Download - The Shoemaker and the Elves

  1. 1. The Sh emaker and the Elvest *
  2. 2. IIIM;V"I: ".I: Ir:I In-. m.ILtv : .It ILIHI I'M It-. t| I|IIHut . :III tIIHII_II I I an I" . I IIIIn II4 xx 1 IIHlI II HI . I Wm I-I,wtw ; :.m III -Imp. ~<
  3. 3. I31!'. t{ I I ="II"LlImi-I -I itgm-I I; j. v?I-I Ian , s,_I'I_-atIII-I.1IInI'IItI. IIu . I. 'I_III, t-! |;
  4. 4. ,- In the mLl']1II1'__' I'Icn he silt duun to ntuke IIk. m_ he sun that the sIIL3:S had atlready I been Inudc and they wcrc the best shucz.he had ever wen!
  5. 5. I'hztt day 11 ulstontcr (ante In anal thc_' liked the >IIUL.>0 Inuch that he paid the sltoemztker ntorc Itttvncy thvn he had c or been pendI he slioexttztkcr tux: -I the Inunt{' to butcnotigh leather for two pans ofshocs
  6. 6. ,-In the ex entng he cutout the leather Cl: _.'lIl1 IIc then ucnt to bed earI to I tnake the . sIme: < in the murmn-_. ' hut lgI|1,II1 shoes had nlread) been mztdc for the SI'| tLI11(lILl and even nmre people were buytng the . I1OLS.
  7. 7. l -. *xum' im rd lhv ~. lllIL' anni hr ~. |1m: In; |LcI mmlu U lll| Il Inunvx mun .21] nfllu. -In lh; tllIL'l>L'L'. nI1c Inch
  8. 8. I my L~ ch Mic }I4'->. '!I. I|-. L'|Ami Fun: d.u1: ..1Ix . l.1'~.HiHm!: mini Iv Ivuul -. ]u--. x.1nu-711111; x: ;IwI: '.c w| lH] andr'. ..1}v1Ij. ' MIL xhmw H1.v. " Ind and x-. .1u| cnl
  9. 9. As soon as it was midnight um Illlle elves wnh colorflll halr and Ilzlppy faces sklpped mm the shop.'l'|1C__| l|I11pCd on (hCI21blLlI1d began to nlzlke the slloes out oflhc lezllher the silo: -nlzlker had cut.but as soon as the sun CiH11tlIp.the elves dashed il'2l}'.
  10. 10. The nel day the slloclnaker's 'ile said we should nlzlke solne new clothes and shoes to thank thcm! "a1ldthe Sh0t. I112lktl' agreed, So.the shoemzlkefs wife made .1 dress a shirt.waistcozll and trousers to give In the elu->.and the slloelllaker used some spare leather to make some tiny shoes. _ _, 1.3 -1-;
  11. 11. Ihe_ then put the clothes on the table and hld to wzltcll what the elves would du
  12. 12. .-s soon as it was mldnlght.the elves skipped Into the sllo; -ln; lkers shop.'l'he_ sun the clothes they had left For l theln.l hey put the eluthes on and dallced llzlpplly arollnd and out oflhe shop I he sltoelnslker and his wlle dld not see tlle elxes after that.but they were happy that they had.and eer3'one lived Itatpplly e er lllter