

\'olumc XXI. No. 7 SUBIACO, AHKANSAS Apnl-:\fnr, 1939

ALUMNI HEAR NOTABLES; I ,.,.,old In P-ictu-ves I TWENTY-six ASPIRANTS ELECT NEW OFFICERS -- .J. I ,, , I -- IN BASEBALL TOGS IL------- ---------------------..J L u. H enry, t:!lllle I'lannln,r Board C hie r ; Dr. Thomn.s L Kenn~, A hbut Poul Nohlcn, bJX·llk

A,; In tl.' ilJI l!l33, o nly two slatc1, New Yor k a nd Wisconsin, hnd ,totr plnnn ln ,:: board• organ· lzL>d, L ,\ Henry, director o r th!! A rkansas state plnnntng board, ln­!o11nL'<I ~Jumnl nnd g uc~ts n t the annual "S. A A " banque t In the school's spacious d ining hnll. Mon d n~ night, April li Doctor Henr,· r:in an lnt..rcsllng and ,1blc re­s ume or 11111 work or thl' Wonder S ta te's board In the Importa nt m11u .. rs or ror, ·.,1, "fldllft•, gaml' nnd 11,h conser\'n t lon, as well ns In hl!lh\\ .,y planning and build· lni; Hr was rono," :I by Dr Thomru; L . Ke~ny. notrd prlL•Rt• editor of T HE GUARDIAN, Lillie Rock Ca1holtc dlOCLS3n \Hdtly, or \\ hlch th" buslnrss mnnaRcr, the Rev Thom•s Prrmkri:ns1, n lso tntrcnluc,-d. Father Keany gn, ,, lhc philosophic basic on , •·hlch th,• Catholic school', n•a­wnablc lnterc.,t In n thlNlcs 1,1 based lli> Jaud,•d tht• Sublnco Tl'ojnns t or 1hrlr $pot 1'mnnshlp and prop<'r em phasis of 1hr. "pla} ' rlr menl In their gomr, lffiYIIIG I that be h nd !ollowrd thl'lr learns for ) ('ars w ith lntcrc.l F'.llhrr J<cnn}' dt1 l.'Cts url<J L'On< h1.•, the / uB<-1h-S o! SL J\lan 's:' clumplon !!iris bask,•tball tea m or M1 SI ll!nry 's ,\ catll'm) . l .111lr· P o:k

,\hbul Pnul Spt•ok~ Third banque t -p•·'ll<, r \\.'.Ill thl'

Rt n ev ,\hbot P a ul ,1. Nahh:n prcs ld~nt o r the •chonl, \\ ho 1,nc g lvr.n l using o ~dllon on being lnlroducNI Abbo t Paul, rl'call l Ing th,tl he hnd ,·omr to S uhtneo 43 yr·,rs ai::o, ond s tatlni: th \I hts hrot1 harl n-mnmrd twre ,"'vl'r since, In ,1 hrru t to hPort tnlormat I talk pleadl'd !or run ('()(JJ>• , .lllPn of nil ell'.'ments ond <'5(1C(1,1ll} ol the ,tlumnl !or 1hr !utlhrt u11 hulhllng o r S ubiaco . R1•frroim· to his w01 k ,1nd to his Jrlendh In on•r lh<' pns l 11 ),•a rs, Ab bot Paul silld thal ho• hnd l''<'Jlt


David L. Wadley, graduate ot 1!123, the n, alumni,1ldent, II not only the a u thor o r the book Winning Ways", n which he has nbly described lhc l nsclnntlon, the technlqur, nnd the bene.!Jts or the hobby or "conics Una:' for pr1zell­a hobby that ha., l't'ached an lntcmntlonal p,,ak in Interest and Is sH•mlngly ~ll11 on the Increase Wadley Is among the ofllclal BIJ! T,·n champions In 1hr p un1ult of h is hobby. Hr 1,a,. won four medals ns a member or thr All American Conto·,t Tram,, tn 1935, 1936, 1937, 'llld 19.:.,, His I auk.Ing In the Big Ten Js 10th, 7th, !ld, :!d.

Wadley bc,:11n his hobby In 1!130 Smee then he h:is won more than 150 prlz.:s. Their combined valuu exceeds Sl0,000.00. In onL, con1est he won ""''l'Y prlw ofCcrr.d. His wlnnln~ ha,c 111nged "trom n pountl n l bacon 10 a thousand dollars ' lie has won .lO radios, and once hnd a pn ,. radio In ,·>'cry room oJ his hom" In ,uttlnll prlze.wlMtni: letters h" hol5 nssum,'<I such roh·.s ns hlrocksmlth, Un,·mnn. -nksmnn, houscw1lr, ,-nglnrcr, mother , and innumerable oth1 r W;,dley Is os5oc1a1,• r•dltor of one r.on1cs1 magazine, so­nuthcr ol o £L'<:ond book, mc·mber ol the advisor) ,·ouncJI ot America's lcadtnl!' school o r C'OI rl!Spondenre ln contest 1cch· ntque. l'lC, etc His 1n1crest has grown with his £ucccss It led h:m. tn 19Ji, 10 write his book " \YIMlnl: W ays." The All /\mi>1 Jl'an 'l'csm on \\ h lch \ \ 'adlcy hos placed lour tlmcs 1S cho:;en 0!1nually from nmonr. some 10,000,IJOO C'Ontl"it110ta.

H.\ }/J{S nRST 1:,; ST.\TI,; IIO~Onrn D\' \J L"JXI

Din Id I. Watlln


,:,nc,, te rml'd •·thr' 1·1 ·.trt of Su u ... J. Kn,"' -h""l·ph hun: bla co, • the Rt nc,· l',1ul M :-..ih The ,llumnl bod) In ,;asion ID

Coiw:h ,rau.~ 'Wntal.nlnr Tndll tonal J'ln;t J.n,·e of :,uhl&l:o In Sporu a., Bala and Dall, .\&UII

A• pres, hour a pp ro:iched Sat­urdAy then! "ere ~ asptrani. to dlamontl lame In T rojan togs on the field of hlslorlc S ubiaco :,c­demy, \\ hlch In nnclent times rea.

tured b3"'baU as Its Ilm love ll!ld chi~! spon The a dv,•nt of b3S­kNball, football, and lntersdlool 1c11ms, as well us thl! i:ndual ch-eplng In oC embryo track teama, has l'<'lega1ed baseball to n place !Dr dcnm the line among major S)lOrts. But It !i!IU ls a major span, though here more than anywhere e~ the NJun" clemc-nt "hlch ren1uITS .Mnus­conchcd and kct!ps the n th­lNlc prognun on the strictly am· atcur b:ISIS for \\ hJch It Is famed Is plainly uppermost No pLi}·er 15 asked to do mor e than a !air day'11 wnrk per workout, a nd d ue nllowancc t, made Jor the b.1lmy sprloi: se;i.son. The result o that

111 happy. a:u-r.lm! bod:,, of }'Dung men gets au th,• essential training In sportsmanship. t=,.ork. 1 obt>::J~ncc to onlt'rs. .i'ld •h e l ,ke, I a.nd no ambll,on to 11ardo:. Is kno\\"tl ,.., be crushed by U!'s 5>s-


I Cumlldlllt.., \ tt' '.',~ml'd Cln" 1.ltt"i ttpon1ni: Cor prac-

111cc rcgulnrb ~1:icc April 18 ,~,-e tx,cn Lrrtr ?,1('5Sffler, p , sum-

1 rnen Mool't' Ir . :b, l ohn Dunn. c, 1\IArty Ashour er, Jim l'msted, r r '13>-nnrd Worthmr.roo. II . Bob OcSal\OJ II Henr, RUL.....,,.nld rt, Dick \\ orthlni:100 rf. Cb:irles

I lohnsoro cl, Chnrlcs ;\lrNell, lb; James l\fullli;nn, ss Eugene 1km.

!3b Ewrcu Ta)lor, :::b; Er\\ln \Jabr,, c, Bill Mc:;cr, lb Tom Knram, Jb, Harold Tlnlmrnnll.D,

: p Mike D.;S,11\-0, :?b, Jllll Lane>, 'lb, John ,\dams, p, Emmett \lur­rny, ss: D:ile Denman. 3b George Summcni. U, Larry &:Jby, cl; Dick Fn'<!man, 3b, Andrew RAJ· blc•, II Onb 6 lettermen an- ID uol!onn

Coach ~laus Is on the lookout Cor games to CIU the short seuon mdlng June 1 He "'ill play any te:im \\11hln reasonable tramJD& distance Hts bookings art' on a return-game buls. -Koke. -._F.\'E.~ WILL BE


11 hen Ira, Ing Corpus Chris ti r,,c:. 1•nll), Ju51 us hr had w,•pl on Irwin,: Subl,1C'O tor Texas In 1'•:!7 "lt gOC"S to s how," he ohsencd, ''1hnt wh1..-1 , .. on,•'ft hc,,r·t l!i, one­labn1 s "tlllni:I>·" The nr" pre•I· dent srnted 1hat he \\.t_q 1101 out to aN·k honors ~nrl renown, but tlmt his tnolto In his nr.w po~lt ­lon \\ ouhl btt •1 \\'01 k nnd Scr\'ICC fl

Unpr,'<'f'<lt•nll'<I ,1p11t.,u, c i:t<'~tNI IConltnucd on P,1gr Sl,cJ

uu:ss1:-.r. 01 .\BOOT l '.\ Ll. ·ro on .un ,rl.:st: w

A s n 'COuntl'd more fully clst'- lrn, l't'Ct'llll) elL-cll'll nbbol and /\nthon} Hall on J\londa), ,\prll whc t l' In this tssur, Jose1ih l{urz. pl ,•sltlt !1I ol the lnstlluU011, came I,;, tendered a rislnl: ,·otc or sophomo:-e at SuhtL'O ,\cndcmy lnlo his O\\ll when thc ,lumnl I 1hnnks and thundc-rous ,1pplaUR and 1,•.1dlng ,1ud1·nt In 1lm clnss· tclum,•,I for th•• lnnu.,I reunion, 10 to,llrlni: alumm Prcsldrnt Leo lrol d,·p.1r1ment, won rtnll plac,.• r,tnndo'<I by old ra,hloncd South J Krebs. who h:id wrved n,·e In thl' "A" dl\'lslon In 1h,• Span crn ho,pllnlll) and 1~ lcal L'Ollegc lcnus. Krebs \\ilS I cnomlnntcd lsh e,~11mlna1tons during U1e Llnl I uni;frold. Apr II l6-l , , Tile bus) bu1 withdrew bcrort' the ballot \'Cl ffltY nl ,\tkansns nnnual high , "wcutl\·e iook tlm,• out 10 bc \\Ith \\as tnken He lmml'dllely plt'd/:· school lt!crnry .md Held meet th" oldsicn; ,ilmost C'Onstantb· rd full support nf his 6K!lon to ,\11rll I l Ku~ hnd at~o eamcd dui Ing ihe two-d,l) 51·1oSlon ,\I I lhP Ill'\\ Pr~ldent, D,wld L \\ 1111- SC'li<'n members ot the cll!rkate lhr• right 10 cOlllJlClt' In &,,cond umnl, through 1h" rL•solullons' IL')' , nom1ru11N1 from the lloor or~"e" Subiaco Abbe-~ .. m be or­)' ~lgebrn but the ctrcum cammltlt'I! cha,rm:inncd b} Conch Xrebs. leading Llttle noel< hnrd .Wncd b) the Most. Rev Jahn 01anc,' th11 the Sp:mlsh nnd 1hr I It I' ,~lnus, honorcct ,\bboi P,iul I \\arc ml'rchan1, nt this wrltlnJ: 1, n lllorrb, D o, nt!hop of t!le n tr,,•bru l'.xamtnn11011s "'''L' 111kcn hy Cll ,lllng 0nd hrsto"lng upon In =-:ew York CII) to 11J151st ID Ar C.thollc dloca,, or Unle Rodr, ,1 thr s.1mc hour (lrNPnlrd hlS him lhr illl<' 01 Supreme Coun- kll1153.~ part In the Opt'nlng or the carly tn June The }OWi& men to Solrmn blrsstni; ol Abbot oomJ>ctlni; tn the taller subject I M,llt't or the nlumn, irroup Car World's ~-alt H~ Is co-chnlrman be otd.,lncd a R \" Herbert l'aul .\!. Nnhlrn ror hi'- nrw One ul llu• qull1'SI, mo,i modest lite In 11ellllon!n:: Abbu1 l'nul, of th,• Atk.tlnsas \\·orld's Fnlr \'og11lpobl. ! SreblU: Ark.· die oUl<'C w,11 occur on June-~. It boys on 1:11' rampu. ' he has 1hr by :i lhilng ,·01r. lo ,1CC1>11t this Commission. R<-\' F:ibla: Dlc~tn oJ Hai..aa. was announced this w,•rk Ih<• t~ plmlly annlrtJcnl mln!l ol his iltle lhc bod) ,,..,n1 u11 rrcord as --o--- Tux 1hr Re\' Chrlsf~pher Palad-Rt Rev John B Mont, , D D ' Ge1 man nnc,·~try. •h• wor ka set dl's,rlng •he OC'\\ hc:id to lwH• IIE;liRl' -\C-C'Y.1-r.- s rEEOI lno 'o1 Center Rld,11e Ark the ordinary of thr dloccsc ul Lit lnu,I) but not •la\'l•hl\' ne lovrs ., "fn-st nnrl lon•mo•t \'DIC(' In nil OS ~HORT N OTICE R•~ Cletus Post oJ Fort Smith tit> Rock, \\JJI blr'IS th" nc\\ lhc outdoor ltfl' and Jtcqm-ntl)' 115 prt"!r!lt nnll future dellbcrn I CrNIII Is du~ Dr L. A Henry aorl Altus, Ark, 'the Rev Harold abbot. l\lnny dlrtnttnrle~ from Joins his p.olc on brtd camping, , Ions ol Lltll1• node rar his nbJc, tlJs llctman, of SI Brmanl. Nebra., ,11rloua pnrta of lhc L'OUntr} hiking, S\llmmlng " nd fishing 0- s,,rtntlon on 1111' l\'Orktngs o! th<' the Rev. 'IUcbael l.eDSID&, ot are r.i<pectl'd tu nttcnd. A com- trip~ amid Ille u~snrpnsscd Oua- .n n c; t., C'O" r v.,T s1n1r. planning boaru. as gh·en at' Scmnton. Ark, th!' Re,· Melnnld m lltl'C to attend 10 lhc detail• chlla Hills nnd \ nllr•ya m•ar th,• Tiw \, ry nc,· Gregory K••h- 1 ihr Alumni Banqu,•t l'l.'Ct·nth l\lnrbaui:h, of Montel't'), lad. or the p1,•1>.1mt1on hos bc·,•n sLI ,chool res, C.' S B. d,;in or music, was , Hrnr) ncceptetl the sprech u an Thi' PEIUSCOP£ ol!rrs heart u p Invltallons wilt bl' llSUcd -<>- - Inn urtlclal judge of theo cllmlna- O\'l'mlghl ns.sti:nmrnt when Pres est C'Olli;tntulaUons to thdl' IIC\fl In lhe near ru1u,·,, Furthcl' L:·scault ( In ClauJ IJ akin lion cont es I In pLwo nr 1hr l'nrL, ldent J W Hull or 1hr Al 1<.-ms:i1 mL•n, who soon will lake an acth-e onnounccmenls wlll be mudc Jn grnfllni: 1 v,·n' tcttnt discovery• Hli;h Schrol 1hls 1prtn1: ·n,eo Polyk-chnlc C'ollt'J:l' al Russell, . part other than that ol prt'pal' thl' press as th~ occ:ulnn nrls F,1thrr ;,.'orb;,rt· =-:o It's \t'Q contc,it \\ll5 conducted tor the ,111r h(,Qmr Ill nnd hnd 10 cancel , Ins: through thrtr 111udles ID the 1!11. anclrnl All rtrnlllnc I~ Just n 1111rpose nl rhoostni: n ron1,·stnnt hi• eni::ai:~men1 to ~ppcar ns · upbulldlng ur Subiaco '-------- --- ---' " ,kin gnme. lur tlbtrlct nnd stat,, mcN.s. principal 5J1C,kei, : -D D


Ap1·ll-Moy, 1989

_ ~!.-----==:---:-----------:-T~J~I E=~P:E=R~l~S:C~O:P~E~:;;~~~~~~;:::r~~~~:::~== ~!·~T~,-o writer on n dltllcull Eng lish OS Encores THE PERISCOPE JtOLL OF UONOJt STUDENT FPQM GREECE slgnmcnt. Besides o dull> lrnns·

'fhlnl (lllJlrl~r LEARNS ENGLISH HERE lntlon ,exercise (10m modern Publl•hNI lfonthly During the Greek Into English, Jim hiLS n per Schw l ~ ell?' by Subiaco Collego Nole- -S1nre Subiaco seeks 10 lod per week In Theme Writing, and Academy Su bbiro, Arkansas. slrc~s chornc1er bulldl

1ng,, Ph1an°C: ,fhn tlulllo, ltt'<'cnl Jn1111l1rrunt lllkcs dally lessons In 'Buslne5!:

' • ore dccldl!d on the rol ° From Grt'C<le, Ac1111lrcs English .\rlthmctlc, " the America n wny, l:,ulw:rlptlun Price- _.lSOo by (l ) Conduc1 tlr deportment, Fust. und hns ell'Cted to s tudy Spanis h.

Evcrp, here, t:?1 Appllcallon 10 lk think& h e mny Inter wish lo !STAFF S1udll'S. (31 ,\\'U:lllt! In St udlcL ,11111 J..lolllo, of Skt1(l('I0s, GreN:C po to South Amerloo He Is s ure

Dale Oenmnn, J r _Edllor To gn.ln n pince a n lhc l ist, n S lralght from the lnml or Hom tha t he wis hes to lcnrn nbout Wltllnm Gerke. .Ma.nnglng Editor s1udenl mus1 nol hn\'e more thnn N o.nd Dcmo,ihenes, and cradled ncronuu tlcs nnd lo pilot his own Howard Morrta. - Vel'liC Ed!lor one mark (avcrnge> In lln) stud}· ncnr Athens. nrt caplln l o l the plane some doy Ne.'<l term h e Wtlllnm Clancy Chlet Reporter belo" S5 tor the q unrtN, and world in anclenl t imes, comes wlll toke o full acndcmlc coul'lle Bugh :O.tcDonald, Dnld Koke, mu,1 hnn • no mark belo,, 75 Jim U olllo, n Creek boy ol 17 at Subiaco IC his advnncc ln E n Allen :O.tcCorsUn, Eugene Catholic s tudents lo "place" must yc,1rs who Is acquiring English g llsh wUI permit B.ubour - -AJ.s' t, Rcporlel'$ nvcrn11t 90 or 0011er In the Rel SJII.-Cch nod Amer ican ways In ll lls Good Slnrt In School

lglon class A mnrk of 90 per huge gulp• here- J im com e to us Jim, n,ldc from the temormy fL-\..'\Ju'G 0 1, c o :i,TEST \ :\TS c,,n1 or oollrr must be nu nlned by lnngungc hnmllcap, hos II very

J:-.' " lJ' , u.ET Al!, "\ 01.I'.\Ct.;0 nJI Honor studcnls In conduct nod fnlr st,ut In school H e was born appllcntlon 10 Studies. ~, 0cc 1.i, 1922, ,ll Skopelos, Greece.

Ranking ot Sublnco's conics t

.:-;o. J\nmc 111 r:n 131 There he a lll.'ndcd elementary ts In the Unl\·ersll}' or ,\rknn 1 Char lr·; WnJm-,; .JOO l OO !19 school 8 yenrs He IlnlNhed n ycnr

~~s 10\·llational mcci, In academic !! Hrnry ,\nhnlt l OO JOO 98 ol the "gymnnslum" a l Skyathos i;ubJl'CIS, wns ~enl

10 ihe 3 Joseph li:w-z l OO l lJO 98 01 Bolos, Gi"C'CC~ The gymnns-

nc:idrmr ll I!! as Collo·,111 Jo~ph I. Lro Lensln:- JOO l OO 97 1um In Crercc Is loosely •penkln i: J{un-. Spanish 1: Henry Anhalt, 5. \\1lllrun Cloney - 100 lOO 97 nn equivalen t or our American algrbr.1 11 Bemis Chappell.-, al· 6 Lc-sion Sacra lOO lOO 96 high school nod e:u-ly Junior col szcbra Tl, t!!, Willlnm Clancy, 7 Joseph Koester lOO l OO ~ lei:r In some subjecis, ho,wer, A1111•rtcan Hlslory 11, Charles S, Evetttl 'T:!yor lOO lOO ~ n Grel'k boy Is considerably rnrlh· J ones, English 12 , Hrnry Anhall , 19 Oa\'ld Koke lOO l OO 9-I er otlvanccd than an Amerloon

mntlon of smndtn;:s on the pan 11 111an1n Ashour l OO l OO 93 1cntaUvcly been c:ln•~L'il n soph o l\'JlC'Wthlng l\·QC3tlonall, S lnfor· 10. LouL~ DeS.i.lvo 100 l OO 93 11:ld o r the s.-ime nee Jim has

o_r L-Ompetltors In non-0cndemlc 112 William Gerkl! 100 100 92 more ln the ncadem)', awalUng a ~ub)L'CIS has not been recel\'ed, 13. Thomn~ DcClerk .100 100 91 u nnscrlpt of his record !rom and the rnnklnl: 01 Thomas ~ H Roberl DeSalvo .JOO l OO 90 Greece nnd an evalua tion or It In Clr r k. \\ho competed In plnne n. Anthony '\Iller - l OO l OO 90 Amerlcnn 1erms Llolllo has pro i;cometry, 11\so was no, available l t,. John Dunn .JOO 98 93 nounccd ta.lent for teaming Jan· 01 press 11ml' ti Gror;ie F l.scher 95 l OO 97 guoge~ a nd I~ exceplionnlly well

It w ill be obscn·<'il by !be n-ad· JS. ~Uchael DeSnlvo 95 100 '13 grounded In g rammar er tha l no Subiaco student rom 19 Ja mel\ E lsken 'l5 100 92 pellnll ranked lower than 12th 20 Clyde Needham 95 100 88 among all rompeUrors. T wo con- 2L Lowell Wilson 95 95 'l6 -D A...,r JS )!ENDED

The doorbell rnng. The study hnll keeper sent Jllcmphls Moe lo nll.!lwer ''Who wns It?" osked lhe S . H , K., upon Moe's return. "Huh," sold Jlloc, " tha t waa Just n strnu ge mnn lookln11 !or the wron g pluce.

Dorm P re fect llurry a nd wnsh your race nnd get doM1 10 break· tost

Mnurlce !mu mbling 10 hlm­scirl Whal r ight h11ve lhey to mnkc vou ,vash you1 lace on an emptv • slomacl1"

T eneher Parse the word "kiss" Ior me

Lanf'y The word 1, n no,, n­b ul gencmlly u~ed a, n conJunc­ttan Rarely IC ever declined More common 1hnn proper ~ot u~ed In the slng ulnt, ruwn)· In the plum ! In one w,1y, It IP nn ndiecllve bec,1unr It agreea with somrlhln!' el~e. Timi something Is me.

The mylhlcal ·overage man" ho.s nl lnM been denned It ls 1he fellow who Is n't ns good ns 1hc girl thought he was belorcc she mnrrfed him, and lsn'I as bad as she thinks he Is she hos married h im

Da le r Jus t wonder where nil my pins (?0.

sfdProtlons make this showmg :?2 Eu11ene Boem er 95 05 93 vN")' good: !Ina, C'\·er;· student 23 Robert Yc,1(?er 95 95 91 The rock relnlorc~>d dirt dam compt'tlng trom Subiaco en tered 24 C.)-Ttl PID!ca.n - 95 95 90 ,nm IJollto Impounding the wa ters or Lake

Bill Tl1nt'~ renlly hnrd to say You see, they nre nil pointed In one dlrecUon but headed In the other

the meet for 1he ti.l"'!I rime. In 25 Frlga 95 95 90 E gene o! 1he north campus gove the subJcclF ln \\hlch he compel 26 '.'\!niter Blnlzc 95 95 8'l vln Lake Vllloge, where his falh ih~ Rev. Alcuin Kubis, O. s. B., cd, whel't'as many of his compel 27 Charles ;-.rru-tln 95 95 89 er, Gus Llolllo, who preceded him campus supervisor, an noxious

Business Lea der !lecturing) Tl1e great secre t of r.ucres.s Is to !Ind out Just wha t lhc people wnnL

llors had cnlcrl!d\' , some 28. Jnmes Uolllo - 95 95 8S lo Ame rica, conducts the Majcs- Sundny morning al alumni lime, ol them 1wo or lhrec um~ o;ec 29 Charles Mc.'lell 'l5 95 86 lie Cale He learned of Subiaco April 16. A sudden 5 Inch rain ond, upward ot -I 000 1tudcn1.1 30. Oren Phllllps _ - 95 90 96 through James lllullfgan and over!lowed the Jnkc and wnshed comp<,l<'ti, all ol them the pick or 31 Edwnrd Endres 90 95 94 orher sludenls nnd Irfends. Jim out porl of the embnnkment nt tbclr \'arlous schools, a nd logeth 32 Calvm J\lfller 90 95 '1-l cnmc al I.lie lum of the semcs- the norlhwcsl nnd northe,,at ends

I nquirer In nudlcnce And then give It lo them"

Business lender rcontemptuous lyl: Nn", Corner It er !be pick of the high-school stu· 33. Bemis Chappelle 90 95 90 ter, February 1st, and lmmcdlale- Faher Alcuin quickly organized

dents throughout the st.a.le. The 34 John Criner 90 90 '1-l ly made Irlends with nll Speech 0 s·escue crew which opened a sec-PERISCOPE congralulalCS the 3.5 Howard Bell _ 90 90 92 great!)' failed him, but his smlltng lion o! the loke permltlfng the Subiaco entries as well as th• JG. James Brennan 90 90 9'.! eyes and e.xpresslve hnods suf- waters to !low o!! and th us prc. winners from every school 37 La.rry Selby - - 90 90 8S !feed ror communication He hod vented a more serious brenk Th e

-0 D .o--- hod prlvale tutoring Crom MISS dnm w lll be repaired and streng IOJl.N KRE.,JERS, 'll-l WOiiam&, school teacher 01 thened before June, according to

Dunn A,Jtour Take 1>ouble!>; WEDS ::IJO:l','TA...._A GIDL Greenwood, Miss , who found a pla.ns. Fort :,mllh Wins Stnclea key lo communlcal.lon w ith Jim The same rain that threatened

J ohn G Kremers, '34, former durlnl? his early days In Amer· Lake Eugene also tore out a sec-The tennis 1cam ol Dunn and 'I'toJan back!!eld "ace' , married lea last to.II lion o! the Incomplete dam o!

Allhour extended Itself as a !111ss Dorothy HIilan, daughter ol ::\Just Learn Modern Greek the Paris water s upply project, smooth tuncUonlng unit Fnday Mr ond lllrs C E Bilton, or Mon J im's teachers at first tried 10 causing damage es umated at S18, nU.ernoon, Aprll 28, to take a dou tana. Ark, In Holy Redeemer ucontact" him through the Greek 000. Alumni saw waters In the blcs m31cll trom Stanley Price Church nt Clarksville recently. version o! the Bible Their Bib· paved streets or modern P orts, and Fred Bak<,r of !be Fort The marriage was solemnized by llc:al Greek Interspersed wllh and mn.ny o! them went over to Smith Gr!zzlle,;. In dcleaUng the 1he Rev Alhanaslus Z:Chnder, 0 Homeric dialect did not su!!fce. see lhe ronrlng waters a l lhe dnm Price-Boker tPllm by the scores IS . B, ot Clorksv!Ue, Wednesday ''No good- too old," Jim would site P orts oI.llclals soon had the G-2, 1~. 5-1, Fort Smllh scoreo morning, April 12. Miss Joseph· say whenever- as WllS otten-1s lluollon under control.

O'Hara Where did you get that clgnr, Irom n fr iend?

Big MIiier· I wouldn't know, I hnven't tried smoking II yel.


Dr. C. M. Sommerhauaer Denllst

Gen e,'ll lllcCoy - · On,J Hy,:-lenlst BWle Salle · • - J?«eptlonlst 101-710 Union National Bank Bldg-

OUlcc Phone S-7788 Res. Phone 8-i890



Wuhed and Scn!ened Sand and Gra,·el

Dardanclln • Morrilton - Newport

given llr,;t, the Subiaco nel.liters \fne Hil ton, sister ol the bride, wns lhcy "spr11ng" a bit or B. C arcll Students wh o aided In rescuing won a dt.-<:lalon over lop competlt· bridesmaid, and ,11ss Theresa nl11111 on J im But the lad had Lake E ugene and recovering fin. Ion In Ar kansru. Price was one Kremers, sister or the groom, was brought a textbook oblDlned In gerllngs that hod escaped were halt ol thi, 1eam ot FranlJ. and 'maid or honor Edward Schriver New· Yor k City and deslnncd to Btll Denman, J ohn c. Sleger, An ­Prlc,• that won the te.nnlJI doubl•a ol Subsnco Academy, cousin ot •each English to Immigrants from drew Arnold, James Brennon, at Fa~e11evUle In the U o! A the groom, and Charles HIiian, Greece Coples were soon pro- Charles Jones, Lorry Selby, Dick - - ------:--:::---:--::=~:--met?t 1ht• eprln,:-, whllr Boker .,,as brother ol the- bride, were groom• cured, and now both 1eachers and Worthington, Don Lescau lt They Greellngs -::.:~t Wish!'§ 1he runnrr,up In thl' •lni:I~ com men. The bride was beauU!ully nupll arc doing nicely, thank you dld good wol'k quickly under Fa petition. Fort Smith, on the other . gowned In white satin with whlle The Conner over that thr Iron· ther Alcuin's leadership. CARTHAGE MARBLE hand, made a clt•an s\\ecp ol the \aC<:('SSOrle< 0 1Lfon Irom ancient to modern -Koke CORPORATION s lngll'S mntchl'S wtlh Subiaco Fri John and his charmln11 young Greek I~ not so simple as lhe Cartlu,ge, :\llshourl day Henry Frnnlz of the Griz· wlfr> .,111 mak, their home al ~ants hnvp o!tcn repre~cntcd --o---7Jtc,i ll•J~ntl!d John Dunn of th• 1· Pralne Vlr·" · whcrr John \\as II. Bas ically the l\\o periods or A.."'NE'\'. GOE::> UP Trojans Bit! Wlldrr bent CL-or,:<> r l':lrrtl th<' language's dev1>lopment ore 1,1...,.m, r nf Subiaco, and Fort - <> fr,deed onr, but whal a dl!forence Rnotlng o! the new Ifvc story Smllh's S1ank> Price look the (O~ ','.\l'GllTON IJ'1Bmo thosr ncl\ words and chnn1?ed 100 by 40 fot:l annex lo lh~ cast decision ~ rr our v ..ston Sacra. M L\H CnlhPrine ConMu11hton, Mr1ntn11~ make' It ts well tor ol the main building Ml.I< be-The complclC r<..:ord of malt he& ,j.1ui:h1,,r of •,t1 imd \Ir,; S A I Llolllo, they say, thnl thl! 15 lho· 1run recently. Plaste ring Is the follows Comu,u,:hton, ond Frnnk :If Lim· c.1•r . ~Ince lhnt pub lh<> burdrn mnln work going on a t present Fort Smith vs Sublnco l.olrd w,-rr marrtrd Mond,1y mom \" ' self expr<>,slon morr fully up In lhc in terior The nev Jus· Pti~B.,kn Dunn Ashour Ing, April 2-1, by th,• R•:v 111umas en him, lh<> 91udcnl, with lh<> tin We" er!I, 0 S B, manager

li-'2, I ti, 5-1 Bu, rglrr, n S. B., paslor of SI lf'llUll that hr ncc1•!;J;arll> learns or I.he bulldlni: unit, and his Sacro J o:,1•ph's church nt Pat!•. Mias

I fasirr th_ nn would olhen,lsc be crrw of workm1>n hove aimed

r,..1 6-1, ti0 < ·onnaugh1on, who t,,,,:amr · Mrs l hi, casr m thorough ra1he1 than hnsty Dunn Ltmb1rd at 1h1• \\o!ddlng t,"1-Vlcr, .\d,11ncp11 RA11ldl> work Nt-vcrlloelcss, lh<'V hnvr

'" 11 • l•lrr to Mrs R. P Maus. I 1.lolllo I• .1dv11Mtnr r,1pldly In bc!en progrcs., lng on >«:h1•dule


Fr11n1z 6-t, 6-3

1,1,,s,m, r 1-6, lG

F'rnntz,Hrnnl11 Sacra Bnrbour

_ WIider Both C..thertn,, ontt Frank an, hi• reur,r nnd ,tll Clnl•h thr l<>XI llme Th<> annex Is dally tak ••·ell known 10 mnnr .ulumnl, hav- tl\ lht rtr~t ol Junr. \\-:-.lch I~ qull- Ing completer shaJ)f'. 11 wlll Ing nll<'nded th• alumni ball on llntc llm<>, al th,· 1ire11<>nl rnt,• of 111vr the community n consider a numlwr ot occasions. The- Lim I pror,r""s And Jim on hi~ p~rl nbli, amount of addlltonol space birds will r<'lllde nt Mc<:ct•htt, I says "NPxl ,ummrr work In for ncrded living qunr ter s, din· Ark, whnr Mr Lfmblrd ho, 111cr1• lrnm plenty·· All ,, r whlrh ini: hnll, r ecrrntlonal cenle r, bt.'<'n rmployed lhc put )·e11r or \ nn one wlll doub1 In thr lrasl "ho assembly hall, and other pur,

6-0, 6-2 Fnrt Smith will play rNum

111otcht11 nl Subiaco on May 8, the Rt,v , Alcuin Kubis, tennis co,1ch, announrl"d. so We concratula1e - L has til"t'n J im lnbnr ovor n t) (>I!· pa,rs

::lfcCormlck -Doorlng y:IU'm Equipment

lnle rnatlonnl ::llolor Trucks


l llll<' Bock

JACK HUNTER n eprl-senllnir

\\'ESTI~OUOUSE Thi• Nnmr that ,1canR

Ever )'thlnir In Eh'ctrl•IIY


Don' t Fur,rrt UR When 'la ou NHd :ur rehandlM!

And ShOC'!< of Any Kind, We ApprN!lalo Your Patrona«e

Parltl, Arkanllllll


A1ml-:\£ny, 193!1


Bcncdlr llnt·• Enl<•r h ~tudcnt~ In .\c111lr1111t- bubJt·ll~, 1 In ~111,tc, ~ In 'fr::id,, 1 In \ 'ocullunal

Jo.,cph Kurz, .. 011homorc In the classll'lll course .it Sublnco, \\on first plnCt' In Sp.inlsh 111 lhe rJrst or "A" dt,·lslon at the Unlven;tty or Arknnsas hich-school mcN nt 1-'nyctte~lllc, April H 15. Nearly <1,000 t'Olll<>Stan!B compclrd, ,md upl\11rd~ ol 500 hli:h schools ,\'L'rn rcprc5cntt~I In tht• annual mceL

\\'llllnm Clancy, nnollwr Sub IJco sophomore, wcnl to lhe !ln­nls In the "D~ division In pl.ino, but I\ ,1s 1hcr" cl1mlnatt•d b> keen ond clo:t' rompNltlon Sublnco cn1crc.d G stutl~ntG In ncndrmtc contc..;ls, l In music, !J In track C\rnts anti 1 Inn vooulonol sub­ject E"ntrl,·~ ,w, ,, First nlgcbra, llcnn• ,\nhnlt: ,ccond ntccbrn,


Champion Trojan Basketeers In Very Fine Pose

13<:mls Cho11fK'll": Amrrk,m lits- Though b,1Bketbalts hnw long known Ht>Orts ;crlbc .ind c 1:nmcn 11;. season by tru!lln1 Ix-hind o.nd t 01T, WUll.un Clancy, F.ngllsh, since yielded to their sm,tller bul tntor Ben Urown, cnck rcle~. r::::-Lng up from t'"e rcu," tti Charle~ Jonl'5 , plane lll'Ome11;·, h.1rdlrr co115Jns, basl'balls. nnd ro11sld1•n1I rhc ""'" ('h)sltali>' wc,1 .1 ,i::c ,·rn:n Thc,y c:ipped 'Thom.11 DcClell;, Spanish, Joseph' some or lhl'lie hoopstl!l'S are now thP nl~st b311111rcd he has ,.,,rr all cl:. . .ixcs b> afflxtnc II prlvalt• l{urz, lype,, rlllni;, Henn· Anhalt, swinging ;it n pellet th,•y wish s1udh?d Tcmpcnimcnt,1lly, the I seal to District 1::? cham11lonshlp. track rwn1s, Clydl' NC'i'dhnm, w .. r·e the size of 11 ,olll-> ball ,,t uwners of rhc handsome pedJI Th!s they did by a narrou I-point Rodolfo Per,•yn, nntl Hamid Tim· lr:tsl, the PERISC()PE yet tx-Urv urremltws ,,·,•re ns Inconstant ru; lend over Casi, a lrlrndl) and mnm,tn. John Dunn and Martin_ rs the subject or "our first dis- th,> were uccas1on.1lly brllllnn1 /•portsm,mllkc rl\al \\ho L11cr A•hour compctrrl ns n trnnls trlcl championship" allvr c,nouch All In all, they bt-oucht more at- dclC3ted the Trojans' Anywn>, It doublrs IClm, and \\ere taken otf In _the school to mil ntll'ntlnn to

I trnllon to the school hy their \\illl our !11'11 dl£trlct trophy-and by Llltlc Rocks doublt·s team I the unuRuo.l "set of bnskctbnll antler 1hnn h.1d ,my prl"·lous we continue to llkc It' ltcadlnc coml)O!!l'd or Wllllnm McComb. le;•," above The picture ts re- tram Thr} . ddrd crny hnlrh 10 ldt to right < ummrn '1oore Jr, ~nd W11tkcr Fnln, scorc'll 6-3, :?6, run by courtesy or 1hr Forl 1h1• coachlnl!' properties of lhrlr Charles Mc."Jcf~ G~n:c l\lM1mer, GO tLlttle Rock ,con•·, i:tvc,n Smith Soutlmest ,\merlcan nnd fll•\\l:,"t'<I mrntor nnd IK'lon'<l Grorge Lisko, Ccz:11 !11:us, Cl)de first l ~lcC Tlml!l Rl'COrd, thanks to 1he kind friend, Coach Mnus 'fhpy ga\ r N1?edhnm, J~me.s<!. J ohn TI1e Rev Alcuin Kubis. 0 S. I ness or Johnny Porh'I, well fnn< 1nnum .. nbll' 1brtll• throu11h Dunn • .Mnnln Asbour B, dlrrctor or 1hr ~cholasllcall', ------------------

spon,ored th1· Sublnco dclrratlon ~C: 11:RDULE UEACIIES HALI' I n11O11 OJ'ENElt TO J> \IUS i",\TlfEI! ,\Ltl'JY ,t ,u:rn•u:, ---·O \\ \ Y 'IAllK IX Al'IUL Thrt'l· Subiaco pllchcr .,n,· 6 r.n:1U:,T1:-;<.; 'l\T<'JIE'> .St-:CO~ll E:-.Gu-.11 C l, \i::>'> -- ocatterL'<l hlt1, to lht: Pat1L hi11h l · IND~ ~TUIULUS IN DEBATE Tho annual hnndb:111 tourmt Hhool battrra and dro1>J><.-d the The 1cnnls s,,ason ri'CC'ntly glor I mcnt under th, dlrcctlnn or the op:nlng game o( thf' '39 hllllSOII h;, 1!lcd Into a majo1 sport 111 Su

Pnge Three

I-l'fflt,\ ,n-11 \LB \-.KETBUL

JIF '>(;LT:>

Rf'Sulta or the lntramurnl b3i;. kmball mcc during the p.ut \\Ill· rc,r were tl'c tolloulng.

In the plnyolC of the 11nn bnlf ! of the schl'dule, the "Cubs" eas­ily took flllit ('llact' In the nl~ 1c1m tmi;uc They 1\011 7 gnmrs, IO'!lng onl) r:ie COnll"it, Their captain wiu Cyrl) Plarc:in, who nlso aclcd .ia lht r co.,ch.

Wlnnet'f In th:- 61!COnd half "ero lhl! ··enrc11nnb, ' \\ ho \\"On i gnm!'ll and <1111 not drop n ,Ingle ncounlrr to nny opponnnt The c11pr1ln \HUI Lc.-ion <;;tern ~ml tl-elr co.1c.'l uas Martin A~hour

In the championship toumn mrnt, March 20-21 the atronr. "Cardinal," met lh~ hard fl,:ht Inc "Cubs" "1 Anthony Hall on tltrce ,ueccutve occasion• Each 11ml' the "C'nrdln.1ls' rtnl!l'llrd th~ wlnnrr, though In lhe lut two b·ttles th" C'ubs" m'"dNI their opponents to the Ll.~t

The !lrsl rhamploru.hlp l:31Ul'II rN1ullcd "Canl1MIS' 25 ··cuhs" i The cecond· "Canllnala" JO, "Cubs" 7 The third .inti hardest i;amr Of thMn all went ID the "Cardinals" by 11 13-10 scorr, but nor ht•lor,· the • Cubs had put up a ,·er;· gallant !f,:ht

lllerulK'n1 of lbe wfnnlnc tenm "Ill be nwnrd,~I somr kind of In• dMdual r;ymbol of thelr victory; n pin, n le11cr, or fiOmc othrr emblem, Tor \\Inning team was banqUPll'd with n "chicken din· ner" Parl)" this 1pr1n,:

'The "C~rdlnals" squad consut· t"d or Leston Sacra •C>, Rob Dc­Salvo. Hugh McDonald Dale Den· m11n Jr. ]l!an. In C.oot.ison, John C S tei:,•r, and Tony Mlllc,r,

l\lrmbt'l'lhlp In the runner up 'Cub,;'' 11c,:r1•catlon Wll9 Cyril Pla!cnn (Cl, Charles Mc.-. .. 11, Leo l\lorrtson, Leo E\-ans. Carl Maler, Elu,:o Sch\\1ll'2. nnd HO\•ard Bell,

-L O,,Sal\o ----THE t,;:Sl\'F.BSITI llEET

D<•b,ttlng ,md public •peaking Re,. ,\lculn Kubis, c,. 8 n., t't'ach a !.! to 1 SL-ore 'Thursday nClcr• b1aco. \\Ith comJl('lillon o,-er the huve ()roved a 1llmulus to Im- cd the ho.If-,, ny mnrli on April :!G noon, ,\pr11 27 Thr gamr \\'lL'I past frw )ears sttlni: the Tro­pro\ cmcnt of df'l<!l'ch In thL' sec- i when Loul, DcSat,·o and Lt-ston plnyed on \'orstvr /lcld JI Subl Jans maintain n n1n• nvern1w of ond )'Cill En11lli.h class, occonl- . Sacrn won 1hc mldwa) ployoft nco Hamp1on of Pan, pllcht'<l .-111,, has nttrnclN J select group Ing to ,ln e-cprc.sslon given by the I rrom Abe Wnglll'r md £d Endn·s cnL,hlt basball Hr was n.lclwd of youni: mr.n this s,•Json Whllr mcmbrr~ thcmscl~es through 11 The nmof! was ployed on the Car n ~lnglr by James Mulligan man)' mrn comJl('ll-d In the tr, poll or t.he class. Minute, are bnsl• of "be,;t 3 out or 5" Wn11 In the first Inning An error, and outs, the 5 man 1eam picked thu~ ncaUy kept or each ml'l'tlng The nl'r nnd Endrt'S took the first then a sncrlllce hit b) Lisko, rar In dcubl.-s and s1n11lrs com clnss d1•votrs n period a week to gnme handily, then fnltrr<'d .-hllc brought ~lull!i:an In !or Subtaro·s f>C'Ullon t'Ons1st11 or John Dunn. The Journey to F'a)ettc,.llle on deb:lUng and speaking Topics o! Sacra nnd DeSalvo got under \\'RY only tall) Lefty '.'llr.ssmcr, James Oz.ll'k, Manin Ashnur, Subfat'O, April 16-17 by a group of atu• current 1ntcrcst are Introduced to win the nexl three mntches ~lulll1ton, and John Dunn altPr Georcl' :\legmer, :\trmphls; ~ dpnts to panlclpate In the annual each wcPk Their •tl'ody play lfll\.'C them flr<I na1,-d on 1hr mound for 1hr Tro- ton Sacra, Denison, Tl!X. and hlghiidtool mttt at the Unlver Subjl!Cts recently dlscu.s.scd \\Crc: place 1n the Clr,;I half o( the Jan~. Thr Maus mtn arc \\Ith Eurrnr Barbour :\l,•mpbls slty of Arkansas wlll long be re­' 'Should l\!unltlons Plants Be Un• s~heduh.'. and thr o! 0111 a single •rasoned pllchrr this A 1yplcally •1ou,:h" .sdu.•dule membered by thDR uldng part. dcr Government Conlrol or Pr1v playtni; the "Lnnrra of the see 1prtng and wUI harn to reson 10 1rnt11tl>'t'iy arranged !or thr rac• The trip up through the hills In ately O\\'ncd'" Dl•batl'd by Wal· and hnlf Final \\Inners \YUi be j pulllni: men from vnrlous ()Ml qurt exp<'rt£ Is tbl' lolfo,-·lni:. re- thl' big, smooth running new ter Blnlzc nnd William Cloney. the oUlclo.l school campus champs lions, to sel'\'C' them up to the op- Jeued by Fathl'r Alcuin !or press Dodl:e wu Yt!ry pll!JISllllL When ' 'ls Mexico Ju.stilled ln Conllscat- In handball tor '38-'J9. A luscious, flOlilng bnuers. purJ)Oid bul subject to l'l'\llslon, we arrived we made our way to mg Oil nnd Other Lands Owned toothsome "chicken dlnMr" tor Terry of Paris cot 1 single and Fort Smith ltherel AWll 28: Ut the New Field Houae to find out by Foreigners In Mexico•" Ochal· the champs Is an added Incentive a double In rour 5c,s,;lons at bat. Ile Rock lthrrel May 5, Fort when our tennis players wa-e to ed by Joseph Kurz Richard Wor- to hon! play D D He led the hlllng, \\hlclt wos light Smllh <hrrel Moy 8, Van Buren battle on the courta. 'Ibm -thlnglon, Howurd Bcll ond Lowell ---o---- on both sidPs Paris had an edi:e fthcrel May u, Utile Rock left for the City Tourist CDurta, Wilson bENJOIIS F.LECT OFFICERS tn all dcpartmcn,,._ Tht• Eagfi,s thrrel M11y l!I, \'on Buren lherel whett Jut )-ear'I troup of SU-

OUlccrs or the Engllsh class are from thl' l.olf:tn count) capital ""Y 2S. -Kolce. blaco repl'l!NDtatlws allo bad \Vllllam Cloney, pt ~sldcnt, Wolter On rclurntni: !rom the Easler I slole 4 bases and commlned one ----<>---- stayed. A hot 111pper wu dllb-BllllZ.e, vice president, Alphons vocation the senior claa.s elected 'rrror Subiaco found the crror11 GLEE CLUB PRAcrJCES ed up on short order by oar Bain, secretary Father Sylve11er oUlcera Cl'orgc Messmer, of column 3 tlmM and 11olc no ,\ glee club hAs bttn organized wgunt" cooks appoln-.S lo their Schad, Is the moderator ol the Memphis, Tenn .. wu cho,,en pres bases Hampton struck out 13 by Father Alculn Kubis and ls JIOlltlon by Father Alcuin for the debating club S. ldcnt. Tony Grummer, Con,\3}, men and allow,,d four wnlks. Su pmctlsln,: for public appearances duntlon of our 1tay ~ --o-- Ark., IS th<! vice pn•sldrnl Other blnco's trio of pllchN'S, ,-orktng \\hlch "Ill Ix- cllmlllled by num· Marty Alhour and "Chick" Dlllm. FATHER ALFRED TO C. C'. C, oCllcel'!I are Gcor11c Fischer, src- gamel)· out of their natural po, hers rcndcl'l.'d 111 the commence- the lennla duo. rctllry, Dole Dcnmnn Jr, hlstor <lllons. laML'<I !l and wnlkl'd :; mcnt excrclS('S on June 1 "Subl Next ~ moat of tbe The Rev ,\lire.I Hoonlg, O. S. B., English 1ns1ructor, left Su­biaco on April 5 to till<L• up work al Corpus Christi Colle11i,.Acad emy The a11polntmcnt cnrue fol­lowing the eil'Cllon o( Abbot Paul and the chnngcs the election nec­esslllltetl nt the sister 1n,t1tutlon. The Re,·. Josc•ph Fuhrmann, 0 s. B., a former n-clor hen,. has hN-n named president or the Texas school to succeed Father Poul. The Rev AIIK'n Scllr~lbt-r, a for mer PREISCOPE slat! member and an lnstrnctor hero prior to the 1927 flrc, will •uccrt'<i Father .Joaeph at the end of 1hr term as director of s tudlr, Father Al· !red during his tMchfn,: lrrm or the Inst thrl'(! quarlcrs did out­standing work In promoting nn Interest In bt.'tlcr English among the lrrshmen.

Inn; c B Nall Jr. lawyer to dt:1" mt•n. at'O," a sonc l\'rll1cn b1· the late In whlcll - were lnt.rallNl up the fast will ,1nd tr1tamrnt, Co.1th \fnus has Ne\\ Blatnr Instructor Doctor Bede Horaac, of held. We - very prtlUi! ~ Summrrs Mool'I! Jr, a,ststnnt Sunda) 111 SttOnd posluon on hl5 SI. Joseph's, LA, LI being pl't'p&I' .Joe Kun wben be loak llat, lawyer Tor Re,, Gcol'J:e SU11s shon schr'<IUll' ed ID his 11\lbject, 8ptllllab; •nl'r, Instructor In English nnd o- --- "F'lll'l'1'1'11, Alma Mattt" will be Alalln WU '1ff1 fnmoua club fc,ndrr, was rll'CIM C'Lt'D 11O:-;on..-. LEADER &111111 either by the glte club or VPJ')' Ingenious Ill ~ sponsor of the cJ.u., Thc Don Bost'O Stud) Club hon- by the IIC'nlor clnss with uaLlt make the stay Ill tlii ----- ol't'd lu l1'3dcr and sponsor, the anc,, from thl' glee club. Sonp di)' both plauaat ill4 wuOH.SESIIOE" POPULAR R1•,• Ceori:e Slraasnrr, 0 S. B .• tl'rs pracUllln11 with Fatbtt AJ. After the fllltl 11 on 1115 nnmcda) the ~·cast of St, culn arc David Koke, Lowell day aner- -Georgl!, whlclt oecurrNI on April Wilson. Ll'onard Fox. Leston Sa lllTtYlq at Competing with handball nt

lhl• &cnson Is the nnclcnt, rnr In trrcsllng gamr nr "hor~hors •· Reculatlon slw or shoes Is u!I('(!, and th,•rt• was tnlk Ill pl'l'ss tfn,r or ba.-lng a "first annual hol'Sl'­&hDl'" toumam,•nt Father Ray mond, hrnd prefret, Ix an ntlept at ringing thr ,hoes on the stak~, nnd hns lent Impetus to Interest In this game. It Is rta)'ed durlnk oil lht' -hort l'l'Cfl'ntlon period•, ns man)· i:aml'II can be pl•>·ed In a shon time. -Al Mc

23 The 101101,Jni: da), .!llondny, cm, Hownro Bl-II, Oscar Stolll!. 7:00p.m. Webild~ the t'IUb mc,mbC'n;, \\ho hnd prr Oscar Gt'hrlng William Clancy, the Jlft!CNIII& ~ ,·Jously offcl't'd their conaratula· sophomore, 15 thr club's pianist. P. m Ilona, wrnt l\lth thrlr sponsor on -C Hlahlllhta of the a moonli:ht mnrshmcllo,- roaat. ------- one uklq U - _,. Thn "old ablK'y" ground., n mUe MR. HARRELL \'ISITS • Ide of the rtwr ar an to thr southeast "'t'rr ,1slled and Jllr H H Harrcll, manager of &Ide" .J- bar.. thrn• the club r.nJ011!d gaml'S and Sherwin Williama Palnls In Little 01qhl ID the act of rdrrshmrnts The story or thP Rock, v151tl'd !hr school on April Clancy staalna Illa <"atl) da)-. of the abbey and Its 5 "Ith his 10n, Howard, "'ho bu ,er 91r11ce Ihm •!las a loct1tlon on the "old ab~)' been attending achoo! In Arizona ' erounds" .-u recountt'd to ne1>· Mr Hlll'l't'll Is an uncle or fresh· 1rr "an lhe ~ comers 111 th<" school. -A. H . man John C. Steacr o! PracotL thoqbt



.1:!!}!!_.!.l·'.'.'.o.!!u!..r .,..._ __________________ T,;;_;;,I.;_£ .;;;E;...__P_E_ R_I_S_ C_O_ P_ E _________________ A_ p __ 1_·i_l-_M_rt_Y __ ,_J..;.ll.;;.;.8!)

J',( ,u,To ... u \.'l;Jl 1•1:.n1 onm, I:\ 1,.:-; Ett COtnlT Retiring S. A. A. Prexy _ Gives Final Message

The l,cr,mton Hli;h 5chool band Nol<! Ex· \lumnl·Pll 11,knt to b1• cong1,llulatcd Thi• d lsu lei of coo11cr,lllon b> the Rt. Re\· r,a\-C an apprecln11'<1 pcr formanre Kh bs h1tS uskt-d th,11 h is ltnnl e,1rne to tht• ntLdlnc with till' Abbot, I know thnt 1!139--10 wlll ~1 Sublac<1 on ,\pril 13. 'l"hc dlr- m ,11S<IR<', bclo\\', be p ubllehL'<I i:ren test ~hawing In lib histor y be a )'t·:ir In which one hundred cctor, the 11,-v. Richard E ,·cld, o. "llhout d 1•lc tlon or alt,•r.ulon oml 1hr mcmbt•rs hunorc•d 111,, de per cent coo11l'r.illon will bi, 1·~­S. B, nrmni;, .. 1 his l . ..,,,r-0ld, -l·l · as nn expression of his p;:n,onnl l••gntlon h) d~llng one o( lhclr qu ired b> the enllr" n,;soclnt1011 piece orgnnlzntlon In thn plaza ~~ntlments and 011lnlon'I. The m, 11 vie,, presldt•nt 'I his m:ut J.ntl I !cit that I could not obtn ln ot the Inner courr ,u ·l 00 o't'lock e,lllorlal $lnll ls glnd to comply i;houhl lit• ublr to do m uch In h i~ lhl~ 15 will be i.,qulred. In the ~tt·moon and trear, .. 1 th,! with this rl'qucst Editor, ,-ornmunlt\' tor the b,·m•fil of S u- It grle\cs rnc deeply to thlnlt ilUdent, ton eonCCit ol nr.nrl} nn ,\prll 18, Ul3!1 blaco lie l~ 11 lt.ttll'r ornoni; th,• that In the l,tst lhtcc Y<'lllS WI! hour'a durnllun. Tiw youni: mu'I- Dc.rr l•'rllow Alumni I mrmb1•rs In his s1ntL· To the han~ nol hntl one .•,lnglt• mtrnbrr !clans are lndcro to be eon1:rntul Tiir 27th annual reunion ls now I T,·xns District l wish to 1111y that from the Fort Smith District ated on the llnlsh and dispatch o\·N ,\& th£> Rt . He, ,\bbot srat· It ls up to mokc yout , ·fctLprcst, For I Smith ha& bLctt one, oC th<' \\Ith which they ""nt 1hrou~h ,'ti In one of ha, talks during au, , tlrnt "outshlm• all pre\iOus vice- mos1 loyal thAll lc16 In thL• orcnnJ , popldar and M'ml-classltnl ~:C(. ml!l'tlng, I hol)l' the good rcsolu pres1dc,_n1s by ":01 l1lnc onL· hunt!- z.1t10n It hns been u lcaik>r In tlons. students, prot<.'S.iOrs, work tlons rnnd~ wlll Ix• i-.irrl,'tl our. I rctl pea cent 101 Sublaeo. the ,\lurnnl At,oclatlon and I sin, men- ovrrybody about the pre- $lnr,•tely ,•ntre:11 of you to lit• To the :-.trmphfs Distr ict, al cc1-cly hOJJL' nnd trust that this mises c,-mml'ntt'd !nvo;.ibly upon loy,11 ,md stanch •upporr-,rs of thou,:h then• w,1s llltlc honor )c,u- Foat Smllh will ai1,1ln enlcr· th" nc.1t pcrlonnante 11,,. b:11111 your new officers. You mlch1 glwn them ns to rhe sclrcllon of Into th1.• fold of our or~a.nlzatlon boy, and girls Inter took 5 00 t11lnk th.ti )OU h~,·<' conf,•rrL'fi nn ofllt'l'l'I, thdt job bpc;um, p,•rhap, aml a,,urne tts place ar the 10p ,LS

o'clock luncheon in thr studrntsl l'onor upon them, rather, you th,• hardr·st ol ,1ny, \\ h~n Dr a lrad<'r both morally und llnan tllnlng hull. then buan.lcd the h n- i;tvcn thrnr a h,ml, ~ucnu l'ru,•rel nccrptcd the rrsponslbll- clnlly r;('hool bus to I><' tukrn 10 Pnrls. oi. • Job. A Job that 1-cqU1rc11 !Dr llY ol 1:c1tlng up the lnllh1llon, Ph•ll~~, su111mr1 where the) ga\'e a public (ler murr l,1bor tlian mnn) of )ou JJ<!r Hr took n burdcnsom•• rcsponslh· I ' ! ,, Pr, ,!dent Wadley, II lhcr,:, lormanC:<' on th:- courr hou5c bps n-nllzc There ls II mn1tcr Ult}· for a ll ls rlrpettdlni: on him ls on} umc I c,u, be ,,1 hl'lp lo url'Pn 1or -me mo thnus.1!ld hu•mP•s 10 ob1.11n omrthlni: new to cr<'al,· 1)011, I will ,1r,r,r,•clatc )our cnlllng

Members or th<' Scronton b:tnd, klll'rs to I><' written ,lurlnr:: thr Int, h"'I In thP orgnnllltton upon me and I wlll t'llrlc,wor 10 118 cl05C.'1Y as th, t'l.'J10rll'r could )cJr Thrrr are con met~ to be; Thu11ks Lo., ul ~upp<irtl'r,, du ,ill tn mr PO"'''' to r,•ndt•r 1he ob111ln thl' n~mrs, arc the \UssC"S made contnets thnl can on!) bC'


In thl., my llnal letter lo lhc n'isls1,1nc,• )'OU ,,•ck

Struggling Scribblers

011\:NO NACll \ USSE.N

I lonr to s('C those hlllP ot pine, Tho,,, ,.11leys llllcd wllh brfcht

, un:ihlne; ! lonr to hr,w th,• pine u ,,c, i-oar \n lhumlr•r• ctoudb on ~prlng

\\·Inds soa1

r long to climb ll1r• wlnds11 cpl crags

And \'lcw the rnll,•y us 11 iags Fl'om mountain lop to vallcy

!ilt·t.1nmsi Ah, brnuty fur surpJJJslng


The hllls ,inti d ,tlcs lhnl can be seen

Dres srd In ~1,r1n1:llm<1's brlgh1,,,1 crccn

C'ontril·c u henul;· unsurpassed,­,\ poe1 's hl',1,·en found nl Jul'

And , uch 111 Ilnd THEE, l\111)', to b~

When hoUdn;s shall Eel me !rel' l'o roam 1hosc hills of ,J.u k gr een

pint, All b111lw<1 In lu\'cl)· wnnn sun­


\\'lllee, W<'athcrton, Ncl.Ja Dean n,Jrlc by the l't'pr<>scntnlhc of rhe member~ o( th,• A,;socl.1llon I Let 's mnk<' 1!13!J ·IO lhc- grc,11es t Ewing, Imogen )ICi'rs. "lldrl'dl rut.side. namrly th ,• pn.,.ldent • ·ant Lo thnnk my many stanch year In lhe history or the Sublnto Phelps, Jvy Ray :-.croham, :Mnd- There tq a mntt,.r of ohtlllnln,: ,uppor11>r:; ~-110 h aw f!IVPn .,o \ lumnl A,,,ocln tlon Let'~ all pull oltnc Gr.t), Lot'l.'tra Whltl-y, Annn ft,ianclal help, which It has bL-cn , much of their time and enerJ!Y to for one great ulm and shO\• 10 1he 'lo,\ I the frellny unuNstand, &>11 Grny, Hckn Hampton, Ruby thl' pollt-y of th,• tnrnn,r prrsl I make th e past six )·t?ar-; pleasant R t Re\' . Abbot lhnt he hns a n The Joy I've !ell with June at Nell Hampton, Cltnna Mae ,,,rd. dent., to do. o1nd which ts no C'nsy and Unnnclally ~ood To the 1939 Alumni Assooaallon tha t he rnn hnnd EJlz:tbeth Walker, Ila Rhea Luc-:Job Th,i oUlcors drse rvl' nil \'ou; nominating committee, I wlRh to be Jusll)· proud or, and one thol Th1ough kno1,'lng, Inn short rime llS. \'rrglnta Gray, Gcne\'lcve Bell-, flnanctal and moral supporl an npolo,:ize for seemingly r unnln morr tu P:tldine \\'a.Iker \!lldrt'd Ah each dls1r1ct ;holdd do a ll In Its · g he can depcod on to help h im In !Io.rd month, ol sludy ,1 ru bl' nc .' Joan Wbltlak,.;, Hary Kalb- power to COOl'f'mle with them. I oul on )'OU :tflcr you were so kind hlA mnny and ,1renuous lnsks I o'er r.-n Fox Paulin~ Gr:ry, Ruth Ann Ti,.u., C'onu,-. Fonrnrd 10 ofkr my nam e for rcelecUon. Fra ternnlly yours. !~me~ Gladys Jones. BoJs Th,· Texru. Dlslrlct, !mired, ls Aller Jlsrrn lng to 1he many talks Leo J Kreb,. But sorrow alao comes with joys hold ing :Ocmbershlp are· G. Spic- --------------:------- --- ---------------- , Th<> pangs ol par1 lng ~lrtke us er, Harold s,11np,on, J c. Whit· lillRl o:-. .E u r fJST !'ARI, 1s n1rno, ED I BHOTHEH BENEDICT ADAMS . boy• lak er, D.rrrd D Sp1ct'r, Pete Mc- 1 ·on SCUOI.AR!e>JIIP:,, :l!emb,:,rs of Ute Jbbcy et,nlca te Pf!ONOUNCES vow-. \\ 111~ wor~l nnd hnod we 11 so, CuMh·er. Zanr Ford, R. T Gray, hnvc In rbc post Jew months m ode T or~\\':,

1 ? N

11 Adolph "1tttli;: Da,·td Rogc-rs, 0 ,\ rdea,'<' from the Univers ity ma ny lmprovcmi,n t.s rn the earn Bi-other B<:nedtct Adams on ° mee O ,a 11 - 0 one can re · J SplC'f!r, Hasknr Wcnthcnon. A ol ,\ rkonsns a t Fnyeu,, . llle Wed pus plot , -,st of the ma in build April 13 pronounced perpe1uul Now dealer s un t han e'er bcfotc F Bennr.n, J ,-r ome Kl'l'mf'?S, Ger· 1nc-sday listed J oseph Kur . •oph· Ing. N ew shrubbery hos been vows In the Order of Sn Int Bene- ·1 hosi: dn)·s thnl ;oon can be no nld l= Selph , Dtnms Roy Bur omor" at the ac,1dem)". omon,: 15 ~c, out, lhc Ush pond!s hove bl'l!n tllct 111 Suhloco Ills vows "Ne I more rl._ Eu11ttn Houser, Luther Lee studrnrs cllg lblr to r r cclvc Be,,. cli,anrd and res1ucked, on out received br the \'rt) Re,· r;mat- Now prlet•l<!!Os lhcy ap!>"ar 10 mr l.llr nnd Harold Hampton. trlre F"rost schola1·shlp,. awarded door .,qua rlum hns been added, tus Bodmn}r, prior, In the absence Th.11 soon llwy'U only m<>morles

:llr Snmurl P Ford, principal I to outs 1ondln,: .slUtlPnt• ta king !lower beds m.iglcnlly Inserted, I of F iilher Abbot Father Alphons be. - Wm. Cloney ot the school, accompanied the port In ncademle contests In tht- s1a1ues and ornnmental knick- :lludlcr, o. S B .. hnmedfntc .sup ---o---b md on It · -:prlni t, ,w • unl\~n lly', lm·ltnllonal mccr Uris nacks procured, nnd In general crfor of the Lay Br·others, pr es- TJlOUGllTS Wtnu,; WAITING

--o- sprtn,: The tr.n schoill111hlps \\lll many llllle · hom~y" touch c..s dt•II ented Brolhe, Benedict at lhe nl BIOLOGl ;,atJn1...vr-. ,,on,- be awarded by J\ln, E W Frost, 1) made With the help of !\!other car The vows were pronounced There &lands within th!' Inner

St\.El.£1'0.'.'i or C \T Tex:irkanll clubwoman 3nd cl\'lc Noturc, lh,• .. Eas r Paik" should at the ortertory oC the s olemn Tore<> biology studrnt, All h'ader , the onnounccmcnt stntes be rn spltmdld shnpe within a high ;I.Joss sung by lhe Rev Hc1

Ho('<fobl!C'k, Renr. Anh.ill, ;ind On the eligible 11st nrr,. week or so mnn Laux, O S B A~•ls1nnts Joseph Koester ha,·e taken a &>lly Ben Geren, Fort Smith, A nL' \\' scone grolto Is In the W<'re Frater Christopher P:ilud· l;c,:·11 lntC'r•.!Sl tn biology, bccom· algrhm; Irwin llloshaer. Boone- process of bulldlng nncl wfll be Ina and Frater Cletus P ost of lhe Ing cnthuslasuc 10 such a point vfllr. Amrricnn Hlsrory: 1\larimr complctrd nnd dedicated tn :lln)' abbey cle1 lcate thcll they \\l!rc 1,'<I to mount the et Key, Little Roek blolorn Rich From base 10 top the grotto I!. Brother Benedict, who 1ukcs 5krlcto n <lf n .:at as a pracucc nrd Alston LltUe Rock, chemls over twent; feet IL wlU housc care oC the nbbcy orchards ond

llSSlgnmcnt this winter 11wl 1ry, ConstanCP ;\lcChesncy, a ll!est, c statute oC the Vtrcfn vineyards, formerly lived at Chnr­work tequh,.!d

th,, de,.·olln,: 0 1 S pttngdale, fllrla' exlcmpornn Under 11enerul supervis ion of the lesion. wher·., manv of his rein·

mQJly hours 01

frl'C Lime to thr t'OUS ~!*aklng; Frederick Taylor, Ri,v Vincent Orlh, o s B.. fn - Lives ore prominent chureh \\Ork <'ntei prl7." Th,-y labored lallhful Hope, boys' extemporaneous struclor of clrr lcs, !his grotto Is cr.s He hod pronounced simple ly under dlr<:'Ctlon or rhe R.,,. sp;,a ktni::, Doris Trottvr, Fort belnc buUt by rhe young clerics \'ows in 1936 The 'PERISCOPE Clem•nt Schmidt, O. S. B., baolo- 5mlrh, humorous rcacllng Amy who wlll be ordnlnoxl this spring for the s tudents otlers con,:r11u1. 11> fn

5truuor. Farber Clement Is liolromb, Na,hvflle, serious rNd II Is their farewell gilt to the atlons to BroU1er Bcnedlel - McC

a rr,c,•nt i:mduarc of Saini Louis lni: : Gn>gory Falb. For1 Smith. "!ratl'rlum0 Work.Ing on th1: pro- ---<>-

Unl\:t·rally, nn

t1 hn.~ tlon" much -n~morlud orauon: Roi 1\111.saps Jl!Ci ore Frotre~ Cletus Post Har- STUDENT'S ORANDF\TIIER slmllar work In tlu: laboratorlc-s Siloam Springs debate ' old !Telmun, Ch1·lstopher Pnlnd· DIE."i of ~h~ 11reat !lll~wurl lnslllutlon 'llir · ,·holar.•hlp., include all lno, F,1btnn Dlcr• fng, Mrlnrnd ,.J 1c,,un ~ o~Unll n ,: h"'as t>1

1CCC!dh uni-.., •11> 1.,,, D D Marbaugh, Michael Lensing, and ,,.. , 11 u,n ni: c ase o t ,. , ·tcllm,• 10 br•, on 1111_.ani,'CI ham <>-- ' forbert Vog<'lpohl Frater Dnn rn1 on rhr nbb~ . r,•mlH•, Th• ,uu ,To~ .1''' ,rW•!' PRESE'I<' 'cl Wewers reporL< mnny JlttlC' rh .. l' •·nJ,,d ,_i,,.~ · lit><'<lenbt-ck I t "l't 'I r \ !e>,.IOlli Pr ,\\'. tmprovomc·nt" In the abh<'y !low gr.abbr<J the doomr.d crcaturr's ·n,~ N gardens. tall a s It s wlshrd und•·r d bull,t . P.1rb h drnm,llk club o( St In the ynrd of the &m,dlctlnc Ing 'fh<' oUlclnl l!Xl'<:UUonrr madr.: l1?11.1tlus Church a t Scranton prl.'s Stsrrrs home . Frater Frnt11n Old rr·.1tl> !or th,• klll, Uw chlornform le1tt.~ a !~tr n Pns.,t.?n Pl,1y call ham, Frater Danlel Wcwcr,,, and did Its d1-ndly work, and anothrr rd l'hc UpJ>(>r P.oom In AnthonI Fra1er John Walbr, havl' built 11 llfr hnrl bc"n sacrUICf.'d on th,• 11.,11 Ill Subiaco Academy W,'tl grolto with a pond al lhl' hJ.&1' nttar ol ,cl<'nCf' · ntSday nlglu, March 29 Thr• Ani:lcrs arc slocl,;lng It with ~mall

1111• vlrtfm \\~ t"l'porll:-d 10 havr · ;~~'1111

;" .i• f,, ~CC!ll•'I rn lh1· r.>t·r·rh and other IJGh The Inner bc-t'n cooked thr~ hours to rr It r .o C riM. wa.~ dlrr-<:rcd h} 1hr enurt, loo, b d,11ly bclnl': drrf> mml' !ht> bonrs from 1hc meat jt "' R.lchard Evr,(oJ, 0 S li ('all· •'d up for a spring pnrurle. Fn· (It Is nor knnwn whnt ~- p1v,n·, .. ; ohr 01 the Scranlr,n Dlthollc tres Alvln and Herbert are Crc-

"'' ~ " e urrh. ~1t-mhC'ra I lh to rhe mr:it > :.\lountrtl. rhc ,kr.l tlud,• 1111 ' · ,0 1' c,01 rn qu,•ntly ~cen thr11·, Improving the rton, numbering 18.<! bont" 1~ M~ 1 's, i::' Ann N,•umr•lr.r, Miu llpf>car11nce ol 1h11 alrrndy hMUll hrld tog, thcr by akndcr .;,lrei, ~.;r~~ • {'""• Mill Mory flor ful rour1, 1\hlch honsts ,, line SL .and 11lu1• It has b,-,-n plac,,d on JumO::i:i.., · ' ;--- G,-ori:,. uruiln~, Bt•nf'llkl'• 111ntulr of lmporlr.d e.~hlbl110n In thl' mu...,,um Urn(

1 "' ntt, Fronk Ahno• Bib ltnllnn marble

This mountlng 1~ onn of the 1

=rtr~~~ddpochryphol thnnctna In Ill!• nbb1•, ci,metcry lo lhe t f .,., "' "''"' ,\chill lanrllor I th h I 1 ""' f>l'r onnanc,-s In the history .,1 th,. UPP<' R · • Mr , I I' c rr c11 nrl' pur,ulng a or lhc, blolo1!Y rlau, It i. bcllL•wrl rph ol Arl;n,:~· Sllmurl, Jos- v,i-11 pl,mn1-d program o! land­Tor lhrl'C sautJenls or.• 10 he cnn Judas Lo 1 · ' Peter, John. llalJllns: Tory hnvr ne,\ no" r.ratuiah-d on lhrlr ~rsrrvenCt' ,,no Vcro~~.,:;us,an~lat)• Magda- •·ra on,J 6hrub, nnd hoJ)I' soon to tJ,,. wnrk havlnf: rL'QUlr•.!d m011; Moihrr or Ch;lst' 1\1 iry the complet,, thrlr 1,rl\'otr drlv1• tor of their lrbum tlmr ovrr n P<'r· \ small but • funr1, to pine,. " nrw Corpu~ on lad of n•!lltly a month -0. D. lc~Ct' oltentJed oppn-clatl,e oud- thi, croas In th1• Ci'ntrr

I -Cl,1ncy

Mr Edward Sncra, grnnd!other or Student Leston K. Sncrn. Jr. tlll'd at his homl' In Denison, Tex . on April 17 He wo~ aboul ill ,·Pnrs of ni:l', and had been In poor heal ah !or som<> time lilt Sacra w1.~ burlcd at '>fn,llll, Okla .. -.h..rc he hod spent mnny year, of his life Ll'ston nllrncled the !unrr:11 R l P -­KfWANI', OFTfCEn \!SITS

Hn1nry Chaney lleutcnunt ~O\' emor In Division 9 of the Mo Kun­/Irk Dls1r1tt of Klwnls Internn tlonul, vis ited Subiaco on April 25 nnd 1vas shown 1rountl by the RC'\• George Stmssncr, vice pres l<lt•nt or 11,,. P.1rls Klwnn111 club Fatber Slrossnrr ls an lnstruclnr ,ti th,• ;umdern}· Mr Ch,1ncy whftn visiting Sublnco was In lhe cour!'<' of a tout· lncludln1t on of· ficlnl vlsU to the Pnrl11 KlwnnlG chapter Clubs In his division ore BatrsYlllP, Searl')· BcebC'c, Con­way, Mor·rllton, Fort Smllh md Pnrfa Mr Chancy reside~ nt BnlP!!Vlllc -A H

court A llgurt! worn by ~eason·s wind. Ti stands protecllni: those In nPed. SuggesUng hope should one have


Thoui:h rain mny pour nnd " 111d mny blow,

It there unnllert>d lakes Its sland It Is a resllnc pince for blrd.11 Who sine for all God's peaceful


This sl<1tuc made oC cold gray stone

I II friend I've lately picked! Deserves the honor o( nil men Who love Saint Benedict

-Howard Morris --0---


Dreary Thine thar wnlls It~ pro}·, To alrlke a nd slab nnd klll, Wh; must you snach our friend&


ThC'lr fondest henr1beats suu • What 1sroni: Is rhelrs 1h11t you

mu~l take Thrfr llfr•, and' pride' \\'hnl hnvr the}' done to ram this

!ate. Hnvc lltc :tnd love• denied?

You cnnnol nn""'"'• Evll Thing, Wlllr e31:1•r, burning breath. You nrr n rhlcl l\ith \'Ill' dr.slres, You ure lhc cow~rd Dealh!

- Howard Jllorrts ----Jack's Cir I The next lime thnt lcllow two time~ me I 'm really going lo lei him huve ll

Tr,tp Tnke It !'nsy A Ji,opard can't change his spols

Girl No Bui mn>•b<' he cnn hn,·t> the spot& knocked out or him

• + ,



A pti l-Mny, 1939 TH E P ER I SCO P E Page F ive


Thi.' cold and cool months are Born to ~Ir nnd l\!rs John A. ~-=== =========== === ========d·. C"J11ck") Carroll, ot Tulsa, Okla.,

very !nvornble lo study every- on April ,1, a non weighing o Wishing l'nu Well!

OFFICERS where School officers according- pounds, 14 ,~ ounces. The heir DAVI D L WADLEY1 '23, P O Box 600, Muskogee, Okla .President Jy mnde II pers!Jltent drive for Im· npn.,rcnt hr,s been christened Cotton Du)eni .ALOYS C K LE.ISS, 31, .Muenster, Tex. . _ - Vire President provement, durln,: these months, ,..

L. B. CR.EN SHAW GcncnJ :lfen:handl,;e

VERY REV. GREGORY J(EHRES, 0, S. B Secn•tary John III, Carroll, 11 stAr val'51ty PArlll, Arkllnsas R E V LOUIS DEUSTER, 0. S B . - __ -__ "'""""Surer of •tudy hablta In the academy Ulfl Id ! h I '"'" h

,..,. Th I d t bod O e er O t e car y '"" 8 ere, THE SELIG COMP-ANY EXECt.rrT\'E COMMITTEE c JI u en 5 u a Y rcsponded Is a credit manager for a national A ll Above Nn I OW d pleasantly. A few 1ndce<1 pre. co....,.ratJon In Tulsa. He former lncorporatl'd

me, ccrs, nn !erred card "llml'S :ind other "In · ,-AN DREW WH ,LIE, A B., 'J.1 Pocnhontaa " ly 11,ed nt Charleston Vital stat .Uanuracturer,, or Jrn.ect.lclda JACK H EN'l'R!CH, '32 SL. Louis, Mo door sport&"- not forgetting the tstlcs given nbove \\<>rt! tuml~h Soap,,, Sanitary Produc:ts DR . .A J FREU'l'EL, '25 _ _ ___ l\lemphls, 'renn. '"West ems" Many Inds, how, t"d by Father Augustine Unbeck 336-350 Marlcll,1 SL, Atlanta, Ca. .BEN B. UILE, '05 _ _ __ ~ _ Par!JI rver, took to heart thP. good ad- f th WILLIAM DENMAN, (undergrndun1e1 _ _ Prescott, .Ark. vice given them and hitched Lhelr O e Charl<>ston p,ulsh We con- EDGAR uou,t~

Note- Other commlltcc members to be appointed by the Rev. wagons 10 n higher sllw with grntulnte. COCHRAN DRUG CO. Scarl'tnry as groups organize so as lo require chnlrmen. gratUylni: results. · :-.'ot ; 11 the Once n CU51omer, Al\•-a",s n

od I ,._ Henry FM~e, o! Sc Louis, :\lo, "'-'imd · LOOI( l' ORWARD TO ' 10 ll"ST 'IO CINC' "'AT1 go resu 1B cnn ""sr.t fotlh her,. I I S bl Id •"

.., .,., \! h h d ,._ 1 11 ormcr y a u oro res eni, at• San!•~~· Fountaln-Prlvn•A Boo·'--1''E\V JillAD'S i\10 '.ITO . bnln~·t \\ o kn .,.-en al ng were tended the alumni ball H~llll· Is -At•·•nUon F"-nrs~- u""

Oscru- 0 . Rust, !!·I, t·esldcs at 3 e O mo e p,iSSlng marks on In the m I ct t b I t -~ -"" 2820 Shatter Ave, Cincinnati O , ~ccount of tho~e extr.i hours di'- ea pa 'n1i us n""s n We Carry n Comph,re Une ot aU

i\.lumnf President David L. He moVL'<I to ClncinnntJ lost s~m-' voted lo •tudy SomP lor lhe the ~ltssourt tndustrl,11 C<'nll'r, ,·acclncs for Stock \ \'adlc)''s ttrst monthly message mer from his former home In first., time In their llw.s "siot scr- Joe !llcNell, wcll rnnr.mb(,rcd Phtmr 00 Pnrl~, Ark. to the 01ganlzntlon stre"es I.he C.reensburg, Ind A changl· In ht, tnush about thrfr \\'Ork. rt Is firm Trojan end nf lhP. early 'JO's, ha: 1-------thoui:ht o! beginning lmmt'dlnu, bus:IMs,, from retatllng 10 wholl 1. cllevrd thnt no one doing rca,ntl}· lllk~n O positton


ly 10 build up " llOOd nttcndance snllng- coal, OCC'lSlont>d the ehani:~ r..:trn lnhor- nut~lde ol the rl'- countJng clerk ,,11.h the F'nrm Building Mate rial al next meeting "Look forward of h'lidcnce Oscar, l\hO wlth hi&' Quit ,'<I <tudy prr1ods falh'll to pro Security .Administration J O" to '-10" Is the motto he adopted ,,tte Lhe former Zlln Moe Schoc!- flt It •~ In the nalurr or thlnf!S when List lward from \\'Ill tra,·el How..:- Fi,1rd, 11 e .ind Implements upon bclnr. plncl'd In command !er, ., St. Man's Colll!J:t> ( ne,,r i that lnhor performed In such Ing In r,llsslsslppl for the ndmln- Subiaco, Ark. HI, mcs'illge follo\,s: Notrr Dnmcl graduntc, ha~ mon-, ""nYS hnsf llhls rc1\ardllt.d I It lslrntlon

"F~llow Alumni -We hn\'I! Jus1 nc o r morr ev en r,·su s finished what I hope wfll be class- limn once visited Subiaco, i. l~e or e,clra time 11.,, oted to study Is • ~-.--.- GEELS BROTHERS STORE lllcd t!. a successful a lumni re happy lnthcr 01 Bobb>, age 1 '1 lhe rnct thnt 39 sludimls In th<' ft:.Oi R\ i:;:-.n E ni.n; WLDS union Please no11: that I said 5

1uunnc. nge G; and Dick, ng~ 5• third qunrtrr ovcrngcd 90 J)l'r Henry Endc,·ltn :!-I ..::. . -10n of Hone •1> 'Uld Courles) to All

' 1\ Ill be clnsslllcd,' tor, In my op- C scar 1?raduntcd from lbc Unl\cr- ct'nt or more In their ncadrmfe Mr. Joe Endetlln ,1nd 1hc latr lit,.,, s ubia,,o, Ark. Inion, nny succr-s or lhe rnunlon slty of Notre Dnmc ,tter leaving work. Wr devoutly wl&h thal still' Enderlin, 11-as marrk'<I rt"Cenlly. j us1 paascd must be measured by

thc ac,adcmy, He Is Lile son or morP hn<t come under this clossl- Thr happy brJdr Is \flss ,\Jber- CALUMET TEA & COFFEE

&ome definite progress one yl•nr lht• well known Profrssor Oaknr f1CJ1tlon bul nrr thrtllcd over the tine \ loll, daughter ot Mr 11nd COMPANY hence Ru

st, rou

nder or thc former Ruat lnercnsc It Is b,· far th<? b.•sl \ fr, Frank ~oil or Conwd)'. Hen ''The Arlston Une''

" I am sure that I cq,ress the Conscrvntory of Music at Lilli~ 'sho111ng" mode this term ry !JI a Com,·ay resident. The ·109-l.ll w Huron S t. unanimous .sentiment or nll those Rock. The senior :'t1r Ru~t no\\ ccremon}· took pince 111 nlnr ChlNigo, Ill members who ntlended this year's lives In Creensbun:, whtch Is so Jlli:-h Rnnkcl"t T.Mr <I o'colck on Tuesda>·, ,\prll :5, In reunion when T sny thot ever)'one close 1° Cincinnati D!l to nllow ll!cn tn the 90-or morn classUt St. Joseph'• Church :it Conway. Y A F F E enjoyed himself to the ru11es1 trequ~nt vl5lts, son Osknr wrflcs cauon nre the !allowing Fresh Thr Rev Anthony Lachowsky c. Iron & Metal Co., Inc. measure. Bu i, lest we en·on ''I llke my work l ine," Ru5t men-CharlC!S Wolters 09, David S. Sp .. of!lclatcd at the ~rass ~d Ne.. and Relaying Rall, Slnlc· ~ us ly assume thnt our obligation alntes "Thr wholesaling of con.I Kokc 9-J, Ho\\'ard Bell !12, J nmes wcddlng ceremony tural Steel, Pipe, Centrtlugal ended th ere. lei us remind our• Is lntcrcsllng, especlall}' nficr one Brennan 92. Sophomores-- Joseph 1\lr and MML Enderlin \\'ent to ~~ ~~lnHr.; ~::-se)\l('S thnt t'nJoyment alone docs hn~ operated on rhe l'f'l,ill side for Kurz '18, WTlllnm Cloney !l7, Low· New Orle,ns on an extended wed- Fort Smith, Ark. nol Just Uy our existence ns an nlmost eight >'cars" And "I nm ell Wilson 96, C!Mn Miller 9-1, ding !Mp. The}· planned to stop --- ------,------association We nl?Cd, a nd II we living In lbc hope o( gelling hack Howard Morris 9-1, Al Bain 91, nt Subiaco on their way back to ARKANSAS lulllll our purpose m ust have 10 s,~bloco before too long a Bemis Chappelle 90, Robrrt De Conway Wm. c POWER & LIGHT ./\CTTON' I lime. Oakar. we might. add. la Salvo 90 J unior,, --Oren Ph illip., COMPANY

"It nppcars to me 11ml It ,~ hi"'• one of the lnrthest pnld ln-fld· 'l(i, l:.'\·erell Tay lor 95, Michncl FRJENDS nan·.,) C<>uch, Ptt<!ldent Ume that we give .serious cons.Id· vnncc s ubsertbers lo this humble DeSalvo 93, Jnmes E lsken 92. Hel('lnc Bulld Arkansas erat lon to some cons Lrucllve pro-I s heet The lnformntlon given Thomns DcCJer k 91, Leo Eqru; COllPLil\lE!','TS OF ject In nddlUon to the endowment above regarding the former "nee" 91 Gerhardt Frtgn !lO S<-ntors~ Pince Your Insurance In The fund We are nil aware that the Notre Dnme pitcher nnd ,t - Hen ry Anhalt 98. George F lllcher JOHN SEXTON & CO. Delaware Underwriter-a loss .sus lalned through flrc leaves ound Subiaco 0thlete, was relayed 97, Lt>o Lenslni:- !17, Joseph Koc~ Department m any avenues or need which hnve 10 U5 by Abbot Paul, whom Rust ler 96, Stolle 95. Edwnrd Chicago, 1111nols Gr065 R. Scruirg-a '- Company been untouched and which should was one o( •he first 10 con1?ratul- Endres !14, Louis DcSnlvo 93, ,1nr- 1--------------I General Agl!llt• be paved \~Ith HELP I a m ate on his elevation lo th1> abbncy tin Ashour 93, J ohn Dunn 93, Eu!!- CO~lPLL'IIE.,-n, OF Dallas. Texas not In a poslUon to say just whal recently enc, Thomas 93, WHIiom Lane)' DR. J. P. MASON is needed mosL T om Inclined lo ---o--- 93, Thomas Welnznplel 92, Ebcr-belleve thnt we could make n WEST S IDE BEAUTIFIED hordt Wagner 92, Robert Yeager more de!lnlte showing with thr 91, C)Tfl Plafcan 90, Anthony Mil

Ftrst NallonAI Bank Bldlf,

Fon SmlU,, Ark. lenst expenditure by helping to Wondl!rs have been done within ler 90. Post Graduate-1.Rston .rebuild the Ubrnry. This Is only the past Jew weeks towards bca- SMt'II 96, William Gerk e 92. Spec I BOAL FOUNDRY and my opinion I Mrnestly solicit uU!ylng the wost side crunpllJI. lnl Students-John Henr, Criner MACHINE COMPANY, Inc. further 'illggestlons and erllle- The work Is !nr lrom complete I 94. Mnurlce Miller 90. General )Jadunlsts Ism." at I.his writing, bur Fa.ther Alcuin Congratulations to n.11- kecp up Aulyl.,ne and Elrdr!c WeJ<lers

Planning Ahud St Ml11.~ed Kubis and his crew arc working the good work' South Tenth SL. & Carnell Ave. "Experience has taught," Pres- steadily during all avallnble hours - Phone 60-lO Fort Smith, Ark.

!dent Wadley continues, "that tor and hnvc the program or Improve anl real progri,ss we musl hnve men! well In hand It has In- Henry Elsken nnd John \'or- SOUTHERN PRODUCTS MAN POWER. Our ocUvllles cnn eluded to da te s uch mntters as ster, nlumnt 01 the Paris chapter, COJIIPANY only ln<!l'easc In propor1lon to the setUng out or lawns. dividing recently received appointments to our Increased man power, nnd the tonn1>r bnrren, cloy hill Into public positions In count)' and that. or course, mcnns greater re- plols lined oil b) rock markers government work. the cxoct na­unlon attcndonce, T should like ond shnibs, the! planUng of tJow- ture of "'hlch this organ did not to stress again a fact thnt "'"'" I er beds In front ot U,e gym, sod- learn. Bolh Elsken and Vorster brought up nt lhc reunion PLAN ding of plots, nnd very many nr<' old standbys of the first rank NINO AHEAD Is the sole answer other smnll but Important detnlls In potnl or :tlumnl support.

:uanuracturers '- Dtatr!baton, DIAln!ec,tanfN · IJquld SoaJIII

Janllons Supplles 345 N . :\fain SL (P, O. Box UB-1) Phone 8-Jl>l~ 111Pmphlll, Tenn.

Switch to

Arluuuaa Valley Trust Co. Ac-ents

Fort Smith, Ark.


CHISM REED Paris, .Ark.


Establlahcd lSi!! The OldP.St NaUonnJ Bani<

In I.he State Fort Smith, Ark.


Parts - Service Wn.-cker Sen1ce

Parts. Ark. to lncrrn5l'd allrndnncc Jl!n) r Mcnnwhlle, the north campus un· SUJ?l?C~t again thot ruiy cents n ; dcr lhc direction ot Allred Hocdc­WN'k stuck do\\-n In thr old sock

I beck nnd n troup ol hdpcrs has

will assure you a round lrlp Uclc- not been neglected II has n stnrt ct to next year's mectlnfl To the or sevrrnl } rars on the ,,t'St sldr

DODGE JACOB~DEVERFUNERAL Claire P. Bennell, one or the HOME

'ln\\nrda beautWc.,uon. thanks to new members cspcclnll)' I would, the l!Ood _, 01 k of the Re,· Eugene lll<e to ~ound the warning that, Kno!! o s s ., former prefect, It 's much easlPr to kt'<'P your "ho nJso lnld the very u,clul walk sp.1rk of drvollon allvP NOW from till' parlor doors lo the g) m

I b I I di It 'Illa PERISCOPE hnJ)c'S In the

lcadlllll students In the commerc- Ron Motor Company Ambulllnce Service clnJ drJiartml'nt during the Day Phone Nl,:ht Phone hnlf nJ the sc.:ond dl't'llrle nt the l"ort Smith, Arlt. 75 & 81 1-10 & 37-1 prr9"nl century, Is permanently ------------- Pnrls. Ark. orolcd at Dl!trofl, Mich. but finds SHERIDAN MOTOR CO. -----------his thou,:hts slra)lng rvrr and FORT SMITH VEHICLE anon 10 wgood old Subl " Claire Forda - Lincolns & MACHINERY CO. n.'ttnll) chani:ed his Detroit res- 5-Zl North 11th SL HardW11n>&!eds-SportJ111r Goods ldcnce 10 12i~S Ltttll'flcld A~e South Ninth & RolN!t'S

than It wou d e to re ' n " final lssu<' or this school term

lati,r to put In Tt'COrd a llst of the stu Jorge Dominguez. nttendtng I am optlmlAtle cnoui:-h to bP.. dcnls who have gl\·1•n or lhrlr Columbia Unl,-crslt) In 111= York

lleve that we ore l!Olng to have n spare houra towards the noblr Cit)· wrote 10 r.xpf'l!Sll reirret O\'Cr successful year. We can nnd \\C work 01 bcautlfytni: the cnmJJus hta inablllty to !oreg11ther with

Fort Smith, Ark. Phone 75&1 Ft. Smith, Ark,

First National Bank At Paris

will IF-and lt'a a mighty· Im- -D D. the crowd at thr reunion, Thia portant lt-wi, can depend on ---o--- column ~-ould ha\'C hated to learn team work. Let's not " 1 b t Anlhon) (Tatel Steiert, ot Am· of Jorge a lmpcrl.lll111r hta nice re-

I. B. Crenaha.w, Prealdent L. P Jacobi. VJc:e.Praldent

11 t, u nrlllo, Tex, round ft hnrd 10 mlu cord at Columbia by undertaklnc slart now to 'LOOK FORWARD the meet but "a job's a Job these thr lon,r trip hit attendance would I TO ·~O.' Fraternally, D. L. Wad- daya." Tote cM be depended up- hne neceultated. But the waans"

ley. Jr." on to talk up In hlJI &tttlon did mils El Cubano at the dolnp. --------------~""!"''"""~~~!!!



editor and publlshl'r John J. Prun ott'<l 10 the board, lskl, ol the North Uttle Rock Twenty-Nino Are Jnductal TI~tES. Prunlskl's borlk.-d anec· The !oUowlng !l9 men were In·

'1'he nJa.-sl dance v;e ever had." Jaml'S and Ch.irll'I Okll', and doll'S and wltllclsm~ wcrc sent lllatcd Into the nssoclntlon. Char· REUNION ECHOES

April-l\I11y, 1989

State Teachers College, Conway, directed by Wo.Jtcr Sims. Fond memories will llni:er long.


• This aging, \tarlCO!C veined puncher o( 3 kcybollrd wouldn' L really know. Dul It was undoubl· cdly the right size for n dance cniwd-not too mnny, not too tcw. The music wns aood as modem music goes· probabl)' tM bcSt obtalnnblc In parts. And to the C3.5tlal obsen·cr It was n hnPPY, carelree, tun lo\'• inc and Interesting crowd thot

Joe Strnub, 'JO, were a conun,ent unsparingly home 10 wlllln11 tar· lcs McNeil, Leo Morrison, J. T trom Paragould that wns to haw

11,is gathered around the bonquet Snvnry, Andrew Arnold, Joe Me­

Included Jnl<e Donohue nnd JC\'· table- 1111 lntroducllons 11roved trnller, all o! Lillie Rock; Drue 1------------­cral other oldsters L.ul minute to ~ 111lnlnturc masterpieces Denmon Jr., W. F. Denmllll, cl'ents dl5ruptcd plnns a bit, but ,ihlch ruumnl nnd their guests Bemis Chappelle, ol Prescott: J good old Paragould came wlll cherish !or mnny doys to M. Straub, Poul E Klrcho!!, o! through Strnub ls morrlcd nnd come. The tonstmnater os well Porngould; Leon Fox, Leonard the father of s.:, crnl tine )'Dung os notnbles appearing on the pro Fox, ol Prairie View, W B Lnnlc, stcrs no". We think highly ol i;r~m w!'rc procured for lhe ns· Jack Lanie, o! Dnllns , Tex , Jnkc


Flour um! Feed 521523 South 10th St.

Fort Smith, Ark.

thlll embryo raragowd alwnnl soclnllon through the good olflres Bezner, Joseph Kocslcr, Ed End -------------chapter. o! Leo J Krebs, the retiring res, Joseph Woller, T . w . Wein MOELLERS ELECTRIC

president znpfcl, o[ Muenster, Gnlncsvlllc, HATCHERY U. S. Approved

P. 0 Box 697 Tel L D. 15 l"orl S mllh, Ark.

(lowed into Anthony Hall tor thlll .\ number ol alumni \\ho could annual, cwnUul lllumnl ball. not get of! tn>m business Mon· There "11s gnlcly and color ns d.1y were cncrgeUc t!llough to well ns rdlncment o! tn,te In e, motor down Sunda)· c,·~nlog or tdcn~ :,tore pow~r to them all, the p-eat mret. Among them we In the years to come. notl'd J W. Gnt.:. Joncsb01-o, Leo

The Very Rev Gregory Kehres, nnd Linsday, Tex.; Alexnnder 0. S. B., secretory of the ossoe- Harold, Brinkley, Edward Adorns, lntlon since Its beginning In 1913, Charleston; A J . Hocdebcck, and guiding spirit In nll Its nc- Tlshomln,::o, Okin ; A J ?.!Iller, 1 ____________ _

tMllcs, lnu·oduccd Mr. Prunlskl Dixie; William Nnbholz, Mem and rend telegrams and e.xlrncts phis, C. B. Noll, Menn; Ed Sch ol letters sent by alumni for the river, Subiaco, Oscar Slolle, Fer­occasion Corpus Chr isti College- guson, Mo : Joe Trnpollnn, Deni·


TNbletcn, Fort Smith, R. L. Garrison Ave nnd Court SL

Fort Smith, Ark, Whatcvi,r mn)' be said ol the .:,;1c1..-cns Jr, and Dick De~.

dance it can be g;itnsald by no Little Rock, Louis Scher. Fort one that alumni ml>etlng number Smith, probably there "ere other '.!i, o! Apnl 11H7, 1939. saw a whom this column did not meet

Academy, Bishop John B Morris, son, Te.x Abbot Edward Burgert, nnd Bis The reunion wo~ the 271h nn· 1--------------hop E. B. Lcdvlnn received cspcc nual gatherlni:: of Sublnco ,iJumnl Uulhl for tho Centuries "Ith

lnl mention. ll closed with lM grand alumni ACME BRICK Fartherest remowd dclegnte to Sir Clu&.rlcs o nd Mrs. l cwell lnvltatlo1111I dnnce In Anthony

•·Look forward to • 10" ls a attend the reunion was probably Guest..'> Hall, with music by the well Evc1 lnsUngly BcautUul s!OJ:lln you wUI be seeing and Nick Minden. '38, o! San Fron Guests o! honor at the table !or known Top Hollers orchcslra of AC)Jb DIUCK co., Ft. Smith

new hti:h tn nlumn1 lnten-st.

hearing for some ume to com<? d,:co Nick happened to be on notables were Sir Chnrles Je,1ell., -------------- ------------,--11 Prcsldent ~wild" has his \\DY lvacatlon visiting his parents U1e K S. G .. nnd ~lrs Jewell. Forl PARIS DIRECTORY 'l'he Pnuse Toot Re!reshes Wodlry. who ha,; turned l1l so N T. :'-llodens o! Fort Smith and Smllh pntrons of the school. DRINK many winners tn slogan contests. h!s brother John Mlndeu or Su They were mtroduct.'<1 to the nud- CITIES SERVICE ~~ ml,:ht have been e.xpcctcd to pull blnco This l'eci!nl in-ndua1e ,~ lencc, ns wos Doctor C. C. Cope, ·~n• a nlc-,, one Ilk!.' that out o! hlS said to be mnklnl! fine progress ,~ho was mode an honorary olum PRODUCTS 1/1,,,W slt't!Ve But yrL It Is not the slo- In the anterior decorallnl! bu•I nw; 11 the !llondny buslncs., ses Georiic Wnhl, Distributor i:an so much os the response to ncss He .. ,u team up "Ith his ilon• Phone 2·I Pnrls, Ark Every Bottle Stcrllzed IL& sug;;l'5tlon that Interests our older brother Paul, \\ho alFo at \\'udle.1 uml m cl•~ ;\e\\ Orrlcer'i T h e Coca-Coln Bottling Co, nc,..- lender, hl' s;iys. Good slogans tended Subiaco, when he has fin O,tvld Lulher Wadley, '23. brll EAGLE DRUG COMPANY Fort Sllllth, Ark. c.."!lbodY a great deal o! sound !shed a course he Is tnklni:: In llant youni,; accountant ol Jltus Lo>1111l11g Drug ",tort/ or Logan Co. _F_O_R_T--S-M-ITH p APER CO.

Pru:es Wmo111ng Puper, Bogs, Twlnc.s sen'SC In a crisp phrnS<? 11 iS San Frnnclsco. kogce. Okin, \\'tL~ cho~en prc~I Slondurd 01 lll?b at Surndord the soumks1 11ensc WI' knO\\ of, dmt uf the alumni body for 1939 R M :iml w R Thomp~on School, Store and omce Supplies In alumni matt,·rs, 10 keep build John llllnd•n, manager of the l!\-IO. His election cnmc b~ a nice King lnblrument,, Rubber Stamps and Seals Ing ahead towanl~ the me<etlng to Subiaco Lumber Company, wa~ maJorll; on the rtrst b,11101 Run- Rcr:lstcr,-d Pharmacists 300 Rogers Avt-comt- \VP E.XIST by dOUII: that' one ol the lalth!ul uttriidnnt, at ning ~f'Cond was Aloys C melo;s. Paris, ArkanstL~ I'ort ::,mlth, Arie.

THE ECONOMY STORE • th,• r,·unlon J<Jhn came here from '31 ol )luenster. Tex., who be t.tnc ol th1• lnt=ung and In· Oklahoma City

O lfw years ano came the ,1c,• prc,;ldent, ~ucceed

ter.,,,ted alumni er. hand for the ... Inn \V~dl·~ 11\m<•·ll \",1dll·u h•• Ptlrls' L<'•ullni:- n('pnrlnacnl ~luro • alter hn,1ni: worked In th<' :11, " " •, "' " , - Dry Goods, Shoe~. Clothlnl!, Gro-



Foods mecl "'OS Slt.'\'C ·Tat" Grlllln of eountanc~ dcpnrtm•·nt ol on O pn·vlously served ns!Jcnt eerie,, Hantware, ,iceonnlek­the l\lemphlll enntlni:mL HI.' (~ c metropolllnn tlully H" had ,Uld 11,·ltc AS ,!cc president with· Drcrln,:: Fal'm lmpl<'me.nt,< nnd now knnwn o\f.T l\lenphl~ ns

1 pre,·loUSI} lwen In the banklnll m r,,cent years. Th" Very Rrv C'r,,:am SPJ>atators

"Pat." ' Griffin reprt'St'nlll four buslnl'SS In Chnrl,.ston John has Gregory Kl•hrcs, and the Rev l'urlli, Arlmnsn, Orlnlt u BIie lo Eut al Mn11,-; ar the Corinth Brick Com bu.lit a l><>autlful rock\cm-cred Louis Dcustcr, \\CIC recleclt.-d


2 .1,:


p.'IIIY, who have nmong l.hclr d~ resldrncP a block from the w,·st from the facully os sec, ctary .rnd Gruen Watches •

:~~'.o~nr~ear7c~~~~/~~ C\mJ>IL< rr;,;~;:~:w cxrcuuv,• Cllmmllll!c Is FRANK KIRBY Ill I W2tklns Brick Cotrp.-m) Fn<'l"dS Chatt<'r durlns:: a htll I lh<' composed of ,\mire,., J . \\'}Ille, Paris' t..,•~dln,:: Je\\eler \ say Uut ',tt'\'C Is "!Uled up" m \m•!f!llng <lr,clopcd • thf' lnf~rmn l', Ben B. Ihle, Paris; Pnrl•. Ark alJ [t" ( , I I , , one o! l!:? b<sL JK .11011.; lnu:11: t,on thdt Eddlt• E. IFanyl Burke 1,r Alcx11nt1,•r Frcurcl, l\lcmphls, ______________ & f ;J •'-• lnahle Just now !or ~-oung mJn \\1IS the lucky winner or Lin Egyp Tenn., Juck llentrlch, St Louis, GEORGE AND JOE llliiiililla•• ,oa .,,. , In the South, .. 3L u \\ c hope ti) tlan .,

1,,,r.pstakcs prize not long ~lo , and WIUtnm Denman, Prc,s CASH STORE

UUT)' .i •'<11'}· on l':t\ later on. llgo Eddi,•'• hnndour "a.~ \'tllul!d coll. The "'-'''rt'lary \\RS emflOW , C\'cr} thlniz Good Lo Eat Come ln I ---- lnround Si50 anrf was one of th<' coed by a new act to oppolnt ,,nd amtSr-c Us We Dellvt.>l

Dame rumor hnt.h It that Doc- ht h I

th f'Sd announc,• otlwr cxecull\'e bo3rd I Phone S.~ Paris, Ark. Dr. Pepper Bottling Co tor Freutel II r:Nllni: rend) 10 l'ffl h~r:i-s ' e ''" · roppcr over, members whcn,.,,,r anr group TllE uo:1m OVBETTER Fot'l Smith, Ark • b3rk c,;; mallimont3l scu Spc- ---o- shall or,::anlJ,, so as 10 require a C'W.A~-r:-.G Courl<'S, or clflcall), the rnlk Isola 11,;:dc!.ng , . chmnna.n, who by :ippolntmr·nt ~ · 111 June But maybe ,,. . ., ari' all " fUOBF.J.,.LlJX will thr.n automohcnlly b<· assimtl THE GOLDMAN HOTEL moist icn this Info \\e 11,r·r~ ,hy -------------1 ,John \. En i;huul, Pre, . .\. ,rgr. of probln:: the smlltni: "Doc." who Miss Th,•r,,-a Strobel .ind :11r LITILE ROCK European Fireproof Ins been oppotnte<l 10 rli; up 3 Emil Lux, of Subl,aco, were mnr _____________ 1 1215 Gnr Ave Ft Smllh, Atk

new 1n11tat1on ritual !or next rled In <;1. Ben"'1lct',; Church here A KARCHER CANDY CO. .. ....... - JOHN KERWIN COMPANY mH-tlng ,in '',font.lay morning, April 17, In · F,unom, for Good 'f<LS!lns:: Trunk.,, u.•uther Coods,

, Impressive ccr,•mon)' Ollie- t'roducl, .;.ii.;,t..,&1i...1iiiMtiiiil _1SPDGrtlarn11180GnoodsAvc-. Doctor C. C Cup,_•, our 11\.'\\'1~1 latlng "us the R~v Alphons Mult~ 817 E. Mnrkh:im Sl O'l < ·I:

honoral') mcmbrr, 5Ulllds nee- lcr, 0 S. n~ their pastor Brides LIiiie Rock, Ark Pnrl•, Arkn11S111' rort Smith, Ark.

hlt:h In thr. r:Stlmotlon ol 1h15 maid wns Ml!:S Ro,,. Slrobcl of Colllnllnwnt;-Of __ _ RANEY'S DRUG STORE WHITE DAIRY ICE

oolumn. A lrknd ol various fnc· lJnl,• Rock, whll•· Mr Evercl! ARNOLD BARBER & ully mr,mbcn nn•I o ln,qucnt Zl:--o:rm•r ol Para~ was hf'SI man BEAUTY SUPPLY CO. vo•llor, he hllJI proved n regular Thr lovtl) bride "orr n white Little Rock, Ark Fl Smith Ark 11.Uow throughout And 1hr Doc 1 :itln i:own of f10<1r len,::lh, trim Shrr,,,.port, L., tor can rcnll>· 1akc It v.hrn the m'-"' with !net.• dnd ovrrihadowcd Jackson. ML'lll Memphl•, Tenn "r:iu" H-::Slons arc at thtlr\ with Uni:er lip vr1L She carried ~li;htlrsL '-~ny yi:nn ol alumni·\'' bouqutt ol IIIICll of thr ,·ullcy KRi~i:i~~~RS ni: to you, oc Tht hrldMtnald wns cnntrr,sllngly Facto,; Distributors lo Rutnut

-- 11ownr1l In tOfJIOUIC blu,, t,I sheer anL~. Holelll, lnslllutlons, Hos-A 1wn,hour ,·hat with Eric matrrl>I In floor leniilh Sh~ car· pllal~

lloplon. nl Jackson, Miss, prov, rltd pink ros•.buds ,.1th maiden- llolcl nnd Rcstnurilnl ('hJn.1 c-<I 10 be n most 1,xcltlnc cxchanRc hnlr lrrn!l ns a backi:round Or r.1nsswarr, RnnJ?CS, Stcnm Tnbles of ld•::t• nntl o! 11•ml111.clnc back 1:an music lor lh<' ,:(;remon)' \\'aJI ~~[~~c Urn~. Bulld!!f'I' Hard\Vnrc, to olden. golden d.1)'11 ol Ut lob lurnl~hr.d by the ltrv L,,onnrd ll3-115 w . t Cn It I Ave bing lor 1hc Pl:.!US<:OPE us far Knoll, 0 S !l. ol thr• r:m1/~ock,"Aik :igonf! 411 19'.!i or SQ "Hopple," Thi> children ol St IJcn<'<lict'a - -whose lather la n prominent con· Fcltool dlm:ted by s·lstr•r n,rrnce J, F. WEINMAN MILLING tract,,r In 1'kmphls, Is building aanc ' COMP ANY hlm',C}l up In the plaslerini; -o- l\1Jnufoctur,·l"I ol Purity Cream ll'lldU. lie I~ t<·IUni: re:ul}" to do ALli'\r.,;f IIF..\lt SOTABI v ~. WMrA! IUld Purity C:rilS J ,,, holr.,,.~lr O.·alt•rs In Groin gomr, rc:11 contrncts. l\1r.:ul\\hlle F:t.P,(/T ::."BW 01-TJCElt.'- :>nrl Mixed FN-ds he rnalnlMlns his llternry Inter· rconttma~d from P•R•· On•·l Font ol nu11 11th St 1:Sts aml has n lively !l3rc for his clru,lng .-·ot'tl., Llllle Rork, Ark mnttrr11. or n11r1cullurc. The rrunl~kl I• To1111tmai,t.-r ~WORTHEN -CO >Dune: f .nr.U1hman has decided N1Jrth Llttll' no,k turnlsh,-d Bankera · views, too, on politics and econ· 1hr alumni their 191~ tO!llilJlUllt~r F.•tabll~lw<l 1R77 omlce. In the clm,rr i:enlal, nnd aln<:erc C"pllnl $1,15.000 00 Lilli~ llock, Ark

The Rexall Store Gnl,•'& Cbrwolatcs CREAM CO. Alrrnnld Hoslcry Jloucy Del\' Jcr Cream

Northwest Corner o! siuore All Wnvh Phone 37 Par s, Ark Fort Smith, Atk. --- -RIVER VALLEY GAS CO. Ooocl Shoes 1-or E,·cn:body


COMPANY Purls, Arkan~n'I !-.luel' 1878

!112 G"nlson Ave.

W. H . WIGGINS & SONS Fort Smith, Ark.

Ca'<h \\holcsulr Grocers REYNOLDS-DAVIS

l'11r1~· Lllrg~,t 111111 Be.'11 Thuntrc Grocery Co.

WIGGINS THEATRE \\'hoh-,.nlt• Grocers Paris, Arkans.18 30'.! Ganison A\'e.


Phone 222 Steel Fo; Bridge• afl


Parl11, Arie. Building• )IOdlel

u r rrult'<I Dydnaullc numP !IUJ:TS. or Fon Smith Jtea'1

C.0l\tt'Ltl\1EN1'S OF Duty Trallcrtl

Ray Blair and Jack White FORT SMIT,lh CO, STRUCTURAL ST

t'arl~, Arltluuuul Fon Smith, Ar~

l j




Jl 5

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