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I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my

abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.











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calendarkiss the girl!

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captain hook's bootyCHALLENGE


Meet some Mermaids and get to know some key members who keep the club afloat!

Page 23 & 24


Find all the hidden doubloons throughout the newsletter before Captain Hook! Make sure to find all of them and beat him to the treasure on Page 25.


































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HEY, HEY CIRCLE K! Soaking sun and swimming days make everything in the universe all simultaneously give one big relaxing sigh of relief. It’s those days of hanging out with friends, finally getting caught up with that one drama, possibly earning a couple of dollar bills here and there, and voluntarily serving the community! Whether you are in Irvine or at home, there are endless amounts of service opportunities to make someone’s day. Get out there - get involved with Circle K’s many fellowships and services such as the upcoming District Summer Service Social (DSSS)! For those of you taking summer session: study hard, SERVE harder! Just because you’re inin school doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy a little summer vacation yourself. And what other better way to get that R&R besides service is reading the second edition of “The Second Star!” I hope you enjoy the fun, little additions that make the newsletter interactive and memorable of the past June/July events. With that said: eat, sleep, swim, serve, repeat. Bon appetit and enjoy!

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Words from the

Words from the

Summer. Summer. Summer. SUMMER. Tis’ the season for sun, shorts, swimming, and SERVICE! :D I hope you have all been enjoying your summer vacation! It’s been an amazing, fun-filled couple of months so far, and I know it’s only going to get better. From volunteering at UCI’s graduationgraduation commencement to painting houses to watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, this summer has been full of memories with very special people. With many more events to look forward to, including our District Summer Service Social (DSSS), there are so many memories just waiting to happen! But I hope you all don’t forget to continue serving our community. School may be over for some of us, but keep in mind that service never stops! So, if you ever feel like you’ve got no where to go or nothing to do, remember that Circle K will always be a place for you. If you feel like you need a friend, Circle K will be that friend for you. Circle K is the place where youyou will grow as a person and find friends that help you along that journey called Life. So, go grab that sunscreen, a friend, and get ready to live life with some service, leadership, and fellowship. _̂̂

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Hellloooo UCI CKI! :] My name is Leonne Chung, and I am your District Service Chair! I am going to be an incoming third year at UC Davis. Straight from the Bay Area... I love, love, LOVE animals and helping people, which is why I chose to go for District Service Chair - all for super service passion! I got into Circle K because it was the natural path to follow after Key Club. However, I stayed because of how genu-inely passionate everyone is about serving, the spirit, and how supportive everyone is. I guess the one thing you should know about me is that I am the BIGGEST Mickey Mouse fan you will ever meet. LOLOLOLOL..LOLOLOLOL... I am told by multiple CKIers I am in the wrong division. Well, let me say you guys have the most amazing, spirited club. I love going to district events and seeing you guys dominate with all your spirited passion and awesome cheers. You guys have an incredible president and lieutenant governor! Oh, and of course, my awesome friend and service committee member Kathy Dong. :] I can’t wait to meet you all at the District Service Summer Social and Fall Training Conference! :]

If you guys didn’t know, District Summer Service Social (DSSS) is in Santa Clara this year from August 16-19. It will be filled with super-awesome service projects that relate to our District Service Initiative: “Living Healthy, Living Life,” socials that will really keep you active, and workshops held by your fellow CKIers. I seriously cannot wait for DSSS as it will be my first! I hope to see many of you guys there!


WHAT DO THEY CALL US??HeyHey UC Irvine! You are about a month away until fall quarter starts so I hope you all are getting pumped up for orientation and recruitment! I am super excited to see what you all have planned for your Peter Pan Team, and I cannot wait to attend member orientation to see the creative video that you filmed! For those of you who are taking summer session (that includes me), I hope you are still making time for Circle K and for doing service around the community! There is so many projects out there, so I hope that you can make some time to participate. I know that you have a lot of socials planned too, so I hope that I I can make it out to some of them to spend some time with you! Summer will be over before you know it (BOO!), so we have to make the most of it and do all that we can. Speaking of that, I am really looking forward to this year’s District Summer Service Social (DSSS) in Santa Clara! I know a good amount of you are going, so I will definitely see you there! Thanks UCI and keep up the great work!

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nathan duongdcon

adrian franciscopublications

jessica nguyenmd&e/dcon

michelle nationdcon

anthony tranmd&e

goldie tangkiwanis family


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squirtle service squirtle service squirtle service squirtle service

squirtle service squirtle service squirtle service squirtle service

kathy dong, member

"DISS, DISS, District Service, you just got served!" What an awesome committee! Last year, I was a part ofDistrict Service Committee, and we called ourselves the District Intense Service Squad (DISS). I had a marvelous time working with Ally Bogan, our previous District Service Chair, and the rest of the committee from all oover CNH. As a District Service Committee member,we had a meeting almost every week and helped Ally plan service projects at DSSS, FTC, DLSSP, and DCON.

At first, it was so weird to only hear people through theconference call and chatting on Skype, but eventually, we all met each other, and that made our committee's bond closer. We even had v-necks with our group motto and and name and pictures of all of us as ninjas. This year, I decided to apply to District Service Committee again because I had such an awesome time last year that I wanted to help Leonne Chung, who was in DISS with me and is currently our District Service Chair, to take CNH to new service heights!

I reapplied and got a chance to do it all over again! This time, with new members which definitely meant a new experience with new friendships. The District Service Committee is also in charge of writing District Service InitiatiInitiative (DSI) proposals and educating the clubs in CNH CKI about the DSI. This year's DSI is Healthy Living, Living Life, which encourages everyone to be more aware about health and find creative service projects to implement the DSI.

TheThe past few months, the committee, now called, the Squirtle Service Squad, has been planning District Summer Service Social 2012. For 2 months, our committee helped Leonne plan socials, service projects, and workshops. I never organized workshops before so it was definitely fun to do something different and to also be in charge of my own idea of a service project. We will be asking members to help create cute aprons with recipe cards, which relates to our DSI. I am so happy to meet new people and to do new things. Because of the work and time we put into the committee, I got to closely work with my fellow committee members on DSI resources, workshops, and service ideas discussionservice ideas discussion. It is an awesome way to get to know how much people love service. I find itquite refreshing to see that within two years, my experience in District Service Committee is totally not similar to each other. :) I can't wait for this upcoming year to help CNH CKI clubs realize their full service potential! Squirtle, Squirtle, service, service! <3



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stephanie nguyen, magic kingdom lieutenant governorCongratulations UC Irvine and Magic Kingdom Circle K on another successful year of

leadership, fellowship, and service! It was a pleasure to be attending ICON as your LTG. Here are all the Magic Kingdom awards that were recognized at ICON:

1. Gold Division Miles Award: California-Nevada-Hawaii District 2. Distinguished District: California-Nevada-Hawaii District

3. Ruby Division Growth Enhancement Membership: 1st Place Saddleback College 44. Diamond Division Growth Enhancement Membership: 4th Place UC Irvine

5. Silver Division Total Achievement: 1st Place CSU Fullerton 6. Outstanding Website: 3rd Place UC Irvine

7. Traditional Scrapbook: 1st Place CSU Fullerton 8. Eliminate Project Award: 3rd Place UC Irvine 9. Distinguished Lieutenant Governor: Michael Tung 10. Distinguished Chair Award: Ally Bogan (Service)

1111. Distinguished Editor: Virginia Mac 12. Circle of Service Award: Camille Goulet and John Woodall

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meet the new subregion b trustee!Ryan Ocampo

U-UC-UCI!!!I am very proud and honored to be serving one of the loudest and prestigious clubs in THE loudest and most awesome district in Circle K International. My name is Ryan Max Ocampo, and at this past ICON 2012 in New Orleans, I was given the responsibility of representing you and all of CNH, along with our sister districts RocRocky Mountain and Southwest, as the International Trustee of Subregion B. I will serve as the conduit of information between the International board to these three mighty districts and in turn provide a voice for you to the International Board. I hope to bring visibility and recognition to all the great achievements this subregion will accomplish this year and increase our interaction and invol our interaction and involvement with clubs all over our organization. I hope that you will join me in this endeavor, as I will need the strength of clubs like yours to spread the infectious disease we have all caught: service. Your spirit will be a necessary driving force in helping our organization grow and become the best collegiate- based service organization worldwide. You are all awesome and I am very proud to serve you.If you would like to contact me, please don’t hesitate to do so at any of the below:[email protected](702) 577-7628(702) 577-7628Skype: Ryan.max.ocampo

Finally my fellow CKI’ers, please don’t forget about LSSP/ ICON 2013 in Vancouver! I met some very influential individuals at this past ICON including your own Michael Saechao. His passion and love for our club is truly motivational and he is an excellent model of an involved Circle K’er. Also, CNH’s own Kevin Goble (Desert Oasis LTG) is the LSSP 2013 chair so you can bet it will be an amazing event. Get your passports and I’ll see you in Canada!


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On June 20, 2012, Liz Ly created an assembly of extraordinary citizens of different majors, races, hometowns, and backgrounds; she created the Circle K Video Orientation Crew. The members of this crew all united for one simple reason: to create an Orientation Video for the upcoming school year’s Circle K OrienOrientation to attract new members and entertain returning members that also educated members about the goal of the club, that was funny, that centered around our club’s theme of Peter Pan, and that was not too inappropriate for the new members. Liz Ly was assisted by her past MD&E predecessors, Ronald Luu and Anthony Tran, and for about a week, the members of this crew gathered in front of Panda Express to create the script. The process was far from simple; props had to be discovered, members had to be contacted, roles had to be decided, and time had to be sacrificed. Even though it was a lot of work, the crew was left with countless moments of laughtemoments of laughter, some amazing memories, a song for the video, and a script that I’ll just call interesting for the time being. The filming itself started a week or so later. Lany Dao, in charge of the costumes, had made a fantastic Peter Pan costume for Sam Barke, and we managed to get just about everything we needed in time for the filming including a moustache, a beard, top hat, a hook, wings, a red coat, and more. People all over the campus and the city had their eyes upon us when we were filming, and no, it was neither because we were all dressed in tights, onesie pajamas, beards, wigs, and mermaid costumes nor was it because we were yelling in the park or walking around with a cardboard boat; they were staring at us because they knew we were about to make greatgreatness. We traveled to the Mason Regional Park, scaled the notorious Turtle Rock, and even gathered at the infamous Whomping Willow Tree. I don’t want to spoil too much of the video but we have Elmore Villaruel and Adrian Taruc singing a duet in skin-tight onesies, we have Charmaine Deomampo pretending to brush her hair - the most beautiful hair in Circle K, Lisa Jung in a banana suit, Imran Ahmed as an Indian chief, Lany Dao with a mustache, Joshua Tubs Lee dressed up as a sexy Swedish Mermaid, and we have Mayra Escobar speaking English! The first week of filming was hilarious, but unfortunately, the fun could not last for too long. Midterms came and members of the crew were forced to study, Lany Dao one of the main characters in the video got sick, and MD&E Liz Ly was taken away to a far off land. She promised to find a way back in two months, so we all agreed that in two months we would all assemble once again to finish our mission. We all agreed but questions lingered in the back of everybody’s minds: Would everyone look the same? Would anybody shshave their head? Would anybody go through plastic surgery? Would everybody still fit in their costumes? And most importantly, would we finish the video in time? To Be Continued…

member orientation video filming


member orientation video filmingMD&E

ronnie nguyen, member

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international convention2012

metromagicjuly divisional council meeting


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On July 15, the club had a BIG hiking social, which was a lot of fun! We hiked a 10-mile trail called Sheep Mountain aka Bridge to Nowhere Trail located in the San Gabriel Mountains near Azusa. We arrived to the trail at about 10 AM, and we were all eager to start. The weather was nice, the sun was \shining, and the birds were out flying- perfect weather. The trail was very adventurous as we walked through streams and hiked up mountains. While walking through a stream and using the rocks as a bridge, I felt my foot get stuck and knew that the worst was about to come, the whole thing was in slow motion... I fell into the water! I admit I was pretty embarrassedadmit I was pretty embarrassed, but having fallen into the water was very refreshing. The trail was not too tough since we got to take many small breaks to cool down. Once we reached “the bridge to nowhere” everyone was happy and excited to have completed half of the journey. Nonetheless, a few of us noticed that there was more to the trail. We hiked up along a mountain and ended up reaching a big stream that was large enough for us to swim! As we were returning, we saw a ginormous, terrifying, exotic ram! This, however, did not stop us from returning back home. As we made our way back, the night was nearing which motivated us to walk faster. Once we reached the parking lot, we were all exhausted and happyhappy to have completed such an arduous task. This journey was thrilling and full of memories; this is a story ready to be told to all of our children, grand children, and everyone we know.

mirka murillo, member





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sam barke, spirit&socialFEATURED FELLOWSHIP

ikea breakfast& scavenger HuntWhat better place for a Circle K social than IKEA? The Sweddish born store, known well throughout America for its ready-for-assembly-furniture and it’s , was more than just a furniture store that day; It was UCI Circle K’s playground! The morning of August 22nd would be spent exploring the vast and labyrinth-esque set up of Ikea’s furniture selections and feasting on its famous cheap and tasty food. While the scavenger hunt portion of the whole shindig did not go under way, everyone definitely enjoyed a breakfast fit for a king but cheap enough for the average joe to buy. Their breakfast (which was once 99 cents but has sadly now risen to a whopping $1.99 [sad face]) included a mouth watering plate full of eggs, french toast, and hash browns (on some days it even includes bacon or sausages). Other treats included a Buffalo Chicken Wrap combo, Sweddish meatballs, and cream cakes. Shortly after, we made our way through the maze like environment of IKEA, often taking breaks to check out the different varieties of Kitchen, Living room and Bedroom models and other appliances available, and even stopped to sleep on occasional couches and beds for some well needed cat naps . The best part by far of the whole thing was coming across the children’s section of IKEA; walking through the area was a blast to the past for everyone, and the brightbright colors and child sized furniture made everyone want to relive their childhood again. The morning ended with a trip to IKEA’s Café area for their infamous 50 cent hotdogs, a buy worth every penny! While the social was fun, we were hoping for a better turnout; but we are planning on having another one come fall, geared towards new members who want to go furniture shopping, eat some good food, and to just have a great time with Circle K.

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Some men work all their lives to play in the World Cup, others for the Super Bowl, and some the NBA Play-offs, but I, I have been working hard for the past 19 years of my life to play in the infamous Circle K Basketball Social. Arriving on the courts of that fateful day, I could tell that my competition was going to be tough. Veteran Elmore Villaruel was there along with Ryan Leung the gigolo, the competition winning Mirka Murillo, Annie Phung the swimmer, Esperanza Perez the newcomer, and Timmy Luong the strong, along with the dynamic duo Andrew Duong and Arlene Ho and spectating was Adrian Francisco! Oh yeah and Sam Barke was there too! We played several games and everybody played hard. Brian Chew, Enoch Chen, and Kevin Magic Lam also arrived after a few games and joined in too. Honestly, everyone was amazing. These Circle K members played rough though! People got poked in the eye, people were hugging each other, and feet were stepped on, and people were all falling and what not! But what would you expect, this is the Circle K Basketball social after all these guys weren’t kidding and neither was I. At one point, I was running my hardest to beat these guys down the court and score but my legs just cramped up so I just let the ball roll and I laid on the floor. I told myself, “Ronnie, this is your timetime to shine! You have been practicing for this game your whole life! Don’t be a loser!” After that inspirational self-speech, I got up, acted strong, and pretended nothing was wrong. I cramped up again and laid on the floor after five minutes… I think everybody ended up scoring or had some small moment where their skills were shown, it was incredible really. Some of the top players were Ryan Leung, Elmore Villaruel, Mirka Murillo, and Andrew Duong. Ryan scored almost every time he got into the key because no one could match his height, Elmore and Mirka had some amazing drives throughout the whole game, and Andrew Duong had the most jump shots out of everyone. Once againagain, everyone did well but I can’t go on and describe how everyone did because it would take too long. However, I will bring up the story of Brian Chew who was very hesitant to play because he did not know how. He joined one of the later games and scored his first shot which was also a tie breaker! I am telling you these games were intense and that is why the Circle K Basketball Social is so infamous! After those intense games, we played Chinese Horse, in which each player only had one life (because horse in Chinese is only one character). The final three of the game were Timmy Luong, Sam Barke, and Ryan Lueng. After a long fight, Timmy Luong soon got out. For the fatality, Ryan Leung made a shot where he threw the ball up in the air took off his shirt, caught the ball in the air and shot it. Sam Barke tried, we gave him three attempts, but he just couldn’t take his shirt off in time to properly catch the ball. We believe that the reason Ryan Leung was able to make the shot so easilywas because of the gigantic shirts he wears, but that is for a different story! All in all, the day was really really fun! I honestly cannot remember who won what games or how many games my teams won but that doesn’t really matter. The fact that I had fun and that I had fun with all my Circle K friends is simply enough! *coughwonthreeoutoffourgamescough*

ronnie nguyen, member

mesa court basketball social


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class 302 social





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DIVISIONAL EVENT On June 30, 2012, UC Irvine Circle K got a little messy with some paint and fun with Circle K-ers from all over Magic Kingdom and members from other clubs like UCLA and UCSC who were in the area for the summer! This great summer event was hosted by California Young Professionals (CAYP), a branch of Kiwanis for those who still want to be involved with Kiwanis family after Circle K. A week before the painting, CACAYP and Circle K members had a Preparation day where we cleared out the area so it would be easier for people to paint the house later on! It was wonderful to see how many Circle K members bonded just by wearing casual clothing and hold-ing paintbrushes to paint. Teamwork totally took place as everyone cleaned brushes, shared paint, and protected each other from falling off the ladders when people were painting hard to reach places. This event was awesome because we got to see the action on making a difference in the community first hand. The house certainly looked a lot better after all the hard work. On the hottest day, Circle K members still put on a smile and worked harder than ever in order to beautify the house. One of my favorite parts was meeting friends I have not seen in forever! I even met a fellow District Service Committee membemember, Brian. Circle K always has its perks where friends come together for the service and leave super satisfied for brightening someone's life. Paint Your Heart Out really made my day because it is the constant reminder on how much I love service and Circle K. I can't wait for the next Paint Your Heart Out so I can pretty up another home!

kathy dong, member


paint your heart out

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sam barke, spirit&social Almost a whole year in the making, the 13th Annual Zot Fest was the best one yet; over 200 attendees showed up, and the area outside of HIB 100 where Zot Fest, UCI’s film festival, mimicked an actual movie premier; The immediate area was adorned with lights, a shining red carpet lay before theater entrance, and a sponsor background similar to those found at actual red carpet events was present, allowing attendees to take endless picturesendless pictures. Zot Fest is supported by UCI’s film school and put on fully by the students of the Zot Fest Committee of FADA, the Film Arts and Drama Association of UCI, better known as the Film club to people outside of the FMS (Film and Media Studies) community. The festival allows FMS students to submit films (non FMS students are allowed to submit as well) to showcase their hard work and spread the word about UCI’s movie making comcommunity. This year, 60 films were submitted, though a very tough screening process compiled of alumni, faculty, and other judges allows only the top 16 films to be shown. None the less, the tough screening process gives the film makers chosen the drive to work harder on their projects for next year. Zot Fest lasted for nearly 6 hours; viewers gathered in front of the HIB lecture hall starting around 4, and were able to mingle with other guests and film makers. Movie screenings began at 5 pm and lasted until almost 7:30pm, and attendees were treated to a buffet dinner and live entertainment after the viewings were over. During this time, people could mingle and vote for their favorite movie. Closer to 9:00 pm, a ceremony was heldheld that awarded film makers for categories such as “best screen play”, “best director” and so on. As a member of both FADA and the Zot Fest committee, it was great to have Circle K’s support that night. The UCI film community has grown immensely in the past few years, and while it’s shadowed in glory of other big film schools including USC and UCLA, it aims to hopefully become a major school known for film. It was good to know that we had support outside of the film community, and that people cared enough to stay and helphelp for a long period of time even when they did not have to. While I was working a lot of Pre-Zot Fest stuff earlier in the day, members Ronnie Nguyen, Brian Chew, and Enoch Chen came and dedicated 8 hours of their day to Zot Fest. I am very happy they did so and I am very proud of them, and I hope that next year will be get the same dedication from Circle K!

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zot fest

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Where can a person find moving cat ears, Avengers, and more Pocky than anyone knows what to do with all in one place? An anime convention, of course! Meeting up early, a few Circle K members piled into a car to go to Anime Expo, the nation’s largest anime convention, based in Los Angeles. After getting our convention passes, we headed over to the volunteer headquarters and waited to be assigned shifts. Our first assigned shift was registration, and we even got bright yellow vestsvests to wear. When we got out of the volunteer headquarters, though, we were really amazed! When we had come, the convention was empty, but at this point, there were so many people, and so many dressed up in cosplay, or costumes based on games or anime! We couldn't stop to take pictures, though, as we headed over to our assigned station. Our group was somewhat separated, as some people handed out goodie bags to conventioneers while others directed them intointo lines. Some had to deal with confused people, and one even had to jump to be able to help them! We even met up with other circle k members who went to the convention for fun, or even to staff the convention. After we finished this shift, we headed back over to the volunteer headquarters to be assigned another shift. This time, how-ever, our group of volunteers was split up even more! While we were assigned to different parts of the convention, such as panel rooms or to the VIP signature area, our jobs seemed to be very similar; we were human barricades, not letting people pass certain points or counting people to be able to go into the rooms. Here, we encountered different conventioneers, from understanding ones to really cranky ones. Despite any turmoil, though, we all came out from it in the end, and I even received a free fan for one of the troubles in my area! With all our required volunteer hours finished with, we then had time to eexplore the convention ourselves! Some of us headed over to the dealer's hall and artist's alley, while some of us went to watch anime screenings. One person in our group even took pictures with cosplay-ers, seeking out the ones he really liked! Walking around the artist's alley, where artist's sold their original art or crafts, some of us were tempted to buy artwork and buttons, and some did succumb to the temptation, walking out of the convention with wallets lighter and bags heavier. The time came for the convention to close, however, so Circle K headed out, leaving after about six hours at the convention. For many of us, this was our first time there, but I hope it isn't our last! Hopefully we'll return to Anime Expo next year to experience and help out more of the convention!

ANIME EXPO 2012samantha ho, single service


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oc fair book drivewith Early Literacy Program

rachel espejo, member What's better than going to the Orange County Fair on a fine lovely after-noon? The kind act of service by donating a few children’s books before entering the fair! The OC Fair decided to hold weekly promotional days named “We Care Wednesdays” to give visitors a chance to give back to the community in return for a free admission to enjoy their day at the fair. And on July 25th, the promotion was dedicated to a children’s book drive, teaming up with Think Together - who UCI CKI’s very much familiar with due to one of our regular weekly service evevents, Book Doctor. A handful of UC Irvine Circle K members drove down to the OC fair to help out at the book drive. When we arrived, our tasks were divided into a sort of assembly line: Collect & count the books, pack them into boxes, then stack and wrap them up. Book after book… There were so many! I believe the expected total of books to be collected was around 60,000… Think of all the new books the children at Think Together will be able to read due to the overpowering generosity! That thought was definitely something stuck in my head as I packed upup the books, box after box. There were moments when the number of books donated would overflow the tables they were being set upon - it was quite over-whelming. The donation time ran from 12-4PM, and even after the closing time, people were still insisting on donating their books regardless of not receiving the free ticket incentive. It was so heartwarming to see. At the end of the day, what made this service project even more memorable was the fact that service made a full circle – people kept donating books, we kept packing them up, and they ultiultimately got shipped over to the Orange County Book Bank to be shared with children.

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One of our goals this year as a club is to interclub more with other Circle K clubs in the area and support our brother and sister clubs in our Magic Kingdom division. When Chapman University Circle K asked our division for help with their local Kiwianian event, we were more than happy to bring in the numbers like we have always done in the past. The amazing part about this event is how family oriented it can be. Not only do you meet CIrcle Kers, but you get to meet Key Clubbers, who were high school level club members like us, and of course meet the Orange Kiwanians. We all work together as onone big family to serve to the community as they enjoy the free annual concert in Hart Park on a open field of grass, hence "concert on the green." Everyone was able to pick a station of their choice, either serving refreshing drinks, taking orders for the grill such as hot dogs, hamburgers, baked potatoes and grilled corn; making snow cones with a variety of flavors; popping popcorn, making nachos, and selling all sorts of candy! All proceeds generated from this fundraiser helps fund the Kiwanians to help out they sponsored Key Clubs, Circles Ks and charities of their choice. If you have time, please join us every Wednesday afternoon or night until August 29th, to mingle with our big Kiwanis family and enjoy the fun summer

music and smiles you can bring to the community!

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orange kiwanis club

concertson the green

karen truong, secretary

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Last minute service projects are usually very difficult to arrange and often are not successful, this service project was a surprising exception to the rule. We had gotten an email from a member of the Chamber of Commerce and our local Kiwanis Club President asking for our help just a few days before the Saturday event. A series of complications involving losing my phone and miscommunication made this event seem destined to fail, as the event chair and Kiwanis Family Chair I was anticipating the need for an apologetic phone call explaining why we our complication and the how it was unlikely wewe could attended the event. I showed up to our meeting location, no one was there. I was sure I would have to cancel, then one car showed up. “We’ve been trying to call you.” Oh that makes sense, I didn’t have my phone. After borrowing a phone calling around, sending addresses, we had even more people on their way to the service project! I couldn’t believe it, from no one signed up to almost eight! We were helping set up a Casino Night Fundraiser at a place called Hennessey Performance; it was a super car performance shop with all kinds of really cool cars and trucks on display. It was definitely one of thethe coolest places I’ve volunteered at. We spent most of the time blowing up balloons with helium tanks. I let go of two balloons, one Kiwanian joked “that’s coming out of your pay.” Needless to say it was fun hanging out at such a cool location, doing service and bonding with friends.

casino night set-up

john delshadi, kiwanis family


lake forestkiwanis club

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Independence Day: the day that America was declared independent from Great Britain. To commemorate this holiday, many American families celebrate with picnics, parades, fireworks, and other such summer festivities. The Lake Forest Kiwanis were no different, and they celebrated Independence Day with a pancakepancake breakfast. Three cars full of Circle K volunteers arrived at El Toro High School to help with the event. Members of Saddleback College Circle K, Chapman College Circle K, Santa Ana College Circle K, and a few members from Cal State Fullerton’s Circle K greeted us. Volunteers were given a delicious plate of pancakes and sausages before we were assigned our tasks. This pancake breakfastbreakfast was different than others I have helped with because the Kiwanians assigned us water-selling duties. The City of Lake Forest was hosting an annual Independence Day Parade and volunteers were needed to sell water along the parade route. Circle K membersmembers had the chance to work with the Boys Town organization and sell the water. This Independence Day was different because the weather was cloudy and there wasn’t the usual summer heat; this was a challenge for us but we took the challenge and ran with it (literally). After we decorated our “Authorized“Authorized Kiwanis Vehicle” with red, white, and blue decorations and American flags, we packed out carts with ice and water bottles began our trek along the parade route. My team included an energetic member of Boys Town and Eric from Saddleback College Circle K. This event had a combination of service, leadershileadership, and fellowship, not to mention the great workout we got from pushing the carts up and the down the hill that outlined the parade route. We hit a bit of a bump when a church organization was giving out free water while we were selling ours, but we continued and sold quite a few water bottles at the end of thethe day. What did I learn at the end of the day? Don’t “split the pole” (according to Nathan Magtoto) and a little enthusiasm goes a long way when it comes to selling water on a cloudy summer day.

page 22 the second star | JUNE JULY edition

lake forestkiwanis club

pancake breakfastmichelle ha, single service


Page 23: The Second Star - June July Edition


AMY YU2nd year// undecided-undeclared


MAY MEMBER OF THE MONTH june MEMBER OF THE MONTHronnie nguyen2nd year// information& computer science

Page 24: The Second Star - June July Edition


page 24 the second star | JUNE JULY edition

1. What do you love about Circle K?Everything! I love the people, the socials, and the service projects.2. What inspires you to do what you do?I just like helping others 3. You are given any four course meal of your choosing. What would it be?Cheesecake Factory's bread and butter. Clam Chowder. Almost any type of IItalian food. Cheesecake Factory's cheesecake.4.Favorite thing to do in your free time? Why?I love to bake in my free time because I love to try new recipes and share the baked goods with family and friends.

1. What do you love about Circle K?What I love about the club is the fact that the club is full of so many different and amazing people, yet we can still all come together to try to make a difference in the world. This just shows how in the club we can put away our past or our differences for at least an hour or two, just to do some good. 2.What is your favorite Circle K moment?HoHonestly, I have a great time at every single Circle K event or social I go too. Just being with the awesome people in the club leaves me with a smile at the end of the day and it makes everything I go to a "favorite moment."3. Besides Circle K what other organizations are you in or looking forward to join? I am also in the R.A.P. club. It stands for Ronnie is the Awesomest Person club. It's apparently the largest club in the entire world with nearly 4 billion members and I hear great things about its president.4. Favorite thing to do in your free time? Why?Go to Go to my local DMV and stare at the screen announcing what number is next. It's a very calming yet suspenseful activity; sometimes you are sure that it'll be one number but then some guy with an appointment swoops in and then it's his turn! I usually go very early in the morning so I can get the best seats and occasionally, when I feel like living on the edge, I camp out in front.

Page 25: The Second Star - June July Edition


captain hook's bootyDid you find all 33 DOUBLOONS when exploring the newsletter? If you did, Congratulations! You have

discovered the treasurable knowledge of Circle K Service!


Circle K International was first chartered at University of California, Irvine in 1965! Sometime during the 1970s, the club had went inactive, but was rechartered

in 1979.

The 2012-2013 school year marks the 33rd year of continuing service here on our campus!


THe Last Weeks of SummerWatch the SunsetGo HikingFamily OuttingsMake an Epic Ice Cream SundaePoolside ReadingSport PracticeBike Exploration

THe Last Weeks of Summer

Bike ExplorationWaterballoon Frenzy

StargazingLate-Night Kayaking8 HOURS OF SLEEPSkill-BuildingRest and RelaxationBeachside ExerciseM

THe Last Weeks of Summer

Movie MarathonCollecting New MusicExplore CitylifeSkydivingRockclimbingVisit a WaterfallDolphin WatchingROADTRIPROADTRIPVolunteer/SERVICE!


[2] Bottom of the Mermaid[3] Beside Captain Hook

[4] Behind Adrian Francisco's Picture

[5] Above the "I" in Stephanie Nguyen

[6] On top of the car in the [6] On top of the car in the banner

[6] Goldie Tang's Picture[7] Behind Kathy Dong's card[8] On the CNH Logo[9] Beside MD&E[9] Peter Pan's Belt

[10] Left Side of the Page[10] Left Side of the Page[11] On the back of the backpack in the banner[12] Bottom of the Page[13] Foul Line in the Top

Picture[14] Behind Mr. Smee[15] [15] First Picture under Divisional Event

[16] Right Side of the Page[18] Picture #1[18] Picture #2[18] Picture #3[18] Picture #4[18] Picture #5[18] Picture #5[18] Picture #6

[19] Mermaid's Headband[19] Nana's Dog Collar[19] Sam Barke's Forehead[20] Beside Writer's Name[21] On the Balloon in the [21] On the Balloon in the

Center Picture[22] Behind Picture #1[22] Behind Picture #4[23] On the Trident

[23] Neptune's Bracelet[24] Amy Mermaid's Hip

doubloon locations


turtle rock

irvine spectrum


diamond jamboreeorange

county beaches

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Page 27: The Second Star - June July Edition

special thanks for june/july edition:

Samantha Ho for Graphic Aid &Picture Selection

Brian Chew for Media AssistanceMichelle Ha for Assistance inin Article Collection

June/July ZOTicle Writers:

Samuel BarkeRonnie NguyenLouna NguyenKathy Dong

Samia ChowdhuryJohn DelshadiStephanie NguStephanie NguyenMirka Murillo

Karen TruongSamantha HoRachel EspejoMichelle HaSarina SaldanaLeonne ChungRyan OcampoRyan Ocampo


Page 28: The Second Star - June July Edition

contacts Website facebook group flickr tumblr

UC Irvine Circle K

NameSarina SaldanaMayra EscobarAmy HoangKaren TruongElmore VillaurelAdrian Adrian FranciscoConnie PhanRyan LeungJohn DelshadiSamia ChowdhuryElizabeth LyTanya LuuCharCharmaine DeomampoNathan MagtotoKevin LamMichelle HaSamantha HoLany DaoSam BarkeBrian ChBrian Chew

PositionPresidentAdmin. Vice PresidentService Vice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerBulletin EditorBulletin EditorFundraisingFundraisingKiwanis FamilyKiwanis FamilyMD&EMRPPPublic RelationsPublic RelationsScrapbookSingle ServiceSingle ServiceSpirit/SocialSpirit/SocialTTechnology

Cell Phone(562) 472-6643(323) 810-1692(949) 293-6522(408) 960-4422(310) 626-5523(916) 698-1495(916) 698-1495(408) 315-9463(559) 281-1187(949) 636-4569(909) 913-2573(626) 321-0992(408) 483-6883(949) 395-1173(949) 395-1173(702) 544-1443(714) 548-5270(909) 226-0193(408) 896-6344(714) 548-8371(310) 951-9038(760) 688-8216(760) 688-8216

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@uci.eduucickitech@[email protected]

the second star | JUNE JULY edition