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  • 7/27/2019 The Presence of Islam Within A Society Is An Invitation To Jihad.


    The Presence of Islam Within A Society

    Is An Invitation To Jihad.

    By Chris Farrell

    Our Nations Founders Drew a Line in the Sand that, if

    recognized and applied to the present situation wherein

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    America is being systematically infiltrated by agents of Islam

    intent on advancing their agenda within the fabric of American

    society unto their ultimate objective of conquering the United

    States, could function as an instrument with which America

    could properly defend herself against the cancerous spread of

    the murderous cult of Islam within her borders. Americas

    Founders gave to future generations of Americans the tool with

    which to defeat Islam.

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    The Declaration of Independence begins with a preamble

    under the heading The Unanamous Declaration of the Thirteen

    States of America,and continues, When in the Course of

    human events, It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve

    the political bands which have connected them with another,

    and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate

    and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Natures

    God, the Lord Jesus Christ, entitle them, a decent respect

    to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the

    causes which impel them to the separation.

    Said preamble needs now, in our time at the helm of our

    ship of state, to be amended by the following sentiments

    inserted after the words which have connected them with

    anotherby expanding the wording to address the enemyAmerica faces today, the murderous cult of Islam and its world

    domination agenda, to read as follows: which have

    connected them with another even to the degree of tolerating

    intolerable ideological or religious beliefs which have and do

    define themselves through the actions of adherents to such

    beliefs as the enemy of the liberty which with all men areendowed by their Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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    Since the murderous cult of Islam has throughout its

    history and does today explicitly hold to doctrines of world

    domination and the dhimmitudinization of non-Muslims unto

    a de facto slave status under Sharia law, We the Peoplemust

    recognize that those values espoused in the teachings of Islam

    are incompatible with a free society and that the murderous

    cult of Islam cannotmust notbe tolerated in the United

    States of America or any of her territories.

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  • 7/27/2019 The Presence of Islam Within A Society Is An Invitation To Jihad.


    Please watch the free 10 part video series

    presented by Frank Gaffney:

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    Islam is, strictly speaking, not a religion alone. It is a

    political/philosophical ideology, a legal system, and a military

    instruction manual mandating and sanctioning murder. Islam is

    a totalitarian system of tyrannical governance which represents

    the antithesis of Liberty.

    Islam is an evil religious cult, yes, but much more.

    Americas collective failure to recognize our enemy Islam for

    what it is in its totality is the single greatest advantage that our

    enemy has facilitating its effort at defeating the United States

    and dominating Judeo-Christian culture.

    It was the contention of the signers of The Declaration of

    Independence in recognizing the entitlement of separate and

    equal station availed by the laws of Nature and Natures God,

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    the Lord Jesus Christ, unto a free nation that any such nations

    citizens should rightly exercise the action of decently respecting

    the opinions of mankind in the Course of human events by

    declaring the causes which impelled them towards separation

    fromin the trial of their timeGreat Britain.

    Americans today should as well decently respect the

    opinions of mankind in the Course of human events and declare

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    as we face the trial of our timethe world-wide expansion of

    the murderous cult of Islam, an enemy as insurmountable in its

    dimensions as Great Britain seemed unto our nations Founding

    Fathersthe causes which impel us now unto the separation

    from and the rejection and exclusion of the murderous cult of

    Islam from participation in American society.

    America must determine to defeat Islam. Nothing short of

    unconditional surrender will suffice for to permit Islamparticipation within any society is an invitation for the viral

    spread of the murderous cult which holds fundamentally to

    aspirations of world domination under a one-world Islamic

    Caliphate. Islam is not here in America to participate or

    coexist, it is here to dominate.

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  • 7/27/2019 The Presence of Islam Within A Society Is An Invitation To Jihad.


    Holding the truths which are self-evident as did our

    nations Founders denies the toleration of any encroachment

    upon those same truths by erroneous ideologies which deny

    the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, from Whom all men are

    endowed with certain unalienable rights.

    The truths that all men are Created equal, that they are

    endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that

    among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happinessringsfamiliar in the hearts of all those who would call themselves

    Americans. We hold such truth as self-evident.

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    Those words are the very tintinnabulation resounding for

    generations within the hearts ofWe the Peopleof the United

    States of Americathe Spirit of 76, the American Spirit of

    Libertyrevered and saluted symbolically in Americas Liberty

    Bell which, though cracked and silent, still resonates strongly

    within the breast of all those who assent to the truth that all

    men are, in fact, endowed by their Creator with certain

    unalienable rights.

    "The preservation of the sacred fire of

    liberty, and the destiny of the republican

    model of government, are...staked on the

    experiment entrusted to the hands of the

    American people."George Washington,

    First Inaugural Address, 1789.

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    The Declaration of Independence continues, That to

    secure these rights, Governments are instituted among

    Men, deriving their just powers from CONSENT OF THE

    GOVERNED,that whenever any Form of Government

    becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the

    People to alter or abolish it, and to institute newGovernment, laying its foundation on such principles and

    organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem

    most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long

    established should not be changed for light or transient

    causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that

    mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are

    sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the

    forms to which they are accustomed. BUT WHEN A LONG






    THEIR FUTURE SECURITY.(Emphasis added.)

    The freedom of religion determined by and for We the

    Peoplein the First Amendment to the Constitution needs not

    be extendedshould not be extendedunto adherents to the

    murderous cult of Islam for the words When a long train of

    abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same

    objectare a working definition of Islams doctrinal strategy,

    that is to say, design, ofDHIMMITUDEunder SHARIA.

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    Islam advances an invariable pursuit of an

    object: The object being a one-world Islamic

    Caliphate; and Islam evinces a design embodied instrategic doctrines that are literally directions for

    dominating non-Islamic societies. Islam aims to

    dominate America under the absolute despotism

    ofSharia and reduce all non-Muslims to the de

    facto slave status of being what Muslims identifyas a dhimmi.

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    It is every American's right and duty to throw off and to

    throw out such a murderous cult as Islam as sure as it would be

    to throw off any government that might arise which so clearly

    and precisely met the description of any such a government

    which Americas Founding Fathers realized might one day arise

    on historys stage and about which they chose to give us

    warning and advice as how appropriately to address.

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    It is as well every American's duty who would defend the

    Constitution to provide New Guards for our future security

    and a new, legal, legitimate president who will lead us in the

    war in which we are engaged in against the murderous cult of

    Islam. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., or Barry Soetoro, or

    Soebarkah, or Harrison J. Bounel is an enemy agent of Islam

    practicing taqiyya who has achieved the inconceivable: The

    criminal usurpation of the presidency of the United States by


    Our enemy, Islam, reduces all non-Muslims unto the de

    facto slave status ofdhimmi; a status with no rights under the

    absolute despotism ofSharia law.

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    The words written to protect America from abuses and

    usurpations by a future hypothetical derelict American

    government apply equally, indeed more so, as instruction as

    how to proceed against any foreign enemy which meets the

    description in the warning from our Founding Fathers so

    precisely as does the murderous cult of Islam.

    Islam is not just a religious cult. It is a cultural mandate

    unto every dimension of a society antithetical to the

    foundational principles of the American experiment in

    government of the People, by the People and for the People.

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    It is the right and the duty of those who would defend the

    Constitution and Liberty to exclude the murderous cult of Islam

    from the religious freedoms bought with the blood and toil of

    Americans and throw out of our country adherents to such a

    murderous cult which espouses an agenda of world domination

    through terror.

    Japan does not permit Islamist activity of any kind within

    her territories and Italy does not recognize Islam as a religion.

    They recognize the true totalitarian nature of Islam for the evil

    political ideology that it is.

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    It is the right and duty of every American who would

    defend the Constitution to demand a congressional

    investigation into the blatantly forged documents that the

    'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa has proffered as

    purported evidence of his constitutional eligibility to be

    president. Dr. Charles Rice of the Notre Dame School of Law

    maintains that to do so would be within Congress' 'informing


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    Americans must expel all Muslims who advance any

    dimension of culturaljihadwithin the United States in order to

    guard her future security, and she needs now to terminate any

    further immigration of adherents to Islam.

    If we do not take this drastic step now future generations

    of Americans shall suffer the same fate as the citizens of all

    non-Muslim countries where Islam has infiltrated like a

    cancerous disease and conquered in its 1400-or-so year history.

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  • 7/27/2019 The Presence of Islam Within A Society Is An Invitation To Jihad.


    If'We the People'fail to take action as 'New Guards' of

    American Liberty then future generations of Americans shall

    have to take up the fight under far worse conditions wherein

    the murderous cult of Islam shall have entrenched itself more

    deeply within our borders by means of infiltration of all areas of

    American society wherein Islamic agents practicing taqiyya, like

    Mr. Obama, advance policies that facilitate their achieving their

    ultimate goal: the domination of Islam over every facet of

    American society.

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    No society that values Liberty

    should tolerate Islam.

    America must determine to defeat her enemy and demand

    nothing less than unconditional surrender from our pan-Islamic


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    History has clearly demonstrated that compromise with

    the murderous cult of Islam inevitably leads to subjugation

    under the totalitarian religious cult/political ideology/financial

    system/military doctrine tyranny of Islam.