Download - THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette

Page 1: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette



-ti -


1\3.ft.0 tilt tat is-

a3ette ‘,..kit,(4,,.)IJ. frig tette Rotrant

virko(Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) (As 'n Nausblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer)


Administrator's Notice 1351 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1351 11 November 1970



In accordance with the provisions of section 87 of the Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 87 van die WetElectoral Consolidation Act, 1946 (Act No. 46 of 1946), tot Konsolidasie van die Kieswette, 1946 (Wet No. 46 vanthe following details relating to the general election of 1946), word die volgende besonderhede betreffende dieMembers of the Transvaal Provincial Council, held on the algemene verkiesing van Lede van die Provinsiale Raad28th October, 1970, are published for general information. van Transvaal, gehou op 28 Oktober 1970, vir algemene

inligting gepubliseer.

0P.R. 4-6-24-1970. . P.R. 4-6-2-4 - 1970.


TotalName of Person number Numberdeclared elected Number of ofwith effect from of Votes Votes Voters

Electoral Division 28th October, 1970 Votes polled for rejected polled on ListKiesafdeling Naam van Persoon Stemme uitgebring op Getal Totale Getal

wat verkose verklaar is stemme getal Kiesersmet ingang van verwerp stemme op Lys

28 Oktober 1970. . uitge-bring


1. Alberton Steyl, Jacob Hartogh Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 15,031

2. Benoni Gibson, Douglas Harvey Monro Gibson, D. H. M. ... ... 5671 31 10,385 14,442'

Cronje, A. P. ... ... ... ... 4714

3. Bethal Hoffman, Adriaan Moorrees Hoffman, A. M. ... ... ... 4614 50 6,881 11,948

Steyn, Louis Jonas

Geldenhuys, S. J. ... ... ... 370Du Toit, G. F. de W. ... 1697

4. Bezuidenhout Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 12,855

5. Boksburg Kramer, Isaac Kramer, I. 5218 23 10,270 14,0861

6. Brakpan Meyer, Johannes Herbert Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 12,727

7. Brentwood Buckle, Johannes Petrus Buckle, J. P. ... ... ... ... 5820 37 10.278 16,442Smith, J. X. ... ..: ... ... ... 4458

8. Brits Meiring, Edward Justus Meiring, E. J. ... ... ... ... 54111

14 7,386 11,440De Beer, B. K. ...' ... ... ... 560Fourie, L. S. ... ... ... ... 1415

9. Carletonville Du Plessis, Petrus Johannes Du Plessis, P. J. ... ... ... 3950 12 6,086 13,301Giessing, J. J. ... ... ... ... 2136

10. Christiana Pretorius, Abraham Jacobus Pretorius, A. J. ... ... ... 4994 39 6,806 10,357Mathews, C. F. ... ... ... 1812

11. Ermelo Uys, Casper Uys, C. ... ... ... ... ... ... 5212 39 7,603 12,006Tosen, P. G. C ... ... ... 2391

i12.Florida ,

rMcDonald, Donovan

Deysel, Frederik Francois

McDonald, D. ... ... ... ... 7320 72 14,152 17,690Venter, S. C. ... ... ... ... 6832

13. Geduld Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 13,4431 14. Germiston Hattingh, Sarel Jacobus Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 12,511I



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4. ft .. •

. .





.. . - . . - .- .:. . . Ndme of. Person number Number I

declared elected'

Number of ofwith effect from . • of Votes Votes Voters

Electoral Division - - 28th October, 1970 Votes polled for rejected polled on ListKiesafdeling Naam van Persoon Stemme uitgebring op Getal Totale Getal- - wat verkose verklaar is stetnme get a! Kiesers

- • ' • •• met ingang van - -• verwerp stemme op Lys• .. -

28 Oktober 1970. ' uitge-.


15. ,,Germiston Strauss, Willem Petrus Strauss, W. P. ... ... ... ... 5440 13 10,845 15,985District/Distrik .

Herzfield, H. L. ... ... ... 5405

1.6. Gezina Fick, Jacobus Johannes Unopposed/Onbestrede - - 13,614

17. Heidelberg 'Van Vuuren, Jacobus Nicolaas Van Vuuren, J. N. J. ... ... 5028 106 5,754 12,859

'Janse Terre Blanche, E. N. ... 726

18.. HerculeS'

Van Vuuren, Lukas Martinus Van Vuuren, L.' M. J. ... 5105 23 6,046 13,5984Janse Deneyschen, A. P. ... ... 941

19. Hillbrow • Schwarz, Harry Heinz • Unopposed/Onbestrede - - 13,103....

20. Houghton Epstein, David Hyman Epstein, D. H. ... ... ... ... 5880 43 10,419 14,661. . - Brigish, C. H. ... ... ... 4539

21?• ;Innesdal



Nothnagel, Albertus Erik Nothnagel, A. E. ... ... ... 6158 46 6,766 13,961

.Van der Kooi, P. ... ... ... 608 .L.. ..„ • .

22. JigipeS •


:.'.. • O'Conner, James Joseph O'Connor, J. J. ... ... ... 3626 47. 5,934 13,266

De Villiers, J. J. ... ... ... 2308•

23.. Johannesburg- . .•.: Van der Merwe, Ockert Tobias Van der Merwe, 0. T.... 6163 8 8,339 12,988

North/Nadi-ft ... , Jammy, B. ... ... ... ... ... 2176

24. Johannesurg- Pienaar, Johannes Pienaar, I. .. ... ... ... ... 4285 35 7.598 13,846West/Wes' De Villiers:R. ... ... ... ... 3313• • - _.

25. Kemptan Park- -

Van Tonder, Marthinus Jurgens Van Tonder, M. J. P. ... 6844 24 11,108 18,564•

. Pretorius Brink, W. J. B. ... ... ... 250• Vincent, M. A. ... ... ... 4014. . • . . . .

'26.: Kensington ,. i Powell, Martin John . Unopposed/Onbestrede - - 10,907

27. Klerksdorp Erasmus, Lourens Daniel Erasmus, L. D. J. ... ... ... 6080 77 7,939 14,897 iJacobus Steyn, R. ... ... ... ... ... 1859. . .

28:' Koedoespoort' '

_ Krijnauw, Pieter Hendrik Unopposed/Onbestrede • - - 16,940..Johannes

29. Krugersdorp _ - Hattingh; Cornelis -Petrus Hattingh. C. P. ... ... ... 4383 43 7,398 13,920Pienaar, P. J. J. ... ... ... 3015

30. tanglaagte - . \-. Barnard, Salmon.Petrps Barnard, S. P. ... ... ... 5584 23 9,034 13,669

Nolan, H. V. ... ... ... ... 3450. ,.. ... . .. ..31.:. Lich@iburg '


Beyers. Andries Stephanus Beyers, A. S. ... ... ... ... 5316 28 7,313 10,966Pretorius, C ... ... ... ... 559


.. . .. ..4

. Viviers, J. P. ... ... ... 1438. .. . . .

32. Losberg .:

c :Janson, Johanries Janson, -Johannes ... ... ... 5696 59 7,890 15,764

.. . . .. . . . . Bartlett, H. D. ... ... ... 2194

33/. Lyderiburg' '



Dunn, Henry Brown Dunn, H. B. ... ... ... 4971 23 6,454 11,4970 orey, H. S. ... ... ... ... 1483. .....

34. ,Maraisburg

: Van Wyk. Abraham - an Wyk, A. C ... ... ...• 6061 34 8,226 15,706Chnsioffel -


Marais, M. L. ... ... ... 2165.•

35.. -Marico '.... Joubert, Jozua Adriaan Joubert, J. A. ... • ... ... 4377 54 6,745 9,984

1ACoetzee, H. J. ... ... ... ... 435.

• - - - - - -

- . --- _ . .. el, C C. S. ... ... ... ... 1933., . • .

36: 'Mayfair_ .. Van Blerk, Jan Hendrik Unopposed/Onbestrede. - - 11,503

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TotalName of Person number Numberdeclared elected Number of ofwith effect from of Votes Votes Voters

Electoral Division 28th October, 1970 Votes polled for rejected polled on ListKiesafdeling Naam van Persoon Stemme uitgebring op Getal Totale Getal

wat verkose verklaar is stemme get al Kiesersmet ingang van verwerp stemme op Lys

28 Oktober 1970. uitge-bring

37. Middelburg Ligthelm, Nicolaas Willem Ligthelm, N. W. ... ... 5107 31 8,179 13,378Erichsen, G. V. ... 2525Fourie, J. J. ... ... 547

38. Nelspruit Van Rooyen, Hendrik Josias Van Rooyen, H. J. ... 5817 54 9,084 15,084Cordes, M. A. ... 2877Koen, J. T. ... ... 390

39. Nigel Visagie, Johannes Hendrik Unopposed/Onbestrede - 12,958

40. North Rand/ Du Preez, Gert Thomas Du Preez, G. T. ... ... 7593 37 11,349 18,257Noordrand Van Schalkwyk, G. ... 1278

Wilding, J. F. ... ... 2478

41. Orange Grove Widman, Alfred Bernard Widman, A. B. 6895 361 8,710 14,922Clingman, N. D. ... ... 1815

42. Parktown Moss, Samuel Moss, S. ... . 5936 22 9,306 13,226.Van Schalkwyk, ,R. ... 3370

43. Pietersburg Hough, Daniel Jacobus Hough, D. J. ... 4518 46 6,137 11,582Ball, D. C. ... ... 1619

44. Potchefstroom Van der Merwe, Willem Karel Unopposed/Onbestrede - .14,759

45. Potgietersrus Van Rooyen, Johannes Unopposed/Onbestrede• - 11,094


46. Pretoria- Harms, Ockert Hermann Harms, 0. H. H..........5682 16 8,487 15,226District/Distrik Heinrich Lubbe, W. J. G..........467

• Nortje. W. H. ... 2338

47. Pretoria- Breedt. Willem Jacobus Unopposed/Onbestrede -- 12,386Central/Sentraal

48. Pretoria- Hattingh, Johanna Adama Hattingh, J. A. . - ... 4711 46 5,290 15,4121 West/Wes Van Vuuren, E. A. J. ... 579

49. Primrose Dc a Andreas Gerhardus De Witt, A. G. ... ... 4786 31 7,897 14,162Laing, J. R. A. ... 3111

50. Prinshof Le Roux, Zacharias Petrus Le Roux, Z. P. ... 3885 24 5,816 14,267Steyn, A. E. S. ... 1931

51. Randburg Van Rensburg, Horatio Erlank Van Rensburg, H. E. J.... 9264 37 16,757 20,325Jansen Potgieter, P. J. ... 7493

52. Randfontein Griffiths, John Miles Griffiths, J. M. ... ... 4984 48 7,087 13,790Fourie, A. E. ... ... 2103

53. Rissik Smit, Andreas Adriaan Smit, A. A. ... ... 5015 65 9,297 15,090Smuts-Erasmus. K. F. ... 4282

54. Roodepoort Van Log,gerenberg, Joachim Unopposed/Onbestrede - 15,481Christoffel Cornelius

55. Rosettenville Oberholzer, Johannes Francois Unopposed/Onbestrede - - 12,388

56. Rustenburg Brink, David Schalk van der Brink, D. S. v.d. M. _. ... 5842 53 8,273 15,615Merwe Buitendach, F. W. C. ... 2431

17. Soutpansberg Vorster, Barend Jacobus Unopposed/Onbestrede - - 10,523

58. Springs Evans, Ronald Garth Evans, R. G. ... :.. 6292 51 11,935 15,444Kotze, M. P. ... 5643

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3402 PROVINCIAL GAZhi lh.. It NOVEMBER, 1970


TotalName of Person . .• number Number

.,, declared elected . . .-


. Number of ofwith effect from . of Votes Votes Voters

t.' Electoral: Division'

28th October, 1970 Votes polled for rejected . polled on ListKiesafdeling .. Naam van Persoon Stemme uitgebring op Getal Totale .Getal

wat verkose verklaar is . stemme get al Kiesersmet ingang van . —. verwerp stemme op Lys

28 Oktober 1970. . . ultge-bring

592. Standerton I '. Dc Haas, Karel Stephanus'

De Haas, K. S. ... •.:i. ... 4593 34 6,522 11,507. Van Eeden„ M. P. J. ... ... 1929

60. Stilfontein Stemmett, Frederick Daniel" -

Stemmett. F. D. ... ... ... 4510 33 7,240 13,946• - . Wheeler, J. C ... ... ... ... 2730

61. Sunnyside Beshoff, &rend Daniel , Boshoff, B. D. T. ... ... 6858 71 10,262 18,377Theodorus Dormehl, H. ... ... ... ... 2982

. , • '• Nixon, P. M. ... ..; ...

... .- 422 4

62:.• Turffontein ' C.' Hall, James . Peter .. • Hall, J. P. ... .... ....... ... 5560 27 10,401 16,075., . .. Burger, J. S. J. ...... ... ... 4841


63...Vanderbijlpark Htivenga, hiC0bUS Lukas Daniel Havenga, J. L. D. ... ... ... 6717 45 8,384 16,137Bosman, O.... ... ....... ... 1667 . .. •

. .•


64. Vereeniging Du Pisanie, Frederick Du Pisanie, F. J. ... ... ... 4619 27 7,567 13,638• Johannes . MacDonald, N. R. ... 1 ... 2948 .. .

65. Von Brandis Opperman, Jan Daniel. Rudolph Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 11.184•'


WalckerstrOom'' Martins,•

Theodorus 'Francois' Martins, T. F.'.:: ... .„ ... 4607 31 5,240 9.947'' Prinsloo, H. B. ... ... ... ... 633. .

0.. Waterbarg-

De Beer, Johann:es Christoffel De Beer, J. C. ... ..; ... '...'


50 6,644 9,935Eloff, J. F. ... :.. ... ... ... 1585


0. Waterkloof Schoeman, Stephanus Johannes Schoeman, S. J. ... ... it: 7199 83 11,938 18,843Rheeders, J. M. ... ... ... 4739

69. Westdene Enthoven,'Richard Edward . Enthoven, R. E. ... ... ... 6914 74 13,674 17,062• Malan, D. G. ... — ... ... 6760

70!'"Witbank -Lombard, Ink Zirk* Lombard, I. Z. ... ... ... 5350 28 7,680 14,577

Uys, J. J. .., ... ... ... ... 2330

71".' Wolmaranistad ' ' Joeste, Jacobus Pettus • Jooste, J. 'P. ... .1: ..r.' ...' 5184 8 7.039 119.2151

' ' - Koelcemoer, M. J. ... ... 495•

., Oosthuizen,G. i C. ... ... .1450...• ,-

7_2. Wonderboom Scholtz, Johannes Marthinus Scholtz, J. M. ... ... ... ... 6942 67 8,008 15,746

73. Yeoville Jaffe, Alec • •'

Unopposed/Onbestrede — — 10,877. •


. - ,

. ... . .

No. .259 (Administrator's),1970. . . . - .' ' .


No. 259 (Adnstrateurs.), 1970.,. . . . . .


, • ,-, .

,i. PROCLAMATION . . . .




:...„:-by the Honourable

-the Administrator of. the - . ; deur. sy .Edele die.Administrdietr van die

Province Transvaal. 1_ . , , !Provinsie Transvaal.• :,Whereas; -in terms - of section I4(2) 'of Ordinance 20 'of "Naderitial ingeimIge artikel 14(2) van Ordonnansie 2I1943,;the Administrator is empowered by proclamation to van..1943, die .Administrateur bevoeg is om by proklamasieinclude areas in the area of- jurisdiction of the Transvaal gebiede in die regsgebied van die Transvaalse Raad vir dieBoard for the Development of Peri-Urban Areas; Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede op to neem; 4; And 'whereas it is deemed expedient- to include the area En nidemaal dit dienstig geag word onfdie gebied om-described in,the Schedule hereto in the area of jurisdic- skryf in die,Bylae hierby in die regsgebied van genoemdetibrit of the said' Boird; . •

- ' - - '. : .

.; Raad op to neem;

Page 5: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette


Now, therefore, I do by this Proclamation proclaim that So is dit dat ek by hierdie Proklamasie proklameer dat diethe area described in the Schedule hereto shall be included gebied omskryf in die Bylae hierby in die regsgebied vanin the area of jurisdiction of the said Board. genoemde Raad opgeneem word.

Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 23rd day of Gcgee onder my Hand to Pretoria op hede die 23ste dagOctober, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy. van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-Sewentig.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Administrator of the Province Transvaal.. Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal.

P.B. 3-2-3-111-18. P.B. 3-2-3- 111-18.




Portion 35 (a portion of Portion 34) of the farm Karino Gedeelte 35 ('n gedeeltc van Gedeelte 34) van die pleasFarm 134-JU, in extent 47.4826 Morgen, vide Diagram Karino Farm 134-JU, groot 47.4826 Morg, volgens hartS.G. A.4794/69. L.G. A.4794/69.

No. 260 (Administrator's), 1970. No. 260 (Administrateurs-), 1970.


by the Honourable the Administrator of the deur sy Edele die Administrateur van die

Province Transvaal. Provinsie Transvaal.

Whereas, in terms of section 14(2) of Ordinance 20 of Nadeniaal ingevolge artikel 14(2) van Ordonnansie 20

1943, the Administrator is empowered by proclamation to van 1943, die Administrateur bevoeg is om by proklamasieinclude areas in the area of jurisdiction of the Transvaal gebiede in die regsgebied van die Transvaalse Raad vir die

Board for the Development of Peri-Urban Areas; Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede op te neem;

And whereas it is deemed expedient to include the area En nademaal dit dienstig geag word om die gebied om-

described in the Schedule hereto in the area of jurisdiction skryf in die Bylae hierby in die regsgebied van genoemdeof the said Board; Raad op te neem;

Now, therefore, I do by this Proclamation proclaim that So is dit dat ek by hierdie Proklamasie proklameer datthe area described in the Schedule hereto, shall be included die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hierby in die regsgebied

in the area of jurisdiction of the said Board. van genoemde Raad opgeneem word.

Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 27th day of Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 27ste dagOctober, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy. van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderci-en-Sewentig.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Administrator of the Province Transvaal.

P.B. 3-2-3-111-19.

Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal.P.B. 3-2-3-111-19.




Portion 31 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Alkmaar Galeelte 31 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte I) van die pleas286 -JT, in extent 25.4630 Morgen, vide Diagram S.G. Alkmaar 286-IT, groot 25.4630 Morg, volgens KaartA.2928/43. L.G. A.2928/43.

No. 261 (Administrator's), 1970. No. 261 (Administrateurs-), 1970.


by the Honourable the Administrator of the deur sy Edele die Administrateur van dieProvince Transvaal. Provinsie Transvaal.

Whereas a written application in terms of the provisions Nademaal 'n skriftelike aansoek ingevolge die bepalingslk of section 3 of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act van artikel 3 van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings,

No. 84 of 1967) has been received from South African 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967) ontvang is van South AfricanTownships Mining and Finance Corporation Limited for a Townships Mining and Finance Corporation Limited omcertain restriction which is binding on Erven Nos. 3129 'n sekere beperking wat op Erwe Nos. 3129 en 3148 gelee

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and 3148 situated in the township of Bryanston Extension in die dorp Bryanston Uitbreiding No. 7 distrik Johan-

No. 7 district Johannesburg, Transvaal, to be altered; nesburg, Transvaal, bindend is, te wysig;And whereas it is provided by section 2 of the above- En nademaal by artikel 2 van bogenoemde Wet bepaal

mentioned Act, that the Administrator of the Province may word dat die Administrateur van die Provinsie in sekerein certain circumstances alter, suspend or remove any omstandighede 'n beperkende voorwaarde ten opsigte vanrestrictive condition in respect of land; grond kan wysig, opskort of ophef;

And whereas the Administrator has given his approval En nademaal die Administrateur sy goedkeuring aan

for such amendment; sodanige wysiging verleen het;And whereas the Minister of Community Development En nademaal die Minister van Gemeenskapsbou sy geed -

has given his approval for such amendment; keuring aan sodanige wysiging verleen het;And whereas all the provisions of the abovementioned En nademaal aan al die bepalings van bogenoemde Wet

Act have been complied with; voldoen is;Now, therefore, I hereby exercise the powers conferred So is dit dat ek hierby die bevoegdheid my verleen soos

upon me as aforesaid in respect of the conditions of title voormeld, uitoefen met betrekking tot die titelvoorwaardesin Administrator's Proclamation No. 21 of 25th January, in Administrateursproklamasie No. 21 van 25 Januarie1961, pertaining to the said Erven 3129 and 3148 Bryan- 1961 ten opsigte van genocmde Erwe 3129 en 3148 dorpston Extension No. 7 township, by the alteration of con- Bryanston Uitbreiding No. 7 deur die wysiging van voor-

dition B2(E)(a) to read as follows:— waarde B2(E)(a) om soos volg te lees:—"B2(E)(a) The erf shall be used for the erection of a B2(E)(a) Die erf moet slegs gebruik word om 'n woon-

dwelling house only: Provided that, with the consent of the huis daarop op te rig: Met dien verstande dat, met dieAdministrator after reference to the Board and the local toestemming van die Administrateur, na raadpleging metauthority, a place of public worship or a place of instruc- die Dorperaad en die plaaslike bestuur, 'n pick vir open -

tion, social hall, institution or other buildings appertain- bare godsdiensoefening of 'n pick van onderrig, 'n ge -

ing to a residential area may be erected on the erf: Pro- meenskapsaal, 'n inrigting of ander geboue wat in 'n woon-

vided further that when the township is included within the gebied tuishoort, op die erf opgerig kan word: Voorts metarea of an approved town-planning scheme the local dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur ander geboueauthority may permit such other buildings as may be pro- waarvoor in 'n goedgekeurde Dorpsaanlegskema voor-

vided for in the scheme subject to the conditions of the siening gemaak word, kan toelaat, behoudens die voor-

scheme under which the consent of the local authority is waardes van die skema waarvolgens die toestemming vanrequired: Provided, further, that Erven Nos. 3129 and die plaaslike bestuur vereis word: Met dien verstande3148 may be used for parking purposes and purposes in- verder. dat erwe 3129 en 3148 vir parkeerdoeleindes en vircidental thereto". doeleindes in verband daarmee gebruik mag word.

Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 12th day of Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 12de dagOctober One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy. van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd - en-Sewentig.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Administrator of the Province Transvaal. Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal.

T.A.D. 8/2/486. T.A.D. 8/2/486.

No. 262 (Administrator's), 1970. No. 262 (Administrateurs -), 1970.


by the Honourable the Administrator o/ the deur sy Edele die Administrateur van dieProvince Transvaal. Provinsie Transvaal.

Whereas a written application in terms of the provisions Nademaal 'n skriftelikc aansoek ingevolge die bepalingsof section 3 of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act van artikel 3 van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings,No. 84 of 1967) has been received from Rycklof Beleggings 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967) ontvang is van Rycklof Be-

(Eiendoms) Beperk for certain restrictions which are bind- leggings (Eiendoms) Beperk om sekere beperkings wat oping on the Remaining Portion of Portion marked "B" and die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte gemerk „B" en

certain portion of Erf No. 180, situated in the township of sekere gedeelte van Erf no. 180 gelee in die dorp Sunny-

Sunnyside, district Pretoria, Transvaal, to be removed; side, distrik Pretoria, Transvaal, bindend is, op te hef;And whereas it is provided by section 2 of the above- En nademaal by artikel 2 van bogenoemde Wet bepaal

mentioned Act, that the Administrator of the Province may word dat die Administrateur van die Provinsie in sekerein certain circumstances alter, suspend or remove any re- omstandighede 'n beperkende voorwaarde ten opsigte vanstrictive condition in respect of land; grond kan wysig, opskort of ophef;

And whereas the Administrator has given his approval En nademaal die Administrateur sy goedkeuring aanfor such amendment: sodanige wysiging verleen het;

And whereas all the provisions of the abovementioned En nademaal aan al die bepalings van bogenocmde WetAct have been complied with; voldoen is;

Now, therefore, I hereby exercise the powers vested So is dit dat ek hierby die bevoegdheid my verleen soosupon me as aforesaid in respect of the conditions of title voormeld, uitoefen met betrekking tot die titelvoorwaardesin Deed of Transfer No. 42908/1964 pertaining to the said in Akte van Transport No. 42908/1964 ten opsigte van ge-Remaining portion of Portion marked "B" and certain noemde Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte gemerk „B" ‘11portion of Ed No. 180. Sunnyside township, by .the re- en sekere gedeelte van erf no. 180, dorp Sunnyside, deur diemoval of conditions A, B and C. opheffing van voorwaardes A, B en C.

Page 7: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette



Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 12th day of Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 12de dagOctober One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy. van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-Sewentig.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Administrator of the Province Transvaal. Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal.

T.A.D. 8/2/306/1. T.A.D. 8/2/306/1.

No. 263 (Administrator's), 1970. No. 263 (Administrateurs-), 1970.•


by the Honourable the Administrator oil the deur sy Edele die Administrateur van dieProvince Transvaal. Provinsie Transvaal.

Whereas a written application in terms of the Provisions Nademaal 'n skriftelike aansoek ingevolge die bepalingsof section 3 of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act van artikel 3 van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings,No. 84 of 1967) has been received from Oates and Gore 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967) ontvang is van Oates and Gore(Proprietary) Limited for certain restrictions which are (Proprietary) Limited om sekere beperkings wat op Ge-binding on Portion 1 of Lot No. 17 the Remaining Extent deelte 1 van Lot No. 17, die Resterende Gedeelte van Lot

kofLot No. 17 and Lots Nos. 18 and 19 which are to be No. 17 en Lotte Nos. 18 en 19 wat as Lot No. 178 gekon-

consolidated as Lot No. 178 situated in the township of solideer sal word. geled in die dorp Sandown, distrik Jo -

Sundown, district Johannesburg, Transvaal, to be altered; hannesburg, Transvaal, bindend is, te wysig;

And whereas it is provided by section 2 of the above- En nademaal by artikel 2 van bogenoemde Wet bepaal

mentioned Act, that the Administrator of the Province may word dat die Administrateur van die Provinsie in sekerein certain circumstances alter, suspend or remove any omstandighede 'n beperkende voorwaarde ten opsigte van

restrictive conditions in respect of land; grond kan wysig, opskort of ophef;And whereas the Administrator has given his approval En nademaal die Administrateur sy goedkeuring aan

for such amendment; sodanige wysiging verleen bet;

And whereas all the provisions of the abovementioned En nademaal aan al die bepalings van bogenoemde WetAct have been complied with; voldoen is;•

Now, therefore, I hereby exercise the powers conferred So is dit dat ck hierby die bevoegdhede my verleen soosupon me as aforesaid in respect of the Northern Johan- voormeld, uitoefen met bctrekking tot die Noordelikenesburg Region Town Planning Scheme pertaining to the Johannesburgstreek Dorpsaanlegskema ten opsigte vansaid Portion 1 of Lot No. 17, the Remaining Extent of genoemde Gedeelte, Gedeelte 1 van Lot No. 17, dieLot No. 17 and Lots Nos. 18 and 19 to be consolidated as Resterende Gcdeelte van Lot No. 17 en Lotte Nos. 18 en 19Lot No. 178, Sandown Township, by the alteration of the wat as Lot No. 178 gekonsolideer sal word, dorpNorthern Johannesburg Region Town Planning Scheme as Sandton, deur die wysiging van die Noordelike Johan -

shown in the Scheme Clauses and on Map No. 3 in the ncsburgstreek Dorpsaanlegskema soos aangedui in dieannexures to this proclamation and also held in custody by Skemaklousules en op Kaart No. 3 in die Bylaes by bier-

'theDirector of Local Government, Pretoria and the Town die proklamasie en ook in bewaring gehou deur die

Clerk, Sandton. This alteration to be known as Amend- Dirckteur van Plaaslike Bestuur en die Stadsklerk, Sand-ment Scheme No. 272. ton. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Wysigingskema No.

Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 10th day of272.

November, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy. Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hcde die 10de dagvan November Eenduisend Negehonderd - en-Sewentig.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Administrator of the Province Transvaal. S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,

Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal.T.A.D. 8/2/378/1. T.A.D. 8/2/378/1.

P.B. 4/14/2/1199/1. P.B. 4/14/2/1199/1.—



Administrator's Notice 1331 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1331 11 November 1970



The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelp the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die

laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolgehim in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genocmde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

Page 8: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette


The Building • By-laws of the Benoni _Municipality, . Die 'Bouverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Benoni, af-published under Administrator's Notice 816, dated 28 gekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 816 van 28November 1962, as amended, are hereby further amended November 1962, soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysigby the substitution in' section 275 for the words "four deur in artikel 275 die woorde „vier sente per vierkantecents per square yard" of the words "five cents per square jaart" deur die woorde „vyf sent per vierkante meter" temetre." vervang.

P.B. 2/4/2/19/6. P.B. 2/4/2/19/6.

Administrator's Notice 1332 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1332 11 November 1970


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelLocal Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-laws 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dieset forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolgein terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Fire Brigade By-laws of the Nylstroom Municipality, Die Brandweerverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Nyl-published under Administrator's Notice 787, dated 31 July stroom, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 7871968, are hereby amended by the substitution in section 5 van 31 Julie 1968, word hierby gewysig deur in artikel 5

for the expression "50c per 1,000 gallons" of the ex- die uitdrukking „50c per 1,000 gelling" deur die uitdruk-4pression "10c per kilolitre". king „10c per kiloliter" te vervang.

P.B. 24-2-41-65. P.S. 2-4-2-41-65.' •

. •

Administrator's Notice 1333 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1333 11 November 1970•


DENINGE.The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of

the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel• laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur,.1939, die

him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolgeThe Electricity Supply By-laws of the Nylstroom Muni- artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

cipality, published under Administrator's Notice 781, dated Die Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningsverordeninge van die Muni-

7 September 1955, as amended, are hereby further amended sipaliteit Nylstroom, afgekondig by Administrateurskenras follows:— nisgewing 781 van 7 September 1955, soos gewysig, word

1. By the substitution in paragraph (a) of Scale I under hierby verder soos volg gewysig:—

item 4 of the Electricity Tariff under Schedule 2 for the 1. Deur in paragraaf (a) van Skaal I onder item 4 van

expression "100 sq. ft.".' of the expression "10 square die Elektrisiteitstarief onder Bylae 2 die uitdrukking „100

metres". vk. vt." deur die uitdrukking ..10 vierkante meter te ver-

2. By the substitution in paragraph (a) of Scale II under rang.2. Deur in paragraaf (a) van Skaal onder item 4 van

111item 4 of the Electricity Tariff under Schedule 2 for the tr deElek ondr Bylae 2 die uitg „expression "100 square feet" of the expression "10 square vierkante voet"deurisitedstariefdie uitdrukking „10 vierkante mete100r"metres". te vervang. •

3. By the substitution in item 6(i) of the Electricity Tariff 3. Deur in item 6(i) van die Elektrisiteitstarief onderunder Schedule 2 for the amount "2s." and the word Bylae 2 die bedrag „2s." en die woord „myl". waar dit"mile", wherever they occur, of the amount "12c" and the ook al voorkom, onderskeidelik deur die bedrag „12c" enword "kilometre" respectively. die woord „kilometer" te vervang.

4. By the deletion of subitem (k) of item 6 of the . 4. , Deur subitem (k) van item 6 van die Elektrisiteits-

Electricity Tariff under Schedule 2 and the renumbering tarief onder Bylae 2 te skrap en die bestaande item (1)

of the existing subitem (1) to (k). te hernommer (k).P.B. 2-4-2-36-65. P.B. 2-4-2-36-65.

Administrator's Notice 1334 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1334 11 November 1970



In view of an application having been made by Mr. M. Met die oog op 'n aansoek ontvang van mnr. H. J. Jor-J. Jordaan for the closing of a public road on the farm daan om. die sluiting van 'n openbare pad op die plaasDoornbult 29, Registration Division H.O., district of Doornbult 29 Registrasie Afdeling H.O., distrik SchweizerSchweizer Reneke it is the Administrator's intention to take Reneke is die Administrateur voornemens om ooreen-action in terms of section 28 of the Roads Ordinance, komstig artikel 28 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordon-

1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957). nansie 22 van 1957) op te tree.

Page 9: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette



It is competent for any person interested to lodge his ob- ' Alle belanghebbendes is bevoeg om binne dertig daejection in writing with the Regional Officer, Transvaal ianaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie kennisgewingRoads Department, Private Bag X928, Potchefstroom in' die Provinsiale Koerant:hulle besware by die Streeks-

within thirty days of the date of publication of this notice beampte, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement, Privaatsak X928,in the Provincial Gezette. Potchefstroom; - skriftelik in

'te dien.'

In terms of section 29(3) of the said ordinance, it is . Ooreenkomstig artikel' 29(3) van genoemde Ordon-

notified for general information that if any objection to the nansie word dit vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak datsaid application 'is taken, but is thereafter dismissed, the indien enige besWaat gemaak word, maar daarna van dieobjector may be held liable for the amount of R10 in hand gewys word, die beswaarmaker aanspreeklik gehourespect of the costs of a commission appointed in terms kan word vir die bedrag van R10 ten opsigte van dieof section 30 as a result of such objections. koste van 'n kommissie wat aangestel word ooreenkomstig

artikel 30 as gevolg van sulke besware.D.P. 07 -074S-23/24/D17. D.P. 07-0748 -23 /24 /D17.

Administrator's Notice 1335 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1335 11 November 1970


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die ver-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by ordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge ar-him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. tikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Cemetery By-laws of the Rustenburg Municipality, Die Begraafplaasverordeninge van die Munisipaliteitpublished under Administrator's Notice 750, dated 22 Rustenburg. afgekondig by AdministrateurskennisgewingNovember 1939, as amended, are hereby further amended 750 van 22 November 1939. soos gewysig, word hierbyby the deletion of the final proviso to paragraph (k) of verder gewysig demi die laaste voorbehoudsbepaling vansection 66, beginning with the words "and provided" and paragraaf (k) van artikel 66 wat begin met die woorde „enending with the expression "and 71". voorts" en ,eindig met die woord „Donkerhoekbegraaf-

PS. 24-2-23-31. plaasr te skrap. . P.B. 2-4-2-23 -31.. . . ,

Administrator's Notice 1336 11 November, 1970 Administrateuiskennisgewing 1336 11 November 1970


. .

The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of . The Administrateur. publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelthe Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dielaws set forth• hereinafter, which have been approved by verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolgehim in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The water Supply By - laws of the Germiston Munici- Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipali -pality, published under Administrator's Notice 787, dated teit Germiston, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing18 October 1950, as amended, are hereby further amended 787 van 18 Oktober 1950, soos gewysig, word hierbyby the substitution for subitem (1) of item 1 of Annexure verder gewysig deur subitem (1) van item 1 van Aanhang-

IV of the Water Tariff under Schedule 1 to Chapter 3 of sel IV van die Watertarief onder Bylae 1 by Hoofstuk 3the following:— deur die volgende te vervang:—"(1) For industrial purposes: „(1) Vir nywerheidsdoeleindes:

(a) For the first 230 kilolitres, per kilolitre: 8.25c. (a) Vir die eerstc 230 kiloliters, per kiloliter: 8.25e.(b) For the next 1,140 kilolitres, per kilolitre: 6c. (b) Vir die daaropvolgende 1,140 kiloliters, per(c) For the next 21,360 kilolitres, per kilolitre: 5c. kiloliter: 6c.(d) For all consumption in excess of 22,730 kilo- (c) Vir die daaropvolgcnde 21,360 kiloliters, per

litres, per kilolitre: 3.85c. kiloliter: 5c.(e) The decision of the City Treasurer as to whether (d) Vir alle verbruik bo 22,730 kiloliters, per kilo -

a consumer is an industrial consumer shall be liter:, and no consumer shall be entitled to be (e) Die beslissing van die Stadstesourier oor welkecharged under this tariff until the City Treasurer verbruiker 'n nyvvcrheidsverbruiker is; is bindendhas so determined." en gcen verbruiker is geregtig om volgens hier-

die tarief aangeslaan te word totdat die Stads -

tcsourier aldus besluit het nic."P.B. 2-4-2-104-1. P.B. 2 -4 -2 - 104-1.

. .

Administrator's Notice 1337 11 November, 1970 Adthiniittateurskennisgewing 1337 11 NoveMber 1970




It is hereby notified for general information that the Dit vv.ord hierthee vir algemene inligting bekend gemaakAdminiStrator has approved, after investigation and report ; dat die Administrateur' na of dersoek en verslag deur die

Page 10: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette


by the Road Board of Pietersburg, in terms of paragraph Padraad van Pietersburg, ingevolge paragraaf (d) van sub -

(d) of sub-section (1) of section 5 and section 3 of the Roads artikel (1) van artikel 5 en artikel 3 van die Padordonnansie1

Ordinance 22 of 1957, that District Roads 1200 and 453 22 van 1957 goedgekeur het dat Distrikspaaie 1200 en 453traversing the farms Kalkfontein 173-L.S. and Rechtdaar oor die plase Kalkfontein 173-L.S. en Rechtdaar 175-L.S.,175-L.S., District of Pietersburg, shall be deviated and distrik Pietersburg verle en verbreed word na 80 Kaapsewidened to 80 Cape feet as indicated on the sketch plan voet was aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan.subjoined hereto.

D.P. 03-032-23/22/1200. D.P. 03 -032-23/22/1200-


t ' -•

..44-C47Z.A A.R.\ it PP 03 -O 97- P3/2P/200


MAL <fro /v 7-4-wv.



‘, - , ,1

..z,,,\ PANE GESLU/r. = = "..- ROADS CLOSED.

' - \ - -:-

/7.5- L. E./3 - L -S .


___yEREIREE.D. ........ AND WiDENED .


Administrator's Notice 1338 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1338 11 November 1970



It is hereby notified for general information that the Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaakAdministrator has approved, after investigation and re- dat die Administrateur na ondersoek en verslag deur die

port by the Road Board of Pilgrinis Rest, that District Padraad van Pilgrims Rest goedgekeur het dat Distriks-

Road 2189. 120 Cape feet wide, traversing the farms pad 2189, 120 Kaapse voet breed, oor die plase AntiochAntioch 240 K.T., Bedford 419 K.T., Driehoek 417 K.T., 240 K.T., Bedford 419 K.T.. Driehoek 417 K.T., Blyde

Blyde Rivier Poort 416 K.T. and Diepkloof 415 K.T., Rivier Poort 416 K.T. en Diepkloof 415 K.T., distrikdistrict of Pilgrims Rest, shall be declared in terms of Pilgrims Rest, ingevolge die bepalings van paragrawe

paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of section 5 and (b) en (e) van subartikel (1) van artikel 5 en artikel 3 van

section 3 of the Roads Ordinance (Ordinance 22 of 1957), die Padordonnansie 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) soos

as amended as indicated on the subjoined sketchplan. gewysig. verklaar word soos aangetoon op die bygaandesketsplan.

D.P. 04-043-23/22/2189. D.P. 04-043 -23/22/2189.

..cf01E 1'1(100F gP0AA00

ia.)4."/ 3.


/A15 KT zRAD 2160







-i .


41G KT




N.. \

Z 4 0 :T: 1:




-Aots. /

Al9 KT

\PAD PincyiROAD c— N

DP 01 - 043 -23/22/2189


BESEAANDE PAAIE = .- '° .- --- —= ex.sT.r. ROADS


Administrator's Notice 1339 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1339 11 November 1970


It is hereby notified for general information that the Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaakAdministrator has approved after investigation and re- dat die Administrateur na ondersoek en verslag deur die


Page 11: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette


/port by the Road Board of Lydenburg - that unnumbered Padraad van Lydenburg, goedgekeur het dat ongenom-

public and district roads, 30 and 50 Cape feet wide, merde openbare distrikspaaie 30 en 50 Kaapse voet breed.traversing the farms Ohrigstad 443 K.T., Kleinfontein oor die plase Ohrigstad 443 K.T., Kleinfontein 309 K.T. en309 K.T. and Longsight 307 K.T., district of Lydenburg, Longsight 307 K.T., distrik Lydenburg ingevolge die be-

shall exist in terms of section 5(1)(b) and (c) and section palings van artikel 5(1)(b) en (c) en artikel 3 van die Pad-

3 of the Roads Ordinance 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957) as ordonnansie 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) soos gewysig,amended, as indicated on the subjoined sketch plan. sal bestaan soos aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan.

D.P. 04-042-23/22/1276. D.P. 04-042-23/22/1276.


-90 ‘9‘ Jetwo CV


441 KTlb


o. ea OPIRIG5TAD e.1c

NI443 KT e

oNcego.ftaout oFeReARe I xPm" 30 Scut.ilmnimarREU PuiaLICROAD 30 C_F t. .





°Pekoe/fin PANE 50 x.vr.c,71.

UteNdMaeR EA ED a

0 OP. 04 - 042 -2.34/22,4? 76





. -


Administrator's Notice 1340 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1340 11 November 1970



It is hereby notified for general information that the Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaakAdministrator has approved after investigation and report dat die Administrateur na ondersoek en verslag deur dieby the Road Board of Lydenburg that District Road 1276 Padraad van Lydenburg goedgekeur het dat Distrikspadtraversing the farms Dresden 304 K.T., Thionville 305 1276 oor die plase Dresden 304 K.T., Thionville 305 K.T.,

t K.T.. Faugha Ballagh 306 K.T., Longsight 307 K.T., Faugha Ballagh 306 K.T., Longsight 307 K.T., KleinfonteinW Kleinfontein 309 K.T. and Ohrigstad 443 K.T., district of 309 K.T. en Ohrigstad 443 K.T., distrik Lydenburg, inge-

Lydenburg, shall be deviated and widened to 80 Cape volge die bepalings van artikel 5(1)(d) en artikel 3 van diefeet in terms of section 5(1)(d) and section 3 of the Roads Padordonnansia 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) soosOrdinance 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957) as amended. as gewysig, verlo en verbreed word na 80 Kaapse voet soos opindicated on the subjoined sketch plan. bygaande sketsplan aangetoon.

D.P. 04-042-23/22/1276. D.P. 04 -042-23/22/1276.

• '




OrRDIRD 1276

306KT 443 KT.

LONG3I0nr 00/10D 0183 .,..4307 Kr


311 KT ale KT 309KT

DD. 04 - 042 - 23/221/276




PAD GesLUIT - --- -----GUIS -TING R0.41/5.,ROADCLOSED`.


Page 12: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette


I-Administrator's Notice 1341 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1341 11 November 1970


• It is hereby notified for general information that the Ad- Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaakministrator has approved, after investigation and report dat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur dieby the Road Board of Schweizer-Reneke, in terms of Padraad van Schweizer-Reneke, goedgekeur het, ingevolgesection 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of artikel 3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957, (Ordonnansie 221957), that ditnrict roads 168 and 1479 traversing the van 1957), dat distrikspaaie 168 en 1479, oor die plasefarms Schietfontein 246 I.O., Stroppan 247 I.O., and Schietfontein 246 I.O., Stroppan 247 I.O., en Poortje 248Poortje 248 I.O., district of Schweizer-Reneke, shall be I.O., distrik Schweizer-Reneke, verbreed word met af-widened with various widths as indicated on the subjoined Wisselende breedtes, soos aangetoon op bygaande skets-sketch plan. plan. L

D.P. 07-0745-23/22/1479. D.P. 07-0745-23/22/1479.' —

PcelAr 2-i3 zip pj? 07 - 074 S-22„ i

Pat.---- - Ni). a .,142.........„, VIE 2.Mfya IN G P.FP r-f.r NEL

t4S .1VI

__Is..1 Essl-nfi.hizi pAN a .---- Ensk NO lzonn1 tre• 4i 'rut?... PAM vE23Easts aeLe. Wuaarien

scoAS \ 21'1 toNA 120 4. vt.Arli rn.s• i'o 120 kp ph A-B

IIPA vermann leArp wipeNtasNn In kp vba-C. ....... la 10b cp pr. 13-C

I -

Administrator's Notice 1342 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1342 11 November 1970


It is hereby notified for general information that the Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaakAdministrator has approved, after investigation and report dat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur dieby the Road Board of Ventersdorp, in terms of section 3 Padraad van Ventersdorp, goedgekeur het, ingevolge ar-of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957). that tikel 3 van die Padordonnansic, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 vanDistrict Road 1963 traversing the farms Mons 80 I.0.. 1957), dat Distrikspad 1963, oor die plase Mons 80 I.Q..Syferfontein 81 I.Q. and Buckingham 83 I.Q.. district of Syferfontein 81 I.0. en Buckingham 83 I.Q.. distrik Ven-Ventersdorp shall be widened to 80 Cape feet, as indicated tersdorp verbreed word na 80 Kaapse vciet soos aangetoonon the subjoined sketch plan. op bygaande sketsplan.

D.P. 07-076-23/22/1963. • D.P. 07-076-23/22/1963. „,• '

4 C Rpm NOW \ D P 07 —076 —23 \22\1953. Iz •........ •toy g

a:a.. 71141114./,


• IZCLETtENcEOa v ....

S t -



L01 4 0 suouscHAm83 1-0 - 1.201-9-



PAD VCR2Kato Gaga.. 120PM W 106 N titNIA BO kr. yi- .

MONS it ri Et. 8D kr. pr.

BO ": ' r ••

6 -3 i ;41-5321:2"°1-- - N

_± .

Administrator's Notice 1343 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1343 11 November 1970, .



- - POORT. -

In view of an application having been made by the Met die oog op 'n aansoek ontvang van die StadsraadTown Council of Roodepoort for the cancellation or re- van Roodepoort om die opheffing of vermindering van

'duction of the servitude of outspan, in extent 1/75 of die serwituut van uitspanning, groot 1/75 van 12341234 morgen 318.46 square roods, to which portion 69morg 318.46 vierkante roede, waaraan gedeelte 69 ('n(a portion of the western Portion) of the farm Paardekraalgedeelte van die westelike Gedeelte) van die plaas Paarde-

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226 -I.Q.. district of Roodepoort is subject, it is the Ad- kraal 226-I.Q.. distrik Roodepoort onderhewig is, is dieministrator's intention to take action in terms of section Administrateur voornemens om ooreenkomstig artikel56 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957). 56 van die Padordonnansic, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van

1957) op te tree.It is competent for any person interested to lodge his Alle belanghebbende personc is bevoeg om binne drie

objections in writing with the Regional Officer, Private maande vanaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie ken-

Bag 1001, Benoni, within three months of the date of nisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, hulle besware by diepublication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette. Streekbeampte, Privaatsak 1001, Benoni, skriftelik in te

D.P. 021 -025-37/3/P.1. dien. D.P. 021-025 -37/3/P.1.

Administrator's Notice 1344 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1344 11 November 1970



In view of an application having been made on behalf Met die oog op 'n aansoek ontvang namens Menereof Messrs. "Domaine Ontwikkelingsmaatskappy (Edms.) Domaine Ontwikkelingsmaatskappy (Edms.) Bpk. om dieBpk." for the cancellation or reduction of the servitude opheffing of vermindering van die serwituut van uitspan-

of outspan, in extent 1/75 of 520 morgen 95 square sling, groat 1/75 van 520 morg 95 vierkante roede, waar-

roods, to which the remaining extent of Portion 4 of the aan die resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte 4 van die plaasfarm Vlakfontein 69 I.R., district of Benoni is subject, it is Vlakfontein 69-I.R., distrik Benoni onderhewig is, is diethe Administrator's intention to take action in terms of Administrateur voornemens om ooreenkomstig artikel 56section 56 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957)of 1957.) op te tree.

It is competent for any person interested to lodge his All° belanghebbende person° is bevoeg om binne drieobjections in writing with the Regional Officer, Private maande vanaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie ken-

Bag 1001, Benoni, within three months of the date of nisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, hulle besware by diepublication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette. Streekbeampte, Privaatsak 1001, Benoni, skriftelik in te

D.P. 021-022-37/3/V.2(C). dien. D.P. 021-022-37/3/V.2(C).

Administrator's Notice 1345 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1345 11 November 1970


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelLocal Government Ordinance, 1939. publishes the by-laws 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939. dieset forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolgein terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. .

artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.The Brickmaking By- laws of the Middelburg Munici- Die Verordeninge op Steenmakery van die Munisipali-

pality, published under Administrator's Notice 48, dated teit Middelburg, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisge-

28 January 1948, are hereby amended as follows:— wing 48 van 28 Januarie 1948, word hierby soos volg1. By the substitution in section 2 for the expression gewysig:—

"45,000 square feet" of the expression "4,500 square I. Deur in artikel 2 die uitdrukking „45,000 vierkantemetres". voet" deur die uitdrukking „4,500 vierkante meter" te

2. By the substitution in section 14(a) for the ex- vervang.pression "£.7 10s. (seven pounds ten shillings)" of the 2. Deur in artikel 14(a) die uitdrukking „El 10s. (seweamount "R60". ,pond tien sjiellings)" deur die bcdrag „R60" te vervang.

3. By the substitution in section 14(b) for the ex- 3. Deur in artikel 14(b) die uitdrukking „£3 (drie pond)"pressions "£3 (three pounds)" and "45,000 square feet" of en „45,000 vierkante voet" onderskeidelik deur die bedragthe amount "R24" and the expression "4,500 square „R24" en die uitdrukking „4,500 vierkante meter" te ver-

metres" respectively. yang.4. By the substitution in section 15 for the expressions 4. Deur in artikel 15 die uitdrukkings „5 (vyf) morge"

"5 (five) morgen" and "£25 (twenty five pounds)" of the en „£25 (vyf-en-twintig pond)" onderskeidelik deur dieexpression "5 hectares" and the amount "R200" re- uitdrukking „5 hektaar" en die bedrag „R200" te vervang.spectively. 5. Deur in artikel 15 van die vyfde en sesde paragrawe,

5. By the deletion in section 15 of the fifth and sixth wat begin met die woorde „Benewens die tariewe" en

paragraphs, which begin with the words "In addition to" eindig met die woorde „tantieme vas te ster te skrap.and end with the words "of royalty payable".

P.B. 2/4/2/18/21. P.B. 2/4/2/18/21.

Administrator's Notice 1346 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1346 11 November 1970


The Administrator hereby, in' terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelthe Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die

I .

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4laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolgehim in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Building By-laws of the Randfontein Municipality, Die Bouverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Randfontein,published under Administrator's Notice 816, dated 28 afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 816 van 28November 1962, as amended, are hereby further amended November 1962, soos gewysig, word hierby verder as volgas follows:- gewysig:-

1. By the substitution in section 235 for the table under 1. Deur in artikel 235 die tabel onder die opskrifthe heading "Rents for Street Projections" of the follow- „Huurgelde vir Straatuitstekke" deur die volgende teing:- R vervang:- R"(a) Veranda posts at street level, each ... ... ... 0.20 „(a) Verandapale op iedere straathoogte, elk ... 0.20(b) Verandas, ground floor, per square metre or (b) Verandas, grondverdieping, per vierkante

meter of gedeelte daarvan ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.05(c) Balconies, first floor, per square metre or part (c) Balkonne, eerste verdieping, per vierkante

meter of gedeelte daarvan ... ... ... ... ... 0.24(d) Balconies, second floor and each higher (d) Balkonne, twee verdieping en iedere hoer ver-

floor, per square metre or part thereof ... ... 0.18 dieping, per vierkante meter of gedeelte daar-(e) Bay window, not purely ornamental, per 0.1

square metre of the plan of such projection. 0.22 (e) Erker, nie uitsluitend vir versieringsdoelein -

(f) Pavement lights, per square metre or part des nie, per 0.1 vierkante meter van die planvan sodanige uitstek . 0.22

(g) Showcases, per 0.1 square metre ... ... ... 0.05 (f) Sypaadjieligte, per vierkante meter of gedeelte(h) All other projections and foundation footings daarvan . 0.60 I

below or above pavement level, per 0.1 square (g) Uitstalkaste, per 0.1 vierkante meter ... ... 0.05metre ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.05" (h) Alle ander uitstekke en fondamentvoetlae, bo

2. By the substitution for subsection (2) of section 413 of onder sypaadjiehoogtc, per 0.1 vierkanteof the following:-

"(2) For every 10 square metres or part thereof of the 2. Deur subartikel (2) van artikel 413 deur die volgendefloor area of each floor of a new building, fees shall be te vervang:-charged on the following scale:- „(2) Vir elke 10 vierkante meter of gedeelte daarvan

(a) For the first 1,000 square metres of the floor area: van die vloeroppervlakte van elke verdieping van 'n nuwe54c. gebou, word gelde volgens die volgende skaal gevorder:-

1 (b) For the next 1,000 square metres of the floor area: (a) Vir die eerste 1,000 vierkante meter van die vloer-33c. oppervlakte: 54c.

(c) Thereafter for any portion of the floor area in excess (b) Vir die volgende 1,000 vierkante meter van die vloer-of the first 2,000 square metres: 22c. oppervlakte: 33c.

3. By the substitution in section 413(3) for the expression (c) Daarna, vir elke gedeelte van die vloeroppervlakte bo"15c per 100 square feet" of the expression "16c per 10 die eerste 2,000 vierkante meter: 22c."square metres". 3. Deur in artikel 413(3) die uitdrukking „15c per 100

4. By the insertion after section 413(4) of the follow- vk. vt." deur die uitdrukking „16c per 10 vierkante meter"ing:- te vervang

"(5) For the purpose of this section 'area' means the 4. Deur na artikel 413(4) die volgende in te voeg:-overall superficial area of any new building at each floor „(5) Vir die toepassing van hierdie artikel beteken ,op-level with the same curtilage and shall include verandas and pervlakte' de totale oppervlakte van enige nuwe gebou op

4balconies over public streets. Basement floors, mezzanine elke vloerhoogte op dieselfde werf, en sluit verandas enfloors and galleries shall be measured as representing balkonne oor openbare strate in. Kelderverdiepings, tussen-separate storeys." verdiepings en galerye word as afsonderlike verdiepings

opgemcct". .

P.B. 2-4-2-19-29. P.B. 2-4 -2 - 19-29.

Administrator's Notice 1347 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1347 11 November 1970


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelthe Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dielaws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolgehim in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genoehde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the Delmas Die Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Munisi-Municipality, published under Administrator's Notice 729, paliteit Delmas, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisge-dated 22 September 1965, as amended, is hereby further wing 729 van 22 September 1965, soos gewysig, wordamended by the substitution - hierby verder gewysig -.

(a) in item 3 for the words "cubic yard" and the amount (a) deur in item 3 die woorde ,.,kubieke jaart" en die be-"1 00" of the words "cubic metre" and the amount drag „I 00" onderskeidelik deur die woorde „kubieke"1 35" respectively; meter" en die bedng „1 35" te vervang;

(b) in item 4(1)(a) for the expression "1,000 gallons" and (b) deur in item 4(1)(a).die uitdrukking „1,000 gellings"the amount "1 50" of the expression "5 kilolitre?' en die bedrag „1 50" onderskeidelik deur die uitdruk-and the amount "1 65" respectively; king „5 kiloliter" en die bedrag „1 65" te vervang;

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(c) in item 4(I)(b) for the expression "100 gallons" and (c) deur in item 4(1)(b) die uitdrukking „100 gellings" enthe amount "0 15" of the expression "1 kilolitre" and die bedrag „O 15" onderskeidelik deur die uitdruk-

the amount "0 33" respectively; king „1 kiloliter" en die bedrag „0 33" te vervang;(d) in item 4(2)(a) for the expression "100 gallons" and (d) deur in item 4(2)(a) die uitdrukking „100 gellings"

the amount "0 11" of the expression "1 kilolitre" and en die bedrag „0 11" onderskeidelik deur die uitdruk-

the amount "0 25" respectively. king „I kiloliter" en die bedrag „0 25" to vervang.P.B. 2/4/2/81/53. P.B. 2/4/2/81/53.

Administrator's Notice 1348 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1348 11 November, 1970


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelLocal Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-laws 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dieset forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolgein terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Brickmaking By-laws of the Nylstroom Munici- Die Steenbakkerye Verordeninge van die Munisipaliteitpality, published under Administrator's Notice 402, dated Nylstroom, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing30 August 1933, as amended, are hereby further amended 402 van 30 Augustus 1933, soos gewysig, word hierbyas follows:— verder soos volg gewysig:-

1. By the substitution in section 3(a) for the word 1. Deur in artikel 3(a) die woord „morg" 'waar dit ook`morgen' and the amount "1 0 0" of the word "hectare" al voorkom, en die bedrag „10 0" onderskeidelik deur dieand the amount "R2.30" respectively and the deletion of woord „hektaar" en die bedrag „R2.30" te vervang en diethe expression "L s. d.". uitdrukking „E s. d." te skrap.

2. By the substitution in section 3(b) for the word 2. Deur in artikel 3(b) die woord „morg", waar dit"morgen" and the mount "2 10 0" of the word "hectare" ook al voorkorn, en die bedrag „2 10 0" onderskeidelikand the amount "R5.80" respectively. deur die woord „hektaar" en die bedrag „R5.80" te ver-

vang.P.B. 2-4-2-18-65. P.B. 2 -4-2-18 - 65.

Administrator's Notice 1349 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1349 11 November, 1970


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of theFIETSE.

Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that he has Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelin terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance approved 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, datof the revocation of the Bicycle Licence Regulations of the by ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie sy

k Meyerton Municipality, published under Administrator's goedkeuring geheg het aan die herroeping van die Recu-

r Notice 21, dated 19 January 1938. lasies op die Lisensidring van Trapfietse van die Munisi-paliteit Meyerton, afgekondig by Administrateurskennis-

gewing 21 van 19 Januarie 1938.P.B. 24-2-98-97. P.B. 2-4-2-98 -97.

Administrator's Notice 1350 11 November, 1970 Administrateurskennisgewing 1350 11 November 1970


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikelIt is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeurAdministrator has approved of the amendment of Alberton het dat Alberton-dorpsaanlegskema No. 1, 1948 gewysigTown -planning Scheme No. 1, 1948, by amending the word deur die wysiging van die digtheidsindeling vandensity zoning of Erven Nos. 305-311 and Ed No. 313 Erwe Nos. 305-311 asook Erf No. 313 dorp Southcrest,Southcrest Township, from "One dwelling per erf" to van „Een woonhuis per erf" tot „Een woonhuis per 10,000"One dwelling per 10,000 sq. ft.". vk. vt.".

Map No. 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No. 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging-

scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government, skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur vanPretoria, and the Town Clerk, Alberton, and are open for Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Alberton, en

inspection at all reasonable times. is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

This amendment is known as. Alberton Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Alberton -wysiging-

Scheme No. 1/59.


skema No. 1/59.T.A.D. 5/2/1/59. T.A.D. 5/2/1/59.


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. ,, • . , ., -

NOTICE 694 OF 1970. . • KENNISGEWING 694 VAN 1970.• , .


Ilierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subar -It is hereby notified, for general information in terms tikel (1), van artikel 39 van die Dorpe- en Dorpsaanleg-of sub - section . (1) of section 39 of the Townships' and Oidonnansie, 1931, ter algemene inligting bekend gemaakTown-planning Ordinance.. 1931, that the Town-planning dat die Dorperaad die dorpsaanlegskema van die Stads-Scheme of the Town. Council of Volksrust, has been re- raad van Volksrust ontvang het en dat besonderhede vanceived 133; thd Townships Board and that particulars of

hierdie skema in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Volks-this scheme are lying for inspection at the' office of the •

rust en in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorpe-Town Clerk, Volksrust, and at the office of the Secretary

Mad: Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat,of the Townships Board, Room B214, Provincial Building, Preto-

6a, ter insae, le.Pretorius Street, Pretoria... '' '. '.. Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat

Every owner or occupier of immovable property situ- gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skemaated within the area to which the scheme applies shall have van toepassing is, het die reg om beswaar teen die skemathe right of objection to, the scheme and may notify the aan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne 'n maand na dieSecretary of the Townships Board, in writing,at the above haste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Off isieleaddress or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objection and Koerant van die Provinsie, dit wil se op of voor 10of the grounds thereof at any, time within one month after December 1970, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bo.the last publication of this notice'in the Pioiliizcial Gazette; vormelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in ken-i.e. on or before the 10th December 1970. nis stel van so 'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor.

.. .

M. P. AURET, •. .

•• M. P. AURET,

. Secretary, Townships Board. . Sekretaris: Dorperaad.Pretoria. 28th October,. 197,0. , , . 28- 411. Pretoria, 28 Oktober 1970. 28- 4- 11....

NOTICE 699. OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 699 VAN 1970.



HORSTSPRUIT UITBREIDING 1.,5 r;It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1). of the

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

plication has been made by the Town Council of Bronk- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaak

horstspruit for permission to lay out a township Consisting dat die Dorperaad van Bronkhorstspruit aansoek gedoen

of 324 special residential erven,J6'general residential erven het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 324 spesiale woonerwe, 6

and 1 business erf on Portion and a certain portion of algemene woonerwe en 1 besigheidserf te stig op Gedeeltethe farm Hondsrivier 'No. 508 J.S:, district ,Bronkhorst- J en 'n sckere gedeelte van die pleas Hondsrivier No. 508

spruit, to be known as 'Bronkhorstspruit Extension I: • J.S., Bronkhorstspruit, wat bekend sal wees as Bronkhorst-'

The proposed 'township is situate solidi of and' abuts spruit Uitbreiding 1.

the National Road from Witbank to Pretoria and 'north Pie voorgestelde dorp le suid van en grens aan die Na-

of and abuts proposed highway (T4-8) and west of and sionale Pad van Witbank na Pretoria en noord van enabuts Bronkhorstspruit Township. grens aan die voorgestelde hoofweg (T4 - 8) en wes van en

The application together with the relevant plans, ,docu- grens aan die dorp Bronkhorstspruit.ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enof the Director, Room B225,. 2nd Floor, .Block B. Provin- inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

eight weeks from the date hereof., i toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datumIn terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any per- hiervarl -

son who wishes to object to the granting. of the application - Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieor who is desirous of being heard or of making lepresen• moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vantations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with the die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor teDirector of Local Government. Such communication shall word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisbe received by the Director not later than eight weeksfrom stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekethe date of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette. van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Provin-

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and addressed stale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuurto the Director of Local

Government,,..,. p.o: Box 892, ontvang word.— .

Pretoria.' ' — t ' Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig word



•G. P. NEL, , - aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur,

Director of Local Government. Posbus 892, Pretoria.•

, I . -.

- • • _: •• G. P. NEL,

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Direkteur van Plaaslike,Bestuur.. . 4- 11. Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4- 11.


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NOTICE 700 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 700 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps -

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Reenlo Beleggings (Pty.) Ltd., dat Reenlo Beleggings (Edms.) Beperk aansoek gedoen hetfor permission to lay out a township consisting of 220 om 'n dorp bestaandc uit 220 spesiale woonerwe, 3 alge-special residential erven, 3 general residential erven and mene woonerwe en 3 besigheidserwe te stig op Gedeelte 63 business erven on Portion 6 (a portion of Portion 1) of ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Mooifontein No.the farm Mooifontein No. 285 I.S., district Middelburg, 285 distrik Middelburg, wat bekend sal wees asto be known as President Rus. President Rus.

The proposed township is situate approximately 15 km. Die voorgestelde dorp 18 ongeveer 15 km. wes van Mid-

west of Middelburg and 6 km. north of the National Road delburg en 6 km. noord van die Nasionale Pad (T4-6) na(T4-6) to Lourenco Marques. Lourenco Marques.

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enments and information, is open for inspection at the office inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datumeight weeks from the date hereof. hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any per- Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieson who wishes to object to the granting of the application moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vanor who is desirous of being heard or of making represen- die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor tetations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with the word of vertoe te rig. die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisDirector of Local Government. Such communication shall stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekebe received by the Director not later than eight weeks from van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Provin-

the date of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette. siale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike BestuurAll objections must be lodged in duplicate, and addressed ontvang word.

to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box 892, Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig wordPretoria. aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur,

G. P. NEL, Posbus 892, Pretoria.Director of Local Government. G. P. NEL,•

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11. Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4- 11.

NOTICE 701 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 701 VAN 1970.


Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakTown-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- dat Jatinga Estates (Proprietary) Ltd., aansoek gedoen hetplication has been made by Jatinga Estates (Proprietary) om 'n dorp bestaandc uit 15 spesiale woonerwe, 1 besig-Limited for permission to lay out a township consisting heidserf en 2 parke te stig op Gedeeltes 93 en 94 van dieof 15 special residential erven, 1 business erf and 2 parks pleas Boschkop No. 199 I.Q.. distrik Roodepoort, wat be-

on Portions 93 and 94 of the farm Boschkop No. 199 1.0.. kend sal wees as Jatinga.district Roodepoort, to be known as Jatinga Township. Die voorgestelde dorp 18 suid van en grens aan die voor-

The proposed township is situate south of and abuts pro- gesteldc dorp Sonneglans en aan weerskante van en grensposed Sonneglans Township and on both sides of and abuts aan Provinsiale Pad No. P103-1.Provincial Road No. P103-1. Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Kamer B215, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

of the Director, Room B215, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- toriusstraat, Pretoria; vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datumcial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of hiervan.eight weeks from the date hereof. Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansie

, In. terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any per- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vanson who wishes to object to the granting of the application die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor teor who is desirous of being heard or of making represen- word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennistations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with the stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekeDirector of Local Government. Such communication shall van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Provin-be received by the Director not later than eight weeks from side Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuurthe date of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette. ontvang word.

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and addressed Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig wordto the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box 892, aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur,

I Pretoria.. Posbus 892, Pretoria.G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,

Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Pretoria. 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 Noyember 1970.

•4- 11. 4- 11.

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NOTICE 702 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 702 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section .58(1) of the "Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Tangmere Investments Corp. dat Tangmere Investments Corp. (Pty.) Ltd., aansoek(Pty.) Ltd., for permission to lay out a township consisting gedoen het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 9 spesiale woon-

of 9 special residential erven, 20 general residential erven, erwe, 20 algemene woonerwe, 1 besigheidserf, te stig op1 business erf, on Portion 2 of Portion G, the Remainder Gedcelte 2 van Gedeelte G. Die resterende Gedeelte vanof Portion G and Portion 109 of the farm Witkopperi 194- Gedeelte G en Gedeelte 109 van die Plaas Witkoppen 194-I.Q.. district Johannesburg, to be known as Curriefield. I.Q.. distrik Johannesburg, wat bekend sal wees as Currie-

The proposed township is situate at the south-eastern field.corner of the "Fourways"' intersection (i.e. the intersection Die voorgestelde dorp 18 in die suid-oostelike hoek vanof Provincial Roads P70/1 and P79/1). die „Fourways" interseksie (d.i. die kruising van Provin-

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- siale Paaie P70/1 en P79/1).ments and Inforrhation, is open for inspection at the office Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enof'the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B. Provin- inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,cial Building, Pretorius Street; Pretoria, for a period of Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-eight weeks from the date hereof. toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum 4In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any per- hiervan.son who wishes to object to the granting of the application Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieor who' is desirous of being heard or of making represen- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vantations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with the die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak sehoor teDirector of Local Government. Such communication shall word of verto8 te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisbe received by the Director not later than eight weeks from stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekethe date of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette. , van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Provin-

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and addressed siale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuurto the Director of Local Government. P.O. Box 892, cintving word.Pretoria. ' Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig word

• G. P. NEL, aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur,• • • Director of Local Government. Pesbus 892, Pretoria.

• 'G. P. NEL,

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.4- 11. Pretoria. 4 November 1970. 4- 11.

• NOTICE 703 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 703 VAN 1970.


IIt is hereby notified" in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-4

beplan.ning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakTown-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap-dat Die Dorpsraad van Bronkhorstspruit aansoek gedoenplication has been made by the Town Council of Bronk-het om dorp bestaande uit 111 spesiale woonerwe, 1 alge-

horstspruit for permission to lay out a township consisting mere woonerf en 1 besigheidserf, te stig op Gedeelte vanof '111 special residential erven, I general residential erl

Restant van Gedcelte C van Gedeelte 1, van Gedeelte A vanand 1 business erf on Portion of Remainder of Portion Cdie plaas Klipeiland No. 524 J.R., distrik Bronkhorstspruit,of Portion 1 of Portion A of the farm Klipeiland No. 524

JAZ., district Bronkhorstspruit, to be known as Erasmus. wat bekend sal wees as Erasmus Uitbreiding 4.

Extension 4. Die voorgestelde dorp 18 noord van en grens aan dieThe proposed township is situate north of and abuts the Nasionale Pad van Pretoria na Witbank en suid van Dorp

National Road from Pretoria to Witbank and south of Bronkhorstspluit en oos van en grens aan voorgesteldeBronkhorstspruit Township and east of and abuts proposed Dcirp Erasmus Uitbreiding 2.

Erasmus Extension 2 Township.Die aansoek• met die betrokke plating, dokumente en

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at- the office Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

of the Director. Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datumcial Building, Pietorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of hiervan.eight weeks from the date hereof. •

• ..Ingevolge artikel 58(5) 'van die genoemde OrdonnansieIn terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any per- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van

son who wishes to - object to the granting of the application die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor teor who is desirous of being heard or of making represen- word of veitoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis Atations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with the stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekeDirector ,of Local Government. Such communication shall - vandie


datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Provin-be received by the Director not later thaneight weeks from side Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuurthe date of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette. oatvang word.

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All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and addressed Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig wordto the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box 892, aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur,Pretoria. Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11. Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4-11.

NOTICE 704 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 704 VAN 1970.


Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakTown-planning and Townships Ordinance. 1965, that dat Cornelius Johannes Gerhardus Erasmus en Riamarapplication has been made by Cornelius Johannes Gerhar- (Edms.) Beperk aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorp bestaandedus Erasmus and Raimar (Pty.) Limited for permission to uit 389 spesiale woonerwe, 27 algemene woonerwe en 2lay out a township consisting of 389 special residential besigheidserwe te stig op Restant van Gedeelte en Gedeelteerven, 27 general residential erven and 2 business erven 22 van die plaas Hondsrivier No. 508 J.R., distrik Bronk-

on Remainder of Portion and Portion 22 of the farm horstspruit, wat bekend sal wees as Riamar.Hondsrivier No. 508 -7.R., district Bronkhorstspruit, to be Die voorgestelde dorp 18 suid van en grens aan dieknown as Riamar. Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruitpad en wes van en grens aan die

The proposed township is situate south of and abuts the dorp Bronkhorstspruit.Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit Road and west of and abuts Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enBronkhorstspruit Township. inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan.of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provincial Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde OrdonnansieBuilding, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks from the moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vandate hereof. die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any word of verto8 te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weketion or who is desirous of being heard or of making van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in dierepresentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslikewith the Director of Local Government. Such communica- Bestuur ontvang word.tion shall be received by the Director not later than eight Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigweeks from the date of such first publication in the word aan die Direkteur, Departement van PlaaslikeProvincial Gazette. Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and G. P. NEL,addressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, Pretoria, 4 November, 1970.Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11 4- 11.

NOTICE 705 OF 1970.


FLEUR DE LYS TOWNSHIP. VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORPIt is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the FLEUR DE LYS.

Town -planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps -

application has been made by Hilgard Petrus Malan for beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakpermission to lay out a township consisting of 1 general dat Hilgard Petrus Malan aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorpresidential erf and 1 general residential and business erf bestaande uit 1 algemene woonerf en 1 algemene- en besig-

on Portion of Portion H of the farm Garstfontein No. heidserf te stig op Gedeelte van Gedeelte H van die plaas374-J.R., district Pretoria, to be known as Fleur De Lys. Garstfontein No. 374-J.R., distrik Pretoria, wat bekend

The proposed township is situate south of and abuts sal wees as Fleur De Lys.Ashlea Gardens Township and north-west of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp 18 suid van en grens aan die dorpUmgazi Street in Ashlea Gardens Township. Ashlea Gardens en noord-wes van en grens aan Umgazi-

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- straat van die dorp Ashlea Gardens.ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enof the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provincial inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks from the Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou,date hereof. Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vantion or who is desirous of being heard or of making die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te

misrepresentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisWith the Director of Local Government. Such communica- stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt woke

tion shall be received by the Director not later than eight van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in dieweeks from the date of such first publication in the Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van PlaaslikeProvincial Gazette. Bestuur ontvang word.

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• All. objections, must be lodged - in duplicate, and Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigaddressed to the. Director of Local Government, P.O. Box word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,• ,

Director of Local Government. . Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11 Pretoria, 4 November, 1970. 4- 11.

NOTICE 706 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 706 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that &planning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakapplication has been made by Town Council of Rensburg dat Stadsraad van Rensburg aansoek gedoen het om 'nfor permission to lay out a township consisting of 324 cloy bestaande uit 324 spesiale woonerwe, 12 algemenespecial residential erven, 12 general residential erven and woonerwe • en 11 besigheidserwe te stig op Gedeelte 681.1 business erven on Portion 68 of the farm Houtpoort van die plaas Houtpoort No. 309, distrik Heidelberg, watNo. 309, district Heidelberg, to be known as Rensburg bekend sal wees as Rensburg Uitbreiding 2.Extension 2. Die voorgestelde dorp 18 suid-wes van en grens aan die

The proposed township is situate south-west of and Provinsiale Standerton-Heidelberg pad en suid-oos vanen'abuts the Provincial Standerton-Heidelberg Road and grens aan die Emmasdal Tronk.

south-east of and, abuts the Emmasdal Gaol. Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en, The• application together with the relevant plans, docu- inligting 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,

meats and information, is open for inspection at the office Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou,of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provincial Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan.Building, Pretoria, for a .period of eight weeks from the Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansiedate hereof. moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van

• In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor teperson who wishes to•object to the granting of the applica- word of verto8 te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennistion or who is .desirous of being heard or of making stel: Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekerepresentations in the matter. shall communicate in writing van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in diewith the Director of Local Government. Such communica- Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaasliketion shall be received by the Director not later than eight Bestuur ontvang word.weeks from the data of • such first publication in the Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigProvincial Gazette. word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.addressed to the Director of Local Government. P.O. Box G. P. NEL,892, 'Pretoria. ' Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

G. P. NEL,Director. of Local Government.. Pretoria, 4 November, 1970.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11



It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of theTown-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

application, has been made by Town Council of Delmas • beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakfor permission, to lay out a township consisting of 271 dat Stadsraad van Delmas aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorpspecial residential erven, 3' general residential erven and 1 bestaande uit 271 spesiale woonerwe, 3 algemene woon-

business ed on Portion of Portion 76 of the farm Witklip erwe en 1 besigheidserf te stig op Gedeelte van GedeelteNo. 232-I.R., district Delmas, to be known as Delmas 76 van die plaas Witklip No. 232-IR, distrik Delmas, watExtension 4. bekend sal wees as Delmas Uitbreiding 4.

The proposed township is situate north of and-

abuts the Die voorgestelde dorp 18 noord van en grens aan dieProvincial Road P.36-1, north-west of and abuts Road Provinsiale pad P36-1, noord -wes van en grens aan pad0.173 and south Of and abuts Union Forests; Plantation 0.173 en suid .van en grens aan Union Forests PlantationAgricultural Holdings. Landbouhoewes.

The application together With the relevant plans, docu-ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provincial inligting 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,Building, Pretoria, ' for a, period of eight weeks from the Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou,date hereof. .

Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan.In terms of section 58(5) of, the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansie

person who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaanvan'tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te

representations in the matter, shall communicate in writing word of vertot te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kenniswith the Director of Local Government. Such communica- stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weketion - shall be received by the Director- not later than eight van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die

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0weeks from the date of such first publication in the Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van PlaaslikeProvincial Gazette. Bestuur ontvang word.

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigaddressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. . Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4 November, 1970.Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11 4- 11.

NOTICE 708 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 708 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakapplication has been made by Agostinho da Paiva and dat Agostinho da Paiva en andere aansoek gedoen hetothers for permission to lay out a township consisting of om tn dorp bestaande uit 6 algemene woonerwe en 1 besig-

6 general residential erven and 1 business erf on Portion heidserf te stig op Gedeelte 236 van die plaas Klipfontein236 of the farm Klipfontein No. 203-I.Q.. district Johan- No. 203-1.Q.. distrik Johannesburg, wat bekend sal weesnesburg, to be known as Timberton. as Timberton.

The proposed township is situate north of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp 18 noord van en grens aan dieBlackheath Township and south-west of and abuts Cresta dorp Blackheath en suid-wes van en grens aan die dorpExtension 1 Township. Cresta Uitbreiding 1.

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enments and information, is open for inspection at the office inligting to ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provincial Kamer B225. 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou,Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks from the Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hereof. Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansie

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vanperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor tetion or who is desirous of being heard or of making word of vertod te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisrepresentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing stet. Sodanige kennisgewing meet nie later nie as agt wekewith the Director of Local Government. Such communica- van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in dietion shall be received by the Director not later than eight Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslikeweeks from the date of such first publication in the Bestuur ontvang word.Provincial Gazette. Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslikeaddressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.892, Pretoria. G. P. NEL,

G. P. NEL,.

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government. Pretoria, 4 November, 1970.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11 • 4- 11.

NOTICE 709 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 709 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakapplication has been made by Crown Mines Ltd. for per- dat Crown Mines Bpk. aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorpmission to lay out a township consisting of 110 special bestaande uit 110 spesiale woonerwe, 8 algemene woon -

residential erven, 8 general residential erven and I business erwe en 1 besigheidserf te stig op 'n Gedeelte van dieerf on a Portion of the farm Vierfontein No. 321-I.Q.. plaas Vierfontein No. 321-I.Q.. Johannesburg, wat bekenddistrict Johannesburg, to be known as Ormonde Exten- sal wees as Ormonde Uitbreiding 1.sion 1.

The proposed township is situate south and east of and Die voorgestelde dorp 16 ,suid en oos van en grens aan

abuts the Crown Mines Golf Course and west of Evans die Crown Mines Gholfbaan en wes van die dorp EvansPark Township. Park.

The application together with the relevant plans, docu-

ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enof the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provincial inligting le ter insae by die kantoor ,van die Direkteur,Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks from the Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou,date hereof. Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van

r )tton or who is desirous of being heard or of_ making die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak' gehoor te., representations in the matter, shall communicate in writing word of vertoE te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis

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with the Director of Local Government. Such communica- stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weketion shall be received by the Director not later than eight van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die

, weeks from the date of such first publication in the Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van PlaaslikeProvincial Gazette. Bestuur ontvang word.—All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigaddressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box word aan die' Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4 November, 1970.Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11 4-11.

NOTICE 710 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 710 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended), van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965that application has been made by the owner Mr. J. (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naamlik'Lodder, 69 Linden Extension, Randburg, for the amend- mnr. J. Lodder, Noordweg 69, Linden Uitbreiding, Rand-

ment of Randburg Town -planning Scheme 1954, by burg, aansoek gedoen het om Randburg-dorpsaanleg-

rezoning Portion 14 of Lot 431 situate between Boundary skema, 1954, to wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelteand North Linden Extension Township Roads from 14 van Lot 34Igelee tussen Boundary- en Noordweg, dorp

• "Special Residential" to "General Residential No. 1" for Linden Uitbreiding van „Spesiale Woon" tot „Algemenethe erection of flats. Woon No. 1" vir die oprigting van woonstelle.

• The amendment will be known as Randburg Amend- Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema. (watment Scheme No. 63. Further particulars of the Scheme Randburg-wysigingskema No. 63 genoem sal word) 18 inare open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk. die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,Randburg, .and at the office of the Director of Local Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Government, Room B214, Provincial Building, Pretorius en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk ter insae.Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vancation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslikement, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892. Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, enPretoria, and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, Randburg. die Stadsklerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg, skriftelik voorgeleat any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word.notice. G. P. NEL,

G. P. NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970.4- 11. 4- 11.

NOTICE 711 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 711 VAN 1970.


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikelIt is hereby notified in terms of section 31(1) of the 31(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van PotchefstroomTown Council of Potchefstroom has applied for Potchef- aansoek gedoen het om Potchefstroom-dorpsaanlegskemastroom Town-planning Scheme No. I, 1946, to be amended No. I, 1946, soos volg te wysig:—as follows:— (a) Die hersonering van Gedeelte van Gedeelte 1 van Erf(a) The rezoning of Portion of Portion I of.Erf No. 1566 No. 1566 gelee op die hoek van Olenlaan en Gouws -

situate on the corner of Olen Lane and Gouws Street, straat, dorp Potchefstroom, van „Spesiale Besigheid"Potchefstroom Township from "Special Business" hoogte Zone 4 tot „Spesiale Besigheid" hoogte Zoneheight Zone 4 to "Special Business" height Zone 3. 3.

(b) The rezoning of a portion of the northern Portion of (b) Die hersonerihg van 'n Gedeelte van die noordelikePortion 4 of Erf No. 1566 situate on the corner of Gedeelte van Gedeelte 4 van Erf No. 1566 geld opOlen Lane and Gouws Street, Potchefstroom Town- die hock van Olenlaan Gouwsstraat, dorp Pot-ship from "Special Business' within height Zone 3, chefstroom, van „Spesiale Besigheid binne hoogtewith a street widening of 25 feet on the northern Zone 3, met 'n straatverbinding van 25 voet aan diePortion of the stand for proposed street widening pur- noordelike Gedeelte van die standplaas vir voorge-

poses. stelde straatverbreding doeleindes.

(c) The rezoning of Portion 21 of Erf No. 126 situate (c) Die hersonering van Gedeelte 21 van Erf No. 126 geleebetween Perrin Street and Gouws Street, Potchef- tussen Perrinstraat en Gouwsstraat, dorp Potchef-stroom Township from "Existing Street" to "Special stroom, van „Bestaande street" tot „Spesiale Besig -

Business" height Zone 3. heid" hoogte Zone 3.

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IIThis amendment will be known as Potchefstroom Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat

Amendment Scheme No. 1/37. Further particulars of the Potchefstroom-wysigingskema No. 1/37 genoem sal word)Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town le in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Potchefstroom enClerk, Potchefstroom and at the office of the Director of in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,Local Government, Room B214, Provincial Building, Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Pretorius Street, Pretoria. ter insae.

Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom watwithin the area to which the scheme applied or within one gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skemamile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enigeauthority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se regsge -

area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and may bled aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg omnotify the Director of Local Government, in writing, at the beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger tydabove address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objection tinne 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing die 1

and of the reasons therefor at any time within 4 weeks from Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres ofthe date of this notice. Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel van so 'n

G. P. NEL, beswaar en die redes daarvoor.Director of Local Government. G. P. NEL,

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.

NOTICE 712 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 712 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 310) of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artike]

310 ) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that theTown Council of Vereeniging has applied for Vereeniging 1965, bekend gemaak dot die Stadsraad van Vereeniging,

Town-planning Scheme No. 1, 1956, to be amended by aansoek gedoen het om Vereeniging-dorpsaanlegskema

the rezoning of— No. 1,1956, te wysig deur die herindeling van—

(1) Portion of Portion B of the farm Smaldeel No. 541(1) Gedeelte van Gedeelte B van die plaas Simldeel

IQ. from "Industrial" to "Agricultural". No. 541 IQ. vanaf „Nywerheid" tot „Landbou".

(2) Portion of Portion 115 of the farm Houtkop No. () Gedeelte van Gedeelte 115 van dilss HoutkNo.2 594 IQ. vanaf „Spesiale Nywerheid"e topta,Landbouo'.p

594 IQ, from "Special Industrial" to "Agricultural".(3) Ed No. 471, Duncanville, vanaf „Nywerheid" tot(3) Erf No. 471, Duncanville, from "Industrial" to

"Municipal". „Munisipale"-gebruik.(4) Erf No. 656, Duncanville, from "Industrial" to (4) Erf No. 656, Duncanville, vanaf „Nywerheid" tot

"Municipal". „Munisipale"-gebruik.

(5) Portions of Erven Nos. 462, 467 and 468, Duncan- (5) Gedeeltes van Erwe Nos. 462, 467 en 468, Duncan-

villa, from "Industrial" to "Proposed New Road". vine, vanaf „Nywerheid" tot „Voorgestelde Nuwe Pad".(6) Portions of Erf No. 573, Duncanville, from "Indus- (6) Gedeeltes van Erf No. 573, Duncanville, vanaf

trial" to "Proposed New Road". „Nywerheid" tot „Voorgestelde Nuwe Pad".(7) Portion of Erf No. 1209, Vereeniging Extension (7) Gedeelte van Erf No. 1209. Vereeniging Uitbreiding

No. 1, from "Industrial" to portion as "Proposed New No. 1, vanaf „Nywerheid" tot gedeelte as „Voorgestelde

Road" and portion as "Municipal". Nuwe Pad" en gedeelte as „Munisipale" -gebruik.(8) Portion of Remainder of Erf No. 1193 and Portion (8) Gedeelte van Restant van Erf No. 1193 en Gedeelte

1 of Erf No. 1192, Vereeniging Extension No. 1, from 1 van Ed No. 1192, Vereeniging Uitbreiding No. I, vanaf"Industrial" to "Proposed New Road". „Nywerheid" tot „Voorgestelde Nuwe Pad".

(9) Portion I of Erf No. 868, Duncanville, from "Indus- (9) Gedeelte 1 van Erf 868, Duncanville, vanaf „Nywer-trial" to "Proposed New Road". heid" tot „Voorgestelde Nuwe Pad".

(10) An unsurveyed portion of Portion 13 of the farm (10) 'n Onopgemete Gedeelte van Gedeelte 13 van dieHoutkop No. 594 IQ, from "Agricultural" to "Industrial". plaas Houtkop No. 594 IQ. vanaf „Landbou" tot „Nywer-

This amendment will be known as Vereeniging Amend- heid".ment Scheme No. 1/50. Further particulars of the Scheme Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watare open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Vereeniging-wysigingskema No. 1/50 genoem sal word) 18

Vereeniging and at the office of the Director of Local in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Vereeniging en inGovernment, Room B214, Provincial Building, Pretorius die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, KamerStreet, Pretoria. B214, Provisiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae.

Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom watwithin the area to which the scheme applies or within one gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema

mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enigeauthority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se regsgebied

area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg ommay notify the Director of Local Government, in writing, beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger tydat the above address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such binne 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewingobjection and of the reasons therefor at any time within 4 die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adresweeks from the date of this notice.

G. P. NEL,of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel van so 'nbeswaar en die redes daarvoor.

Director of Local Government. G. P. NEL,r. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.

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NOTICE 713 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 713 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as amended) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965,that application has been made by the owner Mr. E. E. - (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naamlik mnr.Axmann, P.O. Box 65205, Benmore, Sandton, for the E. E. Axmann, Posbus 65205, Benmore, Sandton, aansoekamendment of Northern Johannesburg Region Town- gedoen het om Noordelike Johannesburgstreekdorpsaan-

planning Scheme, 1958, by rezoning Lots Nos. 166 and 167 legskema 1958, te wysig deur die hersonering van Lottesituated on Andries Street, Wynberg Township, from Nos. 166 en 167 gelee aan Andriesstraat, dorp Wynberg,"Special Residential" to "Special" for the erection of a van „Spesiale Woon" tot „Spesiaal" vir die oprigting vanpublic garage. 'n publieke garage.

The amendment will be known as Northern Johannes- Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watburg Region Amendment Scheme No. 278. Further par- Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema No. 278ticulars of the Scheme are open for inspection at the office genoem sal word) 18 in die kantoor van die Direkteur vanof the Town Clerk, Sandton and at the office of the Di- Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

rector of Local Government, Room B214, Provincial toriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die StadsklerkBuilding, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. van Sandton, ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier-ment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike BestuurPretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 65202, Benmore, by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en die Stads-

Sandton, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the klerk, Posbus 65202, Benmore, Sandton, skriftelik voorge-

date of this notice. le word.G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,

Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria. 4 November 1970.

4- 11. 4- 11— —

NOTICE 714 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 714 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikelplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended) 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,that application has been made by the owner, Mr. D. 1965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naam-

Schumann, 18 Albert Street, Waterkloof. Pretoria, for the Iik mnr. D. Schumann Albertstraat 18. Waterkloof, Preto -

amendment of Northern Johannesburg Region Town-plan- ria, aansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Johannesburg-

fling Scheme, 1958, by rezoning Erf No. 317. situated on streek-dorpsaanlegskema. 1958, te wysig deur die hersone-

Fifth Street between Andries Street and Second Avenue, ring van Ed No. 317, gelee. aan Vyfdestraat tussenWynberg Township from "Special Residential" with a Andriesstraat en Tweedelaan, dorp Wynberg, van „Spesi-density of one dwelling per 15,000 sq. ft., to "Restricted ale Woon" met 'n digtheid van een woonhuis per 15,000Industrial". vk. vt., tot „Beperkte Nywerheid".

The amendment will be known as Northern Johannes- Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watburg Region Amendment Scheme No. 274. Further parti- Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema No. 274culars of the Scheme are open for inspection at the office genoem sal word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur vanof the Town Clerk, Sandton, and at the office of the Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B2I4, Provinsiale Gebou, Preto-

Director of Local Government, Room B214, Provincial riusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die StadsklerkBuilding, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. van Sandton, ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vanment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van PlaaslikePretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 65202, Benmore, Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, enSandton, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the die Stadsklerk, Posbus 65202, Benmore, Sandton, skriftelikdate of this notice. voorgele word.

G. R NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4- 11

NOTICE 715 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 715 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word oorcenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965,

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that application has been made by the owner Messrs. (sons gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar, nl. Mnre.Huntingdon (Pty.) Ltd., 206, Charter House, 13, Rissik Huntingdon (Edms.) Bpk., Charterhuis 206, Rissikstraat 13,Street, Johannesburg, for the amendment of Northern Johannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Johan-

Johannesburg Town -planning Scheme 1958, by rezoning nesburg-dorpsaanlegskema 1958, te wysig deur die her-Portions Nos. 2 and 3 of Lot 11, situate on Main Street, sonering van Gedeeltes Nos. 2 en 3 van Lot 11, gelee aanSandown Township, by amending the height zoning from Mainstraat, dorp Sandown deur die hoogte sonering van 43 storeys to 12 storeys. verdiepings tot 12 verdiepings te wysig.

The amendment will be known as Northern Johannes- Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watburg Region Amendment Scheme No. 260. Further par- Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema No. 260titulars of the Scheme are open for inspection at the office genoem sal word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur vanof the Town Clerk, Sandton, and at the office of the Di- Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

rector of Local Government, Room B214, Provincial toriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die StadsklerkBuilding, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. van Sandton ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vanment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 65202, Benmore stuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en dieSandton, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the Stadsklerk, Posbus 65202, Benmore, Sandton, skriftelikdate of this notice. voorgele word.

G. P. NEI, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.

4- 11. 4- 11.— —


NOTICE 716 OF 1970. KENNISGEWJNG 716 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 31(1) of theHierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel

I ) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van PotchefstroomTown Council of Potchefstroom has applied for Potchef- aansoek gedoen het om Pie hestroom Town-planning Scheme No. 1, 1946, be amended No. 1, 1946, te wysig soos volg: —as follows:—

I. 'n Digtheidsbepaling van „Een woonhuis per 14,0001. That the scheme clauses of the Town-planning Scheme vierkante voet" word ten opsigte van die volgende bestaan-

be amended by inserting a density restriction of "One de „Algemene Woon" persele in die skemaklousules Inge-dwelling per 14,000 square feet" in respect of the following voeg:existing "General Residential" erven:

Portion 1, Erf No. 846- 20 and 22 Borcherd Street.Gedeelte 1 Erf No. 846—Borcherdstraat 20 en 22.

Portion 2, Erf No. 846- 24 Borcherd Street. Gedeelte 2, Erf No. 846—Borcherdstraat 24.

Remainder Ed No. 846-81 Molen Street. Restant Ed No. 846—Molenstraat 81.Portion 1, Ed No. 843- 85 Molen Street. Gedeelte 1, Ed No. 843—Molenstraat 85.Remainder Ed No. 843- 83 Molen Street. Restant Erf No. 843—Molenstraat 83.Portion 1, Ed No. 842-89 Molen Street. Gedeelte I, Ed No.. 842—Molenstraat 89.Remainder Erf No. 842-87 Molen Street. Restant Erf No. 842—Molenstraat 87.Portion A, Ed No. 838-95 Molen Street. Gedeelte A, Ed No. 838—Molenstraat 95.Remainder Ed No. 838-97 Molen Street. Restant Ed No. 838—Molenstraat 97.Portion 1, Erf No. 835-3 or 5 Esselen Street. Gedeelte I, Erf No. 835—Esselenstraat 3 of 5.Remainder Erf No. 835-99 Molen Street or I Esselen Restant Ed No. 835—Molenstraat 99 of Esselenstraat 1.

Street.2. In die skemaklousules word die volgende bygevoeg

2. That the scheme clauses be amended by the addition tot Tabel „C" onder die woord ,.gekleurd": „Oranje—of the following to Table "C" below the word "Coloured": 18000"."Washed orange-18,000".

3. (a) That a building line of 15 Cape feet be imposed3. (a) 'n Boulyn van 15 Kaapse voet word aan Esselen-

straat oor Gedeelte I en die Restant van Erf No. 835in respect of Portion 1 and the remaining extent of Ed (Esselenstraat 5, 3 en 1) neergele.No. 835 (5, 3 and 1 Esselen Street) on Esselen Street.

(b) That a building line of 24 Cape feet be imposed on (b) 'n Boulyn van 24 Kaapsc voet word aan die ooste -

the eastern side of the undermentioned erven adjacent to kant van die ondergenoemde erwe aan Molenstraat (tus -

Molen Street (between Esselen and Borcherd Streets).Portion I, Erf No. 846-20 and 22 Borcherd Street.

sen Esselen- en Borcherdstraat) neergele:

Gedeelte 1, Erf No. 846—Borcherdstraat 20 en 22.

Remainder Erf No. 846-81 Molen Street. Restant Ed No. 846—Molenstraat 81.

c Remainder Erf No. 843-83 Molen Street. Restant Erf No. 843—Molenstraat 83..--* Portion 1, Erf No. 843- 85 Molen Street. Gedeelte 1, Ed No. 843—Molenstraat 85.

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Remainder Erf No. 842-87 Molen Street. Restant Ed No. 842—Molenstraat 87.Portion 1, Ed No. 842-89 Molen Street. Gedeelte 1, Erf No. 842—Molenstraat 89.Erf No. 1727-91 and 93 Molen Street. Erf No. 1727—Molenstraat 91 en 93.Portion A, Erf No. 838-95 Molen Street. Gedeelte A, Erf No. 838—Molenstraat 95.Remainder Erf No. 838-97 Molen Street. Restant Ed No. 838—Molenstraat 97.Remainder Erf No. 835-99 Molen Street. Restant Erf No. 835—Molenstraat 99.

(c) That a building line of 15 Cape feet be imposed on (c) 'n Boulyn van 15 Kaapse voet word aan Borcherd-

Borcherd Street in respect of Portions 2 and 1 of Erf No. straat oor Gedeelte 2 en Gedeelte I van Erf No. 846 (Bor-

846 (24, 22 and 20 Borcherd Street). cherdstraat 24, 22 en 20) neergele.

This amendment will be known as Potchefstroom Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watAmendment Scheme No. 1/33. Further particulars of the Potchefstroom-wysigingskema No. 1/33 genoem sal word)Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town 16 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Potchefstroom enClerk, Potchefstroom and at the office of the Director of in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,Local Government, Room B214, Provincial Building, Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Pretorius Street, Pretoria. ter insae.

Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom watwithin the area of which the scheme applies or within one geled is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skemamile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enigeauthority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se regsge-area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and may bied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg omnotify the Director of Local Government, in writing, at beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger tydthe above address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objet- binne 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewingtion and of the reasons therefor at any time within 4 die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adresweeks from the date of this notice. of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel van so 'n

G. P. NEL, beswaar en die redes daarvoor.Director of Local Government. G. P. NEL,

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.4- 11 Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4- 11

NOTICE 717 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 717 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikelplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended) 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,that application has been made by the owner Messrs. 1965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naam-

Lagerwey Caterers (Pty.) Ltd., P.O. Box 52185, Saxon- lik Mnre. Lagerwey Caterers (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 52185,wold, for the amendment of Witbank Town-planning Saxonwold, aansoek gedoen het om Witbank-dorpsaanleg-

Scheme No 1, 1948, by rezoning of Erven Nos. 2095, 2096, skema No. 1, 1948, te wysig deur die hersonering van2098, from "Special Residential" to "General Residential" Erwe Nos. 2095, 2096 en 2098 van „Spesiale Woon" naand Erf No. 2097 from "Government" to "General Resi- .Algemene Woon" en Erf No. 2097 van „Staat" na „Alge-

dential" for the erection of flats. These erven are situate mene Woon" vir die oprigting van woonstelle. Die erwe isbetween Louis Trichardt Street and Standford Street, Wit- geled tussen Louis Trichardtstraat en Stanfordstraat, dorpbank Exension 10 Township. Witbank Uitbreiding No. 10.

The amendment will be known as Witbank Amendment erdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watScheme No. 1/18. Further particulars of the scheme are Witbank

-wysigingskema kantoorNo. 1/18 genoem sal word) le in

open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Wit-die van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,

bank, and at the office of the Director of Local Govern- uKamer B214, Porvinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,

ment, Room B2I4, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Witbank ter insae.Pretoria.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- tyd binne tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vanment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike

• Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 3, Witbank, at Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en

any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this die Stadsklerk, Posbus 3, Witbank, skriftelik voorgele word.notice.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970.4- 11 Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4- 11

NOTICE 718 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 718 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46planning and Townships Ordinance. 1965 (as amended) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965that application has been made by the owner Messrs. Das- (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar nl. mnre.

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IIsies Motors (Pty.) Ltd., 536 Moot Street, Daspoort, Preto- Dassies Motors (Edms.) Bpk., Mootstraat 536, Daspoort,ria, for the amendment of Pretoria Town-Planning Scheme Pretoria, aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria-dorpsaanleg-

No. 1, 1952, by rezoning the following erven situate skema No. 1, 1952, te wysig deur die hersonering van diebetween Frieda and Moot Streets Daspoort Township: volgende erwe gelee tussen Frieda en Mootstrate, dorp(a) Erf No. 420 from "Special Business" to "Special for Daspoort:—

shops and business premises". (a) Erf No. 420 van „Spesiale Besigheid" tot „Spesiaal

(b) Remaining Extent of Erf No. 104 from "Specialvir winkels en besigheidspersele".

Business" to "Special for garage purposes".(b) Resterende Gedeelte van Erf No. 104 van „Spesiale

Besigheid" tot „Spesiaal vir garage doeleindes' .

(c) Erf No. 105 from "Special Residential" to "Special (c) Erf No. 105 van „Spesiale Woon" tot „Spesiaal virfor garage purposes". garage doeleindes".The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat

Scheme No. 2/37. Further particulars of the scheme are. Pretoria-wysigingskema No. 2/37 genoem sal word) le inopen for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Preto- die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,ria, and at the office of the Director of Local Government,. Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Room B214, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of verto6 teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern - tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier-

ment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike BestuurPretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, at by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en die Stads-

any time within a Period of 4 weeks from the date of this klerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria, skriftelik voorgele word.


G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government.

D.irekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4 November 1970Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. 4- 11 4- 11

NOTICE 719 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 719 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikelplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended) 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,that application has been made by the owner, Roodekop 1965 (coos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar nl.Townships (Pty.) Ltd., 517 Loveday House, 98 Marshall Roodekop Townships (Edms.) Bpk., Lovedayhuis 517,Street, Johannesburg, for the amendment of Germiston Marshallstraat 98, Johannesburg, aansoek gedoen het om.Town-planning Scheme No. 1, 1953, by rezoning Erven Genniston-dorpsaanlegskema No. 1, 1953, te wysig deurNos. 1438.1457, 1459.1462, 1464-1492 and 1522-1546, die hersonering van Erwe Nos. 1438.1457, 1459-1462,situated between Bevan Road and Setchell Road and 1464-1492 en 1522-1546 gelee tussen Bevanweg en Setchell-between Marthunisen Road and Forsdick Road, Roode- weg en tussen Marthunisenweg en Forsdickweg, dorpkop Township, Germiston, from "General Industrial" to Roodekop, Germiston, van „Algemeen Industrieel" tot

I "Commercial". „Kommersieel".

The amendment will be known as Germiston Amend- Verdere, besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watment Scheme No. 3/27. Further particulars of the Scheme Germiston-wysigingskema No. 3/27 genoem sal word) 16

are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,Germiston, and at the office of the Director of Local Kamer 11214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Government, Room B214, Provincial Buildings, Pretorius en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Germiston, terStreet, Pretoria. insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of verto6 teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- tyd binne 'it tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vanment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van PlaaslikePretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 145, Germiston, Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, enat any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of die Stadsklerk, Posbus 145, Germiston, skriftelik voorgelethis notice. word.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,• Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. .

4- 11. Pretoria, 4 November 1970. 4- 11

. . .

NOTICE 720 OF 1970. • KENNISGEWING 720 VAN 1970.


I, Arthur Douglas Bock of Riebeeck Hotel, Springs, do Ek, Arthur Douglas Bock van Riebeeck Hotel, Springs,‘. hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply to the gee hiermee kennis dat ek van voorneme is om by die

Transvaal Bookmaker's Licensing Committee for a cer- Transvaalse . Beroepswedderslisensiekomitee aansoek te

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tificate authorizing the issue of a bookmaker's licence in doen om 'n sertifikaat waarby die uitreiking van 'n be-

terms of Ordinance 26 of 1925. roepswedderslisensie ingevolge Ordormansie 26 van 1925Any person who wishes to object to the granting of such gemagtig word.

a certificate, or who wishes to lay before the Committee Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vanany fact or information in connection therewith, may do so so 'n sertifikaat of wat enige feit of inligting in verbandin writing to the Secretary of the Transvaal Bookmaker's daarmee aan die Komitee wil voorle, kan dit skriftelik aanLicensing Committee, Private Bag 64, Pretoria, to reach die Sekretaris van die Transvaalse Beroepswedderslisensie-

him on or before 25th November, 1970. Every such per- komitee, Privaatsak 64, Pretoria, doen om horn voor ofson is required to state his full name, occupation and op 25 November 1970 te bereik. Iedere sodanige persoonpostal addresss. moet sy voile naam, beroep en posadres verstrek.

4- 1 L 4- 11.

NOTICE 721 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 721 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikelplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as amended) 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe,that application has been made by the owner, M. M. J. 1965, (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar nl.Investments (Pty.) Limited, c/o. P.O. Box 28816, Sandring- M. M. J. Investments (Pty.) Limited, p/a. Posbus 28816,ham for the amendment of Northern Johannesburg Region Sandringham aansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Johan-Town-planning Scheme 1958, by rezoning stands Nos. 247 nesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegskema, 1958, te wysig deur dieand 248 Illovo township situated on "Central Avenue" hersonering van standplase 247 en 248 van die dorp Illovofrom "Special Residential" to "General Residential" with gelee aan „Central Avenue" van „Spesiale Woon" totthe purpose to erect flats. „Algemene Woon" met die doel om woonstelle op te rig.

The amendment will be known as Northern Johannes- Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watburg Region Amendment Scheme No. 257. Further par- Sandton-wysigingskema No. 257 genoem sal word) 18 intitulars of the Scheme are open for inspection at the office' die kantoor' van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,of the Town, Clerk, Sandton, and at the office of the Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Director of Local Government, Room B214, Provincial en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae.Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of verto6 teen die aansoek kan te eniger

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vancation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

ment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, stuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en diePretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 65202, Benmore, Stadsklerk, Posbus 65202, Benmore, Sandton, skriftelikSandton, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the voorgele of this notice. G. P. NEL,

G. P. NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.

NOTICE 722 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 722 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965,that application has been made by the owner, Messrs. (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naamlikBesnimar Investments (Pty.) Ltd., 519 Ruth Street, Brook- mnre. Besnimar Investments (Edms.) Bpk., Ruthstraat 519,lyn, Pretoria, for the amendment of Pretoria Town-planning Brooklyn, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria-

Scheme No. 1, 1946, by changing the Floor Space Ratio of dorpsaanlegskema No. 1, 1946, te wysig deur die veran-

the Remainder of Erf No. 33 situate on the corner of dering van Vloerruimteverhouding van die Restant vanBooysen and Correlli Streets, Les Marais Township, from Erf no. 33 gelee op die hoek van Booysen en Correllistrate,a Floor Space Ratio of 0.3 to a Floor Space Ratio of 0.4. dorp Les Marais van 'n Vloerruimteverhouding van 0.3

The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment tot 'n Vloerruimteverhouding van 0.4.Scheme No. 1/253. Further particulars of the Scheme are Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysiging (wat Pre-

open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pre- toria-wysigingskema No. 1/253 genoem sal word) le in dietoria, and at the office of the Director of Local Govern- kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamerment, Room B214, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en inPretoria. die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vanment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

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Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria at stuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en dieany time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria, skriftelik voorgele word.notice.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.4- 11. 4- 11.

NOTICE 723 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 723 VAN 1970.


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965,

planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as amended) (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naamlikthat application has been made by the owner, Messrs. mnre. Namic Properties (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 2607, Jo-

Namic Properties (Pty.) Ltd., P.O. Box 7607. Johannesburg hannesburg, aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburg-dorps-

for the amendment of Johannesburg Town-planning aanlegskema No. 1, 1946, te wysig deur die hersonering vanScheme No. 1, 1946 by rezoning Erven Nos. 45, 46 and 47 Erwe Nos. 145, 146 en 147 gelee aan Junctionlaan, dorpsituate on Junction Avenue, Parktown Township from Parktown van „Spesiale Woon" tot „Spesiaal" om die op -

"Special Residential" to "Special" to permit the erection rigting van kantore toe to laat.of offices. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat

The amendment will be known as Johanesburg Amend- Johannesburg-wysigingskema No. 1/456 genoem sal word)ment Scheme No. 1/456. Further particulars of the Scheme M in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk. Kamer B214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,Johannesburg, and at the office of the Director of Local en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk ter insae.Government, Room B214, Provincial Building, Pretorius Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigerStreet, Pretoria. tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli- hicrdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- stuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en diement, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box 892, Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg, skriftelik voorgelePretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 1049. Johannes- word.burg at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date G. P. NEL,of this notice. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Pretoria, 4 November 1970.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970.4- 11. 4- 11.

NOTICE 724 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 724 VAN 1970.


It is herey notified in terms of section 46 of the Town- Hierby word oorecnkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as amended) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965,that application has been made by the owner, the N.G. (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar naamlik DieKcrk Nigel-Suid, P.O. Box 570, Nigel South, for the amend- N.G. Kerk Nigel-Suid, Posbus 570, Nigel-Suid aansoekment of Nigel Town -planning Scheme 1963 by rezoning gedoen het om Nigel-dorpsaanlegskema 1963, te wysig deurErven Nos. 103, 104 and 105 situate on Clarendon Avenue die hersonering van Erwe Nos. 103, 104 en 105 gelee tussenand Republic Street Noycedale township Nigel from Clarendonlaan en Republiekstraat in die dorp Noycedale,"Government Purposes" to "Institutional Purposes" for Nigel van „Regeringsdoeleindes" na „lnstituut" en diethe erection of a church. oprigting van 'n kerk moontlik te maak.

The amendment will be known as Nigel Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watScheme No. 20. Further particulars of the Scheme are Nigel-wysigingskema No. 20 genoem sal word) le in dieopen for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Nigel, kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamerand at the office of the Director of Local Government, 13214, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat. Pretoria, en inRoom B214, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Ike- die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Nigel ter insae.toria. Enige beswaar of verto6 teen die aansoek kan te eniger

Any objection or representations in regard-

to the ap- tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum vanplication shall be submitted to the Director of Ioral hierdie kennisgewing aan the Direkteur van PlaaslikeGovernment, in writing, at the above address or P.O. Box Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, en892, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 23 Nigel at die Stadsklerk, Posbus 23, Nigel, skriftelik voorgele word.

ok any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisW notice. G. P. NEL,

G. P. NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. Pretoria. 4 November 1970.

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NOTICE 725 OF 1970. • KENNISGEWING 725 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Elandsfontein Estate (Cora- dat Elandsfontein Estate (Company) Ltd., aansoek gedoenpany) Ltd. for permission to lay out a township consisting het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 309 spesiale woonerwe, 5of 309 special residential erven, 5 general residential erven, algemene woonerwe, I. besigheidserf en 6 spesiale ervie, te1 business erf and 6 special erven, on remaining Extent stig op Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 8 van die plaasof Portion 8 of the farm Elandsfontein No. 108 I.R., dis- Elandsfontein No. 108 I.R., distrik Germiston, wat bekendtrict Germiston, to be known as Elandshaven. sal wees Elandshaven.

The proposed township is situate north-east of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp 18 noord -oos van en grens aan dorpAlberton township, south -cast of and abuts the Alberton Albertan; suid-oos van en grens aan die Alberton verbypad;by-pass road, west of and abuts the Alberton-Johannesburg wes vati en grens aan die Alberton -Johannesburg-pad.road. Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

The application together with the relevant plans docu- inligting le, ter, insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Kamer B215, 2de Vloer, Blok. B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

of the Director, Room B215, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke naBuilding, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight datum hiervan.weeks from the date hereof. •• Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansie

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaanperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- van die aansoek of wat begerig. is om in die saak gehoortion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- te word of vertod te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennissentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekethe Director of Local Government.. Such communication van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro -

shall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

from the date of such first publication: in the Provincial stuur ontvang' word.Gazette. • Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig,

All objections must be lodged irr duplicate, -and ad- word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslikedressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.892, Pretoria.

" G. P. NEL,G. P. NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Director of Local Government.Pretoria, 11th November, 1970. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.

11- 18. • 11- 18.

KENNISGEWING 726 VAN 1970. NOTICE 726 OF 1970.


BIJLPARK.Hierby word bekend gemaak dat Johannes Jacobus Op-

perman ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3(1) van die It is hereby notified that application has been made byWet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen Johannes Jacobus Opperman in terms of section 3(1) ofhet om die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Hoewe the Removal ofRestrictions Act, 1967, for the amendmentNo. 10, Rosashof Landbouhoewes, distrik Vanderbijlpark, of the conditions of title of Holding No. 10, Rosashoften einde dit moontlik te maak dat die hoewe vir die op- Agricultural Holdings, district Vanderbijlpark, to permitrigting van 'n woonwapark, 'n restaurant en 'n algemene the holding being used for the erection of a caravan park,handelaar en vats produkte besigheid, gebruik kan word. a restaurant and a general dealer and fresh product busi-

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 18 ter insae in. ness•

die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike. Bestuur, The application and the relative documents are openKamer 306, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, for inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-Pretoria. ment, Room 306, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 11 November Street, Pretoria.

1970 skriftelik. by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, by Objections to the application may be lodged in writingbovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, ingedien word. with the Director of Local Government, at the above

G: P. NEL,_ address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, on or. before 11th No-

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. vember, 1970.G. P. NEL, I

Pretoria, 11 November 1970. Director of Local Government.Pretoria; 11th November, 1970.

T.A.D.: 8/2/536.-

. T.A.D. 8/2/536.

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NOTICE 727 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 727 VAN 1970.•


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that beplanning en.Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakapplication has been made by Protea Wildtuin Vakansie- dat Protea Wildtuin Vakansieoord (Edms.) Bpk. en D. L.oord (Edms.) Bpk., and D. L. Hattingh (Edms.) Epic, for Hattingh (Edms.) Bpk.. aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorppermission to lay out a township consisting of 396 special bestaande uit 396 spesiale woonerwe, 2 spesiale erwe enresidential erven, 2 special erven and 3 special erven for 3 spesiale erwe vir toekomstige ontwikkeling te stig opfuture development on certain unsurveyed Portion of Por- sekere onopgemete Gedeelte van Gedeelte 21 en Gedeeltetion 21 and Portion of Portion 22 of the farm'Argyle No. 22 van die plaas Argyle No. 46 K.U., distrik Pelgrimsrus,46 K.U., district Pilgrims Rest, to be known as N'Tsiri wat bekend sal wees as N'Tsiri-Vakansiedorp.Holiday Township. Die voorgestelde dorp 18 omtrent 35 km. noord van

The proposed township is situate approximately 35 km. Orpen en omtrent 35 km. suidoos van Phalaborwa op dienorth of Orpen and approximately 35 km. southeast of Tsiririvier, 'n tak van die nabygelee Olifantsrivier.Phalaborwa on the Tsiririver, a branch of the neighbouring Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enOlifants River. inligting 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Kamer B215, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

meats and information, is open for inspection at the office toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke naof the Director, Room B215, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- datum hiervan.cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieeight weeks from the date hereof. moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoorperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- te word of vertot te rig. die Direkteur skriftelik in kennistion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekesentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro -

the Director of Local Government. Such communication vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

shall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks stuur ontvang word.from the date of such first publication in the Provincial Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigGazette. word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.dressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box G. P. NEL,892, Pretoria. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.

Pretoria, 11th November, 1970.11- 18. 11- 18.

NOTICE 728 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 728 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Kildrummy Holdings (Pty.) dat Kildrummy Holdings (Edms.) Bpk., aansoek gedoenLtd., for permission to lay out a township consisting of 202 het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 202 spesiale woonerwe, 20special residential erven, 20 general residential erven and algemene woonerwe, en 1 besigheidserf, te stig op Reste-1 business erf on Remaining Extent of Kildrummy rende Gedeelte van Kildrummy Landbouhoewes, gelce opAgricultural Holdings situate on Portion 170 of the farm Gedeelte 170 van die pleas Rietfontein No. 2 I.R., distrikRietfontein No. 2 I.R., district Johannesburg, to be known Johannesburg, wat bekend sal wees as Kildrummy. - Die voorgestelde dorp 16 noon! van en grens aan Wit-

The proposed township is situate north of and abuts koppen Pad en grens aan Gedeelte 2 (Leeuw Kop) van dieWitkoppen Road and adjoins Portion 2 (Leeuw Kop) of plaas Rietfontein No. 2 in die noorde en Paulshof Land-the farm Rietfontein No. 2 in the north and Paulshof bouhoewes Uitbreiding 2 in die suid-ooste.Agricultural Holdings Extension No. 2 in the south-east.

Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enThe application together with the relevant plans. docu- .lunging le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office —

of the Director., Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- Kamer B225, 2de Vloer,. Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-of

Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke nadatum hiervan.weeks from the date hereof.

ilk In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde OrdonnansieIP person who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan

tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoorsentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisthe Director of. Local Government. Such communication stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke

Page 32: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette


shall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro-

from the date of such first publication in the Provincial vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

Gazette. stuur ontvang word.All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- Alle besware meet in duplo ingedien word en gerig

dressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.•

Pretoria, 11th November, 1970. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.11- 18. 11- 18.•

NOTICE 729 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 729 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakapplication has been made by Carletonville Estates dat Corletonville Estates Limited aansoek gedoen het omLimited for permission to lay out a township consisting 'n dorp bestaande uit 441 spesiale woonerwe, 6 algemeneof 441 special residential erven, 6 general residential erven woonerwe, en 1 besigheidserf te stig op Resterende Ge-

and 1 business erf on Remaining Extent of Portion 53 of 'deelte van Gedeelte 53 van die pleas Wonderfontein No.•the farm Wonderfontein No. 103 I.Q.. district Oberholzer, 103-IQ. distrik Oberholzer, wat bekend sal wees as Carle-

to be known as Carletonville Extension 10. tonville Uitbreiding 10.The proposed township is situate south of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp 16 stiid van en grens aan Ober-

Oberholzer Station, east of and abuts Oberholzer Town- holzer Stasie, oos van en grens aan Dorp Oberholzer.ship. Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en•

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- inligting 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt .Welce nacial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight datum hiervan.weeks from the date hereof. Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnanslei.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance 'any moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die' toeitaanperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- van die aansoek .of wat begerig is om in die saak gehOorLion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- te word of verto6 te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennissentations in the matter, shall communicate inwriting with stet. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekethe Director of Local Government. Such communication van die datum van sodanige cerste publikasie in die Pro-

shall be 'received by the Director not later than eight weeks vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

from the date of such first publication in the Provincial stuur ontvang word.Gazette. Alle beswarc moct in duplo ingedien word en gerig

All objectiOns must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslikedressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.892, Pretoria. G. P. NEL,

G. P. NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.

Pretoria, 11th November, 1970.11- 18. 11- 18.

NOTICE 730 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 730 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend .gemaakplication has been made by Glen Anil Development Cor- dat Glen Anil Development Corporation Ltd., aansoekporation Ltd., for permission to lay out a township con- gedoen het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 1987 spesiale woon-sisting of 1987 special residential erven, 9 general residen- erne, 9 algemenc woonerwe en 3 besigheidserwe te stig optial erven and 3 business erven on Portions 90-93, 106, Gedeeltes 90-93, 106, Restant van Gedeelte H van Ge-Remainder of Portion H of Portion, and Remainder of deelte en Restant van Gedeelte C van Gedeelte van diePortion C of Portion of the farm Waterkloof No. 378 plaas Waterkloof No. 378 J.R., distrik Pretoria, wat be-J.R., district Pretoria, to be known as Lyttelton Glen. - kend sal wees as Lyttelton Glen.

The proposed township is situate directly east of Water- Die • voorgestelde dorp le direk ten ooste van diekloof Air Station and further north and south of the Waterkloof Lughawe en verder ten noorde en snide van:Waterkloof Crossroads on Pretoria Eastern by-pass and die Waterkloof Wisselaar op die Pretoria-Oostelike Ver-the Pretoria-Germiston special road. bypad- enalie Pretoria-Germiston spesiale pad. .

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The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente enments and information, is open for inspection at the office inligtinab 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight . toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke naweeks from the date hereof. datum hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaantion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- • van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoorsentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with te word of verto8 te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisthe Director of Local Government. Such communication std. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nic later nie as agt wekeshall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro-

from the date of such first publication in the Provincial. vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-Gazette.

istuur ontvang word.

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- Alle besware meet in duplo ingedien word en gerigdressed to the Director of Local Government. P.O. Box. word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. 1 Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, • G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. - Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 11th November, 1970.' Pretoria, 11 November 1970.

0 — — —11 - 18. . 11- 18.

NOTICE 731 OF 1970. . KENNISGEWING 731 VAN 1970.i


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the! Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town -planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- i beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Protea Vakansieoorde Beperk,' dat Protea Vakansieoorde Beperk aansoek gedoen het omfor permission to lay out a township consisting of 371 : 'n dorp bestaande uit 371 spesiale woonerwe te stig opspecial residential erven, on Portions 19 and 20, Por- ; Gedeeltes 19 en 20, Gedeeltes van Gedeelte 8 en die Res-

tions of Portion 8 and the Remaining Extent of Portion 8; terende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 8 van die plans Argyle No.of the farm Argyle No. 46-K.U., district Pilgrims Rest to! 46-K.U., distrik Pelgrimsrus, wat bekend sal wees asbe known as Shlaralumi. , Shlaralumi.

The proposed township is situate approximately 35 km. i Die voorgestelde dorp 18 ongeveer 35 km. noord vannorth of Orpcn and approximately 35 km. southeast of

I Omen en ongeveer 35 km. suidoos van Phalaborwa en opPhalaborwa and abuts the Nhlaralumiriver, a branch of die Nhlaralumirivier. 'n tak van die nabygele8 Olifants-

the nearby Olifantsriver.I

rivier.The application together with the relevant plans, docu- : Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

ments and information, is open for inspection at the office' inligting re ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of. the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- . Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

0 cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight . toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke naweeks from the date hereof. . : datum hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any : Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica-

Imoet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan

tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- , van die aansoek of wat begerig is orn in die saak gehoorsentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with i te word of vertoo te rig, die Direkteur skriftclik in kennisthe Director of Local Government. Such communication

Istel. Sodanige kennisgcwing moct nie later nie as agt weke

shall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks i van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro-

from the date of such first publication in the Provincial; vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

Gazette. : stuur ontvang word.All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- . Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig

dressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box1

word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892. Pretoria. Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, I G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. ' Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 11th November, 1970. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.11-18. 11- 18.

NOTICE 732 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 732 VAN 1970.



it1 It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town -planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Edward Carl Aschmann for dat Edward Carl Aschmann aansoek gedoen het om 'n

Page 34: THE PROVINCE tilt tat is a3ette IJ. frig virko...1970/11/11  · 1111111111111 71-ti-• 1 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL." E/4 I K o E PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL 1.0 tilt tat is 1\3.ft a3ette

3432 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE. II NOVEMBER, 1970 I:permission to lay out a township consisting of 22 special dorp bestaande uit 22 spesiale woonerwe te stig op Hoewe. residential erven, on Holding No. 35, Klipriviersberg No. 35, Klipriviersberg Estates Kleinhoewes op gedeelteEstate Small Holdings on Portion of the farm Klipriviers- van die plaas Kliprivicrsberg No. 106.IR, distrik Johan-

'berg No. 106-I.R., district Johannesburg, to be known as ncsburg, wat bekend sal wees as Roseacre Uitbreiding 7.Roseacre Extension 7. Die voorgestelde dorp 18 wes van en grens aan die

The proposed township is situate west of and abuts dog). Roseacre Uitbreiding 1 en suid van en grens aan'Roseacre Extension 1 Township and south of and abuts Aschmannstraat ,

Aschmann Road.. Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- .

inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin-

toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke nacial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight datum hiervan.weeks from the date hereof.

Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde OrdonnansieIn terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any 1

moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaanperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica-, van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor

tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre-te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennissentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with .

the 'Director of Local Government. Such communication stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke!

shallibe received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro-

fromvinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be.4the date of such first publication in the Provincial .

Gazette.stuur ontvang word.


All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad-1

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig

dressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box; word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike

892, Pretoria.' Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria. .

G. P. NEL, .' ' G. P. NEL,

Director of Local Government.' Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur., .

Pretoria, '11th November, 1970.'

1 Pretoria, 11 November 1970.

11- 18. . 117- 18.


.. . .

NOTICE 733 OF 1970.'. KENNISGEWING 733 VAN 1970.

. . . , .•




. It is 'hereby notified in terms of section 58(1). of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap-1

beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaak, plication has been . made by Waterberg Minerale Bron . dat Waterberg Minerale Bron (Edms.) Bpk., aansoek ge-(Pty.) Ltd., for permission to lay out a township con- 1 doen het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 653 spesiale woonerwesisting of 653 special residential erven, on Remaining' te stig op Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 2 van diePortion, of Portion 2 of the farm Driefontein No. 317- . plaas Driefontein No. 317-K.R., distrik Potgietersrust, wat

4K.11... district Potgietersrust, to be known as Waterberg. bekend sal wees as Waterberg.

The proposed township is situate approximately 10 km. i , Die voorgestelde dorp is ongeveer 10 km. noord van die,north of Naboomspruit Township and north-west of and I dorp Naboomspruit en noord -wes van en grens aan die-abuts the National Road T1-23 from Naboomspruit to

!Nasionale Pad .T1 -23 vanaf Naboomspruit na Potgieters-

Potgietersrust. ' rust. -7

. The application together with the relevant plans, docu-I

Die aansoek met die betrokke planne,' dokumente enments. and information; is open - for inspection at the office' inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of. the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin-

'Kamer 13225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight!

toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke naweeks from the date hereof. . . . datum hiervan.


In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any i Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- s moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaantion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- van die aansoek' of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoorsentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with: te Word of vertod te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisthe Director of Local Government. Such communication' stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekeshall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks . van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro-

from the date of such first publication in the Provincial • vinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

Gazette. stuur ontvang word..

All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- Alle besware moet in dupla ingedien word en gerigdressed to the Director of Local Government, P.Q..Box word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. . Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.. .

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,. Director of Local Government. • . . . Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

:Pretoria, 11 tit' November, 1970. • Pretoria, 11 November 1970., . 11- 18. -- • •


11- 18.

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NOTICE 734 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 734 VAN 1970.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Malyork Investments (Pty.) dat Malyork Investments (Edms.) Bpk., aansoek gedoenLtd., for permission to lay out a township consisting of het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 249 spesiale woonerwe, -3249 special residential erven, 3 general residential erven algemene woonerwe, en 1 besigheidserf te stig op Ge-

and 1 business erf on Portion 125 and the Remainder of deelte 125 en die Resterende Gedeelte van die pleasthe farm Zeekoewater No. 311-J.S., district Witbank, to Zeekoewater No. 311-J.S., distrik Witbank, wat bekendbe known as Fleurette. sal wees as Fleurette.

The proposed township is situate west of River View Die voorgestelde dorp 18 wes van River View HoewesHoldings and adjoins the Panorama School. en grens aan die Panorama Skool.

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en• ments and information, is open for inspection at the office inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight Ioriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke naweeks from the date hereof. datum hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedercen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaanlion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- van die aansoek of wat begcrig is om in die saak gehoorsentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennisthe Director of Local Government. Such communication stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekeshall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro -

from the date of such first publication in the Provincial 'inside Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-

Gazette. stuur ontvang word.All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig

dressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. • Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

Pretoria, 11th November, 1970. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.11- 18. 11- 18.


NOTICE 735 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 735 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

Town -planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Elandsfontein Estate Com- dat Elandsfontein Estate Company Limited aansoek ge-pany Limited for permission to lay out a township con- doen het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 61 spesiale woonerwe,sisting of 61 special residential erven on Remaining Ex- te stig op Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 8 van dietent of Portion 8 of the farm Elandsfontein No. 108-I.R., pleas Elandsfontein No. 108-I.R., distrik Germiston, watdistrict Germiston, to be known as Elandshaven Extension bekend sal wees as Elandshaven Uitbreiding 1.

1. Die voorgestelde,dorp le noord -oos van en grens aan dieThe proposed township is situate north-east of and Dorp Alberton en suid-oos van en grens aan die voorge-

abuts Alberton Township and south-east of and abuts the stelde Dorp Elandshaven.proposed Elandshaven Township.

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

ments and information, is open for inspection at the office inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,of the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir tydperk van agt weke na

weeks from the date hereof. datum hiervan.

In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnansieperson who wishes to object to the granting of the applica- moet iedereen wat beswaar wit maak teen die toestaantion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoorsentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis

W the Director of Local Government. Such communication stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekeshall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die Pro-from the date of such first publication in the Provincial vitisiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-Gazette. stuur ontvang word.

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All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad-i

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigdressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box, word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike892, Pretoria. ; Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.

G. P. NEL, G. P. NEL,Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.

4 Pretoria, 11th November, 1970. I Pretoria, 11 November 1970.11- 18. 11 - 18.

NOTICE 736 OF 1970. KENNISGEWING 736 VAN 1970.



It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(1) of thei Ingevolgc artikel 58(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps -

Town -pranning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that ap- beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaakplication has been made by Vogelstruisbult Gold Mining

idat Vogelstruisbult Gold Mining Areas Limited aansoek

Areas for permission to lay out a township consisting of gedoen het om 'n dorp bestaande uit 304 spesiale woon-

304 special residential erven, 2 general residential erven, 1 erwe, 2 algemene woonerwe, 1 besigheidserf en 11 nywer- Abusiness ed and 11 industrial erven, on the Remaining : heidserwe, te stig op Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 92 IExtent of Portion 92 of the farm Daggafontein No. 125- ; van die plaas Daggafontein No. 125-I.R., distrik Springs,I.R., district Springs, to be known as Struisbult Exten- wat bekend sal wees as Struisbult Uitbreiding 1.sion 1. Die voorgestelde dorp le suid van en grens aan die dorp

The proposed township is situate south of and abuts' Struisbult en suid-oos van en grens aan die StruisbultStruisbult Township and south - east of and abuts Struisbult spoorweghalte.Railway Siding. Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en

The application together with the relevant plans, docu- inligting le ter insac by die kantoor van die Direkteur,ments and information, is open for inspection at the office i Kamer B225, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre-

of .the Director, Room B225, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin- toriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke nacial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a period of eight ' datum hiervan.weeks from the date hereof. •

Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde OrdonnansieIn terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any i moet iedereen wat beswaar wit maak teen die toestaan

person who wishes to object to the granting of the applica-i van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor

tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre- te word of vertoo te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennissentations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with: stcl. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt wekethe Director of Local Government. Such communication i van die datum van sodanige cerste publikasic in die Pro -

shall be received by the Director not later than eight weeks vinside Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be-from the date of such first publication in the Provincial I stuur ontvang word.Gazette.

IAll° besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig

All objections must be lodged in duplicate. and ad-i word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike

'dressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box. Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria.892, Pretoria. G. P. NEL,

G. P. NEL, i Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, I 1 th November, 1970. Pretoria, 11 November 1970.11- 18. 11- 18.


N.B.—Tenders previously published and where the closing dates L.N.—Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan diehave not yet. passed, have not been repeated m this notice.' sluitingsdatum nog nie verstreke is nie, word nie in hierdieTenders are normally published 3-5 weeks before the closing kennisgewing herhaal nie. Tenders word normaalweg 3-5 wekedate. voor die sluitingsdatum gepubliseer.



Tenders are invited for the following services/ Tenders vir die volgende dienste / voorrade / ver- Ikope word ingewag. (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting

supplies/sales. (Unless otherwise indicated in .tireanders aangegee word, word tenders vir voorradedescription tenders are for supplies):— bedoel):—

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Tender No. Description of Tender '. • . . Closing Pate

Tender Nr. Beskrywing van Tender Sluitingsdatam

H.A. 1/20/70 Sheepskins for medical use / Slcaapvelle vir mediese gebruik ... ... .. .... . ... .. ••• ... ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/57/70 Thermoluminescent Dosimetry System / Termoluminesserende-dosimeirie -sigeem — JohannesburgHospital/-hospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2/58/70 X-ray Equipment for Neurology Theatre / Rontgenstraaltoerusting vir Neurologie-teater — Bare-gwanath Hospital/-hospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2(59(70 X-ray Equipment for Angiographic Room I Rlintgenstraaltoerusting vir Angiografiekamer — Bara-gwanath Hospitalphospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2/60/70 Urological X-ray Unit / Urologiese Rentgenstraaleenheid — Baragwanath Hospital/-hospitaal ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/61/70 Encephalographic and Cerebral Angiographic X-ray Equipment / Ensefalografiese en SerebraleAngiografiese Rontgenstraaltoerusting — Baragwanath HospitalEhospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2/62/70 X-ray Equipment for Neurology Angiographic Theatre No. 2 / Rontgenstraaltoerusting vir Neuro-logie-angiografie-teater No. 2 — Baragwanath Hospital/-hospitaal _ 11/12/1970H.A. 2/63/70 Dark Room Equipment / Donkerkamertoerusting — Baragwanath Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/64/70 Gastroscope / Gastroskoop — Boksburg-Benoni Hospital/-hosnitaal 11/12/1970H.A. 2/65/70 Image Intensifier / Beeldversterker — Boksburg-Benoni Hospitalkhospitaal 11/12/1970H.A. 2/66/70 Blood Gas Analyser / Bloedgasanaliseerder — Edenvale Hospital/-hospitaal. ... _ ... ... ... ... .. 11/12/1970H.A. 2/67/70 Vectorcardiographic system / Vektorkardiografiese sistcem — H. F. Verwoerd Hospital/-hospitaal. 11/12/1970H.A. 2/68/70 Automatic X -ray Film Developer / Outomatiese Riintgenstraalfilmontwikkelaar — South RandHospital / Suid-Randse -hospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2/69/70 Fibre Optic Examining Apparatus / Veselgeleide-ligondersoek-apparaat — Boksburg-Benoni Hos-pital/-hospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2/70/70 Microscope for Otology / Mikroskoop vir Oorheelkunde — Coronation Hospital/-hospitaal ... .. 11/12/1970H.A. 2/71/70 Microscope for Ophthalmology / Mikroskoop vir Oogheelkunde — J. G. Strydom Hospital/-hospitaal . 11/12/1970

H.A. 2/72/70 Gastroscope / Gastroskoop — Johannesburg Hospital/-hospitaal .... ........ ... ... ... , . ... ... '11/12/1970H.A. 2/73/70 Fibre Optic Instrumentation / Veselgeleide-liginstrumentasie — Johannesburg Hospital/-

t-hospitaal. 11/12/1970H.A. 2/74/70 Ophthalmological Apparatus / Oogheelkundige Apparaat — J. G. Strijdom Hospital/-hospitaal ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/75/70 Remote Controlled Injection Syringe / Binneaarse Diagnostiese Toedieningsapparaat — Johan-

nesbur; Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... .. .- ... ... .. ... .•. ... ... _. ... ... ... ... ... ... .,. ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/76/70 Operation Microscope / Operasiemikroskoop — lealafon Hospital/-hospitaal .„ ... ... .. ... ....... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/77/70 Microscope for Otology / Mikroskoop vir Oorheelkunde — Klerksdorp Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... 11/12/1970H.A. 21713/70 Microscope for Ophthalmology 1 Mikroskoop vir Oogheelkunde — Pietersburg Hospital/-hospitaal. 11/12/1970H.A. 2/79/70 Gastroscope/Gastroskoop — H. F. Venvoerd Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/80/70 Fundus Camera / Funduskamera L G. Strijdom HospitalEhospitaa1 . . ... ... ... ._ . - .... ... 11/12/1970H.A. 2/81/70 Fibre Optic Instrumentation / Veselgeleideinstrumentasie ... Boksburg-Benoni Hospital/-hospitaaL 11/12/1970H.A. 2/82/70 Phonocardiogram Unit / Fonokardiogram-eenheid — Johannesburg Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... ...


11/12/1970H.A. 2/83/70 Spectrophotometer / Spektrofotometer — Analytical Laboratory, Auckland Park / Ontleedlabo-

ratorium, Aucklandpark 11/12/1970H.A. 2/84/70 Electromyogram / Elektromiogram — Natalspruit Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... — 11/12/1970H.A. 2/85/70 Automatic X-ray Film Developer / Outomatiesc ROntgenstraalfilmontwikkelaar — J. G. Strijdom

Hospital/-hospitaal . 11/12/1970H.A. 2/86/70 X-ray Equipment / Rontgenstraaltoerusting — J. G. Strijdom Hospital/-hospitaal ... ... ... ..: ... 11/12/1970R.F.T. 100/70 Detail Contoursurvey / Detailkontocropmeting 11/12/1970R.F.T. 101/70 Piping and Fittings / Pype en Toebehore ... ... _. ... ... ._ ... ... — ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11/12/1970W.F.T.B. 17/71 Barberton Hospital: Nurses and Night quarters: Replacing of hot water pipes / Barbertonse Hos-

pitaal: Verpleegsters - en Naglcwartiere: Vervanging van warmwaterpype ... — ... _ ,... ... ... 8%1/197rW.F.T.I3. 18/71 Hoer Landbouskool Bekker, Magaliesberg: Central heating / Sentrale verwarming .. - . ... ... 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 19/71 Brakpan Technical High School: Workshop / Bmkpansc Hoer Tegnicse Skool: Werk.winkel — — 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 20/71 Carleton Jones High School, Carletonville: Enlargement of existing rugby field 1 Verpoting van

W.F.T.B. 21/71 (a) Carolina Hospital and. (b) islet Relief hospital: Supply, delivery and erection' of two incine-

0rators etc. / (a) Carolina-hospitaal en (b) Piet Relief-hospitaal: Verskaffing, aflewering en op-rigting van twee verbrandingsoonde ens. . .


8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 22/71 Devon Primary School: Central heating / Devonse Laorskool: Sentrale verwarming ... — ... — 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 23/71 Goudwes School, Carletonville: Levelling of site for three netball fields / Goudwes-skool, Carleton-

\dile: Gelykmaak van terrain vir drie netbalbane . 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 24/71 H. F. Verwoerd Hospital: Orthopaedic Section: Replacing of iron roofs etc. / H. F. Verwoerd-

hospitaal: Ortopediesc afdeling: Vervanging van sinkdakke ens. . 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 25/71 H. F. Verwoerd Hospital, Pretoria: Replacing of floors etc. in theatres 1 to 6 / H. F. Venvoerd-

hospitaal, Pretoria: Vervanging van vloere ens. in teeters I tot 6 . 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 26/71 Kempton Park Primary School: Central heating / Sentrale verwarming 8/1/1971 •

W.F.T.B. 27/71 Krugersdorp Hospital: Renovation of two departmental residences etc. / Krugersdorp-hospitaal:Opknapping van twee departementele wonings ens. 8/1/1971

W.F.T.B. 28/71 Leeudoringstad School Journey Services: Hostel: Rebuilding of dining hall etc. / LeeudoringstadseSkoolreisdienste: Koshuis: Herbou van eetsaal ens.. 8/1/1971

W.F.T.B. 29/71 Roads 'Inspectorate, Thabazimbi: Erection of two residences / Paaic-inspektoraat, Thabazimbi:I Oprigting van twee wonings 8/1/1971

W.F.T.B. 30/71 Panfontein Primary School, Vereeniging: Renovation of principal's residence / Lacrskool Panfon-tein, Vereeniging: Opknapping van hoofswoning . 8/1/1971

W.F.T.B. 31/71 Regents Park Primary School, Johannesburg: New fence etc. / Nuwe omheining ens. ... ... ... ... 8/1/1971W.F.T.B. 32/71 S.A. Lombaard Nature Reserve, Bloemhof: Supply and installation of two 20 kVA generating sets /

S.A. Lombaard-natuurreservaat, Bloemhof: Verskaffing en installering van twee 20 kVA kragop-wekkers 8/1/1971.

W.F.T.B. 33/71 Transvaal Memorial Hospital for Children: Repairs and renovation. / Transvaalse Gedenkhospi-taal vir Kinders: Reparasies en opknapping 8/1/1971

1 W.F.T.B. 34/71 Verdiend Road Camp, District of Sannieshof: Electrical installation / Verdiend-padkamp, DistrikSannieshof: Elektriese installasie . 8/1/1971.

. , '•

, .. .


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1. The relative tender documents including the Administra- 1. Die betrolcke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van die amp-tion's official tender forms, arc obtainable on application from telike tendervorms van die Administrasie, is op aanvraag bythe relative address indicated below. Such documents and any die onderstaande adresse verkrygbaar. Sodanige dokumente as-

mede enige tender/kontrakvoonvaardes war the in die tender.tender/contract conditions not embodied in the tender documents dokumente opgeneem is nie, is ook by die genoemde adresseare also available for inspection at the said address: vir inspeksie verkrygbaar:—


• • Office in New Provincial Building ' Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale•


Gebou, PretoriaTender Postal address, Tender Posadres teRef. Pretoria Phone vcrwy-

. Pretoria Tele-RoomKamer Verdie-Block Floor No. sing Blok [count).No.N

. • Pretoria ,no. ping Pretoria

HA 1. Director of Hos- A739 A 7•

89251 HA 1 Direkteur van A739 A 7 89251pital Services, • Hospitaaldiens-

- 'Private Bag te, Privaatsak221 • 221

HA 2 Director of ' Hos- A739 A 7 89260 HA 2 Direkteur van A739 A 7 89260pital Services, Hospitaaldiens-Private Bag . te, Privaatsak221 221

HB Director of Hos- A723 • A 7 89202 HB Direkteur van A723 A 7 89202pital Services, Hospitaaldiens-Private Bag ' to, Privaatsak221 221

HC Director of Hos - A728 A 7 89206 HC Direkteur van A728 A 7 89206 I. pital Services, . Hospitaaldiens-• . Private Bag to, Privaatsak

221 - . 221HD Director of HOP A742 A 7 89208 HD Direkteur van A742 A 7 89208

.pital Services, Hospitaaldiens-Private' Bag to. Privaatsak • .

221 221PET Provincial Score- A1119 A 11 80924 PET Provinsiale Sckre- A1119 A II 80924

tary (Purchases tads (Aankopeand Supplies), en Voorrade),

' Private Bag 64 Privaatsak 64RFT Direkteur, Trans- D5I8RET Director, Trans- D518 13 5 89184 D 5 89184

vast Roads vaalse Peale-Department, . departement,Private Bag 197 Privaatsak. 197

TED. Director, Trans- A549 A 5 80651 TOD Direkteur, Trans - A549 A ' 5 80651vaal Education vaalso Onder-Department, vrysdeparte-Private Bag meet, Privaat-76 . sak 76

WFT • Director. Trans - C111 C I 80675 WFT Direkteur, Trans- C111 C 1 80675vast Depart- vaalso Werke-

. •

ment of Works, departement,Private Bag 228' Privaatsak 228

WFTB Director, Trans- ' C219 C M 80306 VVFTB Direkteur, Trans - 0219 C M 80306vaal Depart- vaalse Werke-meat of Works, departement,

41Private Bag 228 I Privaatsak 228


•• •

2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or 2. Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die laagste ofany tender and reserves the right to accept a portion of a enige tender aan te neem nie en behou horn die reg voor omtender. 'n gedeelte van 'n tender aan te neem.

3. In die geval van iedcre W.F.T.13. -tendcr, meet die tende-3. In the case of each W.F.T.B. tender the tenderer must pay mar tn deposito van R4 stort alvorens by van die tenderdoku-a deposit of R4 before he will be supplied with the - tender mente voorsien sal word. Sodanige deposito most in kontant-documents. Such deposit must be in the form of cash, a bank geld wees, 'n tjek deur die bank geparafeer of 'n departemen-initialed cheque, or a departmental standing ,deposit receipt

tole legorderkwitansie (RIO). Gcnoemde depositobedrag sal te-(R10). The said deposit will be refunded if a bona fide tenderis received from the tenderer or if the tender documents in- rugbetaal word as 'n bona fide- inskrywing van die tenderaareluding plans specifications and bills of quantities are returned ontvang word of as die tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van

by the tenderer within 14 days after the closing date of the planne, spesifikasies en hoevee/heidslyste, binne 14 dae na die

tender to the relative address shown in note 1 above. sluitingsdatum van die tenderaar teruggestuur word na die be-trokke adres in opmerking 1 hicrbo aangetoon.

4. All tenders must be submitted on the Administrator's 4. Alle tenders most op die amptelike tendervorms van dieofficial tender forms. Administrasie voorge18.word.

5. Leclerc inskrywing moot in 'n afsonderlike verseelde koe-5. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed en-

velope addressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender vat ingedien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter; Die Trans -

Board, P.O. Box 1040, Pretoria, and must be clearly super- vaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, Pretoria, en moetscribed to show the tender's name and address, as well as the duidelik van die opskrif voorsien wees ten erode die tenderaar -

number, description and closing date of the tender. Tenders se naam en adres arm to Won asook die manor, bPckrywingmust be in the hands of the Chairman by 11 a.m. on the cn sluitingsdatum van die tender. Inskrywings moot teen 11

closing date indicated above. vm. op die sluitingsdatum hicrbo aangetoon, in die Voorsitterse hande wees.

6. If tenders are delivered by hand, they must be deposited 6. Indien inskrywings per hand ingedien word, moet hullein the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer teen 11 vm. op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbusof the New Provincial Building, at the Pretorius Street main geplaas woes by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaat van dieentrance (near Bosman Street corner), Pretoria, by 11 a.m. on nuwe Provinsiale Gebou by die hoofingang aan Pretoriusstraat sethe closing date. kant (naby die hock van Bosmanstraat), Pretoria.C. W. GRUNOW, Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender C. W. GRUNOW. Voorsitter, Transvaalse Provinsiale Tender-Board, Pretoria, 4th November, 1970. raad, Pretoria, 4 November 1970.


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1 DECEMBER 1970 AT 11 a.m. Bull, Afri- 11 vm. Perd, hings, plusminus 24 jaar,Pound Sales cander, 4 years, red, left ear slit, no brands, bruin, ongebrand en ongemerk.

Ox, Africander, 2 years, red, both earsUnless previously released, the animals slit, no brands. BONTEBERGSKUT DISTRIK POTGIE-

described hereunder will be sold as indi- KLERKSDORP MUNICIPAL POUND TERSRUS OP WOENSDAG 2 DESEM -cated. ON THURSDAY, 19th NOVEMBER, BER 1970 OM 11 vm. Koei, Afrikander

1970 AT 10 a.m. Horse, mare, approximately tipe, 8 jaar, rooi, wit aan uier, linker oorPersons desiring to make inquiries re- 2 years, black, no marks or brands. gemerk met klein gaatjie, onduidelike brand-

specting the animals described hereunder, merk. Vers, Afrikander tipe, If jaar, rooi-in the case of animals in municipal pounds, LICHTENBURG MUNICIPAL POUND bent, elke oor gemerk met halfmaan vanshould address the Town Clerk; for those ON FRIDAY, 20th NOVEMBER, 1970 agter, geen brandmerke. Bokooi, gewonein district pounds, the Magistrate of the AT 10 a.m. 2 Cows, mixed breed, plus- ras, 2 jaar, swart en wit, linker oor stomp,district concerned. minus 6 years, yellow-brown, right ear halfmaan voor en agter, geen brandmerke.

cropped, left ear swallowtail, no brands. Bokooi gewone ras, 1 jaar, wit met rooiAFGUNS POUND DISTRICT WATER- Cow, mixed breed, plusminus 5 years, dark kop, pocna, regteroor 4 klein halfmane,BERG ON WEDNESDAY, 2nd DECEM - brown, right ear cropped, left ear swallow- linkeroor swaelstert, halfmaan voor, geenDER, 1970 AT 11 a.m. Tollie, Africander tail, no brands. Heifer, mixed breed, plus- brandmerke.type, 18 months, red, both ears swallow- minus 1 year, brown with markings ontail, no brands. head, no ear marks or brands. 2 Bullcalves, ELANDSKRAALSKUT DISTRIK RUS-

mixed breed, plusminus If years, black TENBURG OP WOENSDAG 2 DESEM -

BETHAL MUNICIPAL POUND ON with white bellies, white switches, no ear BER 1970 OM 1 lvm. Bul, Afrikaner 4WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER, 1970 marks or brands. jaar, rooi, linkeroor slip, geen brandmerk.AT 11 a.m. Horse, Stallion, plusminus 24 Os, Afrikaner 2 jaar, rooi, albei ore slip,years, brown, no marks or brands. geen brandmerk.

BONTEBERG POUND DISTRICT POT- SkutverkopingsKLERKSDORP MUNISIPALE SKUT OPGIETERSRUS ON WEDNESDAY, 2nd Tensy voor die tyd gelos, sal die diere, DONDERDAG 19 NOVEMBER 1970 OMDECEMBER, 1970 AT 11 a.m. Cow, Afri- hieronder beskryf, verkoop word soos aan- 10 vm. Perd, mettle, ongeveer 2 jaar, swart,candor type, 8 years, red with white udder gedui. geen merke of brandmerke.left car marked with small hole, brand in -

distinct. Heifer, Africander type, 14 years, Persone wat navraag wens te doen aan- LICHTENBURG MUNISIPALE SKUTroan, each ear has crescent shape mark at gaande die hieronder omskrewe diere moet OP VRYDAG 20 NOVEMBER 1970 OMback, no brands. Goat, ewe, common type, in die geval munisipale skutte, die Stads- 10 vm. 2 Koeie, gemengde ras, plusminus2 years, black and white, left ear topped, klerk nader, en wat diem in distrikskuttc 6 jaar, geel- bruin. regteroor, stomp. linker-crescent shape back and front, no brands. betref, die betrokke Landdros. oor swaelstert, geen brandmerke. Koei, Pe

-Goat, ewe, common typo, 1 year, white mengde ras, plusminus 5 jaar, donkerbrum,with brown head, hornless, right ear mar- AFGUNSSKUT DISTRIK WATERBERG regteroor stomp, linkeroor swaelstert, geenked with 4 small crescent shapes. left ear OP WOENSDAG 2 DESEMBER 1970 OM brandmerke. Vers, gemengde ras, plusminusswallowtail, crescent shape in front, no 11 vat. Tollie Afrikanertipe, 18 maande, 1 jaar, bruin met bont Kop, geen merkebrands. rooi, albei ore swaelstert, geen brandmerk. of brandmerke. 2 Bulkalwers, gemenre ras,

plusminus 11 jaar, swart met klein wit penseELANDSKRAAL POUND DISTRICT BETHAL MUNISIPALE SKUT OP en stert wit kwasse, geen merke of brand-RUSTENBURG ON WEDNESDAY 2nd WOENSDAG 18 NOVEMBER 1970 OM merke.

Notices Illy Local Authorities

Plaaslihe ilestuarsliennisgesrbegs

TOWN COUNCIL OF WITBANK. Any person who wishes to object against bank, groot 7.5339 hektaar, aan diethe Councils intention, must submit such ob- Staat, teen 'n totale bedrag van

ALIENATION OF PROPERTY jection, in writing, to the undersigned be- R3 516.80.fore 6th December, 1970. (b) Registrasie van 'n kraglynsenvituut tenNotice is hereby given, in terms of the A. F. DE KOCK gunste van die Elektrisiteitsvoorsienings-

provisions of Section 79(18) of Ordinance Town Clerk. kommissie, oor die restant van Gedeel-No. 17/1939, as amended, that the Town • —Municipal Offices, te 24 van die pleas Driefontein No.Council of Witbank intends to alienateP.O. Box 3, 297-1.5., distrik van Witbank, teen 'nthe following portions of ground as indi - Witbank. vergoeding van R500 per morg.

cared in each instance: Notice No. 67/1970. Volledige besonderhede in verband met(a) Sale of a certain portion 5 (a portion 4th November, 1970. die voorgestelde vervrecmding le ter insae

of Portion 2) of the farm Doornpoort by die kantoor van die ondergetekende ge -No. 312 J.S., district Witbank, 7.5339 durende normalc kantoor-ure.hectares in she, to the Government, STADSRAAD VAN WITBANK.

Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aantekenat a total amount of R3 516.80, forroad construction purposes. VERVREEMDING VAN GROND. teen die Raad se voorneme, moet sodanige

beswaar skriftelik indien by die onderge-(b) Registration of a powerline servitude

Kennis tekende voor 6 Desember 1970.geskied hiermee, ingevolge die be-in favour ofter

Electricity Supply palings van Artikel 79(18), van Ordonnan-Commission, over the remainder of A. F. DE KOCK.portion 24 of the farm Driefontein, No. sic No. 17/1939, soos gewysig, dat die Stads-297 IS., district Witbank, at a com. raad van Witbank van voornemens is om Stadsklerk.

—unt Kantore,

lapensationof R500 per morgen. die ondergemelde gedeeltes grond te ver- m

vreem soos in elke geval aangedui. Posbus 3,Full particulars in connection with the Witbank.

, - proposed alienations, are available for in- (a) Verkoop van 'n sekere gedeelte 5 en Kennisgewing No. 67/1970.spection at the office of the undersigned gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas 4 November 1970.during normal office hours. Doornpoort No. 312-1.8., distrik Wit- 822 — 4 — I I — 18

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BLOEMHOF MUNICIPALITY brief No. 6 van 1970 van die Direkteur Scheme, to be known as Amendment Town- Ivan Plaaslike Bestuur. planning Scheme No. 1/70.

QUINQUENNIAL VALUATION Die voorwaardes van verkoping le ter This draft scheme contains the followingROLL. insae in die Kantoor van die Stadsklerk proposals:

gedurende gewone kantoorure. The rezoning of the Remainder of LotPlease take notice that the Quinquen- Skriftelike besware teen die voorneme 5693 (Market Place) and Portion I of

nial Valuation Roll has been completed van die Raad moet nie later as 12 nm. Lot 5693 (formerly a portion of Marketand certified in accordance with the provi- op Vrydag 27 November 1970, by die onder- Place), Benoni Township, situated be-

sions of the Local Authorities Rating Or- getekende ingedien word nie. tween Horsfall and Taylor Streets anddinance No. 21 of 1933, as amended, and Prince's and Cranbourne Avenues, fromthat same will become fixed and binding G. J. VORSTER "Municipal and Public Open Space" toupon all parties concerned who shall not Stadsklerk. "Special."on or before the 4th December, 1970 appeal Munisipale Kantore, The effect of this amendment will be tofrom the decision of the Court in the man- Posbus 61, permit the erection of shops, offices, flatsner provided in said Ordinance. Sabie. and a parking garage and the retention of

4 November 1970. the Bus Terminus and portions of the exis-I. L. HATTINGH. Kennisgewing D3/2/1970. ting public open space.

Clerk of the Valuation Court. 826- 4- 11- 18Particulars of this scheme are open for

Municipal Office, inspection at the Municipal Offices, Prin-Bloemhof. TOWN COUNCIL OF ORKNEY. ce's Avenue, Benoni, for a period of four4th November 1970. weeks from the date of the first publication--

COMPLETION OF VALUATION ROLL of this notice, which is 4th November, 1970.

BLOEMHOF MUNISIPALITEIT FOR 1970/1973 AND INTERIM VALUA- The Council will consider whether or notTION ROLL- the scheme should be adopted.

VYFJAARLIKSE WAARDERINGSLYS Any owner or occupier of immovable(Notice in terms of Section 14 of the property within the area of the Benoni

Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Vyf- Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, Town-planning Scheme No. 1 of 1948, or Ijaarlikse Waarderingslys nou voltooi en ge- 1933, as amended.) within one mile of the boundary thereof,sertifiseer is ooreenkomstig die bepalings has the right to object to the scheme or tovan die Plaaslike Bestuur Belastingordon- Notice is hereby given in terms of Sec- make representations in respect thereof andnansie No. 20 van 1933, soos gewysig, en lion 14 of the Local Authorities Rating if he wishes to do so he shall, within fourdat dit vasgestel en bindend sal wees oP Ordinance, 1933, as amended, that the tricn. weeks of the first publication of this no-alle betrokke persone wat nie voor of op nial valuation roll for 1970/73, and the tice, which is 4th November, 1970, inform4 Desember 1970 teen die beslissing van interim valuation roll for 1967/70, have the undersigned, in writing, of such objec-die Hof in terme van die bepalings van ge- been completed, and that it will become tion or representations and shall statenoemde Ordonnansie appelleer nie. fixed and binding upon all parties concer- whether or not he wishes to be heard by

J. L. HATTINGH. ned who shall not within one month of the Council.

Klerk van die Waarderingshof. the first publication of this notice, i.e. 4th F. W. PETERSMunisipale Kantoor, November, 1970, appeal against the &el- Town Clerk.

Bloemhof. sion of the valuation court in .the manner Municipal Offices,

4 November 1970. prescribed in Section 15 of the said Or- Benoni.

825 — 4 — 11. dinance. 4th November, 1970. .

3. J. OOSTHUIZEN Notice No. 145 of 1970.

President of the Valuation Court.VILLAGE COUNCIL OF SABLE Notice No. 37/1970


Notice is hereby given, in terms of Sec- STADSRAAD VAN ORKNEY. VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING TOTlion 79 (18) of the Local Government DIE BENONI -DORPSAANLEGSKEMAOrdinance, No. 17 of 1939, as amended, VOLT001ING VAN WAARDERINGS- NO. I VAN 1948.that is the intention of the Council, sub- LYS VIR 1970/1973 EN TUSSENTYD-ject to the approval of the Administrator SE WAARDERINGSLYS. Die Stadsraad van Benoni het 'n wysi -to offer for sale, twenty -five residential gingsontwerpdorpsbeplanningskema opge-

4©cyan in Extension 4 on the farm Groot- (Kennisgewing ingevolge artikel 14 van stel wat bekend sal staan as Dorpsbeplan-

fontein No. 196 IT., out of hand, in terms die Plaaslike-Bestuur-Belastingsordonnan- ningswysigingskema No. 1/70.of Circular No. 6 of 1970, from the Di- sic, 1933, soos gewysig.)rector of Local Government. Hierdie ontwerpskema bent die volgen-

The conditions of the sale may be in- Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge arti- de voorstelle:spected at the office of the Town Clerk kel 14 van die Plaaslike Bestuur-Belasting- Die herindeling van die Restant van Lotduring the ordinary office hours. ordonnansie, 1933, soos gewysig, dat die

5693 (Markterrein) en Gedeelte I vanObjections against the intention of the driejaarlikse algemcne Waarderingslys virCouncil must be lodged in writing with 1970/73 en die tussentydse waarderingslys Lot 5693 (voorheen 'n gedeelte van

'Mark- terrein) dorp Benoni, gelee tussenthe undersigned not later than 12 noon on vir 1967/70 voltooi is en dat dit vasgestel

a11 enfFriday, 27th November, 1970. en bindend gemaak word vir alle betrokke Hors fall - Taylorstraat en Prins- enCranboumelaan, van die van „Munisipaal

partye wat nie binne een maand vanaf dieG. J. VORSTER en Openbare Oopruimte" na did van „Spe-

datum van die eerste publikasie van hierdie . ,„.Town Clerk slamkennisgcwing, dit is 4 November 1970, teenMunicipal Offices, die beslissing van die waarderingshof appal- Die uitwerking van die skema sal weesP.O. Box 61, leer nie op die wyse soos in artikel 15 van dal winkels, kantore, woonstelle en 'n par-Sabie. gemelde Ordonnansie voorgeskryf. keergarage toelaatbaar sal wees met behoud4th November, 1970. van die Busterminus en gedeeltes van dieNotice No. D3/2/1970. J. J. OOSTHUIZEN- bestaande opcnbare oopmimte.

President van die Waarderingshof.Besonderhede van hicrdie skema le ter

DORPSRAAD VAN SABLE. Kennisgewing No. 37/1970 insae by die Munisipale Kantoor, Prins -

VERVREEMDING VAN GROND. 4 November 1970 laan, Benoni, vir 'n tydperk van vier woke831_4—IL vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie

Kennis geskied hiermee oorecnkomstig van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 4 No-

die bepalings van Artikel 79 (18) van die vember 1970.

Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, No. 17 TOWN couNcri. OF BENONI.Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en be-

van 1939, soos gewysig, dat, onderworpe PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE sluit of dit aangeneem moet word.aan die goedkeuring van die Administra- BENONI TOWN-PLANNING SCHEMEteur, die Raad van voornemens is om vyf- NO. 1 OF 1948. Enige eienaar of bewoner van vaste eien- Ien-twintig woonerwe in Uitbreiding 4, op dom binne die gebied van die Benoni Dorps-

die plaas Grootfontein No. 196 J.T:, uit die The Town Council of Benoni has pre- beplanningskema No. 1 van 1948 of binnehand te verkoop, oorecnkomstig omsend- pared a draft amendment Town-planning een myl van die grens daarvan het die reg

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Iom teen die skema beswaar te maak of om 'n Afskrif van die Dorpsraad Sc besluit VILLAGE COUNCIL LEEUDORING -

vertoe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en indien en 'n plan waarop die grootte en Jigging dit wil•doen, moet by die ondergetekende van voormelde straat aangedui ' word, lebinne vier wake vanaf die eerste publikasie ter insae in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk Notice is hereby given in accordance withvan hierdie Kennisgewing, naamlik 4 No- gedurende kantoomre. Section 96 of the Local Government Or-vember 1970 skriftclik van sodanige beswaar Enige beswaar teen die voorgestelde dinance, 1939, as amended that the Villageof vertoo in kennis stet en vermeld of by sluiting van die straatgedcelte of verkoop Council of Leeudoringstad proposes amen-deur die Road gehoor wil word, al dan nie. daarvan soos voormeld of enige eis om ding the following by- laws:

skadevergoeding indien die shifting uitgc- (a) Water Supply Regulations.F. W. PETERS voer word, moet nie later dan .12 middag (b) Sewerage systems and Vacuum Tank.

Stadsklerk op Maandag, 11 Januarie 1971 skriftclik . . Removals ondergetekende ingedien word nie. (c) Electricity Supply By-Laws.

Copies of the proposed amendments willMunisipale Kantoor, F. J. PELSER. be for inspection during normal office hoursBenoni. Stadsklerk. at the office of the Town Clerk, Munici-4 November 1970. Posbus 24, pal Office, leeudoringstad and any objec-Kennisgewing No. 145 van 1970. Delareyville. lions thereto must be lodged, in writing,

11 November 1970. with the undersigned not later than 3 De-

837SI-11 Kennisgewing no. 42/70. camber, 1970.MO- 11

W. G. OLIVIER.Town Clerk.

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF DELAREY- MunicipalOffices,Leeudoringstad.


I Ith November 1970.



Notice is hereby given that the Village It is hereby notified in terms of the pro- LEELJDORINGSTAD DORPSRAAD.Council of Delareyville intends: visions of the Local Government Ordinance(i) In terms of section 67(3) of the Local No. 17 of 1939, as amended, that it is the Kragtens die bepalings van Artikel 96

Government Ordinance 1939, to close intention of the Village Council of Sabie, van die Ordonninste op Plaaslike Bestuur,a portion of Natrium road from Du to adopt the Standard Financial By-laWs pub- 1939 soos gewysig, word hierby bckend ge-Plessis Street to Verster Street perma- lished under Administrator's Notice. No. maak dat die Dorpsraad van Lecudoring-nently; and 927 of 1st November, 1967, as amended stad van voorneme is om die volgende Ver-

(ii) In terms of section 79(18) of the afore- by Administrator's Notice No. 286 of 19th ordeninge te wysig:said Ordinance, to alienate the said March, 1969, as Standard By-laws for the (a) Wateivoorsieningsverordeninge.portion of street, after it has been Village Council of Sabie.

.(b) Verordeninge op Rioleringstelsels en

closed properly, to the firm Tractors Copies of the by-laws, together with the 'Vakuumtenkverwyderings.

and Motors by means of sale and con- said amendments, are open for public in- (c) Elektrisiteitsvoorstenings - verordeninge.solidation thereof with the abutting spection during normal office hours for a Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysigings

it erven Nos. 398, 399, 401 and 402. period of 21 days of publication hereof. sal 4gedurende normale kantoorure ter in-A copy of the Council's resolution to- . sac 16 by die kantoor van die Stadsklerk,

&ether with a plan indicating the size and G. J. VORSTER. Munisipale kantoor, Leeudoringstad en enigesituation of the said streetportion to be do- Town Clerk. besware moet skriftelik by ondergetekendesod, will lie for inspecion at the office of Municipal Offices, ingedien word nie later as 2 Desember 1970.the undersigned during office hours. P. 0. Box 61,

Any objections to the proposed closing Sabie. . . W. G. OLIVIER.of the portion of the street and claims for 11 November 1970. Stadsklerk.any loss or damage caused thereby must (Notice No. S 14/0.) Munisipale Kantoor,be lodged with the undersigned in writing Leeudoringstad.not later than 12 noon on Monday, 11th 11 November 1970.January. 1971. 842 - 11


Town Clerk . •


, Daar - wor:1 ingevolge die 'bepalings van Notice is. hereby given in terms of Sec-die Ordonnansie op 'Plaaslike Bestuur no.' lion 67 of the Local Goveinment Ordinan -

17 van 1939, soos gewysig, bekend gemaakdat die Dorpsraad van Sabie voornemens is co, 1939, that it is the intention of the

DORPSRAAD VAN DELAREYVILLE. om die Standaard Finansiele Verorde- Committee, subject to the approval of the

fling°, afgekondig by Administratcursken_ Administratoi, to close permanently Palala

PERMANENTE SLUITING EN VER- nisgewing No. 927 van 1 November 1967 Street in Extension 4, Stilfontein and to di-

VREEMDING VAN 'N GEDEELTE VAN soos gewysig deur Administrateurskennis- vert Orange Street in view of a new sub -

NATRIUMWEG. gewing No. 286 van 19 Maart 1969, as division of all adjoining erven.. Standaard verordeninge vir die Dorpsraad A plan on which the proposed amended

Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Dorpsraad van Sabic aan teneem. layout is shown can be inspected during

van Delareyville van voornemens is om: Afskrifte van die verordeninge. en wy- ordinary office hours at the office of the

(i) ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 67 sigings le gedurende gewone kantoorurc ter. Secretary.(3) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike insae vir 'n tydperk van 21 the vanaf Any person who objects to the proposed

Bestuur, 1939 'n gedeelte van Natrium - datum van publikasie hiervan. . closing and diversion or will have any claimweg vanaf Du Plessisstraat tot Ven - ' for compensation if the proposal is carriedterstraat te sluit; en G. J. VORSTER out, must lodge his objection or claim with

(ii) Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 7908) Stadsklerk. the Secretary on or before 20th January,

van die voormelde Ordonnansie die Munisipale Kantore,.


betrokke gedeelte nadat dit behoorlik Posbus 61, T. A. KOEN.

it gesluit is aan die firma Tractors en Mo- Sabie. Secretary.tors te vervreem by wyse van verkoop 11 November - 1970. Notice No. 39/70en konsolidering daarvan met die aan- (Kennisgewing No. S 14/0.)' P. 0. Box 20,

r. grensende erwe nos. 398, 399, 401 en Stilfontein.402. • 841 — .11 11th November 1970


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GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN STIL- WARMBAD MUNICIPALITY. Offices, Alberton, not later than I Ith Ja- 1FONTEIN. nuary, 1971.


Notice is hereby given in terms of See- Municipal Offices,Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge lion 14 of the Local Authorities Rating Alberton.

Artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Ordinance No. 20 of 1933, as amended, 11th November 1970Bestuur, 1939, dat die Gesondheidskomitee that the abovementioned roll has been cc- Notice No. 102/1970.voornemens is, om onderhewig aan die toe- tified and signed and will be binding uponstemming van die Administrateur, Palala- all parties concerned who shall not within •

straat in Uitbreiding 4 Stilfontein permanent one month from date of first publication STADSRAAD VAN ALBERTON.te sluit en Oranjestraat te ver16 met die oog of this notice appeal against the decisionop 'n nuwe onderverdeling van alle aan- of the Valuation Court in the manner pro- (i) VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTEliggende erwe. vided for in this ordinance. SLUITING VAN PARK, ERF NO.

'n Plan waarop die voorgestelde gewysig- 571, aanleg aangetoon word kan gedurende A. H. LANSER (ii) RUILING VAN VOORNOEMDEgewone kantoorure besigtig word by die President of the Court PARK, NA SLUITING, VIR ERWEkantoor van die Sekretaris. J. S. VAN DER WALT, NOS. 190 TOT 193 SOUTHCREST

Enigiemand wat beswaar wil maak teen Clerk of the Court VAN DIE NEDERDUITSE GERE-

die voorgestelde sluiting of verlegging of . 6 . . FORMEERDE GEMEENTE, ALDER-Municipal Offices,wat moontlik skadevergoeding wit eis na TON-NOORD.

aanleiding daarvan moet sodanige beswaar P. 0. Box 48,Warmbaths Tvl.11 November 1970of eis by die Sekretaris indien voor of op Hiermee word oorecnkomstig die bepa-

20 Januarie 1971. tinge van artikel 67(3) en artikel 79(18)(b)T. A. KOEN, van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur,

Sekretaris. MUNISIPALITEIT WARMBAD. 1939, soos gewysig, kennis gegee van diePosbus 20, voorneme van die Stadsraad van AlbertonStilfontein. om behoudens goedkeuring dour Sy Edele 411 November 1970.

INTERIM WAARDASIEROL 1968/71. die Administrateur die park, erf No. 571,Kennisgewing No. 39/70. Ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 14 S outhcrest, permanent vi.die t publiek to

843- 11 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur shut en dit na sluiting te ruil vir erwe

No. 20 van 1933, soos gewysig, word hier- nos. 190 tot 193, South-Crest, van die Ne-

SCHWEIZER RENEKE MUNICIPALITY mee kennis gegee aan alle belanghebbende derduitse Gereformeerde Kerk van Trans-

persone dat die lys voltooi is en dat dit vaal, Alberton-Noord gemeente.

AMENDMENT OF ELECTRICITY SUP- vasgestel en bindend gemaak word vir 'n Plan waarop die betrokke park aan-

PLY BY-LAWS. alle betrokke_ partye wat nie binne cen gedui word, la gedurende gewone kantoor-

maand vanaf datum van die eerste publi- ure ter insae in die kantoor van die Klerk

In terms of section 96 of the Local Go- kasie van voornoemde kennisgewing teen van die Read.Eiemand wt beswar il or teen

vernment Ordinance No. 17 of 1939, as die beslissing van die waarderingshof appel- nig a

amended, notice is hereby given of the leer nie op die wyse soos voorgeskryf word. die voorgenome sluiting aenwvervppreemeding,

of wat moontlik skadevergoeding sal witCouncil's intention to amend the electricity eis, al na gelang van die geval, indien diesupply By- laws published under Adminis- A. H. LANSER so-trator's notice No. 491 dated the 1st Jul President van die Hof.y

voorgestelde sluiting plaasvind,moet danigebeswaar of eis skriftelik ten laatste1953, as amended, in order to provide for J. S. VAN DER WALT.a new tariff of charges. Klerk van die Hof. op 11 Januarie 1971 by die Stadsklerk,

Munisipale Kantoor, Alberton, indien.Copies of the proposed amendments will Munisipalekantore

be open for inspection at the office of the Posbus 48,' A. G. LoTTER.

Town Clerk for a period of 21 days from Warmbad. Stadsklerk.the date of publication hereof. 11 November 1970. Munisipale Kantoor,

Alberton.P. 5. B. DU PREEZ.

845- 11- 1811 November 1970

Town Clerk. Kennisgewing no. 102/1970.Municipal Offices TOWN COUNCIL OF ALBERTON. 846- 11

Schweizer Reneke.11 November 1970. (i) PROPOSED PERMANENT CLO- 4Notice No. 18/70 SING OF THE PARK, STAND NO. RUSTENBURG TOWN COUNCIL.




RENEKE. FOR STANDS NOS. 190 TO 193, Lion 65(bis)(1) of the Local Government

WYSIGING VAN SOUTHCREST FROM THE DUTCH Ordinance, 1939, as amended, that the Town

ELEKTRISITEITS - VOORSIENINGS REFORMED CHURCH, ALBERTON Council has resolved to alter the existing

VERORDENINGE. NORTH. bus routes of buses using Smit Street. Lu-

cas, Leyds and Van Zyl Streets are affected

Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 96 Notice is hereby given in accordance by the proposed alteration.

van die Plaaslike Bestuurs Ordonnansie No. with the provisions of Section 67(3) and Particulars are lying for inspection with18 79 Section()(0 of the Local17 van 1939, soos gewysig, word hiermee Govern- the Clerk of the Council and any person

bekend gemaak dat die Dorpsraad van ment Ordinance, 1939, as amended, of the having objections may lodge his objection

voorneme is om die elektrisiteitsvoorsie- intention. of the Town Council of Atherton, in writing with the Town Clerk on or

ningsverordeninge afgekondig by Adminis- subject to the consent of Hon. The Ad - before 27th November, 1970.

trateurskennisgewing No. 491 gedateer 1ministrator to close the park, stand No. If no objections are received, the routes

Julie 1953, soos gewysig, verder te wysig 571, Southcrest, permanently to the public will come into operation on 1st December,

ten erode voorsiening te maak vir 'n nuwe and thereafter to exchange same for stands 1970.

tarief van Gelde. Nos. 190 to 193, Southcrest, with the Dutch J. C. LOUW.

Afskrifte van die beoogde wysigings 16 Reformed Church of Transvaal, Alberton- Town Clerk.

ter insae by die kantoor van die Stadsklerk North congregation. No. 89/70

vir 'n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf publikasie A plan showing the relevant park may 11th November 1970

hiervan. be inspected at the office of the Clerk ofP. J. B. DU PREEZ the Council during normal office hours.

• Stadsklerk. Any person who has any objection to STADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBURG.Munisipale Kantore, such closing and alienation, or who maySchweizer Reneke. have any claim for compensation if such WYSIGING VAN BUSROETES.11 November 1970 closing is carried out, must lodge his ob-Kennisgewing No. 18/70 jection or claim as the case may be, in Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel

844- 11 writing with the Town Clerk, .Municipal 65(bis)(1) van die Ordonnansie op Pleas -

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0like Bestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, dat die STAD JOHANNESBURG. • . The Council will consider whether or notStadsraad besluit het om die bestaande bus- • the scheme should be adopted.roetes van busse wat Smitstraat gebruik, to ONTEIENING VAN SERWTTUTE VIR Any owner or occupier of immovableverander. Lucas -

, Leyds - en Van Zylstraat WELDING EN WATER VIR VEE EN property within the Municipal boundary,word daardeur geraak. - SKAPE. GEDEELTE VAN DIE RES- has the right to object to the Scheme or to

Besonderhede le ter insae in die kantoor TERENDE GEDEELTE VAN GEDEEL- make representations in respect thereof,van die Klerk van die Raad en enige per- TE VAN GEDEELTE 5 VAN DIE PLAAS and if he wishes to do so, he shall withinsoon wat beswaar het kan sodanige beswaar MISGUND NO. 322 I.Q. -

. four weeks of the first publication of thistot 27 November 1970, skriftelik by die - notice, which is the 11th November 1970Stadsklerk indien. AAN DIE EIENAARS, MURDERS inform the local authority, in writing, of

Indien geen beswaar ontvang word nie, EN OKKUPEERDERS VAN ONDER- • such objection or representation and shallsal - die roetes op 1 Desember 1970 in. GENOEMDE EIENDOM. '

state whether or not he wishes to be heardwerking tree. by the local authority., '

I. C. LOUW Hierby word ingevolge die bepalings van• Stadsklerk. artikel 6(0(b) van die Municipalities Po- .


S. D.:MARSHALL.wers of Expropriation Ordinance, 1903, be- Clerk of the Council

No. 89/70' . kend gemaak dat die Stadsmad voomemens Municipal Offices,,

11 November 1970. is om die serwitute vir welding en water Johannesburg.847- 11 vir vee en skape waaraan die gedeelte van Ilth November 1970. .

die Resterende Gedeelte van gedeelte - van . . .

Gedeelte 5 van die plaas Misgund no. 322 • •

I.Q. naamlik die gedeelte wat aan die weste-, kant deur die pleas Goudkoppie no:' 317


CITY OF JOHANNESBURG. I.Q. aan die suidekant deur die voorstadRivasdale en aan die ooste- en noordekant VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE

EXPROPRIATION OF . SERVITUDES deur die verbindingspad tussen Klipspruit SUIDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK•FOR GRAZING AND WATER FOR cn die Provinsiale pad begrens . word, on- DORPS-AANLEGSKEMA.

0 CATTLE AND SHEEP OVER PORTION derworpe is, to onteien sodat die Raad die'

(WYSIGINGSKEMA NO. 28)OF THE REMAINING EXTENT OF gedeelte vir 'n riodhvatersuiweringsinrigting :- -...-

PORTION OF PORTION 5 OF THE en aanverwante doeleindes km gebruik.FARM MISGUND 322 I.Q. Die volgende gedeeltes van die plans Mis-


Die Stadsraad van Johannesburg het 'Itontwerpwysigings r dorpsaanlegskema op.

• gund no. 322 I.Q. is gereglig op die ser-TO THE OWNERS, LESSEES AND wituut:

gestel wat as Wysigingsdorpsbeplanningske.,' ' ' ma no. 28 bekend sal staan.

OCCUPIERS OF THE UNDERMEN- Gedeeltes 4, 6, 7, 8, die Resterende Ge- Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgendeTIONED PROPERTIES: deelto van Gedeelte 8, Gedeeltes 9, 12, 14,

16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 36, 37, 38, 39; 40,voorstel:

Klousule 17(a) word gewysig deur dieNotice is hereby given, in terms of sub- 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 'woorde 'Use Zones I, II, III, IV. V and

section 6(0(b) of the Municipalities Powers 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, XI" te skrap do 'dit deur die woorde „anyof, Expropriation Ordinance, 1903, of the 73, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 117, 118, 119 Use Zone" te vervang.intention of the City Council to acquire by en 120. Besonderhede van hierdie Skema Id tercompulsory purchase.the servitudes for gra - Die volgende Gedeeltes van Lenaron- insae in kamer 423, Stadhuis, Johannesburg,zing and water for cattle and sheep to landbouhocwes is ook op bogenoemde ser- vir 'n tydperk van vier woke van die datumwhich the portion of the remaining extent witute gereglig: Gedeeltes I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 van die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennis.

gewing,of porion of portion S of the farm Mis• en 116. af, naamlik 11 November 1970.gund No. 322 I.Q. being that portion bar- Enigiemand wat as eienaar,• huurder of Die Read sal die Skema oorweeg endered by the farm Goudkcipple, No. 317 okkupant van enigeen van bogenoemde eien• besluit of dit aangcneem,moet word.I.Q. in the west, the township of Rivasdale domino daarop gcregtig is om •genoemile Eriige eienaar of . okkupeerder . van vastein the South, and the link road between wei- en waterregte vir vee en skape uit- te eiendom binne die' muntsmale gebied hetKlipspruit. and Provincial. Road on the east oefen en wat teen die onteicning daarvan, die reg om teen die Skema beswaar teand 'north, is subject to enable the Council beswair wit ' opper, meet ,die Read niters mask, of om vertod ten 'opsigte daarvanto use such portion for a sewage purifica- op 31 Desember 1970 skriftelik van so- te rig, en indien hy 1 dit wil doen. moet bytion works and purposes incidental thereto. danige beswaar verwittig. die Plaaslike Bestuur binne vier woke van

The following portions of the farm Mis- Nader besonderhede van die voorgestel- die eerste publikasie Ian hierdie kennisge-

gund No. 322 I.Q. are' entitled to the ser- de gebruik van genoemde gedeelte van die Wing, naamlik 11 November 1970 skriftelik

' vitude: Resterende Gedeelte van gedeelte van Ge: van sodanige beswaar of vertot in kennisPortions 4, 6, 7, 8, the remaining extent deelte 5 Van die plaas Misgund no. 322 I.Q. stel ed vermeld of .hy deur die •Plaaslikeof Portion 8, Portions 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, deur die Read, kan gedurendc gewone kan- Bestuur gehoor wil word of nie;19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, toorure in kamer 213, Stadhuis, Johannes- •

44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 58, burg, verkry word.-


'S. D. MARSHALL,60 61 62 65 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 71, 72,


' -,'

• Klerk van die Raad73; 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 117, 118, 119 IClerk van die Raaa.and 120. Stadhuis;


' JohannS3urgThe following Portions of Lenaron Agri- Johannesburg. 1 1 November 1970. ,


cultural Holdings are also entitled .to the 11 November 1970.' . November 1970. - '11 - 18

abovementioncd servitudes namely 848- 11- 18- 25.Portions 1, 2, 3,. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 116.


Any person ' interested as owner, lessee '


or occupier of any of the above properties, VILLAGECentitled to enjoy the said rights of grazing PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO •

. VILLE.and water for cattle and sheep who objects SOUTHERN JOHANNESBURG RE-to the compulsory purchase thereof must GION TOWN PLANNING SCHEME. PERMANENT CLOSING OF PARK.serve' notice, in writing, of such objection (AMENDMENT SCHEME NO. 28)on the Council by not later than the 31st The City Council of Johannesburg has Notice is hereby given in terms of sec-December 1970. prepared a draft amendment town planning tion 68 of the Local Governnient Ordinance

Further particulars of the proposed user scheme to be knoWn as AinendmMt ToWn 1939 that it is the intention of the Villageby the Council of the said portion of the Planning Scheme No. 28. Council to close erf No. 410 situated atremaining extent of portion of portion 5 of This draft scheme contains the following Du Plessis Street, Delareyville Extension No.the farm Misgund 322 I.Q. may be ob- proposal: 3, permanently as a park and to put ittamed at Room No. 213, City Hall, Johan - To amend Clause 17(a) by the deletion available for industrial purposes.nesburg, during office hours. of the words "Use Zones I, II, HI, IV, V A copy of the council's resolution to -


. and XI" and the substitution therefor. of gether with a plan indicating the size andS. D. MARSHALL, the words "any Use Zone". situation of the said erf will lie for in-

Clerk of the Council. -Particulars of this Scheme are open for spection at the office of the Town ClerkMunicipal Offices, •

' inspection at Room 423, Municipal Offices, during office hours.I Johannesburg. . ' • Johannesburg, for a period of four weeks Any objections to the proposed closing of

1.!..;j11 November 1970. from the date of the first publication of this the park or claims for any loss or damage,

51/4164/1" '

notice, which is the 11th November 1970. caused thereby must be lodged in writing

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with the undersigned not later than 12 noon TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONT- 'n Afskrif van die voorgestelde Veror- IIIon Monday, I lh January, 1971. WIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE deninge le ter insae in Kamer A407 by die

GEBIEDE. Raad se Hoofkantoor, Bosmanstraat 320,' F. J. PELSER. Pretoria vir 'n tydperk van 21 dae vanafTown Clerk. BEKRAGTIGING VAN WAARDE- datum hiervan . gedurende welke tydperk

P. 0. Box 24, RINGSLYSTE. skriftelike besware daarteen by die ander-Delareyvillc. getekende ingedien kan word.Ilth November 1970. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die waarde-

Notice No. 43/70. ringslyste vir die ondergenoemde Plaaslike R. P. ROUSE.Gebiedskomitees voltooi is en ooreenkom-

Sekretaris.stig die bepalings van Artikel 14 van die Posbus 1341,Plaaslike Bestuursbelasting - ordonnansie, Pretoria.

DORPSRAAD VAN DELAREYVILLE. Nr. 20 van 1933, soos gewysig, gesertifi - Kennisgewing No. 162/70seer is en dat dit vasgestel en bindend 11 November 1970PERMANENTE SLUITING VAN PARK gemaak sal word vir alle partye wat de 852- 11binne een maand vanaf die datum van die

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be. eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewingpalings van artikel 68 van die Ordonnansie teen die beslissing van die Waarderingshof,op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939, dat die Dorps- op die Wyse in die gemelde Ordonnansie MAKWASSIE HEALTH COMMITTEEraad van voornemens is om erf No. 410 voorgeskryf, geappelleer het nie. nLgeled aan Du Plessisstraat Delareyville Uit- (a) Tussentydse Waarderingslyste — Brent- VALUATION ROLL 1970/73.breiding No. 3 permanent te sluit as 'n wood, Clayville, Clewer, Davel, Eloff,park en vir nywerheidsdoeleindes beskik- Evander, Halfway House, Hillside, Notice is hereby given that the valuationbaar te stel. Kosmos, Lothair, Malelane, Ogles, roll of all rateable property within the mu-

'n Afskrif van die Dorpsraad se besluit en Paardekop, Roossenekal, Rosslyn, nicipal area of Makwassie, has been pre-

'n plan waarop die grootte en ligging van Schoemansville, Suidwes-Pretoria, Sun- pared in accordance with the provisions ofvoormelde erf aangedui word. le ter insae dra, Vischkuil, Walkerville, Grasmere/ the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance Noin die kantoor van die Stadsklerk geduren- Lawley, Klipriviervallei, Willowdene, 20 of 1933, and will lie open for publicde kantoorure. Klipriviersoog, Suid-Rand. inspection at the municipal office during

Enige besware teen die voorgestelde sluff-(b)

AlgemenegWaarderingslyste — Maga- office hours for thirty days from date of

ling van die park of enigeliesbur . this notice.

edin indge cis om skade- Op gesag van die President van die Waar- All persons interested are hereby calledvergog ien die sluicing uitgevoer deringshowetword, moct skriftelik nie later don 12 mid- upon to lodge in writing with the Secre-

dag op Maandag, 11 Januarie 1971 by die J. D. VAN SCHALKWYKtary within the period above-mentioned, in

ondergetekende ingedien word nie. the form set forth in the Second ScheduleC. J. FOURIE. annexed to the said Ordinance, of objec-

Klerke van die Waarderingshowe. tions which they may have in respect of theF. J. PELSER. Posbus 1341,Stadsklerk. valuation of any rateable property as

Posbus 24,Pretoria. appearing in the said valuation roll, or inKennisgewing Nr. 157/1970 respect of the omission therefrom of pro-

11 November 1970.Delareyville.

I1 November 1970. perty alleged to be rateable property, andKennisgewing No. 43/70. whether held by the person objecting or

850- 11. by others, or in respect of any other error,851 — II — 18. omission or misdescription.

Forms of notice of objection may. beTRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DE- TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVE- obtained on application at the MunicipalVELOPMENT OF PERI-URBAN AREAS LOPMENT OF PERI-URBAN AREAS Office and attention is especially directed

to the fact that no person will be entitledCONFIRMATION OF VALUATION METRICATION OF WATER SUPPLY to urge any objection before the Valuation

ROLLS. BY-LAWS. Court, to be constituted, unless he shall havefirst lodged such notice of objection as

Notice is hereby given that the Value- It is hereby notified in terms of the pro - aforesaid.lion rolls for the undermentioned Local visions of Section 96 of the Local Govern - J. C. J. DREYER.Area Committees have been completed and ment Ordinance, 1939, that it is the Board's Secretary.certified in terms of the provisions of sec. intention to revoke its Water Supply By- 11th November 1970. ILion 14 of the Local Government Rating laws in order to promulgate a new metri-Ordinance No. 20 of 1933, as amended, and cated and modernised set of By-laws.the rolls shall become fixed and binding A copy of the proposed By-laws will lieupon all parties who shall not have appealed for inspection in Room A407 at the Board'swithin one month from the date of the Head Office, 320 Bosman Street, Pretoriafirst publication of this notice against the for a period of 21 days from date hereof GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN MA-

KWASSIE.decision of the Valuation Court in the during which period objections in writingmanner prescribed by the said Ordinance, thereto may be lodged with the undersigned.

WAARDERINGSLYS 1970/ 73namely,(a) Interim Valuation Rolls — R. P. ROUSE

Secretary. Hierby word kennis gegee dat die waar-Brentwood, Clayville, Clewer, Davel, n 1341, deringslys van alle belasbare ciendommeEloff, Evander, Halfway House, Hill- P. O. Boxside, Kosmos, Lothair, Malelane, Ogies, Pretoria. binne die munisipale gebied van Makwassie,

Paardekop, Roossenekal, Rosslyn, Notice No. 162/70 ingevolge die bepalings van die Plaaslike

Schoemansville, Suidwes-Pretoria, Sun- 11th November, 1970 BestuurBelastin 1933,opgestel is egordonnansie

No. 20 vann in die Munisipale Kan-

dra, Vischkuil, Walkerville, Grasmere/ toor vir die publiek ter insae sal le vir 30Lawley, Klipriviervallei, Willowdene, dae vanaf datum van hierdie kennisgewing.Klipriviersoog, South Rand. TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONT- Alle belanghebbendes word hierby ver-(b) General Valuation Roll — WIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE soek om binne die bogenoemde tydperkMagalicsburg. GEBIEDE. aan die Sekretaris, op 'n vorm soos voorge -By order of the President of the Valua- skrewe in die Twcede Skedule van genoem-

lion Court: METRISERING VAN WATERVOOR- de Ordonnansie, skriftelik kennis te gee vanSIENINGS-VERORDENINGE. besware wat hulle in verband met die waar-

J. D. VAN SCHALKWYK during van enige belasbare eiendom in ge-C. J. FOURIE, Dit word bekend gemaak, ingevolge die noemde waarderingslys mag he, of ten op-

Clerks of the Valuation Courts. bepalings van Artikel 96 van die Ordonnan- sigte van die weglating daaruit van eien -sie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die domme wat na beweer word belasbaar is,

P.O. Box 1341, Raad van voorneme is om sy Watervoor- hetsy dit aan die beswaarmaker of aan ie -Pretoria. sieningsverordeninge te herroep ten elude mand anders behoort, of ten opsigte vanNotice No. 157/1970 'n nuwe gemetriseerde en gemoderniseerde enige ander fout, weglating, of verkeerde1 1 th November 1970. stel Verordeninge te laat afkondig. beskrywing. .

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Beswaaraantekenvorms kan op aanvraag LOUIS TRICHARDT MUNISIPALITEIT July, 5 and 12 August 1970, and any ob-verkry word by die Munisipale Kantoor en jection to the Interim Valuations and thedie aandag word spesiaal gevestig op die WYSIGING VAN BYWETTE said Roll, will be held in the Large Com-feit dat niemand daarop geregtig is om enige mittee Room, First Floor, Municipal Of-beswaar voor die Waarderingshof, wat la - Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van die fices, City Hall, Johannesburg, on the 13thter saamgestel sal word, te opper nie, tensy bepalings van Artikel 96 van die Ordonnan- 16th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th and 27thby eers, sons hierbo gemeld, kennis van sic op Plaaslike Bestuur dat die 'Stadsraad November 1970, at 9.30 beswaar gegee het. voomemens is om onderhewig aan die

goedkeuring van die Administrateur, sy Wa- S. D. MARSHALL.J. C. J. DREYER. tervoorsieningsverordeninge te wysig om Clerk of the Council.

Sekretaris. voorsiening te maak vir 'n heffing op erwe Municipal Offices,11 November 1970. wat by die Raad se watemetwerk kan aan- Johannesburg,

853- 11 sluit en nie reeds 'n maandelikse minimum I I th November 1970.heffing betaal nie.

LOUIS TRICHARDT MUNICIPALITY Afskrifte van die voorgenome wysigingkan in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk na- •

WATER SUPPLY BY. LAWS gesien word gedurende kantoorure, en be- STAD JOHANNESBURG.sware daarteen, indica enige, moet by on-

Notice is hereby given in terms of the dergetekende ingedien word voor of op 9 WAARDER1NGSHOF.December1970.provisions of Section 96 of the Local Go -

B. J. CRONJE. Hicrby word bekend gemaak dat die eer-' vernment Ordinance that the Town Council ste sitting van die Waarderingshof, wat aan-

intends, subject to the approval of the Ad - Stadsklerkgestel is om die tussentydse waarderingministrator, to amend it's Water Supply By syfers en die Waarderingslys, wat in dielaws to provide fora charge on erven which

can be connected to the Council's water

!distribution system and on which a mini-.mum monthly charge is not at present pay-able.

Copies of the proposed amendment can

Munisipale Kantore,Louis Trichardt.11 November 1970.

advertensies van 29 Julie, 5 en 12 Augustus1970, genoem word, en enige beswaar teendie genoemde tussentydse waarderingsyfers

854- 11 en die genoemde lys te oorweeg, om 9.30vrn. op 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, en 27 No-vember 1970, in die Groot Komiteekamer,

be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk Eerste Verdleping, Stadhuis, gehou sal word.during office hours, and objections thereto, CITY OF JOHANNESBURGif ,any, must be lodged with the undersigned

S. D. MARSHALL.on or before 9th December, 1970.

'VALUATION COURT. Klerk van die Raad.

B. J. CRONJE. It is hereby notified for general infor- Stadhuis,Town Clerk mation that the first sitting of the Valu- Johannesburg.

Municipal Offices, ation Court, appointed to consider the In- II November 1970.Louis Trichardt. terim Valuations and the Valuation Roll,11 November, 1970. referred to in the advertisements dated 29 855- 11.



... .

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. ,

. . .

r• Proclamations Proklamasies

• ,

259. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri- '259. Transvaalse Raad vir Die Ontwikkeling van Suite-

Urban Areas: Alteration of Area of Jurisdiction: . stedelike Gebieder Verandering van Regsgebied:Incorporation: Karino 134 J.TJ. ... ... ... ... ... 34012 , Inlywing: Karino 134 J.U. . . 3402

260. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri- 260. Transvaalse Raad vir Die Ontwikkeling van-

Urban Areas: Alteration of Area of Jurisdic- Buitestedelike Gebiede: Verandering van Regs -.

tion: Incorporation: The Farm Alkmaar 286 J.T. 3403 gcbied: Inlyi.ving: Die Plaas Alkmaar 286 J.T. 3403.

261. Amendment of the conditions of Title of Erven 261. Wysiging van Titelvoonvaardes van Erwe 31293129 and 3148, Bryanston Extension 7 Township. 3403 cn 3148, Dorp Bryanston Uitbreiding 7 ... ... ... 3403

262. Amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 180, 262. Wysiging van Titelvoorwaardes van Erf 180,Sunnyside Township . 3404 Dorp Sunnysidc . 3404

263. Amendment of the conditions of Title of Lot 178'

263. Wysiging van Titelvoorwaardes Lot 178, Dorp(Consolidated Portion. ] of Lot 17, the Remaining Sandown (Gekonsolidecrde Gedeelte 1 van LotExtent of Lot 17, Lots 18 and 19), Sandown

-17, die Resterende Gedcelte van Lot 17 en Lotte

Township . ,3405 . ' 18 en 19) . 3405

. .

Adininistrator's Notices . . Administrateurskennisgewings

1331. Benoni Municipality: Amendment to Building 1331. Munisipalitcit Benoni: Wysiging van Bouver-By-laws .. . . 3405 ordeninge . 3405.

1332. Nylstroom Municipality: Amendment to Fire 1332. Munisipaliteit Nylstroom: Wysiging van Brand-Brigade By-laWs 3406 weerverordeninge . 3406

41333. Nylstroom' Municipality: Amendment to Elec- 1333. Munisipaliteit Nylstroom: Wysiging van Elek-

tricity Supply By-laws '... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1406 trisitchvoorsieningsverordeninge ... ... ... ... ... 34061334. Road Adjustments, on the farm Doombult 29, 1334. Padreelings op die plans Doornbult 29, Registra -

Registration Division 11.0.: District of Schweizer- sie Afticling 11.0.: Distrik Schweizer-Reneke ... 3406- 1335. Munisipaliteit Rustenburg: Wysiging van Begraaf-

1335. Rustenburg Municipality: Amendment to Ceme- plaasverorderiinge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... :.. 3407tery By-laws . . . . .... . 3407 1336. Munisipaliteit Germiston: Wysiging van Water-


1336. Germiston Municipality: Amendment to Water voorsieningsverordeninge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3407•

1337. Verlegging en verbredmg: Openbare Paaie: Dis-

1337. Deviation and widening: Public Roads: District . trik Pietersburg ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3407of Pietersburg . . . . . . . 3407 1338. Verklaring en verbreding van Distrikspad 2189:

1338. Declaration and widening of District Rbad 2189: Distrik Pilgrims Rest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3408District of Pilgrims Rest ... ... ... ... ... .....:. 3408 1339. •Verklaring van Openbare Distrikspaaie: Dis-

1339. Declaration of public District Roads: District of •

Lydenburg ... ... .. : . 3408 1340. Verlegging en verbreding van Distrikspad 1276:1340. Deviation and widening of District Road 1276: Distrik Lydenburg ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3409

District of Lydenburg ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3409 1341. Verbreding van Distrilcspaaie 168 en 1479: Distrik1341. Widening of District Roads 168 and 1479: Dis-

trict of Schweizer-Renekc .. . .. . 3410 1342. Verbreding van Distrikspad 1963: Distrik Ven -

1342. Widening of District Road 1963: District of tcrsdorp .. 34101343. Voorgestelde Opheffing of Vermindering van Uit-

1343. Proposed Cancellation or Reduction of Outspan spanserwituut op die pleas Paardekraal 226 -I.Q.:Servitude on the farm Paardekraal 226-I.Q.: Dis- Distrik Roodepoort ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3410trict of Roodepoort ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3410 1344. Voorgestelde Opheffing of Vermindering van *flit-

1344. Proposed Cancellation or Reduction of Outspan spanserwituut op die plaas Vlakfontein 69-I.R.:Servitude on the farm Vlakfontein 69-I.R.: Dis Distrik Benoni-

1345. Munisipaliteit Micfrielburg: Wysiging van Veror-

1345. Middelburg Municipality: Amendment to Brick- deninge op Steenmakerye ... n. ... ... ... ... ... 34114making By-laws ... . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3411 1346. Munisipalitcit Randfontcin: Wysiging van Bou-

1346. Randfontcin Municipality:. Amendment to Build-ing By-laws ... ... ... ... 3411 1347. Munisipaliteit Delmas: Wysiging van Sanitare- en

1347. Delmas Municipality: Amendment to Sanitary and Vullisverwyderingstarief 3412Refuse Removals Tariff , 3412 1343. Munisipaliteit Nylstroom: Wysiging van Steen-

1348. Nylstroom Municipality: Amendment to Brick- bakkerye Verordeninge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3413making By-laws . 3413

1349. Munisipaliteit Meyerton: Herroeping van Regula-1349. Meyerton Municipality: Revocation of Bicycle sics op die Lisensiering van Trapfietse ... ... ... 3413

Licence Regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34131350. Albcrton Amendment Scheme 1/59 ... ... ... ... 3413 1350. Albcrton -wysigingskema 1/59 ... ... ... ... ... 3413

1351. Provincial Council - General Election ... .... 3399 1351. 1'rovinsinle Rand - Algemene Verkiesing ... ... 3399

General Notices Algemene Kennisgewings

694. Volksrust Town-planning Scheme ... ... ... ... ... 3414 694. Volksrust-Dorpsaanlegskema ... ... ... ... ... ... 3414699. Proposed Bronkhorstspruit Extension 1 Town- 699. Voorgestelde Dorp Bronkhorstspruit Uitbrei-


ship . 3414 ding 1 3414700. Proposed President Rus Township 3415 700. Voorgestelde Dorp President Rus 3415701. Proposed Jatinga Township . 3415 701. Voorgestelde Dorp Jatinga . 3415702. Proposed Curriefield Township 3416 702. Voorgestelde Dorp Curriefield ... ... ... ... ... 3416703. Proposed Erasmus Extension 4 Township ... ... 3416 703. Voorgestelde Dorp Erasmus Uitbreiding 4 ... ... 3416704. Proposed Riamar Township 3417 704. Voorgestelde Dorp Riamar . 3417705. Fleur de Lys Township ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3417 705. Dorp Fleur de Lys 3417706. Proposed Township Rensburg Extension 2 ... 3418 706. Voorgestelde Dorp Rensburg Uitbreiding 2 ... 3418707. Proposed Delmas Extension 4 Township ... ... 3418 707. Voorgestelde Dorp Delmas Uitbreiding 4 ... ... 3418

708. Proposed Township Timberton 3419 708. Voorgesteldc Dorp Timberton 3419

709. Proposed Township Ormonde Extension 1 ... 3419 709. Voorgestelde Dorp Ormonde Uitbreiding I ... 3419

710. Randburg Amendment Scheme No. 1/63 ... ... 3420 710. Randburg-Wysigingskema No. 1/63 . 3420

11711. Potchefstroom Amendment Scheme No. 1/37 ... 3420 711. Potchefstroom -Wysigingskema No. 1/37 ... ... 3420

712. Vereeniging Amendment Scheme No. 1/50 ... ... 3421 712. Vereeniging -Wysigingskema No. 1/50 ... ... ... 3421

713. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 713. Noordelike Johannesburgstrcek - WysigingskemaScheme No. 278 . 3422 No. 278 . 3422

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714. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 714. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek - Wysigii3gskemaScheme No. 274 . 3422 No. 274 3422

715. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 715. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek - WysigingskemaScheme No. 260 3422 No. 260 3422

716. Potchefstroom Amendment Scheme No. 1/33 „. ... 3423 716. Potchefstroom-Wysigingskema No. 1/33 ... ... 3423717. Witbank Amendment Scheme No. 1/18 . 3424 717. Witbank-Wysigingskema No. 1/18 3424718. Pretoria Amendment Scheme No. 2/37 ... ... ... 3424 718. Pretoria-Wysigingskema No. 2/37 3424719. Germiston Amendment Scheme No. 3/27 . 3425 719. Germiston-Wysigingskema No. 3/27 ... ... ... ... 3425720. Notice: Bookmaker's Licence A. D. Bock ... ... 3425 720. Kennisgewingt Berocpswedderslisensie A. D. Bock 3425721. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 721. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek - Wysigingskema

Scheme No. 257 3426 No. 257 3426722. Pretoria Amendment Scheme No. 1/253 . 3426 722. Pretoria-Wysigingskema No. 1/253 . 3426723. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme No. 1/456 ... 3427 723. Johannesburg-Wysigingskema No. 1/456 ... ... ... 3427724. Nigel Amendment Scheme No. 1/20 3427 724. Nigel-Wysigingskema No. 1/20 3427725. Establishment of Elandshaven Township ,.. ... 3428 725. Stigting van Dorp Elandshaven . 3428726. Proposed amendment of the conditions of Title 726. Voorgestelde wystging van Titelvoorwaardcs van

of Holding No. 10, Rosashof Agricultural Hold- Hoewe No. 10, Rosashof Landbouhoewes: Distrikings, district Vanderbill Park . 3428 Vanderbijlpark 3428

727. Establishment of N'Tsiri Township ... ... ... ... 3429 727. Stigting van dorp N'Tsiri 3429728. Proposed Kildrummy Township . 3429 728. Voorgestelde Dorp Kildrummy 3429729. Proposed Carletonville Extension 10 Township ... 3430 729. Voorgestelde Dorp Carletonville Uitbreiding 10 ... 3430730. Proposed Lyttelton Glen Township ... ... ... ... 3430 730. Voorgestelde Dorp Lyttelton Glen . 3430731. Proposed Shlaralumi Township 3431 731. Voorgestelde Dorp Shlaralumi 3431732. Proposed Township Roseacre Extension 7 ... ... 3431 732. Voorgestelde Dorp Roseacre Uitbreiding 7 ... 3431733. Proposed Waterberg Township 3432 733. Voorgestelde Dorp Waterberg ... ... ... ... ... 3432734. Proposed Fleurette Township ... ... ... ... .. ... 3433 734. Voorgestelde Dorp Figurate ... ... ... ... ... ... 3433735. Proposed Elandshaven Extension 1 Township ... 3433 735. Voorgestelde Dorp Elandshaven Uitbreiding 1 ... 3433736. Proposed Struisbult Extension 1 Township ... 3434 736: Voorgestelde Dorp Struisbult Uitbreiding 1 ... ... 3434

Tenders . 3434

. .i .

Skutverkopings 3437

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Notices by Local Authorities . 3437 Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewings ... ... ... ... ... 3437
