Download - The power of one... 90 day challenge

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The Power of One The 90 Day Challenge

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The Magic of Compound Building

A Recruiter’s Mentality Recruiting is an all-the-time thing. It’s a “state of mind.” Get quantity, to get quality.

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Build It Three Times

1. Build it in your mind.2. Build it on paper.3. Build it!

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Do you accept the Challenge???

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The Power of One

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The Power of One

By always helping a new person get just “one” new person at every level, you always position yourself for at least four more sales.

And have the potential for a Fireball Leader to emerge.

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The Law of Averages

The only way to overcome the negatives of the

Law of Averages is to harness the power of the

Law of High Numbers.

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Ordinary People Extraordinary Wealth

You don’t have to personally sponsor many to have teams in the thousands!!!

Do have to build a mindset

Do have to find a few that will do the same

Do have to get folks “plugged in”

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Power of One!

Get 1 new QA per Month • 1• 2 2x2 4• 3 4x2 8• 4 8x2 16• 5 16x2 32• 6 32x2 64

Get 1 new QA per Month • 7 64x2 128

• 8 128x2 256• 9 256x2 512• 10 512x2 1,024• 11 1024x2 2,048 • 12 2048x2 4,096

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Do you accept the Challenge???I will get one new personal Qualified Associate (QA)Sept, October and NovemberI will help each new associate to get one new QA

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