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The RC6 Block Cipher: A simple fast secure AES proposal

Ronald L. Rivest MITMatt Robshaw RSA LabsRay Sidney RSA LabsYiqun Lisa Yin RSA Labs

(August 21, 1998)

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Design Philosophy Description of RC6 Implementation Results Security Conclusion

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Design Philosophy Leverage our experience with RC5: use

data-dependent rotations to achieve a high level of security.

Adapt RC5 to meet AES requirements Take advantage of a new primitive for

increased security and efficiency: 32x32 multiplication, which executes quickly on modern processors, to compute rotation amounts.

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Description of RC6

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Description of RC6 RC6-w/r/b parameters:

– Word size in bits: w ( 32 )( lg(w) = 5 )– Number of rounds: r ( 20 )– Number of key bytes: b ( 16, 24, or 32 )

Key Expansion: – Produces array S[ 0 … 2r + 3 ] of w-bit round

keys. Encryption and Decryption:

– Input/Output in 32-bit registers A,B,C,D

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RC6 Primitive Operations

A + B Addition modulo 2w

A - B Subtraction modulo 2w

A B Exclusive-OrA <<< B Rotate A left by amount in

low-order lg(w ) bits of B A >>> B Rotate A right, similarly

(A,B,C,D) = (B,C,D,A) Parallel assignment

A x B Multiplication modulo 2w



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RC6 Encryption (Generic) B = B + S[ 0 ]

D = D + S[ 1 ]for i = 1 to r do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< lg( w ) u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< lg( w ) A = ( ( A t ) <<< u ) + S[ 2i ] C = ( ( C u ) <<< t ) + S[ 2i + 1 ] (A, B, C, D) = (B, C, D, A) }A = A + S[ 2r + 2 ]C = C + S[ 2r + 3 ]

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RC6 Encryption (for AES) B = B + S[ 0 ]

D = D + S[ 1 ]for i = 1 to 20 do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A t ) <<< u ) + S[ 2i ] C = ( ( C u ) <<< t ) + S[ 2i + 1 ] (A, B, C, D) = (B, C, D, A) }A = A + S[ 42 ]C = C + S[ 43 ]

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RC6 Decryption (for AES) C = C - S[ 43 ]

A = A - S[ 42 ]for i = 20 downto 1 do { (A, B, C, D) = (D, A, B, C) u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< 5 t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 C = ( ( C - S[ 2i + 1 ] ) >>> t ) u A = ( ( A - S[ 2i ] ) >>> u ) t } D = D - S[ 1 ] B = B - S[ 0 ]

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Key Expansion (Same as RC5’s)

Input: array L[ 0 … c-1 ] of input key words Output: array S[ 0 … 43 ] of round key words Procedure:

S[ 0 ] = 0xB7E15163for i = 1 to 43 do S[i] = S[i-1] + 0x9E3779B9A = B = i = j = 0for s = 1 to 132 do { A = S[ i ] = ( S[ i ] + A + B ) <<< 3 B = L[ j ] = ( L[ j ] + A + B ) <<< ( A + B ) i = ( i + 1 ) mod 44 j = ( j + 1 ) mod c }

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From RC5 to RC6 in seven easy steps

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(1) Start with RC5

RC5 encryption inner loop:

for i = 1 to r do { A = ( ( A B ) <<< B ) + S[ i ] ( A, B ) = ( B, A ) }

Can RC5 be strengthened by having rotation amounts depend on all the bits of B?

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Modulo function?Use low-order bits of ( B mod d )Too slow!

Linear function?Use high-order bits of ( c x B )Hard to pick c well!

Quadratic function?Use high-order bits of ( B x (2B+1) )Just right!

Better rotation amounts?

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B x (2B+1) is one-to-one mod 2w

Proof: By contradiction. If B C but B x (2B + 1) = C x (2C + 1) (mod 2w)

then (B - C) x (2B+2C+1) = 0 (mod 2w)But (B-C) is nonzero and (2B+2C+1) is odd; their product can’t be zero!

Corollary: B uniform B x (2B+1) uniform (and high-order bits are uniform too!)

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High-order bits of B x (2B+1)

The high-order bits of f(B) = B x ( 2B + 1 ) = 2B2 + B

depend on all the bits of B . Let B = B31B30B29 … B1B0 in binary. Flipping bit i of input B

– Leaves bits 0 … i-1 of f(B) unchanged,– Flips bit i of f(B) with probability one,– Flips bit j of f(B) , for j > i , with probability

approximately 1/2 (1/4…1),– is likely to change some high-order bit.

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for i = 1 to r do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A B ) <<< t ) + S[ i ] ( A, B ) = ( B, A ) }

But now much of the output of this nice multiplication is being wasted...

(2) Quadratic Rotation Amounts

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for i = 1 to r do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A t ) <<< t ) + S[ i ] ( A, B ) = ( B, A ) }

Now AES requires 128-bit blocks. We could use two 64-bit registers, but 64-bit operations are poorly supported with typical C compilers...

(3) Use t, not B, as xor input

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(4) Do two RC5’s in parallel

Use four 32-bit regs (A,B,C,D), and do RC5 on (C,D) in parallel with RC5 on (A,B):

for i = 1 to r do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A t ) <<< t ) + S[ 2i ] ( A, B ) = ( B, A ) u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< 5 C = ( ( C u ) <<< u ) + S[ 2i + 1 ]

( C, D ) = ( D, C ) }

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(5) Mix up data between copies

Switch rotation amounts between copies, and cyclically permute registers instead of swapping: for i = 1 to r do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A t ) <<< u ) + S[ 2i ] C = ( ( C u ) <<< t ) + S[ 2i + 1 ] (A, B, C, D) = (B, C, D, A) }

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One Round of RC6





<<< <<<

S[2i] S[2i+1]


t u

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(6) Add Pre- and Post-Whitening

B = B + S[ 0 ]D = D + S[ 1 ]for i = 1 to r do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A t ) <<< u ) + S[ 2i ] C = ( ( C u ) <<< t ) + S[ 2i + 1 ] (A, B, C, D) = (B, C, D, A) }A = A + S[ 2r + 2 ]C = C + S[ 2r + 3 ]

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B = B + S[ 0 ]D = D + S[ 1 ]for i = 1 to 20 do { t = ( B x ( 2B + 1 ) ) <<< 5 u = ( D x ( 2D + 1 ) ) <<< 5 A = ( ( A t ) <<< u ) + S[ 2i ] C = ( ( C u ) <<< t ) + S[ 2i + 1 ] (A, B, C, D) = (B, C, D, A) }A = A + S[ 42 ]C = C + S[ 43 ]

(7) Set r = 20 for high security

Final RC6

(based on analysis)

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RC6 Implementation Results

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Less than two clocks per bit of plaintext !

J ava Borland C Assembly

Setup 110000 2300 ~1000

Encrypt 16200 616 254

Decrypt 16500 566 254

CPU Cycles / Operation

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J ava Borland C Assembly

Setup 1820 86956 ~200000

Encrypt 12300 325000 787000

Decrypt 12100 353000 788000

Operations/Second (200MHz)

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J ava Borland C Assembly

Encrypt 0.1971.57



Decrypt 0.1941.55



Encryption Rate (200MHz)

MegaBytes / secondMegaBits / second

Over 100 Megabits / second !

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On an 8-bit processor On an Intel MCS51 ( 1 Mhz clock ) Encrypt/decrypt at 9.2 Kbits/second

(13535 cycles/block; from actual implementation)

Key setup in 27 milliseconds Only 176 bytes needed for table of

round keys. Fits on smart card (< 256 bytes RAM).

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Custom RC6 IC 0.25 micron CMOS process One round/clock at 200 MHz Conventional multiplier designs 0.05 mm2 of silicon 21 milliwatts of power Encrypt/decrypt at 1.3 Gbits/second With pipelining, can go faster, at cost

of more area and power

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RC6 Security Analysis

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Analysis procedures

Intensive analysis, based on most effective known attacks (e.g. linear and differential cryptanalysis)

Analyze not only RC6, but also several “simplified” forms (e.g. with no quadratic function, no fixed rotation by 5 bits, etc…)

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Linear analysis Find approximations for r-2 rounds. Two ways to approximate A = B <<< C

– with one bit each of A, B, C (type I)– with one bit each of A, B only (type II)– each have bias 1/64; type I more useful

Non-zero bias across f(B) only when input bit = output bit. (Best for lsb.)

Also include effects of multiple linear approximations and linear hulls.

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Estimate of number of plaintext/ciphertext pairs required to mount a linear attack.

(Only 2128 such pairs are available.)

Rounds Pairs 8 247

12 283

16 2119

20 RC6 2155

24 2191

Security against linear attacks


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Differential analysis Considers use of (iterative and non-

iterative) (r-2)-round differentials as well as (r-2)-round characteristics.

Considers two notions of “difference”:– exclusive-or– subtraction (better!)

Combination of quadratic function and fixed rotation by 5 bits very good at thwarting differential attacks.

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An iterative RC6 differential A B C D

1<<16 1<<11 0 0 1<<11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<<s 0 1<<26 1<<s 0 1<<26 1<<21 0 1<<v 1<<21 1<<16 1<<v 0 1<<16 1<<11 0 0

Probability = 2-91

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Estimate of number of plaintext pairs required to mount a differential attack.

(Only 2128 such pairs are available.)

Rounds Pairs 8 256

12 297

16 2190

20 RC6 2238

24 2299

Security against differential attacks


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Security of Key Expansion Key expansion is identical to that of

RC5; no known weaknesses. No known weak keys. No known related-key attacks. Round keys appear to be a “random”

function of the supplied key. Bonus: key expansion is quite “one-

way”---difficult to infer supplied key from round keys.

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Conclusion RC6 more than meets the

requirements for the AES; it is– simple,– fast, and– secure.

For more information, including copy of these slides, copy of RC6 description, and security analysis, see

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(The End)