Download - The Pendent of Erigold

  • 8/6/2019 The Pendent of Erigold


    The Pendant of


    By: Melissa Washburn

  • 8/6/2019 The Pendent of Erigold




    The Beginning

    In these realms of Ember, war has been an everlasting curse. The battle between

    the Dragon Riders and the Dragon Slayers was a feud of never ending hatred whose

    beginnings had been lost in the flow of time. The only hope the people had, was held in a

    prophecy, laid out by a Witch of Raynerth named Azure. The prophecy told of the heir to

    the magic of Erigold, a powerful wizarding family whose magic, along with the magic of

    twelve other powerful wizarding families had been sealed into a ruby to protect it when

    the Dragon Slayers took control of the country Arlithya; the heir was to awaken the

    powers inside of the ruby and was to lead the new Dragon Riders to victory.

    As the Dragons Slayers slowly began to take control of the land, the use of free

    magic was soon to be limited. The ruler of the lands of Ember, King Xenias, put bits of

    less powerful magic into pieces of jewelry to be passed down to the oldest child of each

    noble family. This way magic could be controlled and limited to only people of a higher

    class who were less likely to fight against the King. The only ones that were able to use

    more powerful and destructive magic were the Symphon, souls of fallen soldiers, who on

    their death beds pledged themselves to the king and used their magic only to serve him.

    They lived in the mountains of Amythest and their job was to train the Kings armies and

    lead them in to battle. They were heatless creatures, and had given up every ounce of

    their free will to their King, making them puppets.

    In the Mountains of Amythest, something lurked in the shadows of dark magic.

    He was searching for something important, and he knew, if he was caught in this place he

    would be killed instantaneously, but he had a mission and it needed to be completed in

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    order to set the prophecy of Azure in motion. He held in his hand a pendent, a gold

    dragon claw clutched a red ruby, and he could feel the magic emanating from it, but he

    knew that it was to strong for anyone like him. He knew that he was being followed and

    his steps were quick and light through the mountain forest, every noise made him look

    back in fear, and he knew they were slowly gaining on him, but he couldnt give up. His

    face was stained with sweat and blood and his grey eyes were cold and unresponsive, not

    even a glint of fear appeared there. He began to hear shouting behind him, and the sounds

    of hundreds of soldiers following his trail and his cold eyes began to show emotion. He

    was desperate, fear gripped his body, but soon all the noises began slipping away, he was

    fearful, and thought he must be dying, but a new setting appeared before him. He was

    standing in front of a small house in the middle of a village; he looked around wondering

    how he had gotten there, and if he was dreaming. It was the afternoon and the streets

    were deserted. He stared in utter shock at the house in front of him; it was like he had

    been shot. A warm feeling filled his heart as he knocked on the door earnestly.

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    Chapter One

    The Enchanters Apprentice

    What is that? snarled a short brute of a man pointing a short warty finger at a cauldron

    filled with a stocky liquid. The man was a dwarf, but in these times dwarves were not

    particularly welcome, so he shaved his once long and thick beard and attempted to pass

    himself off as a human, something, which the dwarf felt to be almost impossible and he

    was always on constant alert; the logic, in these times, though had been lost making it

    easier for the dwarf to fit into society. Therefore, this made things easier for him. People

    had long forgotten of the times of the dwarves, elves and the other creatures that were

    now deemed mythical but he himself really existed so he believed. A young boy sat on a

    stool near the cauldron. He looked at the ground half-heartedly his golden eyes somewhat


    M-my summoning potionM-Master T-Toadstool... the boy stuttered scratching his

    raven-black hair, his golden eyes still looking half-heartedly at the dirt covered floor.

    That is no summoning potion I have ever seen, replied Toadstool haughtily laughing

    slightly, If it is I have been getting it wrong my whole life.

    I-Im sorry M-masterit will not happen again, mumbled the boy with a little more

    heart in it this time. He had officially decided he would fail at this no more, since it had

    been his fifth try.

    It had better not Oskan, said Toadstool strictly, try the potion again I will close up the

    shop without you today.

    At that Toadstool swiftly left the storeroom and headed to the front of the house where

    the store was located. The house was quite large for the city of Akkeltar, which was more

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    like a small town. The house was not very big, but it was two stories high. The bottom

    level was mostly used for the store the top level was where Oskan and Toadstool lived.

    Out of the dark corners of the storeroom, a cat came playfully up to Oskan. The cats

    eyes pierced curiously into Oskans and this made him laugh.

    Hello their Eodyn, Oskan said laughing his smile spread wide on his face, I wont be

    closing up the shop today, again, I am just not that great a potion making.

    Its alright, replied Eodyn rubbing gently against Oskans legs, You never were.

    Oskan laughed quietly. That was definitely the truth. Why his father had sent him to be

    apprenticed to an enchanter was totally beyond his knowledge. As a very young child he

    had never shown any signs of magical powers, absolutely nothing. Oddly enough when

    his father had died his will specifically stated that he was to be trained in the art of an

    enchanter by Toadstool.

    Well, now you must be wondering what exactly Eodyn is. Eodyn is a Daemin. A Daemin

    is part of a human soul encased in the body of an animal. It changes form depending on

    the mood of the humans soul. When a child is born the Daemin sort of appears beside

    them in a form only the baby can see. It becomes more and more visible as time wears

    on. On the thirteenth birthday though, the Daemin disappears, this is when the childs

    mind becomes more like an adult and they have no more need for their Daemin to guard

    their soul.

    Oskan was twelve years old, almost thirteen, and Eodyn now a cat was almost

    ready to disappear. Oskan could not even imagine life without Eodyn. She had always

    been by his side protecting him.

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    Eodyn, he thought looking at sadly into her eyes, What would I do without


    Oskan sighed and Eodyn jumped onto his lap playfully. At this Oskan groaned loudly.

    Your heavy, he said laughing attempting to push heroff his lap.

    Eodyn jumped quickly off his laugh looking offended. She walked away haughtily as if

    she was saying, Im NOT fat.

    Oskan rolled his eyes, how this haughty self-centered egoistic cat could hold a part of his

    soul he would never know. He glared at Eodyn. She was so self-centered. He stared at her

    quietly and looked back at his potion book wondering where he had gone wrong. He

    wore a puzzled expression. He had thought he had followed Toadstools directions

    exactly. The potion was so complicated. It was difficult to figure out what was wrong and

    what was right. Everything about it seemed incredibly difficult to Oskan. Oskan knew

    Toadstool kept a library of potion books and a stash of potions in the cupboard in his

    study. Feeling Oskans frustration Eodyn turned into the form of a dog and trotted up to

    him in a comforting manner.

    Come on Oskan, she whispered licking his hand, follow me.

    Oskan followed Eodyn through the halls outside of the storeroom. They were like long

    winding passageways, brightly lit by candles. Oskan and his Daemin lurked through the

    halls slowly keeping out of sight of the store where Toadstool was cleaning up after a

    hard days work. The study was restricted without an invitation. The only time he had

    been in there was the first day he had come to live with Toadstool. It had been a few days

    after his fathers death. He remembered feeling confused. He felt no emotion after he

    found out about his fathers death. Everyone around him had been comforting him, as if

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    he was sad. His mother had died during childbirth. His father never talked about her but

    Oskan knew her name. It was Edowin. His father had never really cared for Oskan and

    often left him with nannies. He had always been away for business and never talked

    about it with Oskan when he was home. The only regret he had was that he never got to

    know his father the way he should have. Toadstool understood him. They had been close

    ever since. Well, as close a student and his pupil could get in six years. He was like a

    father to Oskan.

    They reached Toadstools office without being spotted. The door of his study was locked

    tight and Oskan swore under his breath. Eodyn smiled a cat like smile. It was a

    mysterious sort of smile and Oskan felt different. It was as if a power was flowing

    through is veins and he whispered one simple word, Arminius. The room was dimly lit

    unlike the hallways. The study was filled with books, gadgets, and potions. Most of the

    items in the room Oskan had no idea what they were. A small bookshelf lay in the corner

    next to an oversized coat-closet. He walked quietly over to the bookshelf, and read the

    titles to him-self.

    Magyks Guide to Dragonstotally uselessGyorycs guide to spellsIll look at this

    one laterah, heres somethingA Village Fools guide to Potion Making. Oskan

    laughed and Eodyn hissed at him to shut-up.

    If you are attempting to be sneaky then quiet down Eodyn scolded giving Oskan an

    icy glare. Eodyns ears pricked up so suddenly it startled him. She whispered quietly,


    Oskan stood up quickly and looked around. He now heard the footsteps for they were

    growing ever closer. He looked around more frantically now, and looked toward the coat

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    closet. He opened the door and Eodyn ran inside. Oskan followed, shutting the door just

    as the study door opened.

    Thats odd I thought I locked this doorThe voice Oskan heard was Toadstools he

    recognized it immediately. Toadstools voice sounded irritated as if something deeply

    upset him, Come in Rityliu, and make your-self comfortable.

    Thank you, replied the voice of the newcomer, which Oskan presumed to be Rityliu,

    Thank you for letting me visit you on such short notice. I just got some very urgent news

    from our spy at the castle. The Dragon Slayers are already going after the new Dragon

    Riders. They are going to attack them on the way back from Dragons Keep.

    What? Burst Toadstool, Did they send them unprotected?

    That is what I am here to talk to you about, said Rityliu earnestly, They set up guards

    around the children, but that wontbe enough. Lord Xenias is sending the SymphonWe

    need Oskan to come and help guard the new Dragon Riders.

    But the pendant, that is the source of his power, how are we going to get it back from

    the Amythest mountains? asked Toadstool,They have it heavily guarded

    There Rityliu interrupted him quickly by pulling a thick golden chain from his pocket. It

    hung around his thick hand. It held in it a golden claw a dark red stone. This made

    Toadstool gasp.

    But how did you get this from them, it was taken when they killed Oskans father, the

    Symphon and their armies were guarding, it is nearly impossible for any normal man to

    fight against one Symphon, but to take on an entire army? Toadstools eyes were wide

    with awe and wonder.

    Rityliu face became grave, I barely escaped there with my life, if some of the magic

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    wasnt leaking from this pendent I wouldnt have escaped to tell you about it.

    So are you going to tell me the whole story or just part of it? asked Toadstool gravely,

    I am an old friend after all, do you not trust me with your secrets?

    It is not you I dont trust, said Rityliu moving slyly toward the coat closet where Oskan

    was hiding, But the one hiding in your closet- As he said that he opened the closet

    doors swiftly and in the rush Oskan stumbled out.

    My-Mywhat have we here said Rityliu laughing. He was a tall handsome man

    with cold grey eyes and loving warm brown hair. By his smile, Oskan could tell that he

    laughed often, but by the look in his eyes Oskan could tell he was a strong and a hard

    ruler. This puzzled Oskan and Rityliu laughed even harder.

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    Chapter Two

    The Dragon Slayer

    It was almost midnight and the bright orange moon rest roughly at the center of the sky.

    The night was enchanting as the city of Castile was awakened in a symphony of sounds.

    A tall, thin boy, of about fifteen years of age was walking nervously at the edge of a large

    roaring river. His hair was like a golden mane flowing at the slightest breeze. It was quite

    straight and rested just by his shoulders. He was quite handsome, he features

    distinguished and kingly. He walked with an air of importance and his ocean blue eyes

    shown brightly in the moonlight as he walked along the riverbank. His skin was white,

    almost looking like silk in the moon light and his ears were slightly pointed and picked

    up sounds any normal human being would never be able to hear. His name was Argon

    and his parents were King Xenias and Queen Lylith of Castile, the capitol of the Dragon

    Slayers country of Gyth. Argon and his parents could not have looked less alike. They

    were stout and quite chubby. They may have been royalty but, it did not show in there

    manners or their looks. They were quite unruly, untrained and wild. They were

    barbarians. They had a savage desire to kill, and were feared by the few surrounding

    nations because of their brutality in battle. They carried an axe like the dwarves and it is

    said they have dwarfish roots. Their features though, were more disfigured than the

    dwarves, and it was often argued that they might even have some Orc ancestry.

    Argon looked nothing like any of his people, and often questioned his parents

    about his origins, but his parents refused to tell him anything other than that he was their

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    son. He also had intelligence far superior to any other of his race, and that often made

    people criticize him.

    Argon often took these midnight walks by the river. They helped him forget the difficulty

    of being the son of the King of the Dragon Slayers. He was expected to follow his

    fathers footsteps as the next King of the Dragon Slayers; he was expected to be great; to

    create a legacy. He was expected and promoted to be the best dragon slayer in the land

    though it had been years since anyone had seen an actual dragon, at least since six years

    ago when the last dragon rider had fallen at the hands of his father. According to his

    parents this year was the new inauguration of the Dragon Riders. They were already

    preparing an attack, and were sending over two hundred men to attack them. He secretly

    desired to be one of the Dragon Riders but he knew that his dream would never come


    Argon walked silently up the river. He was thinking of things he would rather forget and

    wondered why he was thinking of it in the first place. At breakfast that morning, his

    father had come into the banquet hall in quite a lively manner.

    Lylith! he yelled running into the room, we have gathered 200 troops to help attack

    the new Dragon Riders!

    Thats wonderful darling, replied Lylith attentively, we will be the rulers of Realms of

    Ember in no time!

    Argon pushed that unhappy memory from his mind. How often he wished he could run

    away, but whenever he even got close the thought of being caught always made him turn


    When Argon got to the bend in the river he turned back, he had to go back to the castle

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    and get a descent nights sleep or his parents would grow suspicious. As he turned a

    mighty blow of cold air sent a shiver down his spine, and the howl of the wind sounded

    like a mighty wolf in the distance. He pulled his black cloak tightly over his shoulders

    and walked briskly toward the castle. As he neared the castle, he walked even faster at the

    sight of a light in the tower window. As he entered the castle, a servant met him at the

    stairs in the castle courtyard.

    Where have you been? asked the servant sternly pointing s finger at Argon, Your

    parents have been worried sick about you! What were you doing out so late at night? I

    went to check on you once and you were not there! Your parents were petrified when

    they found out.

    I was only out walking bythe river! said Argon glaring at her like she was just an

    inferior creature that didnt deserve an ounce of respect, but then he drew back and

    calmed himself down, I didnt mean to frighten anyone

    A likely story the servant remarked coldly her grey eyes surveying Argon, Come

    along your parents would like to see you.

    Argon followed the servant into his fathers study. Argon knew that he would have to

    come up with a lie to explain why he was not in his room. That would be the hardest part.

    After walking down the dimly lit hall his fathers study soon came into view. Argon

    detested that room. It was filled with war medals and trophies that made him honored

    among his people, loved and made him seem almost perfect. The truth of the matter was

    that he was not perfect. Not even, close. When they reached the door of his fathers study

    the servant knocked.

    Who is it? replied a thick chilly voice, almost like syrup but definitely not as sweet.

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    Its Catalina, Master; I have found your son, wandering about the halls. Said the

    servant pompously, Shall I send him in?

    Yes, said the man with a slight lisp but the voice was stern, send him in.

    Argon apprehensively went through the doors of his fathers study. When the door shut

    behind him Argons mother ran up to him and held him in her embrace.

    Oh, darling, we thought someone had taken you away or that you had been drowned in

    the river! said Lylith, hugging him even tighter.

    What were you thinking? Asked Argons father sternly, What drove you insane

    enough as to wander in the middle of the night? Many a bandit would capture you only

    for the hefty sum I would give as a reward.

    He looked deeply into Argons eyes with an empty and unfulfilled hate.

    I was restless, said Argon not daring to look into his fathers cold glaze, I really just

    needed to go for a walk to calm my nerves.

    Argons father looked at Argon and sighed, I have no choice but to believe you but, this

    will not be happening anymore. I am sending you to Draco Occisor Academy in

    Elvandor, where you will learn to be a Dragon Slayer like your mother and I.

    Lylith smirked, Thats where your father and I met

    Thats another story, said Argons father sternly as if not wanted to repeat or remember

    his youth, Now, off to bed.

    Argon was silent for a few seconds then replied, Yes father. At that he quietly left the


    Argons steps could be barely heard as he walked to his tower room. The servant who

    had led him to his fathers study had long since left for bed. The cool night air nipped at

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    his bare as he washed them with the water in the basin beside his been. He quickly put on

    is night gown and climbed into his warm feather bed and his fathers words came back to

    him, Tomorrow your mother and I will be sending you to Draco Occisor Academy

    Draco Occisor Academy even the thought of those delicious Latin words in his mind

    sounded unpleasant. In and out of thought Argon finally drifted off to sleep.

    A bright sunlight was flooding in to his window when he woke up. The cool night air had

    turned into a brisk November morning. A light snow had fallen and the river was covered

    in a thin layer of ice. Argon stuck one foot out from under his covers.

    Freezing! he thought. He quickly pulled his foot back in. Then Argon heard a sharp

    knock on the door.

    Get up! yelled the prickly voice Catalina, You are leaving at nine o clock sharp!

    Argon groaned. He quickly stuck both feet out from under his covers and quickly jumped

    out of bed. Then he pulled on his travel clothes and his cloak. He walked quickly to the

    door of his room and pulled it open. He walked hastily into the cool hallway. He walked

    slowly to the dinning hall where his parents were wordlessly eating their breakfast.

    Good morning, he said frostily taking his seat next to his father at the end of the table.

    Good morning. They answered back very briskly, and quite acrimoniously. He ate the

    porridge in silence, only stopping once for a drink of water. Finally the silence was


    Master Argon, your stuff is packed and is waiting in the carriage, said Catalina gruffly,

    Ill be waiting in the carriage.

    At that Argon ate even slower. By the time he had finished is Porridge, Catalina was

    asleep in the carriage.

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    Chapter 3

    The Dragon Riders

    The murky, bitter swamp closed around a motley group of children. Their leader was a

    young elf, and she walked through the forest proudly with bow in hand. The children that

    followed seemed frightened, almost lost. The elf walked swiftly and quietly, her thought

    seemed to be far away from the world around them, and the children were frantically

    trying to keep up, their Daemons runningplayfully behind them. lrilien! lrilien!

    one of the children called feebly, Please wait up!

    lrilien turned and smiled. How silly they are! She thought to herself and stopped and

    waited for them to catch up. They hurried along to where lrilien was standing, each

    breathing heavily, slowly catching their breath.

    How much farther do we have to go? asked a short brawny child with curly red hair

    and curious emerald green eyes. He walked along quite loudly as if trying to wake every

    creature in the swamp. His short stubby legs were running trying hard to catch up with

    lrilien, whose long thin legs walked silently, with the swiftness of a woodland elf.

    Dragons Keep is just past those rocks, she replied excitedly, Be patient Kane.

    lrilien had never been to Dragons Keep, but the tales of those who had told her exactly

    where she needed to go. Her excitement burned within her looking for a way to sneak

    out. A small smile flittered across her pale face as Kane continued running alongside her

    fast pace. He was as excited as her; he was the first in his clan to go to Dragons Keep.

    Only a few select children in the lands of Arransia were able to go to Dragons Keep

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    every century. This was the way new Dragon Riders were born.

    There were four other children with them, each from a different province, chosen because

    of brains or strength to embark on a perilous journey. Each carried with them a weapon

    of choice from their province. lrilien carried with her a bow, from the Elvin province of

    Akadi. Her people all had noble Elvin blood and descended from kings of Arransia. Kane

    came from the province Shar; his people lived and worked in caves and caverns. He

    carried an Ax. One child a boy by the name of Malar carried a sword and shield showing

    he came from the province Tempus. Arte carried with her magic, she had the element of

    earth, making her a valuable healer. She gained her power from life around her; she

    soaked up this energy from the ground through her feet so she was often without shoes.

    Her green and white dress flowed behind her as she ran with the others holding her

    witches hat tightly to her head so it wouldnt come flying off. She was from the province

    of Ethinril. The last two children were Ithril of Helm and Merris of Dysteria. They were

    Dryad and Nyrad, spirits of water and earth. Ithril was the spirit of earth and her hair was

    dirt brown and her eyes were as green as the trees, while Merris had eyes a glistening sea

    blue eyes and her hair was while as snow, they were from the provinces of Helm and

    Dysteria. They all trudged excitedly along toward the rock which from they hoped to see

    their destination.

    A few days before lrilien would never have believed that she would lead the group of

    children to Dragons Keep. A mother dragon only laid six eggs, and one the Queenling,

    was to be the future mother of the next six dragons; four were chosen to be her servants,

    and one to be the father of the next batch of Dragons. The village priests at the Arransia

    capitol of Lyis had told the children this before it was announced who would be going on

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    the journey Dragons Keep, a journey that would change their lives forever. lrilien never

    outwardly showed it, but she had always dreamed of being chosen to go to Dragons

    Keep. Only noble children had the chance, and she was the only daughter of King Arian

    and Queen Elerian of Akadi, the province by the sea. All the other children were of royal

    birth as well. Even in a tolerant country like Arransia there were still social standards that

    needed to be kept. A peasant child couldnt be trusted with the fate of a nation. Her eyes

    glistened with delight, she was almost there and the rock was in view and only a few

    paces away. They walked toward the rock so fast they were almost running and some of

    the smaller children tripped over rocks and roots in their excitement. The roar of a

    mother dragon pierced the sky in aggravation, as if she felt them coming nearer to her

    nest, and they began to approach the rock with more caution. Ithril backed away

    frightened by the sudden outburst made by the dragon. Her green eyes were wide and fear

    gripped her heart at the sudden act of aggression.lrilien quietly turned and said, Do

    not be afraid, Ithril, she will not hurt us. She just doesnt know who we are yet. They

    now approached the rock with unbridled excitement. When they reached the rock the

    childrens excitement was no longer watching silently from the inside. It came out with a

    full force and squeals. The mother dragon was lying near a nest of six eggs, one crimson

    egg, one black egg, one bright green egg, one sea blue egg, one gold egg, and one silver

    egg. The mother dragons head jerked up and she growled her eyes burned with curiosity.

    lrilien quietly stepped forward and announced why they were there.

    Icefyre, She addressed the dragon, We are here as the future dragon riders of the land

    of Arransia. I hope you can accept us, and if you need proof of who we are you can ask

    any of the number of soldiers who watch us from a distance protecting us from any sort

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    of danger.

    Icefyre looked at the group dreamily as if remembering the first time she had met her

    rider, and the day she had lost him, Ah yes, I remember, my rider told me this day would

    come, that is before he was killed in battle. She sighed wearily, stuck on the memory of

    the death of her rider; she had been carrying the eggs inside her for what felt like

    centuries, I dont have much time left any way.

    lrilien looked at the faces of the other children. They were all grim and knew the bitter

    truth. Once a dragon has laid her eggs she only has two weeks to live. Judging by the

    bright colors of the eggs lrilien knew they had been laid about week ago. Icefyre lay

    wearily in the grass and weakly pushed the nest of eggs towards the children.

    The dryad Merris quickly stepped and took the golden egg. She seemed to be very proud

    of herself, and held the egg tightly in her arms, as if she knew that the egg she was

    carrying would be the queenling, just because of its golden color. lrilien walked up

    next; she picked up the sea blue egg because it reminded her of Akadi, the land by the

    sea. Kane picked up the black egg and Malar picked up the red. Ithril cautiously walked

    up and picked the bright green egg. Last Arte cautiously stepped forward and smiled at

    Icefyre as she picked up the last egg, the silver one.

    Icefyre smiled inwardly, she felt the children all had good hearts. She knew the names of

    all her children for they whispered to her in the night, but she did not speak to the

    children again. Those secrets had best be kept till the hatching of the dragons.

    The night was long and when the children awoke the next morning silver dew blanketed

    the meadow. Icefyre was gone. lrilien believed she was probably out hunting. She

    quickly woke the other children and they prepared a breakfast. After they had eaten they

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    swiftly walked toward the trail that had led them there day before. They were headed

    back to where they had come from, the capitol city of Altheia. There they were to meet

    with allies to prepare for training, and they would pray that the dragons would hatch for

    them. lrilien looked at the swamp and forest that surrounded them and wondered what

    the guards that were protecting them were doing at that moment. The journey back to

    Altheia would be dangerous. If one hint of their journey was leaked to the Dragon

    Slayers, they might as well have not come to Dragons keep at all.

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    Chapter Four


    My-My what have we here, said Rityliu laughing. He was a tall handsome man with

    bright blue eyes and loving warm brown hair. By his smile Oskan could tell that he

    laughed often, but by the look in his eyes Oskan could tell he was a strong and a hard

    ruler. This puzzled Oskan and Rityliu laughed even harder. Master Toadstools face on

    the other hand was stern and he had a glint in his eye that made Oskan recoil. Lord

    Rityliu laughed quietly before saying, its alright Toadstool, leave the boy alone. He

    probably has a good reason for spying on us from the closet.

    This office is off limits to anyone but me and my guests; you cant expect me to just let

    his coming in herepass. I have told him this numerous times, and he knows the rules,

    said Toadstool sternly, his fingers tapping the desk slowly in aggravation. Oskan breathed

    in deeply, he knew he was in trouble now unless he explained himself.

    I was just in here to get a book, said Oskan looking at his feet, I didnt understand

    why I kept getting the potion wrong. It was Eodyns idea anyway.

    Eodyn nipped Oskans hand and looked him straight in the eye, Do not put all the blame

    on me. I might have given you the idea, but you were the one who acted upon it.

    Lord Rityliu laughed his eyes sparkled as if he was remembering something his happy

    face reflected a tint of sorrow. The room was quiet for a moment, as if all time had


    You are so much like your father. He said smiling slightly staring intently into Oskans


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    You knew my father? asked Oskan questioningly, his eyes full of curiosity.

    A smile fluttered across Lord Ritylius face at the memory of Oskans father. Oskans

    father had been apprenticed to an enchanter that had worked for his father. This was long

    before the Dragon Slayers had made the land of Arransia their own. The Dragon Slayers

    country of Gyth had once been very small, its leaders and people all human. They chose

    to exile any thing they believed to be different from them selves. Magic was outlawed

    for everyone except nobility, but even the nobles had a limited amount of magic, it

    something that was harmless, like the levitation of small objects. As time went on the

    Dragon Slayers began to see them selves as the ultimate race, they believed for balance to

    be restored to the world they needed to control all of the lands of Ember, by taking over

    Arransia, and all the other countries.

    The war had just begun when Lord Rityliu had met Oskans father. The war was

    supposed to be over quickly. Gyth was a small country, and humans were seen as weak.

    Arransia was a diverse land, filled with elves, dwarfs, witches and many other creatures;

    they all lived in peace, each race separated by province. It was expected it would only be

    a matter of months before they defeated the Gyth army and drove them back into their

    own land. Lord Ritylius father was a general in the army and in letters to his son would

    boast about how pathetic the Gyth fighters were against their superior forces. The Gyth in

    their defeat created the Symphon, heartless magical beings whose powers rival that of the

    Arransian enchanters. These creatures were created from the bodies of fallen soldiers,

    who begged for their life at death, and it was given to them at a price, they had to become

    the slaves of the Gyth, and only use the power they were given to help the Gyth on their

    quest for power. Lord Ritylius father was killed in battle by one such Symphon. The

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    news of his fathers death threw Rityliu into a state of depression. His father was the only

    family he had ever been close to. At seven years old his life was thrown into turmoil.

    Three years later Oskans father, Hrian, came into his life. Hrian was one year older than

    him and was apprenticed to the familys enchanter. Rumors circulated around Hrian, he

    was the oldest child in the house of Erigold a powerful wizarding family, and heir to the

    most powerful of all its magic. People were beginning to wonder why he had been

    apprenticed to a village enchanter instead of his father, or uncle, who were more powerful

    enchanters. Even though it had been three years since his fathers death, Rityliu was still

    in a depression. The Dragon Slayers were slowly taking hold of all Arransia and he felt

    that everything his father fought for was being destroyed. Hrian was a strong willed child,

    he was fearless and determined. The first day he met Rityliu he spit at his feet, telling him

    he needed to grow up and get over his fathers death. He was theonly one who wasnt

    afraid to speak his mind to Rityliu, even though he was harshly scolded for it by Ritylius

    mother afterward. This opened a door in Ritylius mind that had previously been locked.

    He couldnt let this enchanter think he was worthless. He felt this desire to prove himself

    to the world, and to Hrian. He had wasted three years of his life morning his fathers

    death while the people around him had also been suffering. It took a while for Hrian to

    warm up to Ritylius suddenly cheery actions, but the soon became inseparable.

    It was hard for Rityliu to believe that Hrian was gone. The loss had been worse

    emotionally on him than the loss of his father.

    Yes, said Lord Rityliu, He was an old friend of mine.

    A tear began forming at the edge of Oskans eye but he caught himself and he grew

    cheery once more. He never liked to talk about his father. He never really got to know

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    him, but every time he realized that he had no memory of what his father looked like or

    how he acted a lump always appeared in his throat. I guess it was natural to miss

    someone you once loved, but he preferred not to show his emotions to the people around

    him, it showed weakness. He felt as if they should been hidden away, for only the Gods

    to see.

    Where did you meet him? Asked Oskan curiously, as he looked into Ritylius eyes. He

    knew that there was something deeper and stronger in the friendship between Lord

    Rityliu and his father than Rityliu bothered to mention to him.

    Rityliu laughed as he realized that he misjudged this boy; he was more like his father than

    he previously thought.

    When your father was apprenticed to the Enchanter Hyrulus, Hyrulus worked as the

    family enchanter. Said Rityliu, I met him the first day he came with Hyrulus to my

    fathers house. He helped me get over my fathers death, and pretty much treated me like

    a worthless peasant. But, we became close friends over time, almost inseparable.

    At this Oskan was confused. His father had never mentioned a Lord Rityliu if they

    were close as this man said, why wouldnt his father have mentioned him?

    You are probably wondering why your father never mentioned me. Said Rityliu and

    Oskan looked up quickly with a look of surprise on his face.

    Had he read his mind? Oskan thought staring up digging into Lord Ritylius eyes with

    his own, hoping for an answer, until he gave up after a minute of silence.

    How did you know I was thinking that? Oskan asked questioningly.

    He believed I was dead said Rityliu looking at the ground his face twisted as if he

    was in pain, I fell in battle, even I thought I was a goner, but I ended up being captured

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    by the Symphon and taken to the mountains of Amythest, where I awoke from a deep

    sleep over a month after the battle. Hrian was never one to dwell on the fallen.

    Oh Said Oskan, he was jealous that this man knew more about his father than he did.

    Enough about the past, Said Rityliu, We need to address the matter at hand. How

    much did you hear from the closet?

    Only something about a pendent, and Dragon Riders Said Oskan quietly, I swear!

    It doesnt matter that you heard our conversation, you would have been told later

    anyway. Said Rityliu reassuring Oskan as he pulled the pendant out from his jacket

    pocket, This is the Erigold pendant, the magic of the house of Erigold as well as the

    magic of twelve other powerful magical houses was sealed into this pendant. You are the

    heir to its magic as the only survivor of the line of Erigold as foretold by and ancient

    prophet, the Witch of Raynerth named Azure.

    Oskan stared at Rityliu in disbelief. How could he be from a powerful family of

    enchanters? It made no sense to him. He hadnt even shown a glint of magical ability.

    Lord Rityliu looked at Oskans puzzled face and said, You might think I am crazy, but

    the reason why you dont have any magical ability at the moment is because it is all

    sealed inside of this pendant.

    ButII unlocked the door! Oskan blurted out, When the door to the study was

    locked, I felt a surge of power go through my body and all the sudden I knew the words

    to a spell, and I used it to unlock the door

    That is simple to explain, Said Lord Rityliu calmly, That must have been when I

    arrived, magic was leaking out of the ruby, and it is what saved me from the Symphon.

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    But, how did I know the spell, I felt like I had heard it somewhere before said Oskan

    looking at Rityliu intently as if he had the answer to every question.

    I truthfully have no idea said Lord Rityliu looking over at Toadstool who had been

    watching them silently for sometime. Toadstool shook his head in silence.

    Now, I must continue Said Lord Rityliu calmly, I need you to help me with

    somethinginside of the Draco Occisor Academy is a Dragon egg. It was taken from a

    new Dragon Rider, during their last era when the Dragon Slayers first attacked Arransia.

    You are the only one who would be able to get in there undetected.

    But How? Shouldnt the Dragon have hatched by now? asked Oskan.

    No Dragon eggs only hatch when they find the one who they feel is to be their rider.

    The children, who are going to get their eggs at this very moment, might not truly be the

    owners of the eggs they will carry replied Rityliu.

    Oh said Oskan realizing his predisposition about Dragons had been wrong, How am

    I supposed to act in a school full of Dragon Slayers? Ive never been to Gyth, what

    language to they speak? What is their capitol city? Wont I seem out of place? Even

    though I would fit in more than you would since I am young, I would still stick out like a

    sore thumb.

    The journey to the academy will be long; I will train you in the ways of the Dragon

    Slayer on the way. Said Rityliu calmly, as if he had everything planned out in his mind,

    When we retrieve the egg we will meet the Dragon Riders in the capitol cit y of Altheia

    in the Province of Helm right on the border in the Thya swamp.

    But Oskan was cut short as Lord Rityliu hastily blew out the candle that lit the room

    and put a hand over Oskans mouth. He whispered one thing, Hide.

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    Chapter Five


    Argon quietly got into the carriage and sat next to the slumbering Catalina. It would take

    them three days of riding in the carriage before they arrived at the academy. Argon hated

    being stuck in such a confined space, one would call him claustrophobic. He stared out

    the window, wishing for some sort of companionship. When Argons Daemin Juyk had

    been around Argon felt life had been more pleasant. His Daemin would always talk to

    him when he felt lonely, and was really his only friend. His parents were protective to say

    the least, and most people didnt want to be friends with Argon, or when they did it was

    only because they wanted to use him for their own benefit. That was the life of the son of

    the ruler of the empire. He at one time had twelve other sisters, but each were given away

    to servants at birth and sent away because a girl was useless in the mind of a ruler of

    Gyth. They were just another mouth to feed, and were nothing more than servants so,

    they should be treated as one. Argon wished he had them around him while he was

    growing up. They would at least be someone to boss around, or they would give him

    something to do. He often would watch the servant children play in the courtyard in the

    mornings and at night when they werent working. His jealousy of them often turned into

    outrage and he would have them framed for stealing jewelry or other items. They would

    often be beaten afterwards and sent away to work at another household. He never wanted

    to admit to himself that what he was doing was wrong, they seemed so much happier

    with their lives than he was and it pained him to think that people of a lower class could

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    be happier than the son of a king. Even though he was the son of a king and was destined

    to by the leader of Gyth, he wanted to do something to make him stand apart from all the

    others. He wanted to make a name for himself, to do something so great that he would

    never be forgotten. So far, people didnt even address him by his own name, he was

    always his fathers son or boy. Argon was silent and stared in silence out the carriage

    window, watching the scenery drift by.

    You finally finished your porridge did you, said Catalina harshly waking up from her


    Argon continued to stare out the window ignoring the harsh remark of his servant.

    Dont ignore me boy! They would never accept that at the academy, said Catalina,

    Youd be out of there before we would even get there.

    Im not ignoring you Argon said softly with irritation in his voice, You didnt ask a

    question, you just said a statement, and statements dont have to be answered to. Besides,

    I dont take orders from a servant.

    The word servant rolled off Argons tongue harshly, almost like a hiss.

    Catalina sniffled and turned away. She never liked the child, he was always so

    disagreeable. Though, she felt a bit sorry for him, being sent away from the home he had

    lived in for his whole life. This would be his first time away from his parents as well.

    They never let him go anywhere without them, they were always protecting him. It was

    no wonder the boy turned out the way he did. Whenever he would sniffle or cry about

    something he would always get his own way, no one stood a chance against him. He was

    the only son, and the heir to the kingdom of Gyth, but he was so cowardly Catalina

    wondered if he could ever be a proper king. He had never learned to fight like a royal

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    child should and he never learned how to be brave. He was like a misshapen piece of

    clay; his personality was not yet fully formed. Catalina had no idea how she was going to

    make it three days with this brat, the city they were stopping in for the night was Elvari,

    where they would meet up with the headmaster of the academy Tillywag. He had been a

    teacher when Catalina attended the academy. At the time her family had been rich. When

    an investment didnt turn out the way it was planned though, her family lost all their

    money and had they had to become servants to the king to pay off their debts and even

    though it had been years since the debts of her family had been paid off Catalina still

    worked as a servant for the king. She was given food and a place to sleep since she

    worked at the palace and since she was in her forties she had no chance of getting

    married it seemed like the best choice at the time.

    Now though, she thought as she stared at Argon,I am definitely regretting it.

    She sighed softly a wave of silence floated through the carriage, and her thoughts floated

    with it. She slumped into the seat and dozed off. Argon glared at her coolly, she was

    always bossing him around like he was her servant. He had often complained about her to

    his father but Xenias would never take him seriously telling him that she had always been

    loyal to the family and that once her family had been nobility which is why she had the

    disposition of a noble. This didnt make Argon any happier about it though. Any other

    servant would be able to escort him to the academy and he would have been fine, but

    Catalina was the last person Argon wanted involved in his life. She didnt respect her

    place in society, and nobody else seemed to mind. The carriage screeched to a sudden

    halt and the diver called to Catalina waking her up.

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    Catalina, there is a storm approaching, it looks to be a bad one, said the driver

    nervously looking up at the sky with caution, Theres an inn just ahead that my brother

    runs, lets stay there for tonight.

    Catalina peered out the window.

    When had the sky grown so dark? She thought then she turned to Argon who had a look

    of plain horror on his face.

    I do NOT want to stay at an inn. He said a look of anger clouded his face, They are

    dirty and filled with drunks, and I would like to stay at my palace in Elvari!

    But Argon, by the way the sky looks it looks to be one of the worst in months; it isnt

    safe for anyone to be out in it. Said Catalina staring at Argon like he was stupid, Demti,

    take us to the inn, how far off is it?

    Probably about two miles, said Demti, We should be there in about fifteen minutes.

    Okay, do you think there will be any room? With a storm like this it might get

    crowded, said Catalina with a hint of worry in her voice.

    Its my families place, said Demti, And with the son of Xenias in the carriage, I am

    positive we will get a room no madder how crowded it is.

    I have a name, Yelled Argon his face growing read with anger, it is Argon. A-r-g-o-


    His outburst wasnt heard by the driver because the carriage began speeding along again,

    the noise of the horses drowning out Argons voice.

    Argon, stop making a fool out of yourself, said Catalina, You may be the son of a

    King but you arent one yet!

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    Argon glared at her with a look that was so cold it could only be compared to dry ice.

    Catalina was always tearing him down from the pedestal he believed he sat on.

    When I am King, hissed Argon in pure anger, You will be the first person I execute.

    Ill be dead before you ever become King, Catalina hissed back glaring at him, her

    blood felt like it was boiling. This child could be so irritating sometimes she just wanted

    to strangle him.

    You are nothing like your father, your just a lazy, cowardly, fool! added Catalina

    spitting each word out with disgust.

    Stop comparing me to my father! I dont want to be like him! I dont want to only be

    known as the son of Xenias. Someday I will do something to get my name out in the

    world, and people will stop comparing me to my father! Catalina had never seen Argon

    so angry, she realized she must have touched a sensitive nerve; he looked as if he was

    ready to rip off her head.

    Im sorry, Catalina said her voice filled with fear, tension filled the carriage.

    Everything fell silent until the carriage screeched to a sudden halt in front of the inn.

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    Chapter Six

    The Capture

    lrilien gathered up the children after they finished eating breakfast.

    We need to be ready to fight if the Dragon Slayers get through our guards and attack

    us. Said lrilienpacing in front of the other children in impatience, How many of you

    have had battle experience?

    Only two of the children raised their hands, Malar and Kane.

    This was less than I hoped for said lrilien frowning slightly, Are you sure you

    dont even have the slightest bit of experience?

    Ithril and Arte shook their heads solemnly while Merris stood there deep in thought.

    Merris? Asked lrilien looking at her curiously.

    My brothers taught me a few techniques with a sword, and I know how to use a little

    Dryad magic. Said Merris softly as if she was unsure of herself.

    That will be helpful, said lrilien smiling at Merris, The only sword we have access

    to it Malars so you going to have to stick to Dryad magic only if we are attacked.

    Okay! replied Merris happily, she was glad she was able to help.

    Arte looked up and then quietly said, I am a healerif anyone is injuredI can help!

    What isthe extent of your healing magic? asked lrilien, Arte was only twelve years;

    even and someone with a hundred years of healing experience would have a limit to their

    power, it takes time to build up resistance to the energy that using healing magic, or any

    other kind of magic really.

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    I can do simple things like cuts and bruises without a problem; I cant heal broken bones

    or deep cuts without passing out though Arte looked down ashamed of what she

    believed to be her miniscule ability.

    Even the smallest bit of healing could save a life, said lrilien as she flashed Arte a

    friendly smile. Arte responded with a large grin, her eyes sparkling.

    How about you Ithril? Are you hiding any talents? asked lrilien giving Ithril and

    warm smile.

    I can doa little Nyrad magic! she replied excitedly, My mother taught me a few


    Thats great! said lrilien her face glowing with joy, So in case of an emergency you

    all have something that you can use to defend yourself.

    I-I dont, Arte said looking down, I do have healing magic, but if I am separated

    from the group

    Artes Daemin Yuan nudged her shoulder grabbing her attention.

    You can ride me to safety if you ever get separated from the group, He told her

    comfortingly, You not only have your abilities to protect you children, but you have us

    your Daemins.

    lrilien looked down at her feet, she was sixteen and it had been three years since she

    last spoke to her Daemin. It was a difficult thing to do, part with your Daemin, but it had

    to be done, it was apart of growing up.

    Hes right lrilien said sadly, Daemins are here to protect us; they will make sure

    that we are kept safe.

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    The group stood in silence for a few moments, taking in the entirety of their mission.

    They had to get back to Altheia safe and sound. They now had the most precious cargo,

    Dragon Eggs, and the Dragon Slayers would stop at nothing to get their grubby hands on


    An Arransian guard walked out of the forest and toward the children.

    It is time for you to leave, he said, There are guards stationed all around you, and

    there is no need to be frightened.

    lrilien smiled relieved, but she still felt uneasy. Something wasnt right, but she wasnt

    sure what it was.

    Okay! She told the guard, We will leave right away.

    lrilien gathered the others around her and said, Let us pray to the Gods so they might

    protect us on our journey back.

    The children all gathered around in a circle lifting up their prayers to the gods in silence.

    When they were all finished they left Dragons Keep and headed through the swamp.

    Just as they left Dragons Keep they were attacked. The Dragon Slayers came on them

    fast and attached without mercy. They scattered the children, this made it impossible for

    them to create a plan and work together to fight off the Dragon Slayers. lrilien took out

    her bow and quickly started firing arrows, but they did not pierce the skin of the attackers

    and her eyes widened in fear. The Symphon. Kane and Malar stuck together during the

    fight. Each protecting the back of the other against the onslaught of assailants. The

    children could tell that the motive of the Symphon and the Dragon Slayers was not to

    kill them but to capture them. lrilien called to the younger children, Run! We will hold

    them off as long as we can!

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    The children ran. Their fear made them run faster than they ever thought possible. Arte

    created a small force field around them to protect them from the onslaught of arrows. The

    children heard a scream from behind them. It sounded like lrilien. Arte looked back

    loosing her concentration on the force field. It dropped for one second but that is all that

    was needed. The Dragon Slayers that were chasing them pounced when they saw that

    sudden weakness. Arte ran as quickly as she could and yelled for the others to follow.

    They tried, but the Dragon Riders soon over powered them.

    Where are the guards that were supposed to be protecting us? Arte thought as she ran

    up the hill away from the Dragon Slayers.

    They were to strong for a group of children. As Arte ran she looked behind her,

    watching the others struggle. All she could think about though was getting away,

    protecting the dragon egg. Her Daemin a horse ran along besides her beckoning for her to

    ride him.

    Get on! said the Yuan, The others will be okay! You only need to worry about saving

    yourself right now!

    Arte looked the Daemin into the eyes, Are you sure Yuan?

    Yuan smiled the best a horse could smile. He knew that the other childrens Daemins no

    matter how small they were would protect them, bring them food if needed. He knew that

    they would survive.

    Yes I am positive. He said still running along beside her, Get on so we can out run


    Arte mounted Yuan quickly. The wind blew her hair back as he picked up speed. They

    had to get as far away from here as possible. They had to protect the Dragon Egg. Right

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    now it was the most important thing. If this egg held the Queen Dragon, and it was killed,

    there would never be dragons again.

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    Chapter Seven


    Oskan fell back, and hit his head against the inside of the coat closet. He made a small

    oomph noise and winced in pain.

    Shh whispered Rityliu from the other side of the room from his hiding place under

    Toadstools desk, We need to stay quiet, any noise will attract them here.

    Rityliu felt as if everything he worked for was going to come to a sudden halt. His eyes

    were wide with fear; he knew he had no chance of fighting what was at that moment

    terrorizing the village. A penetrating sound came from outside of the shop. It was a

    mixture between the blood curdling scream of a young women and the scratching of nails

    on a chalk board. Oskan covered his ears; the sound made his stomach lurch forward in


    What is that? he hissed his eyes widening at the number of screams that followed the

    first one.

    That is the Symphon,said Rityliu, They are the servants of King Xenias of Gyth, and

    they train all of his armies. They are fallen enchanters and soldiers who pledge they will

    to them.

    Why would anyone want to give up their free will? asked Oskan, this didnt make any

    sense to him.

    They were dying and he promised them life. Even I am afraid of death, said Rityliu


    Xenias prayed on the souls of dying soldiers, forcing them to pledge themselves to him in

    exchange for life. Everything the Symphon did was the will of Xenias, and that wasnt

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    going to change. The magic he gave them made them powerful, and the contract they

    signed in their blood so that they may live again bonded them to him for eternity.

    Toadstool walked into the room hastily.

    We need to get out of here said Toadstool who had been looking out the front

    window of the shop, keeping an eye out for when the Symphon got close, They are not

    far off, they are setting all the building they raid on fire, and we need to leave.

    But what about the other villagers? Oskan asked angrily, Are we just going to leave

    them here at the mercy of the Symphon? Why are they here anyway?

    The Gyth have decided to begin attacking Arransia once more. Replied Rityliu, This

    is the village closest to the border so it would be attacked first. It will take a while for our

    armies to reach this village. It might be lost by then

    But thats not fair! said Oskan, thinking of the friends he had in the village, Why do

    we get to survive while they have to die?!

    You are important Oskan! Without you the prophecy laid out by Azure will never come

    true, you are the only hope Arransia has of defeating the Dragon Slayers. Yelled Rityliu,

    he couldnt possible understand how this boy could be so selfish.

    Maybe I can help them! said Oskan he gave Rityliu and icy glare, You said that

    pendant is magical maybe I can use it to help the village!

    Oskan lurched forward at Rityliu grabbing the pendant from his pocket and placing it

    around his neck. He grabbed a book of magic off of the bookshelf and looks through it.

    Youre going to regret this Rityliu said looking at Oskan sadly, You dont know

    your limits yet.

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    Then why arent you trying to stop me? Asked Oskan glaring at Rityliu silently glaring

    at him.

    Because, I would like you to learn from the mistake you are about to make, said Rityliu

    calmly. He knew that he couldnt change the boys mind. His will was strong just like his

    fathers. Oskan flipped through the pages of the book, he had to find something that

    could help everyone!

    Fire magic, water magic, healingthat would help afterwardah! A shielduse this

    shield to protect those who most need your helpOkay! This is it! Oskan smiled in

    satisfaction and he read the spell aloud, A-Ackira N-N-Nuya!

    Oskan suddenly felt like all the energy had been drained from his body, but nothing

    changed around him. The screams of the people still grew ever louder. Oskan slumped to

    the floor falling into a deep sleep.

    I told him he was going to regret it, luckily though he didnt use that powerful of a

    spell Rityliu said as he walked over to Oskans body.

    Is he alive? asked Toadstool peering in the room from the hall.

    Of course he is alive. Said Rityliu poking Oskans sleeping form with his foot, He has

    a lot to learn.

    He is more like his father than he could ever comprehend said Toadstool smiling as

    Rityliu threw Oskans small form over his shoulder, He will definitely be bruised a bit

    when he wakes up if you keep throwing him around like that.

    Serves him right mumbled Rityliu under his breath.

    Rityliu carried Oskan over his shoulder and to the back garden where the horses were

    neighing and stomping from their stables in the tension that floated around the village.

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    How are we going to bring Oskan with us if he is asleep? asked Toadstool, I dont

    own a carriage, so we dont have somewhere to put him.

    Ill have him on the horse with me, said Rityliu as he pulled a saddle onto one of the

    horses, We will take two horses with us for now, but we will purchase another one in

    Gyth when Oskan wakes up.

    Rityliu then told Toadstool to keep hold on Oskan while he mounted his horse, then

    Toadstool and Rityliu worked together to pull him up onto the horse with Rityliu.

    Which way do we need to go to head towards the academy? asked Rityliu.

    We need to head west, so we will need to ride around the city through the forest. Said

    Toadstool as he brought his horse into a trot. They headed into the forest, and slowly

    brought their horses to a gallop.

    How big of a circle should we make to get around the village? Rityliu asked as

    Toadstools horse pulled up beside his.

    About a mile radius! I am not sure how many of them are hiding in the forest looking for

    people that are trying to escape. Toadstool brought his horse to the right widening the

    circle he was making around the village. It was cold and Toadstool pulled his cloak tight

    over his body, the sky was getting dark giving him an ominous feeling.

    We didnt bringanything to sustain us on the journey, Toadstool remarked to Rityliu.

    Dont worry, Rityliu replied pointed to the bag he had over his shoulder, I have some

    gold in here, when we reach Uya, a town right across the border we will have something

    to purchase provisions with. It is difficult to gather the items we need under pressure.

    Isnt that the truth replied Toadstool, his stomach growled, he hadnt had the time to

    prepare a dinner for him or Oskan, When do you think we will arrive?

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    Well, replied Rityliu, If we ride all night, we should be able to get there by mid-

    morning; then we will check into an inn on the outskirts of town.

    Toadstool nodded, food would have to wait, but sleep, that he had no idea what he would

    do without it.

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    Chapter Eight

    Wading out the Storm

    The rain had begun falling from the sky in buckets a few minutes after they had walked

    into the inn. It was crowded as Catalina had expected, maybe even a little more. She

    looked around; storms often blew in the most curious of people. Most of them were

    drunks, stinking up the inn, singing loudly and dancing to the music that was played by

    the hired musician. She could kind of understand why Argon wouldnt want to be in a

    place like this. She hadnt seen Argon since they had first arrived at the inn. She guessed

    that he was probably in their room sulking.

    Serves him right she thought,finally,something isnt going his way. He might think he

    is high and mighty, but even HE cant control the weather.

    Thunder bellowed in the distance and a few seconds afterward lightning flashed lighting

    up the world around it.

    UggI might as well sit at the bar and get a drink, there is nothing else to do here.

    Catalina thought as she scratched her head in silence. She walked over and sat on one of

    the barstools next to Demtri. Catalina looked over at him, he was already drunk.

    What can I get for you? the bartender asked startling Catalina.

    Oh! Yes, a beer please, Catalina said placing a silver coin onto the table, she then

    turned back to Demtri and asked, Are you going to be too sick in the morning to drive us

    to Elvari to meet Ilis?

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    Nope...Hic-Ill hic-be fine in the morning Demtri said, slurring his words together

    into a jumbled mess that Catalina could barely understand.

    Sure she replied knowing their trip would be delayed at least till the afternoon.

    Heres your beer miss, the bartender said as he handed her a mug filled to the brim.

    Thank you, said Catalina smiling, one beer she knew would be enough to knock her out

    for the whole night, she was not very tolerant to the liquid poison.

    Youre welcome miss, the bartender replied and then he pointed to Demtri who had

    fallen asleep his head resting on the table, This here is my brother, I am the owner of

    this inn, why am I being graced by the presence of royalty, if it is alright for me to ask.

    The question is reasonable, replied Catalina taking a sip of her beer, it gnawed at her

    throat as if she was swallowing nails and she began to cough.

    Are you alright? the bartender asked with a concerned look in his eyes.

    What is this? Catalina replied her eyes watering; she pushed the beer away from her in


    You dont like it? Its something we brew right here, but I guess its strong when you

    first have it.Replied the bartender laughing, I dont believe I introduced myself. I am

    Brink, Brink Dura.

    He held out his hand to Catalina in friendship, but she ignored it. She felt she could not

    trust this guy as far as she could throw him.

    Well, Mr. Dura, to answer the question from before, she said changing the subject,

    We are headed to Draco Occisor Academy; there he will receive a more formal


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    of people. She had not trusted him to carry their money, why he had no idea; maybe she

    thought that he was the one that was most likely to get mugged.

    Im over here Argon! Catalina called from across the room when she noticed his

    presence, I was going to bring you up some food but, it is nice that you have graced us

    with your presence.

    Argon started to walk over to where Catalina was when he felt something cold grab hold

    of his arm, and he turned to see a feeble old woman with white eyes staring at him

    curiously. He shook his arm to try to get it out of her grip.

    Get your hands off me you old witch! He yelled but the woman just kept holding him

    tighter and tighter, but then she spoke in an eerie voice, almost like a hiss.

    Your deepest desires will become a reality, and you will make friends that you never

    thought possible, drastic changes have already begun. Her eyes then turn blue and she

    removed her hand from Argon, What am I doing here?

    I-I dont know. Argon mumbled then walked toward Catalina. The words of the old

    woman scared Argon more than even he let himself know. Change. That was his worst

    fear, other than that of becoming like his father.

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    Chapter Nine

    Death and Rivers

    When lrilien awoke she felt as if she had been stabbed thousands of times with a white

    hot knife. The pain was unbearable, and she lay on the dirt ground in pure agony. She

    opened her eyes only to find darkness, not a sliver of light anywhere. A stifled cry drew

    her attention to her left and she groped around in the darkness searching for her

    comrades, only to find herself in a cage.

    Arte? Merris? Kane? Malar? Ithril? she called each name out weakly, all the strength

    she once had drained from her body, she stifled cry she heard before became louder, it

    was Ithril, and lrilien gained some of her strength back knowing that at least one of her

    friends was still alive.

    Ithril! lrilien called out franticly, moving her broken body to the bars of the cage

    peering into the darkness and praying that her eyes would adjust to the dark.

    lrilien? Is that you? Ithrils voice came from left and lrilien moved towards it.

    Yes! Can you see anything from where you are? lrilien asked peering into the

    darkness searching for movement, the darkness was strange, elves had perfect eyesight

    and could see well in the dark, but this darkness almost seemed fake, like the dark could

    never be this dark.

    No replied Ithril, lrilien, its strange, I cant feel the earth around me. Usually I

    can sense it, and even if I am closing my eyes, I can see through the earth around me,

    but the earth is either dead or there is something magical about this place.

    lrilien sighed, she had hoped that Ithrils powers would allow her to see through this

    darkness, but apparently the mindless Symphon had thought of everything, but there was

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    something she didnt understand. Why were they still alive? Wouldnt it be easier for the

    Symphon to just kill them so they did not have to worry about the talk of taking care of

    children? As lrilien began feeling around the cage again she felt something smooth, it

    was the dragon egg she got from Dragons Keep. She then understood why they had been

    kept alive. You can not destroy a dragon egg. It is harder than the hardest stone, and not

    even throwing it into the pit of a volcano could destroy it for good. The only way the

    Dragon Slayers would be able to kill the baby dragons would be to kill them right when

    they hatch, and the only way for them to hatch would be if they were with their riders.

    Tears formed in lriliens eyes as she thought of the family and friends that she would

    never see again.

    A door opened suddenly and light poured into the dungeon. A hideous creature walked in

    with long white hair and pale skin. His lips were a ruby red and his eyes yellow, filled

    with hate. Black markings covered his body. They were words of an eternal vow, written

    in the language of the devil himself. From the hideous and arrogant smile plastered across

    his face, lrilien knew that this bastard was Raza, the most powerful of all the Symphon,

    and the right had man of the King of the Dragon Slayers. He did not glance at any of the

    children but walked toward a cage two the far right of where lrilien s cage was. It was

    then lrilien saw her surroundings, in a cage to her left Ithril was lying up against the

    wall struggling to stay awake, she looked around to see Kane and Malar, in two cages

    that were directly opposite of hers still in a deep sleep. She then turned to her right where

    Raza was unlocking the cage of Merris, and she saw to her horror that the golden egg

    Merris had been given at Dragons Keep was broken open and a baby dragon was curled

    up next to the sleeping body of Merris. Mercilessly Raza grabbed the Dragon by its neck

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    and began to choke it. At the same time that Raza had begun choking the baby dragon,

    Merris grabbed at her throat as if the was trying to remove invisible hands from it.

    lrilien watched in horror as Merris began to turn blue, and then purple struggling for

    breath. lrilien could not find the strength to cry out, and tears flowed from her eyes as

    she watched the child and the dragons life being snuffed out. She looked over at Ithril.

    Ithril had slumped to the floor and rolled into a ball and she was squeezing her eyes shut

    and she had her hands over her ears. When lrilien looked back over at Merris cage, the

    baby dragon lay slumped on the floor and Merris was a ghastly white. The killing of a

    riders dragon leads to the death of the rider. Their bodies, minds and souls become

    linked once the Dragon hatches. It then becomes the riders goal to protect the dragon no

    madder what, because when a rider dies, it lives in the body of the dragon after death, but

    when the dragon dies both suffer. lrilien looked at the dragon egg that lay next to her

    and she knew that once the egg chose its rider, there was no stopping it from hatching.

    Raza left the room as quickly has he came leaving Merris body in the cage as if it was of

    no importance, and the room again became dark.

    Arte woke up just as the sun reached its peak in the sky, she felt stiff and sore and she

    slowly sat up to take in her surroundings. She found herself on a hill overlooking a small

    river. She looked around hoping to see her friends with her but, with no success. Next to

    her lay her silver dragon egg and a few feet away her Daemin Yuan was watching over

    her. She was trying to remember how she had gotten there. The last thing she

    remembered was Yuan carrying her through the forest away from the other children.

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    The Others! She thought urgently and stood up, only to fall back on her butt as a white

    hot pain bit at her ankle and she cried out in pain.

    Im very sorry about that said Yuan trotting up to her, You were out cold and I

    could find no other way to get you off of my back.

    The others, where are they are they okay? Arte replied completely ignored Yuans

    comment about her ankle. Yuan looked down, his eyes filled with pain.

    T-they didnt manage to get away from the Symphon. Yuan looked down at the ground

    and then tried to lighten the mood, but the Symphon will not kill them until their

    dragons hatch, so there is still hope that we can find a way to save them before they are


    Artes eyes filled up with tears, And what are the chances we can save them?

    Yuan stared at the grass in thought for a moment, If we can figure out where we are, we

    might be able to find a town from which we can send a letter to the king asking for his


    That could talk weeks even months! They dont have that long, the dragons could hatch

    anywhere between now and months from now! Arte was frustrated she almost wished

    she was with her friends locked up somewhere.

    Arte, there is also the chance that the King already knows that you have been captured,

    since you obviously did not return when you were supposed to. Yuan was always the

    one to think logically even in the direst of straights, and the only thing we can do is find

    our way to a town and back to Lyis as quickly as we can. Do you still have some of the

    bread and cheese you brought for the journey to Dragons Keep?

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    Only a little bit, just some that I saved for a snack on the way back to Lyis. Artes

    stomach growled and she looked greedily at the bread and cheese that lay in her brown

    leather purse, But, you know I do not need much human food, I can gain enough energy

    from the grass to keep me full for a while.

    Put your moccasins in your purse then and walk beside me for a while and save the

    bread and cheese for another time. Arte walked beside Yuan and where she stepped the

    grass died slowly around her feet as she soaked up energy from the earth. They walked to

    the north using the river to guide them.

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    Chapter Ten

    A Glimpse

    Oskan awoke to a crash as if someone was banging pots and pans together in a kitchen.

    His golden eyes opened quickly and he sat up frightened and dazed. He was in unfamiliar

    surroundings and for a moment could not remember what had happened the night before.

    He was in a twin sized bed, the sheets were a plain white and the room was very small

    and tidy. The bed next to him was unmade and Oskan knew that someone else had slept

    in the room with him. Oskan was warm under his covers and stuck his arm out only to be

    bitten by the cold. He jumped out of the bed quickly only to be hit with a wall of cold and

    memories of the night before flooded back to him.

    Why did I black out after casting that spell? Oskan thought,Maybe I should ask Lord

    Rityliu, if I can find him

    Oskan reached for his neck searching for the necklace that Lord Rityliu had given him. It

    was still there and Oskan felt relieved. He though Rityliu might have taken if from him

    after he casted the spell.

    A sent of porridge drifted into the room from the lower level of the inn and Oskans

    stomach growled aggressively. He followed his stomach to the lower level of the inn,

    where he found Toadstool and Rityliu at the bar talking to the bartender.

    Guess who was at my inn last night? the bar tender grinned at Toadstool and Rityliu

    bragging about his recent luck and continued without waiting for a reply, The prince! He

    was on his way to the Draco academy!

    Toadstool and Rityliu exchanged amused glances, Really now. Rityliu replied.

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    Yeah it was true! I saw him with my own eyes, bit of a nut case that child is, but that

    aint coming from me the bar tender looked around and laughed nervously, Hey did

    you hear? The Symphon managed to catch them dragon rider kids, and theyve taken

    them to the Mountains of Amythest, probably gunna kill em as soon as their eggs


    Toadstool coughed almost choking on his porridge.

    You alright sir? the bartender asked looking at Toadstool with a puzzled look on his


    Y-yes Im fine, I just didnt know things like that were common knowledge, I only

    thought the high class know of such goings on. Toadstool sent a worried look to Rityliu,

    who sent just as worried a look back.

    Ah, you higher class folks dont know nothing about the goings ons of us lower class

    folk. The bartender smirked, Always thinking we know nothin, but the king likes to

    keep us informed too, as a way to brag, about all his efforts against dragons and such.

    Oskan walked over and sat on the barstool next to Toadstool and the bartender brought

    him some porridge.

    Ah so you have finally woken up Lord Rityliu said smiling, his eyes glistened with


    Oskans head throbbed. He felt like he had been hit over the head with a large rock.

    Where are we? Oskan asked, his hand scratching his head, the inn did not look familiar

    and the bartender had an odd accent.

    Toadstool laughed, We are in an inn just outside of Ura; you must have completely

    forgotten that this was our stop before we headed on to Draco Occisor Academy.

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    Oskan was still confused but he smiled went along with what Toadstool was saying, Oh!

    Yeah! I remember now.

    Oskan knew he would have to save his questions for later. He was now in Dragon Slayer

    territory and magic was forbidden to all but the elite. Oskan dug into the mush sitting in

    front of him. He took a big spoonful into his mouth. His taste buds were quickly shocked

    and a burning sensation trickled down his throat. Oskan gagged and spit the porridge

    back into the bowl.

    W-whats in this?! He sputtered holding back the urge to cough.

    Beer gives my porridge its unique flavor. Said the bartender laughing, You seemed

    like a tough un, but I guess not

    The bartender took the bowl of porridge from Oskan and went back into the kitchen to

    make some more.

    With the bartender gone, Oskan turned to Rityliu and Toadstool, What happened last


    Rityliu replied calmly, You used magic that was too strong for you. You cannot just use

    any spell you wish, you have to build up your strength.

    Oskan opened his mouth to ask Rityliu about his village but a loud chubby woman with

    brown hair hastily thrown into a bun stomped down the stairs yelling for the bartender.

    Brink! The prince is ready to leave, it the carriage ready? Her tone was commanding,

    like she was ordering about a child and the bartender hurried in from the kitchen.

    Yes, my stable boy is bringing it out right now. The bartender then rushed outside to

    make sure that stable boy was finishing up and the woman sat at one of the tables


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    That boy is so irritating sometimes she sighed, her frown seemed to be permanently

    painted on her face. The bartender returned inside and reported that the carriage was

    indeed ready, and the woman stomped back up the stairs yelling for someone to come

    down. She then made her way out the door towards the carriage.

    Oskan found this woman rather odd and irritating, but that was nothing compared to the

    boy he saw next.

    Oskan heard the loud pounding footsteps before he saw who they belonged too. A tall

    boy with blonde hair and cool blue eyes appeared at the top of the stairs. He seemed

    disgusted by the world around him and made his point to slam his feet against the floor

    with every step that he took. Oskan thought that this was a lot like a young child throwing

    a temper tantrum.