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Page 1: The Ridgeway · 2013. 9. 8. · the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.


The Ridgeway Newsletter Vol. 12 Issue 2 • September 2013 • [email protected] Ridgeway Mennonite Church 546 E. Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 540-434-3476


Ridgeway Mennonite Church

Photos by Paul Groff.

Page 2: The Ridgeway · 2013. 9. 8. · the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.


Page 3: The Ridgeway · 2013. 9. 8. · the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.


Family and friends gathered as Collin Longenecker, Karissa Sauder, Joe Seitz,

Lauren Whetzel, Sue Webster, and Tyree Webster were baptized.

What a glorious time!

Page 4: The Ridgeway · 2013. 9. 8. · the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.


The Joys of Reunion Paul Swarr

So did you get to attend any sizeable

family reunions during these summer

holiday months? Bertha and I had that

privilege the weekend of 26-29 July by

attending a Wenger Family Reunion at

the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center

on the Lake of the Ozarks in central

Missouri. According to our family

traditional history, some Wengers moved

from this fertile Shenandoah Valley in

Patriarch Paul and Matriarch Bertha the 1860's to escape conscription by

moving westward. In that Civil War era, Missouri was one of four or five

"border States" not aligned with either the South or the North. So Bertha's

Wenger relatives have lived in central Missouri for about 150 years.

You see Bertha was one of eight children. For at least three decades the

descendants of her parents have held a Wenger reunion every four

years. So this was again the reunion year. We used to travel the 12-hour,

thousand-mile journey from Virginia to Missouri in our Toyota

Corolla. Not anymore. To safely attend this year we needed some signs

from the Lord. As always, He came through!

The signs? We were able to get air tickets at a reduced rate and direct

from Dulles Airport, D.C., to Kansas City, round trip, no layovers. United

Airlines provided use of a wheelchair four times, at each of the airports,

plus we had the use of a wheelchair the whole time at the reunion at

Windermere. We secured a portable oxygen unit to take with us for the

three nights away from home. Most basic of all, our daughter Evelyn

Hostetter agreed to travel with us so she was at our side the whole

time. She had not seen many of her Wenger cousins in 16 years. Evie

pre-booked a Hertz rental car for the whole time from Kansas City on the

Friday afternoon until we returned to Kansas City on Monday

afternoon. Did we need any more confirmation from God?

What a joy to meet with 80 others at that

reunion. They had gathered from Missouri,

Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Indiana, Virginia,

North Dakota, and likely some other states I was

not aware of. Of these 80, only five of us were

from the "second generation." Of Bertha's

siblings, only one brother and three in-laws are

yet living. These are Paul & Lela (Bentch)

Wenger from Hesston, KS, and Mary (Driver)

Wenger from Versailles, MO. Mary is the

mother of Joyce (Mrs. Lowell, deceased) Ulrich,

originally from Mole Hill and now living here in

Harrisonburg. Mary is a member originally of a large Driver family here

in the Valley. So we five, all in our 80's, were dubbed the two Patriarchs

and three Matriarchs!!

The bulk of attendees were our nephews and nieces and their children

and grandchildren, thus the third, fourth, and fifth generations. The

schedule included a get-

acquainted time, picture taking,

games, a business session, and a

worship hour on Sunday

morning, all interspersed with

the pleasure of leisurely

mealtimes together. The

planning committee had chosen

the theme: "We are seed of

Grandpa Jesse and Grandma Ella

Wenger." I was requested to

share two devotional meditations

on that theme. What a privilege

to both look back at a

significantly godly heritage but

also to anticipate the future

challenges of sowing Christ-

centered seed into the hearts and

lives of the rising generations.

On our flights Bertha and I

were seatmates. Meanwhile, on

the way to Kansas City, Evie

was chatting with a gentleman

seatmate with a troubled

marriage. On the return to

Dulles, her seatmate was a

mixed-race lady (with a 2 year

old child) who greatly

appreciated the lunch and

encouragement Evie shared with

her. I think Evie was sowing

quality seed. Yes, Jesus invited

us to this reunion. All glory and

praise and gratitude to our

Heavenly Abba!!

James 1:17: "Every desirable

and beneficial gift comes out of

Heaven. The gifts are rivers of

light cascading down from the

Father of Light." (The


Directory Update...

Austin Showalter

1035 Shenandoah Street

Harrisonburg, VA 22802


Page 5: The Ridgeway · 2013. 9. 8. · the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.


Motorcycle for Missions 2013 Jim Maust

On Wednesday July 24 Phil Helmuth and I left

Harrisonburg at 9:00 A.M. Our goal was to be in

Powhatan by 2 PM. That meant we had extra time

since it doesn’t take five hours to get to Powhatan on

a motorcycle. We headed north. That’s the wrong

direction for Powhatan, but we had time on our

hands. Who but motorcyclists leave early so they can

double the distance to their destination? Well, that’s

what we did. We had some slight sprinkles of rain,

but we didn’t get soaked, and arrived safely and on

time at Powhatan Mennonite church to meet the other

riders for the Motorcycle for Missions ride.

The ride itself was 305 miles, from the Powhatan

church to Roanoke the first day, then from Roanoke

north on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Afton Mountain,

and up Route 340 and over on Route 33 to

Harrisonburg the second day. We had dinner together

at Golden Corral and arrived sharply at 6 PM at EMS

for the opening night of Conference Assembly, where

we had our pictures taken, received tee shirts and

participated in the evening service.

Why would someone do such a thing as this? We

love to ride our motorcycles. But the greatest part

was gaining a greater insight into Virginia Mennonite

Missions through the perspective of riding together

and getting to know fellow Virginia Conference

motorcyclists. And, of course, the benefit of raising

awareness for VMM and raising some funds for

missions. Altogether we raised over $4,700 with over

$600 being contributed by you folks from Ridgeway.

Thank you for contributing!

There were seven motorcycles and nine riders on

this year’s ride, plus a “chase” vehicle driven by Ed

and Doris Rank which carried drinks and snacks and

anything we didn’t want to carry on our bikes. LD&B

and EMU were sponsors for the event, so they helped

with the cost of the tee shirts, snacks, and even

covered some of the cost of our overnight stay in

Roanoke. All of the funds raised went to VMM. We

hope to ride again next year and have more

participants, greater fellowship, and raise even more

funds for VMM.

Photo courtesy of Virginia Mennonite Missions. Photo courtesy of Jim Maust.

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August 2013 Trinidad Prayer Letter Richard and Margaret Keeler (August 16, 2013)


1. Thank the Lord that Navin and Sunita Benny, the pastoral couple at Hope Mennonite Church, had a safe

and meaningful trip to Virginia to attend the Virginia Conference Assembly in late July, as delegates from

the Mennonite Church of Trinidad and Tobago (MCTT).

2. Thank the Lord that we (MCTT) had a good Annual General Meeting (AGM) earlier this month.

3. We are grateful to have a new treasurer for our General Church Council, Nathanael Benny. Thank the Lord

that our former excellent treasurer, Deolal Ramdial, is willing to work with Nathanael until he is

comfortable in his new role.

4. Praise the Lord for the good Vacation

Bible Schools at Chaguanas and

Sangre Grande.

5. We were so happy to have Galen and

Gloria Lehman with us again for this

year’s AGM and for the presence of

Valda Salmon and Natalie Paisley-

Kerr as delegates from the Jamaica

Mennonite Conference. We always

appreciate delegates coming from

VMM and JMC each year for our

Annual General Meeting.

6. The van purchased for use by the

Mennonite Church of Chaguanas Galen & Gloria Lehman, Valda Salmon, Natalie Paisley-Kerr, Margret & Richard Keeler

(MCCh) has seen a lot of good use and has served the congregation very well since its purchase nearly a

year ago, used mostly to bring interested folks from Carlsen Field for Sunday services and youth meetings.


1. Pray for Wade Seukeran, who has accepted the role of chairman of the Leadership Team in the Diego

Martin Church. He welcomes our prayers as he has a challenging year ahead of him.

2. Pray for David Williams. At 85 I believe he is our oldest member in MCTT. He is taking treatment for

cancer and has been unable to attend church services for a few months. Ramon, acting pastor, and his wife

keep in regular contact with him.

3. Pray also for Jean Beddoe, a member in the Hope Mennonite Church (HMC). She had a brain tumor

removed about two months ago. There were complications, and she remains in the hospital barely able to

speak, problems with one eye. We have been told she will have to be fed through a stomach tube the rest of

her life. Apparently a nerve that facilitates swallowing was damaged during surgery, and she cannot

swallow. We are so saddened by this. She is a sweet Christian lady, who has had a difficult life and whose

husband is not a believer. She was at the top of the Life of Christ class that I taught in her church last fall.

4. One of our church leaders has gotten involved in local politics, which is a major concern to the church here.

Politics has its own morality, as one of our recent prime ministers said, and politics and the Christian life do

not mix well. Pray as we relate to and encourage this one to work and live wholeheartedly for the Lord and

His kingdom.

5. Pray for the Friendship Bible Coffee classes as they resume in early September.

Thanks for your faithfulness in praying!

Commissioning Service

All are invited to a service commissioning Clyde G. Kratz as VMC's Executive Conference Minister on Sunday,

September 15 at 4:00 p.m. The service will be held in the sanctuary at Weavers Mennonite Church.

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Alisha Risser

and Sharri

Kurtz had the

fun job of


corn on

August 7 for

our last

evening of





Peace Sunday 2013—September 22, 2013

Romans 12:1-2, 9-21

Wars and rumors of wars, drone attacks, mass shootings – the headlines of

the day confirm that violence continues to be our culture’s favored

reaction to conflict. But the tragic headlines don’t tell the whole story.

Violence is written into our entertainment, our recreation, our politics.

Violence isn’t an act or action – it’s a worldview that gains adherents

through fear and propaganda.

This year for Peace Sunday, we look to Romans 12 for a picture of an

alternative worldview, the worldview of peace and reconciliation that

Jesus proclaimed. Citizens of God’s kingdom seek to love enemies, forego

revenge, and overcome evil with good.

The apostle Paul encourages us in Romans: Do not conform to the

pattern of this world. What does it mean not to conform to the pattern of

violence so prevalent in our culture and national projection of military

power? How can that pattern be overcome by good in our nations, our

communities, our homes?

The cycles of violence that yield destruction are birthed by the powers

and principalities of the world. God’s mission to

bring peace and healing in the world relies on

communities of men and women being faithful to

Jesus and each other, working for peace in countless

ways, large and small. When these communities

come together to seek God’s will, the world can be



Partners in Mission Work Group to Nazareth & Bethlehem

Partners in Mission Work Group to Nazareth & Bethlehem is planned for

May 2-19, 2014. Information with reservation application is on the foyer

table. Hosted by Dorothy Jean Weaver (540-432-4276) and Harold N.

Miller (540-896-7289).

Safe Arrival Anna Engle

I arrived in Korea without any

problems. I feel comfortable and

excited already—my neighbor-

hood and the area around my

office are just great. My

apartment is surrounded by lots

of nature and a hiking trail; and

the office is a 20 minute walk,

and it's surrounded by lots of

convenient shops.

For the first few months, I

will be sharing a room with four

girls; but then we will be moving

to a new apartment, and I'll share

a room with one other girl. The

community here is great, though

I will need to make sure to find

alone time.

I feel a little overwhelmed

but in a normal way. I appreciate

your prayers for me as I adjust,

getting into a new routine at

work, at home, and in my

community, and as I form



Our Community

Place is seeking a

half-time Events

and Volunteer

Coordinator to pioneer an effort

to better coordinate volunteer

staff, OCP members, and other

volunteers to fill needed roles at

the community center and farm

and to implement Our

Community Place’s already

successful and dynamic events

schedule. If interested, please


[email protected].

Blue Ridge Ministries, Inc.’s

offerings for fall 2013 are

posted on the foyer bulletin


Page 8: The Ridgeway · 2013. 9. 8. · the Windermere Baptist Retreat Center on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.


Valley Brethren-




Day Celebration, Saturday,

September 7 from 9 to 3. Food,

music, tours, and activities of all

kinds for all ages. If you are into

baking and want to either bring

some baked goods or enter the

baked goods contest, there are

instructions and entry forms on

the foyer table.

People Helping People benefit

concert with the Bloom Trio and

Lori Piitz, piano. Sunday,

September 8, 3:00 p.m. at

Asbury United Methodist

Church. See foyer bulletin


Marriage Maintenance, a four-

session seminar for couples that

focuses on “Four Healthy

Habits of Happily Married

Couples,” will be led by Harvey

Yoder and meet Tuesdays from

7-8:30 beginning September 9.

A freewill offering is taken to

benefit the Center in lieu of a fee

for the class. The text, Lasting

Marriage, the Owners’ Manual,

is $10.

Authentic Ethiopian Meal—

Friday, September 13, 5:30 p.m.-

7:00 p.m., Lindale Mennonite

Church. Nurturing and

Encouraging Women. See foyer

bulletin board for more details.

Make reservations by September


First Annual Health and Fun

Festival—The Harrisonburg

Parks and Recreation

Departments will hold this

Festival on Friday, September 20

from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., and you

are invited! The Festival will be

held at the Cecil F. Gilkerson

Community Activities Center

located in Westover Park on

Dogwood Drive. There will be

games, displays, food, and

music, as well as representatives

from various health

organizations available.

Drawings for

prizes will

take place


the Festival.

There will also be prizes for

game winners. Every attendee

will receive tickets at the door

for the drawings. There is no

admission charge, but

registration is requested by

calling 540-433-9168 or by


[email protected].

Over two billion people have

never had the opportunity to hear

and respond to the Good News

of Jesus Christ! But we can

change that. Discover how the

hope of Christ is reaching hard

places when you join for dinner

on Monday, September 23 at

Harrisonburg Mennonite

Church. Refreshments begin at

6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at

6:30 p.m. A free-will offering

will be taken. Register online at or contact

Laura at (717) 290-7550.

Take an evening or online

course at Eastern Mennonite

Seminary this fall. Eastern

Mennonite Seminary is offering

“Introduction to Spiritual

Guidance” and “Education for

the Whole Body of Christ” on

Tuesday evenings this semester.

On Monday evening EMS is

offering “Marriage and Family

Counseling.” All evening

courses run from 6:30-9:10 p.m.

EMS is also offering “New

Testament: Text in Context,”

“Interpreting the Biblical Text”

and “Leadership and

Administration” online. All

courses begin August 27. To

learn more, contact the

admissions office at

[email protected] or 540-



Thanks to Paul Groff more photos will be in our October newsletter!