Download - The secrets of the publishing industry and how you can get published in 4 weeks

Page 1: The secrets of the publishing industry and how you can get published in 4 weeks

The secrets to successful self-

publishingFrom idea to printed book in 4 weeks

Page 2: The secrets of the publishing industry and how you can get published in 4 weeks

Publishing 101

step 1: write a book

step 2: find a publisher

step 3: printing

step 4: sales & marketing

step 5: finances

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writingwhere to start?

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Getting it done

Create your book in normal word processing software (MS Word, Pages )

Don’t try to write it all in one weekend - set daily or weekly writing goals.

Novel: 50,000 words

Non-Fiction: 30,000 words

Children's books: focus on story line and illustrations

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30,000 words / 2000 words per day = 15 days of non-stop writing

70,000 words / 2000 words per day = 35 days of non-stop writing

Also take time for re-writing and editing work (proofreading for spelling and grammar can be done at 5-10 pages per hour, a more extensive edit can be done at 1 - 3 pages per hour. Assuming an average of 500 words per page)

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Publishing optionsit’s up to you

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How to publish your book

Traditional publishing

Self Publishing

Indie Publishing / Guided Self Publishing

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Traditional Publishing

Start with a book proposal (plot summary and first few chapters) to show what your book will be about

Include a query letter to your proposal package: Check out this book on writing query letters

Get an agent (who will take approx. 15% commission)

Agent will approach publishing houses to pitch your book

Writer has limited control over the process

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Self Publishing

No agent or publishing house required

No need for book proposal and pitching brief

Most popular self-service platforms: Amazon createspace, Lulu, Kindle direct publishing

Beware of publishing cost to prepare professional book (up to $30,000)

You keep full control of the process

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Guided Self Publishing

Benefits of both previous types: the reach and distribution of traditional publishing and the higher level of control of self-publishing

Upfront and clear knowledge of publishing cost, no hidden surprises for our guided self publishing services

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Printing options

Publishing and printing are two different things…

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Offset printing

Need to create printing plates for each book (expensive)

For large print runs (1000 books or more) this is the best quality option

Ideal for irregular layouts (page size, inserts, colour drawings)

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Print on Demand

Digital printing - directly from file

Ideal for books with Black & white text

Each book is printed after it is sold

Short print runs (up to 1000 books)

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No Printing

eBook options

Amazon Kindle

BN Nook

Apple iBook

Every ebook service has a different file type requirement (ePub, Mobi, PDF)

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FinancesHow much do you earn as author

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How much does is cost to make a book?

To create and publish a professional looking book you need to employ the services of the following professionals:

Copy Editor / Proof reader

Story Editor

Graphic Designer (for book cover and overall layout & design)

Technical support to re-format your book for different sales platforms

You also need an ISBN Number

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up to $30,000In terms of costs, pick and choose what you think you need. If you need an editor, but no

marketing, no audio, and no video trailer, then your costs will be cheaper. Without the video trailer and audio, my costs would’ve been about $20,000. Without an editor and marketing, my costs would’ve been closer to $5000. If I used Createspace to make my

cover and if I had done the design on my own, my costs would’ve been $0. !

-James Altucher on self-publishing his book-

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Royalty payments - traditional publishing

The author receives an advance which is to be paid back through their royalties.

(negotiated in your contract, but a rule of thumb is: ) Royalties - 10-15% on book price OR 10-15% on net revenue per book

Agent is paid 10 - 15 % from your royalties.

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Self publishing

Your book is for sale in a SINGLE sales channel. (e.g.

Amazon sales channel share is 40 - 60% of list price.

Amazon sales Fixed charges depends on page count.

Print charges = $0.012 / page

Your royalty payment is: Full price - Sales channel share - Fixed charges - print cost.

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Complete Publishing

Your book is distributed globally to 38,000 retailers and 220,000 libraries

We pay all catalog fees and distribution costs

Your royalty is 75% of net price (irrespective of where book is sold )

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Beware the returnsdon’t get caught out -

May book retailers reserve the right to return your book to the publisher when it doesn’t sell. While initially you may think the book has been

sold, you end up with unsold copies of your book and no royalty payments.

!Complete Publishing doesn’t allow books to be

returned, to ensure you have full insight into your sales numbers.

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So… what is The secret?

Self publishing doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive.

Let experienced publishers guide you through the process.

Your book looks professional - the cover looks great… nobody will even realise this

book is self published. Reap the financial benefits of self publishing

without the risks.

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Don’t wait until tomorrow for what you

can do today.

Talk to us about publishing your next book