Download - THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

Page 1: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


“Those who do not have Imam, their Imam is their Ego (Quran

“those who do not have Shaykh, their Shaikh is Satan” (Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al

Jilani R.A)


Irshad Hameed Irshad Hameed

The alleged praise of a random scholar doesn’t eliminate the patent lack

of logic in Sufism. Secondly, as for the comment that, “If a grand father swear to warn at

his grand children for the dangers in this world, do you fools then abuse your grand father and parents?

A teacher may shout/beat his students, a student with adab (Islamic morals) do not attack the teacher back!! But Wahhabis do not follow any teachers and Prophet(alaihiswalathu wa

salam) said: "Those who dies without an Imam, dies death of Jahiliya"- Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal”

Firstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that he is no longer accountable for his actions. Does this mean that if he

commits shirk now, (which is what he’s doing with all that grave worship) he is still not accountable? This does not make him a regular

muslim, but one who does not require redemption, as he claims. This alone is contrary to Islam, because everyone is prone to commit sin and we would be held accountable for our sins by Allah. However, Snake

Nazim does not have to. And you want me to belive that he is a muslim. Secondly, you cant draw comparison between this bloke and a

grandparent or parent admonishing a child. This is so, for three reasons. 1. You perceive Snake Nazim to be a man of piety and not a mere casual father figure.

2. Even if his words are the equivalent of a father who admonishes his child, you cant justify the choice of words which include swear words

and the curse that shit be hurled upon people. 3. Thirdly, a man of alleged piety who claims to be the representative of

the Prophet (PBUH) on earth cannot by any yardstick of imagination swear and behave a rowdy schoolboy abusing people with vile slander. But you must admit that he is pretty funny!

Page 2: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani did not say he is not accountable to Allah as servant

of Allah, you are taking words out of context!. If he watch other videos and

later videos of Shaykh you can see that Shaykh says “I am a humble and weak

servant of Allah”

What Shaykh meant is as the spiritual helper for this world, if the people do

not take his advise and instructions, then he is not accountable for their deeds

infront of Allah on the day of judgement!

Quran 17:71 One day We shall call together all human beings with their

(respective) Imams: those who are given their record in their right hand will

read it (with pleasure), and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the

least.(Yusuf Ali)

So when people do not listen to the advise (Nasiha) of the Imam of this times-

Shaykh Nazim AL Haqqani, he will nto be responsible as Allah says in 17:71

Shaykh will deny the responsibility of the people of his time, who disobey him!

Irshad Hameed,You must go back to a true shaykh to learn Islam and what an

Awliya Allah said to the people!

I do not advise you to go to schools because from schools come the shaitanic

wahhabi filths!

Even, in Quran, Allah says to Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam) that Prophet is

not accountable (responsible) for the guidance of those who took their ego as

their master!

[Quran 25:43] Have you seen the one whose god is his own ego? Will you be

his advocate?

[Quran 45:23] Have you noted the one whose god is his ego? Consequently,

God sends him astray, despite his knowledge, seals his hearing and his mind,

Page 3: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

and places a veil on his eyes. Who then can guide him, after such a decision

by God? Would you not take heed?

You and your Wahhabi Shaitan’s understanding is very weakness!, first you all

go to study bascis!, it look like you kids listening to a post-graduate teacher’s

lectures without learning the kindergarten! And got confused is’nt it? !!!

And you are advising righteous to others and forgetting in your own self?

You are calling an elderly ahlul bayt (desecendant of Prophet) with abusive

languages and advising others to speak well?

Have you no shame man?

Allah says to you: Sahih International

O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do?


to top

Sahih International

Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.

This reply is for other to understand the filth and deviance of Wahhabis!

So that they make safeguard themselves from Wahhabi fitnah!

Abusing Shaykh Nazim Al-Hassani Wal Hussaini?

Allah’s Prophet says: Ibn Adee and Bayhaqi, in Shau'ab ul Imaan, narrated from

Sayyiduna Ali the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa

Baaraka wa Sallam said

Page 4: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

م من عرف ل ي حق ي ترت صار ع هو واالن دى ف الث الح ق اما ث ناف نه واما م دي ير واما ل غ ل

ني طهرو ع ته ي ل لى امه حم ير ع طهر غ

‘Whosoever did not recognise the right of my family and Ansaar is one of

three; either a hypocrite, born illegitimate or conceived by his mother whilst

she was impure.’ [Ibn Adee in Al-Kaamil, Vol. 3, Page 106 | Shau'ab al-Iman,

Vol. 2, Page 232, Hadith 1614, Daylami in Al-Firdaws, Vol. 3, Page 662, Hadith


Which group are you in Mr Irshad Hameed?

Tabarani narrates from Imam Hasan bin Ali that he said to Muaawiyya bin


ا ة ي ن معاوي ج ب اك خدي نا اي ض غ ان وب سول ف هللا ر لى ص هللا يه ل لم ع س ال و ال :ق

نا ض غ ب ال احد ي ا و سدن ح ال احد ي ل ا وم زي يامة ي ق حوض عن ال ياط ال س ار من ب ن

‘O Muaawiya Ibn Khudayj guard yourself from having malice for us because

undoubtedly the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said ‘No one has

malice for us and no one is envious of us except on the day of Qiyaamah he will

be kept away from the fountain by whips of fire.’ [Tabarani in Al-Kabir, Vol. 3,

Page 81, Hadith 2726 and Al-Awsat, Vol 3. Page 203, Hadith 4426]

Imam Ahmad; Tirmidhi who denoted it sahih; Nisa'i and Haakim narrated it

from Muttalib bin Rabee’a that the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa ala

Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Baaraka wa Sallam said to Sayyiduna Abbas Radi Allahu

Ta'ala Anhu

هللا ال و دخل لب ي لم امرئ ق س مان، م تى إي كم ح ب ح هلل ي تي قراب ول

‘By Allah, Imaan (faith) will not enter the heart of a Muslim until he loves you

for Allah and for my relationship.’ [Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 1, Page 342, Hadith

1780 | Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, Page 610, Hadith 3758 | Sunan Nisa'i, Vol. 5,

Page 51, Hadith 8175 | Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol. 4, Page 85, Hadith 6960]

Page 5: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


Irshad Hameed Irshad Hameed

Every community would have an Imam as much as every legal fraternity would

have its jurists. An Imam does not and cannot be the nexus between Allah and

man as even the Imam would still be accountable for his actions. Your quotes

do not indicate such nexus, sans the very selective interpretation on your part.

Instead Almighty Allah tells us in the Quran as follows;

[32:4] Allah is He who created the skies and the earth, and whatever is

between them in six periods, then settled on the throne. There is none for you

from beside Him a protector nor an intercessor. So why do you not remember?

[34:22] Say, “Call on those whom you have set up from beside Allah. They do

not own/control a single atom’s weight in the heavens, nor in the earth. And

there is no share for them therein, nor is there for Him any assistant among


[4:123] It will not be in accordance with your desire, nor what the People of

The Book desire: Whoever works evil, he will be requited with it. And he will

find neither a protector nor a helper from other than Allah.

Al Quran tells us that messengers had implored Allah to save their relatives

and loved ones, but they got what they deserved.

Noah (PBUH) could not save his son:

[11:45-47] And Noah implored his Lord, so he said “My Lord, surely my son is

from my family, and surely Your promise is the truth. And You are the wisest of

judges.” He(Allah) said, “O Noah, surely he is not from your family. Surely it is a

deed unrighteous to ask Me what you have no knowledge of. Surely, I advise

you, lest you be among the ignorants.” He said, “My Lord, surely I seek refuge

with You, lest I ask You for what I have no knowledge of. And unless You have

forgiveness for me, and have mercy on me, I will be among the losers.”

[53:26] And many from the angels in the skies, their intercession will not avail

anything except after Allah permits and approves for whomever He wills.

Page 6: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

[74:48] So the intercession of the intercessors will never help them.


Irshad Hameed

Yet another bone I have to pick with you is the fact that you blokes cannot be

Muslims as you insist on calling yourselves Sufis and/or Naqshabandis.

Whereas Allah tells us in His glorious Quran that;

"He has chosen you (to conform to His religion) and has imposed no difficulty

upon you in religion, the religion of your father Ibrahim. He named you

'Muslims' both before (in the preceding Divine Scriptures) and in this Book."


[36:23] “Shall I take gods from other than Him? If the Most Gracious intends

any harm for me, their intercession will not avail me anything, nor can they

deliver me.

[17:56] Say, “Call whatever idols you have set up from besides Him.” So they

have no power to relieve your afflictions, nor can they change them.

But only on the Day of Judgment will they realize that …

[7:53] …”The messengers of our Lord had indeed come with the truth. So now

are there any from the intercessors to intercede for us? Or send us back, so

that we act differently than we used to act.”…

Too late . As the verse continues …

…They have lost their souls, and THEIR OWN INNOVATIONS HAVE CAUSED


[6:94] “And indeed You have come back to us as individuals, just like We

created you the first time, and you have left behind what We bestowed on

you. And We do not see with you your INTERCESSORS, those whom you had

set up as if they surely had a share in you. All ties between you have been

severed and what you had asserted has abandoned you.”

Page 7: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


You are taking the verses about unbelievers and applies to Muslims!

This is the attributes of Kharijs (rebellious sinners) who goes out of Islam as

arrow pass through the game!

Wahhabism take you to become Kharij, we do not wonder!

Muslims are not Mushrik or Kaafir

All Religious Muslim scholars are Mazhab following Sufis!

I challenged you before: bring any classical Muslim scholar’s name , who was

not a Sufi follower!, If you can take this challenge!

Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: One day the Prophet went out and offered the

funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud and then went up the pulpit and said, "I

will pave the way for you as your predecessor and will be a witness on you. By

Allah! I see my Fount (Kauthar) just now and I have been given the keys of all

the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth) "BY ALLAH! I AM NOT




Volume 2, Book 23, Number 428: (Sahih Bukhari)

Who are Wahhabis? I mean the so called SALAFIS of 19-20 and 21st century

predecessors of Khwarijites!!!?

Read from hadith and compare with Contemporary and Modern world History.

Answer is with in your hands!!!

The Prophet (SAW) said: "What I fear most for you, is a man who reads the

Qur'an until such time when the blessing of Qur'an is reflected on him and he

takes Islam as his Cloak ... he then turns around and strips himself off from

Page 8: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

Islam and then tosses it away behind his back, then he heads quickly towards

his neighbour with his sword unsheathed and he calls him a 'Mushrik'"

I said: "O, Prophet of Allah! Who is more worthy of being called a Mushrik the

one being attacked or the attacker". He replied, "It is indeed the attacker."

(Hadith narrated by "Abu-Yaa'li" on the authority of "Huzaifah)

Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam) even said to the rulers to Kill Kharij people:

“Just before the end of time, young, idiotic people will rise. They will say words

similar to (the good words) of the best people (best people=attribute to salaf

salih or make titles as Salafi as we see today). They will recite the Quran, but it

will not go beyond their throats. They will deviate from the religion as fast as

an arrow pierces the game. If you meet them, kill them, for killing them will

bring about a reward from Allah on the Day of Resurrection for whoever kills

them.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].

the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam, said regarding a man

who once accused him of injustice, “From among the offspring of this man

there will rise a people who will read the Quran but it will not go beyond their

throats (meaning it will not enter their hearts). They will kill Muslims and spare

Idol-worshippers. They will deviate from Islam (as fast and clean) as an arrow

pierces the game. If I live to witness their appearance, I will kill them as the

people of ‘Aad (whom Allah utterly destroyed and annihilated because of their

disbelief) were killed.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].

We do not wonder when you attack the Imams and scholars of Main group of

Muslims and calling Muslims as Mushrik and Kaafir! Your kind of filthy people

(counterfeit Salaf) arrival is predicted by Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam,

1400 years ago!!!

Page 9: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

You may look at Saltanat TV, and then prove that Naqshbandis or others

worshipping Shaykhs? If you can!

When you make accuse you need to bring clear proof!

This is the Naqshbandi Bayat (Oath of allegiance), and no one can prove that

this include shirk and bid’ah!

شهد ال ان أ ه ال ال هللا ا شهد , سول محمدا أن وأ هللا ر

شهد ال ان أ ه ال ال هللا ا شهد , بده محمدا أن وأ ه ع سول (2x) ور

سم هللا ب رحمن يم ال رح ال

ين إ ن ك ال ون اي ع ا ي ب ون إ ن م اي ع د هللا ي ب ق هللا ي م ف و يه د ث ف م ن أ ي ا ن ك نك ث ف ن م ل ى ي ه ع ن س

ن م ف ى و ا أ و د ب م ا ه ع ل ي ت يه هللا ع ي ا ف س ر اع أ يم

ashadu an lā ilāha ill 'Llāh wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasoolullāh - I bear

witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is

the Prophet of Allah.

ashadu an lā ilāha ill 'Llāh wa ashadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasūluh

(2x) - I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear witness that

Muhammad is His servant and Prophet.

Page 10: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

bismillāhir-rahmān ir-rahīm - In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the


Inn'alladhīnā yuba`ūnaka innamā yuba`ūn-Allāh, yadullāhi fawqa aydīhim,

faman nakatha fa-innamā yankuthu `alā nafsih wa man awfā bimā `ahad

`alayhullaha fa-sayu'tīhi ajran `adhīma

Lo! those who swear allegiance unto thee (Muhammad), swear allegiance only

unto Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands. So whosoever breaketh his

oath, breaketh it only to his soul's hurt; while whosoever keepeth his covenant

with Allah, on him will He bestow immense reward. [Surat al-Fath, 48:10]

نا ي ض له ر ل سالم و ربا ب اال ا و وبسي دنا دينا ب هللا صل ى محمد نبي لى ع لي ت رسوال سل م و هع

ا قران ونبي ال ا ب تاب ك

هللا لي و قل ما ع يل ن نا و وك ل ب يخ بسي دنا ق ش ا م محمد ال ي ن قان ح يخأ ال ش شدأ و .مر

هللا هللا هللا هللا حق هللا هللا هللا حق هللا هللا .حق

Radīnā billāhi rabban, wa bil-islāmi dīnan, wa bi sayyidinā wa Nabīyyinā

Muhammadun sall-Allāhu `alayhi wa sallam Rasūlan wa Nabīyyan wa bil-Qurāni

kitāban w'Allāhu `ala mā naqūlu wakīl, w'alhamdulillāhi rabbil-`alamīn; wa

qabilnā bi Sayyidinā ash-Shaykh Muhammad Nāzim al-Haqqānī qudwatan lanā

ila-mahabat in-Nabī sAllāhu ta`ala `alayhi wa sallam wa ila t`alīminā tariq il-

islam wa tariqat Nabīyyinā sayyidinā Muhammad salla-Allāhu `alayhi wa sallam

wa tariqat ash-shari`ah wa sunnatun-nabawiyya-t-ish-sharīfa w'Allāhu `ala mā

naqūlu wakīl.

Allāhu Allāhu Allāhu Haqq Allāhu Allāhu Allāhu Haqq Allāhu Allāhu Allāhu


Page 11: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

We accept and are pleased with Allah as our Lord, and Islam as our religion and

with our Master Muhammad Messenger and Prophet and with the Quran as

our book and Allah is the Trustee on what we say. And we are pleased and

accepting our Master Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim as our Shaykh and

Guide to Allah.

Allah is, Allah is, Allah is Reality. Allah is, Allah is, Allah is Reality.

ى ر إل ض بي ح ن ب ه و ل ه ال كرم، وصح ى ال وا وإل وان ه أر بيا م ن إخ لين ا ن ما والم رس د وخ

ش را عهم

ى وا وإل ة، ا م ة أر ع ب ى ا ر وا وإل شاي خ نا أر ي م يق ة ف ر ي ة الط د ن ب ق ش لي ة الن ة الع ى خاص و إل إمام ر

ريقة الط

ث و ليق ة وغ يخ الخ ش د ال م شاه م ح د ن ب ق ش ى الن ر وإل ض ا ح لطان موالن س يا يخ ا ول ش بد ال ع

هللا تا س دغ يال ن

ا يخ وموالن ش ا م محمد ال ي ن قان ح ى ال وا خان ا ل وإل ى الخ ر وإل سا نا سادات يق ين د .والص

ة . ال ات ح

ila hadaratin-Nabī salla-Allāhu `alayhi wa sallam wa ashābihi'l-kirām wa ilā

arwāħi ikhwānihi min al-anbīyā’i wa ’l-mursalīn wa khudamā’i sharā`ihim wa ila

arwāħi ’l-a’immati ’l-arba`ah wa ila arwāhi mashaykhinā fi't-tarīqatin-

Naqsbhandīyya-t-il-`alīyya khāssatan ila Muhammad Shah Naqshband wa

Mawlanā Sultanu'l-awlīyā Shaykh Abdullah al-Fā'iz ad-Daghestānī and to

Mawlanā Shaykh Muhammad Nāzim `Adil al-Haqqānī wa ila arwāhi āhl al-

khawajagān wa ila sa'iri sādatinā was-siddiqīyūnā lillāhi al-Fātiha! [recite al-


Page 12: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

Naqshbandis and other Sufis recite Fatiha and make shahadath, you Wahhabi

Shaitans misleading people by Saying that Sufis worshipping Shaykhs!!!

First learn the meaning of Fatiha and Shahadath!

If your so called Shaitans like Bilal Philips know the realities of Tawheed as that

fool bark in the speech!

May Allah’s war against those who attack Awliya Allah!..ameen

As you Shaitans say: Shaykh Nazim calling to short cut ways to get paradise,

then prove that your shaitans engaging in more spiritual practise than

Naqshandi Shaikhs and Murids do!!!

ALLAH says: “We have not Created Men and Jinn But to Worship ME (Alone)!”

This is the Naqshbandi Book of Devotion


And let’s see whether your day to day practise are short cut or Naqshandis are

calling to short cut!

And I do not expect truth from Shaitan Abu Mussab Wajidi Akkari or Shaitan

Bilal Philips (Lahnathu Allahi alaihuma)!!!


Irshad Hameed Irshad Hameed

I rely on the Holy Quran and the Hadeeth and not some ramblings of a geriatric

self Sheikh. The verses above from the Holy Quran, reveal in categorical terms

that intercession is forbidden and useless. No doubt I could ask a man who is

alive and well to pray for me, but asking a mere man who is buried in his grave

and has to deal with his own fate and answer before Allah alone, cannot help

you. That would be the equivalent of idolatry. You alone and you following

Allah’s commandments as demonstrated in the Holy Quran and in the Hadeeth

Page 13: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) could save you. There is no short cut to paradise

through this Sheikh of yours and the trance infusing Zikr sessions. All you

require is introspection by yourself devoid of the interference of the self-

acclaimed Sheikh.


You are claiming that you are relaying on Quran and Hadith!

But you are only relaying on the deviant Wahhabi Salafi scholars!!!

But Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam, saying to you to rely on Major body of

Muslims and their Imams!

The Beloved Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be eternally

upon him, said, “The Jews split into 71 groups; 1 group will enter Paradise and

70 will enter Hell. The Christians split into 72 groups; 1 group will enter

Paradise and 71 will enter Hell. By Him in Whose Power is the life of

Muhammad, without doubt, my Ummah will be divided into 73 groups. Only

one will enter Paradise and 72 will enter Hell.”

When asked about which group will be on the right path, the Beloved

Messenger of Allah replied, “The main body (Jamaat) of the Muslims.”

[Ibn Majah’s Kitab al-Fitan; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s Signs before Day of Judgment,

page 14]

The Beloved Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be eternally

upon him, said, “There was disagreement amongst Jews and they split into 72

groups. In exactly the same way, there will be disagreement and divisions in

my Ummah. It will split into 73 groups. Except for one of these groups, all the

remaining will be thrown into Hell.”

Page 14: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

When asked about which group will be on the right path, the Beloved

Messenger of Allah replied, “The group on the right path, which will enter

Paradise, will be the group which follows my Sunnah and this will be the

largest group of Muslims.”

[Tirmidhi; Imam Ahmad; Abu Dawud; Mishkat]

The Beloved Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be eternally

upon him, said, “Without doubt, my Ummah will never be gathered in

misguidance. Whenever you see disagreement, hold fast to the greater


[Ibn Majah]

The Beloved Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be eternally

upon him, said, “”Follow the way of the largest group of Muslims! For he who

deviates from this group will be thrown into Hell!”

[Ibne Majah]

The Beloved Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be eternally

upon him, said, “The devil continually pursues human as a wolf pursues sheep.

The wolf only dares to attack those sheep which have separated from the rest

of the flock and are standing alone. And so, my followers and my devotees!

Save yourselves from being caught in the traps of misguidance and firmly

remain with the largest and most well-known group of Muslims!”

[Imam Ahmad]

Page 15: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

Proof of Visiting Graves and Shrines of Ambia (Alaihimus Salam) and Aulia

ALLAH (Rehmatullah Alaihi Ajamaien)

We are living in a world of uncertainty and misconceptions. Man is beginning

to question the very roots of his beliefs for Allah Almighty and the Holy

Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, to create doubt in the minds of

the simple and unsuspecting Muslims.

Here is proof from QUR'AN, Ahadith-e-Nabawi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam),

Sayings of Sahab-e-Kiram and from the writings of great and authentic scholars

of Islam and writings of those who declare this as SHIRK, BID'AT etc. which

show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Visiting Graves and Shrines of Anbia

(Alaihimus Salam) and Aulia ALLAH (Rehmatullah Alaihi Ajamaien) is Lawful.

What does HOLY QURAN says:

Page 16: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

1. Holy Quran says:

Proof for asking forgiveness to Prophet at the time or after the time of

Prophet(at the grave):

"And when they impose on their lives (sin), they must come to your (the

Nabi's) presence, then seek repentance from ALLAH and the Rasool(Peace Be

Upon Him) also asks for their forgiveness. Then, they will indeed find ALLAH

Most Forgiving and Compassionate." (An-Nisa:61)

2. Holy Quran says (summary is): "No Doubt ALLAH and his Prophet and those

who offer prayers, zakat are helpers". (Al-Maaidah:55)

3. Holy Quran says (summary is): "Verily, ALLAH helps them and Jibril and

Saaleh Mumineen and then angels are helpers". (Al-Tehreem:4)

4. Holy Quran says: "Lo! Verily, the friends of ALLAH are (those) on whom fear

(cometh) not, nor do they grieve." (Surah Younus:61)

What does Ahaadeeth-e-Nabawi says:

1. Syyeduna Rasoolullah said:

"Wallahu Yu'ti wa anal QASIMU Rizqihi"

"ALLAH gives and I (Muhammad) distribute". (Bukhari, Muslim)

Page 17: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

2. Hazrat Aaisha narrates: "Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam use to visit

Baqee Shareef on late nights and Sarkar Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam prayed

there three times raising his Blessed Hands" (Muslim)

3. Allama Nabalsi states: "Sarkar use to visit Baqee (Jan’nat al-Baqee) Shareef

and pray standing beside their graves 'I ask comfort for you people and

ourselves". (Muslim)

4. Syyeduna Rasulullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam said: "Recite Sura Yaseen for

your died ones" (Abu Dawud, Ibn-e-Maaja, Mishkaat - Kitaabul Janaiz)

5. According to Imam Baheeqi: "Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam

regularly visits the grave of Shuhda-e-Ahud every year. And Hazrat Abu Bakar

Siddiq, Hazrat Umer, Hazat Usman and Hazrat Fatima (Ridwanulla Alaihim

Ajamain) use to go there and praying there". (Baheeqi)

6. Syyeduna Rasolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam said: "One who visits my

grave, my Shafa'at will be necessary (wajib) upon him". (Daar Qutni, Bazaz,

Baheeqi, Ibn-e-Khuzaima)

7. Syyeduna Rasolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam said: "One who perform HAJJ

after me and then visits my grave, that means he visits me in my life". (Daar

Qutni, Baheeqi, Mishkaat, Tibrani Fiss Sageeril Ausat, Majma' al zawaid)

8. Syyeduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam said: "I ordered you to not

to visit garves; I now order you to visit graves, because it reminds you of

Hereafter and keeps you away from world (Dunya)"

Page 18: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

(Narrated By Hazrat Ibn-e-Masud Radi ALLAH Anho in Ibn-e-Maaja, Mishkaat -

Baab Ziaratul Quboor, Sarhus Sudoor - Page No: 28, Ziaul Hadeeth - Page No:


9. Hazrat Muhammad Bin Noman Radi ALLAH Anho narrates that Holy Prophet

(Peace Be Upon Him) said: "ALLAH

forgives the sins of those , who on fridays regularly visits the grave of his

mother and father or any one of them and his name will be recorded amongst

those who exercise kindness with parents". (Baheeqi, Mishkaat, Ziaul Hadeeth

- Page No: 108)

10. Hazrat Aaisha Radi ALLAH Anha narrates that Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon

Him) said: "When ever a person visits the grave of his Muslim brother and sits

besides him; then his Muslim brother feels comfort, and this condition remain

until the visitor left the grave" (Hayatul Amwaat Page No: 47, Ibn-e-Ibid dunya)

11. When Nabi Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi passed near graveyard of Madina

Munawwarah then he said:

"Assalam O Aalaikum Ya Ahlul Quboor Yagfirullahu Lana Walakum wa antum

salfuna wa nahnu bil asari" (Mishkaat - Baab Ziaratul Quboor, Tirmizi)

12. Syyeduna Rasoolullah said: "when ever some on send salam to saahib-e-

Qabr then he replies, and if he know him in his life then he do know him after

death" (Baheeqi Fee Su'Bil Iman, Ibn-e-Abi Dunya)

13. Imam Bukhari states Hadeeth-e-Qudsi in his Sahi: "One who hates my WALI

(freind), I declear Battle with him". (Sahih Bukhari, Mishakaat Bab Ziktullah

Wat Taqrib Ilahiyyah)

Page 19: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

What Does SAHABA-E-KIRAM Believe?

1. "When ever Hazrat Anas Radi ALLAH Anho use to visit the grave of Syyeduna

Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam, He use to stand in a way that he is

offering prayer (in real he was not offering the prayer)" (Kitubus Shifa, Vol2)

2. "Hazrat Abu Al-Jawaz Radi ALLAH Anho narrates that once there was no rain

for long time in MADINA then the dwellers of MADINA came to Hazrat Aaisha

Radi ALLAH Anha and ask her for help, She replied 'Turn to Holy Prophet Peace

Be Upon Him and make hole in a roof towards sky so that there should no

hurdle between Roza-e-Mubarak (Blessed Grave) and Sky', When people did

the same; sky started raining and produce greenery and the camels were fead

as well." (Mishkaat Shareef, Ziaul Hadeeth - Page No: 58)

3. "Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas use to visit Shuhda-e-Ahud with his companions

and asked them to send salam upon them who answers your salam." (Sharhus

Sudoor - Page 193, Jazbul Quloob - Page 202)

4. Hazrat Umro Bin Al-Aas in very last moments of his life said his son Hazrat

Abdullah (Ridwanullah Alaihim Ajamain):

"When you bury me, put the send slowly on my grave site beside my grave for

the duration in which a camel can be slaughtered and the meat of camel can

be distribute so that I can gain comfort and I should know what I have to

answer the angels." (Sahih Muslim, Mishkaat Babud Dafanil Mayyat)

Page 20: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

5. Hazrat Ibn-e-Umer states: "There are some believers of ALLAH, whome

ALLAH have awarded the quality of Helping the people and people turns to

them for the solution of their problems" (Al-Jamiul Sageer, Vol 1, Page 93)

What the Great Scholars of ISLAM says?

1. Imam Shaa'faiee states: "I gain the blessings from the grave Imam Abu

Hanifa and whenever I get into trouble, then I offer two rakats and then I visit

his grave, and pray their for the solution, and ALHAMDO LILLAH my needs are

always fulfilled." (Al-Khairatul Hassan Vol 1 Page 38, Tareekh Khateeb-e-

Baghdadi Vol 1 Page 123, Raddul Mukhrat Vol 1 Page 38)

2. Imam Ibn-e-Hajar Makki Shaafai states: "It is seen from many years that

Ulma and the people use to visit the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa for the solution

their problems and make him waseela for the completion of their needs".

3. Imam Ahmed Bin Hunble states: "When ever someone(i.e.muslim) died in

Ansaar-e-Madina then they use to visit their graves and recite Quran Kareem

on their graves". (Mirqaat Sharha Mishkaat, Vol 4, Page 81)

4. Imam Gazali Radi ALLAH Anho said: "If seeking help from a person in his life

is lawful then it is lawful to seek help from him after his death". (Buhjatul


5. Imam Ghazzali states: "This is property of Auliya ALLAH that Blessings are

found in their speeches, their breath, their clothes, their houses, and in the

sand of their feet and at a place where he sits for a day" (Minhajul Aabideen

Ma'a Sharha Sirajus Saalikin, Page 529)

Page 21: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

6. Allama Abdul Ghani Afandi Nabalsi said: "once i heared with my ears when I

visited the grave of Arsalan Damishqi that a man said 'Why you visit sand, this

is foolish act', I was amazed that a Muslim cannot say this" (Kashfun Noor -

Page 19)

7. Allama Shahabuddin Khafaji states in his commentry: "Visitng the graves of

Aulia ALLAH and seeking waseela from them towards ALLAH is proved and All

Muslim Ummah accept this belief. But their are some mulhideen who do not

believe this. May ALLAH save us from their evil beliefs"

8. Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlvi states: "The souls of Aulia gain more power and

spirituality after their death". (Fatawa Azizia, Vol 2, Page 102)

9. Shah Waliullah Dehlvi in his book "Faizul Haramain", Page No: 57:

"If Someone achieves mystical knowledge then his soul become so powerful

that Tariqah, Maslak, Saintly chain, Lineage, Genealogy, Relations and

everything connected with that person comes into the range of his favor and

inclination; The favor of ALLAH, reflects through his spiritual attention"

10. and in his book, "Hama-at":

"This Guarantees for the regular attending on death anniversaries (URS) of the

saints, regular visiting to their shrines, to recite Fatiha there, Distribution of

Charity, to honor his offspring, relations and Relics are lawful in Shariah; and

also these are supererogation (Nafl and Mustahab) actions."

Page 22: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

11. Hazrat Daata Gunj Bukh in his Famous Book "Kashful Ma'joob" said: "Do

visit the graves of your relatives and beloved and do recite Fatiha and Yaseen

at their graves, so that they should pray for you."

12. "Gaining spritual reflections from Mashaikh and thier attention from thier

life and from their graves are no doubt true". (Al-Muhmind i.e. Aqaid-e-Ulma-

e-Deobanad By Haji Imdadullah, Page 18 )

ACT of those who declare this as SHIRK:

1. when Ahraf Ali Thanvi came to Lahore, He visits the grave of Daata Sahib and

said "He is a Great Personality, He is still controlling the happenings". (Safar

Naama Lahore wa Lakhnow, Page No: 50, Published By Maktaba Ashrafia


2. Ahraf Ali Thanvi said for Sultanul Hind: "India is the emperor of Chishti's

because of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz" (Al-Afazaatul Youmia, Vol 1, Page 309)

3. He further said about an English man: "One English man went England from

India and said 'A Late in Ajmer (Khwaja Gharib Nawaz) is ruling entire India"

(Al-Afazaatul Youmia, Vol 1, Page 309)

4. "Prime Minister and Doctor Israar Ahmed are reciting Fatiha for the Late

brother of Doctor Asrar" (Daily Iman - Karachi, Dated 20th July 2004)

By the Divine Grace of Almighty Allah, this brief but informative answer will

suffice to remove doubts from the hearts and minds of the Muslims created by

the notorious Wahabi.

Page 23: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

The Ambassadors of Allah

But Quran Support to Build Masjid over the Grave of Pious people rather than

constructing a Just Building...

Sura Al-Kahf:Verse-21-Thus did WE make their case known to the people,that

they might know that the promise of Allah is True, and that there can be no

doubt about the Hour of Judgement,Behold they dispute among themselves as

to their affairs. Someone (Said),"Construct a building over them":Their Lord

knows best about them:Those who prevailed over their affairs said, "Let us

surely build a place of worship over them".

This is the translation from Abdullah Yusuf Ali's Quran Tafsir. This is a clear

evidence and and a proof against your claim.Allah want to make the case of

pious and righteous known to the world.

And Allah saying in next line those who prevailed best in their affairs (those

who acted the best) said to build a Mosque over their Grave.

And it is a waste of time and irrelevant and Prohibited you and me going to

make Mosque on our or our relatives grave.

What you said above is applicable to you and to me.

Insha Allah you will have some witness .

Allah wanted to make pious people life know to next generations and the people said to construct a building..But Allah calling the people

among them who asked to Build a Masjid over their grave as "Best People"

Page 24: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

And before you blocking me on Facebook: I managed to copy out your

facebook photo!

How Hypocrite you are?

you are visiting Firaun’s grave in Egypt and finding happiness in it and taking

photos as it is a great thing!And you are attacking Muslims for going to the

graves of their parents to make Dua and to the shrines of Awliya Allah for

seeking Allah’s Blessings and Intercession of the Saint?

Allah says in Quran 17:80 that there are helpers for the mankind from the

presence of Allah!

Only Iblees and Wahhabis claim direct access to Allah!!!

We do not wonder, your Shaikh is Satan and you are going to worship the

grave of the party of Satan like Pharaoh in Egypt and attacking Muslims when

they go to their Muslim brother’s grave!

This is the double face (character of Munafiq)!!

Page 25: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


Allah says to you: Sahih International

O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do?


to top

Sahih International

Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.


Irshad Hameed

I have no issue in accepting the family and perhaps even the lineage of the Prophet (PBUH) as culturally significant, but they do not form any basis of my shahadah nor yours. This is axiomatic and so I don’t see the

need to elaborate. In any event, you claim that Snake Nazim if of the Prophet’s (PBUH) family. What proof is there. In the absence of DNA

testing at the very least you have no certain way of confirming this

Page 26: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

charlatans identity. However, if his swearing is to be taken into consideration, he certainly cannot be of the Prophet’s (PBUH) lineage.

You claim that Sufism is part and parcel of Islam. What preposterous nonsense!:-) Where in Islam do we find mad dancing in the Masjid,

grave worship or 10 pound tickets to Paradise. Some Sufis don’t even claim to be Muslim. Check the link below.


We have seen this video fo Al jazeera!

AlJazeera is not a reliable source in Islam!, if they have evidence that Shaykh

Nazim asked for 10 Million, then bring it!

Aljazeera is Hypocrite!, do they do any program for free?

Are advertisements giving them millions?, they are funded by Zionist

companies!, And that is not a channel which follow Islamic shari’ah or ethics of


Just because the channel name is in Arabic , it does not make a reliable source!

Your sources are daif (Weak)!! Hahaha

And your words: “I have no issue in accepting the family and perhaps

even the lineage of the Prophet (PBUH) as culturally significant, but they

do not form any basis of my shahadah nor yours”

Who said it does not form the basis of Shahada (Faith)?

You and your filth wahhabi scholars (Bilal Philips and others) did not

undersatand the realities of tawheed!

Even though Bilal Philips Bark out loud!

Tawheed is not only Lailaha Illa Allah!, but must also totally believe in

those matters related to Muhammadu Rasoolullah (alaihiswalathu wa


Page 27: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


“Say, (O Muhammad) If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love

you and will forgive your sins; Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Suratu Aali Imran 3:31

Sura Hujurath: “Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for

my near relatives…

Allah says, "Say: 'If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers,

your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the

commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye

delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving

in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah

guides not the rebellious." (9:24)

So this verses clearly shows that those who do not love Prophet and his

family are nearly reaching to unbelief , until they repent and Love and

respct ahlul bayt!

Prophet (alaihiswalathu wa salam said:

On the authority of Tamim Al-Dari that the prophet said:

"Religion is sincerity". We said: "To whom?" He said: "To Allah and His

Book, and His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their

common folk".

narrated by Muslim

Page 28: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

Imam Ahmad; Tirmidhi who denoted it sahih; Nisa'i and Haakim

narrated it from Muttalib bin Rabee’a that the beloved Prophet SallAllaho

Alaihi wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Baaraka wa Sallam said to Sayyiduna

Abbas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu

ح هلل هللا ئ ،

‘By Allah, Imaan (faith) will not enter the heart of a Muslim until he

loves you for Allah and for my relationship.’ [Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 1,

Page 342, Hadith 1780 | Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, Page 610, Hadith 3758

| Sunan Nisa'i, Vol. 5, Page 51, Hadith 8175 | Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol.

4, Page 85, Hadith 6960]

So it is clear that Love of Ahlul Bayt is necessary to enter faith in heart

and religion is sincerity to ahlul bayt

Muslim, Tirmidhi and Nisai narrated from Zaid bin Arqam that the

beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Baaraka

wa Sallam said

ذ هللا

‘I remind you of Allah (to fear Him) about my Ahl al-Bait.’ [Sahih Muslim,

Vol. 4, Page 36, Hadith 1837 | Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 492, Hadith

18780 | Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, Vol. 4, Page 62, Hadith 2357]

More than one narrations:

Tirmidhi, denoting it Hasan, and Tabarani narrated from Ibn Abbas the

the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa

Baaraka wa Sallam said

Page 29: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

ح هللا ع غذ هللا


‘Love Allah because of what He gave you from His blessings; Love me

because of the Love of Allah and Love my Ahl al-Bait because of my

Love.’ [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, Page 622, Hadith 3789 | Mustadrak al-

Hakim, Vol. 3, Page 162, Hadith 4716 | Tabarani in Al-Kabir, Vol. 3,

Page 46, Hadith 2638 | Bayhaqi in Shau'ab al-Iman, Vol. 2, Page 13,

Hadith 1378]

So Oh Wahhabi Shaitans (Bilal Philips ,Wajidi Akkari Abu Mussab) etc,

what is the realities of Tawheed then? , without loving and sincere to

Ahlul bayt and awliya Allah?

Tirmidhi, denoting it Hassan, and Haakim narrated from Zaid bin Arqam

that the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa

Baaraka wa Sallam said

ع : ب هللا ض ك

ح ظ ض،


‘Verily I am leaving in you that to which if you firmly hold onto you will

not go astray after me; The Book of Allah and my family the Ahl al-Bait.

These two will not be separated until they meet me at the Fountain (of

Kawthar), so look (take care) at how you deal with them after me.’

[Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, Page 626, Hadith 3788 | Mustadrak al-Hakim,

Vol. 3, Page 160, Hadith 4711]

Page 30: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


Irshad Hameed Irshad Hameed

For the record, you should realise that your snake nazim is an absolute

buffoon when on one hand he swears like a drun sailor and on the other

he claims to communicate with the Prophet (PBUH) over the telephone.

I wonder who pays the bills?

“So who is the true sincere servant of Allah? whom ALLAH saying in this

verse?If all Muslims are true servants of Allah, then why whole Muslims

struggling?, not finding help and support?Look at afghan.Africa,


I ask you which part of the sufi world is in perfect condition? Turkey is

perhaps the most secular country on the planet. If calamity is an

indication of erroneous faith, then Christianity is the correct faith

because the West is prospering with their Christian values.

Id really appreciate it if you would stop forwarding me Hadith which I

can read for myself and have read. Instead, a debate involves reasoning

in which you sir are found wanting.

Id let you bask in your ignorance.


As I stated about abusing Ahlul Bayt is a big sin and leading to Kufr until you

repent from it!

There is nothing called Sufi World (as a Sufi state), Great Ottomans the Khalifa

of Muslims, ruled 700 years with the flag of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam.

They were Hanafi and Sufi... and your ignorance does not mean that there was

no Islamic Golden age!

Also we stated, show us a single scholar in the classical Islamic history who

were not Sufi!

Page 31: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

And Shaykh Nazim did not say, he communicate with Prophet over telephone! Allah says in Quran:4:69 Yusuf Ali

All who obey Allah and the messenger are in the company of

those on whom is the Grace of Allah,- of the prophets (who

teach), the sincere (lovers of Truth), the witnesses (who testify),

and the Righteous (who do good): Ah! what a beautiful


So if Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani (Q.S) had the vision of Prophet

Muhammad (alaihiswalathu wa salam) as a great saint, grand

son and representative of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam, then

why you guys becoming jealous about it?

There are record that great scholars like Imam Suyuti (R.A) have

seen Prophet (A.S) in real life!

Learn more about religion before slandering and abusing Awliya


Hadith - Bukhari 2:468, Narrated Samura bin Jundab

Whenever the Prophet finished the (morning) prayer, he would face us and

ask, "Who amongst you had a dream last night?" So if anyone had seen a

dream he would narrate it. The Prophet would say: "Ma sha'a-llah"

Hadith - Bukhari 9:119, Narrated AbuHuraira

I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Nothing is left of the prophetism except Al-

Mubashshirat." They asked, "What are Al-Mubashshirat?" He replied, "The

true good dreams (that conveys glad tidings)."

Page 32: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


We hold, as Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani, Nawawi and Abu Musa al-Asbahani, that no

one possessed of a heart and mind can object to standing for the sake of the

Prophet, and that this is desirable and recommended not only in the time of

the Prophet but until the end of time. Observe that the hafiz Abu Musa al-

Asbahani died in 581, more than five centuries after the time of the Prophet,

and yet stands for him in the present tense and mentions "seeing him": this

seeing of the Prophet by the pious believers both in a sleeping and a wakeful

state is an attested fact in the Shari`a which has been mentioned by the

scholars, among them Shaykh al-Islam al-Faqih Ibn Hajar al-Haytami in his

Fatawa hadithiyya [Cf. Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, “Fatawa hadithiyya”, Cairo, Halabi,

1390/1970, p. 297]:

Some of these relations have been recorded in Suyuti's fatwa “Tanwir al-halak fi

imkan ru'yat al-nabi wal malak” (The illumination of intense darkness through the

possibility of seeing the prophet and the angels) in his “Hawi li al-fatawi”. We

have already mentioned in the section discussing the evidence that the Prophet

hears and sees us al-Haytami's answer in his “Fatawa hadithiyya” whereby it is

possible for Allah's Friends to meet the Prophet while awake in our time [Cf. al-

Haytami, “Fatawa hadithiyya”, p. 297].

They can also meet al-Khidr, as Sakhawi relates about Imam Nawawi: "It is well-

known that he (Imam Nawawi) used to meet with al-Khidr and converse with him

among many other mukashafat" [Cf. Al-Sakhawi, “Tarjimat shaykh al-islam qutb

al-awliya Abi Zakariyya al-Nawawi”, p. 33].

Ibn `Ata’ Allah in “Lata’if al-Minan” narrates from his teacher Abu al-`Abbas al-

Mursi that his teacher Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili said: “If I stopped seeing the

Prophet – upon him peace – for even one moment, I would consider myself no

longer a Muslim.”

Page 33: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

The illiterate Moroccan Ghawth `Abd al-`Aziz al-Dabbagh – hedied at age 39 –

said, as related by his student the Faqih and Imam`Ali ibn al-Mubarak in “Kitab al-

Ibriz” (“The Pure Gold”) – one of the treasure-books of Islam – that it is a

characteristic of the rank of Ghawth to see the Prophet while awake, at all times


Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If I stayed in prison as long as

Joseph stayed and then the messenger came, I would respond to his call (to go

out of the prison) ."


Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard the Prophet saying, "Whoever sees me in a

dream will see me in his wakefulness, and Satan cannot imitate me in shape."

Abu 'Abdullah said, "Ibn Sirin said, 'Only if he sees the Prophet in his (real)



Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, "Whoever has seen me in a dream, then no

doubt, he has seen me, for Satan cannot imitate my shape.


Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said, "A good dream is from Allah, and a

bad dream is from Satan. So whoever has seen (in a dream) something he

dislike, then he should spit without saliva, thrice on his left and seek refuge

with Allah from Satan, for it will not harm him, and Satan cannot appear in my



Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said, "Whoever sees me (in a dream) then

he indeed has seen the truth ."

Page 34: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

126 Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, "Who ever sees me (in a

dream) then he indeed has seen the truth, as Satan cannot appear in my



Irshad Hameed Irshad Hameed

For more of you sufi madness, consider the following links.

By the way, I have some friends who dance like that, when their drunk.

Your sheikh should catch up with them. With his swearing and their drinking and dancing, it’ll be an epic party!:-) By the way, it’s a sign of a coward to remove my comments and the link

on the facebook page and curse me in the darkness. Then again, Im not surprised, All you blokes are the same.

I pray that you and all your bandwagon would be ridden of your ignorance! Good luck!


who said singing,dancing and praising Allah and prophet in gathering is shirk

and bid'ah?

When Prophet entered in Madinah, the girls in Madinah sing tala' al badroo

alaina.. and all of them rejoice...

My friend u have no reasoning, you are an uneducated and ignorant creature

who is arrogant to learn with humble mind..!

Page 35: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

Kissing hand and feet of pious is not shirk and bid'ah!

Also religion is Islam, Imaan and Ihsan

Spirituality (Ihsan-Tasawwuf)has it's methods ...

Prove with shari'ah that something is haram which is doing in Naqshbandi

haqqnai way!

There are fake sufis also ..but I am not responsibile for them neither our


Only a fool judge entire sufi creed with one group!

Just like foolish west judging all Muslims as terrorists by looking at the deeds of

a few!

I thought u r an educated person

The scale of judgement in Islam is shari'ah!

So come and prove which act of sufi goes against shair'ah!

you even can't prove a single thing based on our reply!

Rather you bringing some links which naqshbandis have nothing to do with!

havn't u read sura Naas!

If evil jinns and spirits have such powers to harm men?

Dont u think that ALLAH has sent aid (17:80) to help mankind with good

spiritual powers to cure their internal sickness which is related to soul and

spirit ?

Wahhabi indirectly belive Satan and evil jinns and evil powers among man kind

are more powerful than Prophet and Awliya Allah...

When you accept Islam and pious ones are more powerful than Satan and his

party, then the spitiual support of Allah will come to you through the helpers

sent by Allah as stated in 17:80

the second video, the one who posted it are devil!

Page 36: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

He use music to make insult others, may be western language music!

I am laughing to see the sources u brouhgt!

see that music in second video, it is haram to use such music, especially to

slander Muslims who engage in Zikr and physical movement while in Zikr!

3rd video is not of our Shaykhs. i.e Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani and Sahibu Saif

Shaykh Abdul Kerim Al-kibrisi (Q.S)

Tomorrow you will take Al Qaeda suicide bomber's video and say to me: "Islam

is religion of devil and killing people"?

Is the way your judgement ?

Irshad Hameed

You are cracking me up, my ignorant friend!:-) I have demonstrated my point with ample Quranic evidence. If you choose to bask in your

ignorance, knock your self out!:-) One can only take the donkey upto the lake, if it chooses not to drink from it, you cant do anything about it.


the two Naqshbandi haqqani video links you gave of sufi dance,

No where in islamic Shari'ah says: you cannot rejoice by making zikr and dancing in the zikr

of Allah..

I can produce you hadiths

We need proof from authentic records of Islamic shari'ah that something is

haram, produce such evidences, and be a good boy

Your accusation against visiting graves are your posts are late: this matters are

refuted at:

and congrats you made a new blog

This is why I told you read this page completely and them come with hadiths

and links

Page 37: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


Quran, Sura Al Kahf tell the last ummah, shrines of pious Muslims are allowed

in the whole Islamic Prophets time!

Not pagans

The Ambassadors of Allah

But Quran Support to Build Masjid over the Grave of Pious people rather than

constructing a Just Building...

Sura Al-Kahf:Verse-21-Thus did WE make their case known to the people,that

they might know that the promise of Allah is True, and that there can be no

doubt about the Hour of Judgement,Behold they dispute among themselves as

to their affairs. Someone (Said),"Construct a building over them":Their Lord

knows best about them:Those who prevailed over their affairs said, "Let us

surely build a place of worship over them".

This is the translation from Abdullah Yusuf Ali's Quran Tafsir. This is a clear

evidence and and a proof against your claim.Allah want to make the case of

pious and righteous known to the world.

And Allah saying in next line those who prevailed best in their affairs (those

who acted the best) said to build a Mosque over their Grave.

Irshad Hameed

You must be seriously deluded, if you cant read and comprehend

something as elementary as not taking graves as places of worship and confusing it with visiting a graveyard. Tell you what mate. Go back to

school, improve your English and then we could have this conversation. Im not feeling charitable and so Im not going to simplify things for you.

Page 38: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that


Irshad Hameed

Yes I did, come up with the blog. Technology works both ways. Thank you though.


A fox jumped for grapes, he could not reach to the fruit and said: "grape is

bitter" and fox left

you are not here to assess my language or skills

But try to learn and take wisdom!

and to understand that you are not being a part of the major group of

Muslims, rather you following some deviant misguided sects emerged in the

past 18th ,19th and 20 centuries

Also a request, don't delete your blog, add all this coversations into it, pls for

the sake of Allah, atleast do it

Allah said in Sura Saff, that: "Allah hate a person when he advise people to be

righteous and forget in own self"

In your photo you stands near the grave of Pharoah-Pyramid

No Wonder, why you wahhabi filthy people visiting the grave of Pharaohs and

attacking Muslims , when they visit pious one's grave!

Wahhabism is religion of Pharaohs


Irshad Hameed

Page 39: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

I like a bit of an intellectual challenge, but frankly you're boring me with your disjointed intellectual simpleton logic.

Yes, since I posed next to a pyramid, according to you, I am endorsing the visit of the pharaoh's burial chamber. Your thinking leaves me in

awe!:-) By the very same yardstick of judgment, your profile pic has the crescent on it. Perhaps then you worship the 'moon god'!:-)

Do you see how childish your thinking is. Perhaps you need to leave this game for the big boys in your community. I'm not going to respond to you, until you come up with something that is firstly capable of

comprehension and secondly intelligent. Go back to school sweetheart!:-)



After the above message, this Wahhabi Shaitan blocked me!

I do nt wonder about it!, see the real Shaitan coming of his heart!

He is justifying visiting the grave of Pharoah (Pyramid)!!! And says to me: ,

your profile pic has the crescent on it. Perhaps then you

worship the 'moon god'!:-)

See how Shaitan fooling Wahhabis!, now the shaitan inside him saying I am

worshipping Moon God!

Look at any Muslim Masjid, you see everywhere the crescent moon in all big

Masjid ,regardless sunni sufi and salafi around the world!

The shaitan inside Irshaad Hameed says to the world: “Muslims are

worshipping moon god!”

And Attacking whole Muslims!

This is why Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al Jilani (Q.S) said:

“Those who do not have a Shaykh, their Shaykh is Satan”


Page 40: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that

[Quran 25:43] Have you seen the one whose god is his own ego? Will you be

his advocate?

[Quran 45:23] Have you noted the one whose god is his ego? Consequently,

God sends him astray, despite his knowledge, seals his hearing and his mind,

and places a veil on his eyes. Who then can guide him, after such a decision

by God? Would you not take heed?

Page 41: THE SHAYKH OF WAHHABIS IS SATAN fileFirstly, your missing the point of the video. Snake Nazim claims that he can swear because ‘the pen has been lifted for him’. This means that