Download - The Sound of Morning Star · The Sound of Morning Star Page 5 January 2019 2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on

Page 1: The Sound of Morning Star · The Sound of Morning Star Page 5 January 2019 2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on



The Sound of Morning Star Newsletter of Morning Star Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod

Lakeside, California

View in full color at:

Sunday Services

9:00 a.m.


Adult Bible Study,

Children’s Sunday School & Pre-Confirmation

10:30 a.m.

New Year.....New Life in Jesus

January, it has been said by those living in colder climates, often feels like the longest month of the year. After the hustle and the bustle of Thanksgiving and Christ-mas winds down, and a part of you thinks it will finally be CALM and QUIET again, the busyness seems to pick right back up in other things. It might be your work, your school, your time spent volunteering or raising your family, but somehow that big, long "to do" list just never really seems to go away. And somehow, we tend to notice it more in the winter months, even those of us who live in a pleasantly mild

winter climate.

A lot of people use a new year to make new beginnings, and maybe you do that as well. Whether you do or not, my encourage-ment to you in 2019 is to steep yourself, cover yourself, in God's Word and its power for your life. You may choose a particular Bible-reading plan, you may choose to read a book of Scrip-ture that you've not read in a long time. You may decide that you'll ask God to guide you daily in X minutes of study and pray-er. And as those things happen, God's Holy Spirit does a marvel-ous work in your life and mine. He, the same Spirit who calls/gathers/enlightens the whole church around the world, will take root in your own life, too.

All of the sudden, you may find yourself being a little more patient, or a little more kind. Maybe a little bit more forgiving or understanding of where someone else is coming from. When you see those c h a n g e s i n y o u r s e l f , rejoice! God's Spirit is working in you and through you. When you see those changes in others, tell them! Remind them that they are a brand new creation in Jesus Christ, and you can see the fruits of God's Spirit working in


When I was younger, I used to wonder how it was that God "spoke". As an adult I still listen often for His voice, and now my own children ask me how it is that they can hear God's voice. So, we talk about Scrip-ture (God speaking by His Word), and we talk about our family in Christ (God speaking through His people). You may or may not hear the audible voice of God as you seek Him in your prayer and study. That is OK. What is most important is that you and I are following those words of Jesus to seek His king-dom before anything else, and the promise that everything else will come thereafter.

So, as you begin this New Year, begin it as what God declares you to be -- a New Creation in Him.

He loves you so much beyond what any of us could ever ask or imagine, and He loves to hear and answer your prayers. He promis-es the gift of His Spirit in your life, and that promise is certain and sure last year, this year, and in all the years to come. God's richest blessings as you serve

HIM with joy!!

In Christ,

Pastor Justin

Page 2: The Sound of Morning Star · The Sound of Morning Star Page 5 January 2019 2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on

President’s Message

10:20 AM




Please join us in Classroom 4 at 10:30 a.m. on


and be blessed by Studying God's Word

with Pastor Jus*n Laughridge.

The Sound of Morning Star Page 2

It's 2019: As I write this, I'm wondering if as this is being read, we will be in the early stages of the process of find-ing a new pastor. Hope not.. Christmas has come and gone and it's the new year. Our projects list is not quite completed, but is getting ever so close. Some of the remaining are going to be ongoing. The library will always be added on to. The new missions bulletin boards are finally in the final stages. There will be an indoor video board using the monitor in the Fellowship Hall. It will look similar to the Sunday morning screen shots with more details. We are also putting up a display box on the outside wall, where the refreshments are served on Sunday. The church website is also a work-in-progress. We have invited someone, who is a Webmaster from an area Lutheran Church, to show us the possibilities for our site. I also made a promise at the Voters Meeting for transparency in maintenance work being done around the church. This, hopefully, will be attached to the new bulletin boards. As of right now, we have a new irrigation system on the property; the new doors have been ordered; and the weeds have been cleared from the hill on the north side.

Have a Blessed 2019 Jerry

January 2019

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The Sound of Morning Star Page 3

January 2019

California – Arizona – Nevada Collection Center


Pacific Southwest District LWML

are sponsoring a Gifts from the Heart Ingathering

Assorted Size Balls and New Socks Bonanza

February 10, 2019

For needy people within our Pacific Southwest District

and through

Lutheran Border Concerns Ministry,

and 1000 Generations ministries in Mexico.

Please bring assorted sizes of balls and new socks to Church

on any Sunday in January.

Cash donations are most welcome to help deliver your gifts and

may be made payable to Orphan Grain Train and sent to

Steve Rice, Collection Center Coordinator

42217 55th St W, Lancaster, CA 93536

Page 4: The Sound of Morning Star · The Sound of Morning Star Page 5 January 2019 2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on

To keep up with all that is happening in the

English District, we encourage you to sign up

for the District's weekly e-Newsle�er at:

Whether you are a church worker or congregant, you may subscribe to this free weekly

update, which will be delivered straight to your email inbox! You may also type the following in

your browser for archived issues or access them directly from the above website:

h,p:// archives-servant-servant

The Sound of Morning Star Page 4


are now located in the back of the church (by your mailbox).

These are used to help us keep the church calendar accurate and

avoid a double booking. (Please allow for set-up time also.)

If you need help filling one out, any member of the

Board of Directors will be happy to assist you.

Senior Citizen Bingo Senior Citizen Bingo Senior Citizen Bingo Senior Citizen Bingo

Mondays 1:00 p.m.


Morning Star

Lutheran Church.

This Ministry is led by

Luis & Char Aldas.


The next Bingo Night is January 26th, 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

January 2019

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The Sound of Morning Star Page 5

January 2019

2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on

Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. meeting in Room 4. (We will not be meeting on the

weekends of the holidays.) This program is featured on DVDs that explain what is going on in the life of

someone who loses a spouse or family member and how to deal with the loss from a Christian perspec-

tive. If you were not able to make it for the first sessions, you can participate at any point of this support


My wife, Chris, and I have facilitated GriefShare groups for over 15 years and are blessed with each new

group that we meet. I am a licensed Deacon and I assist at Morning Star Lutheran Church. We have made

many new friends and are privileged to watch how our Lord Jesus Christ touches each individual, as they

go through their transition of mourning to His promised Joy.

For questions or more information, please contact Tom Kuwazaki at 619-895-5730 or by email:

[email protected] or for more information about GriefShare go to website:

+ Hope + Strength

+ Faith + Survivor



In addition to The Lutheran Hour airing in San Diego on KCBQ-1170AM radio every Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. or listening to The Lutheran Hour 24/7 at, shut-ins can watch sermons on-line at:

Share this information with those you know who may have difficulty attending church.

~ Lutheran Ministries Media

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The Sound of Morning Star Page 6

N� W��� ’� B���� S����

January 9, 2019 7:00 PM

Waiting: A Bible Study on Patience, Hope & Trust

Chapter 1 "Sarah - When Waiting Becomes a Do-It-Yourself Project"

We meet at the home of: Kara Birren - Santee

Men’s Bible Study / Breakfast

Saturday, January 12th at 7:30 AM

Location: Denny’s Restaurant

13584 C����� C�����, EL CAJON

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Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

Led by: Pastor Justin Laughridge

B���� S���� C+,� G,��.�

Ask Helen Lewin,

Parish Ministry Assistant,

for dates, times, & locations.

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Sunday Mornings (Sep-May) at 10:30 AM

Teachers: Emily Braun,

Emily Laughridge & Linda Hobson

W��� ’� B���� S���� F�����/�.

Wednesday, January 23rd at 6:30 PM

We will meet at: Bongiovanni's Italian Restaurant

15244 Olde Highway 80, El Cajon

January 2019

And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation (Luke 1:50 ESV).

Download the official Daily Devotions

application from Lutheran Hour Ministries, designed for convenient access through

your mobile device.

It is available from : iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Appstore,

and Windows Phone.

CONTEST ~ CONTEST ~ CONTEST As we know, Morning Star had a sign installed in front of the church. It has a religious quote placed in the

marquee. If you believe you have an interesting quote from scripture or even the depth of your mind, feel

free to submit your quote to the Board of Directors/Morning Star Lutheran Church by email for consider-

ation. Periodically, one of the many submitted and approved quotes will be drawn and be honored by

having it displayed on our church sign. Interested?

Start now. Submit your quotation, rhyme or riddle to Jim Birren.

Page 7: The Sound of Morning Star · The Sound of Morning Star Page 5 January 2019 2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on

Thank you to all who Celebrate their

‘Birthday’ with a donation.

For Birthdays, Anniversaries,

and Other Special Dates in

JANUARY see the

calendar on the

last page.


JANUARY 20, 2019

Send ARTICLES and corrections directly to:

[email protected]


Love… it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of

wrongs. 1 Cor. 13:5b

The Editor

January 1— New Year’s Day (federal holiday)

January 2— 6:30 p.m. BOD meeting

January 6—Installation of Officers for 2019

January 6—Food Drive

January 20—10:30 a.m. Voter’s Meeting

January 20—Newsletter Deadline

January 21—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (federal holiday)

January 27—$5 Sunday for English District Missions


The Sound of Morning Star

January 2019

Page 7


Date LayMin Usher Usher Lector Acolyte Greeter Altar


Sermon Treats Teller

6-Jan Dick Wanda Linda Bill Z Phil/Ruth Chris Pastor Joan L Winnie

13-Jan Travis Char B-A Luis Chris K Isabella Joan Liz Mark/Gail Char C Dave

20-Jan Jim B Alicia Jerry Dick Bill Z Nancy Linda Walwick Char C

27-Jan Jerry Phil Jim Linda Isabella Alicia Kara Jim Ruth E Char B-A

3-Feb Dick Jim Kara Helen Phil/Ruth Chris Pastor Birren Winnie

10-Feb Travis Char B-A Luis Dick Isabella Jim Liz Mark/Gail Dave

17-Feb Jim B Wanda Linda Bill Z Helen Nancy Linda Char B-A Char C

24-Feb Jerry Chris H Phil Kara Isabella Char B-A Kara Jim Char B-A

3-Mar Dick Jim Kara Gail Phil/Ruth Chris Pastor Alicia Winnie

10-Mar Travis Char B-A Luis Bill Z Isabella Mozelle Liz Mark/Gail Chris H Dave

17-Mar Jim B Phil E Chris H Kara Helen L Nancy Linda Chris K Char C

24-Mar Jerry Dick C Travis Jim Isabella Char C Kara Jim Ella K Char B-A

31-Mar tbd Wanda Linda Helen Valerie Kara Pastor



Luke 2:22-40 Jesus Presented in the Temple

Page 8: The Sound of Morning Star · The Sound of Morning Star Page 5 January 2019 2018 - 2019 GriefShare began on October 20, 2018 and will end on February 16, 2019. GriefShare is held on

Morning Star also has an On-Line Prayer Program

Login to: and click on the tab:

‘Contact Us With Your Prayer Requests’

Type in your prayer, and tap “send”.

~ Jim Birren, Prayer Coordinator

12821 Ha Hana Road Lakeside, CA 92040

Phone: 619-443-6032

Reverend Justin Laughridge Reverend Justin Laughridge Reverend Justin Laughridge Reverend Justin Laughridge

The people of Morning Star believe in the One True God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that everything God says in His Word, ‘the Bible’, is true. And we believe in

God’s promise that He will give us the free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus, who died

on the cross and rose again to save us.

Pray for those in the

Armed Forces

♦ Cody Harmon, US Army, (Dave & Rose Walwick’s son-in-law)

♦ Harold Kuwazaki, US Marines (Tom & Chris Kuwazaki’s nephew)

♦ Lucas Nelson Davis, USN (Chris Hill’s grandson)

Morning Star’s 2019 Board of Directors:

Jerel Grambow

Travis Carter

Wanda Lewellen

Char Collingwood

Nikki Edwards

Emily Braun

Chris Kuwazaki

Jim Birren

Eddie Braun

Alicia Grambow


Dick Collingwood

Tom Kuwazaki

Helen Lewin

Ongoing Prayers for

members and friends of

Morning Star:

Mary Allene Birren

Jeff Birren

Jeromus Birren

Eddie Braun

Ruth Essman

Cassidy Kieu

Shelly Luna

The Ninteman Family

Paul Olson

David Ristau

Justyn & Avrie Stephenson

William & Yareli Farnese-Stephenson

The Ullrich Family

Pearl Walker

The Walwick Family

The Yeager Family

All those who lost their homes during recent disasters,

-that God bless the Dominican Republic ministry.

We also pray for our Pastor, BODs, Parish Workers,

our individual families, and those everywhere who

need to know that Jesus loves them no matter what.

To Update This Page, contact the

Church Office.

Page 8 The Sound of Morning Star

January 2019




Financial Secretary

BOD Secretary

Director Christian Education & Youth

Director of Evangelism

Director of Lay Ministry

Director of Operations

Director of Social Ministry

Director of Stewardship



Parish Ministry Assistant