Download - The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Page 1: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited

Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I Minor Minerals : Lime Kankar & Clay (Others)

New Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha Proposed Production :-

Lime Kankar ROM @ 13.33 LTPA / Clean Kankar @ 6.00 LTPA & Clay @ 0.60 LTPA

Suddhamadam Village, Aruppukottai Taluk,

Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu

Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification 2006 Schedule Sl. No. 1(a); Category ‘A’ (Mining in >50 Ha)

Application/Form-1 Proposed TOR

Feasibility Report Mining Plan

December 2017

EIA Consultant

Environmental System Consultants & Ambiente Lab Solutions Private Limited

(Ensyscon) (Accreditated for Sectors 1, 4, 9, 31, 33 - Category ‘A’ & 38-Category B

By QCI- NABET; Sl. No. 54 of List-A dated 16.11.2017) Old 7, New 14, Shanmuga Naicker Street,

K K Nagar, Chennai-600 078. Phone : 044-2364 3663; Fax-044-2364 2663

e-mail : [email protected]

Page 2: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

FORM-1 (Revised as per SO 3067 dated 01.12.2009)

(I) Basic Information

Sl. No. Item Description

1 Name of the Project/s The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (New Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha;

2 Sl. No. in the Schedule 1 (a) (i); > 50 Ha of Mining Lease Area in respect of Non-Coal Mine

3 Proposed Capacity/area/ length/tonnage to be handled/ command area/lease area/number of wells to be drilled

ROM Production of 13.33 LTPA/Clean Kankar @ 6.00 LTPA & Clay @ 0.60 LTPA) over an extent of 498.870 Ha

4 New/Expansion/Modernisation New 5 Existing Capacity, Area, etc. Not Applicable

6 Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category-A (> 50 Ha of Mining Lease Area)-Minor Minerals

7 Does it attract the General Condition? If yes, please specify


8 Does it attract the Specific Condition? If yes, please specify


9 Location :

Plot/Survey/Khasra No. S.F. Nos. 14/2, 14/3, 15/1, etc.

Village Suddhamadam

Tehsil Aruppukottai

District Virudhunagar

State Tamil Nadu

10 Nearest railway station/airport along with distance in km

Aruppukottai Rly. Station - 20 km in North-northwest Madurai Airport - 55 km in North

11 Nearest town, city, District Head Quarters along with distance in km

Aruppukottai – 18 km District HQ : Virudhunagar – 32 km in Northwest

12 Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Local Body (complete addresses with telephone nos. to be given)

The Commissioner, Tiruchuli Panchayat Union, Virudhunagar District. 04566-284227

13 Name of the Applicant M/s.The Ramco Cements Limited

14 Registered Address Ramamadiram, Rajapalayam

15 Address for Correspondence :

Name Shri M.Srinivasan

Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) President (Mfg.)

Address The Ramco Cements Limited, 5th Floor, Auras Corporate Centre, No. 98A, Dr.Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600 004.

Pin code 600 004

e-mail ms@

Page 3: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Sl. No. Item Description

Telephone No. 044-2847 8666/2847 8661/2847 8656

Fax No. 044-2847 8676

16 Details of Alternative Sites examined, if any. Location of these Sites should be shown on a topo sheet

Village-District-State 1. 2. 3.

Not Applicable Limestone bearing area

17 Interlined Projects Not Applicable

18 Whether separate Application of Interlined Project has been submitted?


19 If Yes, date of submission -

20 If No, reason -

21 Whether the Proposal involves approval/clearance under : (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act,

1980 (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act,

1972 (c) The CRZ Notification, 1991

No No No

22 Whether there is any Government Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site?

Precise Area Communication (PAC) has been issued by the Tamil Nadu State Industries Department vide Letter No/14547/MMC.2/2016-1 dated 21.04.2017.

23 Forest Land involved, Ha Nil

24 Whether there is any litigation pending against the Project and/or land in which the Project is proposed to be set-up : (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if

any and its relevance with the proposed Project


I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project, will be revoked at our risk and cost. Sd./- Date : 04.12.2017 (R.Srinivasan) Place : Chennai. President-Manufacturing

The Ramco Cements Ltd. 98-A, Auras Corporate Centre

Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore Chennai – 600004.

Signature of the Applicant With Name and Full Address

(Project Proponent/Authorised Signatory))

Page 4: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

(II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change

in land use, land cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan)

Yes An extent of 498.870 Ha will be under Mining (industrial) use. In the total QL area of 498.87 Ha, about 371.575 Ha is only available for effective mining after leaving the prescribed safety barrier of about 127.295 Ha. The area covered under mining is non-forest type. The entire area applied for Quarry Lease is patta land owned by RCL. As per the Mining Plan, the proposed production of Lime Kankar & Clay from this Lease by Strip Mining would be about 13.33 Lakhs Tonnes per Annum (LTPA) as Run-Off Mine (ROM) basis (or) 6.00 LTPA as Clean Kankar and Clay 0.60 LTPA. There will be no Top Soil/OB Dump as the entire Top Soil generated will be refilled in the mined out pit simultaneously.

1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings?

Yes The dry agricultural and waste land is covered with dry crops (as permitted by RCL), grasses and bushes which will be cleared.

1.3 Creation of new land uses?

Yes At Conceptual Stage, about 281.075 Ha will be refilled, 127.295 Ha will be in Safety barrier, 28.5 Ha area will be under mineral rejects Dump, 1.5 Ha under Roads, 0.50 Ha under Infrastructures and 60 Ha will be under Green Belt. With 60 Ha of Safety Zone covered under Green Belt, total Green Belt Area will be about 120 Ha with 24.05% coverage.

1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore holes, soil testing?

No Detailed exploration has been carried out and the reserves has been estimated & Scheme of Mining also approved by IBM in respect of exiting granted Lease area of the applicant which is located just opposite to the applied area.

1.5 Construction works? Yes A small Mine Office will be constructed on temporary structures. Also, the existing screening system established in the currently operating mining lease will be shifted to this quarry lease area, as such.

1.6 Demolition works? No Not applicable. 1.7 Temporary sites used for

construction works or housing of construction workers?

No Not applicable.

1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations

Yes A small Mine Office will be constructed on temporary structures. Also, the existing screening system established in the currently operating mining lease will be shifted to this quarry lease area.

Page 5: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 1.9 Underground works including

mining or tunneling? Yes The average depth of over burden black cotton

soil is 1.5 m. The maximum depth of the Mine will be of 3.0 m only.

1.10 Reclamation works? Yes The deposit will be mined by a simple system of simultaneous development, production and refilling by the same excavator called strip mining. The ratio of ore (clean Kankar) to O.B works out to be 1:2. Simultaneous reclamation activities will be continued upto the end of mine life.

1.11 Dredging? No Not applicable. 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not applicable. 1.13 Production and manufacturing


Yes Non-conventional Opencast Mechanized Opencast Mining, without Drilling and Blasting, with deployment of heavy earth moving machineries of low HP will be adopted. As per the Mining Plan, the proposed production of Lime Kankar & Clay from this Lease by Strip Mining would be about 13.33 Lakhs Tonnes per Annum (LTPA) as Run-Off Mine (ROM) basis (or) 6.00 LTPA as Clean Kankar and Clay 0.60 LTPA.

1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or materials?

Yes The ROM material from the mine will be transported to the screen system. After screening, the product material will be dispatched to Pandalgudi Mines where RCL has established common crushing and beneficiation facility for further processing. The screened reject will be separately stacked in the mine itself. The mineral rejects will be dumped in the Kankar exhausted area upto a maximum height of 10 m between grids G2-H2 and G3-H3.

1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents?

Yes A. Liquid Effluents : Domestic sewage generation will be about 2.5 cu.m/day which will be biologically treated in a Septic Tank followed by a Dispersion Trench. No workshop is proposed and thus, no effluent generation from the Mine. As it is a shallow mining upto a depth of 3.0 m BGL and simultaneous refilling is proposed, there will not be any water seepage or water harvesting in the Mine Pit. B. Solid Wastes : The average depth of over burden black cotton soil is 1.5 meters. The mine will generate about 12,00,000 Tonnes per Annum Top Soil which will be backfilled in the mined out pit simultaneously.

1.16 Facilities for long term housing of operational workers?

No Not applicable. Township exists at Pandalgudi.

Page 6: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic

during construction or operation? No These Captive Mines and Pandalgudi Crusher

(and also RR Nagar Cement Plant) are connected with RCL’s own Tar road. This Mine will also utilise the extended own Haul Road to the Pit.

1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc?

No Madurai-Thoothukudi Section of National Highway NH-38 (earlier NH45B) runs North-South direction in the central part of the Mines area. Several State Highways and District Roads are well connected to Aruppukottai Town. Aruppukottai Town is at 18 km in North-nothwest and District Head Quarters Virudhunagar is at 32 km distance in Northwest direction from the Lease Area. Madurai Airport is at 55 km in north.

1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements?

No The existing Mines use 25/30 Tons Tipper for the transportation of the Minerals from the Pits to the Crusher. About 180 Trips/day (306 PCU/day) is the Traffic Volume (due to all Mines) now in the dedicated own Road which will not have any impact on the existing Traffic volume of the NH, SHs as well as other roads. About 148 Trips of 30 Ton Tippers, in one way, will be there for transporting 4,443 TPD ROM.

1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines?

No 50 metres safety distance on either side of Low Tension Electric Power line running in the direction of North East -South West will be provided.

1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers?

No There is no perennial river or stream in the Lease vicinity. Seasonal Uppu Odai drains the region.

1.22 Stream crossings?

Yes There are about 5 Nos. Seasonal First and Second order streams originating from the QL Area and joins the Uppu Odai so as to confluence with Seasonal Vaippar River in the south. As per PAC for QL, the safety barrier of 50 metres on either side of Odais/Nallahs are provided and the Nallahs and their flows will be maintained as such till the Conceptual Stage.

1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water form ground or surface waters?

No As it is a shallow mining upto a depth of 3.0 m BGL and simultaneous refilling is proposed, there will not be any water seepage or water harvesting in the Mine Pit. Also, Mining will not intersect the Ground Water-table. The mine requires about 3 cu.m/day drinking water for domestic consumption which will be supplied from the RO Plant at Pandalgudi Mine. The required water for Green Belt development will be sourced from existing Captive Mine Pits in Pandalgudi Region.

1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or

No The safety barrier of 50 metres on either side of Odais/Nallahs are provided and the Nallahs

Page 7: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data run-off? and their flows will be maintained as such till

the Conceptual Stage. 1.25 Transport of personnel or

materials for construction, operation or decommissioning?

Yes Mining personnel of 30 persons will be visiting the Lease in vehicles from the Township/Colony at Pandalgudi. About 148 Trips of 30 Ton Tippers, in one way, will be there for transporting 4,443 TPD ROM from this Lease.

1.26 Long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works?

No Not applicable.

1.27 Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment?

No Not applicable.

1.28 Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently?

No Not applicable.

1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Not applicable. 1.30 Loss of native species or genetic

diversity? No Not applicable.

1.31 Any other actions? No Nil

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply):

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or

agricultural land (ha) Yes An extent of 498.870 Ha, own Patta land, will

be under Mining (industrial) use. It is a dry, barren and flat terrain land.

2.2 Water (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD

Yes The mine requires about 3 cu.m/day drinking water for domestic consumption which will be supplied from the RO Plant at Pandalgudi Mine. The required water, 50-150 cu.m/day, for Green Belt development will be sourced from existing Captive Mine Pits in Pandalgudi Region. As it is a shallow mining upto a depth of 3.0 m BGL and simultaneous refilling is proposed, there will not be any water seepage or water harvesting in the Mine Pit. Also, Mining will not intersect the Ground Water-table.

2.3 Minerals (MT) Yes It is estimated that 45,98,241 Tonnes of Lime Kankar is recoverable from the estimated Geological Reserves of 1,02,18,313 Tonnes from this Quarry. In-situ Geological Reserves is 91,96,481 Tonnes. The total clay reserves estimated is about 9,196,481 Tonnes. Out of which about 459,824

Page 8: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data Tonnes will be utilized for the cement manufacturing process and balance 8,736,657 Tonnes will be used for simultaneous refilling of the mined out portion. The proposed production of Lime Kankar & Clay from this Lease by Strip Mining would be about 13.33 Lakhs Tonnes per Annum (LTPA) as Run-Off Mine (ROM) basis (or) 6.00 LTPA as Clean Kankar and Clay 0.60 LTPA.

2.4 Construction material-stone, aggregates, sand / soil (expected source – MT)

Yes A small Mine office of 1000 sq. ft. will be constructed and the required materials are readily available with RCL at Pandalgudi. The existing screening system established in the currently operating mining lease will be shifted to this quarry lease area, as such.

2.5 Forests and timber (source - MT)

No Not applicable.

2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW)

Yes 2000 KVA industrial supply for the Screening Plant and lighting. HSD @ 1000 lits./day for mining equipments. There will be no standby DG set.

2.7 Any other natural resources (use appropriate standard units)

No Not applicable.

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials,

which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies)

No Not applicable.

3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases)

No Not applicable.

3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing living conditions?

Yes There will be a positive impact by way of employment, better socioeconomic conditions, improved local and regional economy, etc.

3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc.

No There is no sensitive area near the mine.

3.5 Any other causes No Not applicable.

Page 9: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine

wastes Yes The average depth of over burden black cotton

soil is 1.5 meters. The Top Soil will be backfilled in the mined out pit simultaneously.

4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or commercial wastes)

No Not applicable.

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste Management Rules)

No Not applicable.

4.4 Other industrial process wastes Yes The ratio of Ore (Clean Kankar) to OB (Top Soil) works out 1:2.0 and Ore to Wastes Ratio is 1:3.12. The mineral rejects will be dumped in the Kankar exhausted area upto a maximum height of 10 m.

4.5 Surplus product No Not applicable. 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge

from effluent treatment No Not applicable.

4.7 Construction or demolition wastes

No Not applicable.

4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment

No Not applicable.

4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials

No Not applicable.

4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not applicable.

4.11 Other solid wastes No Not applicable.

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion of

fossil fuels from stationary or mobile sources

Yes The mining operation including transporting activities would generate both fugitive dust emissions and smoke from HEM Machineries/Equipments and Tippers.

5.2 Emissions from production processes

No Not applicable.

5.3 Emissions from materials handling including storage or transport

Yes It is proposed to handle 4,443 TPD ROM. Emissions from these materials handling will result in Fugitive emissions which will be computed and submitted in the EIA Report.

5.4 Emissions from construction activities including plant and equipment

No Not applicable; a small construction only proposed for the Mine Office.

5.5 Dust/odours from handling of materials including construction materials, etc.

No Not applicable.

5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste

No Not applicable.

5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials,

No Not applicable.

Page 10: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data construction debris)

5.8 Emissions from any other sources

No Not applicable.

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 6.1 From operation of equipment

e.g. engines, ventilation plant, crushers

Yes The noise level within the Mine Equipments, (during operation) will be maintained at less than 85 db (A) at a distance of 1.5 m from the source. Ambient noise level at the mine boundary will be <55 dB (A) during day times and <45 dB (A) during night times and will be within the MoEF&CC/TNPCB Norms for residential areas.

6.2 From industrial or similar processes

No Not applicable.

6.3 From construction or demolition No Not applicable. 6.4 From blasting or piling No Non-conventional Opencast Mechanised

Mining by means of Excavators will be adopted for a production @ 13.33 MTPA ROM. Drilling and Blasting will not be there.

6.5 From construction or operational traffic

Yes Ore haulage by 30 Tons Tippers to the Screening Plant and Crusher/Beneficiation Plant. About 148 Trips of 30 Ton Tippers, in one way, will be there for transporting 4,443 TPD ROM from this Lease.

6.6 From lighting or cooling systems No Not applicable.

6.7 From any other sources No Not applicable.

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use or

spillage of hazardous materials No Not applicable.

7.2 From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge)

No Domestic sewage generation will be biologically treated in a septic Tank followed by a Dispersion Trench.

7.3 By deposition of pollutants emitted to air into the land or into water

No Not applicable.

7.4 From any other sources No Not applicable.

7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment from these sources?

No Not applicable.

Page 11: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data

8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc. from storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances

No Not applicable.

8.2 From any other causes No Not applicable. 8.3 Could the project be affected by

natural disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)?

Yes Falling in Seismic Zone III. No perennial Rivers nearby.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality

Sl. No.

Information/ Checklist Confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever

possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of

supporting utilities, ancillary development or development stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g.: • Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc.) • housing development • extractive industries • supply industries • others


No No No No

Not applicable; Captive Mine for the Cement Plant.

9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which could have an impact on the environment

Yes At Conceptual Stage, about 281.075 Ha will be refilled, 127.295 Ha will be in Safety barrier, 28.5 Ha area will be under mineral rejects Dump, 1.5 Ha under Roads, 0.50 Ha under Infrastructures and 60 Ha will be under Green Belt. With 60 Ha of Safety Zone covered under Green Belt.

9.3 Set a precedent for later developments

No Not applicable.

9.4 Have cumulative effects due to proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects

Yes Cumulative Traffic Volume in the vicinity.

Page 12: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

III. Environmental Sensitivity

Sl. No. Areas Name/


Aerial distance (within 15 km) from Proposed Project location

boundary 1 Areas protected under international

conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value

Nil -

2 Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasons -Wetlands, watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests

Nil -

3 Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration

Nil -

4 Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters

Seasonal Uppu Odai (Nallah)

1.4 km in Northeast

5 State, National boundaries

Nil -

6 Routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas

NH-38 (earlier NH-45B)

7-8 km in the West

7 Defence installations Nil - 8 Densely populated or built-up area Pandalgudi

Aruppukottai Town

7 km in Northwest 18 km in North-nothwest.

9 Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities

10 Areas containing important, high quality or scarce resources

(ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals)

Proximate to Pandalgudi Limestone Deposits

6-14 km in SW to NW & North

11 Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental damage (those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded)

Nil -

12 Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause the project to present environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme/adverse climatic conditions)

Earthquake The site falls in Seismic Zone III.


Page 13: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Proposed TORs The proposed Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I, over an extent of 498.870 Ha for a production of 13.33 LTPA ROM @ 4,433 Tonnes/day, is falling under Sl. No. 1(a) Category ‘A’ (mining in >50 Ha) of EIA Notification 2006 and needs the Environmental Clearance (EC) from MoEF&CC. Thus, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is envisaged. RCL has entrusted the EIA Study on M/s.Environmental System Consultants & Ambiente Lab Solutions Private Limited (Ensyscon), Chennai. The EIA Consultant has been accredited for the Sectors 1 (Mining), 4 (Thermal Power Plants), 9 (Cement Plants), 31 (Industrial Estates/SEZs), 33 (Ports & Harbours) – Category ‘A’ and 38 (Building Construction Projects) – Category ‘B’ by the National Accreditation Board for Education & Training (NABET), Quality Council of India (Sl. No. 54 in the List-A of Accredited EIA Consultants-16.11.2017). RCL is carrying out Periodical Environmental Quality Monitoring in the Study Area on Monthly and Quarterly/Seasonal basis for existing Mining operations by a NABL Accrediatted Laboratory and submitting the Status Reports to TNPCB, IBM and MOEF&CC Monitoring Cell, Chennai. RCL intends to

utilize the existing baseline data pertaining to the Non-rainy season for the EIA Study, if permitted by the

Hon’ble EAC (Non-coal Mining) and the Authority at MoEF&CC. The EIA Report will be prepared and submitted as per the Standard TOR for Mining Projects devised by MoEF&CC and also in compliance with the Additional TOR to be proposed by Hon’ble EAC (Non-coal Mining). Environmental Attributes to be covered : Project Area does not fall in Critically Polluted Industrial Clusters listed by CPCB. The study area of 10 km radius (from ML boundary) (Fig. 3.1) has been considered for assessing the baseline environmental status. The monitoring stations are selected in such a way that the baseline environmental data reflects the Cumulative Impact of existing industries in the Study area. Considering the Environmental setting of the project, project activities and their interaction, environmental regulations and Standards, following Environmental Attributes have been included in EIA Study. v Site specific Micro-meteorological Data from Core Zone for a Season on wind speed, wind direction

(wind roses), temperature, humidity, cloud cover, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, etc.

v Ambient Air Quality Monitoring at 10 locations on 24-hourly basis, continuously for 2 days in a week for 4 weeks in a month for a season for the parameters PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx, CO, HC and Particulate Lead as per NAAQ Norms (Revised as per GSR 826 (E) dated 16.11.2009 for Industrial, Residential, Rural and other Areas).

v Noise Level Measurements at all air quality monitoring station for Leq, L day and L night values once

in the season. v Water Quality Monitoring – grab sampling once in the Season for :

• Surface Water (8 locations) as per CPCB Norms • Ground Water (10 Locations) as per IS:10500 Norms

Page 14: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Page 15: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

v Soil Quality Monitoring at 6 locations twice in the study period for:

• Textural & Physical Parameters • Nutrients • Land use pattern based on Satellite Imagery.

v Biotic Attributes for :

• Flora - Core zone & Buffer zones • Fauna - Core zone & Buffer zones

v Socio-Economic Profile, based on 2001-Census and also Household Survey, once in the study

period for: • Total Population / Household Size / Age • Gender Composition • S.C / S.T • Literacy Level • Occupational Structure

EIA Report : The EIA Report will be prepared as per awarded TOR and also as per the generic structure proposed in Appendix III of EIA Notification 2006 with the following components : v Introduction with Need for the Project & Environmental Setting of the Project

v Project Profile - an outline of the Project and allied activities.

v Baseline Environmental Status.

v Anticipated Impacts along with Prediction of Impacts and Mitigation Measures.

v Analysis of Alternatives (Technology & Site).

v Environmental Quality Monitoring Programme.

v Project Benefits.

v Additional Studies like Risk Assessment, DMP, etc.

v Cost-Benefit Analysis, if any.

v Environmental Management Plan

v Summary & Conclusion.

v Disclosure of Consultants engaged.

The EIA Report along with Summary EIA Reports (both in English & Tamil) will be submitted for the Public Consultation & Public Hearing and also for awarding the EC.


Page 16: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

The Ramco Cements Limited

Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (New Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha;

ROM Production of 13.33 LTPA/Clean Kankar @ 6.00 LTPA & Clay @ 0.60 LTPA)

Project Feasibility Report (As per MoEF&CC Guidelines vide Circular No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 30.12.2010)

1.0 Executive Summary M/s. The Ramco Cements Limited (RCL) are manufacturers of cement for about 14.45 million tons per annum (MTPA) from their Cement Plants in South India. RCL is operating a Cement Plant at Ramasamy Raja Nagar (RR Nagar) in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu for the Cement production of 2.0 MTPA. The Cement Plant’s Limestone requirements of 1.630 MTPA Clean Limestone & Lime Kankar are met from the Captive Limestone Mines in Pandalgudi Region viz. Pandalgudi, Maravarperungudi (Lime Kankar), Sivalarpatti and Melvenkateswarapuram Mines. These Mines are in operation since 1976. The Run-Off Mine (ROM) Production of these Mines is about 1.819 MTPA. The Centralised Crusher & Beneficiation Plant (2.0 MTPA Crushing/Beneficiation capacity) is located at Pandalgudi which is in operation since 1980. The existing Cement Plant operations and Captive Mines operations are in compliance with MoEF&CC Environmental Clearances and TNPCB CTOs conditions. RCL RR Nagar Cement Plant requires both cement grade Limestone and Lime Kankar for the cement manufacturing. The existing Captive Mines are near the Conceptual Stage and the Limestone grade is varies constantly. Existing Maravarperungudi Lease which only supplies about 0.64 MTPA Lime Kankar and Clay is also at the end of mining stage. Lime Kankar is required for blending with high/low grade limestone to meet the cement grade raw material to the Cement Plant. Thus, RCL proposes the Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease (QL) - I for Captive Consumption of RR Nagar Cement Plant. RCL has applied to Grant the Quarry Lease for quarrying Lime Kankar and Clay over an extent of 498.87.0 Ha in Suddhamadam village, Aruppukottai Taluk, Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu State. Subsequently, Precise Area Communication (PAC) has been issued by the Tamil Nadu State Industries Department vide Letter No/14547/MMC.2/2016-1 dated 21.04.2017 for a period of 10 years. The area covered under mining is non-forest type. The entire area applied for Quarry Lease is patta land owned by RCL since 1993. There is no Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) issue due to the proposal. There is no litigation/pending case against the proposal. The Mining Plan has been prepared and submitted on 11.05.2017 to the Department of Mining & Geology, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai for approval. As per the Mining Plan, the proposed production of Lime Kankar & Clay from this Lease by Strip Mining would be about 13.33 Lakhs Tonnes per Annum (LTPA) as

Run-Off Mine (ROM) basis (or) 6.00 LTPA as Clean Kankar and Clay 0.60 LTPA. In the total QL area of 498.87 Ha, about 371.575 Ha is only available for effective mining after leaving the prescribed safety barrier of about 127.295 Ha. It is estimated that 45,98,241 Tonnes of Lime Kankar is recoverable from the estimated Geological Reserves of 1,02,18,313 Tonnes from this Quarry. In-situ Geological Reserves is 91,96,481 Tonnes.

Page 17: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

The total clay reserves estimated in the area applied for Quarry Lease is about 9,196,481 Tonnes. Out of which about 459,824 Tonnes will be utilized for the cement manufacturing process and balance 8,736,657 Tonnes will be used for simultaneous refilling of the mined out portion. Mechanized Opencast Mining, without Drilling and Blasting, with deployment of heavy earth moving machineries of low HP will be adopted. The average depth of over burden black cotton soil is 1.5 m. The maximum depth of the Mine will be of 3.0 m only. It is calculated that about 1,200,000 Tonnes of over burden soil will have to be removed every year to win 6,00,000 Tonnes of clean Kankar. The ratio of ore (clean Kankar) to O.B works out to be 1:2. The deposit will be mined by a simple system of simultaneous development, production and refilling by the same excavator called strip mining. Simultaneous reclamation activities will be continued upto the end of mine life. Thus, there will be no Top Soil/OB Dump

as the entire Top Soil will be refilled in the mined out pit simultaneously. Life of the Mine is 8 years only. Mine Profile :

Top Black Cotton Soil : 1.5 m Nodular Kankar intermixed with Clay : 0.10-0.40 m (below Top Soil) Kankar Beds : 0.85-1.90 m Gneissic bed-rock : Below Kankar Beds. Proved Lime Kankar Reserves : 4.60 Million Tonnes Proposed Clean Kankar Production : 0.60 MTPA

Clean Ore:OB Ratio : 1: 2.0 Life of the Mine : 8 years Total estimated Clay Reserves : 91,96,481 Tonnes Clay Quantity for Cement Manufacture : 4,59,824 Tonnes @ 60,000 Tonnes/annum Clay Qty. for simultaneous Backfilling : 87,36,657 Tonnes No. of working days/annum : 300 (2 shifts)

Pit Configuration : 20 m x 8 m strips Bench height : - Bench width : - Bench slope : -

Ultimate Pit Limit-Conceptual : 3 m (bgl); Top RL 63.5 m & Bottom RL 60.5 m Ground Water-table at : 20 m bgl (Postmonsoon) & 25 m (Premonsoon)

43.5-38.5 m RL. Mining will not intersect the ground water-table.

RCL has its own black top road for 10 km from existing Kankar Mine nearby to the centralized Crusher at Pandalgudi. The same road will be extended to this Lease for transport of the Minerals. As it is a shallow mining upto a depth of 3.0 m BGL and simultaneous refilling is proposed, there will not

be any water seepage or water harvesting in the Mine Pit. The mine requires about 3 cu.m/day drinking water for domestic consumption which will be supplied from the RO Plant at Pandalgudi Mine. Domestic sewage generation will be about 2.5 cu.m/day which will be biologically treated in a Septic Tank followed by a Dispersion Trench. No workshop is proposed and thus, no effluent generation from the Mine.

Page 18: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

The Mine will also require about 2 cu.m/day for Dust suppression Haulage Road within the Pit Area and another 50 cu.m/day during rainy season and 150 cu.m/day during other seasons for the development and maintenance of Green Belt. The required water will be sourced from existing Captive Mine Pits in Pandalgudi Region. Out of the total area of Quarry Lease (498.870 Ha.), Green Belt and Afforested Area will be about 120 Ha with 24.05% coverage at Conceptual Stage. This mine will employ about 30 persons directly and 50 persons indirectly. The capital cost of the Project is Rs.3.00 crores. An amount of Rs.6.00 Lakhs has been earmarked as EMP Budget out of which Rs.1.00 Lakh is the Capital Cost and Rs.5.00 Lakhs per Annum is the Operating Cost towards EMP measures, Green Belt maintenance, Environmental Monitoring, etc. Also, an amount of Rs.1.00 Lakhs per Annum has been earmarked for Occupational Health & Safety Measures. A budget of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs per Annum has been allotted for CSR activities. In addition, for the mandatory District Mineral Fund (DMF @ 10% of Royalty Amount) will also be contributed. The Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I (QL-I) is located in Suddhamadam village between the Coordinates 9o19’42” - 9o21’38” N Latitudes and 78o10’03- 78o12’39” E Longitudes (Survey of India Topo sheet No.58 K/3). The site is free from seismic effects (Seismic Zone III). There is no environmental issue about the Mines location. There are no eco sensitive areas like National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Reserved Forests, Elephant Corridor, Mangroves, Archaeological/Historical Monuments, Heritage sites, etc. within 10 km from the site boundary. The distance of the nearest village Suddhamadam (in northeast) is about 1.3 km and Krishnapuram (in southwest) is about 300 m from the Lease boundary. The Lime Kankar and Clay to be mined out from this Quarry are Minor Minerals in an extent of 498.870 Ha (>50 Ha) and falls in Category A of Sl. No. 1(a) of EIA Notification 2006, as amended for prior Environmental Clearance (EC) from MoEF&CC. Accordingly, Application/Form-1, Pre Feasibility Report, Proposed Terms of Reference (TOR) for EIA Study and Mining Plan are submitted to the Ministry for the Environmental Clearance of the Project.


Page 19: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

2.0 Introduction of the Project 2.1 Project Proponent Ramco Group is one of the leading, highly reputed and Second Largest Industrial Group in South India. It is well diversified in the fields of Cement, Ready Mix Concrete, Cement Fibre Products, Cotton and Synthetic Yarn, Software Systems, Wind Farms, Research & Development, Dry Mortar Plants, Cotton Textiles and Surgical. The total employees are about 8,500 and the Turnover of the Group is Rs.6,200 crores. The main companies of RAMCO Group are : v M/s. The Ramco Cements Limited (formerly M/s. Madras Cements Limited) v M/s. Rajapalyam Mills Ltd. v M/s. Ramco Industries Ltd. v M/s. Ramco Systems Ltd. M/s.The Ramco Cements Limited (RCL) are one of the reputed Cement Companies in India. The cement production of RCL is about 14.45 million tons per annum (MTPA) from their Cement Plants in South India. The company is the second largest cement producer in South India and sixth largest manufacturer of cement in the Country. v Ramasamy Raja Nagar near Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu (established in 1959) : 2.0 MTPA (2 Lines). v Kumarasamy Raja Nagar, Jayantipuram near Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh (1986) : 3.65 MTPA (2

Lines). v Alathiyur near Viridhachalam, Tamil Nadu (1997) : 3.0 MTPA (2 Lines). v Mathodu near Chithradurga, Karnataka : 0.3 MTPA (since 2000). v Govindapuram near Ariyalur, Tamil Nadu : 5.5 MTPA (established in 2009) (2 Lines). RCL is also operating Cement Grinding Units at : v Kolaghat (0.95 MTPA; being expanded to 2.0 MTPA) in West Bengal. v Kattuputtur (0.75 MTPA) near Chennai, Tamil Nadu. v Valapadi (2.0 MTPA) near Salem, Tamil Nadu. v Vizag (0.95 MTPA; being expanded to 2.0 MTPA) near Anakapalli, Andhra Pradesh. It is operating a Packing Plant at Nagercoil. RCL is producing Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) and Slag Cement (PSC). The cement produced by RCL is marketed in the brand name of ‘RAMCO’. The brand name RAMCO SUPER GRADE is very popular PPC and RAMCO SUPER STEEL is the slag cement brand. The market centres are mainly in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Odisha and West Bengal States. RCL which has always been striving for Total Quality, possesses International Certificate ISO:9001, ISO:14001, ISO:18001 and IS/ISO:50001. The company has achieved various awards for 'Best Performance' in the Cement Industry and also Green Rating Project Awards 4 Leaves from Centre for Science and Environment for the Year 2005.

Page 20: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

The Ramco Cements Limited is managed by a Board of Directors comprising of eminent personalities as its members. Under the dynamic leadership of Late Shri.P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Rajha, the company has grown into a massive organization. Shri.P.R.Venketarama Raja is the Chairman & Managing Director of the Board. Shri.A.V.Dharmakrishnan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is heading the Cement Division and dealing with the environmental issues and EC compliances. Any non-compliance/violations of environmental norms and the corrective actions taken will be reported by the Unit Heads to CEO and by CEO to the Chairman, the Board and the Shareholders. RCL has the well laid down Safety, Health and Environmental Policy approved by its Board of Directors. Each Unit of RCL is having the Unit Head under whom the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Cell and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee are functioning. The Units are having their Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy. The Contact information of the Corporate Office is : The President (Mfg.), The Ramco Cements Ltd. 5th Floor, Auras Corporate Centre, No. 98A, Dr.Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600 004.

Tel. No. : 044-28478666/28478661/28478656 Fax No. : 044-28478676 e-Mail : [email protected]

2.2 Identification of the Project 2.2.1 Ramasamy Raja Nagar Cement Plant RCL Ramasamyraja Nagar (R R Nagar) Cement Plant was established in the Year 1959 and started the commercial production from the Year 1962. The Cement Plant is located in an extent of 37.47 Ha in SF Nos. 4-16 Parts of Tulukkappatti Village, Virudhunagar Taluk & District of Tamil Nadu State. The Plant has 25 MW coal based Captive Power Plant in an extent of 7.53 Ha falling in SF Nos. 192, 194, 195, 196 Parts in Thammanayakkanpatti (since 2012) and 7 MW furnace oil based PP & 14 MW DG sets for standby operation within the Campus. Township is located in an extent of 25.98 Ha in SF Nos. 1-5 Parts of Tulukkappatti Village and in SF Nos. 112 & 113 Parts of Vachchakkarappatti Village. Township includes 434 Quarters of various categories (A to F Type), Guest Houses, Schools, Community Hall, etc. There are 466 direct employees working in the Plant. Wet Process to Dry Process conversion was carried out in the Year 1977 with commissioning of India’s First Dry Process Kiln of 1200 TPD capacity. An additional Line of 650 TPD Kiln (Line-II) was commissioned in Year 1994 which was upgraded to a 1000 TPD Kiln in the Year 2001. On obtaining the Environmental Clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), now Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) vide F. No. J-11011/119/2009 IA.II (I) dated 06.07.2009, R R Nagar Cement Plant was expanded (with Line-II) for a Clinker production of 1.097 million tons per annum (MTPA) (from earlier 0.61 MTPA Clinker) and the Cement production of 2.00 MTPA @ 6200 tons per day-TPD (from earlier 1.00 MTPA @ 3102 TPD) (Table 2.1). Clinker from RCL’s other Plants @ 0.28 MTPA is also used for the cement manufacturing. Line-II is in operation since 2011. The Ministry has awarded the EC for 25 MW CPP vide F. No. J-13012/112/2011 IA.II (T) dated 06.02.2012. The Consents to Operate (CTOs) from the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) were

Page 21: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

obtained and are being renewed (RCTOs) periodically. RCTOs for the Cement Plant are 160814725855 (Water Act) & 160824725855 (Air Act) dated 02.08.2016 and for CPP are 160814727889 (Water Act) & 160824727889 (Water Act) dated 06.09.2016 which are valid till 31.03.2017.

Table : 2.1 RR Nagar Cement Plant Production

Plant Kiln

Capacity, TPD

Clinker Production,


Clinker Outsourced,


Cement Production,


Environmental Clearances Reference

TNPCB CTO Orders References

Line-I 1800 0.61 - 0.90

F. No. J-11011/119/2009 IA.II (I) dated 06.07.2009

160814725855 (W) & 160824725855 (A) dt. 02.08.2016 valid till 31.03.2017

Line-II 1400 0.48 - 0.70 RCL’s other Plants

- - 0.28 0.40

Total 3200 1.09 0.28 2.00

25 MW CPP - - - -

F. No. J-13012/112/2011 IA.II (T) dated 06.02.2012

160814727889 (W) & 160824727889 (A) dt. 06.09.2016 valid till 31.03.2017

All air pollution control equipments for Particulate Matter (PM) Emission <30 mg/Nm3 and monitoring equipments are installed in the Cement Plant Complex viz. ESP to cooler and power plant, reverse air bag house to raw mills / kilns and bag filters to coal mills and cement mills. In compliance with MoEF&CC norms, Online Monitoring Systems are provided at all major stacks of the Cement Plant & CPP stack and are connected online to Care Air Centre of TNPCB. One Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station

is also installed in the Premises and connected to Care Air Centre of TNPCB/CPCB. The Cement Plant & CPP Plant operations are in compliance with MoEF&CC Environmental Clearances and TNPCB CTOs conditions. Also, RCL Cement Plant operations are complying with Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP) Guidelines. Occupational Health Centre for Emergency Care and Ambulance with well equipped emergency handling facilities are available (Medical Officer with MBBS, DIH qualification). About 40-45% of cement produced from RR Nagar Cement Plant is being dispatched to the marketing centres in Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu and about 55-60% to the marketing centres in South Kerala including Thiruvananthapuram. The Contact Information of R R Nagar Cement Plant is as follows : The Vice President (Mfg.), The Ramco Cements Limited, Ramasamyraja Nagar Post,

Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu-626 204.

Tel. Nos. : 04562-256201 to 256203 Fax : 04562-256268

Page 22: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

2.2.2 Captive Mines in Pandalgudi Region RR Nagar Cement Plant’s Limestone requirement (1.630 MTPA Clean Limestone) are met from Captive Limestone Mines in Pandalgudi Region viz. Pandalgudi, Maravarperungudi, Sivalarpatti and Melvenkateswarapuram Mines. These Mines are in operation since 1976. The Run-Off Mine (ROM) Production of these Mines is about 1.819 MTPA (Table 2.2).

Table : 2.2 Captive Mines and their Production

Sl. No. MCL Mine Extent,


Existing Production,


Environmental Clearances Reference

TNPCB CTO Order References

1 Pandalgudi (3 Leases) (Limestone) 203.655 0.388

1. MoEF&CC F. No. J-11015/544/2007.IA.II(M) dated 26.03.2009-189.45 HA 2. SEIAA-TN/F.No. 631/1(a)/EC-1375/2014 dated 17.06.2014 – 9.46 Ha 3. SEIAA-TN/F.No. 3262/VRD/1(a)/EC-2084/2015 dated 01.04.2015 – 4.745 Ha

160814147909 (W) & 160824147909 (A) dt. 11.07.2016 valid upto


2 Maravarperungudi (Lime Kankar & Clay) 198.515 0.640

J-11015/69/2008-IA.II(M) dated 26.03.2009

160815437443 (W) & 160825437443 (A) dt. 12.07.2016 valid till


3 Sivalarpatti (Limestone) 150.110 0.690 J.11015/192/2005/ IA. II (M) dated 02.02.2006

170818435787 (W) & 170828435787 (A) dt. 09.06.2017 valid till


4 Melvenkateswarapuram (Limestone) 98.620 0.101 J.11015/6/99/ IA. II (M) dated


160815175580 (W) & 160825175580 (A)

dt. 25.08.2016 Total 650.910 1.819 - -

The Centralised Crusher & Beneficiation Plant is located in an extent of 31.89 Ha, with 2.0 MTPA Crushing/Beneficiation capacity, at the Pandalgudi which is in operation since 1980. There are 2 colonies for the Mine Employees and Workers along with a Middle School and a Community Hall located at Pandalgudi. Pandalgudi Mine Pits are located to about 6.6 km (aerial) distance from northwest to southeast with National Highway (NH)-38 (earlier NH-45B) & Pandalgudi Bypass separate them northwesterly and southeasterly. Sivalarpatti Mine, with North & South Blocks separated by Lovely Chemicals Mine, is located at a distance of 4.4 km southeast of Pandalgudi Mine. Melvenkateswarapuram Mine is at a distance of 0.8 km in southeast of Sivalarpatti Mine. Maravarperungudi Kankar Mines are located at a distance of 6 km in the east from Pandalgudi Mines and 4.2 km northeast of Sivalarpatti Mine. These Mines and also Pandalgudi Crusher with RR Nagar Cement Plant (18 km in WNW direction) are connected with RCL’s own Tar road. Mines to Crusher road is of 14 km each from Melvenkateswarapuram Mine and Maravarperungudi Mine. There is a Road-over-Bridge on the NH-38 for the dedicated Mine Road. These Captive Mines are located in Virudhunagar and Thoothukudi Districts of Tamil Nadu. These Captive Mines, Crusher and RR Nagar Cement Plant are shown in the Regional Map (Plate I).

Page 23: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Plate : I RCL RR Nagar Cement Plant & Captive Mines in Regional Map

RCL R R Nagar Cement




Captive Mines







Page 24: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Plate : II RCL Captive Mines & Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I in High Resolution Satellite Imagery






RCL RR Nagar Cement Plant

^To Madurai^To


To Thoothukudi


To Kanniyakumari


Page 25: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Plate : III Lease Plan

Page 26: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Plate : IV Existing Lime Kankar Mine & Infrastructures

Kankar Mine - Trial Pit

Black Cotton Top Soil

Lime Knakar Bed

Simultaneous Backfilling

RCL’s Own Mine Road Road Over Bridge for Mine Haulage on NH-38

Page 27: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Plate : V Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I & Its Environs

Page 28: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Fig. : 2.1 Surface Plan

Page 29: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Fig. : 2.2 Geological Plan

Page 30: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Fig. : 2.3 Geological Sections

Page 31: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Fig. : 2.4 End of 5th Year Plan

Page 32: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

Fig. : 2.5 Conceptual Plan

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Page 34: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 35: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 36: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 37: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 38: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 39: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 40: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 41: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 42: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway
Page 43: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

RCL also proposes new Mine Blocks over an extent of 651.880 Ha (650.905 Ha is own Patta land and 0.975 Ha is Govt. Land) viz. Sivalarpatti Lease-II (129.720 Ha; 0.24 MTPA ROM), Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I (498.87 Ha; 1.333 MTPA ROM) (Plate II) and Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-II (23.29 Ha; 0.114 MTPA Kankar & 0.011 MTPA Clay) in the Region (Table 2.3).

Table : 2.3 Land Holdings by RCL in Pandalgudi Region

Sl. No. Name of the Mine Own Patta Land, Ha Govt. Land, Ha Total Area, Ha I Existing Mines :

1 Pandalgudi 189.670 13.985 203.655

2 Maravarperungudi 198.515 - 198.515

3 Sivalarpatti Lease-I 149.230 0.880 150.110

4 Melvenkateswarapuram 97.825 0.795 98.620

II Pandalgudi Crusher 31.890 - 31.890

III Colonies-2 Nos. 14.370 - 14.370

Sub Total 681.50 15.66 697.16 IV Proposed Mines :

1 Sivalarpatti Lease-II 128.745 0.975 129.720

2 Maravarperungudi QL-I 498.870 - 498.870

3 Maravarperungudi QL-II 23.290 - 23.290

Total 1332.405 16.635 1349.040

2.2.3 Organisation Chart The hierarchical system of the Company to deal with the environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the environmental clearance conditions is appended.

Organization Chart

Chairman & Managing Director Shri.P.R.Venketarama Raja

Chief Executive Officer Shri A.V.Dharmakrishnan

President (Mfg.) – Corp. Office Mr. M. Srinivasan

Head-Admin. GM Works Medical Officer Head-Env. & CSR


Vice President (Mfg.) & Unit Head

Page 44: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

2.3 Need for the Project RCL RR Nagar Cement Plant requires both cement grade Limestone and Lime Kankar for the cement manufacturing. The existing Captive Mines are near the Conceptual Stage and the Limestone grade is varies constantly. Existing Maravarperungudi Lease which only supplies about 0.64 MTPA Lime Kankar and Clay is also at the end of mining stage. Kankar is required for blending with high/low grade limestone to meet the cement grade raw material to the Cement Plant. Thus, RCL proposes the Maravarperungudi

Lime Kankar Quarry Lease (QL) - I for Captive Consumption of RR Nagar Cement Plant.

2.4 Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I In addition to the existing Leases in Pandalgudi Region, RCL has applied to Grant the Quarry Lease for quarrying Lime Kankar and Clay over an extent of 498.87.0 Ha in S.F. Nos. 14/2, 14/3, 15/1, etc. of Suddhamadam village, Aruppukottai Taluk, Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu State (Fig. 1.1). Subsequently, Precise Area Communication (PAC) has been issued by the Tamil Nadu State Industries Department vide Letter No/14547/MMC.2/2016-1 dated 21.04.2017 for a period of 10 years (Doc-1). The Lease Plan has been given as Plate III. The existing Infrastructure and Mine Photographs are shown in Plates IV-V. The Mining Plan has been prepared and submitted to the Department of Mining & Geology, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai for approval. As per the Mining Plan, the proposed production of Lime Kankar & Clay from this Lease by Strip Mining would be about 13.33 Lakhs Tonnes per Annum (LTPA) as Run-Off Mine (ROM) basis (or) 6.00 LTPA as Clean Kankar and Clay 0.60 LTPA. The mineral Lime Kankar & Clay will be utilized as raw material for Cement manufacture by blending with limestone from Pandalgudi, Melavenkateswarapuram and Sivalarpatti deposits which is marginally plus cement grade quality. The area covered under mining is non-forest type. The entire area applied for Quarry Lease is patta land owned by RCL since 1993. The entire land is purchased from 308 Pattadars on the mutually agreed market rates during the period 1993 to 2016. Also, RCL has allowed them to practice agricultural activities

till the establishment of the Mine. As such, there is no Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) issue due to the proposal. There is no litigation/pending case against the proposal. Water Courses : The area is almost flat and plain terrain with a gentle slope towards south east. The seasonal Uppu Odai (Nallah) drains the area. There is no major River course in the vicinity. There are about 5 Nos. Seasonal First and Second order streams originating from the QL Area and joins the Uppu Odai so as to confluence with Seasonal Vaippar River in the south. As per PAC for QL, the safety barrier of 50 metres on either side of Odais/Nallahs are provided and the Nallahs and their flows will be maintained

as such till the Conceptual Stage. Non-Lease Lands : There are about 14 Nos. Non-Lease patches alongside the QL Area. Access and

right of way has been provided to the lands through the existing cart tracks/roads. Safety barrier for nalla has also been provided as per the condition of PAC which have their easy access to the existing roads.

Page 45: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

As per the PAC, 10 meters safety distance on either side of Cart tracks passing through the QL Area and 50 metres safety distance on either side of Low Tension Electric Power line running through the Lease are provided. The Boundary Pillars’ Coordinates are given in Table 2.3.

Table : 2.3 Boundary Pillars Coordinates

Boundary Pillar No. North Lattitude East Longitude

BP-1 N 9°21'02" E 78°10'03''

BP-2 N 9°21'14" E 78°10'04''

BP-3 N 9°21'20" E 78°10'20''

BP-4 N 9°21'29" E 78°10'53''

BP-5 N 9°21'33" E 78°11'16''

BP-6 N 9°21'38" E 78°11'25''

BP-7 N 9°21'32" E 78°11'56''

BP-8 N 9°21'21" E 78°12'03''

BP-9 N 9°21'12" E 78°12'03''

BP-10 N 9°21'05" E 78°11'53''

BP-11 N 9°20'56" E 78°11'50''

BP-12 N 9°20'50" E 78°12'06''

BP-13 N 9°20'36" E 78°12'04''

BP-14 N 9°20'31" E 78°12'11''

BP-15 N 9°20'22" E 78°12'23''

BP-16 N 9°20'16" E 78°12'37''

BP-17 N 9°20'08" E 78°12'39''

BP-18 N 9°19'58" E 78°12'38''

BP-19 N 9°19'47" E 78°12'37''

BP-20 N 9°19'42" E 78°12'14''

BP-21 N 9°19'46" E 78°11'58''

BP-22 N 9°19'53" E 78°11'53''

BP-23 N 9°20'09" E 78°11'48''

BP-24 N 9°20'21" E 78°11'31''

BP-25 N 9°20'26" E 78°11'49''

BP-26 N 9°20'37" E 78°11'36''

BP-27 N 9°20'52" E 78°11'10''

BP-28 N 9°20'57" E 78°10'47''

BP-29 N 9°20'31" E 78°10'45''

BP-30 N 9°20'43" E 78°10'28''

BP-31 N 9°20'51" E 78°10'31''

BP-32 N 9°20'59" E 78°10'25''

Page 46: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

In the total QL area of 498.87 Ha, about 371.575 Ha is only available for effective mining after leaving the prescribed safety barrier of about 127.295 Ha as detailed below : v 7.5 meters safety distance all along the boundary of the area applied for Quarry lease as indicated in

the Lease Plan. v 50 metres safety distance all around the Oorani (Pond) situated in S.F.Nos.14/1, 207/7, 220 and

224/3 of Suddhamadam Village. v 50 metres safety distance on either side of Odai (Streams) flowing through the S.F.Nos.60, 61, 64,

65/1, 66/1, 67/2, 92, 94/2, 102, 105/4, 106/2, 107/6, 108/6, 110, 117/1, 120/4, 122/3, 129/1, 202/2, 205/5, 206/3, 207/2, 211/6, 212/2, 225/1, 226, 230, 258, 259, 388, 396, 397, 399, 302/2, 402/4, 404/8, 406/3, 407/5, 409/1, 412/3 and 413/4 of Suddhamadam Village.

v 10 meters safety distance on either side of Nilaviyal Salai (Cart track) passing through S.F.Nos. 30, 31, 32, 20, 21, 36, 239, 65, 63, 59, 58, 56, 55, 89, 88, 87, 85, 62, 298, 299, 91, 92, 93, 94, 101, 100, 111, 112, 404, 303, 305, 244, 247, 365, 366 and 410 of Suddhamadam Village.

v 50 metres safety distance on either side of Low Tension Electric Power line running in the direction of North East -South West passing through the S.F.Nos.353/1, 2, 108/3, 4A, lB, 109/2,3, 121/3, 402 of Suddhamadam Village.

v 10 metres on either side of the Cart Track in S.F.No.115/6 of Suddhamadam Village.

The above mentioned safety distance will be maintained without any disturbance till the expiry of the lease period (Reference : Conceptual Plan).

2.5 Environmental Setting The Captive Mines in Pandalgudi Region are located at a distance of 0.5 km to 14.0 km from the Pandalgudi Crusher. Geographically, the Mines Area is located between 78°14'53"E and 77°58'16" E longitudes, and 09°13'21" N and 09°30'08"N latitudes, covering an area of 944.8 sq. km and it falls under the Survey of India Topographic (OSM) sheets of 58 G/13, G/14, G/16, K/2, K/3 and K/4 (Fig. 1.2). The distance of the quarry lease area to the nearest village Suddhamadam is situated northeast of the Quarry Lease at about 1.3 km and Krishnapuram is situated at southwest at about 300 m from the Quarry Lease boundary. Suthamadam village has population of 1,161 of which 571 are males while 590 are females as per Population Census 2011. A road from Reddiapatti village is passing through the area applied for Quarry Lease via Suddhamadam and Krishnapuram villages. The company has formed its own black top road for a length of 10 km from the existing kankar mines to Pandalgudi Crushing Plant and the same will be extended to this lease too for transport of lime kankar. The Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I (QL-I) is located in Suddhamadam village between the Coordinates 9o19’42” - 9o21’38” N Latitudes and 78o10’03- 78o12’39” E Longitudes; Survey of India Topo sheet No.58 K/3 (Fig. 1.3). The site is free from seismic effects (Seismic Zone III). There is no environmental issue about the Mines location. There are no eco sensitive areas like National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Reserved Forests, Elephant Corridor, Mangroves, Archaeological/Historical Monuments, Heritage sites, etc. within 10 km from the site boundary (Fig. 1.4). Existing Road Networks along with RCL Mine (Haulage Road) is shown in Fig. 1.5. Aruppukottai Town is at 18 km in North-nothwest and Virudhunagar is at 32 km distance in Northwest direction from the Lease Area.

Page 47: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Madurai-Thoothukudi Section of NH-38 passes at a distance of 7-8 km in the West. Physiography of the study area is presented as Fig. 1.6. The elevation of the study area is in the range 25-95 m aMSL. ). The general elevation of the QL area is 60 to 65 m aMSL. Drainage Pattern : Seasonal Uppu Odai drains the region (flows at 1.4 km in Northeast) (Fig. 1.7). Land Use Pattern : For the preparation of land use map, IRS P6 LISS-IV Satellite Imagery/data (dated 11.01.2017) has been used (Figs. 1.8 & 1.9). Single crop (dry) occupies larger part of the study area. The current land use of the proposed QL area is predominantly dry crop and undeveloped/barren land.

2.6 Mine Profile 2.6.1 Geology This area geologically falls under a part of the Archaean and Quaternary formations of South Indian Peninsula. The integration of geological maps (Geological Survey of India) and the interpretation of the satellite data followed by field checks show that the rocks of the Archaean era in this area is made up of Quartz vein. The Precambrian of peninsular India has been classified into Cratons and mobile belts. In all these places Archaean to Proterozoic highly deformed amphibolites facies to granulite facies mobile belts. The litho assemblage of Charnockite, Khondalite (Southern Granulite Complex) and Peninsular Gneissic Complex of Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic age besides Quaternary calcretes are exposed in the area. Quartzite, calc granulites associated with crystalline limestone bands and garnet-sillimanite gneiss belonging to Khondalite and Charnockite Group occur as enclaves within the country rock of hornblende-biotite gneiss. Geological Formations : The general geological formations met with in the area are as follows :

Recent and Sub-recent

Alluvium, of the Vaippar. Black soils, laterite, Kankar and tufa etc.

Pre-Cambrian Metamorphic Group

6. Younger granitic injections, pegmatite etc.

5. Charnockites and associated hybrid types.

4. Mixed Gneisses - Garnetiferous, granitoid and mica gneiss and other composite types.

3. Crystalline limestone, calciphyre and calc-granulites.

2. Quartzite.

1. Basic metamorphic rocks such as amphibolites, epidiorites, pyroxene and biotite schist and pyroxene-granulite.

Black-cotton soil : The Archaean gneisses are covered with thick black-cotton soil almost all over the area. The black soil is over 1.0 to 1.50 mts. The soil supports a variety of crops including cotton, kambu, ground-nut, millets and occasionally chillies. Usually there is only one crop every year. Among wild plants growing on this soil acacia arabica, jatrophus and cassia articulate are most common.

Page 48: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Kankar and Tufa : The black cotton soil contains a large amount of loose, nodules of kankar widely

scattered in it. They are probably derived from the soil and deposited by ground water. The kankar usually contains a large amount of siliceous impurities. A hard layer of lime kankar is seen covering the gneisses in a few small patches especially in the south-eastern portions of the area near Maravarperungudi and Suddhamadam. The lime kankar is seen as a capping about one foot thick and contains large amount visible siliceous inclusions. It is underlain by a layer of loose, sandy soil, rich in calcareous material which again grades into the gneissic bed-rock. The Kankar beds of around 0.85 to 1.90 meter thick (Average-1.25 m) is overlain by around 0.4 m thick of nodular Kankar intermixed with clay and in turn by around 1.5 m thick block cotton soil. The lithological succession is illustrated below :

The Kankar in this area is mostly gravelly type intermixed with more clay and overlain by 0.10 m to 0.40 m thick nodular Kankar. The Kankar occurrence is horizontally bedded and is grey to whitish in colour. The deposit is almost flat filling over the old eroded surface and hence the lower contact will follow the surface of the old eroded country rock.

2.6.2 Resources The existence of mineralization in the area applied for Quarry Lease has been ascertained from the nearby working mines of the applicant firm. Detailed exploration has been carried out and the reserves has been estimated & Scheme of Mining also approved by IBM in respect of exiting granted Lease area of the applicant which is located just opposite to the applied area. The working mines located adjacent to the applied area shows the evidence for the existence of mineralization. Hence the reserve has been estimated for the area applied for Quarry Lease from the exploration details of the adjacent mines. Based on the exploration done in the existing Mining Lease area, the reserves of Lime kankar and Clay has been estimated under Probable mineral reserves. Since the deposit is flat, simple and shallow in nature, average area method was used for Reserves estimation. Block wise area is estimated then multiplied with average thickness of the ore to get the volume. The volume is multiplied with the bulk density to arrive the insitu Geological reserves then multiplied with Recovery factor to get the

Page 49: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Recoverable reserves. Based on the volume of excavation and its weight, the Bulk Density of both litho unit was measured. Bulk Density of 1.65 T/M3 and 2.20 T/M3 is considered for Black cotton soil and Lime Kankar respectively. It is estimated that 45,98,241 Tonnes of Lime Kankar is recoverable from the estimated Geological Reserves of 1,02,18,313 Tonnes from this Quarry. Statement of Mineable Kankar Reserves :

Block Area Avg.

Kankar Thickness,


Volume, m3

Insitu Geological Reserves,


Recovery, %

Recoverable Reserves,

Tonnes Ha m2

Block-1 76.960 769600 1.25 962000 2116400 45% 952380

Block-2 166.675 1666750 1.25 2083438 4583563 45% 2062603

Block-3 127.940 1279400 1.25 1599250 3518350 45% 1583258

Total 371.575 3715750 - 4644688 10218313 - 4598241

Statement of Recoverable Top Soil Clay Reserves :

Block Area Avg. Clay

Thickness, m

Volume, m3 Insitu Geological Reserves, Tonnes Ha m2

Block-1 76.960 769600 1.50 1154400 1904760

Block-2 166.675 1666750 1.50 2500125 4125206

Block-3 127.940 1279400 1.50 1919100 3166515

Total 371.575 3715750 - 5573625 9196481

2.6.3 Quality The chemical analysis of Lime Kankar is as under.

T.CO3 MgCO3 LOI SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O

72.50 3.95 30.59 15.78 4.02 1.38 39.06 4.82 0.26 0.38

The chemical analysis of Top Soil Clay is as under

T.CO3 MgCO3 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O

11.78 2.96 36.25 10.48 7.65 16.45 2.25 0.05 0.16

The cut of grade is a grade below which ore will not be economical. The cut of grade for lime kankar is fixed as +35% CaO. The average depth of over burden black cotton soil is 1.5 meters. The ratio of ore (clean Kankar) to O.B works out 1:2. It is calculated that about 1,200,000 Tonnes of over burden soil will have to be removed every year to win 6,00,000 Tonnes of clean kankar. Simultaneous reclamation activities will be continued upto the end of mine life.

Page 50: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

The total clay reserves estimated in the area applied for Quarry Lease is about 9,196,481 Tonnes. Out of which about 459,824 Tonnes will be utilized for our cement manufacturing process and balance 8,736,657 Tonnes will be used for simultaneous refilling of the mined out portion.

2.7 Mining The mine will be worked by mechanized open cast mining without drilling and blasting and deployment of Heavy Earth Moving Machineries. The ROM mined will be subjected for simple dry screening through a screening facility will be established in the lease hold area and +25/+15 mm screened product will be dispatched to Pandalgudi Mine, where we have established a common crushing system. The recovery of +25 mm kankar is around 45% and same is considered for estimation of mineral reserves. Mechanized Opencast Mining, without Drilling and Blasting, with deployment of heavy earth moving machineries of low HP will be adopted. The maximum depth of the Mine will be of 3.0 m only. The deposit will be mined by a simple system of simultaneous development, production and refilling by the same excavator called strip mining. Since the kankar bed is less consolidated and shallow in nature, it doesn’t require any drilling and blasting. The entire area will be mined by dividing it into number of strips of about 8 m width and 25 m long, corresponding to the yearly production quantity. Initially, a long trench like excavation for a sufficient length on black cotton soil will be made to expose the Kankar and then the Kankar will be mined by the same excavator. The next strip, just adjacent to the previous strip, will be mined in the similar manner but the black cotton soil will be side-casted to the exhausted adjacent strip. Thus, the refilling will be done simultaneously along with development and hence there will be no external dumps. This is a simple system of simultaneous side casting of overburden black cotton soil and excavation of the exposed Kankar by the same Excavator. (2 Nos. EX-200). Since the developmental top soil will be side-casted on the Kankar exhausted adjacent strip, there will not be any hauling of developmental reject and no external dump. In this method of mining, the Kankar exhausted area will be refilled simultaneously along with production and development activity. Simply dry screening will be used to screen off the interstitial clay. The existing screening system established in the currently operating mining lease will be shifted to this quarry lease area. The ROM material from the mine will be transported to the screen system. This is a single deck screen normally having the mesh size of +25 MM (or) +15 MM. The mesh size is changeable. Based on the moisture content of the ROM material, the screen mesh size will be decided. After screening, the product material will be dispatched to Pandalgudi Mines where RCL has established common crushing and beneficiation facility for further processing. The screened reject will be separately stacked in the mine itself. During this screening, about 55% of the interstitial reject will be screened off from ROM material and the product kankar will be upgraded to 70% to 75% TC.

Page 51: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Schematic Diagram of proposed Mining Method

Mine Profile :

Top Black Cotton Soil : 1.5 m Nodular Kankar intermixed with Clay : 0.10-0.40 m (below Top Soil) Kankar Beds : 0.85-1.90 m Gneissic bed-rock : Below Kankar Beds. Proved Lime Kankar Reserves : 4.60 Million Tonnes Proposed Clean Kankar Production : 0.60 MTPA

Clean Ore:OB Ratio : 1: 2.0 Life of the Mine : 8 years Total estimated Clay Reserves : 91,96,481 Tonnes Clay Quantity for Cement Manufacture : 4,59,824 Tonnes @ 60,000 Tonnes/annum Clay Qty. for simultaneous Backfilling : 87,36,657 Tonnes No. of working days/annum : 300 (2 shifts)

Pit Configuration : 20 m x 8 m strips Bench height : - Bench width : - Bench slope : -

Ultimate Pit Limit-Conceptual : 3 m (bgl); Top RL 63.5 m & Bottom RL 60.5 m Ground Water-table at : 20 m bgl (Postmonsoon) & 25 m (Premonsoon)

43.5-38.5 m RL. Mining will not intersect the ground water-table.

The Mine Layout, Geological Plan with Sections, End of Fifth Year Plan and Conceptual Plan (from Mining Plan) are appended.

Page 52: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

2.8 Proposal Benefits The mine will employ about 30 persons directly and 50 persons indirectly. The direct and indirect employment inherently has a positive impact on the Occupational Structure of the area. The proposal ensures the continuous limestone supply to the Cement Plant. The Project will be beneficial and important to the Society and the Country as highlighted :

v Royalty, NMET & other Taxes to the Exchequer. v District Mineral Fund (DMF) @ 10% of Royalty (As per Amended TNMMCR,1959, QL granted after

12.01.2015 , DMF is @10% of the Seigniorage fee) v Improved local and regional economy. v Direct and indirect employments. v Improvement in direct and indirect means of livelihoods of local population.

3.0 Project Description 3.1 Type of Project The Lime Kankar and Clay to be mined out from this Quarry are Minor Minerals in an extent of 498.870 Ha (>50 Ha) and falls in Category A of Sl. No. 1(a) of EIA Notification 2006, as amended, for prior Environmental Clearance (EC) from MoEF&CC. Accordingly, Application/Form-1, Pre Feasibility Report, Proposed Terms of Reference (TOR) for EIA Study and Mining Plan are submitted to the Ministry for the Environmental Clearance of the Project.

3.2 Alternative Sites Mineral deposits are site specific and therefore, the need to identifying alternative site does not arise. 3.3 Size/Magnitude of Operation Maravarperungudi Quarry Lease-I is a new Captive Mine over an extent of 498.870 Ha for a Production of 13.33 Lakh Tonnes per Annum ROM/6.00 Lakhs Tonnes Lime Kankar and 0.60 Lakh Tonnes Clay. Mine will be worked by fully by Mechanized Opencast Non-Conventional Method of Mining (Strip Mining). There will be no Drilling & Blasting. Also, there will be no Top Soil/OB Dump as the entire Top Soil will be refilled in the mined out pit simultaneously. Life of the Mine is 8 years only.

3.4 Yearwise Production The estimated clean Kankar reserves is 4.60 million Tonnes and the same will be mined @ 600,000 Tonnes per annum. The corresponding ROM to produce 6,00,000 Tonnes of Clean Kankar is 1,333,333 Tonnes @ 45% recovery. In addition to the Kankar, it is also proposal to use Clay for the cement manufacturing process @ 60,000 Tonnes per annum. Table 3.1 shows the production and development Quantity for the plan period.

Page 53: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Table : 3.1 Proposed Development & Production

RL : 63.5-60.5 m (Avg.)



(Top Soil Removal),


Production, Tonnes Mineral Rejects, Tonnes

Clay Consum-

ption from

Developt., Tonnes

Balance Develop-mental

Rejects, Tonnes

Total Rejects

(OB and Mineral Reject), Tonnes

Ore: Waste Ratio ROM Clean


I 12,00,000 13,33,333 6,00,000 7,33,333 60,000 11,40,000 18,73,333 1:3.12

II 12,00,000 13,33,333 6,00,000 7,33,333 60,000 11,40,000 18,73,333 1:3.12

III 12,00,000 13,33,333 6,00,000 7,33,333 60,000 11,40,000 18,73,333 1:3.12

IV 12,00,000 13,33,333 6,00,000 7,33,333 60,000 11,40,000 18,73,333 1:3.12

V 12,00,000 13,33,333 6,00,000 7,33,333 60,000 11,40,000 18,73,333 1:3.12

Total 60,00,000 66,66,665 30,00,000 36,66,665 3,00,000 57,00,000 93,66,665 1:3.12

The proposed mining will be in two shifts and will be fully mechanized. The estimated clean Kankar reserves is 4.6 million Tonnes and the same will be last for about 8.0 years @ 600,000 Tonnes of clean Kankar per annum. The total reserves including the Proved mineral reserve : 4.60 Mil.T Proposed production per year : 0.60 Mil.T. Hence, the total life of mine : 7.66 years (say 8.0 years). The total clay reserves estimated in the area applied for Quarry Lease is about 9,196,481 Tonnes. Out of which about 459,824 Tonnes will be utilized for our cement manufacturing process and balance 8,736,657 Tonnes will be used for simultaneous refilling of the mined out portion.

3.5 Solid Wastes The average depth of over burden black cotton soil is 1.5 meters. The mine will generate about 12,00,000 Tonnes per Annum Top Soil which will be backfilled in the mined out pit simultaneously. The lime kankar, which will be mined from this quarry, will be subjected for Screening through a proposed simple Dry Screening Facility will be established in the QL Area itself. The +15mm/+25mm screened product which is having +35% Cao, will be transported directly to the crushing plant located in the Pandalgudi Mine premises. It will be blended with limestone from other mines and crushed based on the grade requirements. The mineral rejects will be dumped in the Kankar exhausted area upto a maximum height of 10 m between grids G2-H2 and G3-H3. The area is sufficient for holding the reject generated during the mining period. The ratio of Ore (Clean Kankar) to OB (Top Soil) works out 1:2.0 and Ore to Wastes Ratio is 1:3.12. Simultaneous reclamation activities will be continued upto the end of mine life

Page 54: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

3.6 Proposed Land Use The entire deposit will be exhausted in 8 years. The total area of the Lease is 498.870 Ha. Out of which the effective area available for mining will be 371.575 Ha. At Conceptual Stage, about 281.075 Ha will be refilled, 127.295 Ha will be in Safety barrier, 28.5 Ha area will be under mineral rejects Dump, 1.5 Ha under Roads, 0.50 Ha under Infrastructures and 60 Ha will be under Green Belt. With 60 Ha of Safety Zone covered under Green Belt, total Green Belt Area will be about 120 Ha with 24.05% coverage (Table


Table : 3.2 Land Use Pattern

Activities Existing

Land Use, Ha

At the End of Plan Period, Ha

At Conceptual Stage, Ha

Area of excavation - 199.400 Mine Area : 48.480

Backfilled : 150.920 281.075 Mine Area : - Backfilled : 281.075

Storage of Top Soil - - - Overburden/dump - - - Mineral Rejects Dump - 18.500 28.500 Infrastructure(Workshop/Building) - 0.500 0.500 Roads - 1.500 1.500 Green belt / Afforestation - 54.850 60.000 Others (Safety Barrier; partly afforested) - 127.295 127.295 Unused 498.870 96.825 -

Total 498.870 498.870 498.870

When the mine is permanently closed after exhausting entire mineable kankar, the road will be used for maintaining the green belt developed. The Mine will not have permanent installations of machine, but only mobile mining equipments. All the machinery including screening plant will be disposed-off or shifted to other operating mines on need based.

3.7 List of Machineries: The mine deploys the machineries as given in Table 3.3.

Table : 3.3 Mine Machineries

Sl. No. Name of the Machine Nos. Capacity

1 TATA Hitachi EX 200 3 1.8 M³

2 ZL 50 G Wheel Loader 1 3.2 M³

3 Taurus tippers 12 20 tonnes

4 Water Tanker 1 10 KL

A mine site office for overall management of total operations will be established near screening Plant. To facilitate the maintenance of all equipments, there is a central workshop is available at our Pandalgudi Mines for electrical, mechanical and instrumentation repairs. All the services like site office, First Aid Room, Rest shelters, potable water and other necessary amenities will be provided at the site. Occupational Health Center is established at Pandalgudi Mines with required Paramedical staffs. Central

Page 55: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

stores is located at centralized location at Pandalgudi Mines area to facilitate storage and issue of materials along with lifting, loading and unloading facilities. A licensed fuel storage tanks is established at our Pandalgudi Mine premises and the daily requirement of HSD and other lubricants will be met by a licensed mobile browser.

3.8 Water Demand & Source The Mine will employ about 30 persons directly. The mine requires about 3 cu.m/day drinking water for domestic consumption which will be supplied from the RO Plant at Pandalgudi Mine. Domestic sewage generation will be about 2.5 cu.m/day which will be biologically treated in a Septic Tank followed by a Dispersion Trench. No workshop is proposed and thus, no effluent generation from the Mine. As it is a shallow mining upto a depth of 3.0 m BGL and simultaneous refilling is proposed, there will not

be any water seepage or water harvesting in the Mine Pit. The Mine will also require about 2 cu.m/day for Dust suppression Haulage Road within the Pit Area and another 50 cu.m/day during rainy season and 150 cu.m/day during other seasons for the development and maintenance of Green Belt. The required water will be sourced from existing Captive Mine Pits in Pandalgudi Region. The Water Balance Diagram is appended.

Water Balance Diagram

Nearby existing Mine Pit Water (102 cu.m/day; max.) RO Plant Water (Pandalgudi)

(3 cu.m/day) Dust Suppression Green Belt Domestic Use (2 cu.m/day) (50-100 cu.m/day) Domestic Sewage (2.5 cu.m/day) Septic Tank- Dispersion Trench

3.9 Mine Drainage Fractured crystalline rocks constitute the important aquifer systems in the study area. The type of aquifer is phreatic or water table unconfined aquifer. These aquifers are highly heterogeneous in nature due to variation in lithology, texture and structural features even within short distances. Ground water generally occurs under phreatic / water table conditions in the weathered mantle and under unconfined to semi-confined conditions in the fissured and fractured zones at deeper levels. Since the mine is shallow in nature and the mining will not intersect water table. Since, the mined out area will be refilled immediately after the exhaustion of Kankar, there will not be any opened out pit and no possibility of accumulation of rain water inside the pit. Due to the shallow occurrence of Kankar, the depth of mining will not be more than 3 m, which is well above the water table of this region (30 mts from surface). Hence, there will not be any ground water seepage during mining.

Page 56: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

3.10 Power Demand & Source 2000 KVA industrial supply for the Screening Plant and lighting. HSD @ 1000 lits./day for mining equipments. There will be no standby DG set.

4.0 Site Setting & Analysis 4.1 Connectivity The Mine area and their villages are well-connected by roads of various hierarchies. The National Highway NH-38 (earlier NH45B) runs North-South direction in the central part of the area. Several State Highways and District Roads are well connected to Aruppukottai Town. Therefore Aruppukottai Town acts as a hub, connecting Madurai, Thoothukudi, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli, Kovilpatti and Ramanathapuram. As stated earlier, these Mines and also Pandalgudi Crusher with RR Nagar Cement Plant are connected with RCL’s own Tar road. This Mine will also utilise the extended own Haul Road to the Pit. Mines to Crusher road is of 14 km each from Melvenkateswarapuram Mine and Maravarperungudi Mine. There is a Road-over-Bridge on the NH-38 for the dedicated Mine Road. All the village road intersections are manned by the RCL’s Security. The existing Mines use 25/30 Tons Tipper for the transportation of the Minerals from the Pits to the Crusher. About 180 Trips/day (306 PCU/day) is the Traffic Volume (due to all Mines) now in the dedicated own Road which will not have any impact on the existing Traffic volume of the NH, SHs as well as other roads. About 148 Trips of 30 Ton Tippers, in one way, will be there for transporting 4,443 TPD ROM.

4.2 Land Form By analysing the available land use maps (2000 and 2014), it could be stated that there is no considerable changes in land use classes except agricultural use, current fallow, mining activities, open scrub and dense scrub. There is no much variation in settlement development since the area is backward and agriculture is the main activity apart from the mining activity. As for as agriculture is concerned the people are very much involved in domesticating animals like cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, etc. and raising primary crops. The cropping like ragi, maize, jowar, bajra (cumbu), chillies, coriander and other major salt tolerant crops especially suits for black cotton soil since the area has more clayey soils in and around the mining areas.

Land Use Class Year 2000 Year 2014

Area in Area in % Area in Area in %

Agriculture 229.0 24.2 246.3 26.1

Current fallow 492.8 52.2 475.3 50.3

Dense Scrub 13.7 1.4 13.7 1.4

Mining 3.6 0.4 3.1 0.3 Open Scrub 136.2 14.4 137.1 14.5

River 8.8 0.9 8.8 0.9

Page 57: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Land Use Class Year 2000 Year 2014

Area in Area in % Area in Area in %

Settlement 15.0 1.6 15.0 1.6

Westland 9.1 1.0 9.1 1.0

Water body 36.4 3.9 36.4 3.9

Total 944.8 100.0 944.8 100.0

4.3 Existing Infrastructure Industries in the Region : RCL Captive Mines are the main Industry in the region. The India Cements Ltd. (ICL) is operating its Captive Mines at Maravarperungudi in Virudhunagar District and Maniakaranpatti in Thoothukudi District. Other than the Captive Limestone Mines, there is no major industries in the Region. Sree Parameswari Spinning Mills is located at Pandalgudi.

4.4 Soil Classification Soils in the District have been classified into i) Deep red Loam ii) Black soil iii) Red sandy soil. The majority of the study area is covered by Black soil. Ferruginous red soils are also seen at places. Black soils are deep to very deep and generally occurs in the depressions adjacent to hilly areas, in the western and central part of district. Alluvial soils occur along the river courses. Red sandy soil is seen all around the Sattur, Kariyapatti, Aruppukotai and Thiruchuli blocks.

4.5 Climatic Data from Secondary Source Sub-tropical climate prevails over the study area. The temperature is maximum during March to May and it drops from June onwards. The maximum temperature ranges from 40 °C to 44 °C and minimum temperature from 22 °C to 27 °C. The nearest IMD station is Madurai Airport (55 km in north). The nearest Rainfall gauge station is located at Aruppukottai which is at a distance of about 11 km on the North from this Mine. The Fifty years of Normal Rainfall recorded is 769 mm out of which, normal NE Monsoon Rainfall is 392.0 mm (Oct-Dec) Normal SW Monsoon Rainfall is 184.0 mm (Jun-Sep) Transit period rainfall from Jan to May is 193.0 m.

4.6 Social Infrastructure Available These Captive Mines are located in Virudhunagar and Thoothukudi Districts of Tamil Nadu. The major urban centre in the vicinity of the study area is Aruppukottai, located just bordering the mid-centre of the northern boundary. A few settlements located in an around the mines are Pandalgudi, Pudur, Kallurani, Reddyarpatti and Nagalapuram.

5.0 Planning Brief 5.1 Planning Concept & Amenities/Facilities The entire deposit will be exhausted in 8 years. The total area of the Lease is 498.870 Ha. Out of which the effective area available for mining will be 371.575 Ha after leaving the Safety Zones in the Lease. At Conceptual Stage, about 281.075 Ha will be refilled, 127.295 Ha will be in Safety barrier, 28.5 Ha area

Page 58: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

will be under mineral rejects Dump, 1.5 Ha under Roads, 0.50 Ha under Infrastructures and 60 Ha will be under Green Belt. With 60 Ha of Safety Zone covered under Green Belt, total Green Belt Area will be about 120 Ha with 24.05% coverage.

6.0 Proposed Infrastructure 6.1 Industrial Area The total area of 498.870 Ha will be under Mining. Existing RCL owned Mine Haulage Road will be used for the haulage of Minerals.

6.2 Residential Area There are 2 colonies for the Mine Employees and Workers along with a Middle School and a Community Hall located at Pandalgudi. No separate Township is required for this Mine. 6.3 Green Belt Predominantly, local species viz. Neem, Eucalyptus, Naval, Tamarind, Teak, Aval Vagai, Mango, Guava, Kodikai, Nettilingam, Coconut, Pungai, Mangium, Casurina, Arasan, Murungai, Banana, Seetha, Vanni, Yellow Arali, etc. are planted and maintained in the existing Mines nearby with a Survival Rate of 70-80%. Schedule-I Species Indian Pea Fowl (Pavo cristatus) is commonly found in the region. The birds are observed to be socially moving in these areas along with the human population. The Conservation Plan for Indian Pea Fowl has been prepared in consultation with the Forest Ranger, Villathikulam Range, approved by District Forest Officer- Thoothukudi District and already submitted to the Ministry. During the Plan Period, about 31,780 Trees (predominantly native species) will be planted and maintained over an extent of 79.45 Ha (15.93% Coverage) (Table 6.1). Out of the total area of Quarry Lease (498.870 Ha.), Green Belt and Afforested Area will be about 120 Ha with 24.05% coverage at Conceptual Stage.

Table : 6.1 Proposed Green Belt

Year Location Extent in Ha No. of Plants

I Safety barrier 15.60 6,240 Neem, Naval, Teak, Mango, Guava, Pungai, Mangium, Casurina, Murungai, Vanni, Yellow Arali, etc. Survival Rate : 70-80%

II Part of Mined out area and Safety barrier 15.75 6,300

III Part of Mined out area and Safety barrier 16.10 6,440

IV Part of Mined out area and Safety barrier 17.00 6,800

V Part of Mined out area and Safety barrier 15.00 6,000

Total 79.45 31,780

Page 59: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

6.4 Social Infrastructure These existing and proposed Mines in Pandalgudi Region provide Direct Employment to about 222 Persons and Indirect Employment to about 656 Persons. Out of 878 total Employees in these Mines, more than 80% are from local villages. This mine will employ about 30 persons directly and 50 persons indirectly. RCL is carrying out in number of social activities in and around the villages of its Mines and Factory under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Budget. RCL has the CSR Committee as per the provisions notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on February 27, 2014. Based on the CSR Committee and declared CSR Policy of the Company, the following CSR activities will be covered and Reported (& also displayed in the Company website) : v Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. v Promotion of education & vocational skills. v Ensuring environmental sustainability. v Contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or any other fund set up by the Central

Government or the State Governments for socioeconomic development and relief. The basic amenities are being developed in coordination with the District Administration. RCL has spent an amount of Rs.4.34 crores during 2011-15 for the CSR activities (Table 6.2).

Table : 6.2 CSR Amount Spent by RCL in the Region

Year Amount Spent, Rs.

Plant Mines RSSL Total

2011-12 12,93,111 1,44,000 4,24,474 24,93,485

2012-13 49,06,242 13,25,435 6,57,453 150,79,359

2013-14 34,69,180 47,89,078 11,11,811 119,52,325

2014-15 40,62,474 12,36,400 15,61,929 138,70,795

Total 137,31,007 74,94,913 37,55,667 433,95,964

About 1000 locals are being benefitted every year due to the Medical Camps conducted by RCL (Table

6.3). These camps were conducted in different villages on a rotational basis.

Table : 6.3 Medical Camps Conducted by RCL during 2013-14

Date Village Public Attended Type of Camp

10.01.2013 Chennampatti 162 General 06.03.2013 Maravarperungudi 252 General 28.04.2013 Kambathupatti 114 General 29.06.2013 Muthusamypuram 101 General 13.07.2013 Pandalgudi 140 Eye Camp & General Camp 28.09.2013 Suddhamadam 105 Eye Camp 28.12.2013 Kasilingapuram 112 General

Total Beneficiaries 986 -

Page 60: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Table : 6.3 (Contn.) Medical Camps Conducted by RCL during 2014-15

Date Place Category No. of Participants Remarks

07.06.2014 North Muthaiyapuram General Medical Camp 125 -

19.07.2014 Puthur Eye Camp 210

Cataract-32 Squint-2 Refraction-19 Infection-6

09.08.2014 Koppusithampatti General Medical Camp 131

Diabetic-14 Ht-19 Apenticitis-1 Ch.Ulcer Stomach-2 Cataract-16

30.09.2014 Periya Thummakundu General Medical Camp 142

Cataract-18 Refractive-6 Ht-11 Diabetic-3 Ca-1

12.10.2014 Ramco Nagar Mhc-Thyrocare 25 Blood Samples Taken-Report Given

14.02.2015 Ramco Nagar Denque Awareness 180 Free “Nila Vembu Kasayam “ -50 Ml/Each Given

20.02.2014 Ramco Nagar Polio Camp 17 Free Ambulance Given To Phc For Public Use*2 Days

Total Beneficiaries 830 -

Table : 6.3 (Contn.) Medical Camps Conducted by RCL during 2015-16

Date Place Category No. of Participants Remarks

28.04.2015 Andipatti General Medical Camp 75 Cataract-16 Refractive-4

27.05.2015 Mela Arunachalapuram General Medical Camp 96

Ht-21 Diabetic-13 Cataract -5 Infection -1

20.06.2015 Sivalarpatti General Medical Camp 125

Diabetic-17 Ht-13 Cataract-6 Chronic Vertigo-1

25.07.2015 Kulakattankurichi General Medical Camp 111

Diabetic-14 Ht-10 Squint-1 Hearing Loss-1

05.08.2015 Ramco Nagar Mhc-Thyrocare 10 Blood Samples Taken-Report Given

22.08.2015 M.V.Puram General Medical Camp 95 Diabetic-10 Ht-9 Cataract-6

15.09.2015 Sennampatti General Medical Camp 110

Ht-13 Diabetic-8 Dental Caris-3 Tonsilitis-3 Cataract-6 Skinallergy-2

22.11.2015 Puthur Eye Camp 60 Cataract-23 Refraction-18 Fundus-1

Page 61: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

Date Place Category No. of Participants Remarks

17.01.2016& 21.02.2016 Ramconagar Polio Camp 44 Free Ambulance Given To

Phc For Public Use*2 Days

29.03.2016 Muthupatti General Medical Camp 82

Diabetic-18 Ht-17 Refraction-12 Appenticitis-1

Total Beneficiaries 808

Table : 6.3 (Contn.) Medical Camps Conducted by RCL during 2016-17

Date Place Category No. of Participants Remarks

04.05.2016 Maniakkaranpatti General Medical Camp 113

Diabetic-12, Ht-10 Cataract -4 Infection Eye-1 Fracture Lt.Hand-1

20.05.2016 Thavasilingapuram General Medical Camp 135 Diabetic-11,Ht-14, Cataract-5

27.05.2016 Mela Sakkanapuram General Medical Camp 103 Diabetic-9, Ht-13. Cataract-4 Clubbed Lips-1

22.06.2016 Mettil Patti General Medical Camp 156

Diabetic-17, Ht-15. Cataract-6 Cellulitis-1 Septic Wound-1

24.06.2016 Sennamareddipatti General Medical Camp 152

Poor Vision-8 Ht-17, Piles-2 Diabetic-12 Skinallergy-1

31.07.2016 Pandalgudi Eye Camp 122

Cataract-18 Refraction-6 Dm-8, Ht-12 Hearing Loss-1

20.08.2016 Ramco Nagar Mhc-Thyrocare 18 Blood Samples Taken-Report Given

01.09.2016 Velayuthapuram General Medical Camp 119

Diabetic-9, Ht-16 Tonsilitis-2 Skin Infection-1 Eye Defect-10

09.09.2016 Udaiyanathapuram General Medical Camp 116 Allergy-23 Lri&Cough-48 Fever-3,Skin-4

19.01.2017 Ramco Nagar T.B.Awareness 51 Conducted By G.H- Viruthunagar

03.02.2017 Vidya Mandir-Ramco Nagar Dental Camp 527 Free Dental Medicines


09.02.2017 Vidya Mandir-Ramco Nagar Vision Chech-Up Camp 609 Poor Vision-18

18.02.2017 Ramco Nagar Siddha Camp 210

Knee Pain-29 Diabetic-12 Skin-10 Ulcer Stomach-10

Total Beneficiaries 2,431

Page 62: The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime … Captive Mine over an Extent of 498.870 Ha ... 10 Nearest railway

The Ramco Cements Limited Maravarperungudi Lime Kankar Quarry Lease-I (498.870 Ha; 13.33 LTPA ROM), Virudhunagar Dist., TN

Ensyscon, Chennai-78.

6.5 Occupational Health RCL is operating an Occupational Health Centre at the Factory and Mines for supporting the health care needs of employees & their families as well as local Public on emergency. Periodic Health tests (Pulmonary test, Audiometric test, blood test, chest x-ray examination etc.) have been conducted every year for the employees. Supported by test observations, adequate and need based treatment has been offered to employees. No incidence of occupational related diseases observed during the observation of staff so far.

7.0 Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) Plan The Project does not involve any R&R and thus, no R&R Plan is envisaged.

8.0 Project Schedule & EMP Budget 8.1 Project Schedule Based on the proposed rate of production, the reserve will last for 8 years.

8.2 Project Cost The capital cost of the Project is Rs.3.00 crores. An amount of Rs.6.00 Lakhs has been earmarked as EMP Budget out of which Rs.1.00 Lakh is the Capital Cost and Rs.5.00 Lakhs per Annum is the Operating Cost towards EMP measures, Green Belt maintenance, Environmental Monitoring, etc. Also, an amount of Rs.1.00 Lakhs per Annum has been earmarked for Occupational Health & Safety Measures. A budget of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs per Annum has been allotted for CSR activities. In addition, for the mandatory District Mineral Fund (DMF @ 10% of Royalty Amount) will also be contributed.

9.0 Analysis of Proposal 9.1 Financial & Social Benefits This is a new Captive Mine for RR Nagar Cement Plant and thus does not require financial viability analysis assessment.
