Download - The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Page 1: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

The real potential of Marketing

Automation, the real potential of You

Adam Sharp

MD & Co-founder

Page 2: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

The real potential of Marketing

Automation, the real potential of You

Adam Sharp

MD & Co-founder

Page 3: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

Some ideasUnderstanding of MAWhy it is so top of mindCareer building?A contrarian view too

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Page 4: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

“There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.”

Search: ’Unknowns Donald’

Bounded Rationality

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(my own) Bounded Rationality

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Page 8: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

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Marketing isn’t easy.


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Page 10: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

7 big changes happening NOW

• Business Strategy is too slow1. Digital

Darwinism will be quicker and more brutal (Digital transformation)

2. Digital Marketing no longer on the periphery AND it can’t be owned by IT.

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Page 11: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

7 big changes happening NOW

• Customer NOT Content (is King)3. Service is the new

battleground4. Customer Journey

is being replaced by Customer Experience.

5. The linear Customer Journey is a myth, Always-on MA is just the start.

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Page 12: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

7 big changes happening NOW

• Marketing REINVENTED6. Sales and

Marketing organizations and have been reinvented, so skills need to be re-evaluated & reinvented too.

7. Forecasting & Insight will have higher currency than Reporting

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2. Digital Marketing no longer on periphery

or owned by IT…

…in fact it is just MarketingCopyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

Page 14: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

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Q: ‘What is the purpose of your website?’

1. Establish creds

2. Sell products

3. Generate leads

1. To help your customers

2. Drive new service levels & products

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Page 15: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

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Forget content is king

Forget quarterly campaigns

Forget creative as a sole source of differentiation

Page 16: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

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Marketing………a Profit Centre or Cost Centre?

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Page 17: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

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It is easy to build just another brochure.

The smart CMOs of the future are the ones that use

the web to redefine

marketing and the business itself.

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Page 18: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

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The digital leaders of the future will combine the digital experience with the physical experience, and as part of this will embed Digital capabilities into their organization for their own customer insight and future ‘Digital Darwinsim’.

Where next?

Page 19: The Real Potential of Marketing Automation, the Real Potential of You

Copyright © CleverTouch Marketing 2015

The real potential of Marketing

Automation, the real potential of You

Adam Sharp

MD & Co-founder