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The Solari !! Report !

JULY 20, 2017

2nd Quarter Wrap Up Part II:

News Trends & Stories with

Joseph Farrell

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!2nd Quarter Wrap Up

Part II: News Trends & Stories

with Joseph Farrell

!C. Austin Fitts: Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re back with News Trends & Stories Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. We had a great conversation last week about Economy & Financial Markets and Geopolitics. We went through the Long Term Trends and Trump’s Report Card and I hope you listened. We’re back today to talk about the other sections. You can find them on the web presentation under News Trends & Stories. It will link from the commentary on the websites for this 2nd Quarter Wrap Up, News Trends & Stories Part II. !We’re going to be discussing Culture, Science & Technology, Go Local, Unanswered Questions, and Inspiration. Dr. Joseph Farrell is the perfect person on the entire planet to talk about culture. !Joseph Farrell: I grew up with much of that in South Dakota. !C. Austin Fitts: Tell us a little about what you think was important about culture in the 2nd Quarter. !

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Joseph Farrell: Oh, where do we start? It’s a difficult thing to answer. Last week I pointed out that the magazine that I subscribe to, Fine Art Connoisseur, had an article about Chinese art schools teaching the traditional craft of visual arts from ground-up. In my opinion, that was a very encouraging sign, in one respect. !I think that the biggest cultural news last quarter has to be the Vatican for a number of reasons. The Roman church is very entwined with our Western culture and for good and ill – a lot of it good, a lot of it bad. !We saw this very weird story that began with Pope Francis dismissing Cardinal Pell from his position at the Vatican Bank to answer charges that have been brought against him in Australia. As the week unfolded, we heard stories, and I think it was first reported in the United States by Alex Jones. It went viral very quickly from that point to some type of Satanic-Luciferian sex orgy activity being held at an apartment of someone who is allegedly a top advisor to the Pope. !Then we had the dismissal of Cardinal Müller by the Pope. In my view, culturally, what this signals is the ongoing regime change operation that was launched by Hillary and Obama in the last years of his Administration against the Vatican. I think the retirement of Benedict XVI was part of this and I think that bringing in Francis was also part of this. !Francis began well. He made the steps to start trying to clean out the Vatican Bank. This now appears to have been sidelined with this pedophilia/sex orgy scandal topic. I think the target was really that someone does not want any changes in the way that the Vatican Bank operates, so they went after these Cardinals.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

The one that is interesting is Müller, because it appears that the problem here is that somebody wants the last vestiges of liturgical and doctrinal tradition overturned in their own Catholic church. In other words, they want to radicalize it and revolutionize it even more, and turn it into a leverage church to force other churches into their view. I’m thinking in particular of the ordination of women into the priesthood; I’m thinking in particular of ordination of homosexuals, and so on. !I think that this is the agenda that they want to put into place. In other words, they want to eradicate the last vestiges of any sort of cultural power or critique that various churches could exercise. Of course, the Vatican is their target. !I think that the ultimate aim here, in terms of what we discussed last week, in terms of this nexus between culture and finance and economy, is they are trying, in my opinion, to position the Vatican to be one of the guarantor or participating central banks in a global currency. By doing this, they are going to revive the ancient practice that I talked about in Babylon’s Banksters of the alliance between the bank and the temple. I think that this is what their game plan is. !With the uniqueness of papal claims – and please don’t get me wrong here; I never have subscribed to those claims and I never will; they are simply not historically based and they are not part of the original deposit of the faith in the Catholic tradition – the reason the papacy is important is that most people don’t take the time to investigate those claims in any detail. They don’t know the spiritual consequence of those claims. It’s somewhat of a cultural effect that I find very interesting.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Even the Western media, when it says ‘the Church’ is thinking ‘Roman Catholic Church’. The papacy would be in a position to give a unique moral sanction to whatever financial system Mr. Globaloney wants to put into place. I think this is why the papacy is being so heavily targeted basically with the Pope and the hierarchy that no longer subscribes to any sort of traditional Roman Catholic doctrine, from what I can tell. I think that this is the game plan and this is a major item. !Of course, there will be a backlash from traditional Catholics about it , but I think that that is the game plan. !C. Austin Fitts: Clearly, the turmoil at the top of the Vatican is extraordinary. Every sign tells me that they have the same challenge of changing the model that we have with the US Federal budget. !Whether it’s the Vatican or the US Federal budget, they are all a prison of the central banking warfare model, and the war to evolve that model is turning ugly. The Midianite thing is really upon us and, to me, it’s one and the same. !Joseph Farrell: It is one and the same for yet another reason, and I’m glad that you’ve mentioned this. The Vatican bank is, of course, the central bank for the Catholic Church and it’s a very, very large institution. !The other thing about the Vatican Bank, of course, is that it is a papal patrimony. In other words, this is one of the key positions that the Pope has to fill with some member of the Cardinal curate.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

It looks that what they’re trying to do is use the Vatican Bank and its status to cloak financial activity. !If you think it’s difficult to get Federal accountability under the Constitutional provisions and the budgetary provisions of where this money is going and what it’s being spent on, think about the Vatican Bank. Literally anything in that bank’s operation can – by order of the Pope – be hushed up. !You are dealing with a sovereign entity with even more sovereignty, in a certain sense, than the Bank of International Settlements. !C. Austin Fitts: Do the numbers. Only imagine the amount of compound interest when you don’t have to pay taxes and have diplomatic immunity for 2,000 years. That’s a great deal of real estate. !Joseph Farrell: Not 2,000, the papal claims really begin to be asserted and exercised in their modern form in the 9th century – and there are reasons that happened – but at least in the millennium. !The problem is that they essentially have been functioning as their own hidden economy because they’ve exempted themselves throughout history from secular taxation. !C. Austin Fitts: I’ve always believed that the reason the Americans created the hidden system of finance after the war is to compete with the Vatican.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Joseph Farrell: It’s not only competition, but, in a certain sense, they’ve had to use the Vatican in that system. So the Vatican is definitely plugged into it. If you don’t believe me read Malachi Martin’s novel called Vatican. It’s a very historically based novel and goes into some details that will boggle the mind in terms of financial arrangements. !This I believe, is the big cultural news. It’s bad news for traditional Catholics. I’ll just put it that way. They have my sympathy; they really do. !C. Austin Fitts: One thing that I thought was clearly happening in the 2nd Quarter was, and you and I have talked about the big question before: Are we going to be a human or inhuman society? You’re literally watching the Luciferian, demonic culture behind and in the deep state coming out of the closet. !Joseph Farrell: Absolutely. !C. Austin Fitts: It’s starting to dawn on many fine and respectable citizens who haven’t fathomed that it’s actually this crazy. !As good and evil reveals their faces and we’re all being required to choose and having to say, “I can’t avoid picking sides here because it really is this bad.” !Joseph Farrell: It is, and it is only going to grow. I’m glad that you called it ‘Luciferian’ because this is the fundamental underlying thing that is happening across the board.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

We need to have a bit of an understanding of what we mean when we say ‘Luciferian’. !If you follow the standard doctrine or the standard mythology, Lucifer rebels against his innate good nature because he is rebelling against God. He, therefore, becomes this horribly irrational, twisted, cosmically narcissistic, ego. In addition to this, part of the reason for the rebellion in some traditions is the creation of man. !In other words, you have a super-intelligence twisted in upon itself that has ultimately an anti-human/inhuman agenda. If you stop and consider the profundity, it’s a very simple thing, but it’s also a very profound thing. This is what we’re watching across the board. !Whether you’re atheist or not, the mythology is powerful enough to appeal to people who themselves may either be agnostic or atheistic but, nevertheless, embrace the methods – so to speak – of that entity. Think of Saul Alinsky in this regard, and his book Rules for Radicals and dedicating it to Lucifer, and Hillary Clinton liking that book. Well, there you go. !It’s a very, very important thing. I think part of the cultural problem that we face is that the West, during the last 100 to 150 years, has been treated to this steady diet of distancing people from any real theological literacy of the roots of this culture and how they come out of certain Christian doctrines – good or ill. That has helped fuel the crisis that we are in. !!

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

I am in full agreement with you and we could do seminars on Luciferian agendas in this culture. Hopefully, someday I’ll get around to writing books about the subject. !C. Austin Fitts: We’ve seen more and more articles about the level of homelessness rising. During the 2nd Quarter there were big reports about homelessness levels in Los Angeles and the opiate crisis. If you look at the number of opiate prescriptions being filled in Ohio, it’s 60 per person for the entire state. These are impossible levels of opiates. !So you’re watching symptoms of actual inhumanity done to humans as the social safety net gets pulled. We run into these continual controlled demolitions of the pension funds and other financial arrangements. !I think that all of these things are going to increasingly cause people to realize, “Look, we’re going in a very inhuman direction, and that can’t happen.” !If there is $27 trillion to bail out the banks, this certainly doesn’t have to be happening. !I am concerned about Chicago, and I was studying the numbers there. Since 1990, the African-American population has dropped 200,000 or almost 20%. You know that can’t happen without a very serious economic cleansing if not a genocide plan, which is what I believe is happening. I keep talking about the moment in the Clinton Administration when one of the political appointees said, “Oh, black people are hopeless; we’re moving them out and moving in the Hispanics.” !

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

I believe this was all very intentional and the signs that inhumanity is growing. !I want to mention one other story that struck me as very important from a cultural standpoint. Uber is one of the largest private companies in the world based out of Silicon Valley, the so-called unicorns. It’s had a terrible management problem. A very aggressive culture built the company fast, but internally, it was clearly a very unprofessional and incoherent kind of culture. !There was a talented engineer who left, took another very good job, and then wrote a very detailed and non-revengeful description of why working at Uber was like working at an insane asylum. A woman engineer wrote it, but the focus was on incoherence, not so much sexism. !It was the last straw, and the investors and the board of Uber had a hissy fit – not that this is the solution to anything – but they brought in a Darth Vader, Eric Holder, who did a legal analysis, and ended up asking the CEO to take a break and then resign. !At the board meeting after having announced this and agreeing that the CEO was going to step down, David Bonderman, who has a reputation for being one of the crudest LBO guys on the planet, proceeded to make a sexist joke. To his shock and amazement, Arianna Huffington, who was handling this process as a board member, managed to achieve a resolution where Bonderman was thrown off the board.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

What this is saying is, one possibility is that political correctness has reached unprecedented level if David Bonderman can get knocked off the board, but I would have a different interpretation, and that is that the big money investors who are investing in Uber have had it with non-adult supervision. They’re saying, “Behave like an adult or take your toys and go home.” !!Similar to the investors in Australia who were saying, “Look, the young people will not be our employees; the young people will not take us seriously, and that is a political problem. We have to care about what our impact is on the world.” !I think you are seeing this slow but steady feedback loop, whether it’s from the younger generation or investors, who understand that if any way you make money destroys the pie, then it is going to destroy them as well. Slowly you have this feedback loop coming around and saying, “If your country and your company are not under adult supervision, we are pulling our money.” !Joseph Farrell: Absolutely, there you go. It’s a necessary step in the restoration of virtue in the culture. When virtue is restored, the other thing that is restored with it is courtesy. !Courtesy is a habit of mind that comes out of thinking before acting or speaking in a certain way that might be insensitive to other people and it’s a self-correction mechanism. You don’t have to impose it from Ottawa with these ludicrous laws. It’s something that comes out of a mindset that wants to practice and cultivate virtue. So, yes, adult supervision comes from that. !

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

C. Austin Fitts: I think it’s a hopeful sign that David Bonderman was booted off the board, but I would be a lot more hopeful if Eric Holder was fired from the attorney’s position. !Joseph Farrell: Yes, it would be more hopeful if he was fired from the attorney’s position and if Jerry Brown was booted out of the governorship of California and we had some adult supervision in the legislature there. But this is all cultural, and that is my point. !We have to get back to the fundamental institutions and traditions of this culture – be it from our artistic creativity or human interaction. The fact of the matter is, that in this country particularly, the educational system has worked counter to that for so long that essentially we are going to have to start learning our cultural ABC’s over again because most people don’t know them anymore. !C. Austin Fitts: Let’s turn to Science & Technology. By ‘Science and Technology’ I mean real science and technology, not fake science and technology – speaking of virtue. !Let’s start with cyber security and zero integrity systems. All of the industry continues to plan to levitate their profits with the internet of things, and yet all we have is cyber insecurity. Are there any new developments on that front? !Joseph Farrell: As I mentioned last week, the Chinese are doing the quantum entanglement experiment between the earth and the ground at a distance of 1,000 kilometers. Now that is very significant because this will enable a certain degree of cyber security using that method of communication and information.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

The problem is there is so much hype out there about quantum computing and quantum entanglement, and this is the ‘one size fits all’ solution. This is the ‘magic wand’. “This will give us completely secure cyber systems forever after.” !I’m sorry, but this reminds me so much of the gun versus armor debates back in the 19th century when they were building war ships, and it was, “Finally we have the perfect armor now. There will never be another projectile able to get through our wonderful system.” Then, of course, someone comes along and invents a bigger cannon. !This is what alarms me about this quantum computing entanglement block chain. This entire thing seems to be a meme that is being very carefully driven by the powers that be to get people to be lulled into a state of security about these systems and, “Put your money here because these are going to be completely unhackable.” !I say, “Nonsense.” Where there is a human will, there is a human way. Current theory may not be able to support it, but trust me, some human being out there is going to prove the scientist and engineers and technicians wrong. Don’t fall for this. !In cyber security, I don’t care how sophisticated the system is; it’s always going to be relative and there is always going to be somebody who will figure the way around it, even if it’s as simple a thing as some insider with access to the planning of the system or the administration of the system selling the information. This is the bottom line. !

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

C. Austin Fitts: One of the great comments in the 2nd Quarter on The Solari Report was Bill Binney saying, “We have to develop the capacity to create lots of encryption systems of our own. If enough people do it, it will blow up the whole system.” !It’s always important to count your blessings. I think one thing that is having a very profound impact on the economy without which we would all be instantly worse off, is that we are seeing a very dramatic drop in the energy prices. Obviously geopolitics is a part of that, but I attribute much of it to a wide range of changes, from fracking technology and fossil fuels, to much greater efficiency with renewables, as well as the battery technology, the breakthrough energy technology, and communication technology making it possible to do more with information and less with energy, whatever the source. !It’s an explosion of different technologies, but clearly we have a deflating energy price, and it’s making an enormous difference. Imagine if our gas prices were two to three times higher than they are now what would be happening politically. !Joseph Farrell: I think you are absolutely correct to stress the cumulative effect of different technologies on energy prices, particularly – and I’m very grateful – that you stressed the idea of information. Let’s look back and think about 30 years ago before the worldwide web truly got things off and running. !If you wanted to shop for a book that you were looking for or buy a particular ingredient for a recipe, what did you have to do? Well, to get the recipe you had to buy the cookbook, or at best, watch a television show where the recipe was given, and then had to go out and buy the ingredients.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Now you don’t have to do that; you can sit at home and buy the ingredients online. So you are absolutely correct here. The technologies are having a cumulative effect on driving energy prices down. This is not simply Saudi Arabia flooding the market with oil to crash the American fracking system and the Russian energy system; it’s not that. This is a permanent trend. !The other thing that you mentioned is alternative energy sources. As a matter of fact, I recently blogged about cars that run on natural gas. We don’t even need to talk about self-driving cars or electronic freeways; this technology has been around a long time. I think it’s going to increase dramatically. !Then, finally, we have the persistent stories – and I saw another one today – that NASA has successfully concluded a number of experiments with plasma engines, learning how to control the magnetic field and therefore manipulate the plasma in the engine to essentially steer it. This is a big development. !So these things are happening. One thing that it does signal is the end – and I think this is good news in a certain sense – of the radical Islamic states like Saudi Arabia having a monopoly over everyone’s energy supply. In short-term, however, the geopolitical consequence of this is that those states might be turned, like the empire, to war as the solution for the difficulties that they’re in. !The only other way out of this is for them to learn how to make things that the rest of the world wants. That, in turn, will inevitably clash with some of their fundamentalist dogma.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

So we’re watching a period of transition. Because of all of these developments in the Middle East it’s going to be very, very delicate. !One thing that is very interesting is, concerning the Saudis, and there does appear to be a certain segment within the Saudi royal family that realizes it’s facing all these problems and they have to do something about it. !C. Austin Fitts: Bringing up a 31-year-old to run the country is an extraordinary shift. !Joseph Farrell: Precisely. People don’t realize that that is a huge shift. I bash the Saudis a lot and I’ll be very honest. I call them the ‘outhouse of Saud’ and other things on my website, but if you step back from the rhetoric for a moment and look at what is going on internally in that country, offering Aramco shares publicly and promoting this prince, it does appear that there is at least to some measure, a begrudging admission that there has to be a strategic change of direction. Whether or not he and that group will be able to pull it off is another matter, but it does have enormous geopolitical consequences. !Number one, they have to pull it off. They won’t be able to pull it off by being constantly at war. So this is a long-term geopolitical development, and I think that that region of the world has to be watched very carefully. !I think that you are seeing the same thing with Erdogan.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

I recently saw an interesting article about Erdogan with a picture of him dressed (I kid you not) in the imperial robes of an Ottoman sultan. I was dumbfounded and I had to stop and think, “What is the message he is really trying to say there?” !I think that his message is cultural. He wants to get back to a period within that culture where there was a high type of civilization, which the Ottomans, for a particular period, embodied. This is what he is trying to hold out to the Turks as something rather different than the course that they were on – the secularizing, Western, Mr. Globaloney course. At the same time, I don’t think he wants to steer Turkey back into all of the bad habits that led to the demise of the Ottoman Empire. I think it’s, to some extent, a cultural reminder message that he is trying to send. !There are many things happening culturally that are having this immense geopolitical impact, and I think that in the long term, and I’ve said for many years that the Islamic world is being set up for a fall. Don’t get me wrong; I’m no friend to the tenants of that ideology, but at the same token, you’re dealing with a billion people, and not all of them are clamoring to get onto our shores and cut our heads off. !I think you are going to see a major change in that part of the world, particularly as they address some of their own internal problems and do so in a way that tries to help them keep pace with what China wants to do and embark upon. They have to, they simply have to.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

C. Austin Fitts: If the genie came out of the bottle and I could get a reliable source of information on any topic within Science & Technology, what I would want is excellent information on invisible weaponry, including space weaponry. !One thing that I want to point out in the 2nd Quarter is, we now see a proposal bouncing around Congress to create a new branch of the military called ‘The Space Corps’, which is a separate military service within the department of the Air Force. !It is under the Air Force from a budgetary standpoint and it’s a big development. I believe that if the unipolar empire is betting on anything, it’s space weaponry. That’s why the Chinese launching these quantum-computing satellites is so important. If they are going to compete with space weaponry, they have to have it. !Joseph Farrell: It’s the other reason that, a few years ago, the Chinese launched an anti-satellite missile from the ground to destroy an obsolete satellite. That was a great technological achievement, and it was also a huge message. !It’s the other side of the coin to what we mentioned last week when I was talking about the Russian electromagnetic communications interference technology – the Donald Cook incident, the USS Fitzgerald, which I strongly suspect has a Russian and/or Chinese hand in it. !What they are doing is demonstrating capabilities that are directly applicable in space.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

I think you are absolutely correct that the US, in opening up a department of the military that essentially looks like it is being positioned to be its own independent service branch, much like the Coast Guard, the Navy, the Air Force, and so on. !The real question is: What are they actually saying here? I suspect that the message is – as you’ve mentioned – not only that they want to develop and employ space-based weapons, but also they want to deploy human-based anti-satellite troops. That is to say, they want to deploy troops that will be able to depart from the ground on Earth, fly up, take out a satellite or put bugs on satellites that only a humans currently can do. This is what I suspect they are doing. !Of course, under that activity you can invoke other activities like kidnapping people and flying them to moon bases or Mars bases and so on. That is far reaching conjecture, but since we’re speculating and projecting the future, that is what we need to do. !C. Austin Fitts: What astonishes me is the extent to which they keep all this information secret. It’s quite remarkable, but I wonder how much longer it can go. !It’s one area where the employment growth is sure to be happening. !If you look at the web presentation for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up, we’ve been updating our list of space companies, and the list of companies that are doing things is exploding. Of course you wouldn’t notice it when you’re too busy listening to how the Russians interfered with the US elections.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Before we move on to ‘Go Local’ do you have anything to add in Science & Technology? What in your opinion, was the big event in the 2nd Quarter in Science & Technology? !Joseph Farrell: I believe the big event was that Chinese quantum computing and quantum entanglement and that was the big story. !C. Austin Fitts: If you look at everything they are doing to build up financial liquidity, including for the 20th anniversary celebration when they sailed the aircraft carrier into Hong Kong, getting control of the sea-lanes in the South China Sea is all part of that. !Let’s move on to Go Local. You and I both know that one of the ways to offset the centralization is to move more time and attention locally. I really am finally enthusiastic about seeing so many people get the opportunity to say, “Why am I wasting all this time on watching the Presidential election? I need to pay attention locally.” !I see it happening, and we had a great Solari Report on “Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem”. I’ve seen much more interest in taking the time to understand how the money works, including the Federal money, in your Congressional district. !I posted a great review for a book called Follow the Money: A Citizen’s Guide to Local Government. We’re trying to make more resources accessible. !I would be very interested to hear what you have to say on what you think about Going Local among your members.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Joseph Farrell: From my members, I’m getting the same story and the same trend that you’re seeing. I think that people are gradually waking up to the fact that they can do a great deal of things locally, and in the process they can decouple more and more from this all-consuming centralizing system. !In fact, I think we’re at the stage now where we need detailed strategic guides on how to decouple. We’ve mentioned a couple of them in last week’s Part I. If your investment strategy includes investing locally – be it your time, your money, what have you – the first thing to find out is if any institution that you’re going to be working with is exposed to your central government, and if so, to what extent is it exposed. Then on that basis, do you really want to work with it or not? It’s similar to what you said is happening in Australia with the young people saying, “I don’t want to work for your corporation; you’re just not responsible.” !So that is the basic principle that we need to put into place, not only with where we bank. We’ve talked about banking locally instead of with the mega-banks. !C. Austin Fitts: In every aspect you want to get this in all parts of your life. !You do not want to deal with institutions that have serious conflicts of interest. !I call it ‘coming clean’ and in the Constitutional section we have a session on how we can enforce the Constitution. !

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

It includes endless ideas on this topic, and ones that I want to engage you on when you have a chance to read it. !The big one, of course, is, we have a great idea of giving a bigger budget to the Attorney General and have him sue the Federal government and back those Federal mandates out of our lives. !Joseph Farrell: Yes. We discussed that in the 1st Quarter. The other thing that we need to be thinking of, particularly in this country since we have yet another seemingly endless election cycle, and we also have another cycle forthcoming. I think that people need to act locally by drawing up letters with lists of questions of a Constitutional nature about the budget and how to enforce it and so on. Start mailing it to every single candidate. Start a campaign by getting as many people as possible, and over and over again bombard these people with the same letters demanding a public answer. !If you have a private website or a Facebook page, post the fact that they refused to answer your question, did not answer your question, evaded the question, or whatever. Hold these politicians feet to the fire. !C. Austin Fitts: Right. In the Constitutional section I have several letters that I’ve written to my Congressman and other Congressmen who were advocating their responsibility in terms of the missing money and money being stolen. So all those letters are there, and I would encourage you to use them and distribute them. !I have that great video of Cynthia McKinney grilling Rumsfeld. You can’t say that nobody has been doing anything because she risked her life to do that and did a great job of it.

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So there are tremendous things that you can do. !Do you have anything else in Go Local before we turn to the Unanswered Questions? !Joseph Farrell: I think that very well covers it and we’ve talked about some of these ideas before, and that is a good recapitulation. !C. Austin Fitts: It gets down to actionable intelligence. I think that what each one of us has to do is look at both our own circumstances and our own life, and say, “Okay, in my free and inspired life, which is the piece for me locally that is energizing to pick up and do?” !You have to find the piece that is energizing for you because everybody is different. It’s chock full of ideas in the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up web presentation under ‘Constitution’. !In Unanswered Questions, we’ve talked about what in the world is happening in Antarctica. We’ve talked about what is occurring in space. Where is all the missing money being spent? !What is the big unanswered question in your mind this quarter? !Joseph Farrell: In terms of finances, I am with you. We need to get a handle on where the missing money is. !The other big unanswered question is a very different one, and you hinted at it with the first two articles, New Pyramid Built 3,700 Years Ago Discovered in Egypt and Atmospheric Study in Gravity Waves. !

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

I don’t know about you and the listeners, but I’ve been noticing a trend of more and more weird stories like this appearing. Another recent one was that they discovered that possibly humans were mating with Neanderthals as long as 450,000 years ago. I read this article and my first thought was, “Wait a minute. According to the standard model, modern man wasn’t even around 450,000 years ago, much less mating – male or female – with Neanderthals.” !There are more and more of these stories emerging, and I have to view this thing entirely. We have missing money; you posted the article on 9/11; we have the atmospheric study in gravity waves – of all things – and new pyramids etc. !Viewing this in it’s entirety tells me – and I’ve been doing this kind of crazy, whack-a-doodle high-octane speculation research since 2001 – the more I do it, the more I’m convinced of one overall, overriding thing: virtually every standard academic paradigm from financial analysis to ancient history is under severe assault, and it’s breaking down. !With more and more of these stories I’m almost breathless every week with the articles that people send me. More and more of these paradigms are breaking down to the point that now you even get the major media starting to talk about these stories. I believe this is very encouraging because, what it means, is that the professional classes – the monopolies and trusts, because that is what they are – that have appointed themselves as gatekeepers of the narrative are quickly losing power and ultimately they are going to lose their job. !

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In my opinion, this is very encouraging because it means that under the right conditions, if these trends continue, you could have an explosion of artistic and scientific and literary creativity like we’ve never seen before. !C. Austin Fitts: That’s true. I can’t tell you, in the last six months, how many subscribers who hit the trance and have gotten out of the trance, found The Solari Report, found your writings (and they all read your books) and started to move into 26 tracks. The first thing that happens is shock and transition, and then they get into the flow of, “Wow! It’s a much more complicated, richer world, and there are all these opportunities.” !Then suddenly something happens, and they blossom. Think of millions and millions of people blossoming. It’s quite remarkable. !That is why it is so much fun when I see them meet each other. Then they start talking, and suddenly start realizing that, if we can play with each other on 26 tracks, imagine what is going to happen here. !Joseph Farrell: Bingo! And not only play with each other on 26 tracks, but also keep it harmonically coherent. !That is the key. I’m going to give people a big hint here: That idea did not come out of any other culture. There are certain specific metaphysical reasons that entire 26-track harmonic coherence comes out of Western culture. There are conceptual links galore if you want to think about it. This is exploding.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

Even the fact that we get articles like what you’ve posted under the Unanswered Questions link, and we could post many more articles like this here, the very fact that articles like this are appearing at all is an indicator that the explosion is taking place because you have people finding this stuff and saying, “Oh, look at this.” !This is not going to stop. This is going to continue, and I think ultimately it spells the end of the narrative trusts – the monopolies of academic narratives. That is good; it’s healthy. You don’t need to agree with alternative narratives, but at least admit that they are there and that they have an argument behind them and that these are not silly people who are completely irrational sporting a silly conspiracy theory. That is not it at all. !C. Austin Fitts: There are two messages that I hear everywhere I go, over the world: 1) Whatever the new models are, they all have to operate on 26 tracks. 2) They all have to respect the return to myself and the return to the other. So there has to be reciprocity, whether it’s for the opportunity of the risk management, and it has to function on 26 tracks, and it has to be able to deal with my complexity and your complexity. That is a lot of complexity, but that is the way it is. !Joseph Farrell: That is the way it is. That’s right. !C. Austin Fitts: I would say this: Because of the time we’re coming into politically, the unanswered question now is ‘Where is the money? ’ Whether it’s the Midianite issue happening at the Vatican or the Midianite issue happening in Congress – and I haven’t mentioned Scalise being shot, which I think has to do with NSA authorization, and some of the other dicey issues.

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If you look at the Midianite issue happening in these big institutions dealing with how to change the model, the only way we can get an evolution model in the positive direction is if we bring transparency to the issue of the hidden systems of finance – whether it is the Vatican or the US budget. !I had a wonderful colleague who was also digging and looking for the corruption that happened around the black budget. When he got very frustrated he would say in his bad accent, “Ou hast el dinero?” !Joseph Farrell: You mentioned Scalise, the Congressman who was shot during that rampage. I think you’re right. I think this is not only NSA connected, but I think it’s connected to the entire thing happening with the Vatican and everything else that we’ve seen. !If my memory serves me correctly, he was also sponsoring a bill to deal with these human/child sex trafficking rings or whatever you want to call them. He was involved with that. I definitely view that complete incident as connected to everything else, and yet another hit against transparency and someone who wanted to do something about it. !C. Austin Fitts: On a number of fronts, the house caucus is also moving to limit the war powers authorization that took place after 2001. So whether it’s the war power authorization or bulk collection by the NSA and ratcheting back to those accusations of human trafficking, there is no doubt that Scalise was getting serious about enforcing the Constitution, which is a good sign.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

It will show you how dangerous it is for a Congressman to do the right thing, and why it is essential that we support the ones who do and try to find ways to help protect them. !Let’s turn to Inspiration. There was much that happened in the 2nd Quarter that was very inspiring for me, one of which was the lunch in May in Louisville, Kentucky to celebrate the successful raising of the Phase I and Phase II crowdfund. I get to say it, Joseph. “I told you so!” !Joseph Farrell: Yes you did. I didn’t expect any of that to happen. You were thinking in terms of months, and I was thinking in terms of decades. !C. Austin Fitts: I think that there is so much support for your work, and I get to see it because I’m bopping around talking to many people. You don’t do that as often but it was a way of communicating to the support that is there, and I’m hoping that we accomplished that. !Joseph Farrell: I want to thank you and everybody again. It’s a dream come true and I’ve been without it for so long, and I do miss it. !C. Austin Fitts: Not for long! !Joseph Farrell: Something that is very interesting that has happened as a result of it is I have been thinking in some detail and writing in private notebooks about culture and aesthetics and aesthetic philosophy and similar things in connection to music. It’s helping focus things in other areas that I do talk about publicly.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

It is personally and privately reaffirming, but in such a way that it is beginning to spill over. I don’t know if that makes any sense or not. !C. Austin Fitts: Yes. It makes total sense because that’s what happens. Part of what I call the ‘free and inspired life’ is, once you move to the 26 tracks, that’s what happens. !You gave a speech and provided the text to us that was awesome . It’s on the crowdfund website that you can link to from Giza Death Star or from Solari, and I would encourage people to read it. It’s quite remarkable, and I would say that the audience was quite inspired by it. That speech was one of the most inspiring things I’ve heard during the 2nd Quarter – hands down. !Joseph Farrell: Thank you. !C. Austin Fitts: Check it out; it’s quite marvelous. !The other thing that I have to say is that one of the links under Inspiration on the News Trends & Stories part of the website is from an interview I did with Bloomberg for the Daybreak Asia radio show when I was in Hong Kong, which I did two visits. I went to visit the Chinese university, which is where I did my third year abroad, and wow! I was blown away by what they are doing and what they’ve achieved. !I wrote a commentary about it, where you can read more about it. I was shown around by one of the professors who is really a remarkable individual, and it’s a remarkable institution.

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Then I went to visit a large new monastery that has been built in Hong Kong that is absolutely beautiful. One thing that became apparent as I went around and had a chance to do these various things and talk with our subscribers in Hong Kong is that you realize the young people of Hong Kong are really struggling, both with the oligarchy nature of the economy and also the central control coming in from China, as China becomes more and more present and the PRC government becomes more and more evident. !You get a sense from the young people that they are not as excited about their future, which is essential if Hong Kong is going to reinvent itself. !Hong Kong is the city that has reinvented itself many times, and one thing that I felt when I did my third year abroad there in 1970-1971 is that the young people were so excited about their future. Hong Kong was really the super-connector to the world for that entire area and for China. They played a critical role in it. !When I was in Australia, the young people were very excited about their future, and they’re doing and rocking and rolling and creating companies and building apps and achieving all sorts of things. When I was in Bangladesh, it was the same thing. You had this remarkable group of kids from all over Asia, and they were implementing and scheming and conspiring and excited about their future. !Joseph Farrell: And our kids want safe spaces.

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THE SOLARI REPORT Joseph Farrell JULY 2017

C. Austin Fitts: The sadness of the kids in the United States and the sadness of the kids in Hong Kong made me realize that when you take away the power of your children to build an exciting future, this is the end of the future itself. I came back from Asia saying, “What can I do to help put the tools into the hands of the young people so that they can go off and build the free, inspired future that they dream of? What can I do?” !Seeing the young people inspired about their future in Australia and in Bangladesh and seeing how it contrasted to the United States and Hong Kong reminded me that we cannot let the centralizers destroy our children’s vision of an inspired future. We can’t let that happen. !Joseph Farrell: No, we can’t and you said it earlier. We need, not only to start shunning these people, but we need to start taking the gloves off with their status as heroes. We need to point out that these super-rich people are basically stupid parasites. They may live in mansions and they may go to the opera, but they don’t understand any of it from a real passionate investment of their own emotion in it; they do it because that is what the rich do. That is what they think. !C. Austin Fitts: Let me make a plug for some of the rich because I know many people and I have known people all my life that got rich because they do great things. !I have clients who have family businesses. They do something great, and they work hard for their accomplishments. !

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Joseph Farrell: They build things. !C. Austin Fitts: They build things, right. I believe an entrepreneur who builds a great company or his family builds a great company is totally different from someone who uses government money and central banking tricks to reap profits into their own funds. There is a difference between true entrepreneurs and rent sinkers. I think it’s hard for people to tell the difference, but we’re going to be able to make a difference. !Here is the question: Do I get rich by increasing the total economic return or decreasing it? That is what I heard in Australia. The kids are saying, “If you don’t make your money from increasing the total economic return, then we want nothing to do with you.” !Joseph Farrell: I probably should have clarified. When I say ‘super-rich’, I don’t mean the entrepreneurial people who go out and create a business and employ people and make things. I mean the parasitic finance capital class – the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers – who basically make money by clipping coupons and selling paper to each other. !C. Austin Fitts: Right, and counting their covert ops to go kill somebody. !Joseph Farrell: Precisely. This is the group of people who need exposure. What they’ve done in their life needs exposure and commentary and so on.

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David Rockefeller writes a memoir where he boasts about being Mr. Global and having committed treason. In my opinion, that is actionable legally. Where were the US attorneys to haul him into court to answer for that? !C. Austin Fitts: Especially when he’s doing it with our money. !Joseph Farrell: Precisely, especially when he’s doing it with my money, which he thinks is his money, which he is getting because of special arrangements with the government. !These people are a parasite class, and they need to be exposed. I have nothing against the entrepreneur who makes a product and sells it and makes a living that way unless they start getting too big for their britches and want to buy retail grocery stores and connect it to the CIA database that they have built up. That is when I start having a problem with them. !C. Austin Fitts: And publish fake news to the Washington Post. !Jeff Bezos said that he had to do that or they would come and get him. It was the Chuck Schumer problem: “You have to do what the intelligence agencies tell you to do.” !Here is the thing: I think that the message from the 2nd Quarter – and I’m going to start using this as a quote – is from Dr. Joseph Farrell, “The time has come to take the gloves off.” !Joseph Farrell: Yes it is.

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C. Austin Fitts: We have something very, very wonderful and special, and the time has come to fight for it. !Joseph Farrell: Absolutely. !C. Austin Fitts: That is what we are going to do, and it’s going to make the 3rd Quarter even more interesting. I’m looking for inspiration because I cannot wait for the virtual pipe organ to be delivered, which I think is going to come in the 3rd Quarter. !We have another phase that we’re still raising capital for, but it can be installed after you have that big, beautiful organ at your house. I’m waiting for the inspiration. !Joseph Farrell: I have a confession to make: I started writing a book about two weeks ago. It’s a book mostly for me. It’s a book I knew I would have to write, but I came across some information and I decided, “I have to write this book just to get it down, even if the book doesn’t make any sense.” !So I’m writing this book, and I’m literally scrambling to get this done because I don’t want to have it not finished when the pipe organ comes because I know what is going to happen when it comes. I’m going to be like a kid in a candy store, so I’m scrambling to get this book done. !C. Austin Fitts: Here is the question: Can you play late at night without keeping your neighbors awake? !!

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Joseph Farrell: When the person comes to voice it, one thing that I want him to do is put the combinations on and put it on full organ and open up the expression. Then I’m going to shut the door, keep the windows down, and walk around and listen to see how much sound leaks out. !C. Austin Fitts: We may have to do a Phase Four to insulate your house. !Joseph Farrell: I don’t think it’s going to be that bad, but I am going to check it out to be on the safe side. !C. Austin Fitts: You have a very big yard and I think it will be okay. !I’m looking forward to 3rd Quarter. I can’t thank you enough for your presence in my life and in all of our lives. You make a huge difference. !Joseph Farrell: Thank you for having me back. I appreciate it, especially for all the hard work on the virtual pipe organ. !C. Austin Fitts: They will never put our minds in a corner when you’re around. !Joseph, you have a wonderful evening, and we look forward to doing the News Trends & Stories for the 3rd Quarter. It’s will be a very interesting 3rd Quarter and definitely keep us posted.

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Joseph Farrell: Thank you, Catherine. !C. Austin Fitts: Have a great day.


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