Download - The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Page 1: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning

with Function Approximation

Rich SuttonAT&T Labswith thanks to

Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns

Page 2: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

The Prize• To find the “Right Way” to do RL with FA

– sound (stable, non-divergent)– ends up with a good policy– gets there quickly, efficiently– applicable to any (discrete-time, finite-state) MDP– compatible with (at least) linear FA– online and incremental

• To prove that it is so

• Tensions:– Proof and practice often pull in different directions– Lack of knowledge negative knowledge– We have not handled this well as a field

critical to viability of RL !

Page 3: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Outline• Questions• History: from policy to value back to policy• Problem Definition

– Why function approximation changes everything

• REINFORCE• Policy Gradient Theory• Do we need values? Do we need TD?

– Return baselines - using values without bias– TD/boostrapping/truncation

• may not be possible without bias• but seems essential for reducing variance

Page 4: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

QuestionsIs RL theory fundamentally different/harder with FA? yes

Are value methods unsound with FA? absolutely not

Should we prefer policy methods for other reasons? probably

Is it sufficient to learn just a policy, not value? apparently not

Didn’t we already do all this policy stuff in the 1980s? only some of it

Can values be used without introducing bias? yes

Can TD (bootstrapping) be done without bias? I wish

Is TD much more efficient than Monte Carlo? apparently

Is it TD that makes FA hard? yes and no, but mostly no

So are we stuck with dual, “actor-critic” methods? maybe so

Are we talking about genetic algorithms? No!

What about learning “heuristic” or “relative” values. Are these policy methods or value methods? policy

Page 5: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

The Swing towards Value Functions

• Early RL methods all used parameterized policies• But adding value functions seemed key to

efficiency• Why not just learn action value functions and compute policies from them!

• A prediction problem - almost supervised• Fewer parameters• Enabled first proofs of convergence to optimal

policy• Impressive applications using FA• So successful that early policy work was bypassed

Q*(s,a) =E r1 +γr2 +γ2r3 +L s0 =s,a0 =a,π *

π * (s) =argmaxa

Q* (s,a)CleanerSimplerEasier to use

Q-learningWatkins, 1989

Page 6: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

• Theory hit a brick wall for RL with FA• Q-learning shown to diverge with linear FA• Many counterexamples to convergence• Widespread scepticism about any argmax VF

solution– that is, about any way to get conventional convergence

• But is this really a problem? • In practice, on-policy methods perform well • Is this only a problem for our theory?• With Gordon’s latest result these concerns seem

to have been hasty, now invalid

The Swing away from Value Functions



Page 7: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Why FA makes RL hard

• All the states interact and must be balanced, traded off• Which states are visited is affected by the policy

A small change (or error) in the VF estimate can cause a large, discontinuous change in the

policy can cause a large change in the VF estimate

Page 8: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Diagram of What Happens in— Value Function Space —


able value fu


value fu

nctions c


nt with

True V*Region of π*

best admissable


Original naïve hope

guaranteed convergenc

eto good


Res gradient et al.

guaranteed convergenc

eto less

desirable policy

Sarsa, TD() & other on-policy methods


divergence or guaranteed


Q-learning, DP & otheroff-policy methods

divergence possible

Page 9: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

…and towards Policy Parameterization

• A parameterized policy (PP) can be changed continuously

• A PP can find stochastic policies– the optimal policy will often be stochastic with FA

• A PP can omit the argmax (the action-space search)– necessary for large/continuous action spaces

• A PP can be more direct, simpler• Prior knowledge is often better expressed as a PP

• A PP method can be proven convergent to a local optimum for general differentiable FA

REINFORCE Williams, 1988

Page 10: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Defining the Problem (RL with FA)

Part I: Parameterized PoliciesFinite state and action sets

Discrete time

Transition probabilities

Expected rewards

Stochastic policy

possibly parameterized


t 0,1,2,3, K

ps s a Pr st 1 s st s,at a

sa E rt 1 st s,at a

π (s,a) Pr at a st s

π w.l.o.g. n

n N

s ′ s a rπ , p

L L e.g.,

Page 11: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Examples of Policy Parameterizations


or =1Normalization


= weightsRanking #s,one per action


π (st ,a)



featuresof and

Ranking # forrepeat


π (st ,a)


st a

a Aa

Ranking #s are mechanistically like action valuesBut do not have value semanticsMany “heuristic” or “relative” values are better viewed as ranking #s

Page 12: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

More Policy ParameterizationsContinuous actions work too, e.g.:



= weightsimplicitly determine the

continuous distribution


mean of

std. dev. of a t

a t

a t

π (st ,a)Much stranger parameterizations are possible

e.g., cascades of interacting stochastic processes

such as in a communications network or factory

We require only that our policy process produces

at according to some distribution π (st,a)∇π (st ,a)

perhaps π (st ,a)

Page 13: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Choose π to maximize a measure of total future reward,called the return

Values are expected returns

Defining the Problem (RL with FA) II


Vπ(s) E Rt st s,π

Qπ(s,a) E Rt st s,at a,π

Optimal policies

π * arg maxπ

Vπ(s) s S π *

(s,a) arg maxa


Value methods maintain a parameterized approximation to a value function,

And then compute their policy, e.g.,

Vπ, Q

π, V

π *

, or Qπ *

π (s) arg maxa

ˆ Q (s,a)

Page 14: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

FA Breaks the Standard Problem Def’n!

Discounted case

One infinite, ergodic episode: s0, a0, r1, s1, a1, r2 , s2 , K

Let be the space of all policiesLet be all policies consistent with the parameterizationProblem: depends on s!

no one policy—in —is best for all statesstates compete for control of

Need an overall (not per state) measure of policy quality, e.g.,


Vπ (s)

J(π) = Vπ (s)dπ (s)s∑

(s)asymptotic fraction of time spent in s under πBut! Thm: J(π) is independent of J(π) = ave. reward/step

Rt =1

1−γ rt+1 +γrt+2 +γ2rt+3 +L( )Return:

Page 15: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

RL Cases Consistent with FA

Average-reward case

J(π) = average reward per time step underπ

Rt = rt+k −J (π )[ ]k=1

Episodic case

J(π) =Vπ (s0 )

Rt =rt+1 +γrt+2 +γ2rt+3 +L +γT−k−1rT

Many epsiodes, all starting from

One infinite, ergodic episode: s0, a0, r1, s1, a1, r2 , s2 , K


Page 16: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Outline• Questions• History: from policy to value back to policy• Problem Definition

– Why function approximation changes everything

• REINFORCE• Policy Gradient Theory• Do we need values? Do we need TD?

– Return baselines - using values without bias– TD/boostrapping/truncation

• may not be possible without bias• but seems essential for reducing variance

Page 17: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Do we need Values at all?

Extended REINFORCE (Williams, 1988)

Δ t = α Rt

∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )Δ = Δt

t∑ offline



Thm: Eπ Δ{ } =α∇ J (π )There is also an online, incremental implementation using

eligibility traces

Converges to a local optimum of J for general diff. FA!Simple, clean, a single parameter...Why didn’t we love this algorithm in 1988??

No TD/bootstrapping (a Monte Carlo method) thought to be inefficient Extended to average-case

(Baxter and Bartlett, 1999)

Page 18: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Policy Gradient Theorem

Thm: ∇ J(π ) = dπ (s) Qπ (s, a)∇θπ (s,a)a


∑Marbach & Tsitsiklis ‘98Jaakkola Singh Jordan ‘95Cao & Chen ‘97Sutt McAl Sing Mans ‘99Konda & Tsitsiklis ‘99Williams ‘88

how often soccurs under π

does not involve


π (s) !

Page 19: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Policy Gradient Theory

Thm: ∇ J(π ) = dπ (s) Qπ (s, a)∇θπ (s,a)a


how often soccurs under π

= dπ (s) Qπ (s,a) − b(s)[ ]∇θπ (s,a)a


∑ for any b : S → ℜ


a∑ = 0 ∀s

= dπ (s) π (s,a) Qπ (s,a) − b(s)[ ]∇θπ (s,a)π (s,a)a


how often s,a occurs under π

=Eπ Qπ (st ,at ) − b(st )[ ]∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪


Page 20: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

∇ J(π ) = Eπ Qπ (st ,at ) − b(st )[ ]∇θπ (st , at )

π (st , at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪

=Eπ Rt

∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪



Page 21: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

∇ J(π ) = Eπ Qπ (st ,at ) − b(st )[ ]∇θπ (st , at )

π (st , at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪

=Eπ rt +1 + γV π (st +1) − V π (st )[ ]

∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪


≈Eπ rt+1 + γ ˆ V π (st +1) − ˆ V π (st )[ ]

∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪actor-critic

≈Eπ Rtλ − ˆ V π (st )[ ]

∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪


general form,includes all above



=Eπ Rt

∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪



Page 22: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

∇ J(π ) = Eπ Qπ (st ,at ) − b(st )[ ]∇θπ (st , at )

π (st , at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪

Conjecture: The ideal baseline is

b(s) =Vπ (s)

In which case our error term is an advantage

Qπ (st,at)−Vπ (st) =Aπ (st,at)Baird ‘93

No bias is introduced by an approximation here:

b(s) = ˆ Vπ (s)

How important is a baseline to the efficiency of REINFORCE?

Apparently very important, but previous tests flawed

Page 23: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Random MDP Testbed

• 50 Randomly constructed episodic MDPs– 50 states, uniform starting distribution– 2 actions/state– 2 possible next states per action– expected rewards (1,1); actual rewards +(0,0.1)– 0.1 prob of termination on each step

• State aggregation FA - 5 groups of 10 states each• Gibbs action selection• Baseline learned by gradient descent• Parameters initially• Step-size parameters

= ˆ V π (s)

=0 w = 0

Page 24: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Effect of Learned Baseline

.01 .1 1 10.0


No Baseline






J(π)after 50


Much better to learn a baseline approximating Vπ

REINFORCE withper-episode updating

Page 25: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

∇ J(π ) = Eπ Qπ (st ,at ) − b(st )[ ]∇θπ (st , at )

π (st , at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪

Can We TD without Introducing Bias?

Thm: An approximation Q can replace Q without bias if it is of the form

ˆ Q (s,a) =wT ∇π (s,a)π (s,a)

and has converged to a local optimum.

Sutton et al. ‘99Konda & Tsitsiklis ‘99

However!Thm: Under batch updating, such a Q results in exactly the same updates as REINFORCE. There is no useful bootstrapping.

Empirically, there is also no win with per-episode updating

Singh McAllester Suttonunpublished

Page 26: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Effect of Unbiased Linear Q^

.01 .1 1 0.1


J(π)after 50



REINFORCE Unbiasedat best

ˆ Q

per-episode updating

Page 27: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

TD Creates Bias; Must We TD?

Is TD really more efficient than Monte Carlo?

Apparently “Yes”,but this question deserves a better answer






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1








Failures per100,000 steps

0 0.2 0. 0.6 0.8 1









Steps perepisode

0 0.2 0. 0.6 0.8 1













Cost perepisode

0 0.2 0. 0.6 0.8 1






RMS error

Page 28: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Is it TD that makes FA hard?

• Yes, TD prediction with FA is trickier than Monte Carlo– even the linear case converges only near an optimum– nonlinear cases can even diverge

• No, TD is not the reason the control case is hard

• This problem is intrinsic to control + FA• It happens even with Monte Carlo methods

small change in value

discontinuouschange in policylarge change in

state distribution


Page 29: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.

Small Sample Importance Sampling -

A Superior Eligibility Term?Thm: ∇ J(π ) = dπ (s) Qπ (s, a)∇θπ (s,a)



how often soccurs under π

= dπ (s) Qπ (s,a) − b(s)[ ]∇θπ (s,a)a


∑ for any b : S → ℜ


a∑ = 0 ∀s

= dπ (s) π (s,a) Qπ (s,a) − b(s)[ ]∇θπ (s,a)π (s,a)a


how often s,a occurs under π

=Eπ Qπ (st ,at ) − b(st )[ ]∇θπ (st ,at )

π (st ,at )

⎧ ⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

⎫ ⎬ ⎪

⎭ ⎪




Page 30: The Right Way to do Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation Rich Sutton AT&T Labs with thanks to Satinder Singh, David McAllester, Mike Kearns.


Is RL theory fundamentally different/harder with FA? yes

Are value methods unsound with FA? absolutely not

Should we prefer policy methods for other reasons? probably

Is it sufficient to learn just a policy, not value? apparently not

Can values be used without introducing bias? yes

Can TD (bootstrapping) be done without bias? I wish

Is TD much more efficient than Monte Carlo? apparently

Is it TD that makes FA hard? yes and no, but mostly


So are we stuck with dual, “actor-critic” methods? maybe so