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    SEO is defined as the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a parGcular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. What isnt included in the definiGon is HOW to actually ensure that someones website appears on the first page (preferably at the top) of Google or Bing. The reason for this is because the formulas, algorithms, and pracGces are constantly being changed and evolved.

  • Search engine the most popular used today: !

    Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, etc.!


  • SEO Helps People Find Your Website. SEO Drives Relevant Traffic with High Conversion PotenGal.

    SEO increases your sales and provide beYer Return on Investment.

    SEO Leverages Social Sharing and reach more people than tradiGonal MarkeGng Methods

    SEO Builds Trust & Credibility. SEO Helps Build Your Brand on Internet


  • To run SEO optimally, we must understand how SEO works, both from the trend & keywords that many people are looking for so that it can increase visitors.!


  • Here are a fewtips inSEOto increasetrafficvisitorsweb site:!

  • Page TitleOptimization!1!

    Make the titles interesting in writing a content is central, because the first thing that visitors see is the title, with an interesting title, ensured they will try to get a view is clicked.!

  • CreateEngaging Content !2!A good website have interesting content. Interesting content must have the writing, multimedia such as image, video and podcast which that when visitor read it we can giveits ownemotions!

    Every writing content must input the keywords that will be easily read by search engines. As good as whatever content we make but not readable by search engines then it would be pointless. !

  • Build Link Building 3!Link Building is to create links from other websites to your website. Website popularity is determined by the number of incoming links. Benefits link building could increase the visitors and improve page rank. Meanwhile, the purpose of Link building is how to link your website to the first page when a keyword is searched by visitors.

  • Here are four things to consider to be the top in the changes that occur in the SEO: !

  • Dont Make Spam !

    1!Changes made by Google for its SEO does not make the companies of confusion. The old SEO algorithms, for example. They always develop SEO to reduce spam that is on the internet. He put a website in a higher place if the website has a link that connects with other Web sites.

  • Connected With Community

    2!What is the best way to increase your website ranking in the search engines? In fact, the same way as you build with customers and make sales, that is connected with your community. As always happens, a clever and good advertising will quickly retweet, in the post republished and disseminated among the fans of your business. This way not only bring new customers to the company, but it adds to the quality of the links associated with your brand.!

  • Bring forth assistance from foreign parties !

    3!Community building is a good way to improve SEO company, but it's also important to understand what is wanted by the search engines. If you do not understand what the desire of SEO, it's time You called for help. !


  • Create Useful Content An oldie but a goodie, helpful, keyword relevant

    content is still the core of good search strategy.!

  • Op?mize For Mobile Google advises using responsive design. An approach to web design that automaGcally repackages content based on the device using it.

  • Think About Questions, Not Just

    Keywords Next Gme if you write a blog post, think about the way people search. Use

    your post Gtle to answer quesGons in full. Use keywords but worry less about keyword placement than usefulness.

  • Add Author Tags And Other Social

    Link your posts to your Google+ profile using rel=author tags. Add your website to your Google+ account.

  • Think About How Context Changes

    Search Needs Create a Google+ account.

    If relevant, create a local search strategy. Start thinking about mapping your content strategy to customer lifecycle


  • CLIENT : Nike Golf!INDUSTRY: Apparel & Sports Equipment!URL:!CAMPAIGN TYPE: SEO!

    Goal: Increase visibility of the Nike Golf site in search to posiGon the brand to aYract site visitors during the golf season.

    Strategy: Make the site search engine-accessible and surface research-informed content


  • Nike Golf is the golf-specific retail branch of Nike. The sub-brand is perhaps best known for decking out Tiger Woods for every tournament: from his golf balls and clubs, to his polos, and footwear. !


    The SEO challenge that we faced at the beginning of our engagement was the lack of a focused keyword strategy and a site built in a way that was very difficult for search engines to crawl for content. The lack of a focused keyword strategy resulted in a situation in which the few SEO elements that could have potentially aided the site (page titles, meta descriptions, internal links from blog posts) were far from effective.!

    The Challenge


  • What users saw (lea) and what search engines saw (right).

    In order to develop a soluGon for both problems, our team collaborated to simultaneously perform deep keyword research and look into advanced technical soluGons


  • SEO Keyword Research"

    On the keyword side, we analyzed terminology used in Nike Golfs inaccessible content, dug into large volumes of keyword data, and analyzed search/industry trends. Our research helped us make decisions like whether we should target golf apparel, golf clothing, golf clothes, or golf sportswear. In that specific case, we found through our data, testing, and analysis of the search landscape that Google and Bing were treating these different variants as more or less distinct, that golf apparel was more frequently searched in the US, and that visitors who landed on the Nike Golf site through golf apparel searches stayed longer, dug deeper, and were more likely to convert. From there we developed a thorough keyword that would allow our team and the Nike Golf team to strategically work high opportunity keywords into specific pages.!


  • Overcoming Accessibility Issues"

    On the technical side, we knew that improving search engine rankings would be exceedingly difficult while the site remained in flash. So, we weighed our opGons.

    Completely rebuilding the site would be a massive resource cost for Nike and was off the table from the beginning.

    Using the noscript tag (which the developers had included as a fallback for older browsers) to deliver SEO-specific content wasnt working.

    Using a newer technology that would work hand-in-hand with the old site and that wouldnt necessarily require a ton of upfront investment might be feasible.

    Implementing the Solution & Initial Change"With perfect Gming, the revised site launched and the corresponding research-informed alternated content just before the start of the 2012 golf season. With a week, we noGced large jumps in rankings for the sites most important non-branded keywords. These rankings had been relaGvely stable for months, seeing only small gains every once in a while. For many keyword rankings, the launch of our soluGon correlated with ranking jumps of more than an enGre page of results.

  • What users see now (left) and what search engines see now (right)!


  • The Results"

    Compared to the 2010 golf season, the 2011 golf season saw a 169% in total increase in organic search traffic. This includes both branded search (searches for Nike related terms) and non-branded. Between the 2011 and 2012 seasons, the site saw an addiGonal 67% gain. In total, thats a 348% gain in 2012 over the 2010 golf season. However, gains in total organic can be deceiving, since increased brand acGvity, influence, and aYenGon can lead to big increases in branded search traffic. To truly assess an SEO campaigns effecGveness, we prefer to look primarily at search traffic from non-branded keywords.