Download - The Portuguese SDI and its Contribution for the GSDI Cristina Gouveia CNIG Portugal.


The Portuguese SDI and its Contribution for the GSDI

Cristina Gouveia

CNIG Portugal


Background SNIG development SNIG Evolution Stages Strong and Weak points Contributions for the GSDI


February 1986 - creation of the task force

February 1990 - CNIG and SNIG creation

May 1995 - SNIG on the Internet January 1998 - New interface June 1999 - GEOCID launching

SNIG Evolution Stages (1 of 3)

1990 - 1995– linking databases experiences– contacts and negotiations with geo-

spatial data producers– efforts to promote the use of GIS and

the production of GI digital data– support to the implementation of

municipal GIS

SNIG Evolution Stages (2 of 3)

1995 - 1998 (professional user oriented)– Fully distributed system on the Internet

(– Development of WWW interfaces to existent

databases– Implementation of mechanisms for commercial

transactions on-line– Dinamization of SNIG local nodes– Implementation of the Earth Observation Network


SNIG Evolution Stages (3 of 3)

1998 until now (citizen oriented)– More appealing and user oriented user interface – Development of applications oriented to the

citizens (aerial photographs access, Municipal Master Plans maps and associated rules, production of thematic maps of Continental Portugal, Educational module,...)

– Development of a SNIG version oriented to the general user - GEOCID, including a new application giving access to the 1995 complete coverage of the country in orthophotos - “Portugal from the Sky” application

GeoCIDThe ortho-photographs application at SNIG

SNIG Development

Coordination Core data Metadata

SNIG Coordination

Coordinated by CNIG, which is government research agency– 14 staff members

CNIG provides technical assistance to GI producers and promotes data accessibility and avoid duplication efforts

SNIG includes central, regional and local levels

SNIG Core data (1 of 2)

(what is the core dataset? the most used?)

Core data sets do not really exist as such

No core data was identified or defined

The Concept of Core data depends on the GI Data User

SNIG Core data (2 of 2)

Increase access to the available data The ortho-photographs are the dataset

with the highest number of access through SNIG:– they are used both by Citizens and GI


SNIG Metadata

Metadata catalogues describe:– Cartographic data– Alphanumeric data– Aerial photographs coverages– Satellite images

Follow CEN TC287 Centralized database, which is managed


Strong Points (1 of 2)

There is a legal mandate to develop the SDI The coordinator body is not a GI producer, it

is research agency with strong links to the research community– promotes the exploration of new technological

developments Integrates local, regional and national It targets citizens

Strong Points (2 of 2)

Strong emphasis on the users needs:– Usability testing of the web site and focus

groups to understand the users needs Funding program for the SDI development:

– Improve the use of GIS by local governments – Support the production of GI such as the


Weak Points (1 of 2)

Top-down approach Different policies of dissemination of the

public sector information sometimes associated to business motivations

Insufficient human resources at SNIG nodes and also at CNIG:– Institutions are still too reliant on CNIG

support, and are not motivated to create their own staff devoted to the SDI

Weak Points (2 of 2)

Lack of some datsets needed for the development of the GIS market to applications such as geomarketing, distribution and etc

The GIS market is still in an early stage

Contribution for the GSDI (1 of 3)

SNIG development shows that an SDI should not only target GI professionals but also the citizens – This approach will enlarge the GI market

Integration of the local level with the regional and national level– The local level is very important for the

development of the GI sector not only they are the GI main producers but also its main users

Contribution for the GSDI (2 of 3)

More than defining the core dataset it is important to establish processes to access to existing data:– Development of metadata catalogues

based on standards– Improve interoperability

The SDI have to consider that different types of users have different data needs

Contribution for the GSDI (3 of 3)

Analyze the data access policies and their impacts on the GI market development.

Consider the development of the SDI as a process that combines a top-down approach with a bottom-up approach