Download - THE . POINTER · THE . POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 19 Stevens Point, Wis., May 12, 1927 5 Cents DISTRICT . · SPEECH MEET . HERE TOMOR OW , TRACKSTERS SCORE IN TRIAL TILTS

Page 1: THE . POINTER · THE . POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 19 Stevens Point, Wis., May 12, 1927 5 Cents DISTRICT . · SPEECH MEET . HERE TOMOR OW , TRACKSTERS SCORE IN TRIAL TILTS

THE . POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 19 Stevens Point, Wis., May 12, 1927 5 Cents




W ausau First, Point Second In V alley Track And Field Meet

In· unreg ist e l'ed competition with Hi"'h school I rack men last Satun la~· afternoon, th e Coll e" e candidates had exce ll ent practice and experience when they were allowed to nm and compete in the p !·ep school e,·cnt : . 'I'he runnin" e,·ents and th e field events " ·ere well in favor of. the Purple ll'Hl'­riors, ll'ho. though t hei t· e ·i:o rt s didn't count in th e meet , eve1·­th cless worked ha l'CI to ll'in from the younger men actually compet­in g.

S ix Records Broken :Wausau \\'On the High school

· mee t ll'i th a tota l of. 66 points. 'I'he local prep school ,~·as seco.nd with 38, a nd \\' isconsm Rapids

•trai led in the r ear with a meag re 13 points . W ausat._ was enabled to win due to ,ts ~ cpondcrancc ot stars in all cYents, the up-riYer school placing eithe r f irs t ot· se.c­ond in all but !ll'O cnnts. S ,x \\' iscons in R in r Valley records were broken Saturday, althnugh they will not count as such since the trnck meet was not a r egulal' l'Onference event . 'rhe regu lar ofricia l meet wi ll be held at Wau­sau thi s coming Saturday, and if. the records a rc l'epcated, t hey will be placed on the books. to stand until broken in th future . ·

'l'hc College men perfor med nicely , notably Krake. who can?c in on th e half-mil e e,·cn t w1thm three seconds of t he record va lley tim e, which is 2 :05.6. Fishle igh a lso wo11 the ]00 nnd event , beat­ing Baker of St e~·ens Point \\'hose time was t en- fo ur.

Rehearsals For Rural Play Well Under Way R ehearsals for " Putting lt p

To Patty", the Rm·a l D epartment play which i: to he iriYen )[ay 28, are well under way. Th • p la.,· is a three-act comedy centering about i\Ii ss Patricia W ebste r ( ed ucated daug hter of a success­ful farm er ) who has a distorted view of life and an ambition to marry a t itl e. Iler father and a sens ible fa rmer, whom she ealls uncle Silas, ente r into a co11spir­acy tn pas · off a yo ung far mer as a mem~er of t he, English ari stoc­racy, vi. iting th e U . S. H e secures


DECLAMATION Dr. Joseph V. Coll ins, Professor CONTEST HONORS Natalie • ' ill ·::: · · · · · · \Vaupa_ca of math ematics. .joul'lleycd to

· Blanche R adcli ffe · · R ed Gramte 7-[atlison th e early part of · · Leona l<1· mbs. · · · te vens Point week to be initiated into Phi Beta IC:ll en SPger · · · · · · · · · · · · Merrill Kappa, na t iona l honorn r y scho­~[iri a m Ga ult · · · · · · · · Pla infield lasti e fraternity. Leda \\' illiams .. .... . . 7-[ i\lado re l':,·e lyn Nnernbcrg ..... ·. A th ens Wi lma I la nrood ..... ... 'l'ripoli

ORATORY Hannond ?l l a rtin . . : .. \\"aupaca J o~eph Saetve it . . ... Friendship An"i C Connc-......._ ...... ~larsbfield Cal~•in Iiitte rhonse .... Plainfield ,\l ,• x Pet erson . ..... Auburndal e Edward ::ichewl' .... . .... Ath ens LYie \Y ines ... . . ..... . . \Yausau cha 1fott c Hanke . ..... Rih Lake


Donald (:age ..... . . . . W estfi eld Charl es Sm ith .... Ste ,·ens Point Janl' Kollock ... ..... . . \ Vansau Ruth Attoe ........ . Wild Rose Hlendell Gilm an .. .. ... l\ranall'a 1.;clwara P [e ife1· ... . .. . . )lekoosa H erman )[ill er .... . .... Phillips


Annie Blair ........ Red Gra nit e ) l arion K night .. ..... Waupata )1 iriam Gault . ... . ... P lainfield n11 Krembs .. . . ~tc1·ens Point Hl11nc hc \\' olpert . . . . . . . A nti"o Ha rnld Larson . . . ..... 'Rudolph \ ada Schi1·m er . . . . .. .. . Tripoli )ladgc Dunh a m . .. . : . . . Nekoosa

Twenty-nine Girls Earn G. A. A. Letters A meeting of the Gil'I:' Ath letic

. \ ss0t·iat ion was held last Tuesday af ternoon a nd th e fo ll ow ing "irls we re awa 1·cl ed letters fo r earnin g 1(10 po ints in at hl eti cs : Alice An­de rson , Velma Dav is, B ernice ( :a ll up, H elen Ghel'ke, Adelin e (:octzkc, ~[yrt le Goodwi n. P earl J aa,ka. Leona Ligman, Lula La r­son. I, •ith Lindo"' , Irene Loberµ- , Don1 Mae L osby, Dagmar Ras­mussen. Dorothy Satchj en, E/a S hambeau. Florence Shoaf, Irene Smith . Adelaide Sparks, E leanor l:itos ick , Alm& Buel~ 1·, :'Jarian Curti s, Faith H erric k, Thelma I( roll , Mary Kucil'ek, E sther Kert zh~m, Ella Mantor , Lillian W a rnke, H elen \\' eber and Ha zel W olfe.

summ er lodgings at the W ebste r country home, and during his stay cures Pattv of her mistaken idea ls a nd eonvi~ces her that the true nob ili ty a1·e the r ea l gentry of Ame rican rural life.

D1·. Collins was g raduated from W ooste r (Ohio ) College .incl was t hen elig ibl e fo1· Phi Beta K appa. At that t im e. however , only libcrnl a,·t s students were elected to t hat frMe rnit y.

From the fir . t day in 1894 when the SteYens Point Normal ._'chool opc1wd Dr. 'o ll ins ha s been on th e Nornrnl fac ulty. Ile fini shed his work at . th e Johns-Hopkin: l ni1· c1·sity in Ba lt im ore ancr camc he1·e afte1· some yca1·: of kach in g elsewhe re.

By as ociating him_seli' with the \\'jsc·ons in chapt er , Dr. Coll ins has forma lly acknowl edged his elec­tion to that est im ab le honor. M1·. John R ella han, ins tructo r in Bng­lish. who is l ik ewise a member o'f tlw \ Vi ·consin chapte 1·, accom­p1111i •d h im.

Contestants Asked To Report Immediately

All membe l's of t he Tennis Club should be think i11g about whom th e.,· wish to play with in the "doubl es tournam ent , as a ll cn­t ri cs must be made to th e 'l'ourna­m •nt 'ommittee be fo re th e end of next week .• Th e same applies to t he sing les meet.

'!'h e names of th e 'l'ournament Committee will be posted .on the Athl eti c Bulletin Board today.

THE NATURAL THING. Dun - \Vhut will th e soldiers do

whe n they g et to Chinn, I wonder. Wun too - Haven't you C\' C'J' met a



P articipating Delegations Are E x ­pected To Arrive Here Today Beginning at 2 :30 tomo1·ro w

afternoon th e annua l con test of the 'cn tra l Wi:consin Oratori cal League will be IP ld in the aud­itol'ium. 'l'h el'e a r e twen ty schools competing fo1 · first places in t he four events. ·'I'hc " ·inn e1· of •ach e\'Cnt will enjoy a t r ip to )fadison in th e nea r future when t he S tate meet ing of t he Wiscons in H igh • chool },'01·cns ic Association wi ll combine t he r suit s of t he ci..,h t various ·tate d ist ri cts to dt!ter­mine the State w11111er .

The teams will be acc,ompanicd hy th eil' l'Cs pcc tive coaches nnd some cons ide rabl e d elegnt io n from th e nea1·c1· schools. Contesta nts a1·e xpectcd to a rri ve Thursday afternoon 01· cnrly J<~ri day morn ­ing in tim e l:o 1· the drawing of subjects and places. 'l'h c four events a1·c extemporaneous r ead­ing and spea king, oratory a nd dec la mat ion . E ach school is l'ep­r cscnted by four s tud ents compet ­ing- in cnch event.

Wide R ange Of Subjects ' l'h e contest is in d1argc of J . R

R ohr , principal or th· Ne koosa High school i111d chairman of t hi s district. Th• state has been divi­d ed into eigh t d iv isions, each .in charge of a loca l head who in turn has charge of the rnrious d ist1·ic t cont ests. G. J . Balzer of W ash­ington Hig h school. Mil waukee, is th e State gene rnl 'hai1·ma11 .

Th e Orati ons are limited to fif­t een hundred wo rds, as w rn t he orations p1· sentcd by the ollege contestants in asse mbly. Th ey cover a wid e 1·ange . of subjects, and will pro,·e int (' t'cst ing to prospect iYc tca,·hers in .v iew of futu1·e fore ns ic wo1·k . · Afternoon And Evening Programs

D ec la nrnt ions covrr the u ·ual subject s, and the ext emporaneous spra king wi ll be on current topics. The l'cad e1·s will not know the ir subjects until 1111 hour a nd one ha l f befo re the ir tul'l1 comes.

'!'h e extcmp speake rs and the orators will ·ompctc in the after­noon , from 2 :30 on . and the cx­tt·m p read rs and d ec laimers will have th eir innings in the evening, be,:rinu in g at SC Yen thirty. Student season t ickets a re fifty cen ts, or half t hat for e ither afternoon or eYening. 'ric kets fo r outside people \\'ill be the s1pn e price.

Page 2: THE . POINTER · THE . POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 19 Stevens Point, Wis., May 12, 1927 5 Cents DISTRICT . · SPEECH MEET . HERE TOMOR OW , TRACKSTERS SCORE IN TRIAL TILTS

2 THE POI '1'.ER

Vol. I . THE POINTER Series m.

Publishc<l \V eekly by the studen ts of the Stevens Point, Wiscons in State Normal School.


Editor-in-Chief ...... .. . . . . .... ... . .. .. . . . ... . . ..... . . Arnold M. Malmquist by -"Rusty" Associate EdHor . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russell Lewis ll';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;,=;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~I Associntc Editor . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . K eith Berens ,,.. ·=

So0e'i':t)~~~~~o; · : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~: : :·: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : · · · · n


1: ~i~~:

R cpo r~cn:1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · • · . . . . . Helen \Vcbcr lligh chool : ... .. . , ... . .. ...... , . .... . . . , . . . . . . . . :Margaret Taras Home Economies : . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . H enricttn 'l'immc

DuJI[J;;;-~L·::::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: '. :: :: :: :_: _: :: : _:: _: :: :: _: :· :s{i:;1:i~f{~~;:Vey

Advertising Manager .... ...... . . .• .•. • . ......•.• . ......... ,valtcr \Vasrud Circulation l\Ianagc r ... .... . ............ ........ . ........ . ·.. Edna \Vas rud Faculty Advisor . . .. . ... . ......... .. ............ . ... . .. ...... J. J . Rellahan

OPINION Dear Editor -:-

Pessim ism is not a pl ea ·ant thing-. nor is dcstnict ive cr iticism orrlin a ril~· des irahl e. l\ut as graduation approaches and that · lon:,t labored for d iploma becomes a r eality I cannot but believe that I ha Ye bcPn clcprind o[ SOl)lCthing in the ccim ·e of this educatio;rnl proces, .

\\" hat is educa tion fo r, or rather what ought it to be forY Ob­YiousJ ~, to p1·eparr 011 c fo r life , to improve one's chances for future hea lth and happiness. Does mY education do that ? I have learned the dat,•s of t he important battles of histo ry, the solution the theo-1·cms and eq uations. the pres idents of t he United States and many other thi11 :,rs. And I ca n use th em, oh, t here is no question about that. Wh~·. l ,·an µ-o out and teach them to others so that they can teach them to othe 1·s who will teach them to sti ll othe~antl so on inde­f initely. Hut where will that h1·inµ- us? Knowinµ- ,·cry definitely the dif_fp1·e nc,· lwtwecn the gerun d and I he :,ternnd iYc will do what to ma ke• nw happy or lwalthy ?

\\"hat (•Y idenc,· of th e i1 competerwe of eclu ·ation could be more d(•mons \1·ati ,·e than , Ir . . \l otts exampl e of th e. criminal ·harnctcr of some or his hiµ-h schoo l gi·adu11t,'s. ) lany of t he most Yitai fact· o[ life arc r,•st ri ttctl by th , most st ringent taboos fro m om· education. \\ l' ar·c stuff,•d with de11 d fads until we have a. hea tlache and then tl11·o wn 0111 into n wor ld o[ li rn is:ues about which we were allo"·ctl to lea rn nothinl,!.

t'ould anyo11l' J'in<l a more monstrous travesty upon human in­_tc•lligell(·e than to train one fo r li re by carefu lly conccalin" Yiial tniths '1 If one rcqui r·es fu rth er proof merely bear in mind that in \\Ti ting this fo r a sc hool paper I dare no't ca ll a spatle a pa le, for if l "·crc to express in plai n English sor1c of the things I r efer to, the ed itor wou ld undoubted!~· be (·onstraincd from printing it.

When ,hrn c 9 fina ll y comes, and we walk across th e plat[orm to rceei,·e our tl iplomas heautirull~· dccornted with colored ribbon , there will come o,·cr me an ineffable feeli ng of saclnes: at t he thou 00ht that we a1·e a"tors in one of the most tragic fa rces of the present age.

-The Philosopher.

THE COLLEGE CRAZE 'l'h at ".,·ounµ- people haYc 110 r ight to ha ve a good time" because

"they ha ,·c not ea rned it " is t lie kind of :tag"er·inn- truth that on ly i:ret: itself sa id in speeches like the one )fr. Sp indl er g,n-c before the Ma r·gar·ct .\ shmuu Club a fe w nig-hts ago. lt is the kind of truth that should be shouted fl'O m the house- tops. Yet it is the d isagreeable ldncl aga inst 11"11ich all t hose affected rebel.

The ,·c r·y fact that there ar·e hundrnds of thousands of young men aml women smitten by the '" coll eg-e craze" - a large percentage of wh om arc incapable: - indica tes that young peopl e, of a ll social stra­ta, arc, bein g- increasing ly pampered. To fu lfill .their des ires to be "collegiate" young- peopl e a ,·e sent away for four ~·ea rs, the d ire discomfort of th e expense de,·olving- upon th e parents. P erhaps the g reat(•st ev il is ·the unappreciati\·e attitude which the willy-nilly eoll c:,tc g,·aduate deve lopes toward the world . ·

Colleµ-c. indeed, is the place to go to get tho ·e things which should .fit. the ambitious indiYidual for li [e, but that t raininoo cannot fit the individual for life i[ it is made so easy for him that he h~s li ttle t.o do but concern himse lf with " co ll egiate" act iYi t ies.

·work alone gives va lue of appreciation to the worker. H e cannot learn to know the Yaluc of a thing if he has never been constrained to create himself. College students, all of them, should be rigidly held to some program of industry. th e wa ges of which wi ll be his privilege of attending college. H the averao-c High School student were re­quir ed to wor k a yea r· or two upon graduating from High School he would enter· t he higher institutions of learning with a profound r espec t ·for the myriads of. things there a re there fo r him . Then be would know the va lue of a college educat ion. And then having workeU, he would know what awaited him when he stepped out of this Alma Mater with his sheepsk in. If philanthropic and beamina parents wished to help their sons and daughters they should only b~ allowed to help them in a limited way. 'fo get the most and best out of a college education it is imperative that the student work his way through. ·

C 1 ' Wine, women and song'', Mr.

Spindler advises, ' • produce a destruC·· tive combination. '' Many a man has given up song.

· \\'hid1, as tlu.• lwlt l'Ollfid{'d to t he S:t:jh, is ,·c ry toud1i11g indeed.

Some girls, of course, can not be touched under any circumstances. But neither can the t hird rail of a Rocky Mountain Special.

Blow a f use cith c r way.

Which reminds us (very remotely, in· deed) of the st!!fbipped Lena who in­haled heavy water while taking a hath.

J[cr l'Otk h•g would flo:1t !

Closing with a charming ditty en­. titled, " She got in Front of My Steam

Roller, so I Left Her Plat. ''

NO DOUBT. . J Jc>l:111cl - Gi,·L· me a pat.:kagc of sin­

s1 11 s. Clerk - I hcarcl ~·ou the first

" Guess 'r11 go on a bender," said the fly as it started a round the pretzel.

BETWEEN ACTS. Stein - \Vhat did you do last night1 Allen - \Vent out ";t11 a carload of

fe ll ows. S t l" in - S nappy ti me~ A ll \.' 11 - Y eh. Sort of a fast fr ' eight

nffa ir.

Not every slacker has escaped the Battle of Seda n .

HALF NAFF. )(art.v - S it f' lmwr, cl nmsel, I ncccl

in spiration. . · H:1r riet - Xothin' !loin', I do tool

" I ' ve raised a lot of families" said the elevator boy gratingly. '

''.( cau hardly stn n<l to do this", groaned th e collegl' man as he peered t hrough the koy-J1olc.

CLEANER MUG There once was a skinny young weener Who kept getting leaner and leaner. While sweeping the rug She fell on her mug And into the v acuum cleaner.

RIOH.T PARTY. Voice on Dorm Phone- Call L eonard

to t he phon e, plca~rn. I want to tln ow him a kiss.

Leonard . - Ccrtui nly, if you '11 holcl t he receiver: · ·

· ' Get thou behind me, Satan,'' said the pledge, as he assumed the familiar position.


M;1~nRJ!~~ltn - \Vhn t is a genius,

Maynnrcl - A fellow who can re­write a traveling nl csmnn 's joke and have it accepted by tho Ladies Home Journ al.

'' A woman is at the bottom o! every­thing,'' moaned the fa rmer as he pulled bis wife outa the well.



C'ntch whnt you can;

Cnn wh nt you cntch.

· Love is fanned by a bank draft . .

At The Dance --

Who is that fe llow 1 Glnd tc,;,ineet you. \\" hat wonderful music -\\' hat frat are you 7 You dance beautifu lly. (~u itc mi ld punch ! \\"hat pretty decorations . ... ~ \\" ho i · th is dance with ! What is ,·our rirst name Y

!\ lay I c~II you Ag-atha?

Where there 's a Will there 's a. Jill.

Collegiate Romance llancc ·! l\o. P l.:'t? l\o. (: in 'I No. Puncli''i l C·e ·. l~ick '! ~ 0-0·0.

Ycs 7 "\\' ell. Like '/ Yum. i\lore'! P lc11sc. (:in 1 Yes. \ Dance i Soo n. P ct ? )[mm mmm. Now 1 Ummmmm. Yummmmmm. ll mmmm mm mmm ! ! ! .\ nd so on far into the nin-ht.

It takes two to answer the sex question.

FURNISH YOUR OWN NAME I'm out of luck with-- now

I'm thoroughly in Dutch Sh o asked me how l Hkecl her skirt,

An<l I said it wasn't much !!

Which suggests that women want li ttle here below.

\Vas someone hollering fo r help ? I hea r·d a terrific commo­tion. Sou nded li ke someone was in dist ress.

"S'all rig-ht. . Today is editorial clay. W c 111·e just d iscussing the news fo r the next issue.''

(dedicated to the fe mjuine gender)

Tis better to be human than re­fined.

Crossed cheques cheer cross women.

A leaf began the fall. Beauty is a skin game.

OUR DICTION-BOOK : College - A coach surrounded

by enthus iasm. ·coupe. - A small ·and inconven­

ient car, that cannot be clriYcn from the back seat.

Page 3: THE . POINTER · THE . POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 19 Stevens Point, Wis., May 12, 1927 5 Cents DISTRICT . · SPEECH MEET . HERE TOMOR OW , TRACKSTERS SCORE IN TRIAL TILTS



~ ~~'J·l;;;J~!!' RICHMAN'S Cl .OTHE~,~~1-5)J1Jn• I Our Clothes are Guaranteed---You must be satisfied or Money Back I

'l'h ' sc hoo l and the public are 11 011· in the midst of t he celebra­tion o[ Better Homes W eck. 'rhc \\' cd nes,lay activ ities arc con­cl ucl ccl a11tl JJl'Oved satisfactory Hnd i11 1t' rcsti11 g-. '.L'he e volution of s kil \\'HS \\' e ll sholl'n in the se­qu,·nce or disp lay hy classes in the !:,!\· le !:,ho\\' . )Tuch in terest was nH;nii:eSt ctl jn the a1Ta ng:e men t anti l'outinc or the pract ice cottag­t·s . 'l' his al'te rn oon at cl :.15 thcl'c is to bt· 11 11 t·xc<' litnt Cooke;·y demu11strn l ion on H o h t 'n i a 11 l11·eads g- i,·cn u.,· .-\lie (• Picha. U11itl,·s ll'i ll tlwn eomluct people ,ihout th,: depart ment anti also di l'ed tlu·m to tlw prn ct i,· e cottag­t·s. Th Pre will be nm n v in tcr est­i11µ- anti 1·0111p1·ehens i1·c ~x hibits ol' I Im Ya l' in us phases of \\'Ork of I he d .. p,nl ment: the y 1Y ill include ~t·w in µ-. milli11e ry. t·nst"l1 m c-cl es ig n, l<'xl il,·s. 11ull'itio11 a nti tl il't ct ics. . \ s il 1·e1· It-a is to he ·t· 1·Yetl durin!! th,· 111 11,• 1· pal't or th• af ternoon to ll'hieh e,·,. n ·one is col'd ia lh· i11-Yiled. '!'hi~ co11cl 111ks the· pl'O­;.n·am 1' ,>1' ll ,·tt.c• 1· .H omt's \\' eek IYhich "''' hope \\'ill pron i11te l'est­i11g-. henPfit· ia l a nd l'ntertain in).! .

Waffle Matinee Nets Girls a Goodly Sum

.\11 unusua l i1111ontt io11 in the fo nn of ·a ·w aff lc .\[al inec was held Tu rsd,t1· afternoon. i'n the

· II onH• 1°:c 1t11ic: hrooms. fl'o m cl: 15 to 7 :Oil. l t ,ms sponson·d hy thr ('ampl'i1·,· (:iri s . \\' ho a n• in d ns­t riously t·o ll ed inf! "i ron m(• n " a ri d "lt·ad qua 1·te 1·s '' . to fin ance a wt·t.' k -(•JHI l'H mping- tr ip.

,\ la 1·g,• m11n bcl' or students " ·ith seemin gly <· 11 cl lrss " aching­Yo icls ", as 1Yd! as equa lly hungry f'ncu ii y mcm hers st l' ra me,1 into t he h;nchrooms. to abso1·b quan ­t it ic: ol' go lcll'n bro\\'n \\'a f El es, clot ted with mcll cd butter , Sa Yory ,·offN·, nnd as a fi ll t' r , coo ling ice­c1·eam.

Bl canol' Hooth and }lal'jorie .Johnson ll' crc· genera l chairmen of the affair. with Sl'\'Cral indus­trious Cam pfire h,·m·hnwn doing the work.

Visit Our Gift

DEPARTMENT j ~ylors Drug . Store

I I See Berglin over Taylor's Drug Store, .or call 788J for appointment


Free Repairs For Life Th • ann ua l banquet of the

Public, Speaking classes "·ill be held at 6 :30 at Nelson Hall on Fl'itlay , l\Iay 13. Coaches and l'cprcsentatiHs attend ing th e Dis­t 1·ict High School Forens ic con­test. w ill be guests . The membe 1·s of th e dPbat in g teams \\'ill also be pl'esent. Dona ld Vet.te r. \\'ill be toastma te t· .

Ii Hannon Bach Phy. Inc. 431 Main St.

Tlw pl'ogram w-iH consist of b1·ie[ ta l ks an d toasts. a s w ell as I an introd ucto r y . speech by Pl'es­idcnt Baldwin. Tal ks wi ll be giY­en by Bernice Vinklc on "D1·a ma­t ics ". Irvin:? Go 1·clon on "De­batr " a nd F l'ank Jos\\' iek " His­tory of D ebate. antl On1to1·y"

,---TH[ I[ I .beerwood Coffee

CONTINENTAL 11 / "ymi'llf," ·nr1l1c lla rnr'

The Students Haberdashery

The Home of


1,__ ---



Stevens Point, Wis:

Easily Accessible

I' Expense Relatively Low

Location Unsurpassed For Heallhlulness I An Influence as Well as a School

r epresenting the s tudent bo~ly. I and i\fr. R ohr. P1·incipa l of the Xekoosa High Sc·hool. and chair- I 1.

man of tll!' Cc11t1·al \Visconsi n Oratorica l )\-~oc iation. .

Frnnk Jos1Yick is g-cm•ral <'h ail'- ~-----------~

i I Credits Accepted At All Universil ies. Degree Courses in Home Economics and




MargaretAshmun I KREMBS Club Ha~ Monthly , I Double Malted Milk

Meeting Tuesday _i _ To Know T he Diffe rence



~c§uhffe <tCorset $bop For Lingerie, Hosie ry, Handker­

chiefs. Gift Novelties

i , I r,:: ... ::::r::~:;;:· 11

11 Stevens P.oint. Wiscon:Ji

I French C~mpbell & Co. Student Supplies

449 Main St. Phone 98J

Th e monthly mcetin!! of t he .\farg:Hct As l11irnn Club \ms held 'J'11 esclay eYcning in the Rura l Asse mbly Rooms. P la ns were dis­cussed fo r t ht· annua l banquet o[ t he Club which wi ll ta ke place t hi s year t he latter part of M ay.

~\I I'. Spind lu was speaker of the e,·c11i11 g, and spok e Ycry j11tcrc~t­i1q . .dy and ,.1n.n1sin~ly. P1·ank .Jos­wil'k iaYc a repor t on " The Con­stant Nymph ". in a Yt·ry t·on1 -jJrr•hcnsiYC manner.

~~~~~~~~,_.!111-~ --~

Grammars-Rurals Hold Joint Meet 1

,\ meet in g- of t he Ru rn l L i[e l ·Jnh was held la;;t )londay evcn­i1q!. 'l' he Gramma rs were C'n ter­la ined as t heir gncsls. 'rhc pro­g rnm consisted o l' a ,·ery in te r e. t­i 11 g ta lk by ;\[ r . ·· ·hm e~ck le a nd seYc1·al Yoca l se lections by L ila Radl ey , Viola Sc l11rn ntcs, E st he1·

.Wiers ig . 1':clnn Was rnd a nd E lea­nol' Stosick. 'l'h e sixth grn d c qua l't ettc comp!Jscd of Lydia Sm ith. · E lea nor Sossirn:;, J ea n Mailc l' a nd Frances Wiora al so sa ng.

A fte r a short busi ness mect in " dancing 11·as he!d in t he gym th~ ~est o[ t he evenrn g .

Schaltner's Electric Shoe Hospital 519 Strong, Ave.':: fhone 196-W ·

We will call for and deliver. Have your call in before 9 A. M. and

4 P. M. for quick service



I i;,rason 1927

I <!ommencement


3lnbitations · ~nnounccments anb ~rograms

I .

I cA wonderful new line read')!

for J!O U to selei:./ from.

Worzalla rublishing Go.


1 Shoes, Clothing, Mens Furnishings

,~V~_?UR DOLLA~~~


, OPE N ED A SAVINGS AC­COUNT FOR YOU AT YOUR BIRTH and deposit-ed one dollar each week un­ti l you attained the age of

• twenty years, at 3% interest compounded semi-annually,

. you would receive $1,523.04. · 1!



· Start an account today at the -==-11 I CITIZE~~:.TIONAL

I "The Bank That Service

ffolf?Prwf ffasierg


I - Built".


Collegiate Cars - See -

G. A. Gullikson Company


Page 4: THE . POINTER · THE . POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 19 Stevens Point, Wis., May 12, 1927 5 Cents DISTRICT . · SPEECH MEET . HERE TOMOR OW , TRACKSTERS SCORE IN TRIAL TILTS


Co~~rffe::ro~no:t:: ;I' 1!1:IJt 11}olllller 11}uff -11ii-:'\u Home Ecs Should !1\cooK·- ·sTUDIO ffaul out yom last 11·,·,·k 's jieautp ~bop I !. Visit I I




.';\\.'.~i; I HOTEL WHITING BLOCK 11 ii ~~~[~~W'~ [111 !i~i ~==~==-~~~~= thesl': 1. t:,J1·).(as: :l: A U,•rma11 Steveus Point, Wis 11 . •

1 :


1 R Sh t ' i111•11u1 Cll lll Jlllll:V ( l' roducers ot 111 I ingness oe Faust. 'l'h,• Last J,au~h. Vnric•ty. I I ,•te. ) : :3. His ste pi'ath('r and Ull(·l r : I Tele phone 625 I '11 · 1 Cornpany -1. South C:al'Olina: '>. Fou1· (U1_1il'ss II I

{it~~IJ1~{:J.::~~~}If~f :~!:;;'i;i,] '.''i'. 1 \ ""Clothes F~~ I 1·1ee·1· =_-..-..C,,,o_..a .. t""""""S=a---/=e"="-..-l,1I· I L~;:;r;:;1:~~~~;LS J

L s. Sennte; 9. ,\l tt•1iut1011 ot .


_ •


I Hffections; 10. C'omlllodorc·•s College Men ' II Every Garment in the House . I To Satis fy The l\lost ,I .Junl' ·1, 18 1:; ) : 11. Happy I-fool - Featuring th e Marked at C!earmg Prices J. a.w,·,·n,·,· (111 )l assa,·husetts B.t y, II I Fastid ious

i).(a t1 's brnthcl': 1:l. The duck-!1 111- new Regular Price $15.00 to $85.00 _ eel plat~'. ])llS; 1a . . Th e . . Mc;s;al'y Charter House Models I SALE PRICE $8.50 to $65,00 lcu,s I Ha1t"et1 ~'arm Rcltcl b,11: 1-1. A KELLY'S I ,- , TENNIS fish cxpel't (" ~' ishist "): .l:i. 'Iwo ·


( A rhomboid is a panalle ll ogram Mens Wear s. I ·1 AMMUNITION BASE BALLS in wh ich tlH' ani:dcs. a1·c ohliqu c Bctween thetwoth~ater~ COMPANY - - 1·

and - the ad.ia<Tnt _ sides al'C Ult· l ·------- ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT eq ual ) : 16. 'l'he Gideons ('l'h ey arc j · I m,•mbcl's or the Ch rist ian Com- 1 -- I mcn:ial 'rra\'elcr's Asso<liationl: ! 7b}3'nO""t't:t' ~ Paint whith THE SPORT SHOP 17. Bathsheba's lrn.sba ml : 18. Oh- I R" W t 13 I s,·ene: ltcent1011s; .19. Warcl ,• n of I The Store For Women KYANTZ£ I 422 MAIN STREET 1

1 .\ tlanta Penitentia ry: :lfl. ,\ny I mo II th w it h a II R i II it ( A 11 hut 11';;;;;;;;;-..-..-..-.. ..... -..-..-..'="'-.."'1' ;\faY . . Tu ne. Jul~·. and Auµ- ust ) ; 2 1. 1 F--..-..'='="="==========-..~J Th H" h G d I :.~=~=========: p.r: (,\ pig- without an eye is I : e ig est ra e HELEN FIEREK

necessa r ily bli1~d ) : :22. ',!'hree: :11

MAJESTIC Possible-. -- · MSc/,tL


_fLs /NPEu


R_seys j (Kahn of 'a l1 forn1a. Rop;hs of :l[a,;sadrnsctts.a11clXort onof i\'cw SPECIAL I GUARANTEE HARDWARE CO . . Jersey) ; 2:3. )Lul e: 2-1. 5280: 25. "'===-..-..-..-..;;;;;;;;-..-..-..-..e411 I Ii STYLE ACCESSORIES D,•a n S11·ift (F amous 1•;11µ-lish sat- ,114 ~~ts Com. Mon. May 16!, =

ll'I S1 and chul'chm an who 11ent II ~ 1F=~~~~-..;,,;,;;;-..;;;.;;;,==-.."':'i1 11 -mad shortly attc ,· his pl'ed,ct ,onl . 1===========1 ·1 PERSISTENT SAVING · Ii LET'ER RAIN---

If yon il\lSll'Cr~d twent y 0 1' more ·1' The Screen Masl:erpiece ASSURES A COMPETENCE ,·orrect ly out of the twent.,·.fn·c. , I . h C d F' Id If you have a U. S. Rubber yon can con,1dcr yourself as one , mt e ome Y te I [ Theman orwomanwho saves per- I Co. Slicker o[ the intellig-ens ia. ', CHARLIE


sistantly will reap a competence. All Colors $8.50 1 Ha ve you started your account with AT THE

Latest S h; t Mus~ - 1 MURRA Yi 1 ~f~.F:~;~R!!~rl::tt~~~r be- ·1 Hegg Clothing Co. Bru::::t S~;;f/~~s & : I AND · Capital & Surplus $250,000 I 1 · "The best in men's wear"

Jacobs Novelty Co. CHESTER I Larges t in Portage Cou nty . .I 455 MAIN ST. I ,~---.......--------~ 'I CONKLIN: II."'"------~-., ! ,[Fl~-~--~-,

I-~S:TesEWVtE~Ni~st p;ooholNPT ~·· -!1 I !I.', :I "McFAD~;N'S FLATS" !. ! II Boston Furn~~~epa!y Undertaking WIS~~~~~. ;o~~~:i~ANK

-=-; · i The Hume of Good Furniture w,s. , M h f h k' d I ·111 Established 18.88 A Growing Institution j 1There is no ate or t e JD ::::=::;::=:=::=::=:=:=:=:

1, I of Entertainment these Two

-H-o~- e- M--ad-e- Candy I 1:1 Gloom Chasers Supply. II A PLACE TO EAT JI CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE--AT- '1;1 LYRIC · THE SPOT RESTAURANT I Fruits and Vegetables

' 'THE PAL" l i, ·1.1· 4 141'1ainSt. Phom:95 Phone51 4.571'1ainSt. Old Time Price Night I

i I Every Monday---- ii 'I '"""-..-..;;;;,;;;;;-..-..;;;;,;;;;;-..-.. ........ ;;;,;

The Students Tailor 11

, All'"" 10 ""'"· . PilCKERT'S SANITARY MEAT L. C. HUSSIN , /i

1Bargain Night Every Wednes- :·1 MARKET

J OHN N. PEIUKERT, ProJJ. 102 Strongs Ave. Phone 847W

1,_ day----lOc and lSc_. __ _\ . -151 Main St.

I 1

Thi t Spice Is P;a id For H\' T ll lt

' 'J'EV ~I\S l'OIN'l' 1n;:-1TAL· ASSOCIATION



Meyer Drug Co. 305 Main St. To S. P. N.


FERDINAND A. HIRZY Orthophonic Victrolas Victor Records Sheet Music

"1t~t ~ilt «:ounfrlor" Wilson Music Company

"The Best of Everything in Musical" Opposite Lyric Theatre