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THE OUTSIDERSNovel by S. E. Hinton

Practicum Teacher Diverís Vega López 8th Grade English

University High School


• Setting: 1960's; the Southwest, presumably Tusla, Oklahoma (the author's home town)

• Point of View: first person

• Themes: isolation, identity, friendship, survival, self-esteem, society and class, relationships, violence, death, loyalty, honor, appearances, bullying, making choices, coming of age

• Conflict: person vs. self, person vs. person, person vs. society

• Style: narrative


• Ponyboy (Pony) Micheal Curtis: greaser; 14 year-old boy with light brown hair and greenish-gray eyes; enjoys reading and watching sunsets; tough and loyal but questions violence.

• Sodapop (Soda) Patrick Curtis: greaser; Ponyboy's 16 year-old brother; handsome with long, straight, dark-gold hair; outgoing and lively; high-school drop out who is happy working at a gas station; mediates between Ponyboy and Darry.

• Darrel (Darry) Shaynne Curtis, Jr.: greaser; Ponyboy's 20 year-old brother; tall and muscular with dark-brown hair; tough, athletic, and smart; would be a Soc if not for the responsibilty of supporting his brothers after their parents' deaths.

• Johnny Cade: greaser; small, sensitive 16 year-old from an abusive home; Ponyboy's closest friend; "the gang's pet".

• Dallas (Dally) Winston: greaser; blond-haired, blue-eyed 17 year-old; angry and hateful; toughets and most dangerous member of Ponyboy's gang; associated with gangs in New York and has been in and out of jail since he was ten years old; loves and protects Johnny.

• Steve Randle: greaser; Soda's 17 year-old best friend; tall and lean; works with Soda at the gas station; specializes in repairing (and stealing) cars.

• Keith (Two-Bit) Mathews: greaser; tall, stocky 18 year-old; jokester, alcoholic; known for shoplifting and his black-handled switchblade.

• Tim Shepard: greaser; lean and intense; leader of an organized gang.

• Sherri (Cherry) Valance: Soc; attractive redhead; Bob's girlfriend; connects with Ponyboy.

• Marcia: Soc; Cherry's friend; Randy's girlfriend.

• Robert (Bob) Sheldon: Soc; spoiled; drives a blue Mustang; wears rings; mean when drunk.

• Randy Adderson: Soc; Bob's best friend; confides in Ponyboy.

• Paul Holden: Soc; Darry's former friend and football teammate.

• Buck Merril: Dally's rodeo partner; tall, lanky cowboy; gambler and bootlegger.


• Who is the narrator of The Outsiders?

• What two groups of teenagers does Ponyboy describe? Compare these two groups.

• Why do the Socs beat up Ponyboy?

• Why does Ponyboy have problems with his older brother, Darry?

• Why does Darry get frustrated with Ponyboy?

• What characteristics does Ponyboy admire in his brother, Sodapop?

• With which novel's main character does Ponyboy identify?

• What plans does Soda have for the future with his girlfriend Sandy?

• Where do the greasers and Socs hang out?

• How does Ponyboy learn more about the Socs?

• According to Two-Bit, what are his gang's rules for "blowing off steam"?

• How could Cherry be a problem for Dally?

• How does Cherry respond after hearing that the Socs beat up Johnny?

• How is Cherry different from most of the Socs described in the novel?

• What does Johnny carry with him ever since his experience with the Socs?

• Why does Ponyboy find it difficult to believe that Socs have problems too?


• Why are Johnny and Two-Bit surprised that Ponyboy does not always get along with Darry.

• According to Cherry, how do Socs handle their emotions?

• Why do Cherry and Marcia leave their dates?

• What does Bob wear on his hand?

• Why doesn't Cherry want to see Dally again?

• Why does Ponyboy think about running away?

• Why do the Socs surround Johnny and Ponyboy at the park?

• Why does Ponyboy lose consciousness?

• What admission does Johnny make when Ponyboy regains consciousness?

• Why do Ponyboy and Johnny turn to Dally for help?

• Why do the boys go to Windrixville?

• How does Ponyboy react to being in the abandoned church?


• What does Johnny bring from town?

• How and why do Ponyboy and Johnny change their appearances?

• What does Johnny admire about Dally?

• What does Ponyboy recite that has a profound effect on Johnny?

• What does Dally bring to the church for Ponyboy?

• What has Dally told the police about Bob's murder?

• Why is Cherry acting as a spy for the greasers?

• What is scheduled to occur between the Socs and the greasers?

• What is happening at the church when Ponyboy and Johnny return from eating with Dally?

• Who is inside the church when the boys arrive?

• How do Johnny and Ponyboy intervene during the fire?

• How is Ponyboy saved from the fire?

• What happens to Johnny during the fire?

• How does Ponyboy reply when asked if he is a hero?

• What conclusion does Jerry Wood reach about Bob's death?

• Why do Darry's tears at the hospital shock Ponyboy?

• What does Ponyboy learn about Darry?


• What is the mood in the hospital waiting room as police and reporters speak to Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry?

• How are Ponyboy and Johnny portrayed in the newspaper article about the church fire?

• What additional problem do Ponyboy and his brothers face when Ponyboy comes home from the hospital?

• Why does Randy want to leave town?

• What does Johnny want the boys to bring him in the hospital?

• Why do Ponyboy and Two-Bit think they wouldn't be able to function without Johnny?

• How does Johnny feel about dying?

• Why do Ponyboy's feelings toward Dally change?

• How does Dally feel about the upcoming rumble?

• Why doesn't Cherry visit Johnny in the hospital?

• In Ponyboy's opinion, what kind of boys does Cherry fall for?


• What is Ponyboy's reputation? Is he proud of it?

• What are the greasers' reasons for fighting?

• What does the gang do when Two-Bit asks if everyone is happy before the rumble?

• How does Ponyboy compare in age to the other greasers involved in the rumble?

• Who arrives at the rumble at the last minute to help the greasers?

• What is the result of the rumble?

• Why does Dally take Ponyboy to see Johnny after the rumble?

• What does Johnny mean when he tells Ponyboy to "stay gold"?

• How does Dally react to Johnny's death?

• What is Ponyboy's condition as he returns home from visiting Johnny?

• What does Dally say when he calls the gang from a phone booth?

• How does Ponyboy compare Johnny's and Dally's deaths?

• Why has Ponyboy been delirious?

• Why is Soda so tired?

• Why is Ponyboy concerned about who he asked for during his hospitalization?


• Why is Ponyboy so ill?

• Why does Randy come to visit Ponyboy?

• Why doesn't Ponyboy care that Randy sees the Curtis' messy house?

• Why do you think Ponyboy says he killed Bob and that Johnny isn't dead?

• What is going to occur the next day, and why is Ponyboy scared?

• Why is the court hearing important?

• What is the outcome of the hearing?

• Why do you think Ponyboy's life is still troubled after the court hearing?

• How does Ponyboy respond to the Socs who approach him?

• What does Soda admit is distressing him? What do Darry and Ponyboy promise him?

• What message does Johnny leave for Ponyboy in Gone with the Wind?

• Why does Ponyboy want to tell the story of his gang? How does he accomplish this?