Download - The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Page 1: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

The Role of Science in God’s world

A/Prof. Frank Stootman

[email protected]

Page 2: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

A Remarkable Universe

By any measure we live in a remarkable universe

We can talk of the existence of material elements or parts:

Fundamental particles, atoms, molecules, compounds, long-chain molecules

We can also talk of non-material elements which provides the relationship of the parts:

Properties of the above: why they relate the way they do, laws, principles, symmetries

Information, structure, function, teleology, QM mystery (not ignorance!)

Page 3: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Things to Explain - Believer or non-Believer

Three remarkable questions confront us ….

Why is there anything at all?

We discover and represent the universe

We do not create the form of the universe

The mathematical logic, the laws, the symmetries, the


Why there is information in the universe?

The DNA Code, structure, function, teleology, and

the relationships of the parts

Why is humankind unique?

Self conscious, artistic, creative, experimental,

able to comprehend the universe and puzzle out

its mysteries

Page 4: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

The Material and non-Material…

The universe we live in requires an

explanation for:

The material form: laws, principles,

mathematical logic …


Its non-material form: the ‘why’, the

information, the meaning, the purpose, the


Science Material

Non-Material: time+chance+?

Page 5: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

The Clock Analogy … A mechanical clock is made of many

parts for it to function as a clock This is the material layer

This is necessary but not sufficient

The relationship of the parts are necessary for it to function as a clock. The parts are: Engineered Designed This is the non-material layer

This is necessary but not sufficient

Together they are necessary and sufficient to explain the clock

Page 6: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:


Science is an important tool to begin to answer some of these questions But it has limitations!

Definition: Science: L. scientia = knowledge, particularly

knowledge about the natural world

This knowledge is obtained by observation, measurement and/or experiment

The above knowledge is integrated into an understanding of the natural world and how it works

Page 7: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

The Methodology of

Science Framework

Theoretical prediction




Observation/ Experiment

Check Inspiration/Hunch

Test Theory/Hypothesis

Data Analysis


Construction of theoretical framework


Further observation/experiment

Build an objective picture of nature which is self consistent

Page 8: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Necessary Assumptions of Science

Necessary The universe has intrinsic form able to

be observed or measured:

Particulars Boundaries & Categories & Distinctions

Universals Laws, principles


Mathematical Logic


Spatial & Temporal Uniformity

Without these, science cannot be done

Page 9: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Philosophic Assumption of Science

Naturalism = The fundamental belief that starting only from basic elements (atoms, molecules, forces, laws, and properties) the whole of the natural world can be explained.

It is a worldview

Set of glasses with which to view the world

It is an important assumption but insufficient to explain all of reality Cannot explain the ‘why’ question

Page 10: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:


Paul Davies, "The Fifth Miracle", p6

"In the coming chapters I shall argue that it is not enough to know how life's immense structural complexity arose; we must also account for the origin of biological information. As we shall see, scientists are still very far from solving this fundamental conceptual puzzle. Some people rejoice in this ignorance, imagining that it leaves room for a miraculous creation. However, it is the job of science to solve mysteries without recourse to divine intervention. just because scientists are still uncertain of how life began does not mean life cannot have had a natural origin."

Page 11: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:


Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History of Time", p140

"The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe. With the success of scientific theories in describing events, most people have come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the universe to break these laws. However, the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it started-it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off. So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?"

Page 12: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Limitations of Science

There are many metaphysical (= beyond physics) questions not answered by science

Why does the universe exist?

Why does it have the form it does

The apparent temporal and spatial uniformity so that science is possible?

Laws, principles, symmetries, allows mathematical logic in order to do science? Why is the universe intelligible at some level

Where does the information come from in the coded DNA, or in the purposeful intricate cellular mechanisms?

Who am I?

What is just, moral and fair?

How can I be significant and have meaning?

Page 13: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

There is More to the Universe …

“For the scientific message can teach us nothing else

beyond how facts are related to, and conditioned by, each

other … knowledge of what is does not open the door

directly to what should be.” ( Albert Einstein, “Out of My

Later Years”, p22)

“But science can only be created by those who are

thoroughly imbued with the aspiration towards truth and

understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs

from the sphere of religion… I cannot conceive of a

genuine scientist without that profound faith. The situation

may be expressed by an image: Science without religion is

lame, religion without science is blind” (ibid., p26)

Page 14: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

The Central Question …

Prof. Paul Davies:

“How has this come about? Somehow the universe has

engineered not just its own awareness, but its own

comprehension. Mindless, blundering atoms have

conspired to make, not just life, not just mind, but

understanding” (‘The Goldilocks Enigma’, p5)

Page 15: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Modern Atheism

Modern atheism uses science +

paradigm of naturalism to explain all

natural explanations of the universe are both

necessary and sufficient

The natural paradigm forms a better &

complete grand narrative (=story) than (say)

the Biblical narrative

God is unnecessary

Page 16: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

A Better Rational Explanation - The Christian Worldview

The limitations of science such as

The form of the universe: both material and non-material …

Are rationally explained by allowing transcendence & personhood

The unique Biblical revelation is much more comprehensive

Gives space for transcendence

Reveals a person behind the universe





the special form of the universe

Makes sense of being human with our own unique qualities

made in the image/likeness of God

Gives space for science

Page 17: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Space for Science

The Biblical revelation reveals

Boundaries & categories (Gen 1-3)


metaphysical - morality, meaning, and significance

A creation of humankind with a mission

reflecting qualities of God

to rule & subdue

to create order and beauty

to make a difference

to develop

to think God’s thoughts after Him

to use the knowledge to fight the moral fall and intrinsic entropy

Page 18: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

The Bible and Science

The Bible and Science

inform and support

each other

The fundamental

answers to the ‘why’

questions come from




Page 19: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:

Genesis 1

Genesis Is not a detailed science textbook and I don’t go looking for my science there.


The biblical revelation in Genesis resonates with modern science …

The universe had a beginning - big bang

God created - inflationary universe

Started in chaos - quantum gravity

There is progress in creation - evolution

Separation of land and sea - plate tectonics

Humankind is created last - consistent with science

There was an original Adam & Eve - consistent

There is something special about humankind - observationally true: art, culture, creativity, language, abstract thought, transcendence

Page 20: The Role of Science in God’s Material and non-Material… The universe we live in requires an explanation for:


For the believer, the physical world is a rational template for wider truth into bigger dimensions

The amazing physical world points beyond itself to the existence of God …

and thus the following really makes sense …

“The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…” (Psalm 19)