Download - THE REPORTER - Sitemason · Membership May Building for the Future Reporter Staff Rachel Fox Editor [email protected] Rob Robinson Contributor [email protected] Lisa Cook Turner Contributor

Page 1: THE REPORTER - Sitemason · Membership May Building for the Future Reporter Staff Rachel Fox Editor Rob Robinson Contributor Lisa Cook Turner Contributor

May 2004

Volume 5



Steeplechase 2

Career Success 3

He Said She Said 4

Incentives 5

NAJCC Contacts 6

Nashville Area Junior Chamber of CommerceThe NAJCC is committed to developing our members personally andprofessionally by maximizing our individual and collective potential.

Membership May Building for the Future

Reporter StaffRachel [email protected]

Rob [email protected]

Lisa Cook [email protected]

Ben [email protected]

Melinda [email protected]

Autumn [email protected]

by Adam Small

It has become tradition in the NAJCC, the entire month of May is dedicated to focusingon building a stronger and more vibrant membership. Throughout the year, we expendtremendous effort and time planning and executing events, building partnerships andgetting people involved in the community, but May is different. Although we strive toconstantly reflect and evaluate internally, May is an intentional time to look inward andensure we are providing the programs and events our members need and want.

You will hear me say until I am a broken record, the organization is only as effectiveand our potential limited only by the imagination and energy of our collectivemembership. We have done an incredible job together over the past 18 months in bothcontinuing our traditions and creating new activities and partnerships. Now we are at acritical crossroads in advancing the organization forward. In order to take on more andlarger events, in order to significantly expand our contribution to the Nashvillecommunity we must grow our membership base and thus our pool of resources,volunteers, skills and leadership.

I stated at the Town Hall Forum today the NAJCC stands around 275 members, by thistime next year we want to reach 600. YES we want to double the size of theorganization. We feel confident this can be achieved. I look at the caliber andenthusiasm of our new members each month and am constantly amazed. Each of ushas friends; co-workers or peers we know should be NAJCC members. May is themonth to bring them into the fold. All of our events are open to guests and specificallyour membership meeting in May, where I challenge everyone to bring one or twoguests to join us and share the experience.

Here is what I ask of you:

1. Remain a member - too many people I have seen don't rejoin after their first year. Take a long-term perspective; take the time to develop yourself through various rolesand foster relationships that will last your entire career.

2. Help us reach our goal of 600. 95% of new members join because someone theyknow referred them. If each of us can get one person to join we are essentially at ourgoal! I challenge you to each recruit two new members in the next two months!

3. Feedback - May is focused on YOU the member. Give Sarah, myself, our boardfeedback on what we do well, where we need improvement, or any ideas. We arecompletely open and want to hear from you. Remember this is your organization; weare merely serving as stewards to ensure we are on the path you collectively want.

Remember; invite a guest, two or three to any event, especially the Membershipmeeting on May 25th!! Let's reach our goal!

Page 2: THE REPORTER - Sitemason · Membership May Building for the Future Reporter Staff Rachel Fox Editor Rob Robinson Contributor Lisa Cook Turner Contributor

I have to admit this was not the normal type of horse action that I am used to. Canyou believe that I actually got dressed up to be outside in 80 degree heat to celebrate,hmmm, I think a lot of people didn't know why they were tailgating at Percy WarnerPark. Needless to say, the Iroquois Steeplechase was the first, how do I put it lightly,Southern event I have been to.

You see, I grew up in Wyoming, the Cowboy state of this great nation. A place whereThree-girl calf tie-down, Barrel racing, Bull and Bronc' riding is the Equestrian art ofthe land. Yeah – it's called a Rodeo. A sport meant for bulls, blood, sweat, dirt andthe strongest men and women you'll ever meet. We don't spend the week investing in$100 plus dollar hats with frilly bows; we buy Stetsons that are specially steamed forour heads. No one wears a dress to the rodeo unless you're a Rodeo Queencontestant or a Rodeo Clown. We starch our Wranglers and pull out our fancy chaps.If you have watched any western movie or "8 Seconds," you'll have an idea what I'mtalking about. And of coarse if you're not into the horse thing, every August hundredsof thousands of riders of another sort, come to Sturgis, S.D. for Bike Week.

Whether the horse is made of steel or raw muscle, or whether I wear my cute dressthat I only got for $40 bucks or my dusty jeans, I appreciate the sport, especially thisweekend! I can honestly say I came to watch the horses. Tailgating in hot weatherand drinking myself into a heat stroke is not my idea of fun. I know, I know that thislast statement may come as a shock, but I loved watching the horses race. I also hada lot of fun seeing my favorite friends from the NAJCC join me for a day of sweating incute summer clothes. The Southerners sure do know how to throw a party, just as thedebutante nature they possess; they can turn a tailgate party into a semi-formal prom.I did see stilettos and I’ll bet their feet hurt when the day was through.

For those of you that braved the warm weather, indulged in societies finest sundresses, hats, deodorant and liquor, I have included a couple pictures of the reasonswe gathered this last sweaty Saturday. And I'll definitely be there next year, with anew dress, and a better game plan to see the Rodeo, err, I mean Steeplechase.

Not My Kind of Rodeo

THE REPORTER Page 2 of 7

Jim is serving his firstterm as U.S.Representative for the 5thDistrict, although his priorservice in Congress giveshim seven terms ofexperience. Jimrepresents approximately700,000 people who livein Nashville andsurrounding communitieslike Mt. Juliet, Lebanon,Ashland City, Pegramand Pleasant View.His job is to cut throughfederal red tape forpeople here at home andto help pass good federallaws for the nation. Jim'sbackground is as a localbusinessman, attorneyand teacher. Biographyadapted from

Congressman JimCooper will be the guestspeaker at this month'sLunch and Learn at theNashville Chamber officeWed. May 26.

by Rachel Fox

This Month’s Membership Meeting will be held at

Page 3: THE REPORTER - Sitemason · Membership May Building for the Future Reporter Staff Rachel Fox Editor Rob Robinson Contributor Lisa Cook Turner Contributor


Take Charge of your CareerThe NAJCC is a Key to Professional Success

by Jason Wolf

Larry BeatyCaterpillar Financial

Jeremy BishopGresham Smith and

PartnersDeborah Chaboudy

America's PowerSportNeely Draughon

NSAITracy Wolfe

Legacy Properties,GMCA Realty

Zachary BarkerSuntrust Mortgage

Alan GrissomAIG American General

Ellen Bligh JonesSESAC

Jeff PenixOrion Building Corp.

David Wilhite

Martin Roberts IIIOrion Building Corp.

Misty CrockarellRenal Lab, Inc.

Michael Ann ZinserThe Rage

Wilson RogersNAI Mathews Partners

Angela WrightViridion Realty,LLC.Brian McGuinessFranklin American

MortgageBrandon Plunkett

Baer Storey DonelsonProperties

April NewMembers

As young professionals, we are in the process of developing our careers, finding ourplace in our communities, establishing friendships, building professional networks, itseems to go on-and-on. For me, I guess this is part of figuring out what we want todo when we ‘grow-up’, but I have yet to find even a CEO of a major corporation withwhom I have worked that truly says they have that one figured out. What this meansis that our professional lives are in constant flow, in constant exploration and inconstant development. This is not something that we can simply take on byourselves and hope to be successful.

Professional networks and organizations such as the NAJCC play a much morecritical role in developing careers than we acknowledge. If we are open to seecareers as not just a single job track, but a professional life in which we eachcontinue to develop ourselves and grow, it is organizations and other groups such asthe NAJCC that act as a place to cultivate talent, build relationships and connect withyour community.

In fact, the phrase ‘connecting careers with community’ is a critical statement abouthow the NAJCC and like organizations truly impact individual development. If weare willing to see careers as more than a single job track, than we can begin toexplore the impact that connections with not only the community, but also the peoplethat comprise it, can truly have on our own individual development. As you lookaround the NAJCC, there are individuals from whom you will learn new skills, you willexperience new types of work and discover potentially new interests, you will seeleadership that works from others and develop leadership that works in yourself. Atthe end of the day, by your willingness to participate in the NAJCC, you are getting aprofessional development opportunity like none other while making connections topeople and the Nashville community that will last a lifetime.

At a recent Live at the Frist, hosted by the NAJCC, I met a Board member from theearly 70s who still stays connected both socially and professionally with hiscolleagues from Junior Chamber. I also met a young woman, who over 10 years agowas a Gold Award winner for Clinic Bowl and says that her connections with thepeople within the NAJCC still remain strong. What do these examples show us?Professional organizations such as the NAJCC are solid foundations for launchingnot only strong relationships, but also unparalleled careers.

Now how does this happen? Well it is up to you. At the NAJCC we pride ourselveson the fact that our members choose to participate, volunteer, and lead out ofpersonal motivation, not stated requirements. It is with this participation and throughthis involvement that you truly use the NAJCC to your greatest advantage. If wetruly believe that careers are more than simply the work we do, then professionalorganizations like the NAJCC are an important part of your growth and development.The relationships you build will be ones that lead you forward and will serve assupports as you move ahead. It is involvement in organizations like the NAJCC thatallow you to truly take charge of your career. I encourage you to find ways to trulyuse the NAJCC to help develop yourself further, because ultimately as you use theorganization, you give back, and together we can continue to grow.

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THE REPORTER Page 4 of 7

HE Said:It will probably happen to you sooner or later when you reach a career crossroads,end a long-term relationship, notice a few gray hairs sprouting, or—gasp—catchyourself listening to NPR or watching CNBC.

Somewhere, deep down inside us, lives an urgent need to predict what our futurelives should look like. Imagination and ambition are great, even essential, butsometimes they can be a real pain in the ass. Lofty expectations can wind uplooking pretty distorted through the mirror of 10, 20 or even 30 years later in your life.You may find yourself thinking (shouting?), “This is not how it’s supposed to be!”

And there’s the culprit, right there in the middle of that thought: “supposed.” Maybeit’s a function of living in the most advanced and most comfortable society in humanhistory, but somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten that there isn’t a money-backguarantee when it comes to our lives. John Lennon was right: “Life is what happenswhen you’re busy making other plans.”

A moment (year?) or two of introspective existentialism seems to be wired into ourgenes. Heck, even John Mayer is worried about it, and he’s much cooler than weare: “All I feel’s alone, It might be a quarter life crisis or just the stirring in my soul … Iwonder sometimes about the outcome of a still verdict less life: Am I living it right?”

Are you living it right? Remember that it’s you who’s asking that question, and thatmeans that you’re the one who has to answer. What does “right” look like to you?Stop listening to the five year-old inside you who wanted to be a happily marriedmultimillionaire astronaut/president by now, and sit still for half an hour and thinkabout your answer. Write it down, and then start thinking about how what’s on thatpiece of paper might wind up as reality.

When you need a break—and you will—take a few deep breaths, go have a beer ortwo with a good friend, and call John Mayer in the morning. He’s figured it all outalready anyway.

He Said, She Said It's a Pre-Midlife Crisis

Rob Robinson is a

Nashville native, beer-

league hockey player and

recovering youth Sunday

school teacher, Rob

Robinson works as an

account supervisor for

McNeely Pigott & Fox

public relations, where he

offers counsel to an array

of corporate clients and

to any coworkers who are

willing to listen.”

Lisa Cook Turner is

originally from Chattanooga,

TN. A graduate of the

University of Tennessee,

she received a Bachelors of

Arts in Psychology with a

minor in Adolescent Health.

She and her husband,

Michael, live with their dog,

Murphy, in West Nashville.

Her favorite past times are

Titans and Vols football

games, spending time with

friends & family, and going

to the beach.

Rob Robinson as He, Lisa Cook Turner as She

SHE Said:Remember when looking in the mirror first thing in the morning didn't make youscream? How about when firming lotions and wrinkle cream seemed like a scam youwould never waste your money on? Thinking of actually purchasing the WindsorPilates video because Daisy said they got rid of her "problem areas?" Did she everhave any problem areas? Has the job you took to afford the lifestyle of the "rich andfamous" snuffed out your dream career so that you can't even remember the faintestdetail of those dreams? Well, cheer up mate! Drive on down to your favorite wateringhole and pull up a barstool. Look around! We are all in the same boat! It is aphenomenon! Matt and Katie are talking about it on the Today show. Yet again, ourgeneration is making headlines. We are joining our parents in their mid-life crisis! So,maybe if you talk real sweet to daddy he might be able to swing a buy-one-get-onefree deal on matching convertible sports cars!

Congrats! You have been given permission to change your life! The upside to all thischaos is that during this exciting time, you can make the changes you are itching tomake! Find a career doing what you always dreamed of doing! What is holding youback? Join the YMCA! Look better than you EVER have before. It is possible! Gray

He Said She Said continued on next page

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hair? No big deal! I was a brunette until my fairy godmother, AKA hairstylist, screamed"OH MY GOD!!! DOYOU KNOW YOU HAVE GRAY HAIR!?!??! BUT YOU ARE SOYOUNG!" You would think the man saw snakes growing out of my head...he tells methere is no difference! Anyway, he single-handedly hid my only fault (ha!) with a couplehighlights. Now, I am as blonde as Pamela Anderson trying to hide all that gray. I tellyou this knowing it will be kept just between us...secret for life, right? Besides! Blondesdo have more fun! I love working out now too. It is hard to get motivated to get up anddo it, but once I get going I love the effects it has. It immediately makes me feel betterand less stressed. As time goes by I see the effects it has on my physicalappearance...I LOVE that!! As for the career thing? I am still working on that one. I amlearning that just as in your love life you have to kiss many, many frogs until you findthe prince of a job that you are dreaming of.

Finally, this time can be as stressful or exciting as you choose for it to be. Enjoy yourlife. If you do, you will be less likely to obsess over silly things like wrinkles and grayhair. Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people. I have learned fromexperience, the types of people you surround yourself with will be the type of personyou become. Remember, the things you might want to change the most might just bethe things that others love most about you.

He Said She Said continued from previous page

May is a month where wegear up for the summerahead and work on ourmembership growth. As ithas been mentioned manytimes, membership is themost important faucet ofthis organization, and weneed your help, each andevery one of you. That iswhy we are offering someincentives for you to helpin the recruitment process.

The recruiting incentivesare as follows; memberswho enlist three newmembers receive $100 offdues or $100 giftcertificate

Ok kids, let’s think aboutthis, you bring in new

Incentives For Building Membership

members and you reap therewards! How simple isthat! $100 can go alongway, maybe not at the gaspump, but as Mother's Daypassed with empty walletsand Father’s Day fastapproaching, think of whatnice things you can get foryour parents.

Every month we induct anew class of membership.I have been fortunateenough to work with theMarch new member group.I can’t tell you howrefreshing it was to be apart of their firstbrainstorming session fortheir special project. Theyhad enthusiasm and freshideas. It was veryenlightening. This is also

apparent in the past newgroups and the events thatthey have planned.

People, we need more ofthis, and I know the songis getting as old as CarrollChanning, but we needmembership, and we needmore fresh talent. Forwithout them, we wouldnot be able to grow aspeople and anorganization. Last May,the attendance wasincredible, and I would liketo set forth the challengefor making this year evenbigger. We have a greatsummer of ahead of us,what better way to share it,than with a large group offriends and fellow NAJCCmembers.

by Ben Prom

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Over the past two years, the NAJCC has made tremendous efforts to integrate as a core tenet the cultivation ofpartnerships and relationships with other organizations. In order for us to remain the focal point for young professionals toconnect with our community, we must continually strive to reach out and forge relationships with organizations and ensurewe possess touch points in every facet of the city. The impetus behind such efforts is fourfold:

1. Ensure the NAJCC possesses a myriad of touch points to engage our members throughout the community.2. Facilitate interactions among diverse groups and allow our members to network outside typical circles of influence.3. Continue our tradition of giving back to our community.4. Raise awareness of the NAJCC throughout Nashville.

Many such partnerships are ongoing in their development and will be enhanced as we continue dialogue with these otherentities. The ultimate goal: Ensure the future of the NAJCC as the destination for young professionals to becomeimmediately "plugged in" and engaged in any dimension of our city. As an illustration I would like to briefly review theextensive relationships the NAJCC has established, the outreach efforts and some examples of tangible results:

Mayor's Office - Quarterly coffee with the mayor and his economic advisor to understand the vision for Nashville and anopportunity speak candidly with the city's leaderChamber of Commerce - NAJCC possesses board seat on the Chamber Board of Directors, included in their "coolschool" program. Ongoing dialogue to engender a much closer relationshipFrist Center - Helped launch both Frist Fridays and Avante Guard group (young patrons society)Symphony Hall - Created an advisory panel of young supporters to engage our peer group in the new hall Nashville Predators - Worked collaboratively to execute our new event the "Predator's Cup"Tennessee Titans - Partner of Clinic Bowl for last 2 yearsYoung Leader's Council - Joint Professional Development event - working on future collaborationAmerican Marketing Association - Joint Lunch and Learn eventThe Tomorrow Fund - Joint business after hours eventFamily and Children's Services - Joint event "Rollin on the River"Belmont University - Provided speakers focusing on career skills for business school studentsWine Over the River - Assisted with marketing campaign and manpower support for this inaugural event benefiting thedowntown merchantsSpecial Olympics - Ongoing annual support, as the largest source of manpower and volunteer resources for all track andfield eventsNational Women's Football Association - Provided manpower resources and expertise to execute their championshipgame held in NashvilleHands on Nashville- Working in concert with HON to provide volunteer opportunities for our members across a myriad oforganizations in needCountry Music Marathon - Annual participation in this event by staffing an entire water station

Below is an additional list of the organizations we that have provided either volunteer, manpower, monetary resources orsimply have an ongoing relationship and commitment to work collaboratively:

Other organizations the NAJCC has current and future interactions with: Society of Leaders in Development (SOLID),Junior League, Sennet Society, Young Healthcare Leaders, Urban League Young Professionals, Arthritis Foundation,Martha O'Brien Center, Sarah Cannon Cancer Foundation, Second Harvest food bank, TPAC, TN Rep Theater, BelleMeade Plantation, Tennessee State University, Adventure Science Museum, Country Music Hall of Fame, Nashville CityClub, Lakeshore Estates Nursing Home, Commodore Club, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Vanderbilt University,Nashville Business Journal.

The NAJCC was founded with the strong directive to engage in the community and make a difference. As one can gleanfrom the impressive list of organizations we touch in some form or another, we continue today to fulfill that originalmission. Partnerships, collaboration and striving to make an impact are tenets firmly entrenched in the NAJCC spirit and Iencourage everyone to expand both the realm and scope of these relationships in the years to come. The strength of ourrelationships and support of other organizations outside our own will further bolster our position as the connection point foryoung professionals in Nashville as each new touch point expends our circle of influence and each new relationshipopens a new avenue of opportunity. I hope to see our partnerships and commitment to our community continue toincrease and I challenge each of you to help forge a new bond with an organization or a person, to expand your circle.

NAJCC Partnerships – A Tradition Rekindled by Adam Small

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Have to say one of themost incredible, mostfulfilling, and most painful,but most wonderful daysof my life...

Jason WolfTime 3:42. This was myfirst marathon! Although Iwas quit sore the nextday, I had a wonderfultime. It felt great to see somany people supportingand pushing the runnersto the finish. I will

Marathon Thoughts…

New Board Members

Notes and Classifieds

Nashville AreaJunior Chamber

of Commerce


4711 TrousdaleDrive

Suite 129Nashville, TN


PHONE:(615) 255-7873

FAX:((615) 255-4880

E-MAIL:[email protected]

We’re on the Web!See us at:

absolutely spectacular! Todd Shafer

definitely be running somemore in the near future. LeShane C. Greenhill

Running the half marathonwas a wonderful feeling ofaccomplishment for me,which I swore I wouldnever do again. However,I have already startedtraining to run inChicago's this fall. Theexhilaration you feel aftercompleting the run is


Our very own BelindaSmith won in the categoryof Bluegrass RecordedSong of the Year:"So Many Years, So ManyBlessings," written byWayne Haun, CindiBallard, and BelindaSmith; performed by TheLewis Family.

For Rent:Roommate needed by

May 20- Business AfterHours at Mafiaoza’sMay 22- SpecialOlympicsMay 25- MembershipMeeting at CheekwoodMay 26 – Lunch &Learn w/ CongressmanJim Cooper

Upcoming Events

May 17- Networkingon the Green GolfTournamentMay 18- New MemberOrientationMay 20- MembershipInformation SessionMay 20- Real EstateInvesting Seminar

Erica Brook Graves, Chip Wallace, Tina Hamilton, Ken Youngstead, Crissy Paxton,Rene Zeron, Ben Prom

August. Cute duplex inGreen Hills. $450 amonth. Contact AprilBarker if interested [email protected]

Female roommatewanted to sharespacious 3BR/2.5BAnew home. Old HickoryBlvd. and NolensvilleRoad. W/D, garage,bonus room, $400/mo.

plus 1/3utilities, call 218-3268.

Lawn Care

Services available.Contact Will Normanat 945-6969.

Newly Relocated:The NAJCC Office isMoving – Downtown,in the Work GreerBuilding.

May 31 - MemorialDay - Office ClosedJune 24 –-Business AfterHours w/ UrbanLeagueJuly 8- WineTasting at Wild Boar