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The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 4

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The skies and rivers run red with the blood of the innocent…

Xylen has made his move, to break Rebirth he has to make sure he has nothing left to hold on to. The small sample of Olympian blood he

got when Dark Pellas was dressing his wounds given by Dalen and Batalia, was enough to locate those he cared about, but not enough to command control of the Olympians. It was a small victory for the bad guys, though an effective one. Reias felt the loss of everyone he was supposed to protect, even his beloved wife Roxie, and his precious

son Solan…

Reias has begun his descent into Chaos, his eyes beginning to show the shadowed influence of Xylen; but still, one small sliver of hope

remains. Reias the Prince of the Underworld has not completely lost his mind yet. Whether or not he is aware of it remains to be seen…

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The feelings overwhelmed Solan as he sank to the wet grass, tears streaming down his face and blurring his vision. He had lost an entire generation of the

legacy, the Quest was surely over. His job as Guardian was to protect them, not to let Xylen kill them. And yet, they are all dead.

Every. Last. One.

Minos, his only grandson, dead. His family, gone. But yet, he lives, he survives…what reason is there to go on now? He had no idea where he was, it

was not the Underworld, nor was it Purgatory; he still felt alive…

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He heard the impatient tapping of feet in front of him; he was too distraught to raise his head to tell whoever it was to fuck off and let him be. Yet, they shiny black leather shoed feet did not leave, they

tapped even more impatiently.

“How long are you gonna sit there in the soaking wet grass?”

Solan: As long as I damn well please!! Screw off!!

“By the gods man, pull yourself together!!”

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“Get off your ass before I haul you to your feet and beat the shit outta you. We got work to do, Solan.”

Solan: Why bother? The legacy is dead, the Quest has failed; I was too weak to stop Xylen from killing them…they’re gone…

“The Quest is not dead, you yellow haired moron; and you need to get up now.”

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Aiden ground his teeth and held back another biting remark. He was about to lose his temper, and everyone knew that was never a good

thing. The idiot; he can’t even sense them anymore. The legacy survived, and he needed to know how.

“Get up. And be a man, stop sitting there crying like a little bitch.”

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Solan: What the hell are you talking about, the legacy survived? How?

Aiden: You don’t even know where you are, do you?

Solan: Heaven?

Aiden: Close. This is Allocarre; we’re on Elvendia.

Solan: Where? Who? Huh?

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Aiden: You are pretty damn lucky I still carry a Gate Stone. Otherwise you’d be nothing but a memory now. If I hadn’t dragged your ass outta Hidden City in

time, Xylen would have killed you too.

Solan: What’s a Gate Stone? What is Elvendia?

Aiden: Right, you’ve never been here; well Elvendia is another planet connected to Earth by a series of Gateways. It is part of a network of them, they have

Gateways all over the galaxy. A Gate Stone is the key that opens those doorways.

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Solan: I don’t understand; this is another planet?

Aiden: You really make the dumb blond stereotype ring true don’t you?

Solan: What about the legacy? Where’s Hex? Did you leave him back on Earth?

Aiden: Hex is fine; he’s safe. It’s you that wasn’t. Xylen was gunning to break your father and as far as he’s concerned; you’re dead. This is good for us.

Solan: As far as who’s concerned; my father or Xylen?

Aiden: Both. Congrats dude; you’re officially dead.

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Solan: How is being dead a good thing? It would break my father to think that I was dead, I thought our plan was to get him back before

that happened?

Aiden: Yeah…about that. Plan’s changed. Most likely Reias is on his way to becoming Dark like my father and aunt are right now. We

need a new approach; as long as Xylen doesn’t find the kids of the legacy we still have time to rethink this plan.

Solan: How is my father going Dark not freaking you out right now??!!

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Aiden: Look Ani-Mei can explain it better than me, why don’t we go inside?

Solan: Ani-Mei?

Aiden: You’ll see.

All of a sudden the doors of the palace burst open; Aiden looked up and smiled.

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Saraya: Onii-chan!! Onii-chan!! You came back!!

Aiden: Sure did squirt; how are you?

Saraya: I missed you!!

Solan: Friend of yours?

Aiden: Yeah, you could say that.

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Aiden led him to the War Room inside, while he played with his “Pseudo Little Sister”, Ani-Mei took on the task of filling in a very

confused Solan.

Ani-Mei: You have your father’s eyes; I have always loved their colour.

Solan: Who are you?

Ani-Mei: I am Lady Ani-Mei, or as they know me here, Lady Starr. I am the queen of the Elvendian gods.

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Solan: Huh?

Ani-Mei: Poor child; you know nothing of us. I was sure Reias would have told you about our friendship and history here.

Solan: I guess it slipped his mind…for a long while apparently.

Ani-Mei: Do you know where Chaos came from?

Solan: I am not really clear on it honestly.

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Adahy: He was imprisoned by us over three millennia ago, it was supposed to hold forever. Chaos is an ancient evil force that nearly

annihilated our world here.

Solan: Uh huh…

Adahy: You do not understand; very well we shall explain. Chaos is our most dangerous adversary and he has now set his sights on Earth.

Your father, inadvertently released Chaos after he fell into despair over the loss of Paris Reed.

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Solan was even more confused, how could his father have let Chaos out of its jail cell?

“How? I mean, he was on Earth…how did he let Chaos out?”

Adahy: He is a god; his power can reach even the farthest of regions.

Solan: I do remember Paris’s death; but I had no idea it was the spark that started the inferno.

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Ani-Mei: How can you be so out of the loop? I thought you were the Guardian of the Quest?

Adahy: Did your father not tell you any of this? How is that so?

Solan: I—I don’t know!!

Aiden stepped in; he could see the flames of embarrassment on Solan’s face. He wasn’t exactly best buds with the guy, but still they had to see his reaction right?

“Reias wasn’t exactly the Chatty Kathy he should have been with Solan. I don’t blame the guy, he had a lot of shit to deal with.”

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Ani-Mei: Well, it is of no matter now. We must prepare you to face Xylen. I would like to start you with the Adriel lore; for it is them whom will be your greatest weapons against Xylen; you must know how to use their powers.

Solan: Yeah, I figured as much. My father knew how to use two of them and I have no idea how to even tap their powers.

Ani-Mei: Instructing you in the use of two right away is far too much. You should learn how to use Botan first.

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Aiden: And me? What do I do?

Adahy: I shall instruct you in Drinn’s use; for he was your father’s Adriel and you are his blood.

Aiden: Right. That takes care of two of them, who’s gonna use Lunala and Sora?

Ani-Mei: Sora belonged to your mother Mokosh; you shall learn his powers too. And as for Lunala, we are not sure who would be capable of using her


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Aiden: Too bad you can’t bring Xena back huh?

Ani-Mei: No I am afraid we cannot. We shall investigate who will wield Lunala.

Aiden: Yeah, I mean my cousin Lyra would have been perfect…she is descended form Xena.

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Solan: This is a lot to take in; I mean I wasn’t expecting to have to go back to school this late in my life. Do we even have time to do this?

Adahy: Time on Elvendia passes faster than it does on Earth; a week spent here is only about two days there. You will have plenty of time to learn Botan’s


Solan: Time slip huh? Great…


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The next morning was a great relief to Solan; so much had happened in such a short time. It helped to know the world still went around, even if

his own little one had stopped dead.

Aiden: I see you’re back to being a glow worm.

Solan: Yeah, I guess I was too much in shock to let my powers radiate naturally.

Aiden: It’s not the end of the world dude; we’re still gonna win this fight.

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Solan: It is the end of my world. My family is gone.

Aiden: In case you forgot, mine are too. My daughters, my sister, my niece, even my lover. You aren’t the only one whose lost his whole

world. I just don’t cry about it, I do something to fix it.

Solan: I am so sorry Aiden, I did forget…

Aiden: I get it; really. You’re like a living magnet for emotional trauma.

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Adahy: May I join you?

Solan: Sure…umm, I can’t believe I don’t even know your name.

Adahy: Of course; I had forgotten you do not know; I am Lord Adahy, king of the Elvendian gods.

Solan: Adahy, nice to meet you.

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Solan: Do you think we have a shot? I mean to beat Chaos.

Adahy: You are strong Solan; I do not doubt that you are more than capable of handing the power of an Adriel. You are entitled to use him because it is in your blood. Your father, I do like him a lot I do not want to see him fall prey to Xylen.

He has done more for my world than you know.

Solan: Maybe you can tell me about it when this is over, I’d love to better understand my father.

Adahy: I shall. It is a most enthralling tale.

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Aiden: He’s right about that; I could tell you tales too.

Solan: You were part of this place too?

Aiden: Yeah, a big part. I should tell you the story about Dahak one of these days.

Solan: I look forward to it.

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Ani-Mei: As long as you do not exaggerate the details Aiden.

Aiden: Sure, spoil my fun.

Solan could feel the colours of them very clearly; the atmosphere was pleasant enough and Ani-Mei radiated with a serene, calm, green most

of the time. While Adahy was more of a vibrant green but still calm. Saraya was a bundle of yellows and oranges, she was a child so it was

to be expected from her to be so happy and energetic. He was at peace here in Allocarre, a feeling he missed.

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Solan: I wanted to say thank you, I was a wreck last night.

Ani-Mei: You have suffered a real loss child; it is alright to be a wreck after such a tragedy. But we shall still save

your father, and your planet. Chaos may think he has won a great victory in killing your family and most of your

charges, but it is that arrogance which will ultimately topple him from the

height of power.

Solan: Did you save the legacy kids? I never got an answer to that last night.

Ani-Mei: We did. However, they lost much of their lives after they became teenagers so we could only restore

them to that state.

Solan: You mean, they’re teenagers again? All of them?

Ani-Mei: Yes, and so are your children. We managed to save them as well.

Solan felt his heart skip a beat; his children survived? Did that include


“My wife? Did you save her too?”

Ani-Mei smiled; Solan felt a whole lot lighter. He couldn’t believe his ears.

Solan: I—I don’t know what to say…

Ani-Mei: It is the least we could do child. Your father is important to us here and therefore you are as well.

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Part B:

With Aiden and Solan safely on Elvendia, they had no way of contacting Earth. To do so would send Xylen a signal that they had

survived; it was not yet time to let him know they were back. That did have a downside as well, Reias was still under the impression that his family and charges were all dead; therefore making the darkness in his heart stronger with despair. He was falling deeper into his own


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Reias: You mean that? I am going to be a father?

Daphne: As if you didn’t already know.

Reias: I can’t believe this…me a father…

Reias: Callie, my sweet girl…you look so much like your

beautiful mother…

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Daphne: Goodness child how can you

get so dirty?

Callie: Is daddy here yet? Tell me he is!! I

can’t blow out my big girl

candles until he’s here!!

Reias: I’ll always be here for you baby girl…always

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Reias: You what? HOW COULD YOU?!!?? WHY!!??

Dalen: Simple, I just did. I can’t let my wretched brother’s line destroy my power!!

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Dion: I can’t believe they’re all gone…

Reias: I am so sorry Dion, I couldn’t save them I could only

save you…

Reias: You have no idea how much you mean to me Roxie. I

love you.

Roxie: I love you too, Reias.

Liam: Look, you’re not my father and you never will be, I am going to find my real dad and we’ll all

be happy together again…

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Reias: My son, my precious, precious son. I will never let

anything happen to you, I swear on my immortal life…Solan, my

dear child.

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Reias: Never again will I lose the woman I love, my only wish is that this Kiss of Life will protect you…for all eternity. Roxie…

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Officer Kauker: Honestly Mr. Sharpe, I had expected better of

you. Hacking your grades is illegal.

Solan: But I didn’t do it officer, really!!

Liam: Serves you right, that’ll teach you for taking mom from me.

Solan: Damn you Liam!! What did I ever do to you!!??

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Reias: Dalen has been far too quiet lately, I am afraid he’s planning something huge…

Ani-Mei: Just keep doing what you’re doing, I am sure it will be


Ash: Oh no…what did he see?

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Dalen: You knew this was coming old friend…

Reias: I will stop you, right here and now. Old Friend, this ends


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Reias: How could I have not seen him there? Why??? Paris, why did you get in the way, I couldn’t stop


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Reias: Why Paris? Why did I kill you? I was supposed to protect you, I swore I would…

Reias had recently been reliving everything that had happened to him as the Guardian of the Legacy over the last six generations, they were rarely good

memories, mostly of everything he did wrong or didn’t do right. He knew there was no point in resisting further; Xylen won, he broke his resolve. Again.

Now he was alone; his son the one he swore to protect, was dead. The legacy, the line of his best friend Diamos, gone. He had failed as a Guardian and he

broke a promise to Diamos to protect his lineage.

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He didn’t cry, he had cried everything out that he could by now. There were no more tears to shed. His place as a piece of the Dark Triad was assured now, Xylen would use them to destroy the world and enslave the population. He would take part in many more deaths,

many more losses; that was all there was for him now.

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Dalen: So have you come to terms with your place now? Are you ready to be a team player?

Reias: Yes. I am ready.

Dalen: Good, I knew you’d see things our way eventually.

Reias: Yes, I was a fool to resist my fate.

Dalen: You understand your role finally, this is good news. The master will be pleased.

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Reias: I am ready to take my place as Rebirth. For a new world will be born, one in our master’s image and design. One true pantheon. One

true King.

Dalen: So have you figured out which one you want? I mean, I’d love to take Egypt, I love the heat and the sun. Talia wants the Norse

realm. How bout you?

Reias: I do not care; whatever there is left to take, I will have.

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Dalen: You sound like a robot; what gives?

Reias: I do not understand.

Dalen: Okay dude, whatever. Talk however you like.

Reias only cocked his head slightly; as if still not understanding his question, it honestly creeped Dalen out. He was used to their

arguments, their fights, and this…this was just freaky.

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He just stared at him; the darkened green glowing eyes made shivers crawl down Dalen’s spine; and it took a lot to give the God of War the chills. Dalen cursed himself inwardly for his involuntary weakness of fear; he was supposed to cause fear in others, not be afraid himself. He knew how strong Reias was, that he could kill even a god with

single touch and enough intent behind it, that was what scared him the most. For decades, he believed he was invulnerable, untouchable

as a god; but Reias…he was always wary of him even from the day they met down by the lake so long ago.

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Dalen: Well, soon enough we’ll storm Olympus. Zeus thinks he’s safe up there on his mountain, but we’ll show him. Pellas is getting

stronger every day and now that we have you on our team, we’ll be even stronger. They won’t be expecting you to be with us when we


Reias: I am ready.

Dalen felt that shiver again; the dude was freaking him out. He tried to make small talk, hoping for a reaction other than the monotony of

his replies.

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When Xylen appeared, Dalen was slightly relieved but still, that chill would not go away.

Xylen: Getting chummy are we? It’s nearly time, are you ready Rebirth?

Reias: Yes master, I am fully prepared.

Xylen: Good. We’ll move soon.

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The two went back to discussing a strategy; Xylen looked down at him. Breaking Reias was far too easy, and not nearly as fun as he’d hoped it would be. It was so much easier last time he had him, at least then he put up a good

fight for him. Xylen was disappointed at his easy victory.

But in the end, it would be worth it. They were about to embark on his mission to take down the last remaining pantheon that stood in his way of total control;

the Olympians. Xylen still did not have the blood he needed to secure the control over them, it would appear that in this battle one of the gods had to die and spill enough blood to infuse Pellas with its power, but which one? Who was

the weakest god?

End of Entry Forty.