Download - The opus legacy chapter 7

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The Opus Legacy

Chapter 7: Tomorrow is Another Day

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The Opus LegacyChapter 6: Tomorrow is Another Day

Written by: ilovereecee/KatieThank you for coming back to read the 7th chapter of the Opus Legacy! In the last chapter you saw Sebell, the heir, and Andrea, his wife, start their lives together. They got married, went on a honeymoon to Twikki Island, started their dream careers and had three daughters: Ellen, Scarlett and Melanie. Sebell’s parents Gil and Yuki are involved in raising the three girls and help with the dogs Moses and Mammy. Andrea is currently pregnant with her fourth child and Mammy is expecting a puppy as well! Also in the last chapter the spares lives were finished up. I believe that’s it, so let’s let Sebell take it from there …

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I’m working more hours as the Desiderata Valley police chief so I rely on my pregnant wife Andrea and my recently retired rock god father Gilgamesh to take care of my girls Ellen, Melanie and Scarlett. Of course they do a great job, my father has lots of practice and Andrea is a great mom in general!

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The family dogs Moses and Mammy have had another puppy! They already have one male pup named Archie. This time we have another male dog to welcome into the family. His name is Big Sam. -----Big Sam is named after an O’Hara servant who loves the family and helps Scarlett when she is in big trouble in Shantytown.

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My beautiful wife Andrea’s belly is growing and growing! She is pregnant for the third time with our fourth child (her second pregnancy resulted in our twins Melanie and Scarlett). We have three beautiful girls already, so secretly I think we’re both hoping for a boy this time.

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Speaking of my three beautiful girls…it’s time for them to grow up! I got called into the office on their birthday, so I wasn’t there to see them blow out the candles. I know they were in good hands with my parents and Andrea though!

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Ellen is starting to favor her mother! She has my big green eyes and dark hair, but her face is all Andrea! Her personality is a good mix of us both, however. I can’t believe how big my little girl is getting to be! She’ll be going off to college before I know it. -----Ellen’s personality is

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Melanie and Scarlett grew into happy and adorable toddlers. Melly, my only brown haired little girl, looks like a mini-me of myself! Scarlett, with the dark black hair, looks like her older sister Ellen and therefore my wife Andrea.-----Melly’s personality is and Scarlett’s is Scarlett is essentially a clone of Ellen in looks and personality so far.

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The reason I got called into the office on my daughters’ birthday was because I got promoted to a captain hero! This has been my lifetime want since I’ve been in college so it feels great to finally have achieved it! This is also the second lifetime want I have achieved. I’m a very lucky man!

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Now that the twins Melanie and Scarlett are toddlers, my family is on the go all the time! My parents Gil and Yuki are really helping out by teaching the girls their toddler skills. Andrea and I also pull our weight with raising our kids. Andrea is wonderful with Ellen. She’s so smart and can patiently explain how to solve any math problem on Ellen’s homework.

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I think it’s very important that our girls have a close relationship with each other. I was friends with all of my five siblings growing up and I want the same for my own children. Andrea and I encourage the girls to play together and for Ellen to teach Melly and Scarlett as many new things as she can.

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Ellen also likes to do her own thing as I’m quickly seeing. She especially likes to find different constellations and stargaze on the telescope before she goes to bed. I think it’s great that my daughter is interested in the sciences – it means she’s going to be a smart young woman, I think!

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With Andrea’s pregnancy this time Ellen is old enough to understand what is going on. She knows that pretty soon she’s going to have a new baby brother or sister. Ellen’s pretty thrilled at that idea and we’re excited that she wants to be a big sister again. No sibling rivalry on her part!

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My sweet Ellen didn’t have to wait too long for her new sibling to arrive! Andrea went into labor just a few days after the girls all had their birthdays. We welcomed a fourth girl into our family. We named her Tara.-----Tara is named after the O’Hara plantation built by Scarlett’s father Gerald. It’s grandeur is destroyed during the Civil War, but Scarlett works hard to restore it’s original antebellum glamour when she comes home from Atlanta. It is at the end of the book that Scarlett realizes Tara is where she gets her strength.

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Ellen has been a great help to Andrea and I while we adjust to life as parents of four young girls. She helps pick up the used bottles from Tara. She entertains Melly and Scarlett when everybody else is busy. Ellen’s quite the little helper!

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I know that I was hoping for a son this time around, but Tara is a great addition to our family. She’s going to be our last child so I’m cherishing all the time I get to spend with her. I think Andrea feels the same way, she has decided to use up the rest of her maternity leave from having Tara so she can spend more time with our daughters while they’re still so young.

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Scarlett is very outgoing with everyone in the family, including the dogs! She is not interested in playing with all the nice toys Andrea and I bought for her and Melly. Instead, she chases the dogs around the house until she can get her arms around them for a cuddle.

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Andrea and I are very busy parents these days! We both work full time jobs and come home to chase after four kids and four dogs. It isn’t an easy task, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I love my family!

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It’s time for my little girls to grow up again! It’s times like this where I wish I could stop the world from spinning and keep my daughters little for just a tad longer. I know I’m going to miss these days once they’re gone.

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Scarlett continues to look like her mother! In fact, she looks like a clone of her older sister Ellen!

Melanie looks just like me. I’m surprised that she can look so much like me, yet still be such a beautiful little girl ;)

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Scarlett’s love of animals has only grown since she has grown into a little girl. As a toddler she loved chasing the dogs around the house. Now she enjoys playing razzle with Archie, who is all grown up too!

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“Oh, Gil. You’re so sexy when you do that!”

“… Yuki, I’m using the bathroom.”

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Ellen is still fascinated by space, stars and planets. On the weekend we let her stay up late to use the telescope. As a surprise, Andrea and I even redid her room to a space theme. She loves it!

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Studying isn’t a family favorite on the weekends, but when it’s rainy outside there isn’t much of a choice. Andrea sits down with the oldest three girls and make sure they are caught up on their homework and also encourages them to learn new skills. She’s a great mom!

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Andrea’s study time with our daughters has paid off! She’s been promoted to an investigator journalist! I’m happy for her, but I know that her line of work now is what my police officers hate! Journalists tend to do anything for a story, even if it means getting in our way. I’ll have to make sure to let Andrea know to take it easy.

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Tara’s birthday has arrived! She’s not going to be little anymore. It make me sad to know that Andrea and I will never hold our infant children anymore. I like to think we are raising four pretty great girls though, instead of wishing they were still little. Tara grew into a cute brown haired, blue eyed toddler. She looks like Ellen and Scarlett.-----Tara’s personality is Pretty different from her sisters! She’s not neat, but very nice!

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Melanie and Scarlett are adjusting well in school. My twin daughters come home in the afternoon and don’t procrastinate when it comes to getting their homework done. They knock it out together and help each other with the tough questions.

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When all the homework and studying is done, the oldest three girls get to do whatever it is they like. Mostly they run wild on their playground outside before it gets too dark. I’m thrilled that my children get along so well!

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Of course the girls still like to break off from each other and do their own individual things as well. Melly enjoys reading a good book or playing her violin before bed at nights. She’s without a doubt a smart little girl.

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While Melly is cranking out tunes on the violin, Ellen is searching for constellations on her telescope. I’m sure she knows them like the palm of her hand by now! Scarlett prefers to be with the animals. Big Sam is now an adult dog. He and Archie have pet jobs they go to a few days out of the week, so Scarlett teaches them all the skills they need to know in order to be successful in their jobs.

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“Oh, Gilgamesh…” Mom still halfway faints whenever she encounters Dad doing… well anything really. You think she’d be used to him after all these years!

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It is still cute to see my parents together. My dad has his sort of swagger about him when he’s around Mom. I’ve always looked up to them and hoped to have a marriage like theirs one day. I think I’ve achieved that… without the swagger walk lol!

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When I look at my wife Andrea I know I have achieved just as successful a marriage as my parents have. I love her so much and the four daughter we have together. Andrea is a hard working mom who never seems to run out of kindness or energy when it comes to raising our kids. Even after a long day of being a successful journalist!

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Andrea and I are definitely raising the girls right! We have a close relationship with all of them and each of the four girls are unique and so smart too. I love getting in one-on-one time with my little girls.

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Andrea has achieved her first lifetime want! She is now a media magnate! Melly, my kind hearted little girl, rushed out to congratulate her mommy!

I’m so proud of Andrea and happy that she’s achieved such a great status in society. Of course, her largest role in Desiderata Valley is super mom/wonderful wife!

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Tara, my youngest daughter, is growing so quickly. She has a special bond with my father Gilgamesh because they do spend so much time together. It’s great to see my dad have such a great relationship with his grandchildren.

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Well, Tara isn’t going to be a toddler anymore! She is having a birthday alongside her big sister Ellen. They are both growing up so quickly and I’m proud of the young ladies they are becoming!

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Ellen aged into a lovely teenager. She looks just like her mother! Ellen decided on wealth as a primary aspiration and grilled cheese as a secondary. It is a bit of an odd mix, but as long as she’s happy I’m happy.

Tara is the first child that doesn’t look strongly like one parent. She really is a mix of both Andrea and I. I’m extremely proud of both of my daughters!

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“Yo ho, yo ho. It’s a pirate’s life for me!” Andrea and I were looking over our souvenirs from Twikki Island one night when she remembered and broke out the sea chantey we learned from Pirate Dregg!“I think we should take your parents and the kids on a vacation. Like a big family vacation, that would be fun don’t you think?”“That sounds perfect! We could even go somewhere new… like Takemizu Village!?”

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“So what do you think about going on a vacation with Grandpa Gil, Grammy Yuki, your mom and sisters and me, Tara?”“I think this homework is way to easy for you to be helping me with Daddy,” Tara said as she closed her notebook. “Vacation sounds fun! I’ve never been. Can we go tomorrow!?”

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“Well, Tara’s on board for a vacation. She also let me know today that her homework is too easy.”“I’ve been thinking about applying for the girls to get into Desiderata Valley Private Institution for Young Ladies. It would be a challenge for them – a better education than public school.”“I agree, sweetie. Plus it would help them expand their individual interests. Like Melly and her violin. She’s getting really good you know!”

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“And this is our living room. Mostly we do our homework in here, Grandpa Gil and Grammy Yuki also paint in here… which you can see we do as well at times. Scarlett paints until it’s time to help our pet dogs with their skills.” Ellen led the Headmaster on the house tour.

When Ellen’s tour was over, my father Gilgamesh and I sat down to talk to him over a salmon dinner.

“All four of our daughters are exceptionally bright. They are all excelling in their classes now, so my wife Andrea and I thought it was time to challenge them a bit.

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“I have to admit, Mr. Opus, I’m very impressed with what I’ve seen tonight. You have a large and lovely home. It seems a great environment for the children to grow up in. The four children are obviously intelligent and have the start of wonderful talents. I’m especially impressed with Ellen’s knowledge of astronomy.

Melanie seems to know quite a bit about books and music. Scarlett is obviously skilled in working with animals and I didn’t get the chance to talk to Tara, but from what I’ve seen from her sisters she has to be a smart young girl too.” The Headmaster cut another piece of salmon and ate it. I was swelling with pride at the compliments he was giving my girls. “Plus, this dinner is divine! I’d be happy to accept your four girls in my institution. Take them shopping for a new uniform tonight and they can join my school in the morning!”

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I did just as the headmaster suggested and got the girls all new uniforms for school. They seem to like the young ladies institution so far. They’ve even begun bringing friends home for dinner. The first friend was their cousin Prissy – my brother Robinton’s middle child. They played outside on the playground before coming in for dinner where Scarlett chatted to everyone about animals of course!

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Moses is no longer a spring chicken! He’s gone all gray in the coat and he’s moving a little slower these days. That doesn’t mean he can’t keep up with his mate Mammy though. She still keeps him young at heart!

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“Dad, I’ve been thinking about getting a job in Mom’s office. She says there is a position open for a note takers assistant and I want to apply for it. What do you think?”“Oh Gil!” My mother can’t walk into a room without fainting over my father. It really ruins a good father-daughter talk with Ellen!

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“Sweetie, I think that’s a great idea. I’ll talk with your mom and see if she can pull some strings for you. Maybe she can get you a position higher up than just an assistant! Do you want to follow your mom’s footsteps and take her place as a media magnate one day?”“Not exactly, I’m not sure what I really want to do for sure. But I want to earn a hundred thousand in my life, I know that! So why not start now?”-----

Ellen’s lifetime want is to earn $100,000.

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Not only did Andrea hook our sweet daughter up with a good starting salary, but she put in a good word with some of her associates and Ellen was offered the internet movie critic position after she passed the qualifications and interview! My baby is growing up to be a successful and fortune minded young lady.

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So much has been going on lately that I haven’t noticed my mother getting older. I guess I never really thought much about it. We were preparing for Melly and Scarlett’s birthday party when the Grim showed up to collect Mom. It seems unreal to me that my mom can be leaving us for good! -----Yuki Opus will be missed by her husband Gil, six children and thirteen grandchildren.

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I decided that the family shouldn’t be over to celebrate with us for Melly and Scarlett. It isn’t much of a celebration if your mother dies anyway. So it was just Andrea, myself and the girls watching the twins age into teenagers. My father, bless his heart, was napping when it was time for the girls to age. I don’t blame him, he just lost the love of his life!

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The twins aged wonderfully. Melanie looks more and more like me every birthday she has! Melly decided on a knowledge/romance aspiration. I hope she follows more the knowledge side! Heaven help me if she turns out like her Aunt Ramoth! Scarlett looks like her mother, as she always has. She decided on a pleasure/wealth aspiration. Again, Heaven help me if she turns out like her Aunt Ramoth!

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Dad is really missing having Mom around. He won’t talk about it with anyone, but I can tell he hates that she’s gone. I feel horribly for him, I don’t know what I’d do if Andrea died. It would feel like a part of me was gone too. I booked a vacation for the whole family to go to the mountains. Hopefully that will be a good distraction from all the mourning.

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“Tara, how’d you get so smart? You only have one skill left to max! I’m so proud of you, smarty pants.”“Thanks, Melly. It was easy really. Besides, you and Mommy are always sitting down with me to read. It’s hard not to max skills quickly when that’s what everyone else is doing too!”

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“That’s true. Well you know everyone is really proud of you for doing so well in school, even after Grandma Yuki died.” “I really miss her, Melly.”“We all do, Tara. I’m so proud of you for staying focused in school though. Now when you grow up, colleges will be fighting over my baby sister because she’s so smart!” Melanie is a great influence for all of her sisters, especially Tara. I’m so happy my girls are growing up to be such great young ladies.

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Seeing how well my daughters get along makes me want to try for another baby with Andrea. I always wanted a big family, and I have a great one already. I think it would be great to have another child though. I plan on bringing the subject up to Andrea before we leave for vacation – we aren’t getting any younger, so if we’re going to have another baby we need to start trying ASAP!

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“Scarlett, stop! I can’t breathe, stop tickling me. Seriously stop!” Tara squealed while laughing as her older sister tickled her. She caught her breath, then said, “Okay, do it again!”I love seeing my daughters growing closer and closer. Tara especially makes a point to be best friends with all three of her sisters. She also spends some time alone to skill and to help out with the family garden. She shares my love of plants and she’s a great help when it comes to harvesting!

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Ellen, who is attached to her telescope at night, can be found painting in the study room when she’s not at school or writing a review for a movie. It’s a great way to make some quick cash since she paints such masterpieces. Ellen sure loves earning the money too!

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I brought up the idea of having another child to Andrea. She was on board…somewhat. She said we’ve been out of the diaper stage for far too long to have a baby. But she brought up the idea of adoption, and it’s been on my mind ever since.

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My wife and I didn’t have much time to discuss it with the rest of the family, however, because the shuttle van soon arrived to scoot all seven of us off to our mountain getaway!

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The flight was delayed, so we arrived a little later than expected at our hotel. We all decided it would be best to order dinner, relax and hang out at the hotel until the morning. Then we could all go adventuring. The girls all insisted they get their own rooms, so we caved and let them. Our family took up the entire hotel practically! It was nice to have some alone time with Andrea though. We got to eat chili by the window overlooking the mountain. It reminded me over the time we ate lobster by the sea on our honeymoon so many years ago.

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“So Dad said that while we’re here, we can get as much jewelry, clothes and shoes as we like!” Ellen broke the good news of my willingness to spoil my girls. “No way!” Melly cried. “Awesome!” Scarlett replied.

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“I wonder if he’ll buy me a new telescope while we’re here. That way I can see rockets flying by. Speaking of telescopes, I hear that the sky is so clear at night here that you don’t even need a telescope to see the constellations. I can’t wait to lay out and look at all the stars!” Ellen, Melly and Scarlett spent their first night of their first vacation being teenage girls in the hot tub. I’m thrilled to see my daughters enjoying the time together.

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Dad quickly found the piano set up in the lobby and played for all the guests checking in – which was only one family because after my family took up all the rooms, only one room was left. Dad also spent some time watching after Tara who wasn’t quite old enough to enjoy gossiping in the hot tub with her three older sisters.

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“Great, shot son! You’re a natural at this. Maybe I should have had you in darts championships as a boy!” My Dad joked as we played a game of axe throwing together. It’s great to see him loosen up and enjoy himself after my mom passed. I hated seeing him so sad and lonely. This vacation is just what we all needed.

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“Ellen, what do you think about being a big sister one more time?”“Mom, are you and Dad pregnant again?”“No sweetie, we’re too old to have anymore children,” Andrea laughed, “but we’ve been thinking about adopting. I just wanted to see what you think.”“I think we’re about to be late for our mother-daughter tour. We better talk about this in the cab!”

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“This marking looks like it comes from the Cherokee Tribe. Look at the way the lines are sort of wavy here and then they straighten out into a picture. Kind of like a story.”“How’d you get so smart, Tara? It’s pretty dang impressive!”“Oh, well we’re learning about it in school. It’s pretty interesting to see it up close!” Tara replied. I’m thrilled to see my daughters enjoying themselves on vacation.

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While our teenage girls are spending all my money in local boutiques, Andrea took some time out of her vacation day to learn a new massage. When we went on our honeymoon to Twikki Island, she learned the hot stone massage. Now my beautiful bride knows the deep tissue massage. Maybe I’ll bribe her into giving me one when we get back to the hotel!

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“Grandpa Gil! Aren’t you going to try some flapjacks too? You haven’t done anything fun all day. You’ve just been following me around.” Tara insisted that my father try some of the butter smothered pancakes that the mountain people are famous for making.“Well that’s what I like to do best, Tara. I enjoy seeing you girls having a blast. Besides, you’re old grandpa doesn’t need any flapjacks. All that butter and syrup just might do me in!” My father halfway joked.

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“It makes me so happy to see the girls getting along so well. I’m pretty sure they’re all best friends with each other by now.”

“Yeah, I think so too, Seb. It’s hard to believe Ellen has a job and the twins are talking about college now too. I feel like it was just yesterday that sweet Ellen was picking her nose and wiping it on her little toddler romper.”

“Well, you know there’s always another chance to have a toddler in the family. We can call the adoption agency when we get home.”

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We were all headed back to the hotel after our last day of vacation and relaxation at the spa when Tara saw a cabin’s lights deep in the woods. We decided to check it out and I’m glad we did – turns out Bigfoot is real! And his name is Blair. I went in the cabin first to make sure it was safe, and sure enough, there he was listening to classical jazz on his radio. He invited the family in and we all enjoyed each others company by his fire.

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Talk about proving stereotypes wrong! Blair Bigfoot was a kind hearted creature and very easy to get along with. Tara had a hard time saying goodbye to Blair. She is so outgoing – they made friends very quickly and she didn’t want to leave him behind when we went back home to Desiderata Valley.

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When we got back home, vacation proved to be just what we all needed. We came back feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on the world! Scarlett took a job working as a mailroom tech. However, when the bosses saw her enthusiasm and determination to be great, he promoted her on spot to be the executive’s assistant!

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Ellen went back to working as an internet movie critic. She tells us she is ready for another promotion, but without a college degree she can’t move up any further in the company. So she’s started looking at colleges. I can’t believe my baby is all grown up and ready to leave the nest!

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Just one day after we got back from the mountains, my father’s time ran up. The Grim Reaper came to take him away from us all for a more “permanent vacation” as he said to my father. I wasn’t ready for him to go, but I’m comforted by the fact that he got to enjoy his last days and now he’ll be back with my mother Yuki.

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I’m hurting right now, but I feel even worse for my girls. They just lost one grandparent and now they have to deal with the loss of another. My girls are strong though, they are pulling through.

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I retired from my job as a captain hero years ago to stay at home and raise my girls. Now without my father at home to keep me company, the house is eerily quiet! Andrea works during the day while the girls go to school. So I try to find ways to fill my time so I don’t think about my father too much. I stay busy, but no matter how much housework I do or how much time I spend with the dogs, I’m always missing my dad.

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Things would be easier to deal with right now if Andrea and I adopted a baby. Well, not easier, but at least I’d have something to divert my attention from the loss of my father. I haven’t talked to Andrea about it since vacation, but I’m thinking of bringing it up again soon.

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Losing my dad made me realize how important it is to enjoy the time you have with your family while you have them. So for this reason, Andrea and I redid a junk room upstairs in to a cool hang out spot for the girls! Tara likes to dance with her mom to the new stereo, the older girls have the bubble blowing machine and I’m pretty captivated by the new arcade games! They’re awesome!

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Melanie is excelling in her academic career and her part time job as well. She’s now been promoted to a substitute elementary school teacher! I’m so proud of her. My little girl isn’t completely happy though, she is longing for love. So after her big promotion, she called up the matchmaker and paid top dollar for a blind date.

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“So Cory, I have to admit… I’m really attracted to you. You seem smart and you’re very nice. Both great qualities!” Melly complimented her date.“Oh me?” Cory Tellerman blushed, “I’m nothing compared to you. You are on the honor roll in a private school, you already have so many college scholarships in line and you work too. You’re like super girl!”

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“And you just keep getting better, Melanie. You know how to cook too!” Cory said with a smile after my daughter skillfully cooked him a seafood dinner. “You must have heard the way to my heart was through my stomach!” Cory took Melly’s hand in his and neither teenager could stop smiling as they finished eating their dinner for two.

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“I had a great time with you tonight, Melanie. I was a little nervous that a blind date would be awkward, but I feel like we really connected. You’re beautiful and smart too! I’m glad we got set up.”“We should definitely do this again.” Melly pulled her Cory in for a hug. He was smart enough not to try for a kiss on the first date. I like to think it’s because he is a smart guy, not because I was watching their goodbye while lifting weights.

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Cory was over again the next night. This time it wasn’t for a blind date, but to celebrate Opus birthdays! Andrea, myself and little Tara all had birthdays on the same day. As I bent over my candles to make a wish, I couldn’t think of anything. I already have everything I could have ever hoped to get in my lifetime.

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Tara aged into a beautiful teenager. She reminds me of her mother with her looks. Tara made me so proud when she declared a family aspiration with popularity as a close second. I like to think she looks like her mother, but will have my personality as she ages into a young woman.

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“Thanks for having me over, Mr. and Mrs. Opus. It was cool to be a part of a family celebration.”“Anytime, Cory. Melly’s been so happy since she met you and as long as it stays that way, you’re alright by me!” I complimented. “But just remember, if you mess up, I’ve worked in every department in law enforcement. I know every nook and cranny in Desiderata Valley. Even places a buried body will never be found.” I warned with a wink.

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“Even places a buried body will never be found? Seriously, Seb? That was a little much!” Andrea laughed later that night as we let Melly and Cory have some alone time. “Just wanted to make sure he knew.” I replied. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”“Not yet,” Andrea smiled as we cuddled up together. “Have I told you how much you look like your father now that you’ve cut your hair? Still my handsome husband though!”

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While Andrea and I discussed how much I looked like my father – which I certainly do now that I’m older – my daughter Melanie was crushing hard on her date in the kitchen. She and Cory just started dating, but even I can feel the chemistry between them. This should worry me as a father, but I’ve seen the way Cory looks at Melly. This just might be young love!

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Andrea wouldn’t let me go into the kitchen as Melanie and Cory were saying their goodbyes. I guess it’s time to let my little girl grow up and make her own choices now. I just know she kissed Cory goodnight though. I could tell by the way she was floating around the house the rest of the night. It’s the same way I felt after kissing Andrea for the first time in college.

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Scarlett has been dying to ask a boy on a date since she saw her twin sister had a love interest in Cory. I don’t think Scarlett is too interested in the dating aspect though, I think she just wants to have fun and hang out with boys her age. This could be a good or bad thing. Judging by the fact that Scarlett and Gavin Japalayan shared their first kiss together only seconds after meeting, I’m going to say it’s a bad thing!

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“Man, you must have way cool parents! They let you and your sisters have a party room.” Gavin said in awe when he and Scarlett first hung out in the upstairs family room – not party room!“Yeah, they’re pretty cool, I guess.”“So where did the put the keg?”

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“Well, we don’t have one yet. But I’m sure I could talk my dad into putting one up here… maybe.”“You’d be the coolest chick I know if you can. Then we can really have some fun up here.” Gavin hinted as he pulled Scarlett in for a kiss. They think I can’t hear them talking, but this room was made next to my bedroom for a reason! Gavin sure has some nerve to be talking like that to one of my daughters!

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Andrea convinced me not to rush out and kick that little Gavin punk’s butt for talking to Scarlett so suggestively, but the next day when I saw my sweet Ellen on a blind date with Phillip McMania I almost had a heart attack! I don’t know how much longer I can take seeing all these random guys on dates with my daughters. I’m going to be bald with worrying before long!

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At least this date went better than Scarlett and Gavin’s. After I overheard their conversation the night before, Andrea and I made it clear to all four girls that after dark, if they have friends of any kind over, they are to stay in the family room upstairs (by the bedroom Andrea and I share). That way I can keep my ears out for any mischief!

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I was thrilled when Ellen ended the date early to go watch for shooting stars that were supposed to happen that very evening. At least I won’t have to worry about my oldest daughter going too boy crazy!

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“So you’ve been coming over to my house everyday that I’m not working for weeks now. I really like you and I was just wondering what we were doing, you know?”“We’re hanging out, silly head.”“You know what I mean, Cory!” Melanie playfully hit her crush, but turned a serious face. “I guess I’m just wondering if you like me too…”

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“Oh, Mel, of course I do!” Cory gushed. “I thought that was obvious.”“Well, why haven’t you asked me to be your girlfriend then?”“I just wanted to make sure you liked me. I didn’t want you to think we were just friends, so I was trying to feel it out. Now that I know we’re on the same page… I think we should definitely make it official.”

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The very night Melly cleared up her relationship confusion with Cory, her twin sister Scarlett was wishing in the well again. I’m going to have to get rid of that thing! It will be the death of me. Scarlett again kissed this random boy just after meeting him. I see now that I’m going to have to sit her down and chat with her before she turns too much like my sister Ramoth!

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I guess I have to be thankful that Tara hasn’t found out about the wonders of teenage boys yet. She is still content just to be around her three older sisters. Even though Melly has Cory as her boyfriend now, she still makes time to hang out with her baby sister. I’m glad my girls all get along so well!

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I’m trying to keep myself busy around the house while the girls are at school and Andrea is working. I sure do wish she would retire soon so we can spend more time together. I used to keep myself busy so I wouldn’t think about my father Gilgamesh passing away. Now I try to keep myself busy so I won’t think about my girls and all the boys they bring around lately. It’s hard to do that though, when I open up the mailbox and there are love letters addressed to my babies in there!

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Melanie had a little problem at work one day. She called me to let me know beforehand that she’d gotten fired. A kindergarten teacher didn’t leave any sub instructions. So the kids told her they were watching a movie about friendship and that their teacher always let them have five pieces of candy a piece from the goody jar when they watched movies. Without thinking, Melly went along with this and of course was fired when the teacher received multiple from parents about a bad learning environment and sugar high children!

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“I can’t believe I was that stupid!” Melly complained to her boyfriend Cory the night she was fired. “Never believe children! They’re all liars. I can’t believe I got fired. That’s not going to look good on college resumes! Oh, what am I going to do?”

“Mel, calm down. First of all, you’re not stupid! You are the most intelligent girl your age I know.”

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“Secondly, the kids tricked you. You can’t blame yourself for this and keep beating yourself up over it. You are so smart and talented, I’m sure you will have jobs lining up to interview you no matter what happened while you were subbing.” Cory soothed. “Now, stop being so harsh on yourself. I love you and I hate to see you upset.”“Really, Cory? You love me!?” Melly asked, “We’ve never said that before!”

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“Well I’m saying it now. I do love you. I hope you feel the same way, Mel.” Cory nervously walked to the couch to break the physical awkwardness he felt.

Melanie followed and joined Cory on the sofa. “Of course I love you too. You just turned the worst day of my life into the best, Cory Tellerman!”

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“He said he loved you?! Oh, my gosh, Melanie!” Tara exclaimed as Melanie shared her news later that night before bed. “I wish I could have a relationship like you and Cory’s. Or just a relationship period! You, Ellen and Scarlett have all had boyfriends. I’m the only one of us that hasn’t been on a date, and I’m sixteen years old!”

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“Tara, I doubt Scarlett’s ‘dates’ can even be considered actual dates.” Melanie laughed. “And as for Ellen, she went on one date with Phillip and then it kind of died. She is still happiest doing her own thing. A relationship is nice, but you need to figure out your own self first.”

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“Besides, baby sister, I don’t think daddy could handle his youngest daughter bringing home a boy. He’s already losing hair watching the other three of us go on dates.”

“Daddy’s losing hair because he cut it!”

“Doesn’t matter, Tara!” Melanie laughed. “I’m sure he’d be bald in a second when you brought home a boy!”

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“Seb, the girls are getting older. Ellen has been thinking about going to college forever now. The twins are bored in school and now that Tara is a teenager I think it’s time we started looking at colleges to send them to. Don’t you agree?”

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“I was actually thinking of taking a different route, Andrea.”“Oh, like what?”“Like locking them in the house until they are forty. And putting up a no boys allowed sign on the front door.”“Seb!” My wife rolled her eyes, “That’s a little dramatic. Besides, if the girls are off at college, you won’t have to see all the boys coming around.”

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“They’re still so young, Andrea. Don’t you think they’d be better off staying here and going to a local college?”“Sebell, you can’t protect them forever. They aren’t babies anymore. It’s time to let them grow up, you know it as well as I do.”Andrea is right, I know; I just don’t want to let my girls grow up. I guess this time comes for every parent though. So now I say goodbye, as heir, until I see you next time when one of my four daughters takes over my family legacy. Until then!

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The End

Well, this is where I say goodbye to the Opus family for now! I have had a blast playing them all and I hope you enjoyed reading the chapters. Lydia will be taking over the family next as one of Sebell and Andrea’s daughters is chosen for heiress and takes over the family legacy. Some things to ponder for Lydia’s chapter: Who will be chosen heiress? Will Sebell be able to let his little girls leave the nest? If so, how will they do in college?

Thanks for reading, as always! See you next time

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You can find this and other great legacies/friends at SiMania! Hope to see you there! -Katie