacid fruits with added raisins, dates,and onions and seasoned to tastewith spices and vinegar.Spicy or sweet chutney issometimes eaten with Indian mealscontaining curry.

chymousadj��@X6Z2`��Gk + Ecfof or relating to the semifluid massof partly digested food resultingfrom the action of gastric juice.One of the coroner’s less pleasanttasks is testing chymous material.


cicadan��`1@X0Q2��Lany insect of the familyCicadidae—called also “locust.”The male cicada produces sound byvibrating miniature “drumheads”on the lower surface of itsabdomen.

ciceronen��A`V`2@_=[4��L > Itone who acts as a guide to or showsthe sights to.At the end of the tour, Mariapraised her cicerone as being veryknowledgeable and articulate.

Ciceronianadj��A`V`2@_=[42[��L nameresembling the Roman oratorCicero in oratorical or literaryqualities.Beulah’s Ciceronian bombastabout Destiny and Youth impressedthe audience.

ciguateran��A`4Td2@aR_2��Taino > Sppoisoning caused by eating fish ormollusks with flesh toxic to man.Although she contracted ciquaterain June, Constance could not returnto work until November.

cilantron��`1@YN[a_=��L > Spleaves of coriander used as aflavoring or garnish.In Janet’s opinion, the best part ofthe fresh salsa was the choppedcilantro.

cincturev��@`V;�X�PU2�_���Lgirdle with or as if with a belt orband.For the Halloween party, Evelinachose to cincture her gypsycostume with a spangled belt.

cinematographern��A`V[2Z2@a/T_2S2�_���Gka motion-picture camera operator.Darina won the award foroutstanding cinematographer atlast year’s Montreal Film Festival.


cinnabarn��@`V[2AO/_��Gk > L&Fartificial red mercuric sulfide usedprincipally as a pigment.The orange color of rubber gasketsis often created by the addition ofcinnabar.

cinnamonn��@`V[2Z2[��? > Gk > L > F > Ea culinary spice prepared from thebark of certain tropical trees.Akbar likes cinnamon in his hotchocolate.

cioppinon��PU2@]4A[=��Ita dish of fish and shellfish cookedin tomato sauce and usuallyseasoned with wine, spices, andherbs.After an afternoon at the beach,Beverly stopped at a localrestaurant for cioppino and coffee.


circinateadj��@`2_`3[A0a��Lrounded in outline : characterizedby or having the form of a flat coilof which the apex is the center.The retracted tongue of a butterflyforms a circinate coil.

circuitn��@`2_X1a��L > Fthe complete path of an electriccurrent.The average electrical housecircuit carries about 30 amperes.

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circuitousadj��A`2_@XfC2G2`��Lbeing a circular or winding course :indirect, roundabout.As we drove through themountains, the road took anincreasingly circuitous route.


circumambulatev��A`2_X2Z@NZOf2AY0a��Lwander about at leisure withoutdefinite purpose or as a result ofindirection.Her first day in London, Conniedecided to circumambulate insteadof taking a guided tour.

circumlocutionn��A`2_X2ZY=@XfC`U2[��Lthe use of an unnecessarily largenumber of words to express anidea.The attorney’s circumlocutioncaused one of the jurors to doze off.

circumstantialadj��A`2_X2Zg@aN[PU2Y��L + Ecfbelonging to, consisting of,influenced by, or dependent onconditions, facts, or eventsaccompanying others.The report contains strongcircumstantial evidence ofwrongdoing by the governor.

cirrhosisn��`1@_=`1`��Gk + Lcf[has homonym and near homonym:sorosis and xerosis] a chronicprogressive disease of the liver.The damage caused by cirrhosis isirreversible.

cislunaradj��`V`@YC[2�_���L + Lof or relating to the space betweenEarth and the Moon or the Moon’sorbit.The space enthusiast talked oftenabout the practicalities of settingup a colony in the cislunar region.

cisternn��@`V`a2�_�[��L > F > E[has homonym: sistern] anartificial reservoir or tank forholding or storing water or otherliquids.Three weeks into the drought, thefarm’s cistern ran dry.

citadeln��@`VG2Q3Y��L > It > Fa fortress that commands a cityboth for control and defense;broadly : a strong fortress.The citadel had three separatewalls around it so that defenderscould retreat again and again to aposition of safety.





citronellan��A`Va_2@[RY2��F > La yellowish essential oil withlemonlike odor obtained fromeither of two grasses and usedespecially as an insect repellent.Candles containing citronella werekept burning on the picnic table.

civitasn��@X4d4Aa/`��La body of people constituting apolitically organized community.The concept of civitas remainsstrong in many small towns.


clandestineadj��XYN[@QR`a1[��Lmarked by, held in, or conductedwith secrecy and concealment.Mike and Sally made clandestinepreparations for their mom'ssurprise birthday party.

claquen��@XYNX��F[has homonym: clack] an opera hatwith a collapsible crown.As the gentleman entered the operahouse, he doffed and flattened hisclaque.





claustrophobian��AXY<`a_2@S=O42��Gk + Gkabnormal dread of being in closedor narrow spaces.Herman’s claustrophobia keepshim from flying on crowdedairplanes.


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claviclen��@XYNc1X2Y��La bone in man situated just abovethe first rib on either side of theneck and having the form of anarrow elongated S.Garth wore shoulder pads tofootball practice to protect hisclavicle.

clavigern��@XYNc1W2�_���Lone that keeps the key or keys :custodian, warden.Because she had forgotten her key,Marsha needed to locate theclaviger, Mr. Carl, to open herclassroom door.

clematisn��@XYRZ2G1`��Gka plant of a genus of opposite-leaved slightly woody vines orerect herbs having elongateplumose styles.The clematis is cultivated in NorthAmerica for its attractive flowers.

clemencyn��@XYRZ2[`4��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.]tendency to be mild andcompassionate.Emma supposed she must say morebefore she would be entitled to Mr.Knightley’s clemency.

clepsydran��@XYR]`2Q_2��Gk > Lan instrument designed to measuretime by the flow of a quantity ofwater.For his science project Kerrydesigned and built a clepsydra.

clerisyn��@XYR_2`4��L > Gthe well-educated or learned class :intelligentsia.Many believe that laws should bereadily understood by the generalpublic, not solely by an eliteclerisy.

clientelen��AXY62[@aRY��L > Fa body of patrons or customers.Bill hopes to enlarge the clienteleof the shoe store.



cliniciann��XY1@[V`U2[��Gk > Fone who directs, is closely alliedwith, or works in or through aclinic or with clinical methods.At the hospital a clinician drew avial of Harry’s blood to test fordiabetes.

clinquantadj��@XYV;X2[a��Fglittering especially with golddecoration : showily ornate.The theater lobby in its clinquantsplendor cast dazzling reflectionsfrom every gleaming surface.

cliquen��@XYVX��F[alternate pronunciation hashomonym: cleek] a narrowexclusive circle or group of people.Sofia didn’t want to be part of thepopular clique because she thoughtthey were the most boring kids inschool.

clochen��XY=`U��L > F[alternate pronunciation hashomonym: closh] a woman’s smallhelmetlike hat usually with deeprounded crown and very narrowbrim.At the Thatchers’ weddingMargaret looked smashing in herwhite ostrich-feather cloche.

clodhoppern��@XY/QAU/]2�_���E + Ea large heavy shoe.The thump of Archie’s clodhopperhitting the floor announced that hewas going to bed.


clothev��@XY=9��Eput garments on.Elizabeth Cady Stanton stressedthat she did not propose petitioningthe legislature to clothe everywoman in male attire.


cloudyadj��@XYNBQ4��Emade or consisting of fog, mist, orhaze.The mountain with its cloudy veilinspired Sven’s painting.



clusen��@XYCg��L > F[has homonym: clues] a narrowgorge cutting transversely throughan otherwise continuous ridge.Although Brian studied the trailmap carefully, he found no mentionof the cluse that barred his way.

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cnemialadj��@[4Z42Y��Gk + Erelating to the shin or shinbone.Bud suffered a cnemial injury whilequarterbacking in the game lastnight.

coacervaten��AX=2@`2_c1a��Lan aggregate of colloidal dropletsheld together by electrostaticattractive forces.The chemist referred to theaggregation of liquid particles inan emulsion as a coacervate.

coadjutorn��AX=2@WCG2�_���L > F > Eone who works together withanother usually in a somewhatsubordinate position : assistant.Offended by being called a“lackey,” Marcus prefers to becalled a “coadjutor.”coagulatev��X=@NTf2AY0a��Lcurdle, clot.Hemophiliacs lack a proteinneeded to help blood coagulate.

coalescev��AX=2@YR`��Lunite by growth into one body.The nervous host hoped that thetight little groups of guests wouldcoalesce into a real party.

coalescencen��AX=2@YR`3[�a�`��La growing together or union in onebody, form, or group.Rain is the result of the coalescenceof water droplets within a cloud.


coalitionn��AX=2@YV`U2[��L > F + Ecfthe temporary alliance of distinctparties, persons, or states to achievea common purpose.Representatives from a coalition oflabor unions met with themultinational corporation’slawyers in an attempt to work out anew contract.


coarationn��AX=2@_0`U2[��Lcooperative tilling of soil aspracticed by early villagecommunities.The villagers found that coarationwas the most efficient system forcultivating the land.



cochinealn��@X/PU2A[4Y��Sp > Fa red dyestuff consisting of thedried bodies of the cochineal insect.Before the introduction of syntheticdyes, cochineal was commonlyused in textile production.

cochleariformadj��AX=XY4@N�N�_1AS<_Z��Gk > L + Ecfshaped like a spoon.Jacques theorized that thecochleariform bone was used inprehistoric times as a spoon.


cocoonn��X2@XC[��L > Prov > Fa silky or fibrous protectiveencasement created by a larvalinsect for shelter during the pupalstage.Ricky found the cocoon of a mothclinging to a branch of an oak tree.

codeinen��@X=�A�Q4[��Gk + Fa crystalline alkaloid usually madefrom morphine but feebler inaction.The patient was given codeine tokill the pain.

codiciln��@X/Q2`1Y��L > Fa legal instrument madesubsequently to a will andmodifying it in some respects.Robert had his lawyer draw up acodicil to clarify a few ambiguitiesin his will.


coelostatn��@`4Y2A`aNa��L > ISV + GK > ISVa device consisting of a flat mirrorthat is turned slowly by a motor toreflect the Sun continuously into afixed telescope.Professor Merkle plans to use acoelostat to photograph themovements of planetary bodies.



coevaladj��X=@4c2Y��L + Ecfof the same or equal age orantiquity.Nearly the same in mass andbrightness, the stars were thoughtto be coeval.

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cogitatev��@X/W2Aa0a��Lponder on or meditate upon.Greta liked to cogitate on the tricksshe could play on her big brother.


cognizantadj��@X/T[2g2[a��L > F > Eaware : perceiving with a degree ofcontrolled thought or observation.Watching television commercialscan make viewers more cognizantof fads and fashions.

cognomenn��X/T@[=Z2[��Lone’s family name : surname.The cognomen “Crane” fit thephysical attributes of the tall, lank,long-armed, and shovel-footedIchabod, whose whole frame mostloosely hung together.

cognoscitiveadj��X/T@[/`2GVc��L + Ecfhaving the power of knowing.Lillian explained to her friends thather cognoscitive ability was innate,something like a sixth sense.



coincidentaladj��X=AV[`1@QR[a3Y��Lcharacterized by the concurrence ofevents between which there is nocausal connection.It was purely coincidental that theelectricity went off just as theguests began to arrive for thesurprise party.

cointisen��XdN[@a4g��F > Ea scarf worn on a lady’s headdressor as a token of favor on a knight’shelmet.Sir Agravaine proudly displayedthe bright red cointise.


colicn��@X/YVX��Gk > L > F > Eacute abdominal pain in man oranimals.Last spring Sam’s horse had colic.

collabentadj��X=@Y0O2[a��Lsunken or falling in : collapsing inthe middle.Orville poked the collabent anthillwith a stick.

collaboratorn��X2@YNO2A_0G2�_���L[has near homonym: collaborateur]one that works jointly with others.Sir William Gilbert was ArthurSullivan’s collaborator for manyoperettas.

collagen��X2@Y/gU��Gk > LF + Fcfan artistic composition offragments of printed matter andother materials pasted on a picturesurface.Sabrina spent weeks finishing alarge collage of a Paris streetscene.

collatev��X2@Y0a��Larrange or assemble (paper, sheets,or forms) according to an orderlysystem.Edith's favorite feature of the newcopier was its ability to collatedocuments.

collateraladj��X2@YNG2_2Y��L > F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] placedor regarded as side by side :parallel, coordinate, orcorresponding in position, order,time, or significance.Mexico’s Sierra Madre Orientaland Occidental mountain rangesare collateral.

collegen��@X/YVW��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] anorganized group of personsengaged in a common pursuit,having a common duty or role andsometimes a charter or specialrights and privileges.Pope John Paul II was 58 years oldwhen the College of Cardinalselected him to lead the RomanCatholic Church.


collieryn��@X/Yf2_4��E[has near homonym: colory] a coalmine and the buildings connectedwith it.The colliery around which thevillage was built closed when itsreserves of coal were exhausted.



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colloquyn��@X/Y2Xd4��Lhigh-level serious discussion.Listeners in the gallery mustremain silent during thelegislators’ colloquy.

collusionn��X2@YCgU2[��Lsecret agreement : secretcooperation for a fraudulent ordeceitful purpose.For acting in collusion with anenemy agent, the nuclear scientistwas sentenced to 20 years inprison.

colognen��X2@Y=[��G name > Fa perfumed liquid composed ofalcohol and certain aromatic oils.The taxi driver sprayed expensivecologne in his cab every evening.


colonelcyn��@X2_[3Y`4��L > It > F + Ecfthe office, rank, or commission of acolonel.Nathan announced that he wasbeing considered for a colonelcy inthe infantry.


colophonn��@X/Y2S2[��Gkan identifying mark, emblem, ordevice used by a printer orpublisher sometimes on the titlepage, cover, shelfback, or jacket.The publisher decided on the figureof a Russian wolfhound as itscolophon.

coloraturan��AX2Y2_2@aB_2��L > It[Note: Could be confused withcolorature.] the floridornamentation in vocal music (asruns, trills, arpeggios).Barry thinks that he would enjoyopera music more if it did notcontain so much coloratura.

colossaladj��X2@Y/`2Y��Gk > L > Fcharacterized by extremely greatbulk, extent, force, strength, power,or effect.The new stadium is a colossalbuilding seating about a hundredthousand people.


comediennen��X2AZ4Q4@R[��Gk > F[Note: Could be confused withcomedian.] an actress who plays indramas of light and amusingcharacter and typically with ahappy ending.Lucille Ball was America’s favoritecomedienne during the 1950s.


cometn��@X/Z1a��Gka celestial body that consists of afuzzy head usually surrounding abright nucleus and that has an orbitvarying in eccentricity.The vaunted Kohoutek cometproved to be a greatdisappointment for stargazers.


commemoratev��X2@ZRZ2A_0a��Lcall to remembrance as by speech,writing, or ceremony.Every year on December seventh,ceremonies are held tocommemorate those who diedduring the attack on Pearl Harbor.


commendableadj��X2@ZR[Q2O2Y��Lworthy of praise.Jim received several scholarshipsas a result of his commendableacademic performance.


commensurateadj��X2@ZR[�a�`�2�_1a��Lcorresponding in size, extent,amount, or degree : proportionate.The want ad stated that salarywould be commensurate withexperience.


commercialadj��X2@Z2_`U2Y��L > F + Ecffrom the point of view of profit :having profit as the primary aim.Leila was determined that herjewelry store would be acommercial success.

commercializev��X2@Z2_`U2AY6g��L > F + Ecffmake use of for profit-seekingpurposes.The Hopi denounced those whowould commercialize theirreligious dances and ceremonies.

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comminationn��AX/Z2@[0`U2[��L[Note: Could be confused withcombination.] an instance or theaction of announcing, warning of,or threatening punishment orvengeance.The president ended his speechwith a severe commination againstthe rebels.


commiserationn��X2AZVg2@_0`U2[��Lthe feeling or showing of sorrow orthe expression of condolence forthe wants or distresses of another.Aunt Betsy sighed and moralizedwith true and steadycommiseration.



commitmentn��X2@ZVaZ2[a��Lthe consignment or sentencing toconfinement (as in a prison ormental hospital).Tony’s sentence includedcommitment to the statepenitentiary for at least five years.

commodiousadj��X2@Z=Q42`��L > F > E + Lcf + Ecflarge or roomy and convenient.Leo and his family rented a modestbut commodious villa in Spain.



commutev��X2@ZfCa��Ltravel back and forth regularly orfrequently.For his work, Horst must commutedaily between Philadelphia andNew York.

comparativelyadv��X2Z@]N_2GVcY4��Lnearly, approximately.“Well, approximately yes,” hereplied; “that is, comparativelyno.”compatible

compelledv��X2Z@]RYQ��Lforced by physical necessity.Artie was compelled to hold hisbreath while swimming underwater.

compendiumn��X2Z@]R[Q42Z��La work treating in brief form theimportant features of a whole fieldof knowledge or subject mattercategory.Eileen is writing a compendium ofinvestment information for smallcompany shareholders.


competencyn��@X/Z]2G2[`4��Lthe quality or state of beingfunctionally adequate.The prospective student questionedthe competency of the professor.



complementn��@X/Z]Y2Z2[a��La finishing or consummating part,integral, or component.The earrings made the perfectcomplement to Anjali’s ensemble.

comprehendv��AX/Z]_1@UR[Q��L > Esee the nature, significance, ormeaning of.Although he had read every wordof Moby Dick, Stu failed tocomprehend it.


compunctionn��X2Z@]2;�X�`U2[��Lnormal human regret, pity, oranxiety : remorse.The children showed nocompunction about having eatenthe entire cake before dinner.



comradelinessn��@X/ZA_NQY4[1`��L > Sp > F + Ecffa spirit of friendly familiarity andgoodwill.The comradeliness of her shipmatesput Mrs. Stein at ease.


concatenatev��X/[@XNG2A[0a��Llink together : unite in a series orchain.The professor told the class to writea program that would concatenatetwo or more files.



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concentratev��@X/[�a�`2[Aa_0a��L + Ecfbring all one’s powers, faculties, oractivities to bear : focus.Anthony couldn’t concentrate onthe reading material because hewas sick.

concentricadj��X2[@`R[a_VX��Lhaving a common center (as circlesone within another).Shane stared at the concentriccircles of the dart board for so longthat he seemed to be hypnotized.

conceptn��@X/[A`R]a��Lthought, idea, notion.Julie’s concept of an entertainingmovie was not the same as heryounger brother’s.


concerton��X2[@PUR_G�A�=��L > Ita virtuoso piece for solo instrumentor voice and orchestra that usuallyhas three contrasting movements.A violin concerto by Vivaldiconcluded the orchestra’s program.


concessionn��X2[@`R`U2[��Lthe admitting of a point claimed inargument; especially : the voluntaryyielding of a disputable contention.Concession was out of the question,but it was time to appear to forgetthat they had ever quarreled.


conchn��@X/;X��Gk > L[has homonym: conk] any ofvarious large spiral-shelled marinegastropod mollusks.Herbert recoiled when he sawconch on the menu of theCaribbean restaurant.

conchiformadj��@X/;X2AS<_Z��Gk > L > ISVshell-shaped.Mom keeps her jewelry in aconchiform box.

conchiticadj��X/;@XVGVX��Gkcomposed of shells.The professor brought in a piece ofconchitic limestone so studentscould examine the mollusk shells init.

conciergen��X=:@`fR_gU��L > Fan attendant at the entrance of abuilding : doorkeeper.The concierge took note of themysterious man’s comings andgoings at the hotel.


conciliatev��X2[@`VY4A0a��Lwin over from a state of hostility ordistrust : appease.The new king hoped to conciliatehis subjects by doing them all thegood in his power.

concinnityn��X2[@`V[2G4��Lharmony or fitness in theadaptation of parts to a whole or toeach other.After reading through the writer’sfirst draft, the editor praised thewriter for her consistency andconcinnity of style.


concoctv��X2[@X/Xa��Lput together : devise, fabricate.Mom overheard the boys concoct astory to explain the broken window.


concomitantadj��X2[@X/Z2G2[a��Loccurring along with or at the sametime as and with or without causalrelationship.Mr. Simmons noted that his son’spoor grades in algebra wereconcomitant with the start of thebasketball season.

concordatn��X2[@X<_AQNa��L > Fa compact between a nationalgovernment and a religious groupestablishing terms of agreementconcerning matters of mutualinterest.Bonaparte and Pope Pius VIIsigned a concordat that the state ofFrance should protect andacknowledge the Roman CatholicChurch.


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concurrencen��X2[@X2_2[�a�`��L[has homonym: concurrents]agreement in opinion.Frank agreed to it, but with soquiet a “Yes,” as inclined Emmaalmost to doubt his realconcurrence.

concussionn��X2[@X2`U2[��La smart or hard knock, blow, orcollision; also : the shock of such ablow.When Amy slipped on the ice shenearly suffered a concussion.

condemnv��X2[@QRZ��L[has near homonym: contemn]pronounce as ill-advised,reprehensible, wrong, or evil.Often custom justifies an actionthat years later it will condemn.

condescendedv��AX/[Q1@`R[Q1Q��L > F > E + Ecfstooped or bent to action or speechless formal or dignified than iscustomary in one’s social rank.The rajah condescended to seathimself on a rug under the tree.


condimentn��@X/[Q2Z2[a��L > F > Esomething usually pungent, acid,salty, or spicy added to or servedwith food to enhance its flavor or togive added flavor : seasoning.Mustard is the condiment usuallyserved on hot pastrami sandwiches.


condorn��@X/[AQ<�2�_��Quechua > Spa very large American vulturehaving the head and neck bare andbeing one of the largest and mostpowerful of flying birds.Of all the birds of prey at the zoo,the Andean condor is Alison’sfavorite.


conduitn��@X/[�A�QC1a��F > Ea natural or artificial channelthrough which water or other fluidpasses or is conveyed.Grandfather showed Logan theconduit that irrigated his largegarden.


confettin pl��X2[@SRG4��L > Ittiny colored paper disks or paperstreamers so made as to scatterreadily when thrown.Ticker tape and confetti swirledlike snow over the crowded street.

confiscatev��@X/[S1A`X0a��Lseize by or as if by public authority.After a two-hour wait, the borderguard decided not to confiscateBrenda’s antique necklace.

conflagrationn��AX/[SY2@T_0`U2[��La large disastrous fire involvingnumerous buildings.Sixty fire trucks were called in tobattle the conflagration.

confluencen��@X/[ASYC2[�a�`��Lthe place of meeting of twostreams.Martina agreed to meet Lynn at theconfluence of Rogers Creek and theLittle Red River.


congan��@X/;T2��African geog namea Cuban dance of African origininvolving three steps followed by akick and performed by a group insingle file.When he was a child, Jimmy lovedto dance the conga.


congenialadj��X2[@W4[f2Y��Lcharacterized by friendlysociability.Paul and Linda appreciated therestaurant’s congenial atmosphere.


conglobev��X2[@TY=O��Lform into a ball.Time-lapse photos showed howclouds conglobe.

conglomeraten��X2[@TY/Z�2�_1a��La mixture gathered from varioussources : a composite mass.Father called his specialty “Irishstew,” but it was really more like aconglomerate of indeterminatesubstances.


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coniferousadj��X=@[VS�2�_2`��(Gk + L) > L + Ecfbearing cones.A covering of coniferous treeskeeps some mountains green allwinter.



Connecticutadj��X2@[RG1X1a��Mohican? > American geog nameof or from the state of Connecticut.Ichabod Crane is a famouscharacter of Connecticut lore.


conniveryn��X2@[6c�2�_4��L + Ecfthe practice of cooperating secretly,especially in a wrongful act.Allen suspects Brenda of conniveryin the mysterious sale of themansion.

connoisseurn��AX/[2@`B�2�_��L > Fone who is an expert in a subject;especially : one who understandsthe details, technique, or principlesof an art and is competent to act asa critical judge.The connoisseur who judged theculinary creations is a chef at afive-star restaurant.

connotev��X2@[=a��Larouse as an inseparably associatedidea or feeling : imply, suggest.Eli wonders if sending a dozenlong-stemmed roses to Gretchenmight connote what he findsdifficult to say.

connubialadj��X2@[�f�CO42Y��Lof or relating to marriage or themarriage state.Susan and Stuart spent theirhoneymoon in a state of connubialcontentment.



conquistadorn��X<[@X�d�4`a2AQ<�2�_��L > Spconqueror; specifically : any one ofthe leaders in the Spanish conquestof America, especially of Mexicoand Peru, in the 16th century.Mr. Sanchez found the helmet of aconquistador deep in the canyon.

consanguinityn��AX/[`N;@TdV[2G4��Lthe quality or state of being relatedby blood.Consanguinity has historicallybeen of great importance indetermining who sits on the variousthrones of Europe.

consciencen��@X/[PU2[�a�`��Lthe sense of right or wrong withinthe individual.In this country everyone has a rightto exercise individual conscienceand judgment on all matters ofpublic interest.

conscientiousadj��AX/[PU4@R[PU2`��Lgoverned by the dictates of thesense of right or wrong : honest,scrupulous.Janice was very conscientiousabout telling the truth.

consciousnessn��@X/[PU2`[2`��L + Ecfintuitively perceived knowledge ofsomething in one’s inner self.With a sort of sneeringconsciousness, Tyler admitted thathe had nothing to say that would beentertaining to anyone.

consecratev��@X/[`1AX_0a��Lmake or declare sacred or holy.The bishop will consecrate the newchapel next Sunday.



consensusn��X2[@`R[�a�`2`��Lcollective opinion : the judgmentarrived at by most of thoseconcerned.The Booster Club’s consensus wasthat popcorn would sell better thancotton candy.







consortiumn��X2[@`<_`U�4�2Z��L[has near homonym: consortion]an organization of persons having acommon interest.Several organizations joined theconsortium that fosters inclusion ofindividuals with disabilities in allaspects of society.

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conspiracyn��X2[g@]V_2`4��Lan illegal, treasonable, ortreacherous plan to harm or destroyanother person, group, or entity.The commissioner charged that theentire industry was in conspiracy tokeep out competition.

constabularyn��X2[g@aNOf2AYR_4��La body of policemen (as of aparticular town, district, country).The local constabulary was out inforce at the Halloween celebration.

constellationn��AX/[ga2@Y0`U2[��Lany one of 88 arbitraryconfigurations of stars or an area ofthe celestial sphere covering one ofthese configurations.Rani found it difficult to see a scalein the constellation Libra.




construev��X2[g@a_C��L > Eexplain the sense or intention ofoften to one’s own satisfaction oraccording to or in conformity witha given set of circumstances.Paul tried to construe the situationin the best possible light.

consuetuden��@X/[�a�`d1Aa�f�CQ��Lsocial usage : custom, habit.The practice of men opening doorsfor women has fallen fromconsuetude.

consummateadj��@X/[�a�`2Z1a��Lof the very highest or finest :supremely excellent.Marie was worried that her sonwould ruin the party, but hebehaved like a consummategentleman.



contemplatev��@X/[a2ZA]Y0a��Lcarefully and intently think aboutsomething : ponder.The board of directors willcontemplate the proposal from therival company.


contemptibleadj��X2[@aRZ�]�a2O2Y��Lmeriting scorn and condemnationas paltry, mean, base, or vile.Though most people viewed theaccused man as a contemptiblebeing, Sister Agatha pitied him andtried to reach out to him.

contiguousadj��X2[@aVTf2d2`��Ltouching or connected throughout.Mr. Wallace understands butresents higher shipping costs forU.S. customers living in statesoutside the contiguous 48.

contingenciesn pl��X2[@aV[W2[`4g��Lpossible future events or conditionsor unforeseen occurrences that maynecessitate special measures.Setting the date of the familyreunion involved considering thecontingencies and conveniences ofabout 100 people.



contrabandn��@X/[a_2AON[Q��L > Itgoods or merchandise theimportation, exportation, orsometimes possession of which isforbidden.On the teacher’s desk sat thecontraband taken from studentsduring the day.


contrapuntaladj��AX/[a_2@]2[a3Y��Itof, relating to, or according to therules of melodic part writing.J. S. Bach was a master ofcontrapuntal melody.

contrarietyn��AX/[a_2@_62G4��Lthe quality or state of being inopposition or disagreement.Amanda was becoming impatientwith her two-year-old son’scontrariety.

contretempsn��X=:a_2a/:��F + L > Fan inopportune embarrassingoccurrence : mishap, mischance.Jeremy moved steadily fromblunder to contretemps toembarrassment.

contritionn��X2[@a_V`U2[��Lconsciousness of guilt or sin givingrise to humility and sorrow.In the warmth of true contrition shewould call upon Miss Bates thevery next morning, and it should bethe beginning, on her side, of aregular, equal, kindly relationship.

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controversyn��@X/[a_2Ac2_`4��La difference marked especially bythe expression of opposing views :dispute.Most television talk shows seemmore interested in creatingcontroversy than in trying toresolve it.


contumacyn��X2[@a�f�CZ2`4��L > Estubborn resistance to authority;specifically : willful contempt ofcourt.In the Middle Ages contumacycould be punished byexcommunication and the loss ofcivil rights.

contusionn��X2[@a�f�CgU2[��La bruise caused by externalviolence.The contusion on Wayne’s shoulderbegan to fade nine days after hisaccident.

conundrumsn pl��X2@[2[Q_2Zg��unknownriddles based on some fanciful orfantastic resemblance betweenthings quite unlike and forming apuzzling question whose answer isor involves a pun.Mr. Elton was invited to contributeany really good conundrums toEmma’s collection of riddles ofevery sort.


convectionn��X2[@cRX`U2[��Lthe circulatory motion that occursin a fluid at a nonuniformtemperature owing to the variationof its density and the action ofgravity.In the tropics, strong convectiondraws warm air high into the sky.



convergentadj��X2[@c2_W2[a��Ltending to move toward one pointor each other.The crowds leaving the stadiumbecame convergent on their way tothe subway entrance.

conversantadj��X2[@c2_`3[a��Lfamiliar or acquainted by use orstudy : well-informed.Sabendra is conversant in the latestmovements in European art.

convertiblen��X2[@c2_G2O2Y��Lan automobile having a top thatmay be folded back, lowered, orremoved.Thelma and Louise enjoyedcruising the highway in Louise’sconvertible.


convivialadj��X2[@cVc42Y��Lfond of good company andfestivity.The convivial lodge owners enjoyedsocializing with their guests.

conviviallyadv��X2[@cVc42Y4��L + Ecfin a manner that is fond of goodcompany and festivity.Though the hostess felt ill andwanted to leave the party, shebehaved convivially.



coordinateadj��X=@<_Q�3�[1a��Lequal in rank, quality, orsignificance.The United States attempts to keepthe branches of governmentcoordinate.


Copernicanadj��X=@]2_[1X2[��Pol nameof, relating to, or being theastronomic system of Copernicus inwhich the Sun is taken as the centerof the planets.The Copernican view of the solarsystem was originally regarded asheretical.

copiousadj��@X=]42`��Lpresent in large quantity : plentiful,abundant, lavish.Patrick took copious notes duringthe lecture.


coquetryn��@X=X1a_4��Feffort or action intended to attractadmiration, gallantry, or affectionwithout responsive feeling.The princess used coquetry as atool as a carpenter uses a hammer.

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coraclen��@X<_2X2Y��Wa small boat made by covering awicker frame with hide or leather.Ted rowed an old coracle to thesmall island in the lake.


cordilleran��AX<�_�Q3Y@R_2��L > Spa group of mountain rangesforming a mountain system of greatlinear extent.The Andean cordillera extendsalong the west coast of SouthAmerica.

corduroyn��@X<�_�Q2A_<V��F > E namea cut-pile fabric with vertical ribsor wales, usually made of cotton.His worn trousers of corduroy werethree inches too short.

coriandern��AX=_4@N[Q2�_���Lan Old World herb whose ripeneddried fruit is used for flavoringespecially of pickles, curries,confectioneries, and liquor.Jane almost always uses corianderto season her stew.

cormorantn��@X<_Z�2�_2[a��L > F > Eany of various dark-colored web-footed seabirds.In parts of eastern Asia thecormorant is domesticated byfishermen.


cornicen��@X<_[1`��Gk > L > It > Fthe typically molded and projectinghorizontal member that crowns anarchitectural composition.Here and there among the ruins ofthe great palace, a cornice or partof a column remained intact.

corniculateadj��X<�_�@[VXf2Y1a��Lhaving horns or small horn-shapedprocesses.In some species of animals, onlythe males are corniculate.

cornucopian��AX<�_�[�f�2@X=]42��La curved goat’s horn from themouth of which fruit and ears ofcorn overflow, emblematic ofabundance—called also “horn ofplenty.”Robert placed various kinds of rollsin the basket shaped like acornucopia and set it in the centerof the table.

corollaryn��@X<_2AYR_4��La proposition that follows upon onejust demonstrated and that requiresno additional proof.After proving the theorem, Mr.Barnes showed how the corollarylogically followed.

coronachn��@X<_2[2X��ScGael&IrGaela lamentation for the dead as sungor played on the bagpipes inScotland and Ireland : dirge.The mournful coronach could beheard throughout the valley.

coronaryadj��@X<_2A[R_4��Lof or involving the blood vessels ofthe heart; broadly : of or relating tothe heart.A blockage in a coronary arterycaused Tom’s heart attack.

coronern��@X<_2[2�_���L > F > AF > Ea public officer whose principalduty is to inquire into the cause ofany death which there is reason tosuppose is not due to naturalcauses.The job of coroner combineselements of medicine and detectivework.

coronetn��AX<_2@[Ra��Gk > L > Fa small or lesser crown usuallysignifying a high rank below that ofa sovereign.The princess happily let her youngcousin try on the coronet.

corporealadj��X<�_�@]=_42Y��Lhaving, consisting of, or relating toa physical material body : notspiritual.It’s very difficult for Mrs.O’Connor to think in a corporealway.

corpulentadj��@X<�_�]f2Y2[a��Lhaving a large bulky body.Mike and Edie laughed at thecorpulent gorilla as it stuffedbananas into its mouth.

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corpusclen��@X<�_�A]2`2Y��La living cell that is somewhatisolated and not aggregated intocontinuous tissues.In the science fiction movie, a whitecorpuscle attacked the tiny ship asit traveled through thebloodstream.

corralv��X2@_NY��L > Sp[has homonym: chorale] round upand drive (livestock) into a pen.With the help of his dog, Jerrymanaged to corral the herd.


correspondv��AX<_2@`]/[Q��Lcommunicate with a person byexchange of letters.Mason and his friends correspondfrequently by e-mail.


corroboratev��X2@_/O2A_0a��Lprovide evidence of the truth of :confirm.Without a witness to corroboratehis alibi, Zorba remained the chiefsuspect in the robbery case.

corrugatedadj��@X<_2AT0a1Q��Lhaving a ridged or furrowedsurface.The corrugated sand dune lookedlike a work of art.





coruscatev��@X<_2A`X0a��Lgleam with intermittent flashes :glitter, sparkle.The flickering light from Trudy’slantern made the cave wallscoruscate.

corybanticadj��AX<_1@ON[aVX��Gklike or in the spirit of the attendantsor priests of the nature goddessCybele noted for wildly emotionalprocessions and rites; specifically :wild, frenzied.At the rock concert many fansengaged in corybantic dancing.

corymbn��@X<A_VZ�O���Gk > L > Fa flower cluster in which the flowerstalks arise at different levels on themain axis and reach about the sameheight, forming a somewhat flat-topped cluster.Each corymb of Queen Anne’s laceby the porch has a bumblebee on it.

cosmogenesisn��AX/gZ=@WR[2`1`��Gka part of the science of astronomythat deals with the origin anddevelopment of the universe.Contrary to his expectations,Lionel’s study of cosmogenesismade him more religious.

cosmopoliten��X/g@Z/]2AY6a��Gkone that is at home in everycountry.Although she considered herself acosmopolite, Sharon still couldn’tget used to driving on the left sideof the road.

coterien��@X=G2_4��Fan intimate often exclusive groupof persons having a bindingcommon interest or purpose :clique.Phyllis and her coterie arrivedfashionably late for the galleryopening.


cotyledonn��AX/G3Y@4Q3[��Gk > Lthe first leaf or one of the first pairor whorl of leaves developed by theembryo in seed plants and in fernsand related plants.Mr. Pittman drew a fern cotyledonon the blackboard.

couchantadj��@XNBPU2[a��Flying down with the head up.The coat of arms depicted acouchant lion.


coulissen��XC@Y4`��Fa side scene of the stage in a theateror the space between the sidescenes.The path depicted in the coulisseled the eyes to the center stage.

couloirn��XCY@d/_��L > Fa deep gorge.Lance hiked along the stream at thebottom of the couloir.

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counseln��@XNB[�a�`2Y��L > F > E[has homonym: council] advice,direction.Mr. Knightley shared unpleasanttruths with Emma and provedhimself her friend by very faithfulcounsel.

countenancen��@XNB[a�3�[2[�a�`��L > F > Ethe expressive appearance of one’sface : look, expression.The department store Santa’scountenance set Loretta at ease.



countervailv��@XNB[a2_Ac0Y��L > F > Eoppose or exert force against :counteract.Miles built a low wall around hissloping garden to countervailerosion.


coupn��@XC��Fa sudden decisive exercise oflocalized or concentrated forceunseating the personnel of agovernment.The dictator was ousted by amilitary coup.


couriern��@XB_42�_���L > It > F[has homonym: currier] one whocarries messages, news, orinformation either with urgent hasteor in accordance with a regularschedule.Jaime worked as a courier afterschool to earn money for a newcar.




couturen��XC@aB�2�_��L > Fthe business of designing, making,and selling fashionable expensivecustom-made women’s clothing.At the Paris fashion shows Carolyntalked to several young designerswho were just starting out incouture.

covenantn��@X2c2[2[a��L > F > Ean agreement that is usually formal,solemn, and intended as binding.The book of Genesis describesNoah’s covenant with God thatsaved his family from the GreatFlood.

coveyn��@X2c4��L > F > Ea small flock or number of birds ofthe same kind—used typically ofpartridges and certain related birds.The hunter aimed at the covey ofquail flying over the pasture.

coyoten��X6@=G�A�4��Nahuatl > Spa small wolf native to the westernpart of North America and wellestablished northward in Alaskaand eastward at least as far as NewYork state.The lone male coyote kept to theedges of the pack for many daysbefore being accepted into thegroup.

cozenedv��@X2g3[Q��L > Itobtained by artful wheedling ortricky dishonesty.The crooked lawyer cozened thelife’s savings of several of hisclients.





credenzan��X_1@QR[g2��L > Ita sideboard, buffet, or bookcasewithout legs whose base rests flaton the floor.Robin’s CDs are on the secondshelf of the credenza.

credulityn��P_1@Q�f�CY2G4��Lbelief or readiness of beliefespecially on slight or uncertainevidence.Marco’s personality was a strangemixture of shrewdness andcredulity.

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creekologyn��X_4@X/Y2W4��ON > E + Gkany method of searching for oilbased on a limited knowledge ofgeology and practiced especially bywildcat prospectors.Doug, who was known for his nosefor oil, attributed his success tocreekology.


crenateadj��@X_4A[0a��Lhaving the margin cut into roundedscallops.The crenate leaves on Freda’sspecimen gave her a clue as to itsclassification.

creophagyn��X_4@/S2W4��Gkthe use of flesh as food.After visiting a slaughterhouse,Stephanie was repulsed bycreophagy and became avegetarian.

crepitantadj��@X_R]2G2[a��Lhaving or making a crackling sound: crackling.The boys rolled and tumbled in thepile of crepitant leaves.

crepuscularadj��X_1@]2`X�f�2Y2�_���L + Ecfactive in the twilight.Darnel blurted out “firefly” whenthe teacher asked for an example ofa crepuscular insect.

crescendon��X_1@`UR[�A�Q=��L > Itthe peak of a gradual increase (as inphysical or emotional force orintensity).As soon as his boat sailed out of theharbor, Angus realized that thewind was nearing a crescendo.

crescentn��@X_R`3[a��L > F > Ethe shape or figure defined by aconvex and a concave edge.The moon’s silvery crescentdisappeared as the eclipse reachedtotality.

cresciveadj��@X_R`Vc��Lincreasing, growing.The crescive vines traveled up thetrellis.

crescographn��@X_R`X2AT_NS��L + Ecf + Gkan instrument for makingperceptible the growth of plants.The crescograph can magnify smallplant movements as much as tenmillion times.



cribbagen��@X_VOVW��Ea card game for two and sometimesthree or four players each of whomis dealt six cards one or two ofwhich are discarded before play toform an extra hand for the dealer.Kathy and her cousins areferociously competitive when theyplay cribbage.

cribraladj��@X_VO_2Y��Lof or relating to a sieve : perforated.The mouths of certain whalescontain a cribral structure forcollecting food.

cricetidn��X_1@`4G1Q��Slav > Lany of a family of small rodentsincluding lemmings, voles, andhamsters.The hamster is an example of acricetid that is kept as a pet.

crimsonn��@X_VZg2[��Ar > Sp > Eany of several deep or vivid reds orpurplish reds of rather indefiniterange.The sun was dropping slowly fromsight, and stripes of purple andorange and crimson and goldreached upward from the distanthills.

crinolinen��@X_V[3Y1[��L > It > Fa full stiff skirt or underskirt.The crinoline that Andrea wore inthe pageant made her knees itch.


crochetingv��X_=@`U0V;��F + Ecfworking with needleworkconsisting of the interlocking oflooped stitches formed with asingle thread and a hooked needle.Marie sat nearby crocheting andtried to take a friendly interest inthe game.

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cromlechn��@X_/ZAYRX��Wa circle of monoliths usuallyenclosing a dolmen or mound.Inspired by their study ofStonehenge, Mr. Akala’s fifth-grade class built a cromlech on theplayground.

cronyismn��@X_=[4AVg2Z��Gk + Ecfpartiality to familiar friendsespecially as evidenced in theappointing of political hangers-onto office without due regard fortheir qualifications.When the mayor appointed his bestfriend head of the policedepartment, he was accused ofcronyism.

croquetn��X_=@X0��Fa game in which players drivewooden balls with mallets througha series of wickets set out on a lawnin a particular order.Erica and her friends playedcroquet in the churchyard.

crotchetyadj��@X_/PU2G4��F > Esubject to whims, crankiness, or illtemper.Not getting enough sleep usuallymakes Trudy crotchety in themorning.

croupn��@X_C]��imita spasmodic laryngitis in infantsand children characterized byepisodes of difficult breathing andhoarse cough.Mrs. Dowling hoped Everett’s sorethroat wouldn’t develop into croup.

croupiern��@X_C]4A0��Fan employee of a gambling casinowho watches, collects, and paysbets and assists the dealer in chargeof the table.The croupier tossed two more $100chips onto Daphne’s growing pile.

croustaden��X_C@`a/Q��Prov > Fa crisp shell (as of toasted or friedbread) in which to serve food.Louise didn’t know whether or notshe was supposed to eat thecroustade in which her salad wasserved.


cruciblen��@X_C`2O2Y��La vessel or melting pot that is usedfor melting and calcining asubstance (as metal and ore) whichrequires a high degree of heat.Clyde began the experiment bydumping the collected samples intoa crucible.

cruciferousadj��X_C@`VS�2�_2`��L + Ecffbelonging to or having thecharacteristics of the mustards orrelated plants.Cruciferous vegetables are anexcellent source of beta carotene.

crullern��@X_2Y2�_���Da small sweet cake made of a richegg batter formed into twistedstrips and fried brown in deep fat.Olive couldn’t decide whether toorder a cruller or an éclair withher coffee.

Crusaden��X_C@`0Q��Fan expedition undertaken for adeclared religious purpose.The first Crusade to reclaimJerusalem for Christians began in1096.

crustaceann��AX_2@`a0`U2[��Lan animal belonging to a large classof Arthropoda comprising themajority of the marine orfreshwater arthropods (as lobsters,shrimps, crabs, and barnacles).Our team’s mascot is Crusty theCrustacean, a ten-pound Mainelobster.

cryologyn��X_6@/Y2W4��Gkthe study of snow and ice.In cryology, students learn howglaciers grow, shrink, advance, andretreat.


cryophorusn��AX_6@/S2_2`��Gk > Lan instrument that illustrates thefreezing of water by its ownevaporation.The cryophorus was made of glassin the form of a tube connectingtwo globes partially filled withliquid.


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cryptographern��X_V]@a/T_2S2�_���Gkone that practices the art ofpreparing or reading messages in aform intended to prevent theirbeing read by those not privy tosecrets of the form.An inveterate cryptographer, Ricoenjoys searching ordinary writingsamples for hidden messages.

cryptonymn��@X_V]a2A[VZ��Gka secret name.Each person in our club was givena cryptonym known only to theother members.

crystaladj��@X_V`a3Y��Gkconsisting of or resembling quartzthat is transparent or nearly so andthat is either colorless or onlyslightly tinged.Once inside, they hurried down along hallway, which glittered withcrystal chandeliers.

crystosphenen��@X_V`a2A`S4[��Gka buried sheet of ice under thetundra of North America formed bythe freezing of spring water.The geologist measured thethickness of the crystosphene.

cubicadj��@XfCOVX��Gk > L > Frelating to a crystal form thatconsists of six similar, mutuallyperpendicular faces.Gold crystallizes in a cubicstructure with a density of 19.4grams per cubic centimeter.

cucarachan��AXCX2@_/PU2��Mexican songa Mexican ballroom and nightclubdance.Determined to win the stateballroom dance title, Joan andMarlon practiced their cucarachafor weeks.

cuchifriton��AXCPUV@S_4G=��Spa deep-fried cube of pork.When Lane wasn’t looking,Stephanie popped a cuchifrito intothe dog’s mouth.

cuckoon��@XC�A�XC��E imitative[has homonym: kuku] a familiarEuropean bird that is noted for itscharacteristic two-syllabled whistleand for its habit of laying its eggsin the nests of other birds for themto hatch.The cuckoo in the aviary soundedjust like Grandmother’s clock.

cucurbitn��XfC@X2_O1a��L > F > E(Note: Dictionary designates asattributive.) a many-seeded fleshyfruit plant with a hard rind (such assquashes, pumpkins, and certaingourds).The cucurbit is probably put to awider variety of uses than is anyother fruit family.

cudgeln��@X2W2Y��Ea short heavy stick used as aninstrument for punishment or aweapon.A nightstick is one kind of cudgel.


culgeen��@X2YAT4��Per > Hindia jeweled plume worn in India onthe turban.Professor Singh happily loaned hisgrandfather’s culgee to themuseum.

culinaryadj��@X2Y2A[R_4��Lof or relating to the kitchen orcookery.The early colonists used herbs forboth culinary and medicinalpurposes.

culminantadj��@X2YZ2[2[a��Lbeing at greatest altitude or on themeridian.The Sun casts the shortest shadowswhen it is culminant.


culpableadj��@X2Y]2O2Y��Lmeriting condemnation or censureespecially as criminal or asconducive to accident, loss, ordisaster.The property owner was guilty ofculpable negligence in the accidentinvolving an uncovered manhole.

culpritn��@X2Y]_1a��L > AFone who is guilty of a crime orother wrongdoing.The detectives devised a plan tocapture the culprit.

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cultivationn��AX2Ya2@c0`U2[��Lthe art or process of farming.Frigid weather conditions andbarren soil make cultivation oftundra almost impossible.

culturatin pl��AX2YPU2@_/G�A�4��Gk + Lcfpeople intensely interested in theartistic and intellectual aspects orcontent of human activity.The scheduled performance by“The Three Tenors” generatedexcitement among the city’sculturati.

cumbersomeadj��@X2ZO2�_�`2Z��F > E + Ecfof an excessive size, shape, orlength : unwieldy.Emrick dragged his cumbersomeduffel bag by its strap.

cumbrousadj��@X2ZO_2`��Egiving trouble : vexatious.A swarm of cumbrous gnatsfollowed the hikers all day long.

cummerbundn��@X2Z2�_�AO2[Q��Per > Hindia waistband worn in place of a vestwith men’s dress clothes.The bride wanted the groom’scummerbund to match the pale pinkof her flowers.


cuneiformadj��XfC@[41AS<_Z��L + Lwritten in characters composed ofstrokes having the form of a wedgeor arrowhead.The cuneiform Code of Hammurabiis the most complete record ofancient Babylonian law inexistence.


cupressineousadj��AX�f�C]_2@`V[42`��Gk > L + Ecfrelating to or resembling thecypress.The wood of cupressineous trees isusually light, moderately hard, andvery durable.

curatorn��Xf2@_0G2�_���Lone in charge of the exhibits,research activities, and personnel ofa museum, zoo, or other place ofexhibit.Eric interviewed the curator ofmarine mammals at the aquarium.

curiousnessn��@XfB_42`[1`��L > F > E + Ecfthe quality of being inquisitive.Dickon’s round eyes were full ofeager curiousness but he said not aword.



curmudgeonn� �A�X2_@Z2W2[ �unknowna crusty, ill-tempered, or difficultand often elderly person.Fiona’s dad called her grandfathera “cantankerous old curmudgeon.”

currentadj��@X2_2[a��L[has homonyms: courant, currant]presently elapsing.In the current fiscal yearCornucopia College enjoys a slightbudget surplus.

curriculumn��X2@_VXf2Y2Z��Lthe whole body of courses offeredby an educational institution or oneof its branches.The school is planning to add Latinto its curriculum next year.


curtainn��@X2_a3[��L > F > Ethe screen separating the stage fromthe auditorium of a theater.The law states that the theatercurtain must be made of fireproofmaterial.

curtilagen��@X2_G3YVW��F > Ea yard, courtyard, or other piece ofground included within a fencesurrounding a dwelling house.The police searched the house andthe curtilage for any clues relatingto the robbery.

curvaturen��@X2_c2APUB�2�_��Lthe act or state of deviating from astraight line or course typicallywith a rounded gradual effect.The curvature of the brick pathgave the garden a pleasinginformality.

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custardn��@X2`a2�_�Q��L > Prov > Ea sweetened mixture of milk andeggs that is baked, boiled, orfrozen.Lemon custard is Harold’s favoritedessert.

custodyn��@X2`a2Q4��L > Echarge or control (as of a suspect)exercised by a person or anauthority.The suspect was kept in policecustody until she provided anincontrovertible alibi.

cutaneousadj��XfC@a0[42`��Lof or relating to the skin.Cutaneous sensation includesfeeling cold, heat, contact, andpain.

cuticlen��@XfCG1X2Y��Lan external membranous orhardened noncellular investmentsecreted by the outer surface of thebody (as in arthropods).Because expansion cannot occur inthe chitinous cuticle, the growinginsect must periodically shed itscovering.

cyanosisn��A`62@[=`1`��Gka bluish or purplish discoloration(as of skin) due to deficientoxygenation of the blood.Cyanosis may result frompneumonia, asphyxiation, heartfailure, or heart anomalies.

cyberneticsn pl��A`6O2�_�@[RGVX`��Gkthe comparative study of theautomatic control system formedby the nervous system and brainand by mechanical-electricalcommunication systems anddevices (as computers orthermostats).Bertha’s new robotics softwarepromised to revolutionizecybernetics.

cyclicaladj��@`6XY1X2Y��Gkof, relating to, or belonging to aregularly recurring succession ofevents or phenomena.Mr. Ramirez explained the cyclicalphases of the Moon to the scienceclass today.

cyclogenesisn��A`6�A�XY=@WR[2`1`��Gkthe process of development orintensification of a rotating stormsystem.Satellites have greatly improved themonitoring of cyclogenesis.

cyclonicadj��`6@XY/[VX��Gkof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of a rotating storm.Cyclonic disturbances known ashurricanes usually occur during thesummer and fall.


cygnetn��@`VT[1a��Gk > L > F > Ea young swan.Six-year-old Abby, openlycontemptuous of the fairy tale,patiently explained to her motherthat there’s no way an uglyduckling can turn into a swan—only a cygnet can.



cynegeticsn pl��A`V[1@WRGVX`��Gkthe art of hunting.Mrs. White began her talk aboutcynegetics with a recording ofmelodies played on hunting horns.

cynologyn��`1@[/Y2W4��Gk[has homonym: sinology]scientific study of the dogespecially in respect to its naturalhistory.Having a coyote as a childhood petgave Rick an early interest incynology.

cynophilistn��`1@[/S2Y1`a��Gk[Note: Could be confused withform of sinophil/sinophile.] a dogfancier : one that is favorablydisposed toward dogs.Although Leon considered himselfa cynophilist, he did not trust thepit bull terrier.

cynosuren��@`6[2A`UB�2�_��Gka center of attraction or interest.The student union, with its billiardtables, bowling alley, and snackbar, is a cynosure for freshmenduring orientation week.

Cythereanadj��A`VaU2@_42[��Gk > L + Ecfof or relating to the goddess Venusor to the planet Venus.The Cytherean atmosphere has ahigh concentration of sulfuric acid.


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cytologyn��`6@a/Y2W4��Gk + Gk[has homonym: sitology] thebranch of biology concerned withthe study of cells as vital units withreference to their structure,function, multiplication, pathology,and life history.For differentiating between benignand malignant lesions, cytologyoffers a more precise method ofdiagnosis than does the use of Xrays.

dachshundn��@Q/X`AUB[a��G + Ga small dog of a breed of Germanorigin having long drooping ears,commonly a short sleek coat, andthe legs short in comparison withthe body length.Chloe has a brown dachshundnamed “Oscar.”dacquoisen��Q.Xd..g��Fa dessert made of baked layers ofnut meringue with a filling usuallyof buttercream.The hotel dessert buffet included achocolate-pecan dacquoise.

dactylogramn��QNX@aVY2AT_NZ��Gk + Gkan impression taken from afinger : fingerprint.Calvin used a magnifying glass toexamine the loops and whorls in adactylogram of his index finger.


dactyloscopyn��AQNXa2@Y/`X2]4��Gkidentification by comparison offingerprints.Dactyloscopy indicated that thesuspect’s fingerprints are indeed onthe murder weapon.

daedaladj��@Q4Q3Y��Gkingeniously formed or working :like a maze : intricate.The children’s quiz show led itscontestants through a daedaljourney of stunts and questions.


daffodilsn pl��@QNS2AQVYg��D + L > F > Dplants having flowers that have alarge corona elongated into atrumpet.These flowers blooming in the snoware daffodils and snowdrops.


dahlian��@QNYf2��Sw name > La plant of a genus of tuberous-rooted herbs having rayed flowerheads.The brightly colored flowers of thedahlia can be six inches indiameter.


daisn��@Q01`��L > F > Ea platform raised usually above thefloor of a hall or large room to givedistinction or prominence to thoseoccupying it.A round dais was exactly in thecenter of the room.

Daliesqueadj��AQ/Y4@R`X��Sp nameresembling or suggesting thepaintings of the Spanish surrealistartist Dali.The poster showed a Daliesqueface with feathers poking out ofeach nostril.




Damocleanadj��AQNZ2@XY42[��Gk name + Ecfinvolving imminent danger.Retrieving the car keys from thepiranha tank was a Damocleantask indeed.




danseusen��Q/:@`2�_�g��Fa female ballet dancer.Denise was advised that being adanseuse was as exhausting as itwas rewarding.

Dantesqueadj��AQ/[@aR`X��It nameof, relating to, or resembling theItalian writer Dante or his writings.The Dantesque image of a soul intorture repulsed Regina.


dashingadj��@QN`UV;��E imit + Ecfvigorously active : spirited.The dashing actor was the talk ofthe party.





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dawdlern��@Q<Q�3�Y2�_���unknown + Ecfone who wastes time in idlelingering.Lauren was such a dawdler thatshe often missed the school bus.

dazzlingv��@QNg�2�YV;��ON > E + Ecfoverpowering with brightness :shining.Morgan took great satisfaction indazzling his neighbors with hisChristmas light display.




dearthn��@Q2_aU��Escarcity : lack of a presentnecessity.The general realized that his armywas suffering from a dearth of self-confidence.

debaclen��Q1@O/X2Y��L > OProv > Fa sudden breakdown : collapse.Craig reads everything he can findregarding the Wall Street debacleof 1929.


debenturen��Q1@OR[PU2�_���La writing or certificate signed by apublic officer as evidence of a debtor of a right to demand or receive asum of money.Uncle John treasures the debentureissued by the Confederategovernment, even though it isactually worthless.



debouchmentn��Q1@OC`UZ2[a��Fa mouth or outlet especially of ariver.The river’s debouchment had to bedredged because the sediment wasa hazard to navigation.

debridementn��Q1@O_4QAZ/:��Fthe surgical removal of lacerated,devitalized, or contaminated tissue.The doctor explained to thefirefighter why debridement wasthe best treatment for his second-degree burns.

debrisn��Q2@O_4��Fthe remains of something brokendown or destroyed.Scattered debris lies wheremajestic homes stood before lastweek’s tornado.





decedentn��Q1@`4Q3[a��La dead person; especially : a personwho has recently died.The relatives of the decedentgathered for the reading of the will.

deceitfuladj��Q1@`4aS2Y��E + Ecfdishonest.The Better Business Bureau warnedJasper of the awning company’sdeceitful business practices.

deceivev��Q1@`4c��L > F > Ecause to believe the false : delude.Cara’s forgery of her mother’ssignature did not deceive theprincipal.

deceleratev��Q4@`RY2A_0a��Llessen the speed of : slow down.Reversing engine thrust is used todecelerate jets upon landing.




decibeln��@QR`2AORY��L + Scottish-American namea unit for measuring the relativeloudness of sounds equalapproximately to the smallestdegree of difference of loudnessordinarily detectable by the humanear.Differences of one decibel can beimportant to a recording engineer.

deciduousadj��Q1@`VW2d2`��Lfalling off or shed at the end of thegrowing period, at certain seasons,or at certain stages of development.Deciduous trees drop their leaveseach fall.


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decimatev��@QR`2AZ0a��Lselect by lot and kill every tenthperson of.The terrorist promised to decimatethe group of hostages every halfhour until his demands were met.

decipheredv��Q1@`6S2�_�Q��L + Ar > L > F > Emade out, read, or interpreteddespite obscuration.When one considers the variety ofhandwriting, and of badhandwriting, too, that must bedeciphered, it increases the wonderthat so seldom a letter is deliveredto the wrong person.

decisteren��@QR`1A`aV�2�_��Fa metric unit of capacity equal to1/10 cubic meter.Caleb bought a decistere of limefor his front lawn.

declamatoryadj��Q1@XYNZ2Aa=_4��Lmarked by rhetorical effect ordisplay : stilted.Minna’s declamatory sermonalienated many of her listeners.



declivateadj��Q1@XY6Ac0a��Linclining downward : sloping.Mary Ann slid down the declivateroof of the playhouse.


decomposev��AQ4X2Z@]=g��L > Fseparate or resolve into constituentparts or elements or into simplercompounds.Mr. Landry asked the studentswhether they knew any compoundsother than methanol whichdecompose into carbon dioxide andwater.

decorousadj��@QRX2_2`��Lmarked by propriety and goodtaste.Lucia was surprised to find that thedisc jockey was as decorous off theair as he was volcanic while on theair.

decorticatev��Q4@X<�_�G2AX0a��Lremove the bark, husk, or otherouter covering from.Sharp front teeth allow squirrels todecorticate hickory nuts.

decoupagen��AQ0XC@]/gU��Fthe art of decorating surfaces byapplying cutouts and then coatingthem with several layers of a finishsuch as lacquer or varnish.Aunt Hazel’s interest in arts andcrafts was kindled by a free class indecoupage.



decumanadj��@QRXf2Z2[��L(of a wave) : extremely large.That decuman wave that took theship fore and aft swept the life raftoff the deck.


decussateadj��@QRX2`1a��Lshaped like an X.Each wing of the moth had adecussate marking.



defeasibleadj��Q1@S4g2O2Y��F + Ecfcapable of being or liable to beingvoided, annulled, or undone.When a family adopts a baby,several requirements have to bemet; otherwise the adoption isdefeasible.

defendantn��Q1@SR[Q2[a��L > Fa person required to make answerin an action or suit in law or equityor in a criminal action.When the foreman of the jury readthe verdict of “not guilty,” thedefendant embraced his attorneys.


defervescencen��AQ4�A�S2_@cR`3[�a�`��Lthe subsidence of a fever.Antonio’s mother was relieved tonote the signs of defervescence inher son.

deficiencyn��Q1@SV`U2[`4��Lthe quality or state of lacking somequality, faculty, or characteristicnecessary for completeness.Scurvy is caused by a deficiency ofvitamin C in the diet.


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definiteadj��@QRS�2�[1a��Lfree of all ambiguity, uncertainty,or obscurity.Dad sounded quite definite when hetold us to turn off the TV.




dehiscencen��Q1@UV`3[�a�`��L + Ecfthe bursting open of a capsule orpod at maturity.In dry weather, dehiscence of someseed pods occurs prematurely.



deipnosophistn��Q6]@[/`2S1`a��Gka person skilled in table talk.Clint’s reputation as adeipnosophist makes him an idealdinner guest.

delectableadj��Q1@YRXa2O2Y��Ldeliciously flavored.JoAnne selected Black Forest cakefrom the delectable dessertofferings.


deleteriousadj��AQRY1@aV_42`��Gkhurtful, destructive.The museum did not permit flashphotography because of thepossible deleterious effects on thepaintings.

deleteriouslyadv��AQRY1@aV_42`Y4��Gk + Ecfin a hurtful or destructive manner.It seems that every day we arereminded that smoking affects thebody deleteriously.

delicacyn��@QRY1X2`4��Lsomething pleasing to eat that isaccounted rare or luxurious.Caviar is considered a delicacy.

delicatessenn��AQRY1X2@aR`3[��F > Ga store where ready-to-eat foodproducts (as cooked meats andprepared salads) are sold.Marta stopped at the delicatessento buy some cold cuts for our lunch.

deliciousadj��Q1@YV`U2`��Lappealing to one of the bodilysenses, especially that of taste.Judith said the fudge was the mostdelicious she had ever tasted.



delinquentn��Q1@YV;Xd2[a��La transgressor against duty or law.The police referred to Harold as a“delinquent” when he was foundon the street after curfew.

deliquescev��AQRY2@XdR`��Lbecome soft or liquid with age.After a couple of weeks in therefrigerator, lettuce begins todeliquesce.


deliriousadj��Q1@YV_42`��Laffected with frenzied excitementor wild enthusiasm.The delirious fans rushed onto thefield to congratulate thechampions.

delitescentadj��AQRY2@aR`2[a��Llying hidden : obfuscated, latent.The psychiatrist tried to discoverthe delitescent significance of hispatient’s dreams.


deltiologyn��AQRYa4@/Y2W4��Gkthe hobby of collecting postcards.Jodie got started in deltiology justlast year but already has postcardsfrom over 100 countries.



delugen��@QRY�A�fCW��L > F > Ea drenching rain : downpour.The children were caught in adeluge as they waited for the schoolbus.

demagogueryn��@QRZ2AT/T�2�_4��Gk + Ecfthe principles or practices ofrabble-rousers.Economic hardship often gives riseto demagoguery.

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demarcatev��Q1@Z/_AX0a��Gmc > It > Spmark by bounds.Sol used fishing line to demarcatehis half of the room from hisbrother’s.


demeanorn��Q1@Z4[2�_���L > F > Ebehavior toward others : outwardmanner.The vice-president’s icily seriousdemeanor was fodder for the late-night talk shows.




demesnen��Q1@Z0[��F[has near homonym: domain] legalpossession of land as one’s own.The earl vowed to defend hisdemesne at any cost.


demijohnn��@QRZ4AW/[��F + F name > Ea narrow-necked bottle of glass orstoneware that is enclosed inwickerwork and has one or twowicker handles.Water glugged from the demijohnas Emily emptied it on the lawn.


demitassen��@QRZ4AaN`��L > F > E + Per > Ar > Fa small cup of coffee usually takenblack.Nathan sipped nervously at ademitasse while he waited for hisattorney.


democracyn��Q1@Z/X_2`4��Gk > La government by the people : ruleof the majority.Cara could not imagine what herlife would be like if it weregoverned not by a democracy butinstead by the whims of a fewpeople.

demographyn��Q1@Z/T_2S4��Gkthe statistical study of thecharacteristics of humanpopulations especially withreference to size and density,growth, distribution, migration, andvital statistics.Beth’s interest in demography ledher to a career in advertising.



demulcentadj��Q1@Z2Y`2[a��Lsoothing, softening.The pharmacist told Boris that ademulcent syrup would be best forhis sore throat.


demursn pl��Q1@Z2_g��Ldifficulties in making up one’smind : indecisions.Harriet’s message wasunequivocal, containing no doubtsor demurs.

denguen��@QR;�A�T4��African? > Sp[has homonym: dinghy] an acuteinfectious disease characterized bysudden onset, headache, rackingjoint pain, and a rash and caused bya virus transmitted by mosquitoes.The African village wasquarantined after an outbreak ofdengue.

denizenn��@QR[2g2[��L > F > Ea dweller in a certain place orregion.Melvin asked a local denizen fordirections.


denouementn��AQ0[C@Z/:��L > Fthe final outcome, result, orunraveling of the main dramaticcomplication in a play or otherwork of literature.The loose ends of the plot wereneatly tied up in the surprisingdenouement.

dentifricen��@QR[a2S_1`��La powder, paste, or liquid used incleaning the teeth.John decided to use a dentifricecontaining baking soda.

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denunciationn��Q1A[2[`4@0`U2[��Lthe act of pronouncing (as a person,idea, course of conduct, or politicalphilosophy) as blameworthy orevil.The senator’s speech was adenunciation of many federalprograms.

depilatoryn��Q1@]VY2Aa=_4��L > Fa cosmetic for the temporaryremoval of undesired hair.Hank mixed a depilatory into hissister's shampoo.

deprecatedv��@QR]_1AX0G1Q��Lsought to avert.When a very thick letter from Mr.Churchill was brought to Emma,she guessed what it must containand deprecated the necessity ofreading it.


depredatoryadj��@QR]_2Q2Aa=_4��Ltending to lay waste or prey upon :plundering.Following the earthquake,depredatory gangs looted manystores.

depuratev��@QR]f2A_0a��Lfree from impurities orheterogeneous matter : purify,cleanse.The hiking book advised usingiodine tablets and a filter todepurate groundwater beforedrinking it.

deracinatedadj��Q1@_N`3[A0a2Q��L > F + Ecfphysically, mentally, oremotionally separated from one’sracial, social, or intellectual group.Erica’s father worries that shemight become deracinated at sucha large university.

derailleurn��Q1@_0Y2�_���F[has homonym: derailer] amechanism for shifting gears on abicycle that operates by moving thechain from one set of exposed gearsto another.Laurent’s derailleur jammed a fewminutes into the race, and he wasforced to the side of the road.

derangedadj��Q1@_0[WQ��Fdisordered, unbalanced.Jane’s health seemed completelyderanged, though she had noabsolutely alarming symptoms.


derelictn��@QR_2AYVXa��La thing voluntarily abandoned byits owner with the intention of notretaking it and rightly claimed bythe first person who takespossession of it; specifically : aboat abandoned on the high seas.Tom sank his yacht when hisrescuers arrived lest it become aderelict.

derelictionn��AQR_2@YVX`U2[��Lintentional or conscious neglect (asof principles).The security guard was summarilyfired for dereliction of duty.

dermatitisn��AQ2_Z2@a6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the skin typicallymarked by reddening, swelling, andscaling.Bonnie treated her dermatitis withaloe juice.

dermonecroticadj��AQ2_�A�Z=A[1@X_/GVX��Gkrelating to or causing the death ofskin tissue.The powerful medication had adermonecrotic effect on UncleArthur’s legs.


derogatoryadj��Q1@_/T2Aa<_4��Lexpressive of low estimation orreproach : disdainful.Janet did not appreciate thederogatory remarks her brothermade about her dress.

derrickn��@QR_VX��E namethe framework or tower over a deepdrill hole (as that of an oil well) forsupporting the tackle for boring orfor hoisting and lowering.The rocket was supported on thelaunch pad by a tower that was aconverted oil derrick.


descentv��Q4@`R[a��L + Erid of odor or smell.After their dog was sprayed by askunk, the Andersons triedeverything to descent him, butnothing worked.

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descriedv��Q1@`X_6Q��F > Ecaught sight of especially bywatchful attention and carefulobservation of the distant,uncertain, or obscure.When the dog descried his masterwalking up the lane, he hurried outto greet him.


desiccatev��@QR`1AX0a��L[has near homonym: desecrate] dryup or cause to dry up : deprive orexhaust of moisture.The hot sunshine and the dry windcombined to desiccate Martha’stomato plants.



desmann��@QRgZ2[��Swan aquatic insectivorous mammalof Russia that resembles a mole.At one end the desman has a long,flared snout and at the other end along, flattened tail.

desolateadj��@QR`2Y1a��Lcharactized by abandonment,isolation, or barrenness.The irrigation project revived theonce desolate farming community.

despairn��Q1@`]N�N��2�_��Lutter loss of hope.Despair overcame Gerald as hestared at his French exam.

desperadon��AQR`]2@_/�A�Q=��L > Spa bandit of the western frontier.Louis pretended to be a desperadoholding up a stagecoach.


despicableadj��Q1@`]VX2O2Y��Lmeriting hatred, scorn, or loathing.Sylvester’s stress level would begreatly reduced if he found fewersituations despicable.

despotismn��@QR`]2AaVg2Z��Gk > Fabsolute government in whichpower is vested in a single ruler.Those who believe in the progressof humanity have a hard timeexplaining 20th-century despotism.

desquamatev��@QR`Xd2AZ0a��Lpeel off in the form of scales.Ed came down with scarlet feverand was horrified when his skinbegan to desquamate.

destriern��@QR`a_42_��L > F > Ea large powerful horse used as awar-horse by a medieval knight.The knight rapidly saddled hisdestrier and galloped off to battlethe invaders.

desuetuden��@QR`d4AaCQ��Ldiscontinuance from use, practice,exercise, or functioning : a state ofprotracted suspension or ofapparent abandonment.In some schools the practice ofmemorizing great poems has falleninto desuetude.

desultorilyadv��AQR`2Y@a=_2Y4��Lin an erratic, wavering manner.Orna behaved desultorily at thedress rehearsal.

desultoryadj��@QR`2YAa=_4��Lnot cogently relevant : digressive.Nancy’s comments in class areusually rather desultory, but todayher remarks were very relevant.

detectiven��Q1@aRXaVc��La plainclothes police officer.The detective asked the bystandersif any of them had actually seen theshooter.



deterrencen��Q1@a2_2[�a�`��L + Ecfthe act or process of turning aside,discouraging, or preventing fromacting especially by fear.The police hoped that Ted’s severejail sentence would promote thedeterrence of criminal acts by theother gang members.

deterrentn��Q1@a2_2[a��Lsomething that discourages orprevents from acting by fear orconsideration of unpleasantattendant consequences.The police hoped that Ted’s severejail sentence would serve as adeterrent to criminal activity by theother gang members.



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detritusn��Q1@a_6G2`��La product of disintegration orwearing away : fragment orfragmentary material.The aerial photo of Don’s ranchshows a fan of detritus at the mouthof the gulch.


deucen��@Q�f�C`��L > F[has near homonyms: do’s, dues] atie in tennis in points toward agame or in games requiring scoringof two consecutive points by oneside to win the game or set.The first point won in tennis afterdeuce is called “advantage in” ifwon by the server, “advantage out”if won by the receiver.

deuteragonistn��AQ�f�CG2@_NT2[1`a��Gk + Gka person who serves as a foil toanother.The movie’s hero was thwarted bythe villainous deuteragonist.

deuteranopian��AQ�f�CG2_2@[=]42��Gkred-green blindness believed due toa defect in the optic nerve.Joel’s deuteranopia disqualifiedhim from the Air Force’s pilotschool.




dhurrien��@Q2_4��Hindia thick cotton cloth or carpet madein India.The dhurrie in Morgan’s foyer isone she purchased during her tripto Delhi.

diabetesn��AQ62@O4G4g��Gkany of certain abnormal conditionscharacterized by the secretion andexcretion of excessive amounts ofurine.Drugs and diet changes can controldiabetes in most patients.

diablerien��Q4@/OY2�A�_4��L > Fdealings with the devil or devils :witchcraft, sorcery.Each Halloween, stories ofdiablerie resurface in the media.


diademn��@Q62AQRZ��Gk > L > F > Ecrown; specifically : an ornamentalheadband worn (as by Easternmonarchs) as a badge of royalty.A brocade diadem would be aperfect finishing touch for Josh’sKing David costume.

diagnosev��@Q61TA[=`��Gk > Lidentify a condition by evaluatingits signs and symptoms.Dr. Morris was reluctant todiagnose Tina’s condition until hehad the test results.

diagonaladj��Q6@NT2[3Y��Gk > Lrunning across from corner tocorner.Chris preferred the tile floor withthe diagonal pattern.


dialysisn��Q6@NY2`1`��Gkthe separation of substances insolution by means of their unequaldiffusion through semipermeablemembranes.Blood was removed from thepatient, purified by dialysis, andthen returned to the patient’sbloodstream.

diapasonn��AQ62@]0g3[��Gk > La burst of harmonious sound :melody, strain.The trumpeters filled the courtyardwith thrilling diapason.


diaphanousadj��Q6@NS2[2`��GK > Lcharacterized by such fineness anddelicacy of texture as to permitseeing through.The jellyfish were so diaphanousthat you could be next to them inthe water and never know theywere there.



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diasporan��Q6@N`]�2�_2��Gka dispersion (as of people of acommon national origin or ofcommon beliefs).The guest lecturer at the ModernLanguage Association meetingjokingly referred to the diaspora ofEsperanto speakers.


diatriben��@Q62Aa_6O��Gka bitter, abusive, and usuallylengthy speech or piece of writing.After supper, Deirdre launched intoher familiar diatribe againstcommercial television.


dicerousadj��@QV`2_2`��Gkhaving two antennae.Because most insects have a pair ofantennae, they are dicerous.

dichotomyn��Q6@X/G2Z4��Gkthe phase of the Moon or aninferior planet in which just half itsdisk appears illuminated.The Moon had just reacheddichotomy when Amos beganplanting.


didacticadj��Q6@QNXaVX��Gkfitted or intended to teach.Guy’s innovative and effectivedidactic style inspired his studentsto produce amazing work.




dieteticsn pl��AQ62@aRGVX`��Gkthe science or art of applying theprinciples of nutrition to thefeeding of individuals or groupsunder different economicconditions or for hygienic ortherapeutic purposes.Pam concentrated on dietetics inher graduate studies with hopes ofjoining a world hungerorganization after receiving herdegree.


difficultadj��@QVS2�A�X2Ya��Lhard to understand : puzzling,obscure.There were so many words thatwere difficult, and Milo knewhardly any of them.

diffidentadj��@QVS2Q2[a��Llacking confidence in oneself :distrustful of one’s own powers.Emma was always quick andassured; her sister was slow anddiffident.

digitalisn��AQVW2@aNY1`��Lthe dried leaf of the purplefoxglove containing substances thatare used to prepare a drug that is aheart stimulant.Digitalis has proved to be the mosteffective treatment for Ginger’sheart disorder.

dilapidatedadj��Q1@YN]2AQ0G2Q��Ldecayed, deteriorated, injured, orfallen into partial ruin.Only birds and bats resided in thedilapidated old house.

dilatoryadj��@QVY2Aa=_4��Lcharacterized by procrastination ordelay : slow.Mr. Knightley always moved withthe alertness of a mind which couldbe neither undecided nor dilatory.




dillydallyv��@QVY4AQNY4��Gmc > F > Ewaste time by loitering or delay.“There’s lots to do; we have a verybusy schedule—from 6:00 to 7:00we dillydally,” he exclaimed.

diluentn��@QVYf2d2[a��Lan inert substance added to amixture especially for reducing theconcentration of active ingredients.Water added to the insecticide actsas a diluent and a carrier.

dilutev��Q6@YCa��Lmake less concentrated : diminishthe strength, activity, or flavor of.Because of the heat produced,caution is needed when using waterto dilute concentrated sulfuric acid.

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dimensionn��Q1@ZR[PU2[��La measurable aspect such as lengthor width.Height is one dimension of a cube.


diminutiveadj��Q1@ZV[f2GVc��Lsmall especially in size : tiny.Kerry was first to notice thediminutive hummingbird at thehoneysuckle bush.

dimissoryadj��@QVZ2A`=_4��Ldismissing or granting leave todepart.Upon hearing the principal’sdimissory words, the studentsbolted out of the auditorium.

dinosauricadj��AQ6[2@`<�2�_VX��Gk + Gk + Ecfhuge.Angela was astounded by thedinosauric size of the statue ofAbraham Lincoln at the LincolnMemorial.

diocesen��@Q62`1`��Gk > L > Fthe district in which a bishop haschurchly authority.The local bishop’s diocese coversfive counties.

diphtherian��QVS@aUV_42��Gkan acute highly contagious bacterialdisease chiefly of young childrenthat is marked by swelling andobstruction of the throat.During the Depression, diphtheriaclaimed the lives of many children.

diphthongn��@QVSAaU<;��Gka gliding monosyllabic sound thatstarts at or near the articulatoryposition for one vowel and movesto or toward the position foranother.Many people do not pronounce thediphthong in the word realtorcorrectly.

diphyodontadj��Q6@SV2AQ/[a��Gkhaving deciduous and permanentsets of teeth successively.The teeth of most reptiles arenaturally replaced throughout life,but most mammals are diphyodont.


diplopian��Q1@]Y=]42��Gka disorder of vision in which twoimages of a single object are seen,owing to unequal action of the eyemuscles.Shirley noticed that her medicineproduced the side effects ofdizziness and diplopia.


dipodyn��@QV]2Q4��Gk > La prosodic unit or measure of twofeet.The teacher commented on thepoet’s use of dipody for dramaticeffect.

diptychn��@QV]�A�aVX��Gka picture or series of picturespainted on two tablets connected byhinges.The church’s altarpiece is aByzantine diptych.



dirigiblen��@QV_2W2O2Y��L + Ecfairship.The explosion of the dirigibleHindenburg is famous for itsdramatic radio coverage.

dirigismen��Q4_4gU4`Z�3���L > Feconomic planning and control bythe state.Dirigisme is a characteristic ofsocialist law.



disappointedadj��AQV`2@]<V[a1Q��L > Fdefeated in expectation or hope.Ken’s parents were disappointedthat he earned only a D in math.

discalcedadj��QV@`XNY`a��Lunshod, barefooted.The discalced runner became acelebrity at the Olympics.



discerptibleadj��Q1@`2_]a2O2Y��L + Ecfcapable of being torn to pieces orpulled apart.Al’s pet dog made short work of hisdiscerptible stuffed animals.

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disciplesn pl��Q1@`6]2Yg��Lthose who receive instruction fromanother : followers.Katrina was among Mr. Crane’smusical disciples who assembledfor instruction one evening a week.

disclaimantn��Q1@`XY0Z2[a��L > Fone who makes a denial ordisavowal of legal claim.The disclaimant did not want anypart of his grandfather’s estate.


discomfituren��Q1@`X2ZS2APUB�2�_��L > F > Ethe state of being disconcerted orabashed : confusion,embarrassment.The bright lights added to Verne’sdiscomfiture as he stood behind thelectern.

discothequen��@QV`X2AaRX��Gk > L > Fa nightclub for dancing to recordedmusic.Allen is a disk jockey at a populardiscotheque in Chicago.


discrepancyn��Q1@`X_R]2[`4��Ldifference, variation, inconsistency.The accountant found a mysteriousdiscrepancy between the twopayroll records.

discretionn��Q1@`X_R`U2[��Lpower of decision : individualjudgment.The Constitution was framed andadopted to establish a governmentthat should not depend on stateopinion and state discretion.


disdainn��Q1`@Q0[��L > F > Ea feeling of contempt and aversionfor something regarded asunworthy of or beneath one : scorn,contempt.“This,” said Clara with completedisdain, “is my little brother.”disemboguev��AQV`1Z@O=T��L > Spdischarge water from an outlet ormouth.Many streams disembogue into theriver along its course.

disentanglev��AQV`1[@aN;T2Y��L > Ecf + Estraighten out : unravel.Mrs. Luce helped Daviddisentangle the strands of the plotin Hamlet.

disguisev��Q1`@T6g��E, Fchange the customary dress orappearance of.Ben tried to disguise his voice whenhe telephoned Jill.

disingenuousnessn��AQV`1[@WR[f2d2`[1`��Lstate of being unworthily or meanlyartful.Disingenuousness and doubledealing seemed to meet Mr.Churchill at every turn.

disintegrationn��Q1`AV[a2@T_0`U2[��Lthe act or process of shatteringsuddenly : flying to bits.Mark caused the disintegration ofthe mirror when he slammed thedoor.


dismaladj��@QVgZ2Y��L > F > Emarked by gloom, dejection,somberness, or depression ofspirits.The children who forgot theirgloves spent a dismal recesslooking out the window at thesnow.

disobeyv��AQV`=@O0��Frefuse or fail to abide by orders,rules, or laws.A well-trained dog would notdisobey a familiar command.

disparagev��Q1@`]N_VW��F > Espeak slightingly of.Arthur did not want to disparagehis mother’s cooking, so hecomplimented her on her pot roastand secretly fed it to the dog.


disparityn��Q1@`]N_2G4��Lmarked difference (as in age, rank,grade, condition, quantity, quality,or kind).The evil of the actual disparitybetween Mr. Woodhouse’s and hisdaughter’s ages was increased byhis constitution and habits.


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disputatiousadj��AQV`]f2@a0`U2`��Linclined to argue for or againstsomething asserted or maintained.Helen did not enjoy going to familyreunions because of herdisputatious relatives.

disquisitionn��AQV`Xd2@gV`U2[��Lan elaborate analytical orexplanatory discussion : discourse.Rhetta’s first book was a lengthydisquisition on the Irish potatofamine.


dissentientadj��Q2@`R[PU�4�2[a��Lnot concurring : disagreeing.There was not a dissentient voiceon the subject.




dissimilituden��AQV�`�`1@ZVY2AaCQ��Llack of resemblance.Although the plots of Gary’s twostories resemble each other, thereare several points of dissimilitude.

dissipatedv��@QV`2A]0G1Q��Ldispelled, dissolved.Mr. Knightley walked in soon aftertea and dissipated everymelancholy fancy.


dissuadev��Q1@`d0Q��Ldivert by advice or persuasion :turn from something by reasoning.Penny tried to dissuade her friendfrom making a choice she mightlater regret.

dissymmetryn��QV�`�@`VZ2a_4��Gk + Gk + Gkthe absence of or the lack ofbalanced proportions.The quilt designer was inspired bydissymmetry in crystal formations.


dithyrambn��@QVaU1A_NZ��Gka statement or piece of writing inan exalted impassioned styleusually in praise of something.Dennis launched into a dithyrambon Moira’s beauty and manifoldvirtues.

ditokousadj��@QVG2X2`��Gkproducing two eggs or young at atime.Most common songbirds areditokous.

dittologyn��QV@a/Y2W4��Gka double reading or twofoldinterpretation (as of a biblical text).Millicent’s first lecture of thesemester was a dittology of thestory of Genesis entitled “Serpentor Savior?”diuretic

diurnaladj��Q6@2_[3Y��Lactive chiefly during the daytime.Few cats are naturally diurnal,which can be a problem for light-sleeping owners.

divagatev��@Q6c2AT0a��Lmove or extend in differentdirections from a common point.Several ancient caravan routesdivagate from the extinct oasis.


divestituren��Q6@cR`a2APUB�2�_��L + Ecfthe compulsory transfer of title ordisposal of interests (as stock in acorporation) upon governmentorder.The Interstate CommerceCommission ordered the divestitureof the company to be carried out nolater than September 30.



divulgev��Q1@c2YW��Ltell or make known.Ken was reluctant to divulge thedetails of the merger.

docentn��@Q=`3[a��La person who guides groupsthrough a museum or art galleryand discusses and comments on theexhibits.Judd’s interest in ancient historywas sparked by a knowledgeabledocent during a field trip to amuseum.

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docilelyadv��@Q/`1Y�Y�4��Lin an obedient or submissivemanner.Greg’s pet dog docilely follows hisevery command.

docilityn��Q/@`VY2G4��Lthe quality or state of being easilytaught, led, or managed.Docility and intelligence areimportant qualities that breederslook for in the horses they buy.


doctrinairen��AQ/Xa_1@[N�N��2�_��L > Fone who attempts to put into effectsome especially political theorywith little or no regard for practicaldifficulties.Benito described his opponent asan ivory-tower doctrinaire.

documentaryn��AQ/Xf2@ZR[a2_4��La presentation (as a film or novel)that has the objective quality,authority, or force ofdocumentation in the representationof a scene, place, condition of lifeor of a social or political problemor cause.The documentary is being producedby environmentalists who protestthe destruction of forests.

dolcissimoadv��Q=Y@PU4`2AZ=��L > Itvery sweet or soft—used as adirection in music.The composer and the conductorargued over whether the passageshould be played dolcissimo.

dolefuladj��@Q=YS2Y��L > E + Ecfattended with or indicating grief ora morose or despairing attitude.Martha had a doleful look on herface as she gazed out the window atthe rain.

dolioformadj��@Q=Y42AS<_Z��Lshaped like a barrel.The barrel cactus is a commondolioform plant of the deserts ofNorth and South America.

dolorifugen��Q2@Y<_2ASfCW��L > F > Esomething that banishes ormitigates grief.Martina was so heartbroken whenher dog died that her dad broughthome a new puppy as a dolorifuge.


dolorousadj��@Q=Y2_2`��Lexpressive of sorrow or affliction.In a dolorous voice the reporterdescribed the scene of the disaster.

dolphinn��@Q/YS1[��Gk > L > Prov > F > Eany of various small toothedwhales with the snout more or lesselongated into a beak and the neckvertebrae partially fused.The trained dolphin performed itsfeats with great agility and grace.


domesticadj��Q2@ZR`aVX��Lrelating to the household or thefamily.Selma’s domestic situation changeddrastically after she married a packrat.

domiciliatedv��AQ/Z2@`VY4A0G1Q��Lhad established residence : resided.The schoolmaster was domiciliatedin a different village house eachweek.


dominon��@Q/Z2A[=��L > Fa flat rectangular block of bone,ivory, wood, or plastic the face ofwhich is divided into two equalparts called “ends” which are blankor bear from one to six dots, usedin a set of 28 to play a game inwhich the ends are matched.As a joke, Grandpa hid a dominobefore asking Billy if he’d like toplay.



dorcastryn��@Q<_X2`Aa_4��Biblical name + Ecfa church auxiliary organized toplan and execute benevolent work.The dorcastry served freeThanksgiving dinners for thehomeless.

dormancyn��@Q<�_�Z2[`4��L > F > E + Ecfthe quality or state of beinginactive.Certain Australian frogs undergolong periods of dormancy duringdrought.

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dossiern��@Q<`Af0��Fan accumulation of records, reports,miscellaneous pertinent data, anddocuments bearing on a singlesubject of study or investigation :file.The physician kept a carefuldossier on each of her patients.

Dostoevskianadj��AQ/`a2@fRS`X42[��Russ nameof, relating to, or typical of theRussian novelist Fedor Dostoevskior his writings.The Dostoevskian character’stortured psychic state gripped andtwisted Randy’s mind as he readpage after page.


douaniern��Qd.[f0��Fa customs officer.At the international airport thedouanier insisted on searching theluggage of everyone proceedingthrough customs.

doubluren��AQ2@OYB�2�_��L > Fthe lining of a book cover;especially : an ornamental lining.The doublure is an important cluein identifying pirated editions ofearly novels.


doughinessn��@Q=4[1`��Ethe quality or state of being notthoroughly baked.The doughiness of the cakemortified Mrs. Cavendish.

doughtyadj��@QNBG4��E[has homonym: dowdy] marked byfearless resolution and by stoutnessin contest or struggle : valiant.Daniel was a soldier’s soldier—rough, tough, and doughty.

dowagern��@QNB1W2�_���Fone of the elder women of assuredposition who tend to set the tone ofan assembly, social group, orcommunity.Great Aunt Georgine is thedowager of the Arts Council.


doxologyn��Q/X@`/Y2W4��Gka commonly short hymn or formulaexpressing praise to God.One common doxology inProtestant churches is set to a tunecalled “Old Hundred.”doyenn��@Q<V2[��L > F[Note: Could be confused withfeminine doyenne.] the senior malemember of a body or group (as of adiplomatic corps).George Burns was the doyen ofAmerican stand-up comedians.

draconianadj��Q_0@X=[42[��Gk namemarked by extreme severity orcruelty : harsh, rigorous.The pop star’s main residence wason an island where the tax lawswere less draconian than in hernative England.



dramaturgyn��@Q_NZ2Aa2_W4��Gk > L > F > Ethe technical devices that are usedin writing plays and that tend todistinguish the play from otherliterary forms.Shakespeare was skilled at bothpoetry and dramaturgy.

dreadfuladj��@Q_RQS2Y��Earousing feelings of disapproval ordissatisfaction.“Turn off that dreadful song,”Cynthia’s mom calmly demanded.

drearyadj��@Q_V_4��Ebeing without liveliness, cheer, joy,or hope.The dreary accountant decided thatit was time to take an extendedvacation.

dreideln��@Q_0Q3Y��G > Yiddisha four-sided die that revolves like aspinning top, that is marked oneach side with a different Hebrewletter, and that is used as a toyespecially during the Hanukkahfestival.Evan gave each of his classmates adreidel after presenting his reporton traditions associated withHanukkah.

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drepaniformadj��Q_2@]N[2AS<_Z��Gk + Ecfhooked or curved like a sickle.As Cliff walked home, thedrepaniform Moon did little to lighthis way.

dressagen��Q_2@`/gU��Fthe execution by a horse ofmaneuvers involving changes ofgait, pace, and airs in response tobarely perceptible movements of arider’s hands, legs, and weight.While in Austria, Derrick attendedan exhibition of dressage at afamous equestrian school.

drisheenn��Q_1@`U4[��IrGaela sausage prepared with sheep’sblood, milk, and seasonings.While in County Cork, Mr.O’Donnell ordered drisheen andeggs for breakfast.

drivelv��@Q_Vc2Y��Etalk stupidly and carelessly withoutdue thought, knowledge, orconsideration.Bart’s opinion is highly valued, forhe is not one to drivel.

droguen��@Q_=T��E[has homonym: drog] a sea anchor(as a canvas bag with a hoopedmouth) used to reduce the speed ofa boat and keep her head into thewind.The captain yelled at the crew tolower the drogue while he signaledthe other boat.

dromedaryn��@Q_/Z2AQR_4��Gk > L > F > Ea camel of unusual speed, bred andtrained especially for riding, andhaving a single large hump on theback.Camel rides at the zoo featured adromedary.

dromomanian��AQ_/Z2@Z0[42��Gk > Lan exaggerated desire to wander.Yielding to his dromomania, Jackbought a recreational vehicle andspent the summer touring thecountry.

dronen��@Q_=[��Eone that lives on the labors ofothers.In Sleepy Hollow there were somerustic patrons who considered aschoolmaster a mere drone.

drosophilistn��Q_=@`/S2Y1`a��G + L + Ecfone who uses the vinegar fly in thestudy of genetics.The drosophilist has helped toadvance our knowledge of genesand the role they play in heredity.

drudgeryn��@Q_2W�2�_4��Edull, fatiguing, or unrelieved workor expenditure of effort.Machines now take much of thedrudgery out of housework.

druggistn��@Q_2T1`a��Fone who sells medicine :pharmacist.Jean asked her druggist torecommend a cough syrup.

drupaceousadj��Q_C@]0`U2`��Gk > Lof or relating to a one-seededindehiscent fruit having a hardbony endocarp, a usually fleshymesocarp, and a thin exocarp that iseither like a skin or dry and almostleathery.Cherries, plums, and almonds aredrupaceous fruits.

duarchyn��@Q�f�CA/_X4��Gka government by two rulers havingequal power.Critics accused the governor ofestablishing a duarchy with herhusband.

dubietyn��Q�f�C@O62G4��Lthe quality or state of beingdoubtful or skeptical : uncertainty.There was dubiety in his voice anda hint of uncertainty in his eye.



dudgeonn��@Q2W2[��unknownaggrieved or angered feeling : illhumor.Fuming at the insult, Carl stalkedoff in high dudgeon.

duetn��Q�f�C@Ra��Itperformance of a musicalcomposition or movement for twosingers or two instrumentalists.Stephan and Christiana’s duetfeatured Bach’s concerto for twoviolins in D Minor.

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dulcamaran��AQ2YX2@Z/_2��La sprawling Old World poisonousplant that is common as a weed inAmerica and has purple flowersand oval coral-red berries and thathas a taste at first sweetish and thenbitter.The dried stems of the dulcamarawere once used in pharmaceuticalpreparations as a sedative.

dulcetadj��@Q2Y`1a��L > F > Epleasing to the ear.Hiroshi marveled at the dulcettones of the quartet.


dullardn��@Q2Y2�_�Q��Fa stupid person.Barry apologized for rashly callingJames a dullard.

dumbbelln��@Q2ZAORY��Ean exercise device that consists ofround weights joined by a bar.With great effort, Tony hoisted thedumbbell above his shoulder.


dungareesn pl��AQ2;T2@_4`��Hindiheavy cotton work clothes madeusually of heavy, coarse, durable,blue cotton twill.Greg preferred his faded dungareesto any other pants in his wardrobe.


dunnagen��@Q2[VW��unknown[Note: Could be confused withtonnage, tunnage.] cushioning orpadding used in a shippingcontainer to protect fragile articlesagainst shock and breakage.Mother used popcorn as dunnagein her gift boxes to her family inGermany.

duodenitisn��AQ�f�C2AQ4@[6G1`��Linflammation of the first part of thesmall intestine.George’s cramps were diagnosedas duodenitis.


duplicityn��Q�f�C@]YV`2G4��Ldeception by pretending toentertain one set of feelings andacting under the influence ofanother.When the candidate’s duplicity wasexposed, his supporters feltembarrassed and betrayed.

durableadj��@Q�f�B_2O2Y��L > F > Eable to exist for a long time :lasting.Jimmy brought along a pair ofdurable hiking boots for his trekthrough the mountainous terrain.

duressn��Q�f�2@_R`��L > F > E[has near homonym: dress]stringent compulsion by threat ofdanger, hardship, or retribution.Contracts signed under duress arenot valid.


duvetn��Q�f�C@c0��ON > Fa warm bedcover : quilt, comforter.Sally stored her duvet in the linencloset and used a light bedspreadduring the summer months.

dvandvan��@Qc/[�A�Qc/��Skta class of compound words havingtwo constituents that are equal inrank and related to each other as ifjoined by and.The word secretary-treasurer is anexample of a dvandva.

dwarfn��@Qd<�2�_S��Ean abnormally small person.The adult dwarf was offended whenpeople treated him as a child.


dynamitardn��@Q6[2Z1Aa/_Q��Gk > Sw + Ecfone that uses explosives foranarchistic or other political acts ofviolence.Police agents seized thedynamitard in an old warehouse.




dyscalculian��AQV`XNY@XfCY42��Gk + Limpairment of mathematical abilitydue to an organic condition of thebrain.Because she disliked math class somuch, Kathy was convinced thatshe suffered from dyscalculia.


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dyskinesian��AQV`X1@[4gU�4�2��Gkimpaired or abnormal motion ofvoluntary or involuntary muscle.Some drugs that are used to treatpsychiatric disorders can havedyskinesia as a side effect.

dyslexian��Q1@`YRX`42��Gka disturbance of the ability to read.In Maria’s school, students withdyslexia are given special trainingto improve their reading, spelling,and writing.


dyspepticadj��Q2@`]R]aVX��Gkgloomy or negative.The editor’s dyspeptic views on theelection irritated many readers.


dysphemismn��@QV`S2AZVg2Z��Lsubstitution of a disagreeable,offensive, or disparaging word orexpression for an agreeable orinoffensive one; also, a word orexpression so substituted.Rachel, whose father is an automechanic, cringes every time shehears the dysphemism greasemonkey.

dysphorian��Q1@`S=_42��Gka generalized state of feelingunwell or unhappy.Edith has had frequent cryingspells and periods of dysphoriasince early childhood.

dysrhythmian��Q1`@_V9Z42��Gka condition characterized byvarious psychological andphysiological effects and whichoccurs following long flightthrough several time zones andprobably results from disruption ofhuman body rhythms that occur in24-hour cycles : jet lag.The travel agent gave the tourgroup several tips on how to avoiddysrhythmia.

dystopian��QV@`a=]42��Gkan imaginary place which isdistressingly wretched and whosepeople lead a fearful existence.The science-fiction tale was set in a23rd-century dystopia.




earnestn��@2_[1`a��E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.]something of value given by abuyer to a seller to bind a bargain.Ms. Giblin gave the sellers $3,000as earnest so that they would notentertain other offers.





ebullientadj��1@OBYf2[a��Lcharacterized by enthusiasm orexuberance.Angela tried to be as ebullient aspossible during the cheerleadingtryouts.




ecchymosisn��ARX2@Z=`1`��Gk > Lthe escape of blood into the tissuesfrom ruptured blood vesselsmarked by a livid black-and-blue orpurple spot or area.A black eye results fromecchymosis.

ecclesiasticn��1AXY4g4@N`aVX��Gka person in holy orders orconsecrated to the service of thechurch.The new bishop was an ecclesiasticof high learning and virtue.

ecclesiasticaladj��1AXY4g4@N`a1X2Y��Gk > Lbelonging to, suggestive of, orsuitable for use in a church buildingor service of worship.Ramona designed and sewed all theecclesiastical garments worn in thechurch’s services.


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ecesisn��1@`4`1`��Gkthe successful establishment of aplant or animal in a newenvironment or habitat.Ecesis by an introduced speciesoften threatens native flora orfauna.

echelonn��@R`U2AY/[��L > Fone of a series of levels or grades(as of leadership or responsibility)in an organization or field ofactivity.Employees at every echelon of thecompany were encouraged to makesuggestions.


echinodermn��1@X6[=AQ2_Z��Gkany of a phylum of radiallysymmetrical marine animals thathave a true body cavity, acalcareous exoskeleton, a blood-vascular system, a nervous system,and a water-vascular system thatprovides tentacles and organs oflocomotion.The starfish is a familiarechinoderm.

echoedv��@R�A�X=Q��Gkresounded with sounds caused byreflections of sound waves.Reanna’s words echoed back to herfrom across the canyon.

echolalian��ARX=@Y0Y42��Gk + Gkthe often pathological repetition ofwhat is said by other people as ifimitating them.The speech of autistic persons issometimes characterized byecholalia.

echtadj��@R8a��Ggenuine, authentic.All the lamps were very attractive,but only one was echt Tiffany.

eclecticadj��R@XYRXaVX��Gk + Gkcomposed of elements drawn fromvarious sources.Gaynor’s eclectic taste in musicmakes selecting CDs for her acinch.

eclipsen��1@XYV]`��L > F > Ethe obscuration of one celestialbody by another.Susan and Stuart flew to Mexico toview a total eclipse of the Sun.

ecloguen��@RAXY<T��Gk > La poem in which shepherds areintroduced conversing.The bucolic view of meadows andhills inspired Shelley to composean eclogue.

ecocatastrophen��4�A�X=X2@aN`a_2�A�S4��Gka major destructive upset in thebalance of nature especially whencaused by the intervention ofhumans.Sam considers the destruction ofthe rain forests an ecocatastrophe.

ecologistn��4@X/Y2W1`a��Gk > Ga specialist in the branch of scienceconcerned with theinterrelationship of organisms andtheir environment.Kimberly will work as a summerintern for an ecologist in theEverglades.

economistn��4@X/[2Z1`a��Gka specialist in or student of thesocial science that studies theproduction, distribution, andconsumption of commodities.Adam Smith was the mostinfluential economist of the 18thcentury.

ecrun��0@X_C��L > F[has near homonym: accrue] of atextile : a light grayish yellowishbrown that is yellower and lighterthan gravel.The bridal gown is available inboth ecru and white.


ecstaticadj��RX@`aNGVX��Gkcaused by, expressing, or causing astate of exaltation or rapturousdelight.Maria was ecstatic when herboyfriend proposed to her.

ectocanthionn��ARXa=@XN[�a�aU42[��Gk + Gkthe point at which the outer ends ofthe upper and lower eyelids meet.Plastic surgery was needed torepair an injury to the patient’sface at the ectocanthion.

ectoplasmn��@RXa2A]YNg2Z��Gkthe emanation from a spiritualisticmedium that is believed to effecttelekinesis and similar phenomena.In the movies people are alwaysgetting slimed by what they call“ectoplasm,” but if it exists, itwould more likely look like mist.


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ecumenismn��@RXf2Z2A[Vg2Z��Gk + Ecfprinciples and practices relating toor promoting worldwide Christianunity.The World Council of Churches isa major force in the religiousmovement known as “ecumenism.”ecumenopolisn��ARXf2Z1@[/]2Y2`��Gka single city encompassing thewhole world that is held to be apossibility of the future.Many science fiction stories arebased on the premise of Earth’sfuture ecumenopolis.

eczematousadj��VT@g4Z2G2`��Gkrelating to or having thecharacteristics of an inflammatoryskin condition characterized byredness, itching, and lesions.Eczematous skin eruptions may bedue to allergies to certain foods,drugs, or cosmetics.

edaciousadj��1@Q0`U2`��L + Ecf[has near homonym: audacious]voracious, devouring.Mary Ellen’s edacious appetite forgossip is offensive to all.

edaphonn��@RQ2AS/[��Gk > ISVthe animal and plant life present insoils.Stephanie is studying the edaphonof the river delta.

edelweissn��@0Q3YAd6`��Ga small perennial herb growinghigh in the Alps.Eva recognized the edelweiss by itsdistinctive white petals.


edentulousadj��A4@QR[PU2Y2`��Llacking teeth; especially : havinglost teeth previously present.When Susie skipped into the secondgrade classroom, she gave MissO’Connell an edentulous grin.


edificationn��ARQ2S1@X0`U2[��La building up of the mind,character, or faith : intellectual,moral, or spiritual improvement.Though she knew that the wordorigins wouldn’t be on the test,Tara studied them for her ownedification.

edificen��@RQ2S1`��Lbuilding; especially : a large ormassive structure (as a church orgovernment building).To Amy, the most beautiful edificein our nation’s capital is theNational Cathedral.


edulcoratev��1@Q2YX2A_0a��Lfree from harshness (as of attitude): make pleasant.Ben is under the mistakenimpression that his flattery willedulcorate the stern judge.



effectuallyadv��1@SRXPU�2d�2Y4��L&F > Ein a manner producing the desiredresults.A warm drink is said to fortify oneeffectually against the cold.


effervescentadj��ARS2�_�@cR`3[a��Limpossible or difficult to restrain orsuppress : bubbling, exuberant.Sean’s effervescent personalitycaught the attention of the jobrecruiter.



efficacyn��@RS1X2`4��Lthe power to produce an effect :effectiveness.For Harriet, the idea of beingpreferred by Mr. Elton had all theusual weight and efficacy.


effigyn��@RS2W4��L > Fa full or partial representationespecially of a person.Andy felt a chill when he spottedthe effigy of his ancestor in thecathedral crypt.

effleuragen��ARSY2@_/gU��L > Fa light stroking movement used inmassage.Abdominal effleurage is atechnique used in preparedchildbirth.

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efflorescencen��ARSY2@_R`3[�a�`��Lthe result or culminating feature ofa developmental process :outgrowth, flower.The museum guide commented thatchange in art is merely theefflorescence of certain longprepared and anticipated effects.

effluentn��@RASYC2[a��L[Note: Could be confused withaffluent.] something that flows out,as liquid discharged as waste (aswater used in an industrial process).The effluent from the cooling toweris pure water.

effluviumn��R@SYCc42Z��Lan exhalation or smell especiallywhen unpleasant.The effluvium from the backed-updrain nauseated Mr. Locke.

effronteryn��1@S_2[a2_4��L > Fflagrant boldness that is offensiveor insolent : gall.Chuck had the effrontery tointerrupt the senator during hisspeech.


effulgentadj��R@SBYW2[a��Lmarked by or as if by brightlyshining light.An effulgent flash of intuitionenabled Tony to solve the geometryexam’s final problem.

effusiveadj��1@SfC`Vc��Lexpressing or marked byunrestrained emotion : undulydemonstrative.Troy was bowled over by theeffusive greeting of his Labradorretriever.

egalitarianadj���A�4ATNY2@aR_42[��L > Fmarked by or adhering to a beliefthat all persons are equal inintrinsic worth and are entitled toequal access to the rights andprivileges of their society.The senator promised to helpcreate and expand opportunitiesand distribute them in anegalitarian fashion.

egocentricadj��A4T=@`R[a_VX��L + Gk > Eself-centered, selfish.Dillard’s friends claimed there wasnot an egocentric bone in his body.

egocentricityn��A4T=�A�`R[@a_V`2G4��L + Gk > Lthe quality or state of beingconcerned with oneself rather thanwith others.The conductor’s egocentricitymade his interaction with themusicians less than harmonious.

egregiousadj��1@T_4W2`��Lflagrant : glaringly evident.As a medical researcher, Lauraknew that many of the reports ofmedical breakthroughs ontelevision contained egregiouserrors.


egressn��@4T_R`��Lthe act or right of going or comingout.Every hotel should provideaccessible ways of egress.


eiderdownn��@6Q2�_�AQNB[��ON > Icel > Gthe small fluffy under feathers ofany of several large northern seaducks.The price tag on the sleeping bagstuffed with eiderdown shockedKevin’s parents.

eideticadj��6@QRGVX��Gk[has near homonym: identic] of orrelating to voluntarily produciblevisual images having almostphotographic accuracy : vivid,lifelike.Sometimes Grandma would fallinto eidetic reveries and talk to herlong-deceased brother.


einkornn��@6[AX<_[��Ga one-grained wheat that isregarded by some as the mostprimitive wheat and is grownespecially in poor soils in centralEurope.Einkorn grown in southeasternTurkey is believed to be closelyrelated to a grain firstdomesticated as early as 9000 B.C.

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Einsteinianadj��@6[gAa6[42[��G nameof or relating to American physicistand mathematician Albert Einsteinor his theories.The Einsteinian theory of specialrelativity revolutionized the field ofphysics.



ekisticsn pl��1@XV`aVX`��Gka science dealing with humansettlements and drawing on theresearch and experience ofprofessionals in various fields (asarchitecture, engineering, cityplanning, and sociology).Dora’s degree in sociology aidedher in her study of ekistics.


electrolysisn��1AYRX@a_/Y2`1`��Gkthe destruction of hair roots with anelectric current.Electrolysis was one of the meansof hair removal demonstrated inRoweena’s cosmetology class.

electuaryn��1@YRXPU2AdR_4��Gk > L > Ea medicated paste prepared withhoney or other sweet substance,used in veterinary practice, andadministered by smearing on theteeth, gums, or tongue.The veterinarian patiently smearedan electuary on the horse’s gums.

eleemosynaryadj��ARY2@Z/`3[AR_4��Lof or relating to charity : charitable,philanthropic.Participation in eleemosynaryactivities is a graduationrequirement at Janie’s school.



elephantn��@RY2S2[a��Hamitic? > Gk > L > Fany of a family of thicksetextremely large nearly hairlessherbivorous mammals that have asnout elongated into a musculartrunk and two incisors in the upperjaw developed especially in themale into large ivory tusks.Zack and Debbie enjoyed watchingthe elephant use its trunk to spraywater on its back.

elephantineadj��ARY2@SN[Aa4[��Gk > Lof enormous size or weight :uncommonly large : immense,massive.Troy was served an elephantine icecream sundae.

eligibleadj��@RY1W2O2Y��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.]preferable, desirable.The quietness of the game made itparticularly eligible for Mr.Woodhouse, who had often beendistressed by the more animatedsort.

elisionn��1@YVgU2[��Lthe use of a speech form that lacksa final or initial sound that a variantspeech form has.Today’s French class concentratedon when to use elision.

elitistadj��1@Y4G1`a��L > Fof or relating to a consciousness ofbeing one of a segment or groupregarded as socially superior.The private school offers manyneed-based scholarships to combatthe impression that its student bodyis elitist.

elixirn��1@YVX`2�_���Gk? > Ar > L > Ea substance or concoction held tobe capable of prolonging lifeindefinitely.Explorers through the ages havesought the elixir of life, betterknown as the “fountain of youth.”ellipsen��1@YV]`��Gkan elongated circle.The walking path behind the schoolforms an ellipse around the tenniscourts.

ellipsesn pl��4@YV]A`4g��Gk[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.]omissions of one or more wordsthat are obviously understood butmust be supplied to make aconstruction grammaticallycomplete.Pat’s use of suspension periods topunctuate her main character’sellipses visually portrays thecharacter’s disjointed thought.

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elocutionn��ARY2@XfC`U2[��Lthe art of oratorical or expressivepublic speaking.Senator Okada is a master ofelocution.

eloquencen��@RY2Xd2[�a�`��Ldiscourse marked by apt and fluentdiction and imaginative fervor.The defense lawyer addressed thecourtroom audience witheloquence.

elucidatev��1@YC`2AQ0a��Lmake intelligible by clearexplanation or careful analysis.Belinda asked Mrs. Dent toelucidate the complicated essayquestion.


emaciatedadj��1@Z0`U4A0G1Q��Lmade lean by impairment (as fromhunger).The emaciated cat stared at Tinawith hollow eyes.

emanationn��ARZ2@[0`U2[��La flowing forth.The air was tainted with the muskyemanation from the alligator pen.

emancipationn��1AZN[�a�`2@]0`U2[��Lthe act or process of setting ormaking free; broadly : deliverancefrom any onerous and controllingpower.Abraham Lincoln’s decreeproclaiming emancipation forslaves came as a joyous daybreakto end the long night of captivity.

emanometern��ARZ2@[/Z2G2�_���L + Gkany of various devices designed tomeasure quantities or intensity of aheavy gaseous element producedby radioactive disintegration.The emanometer detecteddangerous amounts of radon inTheo’s basement.

embarcaderon��RZAO/_X2@QR�A�_=��L > Spa landing place; especially : alanding place on an inlandwaterway.An organ grinder and his monkeyentertained visitors at theembarcadero of the restoredvillage.

embargon��1Z@O/_�A�T=��L > Span edict or order of the governmentprohibiting the departure or entryof ships of commerce at portswithin its dominions.In defiance of the embargo, theboat slipped out of the harbor atnight.


embarrassmentn��1Z@ON_2`Z2[a��Pg > Sp > Fconfusion or discomposure ofmind.Locking his car keys in his cartrunk caused Andy muchembarrassment.


embellishv��1Z@ORYV`U��F > Eenhance, amplify, or garnish (anaccount) by elaboration withinessential but decorative orfanciful details.Ivan likes to embellish his stories alittle differently each time he tellsthem.

embezzlementn��1Z@ORg2YZ2[a��F > AF > Efraudulent appropriation of moneyby a person to whom it has beenentrusted.The FBI investigation led to theunion leader’s indictment forembezzlement.

emblazonv��1Z@OY0g3[��Lcf > Ecf + F > Eset off conspicuously (as by rich orbrilliant decorations).Andrea asked the seamstress toemblazon the sweater withembroidered flowers.


embolismn��@RZO2AYVg2Z��Gkthe sudden obstruction of a bloodvessel by a foreign or abnormalparticle (as a bubble of air or ablood clot).Careless administration of aninjection can cause an embolism.

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embouchuren��@/ZOCA`UB�2�_��L > Fthe position and use of the lips inproducing a musical tone on a windinstrument.After six weeks of criticism abouther poor embouchure, Kirstenswitched from the clarinet to thepiano.

embraceryn��1Z@O_0`�2�_4��F > Ethe act of one who attempts to oracts so as to influence a court, jury,or other office or officer corruptly(as by promises, money, or threats).After trying to bribe a juror, themobster was arrested and chargedwith embracery.

embrasuren��1Z@O_0gU2�_���Fan opening with sides flaringoutward in a wall or parapet of afortification usually for allowingthe firing of cannon.Bobby and Jackie amusedthemselves during the castle tourby climbing into every embrasureto look out the windows.


embrocationn��ARZO_2@X0`U2[��Gk > Lliniment.The fact that Della’s throat is somuch better can be attributed to theexcellent embrocation her motherapplied regularly.



embryonicadj��ARZO_4@/[VX��Gk > L + Ecfbeing in an early and undevelopedstage.Delia disclosed embryonic plansfor the new theater.

emeraldn��@RZ�2�_2YQ��Gk > L > F > Ea highly prized gemstone of richgreen color.Beth’s grandfather has a lovelyunmounted emerald that he plansto give to her for a graduationpresent.

emeritusadj��1@ZR_2G2`��Lretired from an office after gainingrecognition.Our summer school teacher, Dr.Benteen, is Professor Emeritus ofhistory from Dartmouth University.

emigrantn��@RZ1T_2[a��L[has near homonym: immigrant] aperson who leaves a country orregion to establish permanentresidence elsewhere.Sidney’s great-great-grandfatherwas an Irish emigrant during thepotato famine.

eminentadj��@RZ2[2[a��L[has homonym and nearhomonyms: emanent andimmanent, imminent] standing outso as to be readily perceived.The National Cathedral is abuilding of eminent beauty.



emissaryn��@RZ2A`R_4��Lan agent or representative usuallyempowered to act more or lessindependently.Each government sent an emissaryto the trade talks.


emollientadj��1@Z/Yf2[a��L[Note: Could be confused withemolument.] soothing especially tothe skin or mucous membrane.Erna usually applies an emollientcream to her hands after washingdishes.

emolumentn��1@Z/Yf2Z2[a��L[Note: Could be confused withemollient.] profit or perquisitesfrom office, employment, or labor.The waitress who did not report thetips portion of her emolument facedincarceration for tax evasion.

empanadan��ARZ]2@[/Q2��L > Spa turnover filled with meat.For the hike Luke packed anempanada and an apple in hisknapsack.


empennagen��A/Z]2@[/gU��Fcf + L + Fcfthe tail assembly of an aircraft.After the accident the FAA orderedthe airline to inspect theempennage of every plane in itsfleet.

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emphaticallyadv��1Z@SNG1X2Y4��Gkin a markedly forceful manner.At the school board meeting Jonahspoke emphatically in favor ofrequiring students to wearuniforms.

emphyseman��ARZ�]�S2@g4Z2��Gka condition characterized by air-filled, blisterlike expansions in thetissues of the lungs.Most cases of emphysema arecaused by smoking.

empiricaladj��1Z@]V_1X2Y��Gk > Loriginating in or relying or basedon factual information, observation,or direct sense experience usuallyas opposed to theoreticalknowledge.Epidemiologists rely heavily onempirical data in predicting thespread of a contagious disease.

empleomanian��ARZ]Y4=@Z0[42��F > Sp + Gk > Lan excessive desire for holdingpublic office.Otis’s empleomania drove him tosquander his fortune on politicalcampaigns.


empyreann��ARZA]6@_42[��Gk > Lthe highest heaven or heavenlysphere in ancient and medievalcosmology usually described as asphere of fire or light.According to Ptolemy, there arefive heavens, the last of which iscalled the “empyrean,” from theGreek word meaning “fiery.”emu



encephalitisn��1[A`RS2@Y6G1`��Gkinflammation of the brain,especially when due to infectiousagents or their toxins.The symptoms of encephalitisusually include fever, headache,and tremors.

enchiladan��R[PU2@Y/Q2��Spa tortilla topped or rolled up with ahighly seasoned meat or otherfilling and served with tomatosauce seasoned with chili.The sampler platter included ataco, an enchilada, and a burrito.

enclaven��@R[AXY0c��L > Fa district or region (as in a city)inhabited by a particular race or setapart for a special purpose.The Warsaw Ghetto was aninfamous enclave during WorldWar II.


encomiumn��1[@X=Z42Z��Gkan often formal expression of warmor high praise : eulogy.At the dedication of the warmemorial, the president offered anencomium for the fallen heroes.

encoren��@/[AX=�2�_��L > Fthe further appearance of aperformer or an additionalperformance requested by anaudience.The audience was so thrilled by thesinger’s rendition of the aria that itcheered for an encore.

encroachmentn��1[@X_=PUAZ2[a��Scand > F > Eadvancement beyond set limits.When a football player enters theneutral zone and makes contactwith an opponent before the ball issnapped, the head linesman willpenalize the team forencroachment.



endemicadj��R[@QRZVX��Gkpeculiar to a locality or region.Despite its name, Rocky Mountainspotted fever is not endemic to thewestern United States.


endophytousadj��R[@Q/S2G2`��Gkliving within the tissues of plants.Most vascular plants could notgrow without the endophytous fungithat inhabit their roots and supplyessential nutrients.

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endorphinn��R[@Q<_S1[��Gk > ISVany of a group of proteins withpotent pain-killing properties thatoccur naturally in the brain.In long-distance runners, elevatedblood levels of endorphin canprevent the pain of sustainedexertion.




energeticadj��AR[2�_�@WRGVX��Gkmarked by energy.The energetic captain kept thepolice force ready for anyemergency.

enervatev��@R[2�_�Ac0a��L[has near homonym with oppositemeaning: innervate] lessen thenerve, vitality, or strength of.Being outside in the heat of the daywould enervate Grandma, so sheweeds her garden in the cool hoursof early morning.

enervatedadj��@R[2�_�Ac0G1Q��Llacking physical, mental, or moralvigor.After the 15-mile mountain hike,Marsha found herself completelyenervated.

enfiladen��@R[S2AY0Q��Farrangement (as of rooms,doorways, trees) in opposite andparallel rows.The hallway of the huge hotel wasseemingly endless, with an enfiladeof doors appearing to grow evertinier in the distance.

enfranchisementn��1[@S_N[APU6gZ2[a��F > Ethe act of endowing with aconstitutional or statutory right orprivilege; especially : the act ofendowing with the right to vote.It is hard to believe today thatsegments of American society wereonce denied enfranchisement.

engineern��AR[W1@[V�2�_��F > Ea person trained to plan andsupervise projects in a technicalfield.The chief engineer and his teamdesigned a flood control plan forthe city.

engrossedadj��1[@T_=`a��L > AF > Ecompletely occupied or absorbed.Engrossed in her book, Mary didnot hear her mother’s repeatedcalls for her to come downstairs.


enigmaticadj��AR�A�[VT@ZNGVX��Gk > Linexplicable, puzzling.Marla scribbled an enigmaticmessage on Lance’s arm cast.

enlightenmentn��1[@Y6a3[Z2[a��Ecf + E + Ecfthe act or means of furnishing withuseful information.The rules of the debate will beposted on the bulletin board for theenlightenment of all participants.

enmityn��@R[Z2G4��L > Fhostility, animosity.The enmity which Mr. and Mrs.Elton dared not show in opendisrespect to Miss Woodhousefound a broader vent incontemptuous treatment of her bestfriend.


enneastyleadj��@R[42A`a6Y��Gk + Gkmarked with columniation withnine columns across the front.The new monument has anenneastyle arrangement withCorinthian columns.

ennuin��/[@d4��Flanguor or emptiness of spirit :boredom.Though she claimed to dislikeschool, Tara felt a certain ennuiwhen not doing somethingacademic.

ensconcev��1[g@X/[�a�`��L > F > Eplace or hide (as oneself) securely :conceal.Jared was able to ensconce himselfbehind the sofa before his brothercame looking for him.


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ensemblen��/[@`/ZO2Y��L > Fa group of supporting players,singers, or dancers.The principals in the play wereably supported by the ensemble.



entangledadj��1[@aN;T2YQ��Einvolved in a perplexing ortroublesome situation from whichescape is difficult.Several birds got entangled in thenet Mr. Cantrell placed over hischerry tree.

ententen��/[@a/[a��L > Fa written or unwritten internationalunderstanding usually less formallybinding than an alliance.The president decided that hergovernment’s policy of isolationismwould not be broken by an entente.


enthymemen��@R[�a�aU2AZ4Z��Gkan argument or truncated syllogismin which one of the propositions isunderstood but not stated.A good example of an enthymeme isthe statement “We are dependent;therefore, we should be humble.”entitle

entomogenousadj��AR[a2@Z/W2[2`��Gkgrowing on or in the bodies ofinsects.Some scale insects that feed ontrees have entomogenous fungi.

entomologistn��AR[a2@Z/Y2W1`a��Gkone specializing in the study ofinsects.Dirk has wanted to be anentomologist since he was in thethird grade.

entouragen��A/[a2@_/gU��L > Fone’s attendants or subordinates.The rock star and his entourageoccupied an entire floor of thehotel.


entrecoten��/:a_2AX==a��L > Fa steak cut from between the ribs;sometimes : sirloin.Martha’s health-conscious brotherturned down an entrecote in favorof a flank steak.

entremetsn pl��A/[a_2@Z0�g���L > Fdishes (as vegetables or savories)served in addition to the maincourse of a meal.At some restaurants, entremetsmust be ordered separately fromthe main course.

entrepreneurn��A/[a_2]�_�2@[2_��L > Fthe organizer of an economicventure; especially : one whoorganizes, owns, manages, andassumes the risks of a business.The local college gives accountingclasses for the first-timeentrepreneur.


enunciatev��4@[2[�a�`4A0a��Lutter articulate sounds.Mr. Dubek reminded Val to standstraight and enunciate clearly.


environsn pl��1[@c6_2[g��L > F > Evicinity, neighborhood.Residents of the subdivision and itsimmediate environs are eligible tojoin the neighborhood poolassociation.

envisagev��1[@cVgVW��Fhave a mental picture of in advanceof realization.Benjamin could scarcely envisagethe scale of the project, so he brokeit down into smaller, moremanageable units.


enzymen��@R[Ag6Z��Gkany of a very large class ofcomplex proteinaceous substancesthat are produced by living cellsand that are essential to life byacting as catalysts.Emil Fischer theorized in 1894 thatan enzyme acts like a lock to whicha certain reactant is the key.


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ephedrinen��1@SRQ_1[��Gka white crystalline alkaloid usedoften in the form of a salt (as thesulfate) chiefly in relieving hayfever, asthma, and nasalcongestion.Ephedrine has been used to treatthe bronchoconstriction associatedwith asthma.


ephemerisn��1@SRZ�2�_1`��Gka publication giving the computedplaces of the celestial bodies foreach day of the year.Tracy’s attorney consulted anephemeris to verify her story abouthaving seen Venus on the morningof the crime.

epiceden��@R]2A`4Q��Gka funeral song or ode.The poet laureate composed anepicede for the queen’s funeral.


epicureanadj��AR]1@Xf2_42[��Gk name > L + Ecfstimulating and satisfying to thesenses.The presentation of the epicureandishes was as delightful as theirtaste and aroma.

epicyclen��@R]2A`6X2Y��Gka circle in which a planet movesand which has a center that is itselfcarried around at the same time onthe circumference of a larger circle.Ancient astronomers used theepicycle to explain their theory thatEarth is at the center of the solarsystem.


epidermisn��AR]2@Q2_Z1`��Gkthe outer layer of the skin of avertebrate.The paper cut, though painful,barely broke Kayla’s epidermis.

epigramn��@R]2AT_NZ��Gka short poem with a witty orsatirical point.Kelly kept a calendar on her deskthat gave a humorous epigram foreach day of the year.

epilepsyn��@R]2AYR]`4��Gka chronic nervous disorder ofhumans and other animals thatinvolves changes in the state ofconsciousness and of motion.Epilepsy is sometimes caused byglandular disturbances.

epiphanyn��1@]VS2[4��Gkan appearance or revelatorymanifestation of a divine being or agod.Apuleius’s Metamorphosesincludes a description of anepiphany of the goddess Isis.


episoden��@R]2A`=Q��Gkthe part of a radio, television, ormotion-picture serial presented atone performance.The ending of each episode of thesoap opera left one wanting to seethe next episode.

epistemologyn��1A]V`a2@Z/Y2W4��Gkthe study of the method andgrounds of knowledge especiallywith reference to its limits andvalidity; broadly : the theory ofknowledge.The middle books of Plato’sRepublic are the key to hisepistemology.


epistolaryadj��1@]V`a2AYR_4��Lwritten in the form of a series ofletters.Evan read four epistolary novelslast summer.



epitaphsn pl��@R]2AaNS`��Gkinscriptions on or at tombs orgraves in memory of those buriedthere.For amusement the children like toread the epitaphs in the old churchcemetery.

epitasisn��1@]VG2`1`��Gkthe part of a play developing themain action and leading to thecatastrophe.During the epitasis the charactersdeveloped relationships that wouldcomplicate their lives.

epithetn��@R]2AaURa��Gka disparaging or abusive word orphrase.Donnie apologized for shouting anepithet at Mr. Garibaldi.

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epitomizev��1@]VG2AZ6g��Gkserve as the typical representationof.Sharon’s choice of clothing mustsurely be an attempt to epitomizebad taste.

epizooticadj��AR]2g2@d/GVX��Gkof or relating to a disease affectingmany animals of one kind at thesame time.Great measures are being taken toensure that the epizootic foot-and-mouth disease does not enter theUnited States.



eponymousadj��1@]/[2Z2`��Gk + Ecfbearing the name of, being, orrelating to one for whom or whichsomething is named.Jason will play the role of JuliusCaesar in the drama club’spresentation of the eponymousplay.


epyllionn��R@]VY42[��Gka relatively short narrative poemresembling an epic in theme, tone,or style.Is “Hiawatha” short enough to beconsidered an epyllion?

equanimityn��A4Xd2@[VZ2G4��Levenness of mental disposition :emotional balance especially understress.The writer learned to accept withequanimity the rejections frompublishers.


equatorn��4@Xd0G2�_���Lthe great circle of the celestialsphere whose plane isperpendicular to the axis of Earth.Spring begins when the Sun movesnorth across the equator.

equatorialadj��A4Xd2@a=_42Y��Lof, at, or relating to the equator.The length of the days and nightsdoesn’t vary much in equatorialregions.



equilibristn��A4Xd2@YVO_1`a��L > Fone who balances himself inunnatural positions and performshazardous movements.Of all the acts in the circus, Yancyliked the equilibrist best.

equilibriumn��A4Xd2@YVO_42Z��La state of dynamic balance attainedin a reversible chemical reactionwhen the velocities in bothdirections are equal.Marge injected a flask of colorlessnitrogen dioxide with dinitrogentetroxide, a brown gas, to illustratechemical equilibrium: Whenequilibrium occurred, the gas in theflask stopped becoming browner.


equinoctialadj��A4Xd2@[/X`U2Y��L > F > Erelating to either of the two timeseach year when the Sun crosses theequator and day and night areeverywhere of equal length.Marge began making preparationsfor her annual spring equinoctialfestival.

equinoxn��@4Xd2A[/X`��L > Eeither of the two times each yearwhen the Sun crosses the equatorand day and night are everywhereof equal length, being about March21st and September 23rd.Legend has it that you can balancean egg on its end only during theequinox.



equipoisev��@RXd2A]<Vg��L + L > Fput or hold in a state of equilibriumor balance.Tod’s efforts to equipoise theopposing interests of the twogroups enabled them to coexistcivilly.


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equityn��@RXd2G4��Lthe money value of a property or ofan interest in a property in excessof claims or liens (as mortgagedindebtedness) against it.During the three-year real estateboom, Jan’s home equity went up300%.

equivalentadj��1@XdVc�2�Y2[a��Lcorresponding or virtually identicalespecially in effect or function.Butter and margarine areequivalent in most recipes.

equivocatev��1@XdVc2AX0a��Lavoid committing oneself in whatone says : speak evasively.When confronted with the facts,Bernie realized it would do no goodto equivocate.


eradicatev��1@_NQ2AX0a��L[has homonym with oppositemeaning: irradicate] do away with: destroy completely.Many wheat farmers use aerialsprays to eradicate weeds,diseases, and insect pests fromtheir fields.

erasableadj��1@_0`2O2Y��Lcapable of being rubbed or scrapedout or removed from existence ormemory.Penelope signed the contract witherasable ink.


eremologyn��AR_2@Z/Y2W4��Gk + Gka science concerned with the desertand its phenomena.Professor Heath’s research ondesert flora was hailed as asignificant contribution toeremology.

ergotn��@2_T2a��Fa fungal disease of rye and othercereals.An outbreak of ergot destroyed Mr.Kern’s crop.

erminen��@2_Z1[��Gmc > F > Eany of several weasels that assumewhite winter fur usually with moreor less black on the tail.Despite the outcry of animalactivists, the fine fur of the ermineis still used for ornamentation ofsome designer clothing.




ersatzadj��@R_Ag/a`��Gsubstitute, synthetic : simulated.Because copper was needed forarmaments, pennies were madewith an ersatz material duringWorld War II.

erubescentadj��AR_�f�2@OR`3[a��Lbecoming red : reddening.Eufemia’s erubescent complexionmade her embarrassment obvious.

eruditeadj��@R_f2AQ6a��L > Echaracterized by a love ofknowledge for its own sake :devoted to the pursuit of learning.The speaker’s presentation was acompilation of research that wouldinterest only the most eruditescholars in his field.

eruditionn��AR_f2@QV`U2[��Lan extensive knowledge acquiredchiefly from books.The schoolmaster was esteemed asa man of great erudition.



escamotagen��R`X.Z<a..gU��Fjuggling, hand trickery.The street magician accompaniedhis deft escamotage with jokes anda distracting patter.

escargotn��R`X._T=��OProv > Fa snail prepared for use as food.Saul fished the escargot out of itsshell with a tiny fork and popped itinto his mouth.

escarpmentn��1@`X/_]Z2[a��Fa long cliff or steep slopeseparating two comparatively levelor more gently sloping surfaces.From the top of the escarpment,Peter had a commanding view ofboth baseball fields.


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eschewaln��1`�U�@PUC2Y��Gmc > F > Eshunning, avoidance.Peter’s eschewal of anythingcontaining peanuts or peanut oil isa matter of life and death.


escritoiren��@R`X_2Aad/_��L > Fa piece of furniture resembling abureau and providing a writingsurface or desk area behind ahinged front that drops down.Jennifer bought a valuable 18th-century escritoire at Sotheby’s.


esotericadj��AR`2@aR_VX��Gkdifficult to understand.Phil found the article onmetaphysics too esoteric.

espadrillen��@R`]2AQ_VY��L > Prov > Fa flat sandal having a fabric upperand a flexible often rope sole.Marsha put on her other espadrilleand headed for the beach.


espaliersn pl��1@`]NYf2_g��L > It > Ffruit trees or other plants trained togrow flat against a building, wall,railing, trellis, or other support.Harriet walked up the broad andneat gravel walk, which ledbetween rows of espaliers to thefront door.


espionagen��@R`]42A[/gU��Fthe practice of spying or using spiesto obtain information about theplans and activities especially of aforeign government or a competingcompany.After discovering that Mr.Carmichael had sold companytrade secrets to a competitor, hisemployer charged him withindustrial espionage.

esplanaden��@R`]Y2A[/Q��L > It > Fa level open stretch of paved orgrassy ground; especially : onedesigned for walking or driving andoften providing a vista (as overwater).Carole decided to go for a stroll onthe esplanade before dinner.


essencen��@R`3[�a�`��Lan extract (as from fruit) used asflavoring in cooking.Tatiana could taste thepomegranate essence in the cake’sfrosting.

estaminetn��R`a.Z4[0��Gmc > Fa small café : bistro.While driving through Belgium,Jeff and Linda stopped at acharming estaminet for lunch.


estimableadj��@R`a2Z2O2Y��Lworthy of esteem or respect.The statesman had a tarnishedyouth but is now, in many ways, anestimable figure.

estoppeln��1@`a/]2Y��Fa legal preclusion by which one isprevented from alleging somethingpreviously denied or denyingsomething previously alleged.Because his previous statement wason record, an estoppel preventedTom from changing his position.

estrepementn��1@`a_4]Z2[a��F > AFwaste or needless destruction oflands; especially : damage wroughtby a tenant for life.The tenant’s estrepement of thefarm had made the land almostuseless.


estuaryn��@R`�U�PU2AdR_4��La water passage where the tidemeets the current of a stream.Small boats were warned not totravel the estuary without aid.

esurientadj��1@`B_42[a��Lhaving a huge appetite : greedy.Which one of you esurient fellowsordered the extra-large pizza?ethnic


etiolationn��A4G42@Y0`U2[��Fthe yellowing or whitening of agreen plant through lack ofsunlight.Rhonda uses a special lamp on herhouseplants to prevent etiolation.

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etiquetten��@RG1X1a��Fthe forms required by goodbreeding or prescribed by authorityto be observed in social or officiallife.The defendant’s attorney advisedhim on the observance ofcourtroom etiquette.

etymologyn��ARG2@Z/Y2W4��Gk > L > Ea branch of linguistics concernedwith the complete history of alinguistic form (as a word ormorpheme).Students have rated Dr. Bailly’sclass in etymology the best coursein the English department.

etymonn��@RG2AZ/[��Gkthe word in a foreign language thatis the source of a particularloanword.The etymon of the English wordcantata is the same word in Italian.

eucalyptusn��AfCX2@YV]a2`��Gka tree or shrub native to westernAustralia.Brad planted a eucalyptus in thevain hope of attracting koalas.

eudaemonicadj��AfCQ4@Z/[VX��Gkproducing happiness : based on theidea of happiness as the proper endof conduct.The company’s decision toeliminate production quotas had aeudaemonic effect on all theworkers.

Euhemerismn��fC@U4Z2A_Vg2Z��Gk namea theory held by the Greekmythographer Euhemerus that thegods of mythology were but deifiedmortals.While studying Euhemerism, Serjeilearned that the god Vulcan wasthe first to discover how to makebronze and iron.

eulogyn��@fCY2W4��Gka composition (as a set oration) incommendation of someone orsomething (as of the character andaccomplishments of a deceasedperson).The university president delivered amoving eulogy at the funeral of thedean.

eupepticadj��fC@]R]aVX��Gkcheerful, optimistic.The eupeptic president put thepeople at ease about the nation’seconomy.

euphemismn��@fCS2AZVg2Z��Gka polite term used to avoid thedirect naming of an unpleasantreality.Marjorie referred to her illnesswith a vague euphemism.

euphoricadj��fC@S<_VX��Gkcharacterized by a feeling of well-being or elation.The golfer was absolutely euphoricafter making a hole in one.

eurekainterj��f2@_4X2��Gkused to express triumphconcerning a discovery.A loud “Eureka!” emanated fromthe chemistry laboratory.

eurythermn��@fB_2aU2_Z��Gk + Gkan organism that tolerates a widerange of temperature.Whereas some animals hibernateduring the winter, a eurytherm isactive throughout the cold months.


eutaxyn��@fCAaNX`4��Gkgood order or management.Rose’s Christmas decorationroutine was an example of theeutaxy she practiced constantly.


euthenicsn pl��fC@aUR[VX`��Gka science that deals withdeveloping human well-being andefficient functioning through theimprovement of environmentalconditions.As the world becomes morepopulated, people pay moreattention to the relevance ofeuthenics.

eutrophicadj��fC@a_/SVX��Gk + Gkof a lake : rich in dissolvednutrients but frequently shallowand with seasonal oxygendeficiency.Since the 1970s the use ofphosphates in detergents has beenbanned in some states because theymake lakes eutrophic.

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evaluatev��1@cNYf2Ad0a��L > F > Eexamine and judge concerning theworth, quality, significance,amount, degree, or condition of.The company sent Chris to evaluatethe project’s potential for profit.

evanescentadj��ARc2@[R`3[�a���Lof short life or duration : fleeting.The joy and moral stimulation ofwork is often forgotten in the madchase of evanescent profits.


evidentiaryadj��ARc2@QR[PU�2�_4��L + Ecfbeing, relating to, or affordingevidence.Because he is not an expert inforensics, Harvey's opinion has noevidentiary value.

evildoern��@4c2YAQC2�_���Eone who does wicked deeds.The prosecutor portrayed thedefendant as a friendly face withthe heart of an evildoer.


evisceratev��1@cV`2A_0a��Ltake out the entrails of :disembowel, gut.The chef showed his apprenticehow to eviscerate a fish.


evocativeadj��1@c/X2GVc��Ltending to call forth an emotionalresponse.Kathy sang an evocative balladabout her emigrant grandparents.

evokev��1@c=X��Lcall forth or up : summon.For Eva, the first crisp days ofautumn always evoke memories ofher semester in England.

exacerbatev��VT@gN`2�_�O0a��Lmake more violent or bitter :intensify the bad qualities of.Cindy learned how name-callingcould exacerbate an already violentargument.

exaggeratev��VT@gNW2A_0a��Lmisrepresent on the side oflargeness (as of size, extent, orvalue) : overstate the truth.Like any fisherman, Tio tends toexaggerate the size of his catches.







excisen��@RXA`6g��Dany of various taxes on privileges(as of engaging in a particular tradeor sport) that are often assessed inthe form of a license or other fee.An excise is included in the cost ofa fishing license.

exclamationn��ARX`XY2@Z0`U2[��Lvehement expression (as of protest,reproach, or complaint).Trudy gave a loud exclamation asthe plane took off without her.


excoriatev��RX@`X=_4A0a��Lcensure scathingly.Mr. Dent proceeded to excoriateEllen in front of the entire pepsquad.

exculpatev��@RX�A�`X2YA]0a��Lclear from alleged fault or guilt.Greg is positive that the honorcouncil will exculpate him after athorough investigation.



exemplaryadj��VT@gRZ]Y2_4��Ldeserving imitation : commendable.Hubert was praised for hisexemplary conduct.


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exhaustionn��VT@g<`PU2[��Lweariness following overstrain oroverexertion.Vance collapsed from exhaustionafter running the marathon.





exiguousadj��RT@gVTf2d2`��Lscanty in amount : meager, narrow.Fran’s father disapproves of herplan to use her exiguous savingsfor the down payment on amotorcycle.


exoneratev��VT@g/[2A_0a��Lclear from accusation or blame.DNA analysis has the potentialeither to exonerate suspects or toplace them at the scene of thecrime.



exorbitantadj��VT@g<�_�O2G2[a��L > F > Eexcessive.The ferryman charged anexorbitant rate to carry peopleacross the strait.

exoskeletonn��ARX`=@`XRY2a3[��Gk + Gk > Lan external supportive or protectivestructure or framework of an insect.An exoskeleton provides protectionfor an insect, much like a suit ofarmor.

exoticadj��VT@g/GVX��Gkfrom another country : not native tothe place where found.Little did Polly know that the exoticbird she bought had been illegallysmuggled into the country.

expatiatev��RX@`]0`U4A0a��Lspeak or write at length or inconsiderable detail.The mighty bulk of the whaleaffords a congenial theme whereonto enlarge, amplify, and expatiate.



expeditiousadj��ARX`]2@QV`U2`��Lacting with promptness orefficiency : speedy.Mrs. Elton boasted that her horseswere extremely expeditious andthat her carriage probably drovefaster than anyone else’s.

expensiveadj��VX@`]R[�a�`Vc��Lcharacterized by high price or cost.The concert tickets were expensive,but the event sold out a monthbefore the performance date.

expiatev��@RX`]4A0a��Lextinguish the guilt incurred by :make conciliation for.Buddhist doctrine holds that onemust expiate the sins committed inpast lives.

exploitn��@RXA`]Y<Va��L > F > Edeed, act.Sarah’s first exploit in bakingresulted in a burned pie andcharred juice in the oven.

explosiveadj��VX@`]Y=A`Vc��L + Ecfof or relating to the act of violentlyexpanding and bursting.Witnesses told the arsoninvestigator that two men ran fromthe side door of the warehousemoments before the explosive fire.

expostulatev��VX@`]/`PU2AY0a��Lreason earnestly with a person forpurposes of dissuasion orremonstrance.Nelson takes every opportunity toexpostulate about politics withstrangers on the subway.

expungev��VX@`]2[W��L + Lstrike out, obliterate, or mark fordeletion (as a word, line, orsentence).Jeff agreed to expunge the wordstupid from his book report.



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exsiccatev��@RX`1AX0a��L + Ldrive moisture from (as by theaction of heat).Sara wants to exsiccate the plumsshe picked to see if they will reallyturn into prunes.

exsuccousadj��RX�`�@`2X2`��L + Ldevoid of all juices or sap : driedup.The exsuccous orange in Tamra’slocker must have been left theremonths ago.


extemporaneousadj��ARXA`aRZ]2@_0[42`��Lcomposed, performed, or uttered onor as if on the spur of the moment.Suzi gave an extemporaneous talkabout bonsai at the craft clubmeeting.



extinctadj��VX@`aV;�X�a��L > Eno longer living : deceased, dead.Latin is an extinct language.

extinguishv��VX@`aV;TdV`U��L + Ecfcause (as a fire or light) to ceaseburning.Procedure dictated that Lennyextinguish his car’s headlightsbefore approaching theguardhouse.

extirpatev��@RX`a2�_�A]0a��Lpull up or out by or as if by theroots or stem.Fay made it her mission toextirpate every weed in the lawn.


extraneousadj��RX@`a_0[42`��Lexisting or originating outside orbeyond.Leona didn’t let extraneous noisesbother her while she was studying.

extraordinarilyadv��VXA`a_<�_�Q3[@R_1Y4��Lin a manner beyond what is usual,regular, common, or customary.Dr. Miller told us that Brutus wasextraordinarily frisky this morning.


extrapolatev��VX@`a_N]2AY0a��L + L > Einfer from a trend within an alreadyobserved interval.From the data she had collected sofar, Mirna tried to extrapolate apreliminary conclusion about theinsect population of the state.

extraterrestrialadj��RX`a_2Aa1@_R`a_42Y��Loriginating or existing outsideEarth or its atmosphere.The shiny rock appeared to Zeldato be extraterrestrial.

extravaganzan��VXA`a_Nc2@TN[g2��L > Ita lavish or spectacular show orevent.The Mardi Gras extravaganza inNew Orleans has several carnival-like parades.

extravasatev��VX@`a_Nc2A`0a��Lpour out or erupt.When extreme heat and pressurebuild within a volcano, molten lavamay extravasate into the air.

extricatev��@RX`a_2AX0a��Lpull out.When the whistle blew, Jason triedto extricate himself from the bottomof the pile of players.


exuberantadj��VT@gCO�2�_2[a��Ljoyously unrestrained andenthusiastic.The students at Payton MiddleSchool gave the visiting astronautan exuberant welcome.

fabiformadj��@S0O2AS<_Z��L + Ecf[has near homonym: faviform]shaped like a bean.Jodie is having a fabiformswimming pool installed in herbackyard.




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facetiosityn��S2A`4`U4@/`2G4��L + Ecfthe quality or state of being jocularin an often clumsy or inappropriateway.Mrs. Foster did not appreciateBarney’s facetiosity during herhistory class.



facileadj��@SN`2Y��Leasily accomplished or attained.Sarpedon’s facile backgammonvictory over his sister made himsuspicious of her intent.

facilelyadv��@SN`2Y�Y�4��L + Ecfin an easy manner : with ease orassurance.Andy sat down at the piano andplayed facilely through a book ofshow tunes.


facilitatorn��S2@`VY2Aa0G�2�_��L + Ecffone that makes something easier orless difficult.As a teacher, Mr. Logan considershimself a facilitator of learningrather than a dispenser ofinformation.


facsimilen��SNX@`VZ2Y4��Lan exact and detailed copy.Jared bought a facsimile of NoahWebster’s 1828 dictionary.


factotumn��SNX@a=G2Z��La person having many diverseactivities or responsibilities : ageneral servant.Mrs. Alexander has so manyresponsibilities not related toinstruction that she feels more likea factotum than a teacher.

faculan��@SNXf2Y2��Lany of the bright regions of theSun’s photosphere seen most easilynear the Sun’s edge and occurringmost frequently in proximity tosunspots.Seymour tracked the Sun’s rotationby charting the position of a facula.


facultiesn pl��@SNX2Ya4g��L > F > Einherent capabilities, powers, orfunctions.While Barbara was recoveringfrom eye surgery she had to relymore on her faculties of hearingand smelling.


Fahrenheitadj��@SN_2[AU6a��G namerelating or conforming to athermometric scale on which understandard atmospheric pressure theboiling point of water is at 212degrees and the freezing point at 32degrees.Nathan knew it was hot outside, buthe was astonished to learn that thetemperature was 100 degreesFahrenheit.


faineantadj��@S0[42[a��Fidle and ineffectual.Lack of purpose can contribute to afaineant life.


faithfuln pl��@S0aUS2Y��Eadherents of a system of religiousbelief.The pope spoke to the faithful fromhis balcony, asking them to prayfor the future of the world.


falcateadj��@SNYAX0a��Lhooked or curved like a sickle—used also of the Moon or aninferior planet when less than halfits disk is illuminated.The Moon’s falcate form loomedabove the horizon.




fallacyn��@SNY2`4��La false or erroneous idea.Though Ben’s argument may seemplausible, it is pure fallacy.

fallibilityn��ASNY2@OVY2G4��Lliability or proneness to err.The executive pardon can be seenas a recognition of the fallibility ofour system of justice.

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fallowadj��@SN�A�Y=��Eleft untilled or unsown afterplowing.Miriam has big plans for the patchof fallow ground in her backyard.

falsetton��S<Y@`RG�A�=��L > Itan artificially high voice.Dad draped a mop over his headand sang “Mary Had a LittleLamb” in falsetto.


familiaradj��S2@ZVYf2�_���L > F > Efrequently seen or experienced.Sandy was chosen for the jobbecause she was familiar withcomputers.

famishv��@SNZV`U��Edeprive of food : starve.The war will famish many peopletrapped in the besieged city.

fanaticismn��S2@[NG2A`Vg2Z��L + Ecfexcessive enthusiasm and intenseuncritical devotion usually towardsome controversial matter (asreligion, politics, or philosophy).Throughout history, politicalfanaticism has led to many violentwars.

fanchonetten��ASN[PU2@[Ra��Fan open tart covered with meringueor sometimes whipped cream.Randy ordered a lemon fanchonettefor dessert.

fandangon��SN[@QN;�A�T=��Pg? > Spa lively Spanish dance usuallyperformed by a man and womanwith castanets and in triple time.Craig and Ursula danced afandango in the high school talentcompetition.


fantasizev��@SN[a2A`6g��Gk > L > F > E + Ecfcreate or develop imaginative andoften fantastic views, ideas, orexplanations.After Calvin was elected to thestudent council, all he ever did wasfantasize about becoming presidentof the United States.

fantoccinin pl��AS/[a2@PU4[4��L > Itpuppets moved by strings ormechanical devices.So many spectators stopped towatch the fantoccini that the puppetshows had to be moved to one ofthe park’s larger amphitheaters.

faradn��@SNA_NQ��E namethe practical meter-kilogram-second unit of capacitance equal tothe capacitance of a capacitorbetween whose plates there appearsa potential of 1 volt when it ischarged by 1 coulomb.Todd calculated the necessarycapacitance of the insulation to beexactly 1 farad.

farcicaladj��@S/_`1X2Y��Lreceiving or meriting laughter oramused scorn as utterly withoutclaim to serious consideration or aslaughably inept.Shakespeare employs farcicalcharacters in many of his plays toprovide comic relief.



farinaceousadj��ASN_2@[0`U2`��Lcontaining or rich in starch.Common farinaceous foods includebread and pasta.


faroucheadj��S2@_C`U��L > Flacking social graces andexperience : marked by shynessand lack of polish.As a teenager, Inez was ratherfarouche, hesitant to make eyecontact with strangers.


farragon��S2@_/�A�T=��La confused, disordered, or irrationalassemblage (as of words or ideas).The candidate’s concession speechwas a rambling farrago thatunderscored his instability.

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farthingalen��@S/_91[AT0Y��L > Sp > Fa support worn especially in the16th century beneath a skirt toswell out and extend it at the hipline.No lady-in-waiting at the court ofQueen Elizabeth I would have beenseen in public without afarthingale.



fascismn��@SNA`UVg2Z��Lany program for setting up acentralized autocratic nationalregime with severely nationalisticpolicies exercising rigid censorshipand forcible suppression ofopposition.Given the current regime’s fascism,a coup was inevitable.



fastishadj��@SN`aV`U��Erather speedy.Jane’s mutt was a fastish runnerdespite its injured leg.

fataladj��@S0G3Y��L&F > Ecausing death.The cholera had broken out in itsmost fatal form.

fathomn��@SN92Z��Ea unit of length equal to 6 feetbased on the distance betweenfingertips of a man’s outstretchedarms and used especially formeasuring the depth of water.The fathom, once standard onBritish admiralty charts, has beenreplaced by the meter.

fatiguen��S2@a4T��Fweariness from work or exertion.Fatigue results from doing toomuch too fast.

fatuousadj��@SNPU2d2`��Lmarked by want of intelligence andrational consideration.Lenny characterized Nestor’sattempts to build a perpetualmotion machine as fatuous.


faunan��@S<[2��Lanimals in general or animal lifeespecially as distinguished fromflora.The customs agent asked Bart if hewas bringing any flora or faunainto the country.

Fauntleroyadj��@S<[aY2A_<V��E literary namecharacterized by a short tailoredjacket, knee-length trousers, ratherfrilly shirt, wide collar withrounded corners, or large loosebow.Lulu’s masterpiece was a paintingof her little brother dressed in aFauntleroy costume, holding theirbasset hound by its collar.

faveolateadj��S2@c42Y1a��Lhoneycombed.The tiny chapel had a faveolateceiling.

fealtyn��@S4�2�Ya4��L > F > Efaithfulness, allegiance.One by one, the nobles knelt beforethe queen and swore fealty to thecrown.

feasibilityn��AS4g2@OVY2G4��L > F > Ethe capability of being done,executed, or effected.Engineers are studying thefeasibility of constructing a tunnelunder the river.

feasibleadj��@S4g2O2Y��L > F > Ecapable of being done, executed, oreffected.Because our Constitution is simpleand practical, it is feasible to meetextraordinary needs by makingchanges without loss of essentialform.


febrifugaladj��S2@O_VS�f�1T2Y��Lmitigating or removing fever.Aspirin is well known for itsanalgesic and febrifugal properties.

febrilityn��S1@O_VY2G4��Lfeverishness.As her febrility increased, thepatient became delirious.

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fecklessadj��@SRXAY1`��Eimpractical and shiftless.Mort was worried that his longperiods of unemployment wouldmake him look feckless when heapplied for a job.

fecundadj��@S4X2[Q��Lmarked by noteworthy intellectualproductivity and inventiveness.The Renaissance was a fecund erafor the arts.


fedoran��S1@Q=_2��F namea soft felt hat with a low crowncreased lengthwise and with orwithout a high roll on the side brim.Brent stepped into the spotlight andpulled his fedora low over one eye.



feigningv��S0[V;��L > F > Esimulating falsely.Darla wondered if her mother wasfeigning good feelings about herdecision to marry Edgar.

feintv��@S0[a��Fmake a pretense of.George broke his hand when heattempted to feint a punch at thewall but overshot his target.


felicitousadj��S1@YV`2G2`��Lmarked by general happiness orgood fortune.All of Rob’s college roommatesshowed up for the felicitousoccasion of his wedding.

felicityn��S1@YV`2G4��Lthe quality or state of being happy.Liberty from British rule becamemore and more necessary for thefelicity of the American colonists.

feliformadj��@S4Y2AS<_Z��L + Lcf > Ecfresembling a cat.Eric found a feliform stone in acave.


felsenmeern��@SRYg2[AZR�2�_��Gan assemblage of rock fragmentscompletely mantling the surfaceand commonly present inmountainous regions.Our guide showed us a field offelsenmeer formed from underlyingbedrock by the action produced byfrost.

feminineadj��@SRZ2[1[��Lfemale.The feminine characters wereplayed by men and the masculinecharacters were played by womenin Cornell Theatre’s production ofKing Lear.

femoraladj��@SRZ2_2Y��L[has homonym: femerell] of,relating to, or located near thethigh.The femoral artery supplies bloodto the abdomen and lowerextremities.

fenestratedadj��@SR[2A`a_0G1Q��Lprovided with or characterized bywindows.Symmetrically fenestrated buildingscharacterize Georgianarchitecture.


fenneln��@SR[3Y��L > Ea perennial European herbintroduced to North America andcultivated for the aromatic flavor ofits seeds.Celene often flavors her vegetableswith curry powder and fennel.

feraciousadj��S2@_0`U2`��Lproducing abundantly : prolific.Sylvia decided to can some of thetomatoes from her extraordinarilyferacious plants.

feraladj��@SR_2Y��Llacking a human personality due tobeing reared in isolation from all ornearly all human contacts.The television executive rejectedthe idea of another series about aferal child trying to adjust tomodern culture.

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feretoryn��@SR_2Aa=_4��Gk > La place for keeping an ornate coffinfor the relics of a saint.Every two hours the monks at theshrine of St. Dionysios in Greeceperform a prayer service and openthe feretory for viewing.

fermatan��SR_@Z/G2��L > Ita prolongation at the discretion ofthe performer of a musical note,chord, or rest beyond its given timevalue.To the conductor’s consternation,Dean exaggerated each fermata.




ferretn��@SR_1a��L > F > Ea semidomesticated variety of theEuropean polecat.Carl’s ferret comes to him for areward every time he squeezes asqueaky toy.


ferrulen��@SR_2Y��L > F > E[has homonym: feral] a band orcap usually of metal enclosing theend of a cane, tool handle, tableleg, or similar object to strengthenit or prevent splitting and wearing.Both the knob and the ferrule ofMr. Benson’s walking stick weremade of finely engraved silver.

ferruminatev��S2@_CZ2A[0a��Ljoin together (as metals) : solder.Fortunately, Tom’s dad was able toferruminate the broken parts of themetal toy.

ferventadj��@S2_c2[a��Lof great intensity; specifically :characterized by often deepintensity of feeling or expression.Natalia’s remorseful look andfervent plea for leniency did notsway the vice-principal.

fervorousadj��@S2_c�2�_2`��Lfull of intensity of feeling orexpression.The crowd couldn’t help but beswayed by Greg’s fervorousspeech.



festucineadj��@SR`a�f�2A`6[��Lof the color straw yellow.Dorothy’s blue eyes suited herfestucine hair.

feudn��@SfCQ��Gmc > F > Ea relationship of aggressivehostility : quarrel.A feud over the propertyboundaries developed between thetwo families.

fianchettov��AS42[@PURG�A�=��F + Itmove (a bishop) in a chess game tothe position Knight 2.The analysts correctly predictedthat Evangeline would fianchettoher bishop.

fiascon��S4@N�A�`X=��Gmc > Itan utter and often ridiculous failureespecially of an ambitious orpretentious undertaking.The attempt to distribute campaignleaflets by air turned into a fiascowhen the wind changed direction.


fibrillationn��ASVO_2@Y0`U2[��Lvery rapid irregular contractions ofthe muscle fibers of the heartresulting in a lack of synchronismbetween heartbeat and pulse beat.Ventricular fibrillation is acondition in which the hearttwitches haphazardly instead ofpropelling blood forward in anorganized way.


fibrousadj��@S6O_2`��Lcontaining, consisting of, or likefibers.The fibrous content of fruits andvegetables is beneficial to thedigestive system.






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fidelityn��S1@QRY2G4��Lthe quality or state of being faithfulor loyal (as to a person, cause,party, or nation).When taking the oath of office, thepresident pledged fidelity to theConstitution.

fiduciaryadj��S1@Q�f�C`U4AR_4��Lof, having to do with, or involvinga confidence or trust.Zoe acted in a fiduciary capacityduring the lease negotiations.

fiefdomn��@S4SQ2Z��F + Ean area over which one exercisescontrol.The manager’s fiefdom consisted oftwo departments and the companynewsletter.



fieryadj��@S6�2�_4��Eof the color of fire : red.Kevin knew that a photographwould not portray the fiery sunsetin its full splendor.

filamentn��@SVY2Z2[a��L > Fa fine conductor that is renderedincandescent by the passage of anelectric current.Beulah could see that the filamentwas broken, so she replaced thebulb.

filassen��S1@YN`��L > Fa vegetable fiber prepared formanufacture.At the mill, sisal plants areprocessed into filasse.

filialadj��@SVY42Y��Lbefitting a child in relation to his orher parents.During adolescence, many childrenfeel uncomfortable demonstratingfilial love in public.

filibustern��@SVY2O2`a2�_���F > Spthe use of extreme delaying tactics(as speaking merely to consumetime) in an attempt to preventaction by the majority in adeliberative assembly.The Senate effectively killed the billwith a filibuster.



financiern��ASV[2[@`V�2�_��Fa large-scale investor.Marv’s uncle, a Boston financier,works one day a week in a soupkitchen.


finessingv��S1@[R`V;��L > Fbringing about or managing byadroit manipulation.Vigor and resolution, notmaneuvering and finessing, wereneeded to get the St. Bernard intothe car.



finialedadj��@SV[42YQ��L > F > Eprovided with a capping ornament.The lampposts and street signswere elaborately finialed with ironpineapples.

finiteadj��@S6A[6a��L > Ehaving clear limits.Phoebe’s creativity was bound by afinite set of resources.

firkinn��@S2_X1[��D > Ea British unit of weight for butterequal to 56 pounds.Lord Nelson wrote, “I beg that youwill send us the following articles:50 pounds loaf sugar, 1 firkin ofgood butter, and 2 pounds of blackpepper.”firmamentn��@S2_Z2Z2[a��L > Ethe vault or arch of the sky :heavens.Carmen looked to the firmamentfor a sign, but none wasforthcoming.

firnificationn��ASV_[2S1@X0`U2[��G + L > Ethe process whereby snow becomespartially compacted and forms thesurface part of the upper end of aglacier.Solid ice is the end product offirnification.

fiscaladj��@SV`X2Y��F > Spof or relating to financial matters.Several of the president’s advisorson fiscal policy are participating inthe symposium.

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fissileadj��@SV`2Y��Lcapable of being split, cleft, ordivided in the direction of the grainor along natural planes of cleavage.The fissile quality of cedar makes itan excellent material forboxmaking.


fissiparousadj��SV@`V]2_2`��L + Ltending to break up into parts or todisintegrate : divisive, factional.Strong leadership is needed to keepthe fissiparous tendencies of thepolitical party in check.

fissuren��@SV`U2�_���L[has homonym: fisher] a narrowopening, chasm, or crack of somelength and considerable depthusually occurring from somebreaking, rending, or parting.A fissure ran through Irene’sbackyard after the earthquake.

fisticuffsn pl��@SV`a1AX2S`��E + Ea fight with the fists : boxing.The two campers’ friendly rivalryended in a round of mock fisticuffs.

fixturen��@SVX`PU2�_���Lsomething that is attached as apermanent appendage or structuralpart; specifically : an electriclighting device usually ornamentaland permanently mounted in place.Mel attached a light fixture to theside of his house for protectionagainst burglars.

flagellumn��SY2@WRY2Z��La long tapering projection that isthe primary organ of motion ofmany algae and bacteria.The bacterium whipped itsflagellum furiously.



flagitiouslyadv��SY2@WV`U2`Y4��L > Ein a grossly wicked manner.The criminal was sentenced to tenyears’ imprisonment for hisflagitiously cruel assault.

flagonn��@SYNT2[��Gmc? > L > F > E[has near homonym: flacon] alarge usually metal or potteryvessel with handle and spout andoften a lid used to hold liquid.The knights passed around a flagonof ale before riding off to battle.


flambeaun��@SYNZAO=��Fa flaming torch usually made bycombining thick wicks saturatedwith a quick-burning substance (aspitch).A procession of skiers zigzaggeddown the slope, each of thembearing a flambeau.

flamboyantlyadv��SYNZ@O<V�f�2[aY4��Fin a showy and unrestrainedmanner.At the pep rally the studentsflamboyantly demonstrated theirsupport for the football team.

flamencon��SY2@ZR;�A�X=��D > Sp[has near homonym: flamingo] avigorous rhythmic dance of theAndalusian Gypsies.The dancer entertained the patronsat the Spanish restaurant with arousing flamenco.

flamingon��SY2@ZV;�A�T=��L > OProv > Sp > Pg[has near homonym: flamenco]any of several aquatic birds thathave remarkably long legs andneck, webbed feet, and usuallyrosy-white plumage.Tom and his buddies placed a giantplastic pink flamingo on the roof ofthe school.

flammableadj��@SYNZ2O2Y��Lcapable of being easily ignited andof burning with extreme rapidity.Both gasoline and kerosene areflammable, but gasoline is moreexplosive.

flammeousadj��@SYNZ42`��Lconsisting of or resembling thecolor of flame.Flammeous maple leaves carpetedthe lawn of the inn.

flammiferousadj��SYN@ZVS�2�_2`��L + Ecfproducing flame or bright withflame.The flammiferous volcano was anawesome spectacle to behold.


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flangen��@SYN[W��F? > Ea rim or edge projecting at rightangles to provide a means ofattachment to another part.The plumber pointed out a chippedflange that had caused the leak.

flanneladj��@SYN[3Y��W > Ea napped cotton fabric of softyarns.The sleeves of his plaid flannelshirt were rolled back to the elbow.


flauntingv��@SY<[aV;��Scand?seeking to attract attentionespecially by appearing or actingbrash and brazen.During the party Terry seemed tobe flaunting his ability to playpiano.

flautinon��SYNB@a4�A�[=��Ita small flute : piccolo.Harriet plays many windinstruments, but she especiallyenjoys playing flautino in abaroque music group.


fleabanen��@SY4AO0[��E + Eany of various plants of the familyCompositae that are supposed todrive away fleas.A young rabbit was hidden under aclump of fleabane.


fleetn��@SY4a��Ea number of warships under asingle command : a naval force.Naval Intelligence learned thatterrorists were noting informationabout the movement of the fleet.



flexuren��@SYRX`U2�_���Lthe slight bending of anastronomical observing instrumentcaused by the weight of its parts.Emily reinforced her telescope withstrips of titanium to minimizeflexure.

flibbertigibbetn��@SYVO2�_�G4AWVO1a��Ea light-minded or silly restlessperson.Mrs. French proved far less of aflibbertigibbet than the world tookher to be.


flippantadj��@SYV]2[a��imit? + Ecftreating or tending to treat withunsuitable levity that which isserious or to which respect is due.The principal chastised Clyde andhis friends for their flippantbehavior during the memorialservice.


flokatin��SY=@X/a4��Gka hand-woven Greek wool rug witha thick shaggy pile.Katina loves to hear the story ofhow her grandparents came to theUnited States with all theirpossessions wrapped in one flokati.

floppetyadj��@SY/]2G4��E imitsoft and flexible.Moira purchased her floppetystraw hat during a visit to KeyWest.

floridadj��@SY<_1Q��L[has near homonym: fluoride]flushed or tinged with red : ruddy.Marsha’s face was florid when shefinished her five-mile run.

floriferousadj��SY=@_VS�2�_2`��L + Ecfbearing flowers; especially :blooming freely.Begonias are floriferous even in theshade.

florilegiumn��ASY=_2@Y4W42Z��La volume or collection of briefextracts or writings : anthology.Frank pulled a tattered florilegiumfrom the shelf.

florisugentadj��ASY=_2@`CW2[a��L + Lsucking nectar from flowers.The honeysuckle attracted theflorisugent hummingbird.


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floscularadj��@SY/`Xf2Y2�_���Lcomposed of florets.A daisy bears floscular flowerheads.

flotillan��SY=@aVY2��ON > F > Spa small fleet or a fleet of smallwatercraft.The Boy Scouts launched a flotillaof toy sailboats across the lake.

flotsamn��@SY/a`2Z��F > AFwreckage of a ship or its cargofound floating on the sea.Flotsam is part of wreckage,whereas jetsam has beendeliberately cast overboard.


fluctuantadj��@SY2XPU2d2[a��Lmoving like a wave : varying andunstable.The fluctuant beam from Amy’sflashlight resulted from weakbatteries.


flummeryn��@SY2Z�2�_4��Wporridge made of flour or meal.Hulbert made flummery for dessert.

fluorescentadj��SYB�2�@_R`3[a��L > F + L > Ecf[has homonym: florescent]emitting electromagnetic radiationespecially in the form of visiblelight.The fluorescent bulb above Gary’scubicle thrummed noisily.

fluoridationn��ASYB_2@Q0`U2[��L + Ecffthe adding of a binary compound offluorine to drinking water.Fluoridation has been proven todeter tooth decay.

fluorocarbonn��@SYB�2�_=AX/_O2[��L + Lany of a class of chemically inertcompounds (as tetrafluoroethylene)composed entirely of carbon andfluorine and used chiefly aslubricants and in making resins andplastics.Fluorocarbon is used to make thenonstick coatings for pots andpans.

fluvialadj��@SYCc42Y��Lof or relating to rivers.A lawyer specializing in fluvial lawtold Emmett that he could claimpossession of the newly formedisland in the Rum River.

fluxionn��@SY2X`U2[��Lthe action of flowing.The fluxion of many liquids slowsin cold weather.

foddern��@S/Q2�_���Esomething (as hay, vegetables,corn) fed to domestic animals.Field corn makes good fodder.

fogginessn��@S<T4[1`��Scand? + Ecffthe quality or state of being coveredor enveloped with vapor condensedto fine particles of water suspendedin the lower atmosphere.Severe fogginess was blamed forthe ten-car pileup on theexpressway.

foiblen��@S<VO2Y��Fa minor flaw or shortcoming inpersonal character or behavior :failing, weakness.Kevin’s tendency to procrastinateis a foible he claims he will one daycorrect.

foistv��@S<V`a��Dforce another to accept especiallyby stealth or deceit.Brent knew that Karen would foistanother kitten upon him if hewasn’t careful.


foliagen��@S=Y�4�VW��F&Lthe mass of leaves of a plant asproduced in nature : leafage.Tourists who come to see fallfoliage at its peak are sometimesreferred to as “leaf peepers.”foliiformadj��@S=Y42AS<_Z��Fhaving the shape of a leaf.In October, Rhoda and Lamardecorated the classroom windowswith foliiform cutouts.

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folliculitisn��S2AYVXf2@Y6G1`��Linflammation of one or more smallcavities in the skin.An ingrown hair on Bo’s cheekresulted in folliculitis.



fontinaladj��@S/[a3[2Y��Lgrowing in or near springs.Cottonwoods are well-knownfontinal trees throughout theAmerican Southwest.

foragev��@S<_VW��Gmc > F > Ewander or rove in search of food.The survivors of the airplane crashon the remote mountainsidedecided to forage in groups ofthree.

foraminateadj��S2@_NZ2A[0a��Lperforated.Sid examined the foraminate leafunder a microscope.

forayn��@S<A_0��F > Ea raid or brief invasion.Captain McMaster led his troopson a foray into the village.



forecastern��@S=_AXN`a2�_���Eone who predicts weatherconditions on the basis ofcorrelated meteorologicalobservations.When the forecaster predictedfreezing rain, the highwaydepartment loaded up its truckswith sand and salt.




forensicsn pl��S2@_R[�a�`VX`��Lthe art or study of argumentativediscourse.Tara’s performance in her class inforensics practically guaranteedher a spot on the debate club team.



forfeitv��@S<_S1a��L > F > Elose or lose the right to by someerror, fault, offense, or crime.Individuals who are convicted of afelony forfeit their right to vote.



forgeryn��@S=_W�2�_4��L > F > Ean act of falsely or fraudulentlymaking or altering a document.Lorna is charged with two countsof check forgery.


forlornadj��S2�_�@Y<�2�_[��Esad and lonely especially by reasonof emptiness or abandonment.The forlorn widow was mostappreciative of the party herneighbors held to honor herbirthday.

formaldehyden��S<_Z@NYQ2AU6Q��L + Ar > Sp > L + L + Gkan aqueous solution that is usedchiefly as a disinfectant andpreservative.The medical laboratory containedspecimens preserved informaldehyde.

formicaryn��@S<_Z2AXR_4��Lan ant hill or ant nest.Junior made the mistake of sittingon a formicary of red ants.

formicivorousadj��AS<_Z2@`Vc�2�_2`��L + Ecf + L + Ecffeeding on ants.Formicivorous woodpeckers spendmuch of their time on the groundlooking for ants.

formidableadj��@S<�_�Z1Q2O2Y��L > Etending to inspire awe or wonderusually by reason of notable size,quantity, superiority, or excellence.Though the competition wasformidable, Bernie was confidenthe would emerge victorious.

forsoothadv��S2�_�@`CaU��Ein truth : certainly.Forsooth, the queen was the mostbeautiful woman in the world.

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forsythian��S2�_�@`VaU42��Brit nameany plant of a small genus ofornamental shrubs that have brightyellow flowers which appear beforethe leaves in early spring.The gardener planted forsythiaalong the entire outer edge of theyard.



fortissimoadj��S<�_�@aV`2AZ\��L > Itvery loud—used as a direction inmusic.When playing the fortissimopassage of her lesson, Suzannebanged so loudly on the piano thatthe neighbor’s dog began to bark.

fortituden��@S<�_�G2AaCQ��L > Ethe strength or firmness of mindthat enables a person to encounterdanger with coolness and courage.John Kennedy displayedexceptional fortitude after hispatrol boat was attacked duringWorld War II.

fortuitousadj��S<�_�@aC2G2`��Loccurring by chance withoutevident causal need or relation orwithout deliberate intention.Their meeting was fortuitous, butDan and Mattie believed that theyhad been destined to be together.



fossilizev��@S/`2AY6g��L > ISVturn (as remains of organisms frompast geologic eras) into amineralized form in Earth’s crust.Since not all plant materialsfossilize equally well, some plantswill be preserved and others willvanish in the course of time.

fossorialadj��S/@`=_42Y��Ladapted to digging.Gophers are fossorial rodentshaving strong claws on theirforelimbs.



fouladj��@SNBY��Eoffensive to the senses : rotten.The spoiled contents of therefrigerator created an extremelyfoul odor.



foundryn��@SNB[Q_4��Fa building or establishment wheremetal or glass casting is carried on.The students saw molten metalbeing poured into engine blockmolds at the foundry.







franchiseen��AS_N[PU6@g4��L > F + Ecfone who is granted a right tooperate a unit in a chain of businessestablishments.The franchisee agreed to pay thefranchisor an initial fee and apercentage of gross sales.

frangibleadj��@S_N[W2O2Y��Lcapable of being broken :breakable, brittle, fragile.Road signs are designed to befrangible so that they won’tseverely damage cars that hit them.

frankincensen��@S_N;X1[A`R[�a�`��Ea gum resin containing volatile oil.Aunt Ruby likes to burnfrankincense at Christmastime.


fraudn��@S_<Q��L > F > Edeceit, trickery; especially :misrepresentation intended toinduce another to part withsomething of value or to surrendera legal right.Joel is suing his former managerfor fraud and breach of contract.

fraudulentadj��@S_<W2Y2[a��Lcharacterized by or based ontrickery or deceit especially wheninvolving misrepresentation.The manufacturer was chargedwith fraudulent advertising.

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fraughtadj��@S_<a��OFris? > G > D > Eburdened or menaced with.The work of the firefighter isfraught with danger.




freneticallyadv��S_1@[RG1X�2�Y4��Gk > L > F > Ein a frenzied, hectic manner.Four dancers moved freneticallyaround the stage.

frescaden��S_R`@X0Q��Gmc > OProv > Fa cool walk : shady place.The landscape architect’ssuggestion of a long frescade undera grape arbor thrilled her client.

frescon��@S_R`AX=��Gmc > Itthe art of painting on freshly spreadmoist lime plaster with pigmentssuspended in a water vehicle.Fresco is a demanding techniquebecause the image cannot bechanged after the plaster dries.

fresneln��S_0@[RY��F namea unit of frequency equal to 1trillion cycles per second.A rarely used multiple of the hertzis the fresnel, which was named forthe French scientist Augustin JeanFresnel.

Freudianadj��@S_<VQ42[��Austrian name + Ecfof, relating to, or according withthe theories of Austrian neurologistSigmund Freud and his system ofpsychoanalysis.A Freudian slip of the tongue mayreveal the speaker’s deep-seatedconcerns and reasons for action.

friableadj��@S_62O2Y��L > Feasily crumbled, pulverized, orreduced to powder.The sand sculpture was so friablethat it crumbled in Carl’s handswhen he tried to pick it up.

fricasseen��@S_VX2A`4��Fa stew of meat or other foods inlight or brown gravy.Mrs. Delaney prefers to make herfricassee with chicken.

friedadj��@S_6Q��L > F > Ecooked in hot fat.Milton’s favorite meal is friedcatfish and cornbread.




frigorificadj��AS_VT2@_VSVX��Lcausing cold.Michael was curious about how thefrigorific device for wine bottlescould possibly work.

frissonn��S_4@`=:��L > Fshudder, quiver, chill; especially : apleasurable sensation of fright orgloom : thrill.Amy suddenly awakened from anightmare and felt a frisson ofterror.

fritillaryn��@S_VG3YAR_4��Lany of numerous butterflies thatusually are orange with black spotson the upper side of both wings andhave silvery spots on the undersideof the hind wings.As Cora was tending her garden,she observed a crab spidercapturing a fritillary on a flower.

frittatan��S_4@a/G2��L > Itan unfolded omelet oftencontaining chopped vegetables ormeats.Tony’s frittata was filled withseasoned asparagus tips.

frivolityn��S_1@c/Y2G4��L > Fthe quality or state of being notserious : playfulness.The Mardi Gras celebration wasmarked by boisterousness andfrivolity.

frivolousadj��@S_Vc�2�Y2`��L > Eof little weight or importance.Mr. Peterson offered only frivolousremarks at the hearing.



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frolicsomeadj��@S_/YVXA`2Z��L + Ecffull of gaiety and mirth : playful.Each year the Kentucky Derbyattracts horse lovers who enjoy thefrolicsome festivities associatedwith the race.

frondeurn��S_=:Q>>_��L? > Frebel, malcontent, dissident.The mayor’s denouncementreferred to Jules as a “frondeur.”frontiersmann��AS_2[@aV�2�_gZ2[��F > Ea man living at the edge of knowncivilization.Daniel Boone was a famousKentucky frontiersman of the 18thcentury.

frontispiecen��@S_2[a1A`]4`��L > Fan illustration preceding andusually facing the title page of abook or magazine.Morgan was hired to draw theschool yearbook’s frontispiece.

frontonn��@S_/[Aa/[��L > It > Fa court or building for the game ofjai alai.The fronton looked bigger ontelevision than in actuality.

froufroun��@S_CAS_C��F imitabundant or excessiveornamentation (as ruffles, beading,flowers) in women’s clothing.The slippers covered with froufrouhad to be “for looks” only.

frugaladj��@S_CT2Y��Leconomical in the use orexpenditure of resources.The “Golden Fleece Award” wasstarted by Senator WilliamProxmire, who advocated a morefrugal government.

fruitionn��S_C@V`U2[��L > F > Ethe state of being real,accomplished, or complete.The new civic center came tofruition after many years’ planningand labor.

fruticetumn��AS_CG2@`4G2Z��La collection of shrubs grown forornament or study.At the botanical garden, thearboretum and fruticetum werecombined under one roof.




fughettan��S�f�C@TRG2��Ita short or condensed musical piecein which one or two melodicthemes are repeated bysuccessively entering voices.The Vienna Boys’ Choir performeda fughetta in their concert at St.Paul’s Cathedral.



fuguistn��@SfCT1`a��L > Itone who composes or performsfugues.As a fuguist, Johann SebastianBach has never been excelled.

fulcrumn��@SBYX_2Z��Lprop, support; specifically : thesupport about which a lever turns.Using the edge of his plate for afulcrum, Danny put peas on hisfork and catapulted them across thecafeteria.

fulgurantadj��@SBYT�f�2_2[a��Lflashing like lightning : dazzling.Emily’s fulgurant diamond broochattracted many eyes at the dinnerparty.

fuliginousadj��SfC@YVW2[2`��Lhaving the color of soot : dark,dusky.Smoke-belching factories cast afuliginous cloud over the entirecity.

fulminatev��@SBYZ2[0a��Lissue or send forth censures orinvectives menacingly orauthoritatively.The neighbor’s habit of mowing thelawn early every Sunday morningcaused Dad to fulminate under hisbreath.

fulsomeadj��@SBY`2Z��Eoffensive to the senses : disgusting.The fulsome odor of a skunk drovethe campers out of their tent.

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fulvousadj��@SBYc2`��Ldull brownish yellow.When Mr. Brown’s soybean fieldturned fulvous, he knew it was timeto harvest.


funambulistn��SfC@[NZOf2Y1`a��Lan acrobat who performs feats on arope extended through the air atsome height.A hush came over the crowd as thefunambulist balanced himself onone foot.

funeraln��@SfC[�2�_2Y��L > Ethe observances held in honor of oron behalf of one who has died.Bonnie wanted dancing at herfuneral, so she arranged for a bandbefore she died.

fungiciden��@S2[W2A`6Q��Lan agent that destroys a group oflower plants including molds, rusts,mildews, mushrooms, and yeasts.A fungicide was sprayed on theapple trees to protect the fruit.

funicularadj��SfC@[VXf2Y2�_���Ldependent on the tension of a cordor cable.Too nervous to take the funiculartramway, Selena chose to drive tothe top of the mountain.

furfuraceousadj��AS2_S�f�2@_0`U2`��Lconsisting of or covered with flakyparticles : scaly, scurfy.The dermatologist recommended adandruff-removing shampoo totreat Linda’s furfuraceous scalp.


furloughn��@S2_�A�Y=��Da leave of absence granted to agovernmental or institutionalemployee (as a soldier, civilservant, or missionary).While on furlough last year, theLees raised $10,000 for the dentalclinic.


furtiveadj��@S2_GVc��Ldone by stealth : secret.Wendy’s furtive attempt to sneak acookie was interrupted by theappearance of her little brother.

fuselagen��@SfC`2AY/gU��Fthe central body portion of anairplane designed to accommodatethe crew and the passengers orcargo.Leslie pointed out the bulbousfuselage of a Boeing 747 on thetarmac.

fusilladen��@SfC`2AY0Q��Fa number of shots firedsimultaneously or in rapidsuccession especially with smallarms : volley.The first rank of infantrymen fireda fusillade, sank to their knees, andwaited for the second rank to fireover their heads.

fusionn��@SfCgU2[��La merging of diverse elements intoa unified whole.The spicy pasta dish Fran orderedwas a fusion of Italian and Thaicuisine.

fustiann��@S2`PU2[��L > F > Epretentious writing or speech : aninflated style : bombast.The literary journal refused to printHerman’s overwrought fustian.

futilitarianadj���A�SfCAaVY2@aR_42[��Lexhibiting or based on an attitudeof uselessness.The futilitarian worker doesn’t tryto improve his status because hecan’t see any chance of success.

gabbron��@TN�A�O_=��L? > Ita rock of a family of granularigneous rocks.An outcropping of gabbro showedthrough the soil.

gabionn��@T0O42[��L > It > Fa hollow cylinder of wickerwork orstrap iron like a basket without abottom that is filled with stones andis sunk in water to form thefoundation of a dam or similarstructure.With the availability of pouredcement, the gabion becameoutmoded.



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gagglen��@TNT2Y��Ea flock of geese especially when onthe water.The largest goose in the gaggle wassoon to play an important role inthe holiday dinner.

gainsayv��@T0[A`0��Espeak against : contradict.The ruling of the umpire allowedno one to gainsay his decision.



galacticadj��T2@YNXaVX��Gk > Lextremely great : huge.Ralph was overwhelmed by thestore’s galactic profusion ofmerchandise.


Galbraithianadj��TNY@O_0aU42[��American nameof or relating to the economictheories of John Kenneth Galbraith.The speaker at the symposiumclaimed that Galbraithian theorieson limited growth were not sound.



galleonn��@TNY42[��F > Sp[has homonyms and nearhomonym: gallein, Gallian andGalium] a heavily built chieflysquare-rigged sailing ship of the15th to early 18th centuries.Traci built a model of a Spanishgalleon out of matchsticks for herhistory project.

galleryn��@TNY�2�_4��geog name > L > Fa platform projecting from one ormore interior walls (as of a theater)for additional accommodation (asof a part of an audience); especially: the highest of such platforms in atheater commonly having thecheapest seats.For the opera’s openingperformance there wasn’t a vacantseat in the entire gallery.

gallimaufryn��ATNY2@Z<S_4��Fmedley, mixture, hodgepodge,jumble.Ever since her around-the-worldtrip, Lindsey uses a gallimaufry offoreign phrases when she speaks.


gallinulen��@TNY2A[�f�CY��Lany of several aquatic birds thatresemble a small domestic hen ingeneral proportions and carriage.Mitch found an injured gallinule inthe rushes near Pearson’s dock.


gallonn��@TNY2[��F > Ea unit of liquid capacity equal to231 cubic inches.Long-term blood donors tally theirdonations by the gallon.

galloonn��T2@YC[��Fa narrow ornamental fabric usedespecially for trimming clothes orupholstery.Instead of the more common lace,Ling chose a white galloon for thetrim on her wedding dress.


gallopingadj��@TNY2]V;��Fmarked by a bounding and fastnatural three-beat gait of a horse.A galloping horse splashed throughthe waves on Sunset Beach.


galoreadj��T2@Y=�2�_��IrGaelabundant, plentiful, profuse.Edie found bargains galore at theflea market.

galoshn��T2@Y/`U��F > Ea high overshoe designed to protectthe shoe in wet weather or in wetareas and usually made with arubber or water-repellent fabric.The galosh was the first type offootwear to employ a zipperfastener.

galvanizev��@TNYc2A[6g��It name > Fstimulate as if by the application ofan electric current.The enemy attack served togalvanize the government intoimmediate action.

gambadon��TNZ@O0�A�Q=��Ita long boot or legging attached toeach side of a saddle to protect therider’s feet and legs from the wet orcold.Preparing for a ride in the rain, thehorseman attached a gambado toeach stirrup strap.



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gambolv��@TNZO2Y��GK > L > OProv > F[has homonym: gamble] bound orspring as in dancing or play.Susan watched the fawns gambol inthe field.

gamopetalousadj��ATNZ2@]RG3Y2`��Gkhaving the corolla composed ofunited petals.The flowers of the huckleberry,bluebell, and foxglove aregamopetalous.

gamutn��@TNZ2a��Gk > Lan entire range from one extreme toanother.The gamut of fall fashions includedmicro-miniskirts as well as ankle-length dresses.

ganglionn��@TN;TY42[��Gk > La mass of nerve tissue containingnerve cells.Each insect ganglion controlscertain activities and is more orless independent of the others.

gangrenen��@TN;AT_4[��Gk > Llocal death of soft tissues (as fromdisease, injury, or infection)resulting from loss of blood supply.The soldier knew that if gangreneset in, his wounded leg would needto be amputated.


gardenesqueadj��AT/_Q3[@R`X��Gmc > F > E + Ecfresembling or relating to a plot ofland devoted to the growing ofherbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables.Rosita turned her balcony into agardenesque area with vines andpotted plants.

garderoben��@T/_AQ_=O��F > Ea wardrobe or its contents.The seamstress hung the completedgown in the garderobe.

gargantuanadj��T/_@TN[PU�2d�2[��F nameof tremendous size or volume.The seemingly gargantuan gorillain the movie was really a four-foot-high computerized model.


garlionn��@T/_Yf2[��E + L > F > Ea hybrid vegetable resulting from across between garlic and onion.Shannon uses garlion in herspaghetti sauce.

garnisheev��AT/_[1@`U4��Gmc > F > E + Ecftake by legal writ the wages orother property of a debtor.Norton was afraid the court wouldgarnishee his entire salary to payhis back taxes.


garrulityn��T2@_CY2G4��Lthe quality or state of beingtalkative or long-winded.Paul talks so much that his teachercalls him a “geyser of garrulity.”

garrulousadj��@TN_2Y2`��Lgiven to conversation : loquacious,talkative.The old colonel turned quitegarrulous when talking of war.

gasconadev��ATN`X2@[0Q��F nameboast or bluster especially toexcess.Mr. Clay could gasconade at suchlength that his listeners becamebored.

gaseousadj��@TN`42`��Lhaving the form of or being a fluid(as air) that has neither independentshape nor volume but tends toexpand indefinitely.The energy required to completelyseparate one mole of a solid ioniccompound into gaseous ions iscalled “lattice energy.”



gastriloquistn��TN@`a_VY2Xd1`a��Gk + Lventriloquist.Lanny hired a gastriloquist toentertain at Betsy’s birthday party.


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gastronomyn��TN@`a_/[2Z4��Gk > Fthe art or science of good eating :epicurism.Chef Bernie specializes in Frenchgastronomy.

gaucheadj��@T=`U��Gmc > Flacking in social graces or ease,tact, and familiarity with politeusage.Gertrude was embarrassed by hercousin’s gauche behavior at thechristening.

gaucherien��@T=`U2A_4��Gmc > Fa tactless or awkward action; often: a bit of social or literary crudity.Daphne’s mom told her that usingone’s dinner napkin as ahandkerchief is an unforgivablegaucherie.

gaufretten��T<@S_Ra��Fa wafer of crisply fried potato cutto resemble a small waffle.At the summer festival the Frenchrestaurant featured gaufrette.

gauleitern��@TNBAY6G2�_���Ga political functionary occupying asubordinate but important positionin a totalitarian regime.The memoirs of the gauleitercontained little of historicalimportance.


gazellen��T2@gRY��Ar > Fany of numerous small graceful andswift African and Asian antelopesnoted for the luster and softexpression of their eyes.The fawn and white coloration ofthe gazelle serves to minimizedetection by predators.

gazetteern��ATNg2@aV�2�_��Venetian dialect > It > Fa geographical dictionary in whichnames and descriptions of placesare usually given in alphabeticalorder.Chandra consulted her gazetteer tofind the capital of Sri Lanka.

gazpachon��T.@`].�A�PU=��Spa soup made of uncooked choppedtomatoes, cucumbers, peppers,onion, garlic with vinegar, oil, andcondiments, and served cold.The restaurant was famous for itsgazpacho.

gegenscheinn��@T0T2[A`U6[��Ga faint elliptical nebulous lightabout 20 degrees across on theecliptic and opposite the Sun.The gegenschein is lost in the lightof the Milky Way in the summerand winter.


gelatinousadj��W2@YNa3[2`��L > It > F + Ecfresembling gelatin or jellyespecially in appearance andconsistency.Troy stepped on a gelatinous massof frog eggs.


n��@gU/[AQ/_Z��Fa continental European policeofficer; especially : a French policeofficer.The gendarme asked the victim fora description of the mugger.

genealogyn��AW4[4@/Y2W4��Gka study of family ancestral linesand the methods of investigation ofthem.Many Americans interested ingenealogy eventually come to theNational Archives in Washington,D.C., to do research.

generaladj��@WR[�2�_2Y��Lapplicable or relevant to the wholerather than to a limited part, group,or section.The spring thaw began in one ortwo areas, but soon there was ageneral change in temperaturethroughout the country.





genialadj��@W4[f2Y��Lmarked by sympatheticcheerfulness, warmth, andfriendliness.Kim’s goal was to make the clubmembers more genial and lesscliquish.



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genituren��@WR[2APUB�2�_��Lnativity, birth.The geniture of the prince was anevent of national importance.

genociden��@WR[2A`6Q��Gk + Lthe use of deliberate systematicmeasures calculated to bring aboutthe extermination of a racial,political, or cultural group.What stands between civilizationand genocide is the respect for therights and lives of all humanbeings.

genren��@gU/�:�[_2��L > Fa category of artistic compositioncharacterized by a particular style,form, or content.Most of the director’s work hasbeen in the genre of science fiction.

genteeladj��WR[@a4Y��L > Ffree from vulgarity or rudeness :marked by delicacy of manner.Despite his genteel manner,Senator Smith could be a ruthlessopponent.


gentilitialadj��AWR[a2@YV`U2Y��L + Ecfrelating or peculiar to a people or afamily.In 1917 the gentilitial name ofBritain’s royal family was changedto Windsor.


genuflectv��@WR[f2ASYRXa��Ltouch the knee to the floor orground especially in worship.Amy asked the tour guide ifeveryone had to genuflect uponentering the cathedral.

geochronyn��W4@/X_2[4��Gka system of time divisions used ingeology.In geochrony, time is divided intoeras, periods, and epochs.

geodesyn��W4@/Q2`4��Gka branch of applied mathematicsused to determine the exactpositions and areas of largeportions of Earth’s surface andalso the gravitational field of Earth.An expert in geodesy, Dr. Buckdetermined the variation in gravitybetween the highest and lowestpoints of Earth’s exposed surface.

geognosyn��W4@/T[2`4��Gk + Gka branch of geology that deals withthe materials of Earth and itsgeneral exterior and interiorconstitution.Hilda’s research in geognosyinvolved classifying several kindsof minerals and recording theirdistribution throughout the world.

geographyn��W4@/T_2S4��Gkthe descriptive science that dealswith the surface of Earth and itsfeatures.Chelsea was surprised by howmuch she learned about geographyin her history class.


geosynclinen��AW4�A�=@`V[AXY6[��Gka great downward flexure of Earth'scrust.A deep layer of sediment hasaccumulated in the geosyncline.

geraniumn��W2@_0[42Z��Gk > Lany of a widely distributed genus ofplants having regular usually white,pink, or purple flowers.For decoration, Anita placed apotted geranium at the side of thefront door.

geriatricsn pl��AWR_4@Na_VX`��Gk + Ea branch of medicine that dealswith the problems and diseases ofold age and aging people.Marie’s expertise in geriatricsmade her well qualified to work inthe city’s Department of Aging.

germaneadj��W2�_�@Z0[��L > F > Ehaving a close relationship :appropriate, pertinent.Judge Beacon ruled that theplaintiff’s past record was notgermane to the current case.

germiciden��@W2_Z2A`6Q��L > Fan agent that destroys germs (asdisease germs).Mouthwash is a commongermicide.

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germinaladj��@W2_Z2[3Y��L > Fbeing in the earliest stage ofdevelopment.Jonathan’s social studies class isstudying the germinal politicalideas underlying our democraticgovernment.


gerrymanderv��@WR_4AZN[Q2�_���American name + Gk > Ldivide (an area) into political unitsso as to give special advantages toone group.The governor vetoed the bill thatwould gerrymander a county infavor of his opponent.

gerundn��@WR_2[Q��Lthe English verbal noun ending in -ing.In the sentence “Swimming isClaudia’s favorite activity,” theword swimming is a gerund.

gestapon��T1@`a/�A�]=��G acronyma secret-police organization thatoperates especially against personssuspected of treason or sedition andemploys means held to beunderhanded and terrorist.In the novel, morality becamenothing more than subservience tothe dictates of the ruthless gestapo.

gesticulatev��WR@`aVXf2AY0a��Lmake gestures or motions of thebody or limbs especially whenspeaking.The way public figures gesticulatewhile talking is often fodder forcomedians.

gesturen��@WR`�U�PU2�_���La movement usually of the body orlimbs that symbolizes oremphasizes an idea, sentiment, orattitude.When Alex made the winningtouchdown, Coach Miller swunghis hands up in the air as a gestureof victory.

gesundheitinterj��T2@gB[aAU6a��G—used to wish good healthespecially to one who has justsneezed.“Gesundheit” echoed throughoutthe school when Mr. Brownsneezed during an intercomannouncement.


ghastlyadj��@TN`aY4��Egiving rise to terror : frightening.The gnarled trees appeared ghastlyin the moonlight.



ghoulishadj��@TCYV`U��Arof, resembling, or suggestive of anevil being held to rob graves andfeed on corpses.Tricia favors rather ghoulish nailcolors like green and black.


giantesqueadj��AW62[a@R`X��Gk > L > F > E + Fcfhaving the characteristics of a giant: immense.A giantesque Snoopy balloon wasthe highlight of the parade.


gibbousadj��@WVO2`��L > F > Eseen with more than half but not allof the apparent disk of a moon or aplanet illuminated.Vladimir and Sonya took a longromantic walk under the gibbousMoon.

giblehn��@TVOY2��Ara hot desert wind of northernAfrica.The gibleh brought huge clouds ofpowdery sand that covered theroads.


giganticadj��W6@TN[aVX��Gkgreater in size than the usual orexpected.The American flag flying over theservice station is so gigantic that itcan be seen from a mile away.

gigotn��@WVT2a��F[has homonym: jigget] a leg (as oflamb or mutton) especially whencooked.Marie praised the chef for cookingthe gigot with exactly the righttouch of garlic.


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gimmickyadj��@TVZ1X4��unknown + Ecfhaving or being like a new andingenious device, scheme, or ideawith a novel or unconventionaltwist.The advertisement displayedgimmicky gizmos, such as awristwatch that played NotreDame’s fight song.

gingerbreadn��@WV[W2�_�AO_RQ��F > Ea cake made with molasses,flavored with ginger, and often cutin shapes and frosted.Pam entertained the children byhelping them bake and decorategingerbread.

ginghamn��@TV;2Z��Malaya fabric in plain weave made insolid colors, checks, plaids, andstripes.Betsy made curtains of bluegingham for her kitchen.

gingivitisn��AWV[W2@c6G1`��Linflammation of the gums.To prevent gingivitis Beth has herteeth cleaned regularly.

ginglymusn��@WV;TY1Z2`��Gka hinge joint admitting of motion inone plane only.In health class Jerry learned thatthe humerus and the ulna areconnected by a ginglymus.

giraffen��W2@_NS��Ar > Ita large fleet African ruminantmammal that is the tallest of livingquadrupeds and has a very longneck and a short coat with darkblotches separated by pale lines.Each giraffe has a unique patternof coat markings that distinguishesit from all other giraffes.

girandolen��@WV_2[AQ=Y��L > It > Fa mirror having attached candleholders.The girandole over Pete’s mantel isa replica of one in a Loire Valleychateau.


gizzardn��@TVg2�_�Q��Iranian? > L > F > Ethe muscular enlargement of thealimentary canal of birds thatserves to grind the food, itsmuscular action being commonlyassisted by gravel swallowed by thebird.Aunt Lena’s favorite part of thechicken is the gizzard.


glabrousadj��@TY0O_2`��Lhaving an epidermal covering thatis totally or relatively devoid ofhairs or down.Mr. Franklin showed the firstgraders that reptiles, unlikemammals, are completely glabrous.

glacialadj��@TY0`U2Y��Lextremely cold, frigid, freezing.A glacial wind withered the rosesovernight.

glaciern��@TY0`U2�_���L > F[has near homonym: glazier] alarge body of ice moving slowlydown a slope or valley or spreadingoutward on a land surface.The iceberg that sank Titanic hadprobably broken off from a glacieron Greenland.


glaconn��TYN@`=:��Fa piece of sea ice ranging in sizefrom a small fragment to a floe ofmedium dimensions.At least one seagull was perched onevery glacon in the bay.

gladiatorn��@TYNQ4A0G2�_���Celt > La person engaged in a fight to thedeath as public entertainment forancient Romans.The victorious gladiator wascheered by the excited crowd in theColiseum.

glasnostn��@TY/`A[=`a��Russa policy permitting public discourseand expression of opinion ondomestic issues formerly forbiddento discussion especially in theformer Soviet Union.Glasnost spawned a profusion ofnew political and literary journalsin Moscow.

glasp alt not a ord

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glaucoman��TY<@X=Z2��Gk > La disease of the eye marked byincreased pressure within theeyeball that damages the optic diskand results in gradual loss of visionand ultimate blindness.Ophthalmologists routinely test forglaucoma as part of their eyeexaminations.

glaucousadj��@TY<X2`��Gk[has homonym: Glaucus] of a paleyellow green color.The antique glass beads had aglaucous color that matchedPamela’s dress exactly.

glaziern��@TY0gU2�_���E[has near homonyms: glacier,glazer] one whose work is cuttingand setting glass.Mom called a glazier who agreedto repair our broken window onThursday.

glimmerv��@TYVZ2�_���Eemit feeble or intermittent rays oflight.From Table Top Mountain, thecouple watched the city lightsglimmer in the cool clear eveningair.

glimpsen��@TYVZ�]�`��Ea brief fleeting look : a momentaryor incomplete view.From the taxi the passengerscaught a glimpse of the JeffersonMemorial.

glioman��TY6@=Z2��Gka tumor arising from the tissuewhich supports the essentialelements of nervous tissue.An examination by our veterinarianrevealed that the problems our dogwas having were caused by aglioma.

glissadev��TY1@`/Q��Fmove along smoothly andeffortlessly : glide.Kris watched the skaters glissadeover the frozen pond.

glissandon��TY1@`/[�A�Q=��F + Ita rapid series of consecutive notesplayed on a piano, harp, or othersimilar instrument by sliding one ormore fingers across adjacent keysor strings.Joachim diligently practiced theglissando at the end of the firstmovement.

glisteningv��@TYV`3[V;��Eshining brightly usually byreflection with a sparklingradiance.Clarabelle watched the raindropsglistening in the moonlight.

globularadj��@TY/Of2Y2�_���Lround like a ball : spherical.A globular lamp hung from thecenter of the ceiling in Gretchen’sdining room.


glockenspieln��@TY/X2[A`�U�]4Y��Celt > Ga percussion musical instrumentconsisting of a series of graduatedmetal bars tuned to the chromaticscale and played with twohammers.The glockenspiel tinkled to life asits player joined in a rendition ofBeethoven’s “Ode to Joy.”

gloggn��@TYBT��Swa Swedish hot punch made from asweetened highly spiced mixture ofwines, almonds, raisins, andusually orange peel.Each evening a bowl of hot gloggawaited the returning skiers.



glottogonicadj��ATY/G=@T/[VX��Gkof or relating to the origin oflanguage.Three Russian linguists lectured ontheir glottogonic research.

glowwormn��@TY=Ad2_Z��E + Eany of various luminous insectswith wings rudimentary or lacking.Kyle scooped up the glowworm andput it in his collection jar.

gloxinian��TY/X@`V[42��G namea greenhouse herb having largeflowers with a turbinate calyx andirregular bell-shaped corolla;especially : a Brazilian herb that isthe source of many horticulturalvarieties.Charlena’s gloxinia bears brightpink, trumpetlike flowers in earlysummer.

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glucosen��@TYCAX=`��Gk > Fthe sweet colorless sugar thatoccurs especially in plant saps andfruits and normally in blood.Glucose is formed from water andcarbon dioxide by photosynthesis.

gluttonouslyadv��@TY2a�3�[2`Y4��L > F > Ein a manner marked by excess ineating and drinking especiallywhen habitual.After eating gluttonously, Jack tooka short nap on the couch.


gnocchin pl��@[/X4��Gmc? > Itdumplings of a pasta often madewith cheese or riced potato andserved with a sauce.Celeste ladled a cream sauce overthe gnocchi before serving them.


gnomicadj��@[=ZVX��Gk[has homonym: nomic]characterized by or expressive ofmoralistic wisdom especiallyconcerning human condition orconduct.The calendar contained 12 NormanRockwell illustrations, eachaccompanied by a gnomicsentiment.


gnotobioticadj��A[=G2�A�O6@/GVX��Gkof, relating to, living in, or being acontrolled environment containingone or a few kinds of organisms.A good example of a plannedgnotobiotic environment is theinternational space station.

goalien��@T=Y4��Ea player who defends the goal invarious games.Jake rifled off shot after shot ongoal, but the goalie was too good.

goateen���A�T=@a4��Ea small trim pointed or tufted beardon a man’s chin.Sally wanted to know why shecouldn’t have a goatee when shegrew up.

gobemouchen���A�T=O@ZC`U��F + L > Fa credulous person; especially : onewho believes everything heard.Jack’s brothers are always makingup fantastic stories to tell himbecause he is such a gobemouche.

goldenrodn��@T=YQ2[A_/Q��E + Ea yellow flower with long stalkswith small clusters of petals.Many people are allergic to thegoldenrod.

golemn��@T=Y2Z��Heb > Yiddishan artificial figure constructed torepresent a human being andendowed with life.Some people believe that MaryShelley based her story ofFrankenstein on the ancient Jewishtradition of the golem.



gonfalonn��@T/[S2AY/[��F > It[Note: Could be confused withsynonym gonfanon.] a flag thathangs from a crosspiece or frame.As a distinguished alumnus, Walterwas asked to carry the gonfalon ofthe College of Arts and Sciences atthe graduation ceremony.

gongorismn��@T/;T2A_Vg2Z��Sp namean excessively involved, ornate,and artificial style of writing.In his later years, the poet lapsedinto gongorism.


gorgeousadj��@T<_W2`��F > Echaracterized by brilliance ormagnificence of any kind.The parade floats were gorgeouswith their array of flowers.

gorgetn��@T<_W1a��Fa specially colored patch on thethroat.The woodpecker sported a broadblack gorget and beautiful red andwhite plumage.

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gorgonizev��@T<�_�T2A[6g��Gk namestupefy, petrify.The glare of Mrs. McGillicutty hasthe potential to gorgonize even themost arrogant student.

Gorgonzolan��AT<�_�T2[@g=Y2��It geog namea blue cheese usually made ofcow’s milk.Kendra crumbled some Gorgonzolaon a piece of bread and toasted it.

gorillan��T2@_VY2��Gk > L[has homonym: guerrilla] ananthropoid ape of the forest regionof equatorial West Africa.The behavior of the gorilla hasbeen extensively studied byanthropologists and zoologists.

gorsen��@T<�2�_`��Ea spiny evergreen shrub : juniper.Taryn went hiking in an area ofEngland that is just miles and milesof wild land covered with heatherand gorse.


goslingn��@T/gYV;��Ea young goose.Judy rescued a stray gosling fromMrs. Porter’s cat.

gossamern��@T/`2Z2�_���Ea fine filmy substance consisting offragments or strands of cobweboften seen floating in air in calmclear weather or caught on grass orbushes.The dew and gossamer had driedfrom the grass by midmorning.

gossipn��@T/`1]��Erumor, report, tattle, or behind-the-scenes information especially of anintimate or personal nature.“Turn a deaf ear to gossip,”advised Mrs. Dunbar.

gougen��@TNBW��Celt > L > F > Ea chisel for scooping or cuttingholes, channels, or grooves (as inwood or stone).Adrian used a gouge to incise aleaf pattern on the bench.

gouramin��TC@_/Z4��Malayany of several small brightlycolored Asian fishes often kept inthe tropical aquarium.Jonathan bought a colorfulgourami for his new aquarium.


gourmetn��ATB�2�_@Z0��Fa connoisseur in eating anddrinking.At the market the gourmet chose hisingredients with the greatest ofcare.

goutn��@TNBa��L > F > Ea metabolic disease marked by apainful inflammation of the fibrousand ligamentous parts of the joints.Poor old John is bedridden with therheumatic gout in his joints.

governessn��@T2c2�_�[1`��Gk > L > F > Ea woman entrusted with the careand supervision of a child or youngperson; especially : a femaleteacher employed in a privatehousehold.Alice plans to enroll in a coursethat will enable her to be a certifiedgoverness.


gracilityn��T_N@`VY2G4��Lthe quality of being pleasing inmovement.David’s youthful gracility was oneof his chief assets as a dancer.




grallatorialadj��AT_NY2@a=_42Y��Lof or belonging to the wading birds.The horned screamer is a SouthAmerican grallatorial bird with along projection on its forehead anda shrill cry.

gramineousadj��T_2@ZV[42`��L[has near homonym: graminous]resembling or relating to a grass.The vast plain is an excellenthabitat for gramineous plants.

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grammarn��@T_NZ2�_���Gk > L > F > Ea branch of linguistic study thatdeals with the classes of words,their means of indicating relation toeach other, and their functions inthe sentence as employed accordingto established usage.Mrs. Cates makes sure that herstudents can define the eight partsof speech before she progresses toother aspects of grammar.

grammariann��T_2@ZR_42[��Gk > L > F > Ea specialist in the study of what isto be preferred and what avoided inthe inflections and syntax oflanguage.The grammarian in Johnny cringesevery time he hears someone ask,“Where at?”


gramophilen��@T_NZ2AS6Y��Gka lover and protector of oldphonograph records.Earl became a real gramophileafter inheriting his uncle’s recordcollection.

grandeurn��@T_N[W2�_���L > Fpersonal greatness characterizedchiefly by dignity of character,largeness of spirit, or significantscope of accomplishment.After Katherine Graham’s death,many magazines ran featurearticles describing her grandeur inthe world of newspapers.

grandiloquencen��T_N[@QVY2Xd2[�a�`��Lthe use of lofty words or phrases :bombast.Professor Simon’s grandiloquencefailed to impress Robbie.

grandioseadj��@T_N[Q4A=`��L > It > Fimpressive because of uncommonlargeness, scope, effect, grandeur,or majesty.Cleo didn’t want to listen to all ofNicolette’s grandiose ideas for theparty.

grangerizev��@T_0[W2A_6g��E name + Ecfillustrate (as a book) by insertingmaterial (as photographs orengravings) collected from othersources.To complete her family memoirs,Miriam will have to grangerize thebook using her great-aunt’sscrapbooks and artwork.





graticulen��@T_NG1AXfCY��Lthe network of lines of latitude andlongitude upon which a map isdrawn.Jeff plotted a graticule before hebegan to draw his map of theislands.

gratinatev��@T_Na3[A0a��F > Ecfcook with a covering of butteredcrumbs or grated cheese until acrust or crisp surface forms.Mom decided to gratinate themacaroni for lunch.


graupeln��@T_NB]2Y��Slav? > Ggranular snow pellets.Peter calls graupel “tapioca snow”because of its shape and color.


graveolentadj��T_2@c42Y2[a��Lhaving a rank smell.Elaine quickly disposed of therotten, graveolent egg.

gravitatev��@T_Nc2Aa0a��Lmove casually but inexorably asthough under an external force.Ellen tends to grativate toward theshoe store in any mall.

graziosoadv��AT_/a`4@=�A�`=��L > Itgraceful, smooth, or elegant instyle—used as a direction in music.Several of Mozart’s piano sonatasinclude pieces that are playedgrazioso.

greffiern��@T_RS4A0��L > Fregistrar, recorder.The office of the greffier is linedwith ledgers.

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gregariousadj��T_1@TN�N�_42`��Lmarked by an instinctive ortemperamental preference for asocial rather than a solitaryexistence.Because of their gregarious nature,dogs make good house pets.

grenadiern��AT_R[2@QV�2�_��Fa soldier who carries and throwsmissiles consisting of a containerfitted with a priming charge and abursting charge and filled with adestructive agent (as gas, highexplosive, incendiary chemicals).The grenadier started the assault,followed immediately by theriflemen.

gressorialadj��T_R@`=_42Y��Ladapted for walking.Some birds, such as the turkey,have gressorial feet.


grievousadj��@T_4c2`��F > Ecausing, characterized by, orindicative of severe physical painor suffering.Jason screamed as if the scratch onhis leg were a grievous wound.

grimacen��@T_VZ1`��Gmc > Fa deliberate or involuntarydistortion of the face expressive ofsome feeling (as contempt,disapprobation, complacency).The camera caught Allie’s grimaceduring the pep rally.

grimoiren��T_1Z@d/_��Fa magician’s manual for invokingdemons and the spirits of the dead.The witch looked in her grimoire tofind a spell to change the child intoa rat.

grimthorpev��@T_VZ�]�AaU<�2�_]��E nameremodel (an ancient building)without proper knowledge or careto retain its original quality andcharacter.Darryl is afraid the developers willgrimthorpe the old mill.

griotn��@T_4�A�=��Fany of a class of musician-entertainers of West Africa whoseperformances include tribalhistories and genealogies.While doing research for his bookRoots, Alex Haley was stunned tomeet a griot who was able to tellthe story of how Haley’s ancestorswere captured by slavers and sentto America.

grisaillen��T_1@g6��Fpainting in monochrome usually inshades of gray often as decorationto simulate sculptured relief.The old manuscript contained agrisaille of a skeleton personifyingdeath.


gristlinessn��@T_V`�2�Y4[1`��Ethe quality or state of containingtough fiber or cartilage especiallyin table meats.When Ruth noticed the gristlinessof the beef, she decided to cut it upand cook it in a stew.



grobiann��@T_=O42[��G namea slovenly crude often buffoonishindividual : boor, lout.Vicki knew better than to expectPrince Charming on her blind date,but she never envisioned a grobian.



groceterian��AT_=`2@aV_42��F > E + Ecfa self-service food store.Patrice bought four lemons at thegroceteria.


grosgrainn��@T_=AT_0[��Fa firm fabric in plain weave.The ribbon in Alta’s hair was madeof grosgrain.


grovelv��@T_/c2Y��ON > Ecreep on the earth or with the faceto the ground as one’s natural gaitor manner of locomotion.Jacques let his pig grovel throughthe forest to find truffles.

grueln��@T_C2Y��Gmc > F > Ea liquid food made by boiling acereal (as cornmeal, oatmeal, flour)in water or milk.Isabella and her father had a nicebasin of gruel together.

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grunionn��@T_2[f2[��L > Spa small silver-striped fish of theCalifornia coast notable for theregularity with which it comesinshore to spawn at the time of anearly full moon.Jose caught a grunion with his barehands when it came to spawn onthe beach.


guardiann��@T/_Q42[��F > AF > Eone to whom a person or thing iscommitted for protection, security,or preservation.Alcibiades’ guardian was thefamous statesman Pericles.

Guatemalann��ATd/G2@Z/Y2[��Central American namea native or inhabitant of Guatemala,a country in Central America.Maria was a Guatemalan by birth,but had become a naturalizedBrazilian.

guavan��@Td/c2��Arawak > Spthe globular yellow fruit of a smallshrubby tropical American tree.A slice of guava topped offRawonda’s fruit salad.

gubernatorialadj��ATCO2�_�[2@a=_42Y��L + Ecfof or relating to a governor orgovernment.The gubernatorial signature wasrequired for the law to becomeeffective.


guernseyn��@T2_[g4��E geog namean animal of the breed of fawn andwhite dairy cattle producing richyellowish milk.A lone guernsey grazed in themiddle of the herd of black andwhite holsteins in Mr. Henley’spasture.

guessv��@TR`��Scand? > Eform an opinion or judgment ofwithout knowledge.Harvey decided to guess how muchsugar to put in the pie.

guffawv���A�T2@S<��imitlaugh noisily or coarsely.The comic hoped that the audiencemembers would guffaw at his jokes,but they merely snickered.

guidonn��@T6Q/[��OProv > Fa usually swallow-tailed flag borneby a military unit usually as a unitmarker.Leah was selected to carry theguidon in the ROTC parade.



guilefuladj��@T6YS2Y��Gmc > F > Echaracterized by cunning, deceit, ortreachery.His classmates thought Jack wasguileful in paying $12 for a $1200baseball card.


guillochen��T1@Y=`U��F name?a pattern (as on metalwork) madeby interlacing curved lines.The dense guilloche on the irongate prevented people fromreaching through to turn the insideknob.

guillotinen��@TVY2Aa4[��F namea machine for beheading by meansof a heavy ax or blade that slidesdown in vertical guides.The guillotine was considered amerciful means of capitalpunishment when it was invented.


guitarn��T1@a/_��Gk > Ar > Sp > F[Note: Could be confused withcatarrh.] a flat-bodied stringedinstrument with a long fretted neckand usually six strings plucked witha pick or with the fingers.Brett’s parents bought him anacoustic guitar for his 15thbirthday.

gullibilityn��AT2Y2@OVY2G4��E + Ecffthe quality or state of being easilydeceived.Gertrude’s gullibility made her theobject of many practical jokes.


gulosityn��TfC@Y/`2G4��Lexcessive appetite : greediness.It would be much easier for Roslynto lose weight if she could curb hergulosity.

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gummiferousadj��AT2@ZVS�2�_2`��Egypt > Gk > L + Lproducing or bearing a colloidalsubstance that is gelatinous whenmoist but hardens on drying.A sapodilla is a gummiferous tree.

gummosisn��AT2@Z=`1`��Lthe pathological production ofsticky exudates in plants as a resultof cell degeneration.Plants afflicted with gummosis areoften beset with ants.

gumptionn��@T2Z�]�`U2[��unknownblended initiative, resolution, andeffort.Of all his brothers, only Grandpahad the gumption to leave the oldcountry and come to America.

gurneyn��@T2_[4��American namea wheeled cot or stretcher.The gurney squeaked ominously asHeywood was wheeled into theoperating room.

gurun��@TCA_C��Skt > Hindia personal religious teacher andspiritual guide in Hinduism.Shri asked his guru whether heshould undertake a pilgrimage.

gustatoryadj��@T2`a2Aa<_4��L + Ecfof, relating to, affecting, orassociated with the sense of taste.Gaylord was hired as a food tasterbecause of his highly refinedgustatory skills.

gutturaladj��@T2G2_2Y��L > Fbeing or belonging to a speechsound that is articulated in thethroat.Guttural consonants posed aproblem for Emily in German class.

gutturalizev��@T2G2_2Y6g��L + Ecfpronounce or utter with soundsarticulated in the throat.Because of her Germanbackground, Ursula has a tendencyto gutturalize certain words.

gymkhanan��WVZ@X/[2��Per&Gk > Hindia horseback-riding meet featuringgames and novelty contests.Clem practiced daily with his horseso that he could enter severalevents in the upcoming gymkhana.


gynarchyn��@WVA[/_X4��Gkgovernment by women.Although it has had a few maleofficers, Reta’s investment club hasalways been a gynarchy.

gypsumn��@WV]`2Z��Sem > Gk > Lplasterboard.Kiki nailed a sheet of gypsum to thegarage wall.

gyratev��@W6A_0a��Gk > Lturn or swing back and forth oftenrapidly with or as if with a circularor spiral motion.Couples on the dance floor startedto gyrate as a new song began.




haberdashern��@UNO2�_�AQN`U2�_���AF > Ea dealer in men’s furnishings (asshirts, ties, hats).Another upscale haberdasher hasopened a shop on Brighton Street.


habilimentsn pl��U2@OVY2Z2[�a�`��Fclothing suited to or characteristicof a calling, occupation, orprofession : garb, costume.Burt dressed for the rodeo in thehabiliments of a cowboy.


habitatn��@UNO2AaNa��Lthe place where a plant or animalspecies naturally lives and grows.The government appropriatedmoney to preserve the naturalhabitat of the endangered species.

habitualadj��U2@OVPU�2�d2Y��Lestablished by or repeated by forceof a developed mode of behaviorthat has become nearly orcompletely involuntary.Brian had to explain his habitualtardiness to the assistant principal.

haciendan��A�U�/`4@R[Q2��L > Spthe main building of a farm orranch.A winding, tree-lined driveway ledto the hacienda.

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hackamoren��@UNX2AZ=�2�_��Ar > Spa bridle that consists of a halteroften of soft rope or braidedhorsehair and is used especially inbreaking and training horses.Charlene pulled back on thehackamore and cried “Whoa!”hacked

hackneyedadj��@UNX[4Q��E geog namecommonplace : trite.The marketing adjective extremewill soon be as hackneyed as superand ultra.

haggardadj��@UNT2�_�Q��Fhaving a worn or emaciatedappearance caused by suffering,anxiety, or age.Ever since she last saw him in thecourtroom, Frank’s haggard faceand wild eyes had haunted her.

haggisn��@UNT1`��Ea pudding especially popular inScotland made of the heart, liver,and lungs of a sheep or a calfminced with suet, onions, oatmeal,and seasonings and boiled in thestomach of the animal.Haggis is often served on January25, the birthday of the Scottish poetRobert Burns.



haikun��@U6AXC��Jpnan unrhymed verse form ofJapanese origin having three linescontaining usually five, seven, andfive syllables, respectively.Compressing an image or idea intoonly 17 syllables is what makes ahaiku most challenging to compose.


halcyonadj��@UNY`42[��Gk > L > Epleasingly or idyllically calm orpeaceful : serene.Aaron spent the halcyon afternoonin his hammock.

halibutn��@UNY2O2a��Ethe largest of the flatfishes, beingan inhabitant of all northern seas.At the aquarium, Ernie saw ahalibut the size of a sleeping bag.

halieuticsn pl��AUNY4@�f�CGVX`��Gkthe art or practice of fishing.Izaak Walton's The CompleatAngler is the most famous book onhalieutics.

halitosisn��AUNY2@a=`1`��La condition of having bad breath.The new mouthwash is advertisedto cure halitosis.

hallucinationn��U2AYC`3[@0`U2[��Lperception of objects with noreality.Maynard swears that the ghost hesaw was no hallucination.

hallucinogenn��U2@YC`3[3AWR[��L + Gka substance that inducesperceptions of objects with noreality; especially : one takenorally.The medicine that the doctorsprescribed was an effective painkiller, but in larger doses itsometimes became a frighteninghallucinogen.

halophyten��@UNY2AS6a��Gk + Gka plant that grows naturally in soilshaving a high content of varioussalts.Australian aborigines grind intoflour the seeds of a halophyte thatgrows in the coastal mud flats.

hamadryadn��AUNZ2@Q_6ANQ��Gk > La nymph of trees and woods;especially : a nymph whose lifebegins and ends with that of aparticular tree.Darcy sat on a bench in thearboretum and imagined she was ahamadryad.

hamartian��AU/AZ/_@a42��Gka defect of character : error, guilt,or sin especially of the tragic heroin a literary work.Overweening ambition proved to beMacbeth’s hamartia.

hamateadj��@U0AZ0a��Lhooked.Elliott examined the hamate hairson the insect’s forelegs.



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handwroughtadj��@UN[QA_<a��Efashioned by hand or chiefly byhand processes.Barbie found a handwrought trivetat the garage sale.

hansomn��@UN[�a�`2Z��E name[has homonym: handsome] a lighttwo-wheeled covered carriage withthe driver’s seat elevated behindand with the reins passed over thetop.Holmes and Watson jumped into ahansom and ordered the driver tofollow discreetly the cab ahead.

haphazardadj��UN]@UNg2�_�Q��ON > E + Ar > F > Eaimless, random.The apartment’s haphazardfurniture arrangement made it lookuntidy.

haplessadj��@UN]Y1`��ON > E + Ecfmarked by the absence of goodluck : unfortunate.The hapless students were caughtbetween the school district and thestriking teachers.

haplologyn��UN@]Y/Y2W4��Gkcontraction of a word by theomission of one or more similarsounds or syllables inpronunciation.The use of “probly” instead ofprobably in hasty speech is anexample of haplology.


haranguen��U2@_N;��Gmc? > It > F > Ea bombastic, ranting speech.Amasa’s harangue at thesophomore assembly offendednearly everyone.


harassedadj��U2@_N`a��Gmc > Fsorely troubled, vexed, or burdened: badgered.The harassed waitress decided shehad tolerated inconsideratecustomers long enough and found adifferent line of work.

harbingern��@U/_O1[W2_��Gmc > F > Esomething that presages orforeshadows what is to come.The howling wind was theharbinger of a storm.

hardinessn��@U/_Q4[1`��Ethe capability of endurance orresistance.The rose’s hardiness was severelytested by a cold snap.

haren��@UN�N��2�_��E[has homonym: hair] any ofvarious timid long-eared gnawingmammals with a divided upper lip,long strong hind legs adapted toleaping, and a short tail.Most schoolchildren have heard thestory of the tortoise and the hare.

haricotn��@UN_2AX=��Fthe ripe seed or the unripe pod ofany of several beans used as avegetable.The baby nibbled on a haricot andwrinkled her nose.

Harlequinadj��@U/_Y1X�d�1[��E > F > It > Fa stock character in comedy andpantomime who appears variouslyas a clown and a magician andusually wears a mask andvariegated tights and carries awooden sword.The children especially enjoyed thebuffoonish antics of the Harlequin.


harmoniouslyadv��AU/_@Z=[42`Y4��Gkin a manner marked by accord insentiment or action : compatibly.For a large family to liveharmoniously, rules and chores area must.

harnessn��@U/_[1`��ON > F > Ethe gear or tackle other than a yokeof a draft animal such as a horse.The horse pulling the carriagethrough Central Park had silverbells on its harness that jingledwhenever the driver shook thereins.


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harpsichordn��@U/_]`2AX<_Q��L > Ita keyboard instrument resemblingthe grand piano in shape andproducing tones by the plucking ofwire strings with quills or leatherpoints.Kristin heard the jangling tones ofthe harpsichord through thepractice room door.

harridann��@UN_2Q2[��F?a haggard old woman.Ruth asked a woman in the townsquare if she could take herpicture, but the harridan just shookher fist at her and walked away.


harrumphv��U2@_2Z�]�S��imitmake a pompous throat-clearingsound.Monique wished that Mr. Nickelswouldn’t harrumph directly into themicrophone.

hartaln��U/_@a/Y��Hindiconcerted cessation of work andbusiness especially as a protestagainst a political situation.The Goa liberation committeecalled a hartal on Friday inmemory of Indians killed byPortuguese fire on Monday.

hartebeestn��@U/_G2AO4`a��D > Afrikaansa large African antelope with shortringed divergent horns.The hartebeest grazes mainly onthe open plains and scrublands ofsub-Saharan Africa.

hassockn��@UN`1X��Ea bulky upholstered footstool.Phyllis decided to purchase thewing chair with the matchinghassock.


hauberkn��@U<�A�O2_X��Gmc > F > Ea long tunic of ring or chain mailthat with a close-fitting helmet anda shield constituted the maindefensive armor of the 12th to 14thcenturies.Most of the Norman soldiers worea hauberk, which was put on overthe head.

haughtilyadv��@U<G3Y4��L > F > Ein a disdainfully proud oroverbearing manner.Gertrude haughtily replied that shereceives an allowance of 20 dollarsper week.

haulagen��@U<YVW��Gmc > F > Ea charge made for transportingsomething.Paul's final bill for his new carincluded haulage for transportationfrom the factory to the dealer.

hauntedadj��@U<[a2Q��Gmc > F > Einhabited by or as if by apparitions: frequented by ghosts.The deserted Victorian houseoutside town is said to be haunted.

hauteurn��U<@a2_��F[has near homonyms: auteur andhotter] an assumption of superiority: arrogant or condescendingmanner.The young couple was put off bythe waiter’s hauteur.


havocn��@UNc2X��Gmc > F > AF > Ewide and general damage ordestruction.The havoc created by the hurricanemade the area look like a war zone.

hazardousadj��@UNg2�_�Q2`��Ar > F > Eexposed or exposing one to dangeror peril.The mountain road has manyhazardous curves.


healthyadj��@URY74��Efree from disease : functioningproperly and normally in its vitalfunctions.A perfectly healthy tree in Tammy'sbackyard was twisted and torn outof the ground by the tornado.

hearsayn��@UV�2�_A`0��Esomething heard from another :report, rumor.Jody’s elaborate account of theargument was based purely onhearsay.

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hearthn��@U/_aU��Ea brick, stone, or cement area offloor in front of a fireplace.Toby placed a plate of cookies anda glass of milk on the hearth forSanta.

heathenn��@U492[��Ea person whose culture orenlightenment is of an inferiorgrade.Embarrassed by her brother’sbehavior in front of her friends,Simone asked her mother to sendthe little heathen outside.

heathern��@UR92�_���Ea common evergreen low-growingshrubby plant that has racemes oftiny usually purplish pink flowers.The true heather of Scotland is alsocalled “ling” or “common heath.”heaumen��@U=Z��F[has homonym: home] a largehelmet chiefly of the 13th centuryworn over a hood of mail or close-fitting steel cap and supported bythe shoulders rather than the head.Each knight wore a heaume andcarried a lance in the tournament.

hebdomadn��@UROQ2AZNQ��Gka group of seven.Though some people think there isjust a hebdomad of stars in thePleiades, there are actually manymore.

hebetatev��@URO2Aa0a��Lblunt the sensitivity or keenness of: make dull or obtuse.Some parents fear that video gameshebetate young minds.



hectaren��@URXAaN�N��2�_��Gk > F + L > Fa metric unit of area equal to10,000 square meters.The firefighters reported that morethan a hectare of land was on fire.

hedgehogn��@URWAU<T��Eany of several Old World nocturnalspine-bearing mammals.Prudence spotted a hedgehog in thestrawberry patch.


hedonismn��@U4Q3[AVg2Z��Gka way of life based on orsuggesting the principle thatpleasure or happiness is the sole orchief good in life.When André turned 30, herenounced his youthful hedonism.

hegemonyn��U1@WRZ2[4��Gkpreponderant influence or authority(as of a government or state) :leadership, dominance.Nazi Germany attempted worldhegemony and failed.

heifern��@URS2�_���Ea young cow.This year’s blue-ribbon heiferbelongs to Mrs. Cates.


heinousnessn��@U0[2`[1`��Gmc > F > E + Ecfthe quality or state of beinghatefully or shockingly evil.Even the police were appalled bythe heinousness of the crime.

heiressn��@R_1`��L > F > E[has near homonym: eros] a femalewho inherits or is entitled to inheritgreat wealth.Antoine dreamed that he marriedan heiress and moved to an island.



heleoplanktonn��AURY4�A�=@]YN;Xa2[��Gkplankton typical of small bodies ofstill fresh water.Dozens of species gathered at thesouth end of the lake to feed onheleoplankton.





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heliophobousadj��AU4Y4@/S2O2`��Gk + Gk + Ecfavoiding the sun : shade-loving.Jackie planted ferns, hostas, andother heliophobous plants in hershady garden.




helotryn��@URY2a_4��Gk > L + Ecfthe slaves or serfs of a country oran estate.In ancient Sparta the helotry wasrequired to serve in the army.

hematogenousadj��AU4Z2@a/W2[2`��Gkspread by way of the blood stream.Andrea was treated with antibioticsto prevent any hematogenousinfection.

hematoman��AU4Z2@a=Z2��Gk > La tumor or swelling containingblood.A hematoma can result fromvarious types of blunt trauma to thehead.

hemeralopian��AURZ2_2@Y=]42��Gka defect of vision characterized byreduced visual capacity in brightlights.A deficiency of vitamin A can leadto hemeralopia.

hemispheren��@URZ1A`SV�2�_��Gka half of the celestial sphere.Vince’s star chart depicts allvisible heavenly objects in thehemisphere.

hemophiliacn��AU4Z2@SVY4ANX��Gkone affected with a tendency touncontrolled bleeding.A hemophiliac must take care toavoid even minor cuts and bruises.



hendiadysn��UR[@Q62Q1`��Gkthe expression of an idea by twonouns connected by and instead ofby a noun and an adjective.Thierry used the hendiadys ironand bit to denote an iron bit.

hennan��@UR[2��Ara reddish brown dye used in tintingthe hair, skin, or nails red.The ancient use of henna isconfirmed by the presence of thedye in Egyptian mummies.

henninn��@UR[1[��Fa high cone-shaped headdressusually with a thin veil pendentfrom the top worn by Europeanwomen in the 15th century.Lady Agnes appeared at the king’sball wearing an elegant hennin.

hepatitisn��AUR]2@a6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the liver.Serum hepatitis can be transmittedthrough blood transfusions andunsterilized hypodermic needles.


herbaceousadj���U�2_@O0`U2`��Lof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of a nonwoodyplant.Monique surrounded her patio withherbaceous perennials.

herbalistn��@�U�2_O2Y1`a��L + Ecffone that collects, grows, or deals inmedicinal plants.Lisa consulted an herbalistregarding her wart.

herbariumn��A�U�2_@ON�N�_42Z��La room, building, or institutionhousing a collection of dried plantspecimens.Jackson was looking forward tovisiting the herbarium while onvacation.


Herculeanadj��AU2_Xf2@Y42[��Gk name > Lof heroic proportions.Jim’s competitor was known for hisHerculean frame and greatstrength.


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heresyn��@UR_2`4��Gkdissent from a dominant theory oropinion in any field.Much of what used to beconsidered scientific heresy is nowregarded as truth.

hereticaladj��U1@_RG1X2Y��Lof, relating to, or characterized bydeparture from accepted beliefs orstandards : unorthodox.A free society allows the expressionof all opinions, however hereticalthey may seem.


hermeneuticsn pl��AU2_Z2@[�f�CGVX`��Gkthe study of the general principlesof biblical interpretation.Experts in hermeneutics met todiscuss the Dead Sea scrolls.

hermeticallyadv��U2�_�@ZRG1X�2�Y4��Gk + Ecffin a manner that prevents entry orchange.With its flowered wallpaper andquaint furniture, the old houselooked as though it had beenhermetically sealed sometime in the1880s.


hermitagen��@U2_Z1GVW��Gk + L > Fa secluded residence or privateretreat.Dave’s father has always dreamedof living in the city during the weekand escaping to some countryhermitage on the weekends.

heroicadj��U1@_=VX��Gk > Larising from, exhibiting, orsuggestive of boldness, spirit, ordaring.The mountain climbers made aheroic effort to reach the peak.

heroinen��@UR_2d1[��Gk > L[has homonym: heroin] theprincipal female character in adrama, novel, story, or narrativepoem.In the melodrama the spunkyheroine took the law into her ownhands and brought down thevillain.

herpetologyn��AU2_]2@a/Y2W4��Gk > La branch of the science of animallife that treats of reptiles andamphibians.Jason studied herpetology to learnabout the habits of cold-bloodedcreatures.


herringbonen��@UR_V;AO=[��Ea pattern (as on a fabric) made upof adjacent rows of parallel lineswhere any two adjacent rows slopeslightly in reverse directions.Dina wove herself a new wool scarfin herringbone.


hesitantadj��@URg2G2[a��Ltending to hold back, pause, orfalter.The toddler took hesitant stepstoward the large dog.



heterodoxadj��@URG2_2AQ/X`��Gkdiffering from an establishedreligious point of view.Father O’Driscoll holds a fewheterodox opinions that astonishhis parish.


heterophemyn��@URG2_2AS4Z4��Gk + Gkunconscious use of words otherthan those intended.When his client used the termdebtor to mean “creditor,” theaccountant corrected theheterophemy.

heuristicadj��@�U�fBA_V`aVX��Gkof or relating to exploratoryproblem-solving techniques thatutilize self-educating strategies toimprove performance.The computer that beat GaryKasparov in the chess tournamentwas programmed to use heuristicmethods.


hibachin��U4@O/PU4��Jpna charcoal brazier.Antoni’s hot dog fell through thegrill of the hibachi onto theglowing coals below.

hibernaladj��U6@O2_[3Y��Lof or relating to winter : wintry.Horace admired the hibernal scenedepicted in the painting.


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hibiscusn��U6@OV`X2`��Lany plant or flower of a largewidely distributed genus of herbs,shrubs, or small trees with dentateor lobed leaves and large showyflowers.Darla planted a hibiscus outsideher bedroom window.

hickoryn��@UVX�2�_4��Virginia wordany of a genus of North Americantrees of the walnut family thatproduce a hard nut.Sophie napped in the shade of thetall hickory.

hideousadj��@UVQ42`��F > Eoffensive to the sight : gruesome,ugly.During the thunderstorm, Erniesaw a hideous face at the window.

hiemaladj��@U62Z2Y��Lof or relating to winter : wintry.Inger’s favorite hiemal activity isskiing.

hierarchyn��@U62A_/_X4��Gk > L > F > Ea form of government administeredby an authoritarian group.Michelle’s study of hierarchy madeher appreciate living in the UnitedStates.

hieroglyphn��@U6�2�_2ATYVS��Gka character used in a system ofwriting mainly in pictorialcharacters.The Egyptian hieroglyph for theword king was a royal headcomplete with beard.

hieroglyphicsn pl��AU6�2�_=@TYVSVX`��Gkcharacters in the ancient Egyptianwriting system which are for themost part recognizable pictures ofobjects.Egyptian hieroglyphics remained amystery until the Rosetta Stoneprovided the key to decipheringthem.

hierophantn��@U6�2�_2ASN[a��Gka priest in ancient Greece.The hierophant portrayed in Tim’shistory book was dressed in ananimal skin and wore a crown ofleaves.


Himalayann��AUVZ2@Y02[��Asian geog nameany of a breed of domestic catsdeveloped by crossing the Persianand Siamese.A Himalayan won “Best of Show”in the local cat competition thiswinter.

hingen��@UV[W��Ea jointed or flexible device onwhich a door, lid, or other swingingpart turns.The hinge stopped creaking afterTony oiled it.

hippocampusn��AUV]2@XNZ]2`��Gka curved enlongated ridgeextending over the lateral ventriclesof the brain.Injury to the hippocampus oftenresults in emotional impairment.

hippodromen��@UV]2AQ_=Z��Gk > L > Fan arena for equestrianperformances.The circus horses performed for thespectators in the hippodrome.

hippogriffn��@UV]2AT_VS��Gk > L > It > F[Note: Could be confused withhippogriffin.] a legendary animalhaving the foreparts of a wingedgriffin and the body andhindquarters of a horse.The Gothic cathedral containedmany strange carvings, including ahippogriff and several gargoyles.

hippopotamianadj��AUV�A�]=]2@a0Z42[��Gk > L + Ecfunwieldy because of massive size.Uncle Lon’s hippopotamianarmchair takes up half the livingroom.

hippopotamusn��AUV]2@]/G2Z2`��Gkany of various large herbivorousfour-toed chiefly aquatic mammalswith an extremely large head andmouth, bare and very thick skin,and short legs.The hippopotamus spends most ofthe day in water because in thewarm, dry air it loses waterthrough its skin.

hippotigrineadj��AUV]2@a6T_1[��Gk + Gkof or relating to the zebra.The city zoo has a special exhibiton the hippotigrine environment.

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hircineadj��@U2_A`6[��Lof, relating to, or resembling a goat;especially : resembling a goat insmell.After the week-long camping trip,the Flidre family was relieved toget out of their hircine clothes andinto the shower.


hirundineadj��U1@_2[Q1[��Lof, relating to, or resembling theswallow.The hirundine population in near-equatorial countries rises sharplywhen autumn returns to thenorthern hemisphere.


histrionicsn pl��AUV`a_4@/[VX`��Ltheatrical performances.Teresa loved the theater from anearly age and excelled inhistrionics while in school.


hoarsenessn��@U=�2�_`[1`��Ethe quality or state of having arough-sounding voice.Paul’s remedy for hoarseness is hotwater with lemon.

hoaxn��@U=X`��unknown[has homonym: hokes] an actintended to trick or dupe : a pieceof trickery.Sarah forwarded the e-mailmessage, unaware she wasparticipating in a hoax.



hoistv��@U<V`a��imit D or Graise, lift, elevate.Manuel decided to use a crane tohoist the stone into place.

hokkun��@U<�A�XC��Jpna fixed lyric form of Japaneseorigin having three short unrhymedlines of five, seven, and fivesyllables and being typicallyepigrammatic or suggestive.Haiku, the most familiar form ofhokku, pertains to the seasons.





holocaustn��@U/Y2AX<`a��Gka complete or thorough sacrifice ordestruction especially by fire.Many lives were lost in the hotelholocaust.

holographn��@U/Y2AT_NS��Gka document (as a letter, deed, orwill) wholly in the handwriting ofthe person from whom it proceedsand whose act it purports to be.Amongst the early wills ofMiddlesex County, Roberta foundmany a fascinating holograph.

homburgn��@U/ZAO2_T��Ga man’s hat of smooth-finished feltwith a stiff curled brim and a hightapered crown creased lengthwise.The villain in the movie wore adark suit and a black homburg.

homelyadj��@U=ZY4��Ecommonplace, familiar.Mr. Mann can translate the mostcomplex issue into homely terms.

homeostasisn��AU=Z4=@`a0`1`��Gka tendency toward maintenance ofa relatively stable internalenvironment in the bodies of higheranimals through a series ofinteracting physiological processes.Panting is the primary means ofachieving homeostasis for dogs.


homesteadn��@U=ZgAaRQ��E + Ethe home and land of a family;especially : ancestral home.The city offered reduced propertytaxes on any homestead occupiedby the legal owner.

homilyn��@U/Z2Y4��Gka lecture or discussion on a moraltheme : admonition.At the baccalaureate service, Mr.Lopez gave a brief homily on thetheme “To thine own self be true.”hominy


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homologatev��U=@Z/Y2AT0a��Gkapprove, allow, confirm.The fact that the Joneses do notappeal the court’s decision doesnot mean they homologate it.




honorificn��A/[2@_VSVX��Lconferring or conveying publicesteem.Dr. Ellerman received an honorificwreath at the banquet.



hooligann��@UCY1T2[��Ir name?thug, hoodlum.After an intense interrogation bydetectives, the hooligan finallybroke down and confessed.

horden��@U=�2�_Q��Mongolic > Pol > G&F[has homonym: hoard] a vastnumber : crowd, swarm.To prepare for the horde oftourists, the police department isusing computer modeling to aid inlogistics.

horizonn��U2@_6g3[��Gk > L > Ethe point where the earth appears tomeet the sky.Stan thought he saw an airplane onthe horizon.

horizontaladj��AU<_2@g/[a3Y��L + Ecfplaced or operating in a planeparallel to the horizon.Lori wore a sweater with red andblue horizontal stripes.


horologiumn��AU<_2@Y=W�4�2Z��Lan instrument (as a clock) formeasuring time.A sundial was the ancientEgyptians’ horologium.


horripilationn��U<A_V]2@Y0`U2[��La bristling of the hair of the head orbody (as from disease, terror, orchilliness) : gooseflesh.Jennifer reacted to the movie’sscary scenes with noticeablehorripilation.

hortativeadj��@U<�_�G2GVc��Lgiving persuasive counsel :advisory, urging strongly.Joe’s hortative letter to the editorof the newspaper persuaded manycitizens to contact theirrepresentatives regarding theproposed budget.

horticulturen��@U<�_�G2AX2YPU2�_���Lthe science and art of growingfruits, vegetables, flowers, orornamental plants.Mr. Sakai’s skill in horticulture haswon him many blue ribbons atgarden shows.

hosannan��U=@gN[2��Heb > Gk > L > Ean expression of enthusiastic praise: acclamation.Mr. Wong greeted Katya with aloud hosanna.

hosieryn��@U=gU�2�_4��E + Ecffstockings, socks.Mrs. Desmond prefers silk hosieryto that made of nylon.

hospicen��@U/`]1`��La facility or program designed toprovide a caring environment forsupplying the physical andemotional needs of the terminallyill.Rebekah works as a counselor at ahospice for the elderly.




hostelryn��@U/`a3Y_4��L > F > Ea place where food and lodging areavailable to the traveler : inn, hotel.To celebrate their tenthanniversary, the Mortons returnedto the French hostelry where theyspent their honeymoon.



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howitzern��@UNB1a`2�_���Czech > G > Da cannon employed to fireprojectiles at a target (as enemyartillery behind a ridge) whichcannot be reached by flat-trajectoryweapons.Corporal Slater towed the howitzerto the base of the ridge.

hoydenn��@U<VQ3[��D?a girl or woman of loud, boisterous,or carefree behavior : tomboy.Sierra knew that her skateboardexpertise and casual clothing madeher look like a hoyden to theneighbors, but she didn’t care.

hoylen��@U<VY��unknowna natural object used as an archerymark at short range.Martha used a large mushroom inher backyard as a hoyle.

hubbubn��@U2AO2O��Celt?a noisy confusion of sound.In the hubbub after the concert,Bronwen did not notice thepickpocket who took her wallet.

hubristicallyadv��UfC@O_V`a1X�2�Y4��Gkinsolently, vainly, arrogantly.Lance’s opinions, though brilliantand sound, are unwelcome becausehe conveys them so hubristically.


humaneadj��UfC@Z0[��L > F > Emarked by compassion, sympathy,or consideration for other humanbeings or animals.Sharon received an award for herhumane treatment of stray pets.

humectantn��UfC@ZRXa2[a��La substance that promotes retentionof moisture.Toothpastes contain a humectant tocarry the abrasive and otheragents.


humidistatn���U�fC@ZVQ2A`aNa��L > F > Ean instrument for regulating ormaintaining the degree of moisture.Since he bought the humidistat,Rudy has gotten fewer colds.

humidorn��@UfCZ2AQ<�2�_��L or F + Ecfa case or enclosure (as for storingcigars) in which the air is keptproperly humidified.Art always kept his expensivecigars in a humidor.

humiliationn���A�UfCAZVY4@0`U2[��L > F > Ethe state of being reduced to alower position in one's own eyes orthe eyes of another : an instance ofbeing humbled.Mary did not even try to controlher rage and humiliation.

humoresquen��A�U�fCZ2@_R`X��(E + Fcf) > Ga musical composition typicallywhimsical or fanciful in character.Schumann’s opus 88 is ahumoresque for violin, cello, andpiano.

Hunaneseadj��AUC[2@[4g��Chin geog nameof or relating to the province ofHunan, China.The waiter indignantly replied thathamburger was not a feature ofHunanese cuisine.

hundredthadj��@U2[Q_1QaU��Ebeing number 100 in a countableseries.Residents lined the streets to watchthe parade on Danville’s hundredthanniversary.


hurricanen��@U2_2AX0[��Taino > Spa tropical cyclone with winds of 73miles per hour or greater.When the townspeople realized thatthe hurricane was heading theirway, they boarded up theirwindows and evacuated.


hussarn��U2@g/_��L > Serb > Hung[Note: Could be confused withhuzza, huzzah.] a member of thelight cavalry of various Europeanarmies usually distinguished by abrilliant much-decorated uniform.In a short story by Thomas Hardy,a young Englishwoman has an ill-fated romance with a homesickGerman hussar.

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hyacinthn��@U62A`V[�a�aU��Gk > La common garden flower widelygrown for its beauty and fragrance.Mimi planted a hyacinth right nextto her screened porch.


hybridn��@U6O_1Q��Lan offspring of two animals orplants of different races, breeds,varieties, species, or genera.A hybrid often has increased vigorand strength.

hybridizev��@U6O_1AQ6g��Lcause to produce offspring that area cross between breeds : interbreed.Horace is attempting to hybridize alarge, showy, red rose and asmaller, more fragrant variety.

hydrangean��U6@Q_0[W2��Gk > Lany of a genus of shrubs of thefamily Saxifragaceae having showyclusters of usually sterile white ortinted flowers.Although the flowers of thehydrangea are spectacular, theleaves are poisonous.

hydrantn��@U6Q_2[a��Gka discharge pipe with a valve andspout at which water may be drawnfrom the mains of waterworks.The city workers affixed a metalrod with a red diamond on the topof the hydrant in Mishi’s yard sothey would be able to find it if itsnowed.

hydraulicadj��U6@Q_<YVX��Gk > Loperated, moved, or effected bymeans of water.The stream and the waterwheelwere sure signs that the grain millwas operated by hydraulic power.


hydrogenn��@U6Q_1W2[��Gk > Fa nonmetallic element that is thesimplest and lightest of theelements and which is normally acolorless, odorless, and highlyflammable diatomic gas.Hydrogen and oxygen are thecomponents of water.

hydrographyn��U6@Q_/T_2S4��Gkdescription and study of seas, lakes,rivers, and other waters.A knowledge of hydrography ishelpful in navigation.

hydrolysisn��U6@Q_/Y2`1`��Gk + Gka chemical process ofdecomposition involving thesplitting of a bond and the additionof the hydrogen cation and thehydroxide anion of water.Digestive enzymes promote thehydrolysis of nutrients into simplercompounds.

hydrophilousadj��U6@Q_/S2Y2`��Gkpollinated by the agency of water.The ultimate adaptation to aquaticlife is the formation of completelysubmerged hydrophilous flowers.

hydroplanev��@U6Q_2A]Y0[��Gk + Lskim over the water with the hulleither clear of the surface or barelyimmersed.Lex loves to make his speedboathydroplane across a glassy lake.

hyetologyn��AU62@a/Y2W4��Gka branch of meteorology that dealswith precipitation (as of rain orsnow).Even a period of extended droughtcan be of interest to a student ofhyetology.



hymnn��@UVZ��Gka song of praise to God.Wesley remembered every hymnfrom his days at the Episcopalschool.

hymnodyn��@UVZ[2Q4��Gka body of hymns of a specified kindor period.Gospel songs enjoy wide popularityin American hymnody.


hyperbatonn��U6@]2_O2Aa/[��Gka transposition or inversion ofidiomatic word order.Joey decided the hyperbatonechoed the hills fit his poem betterthan the hills echoed.

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hyperbolen��U6@]2_O2�A�Y4��Gkextravagant exaggeration thatrepresents something as muchgreater or less, better or worse, ormore intense than it really is or thatdepicts the impossible as actual.To say that life as we know it willnever be the same after the nextelection is hyperbole.

hypercriticaladj��AU6]2�_�@X_VG1X2Y��Gkmeticulously or excessivelyinclined to notice faults andimperfections.Ellen’s skating coach washypercritical of her technique theday before a competition.

hyperglycemian��AU6]2�_�TY6@`4Z42��Gkexcess of sugar in the blood.Since diabetes runs in her family,Carla is regularly tested forhyperglycemia.

hypertensionn��AU6]2�_�@aR[PU2[��Gk + Labnormally high arterial bloodpressure.Doctors recommend reducing saltintake for patients withhypertension.

hypertrophicadj��AU6]2_@a_/SVX��Gk + Gk + Ecfaffected with or tending towardovergrowth or excessivedevelopment of an organ or part.After Blake lost one kidney, theother became hypertrophic.



hypobulian��AU6]=@OfCY42��Gk > Llowered ability to make decisionsor to act.The climbers began to suffer fromhypobulia as they moved higherand higher on the mountain.

hypochondrian��AU6]2@X/[Q_42��Gkextreme depression of mind orspirits often centered on imaginaryphysical ailments.Having found nothing physicallywrong with her, Sylvia’s doctornoted that her persistent complaintsabout her health are probably dueto hypochondria.

hypochondriacn��AU6]2@X/[Q_4ANX��Gkone whose depression is centeredon imaginary physical ailments.Colin was an hysterical half-crazylittle hypochondriac.

hypocorismn��U6@]/X2A_Vg2Z��Gka pet name or term of endearment.Susan’s parents bestowed thehypocorism “Bubbles” on herwhen she was a toddler.

hypocrisyn��U1@]/X_2`4��Gk > L > F > Ethe act or practice of pretending tobe what one is not or to haveprinciples or beliefs that one doesnot have.The abominable proceeding wasnothing but a system of hypocrisyand deceit, espionage andtreachery.


hypothalamusn��AU6�A�]=@aUNY2Z2`��Gka part of the brain that is usuallyconsidered to include vitalautonomic regulatory centers.The hypothalamus exercisescontrol over involuntary actionssuch as temperature regulation,emotional responses, and therhythm of sleep.



hypotrophyn��U6@]/a_2S4��Gksubnormal growth.Nutritional deficiency resulted inhypotrophy among the aborigines.

hypotyposisn��AU6]=Aa6@]=`1`��Gk[Note: Could be confused withplural hypotyposes.] vividpicturesque description.Mark Twain employed hypotyposisin his writing.


hyssopn��@UV`2]��Sem > Gk > L > F > Ea European mint that has highlyaromatic and pungent leaves and isoften cultivated in gardens as aremedy for bruises.Aunt Cara made a paste of hyssopand oil and applied it to Darien’sbruised shoulder.

hysterian��U1@`aR_42��Gk > Lconduct or an outbreak of conductexhibiting unmanageable fear oremotional excess.Hysteria overcame the defendantwhen the guilty verdict wasannounced.

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hystericaladj��UV@`aR_1X2Y��Gkexhibiting unrestrainedemotionalism.When their team won the worldchampionship, the fans becamehysterical with joy.

iatrogenicadj��6ANa_=@WR[VX��Gk > Linduced by a physician—usedchiefly of ailments induced in apatient by autosuggestion based ona physician’s words or actionsduring examination.Belinda had iatrogenic pains afterher annual checkup.


ichneumonn��VX@[�f�CZ2[��Gkany member of the insect familyIchneumonidae.The ichneumon burrowed into thecaterpillar larva, providing anatural check on the destructiveinsect.

ichnoliten��@VX[2AY6a��Gka fossil footprint.The museum guide showed us anichnolite of a plesiosaur.

ichnologyn��VX@[/Y2W4��Gkthe study of fossil footprints.Several students interested inichnology took a field trip toDinosaur State Park inConnecticut.

ichthyologyn��AVX74@/Y2W4��Gka branch of zoology that deals withfishes.Mr. Pout didn’t need a degree inichthyology to see that he hadcaught a dead branch.

iciclen��@6A`VX2Y��Ea pendent usually conical mass ofice formed by the freezing ofdripping water.By evening, the longest iciclehanging from the eaves had grownto about two feet.

iconoclastn��6@X/[2AXYN`a��Gk > Lone who attacks established beliefs,ideals, customs, or institutions.Malcolm has always consideredhimself the iconoclast of the family.

icosahedronn��A6AX=`2@U4Q_2[��Gka figure or solid formed by 20plane faces.The icosahedron occurs frequentlyin nature in molecular and viralstructures.


identifyv��6@QR[a2AS6��Fshow or prove the sameness of (aswith something known, stated, orpossessed).The victim was asked to identify theattacker from a lineup.

ideogramn��@6Q42AT_NZ��Gk + Gka character in Chinese writingmade by combining two or moreother characters for words ofrelated meaning.In Chinese, the ideogram for tolove depicts a woman and herchild.

idiosyncraticadj��AVQ4=A`V[@X_NGVX��Gkmarked by a peculiarity of physicalor mental constitution ortemperament.In his autobigraphy Andrewdescribed the idiosyncraticbehavior of his zany upper-classfamily.

idiosyncraticallyadv��AVQ42A`V[@X_NG1X�2�Y4��G > Ein a manner peculiar to theindividual.Because Emily Dickinson wrote soidiosyncratically, her poems areimmediately recognizable.




idyllicadj��6@QVYVX��Gkpleasing or picturesque in itsnatural simplicity.The Elsons spent a week in anidyllic little town in the Pyrenees.

igneousadj��@VT[42`��Lof, relating to, or suggestive of fire.The igneous desert air shimmeredon the horizon.

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ignitev��VT@[6a��Lset aflame : kindle.The arson squad spent hours tryingto discover what could ignite sucha variety of apparently safematerials.


ignominyn��@VT[2AZV[4��L > Fdisgraceful or dishonorableconduct, quality, or action.Although the coward was glad tobe alive, he felt the ignominy ofabandoning his comrades.

ignoramusn��AVT[2@_0Z2`��Lan utterly uninformed person :dunce.Schuyler is so afraid of his ownintelligence that he refuses to speakin class and refers to himself as a“happy ignoramus.”ignorance

ikebanan��AVX1@O/[2��Jpnthe Japanese art of flower arrangingthat emphasizes form and balance.Hana is trained in ikebana, and herarrangements are displayed inmany restaurants throughout thecity.

ileitisn��AVY4@6G1`��Linflammation of the lower smallintestine.Stella mistook her ileitis forindigestion.


illegibleadj��V�Y�@YRW2O2Y��Lnot capable of being read ordeciphered.Although the physician’sprescription appeared illegible, thepharmacist seemed to have notrouble deciphering it.





illthn��@VYaU��ON > Ethe condition of beingeconomically unprosperous ormiserable.Sharon didn’t mind her family’sillth as much as she minded the factthat they had all simply given up onany possibility of prosperity.

illuminatin pl��1AYCZ2@[/G�A�4��L > Itpersons who are or who claim to beunusually enlightened.The mayoral candidate workedhard to win the support of the city’silluminati.

illuminationn��1AYCZ2@[0`U2[��L > F > Ea giving of physical light or thestate of being lighted up.Because of its many windows,Sarah’s office always has ampleillumination.


illusoryadj��1@YC`�2�_4��Lof, relating to, or marked byillusion : deceptive.Citizens of both countries hope thatthe apparent peace between the twonations is not illusory.

illustratev��@VY2A`a_0a��Lmake clear by giving or by servingas an example or instance.The stained-glass windowsillustrate the Nativity scene.




imaginaryadj��1@ZNW2A[R_4��Lhaving no real existence : existingonly in imagination or fancy :fictitious, hypothetical.Not all of the characters in thenovelist’s best seller wereimaginary.

imbecilen��@VZO2`2Y��L > Fone marked by mental deficiency.The professor told his students thatthey should not be writing as iftheir reader were an imbecile.

imbecilicadj��AVZO2@`VYVX��L > F + Ecfcharacteristic or suggestive of onethat acts stupidly or recklessly.Iris effectively tuned out herbrother-in-law as he describedanother of his imbecilic money-making schemes.


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immaculateadj��1@ZNXf2Y1a��L > Ehaving no spot, soil, or smirch :spotlessly clean.Told that her room must beimmaculate before she could go tothe mall with friends, Tollie startedcleaning feverishly.

immalleableadj��V�Z�@ZNY42O2Y��L > F > Enot open to outside forces orinfluences : unyielding, rigid.Dean remained immalleable in hisrefusal to resign.

immatureadj��VZAZ2@aB�2�_��Llacking complete growth ordevelopment.The immature insect resembles theadult in form and eating habits butdiffers in size, body proportions,and color pattern.

immenseadj��1@ZR[�a�`��L > Fcharacterized by greatness in sizeor degree.Wilbur’s portliness is a reflectionof his immense appetite.


imminentadj��@VZ2[2[a��Lready to take place : near at hand.Although Ellen’s departure datewas imminent, she was not ready togo.

immiscibleadj��V�Z�@ZV`2O2Y��Lnot capable of mixing or beingmixed.Oil and water are immiscible.


immolatev��@VZ2AY0a��L[has near homonym: emulate]sacrifice or abnegate (as oneself)usually in the interests of somecause or objective.Sheri persuaded the monk not toimmolate himself in protest.

immortaladj��V�Z�@Z<_G3Y��Lconnected with or possessingeverlasting life.The priest warned his flock of themany dangers to their immortalsouls, such as envy, greed, andsloth.

immunocyten��@VZf2[2A`6a��La cell that functions in theprevention of a disease.The immunocyte is the body’sprimary defense against germs.

immuredv��1@ZfB�2�_Q��L[has near homonyms: enured,inured] enclosed within or as ifwithin walls.While Sir Walter Raleigh wasimmured in the Tower of London,he used his time to write hisHistorie of the World.

immutableadj��V�Z�@ZfCG2O2Y��Lnot capable of or susceptible tochange.The immutable laws ofthermodynamics preclude theinvention of a perpetual motionmachine.


impalpableadj��VZ@]NY]2O2Y��L + L + Lincapable of being felt by thetouch.The puppy began chasing hisimpalpable shadow.


impassen��@VZA]N`��Fbarrier, deadlock.A rockslide created an impasse onthe mountain road.

impeccableadj��AVZ@]RX2O2Y��Lfree from fault or blame : flawless.A background investigationaffirmed the candidate’simpeccable character.



impecuniouslyadv��AVZ]2@XfC[f2`Y4��Lin an indigent, penniless manner.George squandered his inheritanceand plodded through the remainderof his life impecuniously.

impedancen��1Z@]4Q3[�a�`��Lthe apparent opposition in anelectrical circuit to the flow of analternating current that is analagousto the actual electrical resistance toa direct current.A high-fidelity amplifier must havea low output impedance to makeloudspeakers produce naturalsound.

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impedimentn��1Z@]RQ2Z2[a��Lhindrance, block.Clementine’s lack of a degree wasan impediment to her getting agood job.

impedimentan pl��1ZA]RQ2@ZR[a2��Lthings that hinder progress ormovement; especially : baggage,equipment, or supplies.Regina always travels with onesmall carry-on bag and considersanything more to be impedimenta.

impenetrableadj��VZ@]R[2a_2O2Y��L > F > Eincapable of being comprehended.Sarah found Einstein’s theoriesimpenetrable.



imperceptibleadj��VZ]2�_�@`R]a2O2Y��Lextremely slight, gradual, or subtle.The air was filled with a delicate,springlike fragrance, almostimperceptible.

imperialadj��VZ@]V_42Y��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] beingthe British legal standard :belonging to the official Britishseries of weights and measures.Several measurement terms areused both in the U.S. customaryand British imperial systems.

impertinencen��VZ@]2_a�3�[2[�a�`��Llack of due respect for others inconduct.For his impertinence Mrs. Brennansent Kyle to the principal’s office.

imperturbableadj��AVZ]2_@a2_O2O2Y��L > Eunlikely to be disconcerted,agitated, or alarmed.Hitherto imperturbable, Stacysuddenly showed signs of alarm.

imperviousadj��VZ@]2_c42`��Lnot allowing entrance or passagethrough : impenetrable.Ted covered the woodpile with atarp impervious to water.

impetigon��AVZ]2@a6�A�T=��Lan acute contagious skin diseasetransmitted by contact betweenpersons or between healthy andinfected skin.Impetigo can quickly make therounds in a kindergarten class.

impetuousnessn��VZ@]RPU2d2`[R`��L > F > Ethe quality or state of beingimpulsively vehement in feeling.Theo’s youthful frankness andimpetuousness were excused by hisboss.

impetusn��@VZ]2G2`��La driving or impelling force.Ralph’s new girlfriend was theimpetus behind his new exerciseprogram.


implacableadj��VZ@]YNX2O2Y��L > Fnot capable of being appeased orpacified.The defeated candidate harboredimplacable resentment toward hisopponent.


implementn��@VZ]Y2Z2[a��L + La tool or utensil forming part ofequipment for work.Dawson discovered a paleolithicstone implement near the entranceto a cave.

implicitadj��VZ@]YV`1a��Lcapable of being inferred : implied.Implicit in Amy’s reaction was amessage for Carole to mind herown business.


importancen��1Z@]<_a3[�a�`��Lthe quality or state of being markedby or possessing consequence :weight, significance.Mrs. Lynch cannot understand whysome students do not see theimportance of good manners.

impossibleadj��VZ@]/`2O2Y��L > It > Fincapable of being or occurring.So many things are possible just aslong as you don’t know they’reimpossible.

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impoverishv��1Z@]/c�2�_V`U��F > Emake poor : reduce to indigence.Medical bills will impoverish theWilliams family if outside aid is notavailable.

imprecationn��AVZ]_1@X0`U2[��L[Note: Could be confused withimbrication.] curse : malediction.Jerod did not realize that themicrophone was on when heuttered an imprecation under hisbreath.

impresarion��AVZ]_2@`/_4A=��It[has homonym: empresario] theprojector, manager, or conductor ofan opera or concert company.The impresario arranged for theopera company to perform inseveral cities.

imprescriptibleadj��AVZ]_4@`X_V]a2O2Y��L > Finalienable, absolute.A dictator considers few humanrights imprescriptible.

impressionableadj��1Z@]_R`U�2�[2O2Y��L + L > E + Ecfeasily influenced or affected.Dan’s grandmother considered himvery young and veryimpressionable.

imprimaturn��AVZ]_1@Z/G2�_���La sign or mark of approval.The dean put her imprimatur on thesmoking ban.


impromptuadv��1Z@]_/Z�]�Aa�f�C��L > Fwithout previous study,preparation, or consideration : onthe spur of the moment.Leah is able to speak impromptuand at length on countless subjects.

improprietiesn pl��AVZ]_2@]_62G4g��Lunsuitable or improper acts orremarks.Emma was willing to forget Mr.Elton’s late improprieties and be aswell satisfied with him as before.


impugnv��1Z@]fC[��Lassail by words or arguments :make insinuations against.Josie’s comment was a feebleattempt to impugn Sara’s honesty.


impunityn��1Z@]fC[2G4��Lexemption or freedom frompunishment, harm, or loss.Mr. Starks allowed anglers totrespass on his land with impunity.


imputrescibleadj��AVZ]fC@a_R`2O2Y��Lnot capable of rotting.Imputrescible trash is filling updump sites throughout the state.




inanimateadj��V[@N[2Z1a��Lnot endowed with consciousness oranimal life.Vera talked to her plants as if theywere not inanimate objects.

inanitionn��AV[2@[V`U2[��Lthe exhausted condition whichresults from a complete lack offood and water.The injured hiker, finally foundafter a three-day search, had to betreated for inanition.

inanityn��1@[N[2G4��Lmeaningless quality : shallowness.The inanity of conversation at theparty made Karen think up anexcuse to leave early.

inapplicableadj��AV[@N]Y1X2O2Y��Lnot adapted : not suitable.The name Brutus was inapplicableto the small dog.

inauguraladj��1@[<Tf2_2Y��L + Ecfrelating to or performed orpronounced at a formal inductionor investiture.In his inaugural address, thepresident promised to get thecountry on the road to economicrecovery.


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incandescencen��AV[�A�X2[@QR`3[�a�`��L > Fthe glowing of a body due to itshigh temperature.The first light bulbs wereilluminated via the phenomenon ofincandescence.


incarceratev��1[@X/_`2A_0a��Lput in prison.Because the crime was his firstoffense, Lonnie was hopeful thatthe judge would not incarceratehim.

incarcerationn���A�V[AX/_`2@_0`U2[��La confining or state of beingconfined : imprisonment.The terrorist was sentenced toincarceration for the rest of his life.

incendiaryn��1[@`R[Q4AR_4��L[Note: Could be confused withincendiarist.] a person whodeliberately sets fire to a buildingor other property.The state fire inspectors determinedthat the fire was the work of anincendiary.



incessantadj��V[@`R`3[a��Lcontinuing or following withoutinterruption.Incessant changes in other parts ofthis restless country bypass theinhabitants of Sleepy Hollow.

inchoateadj��V[@X=1a��Limperfectly formed or formulated :unorganized.The songwriter explained that hismelodies usually begin as inchoatehumming.

incienson��AV[�a�`4@R[�a��A�`=��L > Spa desert shrub producing a resinthat when burned emits a fragrantodor.Early missionaries in the Southwestused to burn incienso in theirchurches.

incineratev��1[@`V[2A_0a��Lcause to burn to ashes.In her fury, Elise decided toincinerate all of Jerry’s letters.

incipiencyn��1[@`V]42[`4��L[Note: Could be confused withincipience.] beginning,commencement.Stan was quick to extinguish thefire in its incipiency.


inclementadj��V[@XYRZ2[a��Lunmerciful, rigorous.The harsh sentence of an inclementjudge took 30 years of Sam’s life.




incomprehensibleadj��AV[AX/Z]_1@UR[�a�`2O2Y��L > Elying above or beyond the reach ofthe human mind.Every civilization tries to penetratethe incomprehensible mysteries ofcreation.





inconscientadj��V[@X/[PU2[a��L > Flacking consciousness or fullawareness.The inconscient pedestrian was aneasy victim for the mugger.


incorrigibleadj��V[@X<_1W2O2Y��Lbad beyond the possibility ofcorrection or rehabilitation : utterlybad or depraved.They sentenced the incorrigibleoffender to life imprisonment.


incubatorn��@V;Xf2AO0G2�_���Lan apparatus for housing prematureor sick babies in an environment ofcontrolled humidity, oxygensupply, and temperature.Who would have thought that thestar linebacker spent the first threemonths of his life in an incubator?

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inculcatev��1[@X2YAX0a��Lteach and impress by frequentrepetitions or admonitions.Religion is professed and practicedin various forms, yet most of theminculcate honesty, truth,temperance, gratitude, and the loveof humanity.

incumbencyn��1[@X2ZO2[`4��Lthe sphere of action or period ofoffice of one who holds a public oracademic office.Political analysts now say that acandidate’s incumbency is not anasset but a liability.


incunabulumn��A1[Xf2@[NOf2Y2Z��La book printed before 1501.Alfred was looking at anincunabulum in the British Librarywhen he met his future wife.

incurvariidadj��AV[AX2_@cN�N�_41Q��Lof or relating to a member of theIncurvariidae family of minutemoths.Many brilliantly coloredincurvariid moths are foundworldwide.

indebtedadj��1[@QRG1Q��L > F > Eowing gratitude (as for a favorreceived or a kind act done).Carmen was indebted to her pianoteacher for helping her perfect hertechnique.

indefatigableadj��AV[Q1@SNG1T2O2Y��Lincapable of being tired out :untiring.The mayor thanked hisindefatigable campaign workers fortheir invaluable help in getting himreelected.

indefeasibleadj��V[Q1@S4g2O2Y��L > F > AFnot capable of being or liable tobeing voided, annulled, or undone.The Constitution vests the populacewith indefeasible rights.

indelibleadj��2[@QRY2O2Y��Lthat cannot be removed, washedaway, or erased : permanent.Lily’s narrow escape fromdrowning left an indelible mark onher personality.




indescribableadj��AV[Q1@`X_6O2O2Y��Lthat cannot be described withprecision.The aromatic herb has a pepperyodor and an indescribable butdelicious flavor.


indician pl��1[@QV`U�4�2��Lindications, signs, tokens, criteria.The reporter used many differentindicia of public sentiment toobtain a reliable rating of theleader’s popularity.


indictmentn��1[@Q6aZ2[a��L > AFan official written statementcharging a person with an offense.The grand jury’s indictment of theseven men charges that theyconspired to smuggle guns into thecountry.

indigenousadj��1[@QVW2[2`��Loriginating or produced naturally ina particular land or region orenvironment.Tomatoes are not indigenous toEurope.

indigentadj��@V[Q1W2[a��Lbeing poor usually without beingdestitute : impoverished, needy.The basketball star donated moneyto build a community center for theindigent residents of his oldneighborhood.

indigon��@V[Q1AT=��Gk > L > Ita blue vat dye that was obtainedoriginally from plants (as indigoplants or woad).The production of indigo was themajor factor in South Carolina’searly development.

indiscretionn��AV[Q1@`X_R`U2[��Lan act at variance with the acceptedmorality of a society.Biographers of presidents oftencomb their subjects' lives in searchof every indiscretion.

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indissolubleadj��AV[Q2@`/Yf2O2Y��Lincapable of being annulled orundone or broken.The friendship of Holmes andWatson proved indissoluble even byWatson’s marriage and Holmes’ssupposed death.

indoctrinatev��1[@Q/Xa_1A[0a��Lgive instructions especially infundamentals or rudiments : teach.Special classes were designed toindoctrinate the new employees.


indolentadj��@V[Q2Y2[a��Lconstantly indulging in ease :chronically averse to labor andexertion.Doctors warn that an indolentlifestyle can contribute to heartdisease.

indomitableadj��1[@Q/Z2G2O2Y��Lincapable of being subdued.The pens, the tongues, the fortunes,and the indomitable wills of manywomen were pledged to secure theright of the elective franchise.

indubitableadj���A�V[@Q�f�CO2G2O2Y��Lnot open to question or doubt.Shakespeare is considered by manyto be the indubitable master ofEnglish literature.

inducementn��1[@Q�f�C`Z2[a��L + Ecfa motive or consideration that leadsone to action.Emma’s desire to see Harriet betterinformed was an inducement toread more herself.

indulgev��1[@Q2YW��Lgive free rein to.It is natural for humans to indulgein the illusions of hope.


indurateadj��@V[Q�f�2_1a��L > Ephysically or morally hardened.The war contributed greatly toHerbert’s seemingly induratemanner, but he was always tenderwith his pigeons.



ineffableadj��V[@RS2O2Y��Lincapable of being expressed inwords.Sarena’s joy at being chosen forthe play was ineffable.

ineluctableadj��AV[1@Y2Xa2O2Y��Lnot to be avoided, changed, orresisted : inevitable.Mrs. Badger joked that death andtaxes are the only two ineluctableaspects of life.

ineludibleadj��AV[2@YCQ2O2Y��L + Ecfinescapable.Detective Marchand’s bloodhoundswere considered by many to beineludible.

inenarrableadj��AV[4@[N_2O2Y��Lincapable of being narrated :indescribable, ineffable.The sight of his newborn sonbrought Elijah inenarrablepleasure.


ineradicableadj��AV[1@_NQ1X2O2Y��Lincapable of being rooted out ordestroyed completely.In the 1920s Britain had to yield toIreland’s ineradicable will forindependence.

inertian��1@[2_`U2��Lindisposition to motion, exertion, oraction.The senator railed against theinertia of the citizenry.

inexorableadj��AV@[RX`�2�_2O2Y��Lunyielding, inflexible, relentless.The inexorable force of thehurricane changed the shape ofBell Island.





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infallibleadj��V[@SNY2O2Y��Lincapable of error.Dr. Cameron's colleagues on thefaculty regard him as virtuallyinfallible.



infectiousadj��1[@SRX`U2`��Lproducing the establishment of apathogen in its host after invasion.Katie’s sore throat is not infectious,so she will not have to miss anyschool.

inferentiallyadv��AV[S2@_R[PU2Y4��Lin a manner that involves aconclusion reached by reasoning orimplication.The report concludes that oursocial stresses are based almostwholly on misunderstanding, andthus, inferentially, can beeliminated by good communication.

inferioradj��1[@SV_42�_���Lof poor quality : second-rate.An inferior violinist has no chanceof becoming an orchestra’sconcertmaster.


infinitesimaladj��AV[ASV[2@aR`�2�Z2Y��L + Ecfimmeasurably or incalculably small: very minute.Infinitesimal yellow flecks on theleaf made it appear metallic.

inflammatoryadj��1[@SYNZ2Aa=_4��Ltending to excite anger, animosity,disorder, or tumult.Rachel received a two-daysuspension after she delivered aninflammatory speech at theassembly.

influenzan��AV[ASYC@R[g2��L > Itan acute highly contagiousinfectious virus disease.Influenza kept Russell out of schoolfor a week.


infrangibleadj��V[@S_N[W2O2Y��Lnot capable of being broken orseparated into parts.Though it looks like the finestchina, Jennifer’s teapot is made ofan infrangible polymer.

infructuousadj��V[@S_2XPU2d2`��Lfruitless, unprofitable.Efforts to discourage the bear fromreturning to Cynthia’s backyardproved infructuous, and so it wastranquilized and taken to a moresuitable area.



ingenuen��@/[W2A[C��L > Fa stage part representing a characterthat is youthful, innocent,appealing, sweet, and sympathetic.Stephanie was one of three studentscalled back in the tryouts for theingenue in the school’s springmusical.


ingestibleadj��1[@WR`a2O2Y��Lcapable of being taken in fordigestion.An increasing number ofAmericans are using food, dietarysupplements, and other ingestibleproducts to cure what ails them.



ingratiatingadj��1[@T_0`U4A0GV;��Lintended or adopted in order to winfavor : flattering.During his campaign, thepolitician’s manner becameingratiating.

inhalev��1[@U0Y��Ecf + L > Edraw in by breathing.Natasha stopped to inhale thewonderful aroma emanating fromthe bakery.


inimicallyadv��1@[VZ1X�2�Y4��Lin a hostile or unfriendly manner.The majority of citizens reactedinimically to the proposed increasein city taxes.

inimitableadj��V@[VZ2G2O2Y��Lnot capable of being copied :matchless.Charmed by Miss Woodhouse, Mr.Elton considered all of herdrawings inimitable.


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iniquityn��1@[VXd2G4��L > F > Eabsence of or deviation from justdealing : wrongful conduct :wickedness.The judge referred to thedefendant’s house as a “den ofiniquity.”initial



initiatoryadj��1@[V`U�4�2Aa<_4��Lconstituting an introduction orbeginning.On page three of the book is aninitiatory paragraph that givespersonal information about theauthor.



innermostadj��@V[2�_�AZ<`a��Efarthest inward.Starletta reached the cave’sinnermost chambers by crawling onher hands and knees and sometimeson her stomach.


innocentadj��@V[2`2[a��Lfree of wrongdoing or corruption :guiltless.Julian’s offer to help stems frominnocent motives.

innocuityn��AVA[/@XfC2G4��Lthe quality or state of beingharmless.Thelma was wary of the seeminginnocuity of her sister’s remarks.

innocuousadj��V@[/Xf2d2`��Lnot likely to arouse ill will or giveoffense : inoffensive.Betty was dismayed when Henryinterpreted her innocuous remarkas an insult.

innovationn��AV[2@c0`U2[��Lthe introduction of something new.The people of the small villagewere suspicious of all innovation.

innumerableadj��1@[�f�CZ�2�_2O2Y��Ltoo many to be numbered orcounted.Katie’s seemingly innumerablechicken pox blisters slowly fadedaway.

inoculatev��1@[/Xf2AY0a��L > Eintroduce microorganisms,vaccines, or sera into a living bodyto establish immunity to a disease.Dr. Cooper had to bribe Frankwith a lollipop before he would lether inoculate him.


inquilinen��@V[Xd2AY6[��Lan animal that lives habitually inthe nest or abode of some otherspecies.The burrowing owl is an inquilinewho lives in prairie dog colonies.

inquisitorn��1[@XdVg2G2�_���La person whose official duty is toexamine and inquire.When the inquisitor asked a verypersonal question, the witnessglared at him and remained silent.

insalubriousadj��AV[`2@YCO_42`��L + Ecftending to impair health :unwholesome, noxious.Andrew has vowed to give up allhis insalubrious habits.



inscrutableadj��V[g@X_CG2O2Y��Lnot readily comprehensible :mysterious.Kayla’s grin was so inscrutablethat no one could tell if she werehappy or up to somethingmischievous.

insecticiden��1[@`RXa2A`6Q��Lan agent that destroys insects.Malathion is an insecticide withlow toxicity to mammals.




insidiousadj��1[@`VQ42`��Lhaving a gradual, cumulative, andusually hidden effect : subtle.Loretta’s suspicion led her to posea question with the insidious designof further discovery.

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insinuatev��1[@`V[f2Ad0a��Limpart or communicate with artfulindirect wording or obliquereference : hint, imply.Did April insinuate that she won’tbe inviting Dante to the party?insipidadj��1[@`V]1Q��Ldull, uninteresting, commonplace.Jed could hardly bear listening tothe sportscaster’s insipidcomments.

insititiousadj��AV[�a�`2@aV`U2`��Lconstituting an insertion.Research that Jennifer failed toinclude in her bound report wasincluded as insititious pages.

insolencen��@V[�a�`�2�Y2[�a�`��L[has homonyms and nearhomonym: insolents, insulants andinsulins] the quality or state ofbeing haughty and contemptuous orbrutal in behavior or language.In Greek mythology Athenatransformed Arachne into a spiderfor her insolence.


insomnian��1[@`/Z[42��Lprolonged inability to obtainadequate sleep : sleeplessness.Cora’s doctor suggests that herinsomnia may be caused by theemotional stress of her new job.



insouciantadj��1[@`C`42[a��Fexhibiting or characterized byfreedom from concern or care.The pompous, insouciant aristocratnever had to work a day in his life.

inspirometern��AV[g]1@_/Z2G2�_���L > F > E + Gk > L > F > Ean apparatus for measuring airinhaled in breathing.The nurse used an inspirometer onMr.Davis during his checkup.

instantaneousadj��AV[g`a2[@a0[42`��Ldone or occurring without anyperceptible duration of time.Harold’s slow, nervous marriageproposal was balanced by Emily’sinstantaneous reply.

instaurationn��AV[gAa<@_0`U2[��Lrestoration after decay, lapse, ordilapidation.The instauration of the Statue ofLiberty was a long and complicatedproject.

insulinn��@V[�a�`2Y1[��L + Ecfa protein pancreatic hormone that isessential especially for themetabolism of carbohydrates andwhich is used in the treatment andcontrol of diabetes mellitus.Marty gives himself an injection ofinsulin every morning to control hisdiabetes.

insurrectionn��AV[�a�`2@_RX`U2[��L > F > Ean act or instance of revoltingagainst civil or political authorityor against an establishedgovernment.The dictator quickly suppressed thepeasants' insurrection.

insusceptibilityn��AV[`2A`R]a2@OVY2G4��Lthe quality or state of beingincapable of being moved, affected,or impressed.Sylvia prides herself on herinsusceptibility to flattery.

intaglion��1[@aNY�A�f=��Itan engraving or incised figure instone or other hard material.Judd was pleased with the intaglioon his signet ring.


integumentn��1[@aRTf2Z2[a��Lan enveloping layer, membrane, orstructure (as the skin of a fish or theexoskeleton of an insect).The dried cicada integumentattached to the brick wallfascinated the children.

intensityn��1[@aR[�a�`2G4��L + Ecfextreme or very high degree :extreme strength, force, or energy.Gino was astonished at the littleflashlight’s intensity.

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intercalatev��1[@a2_X2AY0a��Linsert between or among existingelements.It was the editor’s job to intercalatethe new manuscript pages into thenarrative.


interceptv��AV[a2�_�@`R]a��Lstop or interrupt the progress orcourse of.Rick will intercept the office mail,as requested by Dr. Taylor.

intercessoryadj��AV[a2�_�@`R`�2�_4��Lrelating to or marked by the act ofpleading in behalf of another.The congregation joined inintercessory prayers for the sickparishioners.



interlocutorn��AV[a2�_�@Y/Xf2G2�_���Lone who takes part in a dialogue orconversation.The seminar leader instructedeveryone to choose an interlocutorand discuss the video one-on-one.


intermentn��1[@a2_Z2[a��L > F > Ethe act or ceremony of placing adead body in a grave or tomb.Uncle Oliver’s desire was that onlyfamily members be present at hisinterment.

intermezzon��AV[a2�_�@ZRa�A�`=��L > Ita movement coming between themajor sections of a symphony orother extended work.The singers were able to take abreak while the orchestra playedthe intermezzo.

interminableadj��1[@a2_Z1[2O2Y��Lhaving no end : wearisomelyprotracted.Dad complained about theinterminable lines at the themepark.

intermittencen��AV[a2�_�@ZVa3[�a�`��Lperiodic cessation or interruption.The intermittence of the movingwindshield wipers supposedlyallows better visibility during alight rain.

intermittentadj��AV[a2�_�@ZVa3[a��Lcoming and going at intervals : notcontinuous.The weather forecast warned ofintermittent showers for theafternoon.



internecineadj��AV[a2_@[RA`4[��Lmarked by great slaughter : deadly.Many areas of the former SovietUnion have been plagued withinternecine struggles.


interplanetaryadj��AV[a2�_�@]YN[2AaR_4��L + Gk + Lcf > Eexisting, carried on, or operatingbetween planets.Interplanetary travel may somedaybe a reality, but for now it mustremain the stuff of science fiction.


interpretv��1[@a2_]_1a��L > F > Eexplain or tell the meaning of :translate into intelligible or familiarlanguage or terms.Shareen asked the psychiatrist tointerpret her dream.

interregnumn��AV[a2�_�@_RT[2Z��Lthe time during which a throne isvacant between the death,abdication, or expulsion of asovereign and the coronation of hisor her successor.The prime minister urged citizensto band together during theinterregnum.

interrogatoryn��AV[a2@_/T2Aa=_4��La formal question or inquiry.The principal instructed Betty toprepare within two days a writtenresponse to the interrogatoryregarding her honor offense.

interruptv��AV[a2@_2]a��Lprevent (one) from proceeding byintrusive or interpolated commentor action.“Must you always interrupt likethat?” asked Mr. Kelley.


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intersticen��1[@a2_`a1`��La space that intervenes between onething and another : a space betweenthings closely set.The tightly-woven cloth lookedsolid, but a sharp needle easilyfound an interstice to slip through.


intervieween��AV[a2�_�AcfC@4��Fone that is questioned or conversedwith especially in order to obtaininformation or ascertain personalqualities.The receptionist administered aspelling test to each interviewee.


intolerableadj��V[@a/Y�2�_2O2Y��Lnot capable of being endured :unbearable.The intolerable cold made Janice’seyes water.

intractableadj��V[@a_NXa2O2Y��Lnot easily governed, managed, ordirected.The intractable child was amusingfor a while.



intrepidadj��V[@a_R]1Q��Lcharacterized by resolutefearlessness in meeting dangers orhardships and enduring them withfortitude.Bob’s military honors attest to hisintrepid character.

intricateadj��@V[a_1X1a��L > Ehaving many complexlyinterrelating parts or elements :complicated.Jason described the intricatemechanism of the clock as“awesome.”intriguev��1[@a_4T��L > It > Farouse the interest, desire, orcuriosity of.The designer wanted the picture onthe dust jacket to intrigue potentialreaders.




intuitableadj��1[@a�f�C1G2O2Y��Lknowable by insight or withoutrational thought.Ashley believes that the concepts ofgood and evil are intuitable.

inumbratev��@V[2ZAO_0a��Lput in shadow : shade.Carl watched the cloud temporarilyinumbrate the soccer field.


inundationn��AV�A�[2[@Q0`U2[��La rising and spreading of water overland not usually submerged : aflood.As the river swelled with snowmelt,the levees protected the fields frominundation.



inveighv��1[@c0��Lprotest bitterly or violently.When the suspect was arraigned,he began to inveigh against whathe claimed was police brutality.


inveterateadj��1[@cRG2_1a��Lcontinuous, recurrent, chronic.The inveterate lateness of Linda’smail delivery caused her concern.

invidiousadj��1[@cVQ42`��Lof an unpleasant or objectionablenature : hateful.It is not uncommon for Sean torespond with invidious remarksthat may or may not be true.


inviolableadj��V[@c62Y2O2Y��Lsecure from assault or trespass.An electrified security fence, tenfeet high, did not make the filmstar’s estate inviolable.


ionospheren��6@/[2`SV�2�_��Gkthe part of Earth's atmospherecontaining free electrically chargedparticles.Ham radio operators transmit theirsignals great distances by bouncingthem off the ionosphere.

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iotan��6@=G2��Gkan infinitesimal amount : a verysmall degree.The analgesic worked so well thatJeremy felt not even an iota of pain.

ipsedixitismn��AV]`4@QVX`1GAVg2Z��Ldogmatic assertion or assertiveness.Martine’s ipsedixitism tired herfriends and put off strangers.


irascibilityn��1A_N`2@OVY2G4��Lthe quality or state of being markedby a hot temper and resentfulanger.The artist’s stubborn irascibilityled to many family squabbles.

irascibleadj��1@_N`2O2Y��Lmarked by hot temper and resentfulanger.After breaking his leg, Lenniebecame so irascible that his friendsstopped visiting him.

irateadj��A6@_0a��Lfeeling and showing a high degreeof anger.When Calvin returned home late,his father was irate.

irenicismn��6@_R[2A`Vg2Z��Gk + Ecfa social temper or condition or astate of public opinion making forpeace.Ella detected a growing irenicismamong her constituents, thoughmany still advocated cold war.

iridescentadj��@V_2AQR`3[a��Lshowing colors like those of therainbow especially in shiftingpatterns of hues and shades thatvary with a change of light or pointof view.Louis C. Tiffany developed afamous type of iridescent glass.

irradiatev��1@_0Q4A0a��Lthrow rays of light upon : shineupon.Cynthia’s beauty seemed toirradiate the room with a mysticalglow.

irreconcilableadj��AVA_RX2[@`6Y2O2Y��Lnot capable of being brought intofriendly accord or understanding.Bill finally realized that hisdifferences with Sheila wereirreconcilable.

irrecusableadj��AV_4@XfCg2O2Y��Lnot subject to exception orrejection.The company’s most recent offer tothe strikers was presented asirrecusable.


irrefragableadj��V�_�@_RS_2T2O2Y��Limpossible to gainsay, deny, orrefute.The prosecutor maintained that theevidence against the defendant wasirrefragable.


irrelevantadj��AV@_RY2c2[a��Lnot applicable or pertinent :foreign, extraneous.Patrick introduced irrelevantarguments to cloud the centralissue.


irrepressibleadj��V_1@]_R`2O2Y��Limpossible to repress, restrain, orcontrol.Sondra’s irrepressible urge to drivefast earned her a speeding ticket.


irretrievablyadv��AV_1@a_4c2OY4��L > F > Eso as to be impossible to recoup,repair, or overcome.Environmentalists bemoan theirretrievably lost sections of therain forest.

irrevocabilityn��VA_Rc2X2@OVY2G4��L > F > E + E cffthe quality or state of beingunalterable.The chairman insisted upon theirrevocability of the rules of order.


irrevocablyadv���A�V@_Rc2X2OY4��Lbeyond any possibility of change.The coach announced that theintramural team rosters had beenirrevocably determined.


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irritabilityn��AV_2G2@OVY2G4��Lquick excitability to annoyance,impatience, or anger.On the second day of Josh’s diet,his irritability was apparent toeveryone around him.


isagogen��@6`2AT=W4��Gka scholarly introduction to a branchof study or research.The eminent economist wrote anisagoge for the new economics text.

isinglassn��@6g3[ATYN`��Dmica especially when in thintransparent sheets.Isinglass is economically importantbecause its low iron content makesit a good electrical and thermalinsulator.

Islamicadj��V@`Y/ZVX��Arof, relating to, or characterized bythe religious faith of Muslims.The central tenets of Islamicdoctrine are that there is no godbut Allah, and Mohammed is hisprophet.

islen��@6Y��L > F > E[has homonyms: aisle, I’ll] a smallpiece of land surrounded by wateron all sides.Kent dreamed of vacationing on atropical isle.


isogramn��@6�A�`2AT_NZ��Gk + Gka line on a map or chart alongwhich there is a constant value (asof temperature, pressure, orrainfall).The meteorologist drew an isogramon the map to show places havingthe same barometric pressure.

isohyetaladj��A6�A�`=@U62G3Y��Gk > ISVrelating to or indicating equalrainfall.The weather forecaster’s mapshows isohyetal areas of the GreatPlains.

isolabilityn��A6`2Y2@OVY2G4��L > F > Ethe capability of being placed aloneor apart.According to the philosophicalprinciple of isolability, everyisolated event must have anisolated cause.

isomorphicadj��A6`=@Z<_SVX��Gkbeing of identical or similar form orshape or structure.English spelling is difficult becauseof the frequent lack of isomorphiccorrespondence between thespoken word and the written word.

isoscelesadj��6@`/`2AY4g��Gk > Lhaving two equal sides—used of atriangle.Zola counted 16 isosceles triangleson the playground equipment.



Isthmianadj��@V`Z42[��Gkof or relating to the Isthmus ofCorinth or the games anciently heldthere.Pindar’s victory odes celebrate thevictors in Olympic, Nemean,Pythian, and Isthmian games.

isthmusn��@V`Z2`��Gk > La narrow strip of land runningthrough a body of water andconnecting two larger land areas.The country of Panama is anisthmus connecting North andSouth America.



iterancen��@VG2_2[�a�`��L > E[Note: Could be confused withiterancy.] repetition,repetitiousness, recurrence.Carol noticed an iterance of thename Elizabeth in her genealogicalchart.

iterativeadj��@VG2_2aVc��Lmarked by or involving repetitionor recurrence.The name Elizabeth formed aniterative pattern in Maggie’sgenealogical chart.

itinerantadj��6@aV[�2�_2[a��Ltraveling about from place to place.The large farm employed manyitinerant workers during theharvest season.

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itineraryn��6@aV[2A_R_4��La sketch of the prospective courseof a journey or trip.The senator’s itinerary called forten stops in two days.

ivoryadj��@6c�2�_4��Hamitic > L > F > Eof a creamy white color.The ivory sweater that Karenpurchased qualifies as “winterwhite.”izzat

jabberwockyn��@WNO2�_�Ad/X4��E nonsense namemeaningless speech, writing, orpatter : gibberish.Dina listened as the two babiescarried on a lengthy conversationin jabberwocky.

jabotn��gUN@O=��Fa ruffle or pleated frill of cloth,lace, or both attached down thecenter front of a shirt, blouse, ordress bodice.Tom insisted that the shirt of hisCaptain Hook costume have ajabot.


jacamarn��@WNX2AZ/_��Tupi > Fany of many brightly colored birdsinhabiting tropical forests fromMexico to Argentina.Tio recognized the cry of thejacamar but couldn’t see the birdthrough the thick foliage.

jackaln��@WNX2Y��Skt > Per > Turkishany of several small wild dogs ofAfrica and Asia having large earsand a bushy tail and feeding onsmall animals, fruits, and carrion.The zoologist explained that thepopular image of a jackal as acowardly scavenger is not justifiedby the facts.

jackanapesn��@WNX2A[0]`��E nicknamean impertinent or conceited fellow.Billy was thrown out of Englishclass for being an insolentjackanapes.



jacquardn��WN@X/_Q��F namea fabric of an intricate variegatedweave.In the antique store’s front windowwas a fabulous jacquard thatportrayed the Last Supper.

jadeiten��@W0AQ6a��Sp > Fa monoclinic mineral found chieflyin Myanmar that when cutconstitutes a valuable variety ofjade.Alexis bought a necklace made ofjadeite and black onyx at the craftbazaar.

jaguarn��@WNTAd/_��Tupi&Guarani > Pg&Spa large cat chiefly of Central andSouth America that is larger andstockier than the leopard and isbrownish yellow or buff with blackspots.Although the jaguar is a goodclimber, it usually stalks its prey onthe ground.


jalousien��@WNY2`4��F[has near homonym: jealousy] ablind or shutter having horizontalslats that are adjustable or fixed atan angle to admit light and air andto permit looking out without beingseen from the outside.Helen hung a jalousie in eachdownstairs window of her newhouse.

jambalayan��AW2ZO2@Y62��Prov > Frice cooked with ham, sausage,chicken, shrimp, or oysters andusually tomato and seasoned withherbs.No trip to New Orleans would becomplete without sampling a bowlof spicy jambalaya.

jambeaun��AWNZ@O=��F > E[has homonym: jambo] a piece ofmedieval plate armor for the lowerleg.The knight staggered under a blowthat left a groove across hisjambeau.

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jamboreen��AWNZO2@_4��unknowna long mixed program ofentertainment.The finale at the jamboree was abrilliant display of fireworks.


janiformadj��@WN[2AS<_Z��L + Lhaving a face on each of two sides.While in Rome, Stacey bought areplica of an ancient coin depictinga janiform figure.

janitorn��@WN[2G2�_���Lone that keeps the premises of anapartment, office, or other buildingclean and free of refuse, tends theheating system, and makes minorrepairs.Morris took a part-time job as ajanitor at an apartment complex inexchange for free rent.

japeryn��@W0]�2�_4��Ejesting talk : jokes.Tired of the disk jockey’s japery,Terry turned the radio off.

jaraben��U2@_/�A�O0��Ar > Spany of several provincial Mexicancouple dances that have thezapateado as their basic step.The jarabe is sometimes performedat Mexican weddings.


jargonn��@W/_T2[��imit > F > Ethe technical terminology orcharacteristic idiom of specialistsor workers in a particular activityor area of knowledge.Anna was sure the computerprogrammers were speakingEnglish, but their jargon made itimpossible for her to understandwhat they were saying.



jaundicen��@W<[Q1`��L > F > Eyellowish pigmentation of the skin,tissues, and body fluids caused bythe deposition of bile pigments.David’s jaundice was brought onby a liver problem.

jaundicedadj��@W<[Q1`a��L > F > E + Ecfexhibiting or affected by distaste,or hostility.Dr. Willis was jaundiced andquerulous after being bedridden forso long.

jauntilyadv��@W<[a3Y4��F > E + Ecffin a light or carefree manner.Steve’s hat was perched jauntily onthe side of his head.

jauntyadj��@W<[a4��L > Fnonchalant or sprightly in manneror appearance.The music teacher is far morejaunty at the keys of a piano than inthe classroom.

javelinn��@WNc�2�Y1[��Celt > Fa slender shaft of wood not lessthan 260 centimeters long, tippedwith iron or steel, and intended tobe thrown for distance as anathletic feat or exercise.Lucas threw the javelin only 20 feeton his first attempt.


jealousyn��@WRY2`4��F[has near homonym: jalousie] adisposition or state of mind that isintolerant of rivalry orunfaithfulness.Tormented by jealousy,Shakespeare’s Othello is driven tomurder his wife.


jeerv��@WV�2�_��unknownspeak or cry out with derision ormockery.No one dared jeer when thevenerable actor forgot his lines.

jejuneadj��W1@WC[��Limmature, juvenile.Dennis rejected the jejune poemsfor publication.


jeopardizev��@WR]2�_�AQ6g��L > F > E + Ecfexpose to danger : imperil.Mr. Turner refuses to jeopardizehis family by driving at high speed.


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jerboan��W1_@O=2��Arany of several social nocturnal OldWorld jumping rodents with longhind legs and a long tail.The well-developed jumping abilityof the jerboa enables it to escapefrom many predators.

jeremiadn��AWR_2@Z62Q��Heb name > Gk > L > Fa protracted speech marked by deepmisery.The old philosopher gave a movingjeremiad against a culture thatvalues knowledge above wisdom.

jerkinn��@W2_X1[��unknowna close-fitting hip-length jacket.As his quest led him northward, theknight began wearing a jerkin foradditional warmth.


jettisonv��@WRG2`2[��L > F > Edrop (as auxiliary equipment,bombs, cargo, or fuel) from anairplane in flight (as for lighteningthe load or providing greatersafety).The airplane’s malfunctioningengine prompted the crew tojettison all unnecessary cargo.



jicaman��@U4X2Z2��Nahuatl > Spa tall-climbing Mexican vine withshowy flowers and a sweet wateryroot that is sometimes eaten raw orcooked.Suleika made a coleslaw of jicamaand shredded carrot.






jocosityn��W=@X/`2G4��Lthe quality or state of being givento jokes and jesting.Lennie’s jocosity endeared him tono one.

jocularadj��@W/Xf2Y2�_���Lgiven or disposed to jesting.The jocular keynote speakerpeppered his remarks withhumorous anecdotes.

jocundadj��@W/X2[Q��Lfeeling or exhibiting mirth or goodcheer : cheerful.The jocund host made everyone feelcompletely at ease.

jodhpurn��@W/Q]2�_���Indian geog namea short riding boot; especially : anankle-length boot fastened with astrap that is buckled at the side.Among young or short equestrians,the jodhpur is a popular choice ofboot.


jongleurn��gU=:@TY2_��Fan itinerant medieval minstrelreciting and singing for hire.Timothy went to the RenaissanceFair dressed as a jongleur, with ahandmade lute and a velvet cap.

jonquiln��@W/[Xd1Y��L > Sp > Fa perennial bulbous herb native tosouthern Europe and northernAfrica that has long slender leavesand is widely cultivated for itsflowers.A single jonquil in a bud vaseadorned each table in therestaurant.


joulen��@WCY��E name[has near homonym: jewel] theabsolute meter-kilogram-secondunit of work or energy equal to 10million ergs or approximately0.7375 foot-pound or 0.2390 gramcalorie.In electrical terms, a joulerepresents the energy released in 1second by a current of 1 amperethrough a resistance of 1 ohm.


journalismn��@W2_[3YAVg2Z��Fan academic study concerned withthe collection and editing of newsor the editorial or businessmanagement of a news medium.Students of journalism atNorthwestern University often listthe class taught by Oprah Winfreyas one of their favorites.


jovialadj��@W=c42Y��L > Fcharacterized by or showingmarked good humor especially asexhibited in mirth, hilarity, orconviviality.The jovial chef made cooking lookeasy and enjoyable.


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jubilantadj��@WCO2Y2[a��Lmanifesting or expressingexultation or gladness.Fans were jubilant when the batterhit the winning home run in thebottom of the ninth inning.





judiciousadj��WC@QV`U2`��Ldirected or governed by soundusually dispassionate judgment :characterized by discretion.Jane’s mom saw to it that hersummer activities were a judiciousmixture of chores and amusement.

juggernautn��@W2T2�_�A[<a��Skt > Hindia massive force or object thatadvances irresistibly and crusheswhatever is in its path.Sherman’s armies moved like ajuggernaut through the South.

jugglern��@W2T�2�Y2�_���L > F > E[has near homonym: jugular] oneskilled in keeping several objects inmotion in the air at the same timeby alternately tossing and catchingthem.The crowd was most impressedwhen the juggler started jugglingflaming torches.

jugularadj��@W2Tf2Y2�_���Lof or relating to the throat or neck.It is easy to find one’s own pulse inthe jugular region.



julienneadj��@WCY4AR[��F (name?)[has homonym: Julian] cut in longthin strips—used especially ofvegetables and fruits.Bruce added julienne cucumber tothe salad.




juncturen��@W2;�X�PU2�_���Ljoint, seam.Lulu found a note wedged in thejuncture between the two seats.


junipern��@WC[2]2�_���L > Ean evergreen shrub or treecharacterized by low, lateralspreading.Grandma gathers berries from herjuniper to use in cooking.

junketn��@W2;X1a��L > It > Ea pleasure trip or tour made by anofficial at public expense ostensiblyfor purposes of inspection,investigation, or other publicbusiness.Many citizens complained that themayor’s business trip to Japan wasmerely a junket.

juntan��@UB[a2��L > Sp[has somewhat near homonyms:hunter, junto] a closely knit groupof persons composing ordominating a governmentespecially after a revolutionaryseizure of power.The military junta set up itsheadquarters in the formerpresidential palace.

jurimetriciann��AWB_1Z2@a_V`U2[��L + Gk > Ea specialist in the application ofscientific methods to legalproblems.The judge heard testimony from ajurimetrician and a forensicpathologist.

jurisdictionn��AWB_1`@QVX`U2[��Lthe limits or territory within whichany particular power may beexercised.Sgt. Voss couldn’t issue thereckless driver a ticket because thehighway was outside hisjurisdiction.

jurisprudencen��AWB_1@`]_CQ3[�a�`��L[has homonym: jurisprudents] thescience or philosophy of law.Tom is a professor of jurisprudenceat Yale Law School.

jussiveadj��@W2`Vc��L + Ecfexpressing or having the effect of acommand.There was a jussive tone to Mr.Contreras’s request, and the boysobeyed him immediately.


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justiciableadj��AW2@`aV`U�4�2O2Y��L > Fcapable of being decided by legalprinciples or by a court of justice :liable to trial in a court of justice.The judge decided that Al’s disputewith his employer was justiciableunder the new law.


juvenescencen��AWCc2@[R`3[�a�`��Lthe state of being youthful or ofgrowing young.The director helped the agingactress produce the illusion ofjuvenescence through carefulmakeup and lighting.

juvenilen��@WCc2A[6Y��F or Lof or relating to childhood.Many breakfast-cerealadvertisements are geared to ajuvenile audience.

juvenilian pl��AWCc2@[VY42��Lartistic or literary compositionsproduced in the author’s youth andtypically marked by immaturity ofstyle, treatment, or thought.The artist’s juvenilia showed thathe had been developing the samethemes throughout his career.

juxtaposev��@W2X`a2A]=g��Lplace side by side.Picasso often used collage tojuxtapose coarse and refinedelements in his art.

juxtapositionn��AW2X`a2]2@gV`U2[��Lthe act or an instance of placingtwo or more objects in a closespatial or ideal relationship.The justaposition of the differentstyles within the same painting wonthe praise of the art critic.

Kabukin��X2@OCX4��Jpntraditional Japanese popular dramawith singing and dancingperformed in a stylized manner.Performers of Kabuki must learn tomove with great control.

kairosn��@X6A_/`��Gka time when conditions are right forthe accomplishment of a crucialaction.Feeling that the kairos would neverbe better, Barbara approached herboss and demanded a raise.


kaiserdomn��@X6g2�_�Q2Z��Gthe territory ruled by the Germanemperors from 1871 to 1918.Otto was the best clockmaker in thekaiserdom.

kakemonon��AX/X2@Z=�A�[=��Jpna picture or writing on silk or paperthat usually has a roller at its loweredge.Yasuki hung a kakemono in theliving room.

kakistocracyn��AXNX1@`a/X_2`4��Gkgovernment by the worstindividuals.Denny thought the current studentcouncil was a kakistocracy.

kaleidoscopen��X2@Y6Q2A`X=]��Gk + Ean instrument that contains loosefragments of colored glass confinedbetween two flat plates and twoplane mirrors placed so thatchanges of position exhibit itscontents in an endless variety offorms.Raj received a fancy brasskaleidoscope for a birthdaypresent.







katabaticadj��AXNG2@ONGVX��Gkof or relating to the downwardmotion of air (as in air drainageinduced by surface cooling).The ventilation system relied onkatabatic action for optimalefficiency.

katanan��X2@a/[2��Jpna single-edged sword that is thelonger of a pair worn by theJapanese samurai.Hiroko proudly showed the guestsher great-grandfather’s katanahanging on the wall.

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katharometern��AXNaU2@_/Z2G2�_���Gkan apparatus for determining thecomposition of a gas mixture.With the help of a katharometer,the chemist was able to analyze theengine’s exhaust.


kaumographern��X<@Z/T_2S2�_���Gka worker who transfers designs,trademarks, or other printedmaterial to cloth articles with a hotiron.The sweatshirt store employs akaumographer to decorate shirtswith designs chosen by thecustomer.




kenneln��@XR[3Y��L > F > E[has near homonym: quenelle] ahouse for a dog or pack of hounds.Jack plans to help his father build akennel for their beagles.

kenon��@X4�A�[=��F[has homonym: kino] a gameresembling lotto or bingo in whichnumbers printed on pellets aretaken from a sack and announced tothe players who cover the numberson cards and in which five numberscovered in the same horizontal rowwin for the player.The casino coffee shop had runnersto sell the diners cards for keno.

kepin��@X0]4��L > G > Fa military cap having a close-fittingband, a round flat top slopingtoward the front, and a visor.In the foyer of the French embassythere is a statue of a general with akepi atop his head.

keratitisn��AXR_2@a6G1`��Gkinflammation of the cornea of theeye.After being struck in the eye, theboxer had to be treated forkeratitis.

keratoderman��AXR_2G=@Q2_Z2��Gka hard, callous condition of theskin.The patient’s keratoderma causedhim pain and loss of movement.

keratoplastyn��@XR_2G=A]YN`a4��Gkplastic surgery on the cornea.Keratoplasty, especially cornealgrafting, has improved the vision ofmany people.

kerchiefn��@X2_PU1S��F > Ea square of cloth usually foldedworn by women as a headcovering.Before Eileen went out to tend toher garden, she put on a blue andwhite kerchief.

kerfn��@X2_S��Ea slit or notch made in cuttingusually by a saw or cutting torch.Roger’s toy racetrack is made froma piece of wood with a wide kerfalong which the little cars move.



kerplunkadv��X2�_�@]Y2;X��imitwith a thud.Mimi dropped the apple kerplunkonto Mrs. Vega’s desk.


kestreln��@XR`a_2Y��L > F > Ea common small European falcon.Sean found an injured kestrel onthe roof of the library.




kibitzern��@XVO1a`2�_���Yiddishan outsider or nonparticipant wholooks on and may offer unwantedadvice or comment.Officer Morrow ordered thekibitzer to stand back and get out ofthe way of the rescue squad.


kielbasan��XVY@O/`2��Pol[Note: A differently pronouncedvariant of the word is kielbasy.] asmoked sausage.Adria ordered a half-pound ofpotato salad and a kielbasa fromthe deli.



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kilotonn��@XVY2Aa2[��Gk + Ean explosive force equivalent tothat of 1,000 tons of TNT—usedespecially in reference to an atomor hydrogen bomb.Given the strength of nuclearbombs, 1 kiloton is a small amountof explosive force.



kindergartenadj��@XV[Q2�_�AT/_a3[��Gof or relating to an elementary levelor initial phase.After her request to skip from thesixth to the eighth grade wasdenied, Kathleen was openlyscornful of the kindergarten mathproblems the teacher keptassigning.



kinesiologyn��X1A[4`4@/Y2W4��Gkthe study of the principles ofmechanics and anatomy in relationto human movement.All physical therapy students arerequired to take a course inkinesiology.

kinesitherapyn��X1A[4`4@aUR_2]4��Gkthe therapeutic and correctiveapplication of active and passivemovements (as by massage) and ofexercise.The stroke victim’s muscularproblems were almost totallycorrected through intensivekinesitherapy.

kineticadj��X1@[RGVX��Gkrelating to the motion of matter andthe forces and energy associatedtherewith.The kinetic theory of gases treatseach molecule in a gas as a point,which has mass but negligiblevolume.

kinetosisn��AXV[2@a=`1`��Gk > Lsickness induced by motion andcharacterized by nausea.Before boarding the ship, Clairemade sure she had brought alongmedication for kinetosis.


kinkajoun��@XV;X2AWC��Algonquian > Fa slender long-tailed mammal ofCentral and South America relatedto the raccoon.The kinkajou is sometimes calledthe honey bear.

kishken��@XV`UX2��Slav > Yiddishbeef or fowl casing stuffed with asavory filling (as of matzoth flour,chicken fat, and onion) and roasted.Steve ate four helpings of hisgrandmother’s kishke.

kitchenn��@XVPU1[��Ea room or some other space (as awall area or separate building) withfacilities for cooking : a place forpreparing meals.Joey spent several hours in thekitchen on Thanksgiving Day.

kitschn��@XVPU��Gartistic or literary material held tobe of low quality, often produced toappeal to popular taste, and markedespecially by sentimentalism,sensationalism, and slickness.Souvenir shops are filled withkitsch for the undiscriminatingtourists.


klendusityn��XYR[@Q�f�C`2G4��Gkthe tendency of a plant or variety toescape infection as a result ofhaving some property that preventsor hinders inoculation : disease-escaping ability.The plant’s thick cuticle is largelyresponsible for its klendusity.

klinotaxisn��AXY6[2@aNX`1`��Gkdirectional orientation involvingturning toward a stimulus.The klinotaxis of honeybees isdependent on the angle of the sun.

klompn��@XY/Z]��D[has homonym: clomp] a woodenshoe worn in the Low countries.The Dutch villager proudly showedPam a klomp that he had justfinished carving.

knapsackn��@[N]A`NX��G&Da bag or case often of canvassupported on the back by a strapover each shoulder and usedespecially for carrying supplieswhile on a march or hike.The next morning, Boris found ayoung snapping turtle in hisknapsack.

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kneadableadj��@[4Q2O2Y��E + Ecfhaving the proper texture formixing into a well-blended wholeby or as if by repeatedly drawingout and pressing together.Flour was mixed with otheringredients to produce a kneadabledough.

knickersn pl��@[VX2�_�g��American name[has homonym: nickers] loose-fitting knee-length pants gatheredat the knee on a band for sports andinformal wear.The man was dressed in a shaggytweed jacket and knickers with longwoolen stockings.




knishn��X2@[V`U��Russ > Yiddisha round or square of rich baking-powder dough folded over a savorymeat or cheese filling and baked orfried.Sol searched his new neighborhoodin vain for a restaurant that serveda decent knish.




knolln��@[=Y��Ea usually small rounded landeminence.Drucilla lay at the top of the knollto catch some rays.


knowledgen��@[/YVW��Ethe fact or condition of knowing.Jack’s knowledge of carpentryimmediately earned him a job whenhe arrived in Miami.




kohlrabin��X=Y@_/O4��Ga variety of cabbage having aturnip-shaped edible stem.The flesh of the kohlrabi resemblesthat of the turnip but is sweeter andmilder.

kookaburran��@XBX2AO2_2��Australian namea kingfisher of Australia that isabout the size of a crow, has a callresembling loud laughter, and feedsin part on reptiles.While vacationing in Melbourne,Lindsay was at first startled by thepeculiar chortling of a kookaburra.

kremlinn��@X_RZY1[��Russthe citadel or fortress of a Russiancity or town.Bruce hiked to the ancient kremlinfor the best view of the city.

kriegspieln��@X_4TgA]4�2�Y��Gchess in which neither player seesthe other’s board but is given someinformation as to the opponent’smoves by a referee who keeps trackof all moves on a third board.Orvil attributes his ability tomentally picture a chessboard inplay to his fondness for kriegspiel.

Krugerrandn��@X_CT2A_N[Q��S Afr name + S Afr geog namea one-ounce gold coin of theRepublic of South Africa.Martin purchased a Krugerrand atthe New York Coin Show last year.

kryptonn��@X_V]Aa/[��Gka colorless relatively inert gaseouselement found in air at about onepart per million and used especiallyin electric lamps.A light bulb filled with krypton willlast longer and shine more brightlythan a regular bulb of the samewattage.

kuchenn��@XCX2[��Gany of several varieties of coffeecake typically made from sweetyeast dough and variously shaped,flavored, and frosted.Aunt Mitzi served a warm applekuchen for Christmas brunch.

kudizev��@X�f�CAQ6g��Gkgrant honors to : praise.The planning committee had aluncheon to kudize Mr. Blalock,who donated 100 acres of land forthe city park.

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kudosn pl��@X�f�CAQ=g��Gkpraises given for achievement.Daphne received many kudos fromthe drama coach after herperformance in the school play.

kudzun��@XBQ�A�gC��Jpna vine of China and Japan that isused widely in the southern UnitedStates for erosion control and soilimprovement.Along many highways of the deepSouth, kudzu covers the roadsidelike drapery.

kwashiorkorn��AXd/`U4@<_X2_��Ghana namesevere malnutrition in infants andchildren caused by a high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet.Supplying protein supplements toaffected children is one way inwhich UNICEF works to eradicatekwashiorkor.



laboriousadj��Y2@O=_42`��Linvolving much work : tiresome.Restoration of the mansion willrequire laborious effort.

labyrinthn��@YNO2A_V[�a�aU��Carian? > Gk > L > Ea structure full of intricatepassageways that make it difficultto find the way from the interior tothe entrance or from the entrance tothe interior.Lost in the labyrinth of passagesbeneath the castle, the invadersgave up the attack plan and insteadconcentrated on finding a way out.


laccateadj��@YNAX0a��L + Ecfhaving a varnished or lacqueredappearance.The leaves of some tropicalevergreens have a laccate surface.


lacerationn��AYN`2@_0`U2[��L > Fa wound made by tearing orrending roughly.Forty stitches were required toclose the laceration in Jeremy’sscalp.

lachrymoseadj��@YNX_2AZ=`��Ldismal, melancholy.The lachrymose play ruinedSamantha’s weekend.

lackadaisicaladj��AYNX2@Q0g1X2Y��E + Ecflacking life, spirit, or zest : devoidof energy or purpose.John’s piano teacher criticized himfor his lackadaisical performancein the recital.

laconicadj��Y2@X/[VX��Gk > Lspoken, written, or expressedbriefly or tersely : pithy.Mrs. Fitzpatrick’s laconic speakingstyle was quite popular with herstudents.

lacrossen��Y2@X_<`��Fa game that is played on a turfedfield by two teams of ten players,each of whom uses a long-handledstick with which the ball is caught,carried, and thrown, with the objectbeing to throw the ball into theopponents’ goal.Curious about lacrosse, Pamelasigned up for a college intramuralteam.

lactealadj��@YNXa42Y��L + Ecfrelating to, consisting of,producing, or resembling milk.Liz was surprised to learn that herlacteal drink was made fromsoybeans.

lacunan��Y2@X�f�C[2��La blank space : a missing part : gap,hole.Gabe discovered a mysteriouslacuna in the manuscript.


lageniformadj��Y2@W4[2AS<_Z��L + Ecfshaped like a flask : dilated belowand tapering to a slender neckabove.While on the field trip, the botanistdirected the class to an example ofa lageniform fungus.

laggardadj��@YNT2�_�Q��Scand + Ecfslow or relatively slow to act,move, follow, or respond.Successful mail order companiesare rarely laggard in handlingcomplaints.


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lagomorphn��@YNT2AZ<_S��Gk > L[Note: Could be confused withLagomorpha.] any of severalgnawing animals (as hare, rabbit, orpika) resembling the rodents.A lagomorph has well-developedincisors to help it sever plant stemsand gnaw on bark.

laityn��@Y02GR��Gk > L > F > E + Ecf[Note: Could be confused withlady.] the great body of the peopleof a religious faith as distinguishedfrom its clergy.In most churches, many tasks andduties are given to the laity.


laloplegian��AYNY2@]Y4W�4�2��Gkparalysis of the muscles involved inspeech.Since Uncle Harry’s stroke causedlaloplegia, he had to communicatewith pencil and paper.

lamaseryn��@Y/Z2A`R_4��Tibetan > F + Per > Fa monastery of Tibetan Buddhistmonks or priests.Xiang returned from the lamasery awiser and more introspective man.



lambentlyadv��@YNZO2[aY4��Lin a light and brilliant manner.Carla’s eyes flashed lambentlyunder her dark brows.

lambrequinn��@YNZO2�_�X1[��D > Fa short decorative drapery for ashelf edge or for the top of awindow casing : valance.An embroidered lambrequin hungover each of the mansion’swindows.

lamentv��Y2@ZR[a��Lexpress sorrow for : bewail, mourn.Railroad buffs still lament thedemise of the steam locomotive.

lampoonn��YNZ@]C[��Fa light mocking satire.The new movie is a lampoon of thehorror films that are madeespecially for teenagers.

lamppostn��@YNZ]A]=`a��Gk > L > FE + Ea pole supporting a usually outdoorlighting device.The speeding automobile didn’tmake the curve and slammed into alamppost, knocking it to theground.

lampreyn��@YNZ]_4��Gaulish? > L > Fany of various freshwater andsaltwater vertebrates that arewidely distributed in temperate andsubarctic regions and resemble eelsbut have a large circular jawlesssuctorial mouth with numeroussmall conical teeth.A large lamprey slithered out of theunderwater cave, startling thediver.

lampyridn��@YNZ]2_1Q��Gk > La beetle or firefly of medium orsmall size having an elongate form.The lightning bug is a commonlampyrid.


landaun��@YN[AQNB��G geog namea four-wheeled covered carriage.People who cannot picture what alandau looks like should think ofCinderella’s carriage.

landscapen��@YN[gAX0]��Da portion of land or territory thatcan be seen in a single viewincluding all the objects so seen.After the snowstorm the landscapelooked like a winter wonderland.


langousten��Y/:@TC`a��L > OProv > Fspiny lobster.Alicia ordered the langouste at thefancy seafood restaurant.

languagen��@YN;TdVW��L > F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] theinner tongue or flat plate oppositethe mouth of an organ flue pipe.A small chip in the organ’s smallestlanguage subtly affected its tone.

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languescentadj��YN;@TdR`3[a��Lbecoming listless or fatigued.The languescent ballerinastruggled through the final scene.

languidadj��@YN;d1Q��L > Fsluggish in character or disposition.In India Mary had always felt hotand too languid to care much aboutanything.



languorouslyadv��@YN;�T��2�_2`Y4��L + Ecffin a manner characterized bylistless indolence or sluggishness.After returning from work, Corareclined languorously on the sofa.

laniaryadj��@Y0[4AR_4��Ladapted for tearing.Laniary teeth are common in mostcarnivores.

lanolatedadj��@YN[3YA0G1Q��L > ISV + Ecffcontaining wool grease refined foruse in ointments and cosmetics.Agnes used lanolated cream totreat her dry, rough skin.

lanternn��@YN[a2_[��Gk > L > F > Ea portable lamp.The red light in the distance camefrom a lantern that hung from thelast car of the train.


lapideousadj��Y2@]VQ42`��Lof the nature of stone.Lapideous concretions that form inthe bladder or kidneys can causeextreme pain.



larcenyn��@Y/_`�3�[4��L > F > Ethe unlawful taking and carryingaway of personal property withoutthe consent of its lawful possessor.When Tina first saw Victor’s artcollection, she suspected him oflarceny.

larghettoadv��Y/_@TRG�A�=��Itin a somewhat slow manner—usedas a direction in music.In the second movement, which isplayed larghetto, Beethovenunfolds one melodic idea afteranother.

largitionaladj��Y/_@WV`U2[3Y��L + Ecfof or relating to a gift or gratuity.The seed money for the newmuseum consists entirely oflargitional funds.

lariatn��@YN_42a��L > Spa long light but strong rope usedwith a running noose for catchinglivestock.Jonathan watched in fascination asthe cowboy demonstrated his skillwith the lariat.

larigon��@Y/_1AT=��Spa ring at each end of the cinch of awestern saddle through which thestraps pass.When Lynn investigated her loosesaddle, she found that a larigo hadbroken.

larithmicsn pl��Y2@_V9ZVX`��Gkthe scientific study of thequantitative aspects of population.In accordance with a principle oflarithmics, the emigration from thecountry was offset by an increasedrate of population growth.

larmoyantadj��Y/_@Z<V2[a��L > Fgiven to tears or weeping : tearful.Even Jorge, who is not usuallylarmoyant, had to wipe his eyesduring the eulogy.

larrigann��@YN_1T2[��unknownan oil-tanned moccasin with legsthat is used especially by loggersand trappers.The statue of Paul Bunyan depictedhim with an ax over his shoulderand a hole in one larrigan.

larvan��@Y/_c2��Lthe immature, wingless, and oftenvermiform feeding form of aninsect which has hatched from theinsect egg.The caterpillar is the larva of thebutterfly.

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laryngiticadj��AYN_1[@WVGVX��Gkaffected with an inflammation ofthe upper part of the tracheacontaining the vocal cords.After a long day of pitching hismerchandise, the salesmanreturned home exhausted andlaryngitic.


larynxn��@YN_V;�X�`��Gk > Lthe modified upper part of therespiratory passage of air-breathingvertebrates bounded above by theglottis and continuous below withthe trachea.The vocal cords are situated withinthe larynx.

lasern��@Y0g2�_���English acronyma device that utilizes the naturaloscillations of atoms or moleculesbetween energy levels forgenerating coherentelectromagnetic radiation.The surgeon used a laser to makethe incision.

lassituden��@YN`2AaCQ��La condition of weariness or debility: fatigue.Lassitude is a symptom of manytropical diseases.


laterigradeadj��@YNG2_2AT_0Q��L + Lrunning sidewise or characterizedby such running.The laterigrade movements of thecrab delighted the children on thebeach.

lathen��@Y09��Ea machine in which work is rotatedabout a horizontal axis and shapedby a fixed cutting tool while beingheld in a chuck.Chloe donned her safety glassesbefore switching on the lathe.

laticiferousadj��AYNG2@`VS�2�_2`��Gk? > L + Ecffcontaining, bearing, or secretinglatex.Some laticiferous tropical vines aregood sources of rubber.


latitudinousadj��AYNG2@aCQ3[2`��Lhaving breadth especially ofthought or interpretation.Poetry is a latitudinous category,ranging from the moralistic to thenihilistic.


latticen��@YNG1`��Gmc? > F > Ea framework or structure of woodor metal made by crossing laths orother thin strips so as to form anetwork.The window has a lattice, but thatdid not stop Renton from gettingthrough it.

laudv��@Y<Q��Lsing the praises of.The proud parents would laud theirchild’s slightest accomplishment.

laudatoryadj��@Y<Q2Aa=_4��Lof, relating to, or containing praise.Seth made sure everyone saw hislaudatory telegram from the dean.

laughableadj��@YNS2O2Y��E + Ecfcomical, absurd.Marlene wore antique finery whichwould have been laughable on anyother woman.



launderern��@Y<[Q2_2�_���L > F > Eone who washes and irons clothing.Gina took her blouse to thelaunderer for cleaning.

laureationn��AY<_4@0`U2[��Lan act of crowning with or as ifwith a wreath of leaves as a markof honor or achievement.At her laureation the recipient ofthe honorary degree paid tribute toher college professors.

laureln��@Y<_2Y��L[has homonym: loral] foliage usedby the ancient Greeks to crownvictors in the Pythian games.The ancient statue of an unknownathlete bore a carefully carvedwreath of laurel.

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lavashn��@Y/Ac/`U��Armeniana large thin crisp unleavened waferwith a rough surface caused by airbubbles during baking.Phil served lavash with goatcheese.

lavatoryn��@YNc2Aa=_4��La room with conveniences forwashing the hands and face andusually with one or more toilets.All of the soap dispensers in thelavatory were empty.



leaguen��@Y4T��Gaulish > L > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] anEnglish unit of distance of about 3miles.Long car rides seem shorter if youfigure them by the league instead ofby the mile.





leavenn��@YRc2[��L > F > E[has homonym and nearhomonyms: levin and eleven,levan] a substance (as yeast) actingor used to produce fermentation ina dough or a liquid.Nina neglected to add the leaventhat causes the bread dough to rise.

lebkuchenn��@Y0]AXC82[��Ga Christmas cookie usually madewith honey, brown sugar, almonds,candied fruit peel, and spices.Bart slipped a lebkuchen to theschnauzer.

lecithinn��@YR`2aU1[��Gka substance that is obtained in themanufacture of soybean oil and thatis used in foods (as margarine,chocolate, bakery products).Lecithin is used in the productionof caramel to make it smoother.

lecternn��@YRXa2�_�[��La desk or stand with a sloping topand usually a ledge at the bottom ofthe slope designed to support abook or script in a convenientposition for a reader standingbefore it.Miguel clutched the lectern in anattempt to conceal his nervousness.



lederhosenn pl��@Y0Q2�_�AU=g3[��Gknee-length leather trousers wornespecially in Bavaria.All the men who volunteered towork at Oktoberfest were asked towear lederhosen.

legacyn��@YRT2`4��L > F > Emoney or property given tosomeone by direction of a will.Tim opened a small business withthe legacy from his father.

legerdemainn��AYRW2�_�Q2@Z0[��Fskill and dexterity in theperformance of juggling orconjuring tricks.The performer’s legerdemainincluded making a coworkerdisappear from an enclosure.

legerityn��Y1@WR_2G4��L > Fmental or physical agility andquickness.The gymnast performed on thebalance beam with remarkablelegerity.





legislatorialadj��AYRW1`Y2@a=_42Y��L + Ecfhaving the power or performing thefunction of making laws.Unfinished legislatorial duties keptCongress in session past its normaladjournment date.

legislaturen��@YRW1A`Y0PU2�_���L + Ecfan organized body of personshaving the authority to make laws.Ellen served as a page for thelegislature last year.


leguminousadj��Y1@TfCZ2[2`��Lof, resembling, or consisting ofpeas or other vegetables.The only leguminous food thatMandy likes is peas.

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leisurableadj��@Y4gU�2�_2O2Y��L > F > Eproceeding deliberately withouthaste.The bikers made a leisurable tourof the campus.


lemmingn��@YRZV;��ON > Norwany of several small rodents ofcircumpolar distribution.The legend of suicide by drowningassociated with the lemming isfascinating but probably untrue.



lemurn��@Y4Z2�_���Lany of numerous arboreal chieflynocturnal mammals formerlywidespread but now largelyconfined to Madagascar that arerelated to the monkeys.The lemur is lower on theevolutionary scale and lessintelligent than the monkey.

lengthn��@YR;�X�aU��Ethe longer of the two straight-linedimensions of a surface or plane orthe longest of the three straight-linedimensions of a solid : extent fromend to end.Marsha and her father frequentlyargue over the length of her skirts.

leniencyn��@Y4[42[`4��Lthe quality or state of being tolerantor merciful.At his sentencing the convictedfelon expressed remorse andpleaded for leniency.


leonciton��AY02[@`4�A�a=��Spa lion monkey; any of severalSouth American marmosets.The leoncito has a mane of furaround its head like a lion.

leonineadj��@Y42A[6[��Lresembling or suggesting that of alion.Portraits of Beethoven and Einsteinalways depict them with leoninehairstyles.

leopardn��@YR]2�_�Q��Gk > L > F > Ea large strong cat of southern Asiaand Africa that is adept at climbingand is usually tawny or buff withblack spots.The so-called “black panther” isactually a black-coated form of theleopard.


leotardn��@Y42Aa/_Q��F namea close-fitting garment for the torsothat is worn for practice orperformance by dancers andacrobats.In modern dance, performers oftenwear a very simple leotard.

lepidopteristn��AYR]2@Q/]a2_1`a��Gka specialist in the study ofbutterflies and moths.Judy was well on her way tobecoming a lepidopterist; shealready had her own butterfly net.

leporiformadj��@YR]2_2AS<_Z��L + Eresembling a hare or rabbit in form.For Easter, Mom decorates thewindows with leporiform figuresbearing baskets of eggs.

leprosyn��@YR]_2`4��Gk > La progressive infectious disease thataffects the skin and nerves andcauses lumps, ulcers, white scalypatches, deformities, and eventualloss of sensation.Even though approximately 270cases of leprosy are diagnosed inthe United States each year,effective medications have madethe existence of leper coloniesunnecessary.

leptocercaladj��AYR]a2@`2_X2Y��Gk + Gktapering off to a long slenderpoint—used of the tail of a fish.The scuba diver showed Jane hisscar from a wound he receivedwhen whipped by the leptocercaltail of a stingray.

lesionn��@Y4gU2[��L > F > E[has near homonym: legion] anabnormal change in structure of anorgan or part due to injury ordisease.Sarah had Dr. Kendall treat thelesion on her shin.

lethaladj��@Y472Y��Lof, relating to, or causing death.The lethal fire spread through theRiggs Building rapidly.

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lethargicadj��Y1@aU/_WVX��Gk > L > Fslow-moving, sluggish.Rhea’s dry throat and lethargicdisposition warned her that a coldwas coming.

lethargyn��@YRaU2�_�W4��Gkthe quality or state of being lazy orindifferent : lassitude, apathy.The hot, humid air of the tropicsspreads a feeling of lethargy overeveryone.


lettucen��@YRG1`��L > F > Ea common garden vegetable withsucculent leaves that are often usedin salads.Rosemarie prefers romaine lettucefor her salads.


leucoryxn��@YCX2�A�_VX`��Gka large chiefly pale brownishantelope of North Africa.The horns of the leucoryx areevenly curved backwards.

levaden��Y2@c/Q��F > Ga show-ring movement in which ahorse raises the forequarters, bringsthe hindquarters under him, andbalances with haunches deeply bentand forelegs drawn up.When a horse’s body is at a less-than-45-degree angle with theground, the movement is called a“levade.”

levantern��Y1@cN[a2�_���L > F > E + Ecfa strong easterly Mediterraneanwind.When the levanter hits the Rock ofGibraltar, it soars up 1,400 feet,and its vapor becomes a densewhite cloud.

leveen��@YRc4��L > F[has homonym: levy] anembankment built alongside a bodyof water to prevent flooding ofnearby land.The city plans to construct a leveeto prevent flooding from the river.



leveretn��@YRc�2�_1a��L > F > Ea wild rabbit in its first year.Jimmy’s pet rabbit is a leveret thathis dad caught while cutting hay.

leviathanadj��Y1@c62aU2[��Heb > L > Eof enormous size.The ore was hauled away inleviathan trucks.

levityn��@YRc2G4��Lexcessive or unseemly frivolity :lack of fitting seriousness.The minister’s levity during theeulogy was inappropriate.

levyv��@YRc4��F > Eimpose or collect by legal processor by authority.The political candidate promised tolevy no new taxes if he wereelected.


lexiconn��@YRX`2AX/[��Gkthe vocabulary of a subject or of anoccupational group.The lexicon of computerprogrammers is slowly becomingpart of everyday language.





liberalismn��@YVO�2�_2AYVg2Z��L + Ecfa political philosophy based on thebelief in freedom for the individualand on the belief of governmentalguarantees of human rights andcivil liberties.Alex believes that persons attractedto liberalism are often morecompassionate than practical.


librariann��Y6@O_R_42[��Lone whose vocation is workingwith collections of books,manuscripts, or other literarymaterials kept for study or reading.Juan asked the librarian for the keyto the rare-book cabinet.

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libraryn��@Y6AO_R_4��La room or section of a building or abuilding itself given over to books,manuscripts, or other literary andsometimes artistic materials usuallykept in some convenient order foruse but not for sale.Stella owns many books and plansto convert a spare bedroom to alibrary.

libretton��Y1@O_R�A�G=��Lthe text of a work (as an opera) forthe musical theater.Michelle bought a dual-languageedition of the libretto of Tosca for aquarter at a garage sale.


licentiaten��Y6@`R[PU41a��Lan academic degree ranking belowthat of a doctor given by someEuropean institutions of highereducation.After two years’ study, ReverendPease received a licentiate incanon law.

lichenn��@Y6X1[��Gk > L[has homonym: liken] any ofnumerous complex plants that aremade up of an alga and a fungusgrowing in symbiotic associationon various solid surfaces (as rocksor the bark of trees).Sean used a mixture of green paintand sawdust to simulate lichen onhis model train layout.



licitadj��@YV`1a��Lnot forbidden by law : lawful.Even licit drugs can be dangerousif not used as directed by aphysician.


liegeadj��@Y4W��L > F > Ehaving the right to feudalallegiance and service.The serf bowed low before his liegelord.


lienholdern��@Y4[AU=YQ2_��L > F + Eone having a valid mortgage.When she returned from vacation,Iris was mortified to find a stack ofletters from her lienholder.

lieun��@YC��L > F[has homonym: loo] place, stead.Miss Woodhouse had manyacquaintances, but not one amongthem could be accepted in lieu ofher best friend Miss Taylor for evenhalf a day.

lieutenancyn��YC@aR[2[`4��L > F > Ethe term of a commissioned officerin the army, air force, or marinecorps ranking below a captain.During his lieutenancy, Lionelserved in Guam.

lieutenantn��YC@aR[2[a��L > F > Ea military officer in the army, navy,air force, or marine corps.At the end of the novel, the youngnaval hero was finally promoted tolieutenant.

ligamentn��@YVT2Z2[a��Lsomething that ties or unites onething or part to another.International law is considered bysome to be the ligament ofmankind.

ligaturen��@YVT2PU2�_���L > F > Esomething that is used to bind;specifically : a thread, wire, orother material used in surgery.Dr. Adams removed the ligaturethat had held the vein closed duringthe operation.

lightningadj��@Y6a[V;��E[has near homonym: lightening]moving with or having the speedand suddenness of lightning.The lightning rapidity of Mr.Julia’s jargon and wit is a tool ofhis trade as an auctioneer.

ligneousadj��@YVT[42`��Lof or resembling wood.Mr. Hart described the plant as aperennial herb with a ligneouscrown.

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ligniperdousadj��AYVT[2@]2_Q2`��L + Ldestructive to wood.The house had to be inspected forany ligniperdous insects before itcould be sold.


liliaceousadj��AYVY4@0`U2`��Lof, relating to, or resembling any ofnumerous erect perennial leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs.Deb’s curtain material has acolorful liliaceous pattern.

lilliputianadj��AYVY1@]fC`U2[��imaginary geog name + Ecfextremely small.The lilliputian furniture andfixtures in the dollhouse astoundedand delighted the museum visitors.

limbn��@YVZ��E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word. Inaddition, word has homonym:limn.] the outer edge of theapparent disk of a celestial body ora portion of the edge.Teresa spied a crater directly onthe Moon’s limb.

limbiferousadj��YVZ@OVS�2�_2`��L + Lhaving a border or margin.Mr. Lovejoy told his pupils thatthey would be expected to uselimbiferous paper for all theirassignments.


limerickn��@YVZ�2�_VX��Irish geog namea light verse form of five anapesticlines.Noel composed a funny limerickabout his teacher.

limitropheadj��@YVZ2Aa_=S��L + Gksituated on a border or frontier :adjacent, neighboring.The geography teacher asked theclass to name all the countries thatare limitrophe to Russia.

limnv��@YVZ��L > F > E[has homonym: limb] outline inclear sharp detail : delineate.The object of the video game is tofire when the periscope sights limnthe tanker.

limnologyn��YVZ@[/Y2W4��L + Gkthe scientific study of physical,chemical, meteorological, andbiological conditions in freshwaters especially of ponds andlakes.An expert in limnology testified thatpollution is reducing the fishpopulation in Crystal Lake.

limousinen��@YVZ2Ag4[��F geog namea small bus (as for transportingpassengers to and from an airport).Mrs. Waldrupe was disappointedthat her airport limousine was aramshackle van.

limpidadj��@YVZ]1Q��Lcompletely free from cloudiness orother obstacles to the passage oflight.Mary got an eerie feeling when shelooked into the limpid blue eyes ofthe Siberian Husky.



linearadj��@YV[42�_���Linvolving a single dimension : notsquare or cubic.The micrometer caliper is aninstrument for making preciselinear measurements of dimensionssuch as diameters, thicknesses, andlengths.



linguistn��@YV;Td1`a��La student of or expert in languages.The famous linguist described howmany tribal languages arebecoming extinct.


linimentn��@YV[2Z2[a��L > Ea liquid or semiliquid alcoholic,oily, or saponaceous preparationfor application to the skin withfriction.Winona delicately rubbed linimentover her sore shoulder.

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linoleumn��Y1@[=Y42Z��La floor covering made by laying ona cloth backing a mixture ofsolidified linseed oil and varioussolid particles and usuallypigments.The pattern in Sheena’s kitchenlinoleum resembles inlaid pebbles.

liquefactionn��AYVXd1@SNX`U2[��Lthe process of making or becomingliquid : conversion of a solid into aliquid by heat or of a gas into aliquid by cold or pressure.Much earthquake damage resultsfrom the liquefaction of soil onwhich buildings stand.

liquefiableadj��AYVXd1@S62O2Y��Lcapable of being reduced to a liquidstate.Many familiar solid materials areeasily liquefiable by heating.

liquescentadj��YV@XdR`3[a��Lbeing, becoming, or tending tobecome liquid : melting.When a giant asteroid hits theground, it is transformed into aliquescent mass that becomes afireball.






literateadj��@YVG2_1a��Lable to read and write.The government’s goal for all adultcitizens to be literate in 20 yearsneeds a strategic plan.

literatin pl��AYVG2@_/G4��L&Itthe educated class : intelligentsia.The New York literati gathered atthe book-signing party.


lithesomeadj��@Y69`2Z��E + Echaracterized by agile grace.Denise’s lithesome performance inher audition won her a place in theRoyal Ballet.

lithificationn��AYVaU2S1@X0`U2[��Gk + Lthe conversion of unconsolidatedsediments into solid rock.Ben’s science project explainedhow limestone is formed bylithification.

lithochromyn��@YVaU2AX_=Z4��Gkthe art of painting on stone.Arthur’s work in lithochromyearned him a commission to paint ascene on the museum’s slate wall.


lithoidadj��@YVAaU<VQ��Gkresembling a stone.The lava eventually solidified intolithoid masses.


litigatorn��@YVG2AT0G2�_���Lone that prosecutes or defends bypleadings, evidence, and debate ina court.The cough drop manufacturer hireda famous litigator to appear in itsnew commercial.

litigiousnessn��Y1@aVW2`[1`��Lthe quality or state of being proneto engage in lawsuits.An increase in lawsuits can beattributed in part to the growinglitigiousness of American society.

litmusn��@YVaZ2`��Scanda coloring matter that turns red inacid solutions and blue in alkalinesolutions and is obtained fromseveral lichens.Chris will use litmus to test foracidity in the chemical solution.

litotesn��@Y6G2Aa4g��Gkunderstatement in which anaffirmative is expressed by anegative of the contrary (as in“He’s not a bad ball player”).Rupert loved to use the litotes “notbad” to convey high praise.



littoraladj��@YVG2_2Y��L[has homonym: literal] of, relatingto, or being near a shore, especiallyof the sea.Eduardo finally realized his dreamwhen he established a littoralnature preserve.

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liturgicaladj��Y1@a2_W1X2Y��Gk > Lof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of ceremonial orritualistic worship.The priest donned his liturgicalvestments before the mass.

liturgyn��@YVG2�_�W4��Gka rite or series of rites, observances,or procedures prescribed for publicworship in the Christian church inaccordance with authorized orstandard form.Since the Second Vatican Council,the use of the vernacular language,rather than Latin, has becomewidespread in Catholic liturgy.



lividadj��@YVc1Q��L > Fdiscolored by or as if by bruising :black-and-blue.The bicycle accident left a largelivid patch on Violet’s arm.

llaman��@Y/Z2��Quechua > Sp[has homonym: lama] any of agenus of wild or domesticated cud-chewing mammals of SouthAmerica related to the camels butsmaller and without a hump.The llama thrives in the Alpinegrasslands of Bolivia, Peru, Chile,and Argentina.



lobotomyn��Y=@O/G2Z4��Gkincision into the brain to severnerve fibers for the relief of certainmental disorders and tension.Lobotomy is no longer thepreferred treatment in cases ofextreme psychosis.

lobscousen��@Y/OA`XNB`��unknowna sailor’s dish prepared by stewingor baking bits of meat withvegetables, hardtack, and otheringredients.After Fritz returned from hisfishing trip, he ordered a heartyportion of lobscouse for dinner.

localen��Y=@XNY��L > Fa place or locality especially whenviewed in relation to a particularevent or characteristic.Evan’s doctor told him he neededto live in a drier locale, so hemoved to Tucson.


locheticadj��Y=@X4GVX��Gklying in wait for prey—usedespecially of insects.Josh claimed that the ants in thenest next to his porch must belochetic, because they alwaysseemed to know when he wasbarefoot.


locustn��@Y=X2`a��L > Ea grasshopper that frequentlytravels in swarms.Cooper placed the captured locustin a mason jar.

lodgingn��@Y/WV;��Ea place to live : dwelling.After a fire destroyed their home,the family depended on relativesfor temporary lodging.

logarithmn��@Y<T2A_V92Z��Gkthe exponent that indicates thepower to which a number must beraised to produce a given number.When the math teacher said that 4is the logarithm of 16 to the base 2,only half the class understood whatshe was saying.


loggian��@Y/W�4�2��F > It[has near homonym: logia] aroofed open gallery or arcade in theside of a building especially whenfacing upon an open court.An airy second-floor loggia ranaround three sides of the tinycourtyard.


logionn��@Y=W4A/[��Gka usually short pointed saying orobservation especially of areligious teacher.The guru’s devotees treasuredevery logion that he uttered.

logisticsn pl��Y=@WV`aVX`��Gkmilitary science in its planning andhandling and implementation ofpersonnel, equipment, andfacilities.Juan has been interested inlogistics since he first played withtoy soldiers.

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logogriphn��@Y<T2AT_VS��Gk[has near homonym: logograph] aword puzzle.Katrina spent the afternoonconstructing a logogriph for herlittle brother.

logomachyn��Y=@T/Z2X4��Gka dispute over or about words.Behind the legislature’s logomachyabout what makes a Great Lake“great” lay political and economicmotives.

logorrhean��AY<T2@_42��Gkpathologically excessive and oftenincoherent talkativeness.The patient’s logorrhea wasindicative of deep emotionalproblems.


lonelyadj��@Y=[Y4��E + Ecfbeing without company.Allie took a picture of a lonelyfisherman on the pier.

longanimityn��AY/;T2@[VZ2G4��La disposition to bear injuriespatiently : forbearance.Murphy’s Law strikes often inGeorge’s project, but hislonganimity will help him weatherall setbacks.

longevityn��Y/[@WRc2G4��La long duration of individual life.Mr. Wade’s longevity wasremarkable, considering he hadbeen sickly as a child.



loquaciousadj��Y=@Xd0`U2`��Lgiven to excessive talking :garrulous.Bryn’s loquacious sister was quitea hit at the rehearsal party.


lorgnetten��Y<�_�[@fRa��Fa pair of eyeglasses or operaglasses with a handle.Lorgnette in one hand and hankiein the other, Mrs. Vandergrifflooked just like the opera-goersportrayed in cartoons.

loricaten��@Y<_2X1a��Lan animal having a hard protectivecase or shell.The armadillo is a well-knownloricate, as is the alligator.

lorikeetn��@Y<_1AX4a��Malay + Sp&Fany of numerous small arborealparrots that are found in Australasiaand that feed largely upon thenectar of flowers.Ginger has a pet lorikeet that rideson her shoulder.


loupen��@YC]��Gmc > F[has homonyms: loop and loup]small magnifying glass used byjewelers and watchmakers.At his jewelry store Arlo alwayswears a loupe on a chain aroundhis neck.


lovelinessn��@Y2cY4[1`��Ethe state of being beautiful.Colette was awestruck by theloveliness of the stained-glasswindows.

loxocosmn��@Y/X`2AX/g2Z��Gka device to show how theinclination of Earth’s axis causesthe day’s length to vary fromseason to season.John constructed a loxocosm forthe science fair.

lozengen��@Y/g3[W��Fa small diamond-shaped medicatedcandy.Mother gave Rick a cherry-flavoredlozenge for his sore throat.

luaun��@YCANB��Hawaiiana feast with Hawaiian food andusually Hawaiian entertainment.Sabrina wore a grass skirt to theluau.

lucernaladj��AYC@`2_[3Y��L + Ecfof or relating to a lamp.A slide projector is a lucernaldevice for displaying images on ascreen.

lucidadj��@YC`1Q��Lpenetrated with light : translucent.The otters romped and played inthe lucid stream.


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luculentadj��@YCXf2Y2[a��Ltransparently clear in thought orexpression.The audience was pleasantlyamazed at the luculent commentaryon the state of the economy.

ludicrousadj��@YCQ2X_2`��Lmeriting derisive laughter or scorn :absurd.The jury was instructed todisregard the ludicrous remarksmade by the defendant.

luftmenschn��@YBSaAZR[PU��G > Yiddishan impractical contemplativeperson having no definite trade,business, or income : dreamer.Every large family seems to have atleast one luftmensch among itsmembers.

lugubriousadj��Y2@TCO_42`��L > Eexpressive of, marked by, or givingrise to grief or sorrow.The funeral director spoke inlugubrious tones as she explainedthe arrangements.

lullabyn��@Y2Y2AO6��Ea soothing refrain; especially : asong used to quiet children or lullthem to sleep.The baby was asleep before Maryfinished singing the lullaby.

lumenn��@YCZ1[��La unit of luminous flux equal to thelight emitted in a unit solid angleby a uniform point source of onecandle.The lumen is used in calculationsregarding artificial lighting.

luminairen��AYCZ2@[N�N��2�_��L > Fa complete lighting unit includinglamp, shade, reflector, fixture, andother accessories.A luminaire was built into eachcubicle in the office.

luminaryn��@YCZ2A[R_4��Lone that is an inspiration to others :one who has achieved success inhis or her chosen field.Although a luminary in the field,Peter was reluctant to weigh inwith his opinion about the ethics ofcloning.

luminosityn��AYCZ2@[/`2G4��Lthe quantity of radiation emitted bya star or other celestial sourceusually expressed in terms of theSun’s intensity.The comet’s luminosity was sogreat that it could be seen duringthe day.

luminousadj��@YCZ2[2`��Lemitting or seeming to emit asteady suffused light that isreflected or produced from within.During the movie Stan periodicallychecked the time on the luminousdial of his watch.


luncheonetten��AY2[PU2@[Ra��E + Fcfa place where light lunches aresold.After playing racquetball, Jaimestopped at the luncheonette for asandwich.

lungev��@Y2[W��Fmake a forceful forwardmovement.Every few seconds the swordsmanwould lunge at his opponent.


lusciousadj��@Y2`U2`��Ehaving a delicious taste or smell.The waiter pointed to cakes andpastries, each more luscious thanthe last, as he told us about them.

lustrousadj��@Y2`a_2`��L > It > F + Ecfhaving a gloss or shine : gleaming.When dining out, Marcia alwayswears some lustrous jewelry.

luten��@YCa��Ar > OProv > F > E[has homonym: loot] a stringedmusical instrument of Orientalorigin that has a large pear-shapedbody.The court minstrel strummed hislute thoughtfully, deciding whichsong to play next.

luthiern��@YCG42�_���Ar > OProv > Fa maker of stringed instruments.The luthier gave Dolores a choiceof inlay patterns for her new guitar.

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luxn��@Y2X`��L[has homonyms: lucks, luxe] a unitof illumination equal to the directillumination on a surface that iseverywhere 1 meter from a uniformpoint source of one candle.Paul’s new video camera isdesigned to operate in a lightintensity of only 1 lux.



luxuriousadj��AY2T@gUB_42`��Lcharacterized by wealth or richabundance.The price of the car with theluxurious interior astounded evenwealthy customers.


lycanthropen��@Y6X2[AaU_=]��Gka person transformed temporarilyor permanently into a wolf orcapable of assuming a wolf’s form.The zoologist contends that themyth of the lycanthrope is one ofthe reasons wolves are somaligned.



lymphaticadj��YVZ@SNGVX��Gk > Lconveying a pale fluid that bathesthe tissues of an organism.The lymphatic system is vital inremoving harmful bacteria fromtissues.

lynxn��@YV;�X�`��Gk[has homonym: links] any ofseveral wildcats with relativelylong legs, a short stubby tail,mottled coat, and often tufted ears.The lynx lives in cold northernlatitudes, where its favorite prey isthe snowshoe hare.

lyonnaiseadj��@Y62A[0g��F geog nameprepared or seasoned with onionsand sometimes parsley.Ricardo ordered lyonnaise potatoesas an elegant alternative to frenchfries.



macadamn��Z2@XNQ2Z��British namebroken stone used in roadwaypaving.Depending on the climate, someroads are best made of macadamand others, of asphalt.

macaquen��Z2@XNX��Pg > Fany of numerous short-tailed OldWorld monkeys chiefly of southernAsia and the East Indies.The islanders trained a macaque toperform several routines for publicentertainment.

macarizev��@ZNX2A_6g��Gkpronounce happy or blessed :felicitate, laud.After the wedding ceremonyvarious friends will give speechesto macarize the happy couple.

macaronin��AZNX2@_=[4��Itan alimentary pasta composedchiefly of semolina dried in theform of slender tubes or smallfancy shapes.Lucy’s favorite pasta dish ismacaroni and cheese.

macaroonn��AZNX2@_C[��It > Fa small cake composed chiefly ofthe white of eggs, sugar, andground almonds or almond paste orcoconut.Cheryl placed a fresh macaroon oneach saucer before serving thecoffee.


maceraln��@ZN`2A_NY��L?a fragment of plant debris in coal.Penny examined the maceral undera microscope.


Machiavellianadj��AZNX42@cRY42[��It nameof or relating to Machiavelli or hispolitical theory that any meanshowever lawless or unscrupulouscan justifiably be used in achievingpolitical power.The Machiavellian politician wasaccused of wheeling and dealing,backstabbing, and creating fallguys and cover-ups.

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machicolationn��Z2APUVX2@Y0`U2[��F > L + Lan opening on a parapet of abattlement for the purpose ofdropping missiles upon assailantsattacking from below.Whenever a castle gets stormed inthe movies, the defenders areshown pouring boiling oil througha machicolation onto the enemyattacking the gates.




mackinawn��@ZNX2A[<��Amer geog namea short usually double-breasted andbelted coat or jacket of heavyfabric.“No guts, no glory!” exclaimed theskier in a plaid mackinaw as hepushed off down the slope.


macramen��@ZNX_2AZ0��Ar > Turk > It or Fa coarse lace or decorative fringemade by knotting threads or cordsin a geometrical pattern.Penny prefers to use soft yarn inher macrame.


Madagascaradj��AZNQ2@TN`X2�_���African geog nameof or from Madagascar, an island inthe Indian Ocean.Lemurs, cute large-eyed furrymonkey-like animals, are the bestknown Madagascar fauna.

madarosisn��AZNQ2@_=`1`��Gk > Lloss of the eyelashes or of the hairof the eyebrows.Dorothy suffered from madarosisduring chemotherapy, but hereyelashes eventually grew backeven thicker than before.

madeleinen��@ZNQ3Y1[��F namea small rich cake baked in a tinshaped like a shell.Knut skipped the main course andwent right to the madeleine.

mademoisellen��AZNQ2Zd2@gRY��Fan unmarried French woman.Robert is smitten by a youngmademoiselle he met during histrip to Paris.

madrigaln��@ZNQ_1T2Y��L > It > Ea polyphonic part-song originatingin the 14th century.At the coronation feast thehaunting madrigal brought tears tothe eyes of the new king.


maelstromn��@Z0Yga_2Z��Da powerful water current thatusually moves in a circulardirection with extreme rapidity.A memorable scene from the movieFantasia features the sorcerer’sapprentice caught in a maelstrom.

maestron��@Z6�A�`a_=��L > Ita master or teacher of an art (asmusic).The award-winning singer gavetribute to her maestro at theconservatory.



magentan��Z2@WR[a2��It geog namea deep purplish red; specifically :one of the subtractive primarycolors.The visual afterimage of magenta isgreen.


magisterialadj��@ZNW2A`aV_42Y��Lof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of a master orteacher : authoritative.Jubril’s magisterial air served himwell with everyone but hisdaughter.

magistracyn��@ZNW2`a_2`4��Lthe office of a public officialentrusted with administration of thelaws : magisterial power anddignity.The dissenters were persecuted bythe state for refusing to accept theauthority of the magistracy.

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magnanimityn��AZNT[2@[VZ2G4��La nobility of feeling that is superiorto meanness, pettiness, or jealousyand that disdains revenge orretaliation.The philosopher praised thevictor’s magnanimity in allowingthe captives to return home.

magnanimousadj��AZNT@[N[2Z2`��Lshowing or suggesting nobility offeeling and generosity of mind.Simone’s magnanimous attitudetoward the homeless wasn’t sharedby her sister.

magneticadj��ZNT@[RGVX��Gk geog namepossessing the ability or power toattract.Even as a child, Julie’s magneticpersonality charmed everyone whospoke to her.




mahatman��Z2@U/aZ2��Skta person held worthy of reverencefor high-mindedness, wisdom, andselflessness.Raoul trekked for three days to seekthe advice of the mahatma.

mahoganyn��Z2@U/T2[4��unknownthe durable yellowish brown toreddish brown wood of a WestIndian tree that is widely used forcabinetwork and fine finish work.Kate’s bedroom furniture is madeof solid mahogany.

mahoutn��Z2@UNBa��Skt > Hindia keeper and driver of an elephant.The mahout trained his elephant tomove logs.

main��@Z6��Jpn[has homonym: my] a slowJapanese folk or theater dancefeaturing hand gestures.Midori is an expert in all forms ofJapanese dance, but her favorite isthe mai.

maillotn��ZN@f=��F[has near homonym: mayo] awoman’s one-piece usuallystrapless bathing suit.Becky thought that the maillot wasout of fashion until she saw severalin the catalog.

maimedadj��@Z0ZQ��Gmc > F > Ecrippled, mutilated.The maimed dog was taken to theanimal hospital for treatment.

maintenancen��@Z0[a�2�[2[�a�`��Fthe labor of keeping something (asbuildings or equipment) in a stateof repair or efficiency : upkeep.Excellent maintenance preservedthe original gingerbread trim onthe Victorian house.

maizen��@Z0g��Taino > Sp[has homonym: maze] Indian corn.Gina enjoys hearing the story ofhow the native Americans taughtthe Pilgrims to grow maize.

majordomon��AZ0W2�_�@Q=�A�Z=��L > It > Sp[has near homonym: mayordomo]a head steward or palace official.Jeeves has been majordomo ofHuntington Castle for the last 30years.

majorityn��Z2@W<_2G4��La number greater than half of atotal.A runoff is necessary because noneof the candidates captured amajority of the votes in theprimary.

majusculeadj��@ZNW2A`XfCY��L > Fwritten in large letters (as capitals).Dr. Jenkins could see immediatelythat the majuscule scripts of thetwo letters were identical anddeduced that the same scribe hadwritten both.

malachiten��@ZNY2AX6a��Gk > L > Ea mineral consisting of a greencarbonate of copper that is an oreof copper and is used to makeornamental objects.Pierre bought a piece of malachiteat the museum of natural history.



maladyn��@ZNY2Q4��L > F > Ea disease, distemper, disorder, orindisposition of the bodyproceeding from impaired ordefective functions.In the 14th century, the maladyknown as The Black Death sweptacross Europe, leaving about 25million people dead.

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malaguenan��AZNY2@T0[f2��Sp geog namea Spanish couple dance similar to afandango.Juan and Carmela danced themalaguena with extroardinarygrace and emotional excitement.

malapropismn��@ZNY2A]_/A]Vg2Z��F > E theater namea blundering use of a word thatsounds somewhat like the oneintended but is ludicrously wrongin the context.No matter how careful he tries tobe, Sherman usually utters at leastone malapropism in everycampaign speech.

malarian��Z2@YR_42��L > It + Gk > L > Ita disease caused by sporozoanparasites in the red blood cells,transmitted by the bite ofanopheline mosquitoes, andcharacterized by periodic attacks ofchills and fevers.During the construction of thePanama Canal many workerssuccumbed to malaria.

malaxagen��@Z0AYNX`VW��Gk > L > Fthe act or process of softening amaterial (as clay) by moisteningand working it.After the malaxage the clay wasready for molding on the potter’swheel.

maledictionn��AZNY2@QVX`U2[��Lcurse, execration.The villain’s last words were amalediction on the entire royalfamily.

malefactorn��@ZNY2ASNXa2�_���Lone who commits an offenseagainst the law.The state’s correctional programwas designed to rehabilitate as wellas punish the malefactor.


malicen��@ZNY1`��L > F > Erevengeful or unfriendly feelings :ill will, enmity.In spite of all he has had to put upwith from his classmates, Joelbears them no malice.


malignantadj��Z2@YVT[2[a��Levil in nature or influence or effect.The dark clammy coldnesssurrounded her like a malignantbeast of prey.

malingerern��Z2@YV;TR_2�_���Gmc? > Fone who pretends to be ill orotherwise physically or mentallyincapacitated so as to avoid duty orwork.Jamie Farr’s character on thetelevision series M*A*S*H was anentertaining malingerer.

mallardn��@ZNY2�_�Q��F > Ea common wild duck of thenorthern hemisphere.When Timmy fed the ducks at themarina, he gave his last piece ofbread to the mallard.

malleableadj��@ZNY42O2Y��L > F > Ecapable of being extended orshaped by beating with a hammeror by the pressure of rollers.Because tin is malleable atordinary temperatures, it has beenused to make many householdimplements.

malleolusn��Z2@Y42Y2`��L[has somewhat near homonym:malleus] the rounded lateralprojection on each bone of the legat the ankle.When Marcie realized that herbrother was about to reveal hersecret, she kicked him on themalleolus.

malletn��@ZNY1a��F > Ea tool with a large head for strikinga surface without marring it.Ray used a rubber mallet to put thewheel cover back in place after hechanged the flat tire.

malloseismicadj��AZNY=@`6gZVX��Gkof, relating to, or being a regionsubject to frequent destructiveearthquakes.Chris refuses to move to any of themalloseismic areas of California.

malocclusionn��ZNY2@XYCgU2[��Lan abnormality in the fittingtogether of upper and lower teeth ordentures.Hector wore braces on his teeth tocorrect a malocclusion.

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malodorousadj��ZNY@=Q2_2`��L + Lhaving a bad odor : rank, fetid,stinking.Evelina smelled the malodorousskunk from 500 yards away.

mammothadj��@ZNZ2aU��Yakut? > Russgigantic.Clarence specialized in growingmammoth vegetables and heldseveral records for his specimens.


managerialadj��AZN[2@WV_42Y��L > It + Ecfof, relating to, or characteristic of aperson who conducts, directs, orsupervises something.The classified ads included a noticefor a managerial position at thesteel wool factory.

mandaten��@ZN[AQ0a��La formal order from a superiorcourt or official to an inferior one.The clerk delivered the writtenmandate to the lower court judgeby hand.

mandatoryadj��@ZN[Q2Aa=_4��Lcontaining, constituting, or relatingto an authoritative command, order,or injunction.Several states are instituting amandatory work program foremployable welfare recipients.

mandiblen��@ZN[Q2O2Y��Lany of various invertebratemouthparts serving to hold or biteinto food materials.Most insects use the mandible forcrushing their food.


manducatoryadj��@ZN[W1X2Aa=_4��Lrelating to, employed in, or adaptedfor chewing.Mr. Rollins brought a live lobsterto our biology class so that wecould observe its manducatoryprocesses.

manganesen��@ZN;T2A[4g��Gk > L > Ita grayish white metallic elementthat is ordinarily hard and brittle,resembles iron but is not magnetic,and is used chiefly in making steel.Manganese nodules, which covervast stretches of ocean floor, arecomposed mostly of manganese butalso contain iron, nickel, copper,and cobalt.


manglev��@ZN;T2Y��F > AF > E[has homonym: mangel] cut,bruise, or hack with repeated blowsor strokes.As an act of vengeance, Scottvowed that he would mangle Sara’sprize-winning painting.

mangoneln��@ZN;T2A[RY��Gk > L > F > Ea military engine formerly used forthrowing missiles.With a sharp twang the mangonelhurled a boulder at the castle gate.

manicottin pl��AZN[1@X/G4��L > Ittubular pasta shells stuffed withricotta.The caterer filled the chafing dishwith manicotti.

manifeston��AZN[2@SR�A�`a=��L > Ita public declaration of intentions,motives, or views.The Unabomber’s ramblingmanifesto appeared in a number ofnewspapers nationwide.


mannan��@ZN[2��Heb > Gk > L > E[has near homonym: mana]something of value that falls one’sway : windfall.Children swarmed the parade routecollecting the manna of treatstossed from the float.



mansuetuden��@ZN[�a�`d2AaCQ��Lthe quality or state of being gentle :meekness.Gary remembered his mother ashaving the sensitivity andmansuetude of a saint.

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manumitv��@ZN[f2AZVa��Lset free; especially : release fromslavery.The tobacco farmer had agreed tomanumit his one slave just beforethe Civil War began.


maracan��Z2@_/X2��Tupi > Pga dried gourd or rattle containingdried seeds or pebbles that has ahandle and is used as a percussioninstrument often in pairs.The band’s percussionistaccentuated the rhythm with amaraca.

maraschinon��AZN_2@`X4A[=��Ita sweet liqueur that is used as acocktail ingredient and inpreserving cherries.Even though she’s a grown woman,Evelyn sometimes likes to makeherself a Shirley Temple with clearsoda and maraschino.


maraudingv��Z2@_<QV;��Froaming about and makingirregular sudden small-scaleattacks, raids, or incursions for thesake of obtaining loot.Outlaws were marauding in areaswhere the law was not wellestablished.


marcescentadj��Z/_@`R`3[a��Lof a plant part : withering withoutfalling off.Autumn’s first cold snap left manymarcescent leaves in its wake.

marchionessn��@Z/_`U�2�[1`��La woman who holds in her ownright the rank of marquess.Once a month the workers on theestate brought their disputes beforethe marchioness to be resolved.

maren��@Z/�A�_0��L[has near homonym: moray] one ofseveral dark areas of considerableextent on the surface of either theMoon or Mars.The Sea of Tranquility is perhapsthe best-known mare on the Moon.

margaritaceousadj��AZ/_T2_2@a0`U2`��Gk > L > F > Ehaving a satiny iridescence like thatof pearl or mother-of-pearl : pearly.The tabletops at the diner have amargaritaceous finish.

mariachin��AZ/_4@/PU4��F > Spa group of Mexican folk musiciansusually consisting of singers,guitarists, and a violinist.On weekends the mariachientertained diners at the Mexicanrestaurant.


marineadj��Z2@_4[��Lof or relating to the sea.Marine iguanas live on the shoresof the Galapagos Islands and eatseaweed.

marionetten��AZN�N�_42@[Ra��Fa puppet moved by strings or byhand (as in a puppet show).A marionette of Jay Leno was thehit of the show.

maritimeadj��@ZN_2Aa6Z��E nameof or relating to navigation orcommerce on the sea.After Bob graduates, he plans tojoin the Navy to study maritimelaw.

marjoramn��@Z/_AW2_2Z��L > F > Eany of various usually fragrant andaromatic mints that include severalforms used as seasoning incookery.Vance likes to add marjoram andcream cheese to his scrambledeggs.

marmaladen��@Z/_ZRAY0Q��Gk > L > Pga soft clear translucent jelly holdingin suspension pieces or slices offruit and fruit rind.Mom’s homemade marmalade ontoast is always a great treat forbreakfast.

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marmosetn��@Z/_Z2A`Ra��F > Eany of numerous small soft-furredSouth and Central Americanmonkeys with claws instead ofnails on all the digits except thegreat toe.The chisel-like incisors of themarmoset are used for gougingtrees to obtain gums and saps.

marotten��Z2@_/a��F name + Fcfa pet idea or notion.Katrina’s marotte is that she isreally too good for life as abookkeeper and should be acompany vice-president.



marshmallown��@Z/_`UAZRY=��Ea confection made from corn syrup,sugar, albumen, and gelatin, beatento a light creamy consistency, andusually rolled in powdered sugarwhen partly dry.Burt toasted a marshmallow andput it between layers of grahamcrackers and chocolate squares.

marsupialn��Z/_@`C]42Y��Avestan? > Gk > Lany of an order of mammals havinga pouch for carrying the young andincluding kangaroos, wombats,bandicoots, and opossums.The common stereotype of amarsupial is a female kangaroowith a large young one in herpouch.

martialadj��@Z/_`U2Y��L[has homonyms: marshal,marshall] belonging or relating toan army or to military life.Patrick Henry believed that theonly purpose of England’s martialarray in the colonies and theirseaports could be to force thecolonists into submission.

martinetn��@Z/_a3[ARa��F nameone who lays stress on a rigidadherence to the details of formsand methods.A true-born martinet never thinkshe is at all severe.

martinetishadj��AZ/_a3[@RGV`U��F name + Ecflike or characteristic of a personwho lays stress on a rigidadherence to the details of formsand methods.Though all the students dislikedMr. Wall’s martinetish attitude,most of them thought he was anexcellent teacher.

martyrn��@Z/_G2_��Gkone who voluntarily suffers deathas the penalty of witnessing to andrefusing to renounce his or herreligion or a tenet, principle, orpractice belonging to it.St. Stephen, who was stoned todeath, is believed to have been thefirst Christian martyr.

martyrologyn��AZ/_G2@_/Y2W4��Gkan official catalog of martyrs andsaints of the Roman CatholicChurch.Keith bought an old martyrology atthe rummage sale.

marzipann��@Z/_a`2A]/[��Ar > It > Ga confection made of crushedalmonds or almond paste, sugar,and egg whites that is often shapedinto various forms (as fruit oranimals).Marlene filled the candy dish withmarzipan.



masqueraden��AZN`X2@_0Q��It > Fa social gathering of personswearing covers on their faces andoften fantastic costumes especiallyto impersonate characters fromhistory or legend.Todd and Sheila wore Coneheadcostumes to the masquerade.

massacren��@ZN`1X2�_���Fthe act or instance of killing aconsiderable number of humanbeings or animals.The massacre of buffalo is aregrettable part of the history of theWest.


massetern��Z2@`4G2�_���Gk > La large muscle that raises the lowerjaw and assists in chewing.Tracy argued that she was trying tostrengthen her masseter, but Mr.Gold made her throw out herchewing gum anyway.

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masseusen��ZN@`2�_�g��Ar > F + Fcfa woman who practices massageand physiotherapy.Delia spent an hour with the club’smasseuse working out the kinks inher back.

massifn��ZN@`4S��Fa block of Earth’s crust bounded byfaults or flexures and displaced as aunit without internal change.In the late 13th century a roadwaywas opened over the St. Gotthardmassif in Switzerland.

mastiffn��@ZN`a1S��L > F > Ea very large powerful deep-chestedsmooth-coated dog of a very oldbreed used chiefly as a watchdogand guard dog.A big brown mastiff stoodmotionless behind the gate.

mastodonn��@ZN`a2AQ/[��Lsomeone or something of giganticsize or unusually large size : giant.Mrs. Campbell’s automobilecollection ranges from a tiny two-seater to an antique mastodon.

mastoiditisn��AZNA`a<V@Q6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the process of thetemporal bone behind the ear.Amy’s doctor treated hermastoiditis immediately so that itwouldn’t cause any permanenthearing damage.


mateloten��@ZNG3YA=a��Fa sauce made of wine, onions,seasonings, and fish stock.Even though it is served with fish, amatelote often contains red wine.


mathematicsn pl��AZNaU2@ZNGVX`��Gka science that deals with therelationship and symbolism ofnumbers and magnitudes and thatincludes quantitative operationsand the solution of quantitativeproblems.Jill’s favorite subject in school ismathematics.

matineen��AZNa3[@0��L > Fa performance of a production (as aplay, opera, film) or thepresentation of a concert orsometimes the holding of someother event in the afternoon oroccasionally in the morning or atmidnight.The English class attended amatinee of Our Town at the localplayhouse.





matrimonyn��@ZNa_2AZ=[4��L + Lthe union of man and woman ashusband and wife : marriage.The Las Vegas chapel specializedin instant matrimony.


mattockn��@ZNG2X��L > Ea tool that combines features of anax, adze, and pick and is used fordigging and chopping.It took Mark three hours of hardwork with a mattock and shovel todig up the tree stump.




matutineadj��@ZNPU2Aa6[��Lof a star : rising in or just before thedawn.For centuries those who liveoutdoors have used matutine starsas a kind of alarm clock.

maudlinadj��@Z<QY1[��Biblical Gk name > L > F > Etearfully or weakly emotional :effusively sentimental.Brian allowed himself to becomemaudlin only on St. Patrick’s Day.



mauven��@Z<c��L > Fa strong purple with a bluish cast.Karen has tired of her bedroom ofmauve and blue.

maverickn��@ZNc�2�_VX��Amer namea member of any group who refusesto conform and who takes anunorthodox stand.The rest of the teachers consideredMs. Thorne to be a maverickbecause she invited her students tocall her by her first name.

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mawkishlyadv��@Z<XV`UY4��ON > Ein a cloying or sickly sentimentalmanner.During a mawkishly romanticscene in the movie, Ted got up toget some popcorn.

maximn��@ZNX`1Z��La saying of proverbial nature.“The early bird gets the worm” isToni’s favorite maxim.

mayhemn��@Z0AURZ��AF > Ewillful and permanent crippling,mutilation, or disfigurement of anypart of another’s body.The victim was so badly disfiguredthat the assailant was charged withfelony mayhem.

mayonnaisen��@Z02A[0g��geog name? > Fa semisolid dressing made byemulsifying a mixture of raw eggsor egg yolks, vegetable oil, andvinegar or lemon juice usuallytogether with salt and condiments.Helga wouldn’t eat a roast beefsandwich without mayonnaise.

mayoraltyn��@Z02_2Ya4��L > F > Ethe term of office as the chiefexecutive or nominal head of a cityor borough.His opponent’s televisioncommercial made the point thatHenry Vermillion hadaccomplished little during hismayoralty.


mealymouthedadj��@Z4Y4AZNB9Q��E + Etending to cloak thoughts, ideas, orintents by the use of obscure ordevious language.All of Judy’s friends saw throughher mealymouthed explanation.

meandrousadj��Z4@N[Q_2`��Gk geog namewinding, flexuous, rambling.Over thousands of years the riverhad cut a meandrous channelthrough the plain.

measlesn pl��@Z4g2Yg��Ea contagious disease characterizedby red spots.Most doctors recommend thatchildren be vaccinated againstmeasles, mumps, and rubella.



medallionn��Z1@QNYf2[��L > It > Fa large medal (as for a memorialpurpose).Charise bought a World War IImedallion on eBay.


meddlesomeadj��@ZRQ3Y`2Z��L > F > Eofficiously intrusive.Her landlady’s meddlesomemanner annoyed Hatty so muchthat she moved out.

mediatev��@Z4Q4A0a��Linterpose between parties in orderto reconcile them or to interpretthem to each other.The envoy attempted to mediatebetween the warring factions.


medicinen��@ZRQ2`1[��Lthe science and art dealing with themaintenance of health and theprevention, alleviation, or cure ofdisease.Campbell knows that she wouldlike to one day pursue a career inthe field of medicine.


mediocreadj��AZ4Q4@=X2�_���Lof but a moderate or low degree ofquality.Jill’s grades were mediocre untilshe started wearing glasses.

Mediterraneanadj��AZRQ2a2@_0[42[��Lof, relating to, characteristic of, orsituated near the MediterraneanSea.The Mediterranean island of Maltahas been the location for thefilming of several movies.

medullan��Z1@Q2Y2��La posterior portion of the brain.The medulla governs variousinvoluntary vital functions such asrespiration.



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megalomaniacn��AZRT2Y<@Z0[4ANX��Gkone affected with or exhibiting anexcessive enthusiasm for doinggreat or grandiose things.The candidate decried his opponentas a publicity-seekingmegalomaniac.

megalopolisn��AZRT2@Y/]2Y1`��Gka very large city.Without community growthguidelines, a moderately sized citycould become a megalopolis likeLos Angeles in just a few decades.


megaseismn��@ZRT2A`6g2Z��Gk + Gka violent earthquake.A nuclear bomb can have effectsfar worse than those of amegaseism.

megohmmetern��@ZRAT=ZAZ4G2�_���Gk + G name + Gkan instrument for the measurementof large electrical resistances.Professor Allen designed alaboratory session to acquaintstudents with the use of themegohmmeter.


melancholyadj��@ZRY2[AX/Y4��Gk > L > F > Edepressed in spirits : mournful.The melancholy chirp of a cricketwas the only sign of life near him.

melban��@ZRYO2��Australian namefruit served with ice cream,raspberry sauce, and whippedcream.The peach melba was served in acrystal goblet.

meleen��@Z0�A�Y0��F[has homonyms: Malay, mele] afight or contest between individualsmingled in a confused mass : aconfused struggle.The soccer match turned into amelee after angry fans stormed thefield.

melitensisadj��AZRY2@aR[�a�`1`��L geog nameof, derived from, or caused by aparticular bacterium of the genusBrucella.Clyde’s melitensis fever wasreduced by antibiotics.

mellifluousadj��ZR@YVSY2d2`��Lsweetly flowing : smooth, honeyed.The soprano’s mellifluous voicelulled Frank to sleep.

mellisonantadj��ZR@YV`3[2[a��L + Lpleasing to the ear.Tonia’s mellisonant voice neverfailed to put her little sister tosleep.


mellowadj��@ZR�A�Y=��E[has homonym: melo] relaxed andat ease : pleasantly convivial.The after-dinner crowd enjoyedlistening to the mellow, laid-backsinger.

melodraman��@ZRY2AQ_/Z2��Gk > L > Fa play characterized by extravaganttheatricality, subordination ofcharacterization to plot, andpredominance of physical action.George was put off by the opera’smelodrama but was enthralled bythe beauty of the music.


memoirn��@ZRZAd/_��L > Fa history or narrative composedfrom or stressing personalexperience and acquaintance withthe events, scenes, or personsdescribed.The memoir of Burton Smith waspublished last year.

memorabilian pl��AZRZ2_2@OVY42��Lthings remarkable and worthy ofremembrance or record.The memorabilia in the hall of fametraced the history of basketballfrom its beginning in 1891.

memoriteradv��Z1@Z<_2AaR�2�_��Lby or from memory : by heart.Much to her surprise, Sue was ableto recite the soliloquy that 20 yearsago she had learned memoriter.



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menagerien��Z1@[NW�2�_4��Fa collection of wild or foreignanimals in cages or enclosures.The eccentric billionaire’smenagerie includes two pandas anda white rhino.


mendicancyn��@ZR[Q1X2[`4��Lthe practice or act of begging.Panhandlers became so aggressivein the city that its voters demandedlegal enactments againstmendicancy.

mendicantn��@ZR[Q1X2[a��Lone who begs; especially : one wholives by begging.The mendicant on the street corneronce had a high-paying job.

menehunen��AZR[2@UC[4��Hawaiiana small mythical Polynesian beingliving in the mountains andworking at night as a stone builder.The Hawaiian folklorist told thetale of a stone temple builtovernight by a menehune.

menialadj��@Z4[42Y��L > Eof, relating to, or being work notrequiring special skill or not callinginto play the higher intellectualpowers and often regarded aslacking dignity, status, or interest.Viewed by some office workers as amenial task, making coffee can bequite an art.

meningitisn��AZR[1[@W6G1`��Gk > La disease in which microorganismscause inflammation of themembranes that envelop the brainand spinal cord.Trudy had meningitis when she wasseven.

meniscusn��Z1@[V`X2`��Gk > Lthe curved upper surface of a liquidcolumn.Because mercury sticks to itselfbetter than to other substances, itsmeniscus is convex, or roundedupward.

menorahn��Z2@[=_2��Heba candelabrum with ninecandlesticks used in the celebrationof Hanukkah.Stuart put the candles in themenorah just before the ceremony.

mentalityn��ZR[@aNY2G4��Lintellectual power or capacity :learning ability.The mentality of dolphins is greaterthan that of sharks.

mentholn��@ZR[AaU<Y��L > Gan alcohol that occurs naturally inpeppermint oil and Japanese mintoil and can be made synthetically.Menthol is used in medicines torelieve pain, itching, and nasalcongestion.

mentorn��@ZR[Aa<�2�_��Gk nameteacher, tutor, coach.After Helen won the spellingcompetition, she said that hermother was her mentor.

mephitisn��Z1@S6G1`��OScan > La noxious, pestilential, or foulexhalation from the earth.Ivy suspected she was approachingthe geyser when she smelled astrong mephitis.

mercantilismn��@Z2_X2[Aa4AYVg2Z��L > It > F + Ecfdevotion to commercial enterprise.The turn of the century saw a boomin mercantilism.

mercenarilyadv��AZ2_`3[@R_2Y4��L + Ecffin a manner showing conspicuouslust for money.Being mercenarily inclined, Joelrefused to work for just theminimum wage.

mercenaryadj��@Z2_`3[AR_4��Lshowing conspicuous lust formoney : based on or marked bygreed.No one in the family knows whereAntonio gets his mercenarytendencies.

mercurialadj��AZ2_@XfB_42Y��Lcharacterized by rapid andunpredictable changeableness or byquick-wittedness : sprightly,temperamental, volatile.Christopher’s mercurial twists oftemperament were a trial to hismother.

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merelyadv��@ZV�2�_Y4��L > E + Ecfno more than : barely, only.Joseph was merely pretending to beasleep.

mergansern��Z2_@TN[�a�`2_��Lany of various fish-eating divingducks with a slender bill andusually a crested head.Many people consider the red-breasted merganser one of the mostbeautiful ducks.

meridiann��Z1@_VQ42[��F > Ea great circle of the celestial spherepassing through its poles and thezenith of a given place.The apparent solar day ismeasured by the interval of timebetween two successive passages ofthe Sun across the observer’scelestial meridian.

meringuen��Z2@_N;��F[has near homonym: marang] amixture of beaten egg whites andpowdered sugar baked at lowtemperature and used as a topping(as on pies and puddings).Thelma scraped the meringue offher pie.

mermaidn��@Z2_AZ0Q��Ea fabled marine creature having theupper body of a woman and thelower body of a fish.As they sailed closer to what theythought was the end of the world,the sailors kept expecting to see amermaid.


merotomizev��Z2@_/G2AZ6g��Gk + Ecfdivide into parts.In tomorrow’s biology class Janwill merotomize a frog to study itsanatomy.




mesoscaleadj��@ZRg=A`X0Y��Gk > L + ON > Eof or relating to a meteorologicalphenomenon approximately 1 to100 kilometers in horizontal extent.Unlike a blizzard, which canblanket a dozen states for days,mesoscale weather covers only asmall area and passes throughquickly.

mesoseismaladj��AZRg=@`6gZ2Y��Gkof or relating to the center of anarea of earthquake disturbance.The town in the mesoseismal areasuffered the most damage from theearthquake.

metachrosisn��AZRG2@X_=`1`��Gkthe power of some animals (asmany fishes and reptiles) to changecolor voluntarily by the expansionof special pigment cells.Metachrosis helps octopi blendwith their environments to avoidbeing easy prey.



metallurgistn��@ZRG3YA2_W1`a��Gka specialist in the study of thestructure and properties of metals.Theobald hired a metallurgist toevaluate the ore deposits on hisranch.

metamorphosisn��AZRG2@Z<�_�S2`1`��Gk > Lchange of physical form orsubstance that takes place during aninsect’s life as it matures.Complete metamorphosis ischaracteristic of beetles, butterfliesand moths, flies, and wasps.

metaphorn��@ZRG2AS<�2�_��Gkan implied comparison in contrastto the explicit comparison of thesimile.The poet used the image of adrifting boat as a metaphor for thetroubled soul.

metaphrastn��@ZRG2AS_N`a��Gktranslator; specifically : one whoturns verse into a different meter orprose into verse.In translating the epic poem, Elliottconsulted a well-knownmetaphrast.

metastasizev��Z1@aN`a2A`6g��Gkspread, as a disease-producingagent, from the original site ofdisease to another part of the body.The oncology professor pointed onthe diagram to where the cancercells would metastasize next.

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meteoroidaladj��AZ4G42@_<VQ3Y��Gk + Ecfof or relating to meteors in orbitaround the Sun.The many craters on the Moon arethe result of meteoroidalbombardment.


meticulosityn��Z1AaVXf2@Y/`2G4��L + Ecfthe quality or state of beingextremely painstaking in theconsideration or treatment ofdetails.The gallery visitor marveled at theartist’s meticulosity in depictingdetails so realistically.

metonymyn��Z1@a/[2Z4��Gka figure of speech that consists inusing the name of one thing for thatof something else with which it isassociated (as in “spent the eveningreading Shakespeare”).The metonymy “threads” forclothes has recently come back intopopular slang.

metoposcopyn��AZRG2@]/`X2]4��Gkthe art of reading character ortelling fortunes from the markingsof the forehead.Gerald has a high, bumpy foreheadthat would provide a trulyinteresting study in metoposcopy.

metronomen��@ZRa_2A[=Z��Gkan instrument that emits an audiblerepetitive tap regulated to markrhythm (as for music or marching).Martina used a metronome tohypnotize her cat.




mezzaninen��@ZRg3[A4[��L > It > Fthe lowest balcony in a theater.Melinda says that she enjoys theview from the mezzanine betterthan the view from the orchestra.

miasman��Z6@NgZ2��Gk > L[Note: Could be confused withmiasm.] a vaporous exhalation (asof a marshy region or of rottingmatter) formerly believed tocontain a substance causingdisease.Eloise couldn’t wait to escape fromthe miasma that had settled overthe entire swamp.

Micawbern��Z1@X<O2�_���E literary name[has near homonym: macabre] animprovident person who lives inexpectation of an upturn in hisfortunes.Jenny was careful not to live like aMicawber just because sheexpected to receive a fellowship.

microcosmn��@Z6X_2AX/g2Z��Gka miniature universe.Kate could spend hours watchingthe microcosm of her ant farm.

microfichen��@Z6X_=AS4`U��Fa sheet of film containing severalrows of photographic records on areduced scale that are enlarged forreading or viewing.Norma examined a microfiche ofold newspaper pages while doingresearch at the library.

micrographn��@Z6X_2AT_NS��Gk + Gka graphic reproduction of the imageof an object formed by amicroscope.The biology teacher showed theclass a micrograph of a plant cell.

micrurgyn��@Z6�A�X_2_W4��Gk > ISVthe practice of using minute tools ina magnified field.Lorraine’s excellence at micrurgyhelped her greatly with her modelmaking.

midgetismn��@ZVW1GAVg2Z��E + Ecfthe state of being an unusuallysmall creature or thing.In the art of bonsai, midgetism ishighly valued.

midinetten��AZVQ3[@Ra��Fa Parisian shopgirl.In the novel, Marie was a midinettewho worked as a seamstress duringthe 1890s.

midriffn��@ZVAQ_VS��Ethe midregion of the human torso;especially : its external ventralaspect.According to the dress code, anystudent coming to school with anexposed midriff will be sent home.

mienn��@Z4[��L > F > E[has homonym: mean] the air orbearing of a person.Fame and fortune did not alterCindy’s humble mien.

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mignonetten��AZV[f2@[Ra��Fan annual plant native to NorthAfrica that has long racemes offragrant yellow or greenish whiteflowers.Lord Bateman sent seeds ofmignonette to England in 1742 andcalled it mignonette, although itwas not known by that name inFrance at the time.

migrainen��@Z6AT_0[��Gk > L > Fa condition marked by recurrentsevere headache often with nauseaand vomiting.Karen’s doctor found out that hermigraine was due to a food allergy.

mikadon��Z2@X/�A�Q=��Jpnan emperor of Japan.The Mikado is one of Gilbert andSullivan’s best-loved operettas.


milchigadj��@ZVY8VX��G > Yiddishmade of or derived from milk ordairy products.The dairy association posted on itsweb site several menus for milchigmeals.



militian��Z1@YV`U2��La reserve unit of the armed forces.Captain Weston’s military careerbegan when he entered his county’smilitia.


millenniumn��Z1@YR[42Z��La period of 1,000 years.In his “Four Freedoms” speech,Franklin D. Roosevelt stressed thathis vision was not that of a distantmillennium.



mimeographv��@ZVZ42AT_NS��Gk + Gkcopy with a duplicator that consistsof a frame in which the stencil isstretched and an inking roller forpressing ink through the porouslines of the stencil onto paper.Kerry was puzzled when hergrandmother talked of how sheused to mimeograph her boss’scompany memos.

mimicv��@ZVZVX��Gk > Lcopy or imitate very closelyespecially in externalcharacteristics (as voice, gesture, ormanner).Christie has learned to mimicGrandma so well on the telephonethat she can fool the whole family.


mimosan��Z1@Z=`2��La tree or shrub that is native totropical and warm regions and thathas usually bipinnate leaves andglobular heads of small pink orwhite flowers.Deanna planted a mimosa in thefront yard.

minaciousadj��Z1@[0`U2`��Lof a menacing or threateningcharacter.Though the butler seemedminacious, he was not the culprit.


minatoryadj��@ZV[2Aa=_4��Lhaving a menacing quality :expressive of or conveying a threat.In a minatory tone, Mrs. Sampsonasked the boys what they plannedto do about her broken window.

minestronen��AZV[2@`a_=[4��L > Ita rich thick vegetable soup withdried beans, macaroni, vermicelli,or similar ingredients sometimestopped with grated cheese.Steve crumbled oyster crackers intohis minestrone.

miniascapen��@ZV[42A`X0]��L > It > La dish garden made with dry orother plant materials that do notrequire water.A miniascape makes an interestinghost or hostess gift.

miniatureadj��@ZV[�4�2APUB�2�_��L > Itbeing or represented on a smallscale.The miniature productions ofarchitects’ dream houses were allmade out of children’s buildingblocks.


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minimizationn��AZV[2Z1@g0`U2[��L + Ecffthe action or process of reducing tothe smallest possible number,degree, or extent.The credit counselor told Shanikathat the first step should be theminimization of her interestpayments.

minorn��@Z6[2�_���L[has homonym: miner] a personunder full age or majority : onewho has not attained the age atwhich full civil rights are accorded.Because Randy is a minor, theairline will not allow him to takethe red-eye flight unaccompanied.


minuendn��@ZV[f2AdR[Q��La quantity in mathematics fromwhich another quantity is to besubtracted.In the equation 7 – 5 = 2, 7 is theminuend.

minuscularadj��Z1@[2`Xf2Y2�_���Lvery small in size or importance.A minuscular speck of dirt onAlison’s frock was enough toinfuriate her.


mirabellen��@ZV_2AORY��Fthe fruit of a small hardy Europeanplum tree used especially forpreserves and for making a liqueur.Joey ate a stewed mirabelle as hehelped his grandmother make jam.

miradorn��@ZV_2AQ=�2�_��L > Catal > Spa turret or a bay window orenclosed balcony designed tocommand an extensive outlook—used chiefly of Spanisharchitecture.The castle’s mirador offered acommanding view of the sea.


Mirandaadj��Z1@_N[Q2��American nameof, relating to, or being the legalrights of an arrested person to havean attorney and to remain silent soas to avoid self-incrimination.At the time of arrest, each personmust be advised of his Mirandarights.

mirroredv��@ZV_2�_�Q��L > F > E + Ecfreflected.The moonlight was mirrored in thesmooth surface of the pond.

misanthropicadj��AZV`3[@aU_/]VX��Gk + Ecfmarked by a hatred or contempt forhumankind.The moral corruption thepoliceman witnessed caused him tobecome a misanthropic cynic.

miscellanean pl��AZV`2@Y0[42��La collection of assorted objects.Among the miscellanea on Ernie’sbookshelf were five textbooks onworld history and a complete set ofthe works of Shakespeare.



mischiefn��@ZV`�U�PU1S��F > Eaction or conduct that annoys orirritates without causing ormeaning to cause serious harm.Hearing the puppy’s thumping andbarking, Erica went to investigatethe mischief he was creating.


miscibleadj��@ZV`2O2Y��L[Note: Pronouncer should providedefinition of this word.] capable ofbeing mixed in any ratio withoutseparation of two phases—usedespecially of fluids.Oil and kerosene are miscible, butcarbon tetrachloride and water arenot.

miscreantn��@ZV`X_52[a��L > F > Eone who behaves criminally orviciously.Some miscreant dumped a bucketof paint in Herb’s convertible.

misdemeanorn��AZV`Q1@Z4[2�_���E + L > F > Ea crime less than a felony.The trespasser was arrested andcharged with a misdemeanor.

miserableadj��@ZVg�2�_2O2Y��Lmarked by extreme discomfort orunhappiness.The refugees struggled for survivalin the miserable mountainsideencampment.



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misnomern��Z1@`[=Z2�_���L > F > Ean incorrect designation or term.The name “Greenland” is amisnomer because an icecap coversmost of the island.

misogynisticadj��Z1A`/W2@[V`aVX��Gkrelating to or given to a hatred ofwomen.The soprano complained that onlya critic with misogynistic crueltycould have written the review.


misoneismn��AZV`2@[4AVg2Z��Gk + Gka hatred or intolerance ofsomething new or changed.Because of his mom’s misoneism,Brian still does not have acomputer in his home.

misopedistn��AZV`2@]4Q1`a��L + Ecfone who hates children.W. C. Fields was a famedmisopedist.

misprisionn��Z1@`]_VgU2[��L > F > Ethe active or passive concealmentof treason or felony from theprosecuting authorities by one notguilty of those crimes.Congressman Walters was chargedwith misprision of felony in theelection fraud.

misshapenadj��ZV`�U�`U0]2[��Ehaving an ugly or deformed shape.The misshapen pumpkin made afierce-looking jack-o’-lantern.

missilen��@ZV`2Y��L[has homonym: missal] a weaponor other object thrown or projected.Ichabod endeavored to dodge thehorrible missile, but too late.


mistassinin��AZV`a2@`4[4��Canadian geog namea dwarf primrose of northern andalpine America.Ava saw a mistassini growing in arock crevice.

mistigrisn��@ZV`a4AT_V`��Fa joker or blank card that the holdercan play as any card.Darryl won the hand using amistigris and three queens for fourof a kind.

mistletoen��@ZV`2YAa=��Eany of various American plants ofthe genus Phoradendron that growon deciduous trees.Lance earned extra Christmasmoney selling mistletoe at the mall.

mistraln��@ZV`a_2Y��L > OProv > Fa violent cold dry northerly wind ofthe Mediterranean provinces ofFrance.In Provence, the mistral sometimesdries out the vines and grapes.

misusev��ZV`@fCg��Ecf + L > F > Eemploy for a wrong or improperpurpose.Employees who misuse theirInternet connection at work will befired.

mitigatev��@ZVG2AT0a��Lmake less severe, cruel, intense,painful.The general interceded to mitigatethe soldier’s punishment.

mitigativeadj��@ZVG2AT0GVc��Ltending to make less severe :alleviating.Mariko’s herbal tea had amitigative effect on Raga’sheadache.

mitochondrionn��AZ6G2@X/[Q_42[��Gk + Gkany of various round or longcellular organelles that are foundoutside the nucleus, produce energyfor the cell through cellularrespiration, and are rich in fats,proteins, and enzymes.Gabrielle easily found themitochondrion in the imageprojected by the electronmicroscope.


mittimusn��@ZVG2Z2`��La warrant committing the personspecified to prison.In this state no person can becommitted to a correctional facilitywithout a mittimus from a judge.



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mnesticadj��@[R`aVX��Gkof or relating to memory or thepersistent effect of past experienceof the individual.Granny spends much of her timereminiscing and performing othermnestic activities.

mochan��@Z=X2��Arabian geog namea flavoring made of a strong coffeeinfusion or of a mixture of cocoa orchocolate with coffee.Samantha detected a hint of mochain her hot chocolate.

moderateadj��@Z/Q�2�_1a��L > Eneither small nor large.Sally’s room was of moderate size,but her sister’s was quite small.

modicumn��@Z/Q2X2Z��L > Fa small portion : a limited quantityor amount.Bernie displayed not even amodicum of modesty as he braggedabout his hole in one.

modificativeadj��@Z/Q2S2AX0GVc��L + Ecfserving to make minor changes inthe form or structure of.To thicken the runny sauce, Hesterused flour as the modificativeingredient.


mohairn��@Z=AUN�N��2�_��Ar > It > Eany of various fabrics or yarnsmade wholly or in part of the hairof the Angora goat.For her birthday Linda got amatching scarf and sweater, bothmade of mohair.

moietyn��@Z<V2G4��L > F > Ea share paid by the government toan informer out of duties andpenalties collected because of theindividual’s help.The whistleblower received amoiety of the large fine imposedupon his employer for supplyingfaulty engine parts to the military.

molassesn��Z2@YN`1g��L > Pgthe thick dark to light brown syrupthat is separated from raw sugar insugar manufacture.Mollie always adds molasses tobeans before baking them.



molinaryadj��@Z/Y2A[R_4��Lof or relating to a mill or theprocess of grinding.Elsworth’s firm specializes in themanufacture of molinaryequipment.


momentousnessn��Z=@ZR[a2`[1`��L > F > Ethe quality or state of being veryimportant.An orchestra fanfare accentuatedthe momentousness of the occasion.

momentumn��Z=@ZR[a2Z��La property of a moving body thatdetermines the length of timerequired to bring it to rest whenunder the action of a constant forceor moment.The snowball gained momentum asit rolled down the hill.

monadnockn��Z2@[NQA[/X��New Hampshire geog namea hill or mountain of resistant rocksurmounting an eroded plain.The familiar shape of themonadnock was a landmark fortravelers.


monasteryn��@Z/[2A`aR_4��G > L > Ea house of religious retirement or ofseclusion from the world forpersons under religious vows.Last fall Stan attended a retreat ata monastery near Bardstown,Kentucky.

monetarilyadv��AZ/[2@aR_2Y4��L + Ecfwith respect to money.Bud said he wasn’t broke, justmonetarily deficient.

monetaryadj��@Z/[2AaR_4��Lof or relating to money or to theinstrumentalities and organizationsby which money is supplied to theeconomy.So many Americans are activeinvestors that even a slight changein interest rates can have seriousmonetary repercussions.

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mongoosen��@Z/;ATC`��Dravidian? > Prakrit > Hindian agile keen-sighted grizzledbrown and black mammal of Indiathat is about the size of a ferret andfeeds on snakes and rodents.The mongoose is an active, boldpredator.

mongreln��@Z/;T_2Y��Ean animal or plant resulting fromthe interbreeding of two or morebreeds or strains.Jeff’s dog is a friendly mongrelnamed Mutt.

monoclen��@Z/[1X2Y��L[has homonyms: monacal,monachal] an eyeglass for one eye.The villain wore a tuxedo, a tophat, and a monocle.


monolithn��@Z/[3YAVaU��Gksomething resembling a singlegreat stone.Sir Larry is considered a pillar ofstrength by his friends and ahulking obstinate monolith by hisenemies.


monomaniacaladj��AZ/[3Z2@[62X2Y��Gk + Gk + Ecfrelating to, characterized by, oraffected with such concentration ona single object or idea as to suggestmental derangement.Stuart’s obsession with racing carsseems almost monomaniacal to hisfriends.

mononucleosisn��AZ/[=A[�f�CXY4@=`1`��Gk + Lan acute infectious diseaseassociated with Epstein-Barr virusand characterized by fever,swelling of the lymph nodes, andan increase in the number oflymphocytes in the blood.Morgan had to spend several weeksin bed after contractingmononucleosis.


monotonousadj��Z2@[/a3[2`��Gkhaving no change or variety :wearisomely uniform.The lecturer’s monotonous tone puthalf the audience to sleep.


monsoonn��Z/[@`C[��Ar > Pg > Da periodic wind especially in theIndian Ocean and in southern Asia.The monsoon broughtthunderstorms that blanketed thecity with a dust cloud and thenflooding rains.

monstrosityn��Z/[g@a_/`2G4��Lan object of terrifying size or forceor complexity.The atom bomb is the greatestmonstrosity of the 20th century.

monstrousadj��@Z/[ga_2`��L > F > Ehaving extraordinary and oftenoverwhelming size : unusually andunpleasantly huge.The tourists in South America wereterrified and sickened by themonstrous flying cockroach.

montagen��Z/[@a/gU��Fan impressionistic sequence ofimages introduced into a film ortelevision program to develop asingle theme, suggest a state ofmind, or bridge a time lapse.The program’s opening creditsequence is a montage of whitebeaches, swaying palm trees,racing boats, and attractive sunworshipers.


morainen��Z2@_0[��Fan accumulation of earth and stonescarried and finally deposited by aglacier.A push moraine is carried ahead ofan advancing glacier, whereas alateral moraine is deposited at theside of a glacier as it moves.


moratoriumn��AZ<_2@a=_42Z��La suspension of activity : atemporary ban on the use orproduction of something.Environmentalists demanded amoratorium on the miningoperation until its potential effectson the ecosystem could beevaluated.

morbidadj��@Z<_O1Q��Labnormally susceptible to orcharacterized by gloomy orunwholesome feelings.The inventor was haunted by amorbid sense of guilt about thepossible harmful effects of herinvention.

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morbidezzan��AZ<�_�O2@QRa`2��L > Itan extreme delicacy and softness.The piano music had a certainmorbidezza that required a delicatetouch.

morceaun��Z<_@`=��F[Note: Could be confused withmore so. Also, plural of word canbe similarly pronounced.] a shortliterary or musical piece.Natasha entertained the partygoerswith a lively morceau on the violin.


mordancyn��@Z<�_�Q3[`4��L > Fa biting and caustic quality of style.The mordancy of the candidate’scomments made her opponentwince.

moresn pl��@Z<�A�_0g��L[has homonym: morays] the fixedcustoms or folkways of a particulargroup which are morally bindingupon all members of the group andnecessary to its welfare andpreservation.Some religious groups havedeveloped a society of their ownwith distinct and strict mores.

morigerationn��Z2A_VW2@_0`U2[��Lservile obedience : obsequiousness.The judge expected morigerationfrom everyone in the courtroom.

morionn��@Z=_42[��Fa visorless high-crested helmet ofSpanish origin worn by footsoldiers in the 16th and 17thcenturies.The conquistador was picturedwearing a morion, with the brimforming high peaks at the front andback.

mormorandoadj��AZ<�_�Z2@_/[�A�Q=��L > Itin a murmuring manner—used as adirection in music.At first Ralph thought his CDplayer was broken, but then herealized he was listening to amormorando passage.

moroseadj��Z2@_=`��Lmarked by or expressive of gloom.The basketball team was moroseafter losing in the state finals.

Morpheusn��@Z<_S42`��Gksomething that induces or prolongssleep.Tim cannot recall exactly whatMorpheus caused Rip van Winkleto sleep for 20 years.

mortaladj��@Z<_G3Y��Ldestructive to life : causing orcapable of causing death.The diver’s cage would protect himfrom receiving a mortal woundfrom a shark.

mortarn��@Z<_G2_��L > F > Esomething that binds or holdstogether.Sam watched as the bricklayerexpertly set the bricks into thehardening mortar.

mortarboardn��@Z<_G2_AO=�2�_Q��L > F > E + Ean academic cap consisting of aclosely fitting headpiece with abroad flat projecting square top.Lamont adjusted his mortarboardas he joined the procession to beginthe commencement program.

mortgagen��@Z<_TVW��L > F > Ea binding obligation.Sarah found a signed copy of themortgage in Richard’s desk.

mortuaryadj��@Z<�_�PU2AdR_4��Lof or relating to the burial of thedead.Professor Habib is an expert inancient mortuary rituals.


mosaicistn��Z=@g02`1`a��L > It > F > Ea designer who creates surfacedecoration by inlaying small piecesof variously colored material.An expert mosaicist decorated thealtar of the new church.

mosquen��@Z/`X��Ar > Sp > It > Fan Islamic place of public religiousworship.Visitors were required to removetheir shoes before entering themosque.

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mosquiton��Z2@`X4G�A�=��L > Spany of numerous two-winged fliesthat have a rather narrow abdomenand usually a long slender rigidproboscis with which they puncturethe skin of animals to suck theblood.Dr. Walter Reed proved that theyellow fever virus is carried by themosquito.


mostacciolin��AZ<`a/a@PU=Y4��Ita pasta in the form of a short tubewith oblique ends.It was the usual banquet fare:mostaccioli and roast beef.

motleyadj��@Z/aY4��Ecomposed of a haphazard andincongruous mixture ofheterogeneous elements.Each guest drew a gift from themotley assortment in the grab bag.

moulagen��ZC@Y/gU��Fan impression (as of a tire mark ortooth print) made for use asevidence in a criminalinvestigation.At the scene of the crime, detectiveswere able to make a moulage of thetire marks left by the criminal’scar.

mountainn��@ZNB[a3[��L > F[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a vastnumber or quantity : pile, slew.Mrs. Johnson assigned her studentsa mountain of homework that wasdue the day after the holiday break.

mountebankn��@ZNB[a2AON;X��Itan entertainer (as a juggler ormagician) employed by a quack toattract a crowd.The charlatan used a mountebankto entice crowds into the tent.


moussakan��ZC@`/X2��Turkish > Gka dish of ground meat (as lamb)and sliced eggplant or potatoesoften topped with a seasoned sauce.Dimitrio’s restaurant serves thebest moussaka in the area.

moussen��@ZC`��L > F[has homonym: moose] a frothydessert; especially : a dessert ofsweetened and flavored whippedcream, or thin cream and gelatin,frozen without stirring.Michael ordered chocolatehazelnut mousse for dessert, butVera ordered just coffee.



mozzarellan��AZ/a`2@_RY2��Ita moist white rubbery unsaltedcheese.Mozzarella is used in many Italianfoods.



mucilaginousadj��AZfC`2@YNW2[2`��Lrelating to or resembling a liquidadhesive of low bonding strength.Billy’s mother told him to wash themucilaginous remains of his peanutbutter and jelly sandwich from hisface and hands.

muftin��@Z2Sa4��Arcivilian dress when worn by one inmilitary service.The general ambled down the streetunrecognized in mufti.

mugientadj��@ZfCW42[a��Lmaking a lowing sound : bellowing.In mid-April the mugient herds ofcattle are turned out to pasture.

mugwumpn��@Z2ATd2Z]��Natickone who is undecided or neutral (asin politics) often as a result of aninability to make up one’s mind.William is too much a mugwump toever realize his ambition to holdelective office.


mulberryn��@Z2YAOR_4��Gk > L > F > Ea tree or shrub that bears a fruitresembling a raspberry.The Nelsons planted a mulberry intheir backyard.


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muliebraladj��AZfCY4@RO_2Y��L + Ecfof, relating to, or characteristic ofwomen.The artist captured the essence ofmuliebral beauty in his portrait ofVenus.

mulligann��@Z2Y1T2[��E namea free shot sometimes awarded agolfer in nontournament play whenthe preceding shot has been poorlyplayed.Gordy took a mulligan after hittinga “worm burner” on the first tee.


multifariousadj��AZ2Ya2@SN�N�_42`��Lhaving multiplicity : having greatdiversity or variety.The multifarious activities at theHands-On Museum make it a placethat everyone can enjoy.

multiplicationn��AZ2Ya2]Y1@X0`U2[��La mathematical operationcommonly indicated by ab thatrepeats b as many times as there areunits in a.The fourth grade class waslearning the process ofmultiplication of whole numbers.


multituden��@Z2Ya2AaCQ��La great number : host.A multitude of reporters besiegedthe plaintiff as she left thecourtroom.

multitudinousadj��AZ2Ya2@aCQ2[1`��L + Ecfexisting in great numbers.Multitudinous varieties ofwildflowers grow on SandMountain.

mummeryn��@Z2Z2_4��Fa performance given by actors in apantomime.Costumed actors performed acomic mummery in the schoolauditorium.

mumpsn pl��@Z2Z]`��imitan acute contagious viral diseasemarked by fever and swelling ofthe parotid gland.Russell sympathized with hisbrother who was suffering withmumps, but couldn’t help but laughat his swollen face.

municipaladj��ZfC@[V`2]2Y��Lof or relating to a primarily urbanpolitical unit (as a town or city).Real estate taxes are set by themunicipal government.


munificencen��ZfC@[VS2`2[�a�`��La giving or bestowing withextraordinary liberality : lavishgenerosity.Hazel’s uncle, known widely for hismunificence, hosted an elaboratedinner for her bat mitzvah.

murariumn��ZfC@_N�N�_42Z��La place for rearing mice or ratsunder controlled conditions.Research at the murarium resultedin the initial claim that saccharineconsumption causes cancer.

murengern��@ZfB_2[W2�_���L > F > Eone in charge of the wall of a townand its repairs.When city walls served asfortresses, the murenger wasresponsible for the security of thecitizens.

murmurv��@Z2_Z2_��Lutter or give forth in low orindistinct sounds or words.Mrs. Chambers reminded Dylannot to murmur his introduction.


musciformadj��@Z2`2AS<_Z��Lresembling moss.Rosa’s new hat has a musciformtexture.


musculaturen��@Z2`Xf2Y2APUB�2�_��Lthe muscles of an animal that arerelated to each other and functiontogether.Dissection of the frog revealed itsunderlying musculature.

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musev��@ZfCg��L > F > E[has homonyms: meuse, mews]become absorbed in thought.When he was a boy, Howard usedto sit on the porch and muse onwhat he would do with his life.

museumn��ZfC@g42Z��Gk > Lan institution devoted to theprocurement, care, study, anddisplay of objects of lasting interestor value.The National Air and SpaceMuseum is one of the componentsof the Smithsonian Institution.

muskmelonn��@Z2`XAZRY2[��Skt > Per > Gk > L > F > E + Gk >Lthe usually sweet odorous ediblemelon that is the fruit of a trailingor climbing Asiatic herbaceousvine.The muskmelon was one of thefoods that Columbus introduced tothe New World.

muslinn��@Z2gY1[��Iraq geog name > Ar > It > F[has near homonym: Muslim] aplainwoven cotton fabric that isused bleached or unbleached forsheeting, embroidery, or otherpurposes.The simple look of tab curtainsmade of unbleached muslin isperfect for Barbara’s den.

mussitationn��AZ2`2@a0`U2[��Lmovement of the lips as if inspeech but without accompanyingsound.The cameras picked up thespeller’s mussitation as shepondered the word.

mutableadj��@ZfCG2O2Y��Lprone or liable to change.The weather in the foothills wasextremely mutable due to thenearby mountains.

mutafacientadj��AZfCG2@S0`U2[a��L + L + Ecfcapable of inducing a biologicalchange in hereditary material.Botanists make use of mutafacientchemicals to develop new strains ofplants.


muttonn��@Z2a3[��Celt > F > Ethe flesh of a sheep that is used forfood.Ingrid purchased some mutton andpork chops from the butcher.

muumuun��@ZCAZC��Hawaiiana loose dress with gay colors andpatterns, worn chiefly in Hawaii.Pandora bought a red floweredmuumuu during her trip to Maui.

myasthenian��AZ62`@aU4[42��Gk > Lmuscular debility.Keith was informed that hismyasthenia was brought on byoverexertion and would disappearwith rest.

mycophagousadj��Z6@X/S1T2`��Gkfeeding on fungi.Because they are mycophagous,ladybugs are good for gardens.

myelitisn��AZ62@Y6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the spinal cord orof the bone marrow.Myelitis is usually a result of aviral infection such asmononucleosis or mumps.

myelopathyn��AZ62@Y/]2aU4��Gka disease or disorder of the spinalcord or the bone marrow.After the accident Ursula’s dog hadto be treated for myelopathy.

mynheern��Z6[@UR�2�_��Dmister—used as a polite address toa Dutch gentleman.The owner of the village bank wasaddressed as Mynheer Grauer.

myocarditisn��AZ62AX/_@Q6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the middlemuscular layer of the heart wall.A severe case of myocarditis couldresult in heart failure.

myopian��Z6@=]42��Gknearsightedness.Kyle’s myopia was first apparentwhen he had trouble reading whatwas on the chalkboard at school.

myriadsn pl��@ZV_42Qg��Gkimmense numbers.The plain was covered withmyriads of insects swarming anddevouring all the vegetation.

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myringitisn��AZV_2[@W6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the tympanicmembrane.Dr. Croke explained that Amy’smyringitis was caused by abacterial infection in her ear.

myrmecologistn��AZ2_Z2@X/Y2W1`a��Gka specialist in the scientific study ofants.The myrmecologist told thereporter that his interest in antsbegan when he had been given anant farm at the age of seven.

myrmecologyn��AZ2_Z2@X/Y2W4��Gka scientific study of ants.Receiving an ant farm forChristmas was the beginning ofArt’s interest in myrmecology.

myrmidonn��@Z2_Z2AQ/[��Gka follower or subordinate whounquestioningly or pitilesslyexecutes orders : hireling.Although the mayor always speakscivilly to everyone, his myrmidoncan be ruthless in criticizingopponents.

myrrhn��@Z2_��Semitic > Gk > L > Ea yellow to reddish brown aromaticbitter gum resin that is obtainedfrom various trees of East Africaand Arabia.In medieval Europe myrrh was rareand precious.


mystiquen��ZV@`a4X��Gk > L > Fthe special esoteric skill ormysterious faculty essential in acalling or activity.The mystique of computerprogramming is completely foreignto Jacqueline.



nabobn��@[0AO/O��Ar > Hindiman of great wealth.The Hollywood nabob rarelytraveled without his personal chef,secretary, and masseur.

nacellen��[2@`RY��L > Fan enclosed shelter on an aircraftfor an engine or sometimes for thecrew.The cramped, stifling nacelle gaveRico an attack of claustrophobia.

Naderismn��@[0Q2A_Vg2Z��American namenamed after consumer advocateRalph Nader, the promotion ofconsumer interests especially bypublic outcry against dangerous ordefective goods.The policy of Naderism is namedfor an outspoken consumeradvocate.

nadirn��@[0Q2�_���Ar > F > Ethe point of the celestial sphere thatis directly opposite the zenith andvertically downward from theobserver.There was no way for Amos to seethe Moon, since it was at the nadir.

naiadn��@[02Q��Gkone of the nymphs believed by theancient Greeks and Romans to livein and give life to lakes, rivers,springs, and fountains.Glenda came upon a statue of anaiad by the lake.


nainsookn��@[0[A`BX��Skt > Hindia soft lightweight cotton fabric inplain weave and various finishesthat is used especially for clothingand curtains.Janet’s new summer blouse is madeof nainsook.

naologyn��[0@/Y2W4��Gka study of sacred edifices.With her background inarchitecture and naology, Shaunais just the right person to helprestore the old cathedral.

napalmv��@[0A]/Z��Iranian > Gk > L + L > Fattack with bombs made with ahighly flammable jellied fuelcomposed of gasoline and amixture of aluminum soaps as athickener.The decision to napalm enemyterritory had more ramificationsthan the intended destruction ofvegetation.

naprapathyn��[2@]_N]2aU4��Czech + Gk > Ea therapeutic system of druglesstreatment by manipulation of theligaments and connective tissues.Norma relied on naprapathy torelieve her pain after she sprainedher back.

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narcissusn��[/_@`V`2`��Gk > Lany plant of the genus Narcissus ofwhich the flowers have a shortcorona and are usually borneseparately.The common daffodil is a type ofnarcissus.

narcolepticadj��A[/_X2@YR]aVX��Gkof, relating to, or affected with atransient compulsive tendency toattacks of deep sleep usually ofunknown causes.Steve becomes narcolepticwhenever he is under great stress.

narcoticismn��[/_@X/G2A`Vg2Z��Gkaddiction to habit-forming drugs.The police sergeant lecturedZakia’s class about the dangers ofnarcoticism.

naricornn��@[N�N�_2AX<_[��Lthe horny covering protecting thenostrils of albatrosses and someother birds.The naricorn is an irregularlyconvoluted little scroll, very thinand delicate in texture.

narratev��@[NA_0a��Ltell or recite the happenings of (astory).Jacob volunteered to narrate theslide show.

narrativeadj��@[N_2GVc��Lhaving the form of a story.A ballad is a poem that has severaldistinct characteristics, including astrong narrative element.

narrowadj��@[N�A�_=��Enot possessing usual or expectedwidth.The sidewalk was too narrow forthe three friends to walk side byside.

narthexn��@[/_AaURX`��Semitic? > Gka vestibule leading to the nave of achurch.The bridal party lined up in thenarthex and waited for the cue toproceed down the church’s centeraisle.

nasaladj��@[0g2Y��Lof or relating to the nose.Juno’s nasal inflammation causedconsiderable discomfort and madeit hard for her to breathe.

nascencyn��@[N`3[`4��Lthe condition or process of beingborn or of beginning to exist.The nascency of the novel as aliterary form can be traced to 18th-century England.

nascentadj��@[0`3[a��Lundergoing the process of beingborn : beginning to exist.The Boston Tea Party revealednascent revolutionary tendenciesamong the American colonists.


nasturtiumn��[2@`a2_`U2Z��Lany of several herbs having showyvariously colored spurred flowers.The nasturtium will add color to adrab landscape design.



natatoriumn��A[0G2@a=_42Z��La place for swimming; especially :an indoor swimming pool.William Randolph Hearst built anostentatious natatorium at hisCalifornia mansion.

naupathian��[<@]NaU42��Gkseasickness.Several spells of naupathia madeJoni’s cruise an experience shehopes never to repeat.

nausean��@[<`U2��Gk > La feeling of discomfort in thestomach usually associated with anurge to vomit.A bout of nausea kept Denise fromenjoying the ferry ride.


nauseousadj��@[<`U2`��Lcausing a sensation of discomfortin the stomach and an urge tovomit.The smell emanating from theswamp was nauseous.


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nautilusn��@[<G3Y2`��Gk > Lany of several cephalopod mollusksof the southern Pacific and Indianoceans that produce a spiralchambered shell.Frank keeps a polished shell of anautilus in his bookcase.

nebulan��@[ROf2Y2��Lany of many immense bodies ofhighly rarified gas or dust ininterstellar space.The astronomer identified theHorsehead Nebula on the chart.

nebulousadj��@[ROf2Y2`��Lvaguely defined, poorly grasped, ordimly realized.Melissa’s nebulous fears about thefuture interfered with herenjoyment of the present.



neckwearn��@[RXAdN�N�_��Earticles of clothing worn about theneck.Greta thinks warm neckwear is thekey to avoiding a cold.

necromancyn��@[RX_2AZN[�a�`4��Gk > L > F > Ethe art or practice of magicallyconjuring up the souls of the dead.Abraham Lincoln was interested innecromancy, and his wife heldséances in the White House.


nectarinen��@[RXa2A_4[��Gk > L+Ecfa peach that has a smooth-skinnedfruit.Jason prefers a nectarine to acommon peach.

nefariousadj��[1@SN�N�_42`��Lheinously or impiously wicked :detestable.The murderer's crimes wereconsidered so nefarious that he wassentenced to life imprisonmentwithout parole.




negotiableadj��[1@T=`U�4�2O2Y��Lthat can be converted into cash orthe equivalent value.Leah wondered if the old bills shefound in the trunk were stillnegotiable.





nematocystn��[1@ZNG2A`V`a��Gk + Gkone of the minute stinging organsof coelenterates (as corals, seaanemones, and jellyfishes) used incatching prey.Each nematocyst of the jellyfishcontains a spiral-coiled threadtipped with a toxin-bearing barbthat can be ejected into the skin.

nemesisn��@[RZ2`1`��Gka formidable and usually victoriousrival or opponent.The Tigers were defeated by thefirst-rate pitching of their oldnemesis.

nemoraladj��@[RZ�2�_2Y��Lof, relating to, or inhabiting a woodor grove.Doris collected a basketful ofnemoral mushrooms.

nenupharn��@[R[f2AS/_��Skt > Per > Ar > Lwater lily; especially : Egyptianlotus.The nenuphar is a common motif inEgyptian art.

neolalian��A[4=@Y0Y42��Gkspeech especially of a psychoticthat includes words that are newand meaningless to the hearer.The doctor recorded the patient’sneolalia for further study.

neologismn��[4@/Y2AWVg2Z��Gk > Fa new word, usage, or expression.Nelson encountered a neologism inalmost every paragraph of thecomputer article.


neonadj��@[4A/[��Gkof, relating to, or resembling thereddish glow of neon lamps.Even though Tim was wearing neonswimming trunks, his mom hadtrouble spotting him on thecrowded beach.

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neonatologyn��A[4=[0@a/Y2W4��Gk + L + Gka branch of medicine concernedwith the care, development, anddiseases of newborn infants.Jackie hopes to specialize in eitherpediatrics or neonatology.

neophyten��@[42AS6a��Gka new convert; especially : aconvert to the Christian faith in theearly church.In just three years St. Cyprian ofCarthage went from being aneophyte to being the bishop ofCarthage.

neossologyn��A[4A/@`/Y2W4��Gkthe study of young birds.The student of neossology wasthrilled to receive a baby parrot forhis birthday.

nepenthen��[1@]R[�a�aU4��Gksomething capable of causingoblivion of grief and suffering.The old man sought respite andnepenthe from bad memories.

nephalismn��@[RS2AYVg2Z��Gktotal abstinence from alcoholicbeverages.In Muslim countries nephalism is away of life for many people.

nephelognosyn��A[RS2@Y/T[2`4��Gk + Gkscientific observation of clouds.Satellite photos of cloud formationsand movements have been a greataid in the field of nephelognosy.

nephelometern��A[RS2@Y/Z2G2�_���G + Gan instrument for measuringcloudiness.The nephelometer has been proveduseful in detecting and measuringair pollution.



nephoscopen��@[RS2A`X=]��Gkan instrument for observing thedirection of motion and velocity ofclouds.Mr. Tadeusz explained to his newassistant how the nephoscopeworked.

nephrectomyn��[1@S_RXa2AZ4��Gkthe surgical removal of a kidney.Barry’s kidney was so diseased thathis physician recommended anephrectomy.

nepotismn��@[R]2AaVg2Z��L > It > Ffavoritism shown to relatives (as bygiving them positions because oftheir relationship rather than ontheir merits).Most employees resent nepotismbecause it reduces motivation foradvancement via hard work.


nescientadj��@[R`U�4�2[a��Lexhibiting or characterized by lackof knowledge orawareness : ignorant.George’s nescient response to thequestion about the plotdemonstrated that he had not readthe book.

nettlesomeadj��@[RG3Y`2Z��E + Ecausing vexation : irritating.The city’s traffic situation wasnettlesome to the visitors from thesmall town.

neuralgian��[�f�C@_NYW2��Gkan acute paroxysmal pain radiatingalong the course of one or morenerves usually withoutdemonstrable changes in the nervestructure.Garret’s neuralgia was so painfulthat he sought relief from achiropractor.

neurasthenicadj��A[�f�B_N`@aUR[VX��Gkaffected with a syndromecharacterized by easy fatigability,by worrying and depression, andoften by headache and digestiveand circulatory problems.The neurasthenic patientcomplained of being bored,neglected, and depressed.


neurologicaladj��A[�f�B_2@Y/W1X2Y��Gkof or relating to the scientific studyof the nervous system.Dr. Will is a specialist in thetreatment of neurologicaldisorders.

neuropathyn��[�f�C@_/]2aU4��Gk > ISVan abnormal and usuallydegenerative state of the nervoussystem or nerves.Neuropathy can lead to numbnessand weakness of the hands, feet, orlimbs.


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neutercanen��@[�f�CGR�_�AX0[��L + Taino > Spa subtropical cyclone that is usuallyless than 100 miles in diameter andthat draws energy from sourcescommon to both the hurricane andthe frontal cyclone.The weather bureau is tracking theneutercane to see if it develops intoa hurricane.


neutralizev��@[�f�Ca_2AY6g��L + Ecfmake chemically neither acid norbase.Scientists used nitric acid toneutralize the magnesiumhydroxide that had formed on thespace capsule tape when it came incontact with seawater.



nexusn��@[RX`2`��La connected group or series.A nexus of events led to theoverthrow of the government andthe exile of the king.

Nicaraguanadj��A[VX2@_/Td2[��Central American geog nameof or relating to the country ofNicaragua in Central America.Much Nicaraguan coffee isexported to the United States.

nicetyn��@[6`2G4��F > Ea dainty, delicate, or elegant thingor feature.Dad considered a meal at a poshrestaurant to be a nicety of goodliving.

nichen��@[VPU��L > Fa place suitable for the capabilitiesor merits of a person.Wendy felt she had found her nicheat school in the student governmentassociation.

nickelodeonn��A[VX2@Y=Q42[��G? > Sw + F > Ga theater affording a motion-pictureexhibition or a variety show for anadmission price of five cents.The silent movies at thenickelodeon were usually enhancedby piano music.

nicotinismn��@[VX2Aa4A[Vg2Z��F name + cffthe effect of the excessive use oftobacco.Patients who suffer from nicotinismexhibit lung and heart problems.


nidicolousadj��[6@QVX2Y2`��Lliving in a nest; especially : sharingthe nest of another kind of animal.Many insects are nidicolous,sharing the nests of birds whosometimes eat their larvae.

nidificatev��@[VQ2S1AX0a��Lbuild a nest.While recuperating, Jan watchedthe robin gather bits of string andsmall twigs to nidificate in themaple tree outside the bedroomwindow.

nidifugousadj��[6@QVSf2T2`��Lleaving the nest soon afterhatching.Because they are relatively highlydeveloped when they hatch, ducksand chickens are nidifugous.

nidorn��@[6AQ<�2�_��L[Note: Alternate pronunciation hashomonym: niter/nitre.] a strongsmell : reek.The nidor of the hot grease warnedDella that she should lower thetemperature.

nidorousadj��@[6Q2_2`��Lsmelling of or like burning ordecaying animal matter.The sailors were repulsed by thenidorous bilge water.


niellon��[4@R�A�Y=��L > Itany of several alloys of sulphurwith silver, copper, or lead having adeep black color.After cutting a design in the silverjewelry box, Phillip filled in thedesign with niello.

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Nietzscheanadj��@[4PU42[��G nameof or relating to the Germanphilosopher Friedrich WilhelmNietzsche.Norman characterized John’sviews as juvenile Nietzscheannonsense.

niggardlyadj��@[VT2�_�QY4��Scand > Echaracterized by a reluctance topart with money : tightfisted.The wealthy banker was bestknown for his niggardly spendinghabits.

nightingalen��@[6a3[AT0Y��Ea thrush common in Great Britainthat is noted for the sweet song ofthe male often heard at night duringthe breeding season.Haley was awakened by anightingale singing outside herbedroom window.

nightmaren��@[6aAZN�N��2�_��Ea frightening dream accompaniedby anxiety or terror.Cara’s nightmare was caused bythe ghost stories told around thecampfire.

nihilismn��@[62AYVg2Z��L + Ecfa viewpoint that all traditionalvalues and beliefs are unfoundedand that all existence isconsequently senseless and useless.The rock star's lyrics werecriticized for advocating a bleaknihilism.

nimietyn��[V@Z62G4��Lexcess, redundancy.Usually Caleb’s writing is concise,but his most recent essay is aglowing example of nimiety.

nimiousadj��@[VZ42`��L[Note: Could be confused withniveous.] excessive, extravagant.Oscar, who could barely afford torent a costume for the maskedcharity ball, found the whole thingoppressively nimious.



nippyadj��@[V]4��Echilly, chilling.The nippy breeze reddened Ryan’scheeks.

nisein��@[4A`0��Jpna son or daughter of Japaneseimmigrant parents who is born andeducated in the United States.Tomoko is the only nisei in herfamily; all her siblings were bornin Japan.

nitidityn��[V@aVQ2G4��L + Ecfthe quality or state of being bright,glossy, or lustrous.The moon’s nitidity helps owls findtheir prey.

nitrogenn��@[6a_1W1[��Gka colorless tasteless odorlesselement that as a diatomic gas isrelatively inert and constitutes 78percent of the atmosphere byvolume and occurs as a constituentof all living tissues.Lightning causes the oxidation ofnitrogen to nitric oxide, which israined out as nitrate.

niveaun��[4@c=��F[Note: Plural form is pronouncedsimilarly.] a level (as of existenceor achievement) especially in aprogression.Ben’s tennis class is at theintermediate niveau.

niveousadj��@[Vc42`��Lof, relating to, or resembling snow.The niveous landscape looked mostinviting to the cross-country skiers.

nobiliaryadj��[=@OVY4AR_4��L > F > E + Ecfof or relating to the nobility.By threat of force the king quelledthe nobiliary squabbles.



nociceptorn��@[=`4A`R]a2�_���La part of the body that transmits tothe central nervous systeminjurious or painful stimuli.The spicy salsa activated eachnociceptor on Michelle’s tongue,bringing her to tears.

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nociveadj��@[=`Vc��Lharmful, injurious.The laboratory assistant wore amask to protect himself from nocivefumes.

noctivagantadj��[/X@aVc1T2[a��Lgoing about in the night : night-wandering.The bat, being a noctivagantmammal, has inspired manylegends.

nocturnaladj��[/X@a2_[3Y��L > Factive at night.Some zoos have special habitats fornocturnal animals.


nodosityn��[=@Q/`2G4��La protuberance or swelling.Ardis felt a slight nodosity on thecat’s back.



noisomeadj��@[<V`2Z��Eoffensive to the senses : noxious,harmful, unwholesome, destructive.A noisome odor emanated from theplastics factory.

nomenclaturen��@[=Z2[AXY0PU2�_���Lthe collective names given to orborne by places in a particularregion or area.The nomenclature of Boston streetsconfused Ling when she firstarrived.

nominaladj��@[/Z2[3Y��Lof, relating to, or being a word thatis otherwise characteristically anadjective or adverb but that takes anoun construction in a givencontext.A good example of a nominal wordis good in “the good die young.”nomineen��A[/Z2@[4��L + Ecfa person named or proposed for anoffice, duty, or position.The president’s nominee for theSupreme Court had to be approvedby a Senate committee.


nonagen��@[/[VW��F > Ea period of youth, childhood, orinfancy.The pieces that Mozart wrote in hisnonage demonstrate anunderstanding of music that fewadults ever attain.

nonagenariann��A[/[2W2@[R_42[��L + Ecfa person who is 90 or more and lessthan 100 years old.Ernestus bragged that he was theonly nonagenarian at the rockconcert.

nonchalancen��A[/[`U2@Y/[�a�`��Fa display or air of jaunty unconcernor indifference.Sarah reacted with nonchalancewhen her neighbors complainedabout her unruly dog.


noncommittaladj��A[/[X2@ZVG3Y��Ltaking no clear position or givingno clear indication of attitude,feeling, or point of view.Lacy’s tone was friendly butnoncommittal.

nondescriptadj��A[/[Q1@`X_V]a��Llacking distinguishingcharacteristics.Because he was utterlynondescript, Virgil was the perfectinfiltrator.


nonpareiladj��A[/[]2@_RY��L > Fhaving no equal : peerless.Tom’s lack of common senseovershadowed his nonpareilintellect.

nonplusv��[/[@]Y2`��Lcause to be at a loss as to what tosay, think, or do.Vince’s aggressive interviewingtechnique tends to nonplusinexperienced candidates.


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nonupleadj��@[/A[�f�C]2Y��L > Fconsisting of nine : being ninetimes as great or as many.There was a nonuple increase inthe rate of traffic citations after thenew regulations went into effect.

noologyn��[=@/Y2W4��Gkthe study of mind : the science ofphenomena regarded as purelymental in origin.Ahmet found that his interests inphilosophy and psychologyconverged in the field of noology.



nosocomialadj��A[/`2@X=Z42Y��Loriginating or taking place in ahospital.Since implementing its newdisinfection protocol, the hospitalhas seen a 40 percent drop innosocomial infections.

nostalgian��[2@`aNYW�4�N��Gk > Lhomesickness.Theo was overcome with nostalgiaat the sight of a McDonald's inIstanbul.

nostriln��@[/`a_2Y��Eeither of the outer openings of thenose.In some cultures, a pierced nostriladorned with a ring is consideredattractive.

nostrumn��@[/`a_2Z��La remedy or medicine of secretcomposition recommended by itspreparer but usually lacking generalrepute or acceptance.Mr. Sherwood insists that hisnostrum will cure warts within aweek.



notorietyn��A[=G2@_62G4��Lthe condition of being an object ofwide or general attention, interest,and comment for somethingreprehensible or scandalous.A red convertible enhancedThurmon’s notoriety.

nougatn��@[CT2a��L > Prov > Fa confection of nuts or fruit piecesin a sugar paste.Lynn’s boyfriend gave her a box ofchocolates filled with hazelnutnougat.

noumenaladj��@[CZ2[2Y��Gkof or relating to an object of purelyrational apprehension as opposed toan object of perception.Philosophy deals with noumenalconcepts, while science deals withphenomenal concepts.


novercaladj��[2@c2_X2Y��Lof, relating to, or characteristic of astepmother.Helene’s novercal relationship withher husband’s children is close andloving.

novicen��@[/c1`��L > F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] one whohas entered a religious house for atrial period.The film The Nun’s Story starsAudrey Hepburn as a young novicewho eventually becomes a nurse inAfrica.

noxiousadj��@[/X`U2`��Lharmful or destructive to man or toother organisms.Emma is studying the noxiouseffects of gasoline fumes.



nuancen��@[�f�CA/[�a�`��L > Fminute variation : delicategradation : subtle distinction.The music critic took notes onevery nuance of the performance.


nubilousadj��@[�f�CO2Y2`��Lcloudy, foggy, misty.Trade wind clouds are constantlypiling up in nubilous traffic jams.

nuchaladj��@[�f�CX2Y��Ar > L + Ecfof or relating to the nape, the backpart of the neck.Midge’s new necklace gave her anuchal rash.

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nuciformadj��@[�f�C`2AS<_Z��Llike a nut in shape.Preston gave Anna a box ofnuciform chocolate candies.


nugaciousadj��[�f�C@T0`U2`��Ltrifling, trivial.Arguments about who sits in thefront seat seem nugacious to manyadults.


nugatoryadj��@[�f�CT2Aa=_4��Lhaving little or no consequence :worthless.The prize Jeff won at the carnivalwas just a nugatory plastic trinket.

nuggetn��@[2T1a��unknowna lump; especially : a lump of gold.Adrian kept a gold nugget as agood-luck charm.

nuisancen��@[�f�C`3[�a�`��L > F > Ar > Esomething that is disagreeable ortroublesome : annoyance.The barking dogs in Jeff’sbackyard were a nuisance he couldnot ignore.

nullibicityn��A[2Y2@OV`2G4��L + Ecfthe quality or state of beingnowhere.Natalie accused the state of puttingfreedom and basic rights intonullibicity.

nullificationn��A[2Y2S1@X0`U2[��Lthe act of depriving of legal orbinding force or validity.Louis XIV’s accession to the thronewas ushered in by the nullificationof his father’s will.

nullifidiann��A[2Y2@SVQ42[��La person of no faith or religion.The nullifidian decided to start amagazine devoted to the theory andpractice of secular humanism.



numinousadj��@[�f�CZ2[2`��L + Ecfdedicated to or hallowed byassociation with a deity : sacred.A soft light seemed to glow fromthe numinous vessel on the altar.

numismatistn��[�f�C@ZVgZ2G1`a��La specialist in the study of coins : acoin collector.When Emery wanted to know thevalue of a coin, he showed it to hisneighbor, who was a numismatist.



nunchakun��[C[@PU/X�A�C��Jpn dialecta weapon of Japanese origin madeof two hardwood sticks joined attheir ends by a short length ofrawhide, cord, or chain.Eli insists that a nunchaku with aBruce Lee image would make hismartial arts paraphernaliacomplete.

nuncion��@[2[�a�`4A=��La top-ranking diplomatic envoy ofthe pope accredited to a civilgovernment.The papal nuncio worked with thegovernor’s office to prepare for thepope’s tour of the region.

nuncupationn��A[2[Xf2@]0`U2[��Lan oral will.While the sailor was ill aboardship, he made a nuncupation inwhich he bequeathed his propertyto his mother.

nuncupativeadj��@[2;Xf2A]0GVc��Lstated verbally : oral—used chieflyof a will.The terms of Grandpa’snuncupative will were not contestedby the family.

nuptialityn��A[2]`U4@NY2G4��Lthe marriage rate.Nuptiality usually increasesdramatically in June.





nutritiouslyadv��[�f�C@a_V`U2`Y4��L + Ecfin a manner that promotes growthand development.Judging from the kinds of foodsthat George likes, it is not going tobe easy to get him to eatnutritiously.

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nyalan��@[f/Y2��Tsonga&Vendaan antelope of southeastern Africawith vertical white stripes on thesides of the body and with shaggyhair along the male underside.The nyala thrives in the heaths andforests of the Ethiopian highlands.

nyctalopian��A[VXa2@Y=]42��Gka defect of vision characterized byreduced visual capacity in faintlight or at night.Nyctalopia may be corrected byvitamin therapy.


nystagmusn��[1@`aNTZ2`��Gka rapid involuntary oscillation ofthe eyeballs occurring normallywith dizziness during and afterbodily rotation or abnormally afterinjuries.Bart suffered from nystagmus forseveral days following the boxingmatch.




oasisn��=@0`1`��Hamitic? > Gk > La small isolated fertile area that issurrounded by general barrennessand typically marked by trees orother greenery and that has a watersupply.The caravan rested for two days atthe oasis.

obdurateadj��@/OQ�f�2_1a��Lresistant to persuasion or softeninginfluences : unyielding.Fritz is maintaining an obdurateopposition to the new highwaybypass.

obedientadj��=@O4Q42[a��L > F > Esubmissive to the restraint, control,or command of authority.The toddler was not very obedientand even seemed to enjoy beingdefiant.

obeisancen��=@O0`3[�a�`��L > F > Ean attitude of respect : deference,homage.Josh demonstrated his obeisancefor the famous professor by writingdown her every word.

obeisantadj��=@O0`3[a��Fservile, obsequious.By the third course, the waiter’sobeisant behavior was starting toget on Tara’s nerves.

obeliskn��@/O2AYV`X��Gkan upright four-sided monolithicpillar that tapers as it rises andterminates in a pyramid.The Washington Monument is aworld-famous obelisk.




obfuscatoryadj��/O@S2`X2Aa=_4��Ltending to make difficult ofcomprehension or interpretation.Oleg found the obfuscatorylanguage in his apartment leaseinfuriating.


objectiven��2O@WRXaVc��La lens or system of lenses thatforms an image of the object in thefocal plane of an eyepiece (as in atelescope).The light-gathering power of atelescope is a function of thediameter of its objective.

objicientn��2O@WV`U2[a��Lone who opposes something withwords or argument.The bill became a law despite theprotests of a very influentialobjicient.


objurgatoryadj��2O@W2_T2Aa=_4��Lexpressing sharp reprimand.The mayor sent an objurgatoryletter to the negligent departmenthead.

obligationn��A/OY2@T0`U2[��Lsomething that one is bound to do :an imperative duty.Because of Carra’s past assistance,Craig felt an obligation to returnthe favor.


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obliqueadj��2@OY4X��Lneither perpendicular nor parallel :having a slanting direction orposition.All triangles have at least oneoblique side.

obliquityn��2@OYVXd2G4��E > F > L + Ecfthe angle between the planes ofEarth’s equator and orbit.Seasonal changes in temperatureare due to the obliquity of Earth’sorbital path.



obliviscencen��A/OY2@cV`3[�a�`��L[Note: Could be confused withoblivescence.] forgetfulness.Serious obliviscence in olderpeople may be a symptom ofAlzheimer’s disease.

obloquyn��@/OY2Xd4��La strongly and often intemperatelycondemnatory utterance.Mr. Willett recited the names of thepranksters with uncharacteristicobloquy.

obmutescencen��A/OZf2@aR`3[�a�`��La becoming or keeping silent.To ensure the press’s obmutescenceregarding the case, the judgeissued a gag order.


obreptitiousadj��A/AO_R]@aV`U2`��Ldone or obtained by trickery or byconcealing the truth.The undercover agent passed theobreptitious information to hissuperiors.


obsecrationn��A/O`2@X_0`U2[��La supplicatory prayer mentioning inits appeal things or events held tobe sacred.“Through thy victory over death, OLord, deliver us” is an obsecration.

obsequiousadj��2O@`4Xd42`��L > Emeanly or servilely attentive.Marshall tends to be obsequioustoward Mrs. Kirby.



obsolescentadj��A/O`2@YR`3[a��Lfalling into disuse especially asunable to compete with somethingmore recent.Many linguists believe that therelative pronoun whom isobsolescent except when it followsa preposition.


obstaclen��@/Og�A�aVX2Y��Lsomething that hinders progress :hindrance.Carrie believes there is no obstacleshe cannot overcome in her questto become an Olympian.

obstetriciann��A/OgAaR@a_V`U2[��La physician or veterinarianspecializing in birth and itsantecedents and sequels.The obstetrician often relied moreon instincts and old-fashionedpsychology than he did on hismedical expertise.


obstinateadj��@/Oga2[1a��Lpertinaciously adhering to anopinion, purpose, or course.Franklin has missed at least twopromotions because he is soobstinate about doing things hisown way.

obstreperousadj��2Og@a_R]�2�_2`��Lstubbornly defiant : resistingcontrol or restraint often with ashow of noisy disorder.The noisy diner was asked to leavebut became obstreperous and hadto be escorted out of the restaurant.

obtenebratev��/O@aR[2AO_0a��Ldarken by or as if by shadowing.As the storm approaches, darkclouds obtenebrate the valley.


obtundentadj��/O@a2[Q2[a��Lblunting irritation or lessening pain.Aspirin is used for its obtundent aswell as its antipyretic qualities.


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obviousadj��@/Oc42`��Lreadily and easily perceived by thesensibilities or mind.“We’re moving!” Harold shouted,which was a fact that had alreadybecome obvious to everyone.

ocarinan��A/X2@_4[2��L > Ita simple wind instrument or toy ofthe flute class having a mouthpieceand fingerholes.Professor Miller unearthed a four-hole ocarina used by the ancientMayas.


occasionallyadv��2@X0gU2[3Y4��Lnow and then : here and there.The Spelling Bee replied, “Yearsago I was just an ordinary beeminding my own business, smellingflowers all day, and occasionallypicking up part-time work inpeople’s bonnets.”occipitaladj��/X@`V]2G3Y��Lof or relating to the back part of thehead of a vertebrate or an insect.In the accident Mr. Stein’s occipitalbone was fractured.

occisionn��/X@`VgU2[��Lan act or instance of slaughtering.Ecologists are protesting thewholesale occision of sea turtleswithin national boundaries.


occlusionn��2@XYCgU2[��Lthe front formed by a cold frontovertaking a warm front and liftingthe warm air above Earth’s surface.As the advancing cold air met thewarm front, a cold occlusiondeveloped that caused thetemperature to drop.


occultationn��A/�A�X2Y@a0`U2[��L > Ethe shutting off of the light of acelestial body by the interventionof some other celestial body.A solar eclipse is the occultation ofthe Sun by the Moon.



ocellusn��=@`RY2`��Lone of usually three simple eyes inan insect located in a trianglebetween the compound eyes.A single ocellus can do no morethan detect light, but more than onegrouped together can produce animage of the surrounding area.

ocelotn��@=`2AY/a��Nahuatl > Fa medium-sized American wildcatranging from Texas to Patagoniaand having a tawny yellow orgrayish coat that is dotted andstriped with black.The ocelot appears in Aztec stonecarvings.

ochlocraticadj��A/XY2@X_NGVX��Gkof or relating to mob rule.Pure ochlocratic governmentwould pay no heed to minorityvoices.

ochlophobian��A/XY2@S=O42��Gkmorbid fear of crowds.Alice never attended rock concertsbecause of her ochlophobia.



octaven��@/Xa1c��L > Ea musical interval embracing eightdiatonic degrees.Tricia explained the concept of anoctave to her music class at school.





oculogyricadj��A/Xf2Y=@W6_VX��L + Gk > Lrelating to or involving circularmovements of the eyeballs.The silent movie comedianspecialized in oculogyric close-ups.

oculusn��@/Xf2Y2`��Lan architectural part resembling orsuggestive of an eye.In the west end of Normanchurches there is often an oculus.



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odographn��@=Q2AT_NS��Gkan instrument for automaticallyplotting the course and distancetraveled by a vehicle.Now that Carlos has a carequipped with a Global PositioningSystem receiver, an odograph is thelogical next step.

odontoloxian��=AQ/[a2@Y/X`42��Gkirregularity of the teeth.Odontoloxia can usually becorrected with braces.

odysseyn��@/Q2`4��Gka long wandering or series ofadventurous journeys.When he talks about his odyssey,André means the summer he spentworking his way across Europe.

oeuvren��@5c�_3���L > Fa substantial body of workconstituting the lifework of awriter, an artist, or a composer.The poet won the award not for anyparticular work, but for his oeuvre.


ogiven��@=AW6c��L? > F? > Ea diagonal arch or rib across aGothic vault.The middle of a Gothic vault,where each ogive cuts across theothers, is called the key and is oftenin the form of a rose.


ogren��@=T2�_���L > Fa hideous giant represented in fairytales and folklore as feeding onhuman beings : monster.Jason wrote a tale about an ogrewho lived under a bridge andfeasted on every tenth person whocrossed.

ohmn��@=Z��G name[has homonyms: aum, om] thepractical meter-kilogram-secondunit of electric resistance that isequal to the resistance of a circuitin which a potential difference of 1volt produces a current of 1ampere.Michael was confused by the Greeksymbol for omega in his textbookuntil he realized that it was theabbreviation for an ohm.

oilclothn��@<VYAXY<aU��Gk > L > F > E + Ecotton cloth coated with a dull orglossy finish made of oil, clay, andcolored pigment to make the clothwaterproof.A kitchen stove, a table coveredwith oilcloth and two chairs couldbe seen from the doorway.


okapin��=@X/]4��African namean African animal that is related tothe giraffe but has a relatively shortneck and solid reddish coat withblack and cream rings on its legs.In Zaire the meat of the okapi is afavorite food of the Pygmies.

oleaginousadj��A=Y4@NW2[2`��Gk > L > Fcharacterized by smoothcourteousness or sicklysentimentality.Grandpa was too smart to be takenin by oleaginous salesmen.

oleandern��@=Y4AN[Q2�_���Lan ornamental evergreen shrub thathas narrow leaves and clusters offragrant white to red flowers.The sweet aroma of the oleanderwafted through the window.


olericulturen��@/Y2_2AX2YPU2�_���L + Ecf + La branch of horticulture that dealswith the production, storage,processing, and marketing ofvegetables.As a college subject, olericulture isgenerally divided into marketgardening and truck farming.

olfactoryadj��/Y@SNXa�2�_4��Lof, relating to, or connected withthe sense of smell.Humans have relatively weakolfactory abilities compared tomany other animals.

oligarchicadj��A/Y2@T/_XVX��Gkof, relating to, characteristic of, orsupporting a group or organizationthat is controlled by a privilegedfew.A society dominated by large-scaleoligarchic organizations eventuallydevelops an oligarchic politicalregime.

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oligarchyn��@/Y2AT/_X4��Gk + Gkgovernment by the few.Over the years, the tiny state’sgovernment eroded from ademocracy to an oligarchy.

oligophrenian��A/Y1T=@S_4[42��Gkmental deficiency.Although afflicted witholigophrenia, Cynthia was capableof taking care of herself in herhome.

ombrometern��/Z@O_/Z2G2�_���Gk + Gkan instrument for measuring thequantity of precipitation that falls ata given place and time.Precipitation in the area wasstudied by collecting data fromradar scans and an ombrometer.

ombrophilousadj��/Z@O_/S2Y2`��Gkcapable of withstanding or thrivingin the presence of much rain.After three days of rain, Kathyhoped that her garden plants wereombrophilous.

ombrophobousadj��/Z@O_/S2O2`��Gkincapable of withstanding long-continued rain.Ombrophobous plants would perishin a Seattle garden.

ombudsmann��@/ZAOBQgZ2[��Sw[Note: Plural form is pronouncedidentically.] one that investigatescomplaints (as from students orcustomers), reports findings, andhelps to achieve equitablesettlements.The college hired a specialombudsman to investigatewidespread charges of unfairgrading practices.


ominousadj��@/Z2[2`��Lindicative of future misfortune orcalamity : causing anxiety and fear.For an instant there was anominous stillness, quieter and moresilent than ever before, as if eventhe air was holding its breath.


omissionn��=@ZV`U2[��Lthe act of failing to insert, include,or name.Katie refused to believe that Joe’somission of her name on the guestlist was accidental.

omittedv��=@ZVG1Q��Lleft out.Harry Nebuchadnezzar Schwartzusually omitted his middle namewhen he filled out forms.

omnibusadj��@/Z[1AO2`��Lof, relating to, or providing formany things or classes at once :containing or including manyitems.Ursula purchased an omnibusedition of Shakespeare’s works,which was bound in leather.

omnifariousadj��A/Z[1@SN�N�_42`��Lof all varieties, forms, or kinds.The natural history museum has anomnifarious collection of animalbones.


omnilegentadj��/Z@[VY2W2[a��Lreading or having read everything :characterized by encyclopedicreading.The omnilegent student was avalued member of the academicteam.

omnipotencen��/Z@[V]2G2[�a�`��Lalmighty or unlimited power.With an attitude of omnipotence,the government presumed that itcould take any land it wanted.



omniscientadj��/Z@[V`U2[a��Lhaving infinite awareness,understanding, and insight :knowing all things.In most monotheistic religions, Godis understood to be both omniscientand all-powerful.


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onagern��@/[2W2�_���Gk > L > Ean Asian wild ass that usually has abroad dorsal stripe.Although the onager looks like adonkey, it runs as swiftly as ahorse.

oncogenyn��/;@X/W2[4��Gk > Lthe process of tumor formation.Certain plant extracts have beenshown to inhibit oncogeny.

oncologyn��A/;@X/Y2W4��Gkthe study of tumors.Ed is focusing on oncology in hismedical studies and is particularlyinterested in pancreatic cancer.


onerousadj��@/[2_2`��L > F > Ethat involves, imposes, orconstitutes much oppressive orirksome work, effort, difficulty, orresponsibility.Ron grudgingly completed theonerous task of cutting andstacking the firewood.





onomasticsn pl��A/[2@ZN`aVX`��Gkthe science or study of the originsand forms of proper names ofpersons or places.A book on onomastics explainedthat the name Donald is a ScottishGaelic word meaning “worldruler.”onomatopen��@/[2Z2Aa=]��Gka word formed in imitation ofnatural sounds.Tim found the onomatope kaboomin today’s comic strip.


onslaughtn��@<[A`Y<a��D > Ean especially fierce attack.The Britons were unable towithstand the onslaught of theSaxons.

ontogenyn��/[@a/W2[4��Gk + Gkthe biological development orcourse of development of anindividual organism.The role of brain ontogeny inAlzheimer’s disease requires thatan autopsy be performed to obtaina definitive diagnosis.

onusn��@=[2`��Lburden.Caring for her six children was anonus for the young widow.

onychosisn��A/[2@X=`1`��Gk[has near homonym: onchoses] adisease of the nails.Even though he had only a mildonychosis, Eric was not allowed towork in the lab.

onyxadj��@/[VX`��Gkof the color jet black.The teacher told the schoolchildrenthat space looks onyx from theshuttle.

oometern��=@/Z2G2�_���Gk + Gkan instrument for measuring eggs.Mr. Horton uses an oometer todetermine which eggs go in whichcartons.

oophagousadj��A=@/S2T2`��Gkliving or feeding on eggs—used ofinsects or reptiles.Oophagous insects help control thebug population.

opacityn��=@]N`2G4��L > Fthe quality or state of a body thatrenders it impervious to the rays oflight : lack of transparency ortranslucency.The envelope’s opacity made itimpossible for Garnet to see ifthere was a check inside.


opalescencen��A=]2@YR`3[�a�`��Skt > L + Lcfthe quality or state of reflecting aniridescent light.The moonstone’s opalescence gaveit a pearly luster.

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opaqueadj��=@]0X��Limpervious to the rays of visiblelight : not transparent ortranslucent.The Dornans hung an opaquewindow shade in their son’snursery.

opeidoscopen��=@]6Q2A`X=]��Gkan instrument using light rays, aflexible membrane, and a mirror toexhibit the vibratory motionscaused by sounds.Mr. Peterson used a simpleopeidoscope to compare the soundsof musical instruments.

operatableadj��@/]2A_0G2O2Y��L + Ecffit, possible, or desirable to use.Renata hoped that her car would beoperatable after the collision.




ophiolatryn��A/S4@/Y2a_4��Gkthe worship of or the attribution ofdivine or sacred nature to snakes.Before the rise of monotheism,ophiolatry in one form or anotherwas nearly universal amongancient peoples.


ophthalmologistn��A/SAaUNY@Z/Y2W1`a��Gka physician that specializes in thestudy and treatment of defects anddiseases of the eye.Monica goes to the ophthalmologistonce a year because she has afamily history of glaucoma.



opinev��=@]6[��L > Fstate as an opinion.There are some things humansthink they know, and some that theymerely opine.


opossumn��2@]/`2Z��Algonquian[Note: Could be confused withpossum.] an omnivorous largelynocturnal and arboreal mammalthat has a prehensile tail and anabdominal pouch to which theyoung are transferred at birth.Arnold caught the opossum eatingthe cat’s food.

oppidanadj��@/]2Q2[��Lof or relating to a town or to townas opposed to country.The painter sold his oppidan scenesof market day on the sidewalk,earning just enough to live on.

opportuneadj��A/]2�_�@aC[��L > F > Efit, suitable, or convenient for agiven purpose.We could not have chosen a moreopportune spot for a picnic than theshore of Lake Walcott.


oppositen��@/]2g1a��Lthe person occupying the positionacross from one’s own in squaredancing.Daniel’s opposite in the squaredance is a better dancer than he.

oppositionn��A/]2@gV`U2[��La configuration in which onecelestial body is opposite another inthe sky.The Moon, when full, is said to bein opposition to the Sun.

opprobriousadj��2@]_=O_42`��L > F > Econveying or intending to conveydisgrace.The principal denounced thevandals in opprobrious terms.


oppugnv��2@]fC[��Lchallenge the accuracy, propriety,probity, or other quality of.The newspaper had a tendency tooppugn the actions of Congress inits editorials.

optimisticadj��A/]a2@ZV`aVX��L > F + Ecffanticipating the best.Jackie remained optimistic aboutwinning the national spelling bee.


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opulentadj��@/]f2Y2[a��Lexhibiting or characterized bywealth or affluence.Leather wall covering is onefeature of the room’s opulentdécor.

opusculumn��=@]2`Xf2Y2Z��La minor work (as of literature).Although critics regarded Jerome’sfirst novel as an opusculum, it hassteadily risen on the best-sellerlists.



oratorn��@<_2G2�_���Lone distinguished for skill andpower in public speaking.Daniel Webster was an eminent19th-century orator.

orbitaln��@<�_�O2G3Y��La solution of the Schröedingerwave equation describing apossible mode of motion of a singleelectron in an atom or molecule.There is theoretically no outer limitto the orbital of an electron.

orchardn��@<_PU2_Q��L + Ea plantation or enclosure containingfruit trees, nut-bearing trees, orsugar maples.In the orchard were bare fruit treesgrowing in the winter-brownedgrass.

orchestran��@<�_�X1`a_2��Gka large group of players of musicalinstruments including typicallystrings, woodwinds, brasses, andpercussion organized especially forperforming one of the larger formsof concert music or foraccompanying an oratorio or otherdramatic work.The orchestra dazzled the audiencewith its performance ofTchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.

orchidn��@<_X1Q��Gk > La distinctive and often brightlycolored tropical flower with threepetals.Many varieties of the orchid can befound in Hawaii.

orchidaceousadj��A<_X1@Q0`U2`��Gk > L + Ecfexpressing or characterized by ashowy or ostentatious quality.Today’s journalists generallyeschew orchidaceous writing.


ordinationn��A<�_�Q3[@0`U2[��Lthe act or state of being admittedinto the Christian ministry.At her ordination Heatherdelivered a sermon on the 23rdPsalm.

ordnancen��@<_Q[2[�a�`��F[has homonym and near homonym:ordinance and ordonnance] militarysupplies including weapons,ammunition, and combat vehicles.As quartermaster, Sergeant Russowas responsible for all of theordnance on the base.

orfevrerien��<_SRc_2@_4��Fgoldsmith's or jeweler’s work :jewelry.Dave carefully looked over theorfevrerie, trying to decide what hiswife would like for her birthday.


orieln��@=_42Y��L? > F > E[has homonym and near homonym:oriole and aureole] a large baywindow of semihexagonal orsemisquare plan projecting fromthe face of a wall and supported bya corbel or bracket.Megan set her chair in thepleasantly sunny oriel and satdown to read.

orificen��@<_2S1`��L > Fthe mouth or opening of something.Each sprinkler head had an orificeof one-half inch.


origamin��A<_2@T/Z4��Jpnthe art or process of Japanese paperfolding.After only a few hours of studyingorigami, Veronica was creatingpaper cranes by the dozen.



orisonn��@<_2`2[��L > F > Eprayer.The pastor designated time in theservice for a silent orison for thehostages.

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ormolun��@<�_�Z2AYC��Fbrass made to imitate gold and usedin mounts for furniture and forother decorative purposes.The large mirror’s frame wasdecorated with ormolu.


ornithotomyn��A<�_�[2@aU/G2Z4��Gkthe anatomy or dissection of birds.Through ornithotomy Derricklearned how a bird's bones areinterconnected.

orofacialadj��A=_2@S0`U2Y��Lof or relating to the mouth and face.Roseanne underwent plasticsurgery to correct orofacialabnormalities.

orogenyn��<@_/W2[4��Gkthe process of mountain makingespecially by folding of Earth’scrust.Mrs. Scott was demonstratingorogeny when she used a piece ofcarpet to show how mountainsform.

orotundadj��@<_2Aa2[Q��Lunduly full and strong in deliveryor style : pompous, bombastic.The more nervous Jeff gets whilegiving a speech, the more orotundhis delivery becomes.

orphann��@<_S2[��Gk > La child without parents.Oliver Twist is a famous fictionalorphan.


orpimentn��@<�_�]2Z2[a��L > F > Ean orange to yellow mineralconsisting of arsenic trisulfide andused in fireworks and as a pigment.Orpiment is used to produce yellowpigment for painting.

orreryn��@<_2_4��E namean apparatus that illustrates therelative positions and motions ofbodies in the solar system.Sheila fashioned a crude orrery outof coat hangers and Styrofoam.

orthodoxadj��@<�_�aU2AQ/X`��Gk + Gkmarked by conformity to doctrinesor practices especially in religionthat are held as right or true bysome authority, standard, ortradition.In orthodox Jewish synagogues,men and women are seatedseparately.

orthoepyn��@<�_�aU2AdR]4��Gk > Lthe study of the pronunciation of alanguage.Differences between the Englishspoken in the United States andthat spoken in England is a topic oforthoepy familiar to many linguists.



oryxn��@=_VX`��Gk > Lany of a genus of large heavilybuilt African and Arabian antelopesthat have a light-colored coat withdark conspicuous markingsespecially on the face.The adaptations of the Arabianoryx to the desert include itspredominantly white coat to reflectheat and its splayed hooves forwalking on sand.


oscillationn��A/`2@Y0`U2[��La swinging or moving backwardand forward like a pendulum.Engineers specified that slots beconstructed in the deck of thebridge to reduce oscillation.

oscillatoryadj��@/`2Y2Aa=_4��Lcharacterized by the action ofswinging or moving backward andforward like a pendulum.The oscillatory motion of theairplane caused Deborah tobecome airsick.

oscilloscopen��2@`VY2A`X=]��L + Gk > Lan instrument in which thevariations in a fluctuating electricalquantity appear as a visible waveform on the fluorescent screen of acathode-ray tube.The technician used anoscilloscope to help him pinpointthe problem.


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osculatoryadj��@/`Xf2Y2Aa=_4��Lof, relating to, or characterized bykissing.Julie had no idea Shaun wastalking about kissing when heasked if she would help him refinehis osculatory skill.

osmosisn��/g@Z=`1`��Gkthe flow or diffusion that takesplace through a semipermeablemembrane typically separatingeither a solvent and a solution or adilute solution and a concentratedsolution.An experiment using red dye gave adramatic demonstration of osmosis.

ospreyn��@/`]_4��L > F > Ea large hawk that is a dark browncolor above and mostly pure whitebelow and feeds on fish that itcaptures by hovering and diving.Because of its preferred diet, theosprey is also called a “fish hawk.”ossiclen��@/`1X2Y��Lany of certain small bones.The sports doctor told Nate that anossicle in his left ear had beendamaged by the blow from hisopponent.


ostensibleadj��/@`aR[�a�`2O2Y��Lprofessing genuineness andsincerity but often concealing thereal aspects behind a plausiblefacade.Mr. Elton’s ostensible reason forstopping by was to ask whether Mr.Woodhouse’s party could be madeup in the evening without him.

ostentatiousadj��A/`a2[@a0`U2`��Lfor the purpose of attractingattention : pretentious.Mrs. Howell’s purchase of adiamond-studded collar for herpoodle was one of her manyostentatious extravagances.



osteoporosisn��A/`a4=]2@_=`1`��Gk + La condition characterized bydecrease in bone mass withdecreased density and enlargementof bone spaces producing porosityand fragility.Diane’s doctor recommendedincreasing her calcium intake toprevent osteoporosis.




otacousticadj��A=G2@XC`aVX��Gkassisting the sense of hearing.Mrs. Jordan fashioned a piece ofcardboard into an otacoustic horn.

otalgian��=@aNYW�4�2��Gkpain in the ear : earache.Otalgia is more common inchildren than in adults.

otherwiseadv��@292�_�Ad6g��Ein a different way or manner :differently.Bret told us to always back up ourwork; otherwise, we would besorry.

otitisn��=@a6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the ear.Jeff’s earache was diagnosed as asymptom of otitis of the middle ear.

otolaryngologyn��A=G2AYN_1[@T/Y2W4��Ga branch of medicine that dealswith the ear, nose, and throat andtheir disorders and diseases.When Hazel’s sore throat persisted,her family physician recommendedan appointment with a specialist inotolaryngology.

otomycosisn��A=G2AZ6@X=`1`��Gkdisease of the ear produced by thegrowth of fungi in the externalauditory canal.Jane’s otomycosis proved resistantto treatment.

ottern��@/G2�_���E[has homonym: odder] any ofvarious largely aquatic carnivorousmammals that are related to theweasels and minks and usuallyhave webbed and clawed feet anddark brown fur.The sea otter places a stone on itschest and uses it as an anvil onwhich to open mussels and clams.

ottomann��@/G2Z2[��Turk name > It > Fan overstuffed footstool.Andrew spilled orange juice allover the ottoman.

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oublietten��ACOY4@Ra��L > Fa dungeon with an opening only atthe top and often a concealed pitbelow the floor.Every medieval French castleKaren visited on the tour had anoubliette.



outrageousadj��ANBa@_0W2`��Fextravagant, fantastic.The sophomores created anoutrageous float for thehomecoming parade.




overcastadj��@=c2�_�AXN`a��Eclouded over.On a gloomy overcast muggyMinnesota summer day, the circuscame to town.





overweeningadj��A=c2�_�@d4[V;��Eunduly confident.Elaine's overweening pretensionsfell flat when it was revealed thatshe could not even speak French.

oviparousadj��=@cV]2_2`��Lproducing eggs that develop andhatch outside the maternal body.The platypus is an oviparousmammal.







oxydactyladj��A/X`1@QNXa3Y��Gk + Gkhaving slender tapered digits.The glove was made for a delicate,oxydactyl hand.

oxygenn��@/X`1W1[��Gk > Fa nonmetallic element that isnormally a colorless odorlesstasteless nonflammable gas, is themost abundant of the elements onEarth, and occurs in air and water,in most common rocks andminerals, and in a great variety oforganic compounds.Oxygen is the second mostabundant element in Earth’satmosphere.

oxylophyten��/X@`VY2AS6a��Gka plant that prefers or is restrictedto an acid soil.Sphagnum moss, which grows inbogs, is a common oxylophyte.

oxymoronn��A/X`1@Z=_A/[��Gka combination for epigrammaticeffect of contradictory orincongruous words.Dexter feels that the phrase jumboshrimp is an oxymoron.

oyezv��=@f0��F—used by criers of courts as acommand to secure silence andattention before a proclamation.“Oyez, oyez, oyez!” yelled the crieras the judge entered the courtroom.

oystern��@<V`a2�_���Gk > L > F > Ea marine bivalve mollusk foundalong seacoasts or in the mouths ofrivers.Dad would not eat an oyster.



pabulumn��@]NOf2Y2Z��Lrudimentary or sentimental writing.The famous poet’s early workswere pure pabulum.

pachinkon��]2@PUV;�A�X=��Jpna Japanese gambling deviceresembling a pinball machine butwith automatic payoff as in a slotmachine.Since the 1950s, playing pachinkohas been a favorite pastime amongthe youth of Japan.

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pachydermn��@]NX1AQ2_Z��Gk > Fone of a group of thick-skinnedmammals (as an elephant orrhinoceros).When the circus came to town, itusually featured at least onepachyderm.



pacifisticallyadv��A]N`2@SV`a1X�2�Y4��L > F > Ein a manner characterized byopposition to violence as a meansof settling disputes.Randall approached his angryneighbor pacifistically.


padishahn��@]/Q2A`U/��Pera powerful important personage :mogul.George Lucas is a padishah ofmotion picture epics.

paellan��]2@RY2��L > F > Catala saffron-flavored stew containingrice, chicken, seafood, and variousvegetables.Paella can be an expensive dish toprepare because saffron threadsare so costly.

paganadj��@]0T2[��Lof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of followers of apolytheistic religion (as in ancientRome).New Age spirituality has given riseto a number of organized pagangroups.


pageanteern��A]NW2[@aV�2�_��L + Ecfan actor or other performer in aspectacle.The pageanteer startled Benji byleaping onto the table.

pageantryn��@]NW2[a_4��L > Ecolorful, rich, or splendid display.Rachel could not wait to see thepageantry of the medieval festival.


pagodan��]2@T=Q2��Skt > Pga Far Eastern structure resemblinga tower that is often richlydecorated and typically hasprojecting roofs that curve upwardbetween each story and that iserected usually as a temple ormemorial.The tour guide claimed that 1000pounds of gold went into thedecoration of the ornate pagoda.

paisleyadj��@]0gY4��Scottish geog nameprinted with an elaborate designconsisting typically of curvedabstract figures.Mrs. Whatsit untied a blue andgreen paisley scarf.

pajamasn��]2@W/Z2g��Hindiloose clothing designed forsleeping and relaxation.Danielle received some flannelpajamas for Christmas.


paladinn��@]NY2Q3[��L > It > Fa champion of a medieval prince : alegendary hero.A medieval prince could bechallenged to a duel, but hispaladin would do the actualfighting.

palatableadj��@]NY1G2O2Y��Etruscan? > L > E + Ecfagreeable to the palate or taste :savory.Mom poured cheese over thespinach to make it more palatable.


palatiallyadv��]2@Y0`U2Y4��L + Ecffin a manner suitable for a palace.The new hotel was palatiallysurrounded by high stone wallswith elaborate bronze gates.

palatinaten��]2@YNa3[1a��Lthe province or territory of aEuropean nobleman.Prince Vlad bowed, saying “I offeryou the hospitality of mypalatinate.”palavern��]2@YNc2�_���Gk > L > Pgprofuse, idle, or worthless talk :chatter.Dean left when the seminardiscussion degenerated intopalaver.


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paleontologyn��A]0Y4A/[@a/Y2W4��Gk > Fa science that deals with the life ofpast geological periods, is based onthe study of fossil remains of plantsand animals, and gives informationespecially about the chronology ofthe history of Earth.Theo traces his interest inpaleontology back to his discoveryof fossils in his yard when he was ayoung boy.

palilalian��A]NY2@Y0Y42��Gk > La speech defect marked byabnormal repetition of syllables,words, or phrases.Palilalia is a symptom of somemental disorders.

palimpsestn��@]NY1Z�]�A`R`a��Gka parchment, tablet, or otherportion of writing material that hasbeen used twice or three times afterthe earlier writing has been erased.Special equipment will helpdetermine whether the oldparchment Colin found is apalimpsest.

palindromen��@]NY1[AQ_=Z��Gka word, verse, or sentence thatreads the same backward orforward.Ada struggled to contrive apalindrome centered around herown name.

palladiumn��]2@Y0Q42Z��Gk > Lsomething that affords effectualprotection or security.Many consider the SecondAmendment to be the palladium ofdemocracy.

pallbearern��@]<YAOR_2�_���L > E+Ean attendant at a funeral who helpscarry the coffin.Each pallbearer wore a carnationin his lapel.



palliatev��@]NY4A0a��Lmoderate the intensity of : lessen.For many prisoners, books palliatethe boredom of isolation fromsociety.


pallorn��@]NY2�_���Labnormal paleness.The pallor of Julian’s stagemakeup gave his girlfriend a fright.

palmyran��]NY@Z6_2��L > Pga tall fan palm that is native toAfrica but widely cultivated inIndia.The palmyra made a statelyaddition to Ramu’s garden.

palometan��A]NY2@ZRG2��Lany of various butterfishes (as theCalifornia pompano).The fish dealer readily identifiedChet’s greenish, slippery-coatedcatch as a palometa.

palookan��]2@YCX2��unknownan inexperienced or incompetentboxer.The boxing manager told hisfighter to box like a palooka forone round, then come out swinginghard.



palpableadj��@]NY]2O2Y��Leasily perceptible by the mind :obvious, manifest.The injustice of the situation waspalpable to even the least fair-minded individual present.

palpebraladj��@]NY]2O_2Y��L[has near homonym: palpable] of,relating to, or located on or near theeyelids.Mike’s palpebral spasms werealleviated when he was treated witha muscle relaxant.

palpitantadj��@]NY]2G2[a��Ltrembling, quivering, throbbing.Darryl jabbed his fork into thepalpitant pudding.

palpitationn��A]NY]2@a0`U2[��Lan abnormally rapid beating of theheart when excited by violentexertion, strong emotion, ordisease.Ron could feel the palpitation in hischest as he approached Marie toask her out on a date.

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paludaladj��]2@YCQ3Y��Lof, relating to, or made up ofmarshes.The map shows a boardwalk trailthrough the paludal areas.

palustrineadj��]2@Y2`a_1[��Lliving or thriving in a marshyenvironment.The alligator is an excellentpalustrine hunter.



pamphleteern��A]NZ�]�SY1@aV�2�_��Gk > L name + Ecfa writer of pamphlets attackingsomething or urging a cause.Thomas Paine made a name forhimself in colonial America as apamphleteer.


panaceanadj��A]N[2@`42[��Gk > L + Ecfhaving the properties of a remedyfor all ills and difficulties.Advertisements for the new painmedicine suggest that it haspanacean qualities.

panachen��]2@[N`U��L > It > Fdash or flamboyance in style oraction.The novel’s great strength is thesplendidly depicted panache of theprotagonist.


panbroilv��@]N[AO_<VY��L > F > Ecook food in a skillet with little orno fat.The recipe called for one topanbroil the chicken along with thevegetables.

pancreatitisn��A]N;X_42@a6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the gland thatproduces insulin.The physician recommendedimmediate surgery for Gordon’sacute pancreatitis.

pandiculationn��]N[AQVXf2@Y0`U2[��La stretching and stiffeningespecially of the trunk andextremities (as when fatigued anddrowsy or after waking from sleep).A cat usually extends its clawsduring pandiculation.

panegyricn��A]N[2@WV_VX��Gk > Lan oration or writing expressingpraise.Walt Whitman composed a famouspanegyric on the occasion ofAbraham Lincoln’s death.


panettonen��A]/[2@a=[4��L > Ita usually yeast-leavened holidaybread containing raisins andcandied fruit peels.Tad received a panettone in themail from his Italian grandmother.

panickinessn��@]N[1X4[1`��Gk > Ethe quality or state characterized byor resulting from suddenoverpowering fright.In her panickiness in calling for anambulance, Gretchen forgot to givethe street address.


pantisocracyn��A]N[a2@`/X_2`4��Gka utopian community in which allrule equally.The romantic poets dreamed ofestablishing a pantisocracywherein everyone would share inthe governing of the community.

pantomimen��@]N[a2AZ6Z��Gk > La dramatic performance using nodialogue.The sixth-grade class put on apantomime of the story “Androclesand the Lion.”papacy

paparazzin pl��A]/]2@_/a`4��It namefree-lance photographers whoaggressively pursue celebrities inorder to take candid photographs.Many people still blame thepaparazzi for their apparent role inthe death of Princess Diana.


paprikan��]2@]_4X2��Gk > Serb > Hunga condiment consisting of the driedfinely ground pods of variouscultivated sweet peppers.Paprika has been a prized export ofHungary for centuries.


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parablen��@]N_2O2Y��La usually short fictitious story thatillustrates a moral attitude or areligious principle.Ella’s Sunday school teacher beganevery class with a parable.


parabulian��A]N_2@OfCY42��Gk > Labnormality or perversion ofwillpower.One critic called Nietzscheanphilosophy “a celebration ofparabulia.”parachute

paracleten��@]N_2AXY4a��Gk[Note: Could be confused withparrakeet.] one called to aid orsupport : an advocate.The popular senator was hailed asa paraclete of civil rights.

paradigmn��@]N_2AQ6Z��Gkan outstandingly clear or typicalexample or pattern.The paradigm of sin and salvationunderlies much of 17th-centuryEnglish poetry.



paradoxn��@]N_2AQ/X`��Gka statement or sentiment that isseemingly contradictory or opposedto common sense and yet perhapstrue in fact.The homework assignment was towrite an essay on the followingparadox: “To guarantee freedomof religion, the government must befree from religion.”

paraffinicadj��A]N_2@SV[VX��L > Gof, relating to, or characterized byparaffin hydrocarbons or paraffinwax.The new pesticide contains a highlyrefined paraffinic oil.


parallaxn��@]N_2AYNX`��Gk > Fthe apparent displacement or thedifference in apparent direction ofan object as seen from two differentpoints not on a straight line withthe object.Sujata carefully allowed for theparallax when framing the picturein her viewfinder.

paralleladj��@]N_2AYRY��Gkextending in the same direction andeverywhere equidistant.The parallel lines of the railroadtracks tipped off analysts to thelocation of the munitions plant.

paralogizev��]2@_NY1AW6g��Gkreason falsely : draw conclusionsnot warranted by the premises.Although James tends toparalogize, he is so eloquent thathis listeners often overlook hisfaulty reasoning.

paralysisn��]2@_NY2`1`��Gka state of powerlessness orinactivity.A sort of paralysis overcame thefrightened child.


paramountadj��@]N_2AZNB[a��L > F > AFsuperior to all others (as in power,position, or importance).Victor holds the paramount seat onthe library’s board of directors.

paranoian��A]N_2@[<V�f�2��Gka tendency on the part ofindividuals or of groups towardsuspiciousness and distrustfulnessof others that is based not onobjective reality.Paranoia of governmenteavesdropping caused members ofthe militia to encrypt theircommunications.

paraparesisn��A]N_2]2@_4`1`��Gkpartial paralysis affecting the lowerlimbs.Kent’s paraparesis was caused bya skateboarding accident.

parapetn��@]N_2]1a��L > Ita rampart raised upon or above themain wall in a permanentfortification.The princess walked along theparapet every evening at dusk,watching for the return of herbeloved.

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paraphn��@]N_2S��Gk > La flourish at the end of a signaturesometimes used as a sort of rudesafeguard against forgery.Delia always signs her name withan elaborate paraph ending in asmiley face.

paraphernalian pl��A]N_2S2�_�@[0Yf2��Gk > Larticles of equipment.Mark lugged all his photographicparaphernalia to every spellingbee.

paraphrasableadj��@]N_2AS_0g2O2Y��Gk + Ecfcapable of being restated in anotherform usually for clearer and fullerexposition.The teacher asked the students ifthe meaning of the poem wasparaphrasable.

paraplegicadj��A]N_2@]Y4WVX��Gkaffected with paralysis of the lowerhalf of the body including both legsdue to disease or injury to thespinal cord.With much determination, effort,and training, the paraplegic patientlearned how to take care of himselfat home.


parasiticadj��A]N_2@`VGVX��Gk > Lliving in or on another organism.Dogs are susceptible to parasiticorganisms such as fleas andheartworms.

parasoln��@]N_2A`<Y��L > It > Fa lightweight umbrella used as asunshade.Georgina decided to splurge on anantique parasol even though sheknew she’d never actually use it.

parboilv��@]/_AO<VY��L > F > Ecook briefly in simmering liquid asa preliminary or incompletecooking procedure.It is advisable to parboil densevegetables like carrots before stir-frying them with other vegetables.




parfaitn��]/_@S0��L > Fa cold dessert consisting ofalternating layers of fruit, syrup, icecream, and whipped cream.Following a light lunch, Carmenordered a parfait of tropical fruits.

pariahn��]2@_62��Tamila person despised or rejected bysociety : outcast.The candidate became a pariah tohis party, and many membersrefused to be seen with him.

parietaladj��]2@_62G3Y��L > Fof, relating to, or located in theupper posterior part of the head.The X ray revealed no damage toHernando’s parietal bone.

parishionersn pl��]2@_V`U�2�[2�_�g��Gk > L > F > E + Ecfthe members of a local churchcommunity.The parishioners held a meetingand decided to build a newgymnasium for the school.

parityn��@]N_2G4��L[has homonym: parody] the qualityor state of being equal : closeequivalence or resemblance.American automobilemanufacturers believe they haveachieved parity with their foreigncompetitors.


parlancen��@]/_Y2[�a�`��Fidiom, phraseology.In educational parlance the newhigh school is a “magnet school.”parleyn��@]/_Y4��L > F[has homonym: parlay]conversation, discussion.Mr. Elton and Harriet had a veryinteresting parley about what couldbe done and should be done.


parochialadj��]2@_=X42Y��L > F > AF > Eof or relating to a church parish.Five of Susan’s friends attendedparochial schools.


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parodyn��@]N_2Q4��Gk[has homonym: parity] a writing inwhich the language and style of anauthor or work is closely imitatedfor comic effect or in ridicule.The Battle of the Frogs and theMice is a Hellenistic parody of theIliad.

paroemian��]2@_4Z42��Gk > La rhetorical proverb.Coach Morgan’s favorite paroemiais “A rolling stone gathers nomoss.”paroxysmn��@]N_2XA`Vg2Z��Gka sudden, violent, anduncontrollable action or occurrenceof emotion.When Jeff unknowingly sat on thewhoopie cushion, Al burst into aparoxysm of laughter.

paroxysmaladj��A]N_2X@`VgZ2Y��Gk > L > Fmarked or accompanied by suddenattacks or spasms (as of a disease).Mike’s whooping cough wastreated with antibiotics in its earlyparoxysmal stage.

parquetn��]/_@X0��Fa patterned flooring.Terry had expensive parquetinstalled in the foyer.

parrhesian��]N@_4gU�4�2��Gk[Note: Could be confused withParisian.] boldness or freedom ofspeech.When Bill was in elementaryschool, his parrhesia earned himmany stints of standing in thecorner.

parsecn��@]/_A`RX��Gk + La unit of measure for interstellarspace equal to a distance of 3.26light-years or to 19.2 trillion miles.Porgy estimated the distancebetween the stars to be one parsec.


parsnipn��@]/_`[V]��L > F > Ea biennial plant with yellowflowers and a long, thick, sweet,white root used as a vegetable.Jake yanked a parsnip from hisgarden.

parterren��]/_@aR�2�_��L > Fthe part of the floor of a theaterbehind the orchestra.For the season premiere, the seatsin the parterre were reserved forthe stockholder of the operacompany.

parthenogenesisn��A]/_aU2[=@WR[2`1`��Gkreproduction that involvesdevelopment of a gamete withoutfertilization.Parthenogenesis occurs commonlyamong some stick insect species.

partridgen��@]/_a_VW��L > F > Eany of several game birdsbelonging to the same subfamily asthe bobwhite.A partridge fluttered out of the tallgrass and startled Katrina.

parturitionn��A]/_G2@_V`U2[��Lthe action or process of giving birthto offspring.In some cultures, women return tomanual labor within hours ofparturition.

parvenuismn��@]/_c2A[�f�CAVg2Z��L > F + Ecfthe behavior of one who makesgreat pretensions because ofacquired wealth.The parvenuism of the steel andrailroad barons caused them tobuild some of the most amazingprivate homes in the United States.


pasimologyn��A]N`2@Z/Y2W4��Gk? + Gk + Gkthe study of gestures as a means ofcommunication.Native American sign language isone means of communicationstudied in pasimology.


pasquinaden��A]N`Xd2@[0Q��It > Fa lampoon or satire usually havinga political significance.The president’s misadventurequickly became the subject of aneditorial pasquinade.



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passerineadj��@]N`2_1[��Lof or relating to the largest order ofbirds including more than half ofall living birds and consistingchiefly of songbirds of perchinghabits.Mr. Perrault, an avid birder, toldus that passerine birds have amaximum life-span of about tenyears in the wild.


pasteurizev��@]N`�U�PU2A_6g��F name + Ecfsubject to heating long enough tokill disease-causingmicroorganisms.Dairies pasteurize milk beforedelivering it to stores.

pastichen��]N@`a4`U��It > Fa usually incongruous medley ofdifferent styles and materials :hodgepodge.Jordan considers the design for thenew library a pretentious pastiche.

pasturen��@]N`�U�PU2�_���L > F > Eland that is used for the grazing ofanimals.Every morning the cows returnedto the grassy pasture.


patellan��]2@aRY2��Lkneecap.Shelby bumped her patella againstthe bottom of the desk when shestood up too quickly.

pathogenyn��]2@aU/W2[4��Gkthe origination and development ofa disease.Much research has been done onthe factors involved in thepathogeny of muscular dystrophy.

pathosn��@]0AaU/`��Gkan element in experience or inartistic representation evoking pityor compassion.The actress was highly praised forthe pathos she evoked in her deathscene.

patoisn��@]NAad/��Fa dialect other than the standard orliterary dialect.Parisians considered the Frenchspoken in the English court to be apatois.

patriarchn��@]0a_4A/_X��Gka man regarded as father or founder(as of a race, science, religion, orclass of people).In many religious circles Adam isconsidered to be the patriarch ofthe human race.

patricianadj��]2@a_V`U2[��Lof, relating to, or characteristic ofgentle or noble birth or of breedingand cultivation.Escorting Cassie to her debutanteball is a patrician experience Robwill never forget.

patriciaten��]2@a_V`U41a��La class of high-ranking nobles oraristocrats.As members of the New Yorkpatriciate, Donald and his wife kepta high social profile and livedextravagantly.


patriotn��@]0a_42a��Gk > L > Fa person who loves his country anddefends and promotes its interests.The foreign spy convinced othersthat he was a flag-waving patriot.

patronessn��@]0a_2[1`��La woman who provides for orpromotes the interests of a protégé.Emma was soon left in peace, notforced to be the very activepatroness of Jane Fairfax.


patulousadj��@]NPU2Y2`��Lspreading widely from a center.The old apple tree had manypatulous branches.

patzern��@]/a`2�_���Gan inept chess player.When Drew won the chess game soeasily, he jokingly called hisopponent a “patzer.”paucispiral

paucityn��@]<`2G4��La small number : fewness.The choir suffered from a paucityof male voices.

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paupietten��]=@]fRa��Fa thin slice of meat or fish wrappedaround a filling (as of forcemeat).At the new restaurant Carolenjoyed a veal paupiette stuffedwith ham and cheese.


pavilionn��]2@cVYf2[��L > F > Ea large often sumptuous tent.The servants scurried to set up thequeen’s pavilion before the Sunwent down.

pavonineadj��@]Nc2A[6[��Lof, relating to, or resembling thepeacock.Audrey cooled herself by waving apavonine fan.

paysanneadj��]0@gN[��Fprepared (as with diced rootvegetables) in country or simplestyle.Errol served a paysanne sauce withthe tenderloins.

peaceableadj��@]4`2O2Y��L > F > E + Ecfmarked by freedom from war,strife, hostilities, or disorder.Aggressive doctrines areincompatible with any peaceableadministration of the government.


pearlyadj��@]2_Y4��L > F > Ehaving the color of a pearl, which isusually white or light-colored.“Show me your pearly whites,”encouraged the photographer.

peccadillon��A]RX2@QV�A�Y=��L > Spa slight offense or petty fault.The defense lawyers lost the casewhen they tried to classify hightreason as a “minor peccadillo.”peccantadj��@]RX2[a��Lguilty of a moral offense : sinning,corrupt.The council members railed againstthe peccant mayor.


pecuniaryadj��]1@XfC[4AR_4��Ltaking the form of or consisting ofmoney.Margaret values hergrandmother’s engagement ring forits sentimental rather than itspecuniary worth.

pedagogistn��@]RQ2AT/W1`a��Gka specialist in education.It didn’t take a pedagogist to knowthe school was overcrowded.

pedanticadj��]1@QN[aVX��L? > It > F + Ecfexcessively meticulous.Frazier’s pedantic approach boredthe few remaining audiencemembers.

pedestrianadj��]1@QR`a_42[��Lmarked by drabness or dullness :commonplace.The critic wrote the play off as apedestrian imitation ofShakespeare.


pedodontistn��A]4Q=@Q/[a1`a��Gka specialist in the branch ofdentistry that is concerned with thedental care of children.The pedodontist recommends thatinfants and toddlers not be allowedto fall asleep with a bottle of milkor juice in their mouths.

peekaboon��@]4X2AOC��E + cf + Ea game to entertain an infant oryoung child in which one hides hisor her face and then reappears andmakes an exclamation.The photographer finally managedto elicit a smile from the baby whenshe started playing peekaboo.

peerlessadj��@]V�2�_Y1`��Ematchless, incomparable.Randy wondered how he couldcompete against the peerlessdefending champion.

peevishlyadv��@]4c1`UY4��Ein a manner marked by ill temper.“There, you see,” he saidpeevishly; “I’m even afraid tomake a positive statement.”

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peirasticadj��]6@_N`aVX��Gkfitted for trial : experimental.The new drug has been approvedonly for peirastic use with patientswho volunteer to take it.

pejorativeadj��]1@W<_2GVc��Lhaving a tendency to make orbecome worse : depreciatory,disparaging.The critic’s pejorative commentsangered the entire cast.



pelissen��]1@Y4`��L > F[has homonym: police] a woman’sloose lightweight cloak with widecollar and fur trimming.Grandmother’s old pelisse was aperfect costume for our productionof A Christmas Carol.



Peloponnesianadj��A]RY2]2@[4gU2[��Gk name + Gkof or relating to the southernpeninsula of Greece.The Peloponnesian War wasbetween Athens and Sparta.


penaltyn��@]R[3Ya4��La disadvantage (as loss of yardage,time, or possession of the ball)imposed for violation of the rulesof a contest.In ice hockey a penalty of twominutes off the ice is frequentlygiven to players who commit minorinfractions of the rules.

penancen��@]R[2[�a�`��L > F > E[has homonym: pennants] act ofself-abasement either voluntarilyperformed to show sorrow for sinor imposed as a punishment for sinby a church official.Emma resolved to keep Harriet nolonger in the dark and went, thevery next day, to undergo thenecessary penance ofcommunication.

penchantn��@]R[PU2[a��L > Fa strong leaning or attraction;broadly : liking.While traveling overseas, Braddeveloped a penchant for Turkishcoffee.



pendulumn��@]R[W2Y2Z��La body suspended from a fixedpoint so as to swing freely to andfro under the action of gravity andcommonly used to regulate themovements of clockwork and othermachinery.Trina stops the grandfather clock’spendulum each evening so that thechimes will not ring during thenight.


penicillinn��A]R[2@`VY1[��La mixture of antibiotic relativelynontoxic acids produced especiallyby molds of the genus Penicillium.When penicillin did not cureFrankie’s ear infection, the doctorprescribed a different antibiotic.

peninsulan��]1@[V[�a�`�2�Y2��La portion of land nearly surroundedby water and connected with alarger body by an isthmus.Florida is actually a very largepeninsula.

penitencen��@]R[2G2[�a�`��Lsorrow for sins or faults.Because of Ella’s true penitence,her best friend was quick to forgiveher for her breach of confidence.

penitentiaryn��A]R[2@aR[PU�2�_4��L > Ea public institution in whichoffenders against the law areconfined for detention or forpunishment, discipline, andreformation and in which they aregenerally compelled to labor.The judge sentenced the bankrobber to 25 years in the statepenitentiary.

pennantn��@]R[2[a��La flag or banner.Whenever the queen was inresidence, her pennant was raisedon the palace flagpole.

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pensiveadj��@]R[�a�`Vc��L > F > Eabsorbed or engrossed in or givento sober thoughtfulness.Lori appeared pensive on the lastday of vacation.

pentathlonn��]R[@aNaUAY/[��Gka contest in the modern OlympicGames involving participation byeach contestant in horseback riding,shooting, fencing, swimming, andrunning.Miguel is practicing four hours aday for the upcoming pentathlon.


penumbran��]1@[2ZO_2��La shadow cast (as in an eclipse)where the light is partly but notwholly cut off by the interveningbody.Bert caused a penumbra on thescreen when he walked in front ofthe slide projector.


penuryn��@]R[f2_4��Lscantiness.Jane cited the penury of intelligentconversation at the children’s tableas her reason for wanting to sitwith the adults in the main diningroom.

peonyn��@]42[4��Eany of a genus of perennial oftendouble-flowered plants with largepink, white, red, or yellow showyflowers.Ben placed a brightly coloredpeony in a tall vase.

perambulatev��]2@_NZOf2AY0a��Ltravel over or through especially onfoot.Sid and Amy often perambulate thepark on sunny days.




percnosomen��@]2_X[2A`=Z��Gka small body occurring in theandrocyte of a fern.Under the microscope, the darkshape of the percnosome wasclearly visible.

percolatev��@]2_X2AY0a��Lprepare by causing (a liquid) topass through (as coffee) in order toextract the essence.Sal did not allow enough time topercolate his coffee before he hadto go to work.

percussorn��]2�_�@X2`2�_���La small hammer with a rubber headused as a diagnostic tool byphysicians.Dr. Goldman tested Paula’sreflexes with a percussor.

peregrinatev��@]R_2T_1A[0a��Ltravel on foot : walk, tour.Nicki hopes to peregrinate acrossEngland in the fall.

peremptoryadj��]2@_RZ�]�a�2�_4��Lputting an end to or precluding aright of action, debate, or delay.Mr. Stone interrupted Cindy’swrong answer by raising his handin a peremptory gesture.

perennatev��@]R_2A[0a��Llive over from season to season :persist.Ornamental banana trees willseldom perennate outdoors north ofthe subtropics.

perennialadj��]2@_R[42Y��Lcontinuing or lasting throughseveral years—used specifically ofa plant that dies back seasonallyand produces new growth from apart that lives over from season toseason.The garden is bare of flowersbecause the perennial plants havebeen cut down for their winter rest.

perestroikan���A�]R_1@`a_<VX2��Russextensive restructuring and reformintended to revitalize thegovernment and economy of theformer Soviet Union.Perestroika was the key thatunlocked the former Soviet Unionand other Warsaw Pact nations todemocratization.


perfervidadj��A]2_@S2_c1Q��Lextremely or excessively fervent :zealous, impassioned.In front of the Capitol a man wasgiving a perfervid speech on theevils of national taxation.

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perfumen��@]2_ASfCZ��L > OProv > Fa fluid preparation used forscenting : fragrance.Some theaters designate afragrance-free seating area forthose persons allergic to perfumeand scented lotions.

pergelisoln��]2_@WRY2A`<Y��Lpermanently or perennially frozenground : permafrost.Chan’s theory is that there arelarge oil deposits beneath thepergelisol.

Pericleanadj��A]R_2@XY42[��Gk nameof or relating to Pericles or his agewhen Athens was at its highestmaterial and intellectual state.Periclean Athens bequeathed theParthenon and many othermonuments of artistic splendor tothe world.

perigeen��@]R_2�A�W4��Gkthe point in the orbit of a satellite ofEarth that is nearest to the center ofEarth.As the communications satelliteneared perigee, its signal becamestronger.


peripateticadj��A]R_2]2@aRGVX��Gkperformed or performing whilemoving about : itinerant.Adrian spent an exciting threeyears as a peripatetic journalistbefore settling in Chicago.

peripetyn��]2@_V]2G4��Gk > Fa sudden or unexpected reversal ofcircumstances or situation in aliterary work.The peripety in the last act of theplay stunned the audience.

peripheraladj��A]2@_VS�2�_2Y��Gklocated away from a center or acentral portion.Although Kerry’s main interest liesin literature, she has peripheralinterests in art history andpsychology.

peripheryn��]2@_VS�2�_4��Gkthe external boundary or surface ofany body or area.Many villages dotted the peripheryof the extinct volcano.

periphrasisn��]2@_VS_2`1`��Gkthe use of a longer phrasing inplace of a possible shorter andplainer form of expression.Frustrated by the document’sendless periphrasis, Ludwig threwup his hands in despair.

perishableadj��@]R_1`U2O2Y��L > F > E + Ecfsubject to quick deterioration orspoilage except under properconditions (as of temperature ormoisture content).The advent of refrigerationchanged the way perishable foodsare packaged.

peristalsisn��A]R_2@`a<Y`1`��Gksuccessive waves of involuntarycontraction passing along the wallsof the intestine and forcing thecontents onward.Disruption of peristalsis can leadto digestion problems.

perjuryn��@]2_W�2�_4��L > AF > Ethe voluntary violation of an oath.One thing is certain after thetestimony: Either Mr. Jakes or Mr.Cleveland has committed perjury.




permeatev��@]2_Z4A0a��Gkspread or diffuse through.Igor wiped up the spillimmediately, lest the smell offormaldehyde permeate the room.

perniciousadj��]2�_�@[V`U2`��Lhighly injurious or destructive :deadly.The doctors finally eradicated thepernicious infection from thepatient’s lungs.

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pernoctatev���A�]2_@[/XAa0a��Lstay up or out all night.Brian knew he would have topernoctate at least once in order tofinish his term paper.

perorationn��A]R_2@_0`U2[��La flowery, highly rhetorical speech.Trudy’s peroration was lost on heraudience at the school boardmeeting.


perpetualadj��]2�_�@]RPU�2d�2Y��L > F > Eeverlasting, eternal.Shawna expected to enjoyperpetual bliss in heaven.

perplexingadj��]2�_�@]YRX`V;��Lthat causes an agitated or confusedmental condition.Silvio found English grammarterribly perplexing.

perquisiten��@]2_Xd2g1a��La privilege, gain, or profitincidental to an employment inaddition to regular salary or wages.A perquisite attractive to manybusiness executives is unlimited useof a cellular telephone.

persecutev��@]2_`1AXfCa��Lharass in a manner to injure, grieve,or afflict usually because of somedifference of opinion.The revolutionary extremists vowedto persecute the peasants whowould not support their cause.

perseverancen��A]2_`2@cV_2[�a�`��Lcontinued or steadfast pursuit orprosecution of an undertaking oraim.After much perseverance, Frankinduced the most upright femalemind in creation to stoop in charityto a secret engagement.


perseveredv��A]2_`2@cV�2�_Q��L > F > Epersisted in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, ordiscouragement.Winston persevered at his post inaccordance with his duty.

persiflagen��@]2_`2ASY/gU��Ffrivolous bantering talk : afrivolous and somewhat derisivemanner of treating a subject.As the teams moved up and downthe court, both benches kept up aconstant stream of persiflage.

persilladeadj��A]R_`4@/Q��Fdressed with or containing parsley.Marina’s dinner guests enjoyed aflavorful sea bass in a persilladesauce.

persimmonn��]2�_�@`VZ2[��Algonquiana medium-sized tree of the southernand eastern United States with hardfine-grained wood, oblong leaves,and bell-shaped flowers followedby an orange several-seeded berrythat is edible when fully ripe butusually extremely astringent whenunripe.Leroy’s mouth puckered when hebit into an unripe persimmon.



perspicaciousadj��A]2_`]2@X0`U2`��L + Ecfof acute mental vision ordiscernment.The chairman attributed thecompany’s record profits toperspicacious management.




pertinaciousadj��A]2_a3[@0`U2`��Lstubbornly unshakable.There was something mysterious inthe moody and dogged silence ofthis pertinacious companion.



perusaln��A]2@_Cg2Y��L? > E + Ethe action of reading through orover with some attention andtypically for the purpose ofdiscovering or noting one or morespecific points.The legal advisor’s perusal of theproposed contract identified manypoints of concern.

perusev��]2@_Cg��L > Eread; specifically : read through orread over with some attention andtypically for the purpose ofdiscovering or noting one or morespecific points.Jan plans to peruse severaljournals in the hope of gettingneeded material for furtherresearch.

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pervasiveadj��]2�_�@c0`Vc��L + Ecfthat permeates or tends topermeate.The turkey farm had a pervasiveodor that clung to clothes.



pessimistn��@]R`2Z1`a��L > Fone inclined to put the leastfavorable construction on actionsand happenings, to emphasizeadverse aspects, conditions, andpossibilities, or to anticipate theworst possible outcome.Being a pessimist made keepingfriends very difficult for Mark.

pestilencen��@]R`a2Y2[�a�`��La contagious or infectious epidemicdisease that is virulent anddevastating.Pestilence has historically been oneof society’s main causes of death.

pestlen��@]R`2Y��L > F > Ea usually club-shaped implementfor pounding or grindingsubstances especially in a mortar.Grandma bought a brass mortarand pestle from an antique dealer.



petrogenyn��]1@a_/W2[4��Gk + Gkthe science of the origin of rocks.A vacation trip to the GrandCanyon sparked Lauren’s interestin petrogeny.

petrolagen��@]Ra_2YVW��L > F + Ecfthe treatment of stagnant waterwith mineral oil so as toexterminate mosquitoes.The health department was advisedto use petrolage every spring toeliminate the mosquitoes.


petrophilousadj��]1@a_/S2Y2`��Gkattached to or living on rock; usedespecially of algae and crustaceans.Petrophilous barnacles and limpetscan be found along rocky shores.

pettifoggern��@]RG4AS/T2�_���E + G name?lawyer whose methods are petty,underhanded, or disreputable.Unlike the pettifogger who hungout his shingle across the street,Mr. Patterson was a gentleman ofthe law.


petulantadj��@]RPU2Y2[a��Lcharacterized by temporary orcapricious ill humor : peevish.The striking ballplayers werecharacterized as spoiled, petulant,and self-obsessed.

petunian��]1@aC[f2��L > Fa common garden plant withfunnel-shaped flowers of manycolors and patterns.Russell pulled a purple petuniafrom the flower bed.

phaetonn��@S02a3[��Gk > L[has near homonym: Phaëthon] anopen automobile with two crossseats, usually four doors, and afolding top.Charles almost bought the 1931Rolls Royce phaeton at the auction.

phalacrosisn��ASNY2@X_=`1`��Gkbaldness.Phalacrosis is an inheritedcharacteristic.

phalanxn��@S0AYN;X`��Gka group or body in close formation.Sarah craned her neck in wonderas the phalanx of military jets flewover in tight formation.


pharaohn��@SR�A�_=��Egypt > Heb > Gk > La ruler of ancient Egypt.Tutankhamen is one pharaohwhose name most people recognize.

pharisaicaladj��ASN_2@`01X2Y��Aram > GK > L + Emaking an outward show of pietyand morality but lacking the inwardspirit : hypocritical.Cardinal Newman spoke of the vastnumbers of pharisaical individualsamong baptized Christians.


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pharosn��@S0A_/`��Gka lighthouse or beacon to guideseamen.Leland said the restaurant actedlike a pharos for all those at sea offthe tip of the island.


phasen��@S0g��Gk[has homonyms: fays, faze] ahomogeneous, physically distinct,and mechanically separable portionof matter that is present in anonhomogeneous physical-chemical system and that may beeither a single compound or amixture.Water exists in the solid phase asice, in the liquid phase as water,and in the gaseous phase as vaporor steam.

pheasantn��@SRg3[a��Gk > L > F > AF > Eany of numerous large, often long-tailed, and brilliantly colored OldWorld birds with legs adapted forrunning and scratching the groundwhere most of their food (as seedsor worms) is found.After a morning of hunting, Larryreturned with a pheasant, tworabbits, and a wild duck.

phenomenonn��S2@[/Z2A[/[��Gk > Lan observable fact or event.The civil rights movement began asa startling phenomenon to manycomplacent Americans.


pheromonen��@SR_2AZ=[��Gka chemical substance that isproduced by an animal and servesas a specific stimulus to otherindividuals of the same species forone or more behavioral responses.When attacked by another beetle,the defensive beetle emitted arepellent pheromone.




philatelyn��S2@YNG3Y4��Gk > F[has near homonym: flatly] stampcollecting.Philately can be an excellentinexpensive hobby.

philharmonicn��ASVY2�_�@Z/[VX��Gk > L > Ita musical concert or musicalorganization (as a society ororchestra).The philharmonic celebrated theFourth of July with a program ofpatriotic music.

philhellenen��SVY@URAY4[��Gkan admirer or supporter of Greeceor of the Greeks.After one trip to the museum, Lydiabecame an instant philhellene.


philippicsn pl��S1@YV]VX`��Gkdeclamations full of acrimoniousinvective : tirades.The philippics that the twolegislators shot back and forthacross the chamber roused thelethargic Senate.

philistineadj��@SVY2A`a4[��Heb > Gkof, relating to, or characterized bycrass materialism and insensitivityto aesthetics.Nineteenth-century essayistsderided the English middle class asbeing vulgar and philistine.

phillumenistn��S1@YCZ2[1`a��Gk > L + Ecfone who collects matchbooks ormatchbox labels.The phillumenist kept a fireextinguisher near his prizecollection.

philologistn��S1@Y/Y2W1`a��Gka scholar concerned with humanspeech as the vehicle of literatureand as a field of study that shedslight on cultural history.Hannah wants to become aphilologist and study ancientRussian dialects.




phlebitisn��SY1@O6G1`��Gk + Lcfinflammation of a vein.If phlebitis is not treated early, ablood clot can form in the inflamedvein.

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phlegmaticadj��SYRT@ZNGVX��Gkcalm, composed, undemonstrative.Phlegmatic game-show contestantsare usually not as entertaining asthose who show excitement.

phloemn��@SY=ARZ��Gk > Ga complex tissue in the vascularsystem of higher plants functioningchiefly in distributing foodmaterials but also in support andstorage.Mr. Cartwright pointed out thexylem and the phloem on the newlycut tree.

phloxn��@SY/X`��Gk > Lany plant of a genus of Americanherbs having red, purple, white, orvariegated flowers.Dean planted phlox along thesidewalk.

phocineadj��@S=A`6[��Gk > L + Ecfof, relating to, or resembling seals.One of the phocine characteristicsis having limbs modified intowebbed flippers adapted primarilyto swimming.

phoenixn��@S4[VX`��Gka legendary bird represented by theancient Egyptians as living five orsix centuries in the Arabian desert,being consumed in fire by its ownact, and rising in youthful freshnessfrom its own ashes.The phoenix is a well-knownsymbol of immortality.

phonasthenian��AS=[2`@aU4[42��Gkweakness or hoarseness of voice.After the football game some of thecheerleaders complained ofphonasthenia.

phoresyn��@S<_2`4��Gk > Lthe nonparasitic association of onekind of animal with another inorder to obtain transportation.Feather lice accomplish phoresy byclinging to the body hairs of blood-sucking flies.

phosphorescev��AS/`S2@_R`��Gk > L > Fglow especially in the dark.Emmet’s jigsaw puzzle willphosphoresce after being exposedto a strong light source.




photophygousadj��S=@a/S2T2`��Gk + Gk + Ecfpreferring or thriving in shade.Ferns and hostas are photophygousplants often used in gardens.

photosynthesisn��AS=G=@`V[�a�aU2`1`��Gk + Gksynthesis of chemical compoundswith the aid of light.Photosynthesis in plants providesthem with necessary carbohydrates.

phraseologyn��AS_0g4@/Y2W4��Gk > Lchoice of words : vocabulary.The candidate’s carefulphraseology avoided any hint ofcontroversy.

phrasingn��@S_0gV;��Gk > Lstyle of expression : wording.In writing poetry, phrasing iscritically important.

phrenologyn��S_1@[/Y2W4��Gk + Gk + Ecfthe study of the conformation of theskull as indicative of mentalfaculties and traits of character.Phrenology enjoyed great popularappeal well into the 20th centurybut has been wholly discredited byscientific research.

phylacteryn��S1@YNXa�2�_4��Gkeither of two small square leatherboxes containing slips inscribedwith scriptural passages andtraditionally worn by Jewish malesduring morning prayer.Milton explained that a phylacteryis worn as a reminder to keep thelaws of Judaism.

phylliformadj��@SVY2AS<_Z��Gk + Ecfhaving the shape of a leaf.Every fall, phylliform silhouettesadorn the windows of Mrs.Gaskin’s classroom.

phyllophorousadj��S1@Y/S�2�_2`��Gk + Gkproducing leaves : leaf-bearing.Softwoods come from coniferoustrees, while hardwoods come fromphyllophorous trees.

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physicallyadv��@SVg1X�2�Y4��Gk + Ecffin respect to the body.It was physically impossible for thecampers to hike another mile.


physicistn��@SVg2`1`a��Gka specialist in the science of matterand energy and their interactions.The physicist explained how a laseris used to read what is recorded ona compact disc.


physiognomyn��ASVg4@/�T�[2Z4��Gkthe technique or art of discoveringtemperament and character fromoutward appearance (as from facialfeatures).The artist’s careful study ofphysiognomy showed up in hisbrilliant caricatures of politicians.


phytocoenosisn��AS6G=`4@[=`1`��Gkthe whole body of plants occupyinga particular habitat.William studied the effects of acidrain on the Adirondackphytocoenosis.

phytophilousadj��S6@a/S2Y2`��Gk + Gk + Ecfliving or feeding on plants.The forest fire deprived manyphytophilous animals of theirhabitat and food.

piacularadj��]6@NXf2Y2�_���Lof, relating to, or involvingsacrifice : sacrificial.While visiting the island of Patmos,tourists saw an ancient altar wherethe Greeks burned piacularofferings to the gods.


piazzan��]4@Ng2��L > Itan arcaded and roofed gallery thatoften surrounds an open court.The tourists ran to the abandonedmonastery’s piazza when the rainstarted pouring down.

pican��@]6X2��ML[has homonym: pika] a size of typeequivalent to 12 point.Part of Katie’s proofreading jobwas to add another line of pica topages that had enough space.

picaresqueadj��A]VX2@_R`X��Sprelating to or being a type of prosefiction in which the principalcharacter is a rogue or vagabondand the narrative is a series ofincidents or episodes.In a typical picaresque novel, thehero has many adventures.

picayuneadj��A]VX4@fC[��L > Prov > Fof little value : paltry, measly.The other players chided thehalfback for his picayunecontribution to the team.

piccalillin��@]VX2AYVY4��unknowna relish of chopped vegetables andpungent spices.Wanda put a dab of piccalilli in hertuna salad.

piccatan��]1@X/G2��F > Itthin slices of meat (as veal) sautéedand served in a lemon and buttersauce.Julia served veal piccata andasparagus at Jack’s birthdaydinner.


pickelhauben��@]VX2YAUNBO2��G[Note: Could be confused withpickelhauben.] a spiked helmetformerly worn by German soldiers.In the chapter on World War I, thehistory book included a photo of aGerman general wearing a silver-plated pickelhaube.

picklev��@]VX2Y��D? > E[has homonyms: pickel, picol,picul, pikel, pikol] steep in asolution of salt or vinegar forpreservation.Every year, the Johnsons pickleenough onions to give a jar toeveryone in the neighborhood.




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pidann��]4@Q/[��Chinese[has near homonym: piton] duckeggs preserved in brine to whichlime, ashes, and tea are added.Art’s grandmother makes authenticpidan.

piecemealadv��@]4A`Z4�2�Y��Gaulish > L > F > E + Eone piece at a time : little by little.The magazine published the novelpiecemeal for several weeks.


pigeonn��@]VW2[��L > F > E[has homonym: pidgin] a birdhaving a stout body with rathershort legs and smooth and compactplumage.A pigeon fluttered about the eavesof the old barn.


pilastern��]1@YN`a2�_���Gk > L > It > Fan upright architectural memberthat is structurally a verticalsupport but architecturally treatedas a column that usually partiallyprojects from the wall and may beload-bearing or merely applied assurface decoration.The architect explained thatbecause the pilaster was merely adecoration, removing it for theroom’s renovation would bepermissible.

pilchardn��@]VYPU2�_�Q��unknowna fish related to the herring andsardine occurring in great schoolsalong the coasts of Europe.The pilchard is the principal fishused for canning by the French andPortuguese.

pilferagen��@]VYS�2�_VW��F > Ethe act of stealing stealthily insmall quantities.Pilferage in stores usually leads toincreased prices for the customers.

pilgrimagen��@]VYT_2ZVW��L > F > Ea journey to visit a shrine or a holyplace as a devotee.Felipe made a pilgrimage toSantiago last year.


pillboxn��@]VYAO/X`��L + Gk > L > Ea small round brimless hat;specifically : a woman’s shallowhat with a flat crown and straightsides.Margaret wore her blond hairpinned up under a leopard skinpillbox.

pillionn��@]VYf2[��ScotGael or IrGaela motorcycle or bicycle ridingsaddle for a passenger.Denny improvised a pillion inorder to give LaToya a ride home.

pilloryn��@]VY2_4��F > Ea device formerly used for thepublic punishment of wrongdoersthat consists of a wooden framewith holes in which the head andhands can be locked.Pam took a snapshot of Julianstanding by a pillory in thereconstructed colonial village.

piloncillon��A]4Y=[@`4�A��f�=��Spunrefined sugar especially whenmolded into cones or sticks.Rosita grated piloncillo into a bowlof custard.

pinaforen��@]V[2AS=�2�_��Ea covering garment worn to protectclothes from soil, made variouslyas an apron with or without a bib.Mrs. Dobbins wears a canvaspinafore while working in thepotting shed.


pinnaclen��@]V[1X2Y��La lofty mountain peak.The clouds obscured the pinnaclefrom the view of those in the valleybelow.

pinnigradeadj��@]V[2AT_0Q��Lwalking by means of fins orflippers.The seal and the walrus arepinnigrade animals.

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pinnipedn��@]V[2A]RQ��Lany of a suborder of aquaticcarnivorous mammals (as a seal orwalrus) with all four limbsmodified into flippers.Although the pinniped finds its foodin the sea, it needs to be on land orice to give birth to its young.



pioneeradj��A]62@[V�2�_��Fof, relating to, or characteristic ofearly settlers or their time.Julie worked last summer in arestored pioneer village.

piousadj��@]62`��Ldevout.The pious Jewish historian saw inIsrael’s exile God’s punishment forsin.

piquancyn��@]4X2[`4��F + Ecfthe quality of being agreeablystimulating to the palate :pleasantly tart.Colette especially liked thepiquancy of Cajun cuisine.

piquedv��]4Xa��F[has homonyms: peaked, peeked]excited or aroused by aprovocation, challenge, or rebuff.The envelope sealed with sealingwax piqued Helen's curiosity.

piracyn��@]6_2`4��Gk > Lrobbery on the high seas.Charged with piracy, Blackbeardwas hunted down by governmentwarships.

pirouetten��A]V_2@dRa��Fa full turn on the toe or ball of onefoot in ballet.The pirouette is one of the moststriking movements in a dancer’srepertoire.


pistachion��]1@`aN`U4A=��Gk > L > Itthe edible green seed of a small treeof southern Europe and AsiaMinor.Patricia placed a pistachio on eachparfait.

pistonn��@]V`a2[��L > It > Fthe part of an engine that is forcedback and forth inside a cylinder dueto combustion.Kyle learned to identify a piston inthe automobile repair class.


piteousadj��@]VG42`��Earousing or deserving pity orcompassion.The piteous kitten stood shiveringin the snow.



pittancen��@]Va3[�a�`��L > F > Ea usually small often barelysufficient portion, amount, orallowance.Gloria was tired of working longhours for a pittance.

pityriasisn��A]VG2@_62`1`��Gkone of several skin diseases markedby the formation and peeling ofscales.Uncle Nick’s pityriasis preventshim from sleeping well.

pivotn��@]Vc2a��L > Fa person or thing on or aroundwhich something turns or depends :central point.The pivot of controversy isRoberta’s questionable handling ofpublic funds.


pizzerian��A]4a`2@_42��L > It + ItcfAn establishment (as a bakery,restaurant, shop) whera pizzas aremade and sold.Hank waited tables in the pizzeriaon weekends.

pizzicatoadv��A]Va`1@X/G�A�=��Itplayed by plucking with thefingers.The score called for the violins toplay the passage pizzicato.




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placetn��@]Y0`1a��Lan expression of approval or voteof assent.The commander got the placet ofthe other generals for his coupd’etat.

placidityn��]YN@`VQ2G4��Lthe quality or state of being calm orcomposed.Not resenting the repeatedattention offered to another womanwas a degree of placidity whichEmma could neither comprehendnor respect.


plagiarizev��@]Y0W2A_6g��L + Ecfpresent as new and original an ideaor product derived from an existingsource.Simon knew that it would be betternot to turn in an essay at all than toplagiarize.

plaintiffn��@]Y0[a1S��L > F > E[has near homonym: plaintive] onewho commences a personal actionor lawsuit to obtain a remedy for aninjury to one’s rights.The plaintiff was suing the hospitalfor negligence because he sufferedbacterial infection after surgery.


planetaryadj��@]YN[2AaR_4��Gk > L > F > Eglobal, worldwide.Deforestation is a planetaryconcern.





plateletn��@]Y0aY1a��Gk? > L > F > E + Ecfa minute flattened body.A blood platelet is a minuteprotoplasmic disk that plays a rolein blood clotting.


platypusn��@]YNG2]2`��Gka small egg-laying aquatic mammalof southern and eastern Australiaand Tasmania having a fleshy billresembling that of a duck, denseblackish brown fur, five-toedwebbed feet, and a broad flattenedtail.Cindy has asked for a pet platypusfor her birthday.

plauditn��@]Y<Q1a��Lstrong and openly expressedapproval : enthusiastic approbation.Claudette’s report on UFOs wasaccorded a special plaudit by theprofessor for its originality.



playwrightn��@]Y0A_6a��E + Ea person who writes a compositionarranged for enactment (as byactors on a stage) and intended toportray life or character or to tell astory through the actions andusually dialogue of the enactors.The playwright based his drama onthe struggles between gangs in theghetto.


pleiadn��@]Y42Q��Gk > F[has near homonym: plead] agroup of illustrious or brilliantpersons or things usually seven innumber.The maestro named a pleiad ofpianists who were once his pupils.

plenaryadj��@]YR[2_4��Lfully attended or constituted :including all entitled to be present.Because of the important bills to bevoted on, the legislature conveneda plenary session.

plenilunen��@]Y4[2AYC[��L > Ethe time of full Moon.Zeke will begin planting after theplenilune.


plentifuladj��@]YR[a1S2Y��L > F > E + Ecfcontaining or yielding abundance.The orange growers are lookingforward to a plentiful harvest.

pleonasmn��@]Y42A[Ng2Z��Gkiteration or repetition in speakingor in writing : the use of morewords than those necessary todenote mere sense.Mr. Miller gave the phrase truefacts as an example of a pleonasmto be avoided.

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plethoran��@]YRaU2_2��Gkexcess, profusion.The jury retired to consider theplethora of evidence presented incourt.

pleurisyn��@]YB_2`4��Gk > L > F > Einflammation of the membranelining the chest cavity andenveloping the lungs.Pleurisy, causing fluid toaccumulate in Zachary’s chestcavity, further complicated hispneumonia.

pleustonn��@]YC`a2[��Gksmall but macroscopic floatingorganisms that form mats or layerson or near the surface of a body ofwater.The mat of pleuston floating in theswamp consists mostly of greenalgae.

plexusn��@]YRX`2`��Lan intricately interwovencombination of elements or parts ina cohering structure.The transportation board carefullymapped out the plexus of commuterpaths across the city.

pliantadj��@]Y62[a��F > Eflexible, workable, lithe.To make his catcher’s mitt morepliant, Gary smeared shaving gelon it and baked it at a lowtemperature.

plovern��@]Y2c2�_���L > F > Eany of numerous shore-inhabitingbirds having a short hard-tipped billand a stout compact build.Taylor could see that the plovercircling over the tennis court hadspotted upper plumage.

pluckyadj��@]Y2X4��E + Ecfhaving or marked by courage :spirited, brave, resolute.Henry was plucky enough to getback on his bicycle although he hadjust fallen for the seventh time.

plumagen��@]YCZVW��L > F > Ethe entire clothing of feathers of abird.The plumage of the male peacock ismore colorful than that of thefemale.

plumassiern��A]YCZ2@`V�2�_��Fone who prepares or deals inornamental plumes or feathers.The plumassier showed DeeDee aboa that complemented her recitalcostume perfectly.

plumbeousadj��@]Y2ZO42`��Lhaving a dull gray color like that oflead.The plumbeous core of a so-called“lead pencil” is graphite.

plumbern��@]Y2Z2�_���L > F > Eone who installs, repairs, andmaintains piping, fittings, andfixtures that are involved in thedistribution and use of water in abuilding.The plumber replaced the leadpipes in the Davidsons’ house withcopper ones.


pluralityn��]YC@_NY2G4��La number of votes cast for acandidate in a contest of more thantwo candidates that is greater thanthe number cast for any othercandidate but not more than halfthe total votes cast.Because all three candidates havestrong voter support, the number ofvotes cast for the winner willprobably be a plurality, not amajority.

plutologyn��]YC@a/Y2W4��Gk + Gkthe scientific study of wealth :theoretical economics.Jeremy is using his expertise inplutology to study emergingdemocracies.

pluvioscopen��@]YCc42A`X=]��L + Gk > Lrain gauge.Johnny ordered a pluvioscope fromthe scientific catalog.

pneumaticadj��[�f�C@ZNGVX��Gk[has homonym: neumatic] adaptedfor holding compressed air :inflated with air.The development of the pneumatictire was a major advance for thebicycle.

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poachern��@]=PU2�_���Gmc > F > Eone who kills or takes wild animals(as game or fish) illegally.The sign at the reservation statedthat any poacher would beprosecuted to the fullest extent ofthe law.

podiatristn��]2@Q62a_1`a��Gkone who practices the care andtreatment of the human foot inhealth and disease.The podiatrist recommended thatCarlita get special inserts for hershoes.

poetastern��@]=1GAN`a2�_���La writer of worthless or inferiorverses.The poetaster spewed out poemafter poem, each worse than thelast.

poeticadj��]=@RGVX��Gkof or relating to poets.Ovid tried to become a lawyerearly in life, but his true andnatural poetic character would notbe suppressed.

pogonipn��@]/T2A[V]��Paiutea dense winter fog containingfrozen particles that is formed indeep mountain valleys of thewestern United States.The dense pogonip leaves a sheathof frost crystals on every shrub andblade of grass.

poignantadj��@]<V[�f�2[a��L > F > Epainfully sharp with regard to thefeelings : piercing, keen.Emma’s distress was not poignantenough to keep her from fallingasleep, and she awoke feelingsomewhat more hopeful.

poincianan��A]<V[�a�`4@N[2��F name + Lcfan ornamental tropical tree or shrubhaving bright orange or redflowers.While in southern Florida, Jakewas impressed by the fiery flowersof the poinciana.

poinsettian��]<V[@`RG42��American namea showy Mexican and SouthAmerican plant with taperingscarlet petallike leaves thatsurround small yellow flowers.The delivery woman brought apoinsettia to Karen’s door.


poisedadj��@]<VgQ��L > F > E + Ecfmarked by easy composure ofmanner or bearing.The poised skater performed herroutine with great precision andself-assurance.

poisonousadj��@]<Vg�3�[2`��L > F > E + Ecfhaving the qualities or effects of atoxin.The mushrooms looked and tastedgreat but were devastatinglypoisonous.

polarizev��@]=Y2A_6g��L > Fcause (as light waves) to vibrate ina definite pattern.Sunglasses that polarize lightreflected off water help the wearersee into the water.

poldern��@]=YQ2�_���Gka tract of low land reclaimed fromthe sea or other body of water.Leanne and Amy scoured thepolder for fossils.

polemicadj��]2@YRZVX��Gkof, relating to, or of the nature of acontroversial discussion orargument.Try as he might, Rupert could notprevent the conversation fromturning into a polemic debate.

polemologyn���A�]=Y2@Z/Y2W4��Gk + Gk > Ethe study of war.In polemology, military and navalstrategies are studied anddiscussed.

polemoscopen��]=@YRZ2A`X=]��Gkan opera or field glass with anoblique mirror arranged for seeingobjects not directly before the eye.The detective used a polemoscopeto observe the suspectunobtrusively.


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poliomyelitisn��A]=Y4=AZ62@Y6G1`��Gkan acute infectious viral diseasecharacterized by fever, motorparalysis, and atrophy of skeletalmuscles often with permanentdisability and deformity.Up to about 40 years ago,poliomyelitis often meant a lifetimeon crutches or in an iron lung.

poliosisn��A]=Y4@=`1`��Gkloss of color from the hair.One of the effects of the diseasewas poliosis.

politessen��A]/Y2@aR`��L > Fformal and cultivated politeness.The ambassador greatly enjoyedthe diplomatic world of pomp andpolitesse.

polkan��@]=YX2��Pol > Czecha lively Bohemian dance in fastduple time that consists of threesteps and a hop.Gwen taught her dance students thepolka.

pollenn��@]/Y2[��Lthe fine, dustlike mass of grainsproduced by seed plants.Many hay fever sufferers arebothered by ragweed pollen.

pollutantn��]2@YCa3[a��Lany substance that makes the air orwater impure or unclean.Ethylene gas is a pollutantassociated with industrialmanufacturing and automobileexhaust.


polonaisen��A]/Y2@[0g��L geog name > Pol > Fa stately Polish processional dancefashionable in 19th-century Europe.Chopin wrote many compositionsbased on the rhythm of thepolonaise.

poltergeistn��@]=Ya2�_�AT6`a��Ga noisy and usually mischievousghost.Our favorite Halloween story isabout a poltergeist who tormentedthe tenants of a house in whichthere had previously been amurder.


poltrooneryn��]/Y@a_C[�2�_4��L > It > Fcowardice.The historian said that poltrooneryamong politicians in an electionyear is not uncommon.


polychromaticadj��A]/Y4X_=@ZNGVX��Gkshowing a variety or a change ofcolors : multicolored.It is not unusual for people to driveby Sarah’s house simply to admireits polychromatic brickwork.

polydactylyn��A]/Y4@QNXa2Y4��Gk + Gkthe condition of having more thanthe normal number of toes orfingers.The Ernest Hemingway Home andMuseum on Key West is home toapproximately 60 cats, about halfof which exhibit polydactyly.

polyestern��@]/Y4AR`a2_��Gka synthetic fiber consisting whollyor chiefly of a complex esterformed by polymerization.Bridget bought the loudestpolyester jacket she could find atthe thrift store to wear onHalloween.


polyglotadj��@]/Y4ATY/a��Gkcontaining matter in severallanguages; especially : composedof correlative text in severallanguages often arranged in parallelcolumns.Products sold in electronics storesoften have polyglot instructions.

polygonaladj��]2@YVT2[3Y��Gkhaving many sides.Mr. Ewing taught his math classhow to find the areas of polygonalfigures.

polyphagismn��]2@YVS2AWVg2Z��Gkthe habit of feeding on a variety ofplants or animals.By feeding various kinds of foods tothe insects, the researcher coulddiscover which ones exhibitedpolyphagism.

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polysacchariden��A]/Y4@`NX2A_6Q��Gka carbohydrate that can bedecomposed by hydrolysis into twoor more molecules ofmonosaccharides or theirderivatives; especially : one of themore complex carbohydrates (asstarch or cellulose).Cellulose is the polysaccharideproviding the chief constituent ofthe framework of plants.

polysemousadj��A]/Y4@`4Z2`��Gk + Gkhaving many meanings.Puns are based on the humoroususe of polysemous words.

polysyllabicadj��A]/Y4`1@YNOVX��Gk > L + Ecfhaving three or usually four ormore units of spoken language.Martha often uses polysyllabicwords to impress her teachers.


pomaden��]2@Z/Q��L > It > Fa perfumed ointment.Mr. Underwood was partial tosweet-smelling pomade.

pomandern��]=@ZN[Q2�_���L > F > Ea mixture of perfumed or aromaticsubstances usually made in a balland enclosed in a perforated bag orbox.Gayle included a pomander in thechest containing her winter clothes.

pomegranaten��@]/Z�2�AT_N[1a��L > F > E + La thick-skinned several-celledreddish berry that is about the sizeof an orange and has many seeds ina crimson acid pulp.The bright red splotches on Julia’shands testified to her having eatena pomegranate.

pomologicaladj��A]=Z2@Y/W1X2Y��Gk > Lof or relating to the science of thecultivation of fruits.Certainly in the pomological sense,one bad apple eventually spoils thewhole bunch.

pompadourn��@]/Z]2AQ=�2�_��F namea man’s style of hairdressing inwhich the hair is combed back soas to stand up straight.Chuck spent an hour in front of themirror preening his pompadour.


ponderousadj��@]/[Q�2�_2`��L > F > Eunwieldy or clumsy because ofweight and size.Roy could barely lift the ponderousancient weapon.


pontificatev��]/[@aVS2AX0a��Ldeliver oracular utterances ordogmatic opinions.Randy proceeded to pontificate forfive minutes on the dangers oflistening to loud music.


porcelainn��@]=_`�2�Y1[��L > It > F[has near homonym: purslane] ahard, fine-grained, white ceramicware that has a hard paste body, isfired at a high temperature, and isused especially for table andornamental wares.Many old houses have doorknobsmade of porcelain.


porcinelyadv��@]<_A`6[Y4��L + Ecfswinishly.In Wanda’s opinion, Bart treatedhis hosts porcinely.

porcupinen��@]<_Xf2A]6[��L > It > F > Eany of various relatively largerodents having stiff sharp erectilebristles mingled with the hair.The yelping dog’s snout wascovered with quills from aporcupine.

porphyryn��@]<�_�S2_4��Gk > Lan Egyptian rock consisting offeldspar crystals embedded in adark red or purple groundmassmuch used by the ancient Romans.At the archaeological dig Carlounearthed a broken urn made ofporphyry.

porpoisen��@]<_]2`��L > F > Ea small, friendly whale with teethand a short, rounded snout and thatsomewhat resembles a dolphin.Miles saw a porpoise at theaquarium.

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porraceousadj��]<@_0`U2`��Lhaving the clear light green color ofleek leaves.The deep green of the kitchencountertops seemed to tint the wallsa porraceous color.

porridgen��@]<_VW��F > Ea soft food made by boiling grainsor legumes in milk or water untilthick.The campers were extremelyhungry, and each consumed a largebowl of porridge.


portcullisn��]=_a@X2Y1`��F > Ea large grating of iron bars or heavytimbers suspended by chains overthe gateway of a fortified place andlowered between grooves toprevent passage.The guard quickly lowered theportcullis after the king and hisknights had passed through thegate.

portentousadj��A]<_@aR[a2`��Lof, relating to, or constitutingsomething that foreshadows acoming event : ominous.Oliver’s dream proved portentous.


portmanteaun��]=_a@ZN[a�A�=��L > Fa large traveling bag.The clown removed an enormouspumpkin from his portmanteau.


portrayaln��]=_@a_0�2�Y��L > F > Ethe act of representing something ina drawing or painting.Vincent used witnesses’descriptions in his portrayal of thecriminal.

posologyn��]2@`/Y2W4��Gka branch of medical scienceconcerned with dosage.Derek took several classes inposology for his pharmacy degree.

possen��@]/`4��La detachment or body (as of police)often assigned to or broughttogether because of a particularemergency.Noah’s favorite part of westerns iswhen the marshal and his possecorner the bandit.

possessedv��]2@gR`a��Linfluenced or controlled bysomething (as an evil spirit or apassion).During the race the winning horseran as if he were possessed by ademon.


possetv��@]/`1a��E[has near homonym: posit] pamperwith delicacies.Aunt Mimi expects everyone toposset Pedro, her chihuahua.

postcibaladj��]=`�a�@`6O2Y��Loccurring after a meal.George and Harriet hired avocalist for the banquet’s postcibalentertainment.

posterityn��]/@`aR_2G4��L > F > Eall succeeding generations : futuretime.The seventh grade class puttogether a time capsule forposterity.

posternn��@]=`a2�_�[��L > F > Ea back door or gate.The thief escaped through thepostern without being detected.

posthumousadj��@]/`PU2Z2`��Lpublished after the death of theauthor.Ironically, the novelist’sposthumous works were his mostpopular.

postprandialadj��A]=`�a�@]_N[Q42Y��L > Eof, relating to, or occurring in theperiod after a meal.After the huge dinner, George andBarbara decided to take a leisurelypostprandial walk.

posttensionv��]=`�a�@aR[PU2[��L + Lapply stress to (reinforcing steel)after concrete has set.The construction crew willposttension the steel in thecolumns.

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postulaten��@]/`PU2Y1a��Lan underlying hypothesis orassumption.Most cosmologists base their workupon the postulate of the Big Bang.

posturen��@]/`PU2�_���Lcharacteristic position or bearing ofthe body.A dancer’s posture is as importantin ballroom dancing as it is inballet.

potableadj��@]=G2O2Y��Lsuitable, safe, or prepared fordrinking.Chemicals are often added to watersupplies to make them potable.


potassiumn��]2@aN`42Z��Lan element of the alkali metalgroup.Bananas and potatoes are gooddietary sources of potassium.

potatoesn pl��]2@a0G=g��Taino > Spthe edible starchy tubers of plantsof the genus genus Solanum andspecies tuberosum.For dinner Harry made roast beefand baked potatoes.

potentaten��@]=a3[Aa0a��Lone who possesses great power orsway : ruler.Barry acts more like a potentatethan a leader in his role as classpresident.

potpourrin��A]=]2@_4��Fa jar of flower petals mixed withspices and used for scent orperfume.Stella kept a potpourri on herkitchen windowsill.

poulticen��@]=Ya1`��La soft mass usually heated andspread on cloth for application toinflamed areas to supply moistwarmth, relieve pain, or act as acounterirritant.Aunt Julia’s remedy for rashes orskin problems of any sort is amustard poultice.


pourboiren��]B_O@d/_��L > Fa tip or gratuity.When he checked out of the hotel,Jonathan left a pourboire for thechambermaid.


poussettev��]C@`Ra��Fswing in a semicircle hands joinedwith one’s partner.The caller instructed the couples topoussette before changing partners.

poussinn��]C@`N:��L > Fa young chicken of about onepound weight for table use : a smallbroiler.Celeste was not sure how to seasonand cook a poussin, so sheconsulted a cookbook by JuliaChild.

pralinen��@]_/AY4[��F namea round patty of creamy brownsugar containing pecan meats.The praline is a favorite candy ofthe southern United States.


precautionaryadj��]_4@X<`U2A[R_4��Ladvising, suggesting, or usingcaution beforehand.Vaccinating children against poliois a wise precautionary measure.

precedentn��@]_R`2Q2[a��Lsomething done or said that mayserve as an example or rule toauthorize or justify a subsequentact of the same or an analogouskind.As far as Sasha knew, the decisionto allow a girl to play on thefootball team was withoutprecedent.

preceptn��@]_4A`R]a��La command or principle intended asa general rule of action.Mark owes his success to theprecept that it never hurts to ask aquestion.

precibaladj��]_4@`6O2Y��Loccurring before meals.The host graciously proposed aprecibal toast to the guest of honor.

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precinctn��@]_4A`V;�X�a��L > Ea part of a territory (as a city)having definite bounds or functionsand often established foradministrative purposes.In this precinct voters cast theirballots at the middle school.


precipicen��@]_R`2]1`��La very steep, perpendicular, oroverhanging place (as the face of acliff).Just looking down from theprecipice made Gloria dizzy.




precocityn��]_4@X/`2G4��Lexceptionally early or prematuredevelopment; especially : earlydevelopment of the mental powers.The precocity of five-year-oldStella becomes evident after just afew minutes of talking with her.


precursorn��]_4@X2_`2_��Lone that precedes another in anoffice or process : forerunner.Greek geometry was the precursorto modern calculus.


predatorn��@]_RQ2G2�_���Lan animal that preys on or devoursother animals for its food.

An insect may be of value becauseit is a predator on another insectthat is a pest to humans.

predecessorn��@]_RQ2A`R`2�_���Lone who comes before in order oftime; especially : a person who haspreviously occupied a position oroffice to which another hassucceeded.The employees are hoping that thenew CEO is more labor-friendlythan his predecessor.


predilectionn��A]_RQ3Y@RX`U2[��Linclination, liking, preference.Moira has a predilection forbittersweet chocolate.

preeminentadj��A]_4@RZ2[2[a��Lhaving paramount rank, dignity, orimportance : first, outstanding,supreme.The attorney introduced her expertwitness as the preeminentresearcher in his field.

preenv��@]_4[��Etrim or dress with or as if with thebeak or the tongue.Kitty liked to sit and preen herselfin the afternoon sun.



prejudicialadj��A]_RW2@QV`U2Y��L > Eleading to premature judgment orunwarranted opinion.The jury was sequestered in orderto prevent exposure to anyprejudicial material.

preliminaryn��]_1@YVZ2[R_4��Lsomething introductory orpreparatory.As a preliminary to a video there isusually a warning regarding itsuse.

premeditationn��]_4AZRQ2@a0`U2[��Lconsideration or planning of an actbeforehand that shows intent tocommit that act.The prosecutor’s position is thatthe accused killer acted withpremeditation and thus should becharged with first-degree murder.

premonitionn��A]_RZ2@[V`U2[��Lanticipation of an event withoutconscious reason.Yolanda had a premonition that shewould win the lottery.



prerogativen��]_4@_/T2GVc��La special right or privilegebelonging to a person, group, orclass of individuals.It is the prerogative of the presidentof the United States to have AirForce One at his disposal.



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presciencen��@]_4`U�4�2[�a�`��Lthe human faculty or quality ofbeing able to anticipate theoccurrence or nature of futureevents : foresight.In 1955 the city authorities had theprescience to set aside land for afuture park site.

prescientadj��@]_4`U�4�2[a��Lhaving foreknowledge :characterized by foresight.Carrie seemed unusually prescientas she sat smugly under herumbrella on what was once a clearafternoon.

presentientadj��]_4@`R[PU2[a��Lapprehensive in advance : feelingor perceiving beforehand.Kate was presentient of her lostdog’s return.


prestidigitatorn��A]_R`a2@QVW2Aa0Q2�_���L&F&Ita performer of sleight of hand.The prestidigitator mystified thechildren by making cards appearand disappear.

presumablyadv��]_4@g�f�CZ2OY4��Lby reasonable assumption :probably.Mrs. Janko is presumably going tothe Christmas party this year.

presumev��]_4@g�f�CZ��L&F > Eaccept as true or credible withoutproof.If it rains that day, Nancy willpresume that our tennis game willbe postponed.

pretentiousadj��]_4@aR[PU2`��L > Fmaking or possessing claims (as ofexcellence, superiority, greatness).The pretentious candidate foundlittle support among the commonpeople.

preteritionn��A]_RG2@_V`U2[��Lthe act or an instance of passing byor over without mention, notice, orattention.“I won’t even mention his lessercrimes,” cried the orator inpreterition.


prevaricatev��]_4@cN_2AX0a��Ldeviate from the truth : speakequivocally or evasively : lie.Emmy tends to prevaricatewhenever the teacher questions herbehavior.

priestn��@]_4`a��Gk > L > Eone who performs sacrificial,ritualistic, mediatorial,interpretative, or ministerialfunctions especially as anauthorized or ordained religiousfunctionary or official minister of aparticular religion.A Greek Orthodox priest, unlike aCatholic priest, is allowed to bemarried.


primitiveadj��@]_VZ2GVc��Lof or relating to the earliest age orperiod of something.Primitive humans fashioned toolsfrom rocks.

primordialadj��]_6@Z<�_�Q42Y��Lexisting at or from the beginning :first created or developed : earliest,primeval.Blake’s story depicted a creatureemerging from the primordial ooze.

principaladj��@]_V[�a�`2]2Y��L[has homonym: principle] mostimportant, consequential, orinfluential.The map showed principal roads,towns and cities, and locations ofhistoric sites.

pristineadj��@]_VA`a4[��Lbelonging to the earliest period orstate.The antique chest was in pristinecondition.


privilegen��@]_Vc�2�YVW��La peculiar or personal advantage orright.Mr. Neng grants his neighbors theprivilege of fishing in his pond.

proaulionn��]_=@<Y42[��Gka portico or colonnade that opensinto the narthex of a church ortemple.Pine garlands adorned theproaulion.

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proboscisn��]_=@O/`1`��Gk > Lthe flexible conspicuously longsnout of some animals; especially :the trunk of an elephant.An elephant’s proboscis cansupport great weight.


proceduren��]_2@`4W2_��L > F > Ea particular way of doing or ofgoing about the accomplishment ofsomething.Even though he carefully followedall the steps in the procedure, Jackstill couldn’t retrieve his messages.


procellousadj��]_=@`RY2`��Lstormy.There are many dangers for a smallboat on a procellous sea.

proclivityn��]_=@XYVc2G4��Lan inclination or predispositiontoward something.After spending a couple of days inLas Vegas, Conan decided he hadno proclivity for gambling.

procrusteanadj��]_=@X_2`a42[��Gk name > Lmarked by complete disregard ofindividual differences and byviolent forcing into conformitywith something.The principal’s procrusteanattitude left no room for a studentgovernment at the school.




prodigaladj��@]_/Q1T2Y��L + Ecfgiven to reckless extravagance.Victor has written a memoir of hisprodigal youth in Europe.

prodigiousadj��]_2@QVW2`��Lextraordinary in bulk, extent,quantity, or degree : enormous,immense.The public works crews werecomplimented for coping with thisyear’s prodigious job of snowplowing.


proemn��@]_=ARZ��Gk > L > F > Ea preliminary discourse to a longerpiece of writing.The excited scholar was sure hehad found a previously unknownproem to Plato’s Republic.

profanev��]_=@S0[��Ltreat as not sacred : desecrate.Michael was told sternly not toprofane the holy water font bythrowing pennies in it.


profligacyn��@]_/SY1T2`4��Lreckless wastefulness andextravagance.Arno’s profligacy during hissophomore year caused him toforfeit his scholarship.

profuseadj��]_2@SfC`��Loverly plentiful : bountiful.Buttons on the entertainer’s suitwere so profuse that not anotherone could be placed anywhere.

progenitorn��]_=@WR[2G2�_���Lan ancestor in the direct line :forefather.Tad assumed his unusual heightwas inherited from a particularlytall progenitor.


prognosisn��]_/T@[=`1`��Gkthe act or art of foretelling thecourse of a disease.Although the patient’s surgery wastouch and go, Dr. Symm’sprognosis was for completerecovery.


prognosticatorn���A�]_/T@[/`a2AX0G2�_���Lone that forecasts from signs orindications.The local prognosticator predicteda balmy spring weekend.

prolegomenonn��A]_=Y2@T/Z2A[/[��Gka reading or group of readings orintellectual exercises leading tofurther understanding,development, or advance inknowledge or technique in asubject matter field.Dr. Taylor’s course in art historyconstituted a carefully plannedprolegomenon for students whowould be choosing art as theirmajor.

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proletarianadj��A]_=Y2@aR_42[��Lof, relating to, or representative ofthe lowest social or economic classof a community.Gina’s proletarian backgroundproved to be an asset in hercampaign for mayor.


prolificadj��]_2@YVS1X��L > Foccurring or existing in largenumbers : abundant, profuse.The article’s prolific footnoteshampered rather than aided Tina’scomprehension.

prolixadj��@]_=AYVX`��Lgiven to verbosity and diffusenessin speaking or writing : long-winded.Quentin’s prolix style was not wellsuited to a short-answer exam.

prolongern��]_2@Y<;2�_���L > Eone who lengthens in time, extendsin duration, or draws out.Dr. Murphy kept his remarks shortbecause he did not want to be theprolonger of the meeting.


promenaden��A]_/Z2@[0Q��L > Fa leisurely walk or ride especiallyin a public place for pleasure,display, or exercise.After the meeting Gilda and Jaimetook a promenade down MainStreet.


promontoryn��@]_/Z2[Aa=_4��La high point of land projecting intoa body of water.The architect designed a home thatblended in with the rockypromontory.

promulgatev��@]_/Z2YAT0a��Lmake known (as a decree, a dogma)by open declaration : proclaim.The high school principalattempted to promulgate theattendance policy many times, butthe seniors mostly ignored him.

pronounceableadj��]_2@[NB[�a�`2O2Y��L > F > E + Ecfcapable of being pronounced.A word that Dr. Cameron findseasily pronounceable could tie yourtongue into knots.

propaedeuticadj��A]_=]4@Q�f�CGVX��Gkneeded as preparation for learningor study.Reading is a propaedeutic skill.

propagandan��A]_/]2@TN[Q2��Ldissemination of ideas,information, or rumor for thepurpose of helping or injuring aninstitution, a cause, or a person.In 1941 President Rooseveltwarned that the democratic way oflife was being assailed by secretspreading of poisonouspropaganda.

propagatev��@]_/]2AT0a��Lcause to spread out and affect agreater number or greater area :foster the spread of.Chris uses e-mail to propagatenews among his friends.

propensityn��]_2@]R[�a�`2G4��La natural inclination.Most cats have a propensity to becurious.

propinquityn��]_=@]V;Xd2G4��Lnearness in place : proximity.The roots of the trees in closepropinquity to the new sidewalkwill soon ruin it.


propitiousadj��]_2@]V`U2`��L > Ebeing of good omen : auspicious,encouraging, favorable.Ray’s perfect score on his sciencetest was a propitious start for thenew school year.

propolisn��@]_/]2Y1`��Gk > La brownish resinous material ofwaxy consistency collected by beesfrom the buds of trees and used as acement.A honeycomb is constructed frombeeswax and propolis.

proportionn��]_2@]=_`U2[��Lrelative size or portion.The proportion of local, domestic,and foreign news variesconsiderably on television.

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propositionn��A]_/]2@gV`U2[��La project, plan, undertaking, orsituation requiring some action.The highway superintendentpresented his proposition for springstreet repair to the mayor.



proroguev��]_=@_=T��L > Fdefer, postpone.Parliament decided to proroguediscussion of the bill until after theelection.

prosaicaladj��]_=@g01X2Y��Lof, relating to, or written in theordinary language of speaking andwriting.Jonathan’s Veteran’s Day poemwas more memorable than themajor’s 20-minute prosaicalspeech.

prosateurn��A]_=g2@a2_��L > It > Fa writer of prose.Scott’s fountain pen belonged to afamous prosateur of the 19thcentury.

prosceniumn��]_2@`4[42Z��Gkthe wall that separates the stagefrom the auditorium in a moderntheater.An apron stage juts out from theproscenium.

prosciutton��]_=@`UCG�A�=��L > Itdry-cured spiced ham.Melon slices wrapped in prosciuttomake a classic appetizer.

proselyten��@]_/`2AY6a��Gk > Lone who has been converted fromone religious faith to another.Edith Stein, canonized in 1998 asSaint Teresa Benedicta of theCross, was a proselyte toCatholicism.

proselytingv��@]_/`2AY6aV;��Gkrecruiting members for aninstitution, team, or groupespecially by the offer of specialinducements.Though it does not engage inproselyting, the college usuallyturns out fine basketball teams.

prosodyn��@]_/`2Q4��Gkthe study of versification.The prosody of Horace’s first tenodes was Humbert’s downfall onthe exam.

prospectusn��]_2@`]RXa2`��La preliminary printed statementdescribing a business or otherenterprise and distributed topotential buyers, investors, orparticipants.According to the prospectus, thescooter market increased threefoldin the last year.

prospiciencen��]_=@`]V`U2[�a�`��Lthe act of looking forward :foresight.Qualities associated withleadership usually includeprospicience.

protagonistn��]_=@aNT2[1`a��Gkone who takes the leading part in adrama.The protagonist was portrayed withhis faults as well as his virtues.

proteanadj��@]_=G42[��Gk name[has near homonym: protein]readily assuming different shapesor forms.An amoeba is a protean organism.

protocoln��@]_=G2AX<Y��Gk + Gka rigid long-established codeprescribing complete deference tosuperior rank and strict adherenceto due order of precedence andprecisely correct procedure.Lieutenant Griffin was censured forviolating protocol after he got up inthe middle of the meal withoutexcusing himself.


provenancen��@]_/c2[2[�a�`��Lplace of origin.The lecturer maintained that Africawas the provenance of all humanlife.

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provincialadj��]_2@cV[PU2Y��Lexhibiting the ways and manners ofa province or rural district :unsophisticated.Katie’s open midwesternfriendliness was labeled“provincial” by the snooty big citydwellers.

provison��]_2@c6�A�g=��Lan article or clause (as in a statute,contract, or grant) that introduces acondition, qualification, orlimitation and usually begins withthe word provided.The grant’s proviso was that themoney would be awarded only ifthe student maintained an Aaverage in his studies.

provostn��@]_=Ac=`a��L > Ea high-ranking administrativeofficer of an American university.Professor Myers met with theprovost to discuss the newcurriculum.

prowessn��@]_NB1`��F > Edistinguished bravery : gallantry.The knight’s prowess on thebattlefield was surpassed only bythe king’s.

proximityn��]_/X@`VZ2G4��L > Fthe quality or state of being close.The Fletchers bought the house onVine Street because of its proximityto neighborhood schools.



psalmodyn��@`/�Y�Z2Q4��Gkthe act, practice, or art of singingsacred songs in worship.Although the New EnglandPuritans did away with churchorgans and instruments, they kepttheir psalmody.

psilanthropyn��`6@YN[�a�aU_2]4��Gk + Gka doctrine of the merely humanexistence of Christ.A well-known subscriber topsilanthropy was ThomasJefferson, who regarded Jesus as agreat moral teacher but not as adivine being.

psilosisn��`6@Y=`1`��Gka falling out of hair.Jerome’s psilosis was a side effectof chemotherapy.


psychen��@`6�A�X4��Gksoul, self, personality.Brianna loves music so much thatshe considers it part of her psyche.

psychedelicadj��A`6X2@QRYVX��Gk + Gkvery bright in color.Kate showed Mary a psychedelicPeter Max poster she had saved asa memento of the ’60s.

psychiatryn��`1@X62a_4��Gk + La branch of medicine that dealswith the science of treating mental,emotional, or behavioral disorders.The concept of multiplepersonalities is of special interestto Helen, who plans to pursue acareer in psychiatry.


psychomachyn��`6@X/Z2X4��Gk > La conflict of the soul (as with thebody or between good and evil).Countless novels have as theirtheme the psychomachy within thehero as he struggles to do right.

psychrometern��`6@X_/Z2G2�_���Gk + Gka hygrometer whose operationdepends on two similarthermometers with the bulb of onebeing kept wet so that it is cooledas a result of evaporation andshows a temperature lower thanthat of the dry-bulb thermometer.Greg built a crude psychrometerout of two old thermometers andsome cotton gauze.

psychrophilicadj��A`6X_=@SVYVX��Gkthriving at a relatively lowtemperature.The psychrophilic bacteria diedwhen the refrigerator’s compressorfailed.

ptarmicn��@a/_ZVX��Gk > La substance that causes sneezing.Andrea is extremely allergic todust, an everpresent ptarmicdifficult for her to avoid.

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ptarmigann��@a/_Z1T2[��ScotGaelany of various grouses of northernregions having completelyfeathered feet.“Why did the ptarmigan cross theroad?” asked Martha.


pterodactyln��AaR_2@QNXa1Y��Gkany of numerous extinct flyingreptiles having a featherless wingmembrane and a rudimentary tail.The museum’s dinosaur exhibitincludes a mechanical replica of apterodactyl.

ptomainen��@a=AZ0[��Gk > Itany of various organic bases someof which are poisonous and whichare formed by the action ofputrefactive bacteria onnitrogenous matter.About three hours after he hadeaten, Dunstan realized that hislunch had been tainted withptomaine.

ptosisn��@a=`1`��Gk[has near homonym: tussis] asagging or prolapse of an organ orpart; specifically : drooping of theupper eyelid.The film star had a clear case ofptosis.



pucellasn pl��]f2@`RY2`��Ita spring tool resembling tongs andused for shaping molten glass.With the pucellas the glassblowergrasped the lip of the vase andturned it over in a graceful curve.

pucheron��]C@PURA_=��L > Spa Latin American boiled dinner orstew containing beef, sausage,bacon, and various vegetables.Olivia sampled puchero at anArgentine restaurant.

puerileadj��@]fB�2�_2Y��Lchildish or immature.Mrs. Yolton was not impressed byTommy’s puerile behavior.

puerilelyadv��@]fB�2�_2Y�Y�4��L + Ecf[Note: Could be confused withpurely.] in an immature or childishmanner.Hunter reacted puerilely when hismother told him it was time for bed.

pugilistn��@]fCW2Y1`a��L + Ea professional boxer.Years as a pugilist took their toll onLeo’s coordination.


pugnaciousadj��]2T@[0`U2`��Lhaving a quarrelsome or belligerentnature.Bushpigs are pugnacious enough toput up a fight against a leopard.


puissantadj��@]fC2`3[a��Fstrong, powerful.Enduring Adria’s piano practicecalled on all of her mother’spuissant patience.


pullulatev��@]2Yf2AY0a��Lswarm, teem.At rush hour the train station beganto pullulate with activity.

pulmonaryadj��@]BYZ2A[R_4��Lof, relating to, or associated withthe lungs.Uncle Rob’s pulmonary diseaserequires that he breathe pureoxygen at all times.

pulsatileadj��@]2Y`2G3Y��Lbeating, throbbing.The heart is a pulsatile muscularorgan that maintains the flow ofblood.

pultaceousadj��A]2Y@a0`U2`��L + Ecfhaving a consistency like that ofporridge.Serena dislikes rice puddingbecause of its pultaceousconsistency.


pulverulentadj��]2Y@cR_f2Y2[a��Lconsisting of or reducible to finepowder.Chalk is a pulverulent deposit ofcalcium carbonate.

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pumicen��@]2Z1`��L[has homonyms: pomace andpumace] hardened volcanic froth.Ground pumice is sometimes usedas an abrasive ingredient in soap.

pumpernickeln��@]2Z]2�_�A[VX2Y��Ga sourdough bread made with ryeand wheat flours.Sam’s favorite sandwich is hamand Swiss on pumpernickel.


punctiliousadj��A]2;�X�@aVY42`��Lmarked by precise exactaccordance with the details ofcodes or conventions.Inflexible people often paypunctilious attention to rules ofetiquette.

punctualadj��@]2;�X�PU�2d�2Y��Lmarked by exact adherence to anappointed time.Everybody was punctual for thewedding, and all behavedcharmingly.



pungentadj��@]2[W2[a��Lcausing a sharp sensation :pricking, irritating, acrid.The pungent odor of wet dog sentthe guests out for fresh air.




purlieun��@]2_Y�A�fC��Fa place of resort : haunt.Vince can be found most eveningsin the local pool hall, his favoritepurlieu.

purloinv��]2�_�@Y<V[��L > F > Eappropriate wrongfully and oftenunder circumstances that involve abreach of trust.The district manager was firedwhen he was caught trying topurloin company earnings.



pursuern��]2�_�@`C2�_���Eone that chases or follows after.By the middle of the race, Gail hadoutdistanced her nearest pursuerby two yards.

purveyorn��]2�_�@c02�_���L > F > Eone who provides supplies of foodor whose business is to makeprovisions for the table : caterer.The reception was delayed becausethe purveyor got stuck in traffic.

pusillanimousadj��A]fC`2@YN[2Z2`��Llacking or showing a lack ofcourage, manly strength, andresolution : marked by mean-spirited and contemptible timidity.Edgar never forgave his brother’spusillanimous desertion during thewar.

putrescentadj��]fC@a_R`3[a��Ldecaying, rotting.The disagreeable odor was comingfrom the putrescent skunk carcass.

putridadj��@]fCa_1Q��Lin an advanced state ofdecomposition : rotten.The putrid heap of kitchen scrapswill compost in no time.

putschn��@]BPU��imit Ga secretly plotted and suddenlyexecuted attempt to overthrow agovernment or governing body.The right-wing nationalist groupplotted a putsch for earlySeptember.

puttyn��@]2G4��F[has homonym: puttee] a cementusually made of whiting and boiledlinseed oil beaten or kneaded to theconsistency of dough and used infastening glass in sashes andstopping crevices in woodwork.The window repairman smoothedthe new putty and inserted thedouble-paned glass into the sash.

puzzlingadj��@]2g�2�YV;��unknown + Ecfmystifying : difficult to understand.The puzzling directions in theinstruction manual rendered ituseless.

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pylonn��@]6AY/[��Gka tower for supporting either end ofa wire over a long span.The steel pylon at the north end ofthe footbridge was showingdangerous signs of wear.

pylorusn��]6@Y=_2`��Gk > Lthe opening in a vertebrate from thestomach into the intestine.The pylorus regulates the flow offood and liquid from the stomach.

pyramidn��@]V_2AZVQ��Gkan ancient massive structure ofhuge stone blocks found especiallyin Egypt having typically a squareground plan, outside walls in theform of four triangles that meet in apoint at the top, and innersepulchral chambers.The sight of a pyramid on thedesert horizon took Rico’s breathaway.


pyrethrumn��]6@_4aU_2Z��Gk > Lany of various chrysanthemumswith finely divided and oftenaromatic leaves.The pyrethrum is a source of anatural insecticide.

pyretogenicadj��A]V_2a=@WR[VX��Gkinducing fever.Because Jamie’s illness was notpyretogenic, his mom did notinitially believe that he was sick.


pyrosisn��]6@_=`1`��Gkheartburn.Gill had a wicked case of pyrosisafter eating at Billy Joe Bob’s Charand Grill.

pyrotechnicsn pl��A]6_2@aRX[VX`��Gka display of fireworks.The amusement park had a showincluding pyrotechnics every night.

Pyrrhicadj��@]V_VX��Gk > L[has homonym: pyric] of, relatingto, or resembling that of Pyrrhus, aking who sustained heavy losses indefeating the Romans.When the team’s star quarterbackbroke his leg in the game it wonagainst its toughest rival, the winwas indeed a Pyrrhic victory.

pythonicadj��]6@aU/[VX��Gk > Lof, relating to, or like a python :huge, monstrous.In classical mythology, the godApollo killed a pythonic serpent atDelphi.


quadragenariann��AXd/Q_2W1@[N�N�_42[��La person who is 40 or more and lessthan 50 years old.Evelyn became a grandmotherwhile she was a quadragenarian.

quadranglen��@Xd/AQ_N;T2Y��L > F > Ea square or rectangular enclosure orcourt especially when surroundedby buildings (as in some schoolsand colleges).Norm sailed a pie tin across thequadrangle.



quadrilateraln��AXd/Q_2@YNG2_2Y��La plane figure of four sides andconsequently four angles.The perimeter of a baseballdiamond forms a quadrilateral.

quadrillen��Xd/@Q_VY��Fa four-handed form of a card gameplayed throughout Europe in the17th and 18th centuries.Mrs. Bates was a very old lady,almost past everything but tea andquadrille.

quadrumanousadj��Xd/@Q_CZ2[2`��Lhaving four hands.Luke complained that a bass playerwould have to be quadrumanous tomaster the piece he was given toplay.

quagmiren��@XdNTAZ6�2�_��unknown + ON > Ea complex or precarious positionwhere disengagement is difficult.In his position as protocol officer,Russell often found himself in aquagmire of delicate relationships.

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quailn��@Xd0Y��L > F > Ea migratory game bird of Europe,Asia, and Africa that is about seveninches long.The vintner decided to name hiswine after the quail because thebirds were so plentiful on hisproperty.

quaintadj��@Xd0[a��L > F > Euncommon, old-fashioned, orunfamiliar but often agreeable orattractive in character, appearance,or action.In the middle of the ultramodernmall was a quaint tearoom thatdrew customers from miles around.

qualitativeadj��@Xd/Y2Aa0GVc��Lof, relating to, or involving qualityor kind.Although the essay was judged tobe short quantitatively, it was aqualitative masterpiece.


quandaryn��@Xd/[Q�2�_4��unknowna state of perplexity or doubt :dilemma.Taylor’s advice left Miriam in moreof a quandary than she was inwhen she sought his help.


quaquaversaladj��AXd0Xd2@c2_`2Y��Ldipping from a center to all pointsof the compass.From the air, the quaquaversalshape of the Indian mound could beseen.



quarrelsomeadj��@Xd<_�2�Y`2Z��L > F > E + Eapt or disposed to argue :contentious.If Angie weren’t so quarrelsome,she might have more friends.





quaternionn��Xd2@a2_[42[��La set of four parts, things, orpersons.The auto parts store offered aspecial price on a quaternion oftires.

quatorzainn��X2@a<_Ag0[��Fa poem of 14 lines that resembles asonnet but lacks strict sonnetstructure.When his English teacher wassatisfied with Walter’s quatorzain,she encouraged him to write asonnet.

quatrefoiln��@XNG2�_�AS<VY��Fa conventionalized representationof a flower with four petals or of aleaf with four leaflets.The Gothic window featured aquatrefoil at the top of its arch.


quebrachon��X0@O_N�A�PU=��Spa tree that is native to Argentinaand is used as a source of tanninand in dyeing.In Argentina grows the quebracho,which literally means “ax-breaker,” so named because itswood is so hard.


quellableadj��@XdRY2O2Y��Ecapable of being quieted or allayed.The restless crowd provedquellable at the sight of theentertainer they had come to see.

quenchv��@XdR[PU��Eput out (as a fire or a light).For three days the firefighters triedto quench the blaze.

quenellen��X2@[RY��G > Fa ball or oval of meat stuffingcooked in boiling water or stockand served as a garnish or as aseparate dish.Martha served a quenelle ofchicken in brown onion sauce as anappetizer.

quercitronn��@Xd2_A`Va_2[��La black oak or the bark of this treeused in tanning and dyeing.When used as a dye, quercitronturns fabrics yellow.

querimoniousadj��AXdR_2@Z=[42`��Lhabitually complaining.Luther was known for hisquerimonious temperament.

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quernn��@Xd2_[��Ea primitive mill for grinding grainconsisting of two circular stoneswith the upper one being turned byhand.Some Tibetan villagers still grindwheat into flour by using a quern.

querulousadj��@XdR_�f�2Y2`��Lexpressing or suggestive ofcomplaint : fretful, whining.As the crow fluttered from the tree,it gave a loud, querulous caw.



questn��@XdR`a��L > F > Ean act or instance of searching :expedition, pursuit, venture.In “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,”the horseman rides forth to thescene of battle in nightly quest ofhis head.

questionv��@XdR`�U�PU2[��Lexpress doubt about : dispute.Corporal Sage decided he had toquestion Sergeant McGonigle’sorders.





quichen��@X4`U��G > Fa baked custard pie usually havingan added savory ingredient (aschopped ham, seafood, orvegetables).Lois served soup and a seafoodquiche for lunch today.

quiddityn��@XdVQ2G4��Lthe essential nature or ultimateform of something.The photographer was noted forher ability to capture the quiddityof her subjects.

quidnuncn��@XdVQA[2;X��Lone that is avidly curious and givento speculating especially aboutephemeral or petty things.Every neighborhood seems to havea quidnunc.


quietusn��Xd6@4G2`��Lfinal discharge or acquittance (asfrom debt or obligation) : finalsettlement.The judge is expected to ruletomorrow on a quietus in Mr.Ford’s civil case.

quilln��@XdVY��Ea bird’s feather; especially : one ofthe large stiff feathers of a bird’swing or tail.Jay found a beautiful quill andplaced it alongside his mom’santique inkwell on her desk.


quincunxn��@XdV[AX2;�X�`��Lan arrangement of five things withone at each corner and one in themiddle of a square.Any nine-block square of achessboard will include a quincunxof either black or white blocks.

quininen��@Xd6A[6[��Quechua > Spa bitter alkaloid derived fromcinchona bark and used in medicineespecially in the form of bitter saltsto reduce fever.Quinine was a common remedywhen Dr. Prentice was young.

quinquennialadj��XdV[@XdR[42Y��L + Loccurring at the end of every fiveyears.The philanthropist makes aquinquennial gift to the school.

quinsyberryn��@XdV[g4AOR_4��Gk > L > F > E + Ean Old World black currant.Edgar mashed a quinsyberry on hissister’s new yellow dress.

quintessencen��XdV[@aR`3[�a�`��Lthe most typical example orrepresentative : the consummateinstance (as of a quality or class).To be steadfast in the face ofmortal danger is the quintessenceof courage.

quiren��@Xd6�2�_��Lfour sheets (as of paper) foldedtogether into eight leaves.The teacher showed the second-graders how to make a book from aquire of paper.

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quirtn��@Xd2_a��L > Spa riding whip with a short handleand a rawhide lash.Eager to get home, Juanita urgedher horse on by using the quirt.

quislingn��@XdVgYV;��Norw namea traitorous national who aids theinvader of his country and oftenserves as chief agent or puppetgovernor.Many French citizens thought thatMarshal Petain, head of the Vichyregime during World War II, waslittle better than a quisling.

quivern��@XdVc2�_���Gmc > F > AF > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a casefor carrying arrows.The archer slung his quiver overhis shoulder and set out in searchof deer.



quizzicallyadv��@XdVg1X�2�Y4��unknown + Ecffin a questioning, curious manner.Martin sat with his head quizzicallytilted as the algebra teacher wasexplaining the new concept.

quodlibetn��@Xd/QY2AORa��La subtle or debatable point;especially : a theological orscholastic question proposed forargument or disputation.The best students in the philosophyseminar were often given aquodlibet to sharpen their debatingskills.

quoitsn pl��@X�d�<Va`��F > Ea game played with flattened ringsof iron or circles of rope that arethrown from a mark toward a pin inan attempt to ring the pin or tocome as near to it as possible.Jordan had never played quoitsbefore but found it very similar tohorseshoes.

quokkan��@Xd/X2��Australian namea stocky Australian reddish orchestnut brown wallaby with ashort tail—called also “short-tailedwallaby.”Meggie’s pet quokka wanted tofollow her everywhere.

quomodon��@Xd=Z2AQ=��Lmeans, manner.Devon claims that he lacks thequomodo to repay Philip beforenext month.

quondamadj��@Xd/[Q2Z��Lhaving been formerly.Jared and his quondam stepbrotherare still the best of friends.

quorumn��@Xd=_2Z��Lthe number of members of anorganization who when assembledcan legally transact business in theabsence of the other members.There were not enough memberspresent at the school board meetingto constitute a quorum, so novoting took place.

quotableadj��@Xd=G2O2Y��Lfit to be repeated or published.Tonya likes to highlight quotablepassages in the books she reads.


quotidianadj��Xd=@aVQ42[��Lcommonplace, ordinary.Thelma rebelled against herquotidian existence.

quotientn��@Xd=`U2[a��Lthe number resulting from thedivision of one number by another.In the equation 48 ÷ by 4 = 12, 12is the quotient.


Rabelaisianadj��A_NO2@Y0g42[��F namemarked by or manifesting a grossrobust humor or extravagance ofcaricature, characteristic of theFrench humorist François Rabelais.In the 19th century many writers,including Mark Twain, werecriticized for having a Rabelaisianview of life.

rachiometern��A_0X4@/Z2G2�_���Gkan instrument for measuring spinalcurvatures.When Kate complained of backproblems, her orthopedist used arachiometer to examine her spine.

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racketeern��A_NX2@aV�2�_��imit?one who extorts money oradvantages by threats of violenceor blackmail.The Justice Department wassuccessful in prosecuting theracketeer for tax evasion.

raconteurn��A_NAX/[@a2_��Fone who excels in telling anecdotes: storyteller.Mr. Backstrom is the residentraconteur at the county library.

radarn��@_0AQ/_��E acronyma radio device for locating anobject.With the help of radar, the weatherbureau was able to track the storm.

radarscopen��@_0Q/_A`X=]��E acronym + Gkthe oscilloscope or screen servingas the visual indicator in a radarreceiver.The pilot relied on the radarscopeto fly through the storm safely.

radiantadj��@_0Q42[a��Lmarked by or expressive of joy,pleasure, love, confidence, orhappiness.Emily looked positively radiantwhen she saw her newborn sisterfor the first time.

radicaladj��@_NQ1X2Y��L > Echaracterized by a significantdifference from the norm: extreme.The new governor promised radicalchanges in the state’s welfaresystem.

radicchion��_N@QVX4=��L > Ita chicory of a red variety withvariegated leaves that is used as asalad green.Instead of lettuce, Angela alwaysuses radicchio in her salads.

radioactiven��A_0Q4A=@NXAaVc��L + Lof, relating to, caused by, orexhibiting the emission of radiantenergy.Radioactive materials are carefullytracked and monitored.


radioscopyn��A_0Q4@/`X2]4��L + Gk + Ecfdirect observation of objectsopaque to light by means of someother form of radiant energy (as Xrays).Upon radioscopy Thelma’s fracturebecame clearly visible.




ragoutn��_N@TC��L > Fmeat and vegetables well seasonedin a thick rich usually brown sauce.The rich ragout made a completemeal.

railleryn��@_0Y2_4��Fgood-natured ridicule : mockery.The new students soon becameaccustomed to the raillery of theirdormitory mates.

raimentn��@_0Z2[a��Eclothing, garments.The stranger’s raiment was well-worn but clean and pressed.

raisinyadj��@_0g3[4��L > F > Econtaining or resembling sun-driedgrapes.Taylor enjoyed the raisiny trailmix.

ramagen��@_NZVW��L > Fthe boughs or branches of a tree.As soon as Buttons got out thedoor, she disappeared into theramage of the big poplar.

rambunctiousadj��_NZ@O2;�X�`U2`��Eexcessively exuberant : wild,uncontrollable.Nothing pleases a group oframbunctious youngsters morethan a good pillow fight.

ramelloseadj��@_NZ2AY=`��Lhaving little branches.In the biology lab Carla observedthe ramellose extremities offreshwater algae.

ramificationn��A_NZ2S1@X0`U2[��La resulting development :consequence.Tina felt that the only negativeramification of accepting the joboffer was that she would have totake a pay cut.

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rampagev��@_NZA]0W��Scotsact, rush, or storm wildly orexcitedly.Crazed fans began to rampage inthe streets after their team won thechampionship.

rampantadj��@_NZ]2[a��Fmarked by the absence of check orrestraint.A rampant smallpox epidemicdecimated the population.

ramshackleadj��@_NZA`UNX2Y��ON > Eappearing as if ready to collapse :dilapidated, rickety.Bonnie heard strange noisescoming from the ramshackle housenext door.

rancidadj��@_N[�a�`1Q��Lhaving an offensive smell or tasteusually from chemical change ordecomposition.After a month at room temperature,most cheese will be rancid.

rancorn��@_N;X2�_���Lvehement hatred or ill will.Samuel’s rancor flashed from hiseyes.




rantipoleadj��@_N[a4A]=Y��D? + G > E?characterized by a wild unrulymanner or attitude.The antics of the rantipole bearcubs amused the zoo visitors.



rappelledv��_N@]RYQ��L > F[has near homonym: repelled]descended a precipitous cliff bymeans of a rope.Simon pushed off with his feet as herappelled down the precipice.


rapportn��_N@]=�2�_��Frelation characterized by harmony,accord, or affinity.Mr. Sanchez works hard to achieverapport with all his students.

rapprochementn��A_NA]_=`U@Z/:��Festablishment or a state of cordialrelations.The rapprochement between thecountry’s two religious groupssuffered a setback when membersof one group bombed a church thatbelonged to the other group.



rapturousadj��@_N]PU2_2`��Lfeeling, expressing, or marked byecstasy : ecstatic.Cecilia always became rapturousduring the final movement ofBeethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

rascetten��_N@`Ra��Ar > L > Fa line crossing the wrist below thepalm of the hand that is sometimesheld by palmists to provideadditional indication of a strong orweak constitution.Madame Xantha peered closely atHelen’s rascette and told her shewould live to be 100.

rasgadon��_/`@T/�A�Q=��L > Spthe arpeggio effect produced bysweeping the strings with thethumb in guitar playing.Rod ended his guitar solo with aresounding rasgado.


raspberryn��@_NgAOR_4��unknown + Eany of various usually black or redsweet juicy edible berries.The raspberry is highly prized formaking jams and preserves.

ratafian��A_NG2@S42��Fa small sweet biscuit made fromalmond paste.May ate a ratafia with her coffeefor breakfast.

rataplann��A_NG2@]YN[��Fthe iterative sound of beating (asfrom a drum or the hooves of agalloping horse).One verse of the song required thecampers around the bonfire tomake a rataplan by clapping theirhands and slapping each thigh inturn.

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ratatouillen��_.a.aCf��L > Fa stew made of eggplant, tomatoes,green peppers, squash, andsometimes meat.Marnie used vegetables from herown garden to make the ratatouille.

rathskellern��@_/aA`XRY2�_���Ga restaurant located usually belowthe street level and patterned afterthe cellar or basement of a Germancity hall.There are three good restaurantson this block, but college studentsseem to prefer the rathskeller.



ratiocinatev��A_NG4@=`3[A0a��Lreason according to a logicalprocess.A philosopher should ratiocinatestrictly and rigorously.





rattlesnaken��@_NG3YA`[0X��E + Eany of numerous pit vipers thathave a series of interlocking jointsat the end of the tail which make asharp rattling sound when vibrated.Mr. Bergson’s valuable stalliondied last summer after being bittenby a rattlesnake.

raucousadj��@_<X2`��Ldisagreeably harsh or strident.Up in one of the elms an old blackcrow gave its raucous cry.


ravenousadj��@_Nc�2�[2`��Fcraving for satisfaction orgratification.The children tore into the meal witha ravenous hunger.

ravigoten��_.c4@T<a��L > Fa sauce or dressing colored greenwith spinach puree and seasonedwith vinegar and a mixture ofherbs.The specialty of the seafood brunchwas shrimp ravigote.


raviolin��A_Nc4@=Y4��L > Italimentary paste made in littleshells or cases and stuffed (as withcheese, spinach, or meat).Fletcher bought a package offrozen spinach ravioli and a jar oftomato sauce.


rayonnantadj��@_02[2[a��Fdepicted with rays darting forth—used especially in heraldry.The sun rayonnant on thePhilippine flag signifies liberty andfreedom.


realizev��@_42AY6g��Fbring into existence.With her inheritance money, Martywas able to realize her dream ofowning a small business.


realpolitikn��_0@/YA]=Y4@a4X��(L + Gk) > Gpolitics based on practical factorsas distinguished from theoreticalobjectives.Some analysts credit realpolitik forthe increase in voter participation.


realtyn��@_4�2�Ya4��L > F > Eland and its permanently affixedbuildings or other structurestogether with its improvements andits natural assets (as minerals,crops, waters).Aurora built a large business incorporate realty.


rebarbativeadj��_4@O/_O2GVc��Lserving or tending to repel orirritate.Teresa complained that she foundthe school play rebarbative.



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reboationn��A_RO2@d0`U2[��La loud reverberation.The reboation of the ship’s foghornsignaled the ship’s entrance intothe harbor.


rebusn��@_4O2`��La representation of words orsyllables by pictures of objects orby symbols whose names resemblethe intended words or syllables insound.A popular game show requiredcontestants to solve a rebus to win.

rebuttaln��_1@O2G3Y��F > Ethe act of contradicting.Dennis’s convincing rebuttal sentOscar home in a huff.

recalcitrantadj��_1@XNY`2a_2[a��Lobstinately defiant of authority orrestraint : stubbornly disobedient.An extremely recalcitrantadolescent, Tommy rejectseverything any authority figuresays.

recapitulatev��A_4X2@]VPU2AY0a��Lrepeat the principal points of :restate briefly : give a summary of.It is customary for Professor Burnsto recapitulate his lecture at theend of class.



recensionn��_1@`R[PU2[��La critical revision of a text (as of anancient author) by an editor.Patricia recently read a modernrecension of Dante’s Inferno.



recidivismn��_1@`VQ2AcVg2Z��L + Ecffrepeated relapse into criminal ordelinquent habits.Unemployment of ex-convicts is atthe root of much of the recidivismthat leads to overcrowded prisons.

recipen��@_R`2�A�]4��La formula for cooking or preparingsomething to be eaten or drunk.Chuck’s chili recipe is a closelyguarded secret.


reciprocaladj��_1@`V]_2X2Y��L + Ecfconsisting of or functioning as areturn in kind.James is truly unselfish, alwaysready to help without expectingreciprocal benefit.

reciprocityn��A_R`2@]_/`2G4��Lmutual dependence, action, orinfluence.A treaty of reciprocity called forthe lowering of protective tariffs byboth countries.


reclusen��@_RAXYC`��Lone who leads a retired or solitarylife.Alison was shocked when the oldrecluse next door called to inviteher for tea.

recognizancen��_1@X/T[2g2[�a�`��L > F > Ean obligation of record entered intobefore a court or magistraterequiring the performance of an act(as appearance in court) usuallyunder penalty of a moneyforfeiture.The suspect was arraigned the nextmorning and released on his ownrecognizance.


reconcilev��@_RX2[A`6Y��Lobtain agreement between twofinancial records.Because he kept such poor records,it often took Evan several hours toreconcile his checkbook to his bankstatement.

reconditeadj��@_RX2[AQ6a��Lvery difficult to understand andbeyond the reach of ordinarycomprehension and knowledge.Mansur chose the recondite subjectof quantum mechanics for hispaper.




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recrudescentadj��A_4X_C@QR`3[a��Lbreaking out again : renewingdisease or dangerous activity afterabatement, suppression, orcessation.Because of the recrudescent natureof tuberculosis, those who havebeen exposed to this disease shouldbe tested for it periodically.

recuperatev��_1@X�f�C]2A_0a��Lrecover health or strength.Aaron spent a month in Florida torecuperate after the campaign.



recusancyn��@_RXf2g2[`4��Lrefusal to accept or obeyconstituted authority :nonconformity.In post-Reformation England,recusancy was the refusalespecially of Roman Catholics toattend the services of the Church ofEngland.



redolentadj��@_RQ3Y2[a��L > F > Econveying an aura : tending tosuggest.Every page of Ryan’s essay isredolent of fine scholarship.

redoppen��_2@Q/]��L > It > Fa show-ring movement in which ahorse gallops in circles whosediameter never exceeds ten feet.The last movement in Thunder’sperformance was a fast redoppe.

redoubtableadj��_1@QNBG2O2Y��F > Einspiring awe or reverence : august,eminent.Mount Rushmore is a fittingmemorial to four redoubtablestatesmen.






refocillatev��_4@S/`2AY0a��Lrefresh, revive.Mom hopes that a good wateringwill refocillate her drooping ferns.

refractionn��_1@S_NX`U2[��Lthe deflection from a straight pathundergone by a light ray in passingobliquely from one medium intoanother in which its velocity isdifferent.Mr. Popkin explained that an oarin water is not bent, but thatrefraction makes it appear bent.

refugen��@_R�A�SfCW��L > F > Eshelter or protection from danger ordistress.The high hills are a refuge for wildgoats.



regalev��_1@T0Y��Fentertain (as a person) sumptuouslyor agreeably : feast with delicacies.The hostess will regale her bridgeclub members with a variety ofdelightful homemade desserts.


regattan��_1@T/G2��Itan organized series of rowing,speedboat, or sailing races.The famous rowing regatta atHenley-on-Thames has been heldeach year since 1839.

reggaen��@_0�A�T0��unknowna popular music of Jamaican originthat combines indigenous styleswith elements of rock ’n’ roll andsoul music and is performed withthe accent on the offbeat.The video travelogue aboutJamaica included a soundtrack ofreggae.

regiciden��@_RW2A`6Q��Lthe killing or murder of a king.The peasants resorted to regicidewhen their pleas were ignored bythe tyrannical monarch.

regimen��_0@gU4Z��L > Fthe period during which agovernment or social systemprevails.During the communist regime inRomania, environmental problemswere flagrantly ignored.

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regimenn��@_RW2Z2[��La systematic plan designed toimprove and maintain health.Cassandra’s regimen includesgetting at least seven hours of sleepper night.

regurgitatev��_1@T2_W2Aa0a��Lthrow, cast, or pour back or outagain.Brenda watched the redbirdregurgitate food to feed hisnestlings.

rehabilitationn��A_4�U�2AOVY2@a0`U2[��Lthe process of restoring anindividual (as a convict, mentalpatient, or disaster victim) to auseful and constructive place insociety.The penitentiary employedpsychologists and educators to helpin the rehabilitation of theprisoners.

rehearsaln��_1@U2_`2Y��Ea private recital or practice sessionheld in preparation for a publicappearance.Roland was somewhat nervousduring his first rehearsal with theNew York City Ballet.


reiteratev��_4@VG2A_0a��Lsay or do over repeatedly.The new teacher decided toreiterate each point of the lesson atthe end of the period so that thestudents could not claim theymissed the information.



relegatev��@_RY2AT0a��L[has homonym: religate] degrade,demote.The coach decided to relegate thequarterback to second string afterhis poor performance in the game.


relicn��@_RYVX��Lan object (as a bone, an article ofclothing or of personal use) kept inesteem and veneration because ofits association with a saint ormartyr.The Shroud of Turin is the mostfamous relic in Christendom, inspite of its disputed history.




remedialadj��_1@Z4Q42Y��Lconcerned with the correction offaulty study habits, theimprovement of skills imperfectlylearned, and the raising of a pupil’sgeneral competence.The test results indicate that 20percent of the students in Laura’sschool need to take a remedialcourse in math.

reminiscev��A_RZ2@[V`��L&Findulge in the practice of thinkingabout past experiences.The old photographs promptedGrandpa to reminisce about hisyouth.



remunerationn��_1@ZfC[2A_0`U2[��Lan act of paying an equivalent for aservice, loss, or expense :compensation.Mr. Shimada gave Mitzi two ticketsto Disneyland as remuneration forthe many errands she had run forhim.

renaissancen��A_R[2@`/[�a�`��L > Fenthusiastic activity along literary,artistic, and cultural linesdistinguished by a revival ofinterest in the past and anincreasing pursuit of learning.In the 1970s, there was arenaissance of interest in organicgardening techniques.

renderv��@_R[Q2�_���L > F > Emelt down : extract or clarify bymelting.The process of cooking a few stripsof bacon can render enough fat tofry several eggs.

rendezvousn��@_/[Q2AcC��Fa meeting at an appointed place andtime.The astronauts completed arendezvous with the orbiting spacestation.


renitentadj��@_R[2G2[a��Lresisting pressure, constraint, orcompulsion.Mark’s dog proved too renitent tolearn any tricks.

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renouncev��_1@[NB[�a�`��L[has near homonym: renowns]announce one’s abandonment ofthe ownership of : give up,abandon, or resign usually formally(something possessed).In 1936 Edward, Prince of Wales,decided to renounce his claim tothe throne of England and marryAmerican divorcée Wallis Simpson.


renovatorn��@_R[2Ac0G2�_���Lone that restores to a former state(as worn or damaged articles).The Rehmers hired a renovator towork on the old farmhouse theybought.

renvoin��_R[@c<V��Fthe return by a government of analien to his own country.Because of crowded prisons, NewYork has been practicing renvoi onillegal aliens who have committeda crime.



reparteen��_R]2�_�@a4��Fa succession of clever retorts.Susie and Josh’s repartee is soexcessive that even their friendstire quickly of the constant retorts.

repechagen��A_R]2@`U/gU��L > Fa second-chance trial heat (as inOlympic rowing) in which losers inthe first round of competition aregiven another chance to qualify forthe semifinals.Luigi fell behind in the first heat ofthe single sculls, but he hoped tomake up for it in the repechage.


repertoiren��@_R]2�_�Aad/_��L > Fa list or supply of pieces or partsthat a company or person hasthoroughly rehearsed and isprepared to perform.The folk dance troupe has addedseveral Balkan dances to itsrepertoire.

repertoryn��@_R]2�_�Aa=_4��Lthe practice of presenting with aresident company a number ofdifferent productions (as plays ordances) during a season eithersuccessively or alternately.The ballet company is presentingfour productions in repertory thiswinter.

repetitionn��A_R]2@aV`U2[��Lthe fact of occurring, appearing, orbeing said again.The repetition in the epic poem wasanything but boring.

repetitiousadj��A_R]2@aV`U2`��Lmarked by the act of repeatingsomething already said or done.Bettina complained that her pianolessons were repetitious.


replenishv��_1@]YR[V`U��Lfill up again.The heavy rain from the hurricaneserved to replenish the drought-stricken reservoirs of the state.

replevinn��_1@]YRc1[��L? > Fthe return to or recovery by aperson of goods claimed to bewrongfully taken or detained uponthe person’s giving security to trythe matter in court and return thegoods if defeated in the action.Before the goods could be movedfrom the warehouse, the judgeissued a writ of replevin.


repoussagen��_1A]C@`/gU��Fthe art or process of hammering outor pressing thin metal from thereverse side.Fiona bought a brass boxdecorated with repoussage at theantique shop.

reprehensibleadj��A_R]_1@UR[�a�`2O2Y��L > Edeserving rebuke or reprimand :censurable.This amiable, upright, perfect JaneFairfax was apparently cherishingvery reprehensible feelings.


reprieven��_1@]_4c��F?a formal suspension of theexecution of a sentence especiallyof death.Bowing to public pressure, thegovernor granted a reprieve to theconvict awaiting execution.

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reprimandv��@_R]_2AZN[Q��L > Freprove severely : chide for a fault :censure formally and especiallywith authority.Dean felt guilty as he began toreprimand Shirley; was the blamepartially his?reprisaln��_1@]_6g2Y��L > It > F > Ean action of retaliation (as forinjury or attack).The team captain decided to use atrick play as a reprisal for the otherteam’s roughhousing.

repristinatev��_4@]_V`a2A[0a��Lrestore to an original state orcondition : revive.Barb and Ray spent the better partof the summer working torepristinate the old farm house.

reproachv��_1@]_=PU��F > Erebuke strongly or sternly : scold.Van hoped that Mrs. Krishnanwouldn’t reproach him in front ofthe whole lunchroom crowd.

reprobatev��@_R]_2AO0a��Ldisapprove of : reject as unworthyor evil.Patty will not be going to the sockhop because her parents reprobatedancing.


repudiatev��_1@]fCQ4A0a��Lrefuse approval or belief to : rejectas untrue or unjust.Jacqueline wanted to repudiate herfamily's ideas about classdistinction, so she married theirchauffeur.

repugnancen��_1@]2T[2[�a�`��Lstrong dislike, distaste, orantipathy.Mr. Churchill felt deep repugnancetoward his aunt, whose illnessesnever occurred but for her ownconvenience.

Requiemn��@_RXd42Z��La grand musical hymn in honor ofthe dead.Many orchestras include aclassical Requiem in theirrepertoire.


requisiteadj��@_RXd2g1a��Lrequired by the nature of things orby circumstances or by the end inview.Buried under a calmness thatseemed all but indifference was anattachment that would have ledeither of the two brothers, ifrequisite, to do everything for thegood of the other.

rescindv��_1@`V[Q��Lrepeal.The new bill would rescind severaloutdated laws.


rescuev��@_R�A�`XfC��L > F > Efree from confinement, violence,danger, or evil : save, deliver.Three lifeguards dived into the poolto rescue the flailing girl.

reservoirn��@_Rg2cAd/_��L > Fa place where water is collectedand kept in quantity for use whenwanted.Because of the dry spell, ourreservoir was only half full, andwater restrictions had to beimposed.



residuen��@_Rg2AQ�f�C��Lthe part of a molecule that remainsafter the removal of a portion of itsconstituents.Sondra asked Jeff to analyze andwrite out the formula for theresidue in the Erlenmeyer flask.


resilev��_1@g6Y��Ldraw back : recoil, retract, recede.The rubber bands in Greta’s deskwere so old that several had losttheir ability to resile.

resiliencen��_1@gVYf2[�a�`��L + Ecfan act of springing back : rebound,recoil.Vera showed her resilience byrecovering so quickly from herskiing accident.

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resiliencyn��_1@gVYf2[`4��L + Ecffcapability of a strained body torecover its size and shape afterdeformation caused especially bycompressive stress.A pole vaulter must adjust to theresiliency of his pole.



resipiscencen��A_R`2@]V`3[�a�`��Lchange of mind or heart; often :return to a sane, sound, or correctview or position.The soldier’s severe warexperience brought about in him aresipiscence marked by muchregret for shortcomings in hispersonal life.


resoluteadj��@_Rg2AYCa��Lhaving or characterized by adecided purpose : determined.Jody remained resolute in hisdecision to resign from thecommittee.

resonancen��@_Rg3[2[�a�`��L[Note: Could be confused withplural noun resonants.] aphenomenon that is shown by amolecule, ion, or radical to whichtwo or more structures differingonly in the distribution of electronscan be assigned.To illustrate the concept ofresonance, Mr. Abadi drew twodifferent Lewis structures of ozoneon the board.


respiten��@_R`]1a��L > Ftemporary intermission of labor orof any process oroperation : interval of rest.Seeking respite from the arguing ofhis siblings, Jerold left the table inthe middle of their family dinner.

resplendencen��_1@`]YR[Q2[�a�`��L > Ethe quality or state of shiningbrilliantly.The resplendence of the sunset overLoon Lake enticed Eric to stay onemore day.

restauratricen��A_R`a2_2@a_4`��La woman who operates or owns apublic eating place.While Ted and Sue were dining, therestauratrice came to their table toask for their comments on the foodand service.


restitutoryadj��A_R`a2@aCG2_4��Lof, relating to, or aiming at thereturn of something to its rightfulowner.The judge’s verdict includedpunitive as well as restitutoryfeatures.


resurgentadj��_1@`2_W2[a��Lrising again from an inferior stateto a superior state.The former Soviet republic isexperiencing resurgentnationalism.


resuscitatev��_1@`2`2Aa0a��Lrevive from apparent death or fromunconsciousness.A young intern pushed through thecrowd to resuscitate theunconscious child.


reticencen��@_RG1`2[�a�`��L > Frestraint in speaking orcommunicating : reserve.Jordan’s usual reticencedisappears when he sits at theradio microphone.

reticulatedadj��_1@aVXf2AY0G1Q��L + Ecfconstructed or faced with diamond-shaped stones or square stonesplaced diagonally.The hotel lobby’s reticulated floorprovided stark geometric contrastwith the gentle curves of theatrium.

reticulen��@_RG2AXfCY��La woman’s small drawstring bagused as a pocketbook, workbag, orcarryall.Mrs. Bates folded up a letter whichshe had been reading and returnedit into the purple and gold reticuleby her side.

retinan��@_Ra3[2��L > Ethe multilayered innermost liningof the eyeball that contains varioustypes of photoreceptive cells thatare connected to the brain via theoptic nerve.The ophthalmologist treated Mrs.Simpson for a detached retina.

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retinuen��@_Ra3[A�f�C��L > F > Ea train of attendants.The actress obtained covetedawards ceremony tickets for herentire retinue.


retributionn��A_Ra_2@OfC`U2[��Lsomething given or exacted incompensation.Art felt certain that his fenderbender was divine retribution forall the times he had honked hishorn impatiently at other drivers.

retrocedencen��A_Ra_2@`4Q3[�a�`��Lthe act of ceding back typically bytreaty.In 1997 the British governmentcompleted the retrocedence ofHong Kong to China.


retrospectv��@_Ra_2A`]RXa��Lpractice the act of surveying thepast.Colin’s ability to restrospect makeshistory classes a breeze for him.

revanchen��_1@c/[PU��Fthe policy of a government intenton the recovery of lost territory.Under the domination of the USSR,tendencies toward revanche werekept under tight control.


revenantadj��@_Rc2[2[a��Fcoming back : recurring.The more Rachel tries to put therevenant dream out of her mind,the more often it recurs.

revenuen��@_Rc2A[�f�C��Lthe income that comes back froman investment.The revenue from Maria’s rentalproperty enabled her to buy avacation cabin.

reverberatev��_1@c2_O2A_0a��Lcontinue or become repeated in oras if in a series of echoes.Kevin stood on one side of thecanyon, yelled as loudly as hecould, and waited for his voice toreverberate.

reverberatedv��_1@c2_O2A_0G1Q��Lreturned or sent back : echoed.Loud sounds reverberatedthroughout the cave.



reversibleadj��_1@c2_`2O2Y��L > F > Emade to be worn either side out andoften with a different fabric on eachside.Mark’s reversible vest matcheseverything else in his wardrobe.

revictualmentn��_4@cVG3YZ2[a��L + L > F > E + Ecfthe obtaining of fresh stocks ofprovisions (as by an army).We cannot go that far into enemyterritory without a clear plan forrevictualment.

revirescentadj��A_Rc2@_R`3[a��Lgrowing fresh or young again :reviving.The incumbent surprised hisopponents with the revirescentvigor of his campaign.


rhabdomancern��@_NOQ2AZN[�a�`2�_���Gkone who practices divination byrods or wands.With his divining rod in hand, therhabdomancer set out to find anundiscovered spring of water.

rhapsodicaladj��_N]@`/Q1X2Y��Gkextravagantly emotional :rapturous.The music critic lavishedrhapsodical praise on the Brahmsconcert.

rheostatn��@_42A`aNa��Gka resistor for regulating a current bymeans of variable resistances.The light dimmer has refused towork ever since Henry adjusted therheostat.


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rhetoriciann��A_RG2@_V`U2[��Gkone who writes or speaks in aninflated or bombastic style.People tend to ignore Mr. Wade’sgood ideas because he is such arhetorician.

rheumaticadj��_C@ZNGVX��Gk > L > Fof, relating to or characteristic ofinflammation, pain, and swelling inand around the joints.Once Ben had rheumatic fever, andonce he had typhoid.

rheumatismn��@_CZ2AaVg2Z��Gkany of numerous conditionscharacterized by inflammation orpain in muscles, joints, or fibroustissue.Shea’s grandfather complained ofrheumatism whenever the weatherwas cold and damp.


rhinariumn��_6@[N�N�_42Z��Gk > Lthe hairless area of roughened skinat the tip of the snout of a mammal.Vince checked the puppy’stemperature by touching itsrhinarium.

rhinestonen��@_6[gAa=[��geog name + Ea colorless imitation stone of highluster made of glass, paste, or gemquartz.Basil didn’t bother looking for therhinestone that fell out of his beltbuckle.

rhinitisn��_6@[6G1`��Gkcommon cold.The doctor diagnosed rhinitis andprescribed rest.

rhinocerosn��_6@[/`�2�_2`��Gkany of various large powerfulherbivorous thick-skinnedmammals that have one or twoheavy upright horns on the snout.The videotape showed dramaticfootage of a rhinoceros charging aphotographer.



rhododendronn��A_=Q2@QR[Q_2[��Gkany of various plants of the genusRhododendron with persistentleathery leaves and bell-shapedflowers.Evan’s mother plants arhododendron along the drivewayevery year on his birthday.

rhodoliten��@_=Q3YA6a��Gk + Gka pink or purple garnet that is usedas a gem.The gem exhibit included a 75-carat rhodolite from Tanzania.

rhomboidn��@_/ZAO<VQ��Gk > L > Fa parallelogram in which the anglesare oblique and adjacent sides areunequal.One of our geometry problems wasto find the area of a rhomboid.

rhombusn��@_/ZO2`��Gk > Lan equilateral parallelogram.The most familiar form that arhombus takes must certainly be asquare.

rhubarbn��@_CAO/_O��(Gk + L) > L? > F > Ea plant having large leaves withthick succulent stems that are ofteneaten in pies or preserves.Rhubarb and strawberries make agood combination for a pie.

rhythmn��@_V92Z��Gk > L > Fthe aspect of music comprising allthe elements (as accent, meter,time, tempo) that relate to forwardmovement as contrasted with pitchsequence or tone combination.Latin American music is usuallyeasily recognizable by itsdistinctive rhythm.

ribaldadj��@_VO2YQ��Gmc > F > Echaracterized by broad coarsehumor.Sharon’s mom was surprised tolearn that the ribald tale herdaughter was reading was writtenby Geoffrey Chaucer.

ricochetn��@_VX2A`U0��Fa glancing rebound or skipping (asof a flat stone thrown along thesurface of water).Albert and Tyler carefully countedeach ricochet in the stone-skippingcontest.

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ricottan��_4@X<G2��L > Ita white unripened whey cheese ofItalian origin that resembles cottagecheese.Angela’s favorite Italian recipecalls for ravioli stuffed with ricotta.

rictusn��@_VXa2`��La gaping grin or grimace.Reuben’s face was frozen in arictus of horror during the movie’slast scene.

rideaun��_1@Q=��Fa small ridge or mound of earth.The cottage was built on a rideauoverlooking the marsh.




riftn��@_VSa��Scand > Ea divergence (as of interests orbeliefs) resulting in disagreementor dispute.Deciding what the puppy should benamed caused a temporary riftbetween the twins.

rigatonin��A_VT2@a=[4��Gmc > Ithollow alimentary paste made inshort curved fluted pieces.Paula served rigatoni stuffed withcheese and diced vegetables.

righteousadj��@_6PU2`��Echaracterized by uprightness orjustice.The civil rights protesters werefearless in their righteous cause.


rimen��@_6Z��E[has homonym: rhyme] a coveringof minute ice crystals on a coldsurface that is formed by thecondensation of atmospheric vaporat temperatures below freezing :frost.Rime may occur in large, featheryflakes, but they lack the crystallinepatterns of snowflakes.

riparianadj��_1@]R_42[��L[Note: Could be confused withriparial.] of, relating to, or living orlocated on the bank of awatercourse (as a river or stream).Most wildlife depends on riparianareas for survival.

risibilityn��A_Vg2@OVY2G4��Lthe ability or inclination to laugh :alertness or sensitiveness to theridiculous, incongruous, or absurd.Mary’s risibility has earned her thenickname “Giggle Girl.”rissolen��_1@`=Y��L > F[has near homonym: resole]minced meat or fish covered withpastry and fried in deep fat.Marianne ate a rissole for lunch.



rivuletn��@_Vcf2Y1a��L > Ita small stream : brook.The fast-melting snow gushed downthe rivulet to the pond below.

roanadj��@_=[��Gothic > Sp > F[has near homonym: rowan] of ananimal’s coat : having the basecolor (as black, red, gray, orbrown) muted and lightened by aliberal admixture of white hairs.The roan pony is the tamest mountat Camp Wannagohome.

roborantadj��@_/O2_2[a��Lstrengthening.In China, ginseng has for agesbeen esteemed for its roboranteffects on the body.

rococoadj��_2@X=�A�X=��Fexcessively ornate or intricate.The rococo decor of Griselda’snew house is typical of those builtwith “new money.”rodomontn��@_/Q2AZ/[a��It namea vain or blustering boaster.James’s new roommate issomething of a rodomont.


roguen��@_=T��unknowna dishonest unprincipled person.The sheriff warned the newcomersthat he would not tolerate a roguein his town.

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roleon��@_=Y4A=��L > F > E&Ea logrolling tournament.A roleo is similar to a rodeo buthas floating logs instead of buckingbroncos.


rondachen��_/[@QN`U��Fa small shield carried by a footsoldier.In medieval warfare the rondacheoften had a slit in the upper part forseeing through.

ronquiln��@_/;X1Y��Spany of several fishes of thenorthwest coast of North Americathat resemble the jawfishes.Sheila caught a ronquil whilefishing off the Alaskan coast.

roodn��@_CQ��E[has homonym: rude, rued] a unitof land area used in England andScotland equal to 40 square rods or¼ acre.After the uprising, every rood of theestate of Hugh of Thorpe was leftburnt and barren.


roriferousadj��_<@_VS�2�_2`��Lgenerating dew.The cool, roriferous evenings werea pleasant contrast to the hot, drydays.

Rorschachn��@_=�2�_A`U/X��Swiss namea psychological test of personalityand intelligence using inkblotdesigns.Keesha’s responses during theRorschach caused the examiner tobelieve that she was trying to makethe results unreliable.

rosemalingn��@_=g2AZ/YV;��L > ON > Norw + G > Norwpainted or carved decoration (as onfurniture, walls, or woodendinnerware) in Scandinavianpeasant style that consists ofcolorful floral and other designsand inscriptions.Tad restored the rosemaling on hiswife’s antique chair.


rostrumn��@_/`a_2Z��La pulpit or platform occupied by anorator or public speaker.Robin stepped up on the rostrum,took a drink of water, and thenbegan her speech.

rotisserien��_=@aV`2_4��Fa cooking appliance with a spit onwhich food is rotated before or overa source of heat.Herb cooked the chicken on arotisserie over his gas grill.

rotogravuren��A_=G2T_2@cfB�2�_��L + Fa photogravure process in whichthe impression is produced by arotary press.Rotogravure is used to print themagazine section of the Sundaypaper.

rotuletn��@_/PU2Y1a��La small scroll or register.The circuit judge logged all hiscourt business in a rotulet.

rotundityn��_=@a2[Q2G4��Lroundness.When he looked in the fun-housemirror, Chris was astounded by hisrotundity.

rougen��@_CgU��L > Fany of various cosmetics that give ared coloring to the cheeks or lips.Loretta’s mother said she was tooyoung to wear rouge.

roughadj��@_2S��E[has homonym: ruff] difficult totravel over or penetrate.The rough waters off its coast madethe island a bane for sailors.


rouletten��_C@YRa��L > Fa gambling game in which playersbet on which compartment of arevolving wheel a small ball spunin the opposite direction will cometo rest in.Bonita spent the entire time on theriverboat playing roulette.

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roundelayn��@_NB[Q2AY0��Fa folk or ritual group or coupledance in which participants form aring and move in a prescribeddirection.The roundelay dates back toprehistoric times, when peopledanced around a central totem.

rowelv��@_NB�2�Y��F > Egoad with a revolving disk at theend of a spur.After she rounds the bend,Gabrielle will rowel her horse to afresh burst of speed.


rubefacientn��A_CO2@S0`U2[a��La substance for external applicationthat causes redness of the skin.Isopropyl alcohol is a well-knownrubefacient found in many people’smedicine cabinets.

rubellan��_C@ORY2��Lan acute contagious disease usuallyaffecting children and young adultsand characterized by a red skineruption, mild symptoms, and ashort duration : German measles.Rubella is especially dangerouswhen contracted by an expectantmother because it can threaten thehealth of her unborn child.

Rubenesqueadj��A_CO1@[R`X��Flem nameof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of the Flemishpainter Peter Paul Rubens.The luxuriant drapery, use of light,and coloration of the painting inthe Jones’s entryway wereRubenesque.


rubicundityn��A_CO2@X2[Q2G4��Lthe quality or state of being ruddyor reddish.The rubicundity of Laura’s facewas evidence of herembarrassment.

rubricn��@_C�A�O_VX��Lname, title.The fields of botany, zoology, andgeology were once classifiedtogether under the rubric of“natural history.”rudimentaryadj��A_CQ2@ZR[a2_4��Lbasic, fundamental.Thurston possessed only arudimentary knowledge of opera.

ruefullyadv��@_CS2Y4��E + Ecfin a pitiable or woeful manner.Joe ruefully replied that he hadn’tbeen able to bring any lunch withhim.

ruminantn��@_CZ2[2[a��Lany of a suborder of even-toedhoofed mammals (as sheep,giraffes, deer, and camels) thatchew the cud and have a complexusually four-chambered stomach.Microorganisms play an essentialrole in the digestive system of aruminant.

ruminatev��@_CZ2A[0a��Lmuse upon : contemplate over andover.Luke likes to ruminate in thebackyard while chewing on a stemof grass.


rumormongern��@_CZ2�_�AZ/;T2�_���L + Gk > L > Eone that spreads unconfirmedpieces of information.If Alfonso doesn’t learn to hold histongue, he’s going to earn areputation as a rumormonger.


rupestrianadj��_C@]R`a_42[��Lcomposed of rock.The designer of the famousrupestrian monument known as“Mt. Rushmore” died before the14-year project was completed.

ruraladj��@_B_2Y��Lof, relating to, associated with, ortypical of the country.Kevin has always resided in the cityand knows little about the ruralway of life.

rurigenousadj��_B@_VW2[2`��Lborn or living in the country.As the town grew, some of thestores began to neglect theirrurigenous customers.

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rusen��@_C`��Fa stratagem or trick usuallyintended to deceive.Little did Carey know that Mrs.Bradley was onto his ruse.

russetadj��@_2`1a��L > F > Ereddish brown.Troy’s Robin Hood costumefeatured a russet top and forestgreen pants.

rusticadj��@_2`aVX��Lnaturally simple in character ormanners.Visitors to the village consideredthe inhabitants rustic.

rutabagan��@_CG2AO0T2��ON > Swa turnip with a very large yellowishroot that is used as food both forstock and for human beings.In England, the vegetableAmericans know as a rutabaga iscalled a “swede.”rutch

rutilantadj��@_CG3Y2[a��Lhaving a reddish glow : shining.The evening sun put a rutilantsheen on the sunbathers’ skin.


sablen��@`0O2Y��Slav > G > F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] theheraldic color black.Anita began painting her family’scoat of arms by creating abackground of sable.

sabotagen��@`NO2Aa/gU��Fmalicious destruction of or damageto property with the intention ofinjuring a business or impairing theeconomic system or weakening agovernment or nation in time ofwar or national emergency.When a drug enforcement agencyairplane crashed, sabotage wassuspected and an investigation waslaunched.


sacalaitn��@`NX2AY0��Choctaw > Fa crappie that is typically smallerand more silvery than the blackcrappie and that is highly esteemedas a food fish.Ray and Moira went to the FrenchQuarter to dine on sacalait andcornbread.

saccaden��`N@X/Q��Fa small rapid jerky movement ofthe eye especially as it jumps fromfixation on one point to another (asin reading).Mary felt that her eyes could nottake one more saccade, so sheclosed them during the remainderof the PowerPoint presentation.

saccadicadj��`N@X/QVX��F[has near homonym: psychotic] ofor relating to a sudden movement :jerky.Virginia’s saccadic motions weresymptomatic of a neurologicaldisorder.


sacciformadj��@`NX�`�2AS<_Z��Lresembling a pouch.The squirrel filled its sacciformcheeks with acorns.

sacerdocyn��@`N`2�_�AQ=`4��Lpriesthood.Will announced in a letter to hissister that he felt a calling to thesacerdocy.

sacerdotaladj��A`N`2�_�@Q=G3Y��Lof or relating to priests or apriesthood.Some types of sacerdotal clothingdistinguish the clergy from thelaity, and some signify rank withinthe priesthood.

sachemn��@`0PU2Z��Narraganset&Pequotthe leader of a political party;specifically : one of the 12governors of the Tammany Society.William Tweed was a sachem of thepolitical organization known asTammany Hall.

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sachetn��`N@`U0��F[has homonym: sashay] a smallbag or packet; especially : a smallbag containing a perfumed powderthat is used to scent clothes.Aunt Kate keeps a sachet in herclothes closet.


sacrificev��@`NX_2AS6`��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] bunt inbaseball with fewer than two out,enabling a base runner to advance abase while the batter is put out atfirst base.The coach told Marvin to sacrificebecause George was on third baseand the team needed one more runto win.




sacrosanctadj��@`NX_=`N;�X�a��Lmost holy or sacred : inviolable.The use of loud voices isinappropriate in the sacrosancttemple.

safarin��`2@S/_4��Ar > Swahilia hunting or other expedition ineast Africa, especially on foot.While on safari, Arielphotographed lions and elephants.

saffronn��@`NS_2[��Ar > L > F > Ea deep orange-colored substanceconsisting of the aromatic pungentdried stigmas of the saffron crocusand used to color and flavor foods.Saffron is the most expensive spiceat Walker’s Market.

sagaciousadj��`2@T0`U2`��Lpossessing quick intellectualperceptions.The neighbors often came to thesagacious old man for advice aboutinvestments.

sagacityn��`2@TN`2G4��Lquickness or acuteness of senseperceptions.Chuck’s sagacity made him thefinest detective in the arson unit.



sagittaladj��@`NW2G3Y��Lof, relating to, or shaped like anarrow or arrowhead.Murray fantasized that the sagittalrock he found in the quarry was anIndian arrowhead.

Sagittariusn��A`NW2@aN�N�_42`��Lthe ninth sign of the zodiac.The Moon was in Sagittarius whenSherman was born.


salamandern��@`NY2AZN[Q2�_���Gk > L > F > Ea metal disk or plate heated andheld over a food (as pastry orpudding) to brown the top of it.A salamander is often used tocaramelize the top of desserts likecrème brulée.

salamin��`2@Y/Z4��L > Ita highly seasoned sausage made ofpork and beef.Randy made a sandwich of salamiand cheese.


salicetumn��A`NY2@`4G2Z��La collection or plantation ofwillows.The salicetum is Nikki’s favoritepicnic spot.





salmonn��@`NZ2[��L > F > Ea variable color of salmon’s fleshaveraging a strong yellowish pink.Unable to find a purse in the rightshade of salmon, Vera decided tostick with basic black.

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salmonellosisn��A`NYZ2A[R@Y=`1`��American name + Lcffinfection with a bacterial diseasetypically marked by gastroenteritisbut often complicated bysepticemia, meningitis, and otherconditions.Vaughn contracted salmonellosiswhile on the cruise.


salsillan��`NY@`VY2��La tropical American plant withedible roots sometimes used as asubstitute for potatoes.In the West Indies we had our firsttaste of salsilla.

saltinen��`<Y@a4[��Ea thin, crisp cracker sprinkled withsalt.The stale saltine crumbled as theraccoon tried to wash it in thecreek.

salutaryadj��@`NYf2AaR_4��Lpromoting health : curative,restorative.The long vacation had a salutaryeffect on Grace’s mental health.

salven��@`Nc��Ea healing ointment.Jason’s grandmother prepared amustard oil salve and told him thatif he used it, his troubles would beover in three days.

salvon��@`NY�A�c=��L > F > Ita sudden eruption or explosion (asof laughter, cheers, or handclaps).When the villain met with doomafter an intense struggle, the movietheater was filled with a salvo ofapplause.

samban��@`NZO2��African > Pga Brazilian dance of African origincharacterized by a sprightly steppattern in duple time and a bendingof the knee at each beat of themusic.The Campbells, who love Latindancing, went to special classes tolearn the samba.

samizdatn��@`/Z4gAQ/a��Russthe system in the former which government-suppressedliterature was clandestinely printedand distributed; also : suchliterature.After the fall of communism,numerous small publishers ofsamizdat found their place in theopen market.


samphiren��@`NZAS6�2�_��F namea fleshy European coastal plant thatis sometimes pickled.Daphne ordered the salad ofsamphire and other greens.




sanctimoniousadj��A`N;�X�a2@Z=[42`��Ldisplaying high-mindedness withintent to impress.Ronnie’s voice took on asanctimonious tone when hevolunteered to give his mother hismeal.



sanctumn��@`N;�X�a2Z��La sacred place.The innermost sanctum of thetemple in Jerusalem was known asthe Holy of Holies.

sandaln��@`N[Q3Y��Gk > L > Ea shoe consisting essentially of asole fastened to the foot by meansof straps or thongs passing over theinstep and around the ankle.Lorraine stopped to refasten thestrap of her sandal because herankle had swollen.


sangfroidn��`N;@S_d/��L > Fextraordinary self-possession orimperturbability, especially understrain.Justin remained calm during theprosecutor’s attack and replied tothe questions with sangfroid.


sanguineadj��@`N;Td1[��Lmarked by eager hopefulness.Ever sanguine, Kathy said that shewould one day win the lottery.

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sanguinolentadj��`N;@TdV[3Y2[a��Lof, containing, or tinged withblood.Theo’s phlegm becamesanguinolent for a while frombronchitis.

sanitaryadj��@`N[2AaR_4��Lfor or relating to the preservation ofhealth.Conditions at Christ Hospital areas sanitary as is humanly possible.

sapientialadj��@`0]4AR[PU2Y��Lcharacterized by wisdom.The philosopher’s library is filledwith sapiential books.

saponaceousadj��A`N]2@[0`U2`��Lsoapy.Talc and soapstone have asaponaceous feel.

saporousadj��@`N]2_2`��Lhaving flavor; especially :agreeable in taste.When Dad returned from work,Mom treated him to a saporousbeef stew.

sapphiren��@`NAS6�2�_��Skt > Heb > Gk > L > F > Ea precious stone of transparent richblue corundum of great value.Sapphire has been highly prized asa gemstone since 800 B.C.

sapphiricadj��`2@SV_VX��Skt > Heb > Gk > L > F > Ehaving the nature of or resemblinga sapphire.Diane’s bracelet held a series ofsapphiric stones.

saprogenousadj��`2@]_/W2[2`��Gk + Gk + Ecfcapable of producing decay orputrefaction.Saprogenous bacteria aid in thedecomposition of dead organicmatter.

saprophagousadj��`2@]_/S2T2`��Gk + Gkfeeding on decaying matter.While hiking, Ted and Paul passedthe carcass of a squirrel that wascovered with saprophagous insects.




sardinen��A`/_@Q4[��Gk? > L > F > Eany of several small or immaturefishes preserved for food.The only way to entice thefrightened cat from under the porchwas to offer him a sardine.





sarsaparillan��A`N`�2�]2@_VY2��Spa sweetened carbonated beveragesimilar to root beer with thepredominant flavor from birch oiland sassafras.Sylvester’s yen for sarsaparilla iswell known to cartoon aficionados.

sartorialadj��`/_@a=_42Y��Lof or relating to dress or to tailoredclothes.Sandy, who longed to be a sartorialrebel, sometimes went to classwearing purple tights under heruniform.

sashayv��`N@`U0��F > E[Note: Could be confused withchassé. Also, word has homonym:sachet] strut in an ostentatious orconspicuous manner.Tommy and Suzanne tried tosashay as the caller instructed, butthey both tripped and fell.

Saskatchewanadj��`2@`XNPU2d2[��Cree > Canad geog nameof or from the province ofSaskatchewan, Canada.Among the Saskatchewan flora isthe saskatoon, a sweet purpleberry.

saskatoonn��A`N`X2@aC[��Canadian geog namea juneberry of the northern andwestern United States and adjacentCanada.The purple fruit of the saskatoon iseaten eagerly by birds.

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sassafrasn��@`N`�2�AS_N`��Sp > Lthe dried bark of the root of anaromatic tree used as a diaphoretic,a flavoring agent, an aromaticstimulant, or as a source of anaromatic volatile oil used inperfumes.Alba’s family has a recipe formedicinal tea that containssassafras.


satelliten��@`NG3YA6a��Etruscan? > L > Fa celestial body orbiting another oflarger size.Earth has only one naturalsatellite—the Moon.


satietyn��`2@a62G4��L > Fthe quality or state of being fed toor beyond capacity.Nell wondered if her beagle puppywould ever reach satiety.

satiren��@`NAa6�2�_��La usually topical literarycomposition holding up human orindividual vices, folly, abuses, orshortcomings to censure by meansof ridicule, derision, burlesque,irony, or other method sometimeswith an intent to bring aboutimprovement.Gulliver’s Travels is a scathingsatire of political and religioushypocrites.


satiricaladj��`2@aV_1X2Y��L > Fcharacterized by caustic or ironiccomment.Ned’s cartoons have a sharp,satirical edge.

saturatev��@`NPU2A_0a��Linfuse thoroughly or cause to bepervaded.The aroma of a turkey roasting inthe oven began to saturate theentire house.

saturnineadj��@`NG2�_�A[6[��Lof a moody or surly character :morose, sullen.Shirley’s father-in-law is asaturnine person with a quicktemper.


saucinessn��@`<`4[1`��L > F + Ecfthe quality or state of beingamusingly or unobjectionablyforward or impertinent.Emma felt they were friends again,and the conviction gave her at firstgreat satisfaction, and then a littlesauciness.

sauerbratenn��@`NB�2�_AO_/a3[��Goven-roasted or pot-roasted beefmarinated in a vinegar solutionwith peppercorns, garlic, onions,and bay leaves before cooking.Phil’s favorite German restaurantfeatures sauerbraten duringOktoberfest.




sausagen��@`<`VW��L > F > Ehighly seasoned chopped or groundmeat that is used either fresh orcured.Harry’s favorite pizza is toppedwith sausage and onions.


savorousadj��@`0c�2�_2`��L > F > Epleasurable to the taste : flavorful.Mabel prepared a savorousThanksgiving dinner for her family.

savoryadj��@`0c�2�_4��Ffragrant.Guido bought a savory woodenbowl smelling of rich cedar andvarnish.

savvyn��@`Nc4��L > Spexpertness in a particular fieldbased on experience and nativeability.Officer Ramos’s street savvy was agreat help in apprehending drugdealers.


sayonaran��A`/f2@[/_2��Jpngood-bye.Charlene found it hard to bidNagano sayonara at the end of the1998 Winter Olympics.

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scabbardn��@`XNO2�_�Q��G > AF > Ea usually leather or metal sheath inwhich the blade of a sword, dagger,bayonet, or other cutting weapon isenclosed when not in use.The knight began to pull his swordfrom its scabbard, but a look fromthe queen stopped him.

scabrousadj��@`XNO_2`��Lrough to the touch : having smallraised dots, scales, or points.The leaf’s scabrous texture wascaused by insect attacks.


scaleneadj��@`X0AY4[��Gkhaving the sides unequal—used ofa triangle.The boat’s sail formed a scalenetriangle.


scalpeln��@`XNY]2Y��La small straight knife with a thinkeen blade used especially fordissecting.In surgery the scalpel is now oftenreplaced by a laser beam.



scansionn��@`XN[PU2[��Lthe analysis of a rhythmic structure(as a verse) so as to show theelements or units of which itsrhythm is composed.There are three major types ofEnglish scansion: the graphic, themusical, and the acoustic.

scaphoidadj��@`XNAS<VQ��Gk > Lshaped like a boat.Terence found a scaphoiddepression in the rock.

scarceadj��@`XR�2�_`��L > F > Enot plentiful or abundant.Lettuce became scarce andexpensive after the recent flooding.


scarifiern��@`XN�N�_2AS6�2�_��Gk > L > Fan implement or machine that tearsup the surface of a road prior toresurfacing.Paul operates a scarifier for theHighway Department.

scarlatinan��A`X/_Y2@a4[2��Lan acute contagious disease markedby fever.Diseases such as scarlatina wereonce the scourge of childhood.

scarletadj��@`X/_Y1a��Per > L > Fhaving the face reddened byemotion (as embarrassment, anger): red-faced.Jill turned scarlet with rage whenshe discovered her sister waswearing her new sweater.

scaturientadj��`X2@aB_42[a��Lgushing forth : effusive,overflowing.The explorers followed the river toits scaturient source.



scenarion��`1@[N�N�_4A=��Gk > Lan outline or synopsis of a play.After the actor read the scenario,he decided that he was not right forthe leading role.

scenewrightn��@`4[A_6a��Gk > L + Ea designer and maker of theatricalsets.The scenewright worked closelywith the playwright to create theappropriate backgrounds for eachact.

scentlessadj��@`R[aY1`��L > F > E + Ecfemitting no odor.Gerald prefers scentless soap.

sceptern��@`R]a2�_���Gk > L > F > Ea staff or baton borne by asovereign as a ceremonial emblemof authority.When Ben played Henry VIII in theschool play, his mother made him ascepter.

schadenfreuden��@`U/Q3[AS_<VQ2��Genjoyment obtained from themishaps of others.Morgana claimed to besympathetic, but the schadenfreudewas all too obvious.


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scheffleran��@`URSY2_2��G name > Lany of several shrubby tropicalplants that are cultivated for theirshowy foliage.When frost was predicted, Demontcovered the schefflera with ablanket.

schemev��@`X4Z��Gkaccomplish by clever contriving.Walter resolved to scheme out away to get a new bike.

schemern��@`X4Z2�_���Gkone that forms plots or intrigues.Joe was a schemer who always hadbig plans to get rich.

scherzandoadj��`XR_a@`/[�A�Q=��Gmc > Itplayful, jesting—used as adirection in music indicating styleand tempo.The Flight of the Bumblebee wasplayed with scherzando lightness.





schismaticadj��`Vg@ZNGVX��Gk > Lof, relating to, or characteristic ofdivision, separation, or discord.The book describes numerousschismatic movements in churchhistory.



schnitzeln��@`U[Va`2Y��Ga veal cutlet variously seasoned andgarnished.The Bavarian restaurant’s menuincluded sauerbraten, sausages,and schnitzel.

scholarlyadj��@`X/Y2�_�Y4��Gk > Lcharacteristic of one who isdevoted to learning : studious.Nathan’s scholarly habits earnedhim a spot on the honor roll.


schottischen��@`U/GV`U��Ga round dance in duple timecharacterized by gliding andhopping steps and similar to butslower than the polka.After an hour of dancing theschottische, Ed and Sarah wearilyheaded for the soda machine.

schussn��@`UB`��Ga straightaway skiing course.In a tucked position Kira followedthe schuss all the way to thebottom.

schussboomern��@`UB`AOCZ2_��G + imitone who skis usually straightdownhill at high speed.When the schussboomer lostcontrol, he somersaulted and rolledto the foot of the slope.

scialyticadj��A`62@YVGVX��Gk > Ldispersing or dispelling shadows.After a long night of ghost stories,Erma welcomed the scialytic dawn.

sciamachyn��`6@NZ2X4��Gka fighting with a shadow or animaginary enemy.Engaging in sciamachy helped theboxer prepare for his next match.

sciatican��`6@NG1X2��Gk > Lpain along the course of a sciaticnerve or its branches and especiallyin the leg.As Alicia struggled out of bed, shecomplained of sciatica in her leftleg.

scientificadj��A`62[@aVSVX��Lconcerned with or treating of abranch or department ofsystematized knowledge that is orcan be made a specific object ofstudy.Alain’s scientific training landedhim a job at Dow Chemical.




scintillatev��@`V[a3YA0a��Lgleam or emit quick flashes as ifthrowing off sparks.Mom’s eyes scintillate whenevershe is joyously excited.

scintillationn��A`V[a3Y@0`U2[��Lrapid changes in the brightness of acelestial body caused by turbulencein Earth’s atmosphere.The stars’ scintillation is lesspronounced at higher altitudes.


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sciolisticadj��A`62@YV`aVX��Lof or relating to superficialknowledge or to one whoseknowledge is superficial.The students’ sciolisticconversation amused ProfessorPickett.



sclerosisn��`XY1@_=`1`��Gkpathological hardening of tissueproduced by overgrowth of fibroustissue and other changes or byincrease in interstitial tissue.Sclerosis is often a consequence ofold age.

scofflawn��@`X/SAY<��E + Ea contemptuous lawbreaker;especially : one who ignoresparking tickets.The scofflaw tore up his ticket infront of the police officer and wassubsequently fined $500.

sconcen��@`X/[�a�`��L > F > Ean ornamental electric light fixturefor a wall that resembles a bracketcandlestick or group ofcandlesticks.Tamara bought an elaboratesconce for her hallway.

scopateadj��@`X=A]0a��L + Eresembling a brush.Some cacti have scopate flowers.

scotopian��`X2@a=]42��Gk + Gk > Lvision in dim light with dark-adapted eyes believed to bemediated by the rods of the retina.Astronomers rely on scotopia toresolve detail in images.

scoundreln��@`XNB[Q_2Y��unknowna bold selfish person who has verylow ethical standards.The treasurer of the company wasfired when he was found out to bean opportunistic scoundrel.

scourgen��@`X2_W��L > F > Ea social evil.Much of the city’s crime isattributed to the scourge ofrecurrent unemployment.


scramblev��@`X_NZO2Y��D?prepare (eggs) by stirring duringfrying.After she burned the meatloaf,Arlene decided to scramble someeggs for dinner.

scrawnyadj��@`X_<[4��unknownmarked by an appearance ofundernourishment : skinny andbony.The scrawny kitten mewedplaintively in the tree.

screenplayn��@`X_4[A]Y0��D > F > E + Ethe written form of a story preparedfor motion-picture productionincluding description of characters,details of scenes and settings,dialogue, and stage directions.The director, with screenplay inhand, was ready for the day’sfilming.

scrimmagen��@`X_VZVW��Gmc > Epractice play between a team’svarious squads.Today’s exciting scrimmage is agood indication that both squadsare ready for the upcoming season.

scrimshawn��@`X_VZA`U<��unknownany of various carved or engraveduseful or decorative articlessometimes colored by brushing inkinto the engraved lines and madeespecially by American whalemenfrom whalebone or whale ivory.The whaling museum has a largecollection of scrimshaw.

scriptn��@`X_V]a��Lsomething written : text.By the end of vacation, Mary hadthe entire script of the playmemorized.

scripturaladj��@`X_V]PU2_2Y��L > E + Ecfof, relating to, contained in, oraccording to a sacred writing.Ivan spent five years translating thescriptural material.

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scrivenern��@`X_Vc�2�[2�_���L > Fa professional or public copyist orwriter.The critic dismissed the writer’snovel as the uninspired work of ascrivener.

scrolln��@`X_=Y��Gmc > F > Ea long strip used as the body of awritten document and often havinga rod or rods for convenience inrolling and storing.The writing on the magician’sscroll erased itself after the spellwas read aloud.

scrumptiousadj��@`X_2Z�]�`U2`��Ldelightful, excellent.The bakery down the street makes ascrumptious almond coffee cake.

scruplesn pl��@`X_C]2Yg��Lmental reservations : qualms.Emma recommended the mincedchicken and scalloped oysters withan urgency she knew would beacceptable to the civil scruples ofher guests.

scrupulouslyadv��@`X_C]f2Y2`Y4��Lconscientiously, painstakingly.Katie washes her hands soscrupulously that her friendswonder if she has a psychologicaldisorder.

sculpinn��@`X2Y]1[��unknownany of a family of spiny large-headed broad-mouthed oftenscaleless bony fishes.A small sculpin was Van’s onlycatch on the expensive charter-boatouting.

sculptorn��@`X2Y]a2�_���Lone that carves, engraves, molds,welds, or constructs (materials) intoa primarily three-dimensional workof art.Pablo Picasso was equallyinfluential as a painter, a sculptor,and a draftsman.


scuppernongn��@`X2]2�_�A[<;��geog nameany of various cultivatedmuscadine grape varieties whichhave yellowish-green fruitsuggesting a plum in flavor.Molly picked and ate ascuppernong from hergrandmother’s grape arbor.

scurrilousadj��@`X2_2Y2`��Lcontaining low obscenities orcoarse abuse.The farmers hurled scurrilousaccusations across the barbed-wirefence.

scurvyn��@`X2_c4��Scan > Ea disease characterized by spongygums, loosening of the teeth, and atendency to bleed into the skin andmucous membranes and caused bya dietary deficiency of ascorbicacid.Scurvy is easily preventable byeating fruits and vegetables rich invitamin C.

scutellateadj��`X�f�C@aRY1a��Lrather flat with a distinct rim and arounded to oval outline.Beryl opened the packet andexamined the scutellate seeds.






searchlightn��@`2_PUAY6a��L > F > E + Ean apparatus for projecting apowerful beam of light ofapproximately parallel rays usuallydevised so that it can be swiveledabout.The festival hired a searchlight tosweep the sky and advertise itspresence.


sebaceousadj��`1@O0`U2`��Lrelating to, composed of, orsecreting fatty matter.Oily skin is usually the result ofoveractive sebaceous glands.


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secedev��`1@`4Q��Lwithdraw from a federation.About ten more deputies have optedto secede from the governingmajority.

secernmentn��`1@`2_[Z2[a��L[Note: Could be confused withsecernent.] the act or process ofdistinguishing or discriminating inthought.The thesaurus proved enlighteningin its secernment of the subtledifferences between synonyms.

secessionn��`1@`R`U2[��Lformal withdrawal from anorganization (as a religiouscommunion or political party orfederation).The history teacher explained thatthe South’s secession from theUnited States was not solely anissue regarding slavery.






sedentaryadj��@`RQ3[AaR_4��Lcharacterized by or requiring sittingor slight activity.Isabelle’s sedentary job providedlittle opportunity for exercise.

Sedern��@`0Q2�_���Heb[has homonym: satyr] a Jewishhome or community service andceremonial dinner held on the firstevening of the Passover.Jim had never been to a Sederbefore he met Julia.

sedimentn��@`RQ2Z2[a��Lmaterial deposited (as by water,wind, or glaciers).The layers of sediment were evidentin the shades of color on the rockyhillside.

seditionn��`1@QV`U2[��L > F > Ean insurrection against constitutedauthority.Because Paul openly advocated theoverthrow of the government, hewas charged with sedition.


seedlingn��@`4QYV;��E + Ecfa nursery plant (usually a tree) thathas not been transplanted.Karen bought a maple seedling atthe tree farm.



seguev��@`0�A�Td0��L > Itmake a transition from one activity,topic, scene, or part to another as oras if part of a natural progression.Senator Ward used an anecdote tosegue to a new topic in his speech.

seguidillan��A`0T4@Q4�f�2��L > Spa Spanish dance with manyregional variations or the music forthis dance performed with guitarand castanets.In the second act of the opera, theSpanish gypsy performs aseguidilla.

seichen��@`0`U��Fan oscillation of the surface of alake or landlocked sea.A seiche can be almost as powerfulas a tidal wave.

seinev��@`0[��E[has homonym: sane] fish with orcatch fish with a net that hangsvertically in the water.David and Joel like to seine forperch.

seismismn��@`6gAZVg2Z��Gkearthquake phenomena.Ralph gave a report aboutseismism in Chinese folklore.


seizuren��@`4gU2�_���Ea sudden attack (as of a disease orsickness).A seizure of hay fever ruined thepicnic for Tom.



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selenianadj��`1@Y4[42[��Gkof, relating to, or designating theMoon.Jim’s story tells the tale of anexplorer going off to create aselenian colony.

selenologistn��A`RY2@[/Y2W1`a��Gkan astronomer who specializes inthe study of the Moon.The selenologist gave a descriptionof the chief craters of themoonscape.


semantemen��`1@ZN[Aa4Z��Gk > Fa word or a base that expresses adefinite image or idea—distinguished from morpheme.The verb run is an example of asemanteme.


semestern��`1@ZR`a2�_���Leither of the two periods ofinstruction commonly 18 weeks inlength into which an academic yearis usually divided.Yolanda was delighted that hergrades for the first semester wereall A’s.


seminaryn��@`RZ2A[R_4��Lan institution for the training ofcandidates for the priesthood,ministry, or rabbinate.The pulpit committee’s first choiceis a young person who has justcompleted seminary.

semolinan��A`RZ2@Y4[2��L > Itthe purified middlings of durum orother hard wheat used for macaroniand other alimentary pastes.The best pasta is made fromsemolina.

senaryadj��@`4[2_4��L[has homonym: scenery] of, basedupon, or characterized by six :compounded of six things :consisting of six parts.Jethro experimented with musicusing a senary scale.


senescentadj��`1@[R`3[a��Lgrowing old.The town's senescent infrastructurestruggled under the burden of agrowth spurt.

seneschaln��@`R[1`U2Y��Gmc > F > Ea bailiff, steward, or majordomo ofa great medieval lord.The seneschal pounded his staff onthe floor three times andannounced the king’s visitors.





sensoryadj��@`R[�a�`�2�_4��L + Eof or relating to the senses.In some insects the sensory organsof taste, touch, smell, and hearingare located in the antennae.

sententiousadj��`R[@aR[PU2`��Lterse, aphoristic, or moralistic inexpression : pithy.The sitcom’s drop in popularitywas attributed to its growingtendency toward sententioussermonizing.



sentineln��@`R[a�3�[2Y��L > It > Fone that watches or guards.The sentinel peered into thedistance through tiny binoculars.

sentryn��@`R[a_4��E[has near homonym: century] asoldier standing guard.The sentry reported a suspiciousvehicle parked down the street fromthe barracks.


sepian��@`4]42��Gk > La pigment of rich brown colorcontaining melanin, prepared fromthe ink of various cuttlefishes, andused in watercolor painting and inink.Black-and-white photographs canbe stained with sepia to give theman old-fashioned look.

septennialadj��`R]@aR[42Y��Lcontinuing or lasting for sevenyears.Since legislation in 1716 the Britishgovernment has had septennialparliaments; previously they weretriennial.

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septentrionaladj��`R]@aR[a_42[3Y��Lnorthern.The septentrional seaports ofRussia are frozen in the winter.

septuagenariann��A`R]Aa�f�C2W2@[R_42[��La person who is 70 or more butfewer than 80 years old.Aunt Daisy is proud of the fact thatshe has lived to be aseptuagenarian.

sepulchraladj��`1@]2YX_2Y��Lhaving a funereal quality.Dusk and a vase of gardenias gavethe parlor a sepulchral air.

sequaciousnessn��`1@Xd0`U2`[R`��L > Ethe quality or state of beingimitative or obsequious.Cal’s sequaciousness failed to winhim a promotion.

sequeln��@`4Xd2Y��Lcontinuation; especially : a literarywork continuing the course of anarrative begun in a preceding one.The film was so popular that theproducer asked the screenwriter fora sequel.

sequelan��`1@XdRY2��Lan aftereffect of disease or injury.Peeling of the skin is a commonsequela of sunburn.

sequesterv��`1@XdR`a2�_���L > F > Ehide from public view : seclude.The judge wanted to sequester thejury to keep them from hearingnews reports that might sway theiropinions.

seraphicadj��`1@_NSVX��Heb > Lof, relating to, or befitting an angelof the highest order especially inbeauty or ecstatic adoration.The choir’s hymn of praise soundedsublimely seraphic.

serenadev��A`R_2@[0Q��L > It > Fplay or sing music in honor of.The football team plans to serenadeits coach during the pep rally.

serendipitousadj��A`R_1[@QV]2G2`��Ar geog name + Ecfobtained or characterized byunexpected but fortunate discovery.Mickey’s serendipitous discovery offive quarters and two dimes on thesidewalk made his day.


seriatimadv��A`V_4@0G1Z��Lin sequence.Although the classes meet seriatim,each day of the week starts with adifferent class in the series.

sericeousadj��`1@_V`U2`��Gk > Lhaving a fuzzy surface; specifically: covered with soft, silky hairs.The plant’s sericeous leaves feltalmost like velvet.

sericteryn��`1@_VXa2_4��Gk > Lthe silk-producing gland of acaterpillar or other insect larva.As it spins its cocoon, the silkwormcaterpillar secretes a gummysubstance from each serictery.


sermonizev��@`2_Z2A[6g��F > Eaddress at length in a didactic andsolemn manner.Everyone is hoping that Dad won’tfind something to sermonize aboutwhen he chaperones the schooldance.

serotinaladj��`1@_/a3[2Y��L + Ecfof or relating to the latter andusually drier part of summer.Many small ponds dry up duringthe serotinal season.


serratedadj��@`RA_0G1Q��Lnotched or toothed on the edge.Under the microscope, dust mitesappear to be hairy monsters withserrated claws.


serriedadj��@`R_4Q��Fcrowded or pressed together.The serried tenements of the bigcity soon gave way to rolling hills.

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serviceableadj��@`2_c1`2O2Y��L > Fsuited for a purpose.Filene lamented that the poncho’sdesign, though serviceable, is notvery fashionable.

servileadj��@`2_c2Y��L[has homonym: serval] of, relatingto, or appropriate to slaves.Oscar was thankful to be be freedfrom his servile status.

sesquicentennialn��A`R`Xd1`R[@aR[42Y��La 150th anniversary.The state issued special licenseplates to commemorate itssesquicentennial.

sesquipedalianadj��A`R`Xd1]1@Q0Yf2[��Lgiven to or characterized by the useof long words.Norbert dozed off halfway throughthe principal’s sesquipedalianspeech.



sewagen��@`CVW��L > F > Ewaste matter that is carried away bya drain.The smell of sewage permeated thedilapidated building.

shacklev��@`UNX2Y��E[has homonym: shackel] confinethe limbs of so as to prevent freemotion.The prisoner of war told the UnitedNations delegation that his guardshad threatened to shackle him 24hours a day.

shaddockn��@`UNQ2X��E namea very large thick-rinded typicallypear-shaped citrus fruit.The shaddock resembles thegrapefruit but is larger, coarser,and drier.

shadinessn��@`U0Q4[1`��E + Ecffthe quality or state of comparativedarkness.On a hot day, the cool shadiness ofa tree is very welcome.


shagreenn��@`UNAT_4[��F > Ean untanned leather covered withsmall round granulations and dyeda bright color.Chloe bought the bride and groomleather placemats made ofshagreen.

shakon��@`UN�A�X=��G > Hung > Fa stiff military headdress with ametal plate in front, a high crown,and a plume.Each member of the band wore aplumed shako in parades.

shalen��@`U0Y��Ea fissile rock that is formed by theconsolidation of clay, mud, or silt.The petroleum refinery alsomarkets by-products of shale.

shallotn��`U2@Y/a��L > Fa perennial herb that resembles anonion and is used in cooking.Ted didn’t have time to go to thestore again, so he substituted awhite onion for a shallot in therecipe.

shanghaiv��@`UN;AU6��Chinese geog nameto put by trickery into anundesirable position.Winona won't allow thecondominium board to shanghaiher into serving as its president.




sheepshearern��@`U4]A`UV_2�_���E + Ea person that cuts the wool fromsheep by hand or machine.At the county fair, the sheepsheareralways draws the largest crowd.

shekeln��@`URX2Y��Hebrewa Hebrew unit of weight equal toabout 252 grains troy.In the Talmudist system, a shekel is1/60 of a mina.


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shenanigansn pl��`U1@[N[1T2[g��unknownhigh-spirited, daring, ormischievous acts : pranks.On the first day of school Mrs.Gibson warned the class that shewould not put up with anyshenanigans in her classroom.

shepherdessn��@`UR]2�_�Q1`��Ea woman or girl who tends sheep.Alma painted a watercolor of ashepherdess and three lambs.

sheriffn��@`UR_1S��Ea county officer who is usuallyelected by the people of the countyand has the duty of preserving thepeace.The office of sheriff is a holdoverfrom medieval English law.

shibbolethn��@`UVO2Y1aU��Heba custom or usage regarded as acriterion for distinguishingmembers of one group (as a socialclass) from those of another.Table manners are sometimes usedas a shibboleth of class distinction.

shillibeern��@`UVY2AOV�2�_��E namea horse-drawn hearse with seats formourners.The museum has acquired anornate Victorian shillibeer.


shindign��@`UV[AQVT��Ea jovial social affair that includesdancing.Max hosted the shindig at the hotel.

shipwreckn��@`UVA]_RX��E + Scand > F > Ea large ruined or stranded seagoingboat or its parts.The shipwreck was mottled withbarnacles.

shiveringv��@`UVc�2�_V;��Etrembling due to cold, fear, orphysical pressure.Norma was shivering because shedid not dress in warm clothing.

shoaln��@`U=Y��E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word. Inaddition, word has homonym:shole.] a great number throngedtogether or considered as a group.The spelling bee champion receiveda shoal of congratulatory letters inthe month following her win.

shrapneln��@`U_N][2Y��E namebomb, mine, or shell fragments.The surgeon found and removed allof the shrapnel in the soldier’s leg,ensuring a swift recovery.

shrewdnessn��@`U_CQ[1`��Ethe quality or state of beingdiscerning or astute.Shrewdness is Janet’s strong suit.

shriekn��@`U_4X��Ea shrill, usually wild or involuntarycry.Nancy let out a shriek when herlittle brother dropped an ice cubedown the back of her dress.


shudderingv��@`U2Q�2�_V;��Eshaking with fear, aversion, horror,or cold.Joan woke shuddering from anightmare.

sibilantadj��@`VO2Y2[a��L imithaving, containing, or producingthe sound of or a sound resemblingthat of the s or the sh in sash.“She sells sea shells. . . .” is asibilant tongue twister.

siccativeadj��@`VX2GVc��Lcausing to dry : promoting theaction of drying.Zinc oxide is often used as asiccative agent for skin rashes.


sicklocyten��@`VX�2�Y2A`6a��E + Gkan abnormal red blood cell ofcrescent shape.The patient with sickle-cell anemiawanted to see a sicklocyte underthe microscope.

siderealadj��`6@QV_42Y��L[has near homonym: sideral] of orrelating to stars or constellations.Time-lapse photography was usedby the observatory to detectsidereal motion.

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siegen��@`4W��L > F > Ethe operations of an army around afortified place for the purpose ofcompelling its surrender by assaultor blockade.The defenders were confident theycould outlast the siege, since thecastle had an underground sourceof fresh water.

siffilatev��@`VS2AY0a��L > Fwhisper.The diners began to siffilate whenthe celebrity entered the restaurant.

sightseern��@`6aA`42�_���Eone that visits places of interest.The unusual sightseer askedwhether anyone had noticed anyinteresting manhole covers or draingrates in the area.


silentiaryn��`6@YR[PU4AR_4��Lone appointed to keep silence andorder (as in a court of law or apublic assembly).One stern glance from thesilentiary was all it took to stopKarsten’s insipid murmuring.

silhouetten��A`VY2@dRa��F namea representation of the outlines ofan object filled in with black orsome other uniform color.Mrs. Baldwin has a framedsilhouette of each of her childrenon the wall of her foyer.


silican��@`VY1X2��Lthe chemically resistant dioxide ofa nonmetallic element that occursin combined form as the mostabundant element next to oxygen inEarth’s crust.Nora learned from her researchthat silica is used for making glassand ceramic products and is foundnaturally in quartz and sand.

siliciferousadj��A`VY2@`VS�2�_2`��Lproducing, containing, or unitedwith silica.When geologists analyzed thesiliciferous rock, they found quartzand chlorite veins.

siliconn��@`VY1X2[��L[Note: Could be confused withsilicone.] a nonmetallic elementthat occurs abundantly in combinedform and is used chiefly in the formof alloys.The scientist was striving to devisea new method for purifying siliconfor use in fabricating microchips.

sillarn��`4Y@f/_��L > Sp[has somewhat near homonym:sillier] building material consistingof large blocks cut from a naturaldeposit.The hikers came upon a lowstructure made of sillar and nearlycovered in vines.

sillographern��`1@Y/T_2S2�_���Gka writer of satires.The marble bust of the ancientsillographer crashed to the libraryfloor.


similen��@`VZ2�A�Y4��La figure of speech comparing twoessentially unlike things and oftenintroduced by like or as.Kermit has a pet chicken andknows firsthand what the simile “asscarce as hens’ teeth” means.

simneln��@`VZ[2Y��Semitic? > L > F > Ea rich fruit cake sometimes coveredwith almond paste.Auntie Grace always serves simnelduring the December holidays.

simpaticoadj��`VZ@]/G1AX=��L > Itpossessing attractive qualities :appealing, likable.The hero of the novel is athoroughly simpatico character.

simulacrumn��A`VZf2@Y0X_2Z��La representation of something :image, effigy.A simulacrum of Elvis stood at theentrance to the wax museum.

simulcastv��@`6Z2YAXN`a��L + ON > Ebroadcast by radio and televisionsimultaneously.Years ago, radio and televisionstations would sometimes simulcastoperatic performances to providelisteners with quality stereophonicsound.



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simultaneouslyadv��A`6Z2Y@a0[42`Y4��Lat the same time : concurrently.Jason, who often types and talkssimultaneously, calls himself a“master of multitasking.”sinciput

sinecuren��@`V[1AXfB�2�_��Lan office or position that requireslittle or no work and that usuallyprovides an income.The mayor made the grave mistakeof handing out a sinecure to afriend.

sinewn��@`V�A�[fC��Etendon; especially : one dressed foruse as a cord or thread.Ephraim wore a jade pendant inthe shape of a bear on a sinewaround his neck.


singularadj��@`V;Tf2Y2�_���Lextraordinary, exceptional.The singular quality of Sean’svoice was the envy of all the otherchoir members.

singularizev��@`V;Tf2Y2A_6g��L + Ecfdistinguish.By practicing every day, Benbelieved he could singularizehimself in the school orchestra.

sinistraladj��@`V[1`a_2Y��Lof or relating to the left.The sorcerer’s mask was rippedaway, revealing terrible scars onthe sinistral side of his face.

sinuosityn��A`V[f2@d/`2G4��Lthe quality or state of bending inand out.The sinuosity of the mountain roadtaxed Ken’s driving skills.

sinusitisn��A`6[2@`6G1`��Linflammation of any of the severalcavities in the skull.The allergist explained that Alice’sheadaches and sneezing are due tosinusitis.

Siouxadj��@`C��Dakota[has homonyms: sault, sou, sue] ofor relating to the Dakota people ortheir language.Following a speech in Siouxlanguage, the dancers began theSun Dance.

sirloinn��@`2_AY<V[��L > F > Ea cut of meat and especially of beeftaken from the hindquarters.The butcher cut the sirloin intosteaks for his customers.

sitologyn��`6@a/Y2W4��Gk[Word has homonym: cytology. Inaddition, an alternate pronunciationhas near homonym: cetology.] thescience of nutrition and dietetics.Deirdre plans to major in sitologyand write cookbooks forvegetarians.

skedaddlev��`X1@QNQ3Y��unknownrun away : leave hastily.A sudden shower caused Karen toskedaddle from the bazaar.

skeletonn��@`XRY2a3[��Gkthe bones of a human being orother vertebrate.Dr. Symonds has a real humanskeleton in his office.


skewern��@`XfC2�_���unknown[has near homonym: skua] a pin ofwood or metal for fastening meat tokeep in form while roasting or tohold small pieces of meat andvegetables for broiling.Maggie put pieces of steak andvegetables on the skewer.

skilletn��@`XVY1a��Efrying pan.A quality deep skillet has manyuses in the kitchen.

skimeistern��@`X4AZ6`a2�_���G + L > G[Note: Caution should be taken notto confuse second part of thiscompound word with master.] aprofessional skier or skiinginstructor.Diantha pretended to be a poorskier just to get close to thehandsome skimeister.

skimpinessn��@`XVZ]4[1`��Scand? > E? + Ecffthe quality or state of beingdeficient in supply or execution.The skimpiness of Eunice’s budgetdid not allow for many luxuries.

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skirmishn��@`X2_ZV`U��F > Ea minor dispute or contest betweenopposing parties.Winston hopes that his skirmishwith the neighbors over his dogdoes not foreshadow a lengthyfeud.

skirretn��@`XV_1a��Ar? > F > Ean Asiatic herb cultivated inEurope for its sweet edibletuberous roots.After foraging for an hour, Yanghappened on a skirret, the roots ofwhich he would boil and eat.



skookumadj��@`XCX2Z��Chinookmarked by excellent quality : first-rate.Liz felt sure that the pail ofblueberries would make a skookumpie.

slalomn��@`Y/Y2Z��Norwskiing in a zigzag or wavy coursebetween upright obstacles.Tully did the slalom down themoutainside.


slantindicularadj��A`YN[a3[@QVXf2Y2�_���E + L > F > Esomewhat oblique.The main staircase of the newlibrary rises at a slantindicularangle to the facade.

slapstickn��@`YN]A`aVX��G imit + Ecomedy that depends for its effecton fast, boisterous, and zanyphysical activity and horseplayoften accompanied by broad rowdyverbal humor.The Three Stooges were famous fortheir slapstick.



sleuthv��@`YCaU��ON > Eact as a detective or investigator :search for information or facts.There are several game programsthat teach children how to sleuthout facts and figures on theInternet.


sloganeern��A`Y=T2@[V�2�_��Gaelica coiner or user of brief strikingphrases in advertising orpromotion.Without the sloganeer, mostcommercials would probably bedeadly dull.

slovenlyadj��@`Y2c2[Y4��G or Flemishnegligent of neatness and orderespecially in dress or person.He that is born under Capricornshall incline to the slovenly.

sluicen��@`YC`��L > F > Ea body of water pent up behind afloodgate.Ellen crossed the sluice in a canoe.

slumgullionn��A`Y2Z@T2Yf2[��unknown + (L > F > E)?a meat stew.The sailors protested when theywere served yet another meal ofslumgullion.


smoggyadj��@`Z/T4��(E + Scand?) > Echaracterized by or abounding in afog made heavier and darker bysmoke and chemical fumes.The smoggy atmosphere of LosAngeles aggravated Frank’sallergies.

smorgasbordn��@`Z<_T2`AO<_Q��Swa luncheon or supper buffetoffering a variety of foods anddishes.Nita’s smorgasbord includedturkey and smoked salmon.

snagreln��@`[NT_1Y��unknownan herb of the genus Aristolochia ofthe eastern United States.Snagrel is also called Virginiasnakeroot.

snoodn��@`[CQ��Ea net or fabric bag for confining awoman’s hair pinned or tied on atthe back of the head.Kathryn auditioned for a part in theNoel Coward play wearing a tea-length gown and snood from the1930s.

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soavementeadv��`=A/c0@ZR[a0��L > Itwith sweetness or smoothness : in agentle manner—used as a directionin music.The serenade was playedsoavemente by the strings.

sociableadj��@`=`U2O2Y��Lenjoying companionship.The dolphin is one of the mostsociable creatures known to man.


sojournern��@`=AW2_[2�_���F > Eone that stays as a temporaryresident.Even though he had lived there forfive years, Russell knew he wasregarded as a sojourner by theneighbors.

solacev��@`/Y1`��L[has near homonym: solus]console.When Janie learned she had failedher swimming exam, she decided tosolace herself by going out to amovie.

solatiumn��`=@Y0`U42Z��Lsomething that alleviates orcompensates for suffering or loss;especially : an additional allowance(as for injured feelings).The government offered a solatiumto the families of those killed in theterrorist bombing.

solderv��@`/Q2�_���L > F > E[has homonym: sodder] unite ormake whole by means of a meltedmetallic alloy.Jennifer’s science class learnedhow to solder wires so they couldexperiment with electrical circuits.



solecisticadj��A`/Y2@`V`aVX��Gk > Lrelating to, constituting, orinvolving an ungrammaticalcombination of words in asentence.Careful writers shun as solecisticthe use of the word like as aconjunction.

solfataran��A`/YS2@a/_2��L > Ita volcanic area or vent that yieldssulfur gases and hot vapors andrepresents a late stage of volcanicactivity.Harry noticed a rotten-egg odorcoming from a solfatara on thenorth side of the previously inactivevolcano.


solicitousadj��`2@YV`2G2`��Lmanifesting or expressing concern.Dr. Turner is especially solicitoustoward his older patients.

soliloquyn��`2@YVY2Xd4��La discourse made by one in solitudeto oneself.At the talent contest Angelo steppedinto the spotlight and recitedHamlet’s famous soliloquy “To beor not to be, . . .”solipsismn��@`=Y1]A`Vg2Z��Lextreme indulgence of and concernwith the self at the expense ofsocial relationships especially asexpressed in a failure of artisticcommunication.Critics accused the popular actorof solipsism.

solitairen��@`/Y2AaN�2�_��La card game designed for oneperson to play alone.Shelley often relaxes by playingsolitaire after everyone else hasgone to bed.

soliterraneousadj��A`=Y2a2@_0[42`��Lof or relating to Earth and the Sun.Scientists attribute the recentdrought to soliterraneous causes.

solivagantadj��`=@YVc2T2[a��Lmarked by solitary wandering.During his first semester in college,Gerry took frequent solivagantwalks around the campus.

solleretn��A`/Y2@_Ra��L > Fa flexible steel shoe forming part ofa medieval suit of armor.The curator explained that thecumbersome solleret had to beremoved to allow the knight to fighton foot.

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solonn��@`=Y2[��Gk namea wise and skillful lawgiver orstatesman.Judge Kantz is revered throughoutthe county as a solon.

solsticen��@`/Yga1`��L > F > Eone of two points on the ecliptic atwhich its distance from the celestialequator is greatest and which isreached by the Sun each year aboutJune 22nd and December 23rd.The North Pole is tilted directlytoward the Sun at the summersolstice.

solstitialadj��`/Yg@aV`U2Y��Lof or relating to the two points onthe ecliptic at which its distancefrom the celestial equator isgreatest and which is reached bythe Sun each year about June 22ndand December 23rd.Ancient myths about the eternalbattle between light and dark aretied to equinoctial and solstitialmoments in the year.


sombreron��`2Z@O_R�A�_=��Spa high-crowned hat of felt or strawwith a very wide brim wornespecially in the Southwest and inMexico.Maria was dressed quiteexpensively, with leather bootscovering her legs and a darksombrero poised levelly on herhead.

somnambulantadj��`/Z@[NZOf2Y2[a��L + Lwalking or addicted to walkingwhile asleep.Sheila could remember nothing ofher somnambulant activities whenshe was told of them the nextmorning.



sonorousadj��@`/[2_2`��Lcharacterized by full or loud soundoften with clear or rich tone,marked volume, or easy audibility.Alex’s sonorous voice made himthe clear choice to perform thereading.


sophisticatev��`2@SV`a2AX0a��Gk > Lalter deceptively: adulterate.Lanny feared that someone wouldsophisticate the survey results.

sophistryn��@`/S1`a_4��Gk > Freasoning that is superficiallyplausible but actually fallacious.Larry’s masterful but irresponsiblesophistry easily convinced naïvelisteners.

Sophocleanadj��A`/S2@XY42[��Gk nameof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe Athenian tragic poet Sophoclesor his dramas.Finding a new Sophocleanfragment in the museum’s papyriwas Gunther’s claim to fame.

sophomoren��@`/S�2�AZ=�2�_��Gka student in his second year or withsecond-year standing at a college.As a sophomore, Jason wasexpected to find a one-semesterinternship in his major subject.

soporificadj��A`/]2@_VSVX��L > Fcausing or tending to cause sleep.The students valiantly attempted tofight off the soporific effects of thelecture.

sorbetn��@`<_O1a��Turkish > It > F[Note: Could be confused withsherbet.] a frozen dessert madewith a mixture of fruits.Wylie ate sorbet between courses tocleanse his palate.

sorcerern��@`<�_�`�2�_2�_���L > Fmagician.Traveling alone in the dark, thesorcerer saw no harm in conjuringup a lamp for his convenience.


sorghumn��@`<_T2Z��L? > Itsyrup produced by evaporating thejuice from stems of certain tropicalgrasses.Rachel likes sorghum on heroatmeal.

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sorreln��@`<_2Y��Gmc > F > E[has homonyms: saurel, soral,sorel] a light bright chestnut horseoften with white mane and tail.Ken promised to take good care ofthe sorrel his dad had bought forhim.


sortilegern��@`<�_�G3YVW2�_���Lone that tells fortunes; especially : aperson who for payment predictswhat are claimed to be futureevents or influences in the life ofanother.The sortileger predicted a radicalchange in Frank’s lifestyle.

soubisen��`C@O4g��F geog namea white or brown sauce containingonions or onion puree.A sauceboat of soubiseaccompanied the roast.

soubresautn��A`CO_2@`=��L > Fa ballet jump from and a landing onboth feet in closed position.Keith demonstrated his lack ofballet prowess with an awkwardsoubresaut.



sousaphonen��@`Cg2AS=[��Amer name + Gk > Ea large circular tuba having aflaring adjustable bell.The band director was looking forsomeone who could play thesousaphone.



southpawn��@`NBaUA]<��E + F > Eleft-hander; specifically : a left-handed baseball pitcher.Some fans think Babe Ruth was thebest southpaw ever to play majorleague baseball.

souvenirn��A`Cc2@[V�2�_��L > Fsomething that serves as areminder : memento, remembrance.Moira kept a seashell as a souvenirof her trip to the ocean.


spacistorn��@`]0A`V`a2�_���La high-frequency semiconductoramplifying device.The spacistor has replaced thetransistor because of its greaterability to amplify electrical energy.

spaghettin��`]2@TRG4��Ita pasta made in solid strings ofsmall diameter but larger thanvermicelli.The specialty of the restaurant wasspaghetti with meat sauce.


spanglen��@`]N;T2Y��Scand > Ea small object that brightly reflectslight.The packrat ran out into the roadto pick up the glittering spangle.


spatiotemporaladj��A`]0`U4�A�=@aRZ]�2�_2Y��Lhaving the quality of somethingthat is at once extended andenduring.The philosopher pointed out thattwo things cannot coexist in onespatiotemporal point.


spatulan��@`]NPU2Y2��La flat thin flexible dull-edgedusually metal implement usedespecially for spreading or mixingsoft substances, scooping, orlifting.With batter on his face and aspatula in his fist, Casey smiled forhis mom and her camera.

speciesn pl��@`]4�A�`U4g��La category of biologicalclassification ranking immediatelybelow a genus or subgenus.The housefly belongs to the genusMusca and the species domestica.

speciesismn��@`]4�A�`�U�4AgVg2Z��L + Ecfprejudice or discrimination basedon species; especially :discrimination against animals.Some animal rights activists go sofar as to claim that swatting a fly isan act of speciesism.

specimenn��@`]R`2Z1[��La particular single item, part,aspect, or incident that is typicaland indicative of the nature,character, or quality of others in thesame class or group.At the museum Ken and Allison sawan excellent specimen of a moonrock.

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speciousadj��@`]4`U2`��Lsuperficially fair, just, or correct,but not so in reality.Only after the candidate waselected was the actual truth of herspecious claims exposed.

spectraladj��@`]RXa_2Y��Lof, like, or relating to adisembodied spirit, apparition, orghost.Galloping toward him was aspectral rider on horseback.

spectrumn��@`]RXa_2Z��La series of images formed when abeam of light is subjected todispersion.The specialty store carried aspectrum of ties to suit any man’staste.

speleologistn��A`]4Y4@/Y2W1`a��Gk > L > ISVa specialist in the scientific study orsystematic exploration of caves.Dale’s work as a speleologist takeshim to spectacular natural featuresaround the world.

speleothemn��@`]4Y42AaURZ��Gk > L > ISV + Gka cave deposit or formation.Receding waters have left aspeleothem of carbonate on thecavern floor.

spelunkingn��`]1@Y2;XV;��Ethe hobby or practice of exploringcaves.Spelunking is a popular activity ineastern Kentucky.

sphagnumn��@`SNT[2Z��Gk > Lany plant of a large genus ofatypical mosses that grow only invery wet acid areas where theiraccumulated remains becomecompacted with other plant debristo form peat.A large patch of sphagnum grew inthe bog by the police station.

sphericaladj��@`SV_1X2Y��Gk > L + Ecflike a sphere : globular.Linda suspected that the sphericalrock she found was a geode.

spheterizev��@`SRG2A_6g��Gktake for one’s own : appropriate.The invading army proceeded tospheterize the villagers’ privateproperty.

sphinxn��@`SV;�X�`��Gk > La monster in Greek mythologyhaving typically a lion’s body,wings, and the head and bust of awoman.According to Greek legend, thesphinx of Thebes would pose ariddle to a passerby and then killthat person if he or she could notanswer it.

spiedinon��A`]42@Q4�A�[=��Gmc > F > Ita dish of meat rolled around afilling or minced and formed intoballs, then usually batter-dippedand cooked on a skewer.The chef grilled a spiedino of beefon a charcoal grill.

spinescentadj��`]6@[R`3[a��Ltapering to a sharp rigid point.The fish Homer caught had twospinescent fins.

spinetn��@`]V[1a��L > Ita compactly built upright piano ofreduced height and usually reducedkeyboard suitable for limited space.Percival didn’t have room for afull-size piano in his studioapartment, so he bought a spinet.

spinnakern��@`]V[1X2�_���unknowna large triangular sail set on a longlight pole and used when runningbefore the wind.The spinnaker on Diane’s boat iscardinal red.

spiraclen��@`]V_2X2Y��Lone of the breathing pores found onthe thorax and abdomen of aninsect.The muscular valve of a spiracleopens only to allow the uptake ofoxygen and the escape of carbondioxide.




spleneticadj��`]Y1@[RGVX��Gk > Lmarked by morose bad temper,sullen malevolence, or spiteful,peevish anger.The splenetic critic gave themusical a scathing review.


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spondylitisn��A`]/[Q2@Y6G1`��Gk > Linflammation of the vertebrae.Jewel’s back pain was caused byspondylitis.



spontaneityn��A`]/[a2@[42G4��Lthe quality or state of beingunconstrained or impulsive.Brian has always liked to stick to aschedule, but lately he has shownmore spontaneity than usual.

spontaneousadj��`]/[@a0[42`��Lproceeding from natural feeling ornative tendency without externalconstraint.His employee’s spontaneousobedience made Tim’s jobpleasant.

spoonerismn��@`]C[2A_Vg2Z��E namea transposition of usually initialsounds of two or more words thatgenerally creates a comic effect.Vivian was afraid that she wouldutter a spoonerism in herrecitation.


sporogenousadj��`]2@_/W2[2`��Gk > Lproducing or adapted to theproduction of minute unicellularreproductive bodies.The botany class studied thedevelopment of the fern’ssporogenous tissue.

sporrann��@`]/_2[��ScotGaela large pouch of skin with the hairor fur on that is worn in front of thekilt by Highlanders in full dress andused as a purse.Angus picked up a quarter and putit in his sporran.

springerlen��@`�U�]_V;2_Y2��Ga thick hard cookie usually flavoredwith anise and impressed with arelief design and traditionally eatenat Christmas in German-speakingcountries.Klaus broke his tooth on a stalespringerle.




squalidadj��@`Xd/Y1Q��Lmarked by filthiness anddegradation usually from neglect.The squalid tenement building wascondemned and scheduled fordemolition.

squaliformadj��@`Xd0Y2AS<_Z��L > Eresembling a shark or dogfish inform.While scuba diving, Mikeencountered a group of curioussqualiform fish.

squeamishadj��@`Xd4ZV`U��AF > Einclined to become nauseated :queasy.Pat is squeamish when it comes torides at the fair.

squelchv��@`XdRYPU��imitmove with water or mud in one’sshoes and produce a sucking orsplashing sound.After playing in mud puddles all theway home, Frances tried to squelchquietly to her room without gettingcaught by her mother.

squirreln��@`Xd2_�2�Y��Gk > L > F > Eany of various widely distributedsmall to medium-sized rodents thathave a bushy tail and long stronghind limbs.On the trunk of the tree, a brownsquirrel was clinging and watchingthe boy below.



staccatoadj��`a2@X/G�A�=��F > Itmarked by short clear-cut playingor singing of tones or chords.Marcia’s piano teacher told her topractice the etude’s staccatopassage several minutes each day.

stagnantadj��@`aNT[2[a��Lhaving undergone physical changeswhile standing; especially :impaired in flavor, odor, or textureby such changes.Josh stood still in disbelief afterKevin pushed him into the stagnantwater of the ditch.

stalactiten��`a2@YNXAa6a��Gka deposit of calcium carbonateresembling an icicle hanging fromthe roof or sides of a cavern.It takes hundreds of years for astalactite to form.

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stalagmiten��`a2@YNTAZ6a��Gka deposit of crystalline calciumcarbonate more or less like aninverted stalactite formed on thefloor of a cave.A gigantic stalagmite blocked thespelunker’s path.

stalwartadj��@`a<Yd2�_�a��Ebrave, valiant, resolute.The new musical comedy is basedon the story of Robin Hood and hisstalwart companions.

staminan��@`aNZ2[2��Lstrength or courage of conviction :staying power.The elderly senator doubted that hehad the stamina to last throughanother election campaign.


stampeden��`aNZ@]4Q��Gmc > Spa wild headlong rush or flight of anumber of animals usually due tofright.The lightning strike caused a cattlestampede.

stanchionn��@`aN[PU2[��L > Fan upright bar, post, prop, brace, orsupport.When Oliver lost control of his car,it swerved and hit a traffic-lightstanchion.

stanniferousadj��`aN@[VS�2�_2`��Celt > Lcontaining tin.In Spain, Italy, and the Middle Eastpottery is sometimes covered with awhite stanniferous glaze as a basefor other decoration.

stannousadj��@`aN[2`��Lof, relating to, or containing tin—used especially of compounds inwhich this element is bivalent.In geology class Syadi wassurprised to learn that cassiterite,the principal ore of tin, is notconsidered stannous.

stanzaicaladj��A`aN[@g0VX2Y��L > Itrelating to or consisting of groupsof lines arranged together in arecurring pattern of metricallengths and usually a sequence ofrhymes.Kerri prefers poetry with a morestanzaical form.


staticallyadv��@`aNG1X�2�Y4��Gk > Lin stable or unchanging terms.Alan's problem was that he alwaysviewed problems statically.

stationaryadj��@`a0`U2A[R_4��L[has homonym: stationery] fixed ina place, position, course, or mode.The clerk calmly remained in astationary position.

stationeryn��@`a0`U2A[R_4��L > F > E[has homonym: stationary]materials (as paper, pens, pencils,ink, blankbooks, ledgers, andcards) for writing or typing.Claudia complained that justbefore the beginning of everyschool year the office stationerybegan to disappear.

statisticiann��A`aNG1@`aV`U2[��L > Gone versed in or engaged incompiling masses of numericaldata.Jamie’s career as a statisticianbegan with following baseballscores.

statisticsn pl��`a2@aV`aVX`��La science dealing with thecollection, analysis, interpretation,and presentation of masses ofnumerical data.Our state has lost some of its votingclout because of statistics reportedby the U.S. Census Bureau.

statuesqueadj��A`aNPU2@dR`X��L > F > E + F > Ecfhaving a massive dignity orimpressiveness : majestic.A statuesque sculpture stood in thetown square.






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steinkernn��@`�U�a6[AXR_[��Ga fossil consisting of a stony massthat entered a hollow natural object(as a bivalve shell) in the form ofmud or sediment, was consolidated,and remained as a cast afterdissolution of the mold.For show-and-tell, Rose brought ina steinkern she had found at thebeach.

stellaradj��@`aRY2�_���Lof, relating to, or derived from thestars.Rapid stellar rotation can modifythe structure of a star’satmosphere.

stenographern��`a1@[/T_2S2�_���Gk + Gkone who is employed chiefly totake and transcribe dictation.Sergeant Fitzpatrick called in astenographer to record thesuspect’s confession.


steppen��@`aR]��Russ[has homonym: step] one of thevast tracts in southeastern Europeor Asia that are usually level andwithout forests.The tourists explored the steppe insearch of exotic wildlife.


sternutationn��A`a2_[f2@a0`U2[��Lthe act, fact, or noise of sneezing.Pat’s sternutation was so frequentand loud that his office mate askedto be transferred to anotherdepartment.

stertorousadj��@`a2_G2_2`��Lcharacterized by a harsh snoring orgasping sound.While asleep in his easy chair,Uncle Max would give a start everyfew minutes, briefly awakened byhis own stertorous breathing.

stethoscopen��@`aRaU2A`X=]��Gk > Fan instrument used for the detectionand study of sounds within thebody.Heard through a stethoscope, therumbling of the stomach can soundlike a storm at sea.

stevedoren��@`a4c2AQ=�2�_��L > Spone who works at or is responsiblefor the loading or unloading of aship in port.The stevedore returned to the shipafter dining at his favorite docksiderestaurant.

stewardessn��@`a�f�C2�_�Q1`��Ea woman who attends to the needsof passengers (as on an airplane,ship, or train).When addressed as stewardess,Emily requested that she be calleda flight attendant.

sthenicadj��@`aUR[VX��Gkmarked by excessive vitality ornervous energy.Fido’s sthenic symptoms finallysubsided.

stiflev��@`a6S2Y��F > Ekill by smothering : asphyxiate.Smoke can stifle a person in a shortperiod of time.


stipendn��@`a6A]R[Q��La fixed sum of money typicallymodest in amount that is paidperiodically in compensation forservices.The university gave ProfessorBarrett a stipend for his lectureseries.


stochasticadj��`a2@XN`aVX��Gklacking or seeming to lack a regularplan, purpose, or pattern.Vince programmed the computer tocreate a stochastic series ofnumbers.



stollenn��@`�U�a=Y2[��G[has homonym: stolen] a sweetyeast bread containing fruits andnuts, usually made in a long ovalloaf.Henrietta found a recipe for stollenin her German cookbook.

strabismusn��`a_2@OVgZ2`��Gk > Linability of one eye to attainbinocular vision with the otherbecause of imbalance of theextrinsic eye muscles.Corrective surgery was performedto remedy Herman’s strabismus.

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straitenv��@`a_0a3[��L > F > E[has homonym: straighten] causeto suffer or ebb by reason ofinsufficient funds : reduce (asoneself) to poverty.With the generous university grant,Joanne’s family would not have tostraiten itself to provide theeducation she desired.

strangulatev��@`a_N;Tf2AY0a��Lcompress the windpipe of untildeath results from stoppage ofrespiration.Many nonvenomous snakesstrangulate their prey.

stratagemn��@`a_NG1W1Z��Gka cleverly contrived trick or schemefor gaining an end.Barb was disappointed that hermother saw through her stratagemfor staying out past curfew.


strathspeyn��@`a_NaUA`]0��Scot geog namea Scottish dance similar to butslower than the reel.The highland fling is one exampleof a dance in the manner of thestrathspey.

stratocirrusn��A`a_NG=@`V_2`��La low dense fairly uniform cloudformation.The meteorologist predicted aheavy cover of stratocirrus for theweekend.


strephosymbolian��A`a_R�A�S=A`VZ@O=Y42��Gkreversal or transposition of phrases,words, or letters or of any symbolsespecially in reading.Because of his strephosymbolia,Ryan was diagnosed as having alearning disorder.

strepitousadj��@`a_R]2G2`��Lcharacterized or accompanied bymuch noise.The playoff game was a strepitousevent.

streptomycinn��A`a_R]a=@Z6`3[��Gkan antibiotic organic base activeagainst many bacteria and usedespecially in the treatment ofinfections (as tuberculosis) bygram-negative bacteria.Streptomycin was the first drug toprove effective againsttuberculosis.


streuselkuchenn��@`a_C`2YAXCX2[��Gcoffee cake that is baked with atopping of a crumbly mixture ofbutter, sugar, and flour andsometimes nuts and spices.Mrs. Messer, our neighbor, alwaysbakes her family a streuselkuchenfor the holidays.

stricturen��@`a_VXPU2�_���Lan abnormal narrowing of a tubularorgan : constriction.The stricture of Lucy’s throat wascaused by an allergic reaction to abee sting.

stridentadj��@`a_6Q3[a��Lmarked by insistent, discordant,harsh, shrill, or grating noise orsound.Mary-Ellen’s fingernails produceda strident sound as she drew themacross the blackboard.

strigiln��@`a_VW1Y��Lan instrument usually of metal orivory used by the ancient Greeksand Romans for scraping the skinespecially after athletic exercises.Damocles appreciated receiving astrigil personalized with hisinitials.

stringentadj��@`a_V[W2[a��Lmarked by rigor, strictness, orseverity.Stringent regulations have helpedcurb environmental pollution.

stroganoffadj��@`a_<T2A[<S��Russ namesliced thin and cooked in a sauce ofmeat stock, sour cream, onion, andcondiments.Erica prepared beef stroganoff forthe mayor’s visit.


strophulusn��@`a_/Sf2Y2`��Gka rash in infants popularlyassociated with teething distress.The pediatrician prescribed anointment for our baby’s strophulus.

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strudeln��@`�U�a_CQ3Y��Ga sheet of paper-thin dough rolledup with any of various fillings andbaked.The flight attendant served thecoach passengers a light breakfastof coffee, juice, and strudel.

strychninen��@`a_VXA[6[��Gka very poisonous bitter crystallinealkaloid obtained from variousplants.Strychnine is a popular poison inmurder mystery novels.


studiousadj��@`a�f�CQ42`��Lof, relating to, or concerned withthe application of the mentalfaculties to the acquisition ofknowledge.Pam is the most studious pupil inMr. Ramsey’s class.

stultiloquencen��A`a2Y@aVY2Xd2[�a�`��L + Lsenseless or silly talk : babble.Myra soon broke her vow never toresort to stultiloquence whencommunicating with her baby.

stupefyv��@`a�f�C]2AS6��Lblunt or deaden the faculties ofperception and understanding of.Bright headlights will often stupefya deer and cause it to standmotionless in the path of anoncoming vehicle.

stupendousadj��`a�f�C@]R[Q2`��Lof amazing size or greatness.The construction of Khufu’spyramid was a stupendousaccomplishment for the ancientEgyptians.


stygianadj��@`aVW�4�2[��Gk namecharacteristic of death.A black robe, a papier-mâchésickle, and some grayish makeupcompleted Sean’s stygianHalloween costume.


stypticadj��@`aV]aVX��Gktending to arrest bleeding.Kenneth had to apply a stypticagent to his chin where he cuthimself while shaving.


suasibleadj��@`d0`2O2Y��Lcapable of being induced into somemental position : easily brought tobelief, certainty, or conviction.When it comes to trying new foods,Ming is the least suasible memberof her family.


subalternadj��`2@O<Ya2�_�[��Linferior in status or quality :subordinate.Julia is disappointed with hersubaltern role in the school play.

subaqueousadj��A`2O@0Xd42`��Lbeing or found under water orbeneath the surface of water.Bartley rented a glass-bottomedboat to get a better look at thesubaqueous fauna.


subborealadj��`2O@O=_42Y��Lvery cold : approaching the frigid.Hope grew up in Florida and findsit very difficult to live in what shecalls the “subboreal climate” ofMinnesota.

subfulgentadj��A`2O@SBYW2[a��Lmoderately lustrous.The silver platter in Mary’s antiqueshop was battered but still had asubfulgent gleam.


subjugatev��@`2OW2AT0a��Lbring under the yoke of power ordominion.The love of acquisition andconquest are powers of destructionwhen used to subjugate one personto another.

submersibleadj��`2O@Z2_`2O2Y��L + Ecfcapable of functioning under water.The earliest designs forsubmersible vehicles date toantiquity.

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subornv��`2@O<�2�_[��L > Finduce (as a person) byunderhanded means to do someimproper or unlawful thing.The sting operation exposed Mr.Underwood’s attempts to subornthe city treasurer.

subridentadj��A`2@O_6Q3[a��Lwearing or offered with a smile.Eilene’s subrident answer beliedthe furious feelings she had towardthe questioner.


subservientadj���A�`2O@`2_c52[a��Lsubordinate.In ancient Rome, wives werelegally subservient.

subsidiaryadj���A�`2O@`VQ4AR_4��Lof secondary importance orprominence.Marge’s role was subsidiary, buther first-rate performance stole theshow.

subsistencen��`2O@`V`a2[�a�`��La mode of obtaining the necessitiesof life : livelihood.Mr. Ellis preaches to his studentsthat a good education goes far toensure a respectable subsistence.

substituten��@`2Oga2AaCa��La person who takes the place of oracts for another.When Donald fouled out of thebasketball game, the coach decidedto send in a substitute who hadbeen warming the bench for weeks.

subterfugen��@`2Oa2�_�ASfCW��Ldeception by trickery or stratagemto conceal, escape, avoid, or evade.George’s experience in subterfugeis mostly in cryptography.


subtlenessn��@`2G3Y[1`��L > F > E + Ecfthe quality or state of being delicateor elusive.The subtleness of the almondcustard eluded Mr. Denson.



succinctadj��`2X@`V;�X�a��Lmarked by brief and compactexpression or by lack ofunnecessary words and details.Sandy’s succinct answers do notsatisfy those who question him.

succorancen��@`2X2�_�_2[�a�`��L > F > Edependence.Harold took measures to reduce hissuccorance on nasal decongestants.


��@`2X2AaN`U��Algonquiana mixture of lima beans or shellbeans and kernels of corn cookedtogether.Even though Thelma likes bothcorn and lima beans, she isn’t fondof succotash.



��@`2Xf2Y2[a��Lfull of juice : juicy.Perry wiped his mouth with hissleeve after he bit into the succulentpeach.


��`2@X2Z��Lyield and cease to resist or contendbefore a superior strength,overpowering appeal or desire, orinexorable force.Joanie found it impossible not tosuccumb to her drowsiness.



��A`CQ2@QR�A�_=��L > Spa broad piece (as of leather)attached to a stirrup strap to protecta rider’s leg from sweat.Before mounting his horse, thecowboy checked to see that eachsudadero was properly attached.



��A`CQ2@_VS�2�_2`��Lproducing or conveying sweat.Cycling and running aresudoriferous forms of exercise.


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Vuerte isspelled on originaln

��@`dR_�A�a0��L > Spa skilled movement or pass in abullfight.The crowd cheered as the toreadordemonstrated a dangerous suerte.


��`2@S6`��Lbe enough : meet or satisfy a need.One teaspoonful of salt will sufficefor the stew.


��`2@SV`U2[aY4��L + Ecfin a manner marked by quantity,scope, power, or quality to meetwith the demands, wants, or needsof a situation.The number of books printedsufficiently filled the back orders.



bstruct, impede.Because Tim said not having acomputer would sufflaminate hisprogress, his parents relented andbought him one.


��@`2S2AX0a��Ldie from being unable to breathe.It was so hot and stuffy in theclassroom that Mark thought hewould suffocate.


��@`2S_VW��L > Fthe right or power to participate inelecting public officials andadopting or rejecting legislation ina representative form ofgovernment.The 19th Amendment to theConstitution gives women suffrage.

suffrutescentadj��A`2AS_C@aR`3[a��Lhaving a base that is somewhatwoody and does not die down eachyear—used of a plant or stem.Eunice prunes her suffrutescentshrubs in the fall.

suffumigatev��`2@SfCZ2AT0a��Lapply smoke, vapor, or gas to frombelow, as to treat (as a house orroom) with a gas for the purpose ofdisinfecting or of destroying pests.Clayton joked that his downstairsneighbor was trying to suffumigatehim with his incessant grilling onhis deck.

suffusev��`2@SfCg��Lspread over or through in themanner of fluid or light.The fixtures were intended tosuffuse the patio in warm light.



sukiyakin��A`CX4@�f�/X4��Jpnmeat, soybean curd, onions,bamboo shoots, and othervegetables cooked in soy sauce,sake, and sugar.Joyce watched with fascination asthe Japanese cook preparedsukiyaki right at the table.

sulkilyadv��@`2YX1Y4��E?in a moodily silent manner.When asked to explain why he hadbeen fighting, Tim looked sulkilydown at the floor.

sultanaten��@`2Ya3[1a��Ar > Fa state or country governed by asultan.Arhat’s ancestors ruled a smallsultanate on the ArabianPeninsula.

sultrinessn��@`2Ya_4[1`��Ethe quality or state of beingoppressively hot and humid.Marge’s air-conditioned carprovided welcome relief fromJuly’s sultriness.



sumptern��@`2Z�]�a2_��L > F > Ea saddlebag.Grandpa’s sumpter is embossedwith his initials.

sumptuousadj��@`2Z�]�PU2d2`��Linvolving large outlay or expense :costly, lavish.Our grandparents treated thewhole family to a sumptuousbrunch on Saturday.


superannuatedadj��A`C]2@_N[f2Ad0G1Q��Lrated no longer fully or passablyefficient in one’s job because ofage : incapacitated or disqualifiedfor active duty by advanced age.The superannuated file clerk heldlittle hope of finding a job in thenear future.

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superciliousadj��A`C]2�_�@`VY42`��Larrogantly superior : haughty,disdainful.The supercilious senior ignored thefirst-year student.


superfluousadj��`C@]2_SY2d2`��Lexceeding what is sufficient,necessary, normal, or desirable.Alex’s teacher told him to eliminatesuperfluous words from his essay.

superintendentn��A`C]�2�_1[@aR[Q2[a��Lone who has the oversight andcharge of a place, institution,department, organization, oroperation with the power ofdirection.Frustrated residents petitioned thesuperintendent to improve thebuilding’s electrical service.

supernaturaladj��A`C]2�_�@[NPU�2�_2Y��Lattributable to or liable to beattributed to the action or presenceof a ghost, spirit, or other invisibleagent.The book was filled with tales ofsupernatural occurrences.

supernumeraryn��A`C]2�_�@[�f�CZ2A_R_4��Lan actor employed to play a walk-on (as in a mob scene or spectacle).The casting director wanted asupernumerary to play one of thebank’s customers.

supersonicadj��A`C]2�_�@`/[VX��Lmoving or capable of moving atspeeds from one to five times thespeed of sound in air.Myrna says that when she growsup, she wants to fly supersonicaircraft.

superstitiousadj��A`C]2�_�@`aV`U2`��L > F > Ehaving or based on a belief,conception, act, or practiceresulting from ignorance,unreasoning fear of the unknown,or a false conception of causation.The bridge became more than everan object of superstitious awe.

supinationn��A`C]2@[0`U2[��La rotation of the hand and radiusaround the ulna so that the palm isturned up.Supination aggravated Henri’stennis elbow.

supineadj��`2@]6[��Llying on the back or with the faceupward.Greg’s dog stayed supine whilegetting her belly rubbed.


supplicatev��@`2]Y2AX0a��Lask earnestly and humbly of.The defendant’s only hope was tosupplicate the court for mercy.


suretyshipn��@`UB_�2�G4A`UV]��L > E + Ecfthe obligation of a person to answerfor the debt, default, or failure induty of another.When Sally’s father co-signed herfirst automobile loan, he acceptedthe suretyship that it represented.

surfactantn��A`2_@SNXa2[a��La substance useful for its cleansing,wetting, dispersing, or similarpowers.The surfactant in a detergentlowers the water’s surface tension,enabling faster wetting of the fabricbeing washed.

surfeitn��@`2_S1a��L > F > Ean overabundant supply, yield, oramount of something : excess.The reviewer commented that thenovel was burdened with a surfeitof details.


surlyadj��@`2_Y4��Eill-natured, abrupt, and rude :churlishly cross.Marie complained to the managerabout the surly, uncooperativeclerk.


surrealismn��`2@_42AYVg2Z��Fthe principles, ideals, or practice ofproducing fantastic or incongruousimagery in art or literature bymeans of unnatural juxtapositionsand combinations.David Lynch is a modern master ofcinematic surrealism.

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surreptitiousadj��A`2_1]@aV`U2`��Ldone, made, or acquired in secret orby stealth.Denise was embarrassed when hersurreptitious note to Steve wasintercepted by the teacher.


surrogaten��@`2_2AT0a��Lsomething that replaces orsubstitutes for another.In formulating new laws, thelegislature acts as a surrogate forthe entire population.

surtoutn��A`2_@aC��L > F + L > Fa man’s fitted coat or overcoat;especially : frock coat.Gerald rented a surtout to completehis Abraham Lincoln costume forthe party.

surveillancen��`2�_�@c0Y2[�a�`��L > Fclose watch kept over one or morepersons (as to detect movements oractivities).The suspects in the bombinginvestigation were kept underpolice surveillance.

survivingadj��`2�_�@c6cV;��L > Fremaining alive or in existence.Uncle Leonard is the oldestsurviving graduate of MilburnCollege.

susceptibleadj��`2@`R]a2O2Y��Leasily influenced or affectedthrough some trait.People who smoke are verysusceptible to chronic bronchitisand emphysema.

suspicionn��`2@`]V`U2[��Lmistrust, doubt.President Kennedy called forcooperation with our adversaries to“push back the jungle ofsuspicion” and allow thepreservation of peace.



sustenancen��@`2`a2[2[�a�`��L > Fsomething that gives support,endurance, or strength.Tyrone drew sustenance from theletters his girlfriend wrote himwhile he was overseas.


susurrationn��A`C`2@_0`U2[��La whispering sound : murmur.A mild susurration could be heardin the study hall despite theteacher’s “no talking” mandate.

suturev��@`CPU2�_���L&Funite the parts of by using a strandor fiber.The doctor estimated that it wouldtake about 45 minutes to suture thegash in Tim’s leg.

suzerainn��@`Cg2_1[��Fa superior lord to whom allegianceis due : a feudal lord.The suzerain gave the vassal theuse of his land and agreed toprotect him when necessary.


Svengalin��`SR[@T/Y4��Brit literary nameone who attempts usually with evilintentions to persuade or forceanother to do his bidding.Many fans thought that the rockstar’s wife was a Svengali whoengineered the group’s breakup.


swelteringadj��@`dRYa2_V;��Eoppressively hot : causing ormarked by excessive sweating orfaintness.Despite the sweltering heat,thousands of people lined thestreets to watch the Fourth of Julyparade.


swindleableadj��@`dV[Q�3�Y2O2Y��G + Ecfcapable of being deprived ofmoney or property by fraud ordeceit.The circus owner maintained thatthe majority of people are gullibleand swindleable.

swineherdn��@`d6[AU2_Q��Ea person who looks after hogs.Ian loathed his job as a swineherd.

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swivelv��@`dVc2Y��Eturn or pivot freely.Frank chose an office chair thatcould swivel and tilt.

sybariticadj��A`VO2@_VGVX��Gk geog namemarked by or given to luxury orvoluptuous living.The duke’s sybaritic bathroom hadmarble sinks with gold fixtures,floor-to-ceiling mirrors, and awhirlpool bath.

sybariticallyadv��A`VO2@_VG1X�2�Y4��Gk > L > Ein a luxurious or voluptuousmanner.Dana reclined sybaritically on thevelvet sofa.


sychnocarpousadj��A`VX[2@X/_]2`��Gk + Gk > L > Eable to produce fruit repeatedly.The apple and pear aresychnocarpous trees.



syllabusn��@`VY2AO2`��Gk > La compendium or summary outlineof a discourse, course of study, orexamination requirements.After reading the syllabus for theseminar, Brad realized he hadmade a terrible mistake byenrolling.

syllogismn��@`VY2AWVg2Z��Gka brief form of argument thatconsists of two statements and aconclusion that must be true ifthese two statements are true.The following argument is asyllogism: All lawbreakers deservepunishment. This person is alawbreaker. Therefore, this persondeserves punishment.

syllogizev��@`VY2AW6g��GK > L > Ededuce something by analysis of aformal argument that consists of amajor premise, a minor premise,and a conclusion.To teach logical thinking, Mr.Canby had the class syllogize thephilosopher’s argument.

sylphn��@`VYS��unknown > La slender woman or girl of light andgraceful carriage.One sylph after another joined thegrowing circle of ballerinas on thestage.


symbiosisn��A`VZO4@=`1`��Gk + Gkthe intimate living together of twodissimilar organisms in any ofvarious mutually beneficialrelationships.Some insects depend on symbiosiswith bacteria to supplementotherwise nutrient-poor diets.





symphonyn��@`VZ�]�S2[4��Gk + Gkan elaborate instrumentalcomposition usually in sonata formfor full orchestra.The concert program featured asymphony by Gustav Mahler.


synchroneityn��A`V;X_2[@[42G4��Gk + Ecfthe state of happening, existing, orarising at the same time.The fireworks display was aspectacle of synchroneity.

syncopationn��A`V;X2@]0`U2[��Gk > La temporary displacement orshifting of the regular metricalaccent in a musical composition.Syncopation is typical of muchEastern European folk dancemusic.

syncopen��@`V;X2�A�]4��Gka partial or complete temporarysuspension of respiration andcirculation : faint, swoon.Unexplained dizziness and syncopeoccasionally occur on arrival athigh altitude.

syndicaten��@`V[Q1X1a��La loose association of racketeers incontrol of organized crime.The police have spent years tryingto get evidence to convict the headof the local crime syndicate.

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synecdochen��`1@[RXQ2�A�X4��Gka figure of speech by which a partis put for the whole or vice versa.Fifty sail is a synecdoche for fiftyships.

synodn��@`V[2Q��Gk > L > Ean ecclesiastical council : a formalmeeting to consult and decide onchurch matters.Karl is an active participant in theregional Presbyterian synod.

synopsisn��`1@[/]`1`��Gka brief orderly outline affording ageneral view.Marvin read a plot synopsis beforehe saw Macbeth.

synoptophoren��`1@[/]a2AS=�2�_��Gkan instrument for diagnosingimbalance of eye muscles.The ophthalmologist prescribed eyeexercises to correct the muscularimbalance detected by thesynoptophore.


synthesisn��@`V[�a�aU2`1`��Gkcomposition or combination ofparts or elements so as to form awhole.Language arts is a synthesis ofreading, writing, speaking, andlistening skills.

syringen��`1@_V[W��Gk > L > Ea device used to inject fluids into orwithdraw them from the body or itscavities.Cameron let the toddler use an oldear syringe as a bathtub toy.

syzygyn��@`Vg2W4��Gkthe nearly straight-lineconfiguration of three celestialbodies in a gravitational system.Tides are highest when the Sun,Moon, and Earth are in syzygy.


tabernaclen��@aNO2�_�A[NX2Y��L > F > Ea meetinghouse with a largeassembly hall.The town meeting will be held atthe tabernacle.

tabetisoln��a2@ORG2A`<Y��L + Ecfunfrozen ground above, within, orbelow the permanently frozenground.Arctic wildflowers are able tosurvive in areas of tabetisol.

tableaun��@aNAOY=��F[Note: Plural form can bepronounced similarly.] a staticdepiction usually presented on astage with participants inappropriate costume.The final scene is a tableau inwhich the family is gathered at thegravesite.



tachometern��aN@X/Z2G2�_���Gka device for indicating the speed ofrotation.By watching the tachometer, Mr.Henderson was able to keep theengine running above 3000 rpm.

tachygraphyn��aN@XVT_2S4��Gk > Fthe art or practice of rapid writing.Professor Jespersen lectures soquickly that students who practicetachygraphy have an advantage.

taciturnadj��@aN`2Aa2_[��L > Fhabitually silent : temperamentallydisinclined or reluctant to talk orconverse.Mrs. Gibbons found it challengingto draw the taciturn boy into classdiscussions.

taciturnityn��AaN`2@a2_[2G4��Lthe quality or state of beingdisinclined or reluctant to talk orconverse.Gene and Leo’s taciturnity aboutthe cause of the scuffle resulted in atrip to the principal’s office.






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taigan��@a6T2��Turkish > Russ[has near homonym: tiger]swampy coniferous forest ofSiberia beginning where the tundraends.Olga’s great-grandfather was bornin a cabin on the edge of the taigaand grew up playing among spruceand fir trees.





talipesn��@aNY2A]4g��La congenital deformity of the footin which the forepart is twisted intoone of several directions : clubfoot.Gordon’s talipes was so severe thatsurgery was needed to adjust thetendons and bones of his foot.

talismann��@aNY1`Z2[��Gk > Ar > It > Sp > Fan object thought to act as a charmto avert evil and bring goodfortune.Vern showed us his rabbit’s foot,which he claimed was an effectivetalisman.


tallown��@aN�A�Y=��Ethe rendered fat of cattle and sheepthat is used chiefly in making soap,glycerol, margarine, candles, andlubricants.Inside of her little tent, the fortuneteller began to shuffle her cards bythe light of a candle made fromtallow.


Talmudicadj��aNY@Z�f�CQVX��Hebof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe authoritative body of Jewishlaw and custom developed on thebasis of the scriptural law.The novel was full of Talmudiclore.


tamalen��a2@Z/Y4��Nahuatl > Spground meat seasoned with chili orother filling, rolled up in cornmealdough, wrapped in corn husks, andsteamed.Rosita ordered a tamale, two tacos,and a burrito from the streetvendor.





tangerinen��AaN[W2@_4[��Moroccan geog namea variable color ranging frommoderate reddish orange to vivid orstrong orange.To Petra, the most beautiful colorof mum is tangerine.

tangibleadj��@aN[W2O2Y��Lcapable of being touched.The black darkness of the nightseemed to have a tangible quality.

tangyadj��@aN;4��Scand > E + Ecfhaving a particularly pungent odor.The burning pile of old tires willleave the air tangy for several days.

tantalizev��@aN[a3YA6g��Gk nametease or torment by presentingsomething to the view and excitingdesire but continually frustratingthe expectations by keeping it outof reach.Philip used a rod and reel totantalize the kitten with a toy mousetied to the fishing line.

tantamountadj��@aN[a2AZNB[a��L > F > AF > Eequivalent in value, significance, oreffect.Because of inflation, Jamie’smeager raise was tantamount to apay reduction.

tantivyadv��aN[@aVc4��unknownin a headlong dash.Patsy ran tantivy toward secondbase after the bunt.

tapestryn��@aN]1`a_4��Gk > F > E + Ecfa heavy handwoven textile forhangings, curtains, and upholstery.Teresa admired the vivid colors ofthe tapestry hanging in thecorridor.

taphephobian��AaNS4@S=O42��Gkfear of being buried alive.After reading Edgar Allan Poe’s“The Cask of Amontillado,” Mr.Gallo developed a bad case oftaphephobia.

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tapirn��@a0]2�_���Tupi[has homonym: taper] any of agenus of chiefly nocturnal hoofedmammals of tropical America andMyanmar to Sumatra that have thesnout and upper lip prolonged intoa short flexible proboscis.The tapir is both a browser and agrazer, feeding on leaves, twigs,and fruits, as well as on grasses.

tarantulan��a2@_N[PU�2�Y2��It geog nameany of a family of large hairyspiders that are capable of bitingbut are not significantly poisonousto humans.Alexander’s friend tried in vain toconvince him to get a pet tarantula.

tardigradeadj��@a/_Q2AT_0Q��Lmoving or stepping slowly.The sloth is a well-knowntardigrade animal.

tariffn��@aN_1S��Ar > Itthe duty or rate of duty imposed bya government on imported orexported goods.A high tariff protects the homeindustries from foreigncompetition.

tarmacn��@a/_AZNX��(E + Brit name) > trademarka road, apron, or runway made ofasphalt.Neil’s suitcase fell out of theairplane and its contents spilled outonto the tarmac.

tarpaulinn��a/_@]<Y1[��E + Ea piece of material (as durableplastic) used for protecting exposedobjects or areas.When rain began during the secondinning of the baseball game, theground crew rolled out thetarpaulin to protect the field.

tarragonn��@aN_2AT/[��Ar > L > Fa small European perennialwormwood grown for its aromaticfoliage that is used in cooking.Paul planted tarragon in his herbgarden.

tartarn��@a/_G2_��L[has homonym and nearhomonyms: tarter and tartare,Tatar] an incrustation on the teethconsisting of salivary secretion,food residue, and various salts.The hygienist carefully removed thetartar from Rekha’s teeth.


tatamin��a2@a/Z4��Jpna straw matting used as a floorcovering in a Japanese home.The Japanese restaurant had aspecial room in which patronscould sit on a tatami while dining.

tatterdemalionadj��AaNG2�_�Q1@Z0Yf2[��Scand > E + unknownragged or disreputable in dress orappearance.No one would have guessed that thetatterdemalion fellow is amillionaire.

tattersalln��@aNG2�_�A`<Y��E namea fabric having a pattern of coloredlines forming squares of solidbackground.Jeanne bought a blue-and-whitetattersall to make into a skirt.

tattletalen��@aNG3YAa0Y��D + Eone that blabs or tells secrets.Erica’s official title is “socialreporter,” but Will considers her aplain old tattletale.


tauntv��@a<[a��F? > Ereproach in a mocking or insultingmanner : jeer at.Spectators on the sidewalk beganto taunt the suspect as he exited thevan.


taupen��@a=]��L > F[has homonym: tope] a lightbrownish gray.It took some time, but Pam finallymatched the taupe of her dress to apair of shoes.

tauromachyn��a<@_/Z2X4��Gk + Gkthe art or practice of bullfighting.The toreador is well known for hisslow, dignified style of tauromachy.


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tautologyn��a<@a/Y2W4��Gkan instance of needless ormeaningless repetition in closesuccession of an idea, statement, orword.The phrase a beginner who has juststarted is a tautology.

tautophonyn��a<@a/S2[4��Gkrepetition of the same sound.The insistent tautophony of Josh’salarm clock finally woke him up.

tawdrilyadv��@a<Q_1Y4��name > Ein a cheap and gaudy manner.The tawdrily dressed actress signedautographs outside her hotel.








telamonn��@aRY2AZ/[��Gk > La male figure used as a supportingcolumn or pilaster.While in Athens, Anita had herpicture taken beside a telamon.


telegnosisn��AaRY2@[=`1`��Gk + Gkknowledge of distant happeningsobtained by occult or unknownmeans : clairvoyance.The psychic claimed to havetelegnosis of events happening onthe other side of the Atlantic.

telephonen��@aRY2AS=[��Gk + Gka device for reproducing sounds,especially articulate speech, at adistance.Ginger’s parents asked her to limither time on the telephone to three15-minute conversations per night.

telesisn��@aRY2`1`��Gkprogress intelligently planned anddirected.The mayor revealed the citycouncil’s ten-year plan for telesisat the press conference.


temerariousadj��AaRZ2@_N�N�_42`��Lrashly or presumptuously daring :reckless.Mrs. Jasper punished Tim for histemerarious behavior bywithholding certain privileges.

temerityn��a2@ZR_2G4��Lunreasonable or foolhardycontempt of danger or opposition.The private with the temerity tospeak up against the sergeant’sbullying was assigned to KPindefinitely.


temperateadj��@aRZ]�2�_1a��L > Ehaving a moderate climate.All of the United States, except forHawaii and parts of Alaska andFlorida, lies within the temperatezone.


tempestuousadj��aRZ@]R`�U�PU2d2`��Lof, involving, or resembling afurious storm.The tempestuous action of windand waves imperiled the ships.

tempuran��AaRZ]2@_/��Jpn[has near homonym: tempera]fritters of seafood and vegetablesfried in deep fat.The waiter brought a small dish ofvegetable tempura as an appetizer.

tenaciousadj��a1@[0`U2`��L > Eholding fast or tending to hold fast.Marjorie is tenacious in her beliefthat her cousin was abducted byaliens and replaced by an impostor.

tenacityn��a1@[N`2G4��Lthe quality or state of holding fast :determination, firmness,persistence.Randy’s tenacity often made himseem stubborn.

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tenaculumn��a1@[NXf2Y2Z��La slender sharp-pointed hookattached to a handle and usedmainly in surgery for seizing andholding parts (as arteries).Connie slipped the tenaculumunder the patient’s carotid artery.

tendencyn��@aR[Q2[`4��La proneness to or readiness for aparticular kind of thought or action.Tom’s tendency to say exactly whathe feels has gotten him into troubleseveral times.


tendonn��@aR[Q2[��La tough cord of specialized fibrousconnective tissue that unites amuscle with some other part andtransmits the force which themuscle exerts.The team doctor said that Larry’sAchilles tendon was inflamed andthat he shouldn’t run in Saturday’srace.

tendressen��a/:Q_R`��Ftender feeling : fondness.Sarah portrayed the sister who, inmaidenly fashion, conceals hertendresse for the hero.

tenebrificadj��AaR[2@O_VSVX��L + Ecf + L > Ecfcausing gloom or darkness.Tenebrific rain cloudsovershadowed the entire region.

tenebrosityn��AaR[2@O_/`2G4��Ldarkness.Nocturnal animals moved silentlythrough the tenebrosity of theforest.


tenetn��@aR[1a��L[has near homonym: tenant] aprinciple, dogma, belief, ordoctrine generally held to be true;especially : one held in common bymembers of a group or profession.The basic tenet of Central High’sKey Club is that community servicebenefits everyone.

tennisn��@aR[1`��L > AF > E[has homonym: tenace] a typicallyoutdoor game that is played withrackets and a light elastic ball bytwo players or pairs of players on alevel court divided by a low net.Jeannine is so eager to learn toplay tennis that she is willing topay for lessons out of herallowance.

tenonn��@aR[2[��L > F > Ea projecting member in a piece ofwood or other material for insertioninto a mortise to make a joint.Curtis used his jigsaw to cut atenon on each board of the box hewas making.

tensibleadj��@aR[�a�`2O2Y��Lcapable of being extended.The old rubber band was not verytensible.



tentaclen��@aR[a1X2Y��Lone of the arms of a cephalopod.In the horror movie the giantoctopus tried to grab the heroinewith a long tentacle.


tentativelyadv��@aR[a2G1cY4��Lin a hesitant or uncertain manner.Janna smiled tentatively, notknowing if she should show herhappiness.

tenuousadj��@aR[f2d2`��Lhaving little substance or strength :flimsy, weak.The prosecutor’s case was sotenuous that the judge dismissedthe charge against the defendant.

tepidadj��@aR]1Q��Lmarked by an absence ofenthusiasm or conviction.The debate drew a tepid responsefrom the audience.

teratismn��@aR_2AaVg2Z��Gk + Ecffascination with monsters.Monster movies appeal to theteratism of the viewing public.

teratogenicadj��AaR_2a=@WR[VX��Gktending to cause developmentalmalformations.Sylvia carefully avoided anypotentially teratogenic drugsduring her pregnancy.

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teratologicaladj��AaR_2a2@Y/W1X2Y��Gkrelating to abnormality of organicgrowth or structure.Because of his several deformities,the so-called “elephant man” wasthe subject of teratological study.

teratologyn��AaR_2@a/Y2W4��Gkthe study of malformations,monstrosities, or serious deviationsfrom the normal type in growingorganisms.Because of his several deformities,the so-called “elephant man” isoften featured in textbooks forcourses in teratology.

tercentenaryn��Aa2_`R[@aR[2_4��La 300th anniversary or itscelebration.Next year Possumville willcelebrate the tercentenary of itsfounding.

terdiurnaladj��Aa2_Q6@2_[3Y��Loccurring three times per day.The meteorologist set hisinstrument to take terdiurnalmeasurements of the air pressure.

tergiversatev��@a2_W1c2_A`0a��Levade straightforward action orclearcut statement of position.While political leaders tergiversate,petty tyrants are taking over thecountry.

tergiversationn��Aa2_W1�A�c2_@`0`U2[��Levasion of straightforward action orclear-cut statement of position.The ambassador explained that indiplomacy there is sometimesdefensible tergiversation incommunication.

termagancyn��@a2_Z2T2[`4��E namehabitual bad temper : scoldingdisposition.Lillian’s abusive termagancyalienated her husband andchildren.


terracen��@aR_1`��L > OProv > Fa colonnaded porch or promenade.The marketplace consisted of a rowof shops along a terrace.

terraceousadj��AaR@_0`U2`��Lmade of earth : earthen.Bulldozers hurriedly built up aterraceous dam to prevent furtherflooding.

terrapinn��@aR_2]1[��Algonquianany of various North Americanturtles living in fresh or brackishwater.Murray awoke from his lakesidenap to find a terrapin sunning onthe blanket.

terraqueousadj��aR_@0Xd42`��Lconsisting of land and water.Global pollution threatens Earth’sterraqueous environment.

terrariumn��a2@_R_42Z��La fully enclosed wholly orpredominantly glass container forthe indoor cultivation of moisture-loving plants.Mosses and other small woodlandplants thrive in a terrarium.

terrazzon��a2@_/a�A�`=��OProv > Ita mosaic flooring made byembedding small pieces of marbleor granite in freshly placed mortarand after hardening grinding andpolishing the surface.The contractor explained that ifTravis wanted a hard, shiny floorat a reasonable price, terrazzo wasan excellent option.


terribleadj��@aR_2O2Y��L > F > Erequiring extreme effort orfortitude.Donating blood may be a terribleordeal for those people who do notlike needles.

terricolousadj��aR@_VX2Y2`��L + Lliving on or in or growing from theland.The heath was rich in terricolouslichens.

terrificadj��a2@_VSVX��Lof an extraordinary nature :astounding, tremendous.Terrific, serrated outcrops of barerock stood on either side of the lushvalley.

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terrigenousadj��a2@_VW2[2`��Lformed by the erosive action ofrivers, tides, and currents—used ofan ocean bottom.At the brink of the continental shelf,terrigenous deposits build up andare swept away.


tessituran��AaR`2@aB_2��L > Itthe general range of a melody orvoice part; specifically : the part ofthe register in which most of thetones of a melody or voice part lie.Soprano parts in Bellini’s operascall for a very high tessitura.

testaceousadj��aR@`a0`U2`��Lhaving a shell.The oyster is a testaceous marineanimal.

testimonyn��@aR`a2AZ=[4��La solemn declaration usually madeorally by a witness under oath inresponse to interrogation by alawyer or authorized publicofficial.According to Victoria’s testimony,she had just returned from vacationwhen she discovered that the statuewas missing.

tetanusn��@aRa3[2`��Gkan acute infectious diseasecharacterized by tonic spasm ofvoluntary muscles and especially ofthe jaw muscles.Puncture wounds are dangerousbecause they allow the bacteriathat cause tetanus to enter thebody.



thalassicadj��aU2@YN`VX��Gkof or relating to the sea or ocean.Some thalassic currents travel forthousands of miles.

thanatophobian��AaUN[2a2@S=O42��Gkfear of death.Michael had such a strong belief inan afterlife that he was not troubledby thanatophobia.

thaumatologyn��AaU<Z2@a/Y2W4��Gkdoctrine, discussion, or study of theperforming of miracles.Although he had never successfullyperformed any miracles, the youngpriest was nonetheless an expert inthaumatology.

thaumaturgyn��@aU<Z2Aa2_W4��Gk > L > Fthe performance of miracles.The sacred writings of manyreligions contain stories ofthaumaturgy.

theatricaladj��aU4@Na_1X2Y��Gkmarked by extravagant display orexhibitionism : showy, spectacular.The performer took a theatricalbow, but the audience’s applausewas lukewarm.



theodicyn��aU4@/Q2`4��Gk > Fan area of philosophy that treats ofthe nature and government of Godand the destiny of the soul.One hotly contested question intheodicy is whether the existence ofevil precludes the existence of anomnipotent and perfect God.

theodoliten��aU4@/Q3YA6a��Ar? > L > Ea surveyor’s instrument formeasuring horizontal and verticalangles.The theodolite invented by Diggesin the 16th century consisted of ahorizontal graduated circular platewith an index bearing sights.


therapeutantn��AaUR_2@]fCa3[a��Gk > Ea healing or curative agent ormedicine.The diseased elm trees weresprayed with a chemicaltherapeutant.

therapeuticadj��AaUR_2@]fCGVX��Gkof or relating to the treatment ofdisease or disorders by remedialagents or methods.Changes in diet can have atherapeutic effect on obesity,hypertension, peptic ulcer, andosteoporosis.

therblign��@aU2_�A�OYVT��anagram of Amer nameone of the manual, visual, or mentalelements into which an industrialmanual operation may be analyzedin time and motion study.The supervisor’s goal was toeliminate one therblig at eachstation in the assembly line.

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theretoforeadv��@9R_G2AS=�2�_��Eup to that time : until then.The public parks committee createda playground where theretoforethere had been a weedy vacant lot.

therianthropicadj��AaUV_4AN[@aU_/]VX��Gk + Gkcombining human and animal form.The falcon-headed Horus was atherianthropic god of ancientEgypt.

thermometern��aU2�_�@Z/Z2G2_��Gk + Gkan instrument for determiningtemperature.The thermometer that takes atemperature reading from one’s earis now used widely.

thermostatn��@aU2_Z2A`aNa��Gk + Gkan automatic device for regulatingtemperature (as by controlling thesupply of gas or electricity to aheating apparatus).The repair person found that ourheating problem was caused by adefective thermostat.

thesaurusn��aU1@`<_2`��Gk > La book containing a store of wordsor of information about a particularfield or set of concepts; specifically: a dictionary of synonyms.Caleb’s paper read as if he hadconsulted a thesaurus frequentlywhile writing it.

thesmotheten��@aURgZ2AaU4a��Gklawgiver, legislator.Joseph has in his office a marblebust of a famous Athenianthesmothete.

thespiann��@aUR`]42[��Gk namean actor.Fiona became stagestruck at anearly age and was determined tobecome a thespian.


thistlen��@aUV`2Y��Ea plant with prickly leaves having ahead with white, purple, pink, oryellow flowers.Dean plucked a thistle from thelawn of the middle school.


thoracicadj��72@_N`VX��Gkof, relating to, located within, orinvolving the part of the body ofhumans and other mammals locatedbetween the neck and the abdomen.The thoracic nerve controls themuscles in the walls of the thorax.

thoracodynian��AaU=_2X2@QV[42��Gkpain in the chest.When Grandpa complained ofthoracodynia, Dolly immediatelytook him to the hospital.

thoraxn��@aU=_ANX`��Gk > L > Ethe portion of an insect body that isthe middle of the three chiefdivisions.The thorax of an insect consists ofthree segments, each having a pairof legs.

thoroughbredn��@aU2_2AO_RQ��Epurebred or pedigreed animal.Alex’s thoroughbred comes from aline of Kentucky Derby winners.



threnodyn��@aU_R[2Q4��Gka song, poem, composition, orspeech of lamentation especiallyfor someone dead or somethingregarded as dead.Asked to write a threnody forEnglish class, Libby composed asong about the death of a robin.

thresholdn��@aU_R`UA�U�=YQ��Eplace or point of entering orbeginning : entrance, outset.Now at the threshold of adulthood,James wonders if he will miss thecarefree days of his previous years.

thrombosisn��aU_/Z@O=`1`��Gkthe formation or presence of ablood clot within a blood vessel.The severe pain in Greg’s leg wasfound to have been caused by athrombosis in one of the veins.

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throstlen��@aU_/`2Y��Ea largely olive-brown Old Worldperching bird noted for its song.While on a walking tour in London,Madeline spotted a throstle in asycamore tree.



thuriblen��@aU�f�B_2O2Y��Gk > L > F > Ea vessel used in religious servicesfor burning incense.When a thurible is used in theprocession, the odor of incensesuffuses the church.

thylacinen��@aU6Y2A`6[��Gk > La now-extinct somewhat doglikecarnivorous marsupial thatformerly inhabited Tasmania—called also “Tasmanian wolf.”The female thylacine had arearward-opening pouch in whichtwo to four young were carried.

thymen��@a6Z��Gk[has homonym: time] a commongarden herb used in seasoning andformerly in medicine.The chicken recipe called for ateaspoon of dried thyme.

thymiaterionn��AaU6Z42@aV_42[��Gka vessel used by the ancient Greeksfor burning incense.Cecil found a bronze thymiaterionin an antique shop.

tibian��@aVO42��Lthe fourth joint counting from thebase of the leg of an insect that liesbetween the femur and tarsus.A cricket’s ear is located on thetibia of its foreleg.

tichorrhinen��@a6X2A_6[��Gk > Lan extinct two-horned woollyrhinoceros.The remains of a tichorrhine werefound frozen in the ice of Siberiawith the flesh and hair wellpreserved.

tickicidaladj��AaVX2@`6Q3Y��E + L + Ecfdestroying or controlling any ofseveral wingless parasitic insects.The exterminator used a tickicidalagent to eliminate the pests.

tickledv��@aVX2YQ��Eexcited or stirred up agreeably.The young actor was tickled to beoffered the leading role in his nextmovie.


tilakn��@aVY2X��Sktan ornamental spot worn on theforehead chiefly by Hindus as asectarian mark.After three months of travel Lanareturned home clad in a sari andwearing a tilak.

tilapian��a1@Y0]42��Lany of a genus of Africanfreshwater food fishes thatresemble the American sunfishes.Some American fish farms havebeen raising tilapia for stocking inponds and lakes.

tilden��@aVYQ2��L > Spa mark ~ placed especially over theletter n to denote the /ny/ sound orover vowels to indicate nasality.Marcia could not find the tilde onthe computer keyboard.



timorouslyadv��@aVZ�2�_2`Y4��Lin a manner showing fear orapprehension.Pam timorously responded to hername and said that she had notfinished her book report.


tincturen��@aV;�X�PU2�_���Lhue, tint.The main difference betweenAmerican and Irish glass is intincture.

tinnientadj��@aV[42[a��Lhaving a clear or ringing quality.Grandmother’s old silver knivesmade a tinnient sound in the sink aswe rinsed them after Thanksgivingdinner.

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tinnitusn��a1@[6G2`��La ringing, roaring, or hissing in theears that is purely subjective.It’s hard to understand howannoying tinnitus is unless youhave experienced it yourself.



tiraden��@a6_0Q��Fa protracted speech usually markedby abusive language.The grumpy woman screamed atirade of protest whenever childrenmade joyful noises outside herwindow.

tiraleen��AaV_2@Y4��imit[has homonym: tearily] asuccession of musical notes (as in abugle call).Daniel managed a tiralee on thesaxophone, but there was norecognizable melody.

titiann��@aV`U2[��Ital nameone having hair that is brownishorange.Mr. Rodman decided that he wouldbe a titian for awhile.


toastmastern��@a=`aAZN`a2�_���E+L > F > Eone that presides (as at a banquet)and introduces the after-dinnerspeakers.Eric will serve as toastmaster at theGolden Lamp banquet.

tobaccon��a2@ON�A�X=��Taino > Spthe leaves of a plant of the genusNicotiana prepared and processedfor use in smoking or chewing or assnuff.At an early age, Amy vowed neverto use tobacco.

toboggann��a2@O/T2[��Algonquiana long flat-bottomed light sledmade of thin boards curved up atone end with usually low handrailsat the sides and used for coastingon snow or ice.Bart’s new toboggan is the fastestone on the hill.

tobogganern��a2@O/T2[2_��Algonquian > Fone that coasts on a long flat-bottomed light sled.On hitting the unexpected bump,the tobogganer was thrown off hissled.


toccatan��a2@X/G2��Ita brilliant musical compositionusually for pipe organ orharpischord, in free fantasia style,and usually with many equal-timednotes in rapid movement.Jamila sat down at the churchorgan and played a fast Bachtoccata.

tocsinn��@a/X`1[��L > OProv > F[has homonym: toxin] an alarmbell or the ringing of a bell for thepurpose of alarm.In the event of a natural disaster ora civil alert, the fire stations wouldset off a tocsin that could be heardfor two miles in any direction.


tomen��@a=Z��Gka volume forming part of a largerwork.Fiona bought an old copy of TheMessages of the Presidents thatwas missing the first tome.


tonitruousadj��a2@[Va_2d2`��L + Ecfthundering, fulminating.The tonitruous artillery guns hadbeen shelling the enemy positionsfor several hours.


tonsillitisn��Aa/[�a�`2@Y6G1`��Linflammation of the tonsils.Dr. Graham treated Erica’stonsillitis with antibiotics.



tonsuren��@a/[PU2�_���L > Ethe shaven crown or patch worn bymonks or various clerics.The actor who played BrotherCadfael had a hairpiece to coverhis tonsure when he was offcamera.

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tontinen��@a/[Aa4[��It name > Fa financial arrangement wherebythe participants share benefitsequally on such terms that whenone dies or defaults the othersequally share the portion until allbut one remains to own theentirety.In the days before a central bank orcommon currency, villagers oftenused a tontine to share ownershipof property.


toothachen��@aCaUA0X��Epain in one of the teeth.Nelson thought an abscess might bethe cause of his toothache.

topazn��@a=A]Ng��Gk > L > F > Ea usually yellow, reddish, or pinktransparent mineral used as a gem.Leslie received a yellow topaz forher birthday.

topiaryn��@a=]4AR_4��Gk > L + Lcfthe practice or art of training,cutting, and trimming trees orshrubs into odd or ornamentalshapes.Edward Scissorhands was skilled intopiary.

topographyn��a2@]/T_2S4��Gkthe art or practice of graphicdelineation in detail usually onmaps or charts of selected naturaland man-made features of a regionespecially in a way to show theirrelative positions and elevations.Identifying the enemy’s rocket siteswill require an expert intopography.

toreadorn��@a<_42AQ<�2�_��L > Spbullfighter.The toreador posed for the crowdin his suit of lights.

toroidaladj��a=_@<VQ3Y��Ldoughnut-shaped.For the life of her, Bridget couldn’tidentify the toroidal object shefound in her purse.



torrentiallyadv��a<@_R[PU2Y4��Lin a manner resembling a rushingstream of water.Patricia wept torrentially when shefound out about her pet dog’sinjury.

tortellinin��Aa<�_�G3Y@4[4��L > Itnoodle dough cut in rounds, filledwith savory fillings, and boiled.Vic’s favorite Italian meal wastortellini stuffed with meat andcheese.

tortillan��a<�_�@a4�f�2��Spa round thin unleavened cakeusually eaten hot with a savorytopping or filling.Theron covered his tortilla withbeans and cheese.

tortoisen��@a<_G2`��F? > Eany of a family of terrestrial turtles.The park ranger told the childrenthat a tortoise takes five hours towalk just one mile.

tortonin��a<�_�@a=[4��It namean ice cream made of heavy cream,minced almonds, choppedmaraschino cherries, or otherflavorings.Tortoni is definitely not the dessertfor someone on a low-fat, low-calorie diet.

totalityn��a=@aNY2G4��Lthe phase of an eclipse duringwhich it is total : state of totaleclipse.An eerie silence crept over thecrowd as the eclipse reachedtotality.

totemismn��@a=G2AZVg2Z��Ojibwa + Ecfbelief in kinship with or a mysticalrelationship between a group orindividual and an emblematic plant,animal, or other object.Powerful animals are commonobjects of totemism.




tournedosn��AaB_[2@Q=��L > Fa small fillet of beef usually cutfrom the tip of the tenderloin.Diane usually prepares a tournedosin wine sauce with mushrooms.


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toxicosisn��Aa/X`2@X=`1`��Gka pathological condition caused bythe action of a poison or toxin.The chihuahua exhibited nosymptoms of toxicosis after eatingthe soap.

toxophiliten��a/X@`/S2AY6a��Gk + Gk + Ecfone fond of or expert at archery.The legendary toxophilite WilliamTell successfully shot an apple fromthe head of his own son.



tracheostomyn��Aa_0X4@/`a2Z4��Gk + Gkthe surgical formation of anopening into the trachea throughthe skin.When Chris developed throatcancer, a tracheostomy had to beperformed to facilitate hisbreathing.


tractableadj��@a_NXa2O2Y��Lcapable of being easily led, taught,or controlled.Maybe Fatima’s work wouldimprove if she were more tractable.

tractileadj��@a_NXa3Y��L > Ecfcapable of being drawn out inlength.With laboratory equipment, Dr.Abrams was able to extend thetractile material to a great length.

traffickingv��@a_NSVXV;��It > Fengaging in commercial activity.The townspeople were shockedwhen they learned that Mr. Baileyhad been trafficking in drugs.


tragediennen��a_2AW4Q4@R[��F[Note: Could be confused withtradegian.] an actress whospecializes in tragic roles.On Thursday night, Ms Siddons,the granddaughter of thetragedienne, made her firstappearance.





tramontanan��Aa_/�A�Z=[@a/[2��L > Itthe north wind; especially : a drycold strong northerly wind of thewest coast of Italy.Each winter the tramontanaswoops piercingly through thestreets of Rome.


transcendentaladj��Aa_N[A`R[@QR[a3Y��Lextending or being beyond thelimits of ordinary experience.Edward’s transcendentalmeditation guru also instructs himin yoga.

transducern��a_N[�a�`@Q�f�C`2�_���L + Ecfa device actuated by power fromone system and supplying power inthe same or any other form to asecond system.A common transducer is amicrophone, which converts soundwaves into electrical signals.

transferencen��a_N[g@S2_2[�a�`��Lan act, process, or instance ofcarrying or taking something fromone person or place to another.Ralph’s dad was in charge of thetransference of fish from the fisheryto the lake being restocked.

transiencen��@a_N[g42[a`��L[has homonym: transients] thequality or state of passing throughor by only briefly.The photographer is able tocapture transience by being readyto click the shutter at the crucialmoment.


transitn��@a_N[�a�`1a��Lthe passage of a smaller bodyacross the disk of a larger (as ofVenus or Mercury across the Sun’sdisk).Barrie used sensitive equipment tophotograph the transit of Venus.


transmissibleadj��a_N[�a�@`ZV`2O2Y��Lcapable of being sent or conveyedto another person or place.Poison ivy is transmissible throughthe air to those who are verysensitive to it.

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transmogrifyv��a_N[�a�@`Z/T_2AS6��unknownchange or alter in form,appearance, or structure often withgrotesque or humorous effect.Buford set out to transmogrify thehearse into a hot rod.

trattorian��Aa_/G2@_42��F > Itan eating house : restaurant.It seems to Fran that any trattorialocated next to the golf course fails,regardless of the cuisine.


trauman��@a_NBZ2��Gkan injury or wound caused by theapplication of external force orviolence.The football player suffered thetrauma of a broken leg.


traumatropismn��a_<@ZNa_2A]Vg2Z��Gka modification of the orientation ofan organ (as a plant root) as a resultof wounding.Traumatropism of the roots doesnot usually affect plant growth.

traversedv��a_2@c2_`a��L > F > Emoved to and fro over or along.Zane serenely traversed the frozenpond.


treacherousadj��@a_RPU�2�_2`��F > Echaracterized by usually hiddendangers, hazards, or perils.Throughout the winter, frigidtemperatures and the damp sea aircause treacherous black ice to formon streets.


treaclyadj��@a_4X�2�Y4��Gk > F > L > Eheavily sweet and cloying.Sarah’s treacly voice warned hermother that a big request wasforthcoming.

treadmilln��@a_RQAZVY��E + Ea device operated by walking on anendless belt for the purpose ofexercise.Walking on a treadmill in hisapartment was convenient, but Sampreferred to get his exerciseoutside, weather permitting.

treasonn��@a_4g3[��L > F > Ethe offense of attempting by overtacts to overthrow the governmentof the state to which the offenderowes allegiance or to kill orpersonally injure the sovereign orthe sovereign’s family.All persons involved in theattempted coup were charged withtreason.


treatisen��@a_4G1`��F? > AF > Ea writing that provides in asystematic matter and for anexpository or argumentativepurpose a methodical discussion ofthe facts and principles involvedand conclusions reached.Victor’s treatise on internationalrelations was well received by hiscolleagues.

trebleadj��@a_RO2Y��F > Ethreefold.Whatever might be their motive ormotives—whether single, double,or treble—their actions wereunjustified.

trefoiln��@a_4AS<VY��L > F > Eany of the common clovers.The hunter came upon severalrabbits feeding on a patch oftrefoil.





tremendousadj��a_1@ZR[Q2`��Lastonishing by reason of extremesize, power, greatness, orexcellence.Computers have had a tremendousimpact on modern businesspractices.

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tremulousadj��@a_RZf2Y2`��Lquivering, shaking.Uncle Edgar’s tremuloushandwriting is one sign of hisParkinson’s disease.


trenchantlyadv��@a_R[PU2[aY4��F > Ein a sharply perceptive manner.The commentator trenchantlyanalyzed the pros and cons oflegalized gambling.


trespassv��@a_R`]2`��F > Emake an unwarranted or uninvitedincursion.The rock salt from farmer Brown’sshotgun taught Wally a painfullesson: Don’t trespass.


treyn��@a_0��L > F > E[has homonym: tray] the side of adie or domino that has three spots.If Ian draws either a trey or an acefrom the boneyard, he believes hewill win the game of dominoes.

triagen��a_4@/gU��Fthe sorting of and allocation oftreatment to patients and especiallybattle and disaster victimsaccording to a system of prioritiesdesigned to maximize the numberof survivors.Once the system of triage wasimplemented, medics were betterable to decide which soldiersshould receive immediatetreatment.

trianonn��@a_42A[/[��F architecturea small elegant villa.Albert wrote his latest thriller in arented trianon on the Riviera.

tribunaln��a_6@OfC[3Y��La court or forum of justice.The people have wisely provided, inthe constitution itself, a tribunal forsettling questions of constitutionallaw.

tributaryn��@a_VOf2AaR_4��La stream feeding a larger stream ora lake.The Ohio River is a tributary of theMississippi River.

tricenaryadj��@a_6`3[AR_4��Lhaving or lasting 30 days.Cameron never can rememberwhich months are tricenary.

tricephalousadj��a_6@`RS2Y2`��Gkhaving or depicted with threeheads.Orpheus managed to lull thetricephalous watchdog to sleep byplaying his lyre.

trichinosisn��Aa_VX2@[=`1`��Gkinfestation with or disease causedby certain nematode wormscontracted by eating raw orundercooked infested food andespecially pork.Madeline cooked the pork chopswell so there would be no danger oftrichinosis.

trichogenousadj��Aa_1@X/W2[2`��Gkproducing hair.Trichogenous cells produce the tinyhairs on insect bodies and limbs.

trichotomyn��a_6@X/G2AZ4��Gka system divided or divisible intothree constituents or elements.Golda’s civics teacher explainedhow the United States governmentis a trichotomy, divided into thelegislative, judicial, and executivebranches.


trigonometryn��Aa_VT2@[/Z2a_4��Gka branch of mathematics dealingwith the relations holding amongthe sides and angles of trianglesand among closely relatedmagnitudes and especially withmethods of deducing from givenparts other required parts.Rachel enjoyed her course intrigonometry much more than sheenjoys her calculus class.



Trinityn��@a_V[2G4��L > F > Ethe union of three persons orpersonified concepts (as the Father,the Son, and the Holy Spirit) in onegodhead so that all the three areone God as to substance but threepersons or concepts as toindividuality.The Catholic Church onceexcommunicated believers in thefalse Trinity of God, Mary, andJesus.


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triquetran��a_6@Xd4a_2��La triangle-shaped figure ordecoration.Murray stenciled a leafy triquetrain each corner of the kitchenceiling.

triskelionn��a_6@`XRY42[��Gka figure composed of three usuallycurved or bent branches radiatingfrom a center.A triskelion has been the emblem ofthe Isle of Man since the 13thcentury, when the Vikings wereousted.

tristeadj��@a_4`a��L > F > Esad, dismal, dull, depressing.A triste quartet could be heardfrom the window.




triumviraten��a_6@2Zc2_1a��La group, party, or association ofthree.Vince, Steve, and Phil jokinglyrefer to themselves as the “terribletriumvirate.”trivetn��@a_Vc1a��L > Ea usually ornamental metal standwith short feet especially for useunder a hot dish at a table.A brass trivet featuring the localcollege’s insignia is the best-sellingitem in the gift shop.


trochantern��a_=@XN[a2�_���Gk > Lthe second segment counting fromthe base of the leg of an insect.A trochanter is one of the five partsof an insect’s leg.

trocheametern��Aa_/X4@NZ2G2�_���Gk? + Gk > Ean instrument used to count therevolutions of a wheel.According to the trocheameterattached to one of the wagonwheels, the wagon train hadtraveled 30 miles.


troddenv��@a_/Q3[��Ewalked or trampled uponsomething.The cattle had trodden over thefield, flattening the tall grass andweeds.

troglodyten��@a_/TY2AQ6a��Gk > La member of a primitive peopledwelling in caves or pits.While spelunking, Zan and Patrickstumbled on the bones of atroglodyte.


troikan��@a_<VX2��Russa group of three.Astrology, yoga, and poetry are thetroika of humanities that mostinterest Bryce.

trophallaxisn��Aa_/S2@YNX`1`��Gk > Lexchange of food betweenorganisms (as the social insects).Bees, ants, and wasps practicetrophallaxis.

tropicopolitanadj��Aa_/]2X=@]/Y2a3[��Gkinhabiting all countries near theequator.Today the coconut palm is atropicopolitan species.

tropophilousadj��a_=@]/S2Y2`��Gk + Gkthriving in an environment thatundergoes marked periodic changes(as in temperature, soil moisture, oravailable light).Deciduous trees of the temperateregions are examples oftropophilous plants.

troughn��@a_<S��E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] anelongated area of low barometricpressure usually with a minimumpressure at each end and betweentwo areas of higher pressure.Eric listened to the weatherforecaster explain how the localweather was being influenced bythe trough that was present.

trousseaun��@a_C�A�`=��F[Note: Plural form can bepronounced similarly.] the personalpossessions of a bride usuallyincluding clothes, accessories, andhousehold linens and wares.Felicity kept her trousseau in ahope chest at the foot of her bed.


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truculentadj��@a_2Xf2Y2[a��Lfeeling or evincing savage ferocity: fierce.Hunger makes the tiger a truculenthunter.


truncatedadj��@a_2;AX0G1Q��Labbreviated by or as if by lopping.Cindy’s cat has a truncated tail.


trunnionedadj��@a_2[f2[Q��Fhaving a pin or pivot usuallymounted on bearings for rotating ortilting.Dave attached a trunnionedcompass to the deck of his sailboat.

truttaceousadj��Aa_2@a0`U2`��Lof, relating to, or resembling atrout.Truttaceous fish are highlyesteemed as sport fish because oftheir spiritedness.



tsunamin���a�`C@[/Z4��Jpna great sea wave produced bysubmarine earth movements orvolcanic eruption.The dock workers were alerted intime to evacuate the harbor areabefore the tsunami hit.

tuberculosisn��a2AO2_Xf2@Y=`1`��La communicable disease caused bythe tubercle bacillus andcharacterized by toxic symptoms orallergic manifestations which inhumans primarily affect the lungs.The antibiotic drug streptomycinhas been successfully used to treattuberculosis.

tufaceousadj��a�f�C@S0`U2`��Osco-Umbrian > L > Itof or resembling a rock composedof the finer kinds of volcanicdebris.Many buildings in Italy wereconstructed of tufaceous rock.

tuffetn��@a2S1a��Gmc? > F? > Ea low seat : stool.Katie stood on the tuffet to reachthe book on the top shelf.

tularemian��AaCY2@_4Z42��Calif geog name + Lcfa bacterial disease of rodents, man,and some domestic animals.Jerry’s temperature reached adangerously high level during hisbout with tularemia.



tumultuousadj��a�f�C@Z2YPU�2�d2`��Lfull of commotion and uproar :boisterous.As the basketball star entered, hereceived tumultuous applause fromhis schoolmates.

tumulusn��@a�f�CZf2Y2`��L[has homonym: tumulous] anartificial hillock or mound (as overa grave).In the center of the cemetery is alarge tumulus where one of thetown’s founders is buried.

tundran��@a2[Q_2��Finno-Ugric > Russa treeless plain characteristic ofarctic and subarctic regions with apermanently frozen subsoil.Do reindeer graze on the moss ofthe tundra?tungstenn��@a2;`a1[��Swa gray-white high-melting hardmetallic element that is used in thepure form chiefly for electricalpurposes (as for filaments forincandescent lamps).The filament in many light bulbs isa thin wire of tungsten.

turbann��@a2_O2[��Per > Turk > Fa headdress worn chiefly incountries of the easternMediterranean and southern Asiaespecially by Muslims and made ofa cap around which is wound along cloth.A camel driver wearing a blueturban asked Rebecca if she wouldlike a short ride.


turbinen��@a2_O1[��L > F[has homonym: turban] a rotaryengine.The plane could not take off untilthe damaged turbine was repaired.


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turbulencen��@a2_Of2Y2[�a�`��Lhighly irregular atmosphericmotion characterized by rapidchanges in wind speed anddirection and the presence of upand down currents.The captain warned the plane’spassengers to brace themselves fora patch of turbulence.




turmoiln��@a2_AZ<VY��unknownan utterly confused, extremelyagitated, or tumultuous state orcondition.Jacob experienced unrelentingturmoil after his parents informedhim that the family might move.

turnstilen��@a2_[A`a6�2�Y��E + Ea post with four arms pivoted onthe top set in a gateway to regulateor monitor passage.Contrary to the prominently postedwarning sign, Calvin hopped overthe turnstile.


turophilen��@a�f�B_2AS6Y��Gka gourmet of cheese : a cheesefancier.The turophile warned us not to bebeguiled by the low cost of inferiorprocessed cheese.

turpentinen��@a2_]2[Aa6[��Gk > L > F > Eany of various oleoresins that arederived from coniferous trees andare obtained in crude form asyellowish viscous exudates ofcharacteristic odor and taste fromincisions in the tree trunks and thatusually thicken and solidify in theair.The most common use of turpentineis in paint and lacquer thinners.

turpituden��@a2_]2AaCQ��Linherent baseness or vileness ofprinciple, words, or actions :depravity.Sean accused Amitab of moralturpitude for teasing the cat.

turretn��@a2_1a��F > Ea little tower.The princess escaped from theturret by sliding down a rope ofknotted bedsheets.

turricularadj��Aa2@_VXf2Y2�_���Lshaped like or resembling a tower.Shauna’s birthday cake wasturricular and decorated to looklike the Leaning Tower of Pisa.



tutelagen��@a�f�CG3YVW��Linstruction; especially : individualinstruction accompanied by closepersonal attention and a consciousattempt at guidance.Evan made astounding progressunder the tutelage of his newtrumpet teacher.

tutelaryadj��@a�f�CG3YAR_4��Lhaving the guardianship or chargeof protecting a person or a thing.The young princesses weresurrounded by tutelary employees.


tuyeren��aC@fR�2�_��Fa nozzle through which an air blastis delivered to a forge.Dan checked the tuyere for anobstruction.

tweezersn pl��@ad4g2�_�g��F > Eany of various small pincer-shapedtools used for plucking, holding, ormanipulating.The jeweler used a pair of finetweezers to extract the brokenspring from inside Jeff’s pocketwatch.


twinklev��@adV;X2Y��Eshine with a flickering, sparkling,or intermittent light.Atmospheric conditions affect howa star will twinkle in the night sky.


tympanumn��@aVZ]2[2Z��Gk > La thin tense membrane covering anorgan of hearing (as in the leg of aninsect).The tympanum, which is sometimeshidden beneath the base of aninsect’s wing cover, is activated bythe pressure of sound waves.

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typhlologyn��aV@SY/Y2W4��Gkthe scientific study of blindness, itscauses, effects, and control.Researchers in typhlology havefound that certain nutritionaldeficiencies can result in theclouding and softening of thecornea.

typhoonn��a6@SC[��Gk&Chinesea tropical cyclone occurring in theregion of the Philippines or theChina Sea.A typhoon of unimaginable furyswung across the coastal plains ofBangladesh, swallowing up villagesand sweeping away food crops.

typifyv��@aV]1AS6��L + Ecfembody the essential or salientcharacteristics of.Dickens’s characters typify theVictorian era.


tyrannicaladj��a1@_N[1X2Y��Gkexhibiting imperious and usuallyoppressive exercise of absolutepower : despotic.Patrick Henry spoke ferventlyabout the urgent need to arrest thetyrannical hands of the Britishministry and Parliament.



tyrannyn��@aV_2[4��L > F > Eabsolute government in whichpower is vested in a single ruler.The tyranny of many medievalkingdoms was eventuallysupplanted by democracy.

ubiquitousadj��fC@OVXd2G2`��Lexisting or being everywhere at thesame time : omnipresent.The drum is a ubiquitousinstrument in world music.

udometern��fC@Q/Z2G2�_���L + Gkan instrument for measuring thequantity of precipitation that falls ata given place and time.The local television station askedKaren to put a udometer in herbackyard.





ulotrichousadj��fC@Y/a_1X2`��Gk + Gkhaving woolly or crisp hair.The ulotrichous aborigines craftedwide-toothed combs for their hair.

ulterioradj��A2Y@aV_42�_���Lnot apparent : hidden.When Sherman volunteered to walkthe dog, his ulterior motive was toescape the boring conversation inthe house.


ultimatumn��A2Ya2@Z0G2Z��La final proposition, condition, ordemand; especially : one whoserejection will end negotiations andcause a resort to force or otherdirect action.If the striking workers refused itsultimatum, the company threatenedto close the factory permanently.

ultravioletadj��A2Ya_2@c62Y1a��L + L > F > Esituated beyond the visiblespectrum at the violet end andhaving a wavelength shorter thanvisible light and longer than X rays.Arthur purchased sunglasses thatprovide some protection againstultraviolet radiation.


ululationn��A2Yf2@Y0`U2[��La loud mournful usually protractedand rhythmical sound : howl.An ululation from deep in thewoods gave Jesse goosebumps.

umbilicaladj��A2Z@OVY1X2Y��Lattached by or as if by a cordarising at the navel that connects afetus with the placenta.Important medical research isbeing done with stem cells obtainedfrom umbilical cords.

umbran��@2ZO_2��La shaded area : darkness.Trent saw something flicker in theumbra beneath the side porch.

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umbragen��@2ZO_VW��L > F > Edispleasure, resentment,annoyance.Hatred between nations disposeseach more readily to offer insultand injury and lay hold of slightcauses of umbrage.

umbrageousadj��A2Z@O_0W2`��L > F > Eproviding protection from heat andlight : shady.Sherwood Forest was theumbrageous domain of thelegendary Robin Hood and hisoutlaw band.


umlautn��@BZAYNBa��Ga diacritical mark composed of twoadjacent dots placed especially overa German vowel to indicate avowel shift.Gary never knew how to pronouncewords with an umlaut until hestudied German.

umpiren��@2ZA]6�2�_��L > F > Eone having authority to arbitrateand make a final decision, as anofficial in a sport who rules on theplays.The coach vehemently objectedwhen the umpire ejected the playerfor unsportsmanlike conduct.



unanimousadj��fC@[N[2Z2`��Lbeing of one mind : agreeing inopinion, design, or determination.The advice given the candidate bythose in his confidence wasunanimous.

unaun��fC@[<��Tupi > Fa two-toed sloth of Central andSouth America.The unau seldom descends to theground because its slow movementsmake it easy prey for jaguars andother predators.

unciferousadj��A2[@`VS�2�_2`��Lbearing a hook or hooklikestructure.Weaving and other fiber artsinvolve the use of severalunciferous tools.

uncinateadj��@2[�a�`2[1a��Lbent at the tip like a hook.Using a magnifying glass, Chadwas able to examine the insect’suncinate antennae.

unconscionableadj��A2[@X/[PU�2�[2O2Y��Ecf + L + Ecfnot guided or controlled by aninternal sense of right or wrong :unscrupulous.The governor was denounced forhis unconscionable indifference tothe plight of the homeless.

uncouthadj��A2[@XCaU��Ecf + Elacking in polish and grace.Last night we watched a movieabout turning an uncouth highschool student into a princess.







undulatev��@2[W2AY0a��Lform or move in waves.Terry stood on the shore andwatched the ocean undulate in themoonlight.



unexceptionableadj��A2[VX@`R]`U�2�[2O2Y��Ecf + Lnot open or liable to objection,criticism, or reproach :unimpeachable.Mr. Weston was a man ofunexceptionable character, easyfortune, suitable age, and pleasantmanners.



unfurlv��A2[@S2_Y��Ecf + L > Frelease or open out from a rolled-upstate.Kendra embroidered her school’smotto on the new flag she willunfurl during tomorrow’sassembly.


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unguligradeadj��@2;Tf2Y2AT_0Q��Lwalking on hoofs.Unguligrade mammals includehorses, cows, swine, camels, deer,elephants, rhinoceroses, and tapirs.



unicornn��@fC[2AX<_[��L > F > Ea fabulous animal possibly basedon faulty old descriptions of therhinoceros and generally depictedwith the body and head of a horse,the hind legs of a stag, the tail of alion, and in the middle of theforehead a single long straighthorn.Sarah has a poster of a beautifulwhite unicorn on her wall.


unintelligibleadj��A2[1[@aRY2W2O2Y��Ecf + E + Ldifficult to comprehend.Dave readily admitted that hefound the article unintelligible.

uniqueadj��fC@[4X��Lbeing without a like or equal :single in kind or excellence :unequaled.The class agreed that MartinLuther King Jr. had a uniqueimpact on civil rights in the 20thcentury.

unisonadj��@fC[2`2[��L > Fidentical in musical pitch.The choir was well trained inunison singing; every membercould hit the same note perfectly.




unprecedentedadj��2[@]_R`2QR[a1Q��Ecf + L + Ecffnew, unexampled.Last year the city experienced anunprecedented expansion inpopulation and industry.

unpredictableadj��A2[]_4@QVXa2O2Y��Ecf + Lnot to be foretold.The raging forest fire was difficultto contain because of theunpredictable weather patterns ofthat area.

unprincipledadj��A2[@]_V[�a�`2]2YQ��E + Llacking or exhibiting a lack of amoral code of conduct.The detective described the arsonistas “unprincipled andconscienceless.”unpronounceable

unrequitedadj��A2[_1@Xd6G1Q��Ecf + L > Enot returned in kind.Several passages in the novel weredevoted to Harriet’s unrequitedlove for Mr. Elton.

unscrupulousadj��A2[@`X_C]f2Y2`��E + Lunprincipled.Desmond was not so unscrupulousas to betray his comrades.


untenantableadj��2[@aR[2[a2O2Y��Ecf + L + Lcf[Note: Could be confused withuntenable.] incapable of beingoccupied or lived in.The hurricane left thousands ofhomes untenantable.


unyieldingadj��A2[@f4YQV;��Ecf + Erefusing to give way : resolute,obstinate.Jake’s unyielding opposition to theproposed surprise party isbecoming tiresome.


upeygann��C@]0T2[��Shonaa black rhinoceros.The front horn of the upeygan canreach a length of over 30 inches.



uppityadj��@2]2G4��E + Ecfmarked by airs of superiority.Nicole forgave Amanda for heruppity behavior at the party.

uprightadj��@2]A_6a��Estanding up straight on the feet oron one end.When Mom’s old upright vacuumcleaner finally broke down, shewent out and bought a new canistermodel.


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urbanityn��A2_@ON[2G4��Lthe quality or state of evincing thepolish and suavity characteristic ofsocial life in larger cities.Melissa’s easy urbanity belied herdiscomfort at the pie-eatingcontest.

urbiculturen��@2_O2AX2YPU2_��Lthe practices and problems peculiarto cities.The congressman proposed a newfederal department of urbicultureto deal with the problems of citydwellers.

urceolateadj��@2_A`42Y1a��Lshaped like an urn.At the end of the drive stood a pairof urceolate boxwoods.



ursineadj��@2_A`6[��L[has near homonym: hircine] of,relating to, or characteristic of abear.Some children are particularlyfascinated by ursine hibernation.

urticantadj��@2_G1X2[a��Lproducing itching or stinging.Strawberry nettles are notoriousfor their urticant effect on humanskin.

ushern��@2`U2�_���L > F > Eone who escorts persons to seats atan assemblage (as in a theater,church, or hall).The usher informed the latecomersthat they would not be seated untilthe end of the first act.

ustionn��@2`�U�PU2[��L > Fthe action of burning.Finding the paper too thick to tearor cut easily, Richard resorted toustion to destroy it without a trace.

ustulationn��A2`�U�PU2@Y0`U2[��Lthe action of burning or searing.By ustulation the metallurgistseparated the sulfur from the ore.

usufructn��@fCg2AS_2Xa��Lthe right to use or enjoy something.The homeowners in Eleanor’sneighborhood have a usufruct to alarge fenced park.

usuriousadj��fC@gUB_42`��L + Ecfinvolving or taking illegal orexorbitant interest for the use ofmoney.The officers of the bank werecharged with usurious practices.

usurpativeadj��fC@`2_]2GVc��Lcharacterized by or constituting theunauthorized arbitrary assumptionand exercise of power especially asinfringing on others’ rights.The king banished the prince forhis traitorous usurpative acts.

usurpern��fC@`2_]2_��Lone that infringes or encroachesupon the rights or property ofanother.By the end of his term, the mayorhad become known as a usurper ofauthority.



utilitarianadj���A�fCAaVY2@aR_42[��L > F > Echaracterized by or aiming atusefulness as distinguished frombeauty or ornament.Dean chose a utilitarian briefcaseover the fancy leather model.


utilizableadj��@fCG3YA6g2O2Y��L > F > Ecapable of being made use of.It took three months, but eventuallyLeon was able to convert theprototype into a utilizable product.

utterancen��@2G2_2[�a�`��F > Esomething that is spoken.Smoke and clamor accompaniedevery utterance of the Great Oz.

uxorialadj��A2X@`=_42Y��L > Eof, relating to, or having thecharacteristics of a wife.The new bride’s conduct defiedMrs. Ketchum’s notions of properuxorial behavior.




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vacaturn��c0@X0G2_��Lan order of court making void alegal proceeding.The court issued a vacatur when itfound that the defendant’s rightshad not been upheld.

vaccaryn��@cNX2_4��La place where cows or cattle arekept : dairy farm.The teacher plans to take herstudents to a vaccary during theirstudy of the dairy food group.

vaccinatev��@cNX`2A[0a��L > Fadminister a preparation ofmicroorganisms in order to produceor increase immunity to a particulardisease.Doctors no longer vaccinateAmerican children againstsmallpox, as that disease waseradicated during the 1970s.



vacillatev��@cN`2AY0a��Lwaver in mind, will, or feeling :hesitate in choice of opinions orcourses.Theresa must allow more time tochoose what she will wear if shecannot stop her tendency tovacillate.


vacuousadj��@cNXf2d2`��Lemptied of or lacking content (as ofair or gas).Vacuous spaces within themeteorite made it easy to split inhalf.


vagabondadj��@cNT2AO/[Q��L > F > Emoving from place to place withouta fixed home.Orson wanted to buy a motor homeand lead a vagabond life, butEileen refused to sell their house.

vagaryn��@c0T2_4��La whimsical, fanciful, orextravagant idea or notion.George’s idea that he would bespending his spring break in Pariswas sheer vagary.

vagrancyn��@c0T_2[`4��L?the state or offense of being aperson who has no establishedresidence and wanders idly fromplace to place without lawful orvisible means of support.To clear the downtown area ofhomeless people, the mayorinstructed the police to arrest themfor vagrancy.



valedictoryn��AcNY2@QVXa�2�_4��La speech or farewell usually givenat the commencement exercises ofa school or college.Alice’s valedictory at graduationbrought the entire senior class toits feet.


valetudinariann��AcNY2AaCQ3[@R_42[��La person of a weak or sicklyconstitution; especially : one whosechief concern is his invalidism.Grandpa hopes that he will neverbe a valetudinarian.


valiantlyadv��@cNYf2[aY4��L > F > Ein a brave or bold manner :courageously.Deidre tried valiantly to swim theEnglish Channel.

validityn��c2@YVQ2G4��Lthe quality or state of being wellgrounded or justifiable.Some people question the validityof Darwin’s theory of evolution.


valorousadj��@cNY2_2`��Lbrave, courageous.Carrie’s valorous behavior duringthe flood earned her a medal.



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vandalismn��@cN[Q3AYVg2Z��L > Ewillful or malicious destruction ordefacement of things of beauty orof public or private property.The boys who knocked over thegravestones were eventually caughtand charged with vandalism.

vandalizev��@cN[Q3AY6g��Gk > L > Fdestroy or deface property, usuallywith malicious intent.The gang planned to vandalize thetombstones at the cemetery withspray paint on Halloween.


vanillan��c2@[VY2��L > Spa flavoring extract made by soakingcomminuted vanilla pods in amixture of water and grain alcohol.The chef specified that real vanillabe used when making the cake.





variablen��@cR_42O2Y��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a starwhose brightness changes in moreor less regular periods.Clement spent six months trackingchanges in the variable.

variationn��AcR_4@0`U2[��La solo dance in ballet.Erik choreographed a variation tobe performed by the stars of hisballet company.

varicelliformadj��AcN_2@`RY2AS<_Z��L + Lresembling chicken pox.A virus was responsible for Lloyd’svaricelliform rash.

varicoseadj��@cN_2AX=`��Labnormally swollen or dilated.Extreme cases of varicose veinscan require surgical treatment.

variegatedadj��@cR_�4�2AT0G1Q��Lmarked with different colors ortints in spots, streaks, or stripes.A shady corner of the garden wasbrightened by a clump ofvariegated coleus plants.


vasodilatorn��Ac0�A�g=@Q6AY0G2�_���Lan agent (as a parasympatheticnerve fiber or a drug) that inducesor initiates widening of the lumenof blood vessels.Red wine contains tyramine, avasodilator that can cause flushingand headaches.

vassaln��@cN`2Y��Celt > L > F > Ea feudal tenant.The lord of the estate rewarded thevassal for years of faithful service.


vaudevillen��@c<Q�2�c1Y��F geog namea stage entertainment especiallypopular in the early decades of the20th century that consisted ofvarious unrelated acts followingone another in succession and thatmight include performing animals,acrobats, comedians, dancers,singers, or magicians.Some of the stars of vaudeville wenton to become movie actors.

vaudevilliann��c<Q@cVYf2[��F geog name&La writer or performer of stageentertainments especially popularin theaters in the early decades ofthe 20th century.In his days as a vaudevillian, Mr.Kramer was a comedian’s sidekick.


vawardn��@cNBA�d�<_Q��F > Ethe foremost part : forefront.The vaward of the column stoppedto allow stragglers to catch up.




vegetarianadj��AcRW2@aR_42[��L > E + Ecfconsisting wholly of edible plants.After spending two years in Japan,Annabelle followed a vegetariandiet.

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vehemencen��@c42Z2[�a�`��L > Fthe quality or state of beingexpressive of strong emotion orconviction.Norm’s impetuosity and vehemenceof temper made him his own worstenemy.



velitationn��AcRY2@a0`U2[��L[Note: Could be confused withvellication.] a dispute or slightcontest : skirmish.Police used every means to keepthe velitation from exploding into ariot.

velleityn��c2@Y42G4��La slight wish : a faint desire.Mr. and Mrs. Newton found thatthe hotel staff had anticipated theirevery velleity.

vellicationn��AcRY2@X0`U2[��Lthe act of twitching or of causing totwitch.While dissecting a frog in biologyclass, Sam noticed vellication of thelegs.

vellumn��@cRY2Z��F > Ea thin calfskin specially prepared asa surface for writing.Sanford carefully turned the rarevellum over to see if there was anywriting on the back.


velocityn��c1@Y/`2G4��L > Fquickness of motion : swiftness,speed.George estimated the velocity ofthe wind at 22 miles per hour.

velodromen��@c4Y2AQ_=Z��L > F + Gk > Fa building containing a trackdesigned for cycling.The university’s new velodromewas funded by an alumnus who wasan ardent bicyclist.

vendavaln��AcR[Q2@cNY��F > Span autumnal thundersquall on thecoast of Mexico.A recent vendaval damaged thebanana grove.

vendettan��cR[@QRG2��L > Ita prolonged feud marked by bitterhostility.Chloe’s all-night party exacerbatedthe vendetta with her neighbor.

veneern��c1@[V�2�_��Ga thin sheet of wood cut or sawedfrom a log and adapted foradherence to a smooth surface (asof wood).The maple veneer really spruced upthe old pine table.

veneniferousadj��AcR[2@[VS�2�_2`��L + Ecfbearing or transmitting poison andespecially a natural venom.Ellen couldn’t believe that anyonewould want to work withveneniferous snakes for a living.

venerableadj��@cR[2_�2�O2Y��Ldeserving to be regarded withprofound respect and affection.The venerable teacher’s retirementsaddened students who had hopedto benefit from her instruction.

vengeancen��@cR[W2[�a�`��L > F > Einfliction of punishment in returnfor an injury or offense.The defeated team howled withrage and fury and swore bloodyvengeance.


venisonn��@cR[2`2[��L > F > Ethe flesh of a deer.Mandy roasted a leg of venisonwith prunes and chestnuts.

venomn��@cR[2Z��L > F > Epoisonous matter normally secretedby some animals (as snakes,scorpions, or bees).The snake’s venom paralyzed itsprey.

ventilatev��@cR[a3YA0a��Lcause fresh air to circulate throughand contaminated air to besimultaneously withdrawn from.To ventilate her kitchen, Margo seta fan in the doorway and openedthe windows.

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ventriloquistn��cR[@a_VY2AXd1`a��Lone who is skilled in the art ofspeaking in such a manner that thevoice appears to come from somesource other than the vocal organsof the speaker.A ventriloquist entertained atRebecca’s birthday party.

venuen��@cR[�A�fC��L > Fa place designated to be the sceneof a gathering, such as for a sportsevent.The Georgia Dome in Atlanta wasthe venue for Super Bowl XXXIV.

veraciousadj��c1@_0`U2`��L + Ecf[has homonym: voracious]observant of the truth : habituallyspeaking the truth.It was up to the jury to decidewhich of the two witnesses was themore veracious.

veracityn��c1@_N`2G4��Ldevotion to the truth : truthfulness.The prosecutor questioned theveracity of the witness.

verballyadv��@c2_O2Y4��L + Ecffin a manner involving the use ofwords rather than action orperformance.Johann couldn’t describe the shapeverbally, so he drew it.

verbatimadv��c2�_�@O0G1Z��Lword for word : in the same words.Marcelle can recite the entireGettysburg Address verbatim.

verbenan��c2�_�@O4[2��Lany of numerous garden plants thatare widely cultivated for theirshowy spikes of white, pink, red, orblue flowers which are borne inprofusion over a long season.Marcy noticed tiny flower buds onher verbena in early April andanxiously awaited its full bloom.

verbigeratev���A�c2_@OVW2A_0a��Lrepeat a word or sentence endlesslyand meaninglessly.The psychiatrist explained thatsome schizophrenic patients oftenverbigerate.

verbomanian��Ac2_O2@Z0[42��L + Gkexcessive use of or obsession withwords.Frances was accused ofverbomania by her classmates, whodidn’t understand why she liked tostudy spelling.

verbotenadj��c2�_�@O=a3[��Gforbidden; especially : prohibitedby dictate.Speaking English in the Germanlanguage-immersion program isverboten.


verdigrisn��@c2_Q2AT_4`��L > F > Ea green or greenish blue poisonouspigment obtained by the action ofacetic acid on copper.The verdigris on the church steeplehas aged beautifully.

verdolagan��Ac2_Q2@Y/T2��L > Ar > Span annual herb with fleshy leaves.Latin American cooks useverdolaga in soups and salads.

verduren��@c2_W2_��F > E[has homonym: verger] fresh andgreen growing vegetation.Joe walked back into the soft thickverdure of the hills and trampeduntil he was tired.

verglasn��cR_@TY/��Fa thin film of ice on rock.On her way to the stream for somefresh water, Connie slipped on thenearly invisible verglas.

verisimilituden��AcR_2`1@ZVY2AaCQ��L + Lthe quality or state of having theappearance of truth.The artist’s scrupulous attention todetail provided an impressivedegree of verisimilitude.

verjuicen��@c2_AWC`��F > Ethe sour juice of crab apples orother unripe fruit.Scrooge was the kind of personwho looked as though he drankverjuice every morning.


vermicellin��Ac2_Z2@`RY4��L > Italimentary paste made in long thinsolid strings smaller in diameterthan spaghetti.The restaurant’s five-way chilistarted with a base of vermicelli.

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vermiculateadj��c2�_�@ZVXf2Y1a��Lwormlike in shape.When Tom’s two-year-old brothertried to draw something, he couldmanage only a few vermiculatelines.

vernacularadj��c2�_�@[NXf2Y2_��Lbelonging to or being a language ordialect developed in and spokenand used by the people of aparticular place, region, or countryin a form considered nonstandard.Mr. Hillis could not understand thevernacular language of therappers.

vernaladj��@c2_[3Y��Lof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe spring.Cherry trees produce some of theprettiest vernal blossoms.



versatileadj��@c2_`2G3Y��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] markedby a tendency to change :fluctuating readily.Tricia’s versatile temperamentmade it impossible to predict herreactions.

vertebrateadj��@c2_G2O_1a��Lhaving a spinal column.Vertebrate animals include fishes,reptiles, birds, and mammals.

vertexn��@c2_AaRX`��Lthe point on the limb of a celestialbody nearest the zenith.The tiny dark spot near the Moon’svertex is a huge crater.

verticaladj��@c2_G1X2Y��L > Fperpendicular to the plane of thehorizon or to a primary axis :upright.Blythe preferred the fabric withbroad vertical stripes.

vertiginatev��Ac2_@aVW2A[0a��Lwhirl dizzily around : twirl.Young children love to vertiginateuntil they fall down.


vertigon��@c2_G1AT=��La disordered state in which theindividual or the individual’ssurroundings seem to whirl dizzily.The constant rocking of the boatproduced feelings of vertigo andnausea in many of the passengers.

vesicantn��@cR`1X2[a��L + Ean agent (as a drug or a plantsubstance) that induces blistering.Brittany wore thick gloves in orderto avoid contact with the vesicant.

vespaciden��@cR`]2A`6Q��Lone that kills wasps.Mindy waved the can of vespacidethreateningly at the nest of yellowjackets.


vespertineadj��@cR`]2�_�Aa6[��Lsetting with or just after the Sun.Venus is the most prominentvespertine planet.


vestibulen��@cR`a2AOfCY��L > Fa passage, hall, or chamberbetween the outer door and theinterior of a building.The elevators were located at theend of the vestibule.

vestigen��@cR`aVW��L > Fa remaining bit that constitutes amemorial or trace of somethingformerly present.Dmitri thought he detected avestige of natural gas odor in thekitchen.



vexatiousadj��cRX@`0`U2`��Lcausing or likely to cause mentalsuffering.A lame carriage horse threweverything into sad uncertainty andcreated a situation Emma foundmost vexatious.





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vicaragen��@cVX2_VW��L > Ethe house of a priest of a parish.About a quarter of a mile down theroad rose the vicarage, an old andnot very good house.


vicegerentn��c6`@WV_2[a��Lan administrative deputy appointedto perform functions of a king ormagistrate.The emperor claimed that he wasruling as God’s vicegerent.


vichyssoisen��AcV`U4@`d/g��F geog namea soup made of pureed leeks andpotatoes and usually served cold.When vichyssoise is well made, it’sheavenly; when it’s badly made,it’s inedible.


viciouslyadv��@cV`U2`Y4��L > F > Ein a manner marked by violence orferocity.The puppy attempted to shake theold sock viciously.

vicissituden��c1@`V`2AaCQ��Lan accident of fortune : a shift ofluck.By the vicissitude of winning thelottery, Helen was able to buy thedream house she always wanted.

vicontieladj��c6@X/[a42Y��F > AFof or relating to a viscount orsheriff.Robin Hood was wanted by thevicontiel authorities of severalcounties.


viduityn��c1@Q�f�C2G4��Lwidowhood.Wendy’s first husband was killed inthe Gulf War, but her viduity endedwhen she remarried in 1994.

vigentennialadj��Ac6WR[@aR[42Y��Loccurring once every 20 years :relating to a 20th anniversary.The store celebrated itsvigentennial anniversary with a bigsale.



vigilanten��AcVW2@YN[a4��L > Spa member of a volunteer committeeorganized to protect an interest,especially to suppress and punishcrime.The cowboy movie was about arancher who became a vigilanteand joined in the search for acriminal.

vigneronn��Ac4[f2@_=[��Fone who cultivates a vineyard andmakes wine from the grapes.The American vigneron wasdelighted that the French judgeschose his wine as being among theworld’s best.



vilifyv��@cVY2AS6��Lutter slanderous and abusivestatements against : defame.Wouldn’t it be refreshing if thecandidates vying for the office didnot vilify each other?vilipendv��@cVY2A]R[Q��Lspeak of slightingly ordisparagingly : depreciate.The candidate decided to vilipendher opponent instead of discussingthe issues.

villainn��@cVY1[��L > F > E[has homonyms: villein, villan]one who deliberately plots and doesserious harm to others.The police were seeking the villainwho conned several senior citizensout of their savings.



vinaceousadj��c6@[0`U2`��Lof the color wine red.The vinaceous liquid in the three-foot-high bottle at the restaurant isnot really wine.

vinaigretten��AcV[2@T_Ra��Fa sauce made typically of vinegar,oil, onions, parsley, and herbs.The salad was dressed with atomato-flavored vinaigrette.


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vinculumn��@cV;Xf2Y2Z��La unifying bond.Their mutual love of dolls is thevinculum between Delia andChristine, who are otherwise verydifferent.

vindicatev��@cV[Q2AX0a��Lfree from any question of error,dishonor, guilt, or negligence.Oliver felt the judge’s decisionwould vindicate him completely.

vinegarn��@cV[VT2�_���L > F > Ea sour liquid used as a condimentor a preservative that is obtained byacetic fermentation of dilutealcoholic liquids (as fermentedcider, malt beer, or wine) and isoften seasoned especially withherbs.Pete used a special aged balsamicvinegar in the salad dressing.

vineyardn��@cV[f2�_�Q��Ea field of grapevines.While touring a Napa Valleywinery, Jamie wandered throughthe vineyard.

vintnern��@cV[a[2�_���L > F > Ea person who sells wine : a winemerchant.The vintner assured Babette thatthe wine she was consideringwould go well with veal.


violinn��Ac62@YV[��OProv > Ita bowed stringed instrument havingfour strings, a shallow body, afingerboard without frets, and acurved bridge.Reuben demonstrated his technicalvirtuosity on the violin when heauditioned for the string ensemble.

violoncellon��Ac62Y2[@PUR�A�Y=��Itthe bass member of the violinfamily that is tuned an octavebelow the viola and held verticallyon the floor between the player’sknees while in a sitting position.The violoncello played plaintivelyin the prelude to the last act of theopera.

viragon��c1@_/AT=��L[has near homonym: vorago] aloud overbearing woman.The manager at the Department ofMotor Vehicles was, unfortunately,a virago.

viridescentadj��AcV_2@QR`3[a��Lgreenish.Gideon removed the viridescentscum from the bottom of the horsetrough and added fresh water.


virtuoson��Ac2_PU2@d=�A�`=��L > Itone who excels in the technique ofan art; especially : a musicalperformer.The virtuoso took 12 curtain calls,setting a new record for the concerthall.

virulentadj��@cV_�f�2Y2[a��Lcharacterized by rapid course,severity, and malignancy—usedespecially of a disease or infection.The virulent strain of flu spreadrapidly through the community.


visceroptosisn��AcV`2_/]@a=`1`��L + Gkdownward displacement of theabdominal organs.The growth of the tumor hadcaused visceroptosis.

viscountn��@c6AXNB[a��L > F > Ea noble ranking below an earl andabove a baron.The viscount had no children andwas becoming desperate to have anheir.

viscousadj��@cV`X2`��L[Note: Could be confused withviscose.] having the physicalproperty of a fluid or semifluid thatenables it to develop a certainamount of shearing stressdependent upon the velocity offlow and then to offer continuedresistance to the flow.Joe was surprised to learn thatglass is viscous, as evidenced bythe fact that a windowpane, overtime, becomes thicker at its loweredge and thinner at its upper edge.

visibilityn��AcVg2@OVY2G4��Lthe degree or extent to whichsomething is capable of being seen.The captain announced thatvisibility was approximately fivemiles.

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vitiatev��@cV`U4A0a��Lmake incomplete, faulty, ordefective : injure the substance orquality of.Freddie argued that Clark’s pooracting abilities would vitiate theschool play.

vitreousadj��@cVa_42`��Lof, relating to, derived from, orconsisting of glass.The huge vitreous wall ofskyscrapers reflected the mountainsand the sunset.

vitrescibleadj��c1@a_R`2O2Y��Lof a kind that can be changed intoglass or a glassy substance by heatand fusion.The ceramics shop owner used onlythe most vitrescible materials in hiswork.

vitrinen��c1@a_4[��L > Fa glass showcase for display (as offine wares or specimens).Allegra has a large vitrine thathouses her collection of porcelainfigurines.

vitriolicadj��AcVa_4@/YVX��L > F > Emarked by a caustic biting quality.Howard had to be reprimanded forhis vitriolic outbursts against thereferees and opposing players.

vituperativeadj���A�c6@aC]2A_0GVc��Lcontaining or characterized bywordy abuse.Josh’s dad gave him a vituperativelecture after the accident.

vivaceadv��c4@c/�A�PU0��L > Itin a brisk spirited manner—used asa direction in music.To her teacher’s frustration,Marcie plays every piece as if itwere marked vivace.


vixenishadj��@cVX`2[V`U��Eresembling a shrewish ill-temperedwoman.Elena could become vixenish whenshe felt slighted.



vocationn��c=@X0`U2[��L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] asummons from God to anindividual to undertake theobligations and perform the dutiesof a particular task or function inlife.The parents of Thomas Aquinasentreated him to abandon hisreligious vocation and returnhome.


vociferousadj��c=@`VS�2�_2`��Lmarked by or given to readyvehement insistent outcry.A vociferous couple in the back rowruined our evening at the poetryreading.



volatileadj��@c/Y2G3Y��L > Feasily passing off by evaporation.The fact that gasoline is highlyvolatile produces an advantage instarting engines.

volitionn��c=@YV`U2[��Lthe act of willing or choosing : theact of deciding.The notary public asked Nigel tostate that he was signing thecontract of his own volition.

volubilityn��Ac/Yf2@OVY2G4��Ltalkativeness.The cheerful volubility at Mrs.King’s luncheon is largely due tothe fact that she is a great hostess.


voragon��c2@_0AT=��L[has near homonym: virago] anengulfing chasm : abyss.Before he knew it, Beck hadcrossed the bridge over the vorago.

vorlagen��@S=_AY/T2��Gthe position of a skier leaningforward from the ankles usuallywithout lifting the heels from theskis.The object of the vorlage is to keepthe body of the skier perpendicularto the slope.


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vortexn��@c<_AaRX`��La rapidly spinning current of water.The toy sailboat got caught in thevortex and spun wildly as thebathtub drained.


voyagen��@c<V�V�W��L > Ean act or instance of traveling :excursion, tour.Bill and Gail went on a sea voyagefor their honeymoon.

vulgaradj��@c2YT2�_���Llacking in cultivation, perception,or taste.Harriet vowed that she would notvisit Mr. Martin’s wife if hemarried an ignorant vulgarwoman.

vulnerableadj��@c2Y[2_�2�O2Y��Lcapable of being wounded :defenseless against injury.Maggie’s sensitive nature made hervulnerable to cross remarks.

vulneraryadj��@c2Y[2A_R_4��Lpromoting the healing of wounds :curative.There was a section in the oldmedical book about vulneraryherbs.


vulturen��@c2YPU2�_���L > Eany of various large raptorial birdsrelated to the hawks, eagles, andfalcons but having weaker clawsand a usually naked head and thatsubsist chiefly or entirely on thedecaying flesh of dead animals.The turkey vulture rarely getscredit for its help in removingunfortunate opossums and skunksfrom our roadways.

wafflen��@d/S2Y��Da crisp cake made of pancake batterbaked in a specialized appliance.For breakfast, Mary ordered awaffle topped with blueberrycompote.




wainscotn��@d0[gX2a��D > Ethe lower three or four feet of aninterior wall when finisheddifferently from the remainder ofthe wall (as with wood panels, tile,or marble slabs).Michelle chose a striped wallpaperfor the wainscot in the dining room.


waldmeistern��@d<YQAZ6`a2�_���G + L > Ga small European sweet-scentedherb.The Germans use waldmeister toflavor May wine.

wallabyn��@d/Y2O4��Australian nameany of various small or medium-sized kangaroos.The wallaby usually feeds in thesafety of dusk or darkness.


walleyedadj��@d<AY6Q��Ehaving very light gray or whitisheyes.The Appaloosa foaled a walleyedfilly last spring.

wallopv��@d/Y2]��Fgain a decisive victory over : beatby a wide margin : trounce.Coach Garrett predicts that theCougars will soundly wallop theBuccaneers.

waltzn��@d<Ya`��Ga moderately fast dance in three-quarter time with a strong accent onthe first beat of the measure andcharacterized by one step per beat.When the band started playing awaltz, Marilyn hoped that someonewould ask her to dance.


wanderlustn��@d/[Q2�_�AY2`a��Gstrong or unconquerable longingfor or impulse toward traveling.Cayte’s wanderlust caused her topostpone college so that she couldtour Europe.

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wantonnessn��@d<[a3[�[�1`��Ethe quality or state of being withoutcheck or limitation.The wantonness of comfortGeorgetta experienced as a youngchild caused her to become aspoiled brat.

wapitin��@d/]2G4��Algonquiana North American deer similar tothe European red deer butconsiderably larger.The older male wapiti is oftenhunted for its antlers.

wardenn��@d<_Q3[��Gmc > F > Ean official in charge of theoperation of a prison.The warden recommended that thedisruptive prisoner be deniedparole.





warriorn��@d<_f2_��Ea human engaged or experienced inwarfare and especially in primitivewarfare or the close combat typicalof ancient or medieval times.The warrior attended a councilbefore battle in the morning.

wasabin��@d/`2O4��Jpnan Asiatic herb whose greenish rootis grated and eaten with fish orother food.In Japan, Pam had raw fishseasoned with wasabi, which tastedlike horseradish.


waspn��@d/`]��Eany of numerous wingedhymenopterous insects that havewell-developed wings and bitingmouthparts, and a more or lessformidable sting.The well-known yellow jacket is awasp with a hurtful sting.

wasteweirn��@d0`aAdV�2�_��L > F > E + Ea notch in a levee or other barrieracross a stream for the escape ofsuperfluous water.A wasteweir was constructed in thedam to prevent flooding along thebanks of the stream.

wastreln��@d0`a_2Y��L > F > Esomething rejected or discarded asuseless or imperfect.Hardly any item is wastrel to theardent recycler.

watercressn��@d<G2�_�AX_R`��Ea white-flowered plant growing inwater with leaves that are used insalads.Jesse added some watercress andcarrots to the tossed salad.


wearisomeadj��@dV_4`2Z��Etiresome, tedious.Gondolph found hearing accountsof other people’s dreamswearisome.

weaseln��@d4g2Y��Eany of various small slender activecarnivorous mammals that aremostly reddish brown with white oryellowish underparts and innorthern forms turn white in winter.In the snow the white fur of theweasel camouflages it againstattacks by hawks or owls.


webelosn��@d4O2AY=g��E acronyma Cub Scout of the fifth rank who isat least 10½ years old and ispreparing for entrance into BoyScouts.Noah spent his second year as awebelos working on his fitness,geologist, and handyman activitybadges.



weeviln��@d4c2Y��Eany of numerous snout beetles inwhich the head is elongated andusually curved downward to form asnout bearing the jaws at the tip.The boll weevil is a serious pest tothe cotton crop in North America.

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weighv��@d0��E[has homonym: way] evaluate :ponder.Mrs. Avery asked Sam to weigh thepotential consequences of hisdecision.

weirn��@dV�2�_��E[has homonyms: weer, we're] afence or enclosure set in a stream tocatch fish.Bored by fishing, the boys set up aweir and went off to playbasketball.

weirdadj��@dV�2�_Q��E[has homonym: weired] curious innature or appearance : of strange orextraordinary character.Most episodes of The X-Files beginwith a weird or puzzling event.


welfarismn��@dRYASN�N�A_Vg2Z��E + Ecfthe complex of policies, attitudes,and beliefs associated with awelfare state.Free health care was touted as oneof the benefits of welfarism.

welkinn��@dRYX1[��Ethe celestial regions as the abode ofGod or the gods : the heavens.The hymn that begins “Hark! Theherald angels sing” was originallywritten as “Hark how all the welkinrings.”wellaway



wharfingern��@�U�d<�_�S2[W2�_���Ea person or company operating amarine terminal with facilities forthe berthing of ships and theloading, unloading, and storage ofgoods.The wharfinger keeps a parrot inhis office.

wheedlev��@Ud4Q3Y��unknownget or take something from byusing soft words or flattery.Ginger’s attempt to wheedle tendollars out of her father wasunsuccessful.


wheelwrightn��@�U�d4YA_6a��Ea person whose occupation is tomake or repair circular frames ofmetal, wood, or other hard material.In the days of the horse and buggy,the wheelwright had an essentialjob to do.


whelpn��@UdRY]��Eone of the young of variouscarnivorous mammals.Wendy was delighted when the eyesof the cocker spaniel whelp finallyopened.

wherewithaln��@�U�dR�2�_d1A9<Y��E + E + Efinancial resources : money.Everyone was surprised that Jakehad the wherewithal to buy asailboat.



whilomadj��@Ud6Y2Z��Ehaving been at an earlier time :former.Mother frowned when Edgar saidthe food was probably too hot toeat, a whilom excuse for being latefor lunch.

whimperv��@UdVZ]2�_���imitmake a low whining plaintive orbroken sound.Laura’s dog starts to whimperwhenever he wants to be fed.

whimsicaladj��@UdVZg1X2Y��unknownresulting from or determined bysudden unpredictable impulses.Ichabod became the object ofwhimsical persecution to Brom andhis gang of rough riders.


whininessn��@Ud6[4[1`��Ethe quality or state of complainingor lamenting with or as if with aprolonged high-pitched sound.Allen’s habitual whininess whenasked to do something he didn’tlike annoyed both his teacher andhis classmates.




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whippoorwilln��@�U�dV]2�_�AdVY��imita nocturnal bird of the easternUnited States and Canada that isseldom seen although its call isoften heard at nightfall or justbefore dawn.At camp Nick recorded the call of awhippoorwill.

whirligign��@Ud2_Y2ATVT��Ea child’s toy having a whirling orspinning motion.Sandy bought a whirligig at thedime store.

whirlwindn��@Ud2_YAdV[Q��Scand > E + Ea small rotating windstorm oflimited extent.A whirlwind is sometimes called a“dust devil.”whiskn��@UdV`X��Scand > Ea small usually wire kitchenimplement used for hand beating offood (as eggs, cream, or potatoes).Rose used a whisk to beat the eggwhites into a stiff froth.

whisperern��@UdV`]2_2�_���Eone that speaks softly with the aimof preserving secrecy.Reverend Loomis scanned thecongregation in vain, searching forthe whisperer.

whistn��@UdV`a��imit Ea four-player card game fromwhich bridge evolved.In learning to play whist, Carolefound it helpful to make a chart ofits similarities to bridge.

whistleableadj��@UdV`2Y2O2Y��E + Ecfcapable of being whistled.Rufus could botch up even the mostwhistleable tune.

whodunitn��UC@Q2[1a��Ea detective story or a mystery storypresented as a novel, a play, or amotion picture.The whodunit proved to be the mostpopular play at the summer theater.

wholesaleadv��@U=YA`0Y��Ein a manner of, relating to, orengaged in the sale of goods orcommodities in quantity for resale.Juliana purchased several storefixtures wholesale.

wholesomeadj��@U=Y`2Z��Epromoting health of body : health-giving.Ellie sometimes ate junk foodrather than the wholesome lunchher mother had made for her.

whorlywortn��@Ud<�2�_Y4Ad2_a��Ea tall perennial herb—called also“Culver’s root.”Darnell bought a hand-coloredengraving of a whorlywort at theauction.

whortleberryn��@Ud2_a3YAOR_4��Ea sweet edible European blueberry.The unripe whortleberry was toosour for Vernon to eat.

wickiupn��@dVX4A2]��Sac, Fox, & Kickapooa hut used by Native Americansthat is typically elliptical in formand has a rough frame covered byreed mats or grass.As they constructed the wickiup, thecampers were careful to leave ahole in the top for campfire smoketo escape.

widgetn��@dVW1a��Ean unnamed article considered forpurposes of hypothetical exampleas the typical product of acompany.On Trudy’s graph, each starrepresents one widget.



winsomeadj��@dV[�a�`2Z��Epleasant because of cheer, childlikenature, and open candor.The little tyke’s winsome smile wonhim many friends.




wisentn��@c4AgR[a��Ga European bison.The advance of Europeancivilization drove the wisent to thebrink of extinction; it survivedmainly by breeding in zoos.

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withernamn��@dV92�_�A[/Z��E > F > Ethe action of taking by way ofreprisal : a second or reciprocaldistress of other goods in lieu ofgoods taken by a first distress.Jeff discouraged Larry from goingthrough with the plannedwithernam by saying “Two wrongsdon’t make a right.”witloofn��@dVaAY=S��Dchicory; also : its crown of foliageas a salad green.Emily decided to vary her salad byusing witloof instead of lettuce.

witticismn��@dVG2A`Vg2Z��Ea clever or amusing expression.The careful use of a witticism inKevin’s speech helped hold theattention of his listeners.

wizardryn��@dVg2�_�Q_4��Emagic skill : sorcery, witchcraft.Merlin practiced his wizardry atthe court of King Arthur.


wobbulatorn��@d/Of2AY0G2�_���G + Ecfa testing device for radio sets inwhich the frequency is variedperiodically and automatically overa predetermined range.The primary function of awobbulator is broadcast receivertesting.

woebegoneadj��@d=O4AT<[��Eexhibiting a condition of suffering,sorrow, or misery.The teacher looked up at 20woebegone faces staring at theessay question.


wokn��@d/X��Chin[has near homonym: walk] a bowl-shaped cooking utensil usedespecially in the preparation ofChinese food.Lydia received an electric wok as ahousewarming gift.





wraithn��@_0aU��unknownan apparition of the exact likenessof a living person seen usually justbefore that person’s death.The wraith of a person shortly todie is a firm article in the creed ofScottish superstition.




wreathn��@_47��Ea coronet, band, or fillet ofintertwined flowers or leaves wornor bestowed as a mark of honor orvictory or symbol of esteem.The figure on the vase wearing alaurel wreath is identified asApollo.

wreckagen��@_RXVW��Scand > AF > Esomething that has been reduced toa ruinous state byviolence : the remains of a wreck.Cleaning up the wreckage from thetornado would take money as wellas time.


wrestlev��@_R`2Y��E[has near homonym: rustle]contend by grappling with andstriving to trip or throw down anopponent.Inspired by the championshipmatch they saw on television,Bobby and Alan began to wrestleon the living room floor.

wretchedadj��@_RPU1Q��Esqualid, dismal, foul.After the flood, the wholeneighborhood looked wretched.

wrigglev��@_VT2Y��G? > Emove the body or a bodily part toand fro with short writhing motionslike a worm.Zakia was startled when she saw asnake wriggle through the tallgrass.

writhev��@_69��Emove or proceed with twists andturns.Silently, we watched a seven-footboa constrictor writhe through thetrees.

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wunderkindn��@cB[Q2�_�AXV[a��Ga child prodigy : one who succeedsin a competitive or highly difficultfield or profession at an early age.Mozart, a famous wunderkind,wrote complicated sonatas at theage of five.

xanthicadj��@gN[�a�aUVX��Gkof a flower : colored with some tintof yellow.The forsythia rivals the daffodil forbeing the loveliest xanthic bloom inCynthia’s garden.


xanthoman��gN[@aU=Z2��Gka condition that is marked by thedevelopment (as on the eyelids,neck, or back) of irregular yellowpatches or nodules.High cholesterol or triglyceridelevels can be factors in causingxanthoma.


xenogamyn��g1@[/T2Z4��Gkfertilization by cross-pollination;especially : cross-pollinationbetween flowers on differentplants.Xenogamy may occur by wind or bybees carrying pollen from plant toplant while feeding on nectar.


xerocolousadj��g1@_/X2Y2`��Gk > L + L + Ecfthriving in a relatively dryenvironment.The xerocolous plants of the desertgenerally have roots that penetratedeeply into the soil to obtainmoisture.

xerosisn��g1@_=`1`��Gkabnormal dryness of the skin.Xerosis can be an indication of anunderlying health problem.

xerostomian��AgV_2@`a=Z42��Gkabnormal dryness of the mouth dueto insufficient secretions.Xerostomia was one of the drug’sside effects.

xylemn��@g6Y1Z��Gka complex tissue in the vascularsystem of higher plants.The xylem of a tree functionschiefly in conduction of sap butalso performs a structural andstorage role.


xylographn��@g6Y2AT_NS��Gkan engraving on wood.A Chinese xylograph of a bulldecorated the restaurant wall.




xylophonen��@g6Y2AS=[��Gk + Gka musical instrument consisting ofa series of wooden bars graduatedin length and sounded by strikingwith two small wooden hammers.Many African musical instrumentsare variations of the xylophone.





yachtsmann��@f/a`Z2[��G > D + E[Note: Plural form is pronouncedidentically.] a person who owns orsails a boat used for pleasure, as forracing or cruising.Mike fancied himself a trueyachtsman after one week at sea.



Yarboroughn��@f/_�A�O2_2��E namea hand in bridge or whistcontaining no card higher than anine.Gene was not sure how to signal tohis bridge partner that he held aYarborough.





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yeastn��@f4`a��Ea substance used in baking and thefermentation of alcoholic beverages: leaven.The sourdough bread recipe calledfor two packages of yeast.


yentan��@fR[a2��Yiddishone that meddles.Evelyn’s children laughingly referto her as a yenta when she tries toset them up on blind dates.


yeomanryn��@f=Z2[_4��Ethe whole body of small farmerswho cultivate their own land;specifically : the body of smalllanded proprietors of the middleclass.Among the legal privileges of theyeomanry was the right to serve asa juror.


yieldv��@f4YQ��Eagree to accept or comply withsomething : exhibit willingnessrather than opposition.Sarah looks forward to the daywhen she will not have to yield toher parents’ wishes.


yogan��@f=T2��Sktunion of the individual self with theuniversal spirit.The teacher explained that throughyears of mental and physicalexercise, she had been able toattain a complete yoga.

yokeln��@f=X2Y��imit Ean unpolished, naïve, or gullibleinhabitant of a rural area or of asmall town.The pool hustler disguised himselfas a yokel to lure unsuspectingvictims.

yoren��@f=�2�_��E[has homonym: your] time pastand especially long since past.Adam’s favorite books containstories about knights of yore.





yttriumn��@Va_42Z��Sw geog namea trivalent metallic element usuallyincluded among the rare-earthmetals.Yttrium is one of the elements usedin making lasers.




zaibatsun pl��g6@O/a�A�`C��Jpnthe powerful financial andindustrial conglomerates of Japan.Keiko intended that her electronicscompany become one of thezaibatsu.

zapateadon��Ag/]2a4@/�A�Q=��Spa rhythmic stamping or tappingstep characteristic of Spanishdancing.Juliana needs practice inzapateado before she can takeadvanced flamenco classes.

zealn��@g4Y��Gk > L > Eimpassioned eagerness.Russell entered into his new jobwith great zeal.




zeitgebern��@a`6aAT0O2_��Gan environmental agent or eventthat provides the stimulus forsetting or resetting the biologicalclock of an organism.Frederick used a zeitgeberconsisting of his bedroom lamphooked to a timer prior to his tripand was able to avoid severe jetlag.

zenithn��@g4[1aU��Ar > Sp > L > F > Ethe point of culmination : peak,summit.Winning the Faculty Award was thezenith of Stephanie’s collegecareer.

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zephyrn��@gRS2�_���Gka soft warm breeze from the west.The gentle zephyr was not sufficientto keep Renee’s kite airborne.

zeppelinn��@gR]�2�Y1[��G namea rigid airship.Olga’s dream was to ride in azeppelin one day.

zeugman��@gCTZ2��Gkthe use of a word in the sameconstruction with two adjacentwords in the context with only oneof which it is appropriate in sense.The statement “John upset thetable and his mother” is, one wouldhope, a zeugma.

zigzaggednessn��gVT@gNT1Q[1`��G? > F + Ecffthe quality or state of having shortsharp turns or angles.An aerial photograph revealed thezigzaggedness of the mountainroad.

zirconn��@g2_AX/[��It > F > Ga mineral occurring in brown orgrayish square prisms or sometimesin transparent forms which are usedas gems.The zircon in Wendy’s ring looksvery much like a diamond.



zodiacaladj��g=@Q62X2Y��Gkof, relating to, or within the zodiac.Jessica has a pendant in the shapeof Pisces, her zodiacal symbol.



zoophilistn��g=@/S2Y1`a��Gk + Gk + Ecfa lover of animals; especially : aperson concerned with the rights oflower animals and their protectionfrom abuse.The noted zoophilist explained howdeforestation is endangeringseveral species of mammals andbirds.


zucchetton��gC@XRG�A�=��L > Ita small round skullcap worn byRoman Catholic ecclesiastics incolors that vary according to therank of the wearer.In public appearances, the popeusually wears a white cassock andzucchetto.

zucchinin��gC@X4[4��Ita slender green summer squash.Tim picked a large zucchini fromhis garden.

zugzwangn��@a`CXAa`S/;��Gthe necessity of moving in chesswhen it is to one’s disadvantage.Valerie forced the grandmaster intozugzwang.

zwiebackn��@`d4AONX��Ga usually sweetened bread enrichedwith eggs that is first prepared andbaked and then sliced and toasteduntil dry and crisp.Liza placed a slice of zwieback onthe baby’s tray.



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