Download - The Second Coming. I CORINTHIANS 15 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling.

Page 1: The Second Coming. I CORINTHIANS 15 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling.

The Second Coming

Page 2: The Second Coming. I CORINTHIANS 15 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling.

I CORINTHIANS 15 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall

sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on

incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed

up in victory.

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I THESSALONIANS 4 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain

unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the

archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in

the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with

these words.

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38-1 I wonder if we all tonight could look and see what Barabbas saw, Someone taking

our place? He was wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities; the

chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes I was healed. You were healed. Wonder if we, the guilty ones, who should be sick, can see in Him our deliverance? You who should go to hell; see in Him in

your freedom, your pass to heaven. Wonder if you can see what Barabbas saw on

that day?

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He said, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." Oh, church, then if He said, "You shall see Me," it's proof

that you can look again. "You'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the

world."How do you see Him? At the Word. He is

the Word. Look at the Word, and see what the promise is, for He's the same yesterday,

today, and forever.

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38-4 What He was when He walked in Galilee, is the same thing He is tonight in Jeffersonville, the same thing He is at the

Branham Tabernacle.What do you look to see? A founder? A

denominational man? You will never see it in Jesus. Do you look to see some great priestly... You'll never see it in Jesus. No. How do you see

Jesus? By the Word of God being made manifest, because He was the manifested

Word of God. What He was then, He is tonight, and will be forever.

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209 But the world wants--wants their messiah. The world wants one. The church

wants one. And what if God sent them one? If God sent a Messiah, what would He be? He

would not be a religious politician. He would not be an intellectual giant, as we'd call it. Oh, no.What would He be? He'd be like Hebrews 13:8, the same that He was. He's always been. He'd be the Word of God made manifest. That's exactly. He was God's Word; He is God's

Word; He'll forever be God's Word.

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Even the--the sounding forth of His coming was always the prophets who the Word came

to. Here the Word come in Fullness.And now if He'd come again today, He would be a--a Word of God, manifested Word of God, vindicated Word of God, God living among us. That's the Messiah. He promised it. Amen.

He'd be that Pillar of Fire again. He'd be the same Messiah that led Israel. Amen. He'd be

the same Messiah.

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Now, in the days of Noah, that was Christ that was in Noah. That was Noe--was Christ that was in Moses. Look, he was born at a

time of--born to be a prophet. And he was put in a bulrush. And just as Christ had to be taken out of the country, 'cause of slaughtering all the children. And when he come out in the wilderness, the law-giver and--and priest, a

prophet, and so forth. Everything foreshadowed Christ exactly on down through the prophets, as they prophesied.

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E-42 Now, we see, He... God, then, identifying Himself in all ages, how? How did He

identify Himself now? What characteristic did He use? His same characteristic from the

beginning: manifesting His Word, making His Word to live. That's the identification:

the promised Word of that age.

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3 Comings

•To Redeem

•To Receive

•To Sojourn

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E-20 Jesus is, perhaps (I'd like to think it like this. I couldn't say.), already left glory, coming down among the stars and so forth, moving

down to the earth. One of these days, maybe today yet, the church that He's never seen yet, only as the Holy Spirit

bore witness to it... See?

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Page 15: The Second Coming. I CORINTHIANS 15 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling.


And He's on His road now, I believe, left the ivory palaces, coming down through

to receive His bride. Then we are caught up in the air to meet the Lord. Is that right? Then

we go in for the wedding like Isaac did to Rebekah. And then, when they came out from the wedding ceremony he was possessor. And

then when Jesus comes again with His bride, to reign on the throne of David, His Father, in the millennium, He will come with her

then as King and queen.

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168 Jesus said, in Saint Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, that, "As it was in the days of Noah." He told about Noah's time.

And said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," see, His Coming, "so will it be in the days when the Son of man is being revealed." Now, He never

said "the Son of God" being revealed. "The Son of man!"

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Son of Man

Son of God

Son of David

Son of Man

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He's to return back into His Church, in physical form, in the people, in a... in human beings,

in the way of being a prophet. See?175 Now Jesus said, just before the Coming of the Son of God, or the Son of... the second Coming, that this age that we live through...

176 He come as Son of man, a prophet, because that fulfills the Scripture. Moses said,

"The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto me." We all know that was Jesus. Don't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So He

had to come according to the Scripture, a prophet. He never called Himself the Son of God; He called Himself the Son of man.

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177 But now He is, through the Church age now, He has been Son of God. In the Millennium He'll be Son of David, sitting on David's throne. But between this time, we find out by the Scriptures, He is to reveal Himself again

as Son of man, a prophet.

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178 Cause, the Word of the Lord comes to prophets only, never to theologians. It is to

prophets. And the Lord said He did nothing, in His unchanging Word we just talked about, until

first He shows His prophets. And the end time, them seven seals that this Bible has sealed up, the sevenfold mysteries of all of Christ, has to be revealed first, and it

can only be brought to a prophet.

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Now we can see that Jesus Christ is revealing Himself through the ages by His Spirit in the messengers. They are as Moses was to

the children of Israel. As he had the revelation for his day, so each messenger had God's

revelation and ministry for that day.

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Thus when we see that the messengers are in His hand, we see the Lord identifying

Himself with these men and granting them His power. It is not enough that He has

associated Himself with the whole church, which we saw when He was seen standing

amongst the seven golden lamp-stands. Nor is it even enough that we see the five fold

ministry of Ephesians 4 (apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors). For in each age

the church goes astray, and it is not just the laity but the clergy group--shepherds are

wrong as well as sheep. Then God brings Himself on the scene as the Chief

Shepherd in the ministries of these seven men to lead His people back to the truth and

the abundant power of that truth.

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God is in His people--all of His people, for if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His. And He is the Word. That would be the Word recognized in the people. But He has placed a special leadership in these men of His own choosing and through the determined counsel of His own will. They appear once in

each age. It is the same Spirit in them.

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What a far cry is this from the heresy of Rome. They have a man of their own choosing--one after the other--none producing the power of God--none abiding in the Word of God--each one differing from the one before him and

adding what he desires as though he were God. God is not in it. But He is in His messenger and he who would have the fullness of God would follow the messenger as the

messenger is a follower of the Lord by His Word.

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EPHESIANS 1:10 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven,

and which are on earth; even in him:

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ROMANS 14:9 9 For to this end Christ both died, and

rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

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JOHN 11 25 Jesus said unto her, I am the

resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth

in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

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E-42 That--that's the reason we have wars, and shooting, and fighting, and trouble is

because the kingdoms of this world is the kingdoms of the devil. The Bible said so. And in the great millennium which is to come, the

Bible said, "Rejoice all ye heavens and you holy prophets of the earth for the kingdoms of this earth have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and it--and He--He shall rule and reign forever.Now, they will become. We'll have no more

war then when He comes, no more sickness, nor more trouble.

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E-79 And we look down at this blessed old Word, and It said these days would be here.

And here we stand; we see the omnipotent God with His arm outstretched, and signs and wonders a coming. We hear the sound of

abundance of rain in the air. We know that we're in the great day of the last rain, when Satan will be bound and cast in the--the pit, chained with a chain of circumstance that he cannot come out and deceive the nations no more, and a thousand years millennium reign will take place on the earth, while

we're glorifying our Lord Jesus and adoring Him, crowning Him the King of

kings, the Lord of lords.

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581-444 They mean that they believe God is with us, in us, working through us; not that a

individual is God. You see? Now, they know that John was just a man.

And so was Jesus just a Man. Jesus was just a Man; He was just born of a woman, had to die.

Is that right? He was a Man, had to eat and drink, and hungered, cried, and thirst, and

everything, just as human as that you are, as human as I am. But the Spirit of God was in Him in the Fullness, without measure. He was omnipotent in power, where, Elijah was just a portion of that Spirit, maybe anointed a little above his brethren; but

he was just a portion of the Spirit.

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But the people was a-looking for the Messiah. And they seen this portion above their

brethren, they said, "Oh, my, this must be Him."

But when He begin to shine, John's little light went out. See?

And these little lights will go out when He comes, that great anointed Christ of

heaven coming from the east to the west. And the... and... See?

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582-448 But He will not be on earth now, the Messiah will not be on earth until the

millennium sets in. See, see? 'Cause the church, we're caught up together to meet the

Lord in the air. He never comes to the earth. He catches His Bride away.

He gets a ladder, you know, like... What was that play, Leo, where the man put the ladder up

the side of the house? Romeo--Romeo and Juliet. That's right, put the ladder up and

stole his bride away.Now, He's just coming down Jacob's ladder, and say, "Psst, Sweetheart, come here. Psst, psst."

See, we're going up to meet Him.

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And I tell you, one morning when Jesus and His Bride comes back to the earth, there'll

be a paradise of God there that... Oh, my. Them old warriors of the battle walk down

through there with their friends and loved ones; the anthems will fill the air, of an Angelic host.

"Oh, it was well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you like you should've had

back yonder before Eve started the ball to rolling in sin." Amen. Whew.

Yes, Sixth Seal's going to do something. Yes, sir. Truly the whole world is groaning and

paining for the millennium age.

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72-1 {29} This seven-sealed Book is revealed at the time of the Seven

Thunders of Revelations 10. If you're marking it down... Let's turn to Revelations 10 just a moment, so you'll get a understanding before we get into it. Now, this is at the end

time, for listen.... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow...

upon his head,...If you notice that's Christ (See?), 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the Covenant, and He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished. See?

All right.

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... and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

You remember that Angel in Revelations 1? Same thing. Angel is a messenger, and He's a Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured. See? Now, or fixing to be

raptured. He comes for His Church.

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Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 is going to do two things. One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the hearts

of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mysteries of the seven

thunders in Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the seven seals. It will be these Divinely revealed 'mystery-truths' that literally turn the hearts of the children to

the Pentecostal fathers. Exactly so.

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106 God's great mystery of how, it's a secret. He kept it a secret. Nobody knowed

nothing about it. Even the Angels didn't understand it. See, He didn't reveal it. That's the reason, under our seventh mystery,

when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence. Jesus, when He was on earth,

they wanted to know when He would come. He said, "It's not... Even the Son Himself don't

know when it's going to happen."

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See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret. And that's the reason there was silence in

Heaven for a space of a half hour, and seven thunders utter their voices, and John was even

forbidden to write it, see, the Coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He

will come. It's a good thing that He doesn't. No.

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1161-Q-395 395. Have the seven thunders which equals seven mysteries

already been revealed? Were they revealed in the seven Seals, but are yet--

but are yet not known to us as the thunders yet?

No, they were revealed in the seven Seals; that's what the thunders was about. They was to reveal... The seven

thunders that had uttered their voices and no one could make out what it was... John knew

what it was, but he was forbidden to write it. He said, "But the seventh angel, in the days of his

sounding, the seven mysteries of the seven thunders would be revealed." And the seventh

angel is a messenger of the seventh church age. See?

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