Download - The Roselands, Chapter 2


Roseland LegacyCollege and…

When last we met, Cyd Roseland had moved from the Sim Bin into Bernie Mac, lost his dog, married Brandi LeTourneau, had twins and a surprise third child, and clawed his way not-quite to the top of the criminal career ladder. Brandi earned a lot of money. The family went on vacation, and finally got the kids into private school… and then the twins left for college, along with a selection of townie children aged to teen in the local orphanage.

Joining our friends in college…

The Roseland twins— heir Athos and sister Aramisa— arrived without mishap in seriously hideous clothing. Pleasure-loving Aramisa took a portion of their scholarship money and remedied the situation immediately. She also bought a little something else for the dorm they’re sharing with the three orphan townies, Marsha, Chandler, and Nery.

Having gotten several scholarships a piece, there wasn’t a rush to skill in college; instead, Athos and Aramisa applied themselves to getting to know their fellow students… who appear to be really fond of the bowl cut.

Bowl cuts… and other things. Dude, eyes up. Aramisa might be a pleasure sim, but even she has her limits.

Aramisa is working on getting to date number ten for her current LTW. She’s more firmly straight than I’d prefer— fifty first dates is hard enough without halving the pool of candidates. She likes Goopy a lot, enough to have me start plotting for a sophomore re-roll.

Marsha, in the background, is contemplating a thing with Komei Tellerman.

College is supposed to be a meet market, right? That’s what my grandmother implied if I remember correctly, although I don’t recall my experience being quite like this.

End of the first year, and everyone stands around congratulating each other, talking about their next term papers and what not… except Aramisa. She really isn’t into the whole college experience, at all.

Although the pancakes are good. This girl loves her pancakes, at home and in Three Lakes.

There’s a bit of a love triangle between the three orphans. Marsha and Chandler have two-bolt chemistry, and Nery also likes to autonomously flirt with Marsha. She’s also into Komei— but I don’t really like them together. Chandler and Aramisa, meanwhile, also have two bolts, and Nery and Aramisa have two bolts (although they also have seriously negative relationship points from that teenage incident at the mall). So far we’ve avoided anything too complicated, but I can’t watch all of them at every moment.

So, Marsha and Chandler get engaged. They’re a cute couple, and hopefully a little commitment will go a long way. Right?

And Nery heads out to the student union. Somehow I get the impression that Jasmine isn’t too impressed by his pick-up technique. Poor Nery. He’s sort of inept in an adorable way.

Towards the end of their second year, a limo pulls up in the middle of the night…

And Athos finds himself cornered in the bathroom by a blonde doing the chicken dance.

Secret society swarm!

Athos now has the coveted llama patch. Unfortunately, he’s no closer to finding a lady love, much less one that’s legacy legal. At this point, I’d settle for a single bolt— after all, his parents only had the one bolt at first.

Let’s leave the kids to their… uh… coursework, I guess, and check back in with the Roselands.

Gretel’s pretty happy as an only child. She goes to school…

… studies…

… and gardens. She doesn’t get lonely, and all she really asks for is more skill points. She’s easy-peasy.

Fingers crossed for a knowledge roll— both mine and hers!

Success! Gretel wants to be a Mad Scientist when she grows up, and she wants to earn scholarships for college right now. She’s very mellow.

Brandi, meanwhile, is writing her third novel. They’ve all done well so far, but not spectacularly well. On the other hand, from the looks of her life bar, she’s going to have a fair amount of time to perfect her technique.

Cyd, on the other hand, doesn’t have too much longer for this world. He does finally makes it to Criminal Mastermind, and heads off to work in his very pointy costume.

Does anyone else think he looks like he’s product-testing a new speed-swimming bathing suit?

Back at university…

The uni crowd just has a few more semesters left, and they all buckle down to make sure they’ve got the skills and grades to make the most of their slog time in college.

Some re-rolls were taken after sophomore year, and Athos became a knowledge-oriented sim with a goal of Education Minister, which necessitated a major change. Aramisa switched to having her twin’s former aspiration and LTW… I find 20 besties only slightly less annoying than 50 1st dates. Sigh.

Gretel takes to visiting the house, even though none of the residents will be there when she gets there. If I’d been thinking clearly I would have spaced them out so someone could be a placeholder, but that’s the sort of thing I’ve forgotten about since the last time I played University. That and the sheer amount of time Sims spend getting their higher education.

This is how I play most of college— I just can’t take checking in more than once or twice a day, so it’s autonomous high-speed most of the time. Start the semester with a push to get the skills in, make sure they call their special friends once a semester, and with very little micro-managing, they max out their class bars. At this point, we’re all just going through the motions.

Of course, there’s a reason NOT to play that way. Dammit, you two! Marsha’s at class, and the two of you are actually in her bed.

Aramisa, I’m disappointed in you.

Chandler, watch your back. I may not remember everything about this game, but I’m pretty sure I still know how to tombstone a Death by Flies for your sorry, cheating self.

Poor Marsha. She’s completely oblivious.

It’s the end Senior year, and which means making sure all the kids are appropriately matched up.

Nery finally found his very own lady-love that isn’t taken— one Rose Thomason. She turns out to be a downtownie, not a dormie, like I’d originally thought, and she and Nery have three bolts of chemistry.

Our heir has finally found his legacy-legal sweetheart. Thanks to the gypsy’s crystal ball, Ivy Copur and Athos found each other in his third year at Uni, and have been dating ever since… Ivy doesn’t know it yet, but tonight’s the night!

Aramisa’s most successful blind date— even more than Goopy— was this young man… but neither of us are completely sold on him as a life-long companion. So Aramisa gets ready to graduate without being engaged.

Nery’s the first to graduate. He’s really grown on me.

And he and Rose settle down in Bernie Mac… with a little help from the Bank of Motherlode.

Chandler and Marsha are next. She’s still none the wiser about Chandler’s little indiscretion senior year.

Buddy, I’ve got my eye on you.

And the twins complete their studies, leaving

Mac U in horrible outfits similar to those they arrived in. Join us

next time, back in Bernie Mac, for what will hopefully be the arrival of generation
