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The Power Of Unsubscribing.

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When I started information marketing back in 2006 I was making $500 – $800 a day from my

first day on.

It prompted me to learn more. I figured, if I could make $500+ that easily, what else was possible?

So I started researching.

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I got on peoples’ lists. I learned about all kinds of business models.

AdSense. Blogging. Membership sites. Whatever was hot at the time.

And something very interesting happened…. the more I learned, the more my income went


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I kept listening to everyone else’s “better ideas” and spent so much time jumping from thing to

thing that my income just plummeted.

See, it doesn’t matter how much discipline you have. When you get bombarded by emails from

tons of people hyping up “the next big thing”, how can you not at least look?

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So you innocently look. And then you buy. Or you research. Or you just waste a bunch of psychic


Who needs that?

So a few years ago I went on an unsubscribe spree.

The only people I’m signed up to now are people I get VALUE from.

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If I’m going to be on someone’s list, I need at least one of the two to be present:

Do their messages make me feel good?Do their messages provide content that actually

helps me?

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Messages that make me feel good are very valuable to me. Thing is, it makes more sense to manage your energy instead of your time. Who cares about having lots of time if you don’t have

the energy to maximize it?

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So if people are emailing me with messages that lift me up, make me feel good, and give me energy… I think those are SUPER valuable.

They’re my favorite messages to read.

As for emails that provide content that helps, that’s a bit more self explanatory. Why would I

want to be on someone’s list if they’re constantly pitching me?

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I appreciate getting valuable content I can apply right away. I love emails with quick bite sized tips.

And some pitching is totally fine. I welcome it. I want to know about tools that can benefit me.

But 24/7 pitching, no content that helps me… no thanks.

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With these two factors in mind, my income has gone right back up.

I highly recommend you consider it.

(And no, I’m not worried about people unsubscribing from my list. I do my best to meet both of those criterion and feel proud of what I

send out. :))