Download - THE-POINTER · THE-POINTER Series III. Vol. III. No. 28. Stevens Point, Wis., May 23, 1929 Price 7 cents Schmeeckle To Grads To Decide Leave Job At On School Event A committee of


THE-POINTER S eries III . Vol. III. No. 28. Stevens P oint, Wis ., May 23 , 1929 Price 7 cents

Schmeeckle To Grads To Decide On School Event Leave Job At A committee of the Alumni A ssocia -

_Girls' Field Meet-- To Be Held On Saturday tion has been going over the prcli111i11 ·

Athletl·c Post arie, of th• unnunl a lumn i affair for this spring.

Two suggc:-ttion!i h1lVO been present· cd - one favoring a banquet and thL·

Has Served At Manager 's Post other u<lvocuting a pi cni c at th ,· Chain-0 ' ·Lakes, \Vaupaca, \Vis.

For Five Years The co mmittee will talk to al1 graduat -

Pointer Mailing List Increasing

Participants and Events for Meet Announced

Saturday, J;uay i5, the Girls' Field ~I eet will bC he ld on the College back ca n1pus. 'l'h\s is uu annual event and has previously been well a,ttcndc<l. Prof. F. J. Schmeeckle ha s resign c1.l

his post as chairman of the College A thlctie Committee and after July bt will turn over his position to his sue· cessor.

?rl r. Schmeeck le has se rved for fiv(.' years as manager on the Athletic Com· rnittee and it is with regrets t hat the students and fa culty mem be rs w i tness the resignati on from a position whi ch he has fil1cd so faithfully and effj. cicntly.

Services Are Appreciated

H e has done much to promote tile progress of athlet ic end eavors of t he school and hns spon~ored u growing in ­terest in thnt line. As proof of his sin ­cere and earnest efforts, members of the Mtate championsh ip football tea.111 seve ral weeks ago presented him a si lv­er lo,· ing cup as a token of apprecia· t ion and regnrd for the littl e things that he has done for them.

Aroused Tennis Interest Un de r his regime, the splendid ten·

ni s cou rts, whi ch arc now in eviden ce, we re construc ted and improv r d. •ro him, much of the credit for efficient hand · Jiug of J:Jchedules and finance~ is due. It is indeed with full app reciation or h is worth that people of t he College regret the change whi ch relinqui~hc:i his servi ces in this particular respect .


May 24 - "The Detour" (Ru­ral Ciasg Play)

}lay 28 - Cha lk '!':ilk at Nelson Hall

May 20 - Concert and Art Exhi­bit in Auditorium

:May 30 - Memorial Day R ecess June i - Jun ior High School

Graduation ,Jun e ti - Bacca laureate ,June 10 - Senior Class Play Juno 11 - Unveiling of Culver;

lfcmoria l 'fal,let in Lihr:irr at 4 :00 .

Jun e 12 - Commencement.

Iris Staff Presents Reminders To Grads

es today uftc r assembly co nce rui11g It is a well known fa ct thut we arc their arrnngcmcnts and th ey will IJc living in un age thut is noted for its give n a chnncC to dec irlc wh iCh pla n int c re,t't in ndvt•rtising nnd sell ing pro· they prefer. positions. P e rhaps most s tudents urc

It is desirab le that nll gradilatcs uuacquaintcd with the uclvcrt isi ng a ~­sho"•" an ~nle rest i n th.e :~ffair in on!('r pect. 0 ~ the school paper, the Poiuter. to make 1t a success. rh1s does not 111 · 'l'h e mailing Ii-st of n $Choo! pape r is c1l.ud

1c one yea

1r rtu rn l gm.eluates but 011 1~ , irn important part of that paper's l ife.

< 1p oma grn< ua es. 'l'h 'I' r t f ti p · t 1 b T he affn' · 11 b 1 I I J lltl I e mat 111g 1s o .1e orn e r ms een

before Con~~n;:11

00 m!n~ c ~11 J'\,irt~1r tn1

s~cadi ly g rowing until at ~he prese nt charge of the following co mmittee: r :nu~ there arc more than :?ta 11a111es en-Mrs. F. N. Spindler, P res. · e re · i i r. A. J'. H e rrick A copy of the Pointe r is l-,ent rcgular-Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ste iner ly to a ll addre~ses on the li ~t. Qu it e a i\lrs. A. T. Olsen . good deai of time mu st 1,e ~pent each 1\Ii ss May Roach week to fo ll] , address, und wrap the co· Mr. Burton Pierce. pies which are to be se nt out.

Pearl Staples Wins Short Story Honors

The Ma rgaret Ashmun Club a1111ou11 -ees as the winn(.'r of thr sevt•nth :11111u:il short story contes t, Pe~tr l Staples.

Her story, "The R ed emJJt ion of H enry'' was unanimouslv vo,t•d fi1·st p ince by t he judges. Sec~ ncl pla et• wns awarded to Germaine Siuku lar whusl' story was eutit led ' 1 How T ht• R:ii11 King Punished Billy." •

Judges of the contest wrro Profl'ssur Rurroughs1 Miss Amy A111l er:;011 1 :111<1 Mrs. EliznlJeth l\fa loney.

A prize of ten doll ars, <lo11:1ted 1,y i\iiss :Margaret Ashmun, was gi ,·e 11 ). l i~s Staples, and Miss Si11 k ular rc•(·t•ivl'd n newly re le:ised book . Aec·o rdiug to thr ruling of th e contest, t he winners auto· maticnlly become me1111Jen1 of tht• l'lu h.

The winning story will be pul,lislu•1l in the next edition of the Pointt'r;

New Placements For Students, Alumnae

? . Herr ick reports that t he pl:H'l' · meut se rvi ce has het'n going a long r:1-pidly.

Th e following additional pl::it·t•tn l'nts have been made si1H•e thr las t i !SS Ul' of The Pointer. Grntluates -

Margaret Currier - Grades 1 :111d 2 - Plainfie ld, Wisconsin .

Elizabeth Co llins - History, High School - Stevens Point, Wis1·011si11.

Vera s,• hrffne r - Soeinl St·ir1u·r. P hysical Eel., l. ihrary, Latiu - l-l illH·rt, \ Vis.

The postal cost is much lel'ls than ono would exp.eel. Through npplication, the Pointer wns entered ns second c l:ls!i mutte r. 'fhe cost of se nding :!15 copiel'I i~ J l cents for ench time.

The work of ci rculating the school paper is being cn rri ed on by John l(ol ­kn and J ulius Haroldson.

Netters Play First Tennis Competition

Th e inter·co11cgiate tr11nii-l competi· tionR opc11NI , uturday with the Central nct tcrs co ntc!'lting the Oshkosh cour t rovers.

The 1i11e- up and results of, aturday 's co nte~t showed thr singles to result 5- l in faYOr of Oshkosh and double~ :? -.1 in fa,·or of the Poi 11 tr rs. K,·o rrs \\' l'l'('

:1s fo llows: . i ngle!-1 -McDaniel~ - Lanbs, (j.;i, G-1. Hoss - Swan, li·l·, 9·i, l.i·t. Plenhke - T heis, 7-5, 6·t, 6·0. Ebe rha rdt - Porte r, 6-41 7.9, 6·7. Holmes - Pngel, (j.:(, li -4 . Ri e r - Dagn enu, ti-:!, 9. 7. Doubles -Lanbs, Theis vs. P lcnhk e, MyDnni cl~

- 6-3, ti·.!. ([n favo r of O•hkosh.) Swan, Porter vs. ROMS, Eberhardt -

G·l ·, G-:1, i -5. ( l n favor of Stevens Point.)

Dagn eau, Pagel vs. Holmes, Rie r -k-G, 8-ti. (In favor of Ste\·ens Point )

T he schedule fo r evcn·t~ and tho parti c ipants ente red nre as fo llows:

I :30 - Base Ball Game. \ "edn Car.swell, Irene Lutz, Marion

Nelson, Prances Bacon, Holen Smart, Margaret Richa rds, .Esther H awkes, Genevieve Pulda, Stella B uhl, Ethel Kelley, Betty Sippy, Lucille Schmidt, Sylvia Brickson, Crystal Springer, Anu Jesclun, l'' rnuces J ohnson , Esther Sor­enson, Mnry Leii:--

3:00 - 'l'rnck un d Field F.vents. Primary Teiun: Lucille Scott, Hi lde·

ganl P c,lerson, Emma Boson , Vc<la Cu r:(­wrll, Ufnrion Nehwn, Helen Smart, ,'el· ma Thorson, Norma 'Mills.

G. A. A. Team: Ann ".Mc\Villia ms, V i. via n Culvrr, Glndys Cut ler , Agne~ Spa rks, Alirr Hougen , Luc ill e Krumm, Eunice Ri lev, Vrrn ice Brhnke, Gen e­,·ieve Cn r1l. ·

{!;t vr. H. R. ·~rnd H omr Ef" T('am: Ufu­r illa Rohrrts. Ufnrv Len, Helen Ham ­mrr,;, Ruhy Hn ncl, · Mnr 1?nret R ich a rds, 'l'h e rer,;a Lepinsk i, Cryr,;tn l Jo~eph , Do. rothy Kuh l, Ann DeBnse.

Rnphomorc Hom e F.c· . ..,. Trnck: Ali re Wnlling'ton , Luc·i ll c Schmidt, Alic<' Fnlk, Bett,v Sippy, Irr nc Rkut ley, Vi ­vian nr N ichols, r.::rn ra. R<·hoeni ger, \ Vi­nona Hoohr.

Gr:1111111:ir bt y r. Tea111: I rene Fer· mnnich, Cnthe rine Novit~ki, ifnrgnrrt

(Con tinued 011 pngo 4, l'O I. 1) .

PLAY ON FRIDAY Students :lr<' rc•mi111lNl t hnt t he

Rurnl Life Cl ub play, "The De· tour'', will be presented in t hree ac·ts, .1',riday, M.ay 24 in t he College ·Auditoriu m.

Ad mission will be 3fi1• for :ulults and 25c. for students.

Not many e vents have bec 11

sc·hed ul ccl for tho rest of the yeur

so students should remembe r Urn

cl::itc and respond.

Announce Prize For College Life Story

Th ere am still a number of peoplt.• ~\·ho have not pnid _ their c lass dues. 1t! 1s nece?tsary th a t this be settled in or1h•r to graduate. P lease be prompt!

Gladys l1anson - High Sehoql AssiR· tant - EndC'avor, Wisronsin .

Lco11a Lloyd - Grades 1 an,] 2 -Unit.,·, Wist'Onsin.

Grac•e Lapr nske - Gr:11le 2 - T igf'r ·

Oshko~h nette r; will come he re for n hntt le on t he loca l cour t~ on the :!9th of Ul:i y. Thi~ Sat u rday, JI. lay :!5th, the locu l netmen will journey to Apple ton for n match with Lawrence Coll egr. Co ll ege Humor a11d Doublcdny Dorun

hnvt• 1.·oope rateft in offering $3,000 ms :i

P S prize for a t ampus novel contest, H

resent tatement •tnry of rnllcgc life liy t his coll ege ge-Sc~!:.._al of the Clubs and Org:111i za­

tions have paid for their space iu the Annual. There :ire a number howrvc r who have not paid and the Business Manager wishes their l'Oupcrution ill making the financial side of the year book a success.

The On e Year Rural people may pay the sum of $1.UO to Mr. Neale for the ir cut in the Annual.

Pictures are on sale at the counter. Ge t the favorite picture. Here's your cha nce. Individual pictures, lOc, group pictures 25c.

The an noun cement s are here now. A sign to that effect will be posted at the l'Ounter.

lt won 't he long now before, the I ris will be ready for distribution. K ee p in mind t he Iris party. Watch for t he date, and be there. i1 __ _ )fi ldred Burnum - H ome E t·o11omit·s

- Ke waunee, Wisconsin. ]{ athc rin c Wu1a·h - Gn1<lrs · G anil 7

- West De Prre, \Visconsin . Grace Rice - Gradr!4 4 an<l 5 - Wrst

De Pere, \Visconsin. Alumnae -

Marjorie Johnson - Home Eron omi .-s -Sh iocton, \Visconsin.

Lydia ,Jones - Vocational $('hoo l -Stevens Point, \Viseonsin.

Ma rgaret Varo - Gracle l - Rih Lake, Wi sconsin.

Wylma Truesd:llc - Home Eeon()· mic·s, Voca tional School - Stev(.'118 P oint, \Vis.

Thelma Rei(.'r - Grades 2 and 3 -\Vaupun , Wisconsin.

Rubv Dow - Grades 7 and 8 - \Vit · 1,·11~21;1 ~Vieconsin.

0 £-' ·1.- c --t -t m•rafiuTJ:--'l'hcT-of1tcst is opeu to a ll T .I peecn on es t Ollt.•gc hoyH a11d girls of Amt.•ri ca11 C'Ol ·

1'hC' f i11:.t1u·i :1 l statrnH'llt for tht• dis · leg es ti!! untl t'rgradu:H c•s aucl to gm· triet oratorical c·on tes t has IJee n suli mit- 1lu:ites of not more th:111 011t• year. 'l' h t• trcl for pul,lit·Ht.ion. Thil!I t·ontest \\':.llf 1,e. Mtory may I,~ :111 :rntuhi~grnphy hut it t ween t hr n •prCst•Jl lativt•s from t hc high must de:d with to ll cgc• li fe• t1111l eo llt•g1• schools of t il t• surrou nd iu g 1·o m111u11itit•i1 pt• opll'; 11 must hr :1 ~1ory of yout h s_,·1·11 und was he ld nt tlw f'e11trnl C'11lll•g1• .-\u - through t ht• c,vt•!i _of lf f-1 own gt•n~·ru~w11. ditorium 1u1 ).fav :$rd . Th e 1·011t1•st will r lmw 1111 m1cl1111,{ n t ,

Pollowing- h1 °'the itemi1.t•d :d11lt•11w11t Oc·toher 15, 1929. of rece ipts ancl cxpl'tHliturt•s. T_vp('rl mnuusnipl!-1 11f 7fi ,OII~ to 1110,0011 Gross JlrOf'ct•ds . . . . . . .. $46 .. 25 words should hr :-w11t \nt h rc t.uru ,Judge (Osh kosh ) . . . . . 11.00 postage to t he C'ampu~ Pri~.c· ~~\·cl Cun · Judge (}-.;a u CJ:ii n• ) 14.GO test, Co llege Humor, lO;,O North, L:i Printed matuial . . . 4.00 Salle Street, Chit·:1go, Ill. , or to (a111 ·

)Ir. Rohr (D iistrict ehnivmau ) 16 .40 pus Prize Novel f'o11tl'!lt, • Doul,lc~l.n.\·, (Expcnsl'!i of Advertisiug ) D0rn11 a11d Co mpany, 111 ,·.! Garde n Ci t)_' ,

N ew York. Th e jutlgc>i,t will ht> the t>fll· $46.00 tors of DouhJ('(lay, Dor:111 nnd Coll(•ge

.25 Humor. 1'ot a l ExpC'nS<'R Ral:111 t 1' .. . . . .


Vol. m . THE POINTER No. 28.

Published ,veekly at Stevens Poin t by the students of the Central Wisconsin State Teachers' College-. Subscription Price $2.00 per year.

Enteted as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at the post office at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, under the Act of Ma rch 3, 1879.

THE STAFF -Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . .. . .. J ohn P ralguske - Phone 963W News Editor ...... . ...... . . . . .. ........... . .... Fern Pugh - Phone 564W Head-Writer ........ . . . ....... . . ... . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. ... . . Chester Smith Society Ed i tress .. ...... .... . . ... ......... . ... . .. . .. ..... ... . Louise Meinke

- Girls' Athletics . . . .. ... ... . . . ..... . ................ I . . . Vivian Culver Reporters .... .. . . . . . .•. .. . Kathryn Thompson, Madge Dunham, P earl Staples Proof Readers ........ . ..... . . Ethel Madsen, Ruth Johnson, Margaret H 0inig iJusincss Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richa rd Marshall - Phone 963W Circula tion Manager .. .. . . .. ..... . ....... . ........... . .......... John Kolka Ass 't Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ul ius Haroldson Typists . ...... . .. . ....... . .. . ........... Catherine Novitski, \Vinona Roohr, Faculty Advisor ............. . .... . . .. ..... ... ...... ... Mr. R. M. Rightsell


S UCCESSFl L T each ers' Coll eges, like successful manufacturers, tum out. a product that p leases. In the first case, the product is

in t he form of mate ria l t hings. In th e. econcl case, the product con-sists of t he g raduates of t he schools in pa rticular. .

ln the fie ld of peda gogy, ·atis[actory sen-ice coupled with char­acter is the measuring stick .

In the ea rl y days of wo rk in the fi eld of preparat ion of teachers, the matter wiis quit e uncertain. 'l'he executives g roped in th e dark . But now t he path is well d efined. Failures are q uickl y cl iscernecl and dropped . '!'h e competition is becoming keener and k een·er.

It is fort unate that Centra l State is one of the Teachers ' Colleges wl1ich is coming through. Placement of graduates is a true index of . e ffectiven ess or ineffcct iY eness of teachc1· trainin g and teaching pro­cedures.

Placements for thi · year arc being made w it h aston ishing rapid ­ity. Placements arc extremely satisfactory both in number and in cope of the f ield covered. 'l'his success has a cause. The cause is the

st raightfonrnrd po licy which is bein g pursued . T he course of train­ing enables t he graduate to hand le hi s position well. As a r esult, the people in cha r ge of hiring teachers always come to Central for more.

The Stevens Point Daily Journal has commented editorially on tht> s uccess whiah C. ·. 'l'. C. has e xperi enced in fi nding positions foe its "raduates. The i11tert'St which the tow n fo lks have in the College is t: Le app r t'ciatl'd very , very much. lndi l'ations point to a certa in continuation of' th t• 1noµ-1 ·1•ss 111 entio11 c<I in the Daily ,Jou r nal.


T I-m 1929 State Hi µ- h St·hool l{and Tournament, held at Stevens P oint , has been um1nimons ly judged a wonde rfu l su ccess. 'l'h c

success itsl'if was possiLl e becm1sc of the fine coope1·at ion which was tl isplaye<l Ly Loth t hos,• in cha 1·ge ot: the affair and t hose who m!!de sacrifices and ga Ye of th eir se r vices.

'l'he fo lks of Stevens Point would " ·elcome anoth er opportunity to be hos t to such an evt' nt. ln spi te of the [act t hat a cons iderable

Everybody up l That' s It. For our opening selection we will sing ''P aris might have decreed that skirts must be longer, but our coeds haven ' t heard about it." So there!

' ' \Vh a t tim e 's nex t train go to \Vnsh­ington 9 11 n traveling Chin ese asked t he rail way information d erk.

"Two-two," repli ed t he offic ia l. " I know t he trnin goes too-too, " i 11 -

sistecl the Ce1cstial, '' I no ask how he go; I as: wl1en he go'I"

500 MILES It is said, you know, tha t very great

aches from l!ttle corns may grow. Who said ' No '?

Mildred Stover: "What Is your Idea of an old fa shioned home, ErikR ? ' '

Erlka Leloff: '' An old f a.shloned home is where the mother still uses t he hem of her dress to wipe persplratio!l from her brow in the kitchen.''

You can see that it 's plain murd,er when · a safe-cracker comes home from work all tired out, and h's wife asks him to open a can of sardines.

amount of la bor was entai led, t he effo r ts we1·e well worth whil e. The Co nscience is something tha t turns au wo1·kers look back with p1·ide to the e,·en t just past. Anyone would automohi lc ride into n walk. s11: 11 gµ- le a nd slave for a fe w days in ord er to he lp toward th e consum-mation of such a commendable enterprise . P lumber's wi ~~F:\1y poor huslrnnrl

It was a s ight that ,vill never be fo rgotten - see ing those fifty is dead. Now 1 ' 11 neve r S('c. him agai n." odd hands marching on pa.-ade. Every boy and gi rl in that parade Milkmnn: "Sure you wi ll. He 'll he was as proud as a peacock. lt was a big clay in their young lives . bl)Ck for his tools. "

'l' he pa,·acl c and tournament competit ions were merely the ends I ORANGE IT a . ta ined li j t he peop le in .clla r gc or seconda1·y educat ion in , v isconsin. "I thought t hnc wns a slip sonw-On~ so metim es wonders how a group of youngsters can be held to- where," sn id the flapper ns she " etht•r for band \\·ork wh en there 1s no compulsion.· senrcherl the ·burcnu drnwcr. " P crha ps the re is a n uncledying interest that nev e,· fai ls t.o holrl Report: C. S. T. C. coed wants to suc i1 a group t hrough t hi c c and thin. Citizens should r ejoice to fi nd kn ow how lonir n half-bn,·k hnd to piny this tru e. '!' he mus ical t'ducat ion cl c1·ivcd will n ever be r egretted. In before he could become a full ·back. m,,ny ,·asPs, t he ind ividual will be in a position to cas~ in , so to s pea k, BECAUSE 011 his musica l a bilities. Housewife: "This milk Is blue. "

No evils seem to be p1·cst•n t wh en high school bands arc brought Milkman : " Yes, mam, some of the to"(•ther for competi ti on. lt was noticed that the compet it ive aspect cows weren 't contented this morning." w:s somewhat smoothed by emphasizing the necessity fo r criticism ot IS. WELL OILED musical presentations . '!'his is absolutely needed for pos itive pro- Base: "What is your son ~tnk in g nt gr-e-.. . _tQl;-irr?:: 11 ' tk·_:_ 11 T' ,,

'rhe Coll t• gc effect.inly disc ha rged its obl igations as one ot the n ' c • " ing n vc got. hosts to th e tournament. P erhaps ther e could have been a somewhat LOST: Goods for graduation ,Ire,,, healthier display of inte1·est on the part .of stu dm1ts at Central State. on outside of pncknge ,vith leathe r and i\fany missed t he except!onal opportumty t.o wit ness a State Band ru bber hee ls. Reward. So. 918·J. Tournament. Severa l of these went home for the week-encl . How MY HAm pitiful! Others, though here, fail ed to attend the va rious features. An English visitor says that the only

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Question - " Why did you come to Stevens Point? "

Lu c- ill e S('ot t - " B ecause th ey have such won clerful water her e.• · Mike Sm ith - " Beca use my ma tol' me to." Sylvia Brickson - '' 1 hea.rd that yolL can bavc such good times

her e. And you know how my heart is always set on good times. I also heard that Stevens Poi nt State T eachers ' College is a good place for future actresses."

thing he does not like about America is the fact that wo have no old ruins left in it. We have, but you can ' t tell them after they get tlie!r paint and powder on.

Have you read the titles from bottom to top?

Everybody rise. Our closing song is entitled " Many open minds should be closed foe repairs. u

Fellow students: Thero has been a lot of discu..,lon in

the ' 'Pointer '' about the tennis e:ltua-­t!on at our College. I'll admit that there were times when tennis conditions were deplorable. I have reference to parti­cipation a.nd not the physical conditions. We all should know that the courts are among the best to be had. ·

At the present time, I think the ten­nis turnout has been very good. I notice in the columns of the '' Pointer ' ' that most of the people using the courts have contributed to the finances of the club.

Let 's boost and ,keep up the good work. We are all having lots of fun and exercise.

" Opt! Mist "

Dear Editor: I have kopt still thus far a.nd now I

am going to have my say. I want to compl!ment the O>llege on

having such a nice array of Freshman ·girls. I tWnk that the . girls of this years class are setting the pace for the rest of the coeds.

We find them surprisingly actlv& fn social, athletic, a.nd amorous events iJ,t the College. Just wait till they get to.. be Seniors. Tile old College will sur .. ' see some t all stepping.

Don't misunderstand rue, I'm n'lt tooting a horn for them. I am merely stating what I tWnk are the fact s.

'1 Blonde Boy' '


A nswcr to last week 's dc t1 · crip t ion - Irl 'rhurhcr.

IJ l'str ip tion - l s n eurly­hnircd little (• hap ... not so little t•i thC'r ... is fo re ,·cr try­ing- to ' ' kid" the teachers alo11g . he is a f reshman so it is 11ot known whet.her he is gutting ::away with it . .. lik es girls and has c1uitc a Lit of difficult_v with them, also a lot of trouLle... his first nanw has n u "e" in it ... his Inst name has nn 11 e " a lso ... docs not wear glasses. . . nsks mnny c1uestions . . progressing in the grntle urt of ' 1 bam­hoozleing' ' .

~~- ~

~ ~ ttf\LL OF Ff\ME

ARTHUR SCHROEDER Is a da rling, little fe llow.

'l'hr g ir l~ grt foole d though. Co 111i11g right down to it, he iH a husky cha p. B y the way, t he g irl s ( nlfl ny, munb' of the m ) :ire cnnmored with hi s munly bea uty. Even the n orm girls like him.

It hns Leen rum ored that. he is a Scotchman. T hat t"xpl:dm1...many o_f_ h11:t an.tics. Il e has hr.e n r ported n-3 saying thnt he' cher ishes n Jove for sevcr:tl C. S. T. C. coeds lmt his se nse of vnlue for money spent docs not as ye t permit of n uns true to type, doos n 't he 7

Is the coming athlete of Central Co llege nnd we don't m,•n.n maybe or per· haps. We will then givo due credit to Shawano. Hey! Hey l

Is quite a math otudent even if Dr. Collins does pick on him. Ther&- ia strict -agreement

~ 4-




During the 'l'ournumcnt, t he rc1son Hall .F'amily were hostesses .to the Gir ls' Band from t he Mi lwauk ee Vocu­ti onal School. Th e re wt•re s ixty gir ls i 11 t he 1Ja nd 1111d three chapcro11cs, ~lrs. S it• · kc r, 'Alrs. Mac- 1,eth, an<l Mi ss N:igt· l. J t wlls a novel cx pe rie iu·c to t h t•sti vo ­cntional school girls to li vr in a dorrni · ·

'\ tory and t hey expressed mu d1 approb:t ­t ion and pl easure on•r the ir st:1 y hC':-t•. Th e f irst mornin g they did as all nt..'w

Group "A'' Presents Rural Life Program

dorm gi rls do-rose Vl•ry, ,·<'ry cn rly :wrl had a long wait fo r 1Jrcnkfast, but thr sc•to nd mOrning th ey did us all the "old 11 ones do - rose just in time to scr:1 mhle il)to their dresses befo re th e brea kfast bC' ll. Nelson Hall will wcl-

Thc Hurni Li fe Club w:1s entertai ned come t hese girl s :1gain eithe r ns a ba nd by Group ' 1 A'' of t he OnC' Yea r Rurals b:111d or indivicl unlly . on May 20th. Group '' A '' mu st ha vc Si1H'e th e re is sti ll some mon ey to he fe lt ve ry music.a l, for the program open- raisccl fo r t he J)ia no fund, Louise ed wi th group singiug by th e ent i re , .\l einkr, as e·ha irfnnn, ha s nrranged with l' lu b. Miss Ed na MrConnell w:t s at ~he I Mr. K enne th 1'.:lnrtin to give :1 cha lk

• pian o. A l'Omie rend in g ahout ru ra l h fc, tu lk at Ne lson H a ll o n Tu esd ay even­cn titlNl '').!rs. Jon es a nd t he' Agent" ing, i\foy 28 ut 7:30. was given by Alice Elsbu ry . The g irls of Ne lson Hall enjoyed the

Furthl'r musir al in c linati ons were unusual ex pe rience of ru nning a lu nch shown by a quart C' t eomposed of Joseph · s tand fo r t wo days during the Banrl inc J ordnn, Esth er and Edna Albert, T oufnnment. U nde r t he e ffi r ient cha ir­and Cecelia Winldc r who sang 1 1 :My m:rnship of Agnes Henrickso n, Germa ine \Vild Iri sh Rose". Group A th C' n sa ng Sin ku lar, ily r t lc .John so n, and Edna ' ' C:1rol ina Moo n' ' · \V(' ntk e r together with the help of

Th e poet of th e club, R oge rs Co n· most of th e gi rls who n •maincd in Ste­st:rn('C1 read two poems 11 Rural ScC>n('S'' V('llS Point ove r t he week -encl, the sum and ' 1 Th c L C'adcr ' '. \Vinifrcd Allen, E· of $167.70 wns tnken in ; expenses dnn Albe r t, and Esther Albert enter- ::i.moun ted to $132.42, t hus leav ing a net. t:1i11C>d wi t h n piano trio. As it opened profit of $35.2 . Tn nsmur h as t he people !o\O t he meet in g i.' losed with singiug, for who ran sta ucl s during this tournament t hl' last thing on t he program was n have to pay the city twenty-five p~r mixed sexte t of J osephin e Jordan , Ge ne - ('C nt of the nC't profits, th e g irl s will vie\'e L l"a hy, CC'('Clia Winkl er, R-a .v F le t . pny $8.82 to tho city :rnd ha v C' $26.46 {'h<'f , .fam es · .Mae}.,arln nc , an1l Rogers fur th e piano fun cl. On Mondny $31.00 Constance who sang ' 1 St.a rs of t he Sum · was paid on the debt, a nd th is !nough t mer 's Night 1

' ancl 1 1 Sout hern Mcn~or· t hC' a moun t up to $361.00. . ies " . A rousing cheer fnr th C> Ru rahtes · Spe<·i:tl mention should be m.ade of was gh·f' n as onl y Rurals ca n che_c r , and · the C"ffi(> i('n t and Ja~Jpful serv ices of nnc of t he most t•njoy ahl <' lll l'<• t111g~ of \I iss SPen at t he st:111d during the t wo the• ,·Par l'IHlC'rl . clnvs.

· F.dith 8nnsom has surr um hed to the mumps. '!'h e only c \"ide urc of t h(' sue· 1· u 111 liing is :t s wollen check, for she seC' !ll S to he fee ling a s peppy ns eve r : hu t Or. Kremhs, the H en lt h Offi cer, h as 1lc•erC'ecl tl1at Eclith shall · have a two wc•eks' n1c:ation bv he rsel f.

L:1st Tuesd:1y ('vcning, 'Miss Roa<· l~ Helen Tiss('rnn d: while running over s·,okc at th l.' ~lothl'rs' ancl Da ughte rs f rom t he l'Ollegc to t he hall in orde r t o Ha nriu t• f :it t hC' P c•:ic·e Evangeheal gl't he r assignnH'n t fini shed hcforC' sh,~ t 'hurr h II C' r su lqe1 twas ' 1 Mothers anrl ha,l to tak e hC' r pbcc in th e office, fC' ll Daughters". Lydi :1 Sm ith n •spondcd down :mil in j ured he r knee badly . ~t to a t oas t wi t h "W hat )t~, J loth t: r . present she is nt home wi t h he r knee 111

)frans To Me ' ' . \splints. i\1ornl : don ' t hurry ! ~ Bewa re of r unning! Lois Gh C' rk e was

running ups tai r !I to save t.imc for somr Miss Hn11na :1ppca rcd on the progra ~n ! of he r school work , an d sprai ned ht•r

of the S tate Co nfNenc·c of Catholic foot. As n result she hnd nn emr rgcn(·y Club \Vonn•n lwld nt Osh kosh la st week. ,· isi t to t h<' hosp itnl and misst~d two li er suhjcd w:ts t he hu llC"tin 1

' Wi st·~rn · davs of sd1ool last week. si n Cat l;olie Cluh Wom:rn ''t of whh·h ~liss Rowe not only furnish ed l1 C'tl she is Ua• editor. and brcnkfast to th~ Milwa uker Voca ·

t iona l Girls' Ban cl, hut she suppli C' cl t hl'

Miss Bm~h, Ru ra l I n!tpl'cto r from the State Dt~p:1rtnwnt, spe nt Wednesday, Fr idn v und Saturday in t he C'ollege. On Prida:V' she spOkc to tl,ic Rau cl )1 othcrs nt thrir Rnuqm·t .

Complete Selections­for your

Spring and Summer Costume

Coats Suits Accessories

Dresses Millinery

of h(' r mea ls for the g irls a ncl on Sa t ur­day C' \'C' ning pr~pnrcd a 1l(•l i<' ious l!an · que t for th t• hun cl ma st C' rS. Abou t fifty a ttended t he funct ion.

:;~ ................ .......... · .. . ~ .. .... . · . . ·~. i NELSON HALL i I -- X ; The comfortable a nd homelike •}

t dormitory f or women of Ce ntral. 1:

i 1.:r;·, State Tea eh~rs ' College r

·~ Dining Room i i for both men and women t

! Varied, nbund~~:~ delicious nnJ I F isc ,,er' s ! inexpensive ·i

l{ t MAY A. ROWE, Director i Speciallr SI/op For Women :r.f. (Graduate Dietit ian)

Hole Whiling "Bleck - u;::.===============::ll'.,.\'...R-+++¥1 I~ at~ I+ I I I 1111 I 11 , ·~



S[Jlart Slippers For Every Occasion

Popularly Priced At $4.95 'and $6.00 Full-Fashioned Hose

$ l _.00 a Pair .


Prompt Service

rhon6 688

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..A ru v,.• "'""IN"_,..°' • t.dlot' r.llf~ H-

:! t:..\':.~\':·:·.~ ... ::::.~~~.s.r::t:.l ~ l..i.- ..., ...... u, ocnpt..W...., l'hnla1 A;J - io61l • c..,..... ...J

$1.95a Pair

Moll-Glennon Company


BERENS' BI\RBER SHOP (Under H lrLy's Store 1

Brown hilt Shoes FOR WOMEN

E xquisitely Custom-Crafted, Fea­turing Varied Leathers

11,11d Colors


Strutwear Silk Hosiery - ·

Latest Color Creations

Remarkable Values At Our In­expensive · Prices.


Smart Gollegians Get Their Hair Gut l\t The



Ma)!lag 'Washers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Silent Automatic Oi, Burners

Phone 297 431 Clark St.

WHITING MEN'S SHOP I Otto von Neupert Co. Inc.

HABERDASH' RY, ATHLETIC GOODS Hotel \Vhitl " g Building


YOU' IA~ FA' ·ou TU E Fl~.<\ \TOR


TAX-I Phone 65


· (Continued from page 1, col. 4 ); . P e terson EHznbcth Swan , Ot1lhn Schneck,' Ethel K elly, Grace Rice, An ­na Mc\ Villiams.

Grammar 2nd y r. Team: Yetive Ba um, Anita Dalton, Regina Groth, .Esther Kuehl, Frances Gallagher, E ri· ku Lcloff, Agn es Gaffney.

'£he tennis final s will a lso b e held, a fte r which a picn ic lunch · will b e held at Sunset Lake. _____ ....:_

FACTS By ''Linsey' '

The Germans Ca ll a military tank a Sc h u tzengra bcn vc rn ich tu 11gsa u tom obi ~e. -And Bisma rck ea ll e<t a druggist Ge­s u ndh ci tswe idc r h e rstcl I ungsm it t el zusa m­m e n m isehungsvcr ha It n iss ku 11 di gc r .

An English bil1ionnirc is ri r hc r th;an nn Ame rica n bil lionai re. An Enghsh 1; illion is n million mi1lion (1,000,000, 000,000), while the American b illion is n t housand million (1,000,000,000 ).

Watch Your Step, Girls. :Mme. Mnrie Ollivicr1 of Hon dschoote,

Flnuders, committed bigam)_', She was seutenrcd t o wcn r two pn1r of pants arou nd her neck for li fe .

The Good Old Days. In L ondon, on October 25, li90, L ord

Edward Russell ga ve a party wh ere 6000 men got drunk. A founta in took th e place of n pun ch bowl and ~5 hogs­hen ds of brandy we re poured into it . 25,000 lemons and 1,300 pounds o f sugar were a lso used.

What 's This?? Pngc Mr. Gnrby, somebody. A couple

of <'hemienls a rc en11 ed parno:s: y mcntn­me thoxyallylbcnzcne , a nd trtra l~ ydro~a­ramcthvloxyquinolin<' . And s till some people "take chemistry.

Call Miss Jones. I s it a vcg-t•tablc or nn insN·t1 The

P cpc-n wrto is n ('t\tcrpill:u that turnq into a plant. How come ft

Hmmmm-Akh:1r The Grrnt said ' 1 Eve ry mnn

shoul<l hn ,·e fo ur "ives ; :.i Hint! ou tu h<'a r r hildren, :1 Pr rs ian for eonvcrsa· tion, a n Afghan to i<. C'ep housr, u_ucl a Turk to heat up :H~ a n example to the others.

Eith er way you read this, backwarc~s or forwa rds, it rends the same - .r:a s a sap - \\l'ell sOmetimes, w hen he uoes the t hings thnt he does for us, I gm·ss he is.

VETTER MFG. CO. S:1 sh Doors Lumber

Phone 88



C . T. C .

FERDINAND A. HIRZY "1J;IJr' ~ift ~ounsidor"

French Campbell & Co. - Student Supplies

449 Main St. Phone 98-J


Students Indicate Airplane Interest

\ Ving loa<l iug, dihedral, and"' angle are becoming stock te rms among technically inclined co llege students as a result of growing interes t in commer­cial aeronautics.

Thousa nds of students uow discuss the merits and advantages of various types a nd makes of aircraft as formerly t hey compared popula r a utomobiles"' It is a sign of t he times.

'l'hc extent of this aeronau tical kno,1;·. ledge on the c.ampus was u revelat ion to the judges of t ho Alexander Englcroe k, Awards, a schola rship program spon ­sored this spring by one of the coun try's lendiug ligbiJ, plane manu ­fa cturers. In papers submitted to th e committee, a irplan es were discussed in­te lligentJy f rom both engin ee ring and operation sta nd points.

Mnny students revealed a surprised grnsp of aerodynamic · fun chlmenta ls. Oth ers showed insight into tho present situation in th e industry, nu~ indulged in much prnctical speculat ion ns to its f uture.

Acco rdi ng to offi cia ls of the com­pa ny, the contes t committee is swamped with manuscripts. The competi tio 11 closes May 31 ancl the winn ers of th e $1,000 ae ronauti ca l scholarship in New Yor.k Unive rsity and the Englcrock a ir­plq. no will be a nnoun ced by the · Co mmi­ttees on Awards as ~oon ns papers cau be j udged.

THE EBBING TIDE Sorrowful, sad, a nd dej ected he sits Thumbing his withered and warty

ha nds; Yea rs of ha rsh labor, depression, and

loss Have f licked· t he bright coals from his

spirit's brands.

Life -has bee n merciless, pitiless, cruel: Working a havoc in mind and soul ; Th ere he sits wu it ing - nwn iting t he

t ide That eJ,hs wht• re th e b rea kers roll.

Hopeless, forsak en, a nd lonely he sits, Res tless, un f riended, a lone - and wa n, W:t it in g the tide that is foaming in To t:akr him away when it's gone.

F . ROGERS CONSTANCE Written May 20th , 1929


.. The Bank Thal Service Built"

"Above A ll The Right Hat"





EaailJ Aett11ible ExPt:nU Rt.l11ivel1 Low Locatioa Un1urpuaed For Ht.ahhfulaffl

An lnflutntt Aa Well Al I School Cn•diu Aettpted At All Univ,nil ies

lnrrtt Courus For All Tuchen Special Tralninc For Home Economics And

Ruul Eduarion Address

Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Stevens Point, Wis.



To Know The Difference



Prescription Druggists · MEYER DRUG CO.

305 Main St.

Orange Line Busses embody every comfort of the private automobile. Enjoy a pleasant trip home some

~veek end or plan an outing t his fnll in the \Visconsin River r egion.

( Orange Linc Inter-City ser vice to Portage and Ma­

dison is a conveniently a rrnnged motor trip. The time spent in the route is cut to a minimum.

Orange Line Busses leave Stevens Point for Portage and Madison at 7:00 A. M. - 2:30 P. M.

For complete information call 607 or write tho Orange Line at Madison.


309 Strongs Ave. Phone 82 ALWAYS OPEN

Suit or Overcoat $ij1 [fi Tailored to Measurelil.UU

The best dres•ed men i11 t he college wear Nash Clothes.

Phone me for appointment

L. C. ZIGLER 315 Water St. Phone 964J

Representative for The Nash Co., Inc.

Home Made Candy -- AT--

'' THE PAL'' ·

1sroRT*siior@· ~

Just For Spoil

~ 422 MAIN ST.

Footwear For All Occasions

C. B. Mayer Shoe Co.


Pun cf? Bottled by

Stevens Point Beverage Company


Full Line of Carbon, ated Beverages . .s

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE f--- Fruits and Vegetables .

Phone 51 457 .Main St.


"Blue Ribllon" Thousand Is land Dressing

JUayonnaise Dressing Sandwich Spread

Try "¥1fue "l{i6bon"- -Beller Than The Rest